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Hng dn s dng ADRCI Logon vo my ch vi user l oracle Start cng c ADRCI

Xem ni dung ton b file alertSID.log adrci> show alert

Esc + :q thot Xem ni dung 50 dng cui cng ca file alert v ghi ra th mc lu tr Adrci> spool /tmp/adrci_show_alert50.txt Adrci> show alert tail 50 Adrci> spool off

Vo th mc /tmp copy v my local Tm cc li c m l ORA-600 trong alert log file

Lit k tt c cc trace file Adrci> show tracefile Lit k cc trace file c tn lgwr theo th t mi nht Adrci> show tracefile %lgwr% -rt

Lit k cc tracefile theo mt incident no Adrci> show tracefile I < incident number>

Lit k cc problem

Adrci> show problem

Lit k cc incident Adrci> show incident

Xem chi tit incident Adrci> show incident -mode detail -p "incident_id=43369"

Packaging Incidents for Oracle Support You can package the diagnostic information for one more incidents through either Database Control or through commands that you can execute from the ADRCI interface. In this solution, we show you how to package incidents through ADRCI. You can use various IPS commands to package all diagnostic files related to a specific problem in a zipped format and send the file to Oracle Support. Here are the steps to create an incident package. 1. Create an empty logical package as shown here: Adrci> ips create package

2. Add diagnostic information to the logical package with the ips add incident command: adrci> ips add incident 43369 package 1

At this point, the incident 18193 is associated with package 1, but theresno

diagnostic data in it yet. 3. Generate the physical package. adrci> ips generate package 1 in /tmp

When you issue the generate package command, ADRCI gathers all relevant diagnostic files and adds them to a zip file in the directory you designate. 4. Send the resulting zip file to Oracle Support.

BONUS Purge alert v trace file Adrci> help purge Adrci> purge age < mins > -type ALERT Adrci> purge age < mins > -type TRACE Delete problem Adrci> delete from problem Adrci> commit

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