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Precursor Pyrimidine + Thiazole ring Ribose + Flavin ring - “whitish crystalline” “odorless crystalline”; sol. In H20 and R-OH
Other form TPP (thiamine PYRO phosphate) FMN (flavin adenine MONO nucleotide) NAD/NADP PLP ( PyridoxAL phosphate)
TTP (thiamine TRI phosphate) FAD (flavin adenine DI nucleotide) NADH/NADPH – reduced form PMP (PyridoxAMINE phosphate)
- via comb’n w/ PHOSPHORIC ACID - phosphorylated forms
- “flavokinase” PyridoxINE
- regulated by THYROXINE
STORAGE MUSCLE – prime reservoir
Absorption Inhibited by ALCOHOL
Transportation PLP bound to ALBUMIN
Stable in/@ Dry form Heat, oxidation, acid Resistant to heat, air, light acid and alkali
Acid solution (stable in heat)
Unstable in/@ Thiaminase (rawfish) destroy 50% Alakali (baking soda), UV eg. tetrapack Alkali and light
TANNINS in tea –antithiamin factor drinks * INH/ISONIAZID – amtagonist
Dietary forms/
Food sources
Functions A. COENZYME (TPP) A. PROSTHETIC group of coenzymes A. COMPONENT of coenymes in ETC A. both (PLP and PMP) COENZYME
1. oxidative decarboylation 1. REDOX 1. Transamination
a. PYR  acetyl CoA B. HYDROGEN ACCEPTORS 2. other reaction in CHON metab.
b. ketoacids eg. a-KG B. HYDROGEN CARRIERS in 1. REDOX  release of energy
2. transketolase reaction in pentose mitochondrial ETC B. PLP
phosphate shunt C. Lowers Serum Cholesterol (3g/day) 1. a-amino levulinic acid – precursor of heme
2. Trp  NIACIN
D. flushing and vasodilation 3. Linoleic acid  Arachidonic Acid
4. Sphingolipid  Myelin Sheath
Deficiencies DRY beriberi CHEILOSIS – inflammation of LIPS PELLAGRA A. Peripheral neuritis
WET beriberi – edema and effusions - “angular stomatitis” a. dermatitis – cracked, pigmented skin
Acute Perniciois beriberi – CV (parts exposed to light) B. CNS abnormalities (NO GABA)
symptoms; tachycardia OCULAR DISTURBANCES – b. dementia
inflammation of CORNEA c. diarrhea C. PMS
d. death
HYPOTHYRODISM D.Malaise, Depression – OCP users
- incr, Trp in urine (not converted to Niacin)

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