Sei sulla pagina 1di 150



HIS eount1~, togttber Perth!bir~ and., tbe-\VestcrJ.' Islrln/Is, is IU[lpM('(~ to
T hu'c coUititut.ed the I\UCII:nt Cnledoruan kingdom, " 'hlle the Human.'t 111,,1 Piela:
were in possession of the ~ater pllrt of Scotland . It is bountlt"lI on the &Guth hy
'he Irwh · lea,' aIIotl the (rith of Clyde; on tbe .cast by Jlcrthahirc; on the "'.Cit~)'
the Atlantic' and on the north by In\'cmullbire. Il c"tcUlI, about 114 !lules III
length and:b in breath exc1ulivej of tbe hfel!. ' It COlllain5 the two royal burghil
of 11'Iv;~y, (the ~o~nty-tow,,) anti Camllbctltown, 00 IJnrishes, :lIIffl 1lllIar(' mile.!1
of llUl'\;' 81..~'q.~
ulrle-. o{r.~~' . '21~ ncres ,o tcUnivu.tcd, (11111 1731570 ne",' tOf
IIncultinted- \lud. It I" dlVlikd f Into . ix' lJuwlcy, Argyll Proller, CO\\'al. blay.
Kintyre, Lorn; aDd Mull. The loretto', districts of Anlgowar, SunlLrt, Ar~nI'lUlur~
c1)aD"and :Mon~rn, form a large peninsula tct (}iF nm"tb·wcll . .
Tbe surface o( thi, county is, like (DO~ t otber parte of the UighllLRll. , mount"""..
OUSt ~leak~ and uncomfort"blc to the .iew : Ihm,', -rocks, antl,buge mount"Ins . rde
~po.Q ea.clL o,It~ , j)ls '~re,!d06s l'wid' drefd rul 'al~o rdfr :' The n(jte"' vl\lI~y of Glencoe
is tl'elDtmloua, and ...a.wful . ' The c::oU~ I. rOCk~
' • b~t iRdcflled ~itb II!Ivi"" ,ble bay.,
nnd i~lets. wbiqh aJr. r~ goOil hal~.,ri 'To~.lI ing.J! ~l1ii(leo.nty ill wcllu".U!l'ell
by ~h'en. !b~uid~"'" hicb .~1" ,t 6..h ~ \ ~t valea.a.od fla"I).;,rt. <\rc
eulti .. at~d' (n~ mo.Dtai.. feed ~~Utif!ll Gf ~~ .nd. blae\ cMlle; thtl'
woods, of which tbere il ·a eoauhlet;.;:ble -DUlll.ber. atrOrd Ill~lter " to ·detr. "ntl Hc tber
game, while ... mndll "ealth ~b gotln th5boW'eb ot ...)t.rtP~ .""idt contain
mine.! of lead, Copper. &.c . .... Locb"FyDe!b famous 'tnr herrings, and il. h cnnjectured,
tbat there are annually .caught. in this ~~)thY'S~a':' UflWGf1ls o{ 20';000 blu-rels.
Loch Aw is II. beau,ifw.frelh woter laXe abou t 28 milel long, lU1d frOID one to twu
brond, This reekoned ,tbe p).Q~ l VicturfSQlIe lakt o( an)' in the Highlands, ami pos-
senes many pretty i.let., turt'ed ~lth tree!!, rtmong wbicb nrc scen the ruins of Ic"erol
old cnstlu; it!! wtIter1 II.OOuI'ld with IIllmon, trout, nnd eel. and discharge t~lU se h' cll
into loch Etive . a b"ftnch- df'th'e-'A tbntic "ocean, at Uoonw. Tbe clan of. Caml,bcll,
of which tbe Dukc o f Argyll is chlef.l IIIlweli as b~~diUl.ry . herilf of the county,
AN! the principal inhnbitantJ; the'tltmatc, OIl. «iUnt"Of t'he proximity of the "esterD
o~an. is 'moid. If 'I I ,
The ancicot inhnbitan t' of the Hig hlan , oC -"hi~ this county consti tute. u pnrt,
did not Jj"c efi.ber In elegance or pll'1I y j yet they were hllPllY . They pr i~l etl
themselves on their CllduroDce of hunger'And flltigne f they were I'Mliionutciy follt l
of IUlisie and l)()etry; and the song 8nt\ the dal\(,'e 600D mOllc them forget their toils.
N ow the AO uod o f tbe bagpipe is more .rarely heart! ; tlte taste (or poetry btU
disappeared with the modes of life thaI. nourished it; the deer h;we ab."lUdou~d tbe
lllountninl;' Md extensi .. e (orestl arc c<in. ~ rtecl into sh('elr-"..nlks . '
In fonner ages th e wC6tern coast of Argyllshirc wis perpetually expnsetl to the
d~lCe nu and depreciations o( the D:I.I)(,'& 0.1111 th ~ I rish, bu~ the originnl inllabitllnUi
nc,'u luffered them to penetrate much fnrth c r tban the C()/\'st . If IIny enem y \tmded,
or wnl seen ho,'cring on the CO'LSt, in the CO U rAe of two hours the wlmle eonntry
was alnrmCAI, anll the mCIl rl'pl'liretl to tbo &bore ('omplctciy armell. The lleroell.
celebratetl by Ouian . Ifcrc a militia establisbed in A'J'b"yllchirl', fur the purpolM! o(
defen(lillg the ,country in My sudden cUlfrge~cy. Of (I~tl the chieftain 'Ya'tonsi ..
dered the father, rl\th ~r thall the nl;\!lter orhls dan . Ills followers loved with
(II. degree of enlbu5~m , which IIll'ltle thou) Cheerfully undergo ~ny fati gtfc- or dan!,re r;

111111 it Wb bil intereat, as well as his pride o.od glory, 10 rC(luitc SO animated R
fr iendship to tbe utmost of his power, The rent paid him WM chiefiy eonSlimed in
fCllsts gi ven nt the bnbilat ions or h is tenants; on these occasions they nil ljved
toget1ler ?s rricn!b~ nnll tbe departure or the chief nlwn)'ll occasioned reg l't't. ,In
more l'ollllu.-d t UUel, Ih(' eaU": anti corn, formcrl), consnmed at thesc 'coau of
hospi tality, were feelui red to be brought to the InllcHord'l mnnsion, lind friellllJlhip
Ilcb't':ncr:ltel l into oppreuioa, Campbell o( .'\ uchillbr~ek lit'll! form erly h right lb
earry olr the best cow he eould fin d , ullCln &even.1 prlllN:rtil'!I, 1.'/IIC'h mn.rtirullllll, by
, ..ayof mart: the island of hlay paid 500 su~h cows )'l';lrly. Hut this bndb"e oC
lila very hllS bt'C'n corn'ertetl into a mutlu!I of twenty sh il1 itJf:~ a heat!' The incon"c~
nionees ittlcntlin~ this state, a ro~e from the llt' l ly lJu:lrrt'l" hClwccn IId "h bourill~
I""'"S; t hc ~ e took thei l' rise from 11 ! Jlirit uf I'lu !ltkl', aud frum IlUint s uf liultn:;tical
honour ; but t hey u'ldom continued long at n tillie, nUI\ nn conside rable family wns
ever annibilated by them,
At this time the Scottish kings had no alllberit)' o,'er this purt o f the country ; on
the co"'trAry. the Me Don!\liIs of the Isles Il8sumctl roynI " owel'll, he ld parliluuenu,
&IlII enacted 1;1\\'1. Uut the Bruccs brought the di so rderly clans into sowe ki nd of
subordination. From this time, in their different wars with the English, they Jilltl
recourse to the ruJsisttmcc of the H ighlanders. It. then uecame necessary fur t he
chieftains to lead their followers to the low country. 4011, of course, to ('on lrne! lIebl!! •
. From this era the cundition of the middl;ng classes became worse; for the c'liiHlI
found it necessary to Illy on au addition to their yearly rCI'cnuc, and, ill order to
enforce obedience, recourse \Va.! hud to penal laws. In Ihis repeet the king was
obliged to gratify his feudnl barons; for Ihey wcre al\\'ays form idahle to his ,tb rbD ~.
'The feudlu lo rds erected h';bbets. o.nd li1l.llged their teWlllts without tncrc), or
remorse. The e vilbcl;ame o.t lflst so flagrnnt. that Iljurr. and bllililT, or sberiff.
were introduce/I. Hut this Ji4 tlot cure the mischief ; (or tbi s Inw-officer ,&
frequently b'Tatified for the blood he spared; anll, if u culprit WIL!I poor, he was
thought 11 proper sllflj~ct fur Jbc ,tgll:l1p,.s . In,
17 1~. thc~e · nbomlnable ju'~~!dic~~ms
were tOlall), IIboIi8~~4. ; l a~d 00 &09.-0erfwert; JIlcn cm~cJpo.t ed from thelt tetters.
than they began &0 )mprove t~eir propcrties ; arilL s ince tbnt time. the fnce....u1(1
cODwtio n of this emmtry hqs lI n~crgo n c the' hnl'tJicst ehllnge. ' '.
The IJrinc.i.,.aJ h,lundli on tbe ~04lIt nrc Tyric. CoIl . r\Jull, I sla. Jurn. Stntra,.'¥Jul
Icol mkill . The most CODsiderable elevations nrc lkinClit urk 2110, lklIJim3 23~.
Uchuuore (in .4111(;) 29SO,' Benan:l.mbmn 2720. , Bcncnlnn 23Otf," lkonnhOR f!51'S~
Benreisipoll iOO l . HI.I!!hael E~i\'Q1 2~7. CreAch )3~,j ll 24aV'1.q~aciu~n 3300; C'tu~,!l'­
lussa. 3000, l'ap8 of Jura 2"i6:. Scur ,Chuinicb , 2364, Seur Dhonuil 2'130, &(l(~
SIi:I·b"'Uoi1 222d fect ubovc the lc,'ehofthe sen. , , ~'.
'" I!I ,I , " • .,
,'" / -,~~ ..... .,~
• ,·r.,
'iJ."~~Ji'" '''if
'\ ~ ....,"'1 l II'"''
I' ((>.1 " f I ~ , ~.


:s.w,.. ~r Ar.iu.
K iIt~ .. & Killcb .... i.
8 ... ~t~
8kjp"~ ..

'CoUI In t

COW~ I,nUJTJU CT. '''''

I)u_ Ie Kilmuo
I n .. 'cb .....u.
Kll an ...

Kil....t ...
Ki l_rieI>
I _b,.oilhad


~ .PI
· 1:::11::
& ..;;
6 ;.;;;.

c..pbelJ Du llallll.
, a ~ A1III.!.&.. ICHooL ·
FtrpJOa D UbCH. ~ll:Itfr
.4.'.B SaHOOL·
KNMlks Joho, .IUttT
IfO.'Llrr, aBlfrar AND OLJ:Jtor.
Arnll. hit Grace the Duke of, III- ~calllPbdl Joba.. eaq. KU~rJ bJ ~Mt Laebbo Mn. LIley. CraigeD-
yeTllry Ca"lIe "Hlllrd ttn'c
Bell Lk'a l. JOkll, HP. Campbell Ntll,esq. SI. J obl1" MOil", DuIl(U., ~. Clrnary
6roo1r:, Capl. JOIUI. HP. alDPbell Rob!:. nq. SO'lload.1UI SlCnn ReT. C~. SU"adlllit
C_pbell Duncan, nq. Sheriff'- Me Caiman Lk1II. DoDald..l HP. SmWi Douald. . .. ACCOJracbar
Mlfledhue "1( Gibbou Ru. Jama, uklWJ Smilh Peter I aq. Bllckiaerd
Campbell Duncaa, CIq. Rockhill Me Glbboo Ueut. Robert, H P. TUllu Jobu, tIq. Urimlee
Cunpbdl Mn. Gneral, ~llW:but Me:: LacblII Robe. nq. Me l.achlul
lIIBJtOHAlf'r6, 2'AADl!SJJ6.J:N,
paOn'IIO • •L CaJD!lbrU Pdn. C" Mtll'J PlibUC D..~. Ala. Add1u
GE N TLE _ E lf.
A~~D. Ala. MD. Art
Anderwo.luhn, IIIlrpon. Ark
ana 'lI~r o(taxt.)
Fop Robl. (_
dlaributor 0 F1&bn- Ardl. ,I_tau i
Daria,iaanhnre,Ac. dlr
Mae Am., PeCff, _rdtan t
"'e Doupll Alex. lurpo, .Sua. Mac Arlb\lf AlL (.kDOIUJpubUc ) Mw.r. .101111, ltUltb, Ilrewtr y
ChUf MOllrn Nichol Mt CaUIIIIl Ouoc:an, .men:hant
Me Intyre J a.. ~,..o- PaknOO DuIlUII, f& sw_).Ie bUI" "reb. men:hanl C",·
w..~.. ~or 'seal or A'11lhbire) dich •
• "J
h C' .
~ at arml
Wlisoll Wm. (& DOUr)' pubhc)
Wrigbl Janie.
Me Intyte DullCln, cabiaet mMcf
Jolt Inlyre Ueo. --ht
8la.:k J)avld, (and,u
L d i..... -
.BO....B.Z... ' "t otyre p aer,- .wript
Mt Kellar Robt. hl llkeeper
........ t~ u (H n , (aod 1IO .... D ~ •• , • c . Me Lcatt Dolllld, mercbAn &
publIC) • AIIIWI .10110, no tntr Me NeTIa J ohn e. IIIU
ca.r.~11 Am.. (& dwnberbila) Bro""n J ohn, me n:ba.. t ltlotlro DIInClll ·.ia~
Moaro Bib vl~lner
Calapbell Colin, (tc ageol 10 lbe:
ItenfrtWl!hlte Bank )
~UIIpbcll J Obl', .<cn.
BMlfn Malcolm, cooper
Campbell Hugh "\nlaer
(; 011111$ Cha.,_ m~·r<· IIIU ' &
ltlom- <':hu
l\ lorri.loll Job,,·:r
(;ilUlI·ltdl .Iolm, jun. (; ro lll\)l:, "1~-a:_ I'llI~t frc r NiI,iet Rubl . :"illl ~ t:>4rlwri,l"
, I.
. - r-
O'Neill J ohn & Co, mel'l:'hanu &&OI •• OFrloa- CONVEl"ANCZ:
Ptll1:i, J unet, baker
Purdy Manha, ~tl1l" boonet mllk!:'
Roberuon Tbos. watdl.lnaker
Forbes Jamce •
. rSII_Bay oFrlca .
By W.ter.
n.ln ......' Cwle, T ...... c ••
... ROtI"~ C.. U., ~H.,,\ pand",
Rou J obn, watcbwalier Smith Malrol m lN~c l urfl'•• ' ......, M .. 4io~ . .... .
......,. . . . F,klaYi "', O~ ... .
SiDclair Wm. uoorr
SpelllCtt Wm.lnnkecjII!T
CAaalZ:.... ull i"1 •• Loeb,I)"",,,,,
R<>tb"", D... _ , G...-k, _
Wript "reb. ~t" .ker FROM MIT. lie KEI.LAR'. litiS. .... t. OI.. ~ ... ~ 01>.1 . eta .. t. I ... •
cueTO. Boua• . DoNoI. M, I"", •• , t". J.,,"
Me c.J
.... to OlMlrow. _ Ho'~~ 0._""" ,
... " _ .It.....I. "-1" , . ....., ....
.". ... _ •• ; .......u . ..... ..
Haslop Dugald, Prineipe). Oftker I.....u, T~",.d'JI u4
,el",. ". "'l~ltr,
lones S. Ponto, -ndewailrr

-----.._" _ --------------..--------------
Is IIIe seat and pc'Opert1 of eoioncl ll latthrw III .... Il 6,;e 't rlletnTe of tW aoeiCI\t Gothk order, and bas
I:.4Ic.ter. lu the I>il. rbh of KlllcAtI " Klll ebenzle,:lIld wilbln Ihe last fe .... )'t'8r~. under«oue C<Hlaiden.ble
In tlult part or '\ IJYII~hi re ulilod Ki ll l)'rtl. It b oue repairillu d imllro.cHlt"lIt. ~'",m It t toik: Ihere ill a n
bundml alld SIlIlI-four milt'S Wl'll l o f I::dillbu rgh. eXleu,w ve ¥ie w of the _ . of R.:llhli n illAlld. aDd.of
IZ lIorth of Carup oeltown, Iwellt y_lh'e Mluth 0(·....... the oorlb.-e-olott cooU o f Ireland. Tbe ri4ing hilla.
brett and .bt)'-4)I)t lDuLb -wt'Sl ofIllnlrarar •. It 11 which wilMi for SOw.' diitAPore rouoo the eetaW, De
"I:f)' pleMalltly alluAtCd o u I rldlly eulli ...led Idtll_. C01'cnd wilh he rOllue: plam.attoll~. W-Ilid! ~..,..
ltan«, IUId its -romantIC ~i laa1lon, I1!lIdu Barr ODe
0'1 Ihe bank , of the l!.arr "ater, whk:h II plenlnallr,
,upI/Uedwldllllleu.huolllmll rouL The howe. ollheliDhlteUe"ltOotbewnlernC(lUt.


Macal('Mer Col. Mlltbew, BaIT; and Coo r I Macdooald Rt-r. Donald. Killean MaUle

- ;-'~ . .-----.. -"i'- --.. -----"'f---------- ~ -""--"---

CAMPBELTOWN. aroPl;8qrl'b.,and.lka,Poet.,. 'pl~t!,,1Nted ","-, de K\' REG,\N , ~ ."DiI .. lnl, l\NOR1',
the extreml1r 01 a pc;1'iQ~,_calW, ~or;I": ~~I" de KIL : COMAN : qui h:Ule
in lbe eollol1 of Atn!!. J,,, t.,-l~itWN~W .6t:rl f.Idet:M:----"'f'his ia thli UDlII of Mr.
lI0II111. of FAlpborKJ!.. ;21 "~, S.qlJ::r~ Iii~ ~ '&tI".,-d.J(..·H:.,Eacbnoa. 0Dftl 1kc:_1OI' ", Kyt<e:U I,
S. ofTh rbcrr, alid':lq ~ Ren.lOwD.A l1Yllo;j i ft"J ......, Aadre .... hlilOllLflec::cOr oC. 1'lIoolllau ,
~h('lt('rt'd on all sides bY IOftr mOllnlaln M, Md hu wllo ~rectei1 this crop. ' TbCf't II, hOw~r, ~
one of lhe toafen harboufl In Ihe IVN-Ierll hi8hJands, dale i bUll! b~d to MI1: bee.~tti4"a~1 ' be
IIOSlIl'~~iulf " depth of froru!) I'" I!) falhoms at InIV 12111 ""ilU,.,., aud In h:we ken hrouAbr M:)_qf tlle
watt·r. The ha'"en il ~flacioll~, he iul( IIc:"rly 1"11 Isle of 10lla ~ lcolrukll. Tilt 'Publl~ &lIildl lil'l are
milll. in leul' h, by olle in b,"t'lchh, and proleclC'd I ...... well built ehnreh-c:, of Ihe elIIlabllsbmelll, "rec.
by all islalld at Iu 1II0lllh. U .. cllleri" li th l~ bay Ihe lI.·d ill comm~lI,h ..! litllaliolll, ill oue oJ whiCh VI·
mauger'. allclllillll b anroclL-'d b, the fine wild 1"llle .crfK!: il (lfrCo rmrd in Ihe Ollt'lle lon~l'
~Dery, particularl y 00 t he IKI l1lherll 8i,\e ; Rud at bnid,... lht.e t hert are a nchtf chnreh,<\·lth lI" ~mal
the head uf the l.och of Kllker""u ,ta»dl l he-aeat' I Roro~11 C.lhoUe Chapc:1 alt ulenli~ 1IiDrou8h or
I""n of Caml'belto'VII. Thc fl(lbli e builuln jp are parbh tebool, and aJllOf, oruamC'rl-leti wleb"a lWIIaU
lIteb lowering ab01'c Ille !lY1I1M: ~ , kYOIKl whICh IbtI- .~a!e to..-er aM a 1fObd 10WU eloc:t. II> Ihl ~
tye Is artled tor WUle tll ~ tallCc 10 a fine, rC"IIJ~ IiUUdll1, Are a emillei! th:"ukl-••aud .• ri .... tt.lJ.
monnlaillollll eOll ntry. F ~om th e s hore atljohilul ' Callll,btitown alAi, llO!l!e'l8N; IWO Chadl, Hl!loob,(pr
IU Ihe mJJu ~1tet:1, two quays stretch im o IFte bay, lIude And fClllal r C"ln ltlrr n, and areeflC!d.ahle.!:in nday
to u to en."ble ,"\!~~Is 10 lIu load:1.I low Iklt;:. 'n U!rt: IIChoul. SOlllh uf Ihe lown i, thai !ittl fleIlUn.~ mc:k,
is al""lIuoCher quay, whlrh extend. froltl thal pari or moulllal ll , c;u lcd Ueu!(uelioll, fro lll \Ii"bieh ,here
of th e 10,"" call1'tl Dalhtlober. Campbeltown, 181111 tx tell! lr e ."j!: w of Ille lIelghhollriu,g con ulr_)">
althollgh loc:rculull' In 1Ul\!lIilnde, h~, wlthhl t he Intludlllll Ihe dilliant o bjects uf AII1ID, Pl.:u.lda
WI rew ynn, conlitktabll fallen off III II"II~e" The islaud~, Cowall hilb, Ihe liar and hcad1l of Au ,
herring !Ullery, fur which II wu parl icolltrlr. famed, \ 111: l..o wlalllu M far at! 1..ocIt Ryan , Iht Cral,-<if
h:ll bet.'n inJun'd bylhe Inte rt'luhltioU.lIf i Ie boun· Ailh , IIIacIt Head .. I th e te of IkUa.'I l..oitgb ,
ties , which have pnm:u a d~l1menl al check 10 this DOlllla,"erlie, SanCl'II blCf, part of Ihe Ir~h rout
Impo rtant braadt of h, eomlllC'l"Ce. Nex1 10 the Il car lhe poillll uf Garronfie-dd, Red llIIr'and f air
tldling lrade I'1IlIta Ihe tnaltiu .. &n~iueu, and Ihellt, II tatl, Ihe dan~u~ b."l, o f Mter.draDbh, the
Iogo.:ther Willliwo ~ mall di~lilferlf'" IDft)' be &aid 10 Mull ofbla, Iud the I'~ of JUrIl, aleo Ihe Cl"nle--
erubroM:e the chief hu!.in_ of die II.wn. [cry at Kllkerroll, ",lib the (lOill" of Sadell, Car.
In o lher re~p«llI Caolpbckown ponC'lSe~ nn- IkU, . 'nd Sll~cw.-As Iht lIoclh and IIWlh .horu
merOlU oolUme n'w adrau l ~' Ihtre are brancllt~ ofCaml,heltirWn an: both Vlcasalll "ltd ht:ll!thr. thc-r
0( bolh tbe ~n(rewab i~ aDd Paisler b:tllkJ, aDd an! the ~d ence of many rCfJoec:tabie liUitirteS.
'ICioIUI bQ.t.. tCfubr l), sail wilh pMSeIl~n 10 a lld , Illh e 1IC1l~ of Gapt. Charla! Call1pbc: Il, Clt pl" FuUlr·
fro lllGlaslC l'f, UreeDOdr. and the adj_'- I_.c"d lo n, and .Col., Porter , d~n-e I;"":lisnla,r~.
toovn. . Abou l lix mi le. diataAll. a .-eln of co;U, Cam pbelton-II' i~ the pm!"cl)" of hll Grac:e' l~ ~e
laid to be: from 1 10 10 feet in thicknCA, aad eou· of i\roJl. It .. mUllieip,' gon'ru mell l it ~, in
8ld~n.ble jU8l1lhle. are b""'Cb t IlIlher br ",tao. o{ '" Vro'O>II, IWO Ilailil!ll, a CbalUbt~ ~ o r
Ihe callAI rom i) rIlUl leuri D. The only temllr~abl c Guild; Town Ch-'I k a",1 1'''''''5U",' , SMriI' Jab·
~ of antlqult,. i. &1\ alleielillTOu , creded in Ihe n i{lIie, l' rONtal"r n 'cal, &e. , A pl!!\il~ . .rt"
Illlddl!, ?f themailiatruellllaf?liaj1:ei"i .....rJfill\!lt heldo ll~. are fain ,"d ItyJlI In
aud d"tulCf. 1~III..erJpllOn " III Ihe 5113:011 cha'. May , Juut' , Alll(tI ~l , and Nm-t..ber. 1"be pap ula.·
racier, ~nd Ihe rolltwrillf[ ~ a litt.'r,I1 copy, with the Iiou of fhe 10WII i~ til l.. , :lIId lbat of the ·w-bole pa.
1. ... II~ h\Uon auun:ed. HK : otiC. : crus: : DuOllol ' rla~ U :1016.
' \'.'\IU : !II : H : EACH\,RN:\ : '1IIolldaOl : " l'C'
walTZ• • ,
Ham, N, Lh1. S.lpriHI Coc~
I .atllb JaUlI:II A. !bek Jt
, Macka,lhlllh, MahuL "
lolc Lclll JO~'llll,MalD '"
tel, C& P~11I10
- 3'r:' rt'
!II " t ~
..... """". (jod ....,. p""
; 'Ik) lUtk-~ .-:
.. .o.eao.•.
8t'OWli 1M. !(-.the·ArCU" nu
. Militia) MalA II I
Crall! Robnt.. ~" ICARTIIIlHW.....
Harl'C!)' R:qboert, 'LouS.row DEALE • • .
Ale Nab Jo bn. \8adr:. Andcranu Mar)" 8ae1t: u
,Row-lIou (.'tIariet,lMiI!. ttt H~rTll M"'pl~t. M,in.t
.. ~A'cRb'Ji,.". t MOIlICOIllc:t' AJuCI. Lou, row
Tarior Jobu, KU'\t: It
Oimu Janie:', ('~lnr. wrlth"
"c.) Klrk.t oaoOlS., _
Graham Jal. (1III"Z(anIUcl ~Ialll a "r!Unlir y.d .... rd. lAlli, nllO'
Graut John , (lIIerc::ulli)e Kirk I' Hell "Itau, (& winc merchant)
Wilkill!lOn Ja.. (reacll..,. w,.iliug !Jack aL
&e,) n atIoN" o...ulol.John. Main ~I
AO."TI · fcrjj'u!IOn Wi'll. Jbck II
t'ulf.rlllfl Ge.anl l.otl~ row
Beilh Alex. &- J olIlI\ (~tho Rtn .' 1111011 I ~rl , (& Ittlrdwlre dn-
. 'fre ... hi,e Unllk ) . Ialit It lu) 1.0011 row
Cohill John, JIIII . (8 hlp) ' Mlin at Ocachr DooIiulck row
(lAibnoalh o ! Sle"rl, (10 Ih Hall WillilUD, lI.r,olll II
SnitdI ComtQcrcllll &nt) DllJn. HatTty Ma'Vd"CI, ~1:lln It
IlIbeT CART Hule John, (lit dnper) 1.0111 ~
W"!'On Wm . J~n. to Lord~ 0 ANI) PLOUGH W1UOBT • . Kl"Ilr J"hn. lIark It
!Pnd" ", Lin • ~. to tbe (;01,111 !tuIler'. (& SLilith} Ual. K~IIJ' Nr.I, MAlII I'
Ma In.lIrolll<"C· ofStoILand _.«"''''at Kl rk,,·,>Od Ala. I_II" row hridce
10 the ";orwlm UJlIoa Cti••;& Kobrruon "lIdw. Lon, row Lauplll Kobt, (Ii ·haboar ...u-
to Ihe OI... ,.t:O '"
& t.i..-erpool
Under'rril"''') Kirk u COQPE. • •.
ler) t'bore fl
Brobleban Neal, KirIt II: Me Corldadale D~II(IJJ, (& dra.
BAKERS · per) ,\llin It
COIIII SaIUIlt'I, St",rc ~ I t·CrpiOo Jamct. Lot.! ro"" lie Cor~klr Nell. Okl'llllrlM'ld
OUllIop J:., ..... , IIld t.l,, ~~ I.e.lil Me M'rdlr John, (It 1lUt.llnn) Me Millan NtH, Hoclden
SIMe .,
~1I8 llilrncll Al' ..... l ,oll~ ro,,·
CA¥l'n lC LTOI\J>:= _

• f' r- I



Me N,W l'II.kohu. t'tq. l . - t b)' Portalbl:

Me Nrill Neil . eeq. Ellislcr
\ Me Neill thJor H ~lor. Bal,moPq'
MI'I. A_. KillMafio CampbtJl !>wu. ttq. KikilOIllan Me Duale J'Ihu. tllQ. Conaabtlu
Caln"bdl ,\ r('h. ~tq • .Ardnahoe Cuu jlbrll Geot~, clt<J. Kilmiba.. Mt Ntl lI Her Jun. t !q. lbtllUlony
Arei!. etq. Ardmore
(;alUpbcll C&IUp~1I hDlQ , Hq. Greamq.y Me Nelli Johtl, etq. of Colonlll"
.Arch. esq. of hr_ CunpbcJl Ju.llli. Mq. of J tlr_ Me 1'IITiah Ref'. Aldl.
CUlfbdl~. Clq. ~all'll~ , CampIleIIW. F':C1Iq. ftf.P . lm,. Ho Me IDlOIIh ReT. J~/ ..~
Campbell CoUll, Nq. ~.~ (MQpbrn Capt. W.t. SullderlaQd '\oil CaptAir AlLan, &eUIIf
CaOlpbd! DII8aJd, ctol· n al n..1Iy eu.,-II Wlll. etq. naUinlIUUn . RII,1cl TholllM 5., A .M. Mul er
2Y3~1I1hJlIt:aJI, nol· Ardlltiuc c.mnon.Re,. Alet. KUclIOUIatl of lbe Parocb" $dIoQj ..


