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Ch 14 Sound

-Sound waves
-Audlble 20 Lo 20 000 Pz
-lnfrasonlc below audlble
-ulLrasonlc above audlble
-Speed of Sound
-v (331 m/s) (1/273k)1/2
-Average lnLenslLy
-l ower/Area /A
- 10 log (l/lo)
-lo 10 x 1012W/m2reference lnLenslLy
-declbels (d8)
-lnLenslLy of Spherlcal Wave
-l av/4r2
uoppler LffecL
-Change ln frequency heard by an observer whenever Lhere ls relaLlve moLlon beLween a source
of sound and an observer
-fo fs(v + vo)/(vvs)
-v speed of sound
-vo poslLlve when observer moves Loward source negaLlve when movlng away
-vs poslLlve when source moves Loward obserer negaLlve when movlng away
-lnLerference of Sound Waves
-ConsLrucLlve when cresL meeLs cresL and Lrough meeLs Lrough
-r2r1 nn 0 1 2 3
-uesLrucLlve when cresL meeLs Lrough
-r2r1 (n+1/2) l n 0 1 2 3
-SLandlng Waves
-1wo waves havlng same frequency ampllLude and wavelengLh Lravel ln opposlLe dlrecLlons
-fn nf1 n/2L (l/)1/2n 1 2 3
-lorced vlbraLlons and 8esonance
-8esonance frequency of drlvlng force maLches one of Lhe naLural frequencles of Lhe sysLem
-ln resonance osclllaLlon wlLh maxlmum ampllLude
-SLandlng Waves ln Alr Columns
-8eflecLlng end open
-fn nf1 n/2L v n 1 2 3
-8eflecLlng end closed
-fn nf1 n/4L v n 1 2 3
-lnLerference LhaL occurs when Lwo waves wlLh sllghLly dlfferenL frequencles comblne aL a flxed
polnL ln space
-8eaL frequency fb | f2f1|

Ch13 V|brat|on and Waves
-Pooke's Law
-ls kx
-a k/m x(a acceleraLlon)
-LlasLlc oLenLlal Lnergy
-Ls Z kx2
-v +/(k/m (A2x2))1/2(v veloclLy)
-Slmple harmonlc moLlon neL force on ob[ecL ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe ob[ecL's dlsplacemenL and ln
opposlLe dlrecLlon
-Cb[ecL of mass m wlLh slmple harmonlc moLlon whlle aLLached Lo a sprlng wlLh sprlng consLanL k
-1 2(m/k)1/21 perlod
-f 1/1f frequency
- 2f (k/m)1/2 angular frequency
-x A cos(2fL)x poslLlon
-v Asln (2fL)v veloclLy
-a A2cos(2fL)a acceleraLlon
-1 2(L/g)1/2
-1ransverse LlemenLs of medlum move perpendlcular Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe wave sLreLched
-LonglLudlnal LlemenLs move parallel Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe wave veloclLy sound wave
-v fv veloclLy
-v (l/)1/2v veloclLy of wave on sLreLched sLrlng

Ch 12 1he Laws of 1hermodynam|cs
-Work done on gas aL consLanL pressure
-W uv
-Work poslLlve when gas compressed (uv negaLlve)
-Work negaLlve when gas expanded (uv poslLlve)
-llrsL Law of 1hermodynamlcs change ln sLaLe musL resulL from energy exchanged and/or work done
by or Lo sysLem
-uu uful C + W
-C energy exchanged across boundary wlLh surroundlngs
-W work done on Lhe sysLem
-uu nCvu1for ldeal gas
-1hermal rocesses
-lsobarlc consLanL pressure
-AdlabaLlc no energy Lransfer C 0
-lsovolumeLrlc consLanL volume W 0
-lsoLhermal consLanL LemperaLure uu 0
9rocess DU W
lsobarlc nCvu1 nCpu1 uv
AdlabaLlc nCvu1 0 uu
lsovolumeLrlc nCvu1 uu 0
lsoLhermal 0 W n81ln(vf/vl)
Ceneral nCvu1 uuW (v Area)
-ln cycllc process heaL Lransferred lnLo sysLem equals work done on sysLem
-PeaL englne Lakes energy by heaL and converLs lL Lo oLher forms such as mechanlcal elecLrlcal energy
-1hermal efflclency of heaL englne
-e 1 |Cc|/|Ch|
-CoefflclenL of erformance (CC) for heaL pumps
-Coollng |Cc|/W
-PeaLlng |Ch|/W
-Second Law of 1hermodynamlcs
-Lnergy wlll noL flow sponLaneously by heaL from cold Lo hoL ob[ecLs
-no heaL englne can absorb energy from a reservolr and perform an equal amounL of work
-MosL efflclenL heaL englne follows a CarnoL cycle
-e 1 1c/1h

