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Unit 3 - People Power > Tapescript for Exercise 2a (p. 53) 1 Alan, 33 My grandfather on my father's side of the family definitely had the greatest influence on me. He always seemed to have such wise answers to everything and | always felt so relaxed and comfortable in his company. In fact, he was the one who helped me gain confidence over the years. He always used to tell me never to be afraid of anything or anyone because fear is actually what prevents us from reaching great heights. Now, as an adult, | realise just how right he was and how important his advice has been to me Eve, 20 Gill has been my best friend for ages! We're in each other's pockets almost twenty-four hours a day. She’s the one who always has an ear for my innermost secrets and | know they won't go any further. She’s helped me through some really rough times when even my parents couldn't understand how | felt. We share absolutely everything ... Martha, 41 I think most of us can remember at least one particular teacher who was special and had a great influence on us. I'll never forget Miss Thompson, our maths teacher. She could answer any question we threw at her, but, more importantly, she answered in such a calm, pleasant way that you couldn't help but admire her. She always had time for her students and had such great patience when we asked her to explain * things over and over again. Now, years later, | realise how her patience and kindness have influenced my attitude in the office. After all, it’s the only way to have the full cooperation of employees. Helen, 38 Oh, well ... my idol was always Cher. | remember having long, straight hair parted in the middle the same as hers and huge round earrings just like the ones that are fashionable today. Whatever she wore, | wore! | had some wonderfully eccentric bell-bottoms like hers as well. Of course | also have the full collection of all of her songs ... must be worth a small fortune by now, don’t you think?

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