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DESSON He’s = He is eShe’s = She is els he...? Is she...? DIALOGUE: Is he young? Is she young? sone: My love is young Hallo, John. Is Antonio here? Maria: Alé, Jodo. Anténio esta? John: No, he’s in bed. Jodo: Nao, esté na cama. Mary: — \s he tired? Maria; Esté cansado? No, he’s ill. Joao: N§o, esta doente. NOWES) Is &, Praticamos as palavras que se seguem a | @ a you: | am, e you are. Depois de he e she emprega-se uma palavra diferente: is. Por isso dizemos: he is tired (ele esté cansado) e she is tired (ela esta cansadaj. As formas abreviadas sao he’s e she’s. Eis aqui alguns exemplos: 1am tired I'm tired You are tired Youre tired He is tired He's tired She is tired She's tired Nas perguntas, inverte-se a ordem das palavras: Aml...2 Are you...? Is he...? Is she...? 4/24 DIARIES Is he young? Is she young? (John e Mary vao jogar adivinhacées, como na ligdo 1) Lesson four: The guessing-game again (Outra vez 0 jogo das adivinhagdes) Mary: Quiet, please. Quiet. f: John: Quiet, please. Mary: We're going to play the gues- sing-game again h - , All: Good Il think of a film-star and you must guess who it is. Ready? ae 4/25 John: Man or woman? Mary: Man. Mike: \s he young? Mary: No, he’s old. John: \|s he American? Mary: No, he’s English. All: Laurence Olivier? James Ma- son? Alistair Sim? Mary: One at a time, please. One at a time. John: Alistair Sim? Mary: No. Mike: James Mason? Mary: No. John: Laurence Olivier? Mary: Yes. (Continua o jogo de adivinhagées) John: Now I'll think of a film-star. All. Man or woman? Young or old? English or American? Jonn: Quiet, please. One at a time. Mary: Man or woman? John. ‘Woman. Mike: \s she young? John: No, she is old.

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