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Mirror A Web Site With rsync

1> Main server: (server1) - IP address:

Mirror/backup server: (mirror) - IP address:
The web site that is to be mirrored is in /var/www/Project on

2> server1/mirror:
yum install rsync

3> server1:
useradd -d /home/rsync -m -s /bin/bash rsync
passwd rsync

4> mirror:
rsync -avz -e ssh rsync@

You should see something like this. Answer with yes:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be

RSA key fingerprint is 32:e5:79:8e:5f:5a:25:a9:f1:0d:ef:be:5b:a6:a6:23.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

<-- yes

password for rsync user:

5> mirror:

mkdir /root/rsync
ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 2048 -f /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key

Generating public/private dsa key pair.

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key.
Your public key has been saved in /root/rsync/
The key fingerprint is:
89:92:64:49:18:e2:e0:03:ac:c3:ac:94:37:34:97:f0 root@sandbox

It is important that you do not enter a passphrase otherwise the mirroring will
not work without human interaction so simply hit enter!

6> mirror:

scp /root/rsync/ rsync@

7> server1:

(Please do this as user (i.e. rsync))

mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
mv ~/ ~/.ssh/
cd ~/.ssh
touch authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys
cat >> authorized_keys

By doing this, we have appended the contents of to the file

/home/someuser/.ssh/authorized_keys. /home/someuser/.ssh/authorized_keys should
look similar to this:

8> server1:

(Still as someuser(i.e.rsync))
vi /home/rsync/.ssh/authorized_keys

O/p Looks like this:

ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAA[...]lSUom root@mirror

Now we want to allow connections only from, and the connecting
user should be allowed to use only rsync, so we add


9> server1:

(Still as someuser (i.e. rsync))

vi /home/rsync/.ssh/authorized_keys

10> server1:

(Still as someuser(i.e. rsync))

vi /home/rsync/.ssh/authorized_keys

O/P should be:

forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAA[...]lSUom root@

It is important that you use a FQDN like instead of an IP

address after from=, otherwise the automated mirroring will not work!

Now we create the script /home/someuser/rsync/checkrsync that rejects all commands

except rsync.

11> server1:

(We still do this as someuser (i.e. rsync))

mkdir ~/rsync
vi ~/rsync/checkrsync


echo "Rejected"
echo "Rejected"
echo "Rejected"
echo "Rejected"
echo "Rejected"
echo "Rejected"
rsync\ --server*)
echo "Rejected"

chmod 700 ~/rsync/checkrsync

12> Test rsync On mirror:

Now we must test on if we can mirror

without being prompted for someuser's password. We do this:


(We do this as root!)

rsync -avz --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy

rsync -avz --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy

You should now see that the mirroring takes place:

receiving file list ... done

sent 71 bytes received 643 bytes 476.00 bytes/sec

total size is 64657 speedup is 90.56

13> mirror:

(We do this as root!)

crontab -e
and create a cron job like this:

30 20 * * 0 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy/sunday

0 20 * * 0 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy/sunday

30 20 * * 1 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy/monday

0 20 * * 1 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy/monday

30 20 * * 2 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy/tuesday

0 20 * * 2 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"

30 20 * * 3 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy/wednesday

0 20 * * 3 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"

30 20 * * 4 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy/thursday

0 20 * * 4 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"

30 20 * * 5 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy/friday

0 20 * * 5 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy/friday

30 20 * * 6 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"
rsync@ /samba1/LiveBackup/Baybuy/saturday

0 20 * * 6 /usr/bin/rsync -azq --delete --exclude=**/stats --exclude=**/error --

exclude=**/files/pictures -e "ssh -p222 -i /root/rsync/mirror-rsync-key"

30 10 * * 1 sh /home/mes_admin/backup

This would run rsync every day at 8 and 8.30 pm

On server:
cd /home/rsync
vi dbbackup

mysqldump -u root -p********* rm > /home/rsync/backup/database/rm.sql

mysqldump -u root -p********* pm > /home/rsync/backup/database/pm.sql
mysqldump -u root -p********* ts > /home/rsync/backup/database/ts.sql
mysqldump -u root -p********* PromotionalPurchase >
mysqldump -u root -p********* BayerBangalore >
mysqldump -u root -p********* BayerHyderabad >
mysqldump -u root -p********* vendx_common_bayer >
mysqldump -u root -p********* VendorAdmin_bayer >
mysqldump -u root -p********* external_bayer >
mysqldump -u root -p********* ebizchem_bayer >
mysqldump -u root -p********* sms_common >
mysqldump -u root -p********* mds_desk_bayer >
mysqldump -u root -p********* VendorApproval_bayer >

30 19 * * * sh /home/rsync/dbbackup

Follow this link if having any problems:

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