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NOTA CIENTIFICA PREDATION ON Hyla minuta PETERS, 1872 (ANURA, HYLIDAE) BY Ancylometes spp. (ARANEAE, PISAU- RIDAE). Tadpoles, juveniles. and adults of anurans are preyed upon by spiders, principally pisaurids and tarantulas (NEILL, 1948; GROVES and GROVES, 1978: FORMANOWICZ JR. ct al.. 1981: HAYES. 1983: BASTOS et al 1994: JOHNSON. 1996). Although spiders represemt important predators for some small anurans (HAYES. 1983). there are few published reports of spiders preying on adult anurans (e.g,. DEL-GRANDE and MOURA, 1997). ‘The neoteopical hylid frog. MJvla munuta Peters. 1872, occurs from lowlands cast of Andes from Colombia. Venczucla, and Trinidad southward to Bolivia, and Argentina (LUTZ, 1973). This is a common small species (less than 30 mm snout-vent length) in the environments of various regions, breeding. in temporary and permanent ponds (LUTZ. 1973: HEYER ct al., 1990; pers. obs.). Herein, we report three cases of predation by spiders of genus Incylometes on adults of 1H minute ‘On 19 November 1996 at 21h 18min (air temperature 23°C) in the ‘que Nacional da Serra do Divisor” (0727'S: 73°36" W). State of Acre, Bi a pisaurid spider -Incylometes gigas (Pickard-Cambridge, 1897) (30 mm ‘cephalotoras and abdomen length) was observed (by MBS) cating an adult female 17 minuta (21 mm snout-vent length), The spider and frog which were photographed (Fig. 1) were on a 1.55 m high trunk near a river. The spider was collected and deposited in the “Colegio de Aracnologia do Muscu de Cigncias ¢ Tecnologia da Pontificia Universidade Catdlica do Rio Grande do Sul” (MCTP 10427) and the frog in the “Colegdo Herpetoldgica da Universi- dade Federal do Acre” (UFAC 2683), me CLAS. Porto Agee»: 7.m. Lp. 199-208, jun 1999) 200) BERN ARDE PS SOt 7A MIE de® KORTE ML MCN de On 7 November 1997 at 9h 4hmin. (air temperature 28°C) in the “R soma Extrativisia do Alto Jurua” (WITS: TMEEW), State of Acre Brvvil, a spider -tacslametes sp. was observed (by MBS) eating an adult 11 minuta (ae, 20 ann souvent length), The spider and frog which were Photographed (Fig. 2) were on a fallen trunk near a pond in a secundary forest, The specimens were not collected On 1 October 1998 at 20H 40 min. in the “Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy” (23°27°S; SI°1SW), Municipality of Londrina, State of Param. Br ‘il. pisaurid spider neviometesvnipes Bertkau, 880 (30 nin cephulot and abdomen fength) was observed (by PSB and MCNK yeating a adult 11 mata (29 mmm snout-vent length), The spider and frog which were photographed (Fig. 3) were on a (40) m high leaf of pha sp. (Typhaicene) ima permanent pond in forest border. ‘The spider was collected and deposited in the MCTP collection (10359) and the frog inthe “Museu de Historia Nati- ral Capdo da Imbuia” (MHNCI 3557), in Curitiba Municipality. State of Parans, Brasil Spiders, principally psaurids and Iycosids. are commonly found near aquatic environments (ponds and streams) during the night (WISE. 199% pers, obs.), Because anurans are found in breeding activities in this same tubitat, predation by spiders is likely to be important on adult of small hs lid frogs (esp MF minuta. H nana Boulenger. 1889.and FF sanhoens Seba 1944), yet Few documented. acknowledge to Dr. Amo A. Lise (PUCRS). Dr. Antonio D. Brescovit {Instituto Butantan) for the spiders identifications, and to Dr. Celio Haddad for reading the manuscript. Fellowships by Capes (PSB) le We TITER MIURE CHTED 1 BASTOS, RE, OLIVER. OC. POMAL JR 28 Hite vay Merpetologial Review, Lassrnss.¥ 28.90 Lp LI 19 2. DELAGKANDE, MI MOURA. G- five sonoras (NEN) Pradation Hexpetntagieat Reson. Lassies 289 bp HT 2 }VORMANOWICZ JR. DR. STEWART, MAL TOWNSEND. RK. POLGH, PHT [BRUSSARD.E Prodaion hy gant ta pasrsonthe Paso Ris ga " cous Merpetologics alist. 37. HES, 8 4 GROVES. ID. GROVES, F. Spider proton on amphibians md repsies Bulletin Maryland Herpetological Society. Marsa 14. bed, 1978 S. MP Predation tthe adults an pesatching sags of hss tos (Cont Wictraplea, Now Orksas © 140 hp Mei 19K BIOCIENCIAS, Porto Msgs 8. To faye 1H for 1972 mia, ida 201 dato on bOMEYER, WR. RAND. VS. CRIZ, CMG, PEINOTO, OF, NELSON, CE Frogs of Faaaosta Arquivos de Zalogia Sie Uo, 9. A p.2¥oA10, 1930 JOUNSON, S.A. Fula temnats Pn Wonk Testing) Prodton, Herpetological Review Toronees 9 27 a LT 19%, STUTZ. 1 Meallian species of pte, esti and Lona Unis of Fe Bess 1978, 265 gen, Lait, 4 SPILL, WT, Spars pron topics sad anopibiane Hexpet SK, P88 Hy WISE. D-IL Spiers in evegieal wel. Now Yok: Cambie Caietsity Pres, 1998, Paulo Sérgio Bernarde Moisés Barbosa de Souza’ Marcelo Carvalho de Nogueira Kokubum? Rewbanain 12 O09 asso: 10899 1 Cura de MsCiradsagan oom Zoulopia, Departmen ds Zoologia, Universal: Feta do Fran Cy Post P30, CEPSISNL90%, Carib, Pagan. Braz fF Daparangnts oe Cigna da Natura, United Fedral do Acre CEP 69915.900, Rio anv bore, rail 4 Vvsridde taal Paulista TBH CE Rua Critosi0 Colombo 2268, CEP 1804-000, io lene do Riot So Pal, Brail OCH NELAS. Pom Nees: To Lp 199-208, jum 1999)

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