C E N or to E II C N ·
Me Arthur Nt-i i, lrmkl'eptr
Me Donald Ale •. ~o«r
I'o r."!! Wlliialu, mCTeh!lnt ·
Pa lli~t1 11 P,'ler, di", tilfcr, NCW'ltllI
Rtuh n"lM> rt .~llrgr.oll . lIowtllure I "Ie ~tlp.1I JUG. lI ia llllt'r, ,A r,lIbei S le\"l:: II WII c.;oli n & Cu" IIIt"td\aUI ~
C:aIUJiMII Johu, wriler to the Me ~lrreD Aohloolw , d"lIl1er, 1'II)"!or c... lin , I.aimer &: II!;L.lcrcr
'1s11C~t Daile
Curik Nell, sur!fC"l", Sund crJat1d l\I~ t:.achl't'n Donald, merdlant l\ CUSTOMS,
Hill Dun can, turg~'On. Jlrld ~nd lO~k('f'pO'r, ~rld gc nd WillillD SiQlIOn, c~q" eollcc:tot",
SoIIler Frauch write r lIowUlute Me ~ NJtn Nell,lronlflODstt O~~n I
" Me Ghle John. baker MaJoolUll\1c GiI~ro\y,li4c wll iler,
aHOPKEI:PCRa. Me lildot-t JUICII merrl!aal ·Bowln o~
T a A D E R S, e.c. m ack Ro r k ' ...
1' •• . ~ ••~" Gm... 'Il~. I ... . Me: !Jnn M'.leobn. atrdlabt EXClaB .
BclhllMl W. me rchant, 8ow~rr' Me Jonet John, !rocer & leathtr Hour.ill C\lwluiQl• .1IU~Uor.
IIrown Colill,joincr & cart llaali:el" (".nter Cbul«e
CuuIo'bc-lI Ales.. M e Kay Aludr. lIlen:Ju,ar. Port And &lx ExciK Olllcctl,
Culpilell Audrcw, ~r of Ellen
IIl[CS, Robolb Me Ladal!\n John, collector of
Colli". Johu , Illcrchaut la:t~. RridS"nd J
Cu rrie: Il k . ...dille r j\fc Leal. J ohn , 8jlcnt for the CIIde
Darroch Nell, lrocer and haber· Ill3u'rance CompaDr~ Cuitla~
clu hrr M e Ltod HUJh cabluet maker
Glkil rl~t Aln: , JIlt'n: hant

Me Nabb, ..ei'dlanl ..
Hill ~ 1IlQkceptr, PortMkal, Me' Plladtn JO'lJi, ~Jillut ..
Johtton J, dbllllt r, L.aroollo Me VIed John IDn!k~r "
J ollllilon John, dl~lmcr Mon tl\:orn'orj ~rorre, dbtllij-,.
lAIrd l tobt'rc blefehlUlt Oetonwre
Li~i~lon Ailall. boot M>d ~OI! MorrLwn JOhn.,...."
CIlakcr , , Muon JuDc". Ibery oftlrer

. •
I, ,i ".. "-l"" .' I 0"
IN Ibe ~ of' ArJ7'~~~D. ~ "'~.~.: rI'll 'M III ~'ie ;Own, aIld pH,~tfohl ~ri df!'fiifr
II3IntIJ ,1tuttd u'the no "' "I'retalt, ot COCh· !!lade. ~'f~ot the oaJr p1aCe Of ..:OnhiV10 Ihr
Silll. (tOlD w~~lt ilerm.IT~-.e, It 'I J~ m!te. ~ 'I~. fJM"'''~lf(lilitlJ'leellul::h(MI~. orwt.1Cb 'llit' lte~
WMt, uf Edlnbatp. 22 IIOtUti west
of 1,\!e"~1.. ' sidf alr ' • dlii:llJl~r;- :N' ~rt" l'I'b8d" lirre
IIOri.h of Tarbert. aud 52...,tth of CilhptlC!llown,_
About fWO mila I()(I lh o(lhe 10Wil It PArt!ra~ig
dn t '""'t' ~.y' In ~ IllOlIth. f,)r tR·~­
~df l1ebt., rio l CJP:~IIP'~/l' ..e P r.Onn~,"' ~ll:­
Point, frO nl ,.h\eh eomUlC'n('e:l Iht' Cdnan Caual. !tiiphead I~ rlLpldl)" Imjll'ovlul{ i in froit!{o(the iiiiil"
atrording a ra5!llSc ~I .,..t'\' n Loch C, !n:Ul. on Iho: ~lrl'N,1 partorihe l.oc h hil.!llJ("(:n w~llI(I ul!",~!n_~ .
WClt fOMtO Ih e m~u> b nd of ,\r),."yII~ln rc, and l'()(" Ir new PLl"CC of ground nllul~ fo r lilt C01L\f nh'lIte 6c
Yyllt, wh ich II connc( lcd wilh Iltc CI)",Io:, 10 the dLIl flLiu Of ruaT kl"I~, A lI ew In c! road b 1\00 for m-
ClLltwa ru, and uri llg 1\ ~o,.~ of Ihir l,. or (otty iug to I.ndlgcar, a dislallcc o f ci~tt mil f!," Thi~
leagues roood Ih e :\lull of I\IUI)"c, Thc Jcuglil of whe n 6u is hl'tf. li"1Il be of CMtntr.Lf.\Crri~, M it l'I'ill
the canal b ,,!Jolt! niu e wiJe~, la d~vth be IW\'tU tep "!",?,Id thtl hi l~, !!tM O~lruet th e rtI~"\d from I..oe.b -
aull dCI"" 11 ft'l.:l; nnd the dhnc/ulon. of Ihe IO('U glillhead to [ nf('"raray, O,flhe-bl,u') of t1fe l':I\ull, al
are nlnetr-II" ICCt by twen ty- lvu, . ao tltat "tam tbe diiitaltc~ of a utile,,, IIC'" diltlll~ry, bat IJot-toIi
bo.,,,o fa modcrate el7.~ !Hay pa'!! th rOUlC h thl.caDaJ Cl'f'Ctl-d by MC"SlIu, Huutl'r I.IId Co.; au d a lillIe-
on thd, Wiy between Gla5g(11V allll f on William,' w l \aUC'l: to titt" Do rthl\"lU"d iI a ! m. called
"h'-llct there II a rcadr comnlu nication, by .DC'll'" Cul~lie ,\I"n , on which nt"ll a C;u"dj llg-ntill, 1t~1-
of Ihe L'fLlcdoulan caulll. l"lth In ~erness, A quay mUl , ,,-:i'Vi ng- w ill, lind a d)-e-hou&e, ror the eoclI\e·
baa 1x"C1t erected fo r IIII' arcomtnodalioll o{ 'feuer. uienre urt he pnblic, Wit hin n quarTcr of II mile ro
10uChl,,! al Ihl, port; ILlLd, ttl render it of IlilI Ihewc!lllauUos the clfgaut mtu ,~h'" of !\Ift/"or "Ie
sreater tUltl' a 1':'I\lt .."a,s mad e in 1817 b)' gof'trn - Neill , kno ..... bY the U~IU~ of Oak t\c1d i am a mile
Ibent for h . IDp,oVCmt nt, On Ihe oPpostte side o r to the eMt i, Kllmorr~ the ..... 1 o f Ihc M.iUlt3 Call1ll-
Ihe Loch and adjoinin g the 10WII , anol her . mall bell, tbe ~I ralllt1lce of II~rI l:luullIfi c~ ~
~Day hal te;;n efl'Ctcd by the proprietor of Kilmory, Fain (\f't held &D the to.'Cpnd Tbundn]llll M~h fur
p<lnc1pally lutended for thc a.canumodatioll of fU· hOrin, Ihe!IC(lP)IId 1111m4a)' In JUIIC aud NOI:cu.t!>cr
Iftls In tbe hel'l"lng fis hing, In which purluit IIp'warlb (or a ttie, a nd the lI«'OIId 'I'1Iu"lI_r 11:1 Ilecc,..abrr
or {ortl are employed" The IOwn of Loehplphead for {'attle lIId "rwrehamfllt, Tlte-poput..liou ill 11111.
flu ou y been built aboulthlrtr JCan!, pret"IOUllr to Fain in the nrill:htiourboOd of Loc::~ I,lielldl ,i ... a~
wtLleh III l il e co ntained only two Of thrte fI,her. Kilm ichael, r _ miln nOrth ('1111 01 ~Ii phcad .
IDea.' huu, Though of &0 late erectiun It alfords a 01:1 the rourtb Wed~y in Mar. &lid thc fourth.
)ublic l ubeeri Pllolt library, i. pIlr'( school, and Wttlnttd"r lu Octobet", Cor ~de; at KilUl&rtiu ..
a Sundar IChOO1, in which both Engli l lt. and Gl'tlie tl~ t miles nortll tut 01 LedI!tlphead, on We INI
ate laUlht, The ~18blilhl'd Of parbh !kirk, iJ ~I_ W"edDeldar In NDnlPlbet". ILltd Ihe la!! t W.'II0ct4a,
!,&Itd at Killllidt.ael, pariah of tl~lUrr, a d,ittallte 11:1 ' April, ~ J!o r..., .. u t"ord , "foot ~t ~
o(fOltT mll~ froUilhe town, 'nte rmtnl mlrtbtet ~"' mIIH'tIOt1h""orch l-al' of l.ocbplthtad. ot\
• tilt Rtf, Dougal,Campbell, It i. Ultcnded, ln) M the lut Wedl:lftdlly in JWY.lUlllllie last W......,.
t' o{. ,boil tuue to t"tttt a Pl'el1lllltot or pl_ III Aupst, for h.r~.. ~ ..
. " .. t
P08r-OFFICE._ PIUf JJhlrNl, Itt,.., Catherloe M~ro" Demailato ldlll~IKJb.. ~lth~.Jo..
lXIIioiq, are de..-k8cd U leA o'dock in the el~ ltilt&. on Sundar •• Tu<'l.days, and Yrl~ • ..w Ilrrlft Itt
dcTea o'clock the IllOle cytniulII:', The Tarberc, T.Jlenl~e, aud C:uL11,beI tnWII Dttlll arH.~ atlcl!' a nd
bi de.patcbed at tie.-C11 o 'dock 0 11 Snuda~., TUt'ldarll aad fndll)"l, Thc Jura aad. bla(lPalll In"1O"t
~' ,r. """ .ioe, aDd arc dt'tpatclltd M I quartet pall eiel"CO ill t~ ntulD', 011 S~)Ii. 'I\I~'tdaJ1'. am!

n lb)'I , :. ' 2)]

I.oe ll \1) J.!IHI,AD.
IqdI,.' t •.
(Mupbt11 .I0hll, Nq. I'ro1~t~"
C-pbcll ~. nil. Kil.. .nu.
.. "'Ie !lirill ~I ;ojor Ju lin, U;\~f'i.!d
.," ....
liP'" ...... nq. Ulcb&il(lbfad \ CUllullju J amet . ),I ...<I,,'r

" ), I ... Qs;JrrltY ANO CLEROY .

Campbdl ~.
Colin, ~rt h IQllile
(;~pl ilill John.
DowDey I)le lnryl'<! C~tai u J:I1I1rt1
Me J..acblll.lI Capr~Ju
Ci lll pbtll ,,"", Do~I , l9hllkb~ lI ul,l(,' Iwwrt, caq. Ki!WO'!1
, .1 •

0.1_ C.mpbell, flriadf4.1 ~I
~r ...r nJ!It(ml,
Jnhn MOIt1t:"TU,'r)'. ('0:1,." _iter
1/,( C t h .. n

Excua: OFFJC~llS .
Job. ~\Kllk. ,lIpcnUM
AlcundfT "uklll} U ltl~"
I'laRll RY OFJ'IOEa.
t:n.1I ;\Ie 8w.n, , ,

." ~
.... 1JnIJld. JI:ilOXET.-

I s a ue.t;..rtll.. .... ilt taI-porl, l!luJlanll .. lltalt'll on
the b.1Ab fJf • •ne b In Al"JJilJllirr. II Is :n
miln "tilt north 'lrat .':11 1111'raur , 9'2 (ro m fib. -
anl iquili<" mil, be IIIU'tJ,r"bc1r nOl;,t'd l he ruillo" flf
l)unoll,. C»lko . ';tIW.',1 ~ mil l' u(... tb o f lbe IOtWIt;
llul'II!l~''':'~1: (IHlr, r'lr,,,~,.'l)' ;\ nlJ .. 1 n .. i.],;nC1', ;1
'""" Iud 136 rrCtlB )~l i ubllrllh . ".e 10U'n 1$ di"'; - miln lIunh I'I~I of Oh;ill, III Ihe challot! "f wblrh
ittd b;-;'- BM'lU ril'Cf; 1he " llIIt .ide IlI'lonp '" !lo- \ Ilwrc IB .. n:lD<lfhlM N'h,,; Iud the ruiu. of Bert'-
bert -c.mnbell, 1'1It!. or Sonaebilll! a ud !I.e fa.~! . lde lIOII!,.m, Ihf :lnri.·" I. IJ)('I ,oj.lQlb of Calc.louia. "' I,l~
IU Chilli. Cllll1pbell, f'Iq, of COIn"u-. I" .ho C;Vlrra .. d~°t:Ult abonl G nul\'ll. At t /le di..tauce (Jf ij lIult!',
.Uri,ioll b • • ",,,11 hau~_","'c church, erccted 111 ill au ca.'lern dirl'dlon, k U:\l'~'I\ldi lle Ca.otll'. mx! ill
182 1, 10 which tiivillc IIcrlkc ill lH': rfQrl'lld both ,in Ihe ....1. ll1d <If UH IIOrc IIrt Ih e r uiull of a ll a"cit'1lI
OllCl lcand iiQ,!!lbh. A Wlwurlt :,,111 .... t11!\Wery add Dani.h wn. ,.'h b Ca.olle D'IlI:t.D, &c. .!Ie. .-ronl a
to hi im pl'lT1llt:rt. an" II l he IIlAi u UI't'I'I 110 aD eR- hili , wclt oi tbe Clllh,wJ.bollft, bd ('0'11;,110111 I"
leftlln and comlD<)d)ouJ illll . I~illll rer~ n>1I.· lbe to1l'''. DIa! be I~ U fht· a.tant ~I:U o f l)ul:art
fot1able KI:Ollnnodaljo~. I" .... oomnl.llldiw'( .illll- · <J:a.uLc ill l\la I, ,\ rdtorpl.h Clude la IUohrn, ,he
1Ioa, lad plraQuLly.ot'Cl1oo1t~1,II lh~ bar ' "uudJ the: Ca!:tk' of A' Ol .. \bI: ~"'It nr.rm in ia ' nd of
allltOIl-hotIIrc, ~I:dod ... 1,1,1. rhl: 1111,101"1. nf KM1Tra. and lln allCICSII D~o ..-.h fort . alio la lbe' b-
UbM mn,ill clllldr .. r mtl'chandiu (1"01 11 Wa.-S",.· Iud uf Kerrcfa, La .. lIi liog lt~ , 'he a u'iql1&1'ian
.... nd I.lffrpool; the prill(ipkl r:O;llO t" are, ilon' l lO';U liud ,uut h ,r:IoliCl(';lliou. "lI ... r Ilwu> ha~ illlJbt1:'"
m )Ol, le'I!' .nd ,u'tat ~""l\ilit;< "e .\l.IU f.OUl Iht. Ibt r:~t~ of thc audcnt ,S~!('h noblt:l, IUI~.
oI io,1'1(1 0' F.~ p Il'. lIpr.lJI! ...::200 1'r.:. .I~ hale c'-ell m ,I'.cll prt'l'C nU I:uc, t,. b:blll1J!I prvofll Ollbt',r
d l'ar.'" "'II, In our \"I:~ r . eQI G1a.o~,,\\'. In .lle , .\ "r, r"Tt.1 cr H rr~h Iud /l r;uulrur. Oh.. " IUlIJ al .... be
..... ,,1 I.dlh , IlIIli n( it d Ol)' In ~ ...n nllll'lI l .. r fro,., .~id '''11\111; nntnnl( l hoI.-",o' l h ~ahh ... :lU" mn~1 plea·
-I,oool. '" t~ ,O(ll)I. !he h:uboor i." tI'l1I.I,ltrl')t"n c. or , ~il'S:: ."IJn ~lI rr ~'''r.:II' In Ihf J !.i!Ohla'~I!,. qr &Qfl a n~.
lite AAft'!l l In !he H H;hlN':d~ nf ~('(l' bntl , Me .1 ~- ' ' ]'" '''UllU'''' rolt ' " lhl,,1': .,.-t"<C "('Inelr ~f, .nd 1\
't'1Ill.·0 ~ " r~.ft' lIe,,! \iollom. I~ ~hl'ht'rt'!t fOIl ~ t1 • ,,"'" pn!'1It""'.~ ('Tcry' ~' riml m",bl i.." f<\r l ilt mIWMlfC'n r<l
bY lofly " " .." " 'ali,, "", I rl,'fentltd t.y 1111 IJlllilrl "' il& 0( 'Inui:'~~. 'I'hr m lrrk~t. lire ..·rll JlIl'plied ,""I h
NUll' h, ( f\';It\ au" il~ t'id l)' ,.f'tr m.'IJ I.", ''''t'' '''I II~ r." "'iol"'.~ . . . ,,,! :\1 1'1 ",Illarklhly In", ...... Srell tn
tin,,, 10 the ,omlo r ., ntt ~,.\Itt\,;,riMn. t\ ui'tn~ rlor _ 10 It. 1"1"<,1',, (;~o"" {h....... l«'l . 1,,1"(·1"11('"
~1;t:,tOJJI' _ ~ .. ~_ ._~~••~._O
~ U--:
":- :-<--:
' . __~'~c=""'==
)lull,!'lnlT•• , ;",d :"Ly, rn:"hrlr h " ;C'C;\ \Vt'C:'. Th e
11Illllid ,,;tl 1'''''',n'''''1I1 ,,( Ihe rowll j. vr' letl In' "
I T.c~oJ., \· In l kh>h.;~; [t!\'r~
,h.. hin " ;:" "r "!'n;uu " 'n.c
an :llro Iwo day! (o r
''''l",hnko" 18 "ear
11f"n.,I. I"n b:' iliC"l , 111(1 (our fOll" lOi lk>u. ~''''U 1,',00. .'
an: held on rhl' thin' Tu~rtar hi M ~r , lind t ~,c l~~t

P OST-OFFICE , (1{'<lrg..:·'-~'T'I'f'I .-f" '1 Mi#I'~", lo:!;7;\1,f'tloo J1~YIU'. ~"be i:dinhuro::h. ma.m*
anll Soulhef" m~; h IITr;1't' al ~ ~'''''1I ..,'duck 011 l\Iouu~r. Wl'IinlQlllal, ~"tf S3r " nl :l~ m"rIlI UI;", anti are
~IKltched at Iw,'I" I' :\1 lI <)n" nil ~iu,,'a"" . T ,)\' .... a f~, !md ;'"ridat., 'J'Iie \I ,m mail ill dr·lo:·u.rht~11)1I ) 100.
d~,... ,Werlnr!lllar".. "'nd ~ I",ld.~. , lInrt m urn! fin TlIl':lrl",Y". )'·rI~·$, and Su nd~r! . . O l:lrc "'luI"" fr." "' ·
eJ!ht III Iht' DlMllI ltCl, nntil'etl at nl!h!.
RfT. Alu:llItier ikilh, MinhUt'r I
Gror~ itudock, ;\l ;u,«:r


8eilh lte<·. ,\ k G('QI'~rS1t "(It,.
Camphr l1 1\I ~ lI . es'l. "r f,"r"i~~ t:aurVb<'II'Rohl.t""q. ,,1' A ,d-""/~tI1I
Cam llhcll ,\ trh. 1'111' Af(I~liF,'ni'h CII,np"odl R"M. t'~'I' or ":".'1",.111111
Ca,n pt.1l (,;IIIIJI. ""I. or C_,"i_ G"'''' I'bt-II--. e1' ,. " I (;I_IfIfl'lrr
l 'ampbt'll 1: ,,1. t:nli". na m~.~'I\" Dow,,~ lIobtTt:. CI'I. ,\ 1. 1'. "win
cam,lht-II llot..... ,lolII.hl. Kih, illvt:r 1I0'u'!e • "
Campbell (k'1l('mi Uunr;o ll . or HarT~ n J am,.,. rIU):, Gt'nrJrC st
1,""MltIl .\I t' ,,.,ml.lli Rer, r.,,"('k , "ih'I<'~
Carntlbfoll U" l>t'an , ~I: of nll,- :'lIe DHuP.ll C •.~. ft r }/"'I".. CI'''/~
('fill/i., ""f'" ..... '1" •• !\i e l)(onpfl I.l!,liJUIl, t,oq. Of' 0 ./·
C ~rnpheU fil l , Ju!., •• ,lIIIIrt' rAl rd . I"fl it'll • ...
(;"'"pl",,11 J "h n . e ...... (lr M fl/lm/ M e l~lI l>IIAClln.t"Ili' ef:.c.m'/f
C;lUn ph...1l Itll-\'. J h hn , C) ~n ;'tIe IJnu~'IIU CHfllaill John, o,inol·
t:a ml,!K-1i Nell "*1., 0( U IIMif· ly ('~I II: t
, "
If.~ .. ,
l<;: '_'1
"-. ... ~

ea..mFH ~ tlon~.

) .. ..
n N Ihtl lhl~ of Arsrll} h. Imllll fi~ilI lI~ porI and
yj l• • known Sem:rally br Ihe name of ..WI Tar-
bc.oI-l .ilual~ :It tbe ~ of .. I\,pe Ihflttred
bub'oUT 011 l.oeb .'rne. It I~ 1:J9 ",ilr. ",'n' of
}:diuburth. 3I11orth by I'all of l:ilDlpbclto.... Uld
36 lOulh ,,?Illh we-I OJ! In."rran)"_ The 1\111'11 or
,.ilbp:c mal
be ",Id I., forlll .. M'ml-drde round Ille
harhour. t pout.~ '..-0 Sood inn-~ . whkh alfurd
comfm"tlt.1.le ~n,od.lion!. 10 .. command-
' "<'ry
ing ~ihlatlnn! OTtrlooli.illJ( lbe town ."d harbour,
are IhI:- r~m:IIL1' of :lUde lll o:AAlifo and fortillC:alio ll I
and ill1m~Haltlr lItblnd the "lIla~ , iu a toOUtheto
din.~ion, It .. III1IIlI eomlo rl&ble 'kht, · '))./"brrt
harbuur If, (IOulilkmi oac of tile ptNI III StoII,"d \.
Ihe 'Inl!llIn! otf)'~; ami for .... la:ol
,"un It II", lief!! .. ootc:d 1i11Wo!l: il~ part"=--
hrly r", he rriop • .,bleb ~ we..aur curecl lor tIwi
(;1""«0'" waa:lr.l'" •
VIIII\III one mile _lh by """' i.I the flll.~ of
wr.n T,I. .....T : I~ Ie ":a!itd lI the head of .. loeh
" f the .awe 11.- "hh:h ~ ben'. _d I...
tircllitlou. rOllle ...tllda t hrousn tbu IllOIUIlalu. to
AJ'dpatrkll , be)'ood wbkb it _lMk. iutlfluto Ihe
QttU. At the bt'M of I .... klcb, p""",kll" 10
" 'KIIl" Wtt\t T..,!Mn .,m.,.. _ the r~ bl'U(:b
om: t.O tlIe ~~ Md the otber lothe - . . . ., of the
J,'tb, 011 1 n.wloJ,.rd~. H~ OlmnJodI tMt
OM--al\lf J . Caalpbell Hq.of Aw:h,I.~. H, _
the rolld " lnd.1.b1'Cl'alh1 i.DcCOIIII1"I,iD ....b....,
\It the mountaln ..... e pbullra t o Ibtl, lUJIlatlt.. At
.,,\(nat. ,lie wa.en of lile Ioeh brlow n'I the
Kl"a~, b, ,·"p;mdi"s I. UllIn, 1.:11'11 t o • •Ue III
llf~\b . AbUllt Ihc ~i:ulJ, 1II1 e Oil th" roW I.
Dllllmore. ,lie reNdeal'C! of J _ c-p!Joell ~ i
t he hO\lM III hid by ilJ pla~j ...... flOP! the road I
bu"~ ita liJ,e l hue 11 II ,It:aeia, rn of tbe Ioeh
" ud oppOlite Ahore, four .... U(!I far1her otI II .he
dorualo of ,Ardpatrk ll. one of tlte rui.!k1lClt. of W,
;0&'1' 07710:£ . I'M( M/UI~, Jobll ~Ic l.&chlln. TboI F.diaburgb. Inreranr. and I..od-
gllplocad w.iI. Rre dnpatchc-d at h.aJfput . ill lu t,he cr.:" lng. 00 SOllday_, T utlday., !lUll Jo·l kbJ.· .....11
....,turll at three in the 1II0000IIill, 011 MOllda,.., WednetdAJ" IUId ,S a. urday.. The ""11. to Cawl,brliowli
""Ii T'yiculoue an d<.1'~td!lN.1 h. lf ~I thl'ft in the wonth'lI Oil MundaYI. Wfd nnd.y •• IIltd Sat" r-
day.. I aacl arrire at Ii" ,. the ('I'eaillf: 011 SUlld a)'" 'J'ueldl,l, atod f rid;ty •. - Olllcc Mu,. frolll IC"\'U ill
the ,uoroini tUl leu at "Isht.
ltB61DXNr GBN'1'RY,
CaUlp~1I COliD, WI,. "t~tlpll GI~nral~b C.... I~M'1J W. t'. nq. M. 1'. Art!.
(.;ampbell Colit,. ~. t:axarf C''''pbell J oh n. tl<] . Locb bnd ,",rio'
CllmphtJl l,kUI. Dougall, J) rinl' Ca"'plldl J ohn. t " I ' SllIudield M!I("IJ1hur Ret. Joo. I\lkall/iontil
II amllekl<J(h CaUlllhtli CIIJ.lI. J uhn. UriuJlla- Mada.... ne J ohn, "'to (I f Mdror
C~n'phdl t·a r'l uar. Orm.."., "'lKkJocb Me Neill C'pl. Hretor Drhll·
CaMlI,l.>ell )alllel. e&<l. O"nlDOre Ca"' lllJcoli "hjor G~,,('la1 }lobert, dr~1 . •
CaUlpbell Jubu, ef<l. (u f .-111 ' '') Kilitarbi:rl RlJ,lIlu ~eT. Dun",p, J\ucllobh

.RO . . . 8 • • 8 • • , Me Lacblll:! J ohn. men::b~nt N .... , . W .....d. " ..... F....' ,

T.ADZ • •, -.c. Me Nicol J ohn , nd.e ofllcer 0 1..... In • • 1 Rot ...... , UJd 1I'~oc:i •
"rbulhnot John. bolIfcarpentcr KhIlJI't . II.nt ride ro1a ... (,ft. 01" 11;0_ I. I...... '.'
Campbell DunCAn . m~rchallt lIlatht .. J obp . lide 'u"~ror ... T~"",.,. , n."""r" .... !!.I .. ·
.", _, colii •• • , 1_.,lIp11ed . .
Dawl(ln Willi.m. inni! ttl"' r OL' r.El'1(oCK . _ hm., Pa.\ u , ~ •• I'
Ale C.lmon J ohn. i"nk~per COllVEY 4NCB Wed .......,. ... lI,a... , ... 1
M e Coag Donald, ,bip m~t<:r ~» 'Ilatcr. iIaI.,d_r·
MlICfarbo~ .4.rcbiwld. joiner
lIt adarlnu e J oh n, !hlp 1lIa.U'r rOil U.sI£l' GUI "liD GOOUf. "r. u. ,........... ., -r...,.,.
ISLA T,. kill., 1...1o.~ ....., ",....

---------- -- ----------
Me Lathlau Archibald. Joiner C LASGOW •• 8",. l'aehl cr..,

O N the wtn,m coa6l. I.e. small po!1.rll1ag~. rhurl"h. a neM I nd oon1'C'uitnt ~Ione buildJng,
~itllatcd hetw~CD 6a". aod Clachlll, on t he road Immedlltely opposite the maule of KlI1 ean . It •
(rnlD Camploc! lowD to ill the (Ounty of
Tu~l1, dilll~na: of four mill". i, the i~la.od of Gllha. which
J'''.I().I1. 1a8 '1II1t'~ from Edlnbilrlh, 18 from Gamp- is betwee n Ihe aud Ii. wl1f'lln lengt h . and fl'(lm
bello ... n, 19 froUi TarlM"rf , and Mi front Jllvc raray. twO 10 tllrL'e ill b~adlh; il l, Ihl' I.ropertr of Joblt
COll1igU OUl 1O tI,,· Yi11a~ . in a northero 4troctlou. Me Nelli "II;. of Uakfield. nod of Hector to. Me:
i~ . lIe UIlIMic;n or ." i f e ll.tll'll M . Lutkhart, (Jart . Ncll1 ctq . o(Gallooloclly. The lIdjatetr l llllnd of
alld 10 the ""lIIh_.1I i ~ the rt!ld\,tI(~ o flbe RH. ClrII •• Ii<mt OII( mile In lenlt1h , Is the \lfuJltrty uf
Do n~1d Macdonald, lIe~1' ... bkh !tlUid. 1M I",ri&h ~Ir Chad" H . Lockhart iJar1 ,
POSY' OFFIOE: " Ofl MIMI 1!.-. Mr. J oh n Oalbreal h. '111t! F.dinburgh IU llil Ilrtlrt~ (mill
T~rbt:rl ~ I ('i ~ ht ill ItI,· ",,,r,,jnl un ~I"mlar, Weduelda,'t "lid Saturtb.y. a"d i~ d"3pal<h...~1 at '\11") in the
, fll:r u.Ol>lI 00 lillnd:,,.. T~lI'r. M..rI f'tj,b y. 'I'he C.Ul~llo ..1t mail arrir ... at 1"'0 fn lhe .rl erlloon 011
S1r.1Ida~. Tu e.sda y. and ... ,idII,.. MId 18 dro.paubcd at e~ht 10 lbe ruorn lllJ (III ~I Wed netdaJ. &ltd
-~ Q£N'rllY' AND Oz..z:SQY· .
.llICdonllld Re". Donald, KiUean
-~ .
Il..(.OCth;ul Sir CIw.l'oI. lIall. C&ralI Lo("kl~ut
Mi.. Ch;melluu., Bal.....

