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Garden of the Heart Ministries

Personalized Scripture Prayers

Pulling Down Strongholds A stronghold starts with a thought that raises itself above and against Gods will and His Word. Its an untruth rooted in deception that the devil uses to convince people into believing his lies, instead what God's Word says. When this wrong thinking is believed and acted upon as if it is the truth, it becomes a stronghold in a persons life from which the enemy controls them. For example, a woman may have self image problems because she is constantly told through the media that in order to be beautiful she must be model thin. This thinking is contrary to what God's word says, but because she believes it, she acts upon it and develops an eating disorder from which the enemy controls her. When strongholds are implanted in the heart, they strangle everything in their path. You may feel like you can't get free from them, or you might not even be aware you have one because it becomes a belief that you try to protect. Through prayer you can uproot it. Some strongholds are anger, bitterness, depression, hopelessness, pessimism, lust, unforgiveness, unbelief, pride, rejection, rebellion, jealousy, pornography, addiction, resentment, hatred, alcoholism, etc. In Jesus name, I pull down and destroy every stronghold, imagination, argument and high thing that raises itself against the knowledge of Gods word in _______s heart. I pull down the stronghold(s) of ____________. I take __________s thoughts captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ and bind his/her heart to Gods word of truth. When he/she walks about, it will guide him/her. When he/she sleeps, it will watch over him/her, and when_______ awakens, it will talk to him/her. (2 Cor. 10:4-5; Pro. 6:21) If the Lord exposed a strong man that may have a strong hold on a person (Mark 3:27), bind it inoperable against them in the name of Jesus and in the power of His blood, and loose the opposite. Pray this way, using "unforgiveness" as an example: In Jesus name and by the power of His blood, I bind the strong man of unforgiveness and I forbid it from operating in _____________'s heart. I declare it inoperable against him/her. I loose the spirit of forgiveness into his/her heart according to Matthew 18:18 that says, Whatever I bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and whatever I loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.

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