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Eulogy Writing Assignment Due Date: Writing a eulogy is a difficult task. It is hard to condense a lifetime of experiences into a short speech to be delivered at a memorial service. Eulogies do not have to be depressing and formal. A eulogy can include favorite poems, meaningful reminiscences, war stories, or even jokes. Here are some quick tips on how to put together thoughtful eulogy. ‘You may write a eulogy for any famous person you choose. ‘The person may be alive or dead. Remember, we ‘want to know how this person has influenced you, made an impact on your life. You may write a eulogy for someone who has died in your personal life but please clear this with Mrs. Moore. 1. What do you want to say? The first you'll need to do is decide what you want to say. Collect all the basic facts about the deceased: their ‘age, names of children or survivors, marriages, places they've called home or loved to visit, and their career or ‘educational information. Now think about the person you're remembering. What kinds of stories about them or quotes capture your loved one’s personality? Did they have a favorite pocm or author? What was important to them? Did they have a favorite charity or cause? Talk with their survivors for inspiration and ideas. 2. Decide on a tone or theme. ‘Whether you decide to give a solemn speech, a light account of their life with comical musing, or somewhere in between, a theme gives purpose to the eulogy. It helps to see what the deceased’s life stood for. example, if you're writing a culogy for your Grandfather, your theme could be his confidence or his great story telling ability. With your theme in place, you can collect stories that he told to other survivors and yourself. If your theme was his important work or career you might speak with coworkers to get stories and remembrances of his work life or contributions made to his field or place of business. Knowing how you'd like to deliver the eulogy gives you a base to work from when you decide which stories to use. 3. Write Using the outline you've developed, write out a draft of your speech. Fill in any gaps in information and make sure each idea flows into the next. Try not to let the speech get too stiff, you don’t want ‘a long fact sheet on your loved one’s life. Try to incorporate real life experiences or anecdotes between the facts, Use bits of humor if you think it is appropriate. This is also a good time to decide where natural pauses will fit into your speech so you can note that on your final draft 4. Practice delivery of the eulogy. Read your speech to yourself aloud or even out loud to a third party. This will help you point out any areas that don’t sound right or are not appropriate. Practice your speech in front of another person to get their input of deliver it in front of a mirror to get used to saying the words. Even delivering the speech on a trusted family pet, while imagining an audience, can help you work the kinks out of the eulogy. ‘The more familiar you are with the words, the easier it will be to deliver the eulogy. Rubric for Eulogy Assignment 1-20 Engages the interest of the reader/listener. 1-10 Establishes a clear, distinctive, and coherent perspective and maintains a consistent tone and focus throughout 1-10 Selects a focus, structure, and point of view relevant to the purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements 1-10 Uses precise language, action verbs, sensory details, appropriate modifiers, and active rather than passive voice. 1-10 Writes texts of a length appropriate to ¢ topic or tell the story 1-10 Uses traditional structures for conveying information (ic., chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, and posing and answering a question). 1-10 ‘Supports statements and claims with anecdotes, descriptions, facts and statisties, and specific examples. 1-20 Speech Commands audience politely using eye contact, making sure audience is ready. Can be heard by all members of audience without assistance. Uses visual aid as guide or outline for speaking. Consistently maintains eye contact. Total 100

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