----------------~~ - ~---

15. Ihririn! eeapo" in the i.laud or Mull , and The ~){Obrate<l iIIlaud or ST,l.vr,l. i.I aboot fiUeeo
aaatr of Amll . II b !!dlw at lhe ulrewil r of. IIllIu di.UOIl I. 1'0 ~ .e a dej(;ripti,;u oflhlA woU
aM Iheh crrif bar, .aJd to IJe Ol1t of the IIIlen nI"1I1ftu! prodUC'holl of .. alart. I•• it mllU be
brboan on t~ western ('OUt of Srolland. It ia roa-bH-d. 10011 di/tk:ult. "II who hare _0 . 'ill-
~~1I1_ and three mile. tn.1I t he mail1 I.ud, jl:al'. ["010". coucur III ..,.i,,!. ,bal. 'lll'htn It Ii,.,t
1114 drri.-ea II. 1I:uut from a rei t'brllk'd " I'll or OOrAU 0,.,0 lhe: ~il!lIt . the ttfl,<:1 i.lndeKTlbf,bl...
~. called :.1111']'" well, 10 ¥\'hic;h the fUIllaI" 1 Awe II nti ulouiahlllelll !lO c;onll,lrtcly 111IIbe !llind ,
Ml pe ... tit1oru1,. iUC:rlbl: many hU llJi nalY flrtu c•. thllf Ibe re ia PO t W ill lor ml llO r emo tion.. •
1'he Spflllh h .hlp !'\(Itld", wflt-II It .urhOl" here Ia Tbe ru "I~ i~llWiI ol ICO UII.I Ll•• the nrth ol
tbe 1liJ: 1~ llIh oeli lUr. W'aII dr. lrllred 10,. OII~ 0( _ . :11,. "" ailed rupJ . . . w .. IHIt't Ihl' Ili minary 0(
Q_n . :Uubet h'. tmll~r\C1 , j'art o f tQci wood o f I~t' Galr:dooillin rn;ioIl'. whcnct UUJe tlalJ~ 1I11d
thit \'e.!Id wu P~lIled k l hi. MaJbl,.. 0tI hill ron,,!!: bllrN.rlu.dl'rh~ dlehl.. ~III' ohnowled~,
I.. rldt to EllinOOl"lh, by ::Il~ Wllher Sco/; c. On . . . 4 ah.: bl_in.J' IIf rdldon. " It It ...,,.ritlcd fro ...
lbe \fI"ftt ttde ur tht 10wl1 are Ihe rCIIIDln~ of Mn "....Ii tty a II~rrow ~ hadil tl or IIb"lIt . ",ne tiwwl .
auc .... t ""pel, 'k'fllntrd to Ibe Vlr,in , IIml /of a The Inli llbi lfl llljl hre '.Itlr n",,"le n llroll """" tralle'
'ortlll~alktt,. IInd.:n lOO4llo be !,If NDrwqWl ~iSI. . Ity d ~iO! of 1M ( bann( pe lobl-t.ll) lbe: 011_"_
Tobern",1']' Iiorl(lll~. III Ibe BtltI..h """it:t, fut r!. iIOU. III'bo 110111' f~l .... nt tlK: 'II"lId. TI,t,
tlIlelldil!g lhr II~~II". and IlIIprCl"in! Ihl.' N'iI(O'laII1 lU'OU1 . tha t ~bbl~. of a ('(TUlln .llpta~DCe :u,'
ur 11111 Itillsdum. T he 10'" .... CflUlmeiMlO.'d about .,ndQ_1 wflh lUa",. ICIIC~ ri. t~ , stl'l!" 10Ibaa
:w nil,.. '!!, j III~ lolt.:rablr weU. D\lllI , bat a!lll Y by 1bci r 'ntelar wnt , Cuhnnw. I
and l" IlmalN! nllloeara uoeJ IIl1d (IOlI1e5o<H ucdlt' nl Thll bland uf U L"A, ~ ... r:al,.d (rom 1\11111 I,,, •
Ijuay. ftlt Ih" MalmllKldaUlIlI o f ' hlpping. In I " chalflll.'l of abollt OINe hlln dred rllrllJ hrroad , i~ pill tu
"uIII~i. le IlfifCllbonrhotMlla • Iu.. ~*b, call!!d £!.Od_11oe •• _ kf'lp ill lhe ...·~t~rn Highland ••
MlUJ' lU.'1. IItalled btt_em two dati,. ~Id fbere b. Jr'Q' . . .btt uf ~11c cvlllmllS 011 tAu
hili. , tttma.rl y p~pltbul ht their deJClnlL. 'nil "orl.'. .
p!taai. tIpOt bekMip 10 Ullgb Mildfoan all., of TV __ , we.twvd oC Mall, h a . "tl']' feftnl' "\alld,
t oll, "'00 111 laPf01, lag ie.lo a 1lWlaer.hi8hly "",,,it.- .abo.iHl .... io IRlbar, oI.,hillb, it b ",id, th~ rock •
• I,le 10 III, I.. II, and who ItlU,lIdsj lo ,. .lid !!:P' ~ ltt.1IQ "'lfl;re anit'Illlrely t:OIupond , ~
"1e~11 1 t!oc~ on die' banks of the IKe, T1Ie CoU:. 10 the lltirrh b f the latt er ," 1It '.rather I
10u' ... I, would bol hilrldy ~ifil'tl by "WlIlIl tb!, tI.nle. .IId IUOUII" i .. ,"", .,.d. ( Hne &Iud 1lIo
-pol, and al;loQ the llll"~ C"UCadc, ill itt .-i.;:mi c1, ruill~ of. cutle , o f whlrh lhere i . a tine -WW from
Ollt of ,"hich II p-1r'lcularI1grand . the !'I.·",_III NIICIlldill8 Cht ...acIC!! of Ihl'K in lM'M't .
T obfruKIIY i. Il,e o lli r '~II".C! In M"n, " r ' he i,,!C I.''''ud" ,~<" may ob.o~ .. ·~, , \o;u 'he ..... n<Tr ..
"·~. I"ru i,lamu , of all)" (:tJ" OCq Il U IIC~ . i l ~ u'ad" i. CUhUl'CI,·U witll liltlll, i.o: • dC!lCrijJtioll nOt ~;"il ,.
~"I rnr d'UU""Iit-, wil h • lol"ralol, iQl.d h ~rrinl': to bf forgou" u b)' Ih.,,.., wl," 11.I,'e flnCt' .wCIi ,I,,'''' •
Ih he.". II J a.'IC,· .. dln~ 1\ hili in the '"cIshho-urhood, .lIld i~ ]uJlly « b" Ihl' i,ulOortal Sam in hll
.hC!rt' 11I~1 be S<"tfl 1101' i~ l . ..d. of 'I'yre.- , 0011 \ t:IAl, , •• Lord "rffie' lsk:I." "i-dtoruh h eas u e I" l\lorr'lI.
Mlle', :)lr.y. I,KI I''''in~ olhc ... of lllliallu .,..... 1 .. nltidt.~ of b~tbo OoInI, \a wdl .... orthJ. Ihl;
tanCt.'. Mull . wh irll il l\bo UI:l.l wile. luu,!!:, alld 10. 'tMluln-'. notft, .. a~ the mlen ;al l", ruin. 01
~'~ II~ " cArly "" hroad, bal bt.'C' n w uc b Imp r(), :'\1"01 ~' I"I', \'lie' IIlCkul r~lal'uce or \hC' )dIlgl!, 'Of
'~d 0 late, ,.hid , I. Ilrili ellNiIl. auribnlabl, W II" llI"h of lloe lalet,' a nd ~t1e Il uart. fontoerly lhe
IIdlliol c Ili r~IU II of I/roperty . !khllDt)l"1I tile h1llb est n 'lidell«l of th o )I e J.taos III Mull. with ca.illq
moun tain I" t h e i, .aid to be n~at 3000 f~-el lXluUlU ill Li$l\lon:. Till' 110111I!l\111l1l of T llbc"lllll r y
I bcwe tbe lL..c l of III\! .... 0&.. it ik:a r 1400.
POB'l'·O"E'FZO£, at ToberlllUrr.-l'wf Jlllttr, Joh ll Sinclai r ~. 'I'le Edillhuri-b illtll othl'r
mall. arrire froll! 01>.," ou ~Io nday.; Wet!lIetda)'ll, alld Frit.i:ly3 ; ••111 lire dl.~palch ... d O!) T ll f .u.p,
' n.urI4.nY'j alld YrldlloJ" UIDce bourl (rolll etsbt illlh" lIIurnlllr \111111 ulnt III nlpl,
aBNrl&Y AND C.l.!ZROY·


Caml/MII ,\ 10::11 . til", Aucltl Me Gurie Lieut. CIII, Ch:uka

Caill pIx-IILk ut .I\ UI(II I, i 8tb, 11 . 1 . Gic" loru
Ca'lIllocll C"I1I. J ohn, ,\rdoa.t:ro "M~ G"~II C harlet ,\ . c~lJ. ot .'iCGIl
~amplJClI Doltald, t¥ll. of ),1I11fl l.1l Me Lean Alex. eIi!. 0( (jQIJ t,'
J. ~ r ReI'. Alt/l.. uUlli.t ~r u !\olc 1_0 Oonlld,uq. ot,Dr .
Torwol Me I..c:au HlI lJh~III1'l'III'OfC.a
G,,'f"I'JOI"*-'n Jl1 o. esq. o f Ardlgr.W M c l.uu ;\, .... , u,. (or .,..."ut)
Uwtll Ja_, eaq. Arot CltphaM ." U I. " '"
Me Arthur ItCf . DOllald, Ul iuistu IUc Lt..'u Murdoeb,~ . or L ~blll
or Kihulln And Klllllore Mf Ltap' J (, t!ll , of KIII.-ili
Mc A_kill Albn, tsq. of Mor_ilil
N~ I>ol,lgaU "ug:b, ~. Dt ...trIll
Mr. lMd' 1~ . J ohtl~ milliner
• • KOBANt'fI" 2'.aADJ:fI.Blf', "'"c/
, . ...,' ,
.aopz •• rONAL
GENT .. ., • • • • to tin-
Nac1achbll Hollald, IlbJ.lclau
21 5
rt'*'"hleon.,.enlcnce. In lueral piau. tbere i. limc, tooe ; wben nea!' the .U, it i.
MrM with coal i otherwile .. jlh put, or wood; bllt, (rom the 'CUdl1 of rud. Ihe 1IIe
01 11_, u • • uore, i • • ud. fu tricled. In the pari.h of .o\rllntllnot, .n' 811 ~ ••'
. .e: MU 8t. errUI, beaulnal pebble. &tid 6ne _) .. pUt are round. 111 thit ~ul!ty
&e,.. II oiJr Doe toy.r burrh. Berrie, or Innrbcrne. ,.lI.icfi i. joined In vlrlllllDt1Itlry
rtpMtllllltiotro to Abenleen, Montrose, Antollh, ••• lhiebio . Ie. r-tm ....dOt!.,
at. 'Calrnlllouot f5OU , C.lrnmoncarn 1020, 2370. r.rchm \793, Kerloc'h ,
18110, . "ount~.u.ock 3"65, Sculty Hill I!~, Ilid StiathfcnclU 1500 red
Iml uf the RI. ~ !
tbe *'f.
II. sw,., P,PufIA.

r".'. . •, Iro -- -- ---=
N" ~!--. r.w

Ttl.,. 11-.

=r:;,;~i{~. ~; . ~
'iil ~ ~ Fette.cai.. . .. . .. _ ..... .. . , »3 6111 --"'4, :
'etl...-- .......... .. • .. .., .. tofl ~.; m
~~ , ~,eriM ..
... , ............ ... . . .. ....... , 111& 111.1 I.; &

. . . ... . .
. . . . ... . .... ........... , " _ ~tlJ I~
~ .T...... ........ _, rht o ___ ~ ... .......... ... , Ift! '"

=. =
., .... 113 1 MI3!i
~- .................., ~ I' ",. 1«11 .......... _ llII eou...HH •• , too .:: tol 1&14
..... .. ~ 1o. 1.~. l M . _.......... . ....... . , II') '!! ...
c;!:;: ·i ;::::::::::::.·.~ .~; ~.'l'l !! '~
..~ef I . .. . ' ... ct,) .:

o..~I1r'I.""""" ,• '; .~:::""Iee J .... ~ HI Ill' ',:", 11Ot,

.:::., _ " 100 .... ····.........
················1 .. ~ _-2 __'l:
.., _-=:
,.r.;u.. ..... .... ~
,f •

XO-=:...•........... ..... t. m ... ..,., 1m

!!"'!J:~;i ~(j:::;::::::.; '1:, ~I ~ -:
T ... I.. .... ..
- ' -.,
. .." I»fO L~1 :.tIll
, ...... 10 _,.,. "', .....

Allau Alex. blaeksmltb, <Uen. Marrkirk

bervle , , , Lbt>rvi~ ,Forl>es Jali. blacksmith, M~rykirk
Allaft ,Win. lllllcbmltb,GJen" Henry Wm. grocer, :\bryklrk,
Barday David, baker, Gleubrrvie Leighton John, viniller, !5tradian
Cord~1J Alell:. ' carpenter,. l\1ary~ t.eighwn Wm. cl()tbier &; grocer,
kirk ' Strac,~au
CUinminiiChu, Il001 &;siioelll;\ker, Mlddletoll Geo. \'intn~r. Banchqry \'
Marylfll'it": ' Ternan ,
Dmlly Jobn, hlacllsmhb, Strachan l\lilue lsaac,cartwri,~h! ,Gle nber,ie
Forbes Alexallder, glmend dealer, .Mowat Georle, wrJgh~allti smitb,

VU.tAGE and parish 98 miles from Edinburgh, f theNorth E~k; 1!I'e {ounda.liolls
and: 15 from Montrose,' lies at i6e foot of Ihe lower veudous rocks. Abo,,1 a IIlllcwc~t
range ofthc Grampian hills, and cl>.IClld" co~si1er- l~ a,·~ ~'elJ1l~lla'~ ""tlc~ "
ably into the ,\\Iearus, The grOllnd 011 ,Ihe II'.CIIIIS llAl11 Kellueth Ill. klllg of S(utiauu, W.IS
and sharp with a small mixlllre of moss' 011 th~ ea.<!t Catherilll.!' $ fail' j" helel 011 ,the ~r~~ .
it becomes deeper, ora fertile clay loam, Agriculiure in November, uld blYlc; awl St. Mark" 0111.111::
is makillg rapid progress in lhi~ parish. A romau- of May.
tic bridge, called Gannachy btid!lc, i~ thrown over
POS.,. OPPZOB·-Po!Jt "'lUler, l\1r.Jamea Au.nine. A foot post from MOlltl'O~c
afternoonal half past two, and illdcsp!lldu:d ill halfPllSI (our. A (oot po~t frolll Fordoull
aiternQ()Q at half past two, aud isdillljiatched 1111 a quarter befon! Ihree.
PLACI: 01" WORSH'fP. I',
ESTIILISIIED CHURCH-Hey. Alex. White, Minister 'James Nkh.llsOIl, Ma~ter

G.£,NT.R 1".
Ramsey Alex. csq. of Bi\lmnin Capt..' 'oW~. of Balbt'guo I Sham! John, csq. the
.,.RdDBBMSN, dre.
Austine James, gCllral dealer
CrolV John, boot &: shoemaker
Graham James, viutller
Hay David, watch, &c. maker
I Mitehell David, undertaker and Smith James,
Neil John, wrigh~
Stewart Jal!. &;
Nicol James, baker
Hugh Da';d, wood tnmer Reid Jas. boot & shoemaker
Me Douald Malcom, viulller Heid Johu, boo! & shoemaker
Smith Alex. blacllSlDitlt

Is 20 mil('l! from Montrose, 4j
'kirk, lind 5 frolll Fettercairn; il
, La;l,renct'- f ancient Kinc.'ardinc,.' "',hkh
Ill! oblong l660, whtm the COllrl.ll
Ihe county,
rl:'lUoTed W .IOlle a:
~ilWU ~i11
form, in letl~b from C!Illt to west ten milc~, and ven. There are distinct of a. Ro!;:an eu f
about seven ill breadth. The south part i3 level, campmellt 10 be seen near ml\nSIOIl oo:re ~o
making a part of the cOlltlnuation of the valley of Fordolln, alllO the rnins of au old ('astle, sat~/le
S~rar.hmore, calle~ the How. of Mf!lrlls i the north h!,!ve be.en a palace belollgin~ to Kenneth 111. II
dl~!ner Is m~untanlou5. WIlh a tblll _0Il, and In. vIllage is S\lverned by a baIlie, a weekly ~ar~ettlle
ferl(lf In ferhllty to. ~he lowel' ~. ' BesidC$ tbe held on Friday> and there are two cattle faIlS Jl
village of Aueh1llblae, there a.retbe ruins of die year, viz: I~ Juucand NOI'ember.
Counl,~haU, tbe oDly veatl~'ttiat'Row ,te,maina of _ ,.
JIIOB'I'OP~ltJB._POII 1I1.~/b, 'Mr. George Gord~ll. A foot poH from Un'~'rn ... ·
!'vert aiterll?On at n,ve, and is de!!pal?hcd .al 011ll at npon. A foot pon froOl Stollehavcn
evemng at SIX, aud II desll~~ched at eight In I~ Ilioruing.
!,rrAtlUIIIIJlI) CHV1U':H-:-Rev, Ju., !,nile, Minister
Master ' ,

Gamble Ju. esq. of. Dnuntouchte C~le

P.) Bailie
Anderson Wm. ftel!her Elm~lie James
Annandale Wro. boot&sboemaker Gordon Scott David. tailor
Bonnie Alex. carpenter Taylor Andw. clothier &; grocer
Bruce Alex. "inloer & slabler 1'aylor Wi'll. vintner
Carnellie Wm. wau:h; lli:c;iDaker ' W!! J~. teacli~
Chris!11' Wm. vintner
Currie David, baker CABBZBB·
Davidsoll James, c10thkr &'gJOctl"
DUII(:an ChaiS. lIesh~r
IN~~rtIl&iWI!,,:, arorat hnrgli In the naris]t ~r tll
tl\et41'1'1t IT.2!'!le, 111 ~t (rom Abel'det'li 25 mIle:! .•
Stonehaven Ill. It Is on 1.hero'l4
berdecll, l! the mouth of the
. II fohns a'snlall harbour for
vbich Is a l'"crv commodiouS·
bridg\!; . ted a royal hurgb bpI
rharter 11"0\11 killg David .in the year 1342, a,~ 11 I'e:"
!urn ~<fr t~k;n{fue!lS alld haspiralitv with whil!h tlie
luhabilallts recei.,ed him, when he W'd3 forced in
here by Slre.,s of weather. The place, on which ht'
landed, is ~iIl called Craig David. .JlIril.t~ Vr. ill
I the charter, and c'lnnrmed all" Iht'
.and immunhies graliled ov his prt'decl'!!-
vie I~ governed by It provosi, three bailie~,
a dean of g~tild! treasurer and :1 couuciHors, chosen
8DllUall y . H )Olll .• witb Abt'r<icen, r.1'lntr08c, Brc- at tlle e:s;trerue north-east
chm, all J Arnroath in parliamentary represelllatl'lIl. near the Itrmipal iOIl of the
'l}Ie elMf employment of the jllhal} \"10(, welJ- mountabl,.
\'lug of linen dOlh. t'airs Rr~ hl'ld on die se(;olIIl
POIll' OFF:ICB, lu\·erhcnie.-l'o.Il AltJsl", Mr,.,Jolll,l:Chrilllic. The man
every IlIJh,t at half l'lI~t elrvcll, all(\ i~ dC$palChed for. the MOulh atth" lam~ .tlm~.

}h~, iIOuth every day !It twelve, aile! is dCl<paiched fvrthe uOl'ih <\t the same lillle.
ouDshavt'll every day al half past !\vt.'h·c, 311d returns the saihl' cn:lIlllg;

Glegg, Milli~ter
' R . J 0 IIII ISVERIIERVIE-AIc:x •. PlI.lllr!ll>lI,'
e.. .
Muter .
I~VE'UlRR""F. INDErF.SDES'f Clu,rf.t-Hcl'. JII:IIl&!J:M"'~IIORv-DAVENlcK-Robert Adam, Muter
Me KltQzie. Milli~ter . KI~NEfY-:Janu:8, l>l;lchell,)vJa.uer
ARB~TH)/OT E'STAIlLlSHED CHI; R.C II-Rc,' . ·NIGG-Wm. Pate-noll, Ma:stel'
1I111De, Minister .
B eo. )lorlllOll, Minister
1·~HO~Yt.-DAYEsICI( €IIA!'EL OF EAI:iE-Rev. Ju.
K I e, ·Inh~. .
INNEYF. ES:rABLI$l!£D ClwacH_Re9. Allarr Stew-
. art, Mmlster
. D. M l!lIster

A~~~t:rotAI.°brd Viscount. Lord Lieutenallt of the

y, I U\hnOI Housil

RobertSon JlIme~ •.'bleaCher

Smith khn; vilttDe~
Stephen Alldrew,l\#ld
fax;tnrcrs· •
T,C:"iluollle C.\)arIOlte, Innwer-
Wat.~oll Wm. groct'r ill. ·Ib.-aper
Wright J.ol<epb, vintner
Wyllie. AJex •.auctioBeer AB£~.DE;:N, Wm.. WIl\kfr-,_ .~"'jI"
. TbufAdl\v, and returns on Friday.
COACHES. MONTROSE, Jaa. t\ndr~ .... and Ju.
Tindal, eVt"fV Tuelda) Il.ud ~'Jiu&»
.anc! mlD'lli tlu.·.tIlIlU' a.ry~. .-

A NCIENTLY called COllt.lllb, Is four II.l,jle~ 1.~"g'II~~ence .tI~ the late Loni Ganl(·I,,'onl'.
and from one to ~hJ'ee·bl'uad. A nuge' 01. hills IUlu41e oj the
It iUlhe
~he.~l'eat road.frolll P<rth
stretches through I"'whole'exteut, fwm ea.~t
we&t;'slopin~ Sl'IlQMally to the'll~nh and south, :rhe
iii lellglh.
COUll'Y. Oil
alld lile prIncipal Street IS at lellSl a
It is g,!"cl'lled by a bailie, IteDlln:r,
~ul'face exhllllts various g"chtle ',fiS,ill.gS' It Is wa:' and, four councillors. SI, A,lllhOIly'S fail'1s'keJaou
tered by the sm~1l river Le'uthcl', and lIS trillu!al'Y the third Wednesday ill Frlinmry, old, 1It~le, and
sl~pams, The ,nllag~ of ,L~I~!ICilkil'kf whicb i$lJ:l ~1M!re ,!Ire c;altle fairs Ol.l t he first Tu~day III AI,... J,
miles (TOm F:dmbu~, .ro ffor+! Mhrltrdi!e, I'! 'fl'ilm QU:!' style, alld Iht! fir~L W~ullt'iiJay III Novelll~l.
lIIaryklrk, and 12 trom Stonehal'tn, owe, il~ ex- Hew style,
.POST OPE 10 ;;;.-P,/st ,bia81er, Gt'orgc Wat;, .'\ fooL VOS! from MOil t1'o~e arrives'llt tW&I~ the
aftel'llOOll, and i~ de~paU:ht'd at fire i .. tilt; t;1't:niug.
PL~CBS ~I' WORS~UP. . IMUjistralCJ; Ij"c.
EDT~B.LlSHEDCrIURcH,...,..Rel', VI',' George Cook, Jam~s Crabb, BaiBe '
MlIlI;;ter. ',., I
James Hamptoll, Trea5l11'Cr , '
E~ISCOPAL CHAJ'Ef,,-Rev, RQhcrt Svark. Mllllster CoulIc1lfors,-George :'>Ioil', Jarue~ Silver, Jail. KID-
""- 'B PA,Mltocat~L SCHOOL, \ nair and JaDlcs WHsoli
......"Ol'se e&g" aster' ,

Anderson WII!qlll' .
Will Jamt:ll
BelfordQavidb:aki;' .
Dickson David, writer'lIOl3l'CJ ,
and agem to the ti.l8ll~ II,
of Scotland ' ,
Diliel John, excise o~
Hogg William, gCllerlll deiler
Kerulo,Gid,'oll, auctjQnee, ,
MllIoh Elizabeth>. dre&~ ~e~
Moncour W,' dIrt & pJougb=wnglot
Hobill6Qn James, lalld !UI"",or
Scutt Rubert, linen draper ,
Walker AJ£X<lnder and Co. Imen
, manufacturers ..
Walker James, hair dr~\ilh
Wood A lex. teather ~t~.lII!
A8&IU,EEN; ," c,:;."II'·I11>IlII',O••de..;,
stone'. Arnu. ever, afteraOOSi
. , Ihr •••. tiJrotlghSloucb....... Gor-
EDINBURGH, ... coach fr.o"" at
deD!ltone'. Arm., t"V~y JD.O=iI, past .l ... e ..... ,lhtougll''''-rtb •
!lore.,; Cup.f.Angu5. aJld..,. .
',MONTR,OSEJ Willial1l llA!id, .~'ld
? . . . . ,·i!hlt.rob Cllitk;~"'fj', ••"';

. nul.,•.
..., ~d Friday, and retulllthe ,alii '.
ST. 'CntUIl, properly t:ocles,rdg • pari.!lh In I.lllated roc:k, the bur.: of ",bidr Is wa.~hftl. by 'iI"
tbe IIOUtnerll ext~lty Of Kln.cardinr.:~bir,:. U 111.:;&(1, ~. The ca>ll.lea oD lorllh, Ind I.aUrieltOD art: UIIO
nf • rtdanguilr ..... m. and exteuds Ii.!" wiiel;1I .. dellt haiJ.djnga. The p;lri.h rolltaht~ IrmC'l\OUf.:
itDlI1;A)I, lbrt~" ill breadtb. Tb" surface i.I prell,. qllMriH and pleM., of e~cell~ lIt r~one.
luel, bl>t h.t~ro;ec1l'd wilh ' /!even.l pw. Illd ri",- 8£wlloU!1I: parilh, ~u".ted 011 I~ DOrlhem ride
I(t~. aud;' ejeyaled ill &OllIe places to lillie hlll.!1. o( St. Cyrus, (urn, •• IqIW"C of Dl'ndy th~ Inil ....
!IIore , hall tnret' f04lr1h~ Is arable . The:. North E.IF: II contains the Ihririug "illq" of J"hll 't-ha'en,
IMr; bJ whkb Ibe ,",rilh i& boIInded 011 the lQutb, dLstLllt about 8 mile. (rum !\!UlllroJHl; aud ,b. po'"
l'lIuwnl 11eTn1ll ralll;&ble NJmou filhinp. TIle road 'rom the 1~lcr plM'tl 10 "\1'10'''''''''11 paMI."
HurD. lu DCIL t 'o-Del fWQl. a beGI.Lliful caKade by tbrough It, There an $tn'rai qua.rries of cxcelkllt
{MU iWf <m:r .. r«k 6J frtt iu hcilhl, The a;Jenl free-tone , The lower of ~lIhotme JIIIa fol'1Zlerly
~id~nee ofl,he SiU'elar f"mUr, kn own by d1~ DI.IDe IK>eD a ""'DI platt of dd'euoe, bdure the la'Nlioa
uf the Kane of l'thtllen, Mandl in railll on a penla. of sunpowdeT, '
, ...AOaa OF WOK.HIP.
Sr. C'RCi ~:IITA8L11".r.O CUIJRClt,-Rco', AII"u.w.1e:r
/lkotl, MinistM'
Keith, l\Iillbl ~r ST. CfIIlJl.--Johu "ulkr""", Mluler
B~)iIlOL'U: ~STAaUI Hy.o CUIJRC II , -ll"", J :mwJ Ur:"no ~:IIr.,-J;,unl" \'0\1"". MUkr
~ rl.!' ~ J oh", esq, or I.aurieslon AleJ:, U II, uf t::r.r.i5ie
OJI'Mn ~ MioIrscrr, Sri:tlllt:!oll
I\eu bohne
Scott J~Dle' , C6q : (o f DioIllmlM j SU;\WII (;010111"1 of Kirkllick

t\D~U$ " kXlUI det, ~ro."t' r

rBJJDE6lt1I:N, ",,· 87'. orBUS.
Milne JOhD\ blntk h ilith I
Why le J llml'1l. \'illtnn
~;dw'!-l'd I,;hl.rlea, 5ru~..,r
Me U"1 .'In. fiutocr I
NdlJ,UlI1\udre .... ri'IIlnl'r
Sheperd J~lIlu. \OIrl"hl
Whrt l" Jame!' , bI~dl.8lnith
Wuhan Aluaudcr. wri~hl


