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. FALCON FLEX BONE ‘ At the Air Force Academy our offense is based on the execution of 1) she triple option, 2) counters froxt the option and 3) a one-on-one action patsing game. Our basic theory is to take advantage of whatever the defense giver us, We limit the number of plays, 30 we may vary our blocking patterns and spend more time on execution. In this paper we will not attempt to cover the entire offense, but will outline the important basics of our rum and our pass game. EQRMATIONS (We flip-flop only the receivers) RIGHT CLEFT) LIZ Rp) ° SGOoe@c000 ° ooe@o000 ° Oo Q Oo o ° 26 ai INBALANCED) “REX” BOVELES PLEO”) eoce@oclo eo |o oo@oo c O° ° ° Oo ° oO oO o LINE SPLITS GOK isi9s >), pO). Ry gh Dy shy QQ B-B + 82y 34 3 FLEX Fearn THE BALL To? Line splits vary according to play, blocking patterns and defensive alignments. Usually maximum splits are used on runs and minimum on passing plays. LINE BLOCKING Our line blocking rules are based on the techniques of the defensive downline, We use five different blocking scheaies: 1) Zone 2) Veer 3) Base 4) Pulling and §) Pass Pro. The play call and defensive structure determines the type of scheme need. 1) Zang (used -ve- 7 man fronts on sriple options) yw 3 g £ Tye T =e oo 2) Veer (used -vs- 8 man fronts on triple options) Sdey to fee) or y 3) Bagg (used for direct hit and counter plays - alsa for some triple options) & e & ms & a a . (ine may switch men also} 4) Bylling (osed for options and traps) Bz B & 8 T au Tr gh Ny & whe Be Sem oF da (Option Full} (Trap Poll) 5) Bass Protection {ix aggressive base or yeer frontside and binge backside) Kors, & toe 3 by we P ‘aes jase) {Veer} ‘RAND BA ‘Our backs and receivers will change block patterns in order to force the defense to change option responsibilities. These changes can be called In the huddle or recognized on the move. TIGHT END BLOCKING ¢ Fan ® & As a7 ooF nots moe 5 Kloo ‘ARC ‘SEAL! 5 ‘BLOCK! SIDE OUT BLOCKING FE ~~ ¢ FS ¢€ g hee noo m noo |} “STALIC ‘CRACK ‘SWITCH? FS rR & & hoo Jo boo) bool Reo ‘ARC’ ie ‘LOAD’ ‘SAFETY’ ‘These block patterns can be used in various combinations to gain us the best advantage for the type defense we are playing agsingt.

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