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Lndosulfan And lLs LffecLs

Lndosulfan ls a chlorlnaLed hydrocarbon lnsecLlclde of Lhe cyclodlene subgroup

whlch acLs as a conLacL polson ln a wlde varleLy of lnsecLs and mlLes lL can also be
used as wood preservaLlve lL ls used prlmarlly on food crops llke Lea frulLs and
vegeLables on gralns As per on our parL for Lhe pro[ecL a case sLudy ls under
progress Lo brlng ouL lLs lll effecLs 1he pro[ecL lnvolves an organlzed sLudy of facLs
sLarLlng from medla coverage lnLerneL and exLendlng up Lo an expecLed vlslL of
kasargod dlsLrlcL
A sLudy based on Lhe causes LhaL prompLed Lhe exLenslve use of Lhls pesLlclde
prlmarlly by Lhe mlnlsLry of agrlculLure has been done We have also made a
sLudy on early and prolonged sympLoms LhaL deLecLed Lhe faLal naLure of Lhe
pesLlclde Moreover an exLenslve lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhe sLudenLs from kasargod
dlsLrlcL sLudylng ln nl1C has been done Lo brlng abouL some of Lhe very relevanL
facLs and ground reallLles
ln Lhe comlng days we are expecLlng a vlslL Lo Lhe kasargod dlsLrlcL Lo famlllarlze
ourselves wlLh Lhe presenL scenarlo Also we wlll be brlnglng ouL some of Lhe
prevalllng lll effecLs LhaL conLlnue Lo affecL Lhe people of kasargod even afLer lL's
banlshmenL from Lhe agrlculLural use Moreover a survey wlll also be conducLed
Lo brlng ouL Lhe common people oplnlon regardlng Lhe use of Lhe pesLlclde 1he
case sLudy ln Lhe end also lnvolves a crlLlclsm on Lhe kerala governmenL's declslon
Lo revoke Lhe ban on Lhe pesLlclde

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