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Some spend their entire lives trying to figure out what women want from men, and it seems like
a constant uphill battle. There are so many theories, stereotypes and role models, and how they
clash with what we see around us! The media perpetuate the image of the self-made queen that
demands respect from men, but in reality, women seem to want rude behavior and expensive
gifts ± or do they? We wreck our brains trying to figure it out ± and in the process, everybody
loses. But it could be so simple! Imagine a world in which women could simply be feminine, and
men masculine. Today, let¶s explore what that means.


When you think of a ³masculine´ man, who do you imagine? Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris, Duke
Nukem? If so, you may be overdoing it a bit, but you¶re on the right track: even though a few
decades of feminism have ingrained the image of the strong, independent, self-made woman
into society¶s collective brain, our biological programming is still there, and it¶s just a tad older:
the classic strong and confident leader, the one that can kick some butt to protect the ladies, is
still a very attractive one.

What does that mean for you? Well, keep your fists in your pockets, you don¶t need to go out
and beat up miscreants. But when she¶s around you, she needs to feel she can switch off her
tough girl persona and just be feminine ± because you are there to protect her.
Vor example, become a decision-maker: when you invite (not ask) her out for a date, don¶t ask
her what she wants to do. Take the lead, and decide yourself! You don¶t even need to tell her.
Throw in a little mystery to get the tension going:

³Vriday night at 8. I¶ll pick you up. Wear black.´

In your everyday life, start standing up for yourself, set goals and reach them, and show that
you are in charge of your reality.

Imagine a negative, friendless guy who stays at home and plays video games. Now, imagine a
fun, sexy guy who¶s surrounded by friends ± male and female ± all the time. Which one do you
think has more ³social proof´?

Women are very attracted to socially successful men: if you have a vibrant circle of friends, you
will be seen as a great catch. Why is that? Well, if other people think you¶re awesome ± then it
must be true!

So, if you want to get good with women, work on building a ³clique´ before you actually get to
the girls.

Start by making one friend that¶s really on your wavelength, a great guy with a fun vibe, a good
heart, a great sense of humour and interesting lifestyle. Then throw more into the mix: ³Me and
my best friend are going out on Wednesday to play pool. Why don¶t you two join us? We¶d make
great teams.´ Just hand-pick the best people you can find. The more of those you have around
you, the easier it will get.


Women want a man who can make them laugh. Yes, you may achieve this by telling her a joke
with a cleverly conceived punch line, but it¶s much easier by triggering good feelings inside of
her. If you¶re able to communicate on an emotional level, you will be so much more successful
with girls ± and, actually, people in general.

Vor that, your nonverbal communication is crucial. Ever notice how you have the best of times
around people who are animated, lively, positive ± people who almost sparkle with life and joy?
Well, you want to become that kind of person yourself to make women feel good around you. If
she sees that in you, she can imagine herself being with you some time down the road ±
something that¶s very important for her to feel close to you.

Good feelings are addictive, and she will come back for more.

Think about Marv in ³Sin City´. He¶s a tough badass, but he sees and protects a girl¶s honor and
human value.

And so should you. What does that mean if you don¶t live in a Vrank Miller comic? Well, for one
thing, don¶t kiss and tell. Don¶t talk badly about her behind her back. Protect her reputation.

Don¶t talk badly about other people in her presence, or bring up your other female ³conquests´ ±
because she will assume you¶ll do the same thing to her. If she asks you about these kinds of
things, tell her you¶re not spilling that kind of info ± and why.

You see, women love making out and having sex. They really do. They just want to feel that it¶s
safe to do these things with you, because for them, there¶s a lot at stake ± physically and
socially. That¶s why strength, emotions and integrity are what women want from men.

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