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with Dr. Scott Mitchell & Ms.

Saskia Schut

Weather that ubiquitous phenomena *chance

storms light showers clearing in the afternoon low of

land) know it we feel it we see it and we are responsive to its variations *late cool change*. In the sustained artifice that we make let us use this phenomena to augment the performance of inhabitable structures. Outline Zero degrees expands the notion of the landscape beyond the ground (surface and structure), engaging atmospheric phenomena as a design material. The studio draws from/ feeds into architectural speculations (Antfarm/ Archigram/R&Sie/Serenson/Subnatures etc.) to develop projects that challenge conventual modes of habitation (landscape + architecture). Students will engage in direct material experimentation at a range of scales

17 top of 26* we (me, the home , the city, the

including 1:1 with the aim of developing a deep understanding of how matter performs in the world. This understanding will be further explored through detailed drawings and film/ video. phase 1 The studio begins with an exploration of atmospheric phenomena (results of variations in temperature, humidity, light etc) and biological processes. Through the creation of one-to-one working systems, we will be developing an understanding of these dynamic and transformative processes. Such systems exist in nature as for example termite hills where the form is determined to optimise temperatures. These systems will be explored and refined through installations, models, detailed drawings, material research and film.

phase 2 Drawing from this designed system, we will develop environments that engage with a specific geographic location and condition (specific sites to be chosen as appropriate to the phenomena being explored). Projects will be developed through material and spatial experiments and processes of drawing and film making. The studio will include in class presentations, workshops (including drawing), feedback and discussion. The studio encourages self direction and playfulness. Class times Tuesdays (alternating weeks) 1:30 - 4:30 bld 8 model workshop 5:30 - 8:30 bld 88.5.17/17A Fridays 1:30 - 4:30 bld 88.5.3/3A

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