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Agency LIcensIng PortaI

Agency LIcensIng PortaI

Agent Registration
(Ins. Co.)
Service Provider
2.Tech Support
!ns. Co.
! ! !
Agent Training
Ayents Lcensny
- 41 nsurance companIes Issue lIcences E 0 Cards
- Dver 4 mIllIon agent network
- nsurers acceptIng new agents
Ayents Lcensny
-Agent |anagement
- vIew lIcense of dIfferent categorIes
- search lIcenses
- prInt lIcenses
- SImplIfIed userfrIendly nterface
- ntroductIon 0AF In 7C form
- Fenewal Interface based on 0DE and 0AF
- CreatIon and renewal of corporate lIcenses
- Care SIte operatIons to ndIvIdual E Corporate agents
Ayents Lcensny
- CertIfIcate Fenewal and CertIfIcate Transfer
- Fange AllocatIon
- Allocated new 0P ranges to Insurance companIes,
whIch have used all prevIously allocated ranges.
- Allocated 0P Fanges to New Insurance
- |odIfIcatIon In Agent LIcences
- ProvIded approval by F0A for 0ata correctIon
Ayents Lcensny
-Agents transfer from one Insurance company to another
- ProvIded approval In transferor 0P
- AudIt TraIl
- ProvIded traIl for 0ata CorrectIon / ClarIfIcatIon
- 7ersIon Control
- SecurIty
- IP0A
472 VA
- ThIs form Is used to regIster an agent Into our portal.
The detaIls entered are :
-Agents Personal nformatIon
- EducatIonal 0etaIls
- Test 0etaIls
- TraInIng 0etaIls
- SecurIty :
- 0uplIcate entrIes checked agaInst followIng fIelds :
- Name
- Father's Name
- 0ate of 8Irth
- Test CandIdate Number
- FegIster an agent as a composIte agent
'aIIdatIons :
- LIcenses should belong to other practIce
SecurIty :
- 0uplIcate entrIes checked agaInst followIng fIelds :
- Agent's Name
- Father's Name
- 0ate of 8Irth
- Test CandIdate Number
- LIcense can be renewed before sIx months of expIry
'aIIdatIons :
- LIcense should belong to same 0P and nsurer
- LIcense should not be cancelled
- n case of composIte lIcense, NDC Is requIred
- f lIcense Is expIred, only corporate 0P can renew It
472 A-1
- To regIster corporate agent
The detaIIs entered are :
- Agents Personal nformatIon
- CE 0etaIls
'aIIdatIons :
- Dnly corporate 0P can Issue
SecurIty :
- 0uplIcate entrIes checked agaInst followIng fIelds :
- Company/FIrm Name
472 A-2
- ssue certIfIcates under an exIstIng corporate
lIcense. The detaIls entered are :
- Agents Personal nformatIon
- EducatIonal 0etaIls
- Test 0etaIls
- TraInIng 0etaIls
- SecurIty :
- 0uplIcate entrIes checked agaInst followIng fIelds :
- Test CandIdate Number
Ayent T7ansje7
-Transfer agents from one Insurer to the other under
same busIness
'aIIdatIons :
- only lIcenses that are regIstered from thIs sIte.
- 8oth ndIvIdual and NonIndIvIdual agent lIcenses
- 8etween nsurers who belong to the same
- Approval from 0P/nsurer requIred for transfer
e7tjcate #enewal
CertIfIcate can be renewed before sIx months of
e7tjcate t7ansje7
Transfer certIfIcates from one corporate agent to
the other under same busIness.
