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The Kings Letter

Christ the King Lutheran Church

Volume 2, Issue 1 January 2012

From the Pastors Desk

Happy New Year! Isnt it great to be able to start all over with a new year! It gives us the opportunity to put the troubles and mistakes of the past behind us and look forward to a new year with joyful anticipation. This is especially true for us as Gods children. Jarsoslav Vajda, a noted Lutheran hymn writer, translated these words of a New Years hymn: Now greet the swiftly changing year With joy and penitence sincere. Rejoice! Rejoice! With thanks embrace Another year of grace. God, Father, Son, and Spirit, hear! To all our pleas incline Your ear; Upon our lives rich blessing trace In this new year of grace. (LSB 896: 1,7) As Gods stewards we are reminded that we dont get a fresh start only on the first day of a new year. Instead we get a fresh start every day knowing that in Christ all that is wrong has been forgiven and with the power of the Holy Spirit we are equipped to move forward in our free and joyous management of all of life and lifes resources for Gods purposes. The hymn writer Frances Havergal with these memorable words describes what we include in all of life and lifes resources: Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold; Take my intellect and use Evry power as Thou shalt choose. Take my love, my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store; Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all, for Thee. (LBW 406:1,4,6) These verses from that beloved hymn remind us that our whole life is to be dedicated to God so that we use our time, talents and financial resources in ways that bring honor to Him and produce many blessings for those around us. As we begin this new year lets remember that we are Gods redeemed stewards who, in cooperation with and encouragement from fellow redeemed stewards, freely and joyfully manage all of life and lifes resources for Gods purposes. Lets consider making this our resolution for 2012: Maturing stewards do the right things for the right reasons and strive for excellence in all they do. Happy Blessed New Year to you! Finally, I would like to thank you for your prayers, cards, and gifts received this Christmas season. It is an honor to serve the Lord with you here at Christ the King, and I am thankful for all the ways that you encourage me. I am grateful to be in partnership Worshipping Christ, Teaching Gods Truth, Making Disciples and Serving All with you. Pastor Cary

Inside this issue:

WOW Prayer Partners Mission Update

2 2 2

CTK-CD Ministry 3 Thank you to those 3 who serve Designated Giving

Small Group Minis- 4 try Calendar Just Pray It! Council Minutes
Insert Insert Insert

Important Dates:
1/4/11 Confirmation resumes 1/8/11 Sunday School resumes 1/14/11 Mens Group 1/15/11 Annual Meeting. No Sunday school. 1/28/11 WOW

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The Kings Letter

HAPPY NEW YEAR from WOW! We had a WONDERFUL 2011 and WOW was able to reach out and help several missions and touch so many hearts. If you haven't joined us yet for a WOW meeting please do so, Pastor always has such a great bible study and there are delicious treats. We encourage all women to join us. There were new officers elected for 2012: Pres. - Laurie Mariner, V.P. - Andrea Johnson, Sec. - Jeannette Crawmer, and Treas. Mary Shemonek. Our next WOW meeting will be January 28, 2012 @ 9 a.m. and the Jordan group will be serving treats and devotion at the January meeting.

Prayer Partners
The prayer partners turn two years old this month. The prayer partners are a group of 20 people who pray for those in need due to illness or surgery, as well as pray for the families that have suffered the loss of a loved one. They also offer prayers of praise for all the blessing God has given. The birth of a baby, the healing and well being after surgery or illness ect. Prayer partners also pray for those outside our Congregation. They pray for friends and families from all over the world. If you have a prayer request or a praise to share, please contact Phyllis Swenson at 835.2608 or the church office at 8359176.

Mission Update
Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. -Proverbs 11:25 An update from the missions committee! October: Shipping Costs for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes November: Wanda and Fred Garcia December: Lutherans For Life January: Kids Against Hunger February: Fred and Wanda Garcia Remember, that the first Sunday of every month there will be a special missions offering, to help support Wanda and Fred Garcia, look for the envelope in your bulletin. If you have any questions or ideas for the missions committee please contact Megan Johnson.