A Sea porI, a.nd the COI,IJ.I~)' town of Kim;:mliue·
.hi~ , Is shualN 0 " the COUI, wMte the Cowie
p.u5t1 throu~h the lown, alld ::IlIolher road run~
dll"f'fll)' 10 "~rl.b, Ih. oll,llh tlte -.aUl·)' or SU.thulO.C.
and C;u-ron IIlIile tb.i. walen. IJI Ihey duw jUlo ne cabtle HI'DunllOlU,r, ,,"w In ruin_, !. .ilual~
the s.:a.. abont 1:-. mild S, bY W. of AherdllCll, OG 011 ill pel'f'!llt4iculll. rgck, 1500 (<<t.woo·c Ih e Ie.'el o f
frOl1l lJanlF,J..'i froUl Arbrv&.!h. 10 frow, lp,fubrrrie, ~e I~a.. aboullbree :.u:rn in uU"III, a..,d ailDolt
!i:! from l)uudec. 67 from Pm~I.•.d ';p.,~rb. ,MolI~ .iparactd ' from Ihe iaod bJ a 1k'1.'" thum . The
I.UIll. It it oo.poHd OJ all ~.II'a a Qe~ tq"'l1 ~ ~\'7 ~. ~ easlle ia bJ' a tquue lower of greal
Ibe rurmer Irlll8' OP Ihe Iioutb lIMk iordU~ ' " "'itrtn,cN 1I(~\bb),l;llt:h 'll'ater ~r~ ~ It forDU one of
adJlIC'enl 10 the bNbou.., the olher "D~a' I... II.I tbe _ ( riliijiftlc rul ... lll~cO'l,I)&iid t. , &he b~np
rO.IIled hJ th t ClllrGn and Cowie. 1111. t It Iii£! frill uttuPJ ODC half of die ground. - Tbb ' eude
0111 upon ill r~/{Uw' piau. ha~inl!" broad Slt"tt'1S, and ttood a IonS siege under Crowwdl. and $urrl."lI '
,. iKIulIrc ill lloe ttut.c. The harbollr is 11 na!llnt de~ at ba.ot on hOIl"urabk Itrlll'. II "~,I..S o n .. n
~UOII, , ,hdltredou the ~ olh eMI by a hifth 1'01'11, u.o &>I II stale "riKlII. alld .lleo'eral ur Ihe IIOIH'OIl-
",hich rLUII 1,,1.0 the Ka. and 011 the lIo"1i eall lIy forming Pre.byteriau c:J<'~iU " 'ere eOllfined ill II . II
• qllir , "'11' «Iu,enien l for the IIlllading of gooda 1 ..., ,"ill during the nmc..'1It be lW\'tlI 8ru~
bill II iI neithl'r ~rr capariolll no t sall·. IheMlruo:: 8allol, by anct>' tor of Ihe MiIriIocla:i.l t,lnlll, i
beill, obt\",tted tIT .unkl'll rock., 110 that It b at- and "tlrell w:u ill rtpUI;lIiull i,.... 'tml~. """ ill
pabloe, of CflI1itiderable improremenU. SIOIIt"~", 1661 it >nS Ilfed for. she depooouOl')' 01 we lepl ia
deri,t'II ill I'riudpallupport from Ihe ahenlf' COllrt ~ .&..,Ibud, 10 prelrrre lhew frunl w c .EH!lilll
ur the: «)unly. which I~ held htre e'ery WeduClljl" &rilly. 'A market i. held 1.1 SIOliebafell ,'~eJ1 n,Gra-
and ~rJday; Ih er'e II abo ij_r;ee of pe3et eonn, dily. 'allll frulll M:t.fI;IIQl&,i I" l'alidleOl.ll.i (Oil Tbll .. •
for I~ ~ '~t'nlalf debll} on title Ii",t Mnudl.' . ,} fOre-anle alld !fraln. There are 6,'c I~i" helll
of"'!'DI Moclb. Sl o neha,eu I' a hllrgh of \)aroll" hetc, "IE. 011 the 111unday hri'0t"C Chrutmu, <lId
01 wbkh Ihe jurisdkli.uu Is by !.he charier vesttd in 'Ir~, 'fhllr~I:Ia)' btfur" Caudll'ma,. old alrl~,
Ihe magllll'lltt:l, tbou u by tlit I UJl"'rior and fellau. 1l'Mud. 'nmNd,'/ III Jlln~ , >crond ThurlJay In .... ,,-
'rhe lutlllllkc road from Mu"tr06C W 1\bo;rdl~n p-'l, allli 6nt ' 'burll<hr.)' ill. ;.iO\'1:mber.
POIl'l" OFFIOE. 8 ... clay-,trc~t.-PW'1 "'lUler, Mr. Willialll SleWlU'l. Tilt Mail arrit'e' (,.1111
the IIOrlh. e ..ery eveui"11 lot 11.''' ",inules past 11.'11, a.d 4 ep,... tl fur Ihe 501IIh at Ihe Sl\me lilllC, 'Ille ,vhi!
&I rives 110Dl tbe liQIIlb e'err da) at a quarter paA llHle, anti imrueJi..tcly procn.>dl fur tbe IMIrth.


DU)isOTTAl P."..... U i nlo Cu"ac II.-Re v_ Johu George Dougla&!, esq, SheriII' Depute
Glennie , "lhdAter Johnl llUl!1, csq. SheriII' Sub$lttulc
FUTEII.f'.UO EIT"'BLI~1I1:0 CHUllcH.-Hev, Goorge WilliaDI SI"",atl. ~hetill'CJcrk
'1'IotHmo. .. Milliner JIIO, Low, PrCX:Ul'lllor Y'k"ai, A: Cletli of Ih" r,' acc
F'.. ~~hO C1IUIlL 0' EAu:.-RCf, Jawn ' P~III(m b'!urt IAt :Jlteril (.'fJtU't,
_klr, . ', JOhn toW Cb:u'll'll Monro ( & derk 10 lh~ tkllk-
DUO"~41V ' E"IeO'U CU.tPY.L.--.ReY, Georp l.l '!I':P-' ) Peter Chri81w.1I. ThQ_ Killilea<'. Jolin
ar 1I, . Mlllloltu . .\ ,.." Br...Id, ( & coU~r o{Cftt) J ¥'lei 'i'illibJ. Alu ,
D~~~~!""':I1:!;1;\b&}u' CUA1'I'.:L.-Re,.. Juhll 8a1: IS~h aud Joh" Humphrey' I ... I .
• I.~ ~ .aORe Due OFPlca •
• A.04i~U.. L SOROOL. , <ko"eLaj'W, S hore Ma&ln
D." HPIOIT"".-AIUo ~ Mutn Old To"" Roberl DlI(uclt Tldewailer '.'.'
&TTBKP.8iO.--'lJha Sil-idt:
, iu1er ' ' ,t ~
,. .\.
. Kajfii " , llol-. ' ~1~ .M.Qrru, I)lSlnbul or ,. . ,,",
~:~: ~:J'~:~di~t:I ~f!e.:I'. esq. Bailie. JOltli 'n)·lor. Su~.!.:~.?,g\1rrti
Jamtl 'n
dal ,
tit k a e,
Cft'SIO'CharCD . caol,
Rltbl.rd G~ter, Gaukr

FarqllJiarsull Mis8l!'S, Barclay Sf.
Gard"h Mi~,es, Woo~co~
Hepburn Robert RICkie!, esq.
Inues Miis, Carron side
Keith Sir AlexlIl)der, Knight Ma-,
$1 Tim::hal of 8cotlll.lld.D~lIuottar
BfJ:aCll..tll.N2'S, "l'BADBSMBN, 4 - c . , "
Charles (lllllllllfuctUl'illg) H A lIS E a D AS H E a S· Galer Richard, Old, t~
RWellijltee( • Beattie David, Barclav$ Jad. George,!:ii"h ilL,
Jack Georg\!, (gellelill} Hlgh.St Campbell David; Barday MILLINERS ANp· DlUU!Ilt,·
Napier JalDt'I,',{n)I'1'I.,alitl1PilIer) !Juneau Robert, High st
Olliet'r JalDe~, (corn) High H. Gregory WilHam, Hip 51
SIt!phen Alex. (1ll<lllufaclurmgj Knight Darid. Barcia,s square Hridgeford M f§.
Barclay ~t , . . Officer Alexallder.Bar(;jay~ sq Guthrie ;\largllrel
ValenHneJalne~, (manufactUring) 'thomson John, Bai'c1ayssquare clays &qual'e
AUAnlictl street Yule Roberl; EWell at EUf[laud Isab~lIa, Old Town
AUCTIONEERS. ' ;'larr~ t\! illsell, .AUaI·dice lie
COOPI'aUI. N1Ipiel' M isse~, AliaHiice ~~
Duthie Ahdrew, High ~I
Falcon .. r RollCrt, F.wcn ~t Smith Barbara, llarday3 5qUW"II
i'airweather Oavid, Allardice " M!lue Rob~(& tisb currr) i\11II1It
Jack James., High st NAIL MAKERS
Hobb.lohu, Bridge of (;0\\ Ie Gle!!,!! Alexander, Allal'dice 81
BAKBBS. fulbel'(..<oh Jolm, M,lIeollls lane
Duthie Robert. Allarrlice gl ¥ol1ng Alcxl\ntkr, !IIalco;II' lane
. rILLER8.
Howie Mr~. ,\lIardke ~t 0011al<l, &. CO. I W m• ROPE &I TWINE MAKBIIIII·
Kernlo Sarah, High st "I'il;"""_!,,,' (j 1e'l.11.I,'1',. Cbl'i.tie P,'ler &, SOli, High st
!lliddleoon Charles, Ann 5t Ch\rk William, David 31
Moncur James, Barelay ~t !.rellt!:&: Co, !!q' IIIAPPLBBI.
Tate William, High ~t Iilll!te8~ i"rallcIM, Htgh ~t
Thomson David, Allardiet' st 811rdl\fll1
Cufllli"k Aleu,lldcl', Barclllyasq
BLACKSMITHS, KlIo~ JamCl!, i\llaniice lit
Cook Alex<\lIder, High Jt
!llaln Goor~f>,
Oal'c!ay $' , SHIP OWJlfl!i.,1,
Christie Jallle~
lIIeh'in Jamtll, Miiartlreer8t CuulIS Alt'xaoorr
Meh~ill John"llardny st . liOOXJilnlt'1I
'fIol;!inson ~ lexal1d~r? Allfp'dlce 5t Low Jobn
Shcwiln Andrew, B;n-clay Jt ~l",on Andrew
BOOK8ELLBRS. Taylor James
8TA,'Ji'I~NBRS 4rBI.,J)EJltS' 8'OllGBO'NS·
Beattie Johll. (~drcldatiug Ai· KweB st,
bnirj·) 'Bai-clay 8t '
DUllclUl Cl!arl:ei!,JljWeu lit et
BOO'l'iIIoHlHOlB MAIUUt'li, , Ge,qr~. Barclay! IqDW"II 'tAIL9,8.'· , L
BO\WIl~'William'&tiOlli !It AI~Ji. tiarclays !qnlire 'Bu'rfey ,\ ic'Jiallder. ,1\lIru'ili~t' "
Charles J I Peter; Barclar~ square '. FOrbet Aleunder, Ewelt In
LollIson , square'j Tonie Aiexalltier, f& pl'orisioo F/)I'be~ David. Eweu lit
Garden square cllrer) Barclays square Forhc~ Williaul, sell. KiIlS'~
l'auloAlexaDder, CamerOl1 st (ilBOCERS .0. FO\'bc~Wiliiam, JUIl. fflr;h lit
~martGe9rge, Harclays sqllar<il .'th Jil1n~S, (and ~pirit t1.:: a1 f r ) Hutcheon ,Iohn, High tit
:-imatt James" Mary st Uarclil.ys squal't Sllitlllie James, Kiug Ft •
~marf Jamc!fi Ann ~t DUu¢lluMargaret, HIgh st Yop 11&';011 Geprg~, ,'ilardi;;e lit
;Slr<lcl.l1.\llDa'ld, Higb l'-airlliea~ber pavid. Uarcla.ys sq TALLOW CHANDLE."
~Y1Fot~8 .tohu, High ~t ' Jack George High 8t
TOl'rie Alex:. Bardays square
W °od° D rthur, Ewell 8t
o av Oa~q H iidl !tt
Wood Robert, Ewell 51 e6~~!HigfiSI TAVERNS AND PUBLIC
BREWERS, Knight Oavid, Ailardk-e ~t II01.18B8,
Enl!'\' :'llrs. & Co, Carrrlll side Law V~v. (1It8piritdcaler) Ewen!l Billhop Mrs. High st
Sma;'! Jallle~, Bridge of Cowie Law GC"I'~e, High gt Bnr/lct ~.lmes. Barclay at
Jack GCIJrlle, High
&0. ":i1~e William, &I'~l'~ sqlla~
Napier 8 ibp(ll~ ''Square
Charles John, ~H'3h &t •
Donaldsoll GhrllitllUi. Kmg It
Low John,l':wcu, ~aul.Annl Duthie \\il!ialll, Hilfhl![
Malcom p"ter Allanlkc ~I :;hcnt ~e . " square Falconer G¥orge, Hlgh!t
• " Sherit John, Barlliayl ~quare Knight DaVId, Allardice it
CABINlB'I' MAKERS· SIAI.en !'Iirs. Barclay $;1 Law George, High lit
~ihb Afl,tH'e\II",: l\'IalcOl1ls dose Stott Alexa~e.r, 'Barclay, square Mackay George, Allardice s.
I rOlly George, RO"ben at ,strachan Elizabeth, l11gh 51 Malfen John, Bare lay lit
CA,RI'ENTZM :AIJID Strat::h;,m William, Allardice st ' . Man James, rI igh st
CAR'rWJUGB,%lI~ 'f'RI4al R6bert,-High Sf .Milne AIHI,High st
Coh';11 David, Robert tit W!I1W John, &,rclay3 square Mowat JameM, Eweu st
Douglas Vavid, High 51 • :tN~.\pOsTnlG H01.1Si;.' ~J.iU'·,P~!!r... Harday sl
Fraser WID. & J,\!nes, Barclays sq Mill bill .JohlJ Collills 'Sfullllle Jiune~, King st
Gruel' John, Mary at , Smith,A bllt
Lamb .,101m, Higlr 6t
Mehtn William, Anllst
Hobillsol1 t,;harlc.~, frd.llid lit
YOU'll( Jlulle~, (& buihler),Allfllll
~'orregfMiS!l, New WWIi
Melville WiHlruu, Back wynd
Michie Charl~s, Robert" $flktUaneoul$.
Napier Waltei, Ounuotur
Tocher JiVlICg, DUlll10Uar Allan Ju. millwright, Bl\rclay 8t
Cb;u-iesAdllln, dyer, Allardice 51
WATCR AND CLOGS: Locard, lapidru·yl. Higb at
MAIUIB.· Gmy John, llax spinll4:ir. :;aw mill
CollinllOn Alex. Barelays square Hally Ale$ander,'exeise o/licer
Sumeria.nd Georg!!, Highst 1\1e Donald John, eX~l!e officer•
WOOLLI!l't .. WOBSTED •-\Ihudke sireet
MANUFACTURER· Paul Ale~allder, It'ather cutter
POllplewell John, Bareluj 5t Smart William •. grain merchant OAIUilE:R&.
aud miller, Mills of Cowie ABERDEEN, Alu,.nder Motb;,,,,,;
WBtTEBS. Tindal Roberl, glazier, High ~t f tUll'J't"&' Cbapman, and Alpxuoder
Brand John, Robert ltt Troup James, (l(llllsmith. High ~t ,. n<llay, ev ••y Tu .. da1, and relu,ll.
Chmliau Peter, High It Wood James, tanuer, Ewell 3t 1"" .. m~dIlJ.
Humphrev John, Barclay st BRECHIN, AI."dr, . Mathison, .".'Y
Kiunear ·thoma.~, ~1al"y st aOACHB&· \\"tdnesdA)'\ and retur~8 on TtH1U~
Low John, lof Hilton) Ewell It ABEIU)EEN, tb •. R"l~~ (rom do,..
Monro Charles, AUardice 8t Ih. lv.iII lun, evOfY <la1 al
rmtC'!\ postont'.
m,- OLA!'OOW, L. rond W, Aitken, .... ry
Morulay, .... d retur .. n" Tlmr.da)'.
Ross David, Harcla)"! square ADERIH!ERS, Ih" T"'''g'"pll, from MONTROSE, AI"". Fin,llny, nefJ
Slllart Alexauder, Ban-lay 51 Ibe ~till· m", .,...... in~ ..t to .. Tbnraday, and, returns on ~l1turda,.

I· S one of

breadth from
most beautiful cOL!nties in ,Scotland, and wa:: formerly a part of the
shire of ,Lennox. It extends trom e~t to west about 4..1
80uth is about 21, but its
and Its greate,,'
breadth is about 14 miles.
It it:! boundctl· on north by and thcrivcr with the exception of
the parish of A'lioll, and part of the of Logie and Lecropt, which lie on the
north side of that river, and two parts of Perthshire, in the parish of Kippen
,whichlie all the south side; on the east by Clackmannanshirli, the J:'octh, and Lin-
lithgowshire. on the west by DumbartQnphir,e, uml on the south by a !Jart of that
county and Lanarkshire, and contains 489 square miles of land. and 13 of lakes,
or 195,600 acres .of and 111,360 of uncultivated land •. The face
of this county rich ilnd beautiful, in former times it was one entire
the of which are still to be seen soulh'of the town of snd other
parts of county. The ridge of hills callec11.elllloX, ex.bibit many volcanic
appearances, at .Fintry andCampo:rie Fells. Stirlingshire contains one
royal burgh, Stirling, the towns of Flllkirk anci St.l'\inian's, and many
able and populous villages; iUs divided into 22 purishes. ltis wntcrcd the
Forth and Carton, b;;-.sides which, the great crosses this county from the For~h
to the Clyde, which unites the ea~tern to the western scns. Its elevations nre Al va bIll
1600, Campsill Fell!! 1500, and BenlomQj~ 32.62 feet above the level of the sea.

