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5th Grade ELA #1 Open Response Rubric

5th Grade Rubric for Reading Response #1

3 2 1 0 A 3-point response states or implies which word best describes the main character in the story, and provides two text-based details to support the choice. A 2-point response states or implies which word best describes the main character in the story, and provides a text-based detail to support the choice. A 1-point response states or implies which word best describes the main character in the story. OR Provides one text-based detail to support the choice. The response is inaccurate, confused and/or irrelevant, or the student failed to respond to the task.

5th Grade Rubric for Reading Response #2

3 2 1 0 A 3-point response provides three text-based details that support the conclusion. A 2-point response provides two text-based detais that support the conclusion. A 1-point response provides one text-based detail that supports the conclusion. The response is inaccurate, confused and/or irrelevant, or the student failed to respond to the task. PEER RESPONSE TO STUDENT WRITING SAMPLE Rubric 4 The response clearly and fully addresses the task and demonstrates an understanding of the effective elements of writing that are relevant to the task. Ideas are supported by relevant, specific details from the student writing sample. There may be surface feature errors, but they do not interfere with meaning. The response addresses the task and demonstrates some understanding of the effective elements of writing that are relevant to the task. Ideas are somewhat supported with a mix of general and specific relevant details from the student writing sample. There may be surface feature errors, but they do not interfere with meaning.

The response demonstrates limited ability to address the task and may show limited understanding of the effective elements of writing that are relevant to the task. Ideas may be supported with vague and/or partially relevant details from the student writing sample. There may be surface features that partially interfere with meaning. The response demonstrates an attempt to address the task with little, if any, understanding of the effective elements of writing that are relevant to the task. The response may include generalizations about the student writing sample with few, if any, details. There may be surface feature errors that interfere with meaning.

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