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EDL 6 - ‘Vous disposez dun dossier constitué des éléments suivants : ~ Document A (Al, A2, A3, Ad, AS) : extraits d’un manuel de seconde publié en 1994, En vous appuyant sur I'analyse des éléments constituant ce dossier, vous Gtudierez dans quelle mesure les tiches proposées a I'éléve visent a la construction de savoir-faire dans le cadre de l"entrainement & la lecture suivie. : Als |p, Gutpep READING fs ans un guided reacing 0° vous oanne e minimum deformations utleables mnddiatment raste des zones ombre, Elles serant élarcis au fur et 4 mesure. On va vous guider pour Une lecture active. ‘THE LUNCHEON Read ts following shor story” ented The Lunabeanty Somerset Maugharn (1874-1968), ute ovate » Tohelp you, the story has been dlvided into sections HI Proceed rough this guides reading ata by step TU GAGE caught sight of Aer at the play and in answer to har beckoning? I went aver during the 2 stems“ragreae sae Interval! and sat dow hesde her, I wo a Jog time since Eh last ston her and if someone 2 Coors Jnad not mentioned her name f arly think £ seen Fave recized her. She addressed me Doightly, ‘Well fs many years since we frst met, How tie des fy! Wete none of us going any younger. Do you emember the fest te fw you? You aed me to hunchees!” —¢ syacab nc ia) I G+ irosdorteundeistae his section, extract as much information as you can about 2 who'T is presumabhy! i bb whovhor a © whore they were now @ they nadrmatbofore ‘ 9 2 trey hadrmet very often it she looked nepoy to ae bie no. ‘hath had offered todo the tst tine they me, Write the information in fll sentences in your exercise tock. Once you've fnishee, ask your i teacher to give you Key T. Compare with your ensues, 1 lt emai Fees wey Joga wat ng 1 a a ny agra th ala hor erong sven i wn saring ly eigh sey ry ta fet tgs, Sbeo rat ek ome an had wench aw shat seve Thnk san pesca Tce fey rants it sng oto we psig Mrmr ad we keh a th et et He es ened ae a {ec otc sed nse loving Tha shew pet no Tuto ad would I gi Mero lanchouat Raye aware? Poy fern hh ete sents en ans 0B bey yee tT hed eve nog eng he laser aI ws to youn ae laced 0 fot owomnn {hey tans (id aa) 10 lee ce ee ah a modest Incheon should not cos more than fifteen. If T cut out coffee for the next two weeks if Toul mage el ough + Choose the coret rset. ! The mainirest of tis parti ha ve lam about 2 "ereconsmrenatouaten el he vara ren hella custo © he prtesson stunton ee + Use anadjsive to uy ia iutin. Te young min vas very! Corsequany, xt neato lponittsepametel ote et oe txurke bi? i & + inyoureprien, how wl the story develop? Wits tke hero the restaurant? l ht elements» xt SUPPOM YOURPREDICTN? C2. he x (Gi) sttieisesonet anotscion este tea, o set tw aosphere Now, wha sof “ ‘story do you EXPECT? Dramatic? Tragic? Humorous? Lat mates ou inks? What lgal dos the wt geo repre there? Hon dea he bul up hsp? cnsleit oe Ne oe Now read the rest of the stay. You will notice that the -Jinto six seenes sna i caneaname Fi vere 15 Lie salmon seane (seman ~ 218 sone 1 The salmoe sesne 193 The seene Score 6:1 ene 1 answered that | would meet my Biend ~ by carespondeace - at fuyot's on Thursday at dul past twelve. Se was not so young as expected and In appearanes imposing rther shan stractive. She was in fact.2. woman of forty (9 charming age. but not one that exekes sudden and devastating passion at fist sigh) and she gave me the impression of having more teeth, white and lange and evea, than were necessary far any practical purpose. She #35 talative, but since she ved inclined totale about me {seas prepied fo be a attentive ster 1 yas startled whi the bill of fare yes row than Thad anticipated, But she rear me. “teen eat anything for Iunchowm,” she st “Ob, don't say tht!” fanswered generously “1 never cat more than one Using. F dink people eat far too much nowadays. A litle fish perhaps. Ewonder if they have aay salmon. ‘Welt was cary in the year for salon and it was not‘ the bil of fire, bu asked sh walter if there was any. Yes, a beoutifel almond just come in, st was the fin they Bid hod. 1 ondered it for my guest. The waiter aed her If she woukt have something sie i wae being cook. J, forthe prices were a great desl higher Re ee Ce ee erence Soe ee ee ee eee ne ee eee ee eee the menus and thar was 9 mutton chop ee ee eet ce : Seren hen came tbe question of dink “Lever drink anything foe Juncheon’ she either do 1 L answered povanpely : wwe she proceeded as shough Vad not spin. “These Freel wine wines | ecw ig Taos won erie stein She pve mesg and mae ch whe sre me ic nh oe tampa | TARE ie le wt hal ne ed aly ht ay dove 4 : i vine And ss the sno, Shed gal of and erate and ns Bur f wondered what the bil! would cvene 1, When my mmton-chop arrived she woke in the habit of eating 4 heavy Iuncheoa. Yim sue W's. a mistake. Why dos’ ry example and just eat ose dang? Tim sure you'd feel ever so much beter for 2 ea one ching” sd. 35 the waiter came in with the il of

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