Volume 2, Issue 1

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CTK's - CD Ministry
Here at Christ the King Lutheran, we use all sorts of media to study God's Word and to tell others the good news of God's love through Christ Jesus. By the 15th of January look for copies of CDs at the Welcome Desk featuring Pastor Cary's 2011 summer series on the Ten Commandments and selected episodes from Issues, Etc. - A Lutheran Internet Radio Program ( Such topics from Issues, Etc will include "Christ decent in Hell", "The Inerrancy of Scripture", "Slavery in the Bible" and The Theology of the Cross to name a few. Share these copies with family and friends! Donations welcomed. Please see Pr. Cary for more details.

Thank you to those who serve

Greeters: Jan. 1st: Fred &Joyce Bauman Jan. 8th: Ron & Amy Alger Jan. 15: Brian & Heather Breck & Family Jan. 22: Nathan & Rita Wilkening Jan. 29th: Ron & Tammy Wynkoop Ushers 1st Service: Ron Wynkoop & family Jeff Kietzman & family 2nd Service: Grant Sibilrud & family Nathan Wilkening & family

Designated Giving
Funds Building Fund Property Audio/Visual (Phase 3&4) Quilters Memorial Missions Given $25,992.42 $2,553.95 $548.52 $2322.10 $285.00 Needed ? 10,000 ? ? ?

Christ the King Lutheran Church

Christ the King Lutheran Church 1004 West Elm Ave Waseca, MN 56093 Phone: 507-835-9176 E-mail:
For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them." ~Matthew 18:20

Small Group Ministry at Christ the King

We are currently looking for anyone that may be interested in participating in a small group, leading a small group or hosting a small group. Christ the King currently have a number of small groups who serve various functions: TNT (Twenties and Thirties) A small group for men and women who are in their 20s and 30s. Need not be a couple See Kristy Jenzen for details. Men's Wednesday Morning A men's small group lead by Rev. Ray Peterson using videos from the Time of Grace ministry - Coffee and donuts are served. Every Wednesday @ 7am Men's Saturday Morning Breakfast and Study - A men's group lead by Pr. Cary focusing on a diverse set of topics relating to the Christian faith. Breakfast is served on the second Saturdays of each month @ 8 am Women's Thursday Morning - A women's small group focusing on the study of scripture. Every Thursday @ 9:30 am All women of any age are welcome! The small group with no name - A small group that meets every other Sunday night. While this group has reached its desired capacity, you can see Butch Dufault for details. Adult Thursday Night Scripture Study - A small group for any adult to dive deeper in selected scripture...currently studying the Book of Revelation. Every Thursday @ 6:30 pm TFC - Teens for Christ - A youth group - grades 7-12 focusing of Scripture, Service and Fellowship- See Caroline Scheffert - President for details Quilters - A small group focusing on the construction of quilts and blankets to share the love of God through a wonderful quilts and blankets - Meets most Tuesdays @ 10 am Prayer Shawl Ministry - A small group focusing on the construction of prayer shawls to share the love of God. - See Gwen Johnson for details WOW (Women of the Word) A "small" group for the women of the congregation. Meets the 4th Saturday of the month at 9am Bethel Bible Study - A small group bible study on the themes with Old Testament and the New Testament concerning God's covenant to His people culminating in Christ Jesus. Currently this group is closed to new additions because of the demands of the curriculum but see Greg Easton for details. Believe it or not there is room for more small groups at Christ the King Lutheran Church! If you are interested in forming a new small group, please contact Mary Scheffert ( m) or Pr. Cary Why belong to a small group? * Build friendships and meet others within our community of believers * Give and receive love and support * Pray and be prayed for * Grow in your faith and learn to live as Christ's disciple * Serve others in our church, community and world.