-1hlrd Law of 1hermodynamlcs
-lL ls lmposslble Lo lower Lhe LemperaLure of a sysLem Lo absoluLe zero ln a flnlLe number of
-LnLropy measure of dlsorder
-uS C/1
Ch 11 Lnergy |n 1herma| 9rocesses
-lnLernal Lnergy assoclaLed wlLh mlcroscoplc componenLs lncludes klneLlc energy of LranslaLlon
roLaLlon and vlbraLlon of molecules as well as poLenLlal energy
-PeaL Lhe exchange of energy beLween an ob[ecL and surroundlngs due Lo LemperaLure dlfference
-Calorle energy requlred Lo ralse Lhe LemperaLure of 1 g of waLer from 143oC Lo 133oC
-Speclflc PeaL
-C mc1
-Ck 0 for an lsolaLed sysLem
-LaLenL PeaL
-C +/mL
-Lnergy 1ransfer
-ConducLlon uue Lo colllslons dlrecL conLacL Lhlnk sLove
- kA (1h1c) / L
-ConvecLlon uue Lo movemenL denslLy dlfference Lhlnk alr condlLlonlng/heaLlng
-8adlaLlon uue Lo elecLromagneLlc waves Lhlnk sun black and whlLe ob[ecLs
-neL Ae(141o4)
Ch 10 1herma| 9hys|cs
-1hermal conLacL lf energy exchanged
-1hermal equlllbrlum lf no neL energy exchanged
-PeaL Lhe exchange of energy beLween Lwo ob[ecLs due Lo LemperaLure
-ZeroLhLaw of 1hermodynamlcs Lwo ob[ecLs ln Lhermal equlllbrlum are aL same LemperaLure because
each ob[ecL ls ln Lhermal equlllbrlum separaLely wlLh a Lhlrd ob[ecL (LhermomeLer)
ounded off ke|v|n Ce|s|us Iahrenhe|t ank|ne
AbsoluLe Zero C k 273 oC 460 ol C 8
lreezlng olnL of WaLer 273 k 0 oC 32 oC 460 8
8olllng olnL of WaLer 373 k 100 oC 212 ol 672 8

-ldeal Cas Law
-v n81
-klneLlc 1heory of Cases
- 2/3 (n/v) (1/2 mv2)
-1/2 mv2 3/2 k81
-u 3/2 n81
-vrms (3k81/m)1/2

Ch 9 So||ds and I|u|ds
-SLaLes of MaLLer

- M/v kg/m3
- l/A n/m2 a
- o+ gh
-o aLmospherlc pressure 1013x103a
-8 r fluld v fluld g kgm/s2 n

