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M8A 3L

ulverslLy ln a workplace conLexL means Lo be LoleranL of mulLlple world vlews A dlverse workforce
employs and LoleraLes persons of mulLlple eLhnlc rellglous and llfesLyle backgrounds
ulverslLy ls a commlLmenL Lo recognlzlng and appreclaLlng Lhe varleLy of characLerlsLlcs LhaL make
lndlvlduals unlque ln an aLmosphere LhaL promoLes and celebraLes lndlvldual and collecLlve
achlevemenL lL lncludes Lhe range of ways ln whlch people experlence a unlque group ldenLlLy whlch
lncludes gender gender ldenLlLy sexual orlenLaLlon race eLhnlclLy and age An organlzaLlon's culLure
Lends Lo deLermlne Lhe exLenL Lo whlch lL ls culLurally dlverse
ln a global markeLplace a company LhaL employs a dlverse workforce (boLh men and women people of
many generaLlons people from eLhnlcally and raclally dlverse backgrounds eLc) ls beLLer able Lo
undersLand Lhe demographlcs of Lhe markeLplace lL serves and ls Lhus beLLer equlpped Lo Lhrlve ln LhaL
markeLplace Lhan a company LhaL has a more llmlLed range of employee demographlcs
Many facLors are conLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe lncreaslng dlverslLy ln Lhe workplace rlslng numbers of
lmmlgranLs mergers or [olnL venLures wlLh companles ln oLher counLrles lnLernaLlonal compeLlLlon LhaL
necesslLaLes hlrlng a more dlverse workforce Lhe rlslng use of Lemps and consulLanLs and Lhe lncreaslng
globallzaLlon of all buslness 8ecause of Lhls rlse ln dlverslLy human resource personnel are scrambllng
Lo maLch beneflLs wlLh newly dlverse employees ln order Lo compeLe for Lhe besLquallfled workers
1herefore human resource personnel musL conLlnually evaluaLe Lhelr plans Lo malnLaln relevance Lo
Lhelr speclflc workforce ulverslLy ls crlLlcal for exlsLence 1herefore a beneflLs program whlch supporLs
Lhls dlverslLy ls crlLlcal CreaLer pressure ls belng placed on human resources Lo moLlvaLe dlverse groups
of workersofLen wlLh wlldly dlvergenL values and aLLlLudes 1he problem Lhen becomes one of
bulldlng Leamwork synergy and a coheslve culLure from Lhe varlous groups Lhe mosL lmporLanL
componenL of Lhls aLLempL Lo bulld Leamwork becomes how falrly lndlvlduals belleve Lhey are belng
A loL of problems may arlse keeplng ln vlew Lhe change ln Lhe dlverslflcaLlon whlch may lnclude Lhe
dlvergence ln companles pollcles for lnsLance company clalms Lo be Lhe equal opporLunlLy employer
buL has a speclflc poslLlon for males lurLhermore someLlmes whlle maklng hlrlng declslons P8 goes for
whaL sulLs Lhe org ln Lerms of Llme managemenL cosL efflclency avallablllLy of Lhe employee eLc
ln case of 1CL 1CL ls Lhe largesL LelecommunlcaLlon and lnLerneL servlce provlder ln aklsLan and has
en[oyed monopol y l n Lhl s secLor for l ong Ll me ln splLe of faclng aggresslve compeLlLlon by Lhe
cel l ul ar servl ce provl ders 1CL sLl l l hol ds Lhe l argesL overal l l nfrasLrucLure empl oyee and
cusLomer daLabase ln LelecommunlcaLlon secLor AfLer Lhe Lake over of 1CL's managemenL rlghLs by
LLlsalaL a uAL LelecommunlcaLlon gl anL Lhl ngs never seemed normal as Lhe huge workforce
of 1CL who were en[oyl ng governmenL [obs for long were sLruck wlLh [ob lnsecurlLy suddenly 1he
all come ouL on roads proLesLlng buL of no help
-ow Lcl has Lo face a loL of challenges lncludlng Lhe dlverslLy lssues along wlLh oLher beurocraLlc ones
lollowlng are some of Lhe ways l belleve 1CL can adapL Lo ln order Lo overcome Lhe challenge of
O 1CL needs Lo Lraln lLs employees lncludlng Lhe Lop managers as well as Lhe sLaff and leL Lhem
undersLand Lhe cores of dlverslLy whaL beneflL Lhey can geL ouL of lL and how Lhey can handle any
lssues arlslng ln Lhls regard
O 1CL should ensure an envlronmenL LhaL guaranLees an open communlcaLlon beLween Lhe
employees and Lhe managers so Lhey could solve Lhe problems Lhemselves wlLhouL Lhem belng
Lurned lnLo blgger problems ln Lhe fuLure
O Leadershlp should be selecLed from dlverse sources noL prlmarlly lnvolvlng blased declslons Leaders
should be held responslble for any lssues arlslng wlLhln Lhe org and Lhelr Leams and Lhey should be
Lralned Lo handle Lhe lssues arlslng from dlverslLy
O uch pollcy should be developed LhaL focuses on long Lerm beneflLs for Lhe organlzaLlon ulverslLy ls
a long Lerm process and requlres Llme any myoplc aLLlLude can resulL ln damages for Lhe
O LasL buL noL Lhe leasL 1CL should LreaL ulverslLy as an opporLunlLy noL a hurdle or problem only
Lhen lL would be able Lo culLlvaLe a healLhy dlverslfled culLure wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon

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