Members Present: Open with prayer Secretary Report Motion by Debbie, Louis 2nd, passed. Treasurers Report/Financial Report Motion by Sarah, Nathan 2nd, passed. Pastors Report Committee Reports Evangelism Worship Property Education Stewardship Advertising Properties REQUESTS: Basement, lights in Pastors office, door between fellowship rooms Motion by Mark, Bob 2nd, passed. Old Business Vote on church usage policy Motion by Sarah, Debbie 2nd, passed. Nominating committee Roger, Mark, John Wilkus, Linda Hein, and Gordon Flaten make up this committee. Propose to amend bylaws for secretaryreport by Mark Motion by Mark to propose to take out secretary and from Part 6, number 6 of the bylaws to be voted on at the annual meeting. Discussion. Tabled to December to get information from Buddy and Greg. New Business Nomination of new members by Pastor Larson. Motion by Marilyn to accept Wendy Mays and Grant and Aimee Sibilrud (Corbin, Carlee, Carson) as members. Roger 2nd, passed. Secretary salary discussion Audit committee meeting 2nd Wednesday in December. Close in Prayer (Motion by Roger to adjourn, Marilyn 2nd.) All members present with the addition of Pastor Cary Larson. (Buddy Priebe on leave)

Just Pray it! Part one of three part series on practical theology
By Pr. David Drum I recently accused my 18-year-old daughter of pouring milk into the gas tank of the car she wanted to upgrade. Okay, true confession: her old car was on its last legs; she would be going to college where it actually snows and needed something reliable; and I was continuing a line of teasing that began when we hacked into each other s Facebook accounts and posted something glorious about ourselves as if the other were saying it. Cars dont run on milk. That isnt how they were designed. Bad things happen if we try to operate cars contrary to their manufactured design. Most of us (based on statistical data) attend and/or lead churches that try to operate contrary to their manufactured design. It doesnt work. It leads to inevitable problems. Many of us have memorized verses such as: Follow me, and Ill make you fishers of people (cf. Matthew 4:19).Go, make disciples of all nations. . . (Matthew 28:16 NIV). We know quite well that evangelism is something were supposed to be doing. Some of us may have attended Bible studies, workshops or even entire conferences intended to teach us how to fish. Why is it, then, that we can study all kinds of fishing techniques, read lots of books and articles (like this one) on fishing, and yet still so rarely go out to the water, where the fish are, and actually try to catch one? As my kids might say, Whats up with that? WE DON'T BELIEVE THE MANUAL Ive never read the manual on how my car is supposed to work-not any of them, for any of the cars Ive owned. And yet, I do much of what it says to do, partly because Ive tried exercising ignorance and paid the price. Those manuals really do mean what they say. Now I believe that, even without reading the fine print. If the engine light comes on and I keep driving, I might cause my engine to seize up. I know this firsthand. When it comes to the manual on how Christ-followers were made, many of us have read it. But the first reason why we dont actually fish for people very often is that we dont believe the manual. We may have fine statements in our church constitutions about the authority of Scripture. We may have defended those beliefs vigorously, at high personal cost, even to the point of experiencing persecution at the hands of other religious leaders. But when the rubber hits the road, we dont believe what we so articulately and passionately say we believe. l. We dont believe that our churches have reaching out as their primary purpose meaning that the individuals within churches, as well as the organization itself, are designed to have an outward focus. Perhaps weve never really thought about it before. There are many things that are important, weve always thought, and yet the command to make disciples was the parting word Jesus spoke, according to the divinely-inspired recollections of every single Gospel writer. So many of the other purposes for our existence-love one another, pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, become one with other sisters and brothers in Christ-each of them have a so that attached at the end: so that the world will know and come to believe in Jesus. And yet, following Jesus means to follow the One who left heaven to fish for people. Following is different from reading about and admiring. In the Greek, it means following. 2. We dont believe that hell is a real place with real people. How many sermons have you heard on the topic of hell? Its so out of vogue that we just ignore it. If we believed what Jesus believed, according to what Jesus said, we might act like Jesus acted, and make it a much higher priority to see people rescued from an eternity of separation from their Maker.

3. We dont believe that to love Jesus is to obey Jesus. Jesus was perfectly clear about that, in more different ways than space allows me to cite. As a well-known moms class teacher from our city always says, selective obedience is not obedience. The Great Commission wasnt the great suggestion. Jesus meant what He said. A multi-page report could be written on all the ways we dont believe what the Christ-followers manual actually says, no matter what we say. But that isnt the only reason we avoid the "E" word. ( See the February issue for the part two of Just Pray It) David Drum has pastored Community of Hope in Tucson, AZ since 1990. David and his wife, Valerie; have two sons and two daughters.

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