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Corredor de Informacin: Conozcan a Tim Osman

Cuando Osama era Tim Osmanpor J. Orlin Grabbe traduccion personal Tim Osman (Ossman) se ha vuelto mas conocido como Osama Bin Laden. "Tim Osman" era el nombre que le haba asignado la CIA para su gira por los EE.UU. y las bases militares estadounidenses, en busca de apoyo poltico y armamentos. [...] Hay algunas pruebas de que Osman Tim ... visit la Casa Blanca. Hay certezas de que Tim Osman recorri algunas bases militares de EE.UU., incluso se le mostraron los equipamientos especiales de ltima generacin. Por qu esto no ha sido reportado en los principales medios de comunicacin? Los dos hombres se dirigieron hacia el Hotel Hilton en Sherman Oaks, California, a finales de la primavera de 1986, iban camino a reunirse con representantes de los mujahadeen, los combatientes afganos que resistan la invasin sovitica en Afganistn. Uno de los dos, Ted Gunderson, ha tenido una distinguida carrera en el FBI, sirviendo como una especie de supervisor de agentes especiales en los primeros aos del 60, como jefe de la oficina local de Dallas entre 1973-75, y como jefe de la oficina de campo de Los Angeles entre 19771979. Se retir para convertirse en un investigador para, entre otros, el conocido abogado F. Lee Bailey. Y todo a lo largo del camino, Gunderson, estando o no en realidad contratado como agente de la CIA, ha prestado servicio en diversas operaciones de la CIA y del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional, como lo est haciendo ahora. En aos ms recientes Gunderson se convertira en un hombre polmico por sus investigaciones de redes de prostitucin infantil, luego que l se convenci de la inocencia de un mdico del Ejrcito llamado Jeffrey McDonald, que haba sido condenado por el asesinato de su esposa y tres nios pequeos en la dcada de 1970 . Esto llevo a los principales operadores de la industria de la prostitucin infantil a intentar manchar la reputacin de Gunderson. Michael Riconosciuto estaba all para ayudar a discutir a los mujaidines con MANPADs-Man Portable Air Defense Systems. Msiles Stinger eran una posibilidad. Si los EE.UU. permitir su exportacin, Riconosciuto podra modificar el sistema electrnico de los Stingers, para que el misil guiado fuese eficaz contra aviones soviticos, pero no contra los EE.UU. o las fuerzas de la OTAN. Pero Riconosciuto tuvo otra idea. A travs de sus conexiones con el grupo industrial y militar chino Norinco, pudo obtener los componentes bsicos desmontados para el sistema de cohetes chinos 107 MM. Estos podan ser reconfigurados en un formato porttil, de lanzacohetes, con misiles antiareos guiados por sistema, y producidos en Pakistn en una instalacin denominada Pakistan Ordinance Works. El mujaidines tendran entonces un arma letal contra los soviticos en helicptero, observadores y aviones de transporte. Riconosciuto fue algo ms que un experto en la electrnica de msiles; fue tambin un experto en computadoras electrnicas y temas asociados, tales como la criptografa. Riconosciuto era un prodigio que haba crecido en la comunidad spook. La familia Riconosciuto haba

iniciado la compaa Hrcules, en California, como una empresa de ciudad. En los primeros tiempos (1861) una empresa llamada California Powder Works se haba establecido en Santa Cruz, CA. Posteriormente compr la tierra en la Baha de San Pablo, y en 1881 comenz a producir dinamita, localizando sus edificios en barrancas y quebradas con fines de seguridad. Un potente tipo de polvo negro fue nombrado "Hrcules Powder", que dio el nombre a la ciudad de Hrcules, incorporado formalmente en 1900. En la Primera Guerra Mundial, Hrcules se convirti en el mayor productor de TNT en los EE.UU., Hrcules, sin embargo, ha quedado fuera del negocio de explosivos en 1940 cuando se construy una planta de amonaco anhidro. En 1959 comenz a funcionar en Hrcules una nueva planta manufacturera, produciendo metanol, formaldehdo y urea formaldehdo. En 1966 la planta fue vendida a Valley Nitrogen Producers. Diversos problemas dieron lugar al cierre de instalaciones en 1977. En 1979 la planta y el sitio fueron adquiridos por un grupo de inversores llamando a s mismos Hercules Properties, Ltd. Sin embargo, Michael y su padre Marshall