Air!b ................. ., ••
Alva , .................. .
llaldHnock " , ........ .
HaifrOIl , .............. ..
XU," k.'nnar ........ " "
Buchanan. .. .. .' ~ .. , .... .
Camps e .. _ . ~. ~ ........ .
Denny ....... ~ ..... ~ .. .
DT)mell " " .......... .
l)nnipFu:e ~ ... : ........ ~.
~~~~:;k :.': :::: .::: :::: .. ::. p
Oar,e;mmm:k ... .. ...... p
KilleAfn ............. , .... p
~ill"l!l'ick, New Of Easte, p
KiI.yth ................. 1'
Kip!,"", (paTt of) •..• • ••. , P
lit(j remail1der af Ini' pariAh '8 Tolt.1
In PerthlM,,!.

4"- Parish· 'in Stll'lin~J.ire,aoolit
1~llglh and two
six miles Ill' 'here III lhe }lure Gothic slyle, and few buildillg~ are
hreadth.The \'ilIa!,c of Airth snperior to either cha~tc sillJl'llcily of architcc-
ill It ill
lie" .on the ba.nks. Of. the l-'urth nearly opposite !ureor elegance of design. A ~avlllgs bank hag,l~ell
1\(lIlIlCt ran~ 9· mile,. below S.ti:lillg, 5 N. W. of
l'alkirk, and 27 from EdillblJrgh .. It has three
latdy esta\Jli~hcd ill Airth under the distijlgUJsloed
patrunagc of tllC Right HOIl. the COllllt"ss of D!III-
or h;II'boufS for slnall ves.els, and wa~ at oue a more aud which j, I'ery prosl'erou8. 'l1lis vill~g~
place of cOllsirterahleJmportaIlC!}, hu'. it jij now is w~1I ~upplied with coals, as se,eral cxlenSll'e
~l'1?atly decayed". '1'here are 5tH! several trading milles are in the immediate r.ehjhbourhood. A t~w
yeS$~ls belo.ngjlll\ lq t)l.e PPJ·t'.c<l.o.d the sal mOll nsh- ai>'o a"nanchor wa.~ found in Dunmore J:ull,
lUg l~ earned tfn 'wIth touslffel'able"ucces~. The .thalf a mile (rom the prc~ellt eOllxse of thG'
l!~u~lful and romantic seat··Qf Thomas Graham' The whole parish, wilh the exception of the
ISmhu/(, e~q well worthy of notice. The Eali Airth and Dunmore is a plain.
of DUllLllore lately erected an clegallt llluII sioll'
POST OPF:lCE.-Po# Falkirk with south
lIud lIonh Malls at ten ill the

Bruce James,

Alliin Joo, lin(,l1 & wl)olli>1H:\rape.r' I~abena, gI'OC~ll" &.

t\ tin "Ian: wltrier' kecJJer ~Crown)
Archihald ,\It'! & ,hot' maket· :Camphell Ke'Hnelh,
t\ailol1linc Elkll, viullln Clark John, ~"ip OWIIl'F grocer
SOW)@ Rubrn, tailo!'
null .J"IHC~, illuk ..",pu

ll,,~war, Will. ¥t &: tihoe maker, !\Ie

Dick Johu, smith
rlor George, teacher, DUllmol'v
Huuter Archibald, tailol' &. batter
JatI'rey AIl'xamtl'r, bakcr
Jaffrey Robert, smith

J.l1lfrey Tbomas, cooper Srobbie Micbaeljlhip:owllcr
K.emp, \\ m.• boot &: shoe maker ScOtt James, sllll-' owucr
Liddle William, baker
Maleom Juo. boot &;
Me Art.hur Charles,
maker I Smith Hobl. grocer &; spil-it dealer
Sle\'Cllson Alcx:.b0c4 &I!boemaker
Stoddal'! Waiter; tailor

A Village in the Pari~Ji of the Manle name, 1 mik'$ house stands on au
N:E: £if StirIiH~, and 4 N. of Alloa, i~ is shuattKI 'ba~e of thl' hill, it
sitllllied at the foot of the Ocllil hUls, and is tOlally and sunoulJded with till'il'iul/: wood. flier!! lire
disjoiucd frolll tbe coullty of Siidillg, although it sercral manufactories e~lablishcd here, alltl wnol-
belongs !(J it:
being ahll6~t ~uI'roull(led by Cla<;k· kU81 bla\lkc(~, carpelS and yam art made \Q ~vme

, PLACllDS 01"'WoaSHIP.
m3nnanRhire. Tire grooter pal·t of the parish iscxlenf. 'rile works are t1ril'clI hy water, which i~
hilly, affording excl.'licllt pasture for ~Il<'cf." The plentifully lIupplied flam the Ochil bills
RELlEFCHAI',EL-Rcv. wm, .
'Mastel' and
CHURCH-Hey, l\Iasl,cr

csq'l SymeJames, "Ira.

MANVFAClTURBR8. :mtcbell Will. sheriffs officer
Mc!).ibald J /l0. ~lorriso!l James, I'illtller
&h:y Morrison Juhn, teacher, Aha
Harrower J s. Morrholl Wm. hoot &: shoe mako.'r
Drysdale WITi. Niool Darid, baker
Drysdale Wm. Pa*<ln TllOlll<lS, buillkr
Scotland John, Heid'Jallle~. ~lnith
RobettsonPetM', groc(.,.
811lll: !)al'id, .iutller ..
\Vi'ight .Iohll, "illt!!er
Wright John, Imihler
Wrig11t Willi<\lu, grorl:'t
i"'_ ... __ IY_""_,..,,,.,.., ____""',,#,,., __________ "'*""
. , . " _ " , _ - _ " " _ , . " _ _ #'##'#",,,..,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

'lllIri.. b (If the same
pl('llsantly situated oll.the decli-
nallle ill,! of hands,. chicfiy females,
and healthy appearance .llay
::Htl'lbute<l tu
'ityof a hill, di:Hilllt N. of hlasgow 19 miles, from ~alut.arv re~ul;UlOns so 'Irktl)' cuforccd by the
~tirlillL\ HI, a.1<1 !)ulllbalLOII 17. The hou~es are:lu, spiliw'd Illanager of that Illallufactory. The
general well huilt, !Iud most of thcm arc whue
washed, whkh "h'C's t hell! II cleal! alId nea, t appca:r-
I , of this village principally dcpends on the
; at the sanw tillie i~ considcrablt::
alice. ThcJla!liudallock works, tile pl'Operty Weil,'cr, ar~, emp'oycd at plain work for
of lItessr~; Finlay, aud Co. t:1lJ1)i<:lyruent to a \'a.~l' Illallufac'UllT~.
POST 1\1 r. (h'Ol'ge The :'I!ail i~ forwarded
a (oot post. an'iI'e at three aftt'rlh}(lll, ami are del;paidl,ed
the morning.
:;:J,,,,,,,,,,,, "'U'vti A.i\!. "lillis,tcr I ,
I JohllYairlie, 1I1aiitcr and Sessiou Clerk

}'airly Johu
Graham John
HobcrtFOll Thomas JV IIll , '
Smith J 011;1 1\1,lry .\Iia Pringle
F'lir!ic Alexander
U re A rchib~ld agent)
Rl'lchanau Thoillas
DllW Al chibaltl
Me ~:lDald James jlUlJuUantoul.
Me Ouat l'o'irl!. Cannal Anurew, maltatE'r
'fhOUll!OB Archibald Dow Alexander&. Co. tluinkhlllJi
, nailers
, sell. sherllfs oftk:el'
• auetiomrer
, spirit dealer
drew , John, buillWr
PateI'l!OlI Jolin' Me :Allister William 'fllowas, hai~ dU)l4ser
Stnith WillW,1l Me Kinnol\ Wilftaln William, saddler
Me Lillan Wit! "".~~,..~- Elizabeth,milliner
JUU71111· ItalCom Alexander
Buchanan Alex:,mdcr M ax well Georgi! 00A.081:8·
!\Ic Nicol John Reed Wm. (&ClI~) GLASGOW, from Georjte Mowell'.,
Taylor James at Ihe 1'".1 IIM«, e.'ery"",
IIBUItOBOMS. WATCH, I /Sunday n~") '" seven
AND CLOCK MABS .... aLA SGOW, fro ... iIcIli"m.lloeil illll,
Campbell IWbert
Goodwill Robert J\kGri~ Jamet.
Richardson William
'i.""OP' !I\I'II~"',theW.~nC;O'~"l.lUId.fddAJ,
at&eTCn iu m()rnnl~~

TAl LOltS " ,t. OA.RRIERS.

, fHl,j800W. William Me ~1l1.1« on
Fairhe William 'rund .. , and Friday. and WiI!illl'A,
Keir James
Kcir William , . IS bun·
Me Arthur Arthur

Paterson Alexallder &. Son '

l/.aUry Goorge
Wanon Aleutlliff
Wilson John & William
Wil30U William &. SOil
, , > 'I
2'.AD~#IIlJl"uft ·
. 0' ,., '
Muir JotI.. , rope fIUIh(.
Muirhead Robert, tillor aOllV"AJIICI:
Murphy W.,, 1~ 111V .,. w ......
Ogllrl~ Joh" llClI •. bygt aud Woe,
lI.Iaker • , C,,:,' CtlM{ PUl.4lt /Jt!G1I.
RankiliorJohn, caul~ boft DAY JlOATB.
hili, No. 16 Loct . l!DI SOURral .•! ''''' ........ . . - . . -
GL,\tltlOW. 0\ tw .. ;~ th • .n ... -..
Ro~rUoP J amq., ...,IPt .. "
Spie~ Jlma, wnitlf I NIGHT BOA1'I.
Stark Adam, battr For G-u tiM P"utffl n,.
Smrk Ja.. ~rocer.t. (piril d..aler EOINBURGH, at_olat....0,..; . ....
~.lIaal Wm. I..!tor OLA8GOW, &llt.alt"'1~"I.~
Watt Jam.,., ."na~u '-Ie C:U"t'\OIl _tala,.
~ 10I'e ~. ~. ": .... !:"

, . _ _ _ _I I

" ~--'····-·-·r,--,",,',------------"'----------
DENNY. &c.
- -,

O U"h:'lll ( W ll1l3a. G,,,.. J obu. huihlt-r

Itolll'fWJU Job. Mlltoll Hall An,In · .... m311l\t". r or IItt.
Nri\vtn Wm. O. ( & M.D.) ll romn- ~t Wm. (& b.,iWtr) befl.hire Prilll- fil"ld
KruMdy Wm. boo)k~lI('r & """.
V15~ lII Joh~ (}cli P,.
,TAlLO •• •
~milh Jamn
l Ire J anet
r"m'lI llnbOCl',t, Dtau~·Loali heal'
I;"nt' r
SIC' ..... art AII'lI:.l'xrlse ollierr
AII,]I'r wll JUII" walGRTS · OOACE!l:IJ.
IIltin ArrhlhlroJd Ai tken A!Thibiahl r. 1. Ai!nOW , I~. !to.", M .n, I~ ""~
, ' h;du",,,, Willi:a1U "K irkwood J ohn C... _.I~ , u....,- _n __ .1
F"rnIII'" J ob_ M~ 1.111"''' " .. Itt . . . i • • ('.. I C-,", I ~e .. _ ......
U';rJ. _ CIn,ohlllt W illiam ....... , .n~_ •• I I~"'., II ....' u ·
S;udalr J ....K'I , Milt on Ore J ~m9 "",I~.I ,
Wbito:bead J oh n I' E!lT", III. n",..llI.n,I~.... ch 1111. -
wal'rEa- 1;"11, • • ~, R I '~I.II~II ; ... - ~I
TUAORC ••• Orindl~.,. J ohn c, .. c ~, .b~ ................ efT--1eI
Ad:!.Dl~ WlllIt.rIl .[el~.".Ii"""r ......I"',
(:ray Ht'bry IIIIbc.lIa~.
U~rl :u
",'c,;, t.N>u bailie OARRIER • .
Neilson WlII iani
I'mith JUla !kg ltabella, .lIIUlloer and (Irtn-
V I NTl'U: . .. DI ~rtJ.8
8t'Ifif r
..... tat '.
ac. llcitl ,m.rnl-
,\ llk m J ohn flw'11Irt'r, Ch ri&lbu II ~II
nr~k M~. Dt·uu, _Loanhmd Dobbie Wbl. walt h IiIt"lock ma ktT
J)obbIe WI!UtllI f erllll.OOlJ' JIlII'IOl, roGlI"r
Grindla.,. 'n1On.u
Hay J all'll"t
"'Itmlns J a(ll('ll, "':1
pll rdoer "'It'S. PddLer
--""~"" - ' -----' I'----t"'-"--' -" """ --"---'-------"'----.,_",_i_
FALKUlK. &C. ~tH'lillndtilrt .
11M ~e is IItlle t rade Oil it , l·xcc ... iu~ the carrylu~ J llUt. the ileqJnd Th unda~ in Jul,. •• lte Ihlr,1 nil":
of paMeII!l'n and \'l1/l.1, Iu tl,,' city uf t.di ubu rgh; ft day In Au g.&' lhe first Thunda)' In Nu,', beslt1..~ twu
faItI · lIuck·, t rouull th rnu!;h " " lII l1el ;9(j yanla day~ (or hirl ul{ 'UV1\u'l~ , callo:d rl~'hlg 'n.u TFday ••
Ioa"al!nut hall • ,uile _IIi, "r til e InW II. ,\ ~u· wbidl are IIlllutrn..~ly all cndrd, un !.be Ii",' 1"'11" ':
III' .arkel for 8'ral11 iOI held Un " 'huT.d"y, I" w l,kh day uf A/,ri l, III,d t he I:~'I ' n lllrl.(lay 1l(lk\O~ r. The
P"I 'lOl.ln lillroo Ire Iml1\11br. Se~l' ll fOl i!'!! an anuII - thrtt t', kirk Iry~ I ~ . lilll'~d Ii) tie the IR~I calr le
I lly held ""rt for nWe aud bunt.'>', l'iz. the ltit ruarut¥ i ll t he kiuJ(doUl , are he ld RUlluaU, ill thl!
'I'luIrtrIar ill J ::WU lr\' , II I<" ii'i'L Tbursday i ll Ala.r~h. IIc~h boO\U"hoOO nil Ihe Io(lt'oud Tundar' of '\ulo"ll".
'_ 'bird 'fbllnldlty III )llI)' , the occolld Thur&day iu Sepc4.'1lI~ aud Uctobe r.
POII'r OPPICE. Hi, !> Hre.'t-l'oJt JJI#"~. Mr. James Waup. T he ulOIil (rvlII ~di"bu.n:h, Inri
a11,.111 or Ihe Sotuh . RTT;"", rn'r v 1Il00rlliu8:U haJ(' paal ont', I.lId e.-en (O",U<~ lU at de"ell, 1",1;~ de.<-
NIdx-d to Io\din bur~ b ","1'" ,,, 'w ," III hal (·1Iaf1 r"ur, aod C~tlTy ult'lfli;nx at hal (- p!Irt one. T ile mail
t~ GlaIof;cn~ Irrin'~ efl' ~' nJ rlrr,ing at half'palIt ."ne , Iu d II dt'l'J.II'Ill'hcd to 'Gla~w Im.Ded ialel, .. The •
_I (roD' LlI1l\t~O\" .rr;.·.... I'1TT'y mornin g at half- IM-~t Olle, !I"d i$ .k~patcht:J In I,flllhhg& ... .lnm'td.lltc]~.
-A r.....,. ""'" .rrr~l'll (roDI t ;T" IICl' rIlOU I h e"Cry (ortu<>on It ten, anrl ,·,·c ....· IIlght UI If'n. lind IJ dl'l'plleht!d'
"-ek e" e'1lUorlliug at sh:, alld e .... ry aArnrf'lOn at half-[lMt six. A ('WlI ~SI IIrri,,'~ (,.."n r"hllout c ..... ' J
rJteraoou. at four. lIud i" IIt-~pa'dU'd en'ry lII"r ni ll~ a~ 11.:n~I1._ l\ n.occi" j"i: OllieI' i" .... at l'olUIOll t
lid l..a ufiClItowlI,!lnd the kut'r.< arc fo,wa rded 10 t'al kltk ""' Ihe loot po$l.
P.LAC_ or WORSHIP \ SI.UIAoOiAo'Ol ~:IJTAoOt.l ~ III·l> ClI t!ItC II-ik r. J amt:1 Ro '
F. ITAlI,ISIlIU C II UIICII, Kirk "'·JI" I - n c~. J\6Inei
\VltOlOn , D.O. ~ 1""' l er

B\~~:~"::" Bax ler·. w)"'ld _ ]te,·. TholllM Go rduu ,

bt:rtSUII, 'lil1lalf'r
Y~1:~II~"D C n UI CII . 1>Olmon t _ lkl". J ohn Kef, MUIII,U'O)iI IOr.-I'H trlet ClIltIn, N aal ltr, Ind~.
S~:s';,I:~llobt. 'I:>;u, ;U .... I ~rllud St'uinn Ckrt
hllE",:.»'of.!fT, nllc k .~idt.""" ltt!~. n. II. Mackeudf', Judice ofr •• ce CoaI-t·
Mhll, l('r ""l)•.'rl Me Kt'<:h uk, (;!tlrk
PtElIn.......i'I, Lau riellvw lI_Re,'. Hugh \'olm" J :un t':! (;I... k, Procuratu r F;, r.,1
nI'.W!r, lIi~hn_ltc .·. Will. \\'l'Iell ,\Ji"iol..r Lieute nancy.
ll"lTIm, Co w \\'~·n d-. III" " \\' 111. S'.:....l , " Ii'nhler ~'; l'lI t or t·.lkirk ~ " b di.I~lo n .-,\ lrr.,"d..r Monr".
U .~II, ~Ilrer ruw_ It..·,·. lI eli ry IId fnge D. D (;krk
Mml,t\, t •• 8tam.p OJl!CCI.
~m~ (;ibtou. s...., io ll Clt'rk Bock row J ohn Un Tn, Su".di~hlbut OI· ,
High I '
~1 ~ l tAo~ql/~Iu. ~: ... r.u lI.I""lm (; II UIIC II-Rc~. W m .
• Ic Call, MlnJSl r r &UbICl'lptiOD Li!:»r&I'Y '
UJl ITBl> AS;IOC IAV- Ilr ,·. J o hn (;raiX, !'II illi~ l cr J O~ II Hallki",', l .. b.....1';,,,,
'bird Job_, c",. fortJ/ rmlUl Mill) Cla r],; e Wm . fi(j . Wbiteside l.t':Irlltou\l, WlllfRm, C. esq. (oC
"h,ir"ron.ide Du r idWl1 WD1 . ,:oI4!. Po l mon t hou.<e Crall ",11 ) Mninll'Q1I ~ lde
BaU lI e nr)' l\I oreland. etfj. K~r- ~'o rhc~ WI).I'~(I' Calla nder hoo,sl' l,it'luf:ltou Si r Tboc!. bart. W''$t
lief hlluk ~"yfc Ca l,," ln J o hn . G rllh;III1~'''U Qililflel'
BeU.Ol't l ~atrk],;, Cl'q. Wh itt'sid e Ha5lic .'I r. \JOI. (ot" I'~", .t Lf)lIt:~) i.ogOlIl \\'111. 1"M]- CllU'kirscolie
Ur;ud .Ioti"" e"'l. (or Elrl,r) Sla. SJalllaua" ~ I c 1..·00. ..\ICI . l~. oC b .... l ra'o~
'ua nan HCllll h Will. caq. Oarlro ... ~ ~i(k
~roWII MtII. Margt. Grah am5toll JIIJI;"hs Robtrt, "q. (of LilmlUu ) ~1 i1u" Jllntl'll, ~, Uay r ark
TUe.: AIt·x . nq . l'ohllo llt bft llk S iamauin ~rnil h !II~. Wt'('tI1,,!'~ H~II
BtuCt: Si r Wm . b.1rl. Slc ll bou$C J oh utiloue Wm. t'SQ. Mra l]"'" han],; Slu;,h J ~~ .~ . Wet'd lll!', Hall
1II1cb;uItI'u J .... (.'3(/ . Lautiul(1Wn I.aurie M;~ Gratt . ~liIhic: ld S Diitli·JItI,II , IHtilll(o rd
~~~h Aiel:. "'lie]. ~lidd lcfi\'l d Lcannolllli Johu I•. e-'C!. (nf {'urAl · :i pl er~ .\]l1li1."11, Poheout P.ark
'It'r Wm . eli'l, (of Hl'flj rml) 11(111) MulrllfOnsldc TilJlor '1'...... UaAIt bt-ad
Mul"'\'on_,i,le (kann onlh ' ",01. esq. rcul'e Wll nleu Iwben, c.q. J'lu1t hili
ClJlander J oh n , «rl _ Woodburu e PlI rt Wall,; h John, 1'$1). 0( tllil had
_z:aCBANTS, 'Z'ltAD£SM EN, &-c ·
ACADeMY· Greearl Win , Wr.lI 5t Ak ... lI an,u,y . ulallage r; Wm .
Bad Rom. Uarl David, to", 1111111'5011, IIIXOtl n1!\nl; Al<'ltdr.
~ibeou ThOll. I.ati u, Or~k, &c. HodSI.' J amel . Hlll h II Cllilllud" r,; d r.... 011
OtIllg Jill. Eligliah, writiug , ,"c. Mai n John, HlIll!!I
Mickle Jam~ , -~:II:!IIKlr~
'1'10 ..... Kiulln! &. Sou~. twin .
bllrgh, !Ilia Oil ",,111111;11\11011 and
C AGENTS · MorriwlI J o,<;o;l lh, High ~ I CO. Loudoll .
<lCill1l!, Ar,·hd. {IO Ihe ' .olldou " I uirhrad J alll~. 1I :,~t " r ·' " ' )'lId BOOKSELLERS,ITATIO • .
n te" U!" e T ell CH. ) High I t HUli ald Itobert.l Bi,,(1f'r'~ wyut! :titS, A .. .., BUf DE....
~ukht Johu , LanrieMowl\ R Il 8!ll'lI Arch. !,;:arton J Oh u ~I" " Pa t ri d, Hill io SI
AUCTIONEEal . S~-o" lloh•.-rl, Kirk ovyu d l\I M'<ln,, ~l d J l n,\'II, H ~' h ~ I
A h~to Thoma Hip SI l1imptolOn Wm . W",II!' ~t n aul im' J ohn, Hj~h ~I
8~ r\Arth,\ H i~J& S mith ftlicbael, H~ " T a}'lvr J\nlx'rl , High ~ l
BA ••••• 'Nardla." ,]0.... Kirk \1')111.1 BOOT 6: .ROE.Alb:.I .
~t1u, ~ JlUrltl. Amuu's close WI'!IC WilllauI Oralillm~t"u
Yuuog 'fMoW, HI,s'; ~I
r.,rosa rt W·',·
I mill, H'th ~t
~It JlU\.l'f, Well close HardIe J :",r l , Kor k wymt.
rtth ur 'l'hOlIlN, Uaiu ~forU .AJIf . . .U · J nl"'~1"" J f>hl1, I:f l;t h $1
I~er~~ J 3.3, BaX'lt' r's "')'lId COll lll1 crdal B~ okiull Ot of ~n l· ""II'f' William, HIwIc mOl'
C QI oa 'RIchard. Lllllr;r"o wil land 8111k 5'1- Hmry Nil nlOII. l ... i, I"\I ~" Art·h . HI~h 81
Callander MidllwJ. lJ i"h s t
O, ul'(ord ThOll. Ki rk ;'>Jlul
oM!uer Wm . Hlt'h n
d ,'a w 'on thu~I ,·.·~ in
burgh. !Iud 0 11 Jo .. ('~ lind (;."
) ,"I!
:t.IIclIi · Wm . H" r.D. acc<>'II1I ~" ~·; ~la ,>kic Joh .. , H. h ~I
,\ k 1"',,1\" An!hd. Rdrl I\l!b\~ t cI
~bu hr... O~I'!I"'" 1I 1~ h ~I
Ou- pi" Jo~n , HIRh It 1.0",1,,,, ~hl1'rJI)' ,t...... "'olruOtH
mOUT J ame.~, Pol mont FalJ;il'k Imllk ing.Co. High Uretl ; ROD Mld ,\ l~~a"der. HiS-h sl
P4 . ' !i8}
Georlle Brown, High bt RllS~cll Holler!, Highst
tJ 1'110)1, Andrew Craw- Rns.ell Wan. 4, High st
High st Smith Rohel't, lIigh SI
o~' SCOTt.AN!), ,\rchibald
Cochran, High st ,\ilken James, High st
BREWEJUI, Cowie Jam£'s, High St
Ailk"l1 Jnmes, High st FLBSHBRS. Me K£'chnit' Jolin, High S~
lla'laillilic Alex. Bnxt,'r's wynd Bread Alex. llohert's Milo James & Alex. &; Co. Ora·
. Cowie Jl\lUe~, Robert'_ wyn<l Bulloch Robert, High hamstou
Me K,'rililie John, Hir-h sl Hlllloll Jamrs, Baxter'g wYllt1 Wy~e Da"id, 1\bbols Haligh
Smith Robert, Baxter s wynd Learmoulh Alex. Well do.~t:
Learmollth Hngh, Lllurie:<tO'l'l'1l MESSENGERS AT ARMS·
inn:rSH Aitken Thomas, H il(h ~t
M!\r8hall JaIUP~, High st
. MANUFAOTURERS· Nelson Will. High 5t Aitken ""Ilomas, High Rf
,\lIken James, Highst Stark Archibald, st
Clark Robert, Higli 5t GLASS.
BUILDERS AND STONE . Me Call Sarah, High st
MASONS· Fleming Jame~, High st
Moil' Hellrietla, Bigh st Smith Eli:t.abelh, High SI
Christie JOhll, Grahamstoll
E<l1<I:olI Alex. Graham,~lon Riochie William, HilIh SI NOTARY PUBLIC.
Hastie Tho~. Westport Suthrrlalld Will; Back row See nbo Writ~'rft, Bee.
Bume Wm. Westport GROOERS Aitken Thomas,jun, High SI
Wes.ton Johu, W,'slbul'!! bridge
Wy~e Lower Plea~allce Ranchop Rob!'I'!, High SI 1J01lih Will. Balootcr'swl'lId
Cool, John, High 8t lloyd J olll!, Comley gardell
OABINET MAltBRS· Crawford James, High 51 Ewill;: Jame~, Eastburn
S.e .'"0 Wrlgbl.,
Bl~('k Robcrt, Hit,h 51
Crawford John, High H
Dn!l(',Ul~on Thomas, High 8t
SillljlSOU Jamc~, High st
Ili, k ,Johll, lL'\ill~tord Ourh;un Jalllc,. High 81 Buchanan J38. & SOilS, High ~I
Ea,Hm Alex. Kirk wynd HOlidic ThomnR, High'l MitcheH Hugh, GalTison
Jones Thomas, High st
OART &0 PLOUGH WalJace Wm. High sl
MC'llwath Jamt'll, Hi!!h ~t
MANUFACTURERS, 1I1ilchpll Thomas, Hljlh ~t PHYSIOIAN,
Kenzie Will, Rasl!>/)! t MUllgall William, Hi/olh ~t Bowie John, Hayfield
.\Iex, (&: maeh) High SI Ncwtull Thomas, Hill.h st
W("'ll ort PRINTERS.--Letter*presll·
Paterson Robt>11, Graliamsloll JOhllSl01l Thomas, High st
COOPERS. Pender William, H igl! ~t Taylor Hobnr, High st
Ruyd Robert, Sl'lI. H idl st Hankine Jame~, High st
Boyd Robert, jllll. Gl'iIilalllSIOIl Scott John, High S~ ROPB & SAIL MAKER·
Dalrymple Jame~, t\d~m's close Silllll.~on Peter, Hj~h 51 Me Target Jol1n, G rahamsUlu
Tunwr James, Whitc's. close Thomson John, High ot
\Veil' James, Kirk wynd Urc William, High st SADDLBRS, &:c·
Walker Alex. Polmont Hamilton Alex. High 5t
OORN MEROHANTS. Walker James, JUDo (grocer Ollly) MOllrn Janc\, High 5t
Rennie Jame~, Grahamsloll Hil{h st !'t'udcr Jmllcs Sawcr~, High st
Walker Robert, High st Walkel'Robert, High st
Wyse David,Abbots-haugh SHOPKEI:PERS.
Waugh James, High st
OORN MILLERS. Aill;rn James, Uigh st
HAT MANUFAOTURER. Boyd Hobert, Gl'llhamslou
Lilley .&Pcnr\ce, Mungel\ Mill Lighlbouy George, Eastbnrn fil'oWIl John, Kirk wplll
Rellnie James, Grahamston
Ta)'lor Roberl, Lady's Mill INNS. CampbdJ James. Back row
CUI hell Hollen, Wooel' st
OURRIERS, &c. Crowll, Wan. Allan, High Dewar iIIargaret, G raharu~toll
Aitken Peter, Rul'!l foot fiNI Lioll, Johu Mitchell, Dick Matthew, !'almont
Gib!i(\n John, Westbul'l1 White Swan, John Black, ~'ish John, High st
Nimmo Alex;;.nder, Westburn IRON MASTERS. Fleming John, Ba<.·k row
DISTILLERS· Carron Co. Carron-Jose[lh Dnw- Mar~lmll Will. High sl
Ahbo!s Haugh Distillery Co. ~on, mallager
Melvill John, GnioamslOu
Will. Me Niel, manager, Abbots Mitchell Wm. WODt'I' st
Haugh IRON FOUNDERS. Reid Jilllle,~, Bain5for~
fOlTc~tt'r Ogilvie & Co. Carron Co. Carroll Sutherland Will. Back row
Stark JalDcs, LauriSlowll Falkhk foundry Co. Grahamston Taylor Heury, Woo!.'!' ~t
Royle Roberl, Baiusfol'd Coehmn Arcbibald Hlgh st :YI uirhead lIo'bcrt, ca:;tbUI'!l
Me Gilchl'ist Christialla, 8t Simpson James, H jgh St Walker Wrn. Merion's Mill
Walker Ruhert, High st Thol1.soll Alexander, High st Sl>IRIT DEALERIjI,
DYERS, Wyse Archibald, Hhth st
Nel~on John, High sl .
Bovne \V ,III , Vicar's loan LINEN AND WOOLL~'N Walk,>f Alexauder, Polmollt
Jpffl'cy Thomas, Eastburn DRAPERS, STRAW HAT MAltSKI·
FIRE HABERDASHERS, Ike:'. Cllrlaw &; Co. High st
Cook Roh!"fl, High H Wallace High st
Dobbie John, High ~t SURGEONS·
5t Oouglas Thomas, High sl
C"I.EDOl'/I"N, John Burn, High 5t Fleming Wm. Hi!(h SI Courhrough Wm. High 8t •
INSllRASC,: Co. of Scotland, Hell. Hardie Thomas, High H Dick John, Compston, MUlr3von
Salrnoll, Balik SI Me Nee Janel, High st ~de ,
PALUOIllM, James Walker, jun. Muirhead Peter, Hi/1.h SI Girdwood James, HiJ!h st
High~1 Muirhead Robert, Hivh H Main Thomas, High 5t •
PEI.!CAN (Lim) George BroWIl, Mungell John, High SI ,\Iitchcll James, Stelihouse1:\WlI
st Russell James, 3, H19l! ~t Scrimgcoul' George, 'fhorn III .
FAI,KIRK, & c.
. . . Ja __ • lU,h at OuduM' W ... Hllli h .. Hurr_ J abn, Hi«b It '
WIddrlI Gforwer
1hritop J ohn, HI(tI n
-,"trtI.t G1bb I~" , IiIllh I(.
Gi llfofp,," J oo1I1.KlrIt "1nc1
Clan J III'n t.H.1g" Ie
Ne Kreb,,""' KOOI . Robert '. wyud
Goa' ·!'hOUl.. , HiK'k ro .... ) Ion", Aluudt:l', Hip JI
Cnwfont J_.
TAlLO • • .
HI![h It
nala,...,p J&II,. , l!igh at
Grindla)' Charlet, II ll':h I t
Ibrll""J Arrblh&ld. AflI.m·. doH:
H~ )· lluber' Uac:k ruw
R"~oel. AII«II, Itobert'I"""ud '
StOrTle WUI . HISh.t

Hard k JlIUII'l lI igh.1 Il rud ... r""" Ju . t:hll,urn bridse jlUKtlll ntOtlf.
LNhman Ardl. )lobl'rCI \1")'1111 Hllilon J ~lUe~, Ih .... Il""t·1 w)"nd
1..riIllm~n I)uld, HI!" ~t Kit-r Mar!Jll.l'<'T . Ro~,·t'~ wynd Ale nn der Ch... 1"'lIther cutter.
l.riahmlUI J lme.. Kirl! wl'ud 1I1 e: Grillo, Jan,,:.. " OI,DOu t Hi!(h . t
Rotll"WiI) J :I.IU CI, J, IIi~ h st Me h!l~b Alrx. l... urkltoWD Ilell -" eler and Co. tea dl""ille""
KobiUt(111 Jllm e.., ml(h u Me Kr lllNo .\ttl:. Cam:lD KeneJII"e
Sll'1IIbtnJohn , wlburn bridge Me: l.are" J a,un. r.arrbo n DBpet Wm .llllet. Ilalntrord
TlIl"ll1eJ John, H ItII ~t Mildit'll J rkltuwu ~·Hrk, Alrx . Sllllllllilh. Hif(h It
VOIInl Jam"., Wdl r iO$e ." ildldl J obu , 1\tI:Il It Cibolo" Mar, l. I tay mak er, Hi~h It
TALL?W CHANDLea s _ .\ I OIIN A!,Il""t , t,;..roa H,II"'n J Dhn , lOy dealer, High u
~ I orn...r." Jlm rt, t:'lpon KIII!!.Wm. phllllbcr,&c. Hi!l;b n ,
l.riahIllJu, ,\reh. Hi"I, It Laune Alel .• lOm, ItlUO", l'ul·
Niaa_ 'n'om:u, 11 1,11., nank in\: .\"d, cw, ltuber l's ""nol
lIw-kardwn t: Uen, BaDk It monl
TANH!: R. , N-t>ll Ilulll'TI, IIISh It Me CuUoch Jaanct, umbrella mil'
Adllll W~tt1''' CO. t :MlbufU ~'OI" .r Wnl . ttalnlford kc r. It l~h fI
DIck Will iam, Hnru(oot SllIlw Itu,-", N, E"'Ilbllrn bridge M ~iudo.: I'CI. HiUl: dealer, "IIIh 51
Gibloa ' nlOmM~ & Cu. Well Du rn Small J a llfl . lIelilt Market t1o~e i\ litchdl J olm, l urner. HilMi s d
Nilllmo Jim ... , W""lburn ~"'''N Will . Cow W"j'ud Muirhead H . lln dl"l'l'!er, High "
:0:", \110 Ell,.", Carron Rankine John, fithiu! lackle lila-
Tl:ACHJl:1U · kl't. 1'Il'aAnce
AcI~," John, Kirk wyml
.'!mltll Mirh:.rl , HII" st ·
!o!",hh n "'''rl , !llller'. wynd Ikad Mary . ehee!C dealer, H\.!h IL
Ruyle Wlllll w.on , ~lar·. close Slark ArdoU",ld, HIs" I t UII$lCIL J ob n, l'roui!t, H Jah it.
CoiI.u WUI , n UrI," clII.oIe SII'!" J :,,,,·I, ClIn.."
t'!,l'fbt~r J . WI,\.c', .-lUI!<: ")0,·1", J olon . Go;lhlllll!lOn OOAOHES,
G,nlwwd '1'IM·IlItII. hIMnX'hi;d}
"ubunu! T'''''eu lI"hl"i'I, IIlSh ~t YROM TlI I! RKO 1.10l'l .
W:alk~r .\ '1'1:. Laurlet' oO\·1I No.. ~.1 Malh . n o. S ....J • .
Haller " r,rr , Ilak . I', wrud Wa lkrr Ales. l'alNolJt ElIIl'IlI t/RC Ii . ... atl ,.". <of , b.
Hora JI ...e., GrAh.m.'ol,
S~ .. JOh ll, lluler', "'Iud \\':.. ,11'11 JlIllI"kHi!llo tt
iO ..,a.
•• ,. ,,1_"11,1,""... .. ..,. ..
\I•• ROJ. I ",.11 . Ih . ....... b Li..

........ .. ....
'I"hotlitAn Pallido, PI~I ~ W"'1U1i JMuel" .:ltt ""f"d .,lutr.,...,
~. 'r· ,....,
It.,. . .:...... ,
H • .,. .Il •• _

,.....,.".,."., ,
W1l1b J amn. Ptn.!ancfl Wa ugh Will. lAW "YDd .1 r.... i ,. II••
Wioo" J ub., LaarlCstoWII ,~
'F1 • .• Ea • • •CHANT • . YUllug t;Uell , lIi,b It "LA.aOW, ' " R..,a:! IoIatl , II-•• ,,,.
.1( 1'.... ~t J uhu, Grabaw.lOu e ...., I........ Kilo,., • • ••..,..0....

···'I·I1.·... _·f ..
l\lflril1e Robert, Ea3lbllrll hidge
Ald,llle ' n'Olllall, Qrah:.,.",ou AND OLOOK ICAKZa • . a.,•• Eo_'e.
,., . , • q ....... ,." ... , .... 1M
,Io ... a.h
!'utter J ame" Grah~II! .l v ll 04111'el.-h Robert , HI)t:b at 111·,1t "'lfl ,lh, Mft )·. ' M.n. 'h ..... h
I)obbic w lma,ol Ulgh I t
Kltr " c lrr , flign 51
D.... ocl~. r ., bft~...,..... ...
r.........." . , ..
,Da W-OOI1 SamUl""lllllll b n WlIIiamsoultobert, HI, " ~t
l"buollOU Alex, l i,b ,.1 WRIOHT" Cd.RIERS ·
Siru'be.. JUhll, High II
, &lIder " ~nel , Grahall'!(OIl
n 11:11 J 01111, 1'0111,0111
·......,tOO" J ob" llill t. u
n~lo A~.... (lrl\lll''''~'OIl
Il.oo l1 illlulle ,\ 1.,)1.. U;r.:I;, .., r'a W}uti
IIdl J ~IIIl'~, Wooer"
lll;!(k Will];"" , l.oau riuww lI
roonl JllllltI, IIl1iu.furti
IIt o,,"II J lruetl. Kirk 1I.,·.. e!
11m",. Will h.." Ki rk w,,,,l
1,;i.llf."It'r Mlch:ad, IIi ~li ~ I
~ "ru'i •. Will . HIgh ~I ­
~~r"brou~h J IIUIt'W , Uigh ~ I
~w. ~". I\ob(orl'J •.,.1tfI
~- William, IIU le,··, ·w,·ud
.....1 Th01uaa, Wooer II .
~n."ford ~:Ul.w.' '', Kaill4Cprd
,."ford 1'h.oI. Kirk wym!
~wtoo J oho, UlliUII(VN
:,,"Qr Cbal!et, IJIlUit I'
~~IO" Robert , Laurintown
).~.son 'I'hoe:. 811lnsfonl
. Oll"gl)arid. Hlf(tlar
Galt J oh .. , l'olO"luu,
•• _ _ _ ... _ _ _ __ kirk
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ • _ __ _ N .. _ _ _ _ ... _ ... _ ... ~ --- - -

FINTRY, , •. "
A VI1I,\t(t' . i. the lo;u,id. ...r IhI.: &lime uaQlC . ~it ...te \ and . 1 (ma. F.dillbu .....,It. pIItre P( - ~...IikTa-
1111 II~ b;iuki llf O'l' "l::lldricll, ti ... U\.' t rto lO ::!litJinS, 111.111, frow the eltclI,h-c roUOQ worh .... ,
the property of Petel' Speir "''1. which alford con-I through it form St'I'cr:.!1 I'Omalllic falls, ill,oue oj
.tant employllle~t to a vast.'llUmbel' (,f ha!ld~. There tbese the Ellddck falls !ll fel't. ~ellr t,be ~11Iaj(ejlf
is likewise. all (lXtCosil"c distillery. Filll!'y i$, health- f'illl ry is a hill calle,rl t~IC DUll, In which IS I! very,
fully alldplllll8llut!y situated. and, perhaps, no place sapel'b mllge of b~'al! IC C~llllmns,;, they ,<consiliI 'pi
could be iJetlJer calculated for tht: ,eat of all eXlen- numt'rOil~ perpendicular pillal s, ,:,bout,~ fcet III
sire Ill3nllfactorv, frolll its airy ~ilualioll, good sup- length, someflf tbelll apparcmly Jomls. from
ply of water, lim! iudu~lrlolls and comllliralivcly, top to bottom, aud ,He wet! worthy the nOllCe !If
\"irillou~ populatioll. 'fhe Elldrick and Carroll rh-ers strallgers.
'lake tilei.. ri6e <iii thi,u narish, alld ill. tlldr course
l-~Si'ABLlSRED CtlURCH':"'UCV. James Collru,t, ;\I~-I Peter CaulplJc'lI, l\la;;tc_f, and SCSoloil Clerk
nisler _
GBNTB.Y, cS-c·
SpelnrCliptahi A. G. younger, of Culcreuch I Speirs Peter, esq. of Culcl'cu,ch
".l'RADBSJ.flBN, cS-c·
Bllth:m~1 J9hlll \'ill'1Ier & ('/lrrier Killg D, .!::llllay, clerk al Culcreuch' Slewart DUlleau, biJot and 5llOc
Cow,m J,ames &. Co. dititillcl'l~, mill i lII(lkcr
j<'jlltty and U vertoll Lore Graham, boot & shoe nmkn Stc\\'aL John, gmccr and woolicll
Cu1creuch COli 011 Co. Will. Halli- Martin JOhll, vintner ~ d railer
, day, manager ~lc fli!chriM DOli. tailor, Cbtchall Ta) lor Jallle~,
OIl!! 'DilNid, grocer Me Gl'i~()r Alelt, tailur W~.lkcr ."lIllC",
DUllCIIII Wm. grocer ~lc Lea! &. ~hoe maker W,lsOII '>abella, grocer
• tartar, GOIIll:lchall i\lc l,e'HI Lieut. Johu, Fintry ZlIiII Aqllc~, gro!:fr
, drew, baker ' Paler_on Elil,gl'OCer
ergllsoll James, tailor POItersOIl JIIO, boot ~ ~h.oc maker CAB.:RIBR,
FergulIOlI JlIIru,'t,grocer SilllPliOll Ja~. leachcr : GLASGOW. Joh" UocluIOIUl,on ~I_
Hell~leriloll John, Ill!li! h Stewart Duncall, at! day Wednesday alld frida.y,
Jarne .Iohll, sen, smith Clachall , .

