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#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<io.h> #include<fcntl.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<alloc.h> #include dos.

h> int display(); long int getsize(char[]); void editb(); void edits(); void bkst(); void stst(); void issue(); void viewret(); void retbook(); void bklt(); void stlt(); typedef struct date DATE; DATE dt,is,rt; int dtest; typedef struct { char sno[6]; char name[20]; float fine; char dept[3]; int token; }student; typedef struct { char bno[5]; char bname[50]; char aname[20]; DATE iss; DATE ret; char status[1]; char isto[6]; int cost; char descpt[200]; }book; int id,im,iy,rd,rm,ry; void assign(book *b) { b->iss.da_year=iy; b->iss.da_mon=im; b->iss.da_day=id; b->ret.da_day=rd; b->ret.da_mon=rm; b->ret.da_year=ry; return; } void main() { int opt; clrscr(); while(1) { if(dtest!=1)

{ getdate(&dt); is=dt; rt=dt; iy=is.da_year; im=is.da_mon; id=is.da_day; rt.da_day+=15; if(rt.da_day>31) { rt.da_day-=31; rt.da_mon+=1; } rd=rt.da_day; rm=rt.da_mon; ry=rt.da_year; dtest=1; } opt=display(); switch(opt) { case 1: editb(); continue; case 2: edits(); continue; case 3: stst(); continue; case 4: bkst(); continue; case 9: stlt(); continue; case 8: bklt(); continue; case 0: exit(0); break; case 5: issue(); continue; case 7: retbook(); continue; case 6: viewret(); continue; default: continue; } } } long int getsize(char a[]) { int file,size; file = open(a,O_RDONLY);

size=filelength(file); close(file); if (size<0) return 0; else return size; } void editb() { FILE *fp; int opt,size, n,i,flag=0; long int bsize; char bn[6]; book *bk; bsize=getsize("book.rrn"); siz e=(bsize)/sizeof(book); bk=(book*)malloc((size)*sizeof(book)); printf("\nOPTIONS \n1.Add Book(s)\n2.Remove book\n \ Your choice:"); scanf("%d",&opt); switch(opt) { case 1: printf("How many books do you want to add? "); scanf("%d",&n); bk=(bo ok*)malloc((n+size)*sizeof(book)); if(size==0) fp=fopen("book.rrn","w+"); else { fp=fopen("book.rrn","r+"); fread(bk,sizeof(book),size,fp); fcloseall(); } for(i =size;i<=(n+size)-1;i++) { int temp,flag=0; printf("No. of the book:"); scanf("% s",(bk+i)->bno); for(temp=0;tempbno,(bk+i)->bno); if((int)cmp==0) { flag=1; break; } } if(flag==1) { printf("\nBook is aldready present!\n"); i--; continue; } printf("Name of the book:"); scanf("%s",(bk+i)->bname); printf("Author Name:"); scanf("%s",(bk+i)->aname); printf("Enter the cost of the book:"); scanf("%d",&(bk+i)->cost); (bk+i)->status[0]='N'; printf("Enter a short description :"); scanf("%s",(bk+i)->descpt); } fp=fopen("book.rrn","w+"); fwrite(bk,sizeof(book),(n+size),fp); printf("%d book(s) added succesfully!",n); fcloseall(); getch(); clrscr(); return; case 2: printf("\nEnter the number of the book:"); scanf("%s",bn); if(size==0) { printf("Book list does not exist!"); getch(); clrscr(); return; } fp=fopen("book.rrn","r+"); fread(bk,sizeof(book),size,fp); fcloseall(); for(i=0;ibno,strlen(bn))==0) { flag=1; break; } }

if(flag!=1) { printf("\nThe entered book id is invalid."); getch(); clrscr(); return; } if((bk+i)->status[0]=='Y') { printf("\nCannot delete the book.The book has \ been issued!"); getch(); return; } for(;isno); for(temp=0;tempsno,(st+temp)->sno,6); if((int)cmp==0) { flag=1; break; } } if(flag==1) { printf("\nStudent aldready present in the list!\n"); i--; continue; } printf("Name of the student:"); scanf("%s",(st+i)->name); printf("Department:"); scanf("%s",(st+i)->dept); (st+i)->token=0; (st+i)->fine=0; } fp=fopen("student.rrn","w+"); fwrite(st,sizeof(student),(n+size),fp); printf("%d student(s) added succesfully!",n); fcloseall(); getch(); clrscr(); return; case 2: printf("\nEnter the number of the student:"); scanf("%s",bn); if(size==0) { printf("Student list does not exist!"); getch(); clrscr(); return; } fp=fopen("student.rrn","r+"); fread(st,sizeof(student),size,fp); fcloseall(); for(i=0;isno,strlen(bn))==0) { flag=1; break; }

