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1oys from lndla

lndla ls one of Lhe oldesL clvlllzaLlons ln Lhe world lLs rlch LradlLlons embedded ln Lhe very core of
common lndlan man and lLs large culLural dlverslLy are well known worldwlde 1he lndlan Loy lndusLry
as old as Lhls naLlon lLself has been nurLured and enrlched under Lhls lnLellecLually rlch background
lndlan Loys whlch are manufacLured all over Lhe counLry reflecL Lhe lndlan culLural dlverslLy ln Lhe
range of lLems manufacLured

lay wlLh emphasls on safeLy and learnlng are Lhe core foundaLlons for Lhe Loy lndusLry ln lndla

lndla manufacLures Loys from dlverse raw maLerlals llke plasLlc wood rubber meLal LexLlles eLc 1hls
lndusLry ls predomlnanLly conflned Lo Lhe secLor of small scale lndusLrles and ls spread all over Lhe
counLry meeLlng Lhe local needs of dlfferenL culLural parLs of lndla

1he chlef organlzed cenLers for Loy manufacLurlng are naLlonal CaplLal 8eglon and Mumbal
ManufacLurlng of Loys ln lndla ln general ls labour lnLenslve and uLlllzes Lhe lndlan skllls of masLer
crafLsmanshlp and creaLlve deslgnlng 1he lndlan Loy lndusLry fueled by Lhe vasL domesLlc markeL has
now Lurned lLs aLLenLlon Lo global markeLs and ls fasL gearlng up Lo meeL lnLernaLlonal demands

1he sLrong polnLs of lndlan Loy lndusLry are skllled workforce dlverse range focus on lnnovaLlon and
creaLlvlLy and emphasls on learnlng and educaLlon lndlan manufacLurers are caLerlng Lo boLh large and
small volume requlremenLs and are exporLlng Lo few of Lhe mosL developed naLlons ln Lhe world 1he
maln markeLs for lndlan Loys are uSA uk and Cermany

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