AVery thriving village in the parish of Falkirk, reception of their ve3Rels. Grangelllou1h elljoys a
from which It is distaDI E. by N. 3 m1l<'8,25 (rom ('onRlilerablc nallie wit'" Sweden, Norway, an,d tbe
Glasgow, and 27 from EdinIJUl'!~h, is sitnated at I hc Baltic in gl'llrraJ, also 11 good coaslill~ II',\de. , A
janetlon of the great ':allal, with the Carroll river custom-house amI po~t-office estahh~heo hcr~>
alld colIsi~ts chiefly of one street which runs along wliicl1 is a g' COlll'l'lIiellCe It) illhablllwts, Ill"
the bauk of the canal 011 the nort iI s'ide, and ,;e.'eral trade i~ on 'the a!Hi the reccil)t~ at the ClIS-
winor streets or lanes, The origin and formation toul-house for the endiug April 5111, 1825,
of thi~ pl~('e commenced ill 1777, by Sir Lawrence are about 4,0001. than the corresIIOndh'l)!. quar-
Dllnllas,lor the accommodation of the shipping pas- tel' of the preceding year. ~tealll packets ~ III ,rhc
slllg to aDd from Glasgow, Leith, &c. and IS now a ~lImmcr 1II0uth:; !Jt,twcell tIllS place ami Leith, c~il­
pl~c.e of con5id~rable importan.ce; the enlerprizing iug al the differeut place'. on the norlh side of the
"pm I of the Bntillh merchant IS here c\'inred ill an Forth· coaches wail hel e to take passcng{'rs to No.
eminent degree, by the nmneroll8 stores, ware- 16 Ijock to forward thtl'1l1 to Glasgow, whell the
houses, wet and dry ,stores for limber, &C. Ihat are packeLS do not go flOUI Grangcmouth, boat.~
tlrecte~ her!.'. The <;arron Co. ha\',; abo ererted all I pointed 10 meet the Stil'lillg packct~alld 10
e:uen,slVe range fof lI!!e \V,\rebouses 011 tLe banks of
the river, lind II. llpaclOUll basin coutiguolls for Ihe
I p;!Sscngers to or from it.

poe,!! .01l'1?ICB, Canal 111(,18'". George Gibson. The post arrives from
e!Crr 1l10f!1I1lg at seven, lIud ellery night at seven de-atched every afternoon at three
nliht at IUlle. ,-.. •
Custom HOWIe,
John Morehead, esq. Collector
Ale~der Bruce, e:;q. Comptroller
I 1'IIastertoll, Tide Surveyor
and Bight Tide Wailer~

G~e Waddell, Laud SU,l'veyor I FOrth" Clyde Canal Na.viga.tlo n •

Job'll Selby. Collector '
Johu, factor, Kerse IDrulIl!jlond John, !>Urgeon, SOl1tbl Onmlrrn Rt. Hon Lord, Kerse
Ba$tII l l t , f Kincaid 'rhos. Forg'dll Hall

. . ., &-c,
Bogue .Joseph, C<ltlal ~t
Brooks Jamr~, Haroour ,t WOOLLBN'DRAI":eJUI. Me Target Walter & Co. Ba~11I st
Laird Alex. W~terloo pia{'c Hem North Hull'! 51: Whit!: John, Hasin ~t
RObel'~Ofl DaVId, Wdterloo place Robinson Hal'!Joul' .t SHIP BUILDERS'
Wy,e John, ~t R09~, (!Joat) Grange burn
AND SPIRIT DBALlUltS. Allarr.""", Thos. Callills!
Cowi(' Wru, N(II'lh Basill st- Hart GI-ange 81
Bogue .Jf)~eph, Callal SI
Dick Wm, South Ba~l!1 st BrooJ,;1 Ja'mes. HUl'bolli' ;1! SHIP aHANDLIHl'
Gardner Will. ]'I;onh lld..~'" Sf f.airil r'lln:, W;uel'lw1I'h\t'e PenileI' William, !:la,ill ,t
61',311'1111 David. Gr;\I);:': ,;r
~,lc Wdlter & ,Co, 13",,111 ,,' SHIP O\VNl:RS
Pnmro'<c .Iallet, i\'nrth 1;.L,i .. 01 ~hllll: & Co, S',lll'" B;, ,Il) :,1
R()hill~Oll Hden, North Ha:;iJi st Can'on Co.
HobertstJ'1I Uavid, I'lrllC Cow W!llidll'l
Ll.l.lieASmltb Me Donald Jailiell, Blll'nct st .flIlfiStd(aneo~.
JU'J\IIlJet. Waiter & Co. Morri!!OiJ Jolm, Canal st
Millie James & Co. Oswald Robt. SOUlh Basin Sf DuncallJltbe, eanhenware deftler,
~Alexande,r Prlmrvire Janet, N olth HasiT! ~t Bashut
Robinson Helell, Nortb Basirtst Ifdlrd Rbt.bloclii maker,Gran&c st
1I.0I'Kiu~ PEas. Simpl!on Adam, South Basin st Lyle Alex. fle8ber, Grange st
Bowdell Lliias, Middle at Walker Mary, NO!1b 8l1li111 st Simpsoll 'fIiOli. baket, Canal sf
Dar'iaaoll John, Camll st Sinclair JoblJ, slater, Grange st
WRIGHTlih Walker .las. painter, Grangc st
'1'IO_a 'DUl:RCHAf'fTS· Me LIft"eU Jallles~ NIIIFth Char-
LUlie a: Smlth1 Middle sf lotte st
Me'f'arplt Walter & Co. Basill Sf Mitchell Arch. Grange i6» mattt'o
Mitehdl Michael, l3ack BOlIto to Glugow alld L~ilh doilv.
VINTNER.· Wilkie f'~. (&·tilllber mca:;urer) l'a.kelg IQ GlaqO\1V .""'1' law,n' day
al he i110 tDe !Ilo",i_g, lell, k two,
Ab~llolrlert, Orallge 8t Back On.-en Qud in the &ummer nt fQilf.
IIkIelstollt! Wm .. BlIsm st Edinhurgh St"alll Pachl <'very tawf~1
&dIaJllIll Daniel, Middle st WIUTER· afternooll at tnT"., 'trom the I.~ of
Grllmbie W m. l\hddle t;t Sawyers Jame!!, Middle st Apri! 10 th. laller .nd 0\ Oclober,

KILLEARl':/. a l'ilIage ill the parlRh of fhe same hundred and three feet bigb, 1<lllcrillg 10 a !lOinl.-
:;me1 In Stlrll!lg~hlre. Is dis/mil from Ediuburgh The house ill which this gr~at man was born, i,
mllll>l, from Glasgow llii. aud froUl StirHng 20. about two rnile~ (1'0111 the village; it' ,iti called tbt:
1 e parl~h forms the wc~tcrll extremity of the Ileau- FallU of Mass, which his father wa:; tenant vi.
I! ul Stralh of Blanc. Tile soil is vanous but fer- The village of SII'athblalle is 4 miles I,'a.~t of Killearll,
tile; and the surrounding scenery is highiv pictu. where there jg a con~iderabJe primfidd. Tile u!i-
i1!Sqlle an~ delightfuL. This parish cOllLaiils mallY nel'llls ill tbis parisb are chlt'fty .limeawlle a\ld free-
ge~t1emeu S Beats, WhlCb, with their t!xtensive plea.- stoue, and beautifuA spccilueull of jasRCI' arc occas!-
slIre grounds, gil'e it a ric.b and ornamelltal ilppear. (mally found among tlie fragments of the Basal!IC
all.ce. 1.1 is watered by the rivers Blane and Ell- columns which abound here; aiJd t,lie woods pro-
l~8k> on Ibe lattc!, ot wbich stauds Ihe villllf,'C of duce great lIumber~ OfilldigclIous pll\lIt~. .Tht!Prill-
fi I earn •• Here IS erected all obelisk of white cipal seats art! Ki,llt>aru",Cray, L\allikillraiu, ~al­
b~tolle, III hOIl~ur f!t' the memory of the cele- qllhaill, and Car bell!. 1 he seol! of RD. Nal;ller.
'!Ited poet and hlst(lfIl!.n George Buchanan; it was el'Q. Ballikinraill, is a lIeat and h;IIl(I~olllc mall~lOlI.
~I::r by, VOluntary ~ubscriptioll in the yeal' J788, Ileal' which stands tile old ClCltJC of
I~ nineteen ft:et S'lllal"C at the buse, and o n e ·
a POSX' OFFIC!J.-PosllH/J.,ter, ;\-AI'. Ju1111 Fillla\·son. A foot post from Gla.'<gOw. with~he .soutb
nd ll?rth letters, alTlI'eK at halfln~t two ill the aftcniooll lIud is da:spalched at Iialt past lime III the
lIlorumg. ' ,

B P1.AOES OPWOR8HIP. DRYi\lE~ UNITED Assecun:-Rev. John Blair.

~tlll£E~N~CA ~"'.r"IILISI!EO CHURCH-ficv, John Ministcr
DGIlYlII!':1I-Hcv. Alex. Lochore l\lin'l<ter BAI.CEIU<loCK-Jamt'S Palel'SOn, Ma.>lcr
AIIGUNN" ,. . DRxMEN-John l\·lr Qneell, l\laslcl'
KIL ' OCK-nev. Alex. [)aridson, Miuister
N LEUN-Hcv. John Graham, Minister GARGUNNOCK-D~vid Dick,
S,;W KILPATRICK-He\". Gco. Sym, Minh-lei' KII..LEAR!"-Rer. Johll Fjlll<~y~on,
lI;ATHllLANE-Hcv. William Hamilrotl D D Mi- NEW KILPATRICK-Jobll Walker,
IIlstcr ' • . STRA11l11LAlIE-Alldrew Kesscll, I\la~tcr

Buchanan Mi.s Elizabeth

quhan, Killcufil .,
Ca: Pbell Henry Fletchcr
C oquhan, GargutllJoek '
lUnpbell Sir lIIay, Garscube
.1 Ncw Kilpall'ick
n. Jallle~, (:,1(1. Killermont,
CQlIllail MIch. esq. Park hall ,
GardRcrJoiJh,villtner,Stratbblaut Me Laren Atcb. wl'ight,
Gardnm' Thos. tailor, M ilgavie lIoek
Gilehri~t Roht. builder, KlUearn 1\Ie Nie Peter, innkeeper, wright KJlJe!Im
HiIl'i'noll. &. Co. distillers, KiI- gllnnock wrigh I, iUUearn
learn parish MileticH Jas. jllkeeper &. grour, COACHBS
HUlllerWIU. boot and shoemaker, Gargullllock " FROM KILLEARN-NON£ ,BIIT
Milgavie l\lilcbell Jas. lailor and furnisher, THE MAIL RUN ON SUNDAl'S,
Jamie801l JIlO. WooUf'D mallulae- Milga"ie
tllrer, Gartncssl\1i11, Killeam Muul'o Hugb, grocer & spirit dlr. BALFOUR, 8 ""aen 011 T,i~ •. T!i"'"
Kay Jolin, {Illikeeper. Gal'gun- Milgal'ie God Sat. a!four In the afternoon, ad
f'Vef)' evening at 8. A .coach."from
lIoek ' !\loses Jas. gro= & spirit Ileal~r, 8tralhblan •• t balf 1'''~I.e.ell~.vHY
Kibble & Mc KirTell, cotton spin- Milgavie (>vening
lien, Milgallie Mill ' O'Hara Arthut, lioell &. woollen GLASGOW,. <...ell .v.r~ day (SIIII'
Liddle James, Iallor and clothier, dra~r, l'Hilgavic day excepted), at hatf pool tight: i.
Killearil Pal~r50n John, bOOl &. shoemaker, Ihe morning, and one-ahwsUhe . . e
hour 011 MilO. Wed, &: Frid. .
Maitland Johu, bpot & shoemaker, Gargllnnock GLASGOW, a eoacbfrom StratbblooJl.
Stratbblalle . Patersoll r aod al half past nine every monlln1t. atT8
Magoo Jas. wright, Stralbhlall,e . on Mon, Wed. &: !'rid,at ... ,n.,hour.
:Mc ClIllochJohn, vintllcr, Strath· rathblalle CABlUERS.
blanc Paul Margt...villtm:t , Killeam FROM KILL~;ARN.
Mc ClilIocb SI. builder! Killearn Paul J!lbn,:bullder; Kmearn GLASGOW. Will, R.i~, every ilion, &
Me Donald DUllCall, tailor &: spirit PCIHII'I' Will. a.tId Co. bleachl'I'II, Thu .. , &; Wm. Me Allister,on Til .. ,
dearer, New Kilralrick DUll1bl'ock &: Frld. both at l'l .t nOOIl, 1Ilr., Me
Me Farlanc:' Andrl'w, boot &: shoe Scott Jas, villtner, Milgavje Luckit', onTul'.e, morn, atbalfp35f poi.
BAI,r'liON. Wm, Reid, on Tue.,.n~
maker, Milgavie . Smart Hob! 8urgOOIJ, MUgav!c I'tld, &: Wm lIle Amsler, Oil Wed.
Me Farhme John, tailor, Milg;wie Smith Rob!. vintner, KHlearn nad Slil,
;\Ic Varlane W:lI. wright,ll\IHgavici Stirling ,las. 0001 and shoemaker, 1lI1CKLYVIE, !'>In. Me LU'U• •·.'"
!\Ie r'cat Johu, wright, Killearn _ Milgavic
__ ~_.,,~tIW~ __ W .dll.,day evenillg at
_ _ _ __ ~ """~

, \

Considerable "illage in the pari~h of the same attachment to the house of Stllart. In Ihe 1>II~iaI
name, alldcounty ofSllrling8ilirr, i~ distant frOIl.1 place ofthig falilily, the oodic~ "f Ihe last lady ~Il­
Edinburgh 3;. miles, Gta'!5ow l:l, I'alkirk II, all,l ")'th and h('1' infant son lie embalmed.' 'fhe ~)3,r1sTl
15 S. W. of :-llli'ling, It hes Oil I he great old Ilon h of KiI~yth is aboll! ~c"en miles ill Icngth, !lJld tllree
mad from ~;dillburgh alld Stirlhq; to Gla,gow, It ali(I a half ill breadth, and i~ watered by the CarTOn
is a stragglill!1', irre).(lIlar built place; and the grealer aml Kch'in rivers. It also ('oiliains Olle 1)( 'he
part oCt he inhabitants arc weavers, <'Ill pI oyed through of the great canal. About. the lIIi~dle o.
the medium of agents, by the Gla~gmv mallilfaelllr- parj,'h i., a hill that exhibits n JiIiC sl>i'clm{,1l o?
t'r~, Kylsyth is a bllrgil "fbarony. and is illtitled 10 Basaltic coltlmns, The fairs lIrc held on tlll:~nd 0
hold a weekly m,lI'kct, and lil'c annnal fairs, It .Iannary. Ilwfir,;ITnesuay ill March, thetast IIl,urs".
fornu:rly l(ave Ihe title ofviscOllill to the unfortullate day in May the 16th 01 August SIlU th,> 23l'd 01
family of Livingstoll, allaintt:ti ill 1715, 1'01' tll'i!ir t>;ovember.'
POST OFFICE.-Posl lUll '[1'1', Mr. Manhew mail arri>'ps from 1,()lIdoll and a!l
parts sou~hl at half PMt two ill thl) HlOI'llIUg, aud i~ at teLl at night. The north IIlall
fro III '~rrn';:ti and b desllat('hed at tllt: same time,


CllIJRCH-·Rev. William BUlliS, I
f\A~T01'l-Jl\mC5 Ru~scll, Master
CIIAI'v,I(;nF.E~-Johll KCllnedy, ~la'lcr ,
nHtJ::F-lkv. John Anderson, Minister
KII.SY'.IH-Pall'ick Nimmo, [and Session t:lcrk]
aud ,\lex. Salmon, Maslers
Corhet .Iolm, csq. of Auchinloch \ Edmoll~tol\e Sir Arcbibald, :,\lar~han John, Towllh('ad
Da"id>oll John, csq. W. S. (J.P,) of DUllIrt.'alh " Mille" .lohll. e~ll' Orcil,ml
Rollchill Hamilton Mr. Waller Wanlin J •• hll, 1:;'1' of Ne!h.:rillcb
Barr GCIlI'/(e, SII rgeOll Allan Adam Elizabeth
Hrymner Wm. Writer Eddie Aitken Johil, lIh:almarkift
Forr{'stcr Thoma" i'UI'!!Con Whyte Bald Ann
Freeland Wm. ~llrgeo,,-' Harr ill rs, lIIain ~t
Siorry Ebeuezer, surgt:oll .;;:. BOOT &: SHOEMAKERS. Chin'ie Thos, Main st
Ahcrprlllllhie Jam,-., Fl'rgnson iIIargaret
Andcl ~(H1 RI. & t:o. Hrid"C11,1
.Baird HUlI:h, [for till: Lalli\! Co.]
Chin';" Thus. ;\lailL~1
I.-\bl'nTIlHIhie William
Allilermil William
Ilmwil William
Comrie p .. ler
Gilchrist John, Nt:wIOWIl
Graham John
Half Henry
Hay James, Main ~t
Fraser Archibald Lang Ellison, !\l~allll;u_ke~
Gilchrist Jam!;',
Graham Johll IMe Laren Pelel'
LlIlIg .Ialllt',~,
Livingstone I~ahella
Mam .'1
Jack William
Kirkwood Jam,,,
Li\'illJ;~t"IIC l"lbell"
IAdam Jall:l"
Adam Robert
Livingstl)lW Hobnt
Itaw,'! MlIlth"w
Hankin John, (Jro,~
LiI'iugslOlIe Williall)
Nimmo Mrs,
I,\<1 .. 111 Wilhll'lI
Gil-II .\lex. ?lldiH ~t
Shaw John, CI'O"~
SlirliuI;; Alcx<llitkr
I!fNlI'tJUIPBR. , Gillie~ John, Meal market Agw.'si m~al d~ler
Me Dum!! JOJlIl, (Nl'W Inn) H amiltnn Robt. !\lain st David. aeputt: fiscal
~I offal ,\ lexander
LI!fBN AND WOOLLEN .'1 icol James
DRAPERS, EOISBURGH, Ihe 110,,1 Mailcl.. ngpo
Siewart Ualliel, [CI'05S Keys] houel at John Me {)owall's) ,s('w
AND HABERDASHERS, Wallace William Inn, every niJ.ihl at twelve.
lVatsoll Jame~, [& stabler] Gl.ASGOW,Ihe ROI'al !\Jan chang •• at John ~lc DowaH I",~ New
WATCH AND Inn, ever) morning at a quarter he-
fore (href".
Gillie, David, Main st I CARRI.BRS·
SMITlIS, Me Korkimlale Hugh I GLASGOW,Ja,. Banke;r, on Monday,
Pawr.on Wm, [Ill. farrier] Kill;:- Wf"dnesday ond friday.
diU' morping "I five.
'''.'Y •Fri.
Arllot Johll, Charles st
Kid William CO~VBYANC.B
R1I85('1I Wm.
~ilark Jallle~, By Wale...
Stal·kThos. r& glllzierJ Neils!Qu UNION OANAI. PAS-
Stevenson .hum, N('wtowl!
TAr'LORB· Thomson Alex. Newtown EIHNBIJRflH, Ihe morning Bo.I.t
Aadel'l!Qn Will. II< .1110, Killg~lo!l '''''; Ih .. nay Boat "I tw" in u:".. r.
1\!1IIilllf Jollll, !\hill ~t If'Tfl()On't and tbe eveninK Bo-* elt
Irgles Johll halfllaot •• ven.
GLASGOW, tbe mOlllin~
• TEACHERS, Ih. rlay boal "I;;>, nnd Ihe
I\clIllrdy John, Chapelgl'eel! Ilainl Thos. Hailer. /II ('<II llla,liel boat "14.
Nliunlo I'atr"lrk, rpa,oc!lialj Bmwnlc",\VIlI. ClIlIdl.. makcnmd
fI!I&!ell Jaliu;g, Halll')!' 'I'irit.lcalcr UNION CANAL
~aI!UOIl ,'lex. illt:al umrlwt COlllrie Dalliel, mll~on I. UGGAG.B BOATS.
Zmll James Fel"!'(u8 ,'\cx, shcriWs ollie!', I'I)INBUIlGH. Mien e.ery night.
Fnrl'l'~te, Ja>l. c. "P"I", I\ill!:lsto(l OLASGU\V, at ,evt'!n in the rnornin(.
VINTNERS. Hamilton Hoh!. slieritrs ollicer Alllh"ahovQ Boalo,:o overy d..y (ex.
Adam CrosH Logau Will. ~Iater cept Sunday).

1\. .village ill I hr Il:l.rish of the same !lame ill di~tillcri('n
<l", i'stablished III it. All ('Ieganl cllIlrch
Slll'hlll{silil'e. !ip]hrhrfllily situated abo!!t ten I~ill's has been lately erected in the village, 'whic)1 does
~"Sl of Stirling. 11 is almlldantly suppliell with ex- milch credit 10 the taste of' the a.obited. Jo'our
rllelll waleI', aml ha~ be!"!! long famed fill' makillg Ve'drly fair~ are held here, viz, I hI:' first, Wt'dnt>sday
sup~rior whisk"y. The pari~h i~ cil{ht miles long, ill January. thesecond Wednesday in April, the 26th
all~ froll.l two II) (UIII' wide, situated 'partlr ill I'crrhc of M:<y, and 23rd of October.
slilreall<i pal'lly i .. Stirlillg,hit'l', Sc"cra cxlt'lI~iye
II POST' Ol'FIOE.-!'llsi JI/i.~tl'f.'SS, 1IIrs.1IIar!{arct /\';:UII, A foot post l\l'ri ..e~ rrom Slll'lill{(, with
Ie south and Ilorth mail.~ at a '1Ila,ter pa:;t tell in the morning, and arc dl'~palched at hall paS! ",lerell.
PLACES OF WORSHIP. \III)C(lIN'\1>/ KlilK-Rcl". Will. Fr~elallll, Minititer
F.s;!;~II.L!SIlED CHURCII-Rcv. Willialil Amlcl'soll, PAROOHIAL SCHOOLS •
.... llllSler KIPpi\~-Jaliles Aulll, !\laster
UNIT!lll,\sson,,:m_Rev. Will. Spiers, Minisl;;r BUCIIAi'CA:-iI\IRK-[>CU'1' Keu!\cdy, Masler
ForrCllter And, I\rugibhon Will, ('sq. Wrjght'~ park ISthling Jas. e~q. Gardell
Galbraith Gco. mackholl~e Uuellall;!n, <'sll' UI'Oich

BAKER, Shil'f:l WIlliam

GROCERS • .SPIRIT Stewllrt Robel.'t
C:,pig Coliu
Greil( Joseph
I, Adam i\largaret
Greif! Coliu Leckie Henry
Me Alister John
Haldill John . Nko) Thomas Me Arthur, William
Thomson John ' Nicol Thomas
Ca.'~cls Joh' . K' L,AND SURVEYORS. Rennie John
Drew (l .I, lP~
~1i1l 'eo, & Co. Cashly TAILORS.
~Io/~~ JOllll, Ncwmill Donaldson David
ShirriSONIl• John, Arngibbon J l\I/licC Laren
Lauchhm Hugh
1001, Kippen
Ballagort Bennie Alexaoder
William .
Mc Intyre William
Galbreath James 1\I iller John
G h PLBSRERS. Harl'ieJohn
tfa am Andrew Henderson John TEACHRRI!"
Me !tune DOllald ;VIc Farlaue James ,
Me Lachlall Alexlllldet
(j'b" l'LAX DRESSl1RB· Morrison John
I "James Murdoch Mrs
Harvie RObert Neilson John
G:dbreath Robert flit (lSe t 1I~1 n to U~. i i'llitl'hl'il John, aj:\cnt for tile Eagle
!\Ie Lauchllln William 11l""l';IllCC Company
FOlTc~ll'r David, _/Jeri!r, officer ~,irliul( Wm, cooper
Mitchell ,Jobn
Galb,'cath Rohl,me;;s(,llger at arllls W d'l' ',('hos SlII'j!eOIl
Smith John
Graham Da\'iu, writer Wrhdn .James, linen aud woollen
WRIGHTS. H ll! lo'n Robt. sheriff's officer draper
Han'cy James Maekieson Jalllc~, miller OARRIERS .
]Ill' Luckie James •\Ie Alpi'llC Will. alldioneer G LA SG 0 IV,M rs, Me Lucid., I>Il.Moll.
:'<Iieol Thomas Me Laws John, builder STIRLlNG, ,In, Hay', every ~'ond.y,
''''''--''~4VI,-4'#'''' __t 4Nf''''##_~ ,.,_,., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " -" , . . " , - - ,..,,- " . . . . . - , . , - - , . , " " "_ _. ..,.~

A ~mall "illage, beautifully Mitualed on Ihe side
of a 1Ii1.1
011the IIQrt~u~ru
baul!. of the CarrOll, miles ~1
was fOUlld aunrIl whieh cOlltailledsome small pieces
of bOlle and q qllalltity of a~hes. Mr. Br\lce, the
from FalkirR, and eight from Stirling, A new ,('elebra~ed Aby~sil1ian traveller, lies illterred in the
church hM'lately beeil built here; the foulldatioR church yard; a 1lI0llUment of iroll, ca.~t at CarrOll,
stolle was laid ;\iarch 10th, 1819, and finished in is erected over his gl'a'·e. At the reformatio\l, one
Jautialjd82l. It. is in the-modern-style of architec- of his auct'~tocs repaired ami preached in the oli!,
tun', wilh a
1illll!IKOme square tower, and will ac- church. The famous Falkirk ('attlc tryst is held ill
cOlilmodate,about 1200 persoll~. :Near this place, the month of Octoher, 01' a mool' in this parish, when
the great Roman road or causeway pMses. About from 20 to 30 ,000 head of cat t Ie life collected for
a 9uarler of a mile to the west. the foundation of a ,ale_ The I'illagc dol'~ not l'l1jOy the privilege of II
urldge is visible when the Carron rh'cr is low. III fiLiI' or Ilwrhct. '
making a new road, ill the summer of 1824, tllere
Caw Re,-. John, BathkeulIII
Dundas Major Thos. Ca~ron hall
IKnox, Re,\'. Rob!. 0.0. Miln~e
Hussell Col. James, Woodsiuc
SlirliU,t:: Sir Gilbert,

TRADBB1fl:E:N" 4-c.
S HOP KE E p.s R iii, f't,cwart John, haker COAOHBS
TRADJU\S. _&$=.' , Ul'e Geo, sell, sboemalicr
Cochran Rolit. lailor lIre Geo, jun_ baker
EDINBUR(HI, the Royal ~hil,everf
Gardner Alex. Me Leod. grocer y (lUllg W m. parochial teacher nflernoon at foo r.
Gilchrist John <"< Alex, wric:hts VINTNERS. GLAiH~OW, Pi coach from Allo~,evf'ry
Glegg John, grocer & spilit dlr. Uallocn Darid, North Broolllage lawful mornin'{ at 8, Dnd returnl at 7
lllitcTlell Will. parochial teacher, Brown William in the evenin~.
aud session clerk. Balhkellila STIRLING, ihe Royal 111.11, e•• ry
DUllean James forenoon .t II.
Oliver J n. teac,her &; 8,CSIlioll clerk Miller Jo;lizaheth
Oswald John. liuen draper. gro· Stewart Alexander OARRIEBS
eel' and spirit driller Tough Tho .. North Br()(l1uage P••• through. 10 Rnd from Glaog olV ,
Rollald A. wright,NorthJ3roolllage Wilsoll Wm. North Broomage Fa!~irk and Stirlin;.