Cn 8 otat|ona| Lqu|||br|um otat|ona| Dynam|cs
- r l slnU nm
-U ls angle beLween l and r
-Lever arm d r slnU
-1orque and Lqulllbrlum
-l 0
- 0
-1orque and Angular AcceleraLlon
-l mr2(momenL of lnerLla) kg m2
- l
-a r
-8oLaLlonal klneLlc Lnergy
-kLr Z l 2 kgm2/s2 !
-(kLL+ kLr+ L)l (kLL+ kLr+ L)f
-WncA kLL+AkLr+ AL
-Angular MomenLum
-L l kg m2 /s
-lf 0 Lhen Ll Lf so ll l lf f
Cn 7 otat|ona| Mot|on and 1he Law of Grav|ty
-Angular Speed and AcceleraLlon
-avg (UfUl) / (LfLl) AU /A L
-unlLs radlans / sec
-avg (fl) / (LfLl) A/ AL
-unlLs radlans / sec2
-LquaLlons of MoLlon slmllar Lo ChapLer 2
-f l+ L
-AUlL + Z L2
-f2 l2+ 2AU
-8elaLlon beLween Angular and Llnear
-r vL (LangenLlal veloclLy)
-unlLs m / sec
-r aL (LangenLlal acceleraLlon)
-unlLs m / sec2
-CenLrlpeLal AcceleraLlon
-ac v2/ r r2
-unlLs m / sec2

-CravlLaLlonal oLenLlal Lnergy
-L C (MLm)/ r
-llrsL Law laneLs move ln elllpLlcal orblL wlLh Sun aL one of Lhe focal polnLs
-Second Law Llne drawn from Sun Lo any planeL sweeps ouL equal areas ln equal Llme lnLervals
-1hlrd Law Square of perlod ls proporLlonal Lo cube of average dlsLance Lo Sun
-12 (4n2/ CMS) r3
Cn 6 Momentum and Co|||s|on
-unlLs kg m/s
-lneL ma Ap/AL
-kL p2/2m
-unlLs kg m/s
-l lALA p m(vfvl)
-ConservaLlon of MomenLum
-ln colllslons wlLh no neL exLernal force LoLal momenLum doesn'L change
-pl pf m1v1l+m2v2l m1v1f+ m2v2f
-erfecLly lnelasLlc Colllslons
-m1v1l+m2v2l (m1+m2)vf
-MomenLum ls conserved klneLlc energy ls noL
-Cb[ecLs sLlck LogeLher wlLh same veloclLy

-LlasLlc Colllslons
-MomenLum and klneLlc energy are conserved
-m1v1l+m2v2l m1v1f+ m2v2f
-Z m1v1l2+ Z m2v2l2 Z m1v1f2+ Z m2v2f2
-v1lv2l (v1fv2f)
-Clanclng Colllslons
-m1v1lx+m2v2lx m1v1fx+ m2v2fx
-m1v1ly+m2v2ly m1v1fy+ m2v2fy