Riconosciuto, un amigo de Richard Nixon, continuaron trabajando la Hercules Research Corporation. A principios de 1980 Michael tambin se desempe como Director de Investigacin para una empresa conjunta entre la Wackenhut Corporation, de Coral Gables, Florida, y el Cabazon Band de los indios en Indio, California. su talento era bastante demandado. l ha creado la bomba a-neutrnica (o " dispositivos electro-hidrodinmicos de combustible gaseoso"), que hundi el nivel del suelo del polgono de ensayos de Nevada de 30 pies cuando fue puesta a prueba. Samuel Cohen, el inventor de la bomba de neutrones, dijo de Riconosciuto: "He hablado con Michael Riconosciuto (el inventor de un bomba-neutrnica) y l es un hombre extraordinariamente brillante. Tambin tengo una corazonada, que no puedo demostrar, que ambos (Riconosciuto y Lavos, su pareja) indirectamente trabajan para la CIA. " Riconosciuto's bomb made suitcase nukes obsolete, because it achieved near-atomic explosive yields, but could be more easily miniaturized.. Usted poda tener una maleta-bomba-neutrnica, o un maletn-bomba, o, simplemente, una cartera-bomba de mujer. O sacar su billetera para la identificacin y -. El Meridian Arms Corporation, as como las Universidades de California y Chicago se apoderaron de una parte de esta tecnologa. Pero haba ms que explosivos en las agendas de los agentes de la CIA que rodeaban a Riconosciuto como polillas alrededor de una vela. Tanto Booth Robert Nichols, el jefe de las sombras de Meridian Arms Corporation (conectado con la CIA y el crimen organizado), y Dr. John Phillip Nichols, el director de la reserva Cabazon, participaron en los trabajos de guerra biolgica- el primero en tratar de vender productos de guerra biolgica al ejrcito a travs de Wackenhut, el segundo en dar permiso para que las pruebas e investigacin tuvieran lugar en Cabazon. Segn Riconosciuto, el DARPA (Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) estuvo a cargo de los contratos clasificados para la investigacin de armas biolgicas. Riconosciuto ms tarde declaro bajo juramento que los laboratorios Stormont (que hizo investigaciones sobre la gentica de tipo de sangre y que haba sido fundada por este hombre) habian participado en el proyecto DARPA-Wackenhut-Cabazon. Jonathan LITTMAN, un reportero para el San Francisco Chronicle relato: "Cabazon y Wackenhut parece ser que actan como intermediarios entre el DARPA del Pentgono y la Stormont, una pequea instalacin en Woodland, cerca de Sacramento." The Race Weapon Riconosciuto would make additional claims about Bio-Rad corporation, a medical supplier which had gradually taken over Hercules, California. They were also, Riconosciuto would say, covertly engaged in biowarfare researchproducing some of the deadliest toxins known to man. The focus of Bio-Rad's research was said to be bio-active elements that could be tailored to attack those with certain types of DNA. Weapons could thus be produced that were specifically designed to wipe out specific races or genetic classes of human beings. (Alternatively, particular DNA types could be immunized against a deadly biological agent; the agent could then be released, and everyone else would die.) A couple of years later, Meridian International Logistics, the parent company of Meridian Arms, was to farm similar research out to the Japanese. This included (according to minutes of a corporate meeting dated Aug. 26, 1988) methods for "induction and activation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes". Associated with Meridian's Robert Booth Nichols in a Middle Eastern operation called FIDCO, a company that ran arms into and heroin out of Lebanon's Beqaa (Bekaa) Valley, was Harold Okimoto, a high-ranking member of the Yakuza. Okimoto had longed worked under Frank Carlucci (who served as Secretary of Defense and Deputy Director of the CIA before becoming Chairman of The Carlyle Group). Okimoto owned food concessions in casinos around the worldLas Vega, Reno, Macao, and the Middle East. (Free drinks and anthrax while you play blackjack, anyone?) Meeting Riconosciuto and Gunderson at the hotel were two representatives of the mujahadeen, waiting to discuss their armament needs. One of the two was named "Ralph Olberg." The other one was called Tim Osman (or Ossman).