".,,",.------------,.------,.-.,./f'--.J'_ . _. ____ . , ___.I--___,,.,-",,.,,,,,.


CAlIIPSlr~ i~ a rarb~ ill the coullty of Stilling, della!;l1/-( society. has he'll lately cstahli~hc~ h~rc.
It extcwb eIght !lillI'S In lenglh, and is sevel1 ill and a gcogl'apillcal society is at presellt 1Il8t1lUtlU~.
hl'cadth,an<l c"lllains thirty-six>quarc miles, LClI- The celehrated Clarhen gkn. with its r01l131!tlC
1l0X!OWll of Call1r~ie, dislant 42 miles from Edill- ~ccllery anu walcrfall~, is 111 the \'itiniIY. and IS,a
hlll'gh, 9 f1'olll l~ la"gow, anrl ZO from SlirlilH; is a place of great I'l'sort ill 11H~ '11111111el' "eason. It IS
large village ill the auol'c parish, ill the vitio~l'l" of the rC"icicllce of persolls of tii,tillctiOIl; and aIIl~llg
three large collieries, the Cl(tcnsi\'e al11m wo;'ks ils elegallt 8eat~, way b~ m'-litiullcd that of K'lo-
<lllclihe LCilllOX mill prilllfield-all afforuill~ con: card, \Voouhead, alld Crail(bar-net. Au ,cxtellS ve
sta~t.cmp,I"l'ilIem to .many' hundred person". This <listillcry has been long carried 011 at ~liltoll"~,,d
Ihn,vmg nllagc IS rap,dly IIllpl'Oving, and it is with a!lother ha.q been iatelv ert'cll"U al LillyhurII. I he
ft>ehl~~~ ~f ple~~lIre we !llark i!s pl'Ogrc"s; all iu- rivers Kelvin ami Glaian, pa~s through the pa;lsh,
crcaslIlg 1,lItt'lhl{ellce! a t!lIr~,t fur knowledge, likewise the two "reM roatls, from Kippell to 1J1a.:;-
charactenles lIS nattve inhabitants. A literaryor gow, alld frolll Gla"!lolV to Edinburgh.
The let,tel' b~ is Forwarded f!'IHn Kirkintulloch by a foot post with ;he south and i1o.'t,h let«'r.! a!(!f
about ten III the IllOrtlll1g, and are despatched immediately.

CHURCIl-Hc\'. Norman Me LeOi\
RBLIIW-Rfv. James, Brown, i'llillister
Miuister '" ' - PAROCHIAL SCHOO '
, Johll !\Ie Farlalle, Ma~lel', (& session clerk)
~~lChallall ;Ill's. AUChill~,eO~h
K11lc".ul J(~hn. csq, J. P,. KllIcaJd
. IMe f:arlane Jolm;rsq. Kirli!OIl
i\lc Kean Alex, esq. AHtl'l"Il111uuy
Sir Sall~uel, i1a1!t. J. p.
L"1I110); ;\Ilss l\lurgal'et, WoodhcaU Stirlil1g A. G. c~q. Craigbarnet


MANUFAC'%'URERS, Bt"lInie William Glen Johu '
Hurlet & Cana-l'sie Alnm Works Brown Robert (Junll James, Milton
B !llarshall John
Co, Robt. Clark, lIianager !"Own Peter Me Callum DUllcan '
Mercer William INNKEEPERS. Gray H!'lIry. Cl'ai)du:ad
Me Phernoll James Gray I\J Ii, (Tontille) li ray JoiJ 11, 1\1 ilion
Me Phersoll John, ~lillon ll11uel'lMHI John )lc I-'arialle ,101111, Cladl"H
Mirk John, i\lilton Xebou ~\'III. Torrance
\IO! Benjawin LINEN AND John
CALICO PIUNTERS· Cameron DUllcan, Torrance
Dalltlei~h R. Falconer & Co. Len· Downie John VINTNERS·
11llJ!. Mill Prillttield Fleming 1)'1"j,l, (& agl"llt for Adam James
In~le~ David & HCllry, KiUcdnl Llldg<lle Hill Genuine Tea Co.) Callallder John
~'ield Dowoie Hobert
Panane Agnes, (& lOy dealer)
H!'ddehroll James, Miltoll
forrt'st John, Baidarroell DiHiI· Lo('khan, John, (mu~lill) Leckie John
lery. Cha~. Forre~t, l\lauager Maitlaud Alexander
Gray John & Co. l.illyhurn MILLERS,
(Corn and Flour,) Me Dunald Roon!
BXCISE OFFICERS. lIIonarli Will. Torrance
Jalui,,;oll Hobl. & Thos. (!l.: gl'ilin Stirlillg
Heuder;on John Hoben
&Ie Leod John dealers; ;\liItOll Wright P .. ter
;\lc Law:! Will. Loch Mill
Uenllie Wiliiam SMITHS·
Downie Jamrs, (&. I Ur!I('I)
Me Intyre Per"r John, Claeha!! ~Ic Heath Thvmas .
Mouach William (;"'H'ge, MillOn l\1c Kit' J,.illl, 1\1 ilIon
Rankin Neil J'II JOIIll, Torrance i\liItoll
l'lacbeath .John
GROCERS AND ~i nll,,:nn-II Jame~
SPIRIT DEALERS. Wil"'B Wm. (& nll'der)
Alexander "'Ill. Turrance \Vultlie Buuen
lJuchanall Jalll"~ STOCKING MAKERS· Adam J'l!l1es, auclioneer
Bulloch .1 ames Arbllrkle Hour.
Bennie William Cuwan Will. watch clock mak!'r
t:amemll Ouucan Torrance Hoy William
Ca"sel~ Charles ' l)IIIlC<ln Will. Ol'Cr5ccr at lYood-
~rysdalc J amr~ SURGEONS, bt'ad
huld~ Robt. i\l i1 toll Filllay;un l\!althew Lennox/own Victualling Society,
IlIgl~s Jollll Torrallce Ibbenmn James Ih,bl. Maitland
Leckie J oilll' i\lori~oll Aiel(. stolle mason
TAILORS· l\h:lI'isnu Johll
Lochrie JOhll, Torrance
Lockhart George Anderson James Honald Alex. shopkeeper
Me OWlil Peler Guild George Smart John O,a.~s, saddler
lIle Pherson James Mc Griggor Dugald Stirling J(uht, Slone masoll
n!oirJohn ')'Iac Intyre Robert Wright Peter, nail maker
Muir Thomas :\litchl'll John
f\obb Wm. Milton :\Iorisoll !Juneau
A l\('I(.hJy 1I'lH'cS the Tontine Inn. for
ROllal(] James Prrdic Llal'id GIA.<gOW. ever), Wtd"".day IDvrnillg,
Ross Willialll Shish William
Shralel' JalllC~, !\IillOn CARRl :cas·
TEAOHERS. GLASGOW, Alex, ~loi(land, J,
Il obcrtsun John
Fraser J.lln{'s & J. C)turOrnu8ht evtry \tVt'd. ~al.
" __ ;_,,,.If'J',._J ___ '#'

A La~g" ~ilhu;e or 10WII in t he parish of that great Irad" in lallllill" of Jemhf'r; IlIlUl-
~amc, SUl'lingsilil'c.
III The great road fwm Edill- her of arc employed ill Tar-
frU;~h ardhGla~!(ow to Stirling, passes through it, lall, are made here 10 sume It~
SI W Ill' It IS nile mill:' aud a half tlislaht. The approach to Stirling, adds greati,' 10 iI, trade
reetli! narrolV anucollfilled, and the "ouses have success. In 1746, the ('ilurch of St. r-;inirm's, \\'hirl~
9u,~ ~I!)peara!lce. It is however, cmbel- the highlallrl army had co~]\'t'rted illlo a magazillt',
alld w II . ty by many gellliemell's seats, was blowll up; bllt what IS most slIlglllar, the spiro
COIl~J ~~Iltll'aled and t~rivi!lg plalJtations. It is a remained entire.
Clilu e manufacturing town, aud carries Olta
Post O{!lce, ;f~e Stirling.
CHURCH-Rev. Chl'istopher Greig, burn, !\IlIuslet
Re,'. James Allder30\l, Assistant PAROCHIAL SCIIOOL·
James Logan, Miuisler Wm. Knox, Master, (& Session Clt'rk)

tl~rew James, esq. Craigend H nme Mrs. A, uchinhowie \ NiChOlS. ~11 J\.'lichael Shaw Slewal'l,
Col 1I1Jder Mr~. Col. C raigforth [,inlejohu Peler, {'sq. Clifford park ""sq. Cyullock .
C q~1lOun Robl. esq. Tough Lowis _, esq. Plean Park MIS;; l'I1a~y, R~lIdlllfidd
UUllomghamCapt. Thro3k Me Gibboll Jas. esq. South lodge R!llll~ay Mrs. SUl.lchle
G~:WllY Aiel{. (.sq. Lal'kfi"ld Murray Col. Johll, JOilll~lolle ~Impsoll Colonel, Pleal!
am i\hs. Garlnr, \ .Murray Wm. esq. PolmaJse , Stewart l\lr. Stewart hall
. BARBRI!!. David;on .lnmes
~lk1ll811 Alexander 3uchanan & Son Jenkins Jame!l
S~~bbtrholl JaW(!i
u1n1\ RObert

Raxter Wilham
Knox William·
ILiddell William
CARPET & TARTAN :\Ioi,. J .. hll. l~allll(lckt,llrti
MAN U F ACT U :a E R S, "islwt ,\iuiall'
nOIl«;',!>o" Will. & Jai, Call1huli ;\1,1",[
bltl'wlI P,itl'ISOtl ,\1 .. ""
"\\"!il( :\In:ander Patl'l;;otl Will,
Walsoll Will, C::lIubllsbJ.rron H()hnlst'Hl Gt'o. Cui·
Sill a,'! JlIIIICd And l'eW GC<'rl!e Bnce ,101m
CUlilirhal'l Colin I nn'!"Il~ .Iamt's
Ch"br;" TllOma~ '\If r.lIlaue Julin
.hffrcv .Ia<, Whill~ of ~'Ii!ton Shall' (,tu!'>;"
, Wm. !>",II
Hvbl:n, Alll,un William
Gilfillan Hoi,," t
!lie Nab James, Cowi<: LOCh hal'l [)al'id
SMITIfIS, ~lil('hl'lI :\Iar~a, .. t
FLESHERB. ,(C farlal1~ Hugh Th,)1I1SUII ;\ltxaudor
H~t' ,\I;II',1I,,1i Tlloll»O" J uhu
(Iae Hohen WRIGHTS,
\{1.lJl'rt::-Oll .\ mircw
;;1>::,1' Dad,!, flY !'"WI> horer] ;\ I",,,,,rll'l John
Wak,- .la"1<·," [& farrier] Ft'IJ'II~flf! t\ Jt.xauder
GRAIN DEALERS, lVale:l.I,,11II Lidtl,·11
A ]chiha'd \villi .. m ,Ie I.,,,,, & J')ltph
STOCKING MAKERS, \lu"'r i!=<fJli Jafw.:/t
lillnlm,r TliollJa~,l Williltlll \Van (~"i)r~C
GROCERS Chrisral Ll:!,id \\' au .1 a lilt'S
Alii"", Elizabcth Rat' Juhn D'fimceUaneoWl.
Bowic (,11:\1 1~5 'I aylor James
ClHhlH,rt .Iane AII.\II '1'1"". tla,
Chri"il' ~a'llllt'l Hueha" Will, ,iddl ..
f"'T('sll'l' ,\!t'xalld\!{ TIJOnl;;OIl ,", Forn'ste)' ;\! .. x, karh"r culMlr
\-''''''''';'('1' HvlJen TI"Hll~OIl Willi"lll (;iifdt~tH .Joh:l) ~addlf'r
(;lk'l.i,· .Iames TANNERS. (;!('II ,-'<!'''',ib.tld, Jail, SI'liHcr
M il~hdl .I;.H1;;~ lklJd,,"'PIJ John, Jl,a't'ti?r, Miltllll
~li!('h,'1i .loll"
~Jircht'ii J"illl Sm;;n Joh" 1\"1'1 1I(1l!1l. "liai" $.; edgilluolwkr
Hei,1 I.t'i~III"" Will. (UI!l'1
TEACHERS· Luke r;(,'C). p\al;,!cl'<:l'
, lll'Own 1It'Iln', SI. :,\illial1~ ~k 1l{Jllalrl.I~" 'nil keep"r
Cochran .Iohi" Kannnckbnrn ~k (;,ign!' 1'0'1"1,,1, dvck & ward,
CO"lull<1I111 .1 as, flanllvck hllrl! makc-r
INNKBEPERS. F"I'II.',I Al'ch. Ch:\I!('I'~ hall ,\Ir ,\lillali Ja'lIc" r,,~SOIl
Me ,-\I'thllr James H~'l(iel"oll
,\11'. !cIalm"ir ~Ii: er Ja~, milkr at Milton Mill
Me lJonahl Anll Knox WnI, ~t. 1';lIiall'S ~IC\l"alt In, recciver of custom.
~Jc i)i;(l'ltIi,i
Swill. T, & W. \ ~Ic LancJ.I'1!1 II COfl:dH:!\, Cdrrl~r!, &c, stelrlJhut("
_ _ ".."._44" '" , , _ " " " " ' _ , , J A _ _ _ #'#~''';'_'' _ _ '' - J _ _ " _ , , _ 1 ' # _ _ II" • ."" ___ ,J,£,, ....,..,_""-'1'_ ,.--'''-

~TI RLlr\
of 1~'P ofm,.. ncn!t:d with g"'He~yUe figure.
!l;th ill VI' pedr",a],<, ill good pre,,'r-
:-;itU(tfPI! un the is 1I0W conn:n .." ;1110 a barrllck!!,
:--;,W, of Edill· is one of the !'i('oll i.h (,)rts, \\;lilCh,
from Fall, S'I (If IIlIion, arc aill'''Ys 10 he kept In le-
;1:3! from Penh. bv a c()mmand~d by a ~"it'r"Ol', d"I:~IY go:
the old town 0'[, ll1aJor, alld Ihree ",halt<,('Ir', I he pa
of a l'Oek, til!' pre- \ rish i~ cOllnll<:d to (1,(, huryh, and a 'llla,1
"'pito!l~ cuu ,)f WlllCll, til!; \\'",1, i~ on'upi('d i 1!'l'l'iltJl'Y il' Ihe 1011'0 he;"" situated !.Ill tho
bl the eMIle-tilt' p!(l,I'CCl.~ from lWlIce are lIlost, declivity a l'hc::Q n't'I~ arc ctJH;"l'qut'udy dc;w,
delil!htful, amlllisn l':;lell<i,'c, towards Ihe ea,', es- I rh~y '"'' ,,:'" anrl li~htcd, The town'
p('ciall)" "H'Y hl~idy br:mlitkd by Ihe \ViHdi,,~ ,-I,"<l,<e "illr<1.- ill ""d has a l(lft~
of the Fonh, l'IIil" t.f rill' ahlJt,v IIf ('am:"", wi:1t 1l ('biJ.Ut:i.
kenneth, tl ..:! at..)'e)' clak, ~I,d till' ('il~'1'>f Fdillbu·.;h wilicli arc a'sO court ..
ill the di'!ance, (ar 111,' ,:1" j'(~,l,'h,
The ill,titUI;()!I~
are es-
rock, 011 which i .. b,I",dlir, ,It,d rtrc WlOC in which disease
al'ollml ;1 is a \'<''')" pl ..a":lllt (,,'nied from II,,' 10 caslle life tlVO
tOWl!, and il) Ill,.n)" I lock; which, there
fmm this sects of dis-
\"i~>ws, and it A l!~W has been cl'ec!ed
ll.!J.luillJ! tlJi> ha';'~ihic olle w,~< till! first sectdlllg
COILI''';<'(!, iln rile ~lIlJ Ollllle ,;Ie of Ihe 01t! church,
pit·tT uf ~ro,1j;ti) (,'r~!:t a 1ll01l11IJ'edt to the 1ll"!1I0I'Y
the IO<imamt'u", am! urtlle lin. ~Jl'. tb(,' fir,t s,'cecting tlll!l1otet.
the ladies u,ed to .it to allli wh",e r('maills W,lhinlhe wails.-
of the comhat<l1l!~, i\lld i8 Stidillg hall lately ullderliolle rOllsirlerabJ('.ilUhro re :
The palace is within lIlt-lIIS, hOlh ill the, Vrincipill5trCCl5, and In I e ~d.
i'IJ', !lli ll)( in the form hllrhs ; I !,~ "pproflcnc-s 10 the toWIl Cr,om ('Ter)' II

II'f truly I1;raud, :l1.ld probablv e'lualled hy fcw ...and i~ of great allti~~ily, hal'i!lg rccciv"d it, charter {roUt
exceeded by nOJll" H. ~collalld. '\lthe lOp of Krug" Alcxalld,"r I. I he prl!lclpal lliallufacture i. Ihal 01
slreet iSlhe ~thcnreu!ll, a handsome builtlil!!" with a carl"'IS an,l lanall~, f,rr w!,irh, it has long beel! ce.
nile lofly ~pm~, and <: good dod, IVliI,eh has fOllr lebrat~d. II~ slr",·[s mL'., In ge11l"r"I, rery irregular
fac"" the grD1lIld ~tOrtc~ lire cOlln'rH'd 11110 shops; and IIIcomTlllclH, IlW!jf "llhe hl"l~e"eridelltlv beillll
i~ the uprel',.i~!l r, ('arlin," ro,om aud a "("I) extc~I'h'e I' of anciellt dale. h,i' g","cr,wd by, a provost, (.'u'r
library, CoIlSIS:lLlI( of Inalll' b!1l1lil'ed 01 all, and IW,'lIh'-Olle flHlnClllo,." who are allllU-
~ie!l.~ ,,,:d
I '
mllderu I.ilt'ra.wre; the frolll of build- ,, ,\ ),IH)(I wed,lv market i. heltl every
109 1< clrcu:"r, whIch gll"e .• a much l!n~al~r fac!llly I h" talrs fir,:h .. ld Oil the lir" Friday ill
10 the .-nlr>!llce of the 1\\'1) .treet", whirh nn1llc" our Ihe Ia.~t Friday ill .\lav, the Ii!":,t Friday in
here, Neal' to this struCItU'" is a large filld commo- :\ll!(ll't, Ihe Ihinl Fridal" ill S{'pt('mbel', the finn
diou~ com markel, which is well al{cnd,;ri. There Friday in No,ember, aIM! the secund Friday ill De-
is .!Iso all extensivc tJutcher'~ 1l1arket. This 10wO cemller.