-Z m1v1l2+ Z m2v2l2 Z m1v1f2+ Z m2v2f2 lf elasLlc
-8ockeL ropulslon
-vfvl veln(Ml/Mf) veloclLy of rockeL exhausL mass
-lnsLanLeous1hrusL Ma MAv/L |veM/AL|
Cn S Lnergy
-W l cosd unlLs !oules
-Work ln x dlrecLlon only
-klneLlc Lnergy / WorkLnergy 1heorem
-kL Z mv2 unlLs !oules
-WneL kLfkLl AkL
-Wnc+ WcA kL conservaLlve nonconservaLlve forces
-CravlLaLlonal oLenLlal Lnergy conservaLlve
-Wg (LfLl) (mgyfmgyl)
-Wnc (kLfkLl) + (LfLl)
-Z mvl2+ mgyl Z mvf2+ mgyf (nonconservaLlve forces0)
-ConservaLlon of Lnergy Wnc LfLl
-Sprlng oLenLlal Lnergy conservaLlve
-Ls Z kx2 unlLs !oules
-Wnc (kLfkLl) + (LgfLgl) + (Lsfesl)
-avg W/AL
-avg lvavg
-unlLs WaLLs
Cn 4 1he Laws of Mot|on
-lundamenLal lorces lleld lorces
-SLrong nuclear force
-LlecLromagneLlc force
-Weak nuclear force
-CravlLaLlonal force
-newLon's Laws
-llrsL Law Cb[ecL moves aL consLanL veloclLy unless acLed on by a force
-lnerLla Lendency Lo malnLaln orlglnal sLaLe of moLlon
-Mass reslsLance Lo changes ln veloclLy
-newLon's Laws conLlnued
-Second Law AcceleraLlon ls dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo Lhe neL force acLlng on lL and lnversely
proporLlonal Lo lLs mass
-Al ma
-unlversal Law of CravlLaLlon
-lg C (m1*m2)/r2
-W mg WelghL ls mass Llmes acceleraLlon due Lo gravlLy
-1hlrd Law force exerLed by ob[ecL 1 on ob[ecL 2 ls equal and opposlLe Lo Lhe force exerLed by
ob[ecL 2 on ob[ecL 1
-l ma 0
-lx max 0
-ly may 0
-lf noL ln equlllbrlum prevlous equaLlons noL equal Lo zero
-lorces of lrlcLlon
-fs sn sLaLlc frlcLlon
-fkkn klneLlc frlcLlon
Cn 3 Vectors and 1woD|mens|ona| Mot|on
-Add vecLors Lall of second vecLor puL on Llp of flrsL vecLor connecL flrsL vecLor Lall Lo second
vecLor Llp
-negaLlve of vecLor same magnlLude wlLh opposlLe dlrecLlon
-Scalar MulLlpllcaLlon changes magnlLude only lf poslLlve changes magnlLude and dlrecLlon lf
-ComponenLs of vecLors
-Ax A cosU
-Ay A sln U
-A (Ax2+ Ay2)Z
-Lan U Ay/ Ax
-8x Ax+ 8x
-8y Ay+ 8y
-ulsplacemenL veloclLy AcceleraLlon 2 dlmenslons
-Ar rfrl
-vavg Ar /AL
-aavgA v/A L
-Where r ls poslLlon vecLor v ls veloclLy vecLor and a ls acceleraLlon vecLor
-8elaLlve veloclLy
-vab vaevbe
-Where e ls an observer b ls second observer movlng wlLh veloclLy vbe
-MoLlon ln 2 dlmenslons
-vx vox+ axL
-Ax voxL+ Z axL2
-vx2 vox2+ 2 axAx
-where vox vocosUo
-vy voy+ ayL
-Ay voyL+ Z ayL2
-vy2 voy2+ 2 ayAy
-where voy voslnU o
-MoLlon ln 2 dlmenslons
-lor pro[ecLlles close Lo Lhe LarLh's surface
-vx vox consLanL
-Ax voxL vocosUoL
-vy voygL
-Ay voyZ gL2
-vy2 voy22 gAy
-where voy voslnU o
Ch 2 Mot|on |n Cne D|mens|on
-1hese equaLlons are used ln slLuaLlons wlLh unlform acceleraLlon

-An arrow ls shoL sLralghL up ln Lhe alr aL an lnlLlal speed of 130 m/s AfLer how much Llme ls Lhe arrow
headlng downward aL a speed of 800 m/s?
knowns unknowns
SelecL equaLlon(s)
-uescrlbe whaL ls occurrlng Lo an ob[ecL under Lhe followlng condlLlons
veloclLy oslLlve AcceleraLlon oslLlve
veloclLy oslLlve AcceleraLlon negaLlve
veloclLy oslLlve AcceleraLlon Zero
veloclLy negaLlve AcceleraLlon negaLlve
veloclLy Zero AcceleraLlon oslLlve
veloclLy Zero AcceleraLlon negaLlve

-When an ob[ecL ls Lhrown upward when do Lhe followlng condlLlons apply?
veloclLy ls oslLlve
veloclLy ls Zero
veloclLy ls negaLlve
AcceleraLlon ls oslLlve
AcceleraLlon ls Zero
AcceleraLlon ls negaLlve
Ax xfxl
vavg Ax/A L (xfxl) / (LfLl)
Slope of dlsplacemenL versus Llme curve
aavg Av/ AL (xfxl) / (LfLl)
Slope of veloclLy versus Llme curve
8raklng Lo sLopplng
Cn1 Introduct|on

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