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N STATE OF CONNECTICUT Gp) STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION A 20 Trinity Street Hartford, Connecticut 06106—1628 Affidavit of Complaint LL nec Ross... am aresident of _ ZS “Aobh Keae| Prt Complains Siset Adress TownlCity of Vest Ha wen ste of (A AneeHe OE | er Print Sate Zip Code and my Telephone Number is O3—F32 SOF freredy allege and assert that Print Phone Nomber the election laws of the State of Connecticut have been violated in the following manner, place and time, as specified below: Please Seo /tockecl (Use attached page(s) iFmecessary) 1 SOLEMNLY SWEAR (OR AFFIRM) THAT THE ABOVE STATEMENT IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. Dated this_[chday of J-LY_, 2010 atllat Signed: Oath Administered By: Title Note: This oath may be administered by anyone authorized by Section the Connecticut General Statutes, which includes notaries public; justices of the peace, town clerks and assistant town clerks, judges and clerks of any court, and attorneys who are Commissioners of the Superior Court of Connecticut. Attached to State of Connecticut, State Elections Commission 1, Nancy Rossi, am alleging a violation of State Election Laws, specifically campaign financing, The date ofthe violation was between September 16, 2009 and November 3 , 2009. The identity of the person alleged to commit the violation is Michael DiMiassa of 136 Putney Drive, West Haven, CT 06516. {and my husband, Arthur Rossi, witnessed Mr. DiMassa and his team on several occasions distributing ‘campaign literature for the upcoming election. The campaign literature did not have any attribution, nor could we find out what party paid for the literature. There does not seem to be a Candidate's form filled out by Mr. DiMassa stating who was responsible for the funding. Additionally, Mayor John Picard ‘and all of the Democrats on Row 8 benefited without an attribution and it is unknown if the group every contributed to this cause. Furthermore, Mr. DiMassa ran in the Democratic Primary and had literature that did have an attribution so he was well aware of the rules/laws. 1am also alleging Mr. DiMassa was well aware of the laws because by his own writing in Exhibit A he was backed by a seasoned politician, Mayor John M. Picard, ‘Mayor Picard also stated after the mayoral debate that he was backlng Mr. DiMassa and instructed the audience to do the same. Examples of the literature are attached and labeled, Exhibit A, Exhibit 8, Exhibit C and Exhibit Please advise if there Is anything else needed for the complaint, nk you, Lanny k (oar lancy Rossi 12 Robin Road West Haven, CT 06516 Open Letter to the Citizens of 7" District Nancy Rossi was part of the founding of Richard Borer’s Back to the Future Party. Borer bolted from the Democratic Party when the voters rejected him for his 12 years of financial mismanagement. He and his friends put West Haven in this terrible financial hole. Nancy Rossi is connected to the Borer Friendly commission, the Finance Advisory Commission. The commission's Chairperson Thomas Hamilton, was the former Borer Finance Director. Both Rossi and the Commission criticize our Mayor John Picard for stabilizing taxes and brining in economic development. They see taxes as the answer to this mess. Rossi on 11/13/08 took part in a hearing where the entire Borer friendly commission recommended raising property taxes. When asked by the Register Ms. Rossi agreed with the commission’s financial assessment however she neglected to say she would not raise property taxes. Her silence screams property taxes, she agrees with everything the commission said, but is mute when it comes to property taxes. Please Nancy reveal your tax plan before the election!!! It is urgent that you reveal your tax plan now not 90 days after the election. Nancy, out of respect for the homeowners of the 7" District reveal your tax plan NOW!!! ‘Our Mayor John Picard fought with this commission on raising property taxes, he knows raising taxes is not the answer. He sees our way out of this financial mess through economic evelopment, brining businesses in who defray the cost of property taxes from the Homeowners, The Mayor's successful stabilizing tax plan has drawn nothing but criticism from Ms. Rossi Ms. Rossi has yet too present her tax plan to the city even though she has been the head of the Finance Committee for the past two years and @ CPA, The voters are not stupid, they now she could have a tax plan by this time. PLEASE REVEAL YOUR TAX PLAN NOW, NOT 90 DAYS AFTER ‘THE ELECTION! When Nancy Rossi could not get enough signatures on the Democratic petition to entire the Democratic primary she, like Richard Borer, had a fall back party, the Better Future Party. Ms. Rossi's ambition gives one pause for thought, she should not use the homeowners backs as @ stepping stone to the Mayor's Office. She should have here plan available before the election she was prevue to the City’s finances the last two years. Why can’t this CPA, chairwoman of the Finance Committee have an answer for us now? ee Gam proud to be the Picard backed Democratic Candidate, Pam a write in candidate however we will take 30 seconds with you at the polls to show you how to perform the write in vote. A vote for Mayor Picard and | is a vote for stabilize taxes and keeping the City moving forward. Sincerely, Mike DiMassa Democratic Write in Box 12F

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