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Mrs, Putsuvus' CIussroom NewsIetter

0ear Parents,

Next week we wIll be conductIng
conferences. Please make sure that you
are on tIme sInce we are only allowed 15
mInutes per student. wIll be explaInIng
the report cards and we wIll revIew your
son/daughter's progress at that tIme.

n FelIgIon, we wIll read Chapter 2J,
"ThanksgIvIng 0ay." n thIs chapter we
wIll IdentIfy ThanksgIvIng as a tIme to gIve
thanks to Cod and dIscuss what we are
thankful for. We wIll contInue to work on
our "good deeds" trees and add a bead for
every good deed that we do In school.

n |ath we wIll copy and IdentIfy patterns,
compare objects by weIght, name a shape
usIng two attrIbutes, IdentIfy a mIssIng
pIece In a matrIx, descrIbe the posItIon of
an object and explore wIth a geoboard.

n FeadIng we wIll complete our book on
cky. Dur next SuperkId book wIll have
three superkIds, TIc, Tac and Toc. The
letter we wIll be workIng on Is T. Some of
the skIlls we wIll work on Include: makIng
predIctIons, answerIng comprehensIon
questIons about a story, understandIng
characters, IdentIfyIng the InItIal /t/
sound, encodIng letters for sounds,
IdentIfyIng InItIal, medIal and fInal sounds
and followIng oral dIrectIons. We also
contInue to practIce blendIng every day.
Femember that there are actIvItIes on the
SuperkId websIte for your chIld at
FowlandreadIng .org.
St. Peter SchooI
Aurora, L

November 14, 2011



Please make sure that your chIld dresses
approprIately for the weather. Last week
It raIned, so we dIdn't go outsIde for a
few days. We went outsIde on FrIday
and It was cold! Please send a hat and
mIttens wIth your chIld!

Next |onday, November 21
, wIll not
be sendIng home the red folder or
homework because of the holIday.

There wIll not be school from November
to November 27
. School wIll
resume on |onday, November 28

Parent TIp of the Week: When your chIld
Is wrItIng at home and they ask you to
spell a word for them, have them sound
It out and spell It usIng the letters and
sounds that they know.
n SocIal StudIes we wIll learn about the
fIrst ThanksgIvIng.

n ScIence we wIll contInue to learn about
dIfferent ways to keep our bodIes healthy,
by eatIng nutrItIous foods.

Happy ThanksgIvIng,
|rs. Patsavas

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