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Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//INVERTER module inverter ( input_i, output_o ) ; input input_i ; output output_o ; reg output_o; always @(input_i) begin if (input_i) output_o = 1'b0; else output_o = 1'b1; end endmodule //INVERTER TESTBENCH module inverter_test ; reg input_i ; wire output_o; inverter inverter_dut(.input_i(input_i ), .output_o(output_o)); initial input_i = 1'b0; always #5 input_i = !input_i; initial begin $monitor ($time ," Input_i =%b and output_o =%b " ,input_i,output_o); #2000 $finish ; end endmodule //INVERTER GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module inverter_test ; reg input_i ; wire output_o; inverter inverter_dut(.input_i(input_i ),.output_o(output_o)); initial input_i = 1'b0; always #5 input_i = !input_i; initial begin $monitor ($time ," Input_i =%b and output_o =%b " ,input_i,output_o); #2000 $finish ; end initial begin $sdf_annotate("inverter.sdf",inverter_test.inverter_dut, , , "maximum"); end endmodule
VK Mentor Graphics 1

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//BUFFER module buffer (input_i,output_o); input input_i; output output_o; reg output_o; always @(input_i) begin if (input_i) output_o = 1'b1; else output_o = 1'b0; end endmodule //BUFFER TESTBENCH module buffer_test ; reg input_i ; wire output_o; buffer buffer_dut(.input_i(input_i ), .output_o(output_o)); initial input_i = 1'b0; always #5 input_i = !input_i; initial begin $monitor ($time ," Input_i =%b and output_o =%b " ,input_i,output_o); #2000 $finish ; end endmodule //BUFFER GATE LEVEL TESTBENCH module buffer_test ; reg input_i ; wire output_o; buffer buffer_dut(.input_i(input_i ),.output_o(output_o)); initial input_i = 1'b0; always #5 input_i = !input_i; initial begin $monitor ($time ," Input_i =%b and output_o =%b " ,input_i,output_o); #2000 $finish ; end initial $sdf_annotate("buffer.sdf",buffer_test.buffer_dut); endmodule
VK Mentor Graphics 2

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//TRANSMISSION GATE module tgate (input_i, cntrl_i,output_o); input input_i; input cntrl_i; output output_o; reg output_o; always @(input_i or cntrl_i) begin if (cntrl_i) output_o = input_i; else output_o = 1'b0; end endmodule //TRANSMISSION GATE TESTBENCH module tgate_test ; reg input_i ; reg cntrl_i ; wire output_o; tgate tgate_dut(.input_i(input_i ),.cntrl_i(cntrl_i ),.output_o(output_o)); initial begin input_i = 1'b0; cntrl_i =1'b1; #100 cntrl_i =1'b0 ; #200 cntrl_i =1'b1 ; end always #5 input_i = !input_i; initial begin $monitor ($time ," Input_i =%b cntrl_i =%b and output_o =%b " ,input_i,cntrl_i,output_o); #2000 $finish ; end endmodule //TRANSMISSION GATE GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module tgate_test ; reg input_i ; reg cntrl_i ; wire output_o; tgate tgate_dut(.input_i(input_i ),.cntrl_i(cntrl_i ),.output_o(output_o)); initial begin input_i = 1'b0; cntrl_i =1'b1; #100 cntrl_i =1'b0 ;
VK Mentor Graphics 3

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


#200 cntrl_i =1'b1 ; end always #5 input_i = !input_i; initial begin $monitor ($time ," Input_i =%b cntrl_i =%b and output_o =%b " ,input_i,cntrl_i,output_o); #2000 $finish ; end initial $sdf_annotate("tgate.sdf",tgate_test.tgate_dut,, ,"Maximum"); endmodule

//BASIC AND GATE module basic_gate_and(a_i, b_i, c_o); input a_i; input b_i; output c_o; wire c_o; assign c_o = a_i && b_i; endmodule //BASIC OR GATE module basic_gate_or(a_i,b_i,c_o); input a_i; input b_i; output c_o; wire c_o; assign c_o = a_i || b_i; endmodule //BASIC NAND GATE module basic_gate_nand(a_i,b_i,c_o); input a_i; input b_i; output c_o; wire c_o; assign c_o = ~(a_i && b_i); endmodule