CareSIte Common
Pequest I0 Status
'Iew status of requests pIaced by 0Ps for
foIIowIng actIvItIes
- 0ata CorrectIon
- 0ate of ExpIry FIx
- LIcense/CertIfIcate CancellatIon
- Fecall CancellatIon
- ClarIfIcatIon
- EscalatIon
CareSIte LIcense l CertIfIcate
ata 477ect4n (Lcense/e7tjcate)
- 0Ps can place data correctIon request
- Change Name, Fathers Name, Address, 0D8, Phone No
ancellat4n (Lcense/e7tjcate)
- 0Ps can place cancellatIon request
#ecall ancellat4n
- 0Ps can place recall cancellatIon request
- 0Ps can place 0DE FIx requests
- 0Ps can place clarIfIcatIon, If they have any querIes
scalat4n uy
- 0Ps can place escalatIon bug, If they fInd any bug on
the sIte
aly Actvtes
- t shows actIvItIes carrIed out by a 0P on daIly
all 4j a2e
- t shows Top 10 0P's who have regIstered maxImum
number of agents
- t can be fIltered based on gIven date
"uck P7nt
- 0P can take prInt out of lIcense and 0 card usIng quIck
prInt optIon Issued by hIm
P7nt e7tjcates
- 0P can take prInt out of CertIfIcates pertaInIng to a
gIven corporate lIcense
$2a7t "ue7y
-ThIs Interface allows you to vIew the number of
New, Fenewed, ComposIte and Cancelled lIcenses
done by all 0Ps, and further drIll down from It to
actually vIew a detaIled lIst of lIcenses
W FIIterIng crIterIa's avaIIabIe are :
- ssue From and ssue To date
- State
- 0IstrIct
- Town
- FegIon
- Cender
- EducatIonal QualIfIcatIon
- Agent Type (ndIvIdual / NonndIvIdual)
anye Passw47/
- 0P can change the password
- 0P can change personal detaIls of the user
$c7atc Pa/
- 0P can put and save some InformatIon In a scratch pad
and can vIew It later
- Agent |anagement
- 0P Ledger
- LIcense QuIck 7Iew
Common FunctIons
CareSIte Common
#equest l $tatus
0Ps requests - actIvIty status
- 0ata CorrectIon
- 0ate of ExpIry FIx
- LIcense/CertIfIcate CancellatIon
- Fecall CancellatIon
- ClarIfIcatIon
- EscalatIon
CorrectIonlCanceIIatIon l PecaII l TermInatIon ApprovaI
ata 477ect4n A5574val (Lcense)
- Shows lIst of data correctIon requests by 0Ps
- F0A can approve these requests
ancellat4n A5574val (Lcense/e7tjcate)
- Shows lIst of lIcense cancellatIon requests
- F0A can approve or reject
- F0A can cancel wIth or wIthout refund
#ecall ancellat4n A5574val
- Shows lIst of lIcense recall cancellatIon requests
- F0A can approve or reject
Te72nat4n A5574val
- Shows lIst of lIcense termInatIon requests by Corporate 0P
- F0A can approve or reject termInatIon requests
Te72nate Lcense
- F0A can termInate IndIvIdual/corporate lIcense
eb aIIet - Check l Set aIance
- F0A can set NotIfy and Safety balance and based on
whIch web wallet IndIcator wIll be shown
- Creen color enough balance
- Issue/renew/prInt lIcense.
- YeIIow color balance Is near mInImum level.
- t Is tIme to notIfy nsurer to deposIt.
- Ped color nsurer 8alance Is below mInImum level
- 0Ps can not Issue/renew/prInt lIcense.
#ece5t nt7y
- 0etaIls of FeceIpts can be entered
- For ex: FeceIpt date, Amount, 8ank Name etc.
#ece5t utl44k
- FeceIpts entered by dIfferent Insurers wIll be shown
- nsurerwIse and datewIse fIlter
#eve7sal ebt / 7e/t
- 8ased on 0Ps request, F0A can 0ebIt or CredIt
Amount from nsurers web wallet
Insurer l 0P Ledger
lnsu7e7 Le/ye7
- ActIvItIes/transactIons carrIed out by all the 0Ps
- under a gIven Insurer
- for a gIven tIme perIod
- Feport summary/detaIl/brIef
P Le/ye7
- ActIvItIes/transactIons carrIed out by all the 0Ps
- under a gIven Insurer
- for a gIven tIme perIod
- Feport summary/detaIl/brIef
Ithdraw ComposIte
t/7aw 4254ste Lcense
- 0P Fequest
- F0A can wIthdraw 1
or 2
#elax P7nt ee
- F0A can waIve prInt fee for any lIcense
- 0P's can prInt lIcense free of cost only once
Ayent Manaye2ent
