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#define F_CPU 8000000UL /* 8 MHz CPU clock */ #include <avr/io.

h> //header file used to relate code to AVR device-specific IO definitions #include <util/delay.h> //header file used for generating software delay #include "uart.h" // header for UART communication Protoca l // PD4 (OCR1B)--> Right // PD5 (OCR1A)--> Left #define black 0 #define white 1 #define #define #define #define #define #define stop 0 fwd 1 rev 2 Iterm_max 6 Iterm_min 0.09 base_speed 220; uint8_t c = 1; char linefollowing_bw; int s1_min=255, s2_min= 255, s3_min = 255; int s1_max = 0, s2_max = 0, s3_max = 0; float kp=0.4;//0.35 float kd=0; float ki=0; float Pterm, Iterm, Dterm; int error=0, prev_error=0, rate=0, pwm_duty, integ=0; int s1=0, s2=0, s3=0, s1_d, s2_d, lft, rgt; void Drive_Motor(unsigned char LEFT,unsigned char RGHT) { if(RGHT==0)//if right == 0 then right motor will stop { PORTB&=~_BV(5); PORTB&=~_BV(4); } if(RGHT==1)//if right == 1 then right motor will go forward { PORTB&=~_BV(5); PORTB =_BV(4); } if(RGHT==2)//if right == 2 then right motor will go backward { PORTB =_BV(5); PORTB&=~_BV(4); } if(LEFT==0)//if left == 0 then left motor will stop { PORTB&=~_BV(6); PORTB&=~_BV(7); } if(LEFT==1)//if left == 1 then left motor will go forward {

PORTB&=~_BV(6); PORTB =_BV(7); } if(LEFT==2)//if left == 2 then left motor will go backward { PORTB =_BV(6); PORTB&=~_BV(7); } } void init(void) { DDRB = 0xff; : DDRD = 0xfa; DDRA = 0x00; PORTD = 0xff; as high TCCR1A=0xa1; de & pwm 8 bit TCCR1B=0x01; prescaling } void init_ADC (void) { ADCSRA = (1<<ADPS2) ADMUX = (1<<REFS0); ADMUX = (1<<ADLAR); ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN); }

// Make Port B as Output // Make Port D as Output // a all pins on port D //a to compare output mo // a to oscillator clk source no



int ADC_read(int channel) { ADMUX = (ADMUX&0xE0) channel; //Select next channel ADCSRA = (1<<ADSC); //Start conversion by setting AD SC bit while( ADCSRA & _BV(ADSC) ); //Wait for conversion to end return ADCH; //return conversion resu lt } char sensor_calibrate () { while (c) { if(bit_is_clear(PIND,2)) { linefollowing_bw = black; c = 0; } else if(bit_is_clear(PIND,3)) { linefollowing_bw = white; c = 0; } }

int adc_value; OCR1B=160; OCR1A=160; c = 1; while (c) { if (!linefollowing_bw) { Drive_Motor(1,2); for(int i=0;i<250;i++) { _delay_ms(2); adc_value = ADC_read(1); s1_min = (adc_value < s1_min) ? adc_value:s1_min ; adc_value = ADC_read(2); s2_min = (adc_value < s2_min) ? adc_value:s2_min ; adc_value = ADC_read(3); s3_min = (adc_value < s3_min) ? adc_value:s3_min ; } Drive_Motor(2,1); _delay_ms(50); for(int i=0;i<350;i++) { _delay_ms(2); adc_value = ADC_read(1); s1_max = (adc_value > s1_max) ? adc_value:s1_max ; adc_value = ADC_read(2); s2_max = (adc_value > s2_max) ? adc_value:s2_max ; adc_value = ADC_read(3); s3_max = (adc_value > s3_max) ? adc_value:s3_max ; } Drive_Motor(1,2); while (ADC_read(2) < (s2_max-20)); Drive_Motor(0,0); s1_max-=s1_min; s2_max-=s2_min; s3_max-=s3_min; c = 0; } if (linefollowing_bw) { Drive_Motor(2,1); for(int i=0;i<90;i++) {

_delay_ms(10); adc_value = ADC_read(1); s1_max = (adc_value > s1_max) ? adc_value:s1_max ; adc_value = ADC_read(2); s2_max = (adc_value > s2_max) ? adc_value:s2_max ; adc_value = ADC_read(3); s3_max = (adc_value > s3_max) ? adc_value:s3_max ; } Drive_Motor(1,2); _delay_ms(300); for(int i=0;i<90;i++) { _delay_ms(10); adc_value = ADC_read(1); s1_min = (adc_value < s1_min) ? adc_value:s1_min ; adc_value = ADC_read(2); s2_min = (adc_value < s2_min) ? adc_value:s2_min ; adc_value = ADC_read(3); s3_min = (adc_value < s3_min) ? adc_value:s3_min ; } Drive_Motor(2,1); while (ADC_read(2) < (s2_min+20)); Drive_Motor(0,0); s1_max-=s1_min; s2_max-=s2_min; s3_max-=s3_min; c = 0; } } return linefollowing_bw; } void black_line_follow () { lft=fwd; rgt=fwd; s1=ADC_read(1); s2=ADC_read(2); s3=ADC_read(3); s1=(s1-s1_min); s2=(s2-s2_min); s3=(s3-s3_min); error = -((s1_max-s1) - (s3_max-s3)); rate = error - prev_error; Pterm = error*kp; Iterm += ki*error;

Dterm = rate*kd; if (error>0) PORTB = (1<<0) else if (error<0) PORTB = (1<<1) if (Iterm > Iterm_max) if (Iterm < Iterm_min) // (0<<1); (0<<0); Iterm = Iterm_min/2; Iterm = Iterm_min;

pwm_duty = Pterm - (2*Dterm) + Iterm; pwm_duty=error/kp+rate/kd+integ; if(error > prev_error) { s1_d=base_speed+pwm_duty-4*Dterm; s2_d=base_speed-pwm_duty-4*Dterm; } else { s1_d=base_speed+pwm_duty; s2_d=base_speed-pwm_duty; } if (s1_d>255) { s2_d=s2_d-(s1_d-255); s1_d=255; } if (s2_d>255) { s1_d=s1_d-(s2_d-255); s2_d=255; } if (s1_d<0) { s1_d=0; } if (s2_d<0) { s2_d=0; } if (s1<45 && s2<45 && s3<45) { s1_d=180; s2_d=180; lft = rev; rgt = rev; Drive_Motor(lft,rgt); _delay_ms(150); } OCR1B=s1_d; OCR1A=s2_d;

// PD4 (OCR1B)--> Right // PD5 (OCR1A)--> Left Drive_Motor(lft,rgt);

prev_error = error; } void white_line_follow() { } int main() { uart_init(); init(); init_ADC(); sensor_calibrate(); while(1) { if (linefollowing_bw == black) { black_line_follow(); } else if (linefollowing_bw == white) { white_line_follow(); } } return 0; }

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