Mentor Graphics

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//BASIC NOR GATE module basic_gate_nor(a_i,b_i ,c_o); input a_i; input b_i; output c_o; wire c_o; assign c_o = ~(a_i || b_i); endmodule //BASIC XOR GATE module universal_gate_xor(a_i,b_i,c_o); input a_i; input b_i; output c_o; wire c_o; assign c_o = a_i ^ b_i; endmodule //BASIC XNOR GATE module universal_gate_xnor(a_i, b_i, c_o); input a_i; input b_i; output c_o; wire c_o; assign c_o = ~(a_i ^ b_i); endmodule //BASIC UNIVERSAL GATES TESTBENCH module basic_gates_test ; reg a_i ; reg b_i ; wire [5:0]c_o; basic_gate_and and_dut(.a_i(a_i ), .b_i(b_i ), .c_o(c_o[0])); basic_gate_or or_dut(.a_i(a_i ), .b_i(b_i ),.c_o(c_o[1])); basic_gate_nand nand_dut(.a_i(a_i ),.b_i(b_i ),.c_o(c_o[2])); basic_gate_nor nor_dut(.a_i(a_i ),.b_i(b_i ),.c_o(c_o[3])); universal_gate_xor xor_dut(.a_i(a_i ),.b_i(b_i ),.c_o(c_o[4])); universal_gate_xnor xnor_dut(.a_i(a_i ),.b_i(b_i ),.c_o(c_o[5]));


Mentor Graphics

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


initial begin $display ( $time ,"\t simulation of the and_gate begins " ); a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end initial begin #40 $display ( $time ," \t simulation of the or_gate begins " ); #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end initial begin #100 $display ( $time ," \t simulation of the nand_gate begins " ); #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end initial begin #150 $display ( $time ," \t simulation of the nor_gate begins " ); #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end initial begin #200 $display ( $time ," \t simulation of the xor_gate begins " ); #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end
VK Mentor Graphics 6

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


initial begin #250 $display ( $time ," \t simulation of the xnor_gate begins " ); #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end initial begin #300 $finish ; end initial begin fork $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of and gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[0] ); #50 $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of or gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[1] ); #110 $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of nand gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[2] ); #160 $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of nor gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[3] ); #210 $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of xor gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[4] ); #260 $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of xnor gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[5] ); join end endmodule //BASIC UNIVERSAL GATES GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module basic_gates_test ; reg a_i ; reg b_i ; wire [5:0]c_o; basic_gate_and and_dut(.a_i(a_i ),.b_i(b_i ),.c_o(c_o[0])); basic_gate_or or_dut(.a_i(a_i ),.b_i(b_i ),.c_o(c_o[1])); basic_gate_nand nand_dut( .a_i(a_i), .b_i(b_i ), .c_o(c_o[2])); basic_gate_nor nor_dut( .a_i(a_i ), .b_i(b_i ), .c_o(c_o[3])); universal_gate_xor xor_dut( .a_i(a_i ), .b_i(b_i ), .c_o(c_o[4])); universal_gate_xnor xnor_dut( .a_i(a_i ), .b_i(b_i ), .c_o(c_o[5])); initial begin $display ( $time ,"\t simulation of the and_gate begins " ); a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end
VK Mentor Graphics 7

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


initial begin #40 $display ( $time ," \t simulation of the or_gate begins " ); #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end initial begin #100 $display ( $time ," \t simulation of the nand_gate begins " ); #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end initial begin #150 $display ( $time ," \t simulation of the nor_gate begins " ); #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end initial begin #200 $display ( $time ," \t simulation of the xor_gate begins " ); #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end initial begin #250 $display ( $time ," \t simulation of the xnor_gate begins " ); #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b0 ; b_i =1'b1; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b0; #10 a_i =1'b1 ; b_i =1'b1; #5 $display ( " \n" ); end


