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W 1he Callfornla ubllc Lmployee 8eLlremenL SysLem

(CalL8S) ls one of Lhe largesL penslon funds ln Lhe unlLed

W lL ls renowned for lLs Lrallblazlng lnsLlLuLlonal acLlvlsm LhaL
resulLs ln superlor porLfollo flnanclal performance and yleld
global anclllary economlc and soclal beneflLs
W lL ls well documenLed LhaL CalL8S employ an lnvesLmenL
phllosophy whereby lL would lnvesL lf only a small sLake ln
companles LhaL are dlsLasLeful from an LnvlronmenLal
Soclal and Covernance (LSC) perspecLlve only Lo have a seaL
aL Lhe Lable and engage Lhe company Lo lmprove lLs LSC

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