"Ralph Olberg" was an American businesman who was leading the procurement of American weapons and technology on behalf of the Afghan rebels. He worked through the Afghan desk at the U.S. State Department, as well as through Senator Hubert Humphrey's office. Olberg looked after the Afghanis through a curious front called MSHManagement Sciences for Health. The other man, dressed in Docker's clothing, was not a native Afghan any more than Olberg was. He was a 27-year-old Saudi. Tim Osman (Ossman) has recently become better known as Osama Bin Laden. "Tim Osman" was the name assigned to him by the CIA for his tour of the U.S. and U.S. military bases, in search of political support and armaments. Gunderson and Riconosciuto were not on an altruistic mission. They had some conditions for their help. And they had some bad news to deliver. The mujahadeen needed to be willing to test new weapons in the field and to return a research report, complete with photos. The bad news was that some factions of the CIA didn't feel that Oldberg and Osman's group were the real representatives of the Afghans. Upon hearing this both Tim and Ralph were indignant. They wanted to mount a full-court press. Round up other members of their group and do a congressional and White House lobbying effort in Washington, D.C. "Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name." The Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil Did the lobbying effort take place? I don't know. There is some evidence that Tim Osman and Ralph Oldberg visited the White House. There is certainty that Tim Osman toured some U.S. military bases, even receiving special demonstrations of the latest equipment. Why hasn't this been reported in the major media? One week after giving an affidavit to Inslaw regarding the PROMIS software in 1991, Riconosciuto was arrested on trumped-up drug charges. The Assistant U.S. Attorney prosecuting the case attempted to cover up Riconosciuto's intelligence background by claiming to the jury he was "delusional." A TV station came and pointed a camera out at the desert at Cabazon and said, "Riconosciuto says he modified the PROMIS software here." Of course Riconosciuto didn't modify the software out between the cacti and yucca. Sand isn't good for computers. He did the modifications in offices in nearby Indio, California. The AUSA told reporters Riconosciuto had been diagnosed with a mental condition, the implication being "he's making all this stuff up". Yes, there had been a mental evaluation of Riconosciuto. I have a copy of the report. The diagnosis? Here it is: NO MENTAL DISORDER. The Department of Justice consistently and maliciously lied to the jury, just as had been threatened by Justice Department official Peter Viednicks if Riconosciuto cooperated with the congressional investigation of PROMIS. If the war against Osama Bin Laden (Tim Osman) is not a total fraud, then what is Michael Riconosciuto doing in prison? Why doesn't he have an office next to Colin Powell so he can give realistic advice on Bin Laden's thinking? And where is Ralph Olberg? Thirty-four days before the East African embassy bombings of August 7, 1998, Riconosciuto notified the FBI in Miami that the bombings were going to take place. Two days prior to the bombings he requested of BOP (Bureau of Prisons) officials at the Federal Corrections Institution (FCI) in Coleman, FL., that he be allowed to call ECOMOG security headquarters to warn African officials. The BOP denied the request. Riconosciuto was mystified at being ignored by the relevant government authorities. I'm not mystified. I suspect the reason Riconosciuto was ignored was that the relevant parties, including especially the Miami FBI office, knew all along the bombings would take place. And they wanted them to happen. The same is true with respect to the recent plane bombings of the WTC. It wasn't an intelligence "failure". The terrorist acts were deliberately allowed to happen. The actors may have been foreign. But the stage directors appear to have been all along here in the U.S. Cui bono? Isn't it time to let Michael Riconosciuto out of prison, and wipe the slate clean of the trumped up drug charges, and let him be a national security advisorat least with respect to the government's pursuit of Osama Bin Laden? Isn't it time to quit pretending Osama Bin Laden came out of nowhere? This is not an academic argument. Sources say three dozen MANPADs have been imported into Quebec, Canada, from Colombia (where they arrived from Eastern Europe). The missile shipments followed the "northern" drug routefrom Colombia into Canada. The missiles involved are Russian Strellas and Iglas. These will serve just fine to take down commercial airline flights. Just like TWA 800. Which group of terrorists has the missiles? Meanwhile, how many biological warfare agents are in the hands of organized crime? Maybe you should ask Riconosciuto about all this. Michael Riconosciuto is now incarcerated at the FCI Allenwood, PA. You know where to find him.

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