Mentor Graphics

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


initial begin #300 $finish ; end initial begin fork $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of and gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[0] ); #50 $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of or gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[1] ); #110 $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of nand gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[2] ); #160 $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of nor gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[3] ); #210 $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of xor gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[4] ); #260 $monitor ( $time , "\t a=%b b =%b and output of xnor gate c= %b" ,a_i,b_i,c_o[5] ); join end initial begin $sdf_annotate("basic_gates_and.sdf",basic_gates_test.and_dut,, ,"Maximum"); $sdf_annotate("basic_gates_or.sdf",basic_gates_test.or_dut,, ,"Maximum"); $sdf_annotate("basic_gates_nand.sdf",basic_gates_test.nand_dut,, ,"Maximum"); $sdf_annotate("basic_gates_nor.sdf",basic_gates_test.nor_dut,, ,"Maximum"); $sdf_annotate("basic_gates_xor.sdf",basic_gates_test.xor_dut,, ,"Maximum"); $sdf_annotate("basic_gates_xnor.sdf",basic_gates_test.xnor_dut,, ,"Maximum"); end endmodule

//RS FLIP FLOP module rsflipflop (S,R,clock_i,q_o,qbar_o); input clock_i; input S; input R; output q_o; output qbar_o; wire q_o; wire qbar_o; dflipflop dff(.reset_i(1'b0),.clock_i(clock_i),.data_in_i(w3),.q_o(q_o),.qbar_o(qbar_o)); not n1 (w1 ,R ); and a1 (w2,w1,q_o); or o1 (w3,S,w2); endmodule


Mentor Graphics

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//RS FLIP FLOP TESTBENCH module rsflipflop_test; reg clock_i; reg R; reg S; wire q_o; wire qbar_o; rsflipflop rsff(.R(R),.S(S),.clock_i(clock_i),.q_o(q_o),.qbar_o(qbar_o)); initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; R =1'b0; end always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #20 R =1'b1 ; #20 S =1'b1 ; R =1'b0; #20 S =1'b0 ; R =1'b0; #30 S =1'b1 ; R =1'b1; #10 S =1'b0 ; R =1'b1; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b R= %b S =%b q=%b qbar =%b ",clock_i,R,S,q_o,qbar_o); #200 $finish; end endmodule //RS FLIP FLOP GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module rsflipflop_test; reg clock_i; reg R; reg S; wire q_o; wire qbar_o; rsflipflop rsff(.R(R),.S(S),.clock_i(clock_i),.q_o(q_o),.qbar_o(qbar_o)); initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; R =1'b0; end
VK Mentor Graphics 10

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #20 R =1'b1 ; #20 S =1'b1 ; R =1'b0; #20 S =1'b0 ; R =1'b0; #80 S =1'b1 ; R =1'b1; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b R= %b S =%b q=%b qbar =%b ",clock_i,R,S,q_o,qbar_o); #200 $finish; end initial begin $sdf_annotate ("rsflipflop.sdf",rsflipflop_test.rsff); end endmodule //D FLIP FLOP module dflipflop (reset_i, clock_i, data_in_i, q_o, qbar_o); input clock_i; input reset_i; input data_in_i; output q_o; output qbar_o; reg q_o; wire qbar_o; always @(posedge clock_i) begin if(reset_i) q_o <=1'b0; else q_o <= data_in_i; end assign qbar_o = ~q_o; endmodule


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//D FLIP FLOP TESTBENCH module dflipflop_test; reg clock_i; reg reset_i; reg data_in_i; wire q_o; wire qbar_o; dflipflop dff(.reset_i(reset_i),.clock_i(clock_i),.data_in_i(data_in_i),.q_o(q_o),.qbar_o(qbar_o)); initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; reset_i =1'b0; end always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #20 reset_i =1'b1 ; #20 data_in_i = 1'b1; #20 data_in_i = 1'b0; reset_i =1'b0; #60 data_in_i = 1'b1; reset_i =1'b0; #100 reset_i =1'b1; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b reset_i= %b data_in_i =%b q=%b qbar_o =%b ",clock_i,reset_i,data_in_i,q_o ,qbar_o); #400 $finish; end endmodule