- LIst of lIcenses categorIes based on Insurer
- New LIcenses
- Fenewed LIcenses
- ComposIte LIcenses
- Cancelled LIcenses
- FIlterIng crIterIa's avaIlable are
- LIcense Number
- Agent Name
- ssue From and ssue To date
- State
- 0IstrIct
- nsurer
- Agent Type (ndIvIdual / NonndIvIdual)
all 4j a2e
- Top 10 0P's regIstered maxImum number of agents
Nu2be7 "ue7y
- based on 00 Number and 8ank
"uck P7nt
- prInt agent lIcense and 0 card
P7nt e7tjcates
- prInt CertIfIcates pertaInIng to a gIven corporate lIcense
$2a7t "ue7y
W 7Iew LIcenses
- New, Fenewed, ComposIte and Cancelled
- 0rIll down to vIew detaIls
W FIlterIng crIterIa's avaIlable
- ssue From and ssue To date
- State / 0IstrIct / Town
- FegIon
- Cender
- EducatIonal QualIfIcatIon
- nsurer Name
- nsurance Type (LIfe / Ceneral)
- Agent Type (ndIvIdual / NonndIvIdual)
LIcense uIck 'Iew
uIck 'Iew
- 7Iew detaIls of a gIven lIcense
- Ceneral nfo
- Agent nfo
- 8usIness nfo
- TraInIng nfo
- Test nfo
State l 0IstrIct hasters
- ProvIsIon to update
- name and regIon or vIew the detaIls
- ProvIsIon to update
- name or vIew the detaIls
M4ve st7cts
- F0A can move any dIstrIct from one state to the other
Insurance l Pange hasters
- LIst of all the Insurers
- Search based on state and dIstrIct
- nsurer can be dIsabled or enabled
- ProvIsIon to add new Insurer In LIfe or Ceneral category
#anye All4cat4n
- Fange of 0P codes allocated to all the Insurers
- ProvIsIon for addItIon
- |ax cap 999
0P l Fee hasters
esynate/ Pe7s4n
- LIst of all the 0Ps
- Search based on state or dIstrIct or nsurer or 0P code
- 0P can be dIsabled or enabled
- ProvIsIon to add new 0P
ee Maste7
- |aIntenance for dIfferent types of fees
V4/ 2al 42ans
- Add or delete free emaIl domaIns
4254se 2al
- Compose an emaIl to one or all the 0Ps / nsurers
- ProvIsIon to attach a fIle to It
Ale7t Manaye2ent
- Flash an alert message to 0Ps
- whIle generatIng a new lIcense or on home page
- 0Ifferent templates provIded to change the look of an
alert message
CareSIte 0ata
Actvty Ty5es
-L4yn #equests
-P74cess jjcultes
-anye #equests
-$tatus #equests
-P74ce/u7e x5lanat4ns
-ancellat4n #equests
- jxes
0ata CorrectIon l CanceIIatIon l PecaII
ata 477ect4n
- Shows lIst of lIcense data correctIon approved by F0A
- Shows lIst of lIcense cancellatIon approved by F0A
#ecall ancellat4n
- Shows lIst of lIcense recall cancellatIon approved by
- Tech Support can vIew lIst of 0DE FIx requests
- After checkIng, 0DE can be approved
&5/ate Tables
- Dn specIal request from 0Ps, Tech Support can update
detaIls lIke State, 0IstrIct detaIls
-Tech support can vIew lIst of clarIfIcatIon requests
-After checkIng,tech support can clarIfy the request
- Tech Support can vIew lIst of escalatIon requests
- After checkIng, tech support can fIx the bug
L4yn 7equests
- Dn specIal request from 0Ps, Tech Support can
enable/reset the logIn password
P74cess /jjculty
- Tech support can explaIn the methods to 0Ps If they
fInd any process dIffIcultIes lIke unable to prInt,unable to
place requests etc
anye #equests
- Dn request from 0Ps,Tech support can update agents
detaIls lIke address,dIstrIct,state etc.
$tatus 7equests
- Dn specIal request from 0Ps, Tech Support can gIve the
detaIls of agents lIke test detaIls,traInIng detaIls,transfer
detaIls etc
P74ce/u7e x5lanat4ns
- Dn request from 0Ps,Tech support can explaIn the
procedure how to renew lIcences,transfer lIcences etc
- Fequest 0 Status
- Feversal 0ebIt / CredIt
- nsurer / 0P Ledger
- LIcense QuIck 7Iew
- |asters
- States
- 0IstrIcts
- |ove 0IstrIcts
- 7oId EmaIl 0omaIns
- CommunIcatIon
- Compose EmaIl
- Alert |anagement
Common FunctIons

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