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Adiccin a las Drogas

Una Historia Personal

La adiccin a las drogas en los adolescentes es destructiva y amenaza la vida. Hganme caso; esta es mi historia. A la edad de trece aos, mi hija tuvo un encuentro y acept marihuana. A solo un puado de veces de haberla probado, Stacy estaba atrapada. Mi hija comenz a cambiar de amigos (a quienes yo no conoca). Se volvi molesta, deshonesta, rebelde y desinteresada en la escuela. Durante los primeros meses, no pude entender lo que le estaba pasando a la alguna vez dulce, compasiva, honesta y respetuosa hija ma. Estaba cambiando drsticamente ante mis ojos. Durante este tiempo, mi abuela muri. Siempre habamos sido cercanos a ella, pero la reaccin de Stacy fue indiferente, fra e incluso burlona con respecto a la ma. La experiencia me hizo despertar. Tena que hacer algo. Con el corazn en la mano y desesperada, primero consult con su consejero escolar, quien me asegur que la escuela estaba libre de drogas. Mis instintos me dijeron lo contrario. Luego, la llev a un consejero en un programa de tratamiento de drogas. All, Stacy admiti su adiccin a la marihuana. Estuvo de acuerdo en quedarse para un tratamiento: un compromiso de treinta das. Drug Addiction - A Personal Story Drug addiction in teenagers is destructive and life threatening. Take it from me, this is my story. At age thirteen, my daughter had a meeting and agreed to marijuana. Only a handful of times to have proved, Stacy was trapped. My daughter began to change friends (whom I did not know). He became angry, dishonest, rebellious and uninterested in school. During the first few months, I could not understand what was happening to the once sweet, compassionate, honest and respectful daughter. I was changing drastically before my eyes. During this time, my grandmother died. We had always been close to it, but Stacy's reaction was indifferent, cold and even sarcastic about mine. The experience made me wake up. I had to do something. With heart in hand, desperate, first check with your school counselor, who assured me that the school was drug free. My instincts told me otherwise. Then I took her to a counselor at a drug treatment program. There, Stacy admitted his addiction to marijuana. He agreed to stay for treatment: a thirty-day commitment.

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