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//D FLIP FLOP GATE LEVEL TESTBENCH module dflipflop_test; reg clock_i; reg reset_i; reg data_in_i; wire q_o; wire qbar_o; dflipflop dff(.reset_i(reset_i),.clock_i(clock_i),.data_in_i(data_in_i),.q_o(q_o),.qbar_o(qbar_o)); initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; reset_i =1'b0; end always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #20 reset_i =1'b1 ; #20 data_in_i = 1'b1; #20 data_in_i = 1'b0; reset_i =1'b0; #60 data_in_i = 1'b1; reset_i =1'b0; #100 reset_i =1'b1; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b reset_i= %b data_in_i =%b q=%b qbar_o =%b ",clock_i,reset_i,data_in_i,q_o ,qbar_o); #400 $finish; end initial $sdf_annotate("dflipflop.sdf",dflipflop_test.dff,, ,"Maximum"); endmodule


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//JK FLIP FLOP module jkflipflop (J_i,K_i,clock_i,q_o,qbar_o); input clock_i; input J_i; input K_i; output q_o; output qbar_o; reg q_o; reg qbar_o; always @(posedge clock_i) begin if(J_i && ~K_i) begin q_o <=1'b1; qbar_o<=1'b0; end else begin if(~J_i && K_i ) begin q_o <=1'b0; qbar_o<=1'b1; end else begin if(~J_i && ~K_i ) begin q_o <=q_o; qbar_o<=qbar_o; end else begin q_o <=~q_o; qbar_o<=~qbar_o; end end end end endmodule


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//JK FLIP FLOP TESTBENCH module jkflipflop_test; reg clock_i; reg K_i; reg J_i; reg data_in_i; wire q_o; wire qbar_o; jkflipflop jkff(.K_i(K_i),.J_i(J_i),.clock_i(clock_i),.q_o(q_o),.qbar_o(qbar_o)); initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; K_i =1'b0; end always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #20 K_i =1'b1 ; #20 J_i =1'b1 ; K_i =1'b0; #20 J_i =1'b0 ; K_i =1'b0; #20 J_i =1'b1 ; K_i =1'b1; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b K_i= %b J_i =%b q=%b qbar =%b ",clock_i,K_i,J_i,q_o,qbar_o); #200 $finish; end endmodule //JK FLIP FLOP GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module jkflipflop_test; reg clock_i; reg K_i; reg J_i; reg data_in_i; wire q_o; wire qbar_o; jkflipflop jkff(.K_i(K_i),.J_i(J_i),.clock_i(clock_i),.q_o(q_o),.qbar_o(qbar_o));


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; K_i =1'b0; end always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #20 K_i =1'b1 ; #20 J_i =1'b1 ; K_i =1'b0; #20 J_i =1'b0 ; K_i =1'b0; #20 J_i =1'b1 ; K_i =1'b1; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b K_i= %b J_i =%b q=%b qbar =%b ",clock_i,K_i,J_i,q_o,qbar_o); #200 $finish; end initial $sdf_annotate("jkflipflop.sdf",jkflipflop_test.jkff,, ,"Maximum"); endmodule //MASTER SLAVE FLIP FLOP module msflipflop (reset_i,clock_i,d_i,q_o); input reset_i; input clock_i; input d_i; output q_o; wire w1; dflipflop Master(.reset_i(reset_i),.clock_i(~clock_i),.data_in_i(d_i),.q_o(w1)); dflipflop Slave(.reset_i(reset_i),.clock_i(clock_i),.data_in_i(w1),.q_o(q_o)); endmodule


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//MASTER SLAVE FLIP FLOP TESTBENCH module ms_test; reg clock_i; reg reset_i; reg d_i; wire q_o; msflipflop ms(reset_i,clock_i,d_i,q_o); initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; reset_i =1'b0; end always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ;

initial begin #20 reset_i =1'b1 ; #20 d_i = 1'b1; #20 d_i = 1'b0; reset_i =1'b0; #60 d_i = 1'b1; reset_i =1'b0; #100 reset_i =1'b1; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b reset_i= %b d_i =%b q=%b ",clock_i,reset_i,d_i,q_o); #400 $finish; end endmodule //MASTER SLAVE FLIP FLOP GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module ms_test; reg clock_i; reg reset_i; reg d_i; wire q_o; msflipflop ms(reset_i,clock_i,d_i,q_o); initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; reset_i =1'b0; end