} if(flag!=1) { printf("\nThe entered student id is invalid."); getch(); clrscr(); return; } if((st+i)->token>0) { printf("\nCannot delete the student.The student has borrowed\ books from library!"); getch(); return; } for(;isno,bn,6); if((int)cmp==0) { flag=1; break; } } if(flag!=1) { printf("\nThe entered student id is invalid."); getch(); clrscr(); return; } clrscr(); printf("\t\t\t\tSTUDENT DETAILS"); printf("\n\nStudent name:%s",(st+i)->name); printf("\nDepartment:%s",(st+i)->dept); printf("\nTokens Used: %d",(st+i)->token); printf("\nFine:%.2f",(st+i)->fine); if((st+i)->token==0) { getch(); clrscr(); return; } else if((st+i)->token!=0) { bsize1=getsize("book.rrn"); size1=(bsize1)/sizeof(book); fp=fopen("book.rrn","r"); bk=(book*)malloc((size1)*sizeof(book)); fread(bk,sizeof(book),size1,fp); fcloseall(); printf("\n\nBOOK(S) BORROWED FROM THE LIBRARY:\n"); for(i=0;iisto,6); if((int)chk==0&&(bk+i)->status[0]=='Y') printf("\nBook.No:%s\tBook Name:%s\t\nIssue:%d-%d-%d\t \ Expected Return:%d-%d-%d\n", (bk+i)->bno,(bk+i)->bname,(bk+i)->iss.da_day,\ (bk+i)->iss.da_mon,(bk+i)->iss.da_year, (bk+i)->ret.da_day,(bk+i)->ret.da_mon,(bk+i)->ret.da_year); }

printf("\nPress any key........"); getch(); clrscr(); return; } } void bkst() { int size,i,flag=0,bsize; student *st; book *bk; FILE *fp; char bn[6]; bsize=getsize("book.rrn"); size=(bsize)/sizeof(book); bk=(book*)malloc((size)*sizeof(book)); printf("\nEnter the number of the book:"); scanf("%s",bn); if(size==0) { printf("Book list does not exist!"); getch(); clrscr(); return; } fp=fopen("book.rrn","r+"); fread(bk,sizeof(book),size,fp); fcloseall(); for(i=0;ibno,bn,6); if((int)cmp==0) { flag=1; break; } } if(flag!=1) { printf("\nThe entered book id is invalid."); getch(); clrscr(); return; } clrscr(); printf("\n\n\t\t\t\tBOOK DETAILS"); printf("\n\nBook name:%s",(bk+i)->bname); printf("\n\nAuthor Name:%s",(bk+i)->aname); printf("\n\nCost:Rs %d.00",(bk+i)->cost); printf("\n\nDesciption:%s",(bk+i)->descpt); if((bk+i)->status[0]=='Y') { char temp[6]; strncpy(temp,(bk+i)->isto,6); printf("\n\nStatus:Issued"); printf("\n\nIssued to: %.6s",temp); printf("\n\nDate of issue:%d/%d/%d",(bk+i)->iss.da_day, \ (bk+i)->iss.da_mon,(bk+i)->iss.da_year); printf("\n\nExpected date of return:%d/%d/%d", \ (bk+i)->ret.da_day,(bk+i)->ret.da_mon,(bk+i)->ret.da_year);

} else printf("\n\nStatus:Not Issued"); getch(); clrscr(); return; } int display() { int op; char msg[26]; clrscr(); printf("\t\t\t LIBMAN-A Library Management Software \n"); printf("\n\nDate :%d/%d/%d\n",dt.da_day,dt.da_mon,dt.da_year); printf("\n1.Edit book list"); printf("\n2.Edit Student list"); printf("\n3.Student status"); printf("\n4.Book status"); printf("\n5.Issue"); printf("\n6.View books"); printf("\n7.Return Books"); printf("\n8.View book list"); printf("\n9.View student list"); strcpy(msg,"0.Exit\nEnter your choice:"); printf("\n%s",msg); scanf("%d",&op); return op; } void issue() { char bno[6],sno[6]; int size,bsize,i,flag=0,size1,bsize1,j,flag1=0,flag2=0,flag3=0; char msg[22]; FILE *fp; book *bk; student *st; flag1=flag2=flag=flag3=0; strcpy(msg,"Enter the book number:"); printf("\n%s",msg); scanf("%s",bno); bsize=getsize("book.rrn"); size=bsize/sizeof(book); if(size==0) { printf("\nBooklist does not exist!"); getch(); return; } fp=fopen("book.rrn","r+"); bk=(book*)malloc(size*sizeof(book)); fread(bk,sizeof(book),size,fp); fcloseall(); for(i=0;ibno,strlen(bno)); if((int)temp==0) { flag=1; break; } } if((bk+i)->status[0]=='N')

flag3=1; if(flag==1 && flag3==1) { printf("Enter the student no:"); scanf("%s",sno); bsize1=getsize("student.rrn"); size1=bsize1/sizeof(student); fp=fopen("student.rrn","r+"); st=(student*)malloc(size1*sizeof(student)); fread(st,sizeof(student),size1,fp); fcloseall(); for(j=0;jsno,strlen(sno)); if(temp==0) { flag1=1; break; } } if(flag1==1&&flag==1) { if((st+j)->token<5) { int price; flag2=1; fp=fopen("book.rrn","w+"); price=(bk+i )->cost; strcpy((bk+i)->isto,sno); (bk+i)->status[0]='Y'; (bk+i)->cost=price; assign(bk+i); fwrite(bk,sizeof(book),size,fp); fcloseall(); fp=fopen("student.rrn","w+"); (st+j)->token+=1; fwrite(st,sizeof(student),size1,fp); fcloseall(); getch(); } } } if(flag!=1) printf("\nInvalid Book Number!"); else if(flag3!=1) printf("\nBook has aldready been issued!"); else if(flag1!=1) printf("\nInvalid student number!"); else if(flag2!=1) printf("\nTokens Exhausted!"); else pri Read more: roject.html#ixzz1cBKys1qv Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

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