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I r ide on burn ing wings

With a blaz ing demon army

We paint the night sky red
With the blood of god's angels
We piss on the tormented souls
Of re l ig ious bel ievers
We rape the Virg in Mary
To create an Ant i - Chr ist

[Ref : ]
This i s the war of angels
This i s the war of demons
This i s the war of heaven
This i s the war of hel l

Burn ing angels fa l l ing

(Thei r ) corpses l i t ter ing the ground
We crush the pear ly gates
Burn al l heaven down
We quench the sun
And burn the moon
Remove Jehova
And welcome ( the) Empt iness

[Ref : ]
(as I ) Walk through the val ley of death
Smel l the stench of decay
As th is war i s ending
They wi l l curse th is day

On th is day Death walks the earth

Reaping al l mankind
Cleans ing the Earth
Leaving only the empt iness behind

Mil lennia of oppress ion

Hate drenched in loss
Human evolut ion
explo i t ing th is wor ld

Pain f loat away

marks the 7th day
behold the blue sky turned red
a requiem of th is earth
As the sky burns we march forward
Crushing, torment ing and rap ing the wor ld
Hunt down al l surv ivors , l i v ing in fear
We r ide with death so no one i s spared
What once were wi l l never be again
(Because) the horseman of death
br ings the world to a fuck ing end!

11th Hour
The hour of wreckoning draws near
Judgment day is here and gone
Sweetly she draws me into her arms
A liquid embrace to chase the day way.
Sedate Numb Deaf and Dumb
Stumbling into solitude.
A clouded judgment day is fueled.

Take me under your black wings

Mark my words and remember me.
So sweetly she shucks away at my time
So sweetly she draws me nigh
Closer and closer towards never ending sleep
Spin the bottle
Kiss only the bottle.
The dark mistress of many, beholden to none
Slips a ring of needles around your arm in an engagement
Eternal engagement
Never consummated. x 2

Take me under your black wings

Mark my words and remember me.

Destroyer of senses.
So take as needed for the pain
Another gray morning dawns across an ashen sky.
My sweet demoness beckons me
Ever again and again and again and again.
The dark mistress of many, beholden to none
My sweet demoness beckons me
Ever again and again and again and again and again.
Take me under your black wings.
Jacked up on the taste of self-destruction

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