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #20 reset_i =1'b1 ; #20 d_i = 1'b1; #20 d_i = 1'b0; reset_i =1'b0; #60 d_i = 1'b1; reset_i =1'b0; #100 reset_i =1'b1; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b reset_i= %b d_i =%b q=%b ",clock_i,reset_i,d_i,q_o); #400 $finish; end initial $sdf_annotate("masterslave.sdf",,, ,"Maximum"); endmodule //T FLIP FLOP module tflipflop (reset_i,clock_i,T_i,q_o); input clock_i; input reset_i; input T_i; output q_o; reg q_o; always @(posedge clock_i) begin if(reset_i) q_o <=1'b0; else begin if(T_i) q_o <= ~q_o; else q_o <= q_o; end end endmodule


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//T FLIP FLOP TESTBENCH module tflipflop_test; reg clock_i; reg reset_i; reg T_i; wire q_o; tflipflop tff(.reset_i(reset_i),.clock_i(clock_i),.T_i(T_i),.q_o(q_o)); initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; reset_i =1'b0; end always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #20 reset_i =1'b1 ; #20 T_i = 1'b1; #20 T_i = 1'b0; reset_i =1'b0; #60 T_i = 1'b1; reset_i =1'b0; #100 reset_i =1'b1; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b reset_i= %b T_i =%b q=%b ",clock_i,reset_i,T_i,q_o); #400 $finish; end endmodule


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//T FLIP FLOP GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module tflipflop_test; reg clock_i; reg reset_i; reg T_i; wire q_o; tflipflop tff(.reset_i(reset_i),.clock_i(clock_i),.T_i(T_i),.q_o(q_o)); initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; reset_i =1'b0; end always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #20 reset_i =1'b1 ; #20 T_i = 1'b1; #20 T_i = 1'b0; reset_i =1'b0; #60 T_i = 1'b1; reset_i =1'b0; #100 reset_i =1'b1; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b reset_i= %b T_i =%b q=%b ",clock_i,reset_i,T_i,q_o); #400 $finish; end initial $sdf_annotate("tflipflop.sdf",tflipflop_test.tff,, ,"Maximum"); endmodule


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//FULL ADDER module full_adder(a,b,cin,sum,cout); input a; input b; input cin; output sum; output cout; assign sum = cin ^ a ^ b; assign cout = (a && b ) || (b && cin) || (cin && a) ; endmodule //4BIT SERIAL ADDER module adder_4_bit(x,y,cin,z,cout); input [3:0] x ; input [3:0] y ; input cin; output [3:0] z; output cout; wire [3:1] carry; full_adder fa0(x[0],y[0],cin,z[0],carry[1]); full_adder fa1(x[1],y[1],carry[1],z[1],carry[2]); full_adder fa2(x[2],y[2],carry[2],z[2],carry[3]); full_adder fa3(x[3],y[3],carry[3],z[3],cout); endmodule //4BIT SERIAL ADDER TESTBENCH module adder_4_bit_tb; reg [3:0] x ; reg [3:0] y ; reg cin; wire [3:0] z; wire cout; wire [4:0] expected_result; wire [4:0] actual_result; adder_4_bit a0(x,y,cin,z,cout); initial begin x = 0; y = 0; cin = 0; #10 x = 4'b0101; y = 4'b0001; cin = 1'b0; #10 x = 4'b0101; y = 4'b1110; cin = 1'b1; #10 x = 4'b1111; y = 4'b1111; cin = 1'b1; #10 x = 0; y = 0; cin = 0; #10 $finish; end
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Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


assign expected_result = x+y+cin; assign actual_result = {cout,z}; initial begin if(actual_result!==expected_result) $monitor ($time , " x= %d ,y =%d cin =%b ,expected_result=%d actual_result =%d, the expected sum is not correct" , x ,y ,cin ,expected_result,actual_result); else $monitor ($time , " x= %d ,y =%d cin =%b expected_result=%d actual_result =%d , the expected sum is correct" , x ,y ,cin,expected_result,actual_result ); end endmodule //SERIAL ADDER GATE LEVEL TESTBENCH module adder_4_bit_tb; reg [3:0] x ; reg [3:0] y ; reg cin; wire [3:0] z; wire cout; wire [4:0] expected_result; wire [4:0] actual_result; adder_4_bit a0(x,y,cin,z,cout); initial begin x = 0; y = 0; cin = 0; #10 x = 4'b0101; y = 4'b0001; cin = 1'b0; #10 x = 4'b0101; y = 4'b1110; cin = 1'b1; #10 x = 4'b1111; y = 4'b1111; cin = 1'b1; #10 x = 0; y = 0; cin = 0; #10 $finish; end assign expected_result = x+y+cin; assign actual_result = {cout,z}; initial begin if(actual_result!==expected_result) $monitor ($time , " x= %d ,y =%d cin =%b ,expected_result=%d actual_result =%d , the expected sum is not correct" , x ,y ,cin ,expected_result,actual_result); else $monitor ($time , " x= %d ,y =%d cin =%b expected_result=%d actual_result =%d , the expected sum is correct" , x ,y ,cin,expected_result,actual_result ); end initial $sdf_annotate("serialadder.sdf",adder_4_bit_tb.a0,, ,"Maximum"); endmodule


Mentor Graphics


Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//PARALLEL ADDER GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module adder_4_bit_tb; reg [3:0] x ; reg [3:0] y ; reg cin; wire [3:0] z; wire cout; wire [4:0] expected_result; wire [4:0] actual_result; cla_adder a0(.a_in(x),.b_in(y),.c_in(cin),.sum_o(z),.c_out(cout)); initial begin x = 0; y = 0; cin = 0; #10 x = 4'b0101; y = 4'b0001; cin = 1'b0; #10 x = 4'b0101; y = 4'b1110; cin = 1'b1; #10 x = 4'b1111; y = 4'b1111; cin = 1'b1; #10 x = 0; y = 0; cin = 0; #10 $finish; end assign expected_result = x+y+cin; assign actual_result = {cout,z}; initial begin if(actual_result!==expected_result) $monitor ($time , " x= %d ,y =%d cin =%b ,expected_result=%d actual_result =%d ,the expected sum is not correct" , x ,y ,cin ,expected_result,actual_result); else $monitor ($time , " x= %d ,y =%d cin =%b expected_result=%d actual_result =%d , the expected sum is correct" , x ,y ,cin,expected_result,actual_result ); end initial $sdf_annotate("parlleladder.sdf",adder_4_bit_tb.a0,, ,"Maximum"); endmodule //PARALLEL ADDER module cla_adder(a_in, b_in, c_in, sum_o, c_out); parameter SIZE = 4; input [SIZE -1 : 0] a_in; input [SIZE -1 : 0] b_in; input c_in; output [SIZE -1:0] sum_o; output c_out;
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Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


wire g0,p0,g1,p1,g2,p2,g3,p3,g4,p4,x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9; wire c1,c2,c3; and a1(g0,a_in[0],b_in[0]); xor xr1(p0,a_in[0],b_in[0]); and a2(g1,a_in[1],b_in[1]); xor xr2(p1,a_in[1],b_in[1]); and a3(g2,a_in[2],b_in[2]); xor xr3(p2,a_in[2],b_in[2]); and a4(g3,a_in[3],b_in[3]); xor xr4(p3,a_in[3],b_in[3]); //~~ For C1 ~~ and a6(x0,p0,c_in); or o1(c1,g0,x0); //~~ For C2 ~~ and a7(x1,c_in,p1,p0); and a8(x2,p1,g0); or o2(c2,g1,x2,x1); //~~ For C3 ~~ and a9(x3,c_in,p2,p1,p0); and a10(x4,p2,p1,g0); and a11(x5,p2,g1); or o3(c3,g2,x5,x4,x3); //~~ For C4 ~~ and a12(x6,c_in,p3,p2,p1,p0); and a13(x7,p3,p2,p1,g0); and a14(x8,p3,p2,g1); and a15(x9,p3,g2); or (c_out,g3,x9,x8,x7,x6); //~~ output logic for CLA adder ~~ xor xr6(sum_o[0],c_in,p0); xor xr7(sum_o[1],c1,p1); xor xr8(sum_o[2],c2,p2); xor xr9(sum_o[3],c3,p3); endmodule //PARALLEL ADDER TESTBENCH module adder_4_bit_tb; reg [3:0] x ; reg [3:0] y ; reg cin; wire [3:0] z; wire cout; wire [4:0] expected_result; wire [4:0] actual_result; cla_adder

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Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


initial begin x = 0; y = 0; cin = 0; #10 x = 4'b0101; y = 4'b0001; cin = 1'b0; #10 x = 4'b0101; y = 4'b1110; cin = 1'b1; #10 x = 4'b1111; y = 4'b1111; cin = 1'b1; #10 x = 0; y = 0; cin = 0; #10 $finish; end assign expected_result = x+y+cin; assign actual_result = {cout,z}; initial begin if(actual_result!==expected_result) $monitor ($time , " x= %d ,y =%d cin =%b ,expected_result=%d actual_result =%d ,the expected sum is not correct" , x ,y ,cin ,expected_result,actual_result); else $monitor ($time , " x= %d ,y =%d cin =%b expected_result=%d actual_result =%d , the expected sum is correct" , x ,y ,cin,expected_result,actual_result ); end endmodule

//4 BIT SYNCHRONOUS UP DOWN COUNTER module sync_counter (clock,reset,up,down,count); input clock; input reset; input up; input down; output [3:0] count; reg [3:0] count; always@(posedge clock) begin if (reset) count <= 4'b0; else if (up && ~down) count <= count + 1'b1; else if (down && ~up) count <= count - 1'b1; else count <= count; end endmodule
VK Mentor Graphics 25

Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//4 BIT SYNCHRONOUS UP DOWN COUNTER TESTBENCH module tb_sync_counter; reg clk ; reg rst ; reg Up ; reg Down; wire [3:0] Count; sync_counter S1 (.clock(clk),.reset(rst),.up(Up),.down (Down ),.count(Count)); initial begin clk = 1'b0; forever begin #5; clk = ~clk; end end task Reset; begin rst = 1'b1; $display($time, "Reset is Asserted"); #10; rst = 1'b0;Up=1'b1; $display($time, "Reset is DE-Asserted"); end endtask initial begin Reset; repeat(5) begin #10 Up = 1'b1; Down = 1'b0; end repeat(10) begin #10 Up = 1'b0; Down = 1'b1; end $finish; end always@(posedge clk) $display ($time ," || CLOCK = %b || RESET = %b || UP = %b || DOWN = %b || COUNT = %b",clk,rst,Up,Down,Count); endmodule
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Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//4 BIT SYNCHRONOUS UP DOWN COUNTER GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module tb_sync_counter; reg clk ; reg rst ; reg Up ; reg Down; wire [3:0] Count; sync_counter S1 (.clock(clk),.reset(rst),.up(Up),.down (Down ),.count(Count)); initial begin clk = 1'b0; forever begin #5; clk = ~clk; end end task Reset; begin rst = 1'b1; $display($time, "Reset is Asserted"); #10; rst = 1'b0;Up=1'b1; $display($time, "Reset is DE-Asserted"); end endtask initial begin Reset; repeat(5) begin #10 Up = 1'b1; Down = 1'b0; end repeat(10) begin #10 Up = 1'b0; Down = 1'b1; end $finish; end always@(posedge clk) $display ($time ," || CLOCK = %b || RESET = %b || UP = %b || DOWN = %b || COUNT = %b", clk,rst,Up,Down,Count); initial $sdf_annotate("sync_counter.sdf",tb_sync_counter.S1,, ,"Maximum"); endmodule
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Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


//4 BIT ASYNCHRONOUS UP DOWN COUNTER module Async_counter (Clock,Reset,count); input Clock; input Reset; output [3:0] count; tff T1 (.clock(Clock),.reset(Reset),.T(1'b1),.q(count[0])); tff T2 (.clock(!count[0]),.reset(Reset),.T(1'b1),.q(count[1])); tff T3 (.clock(!count[1]),.reset(Reset),.T(1'b1),.q(count[2])); tff T4 (.clock(!count[2]),.reset(Reset),.T(1'b1),.q(count[3])); endmodule //T FLIP FLOP SYNCHRONOUS RESET module tff (clock,reset,T,q); input clock; input reset; input T; output q; reg q;

always@(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin if (reset) q <= 1'b0; else if (T) q <= ~q; else q <= q; end endmodule //4 BIT ASYNCHRONOUS UP DOWN COUNTER TESTBENCH module tb_Async_counter; reg clk ; reg rst ; wire [3:0] Count; Async_counter async_counter (.Clock(clk ),.Reset(rst ),.count(Count)); initial begin clk = 1'b0; forever begin #5;clk = ~clk; end end
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Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


task Reset; begin rst = 1'b1; $display($time, "Reset is Asserted"); #10; rst = 1'b0; $display($time, "Reset is DE-Asserted"); end endtask initial begin Reset; #50; Reset; #150 $finish; end always@(posedge clk) $display ($time ," || CLOCK = %b || RESET = %b || COUNT = %b",clk,rst,Count); endmodule //4 BIT SYNCHRONOUS UP DOWN COUNTER GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module tb_Async_counter; reg clk ; reg rst ; wire [3:0] Count; Async_counter async_counter (.Clock(clk ),.Reset(rst ),.count(Count)); initial begin clk = 1'b0; forever begin #5;clk = ~clk; end end task Reset; begin rst = 1'b1; $display($time, "Reset is Asserted"); #10; rst = 1'b0; $display($time, "Reset is DE-Asserted"); end endtask
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Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


initial begin Reset; #50; Reset; #150 $finish; end always@(posedge clk) $display ($time ," || CLOCK = %b || RESET = %b || COUNT = %b",clk,rst,Count); initial $sdf_annotate("Async_counter.sdf",tb_Async_counter.async_counter,, ,"Maximum"); endmodule //SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION REGISTER module sar(clock_i,reset_i,analog_gt_digital,digital_out); input clock_i; input reset_i; input analog_gt_digital; output [3:0] digital_out; reg [3:0] digital_out; always @(posedge clock_i) begin if(reset_i) digital_out <= 4'b0; else begin if (analog_gt_digital) digital_out <= digital_out+1; else digital_out <= digital_out-1; end end endmodule //SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION REGISTER TESTBENCH module sar_test; reg clock_i; reg reset_i; reg analog_gt_digital; wire [3:0] digital_out; sar sar(.reset_i(reset_i),.clock_i(clock_i),.analog_gt_digital(analog_gt_digital),.digital_out(digital_out));
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Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; reset_i =1'b1; end always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #40 reset_i =1'b0 ;analog_gt_digital=1'b1; #40 reset_i =1'b0 ;analog_gt_digital=1'b0; #40 reset_i =1'b0 ;analog_gt_digital=1'b1; #80 reset_i =1'b0 ;analog_gt_digital=1'b0; end initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b reset_i= %b analog_gt_digital=%b digital_out=%b ",clock_i,reset_i,analog_gt_digital,digital_out); #200 $finish; end endmodule //SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION REGISTER GATELEVEL TESTBENCH module sar_test; reg clock_i; reg reset_i; reg analog_gt_digital; wire [3:0] digital_out; sar sar(.reset_i(reset_i),.clock_i(clock_i),.analog_gt_digital(analog_gt_digital),.digital_out(digital_out)); initial begin clock_i =1'b0 ; reset_i =1'b1; end always #5 clock_i = !clock_i ; initial begin #40 reset_i =1'b0 ;analog_gt_digital=1'b1; #40 reset_i =1'b0 ;analog_gt_digital=1'b0; #40 reset_i =1'b0 ;analog_gt_digital=1'b1; #80 reset_i =1'b0 ;analog_gt_digital=1'b0; end
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Reference: RV-VLSI, Frontend Programs, Part-A, VTU, 7th Sem, E&C, VLSI Lab


initial begin $monitor($time ," \t clock_i =%b reset_i= %b analog_gt_digital=%b digital_out=%b ", clock_i,reset_i,analog_gt_digital,digital_out); #200 $finish; end initial $sdf_annotate("sar.sdf",sar_test.sar,, ,"Maximum"); endmodule


Mentor Graphics


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