POST OPPICE, Ba\,pr-strect.-l'Qst Master, IIII'. William Patersoll. Themail (rom Ediuburgh"
and all parIs of Ihe South. arrh'c, every oay at twelve, and relUrns hack to Edinburgh en'l") afternoon IU
Ihree. From Gla~l;ow, ami all parts of the Wcst,itanincs evell' night at elc,ell, and depans for Gla'8olJf
erer. dav al twelve. hom Penh, alit! ~11 parts of the North, itanives ever\' day at twelve, & depan>' for
P~rlh cI'ery I!i~ht at elel'clI. The post (WlIl Alloa and Kincardine anh'cs every
afternoon iH thr<'C. alld
depart. t'ver)' morning at seven for A!loa. &c. hH'erkeilhiug I)<)~t atrin:s every mornillg at six, and re ..
turns llig-ht at ~i~. taking kllt'r, foo- Edillhmgh, the East coast of Fife, aud the ~'lUlh of !c:llgllllJd.
arrivinl( luverk('ilhillgiu time lor the Etlillbtlrgh mail. .
PLACES Of' WORSHIp· Register of SasinelJ·
EUABLlSIU,I> (;IIUIlCf!-Hl'C George Wright. D.D,
Stirling and CI,tckmallllall, ami ::llrwartl')' of Mea
Millister Icith, James Boyd. k,-epcr
ESTAIILISHIIJ) CIII.!RCII-Hcv, Archibald Bennie, R. and J. Hell!krs"". 1)<'(JU!ies
ESTAllLlSIlED ClwRCII-Va('nnl Hospitals·
BA1YW,TS, Spittal-s.!uarC-Vacallt CO,,"Il1I'.f-FOlll1ded ill 1(;:1:1, for ~lte relief of de('IIY-
Bt;RG[JE!l5, ::ijJitt<ll-squarc-HcI·. - - Me Cry, Mi- rtl guild brethl·cu. ,\lagi:j{ ral es, "',,"II couucil, <lIid
uister fir", minister pa.,nHl$-.lallleli ~lr I Iltosh, Master
.:~GLISH, rriar'~ wynd-night Rev, Bishop George Alltm's-Foullded ill i\Jllgi~tI"a[t'5, lown
Glcig, L.I~.D. & F.It.S.E. ~lilJi,ter COIlIlcil, and stooud pat rons-.I allieS Sl~'
Is\)EPENOE~T, Friar's \·t'Il~Oll, ill aster
fIRST l'Nln:D Adamson', !Jursl1I'!I-Co/l"t'uor Court, Pafrou~
John Smart, Spillars-founded in 15S0, for the relief of d"clly~d
fIRST UNITED . tradI:SIII('II, Magi"rate" lown cOII!JGil,und $ecolld
Slewart, Minister minlater jJatrons-Jas. Robertson, Muter
Jnmes Gilfillan, ;\linistcr
John Weir, ::iessiun Clerk amlkeeper of Ihe rcgi:;ter James Noble, e~q. Collect.or
of hirths alld marriages John Brown, SllperriloJ"
SherifF's Court, Tax Office·
HaMid Macdoll<lIJ, e~q. of Staffa, 8h.:ritf Depute Robel1 Hendeor9011 & Juhll Sawe!'!!, Stn'1'eyoTI
John Fra>('f, e~q. Sal!>1 i[ ue Colonel Johlll\!urray, Priucipnl Collector
Robert l3allk~, c::'<I. Clerk John.Murray, writer, SIlb-Collector
David D. BllrtOlI, Depute Clt'rk J Ohll l\1acdu'llald, ChIl,"rlOr for tile Burgh
Joh!! 8aweo-s, Fi,cal Stamp Office·
Sheriff COllrt sil~ e'"ery Friday Murray, Distributor for the counties of Slir-
/lfagis/rlltes, and (;lackmannau
Rober! Gillies, esq. of GorlliHC, Pro"o~t and High Stirling Calltle,
Sheriff . Lord Hutche,oll, GovenlOr
John Aikman, Robert Thomson, Dalli~1 Mc Ewen, bieut.-Gcneral S. Graham, Deputy GOl"linlOr
,lind. ~n~h "mitb. e~qr~. Haili~5 aud Shltriif, Wru. Peddie, Fo,·t Major
WID. I horhurll, D",all of Guild Ilev. Roberl iIIoodie, Chaplain
J. Thomson, Tr,.aslll"er Al"lllUr Forbes, Barrack l\IlIsler
Jame.~ 8te .. "nsoll, (tl"I"ClIor William Whitehead, :-;tore,ke~per
John Forman, t'sq. \L~. EdiuLul'I;"h
Wm. O"lbraith & AI. Lilllcjohn,juli. Clerks Saving Banks·
'Y nL Black, Towu Chamherlain Provogl and Ma;:istrale$, a-cfficiis. Directors
Johu Telford, Trea..urer
Ebenezer How, Juhn ,\lurison, John Stewart, and
J. StC\,CW\OIl, Aliditor~ of tlie Towll aud Hospital James Me Ew!!n and Robert Hill, SCCl"etariea
acCounls Open Ihe first and third l\1ouda,y'. in e\'ery UllXlth.
'I'he Towll Court sits e'"ery Tue~day & Thursday from 8 to 9 ill tbe e~enillg
CClmmissary Court. Athenlll)um Beading Boomlll-
Ran aId Macdonald, Principal C0111ruisSIlJ"r Committec of Managell'll:'rlt-rru\'o~t Gillie" Wro.
John Frazer, Commissary Depute Gallier$, Colollel M.:; Phel'':Il'', and J, Sawen
Andrew Hutton, Clerk James Luca~, Secreral")" and Tl"ca~llr~r
Robert Campbell, Fiscal Jobu Watt, Keept:r
Justice of Peace Court· Subscription .LIDr'....' ....
Robert Campbf'll, FisCl\1 Commillef-Captain Galbrllitb, Will. Gnlbraltb,"
Alexauder Littlejohll, jUl!. Clerk John Hender:<oll, and Rev. James Oill\lim
Johll Walt, Librarmn
Con OfBce for the County·
~olollel John Murrav, Prillcipal Collrcwr Gaol
"\l~r' Ht'w;ierwn, O"PU!l PettI' MG Olbholl, Gaoler
ABercrombie General Sil' Itouert, Forrester Captain John Napier, ~l iller 1>1 1'5. Eliz. Southtielcl
R.O.C,B. Airthn:y (of Craigflflflet) Southfield ~jjille Colollel, Southtit'ld
Anderson John, sen. e~q. (late of Fra~e\' Johu, ~sq. Irvine place Robl! MI'~. Lonisa, Bellficld
St. Croi.zo) Southfidd (ltidrie~ John, cs<{. Wcllington pi Russell Andrew Queen st
Balfour Captain Hohert, H. N. Galbl'ailJ,l Capt. Jo:<eph, Queen 5t Sawer~ John, esq. Beillicid
SOll!hfield IYilfillan 1\li'8 JaneL, Broad st Sawycrs Areh, 1;:,<]. Allan park
Brown Captain David, (of Park) Hadd:lwav Mrs. Wellington place :<maIl1l1rs. Sillithtidd
Allan Park !-I,u'die Mi,;g Agn('s, Somhlield Sm:1ll ~I rs. Wellinl(t(m place
BruC'e Mrs. Broad st Hyde :'III'S. 102, Raker 51 Smith Ale"'. csq. (of GlliSungaH)
Burd Joh'., !:'Ilq. Forth Kippell Cap'.ain George, H. N. 60, Broad
Cohen 1I1i!5 Marg'drel, ;\Id- Southtield SUIlJ!lIc!,\'ille 64, Broad 51
ville pJace Knight Captain, Hellfit'ld !'YUIC Miss, 1, ;\it'hiHe place
.Deasl\1iss Janet, Wellington place Me Kenzie Captain Hugh,2, 1I1d- Ta\ey Chptain John, Shore st
Dobie DaVid, esq. Allan' park "ilk place Turnbull Wn.. c'q. Southfield
DOig Patrick,esq.Sllowdcn house
Fogo Mi~s Catheriu!!, Park
Forbes Major Arthnr, Marl' place
~Ic Killop i'lrs. Spring bank
Me Lan'lI 1I1ajor, Southfield
!\Ie L('<l1I i'11'". Wellinl(ton place
Wal};CI.loilll, e,'l' Allan park
Wat~o!l Captaii. John, Qileen ~t
Wil,on Ja,'. c"I' 5, l\lch'iJle )Jlace
Forbe$ ,'\-I illS Eliza, 4, Mch-ille pi Me Pher~(ln Colouel Roben Har- ,\irs. John, AllalllJuk
clay, Viewfidd lodge Alex. Spring Galticu
ACADEMIES. Macuie Will, :18, ~t Palcr~Oll 9,lJow
Hospital School. Spittlll $/reel Shear"'r John, 42, st Pl'emice St. l\IarY'8 wynd
Duncan Clemellt PrIer, Mary'~ WYllrl An,lcrsoll \VIll.
plJrochialor BfJrollgh, Spittal sq CU!llmill~ John, ;\JaI'Y's wYlld Downie Il"h!'!!,
Duncan Itobe.t, '1 ;:\lfllltealh elias, i\lal'y'~ w)'ml
Weir, Ellglish, &c.
/'I'lc Dougal, Ilhuhemalk, Gibbs John, St. ;\IHry'~ Stewart .,,," " , 8;', Baker ,(
Low George, »2, Baker CORK CUTTER·
Grllmmar School, Marr p/,u:1! Low Peter, 112, flaker SI Rankin Wm. 8:\. Baker ~t
:llonro, L.L. D. Itector Macllie Thus. & Co. 33, n,lkcl' ~t
White Thomas, 46, Killg 5t CORN MERCHANTS·
AUCTIONEERS. Baird Thomas, :11, B~kf.'r 5t
Wilson A!(,XllUdcl. 5;" Bakel' ~t
Nathan Cm'e, 101, naker 5t Wilson William, 10, I:Iroad sl Johnstonc & Laing, Cowan 51
JaIllN, Kiflg 5t
flunlcn Jal1l(,~, 16, Broad <t MANUFACTURER.
Allflcr.'Oll Alldersoll John, Cowall st
OOIl;,I(]c;OJl Christie Johll, (;1, Kill" ~I
Forresl .. r Henderson John, ~, King ~t CUTLER
(;ilfillan Honerl, Me Ewell WIll.Bi, !:lakerS! Clcland Henry, Port 51
(hay JOhll, 49. King 51 l\lc Laren Alr~. :l!J, flroad 51
GrOlian Wm, Port ~t Me J.I, Baker st
Hcnder"Oll Will. St. Mary',. wynd 51
Hill Henrv, Port 51 Stt!wart st
KidsLOn Johu, B, Broad 51 BUILDERS, &c, DYERS,
Killg John, Port st Gilchrl~t William, Port ~t
Dunn John, Upper Brid;:e Sf,
Kinl( Peter, 12, Kin!!:' st Johllston ,\lIall, Chapel ('l'!Jft "Ie La)' Donia, st
Me r'arialle WIll. St.' Marv's wynd J\lallJie James"" Port Sf,
Mar~hall Juhn, 40, Ki!lg'~t • CABINET MAKERS ;rlitchel! Wm. Port
Miller W'm. P/)l't st See ,Is" WrighlO EAR7HENWARE
Paterson .James, 69, King st Balfour John, 61, Baker 5t MANUFACTURER·
Robertson Andrew, Cowall st Baxt~1' Jamell, 9B, Bakel' 5t Wib,m John, Craigs
Telford Wm. 30. Bakrr SI CUIlfll111(oom Wm. Spiltal 8t I
Walt ,\rel1. 40, Bilker st
Walt William, fl'!. Baker st
Spence Robt. & JaM. 100 Bakel'
Whitrhead Arch. St. Mal'y's I'I'Vlld CARPET John Shearer, King
Young James, Port 5t • MANUFACTURERS.' LIFl': ASSURANCIl Co.
BANKERS· Callender John &. Co, Pon 51
Dick John, Cl'ail(s
IPeter Wri!(hl, S!. John
FRIF.,~o!,Y !:-<SURANCE,
Stirling Banking Co, Broad·street Gilchri~t Arch, '1'01'1 st Macllie, 38, Bakel' 5t
draw on KillJiear & SOilS, Edill- Han'ie Arch, Criligs HERCULES. Patrick (onna!, St.
burgh, and on J. F. Kinloch and 1\1 All
• ~ • I_C. ey, William, Port ~t ~Ial'y's wY.nd "
Qon~, ........ lluOl.; John 'Ie ford, ~ml!h \\-alter, Ports!
" ,j
HopF., Jno, fhomsoll, Allall Patk
cashier; AI:,. Gray, aCCOlllltall!; StevenRoll.las. Lower Brhlge 5t IN$VRANn; Co.Ol'SCOTLAND, Jas.
Wm. Mackmtosh, leller. Open Thomsoil John, ::';prillgfield LlICikI, Broad 51 .
~of~ ~ to 3-un SlItnruay frOn! Young Rubert & SOilS, Port SI NOllTII BRITISIl.John Macmlilan,
Dank of Scotland (branch of) CARPET , Bank .of Sc,otland's Ollic,e ( HllI,
Broad ~I' Maw 011 Ih~lllselv , VARN -SPINNER, NOll\\ICfl UNION, Bobu
. n F d' 1l b' h & ~, . • Hl'Oad st
on Contl~ amI, Smith Hobert, Cowan ~t Pw:nilx' John TeUford Stirling
IC 'L· urg,
o. OIl(101l; Johll Macnllllall I ,.. , ,
agent; ,\Iex. Gray ~lc Qlleen: COAOH MAKERS· bank"." Ir'slal
aCI'oIlIl13tll; John Hovel, Iellel'.: Cl'Oilli & Kim'os", Fl'i;u's wynd Scor!'!s.1 ll'ION, Jas. C I) ,
10 to 3-01i SalHnlay , Tllolll~on John, Crai~" \,.~llan Pal'l'k n.o~ f1'1
1012 . . ,'v Ill. ,\111 er50n, I u ,', ,
OONFECT lONERS· (IF :-<(,OTI.A."U, Pct, WrlSh!,
BOOKSl':LLERS, nonald~on Gcor!(e, 12, Hak<,t,~t SI. John~!
STATIONERS &: BINDERS, DOllalrlsll1l Pallid, t)~, Kakcr ~1. FLAX DRESSERS,
I~ryre .lallle;;, ~,,!: Iii'',',,'' 'I Drummond PetcI, 8, ~I, ,\1;1ly', Clad, .John, 79, Baker SI.
formanJa.n".<,;;I.hl('.:d~1 Kell ppln,I-!.Kin?;~t
676' .John,'!, lltm ~t
Felg"~t)ll JdIllr', .'>l, Prlkt I " I
Ka"{ill Will. 8:1, nil\{tT ~t
FLEIIHEIU1· CnJlcu .Tohn, 7, Bow SADDLERS:
Orylldale Peter, Spiltal st ~dlTlond George, 7, Broad ~t
Kinnt"~ Robert, 13, King It
~'ergu~on Wm. Cowau "t Gardner [)afid, 10"" Bakel' ~\ Mitchell James, POrt M
GrayJohn Spittal st Haldane Jam('s, 39. King st Stewart Alex, 28, King st
Me Donald Dun. St. l\1ary's wynd lrville Johu, 107, Bakel" SI Stirling Wm. 2!1, King ~t
Me Gibbon Alex. Frial"~ wyllt! Jatlby Alex. 73, Bakel' st
Me Killlay Dalliel,Z'I, King ~t i'liIler 'rhos. 99, Baker st SHOPKEEPERS,
Mllfray John, St. Mary's wYlId John, 11, Bow Port SI
4, Baker st Ann, 14, Broad 8t
GLASS, CHINA, &C. :\\oual & Co. Athemeum Hemp..eed Wm. Lower Bridge it
DEALERS· huildings Me Beath John, ·17, King 51
Bitch Nathan Cave, 10 I, Baker SI M,tl'lloch John, 91, Baker st Me Kinlay Catherille, St. Mary'a
Donaldson Gl!Orge, HakeI' 51 Ncilsvll & King, (& silk mercers) wYlld
Me Donald John, 71, King sl 98, Baker 51 l\lc Laren James, 44, Baker st
Wilson John, 32, Baker 51 Prel'ltice James, 68, Broad st Nicholson Jane, 23, Blood at
GROOERS, Roberlsoll Andrew, 18, Baker st Rollo Elizabeth, Cowan sl
AND SPIRIT DEALERS, Trotler John, !J6, Baker 51 Skinner Dimiel, St. IIlal)"! wynd
AlMon Dadd, POrt Wingate Robert, 50, Baker 5\
Anderson Johu, i, SI MALTSTERS· Anderson Jame.~, Borough milIa
Buchanan Andrew. Cowan 51 Gillies Robert, Skinner 5t
k'orrester and BucJHlllan, 28, Chri~lie John, 6i, King st
Forre~ter 15< Bucballan,53, II: ing sl SPIRIT DEALERS.
Baker st
.'orreliter Catherill~, 81, Baker st Johnstonc 15< Laillg, Cowall It Jafii'av James, 94, Bakel' it
Fruer Hugh, 5l1, Baker SI i\if: i<;wcll Will. 87, Bahr st Moil' Wm, 72, Baker 5t
Gilchrist Will. POll ,( ;\Ic I.a~ell :W, Broad st Paul Jame~, 38, King st
Graham William, 2, Bow :\Ie Queen 14, Baker st
~lllulioch It SOAP BOILER.
Jalfray Will. 48, Baker .1
Krill' George, 77 , HakeI' ~t i\lnnnoeh Alex. Shore
Lenllox & Taylol'. 5!1, Broad ~I Chris.tie Charle8, St. John ,t SURGEONS.
Macaree Jame~, :'7. Urmt<J 51 :lk Donald John, 12, Broad Ft Alexander Will, st
Macdonald Ell("ll, ;j7, Broad ~t .\lillt'I' '1'1108. Broad:,t Andel son Geo. 2l1, 5t ~
"1aC<'lVcn Oallicl & J allles, 5(;, ::-iiuclair .John, :110, Broad ~t L>obie David, (stall" .urgeOIl) Rc-
Broad st
Somel'ville lIank8, 8, How gimemal Hospital, Man' place
.Mc Intosh James, 35,llakel' st Dewar Alex, POrt :It
Me Killop Walter, 103, Ijaker ~t' Watt William, Bridge st Forresl Wm. Hutton, ]07, Ba-
Me Larell DUllcan, 78, Baker st . MILLINERS ker SI r('('t
Me Naagh[oll Robt. 00, KlIlg SI Flint ~lis~t!s, Broad 81 Galliel's Will, Allau Park
Robertson Alldw. 58, Broad st Ma'Oll ~lisse$, Spinal FE .lolulSlone .'\I~x. 105, IJakel St
'.Wberlson Win. 88, Kiug Rt Robertson Ellen, 7, Baker 8t Lucas WlIl. li,Baker H
~toddarrPeter, 41, Killg st ,\!ilcallsh John, 13, Broad 81
:strang Pt'ter, 15, Ilow NEWSPAPER.
JOHrlJal--Coiill Milum Me Millan WlII. King st
GUNSfIIITH. ant! (Thursday) Spinal st Willgat~ Dalliel, Port SI
Kfy Ale:,,:. & Co. :21>, Baker ,t NOTARIES PUBLIC. TAILORS·
I-L/\ T'1'I:RS· St"e also \\'riltn. ~hrked '* I\fe nho Fllrnid)N~.
Anderson I\akn ~t .\Ie Millan John, Broa.l ~t I "Arm,!rollg AndlV. 89, l3aku st
.lohuo r ol1 II, Broad 'I TllOm"OIl Hobert, lO:.!, Ua!icI' $t Crawford Jolm, Ba~cl" 51
~al!llders Sf. :II ary'. wynt!
NURSERY'& SEEDSMEN . . Me Gibholl Pct~r,
I "Grassom John, 51
HOSIERY Dl'IlllllllOllfl Wm. & Sons, 110, "~laJloch Will. 62, SI
C. &J, Kill" I Moil" Will. only) 72,
Wm. Sl~ wynd Bakel' SI 57, Bakel' 1'1
Rllllcemall Alex. ;;!I, Broad 51 & Dav. 5, Bakel' 8t
INNs, 65, Broad st
f'oldcn Lion,Jno. Gibh, OIL "'.COLOUR DEALER·
:Sal'ar~n'~ Head, Jas,:l1e Tdfonl Arch. St. Mary's wynd TANNER
Baker't Gillies Roberl, Skirmcl' ~l
, UlONMONGERg. !lowie D<l,'id, TARTAN
I-.~r~estt'r Hobnt, I:-J, llaker 51 Buchanan \Vm, MANUFACTURERS,
(.rllles Thos. 15, Baker ~t
.Henderson Ja~. 51, King 51 Sh,1!1k~ .Iohn, 1;8,
Calland<'l' John & Co. Port U
~lurd()Ch Peler, 21, Baker ,I WrigiJtWm, Cowan SI
Gilchrist W 01. Port 51
Smith Walter, Port 5t
;,lurcto ch Thos. 4, Uroad ,I
PERFUfIlERS· Ste\'ClISOIl Thos, Lower Bridge 8t
IiaICUOl! JlJhll & SOil, I, Broad st
llUCCmall Alex. 59, I5ro..d st Jollie ,lame'., 42, Hakel st TEAOHERS,
.tAND SURVEYORS. MllxwdllVlll,:I, St. )Iary'~ wYlld Baynes :VII'S. (ladies') Baker 51
Pat('rsoll Rohert, 14, King 5t Jeffrey Thomas JOIIll, UpilCr
~I.ackaddel' Akx. Allall Park Bridge st
(g'lle John, Kil]g sl PHYSICIANS·
.lnhnll1o',c Ebpoj. Friar's w~'lId
LEA THER "T" .......... Shaw John, Guildhall
~Iil!rr &. PLUMBERS·
C!addc ~t
nobill'O' 1\ . Gih~on & Hcddie, 25, King $1. ;'Ie Gn'j(')r I'~tel·. ~t
w· ' . MllIl'la.llrl
ell' Jame.~, (a~elll) Shore PRINTERs,--Letter-prcss' itL'id lliHtlt.'!", YorK piHce
~n.. JIll AND VV:OOLLEN :\Iarnic WlII. T"OHl~"11 I{obert, 102, Baker st
Raker ,r·
DRaPERB. .\lullrn Colin &, Spinal ~t TIN PLATE WORKERS·
ROPE, &c. MAKERS )!Ilnlt,dl Thomas, Bwad 5t
I" i,Jrkll ,\Iex. "I llroad 1'1
:\1<: Kellzie Wm. 77 : Hl(lddl Julw, 'Bakel' Sf
I',lln~oll Hubert,
TOBACOONISTS· Wright Wm. Cowan 8l GLASGOW, '"btl At! parl.q(,h ..... Ift,
1be Ro, al !\Iail,.very ti(.lOU I'll twel ... .
Clark Jane, 24, Bakfr st Youug Jarues, Port at pnd a Coach every lawful afhrnoo~
at TWH,
Jollie James, 42, Baker SI WATCH
Maxwell Aglles, Sf. Mary's wynd PERTH, "nd all 1'0,1. of Nortb
the R,opil Mail, e try at tweo~'
!"h'~1 Adam, 65, Bma;l At
Wright WiliialU, Port st
(hant Alexander,
lawn!! !Iity 9!
Han'''V (;por,,<e, 80, (f:1> Th~ Ito from lb.
TURNERS. P('chli,: Andrew, 20, 51 Gulden and He.d.
Arnot! PI'le r • 76, Ikdpath Henry. I, Boll'
Shearer Hobert, Ill, £t Stirling Rohert, 9, l3akl'l' 81
ABERDEEN, Lnrr.nce
Baird f,:~. Broad sl SPIRIT MERCHANTS. JA. Hart's, 'lort sl.every
Dow Jam'·~. ~t Craise John, 89, Kill!\' 51 ALLOA, Juhn Me Ph~rso", from
Kllhlht Richard Lewi.~ & Co. 42,
Dawl\qn's, BaRt'r It, C''f('fY .'ridaf'
l'ark Jalle., and Jarn~'5 Philp. from p, Rtewart'.'
VINTNERS· Broad 51 KinK 5t, t:ver)' }-'riday, &: return. th~
<8rUI' tlav.
Abercromhie H. WRIGHTS. AUnITEHAROER. Pcl. Sharp. frolll
Andcr~oll .Iamps, II •• al.o Cabinet Maker •. P. :-.:r",."ulrt'P,. Kin\{ at.evt"ry FridllY;
Blackadder ,hlJllt's, ano Jobn Gibb t f! om J, Hart~.-!, Pon*
B",;hilll<ln i~ahella, I, John, Sr. Mary" wynd 8t, f'Vt'f)' Tlit&rift\ &. t'ridll}.
B,lchanan Will. Cuwall 5t James, Chlll'"h 5t IHI.FI!ON,Joo. Oollell."."om A.CA·
I3nnlen Peler, ~t. Mary's wynd James, 7, KiIlJl~' Iflf'rnn'1', Kjng 9f, f'vf'ry fdday,
G\'or~e, :'hn!"l~ ,,,Iex. St. Mary'M wynd BtCKI.Y\'IE, Widow c I. •• WI"
Johu, '78, King:lt Kina: John, 22, Kin&r ~t' •
hom T. OaWtOn'l, nAlt'f It, U'f"r}'
Gl'ur>!<" 6, Kow Rnherl'''lI Gent's". 25. King" CALIA'iIi DER. RhLYPr~II"".from 1'.
Christie John, IiI. Kim; H ~p('nc(' Tho~. St. Mary's wynd ~,'4t K\1I~ .t. Oil Tu .... &. ,Fri.
Comrie J"$. SL Mary's wynd Taylor Rohert, Cowan sl A l\" AN, J ... Ph,IP I f,olll P.
COlltlie ,\Iexi\nd,r. Cowan st Thom~ol\ .Johll, Craig~ KlOtr 81. every ~'T,dI'lY.
!(I'F. Cnml,'11. from T. I)...
1h"",;, >II Tho, I \:I, flaker st Traquair Thos. Friar'l! wynd IH)I)'., Uokf'fa:t, em 'rI.H". & f'ri, Rbf.
Dr),""lc l)a,·ld. Silililli ,I (4Ih"'UII, fr'"B J" Jhrt'R,Porllllf.e'ftfJ
James Will. Cowan st WRITERl!h Till'S At I'hllr;, 4"x. Hbt. C4irns, from
DUllcan wynu Me,. . d •• r~ ftl.'i} Notori .. Pnbli. 111'1. hUI-I5f", lit, evrry Mfmdll,
Hobl. wv",1 i\ hner,,,noie Ii <'my, 7, I1roarl st Ita,l 'I hllr!!lduy,
Ct:U.~:N, ,H, Mock •• , (rom P.S •• ,,·
,lall<',2" King . "B""k' I(flhert, Rroad 81 Ar('~. !\'iHI JIlL {lnCfriain,
\YIlI. ;",6. Baker s! macii IrlU. Ca~II{' hill ((J I'.~R I" fifE, (;"0. Cameron frolll
Gr~\' .Iohn. 'pillal 'f "CaIn/it'll nobt. St. J. Ibrt'~~ Porf ~t. on TIIE'M, &. Tnllf.
Ha';lilion Jallw" 61, KilJg 51 "Chl"l-<l<l1 ,la~. seu. DE 'I; 1\ Y. Wm. Thorn,,,,,. from J. !lep·
Har! JatUe~, Port ,[ (hark" dtr~()n)jt" KJlH! st, on.Tues. & Fri.
Bender-Oil ,Iohn, Port ,I ,I(.hll. Kill!! 1)00:0:, \'·ro. O"Uh,lO, from J. eilrl.·
tiel,;, KHH! sf, on Tue!' k, fr'dfl.Y· iI't'
Hender-oll JoblJ, Killl! sl ~Galhlailh Wm. Town hall IH' MBI.~N E. Vl'm. from A.
Hill William, :'t. Sf I;"nfl!'man Ehrn. Broad ,t Ihw:-on'!S. Bakrf ltt. &. f'(~
Hom] Alexanrl;'I", ~hnr{' " "llaldane nnhprf, 40, Kini( ~t /lV l\ t'I'R~ILI N E. J ...
Jack James, lOB, n "Ht'nder,nll Hohen, Ilroad ~fewan)$) Kio,t! $f1

Jatf.. "y John, " "Hill & Me (;Ol'l'an, 12, DVNI\ON, Jo •. ern ... ,
POft ~f, evrn' Tnt'S. P.:.
Jami,,>oll Jalle, 51 -Hulton Andrew, 2, Broad EDINnCRGIf. Alex. "e.r!.. ;,om
Ker :'ntirt'w, Bridc;e -I 4l.inlt'johu "'lex. -ell. TOWll 1'. Stl''IA'nrl'!I', K'n~ tor} MonJif,j
Key 2(" Baker SI • I ."r~, .lame,. Broad st and Thursday; & faHanJtr,
Kill~ ;)11, l<ill~ ,<1 '~k Ii""n Jahn, Broad ~t from r. Stn\flrt'l'Il it, on Mvt1.
Me Dowlld Jalwf,~t. ~h\l y's wynd ";\1£' f\ill\"Y Wlrl. :'1. Mary'~ wynd anti Thnnday,
Me E\\'i'll \VHI. H; Bakt'l' ~t. j ;\lc J;-tm('~. ~t, .h,hll·", st fAI.KIHK, "lOx, lol"ol.irh, from P.
;>::tt;'wl\rt's. "illg "I, on AJlln &. ThU~I'
Me Lar<'n /\lex. 1.~ma,1 'I I J;;,. '" John, 1()2, Bal,('r!t ano Rolll ,Pfndl!r~!T(;m fl..lhm,a,."
Me K"I) Wm. Lnwt'l" irlge .1 JO\II', IImad 5, KinK st~ on ,,\1nlldRy & Thur~uay.
:'\allKlltrill Hoi)! Ki"" ,( WilL t-'pill'll ,( GL\~G"W. J, {'.Irler, from.~" bou.'~
I'ht'r"m I("h.·n, B,nv ·S;",·el"~ H,'oar! st 7 •• !\inc:: !if. J!"VeT'V Mop k IhlJrt;4~y,
John 1A'urdie iforohis house,ol KiD ,
Me QueI'll ncollie, \4, .1 ·Wright , IIma,1 _\ ru VI;, & Thur&, J.tuvrtnCl
Mitdwll Wm. 21, Kin/l: -( "Wri'tht P':II:I" , John st J. Hart's, Port st,enfY
MOlH~a!h ,.\Iex, ;'2. Kmg ,,1 Young Hohcrt. Killf( st . Ix Lhn I""~, from II.
l\lonle"lh Lower Hrhlt:{, , t1. ('"u'ry ,'utld a1
li1nrri~ r;l'of2;e, -
M"i'rav.\nn":i"l', .1'''"4 I.»"~, from H.l'altr·
Nicol iWz. lA)w~r
:-;i'i~sn!l ,\lex.
~eil"iilll .Iamps.,
Sawer, .Iaille.', sl
Sindail' Wm. Shore
S!!?V!'1l ,1";'(1)\11<1. 11 st
~l('wan Sr. wynd
Stt'wan :il, 'l CONV£YANCB
Sttc'W;lrf l~akO;'r "'"
,",U'l\'arr john, Port!'t
Stf'\tdt't Peter, G;'l, ~t pub- EDINRIJRGH I'< Leitb, boatst ..o "'
f'fhonl"OlJ ~Johu Port thre. limes. week. "SIOIIII
"':\1:'00 John, l1ak~r 51
Slar, and I..d, of the I.a e '. 'fI i .
P.,,"_t. ""fry I.wful d",IO In .111",
\\'dr .laHlt-S} ~h()n.' v
nit\· Chat". Pier~, Newha ,:,,' cpoiJdt
\Vhitp ,h.lIlI:'", Friar's "'Vila Rr,H, fhe Roy_)' \inil ~rri"il!!i af Alloa, KUlGflrdmt, Crofll I,e F(Orr1~
\\·iOilf\.ff' ~f, :\l;,,!t'·V'·lI. v.'V'I'Il! day :tf nkllf_plut two!,,_, Lin)f~kiln •• and r\orth,Quef'ln ~ d hj
'A'nr1r1i~ ..!rot",. !{:n., ,', . t() f,.iil)hllft.;'h. 1111 Th¥! tim. ()f IlAaiUS II rtilIJ1t\UI. !
W,·ll/ln .,,,nn. ·c ...'oh,,'< .. ot'lr''\ 1)f thf\ ~ot!'h, '"'C'91'V
.-..t !1!;f'1Il1~' mitt'll' ~ p1l'~1 til' •• ,
,10. !.I<I•
• . .,1

s bml~ded <m the north ami east by the German Ocean, or North Sea, on the
, south by the counties of Kitlcardine,
ness asd Banff. Its
and Perth, on the west by lnv~r. I
form approaches to that of an oval, the length qt
which. fcom noxth-ellst to south-west, is about eighty miles, ami the extrem~
breadth more than thirty; and it contains 11:160 square miles of land, 10 ofIakes;
451,584 acres of cultivated, amil:m2,816 acres of uncultivated land. ' ,,'
The county is divide!j into five districts, viz :-first Murr, the southernmost,
c.omprehends aU the south ofthe river Dee; from t,he sell to the e/iSt end of the hil~
of Henochie; Second, Garioch lies north of-the Don, bounded hy II. ridge of hiHs~
beginning near the royal burgh of Kintore, and running in a circular direction, until
they join the hiBs of Fondlanrl, thence by Castle-Forbes 01' D'rtli'ilinner, the summi6i
of Correen, and Benochie, to the Don; Third, Strathbogie lies to the north-west
of Gal'ioch, and south-east of the upper part of Marr; Fourth, Formartin lies east,
of Garioch, and is boundcll on the south by the Don, and on the north and east by, I
the Y tlian IIDd the. Niilrth .sell. ; J?ifth,. Buchan, extending from the ·Iast mentioned
ri\"f!1" the DeVet'on, .is prettv·Uat, but destitute of WOOII. These five districts are.
subdi'Vided into wsSerd~,;tricts'Qr divisions, whose names are g-enerally descriptive'
of their appearance and situation.. ':l,'be district of Marr,on the confines onlle;
shires of Banff, Inverness,' Perth. amI: Angus, may be considered as the centre of
Scotland, at the from the sea ill every direction. The ap-
pearance of the upper part of this is' wild, and mountairiOl!'S~ 'ro J '
wards the east and north-east, the county be!';omes more but-is in many
places moorish and barren. The woods in this part, mostly fir, .Ure extensive, nnd:
produce fine timber. The rivers Don and Dee have both their Sflurces in this quar-
ter. In thi& wild' r.egion stands the castle of Braemar, once the :family ot )
the Earls of now the property of government, by whom
the late Mr. Farquharson of lnvercauld; it is at present uSt"d as a ]:.'rom
the top of Craigendllrroch there is perhaps one of the..grlln<iest'lUld.most picturesque
views in Scotland. The Dee runs through the Ydle of Strathdee, surrounded with:
awful fronts ofloftY,'mimntllios.· On the Don are· seen the ptincely ruins ofKil-·;
drum my C1lS11e, another ancient seat of the Earls of Marr, but now the property of
Mr. Gordon, of Wnrdhotts(,,'. Atthe,l:erminntiQnM a deep glen in Strathdee, is tbe
pass; or craigs, of Bollitar, which forms the eastern entrance- ioto the
mountains. 1\1 the top of the vale of a short way above Marl'
the noted waterfall, called the Linn of Dee, the "alley of Glenmuij:k
likewise another picturesque ~aterfall; and a little below on the lIouthem bank!. of
the 1I10;t romalltically situated, are Pannanoch 'Veil,;, much frequented in
summer. The district of Buchan is not so'hilly, lying mostly on the C&$t and,nort\l
coasts; but, beingalmollt destitwe of wood~ its Appearance is bleak and 'naked'.
F~riXp the quantiti'es, 'however, of large timber found in many mosses, no doubt can
exist of its having been once well wooded:., The district<; of Strathbogie, GIII'rioch.
aod F6rmartin, nre genC'raUy cultivated. ' ,. .'"
To the, south of Peterhead are the remarkable on the, coast, called the
B.Uell of BNchan." They It large oval cavit", formed by the steep rocki
oli the'coast; the depth one 'lUndred feet. A nafural 'arch opens into the
sea at the eastern eml. Boats are sometimes drawn into this awful pit, and d~hed

county is well wa.tered by some considerable besides the Dtll;l Ilnd the
as well as by numerous slDnlle'r streams. The Don and the Dee, however, lire
t,be most noted, are hothof considerable magnitude, and furnish great quantities ,0£
line salmon, which is pri'ncipally of at the London market. The river
Ythan, which llischargesits waters ,about. ,welve miles to the north-
ward of the mouth of the pon', deserves on ac~ount of the pearl
formerly carried.on ill it ' . " i t h T b e other rivers of auy consequence
are the Bogie, the U rie, the . nnd the Cruden' the Deveron·· also forrwJ, the
boundary of the county with for mnny Almost an these alfor(l
~almon, On the sea shore are several remarkable caves, curious ~rforations
In the rocks, and echoes, whi'ch revel"berate sounds with wonderful distinctness.
A considerahle traffic is carried on in from this county,· for paving
the streets of London, building docks',' :&c~. Ahcrdeeljshire women.
have been long famous for the knitting of 'Which still, though on the'
deoline, 1\ considerable article of manufacture; and sail-cloth
have also been IlUCCf!SSflllly introduced.; .
There is a characteristic di[erence to, be olllll!I"II'ed in tlle inhahitants, of·
deen&hi're from those of any other 'COll~ftl:!Ir they llCe
~ an active, vigorous; and enter'DrL.'m,ur: Whmll they, "'''JIl''T",,~e
fail of success. The diale~t of: couuty, too, ditfers very that.()f the
south of Scotland; and to it appeari to be attended with II. quick .sh8,rp~,
nnd rather angry accent.
Ifhis county produces plenty of game, black cattle, deer, sheep, &C ..
Besides there are other na.tural productions of notice. In the parish
of Old has been discovered a valuable mine of manganese; Lesly prodll,ces
amianthus, made hy'the peaaants into snulf- boxes und ornaments; plurnhagobas
been found on the banks of the Dt'veron; on the shores, near PeteThead, onyx pel)-
bles are to be met with, but they are apt to sepa,rate'in working:. Thelargeu rode
cryst ..l, ever found in Scotland, was discovered upon the estnteofMr, Farquhnrsdri.
of Invercauld, in this county; it is near the ,size ofachild's body.n.t.the age of.fOur,
and has a smal~er crystal out frOIl! the main trunk. 011 1\1 r .. Farquh,ar-
son's lands have also been got and aqua marines, in colour ami hard:-
ness to those which are so sought after from the Topazes of great
value, provincially called stones, are sISti to he met within Aberd~en-
shire. Talc. mica, and arnianthus, commonly called mountain-'Cork,
and mountain leather, are found in several of the hins, and in ht
Craig, in tbe district of Strathbogie. there is a fine Dax.en asbestos, hoth green and.
Wh~te. This county il the residence of some of the fir,;t and, most ancient f:miiHe9'
of SC{)tland. The Aberdeenshire canal extends from theharl.iour, tbe
bridge over the riv£r near Inverury, and, since it was coltllllete(l, opened a
new. :field of industry, enterprn.e, and wealth to ~he' jllhabitantsof the. dij:,trietsof
GarlOch and Strathhogie. Aberdeenshire contains three royal burghs, l\bercteen;,
l{intore. lllld Inyerury. The county returns one member to the Unit.ed iiritim
Parliament. ' . .
, The ,highest mountains are Benabo 11 rd 3940, Ben<lvon3920. 'l3eumaCdui aoo;.
Draeriach 4304, C' 2100, Cllirntou14220, Lochnagar 3800, MontKf'elj 3180,.
140rven 31 OO,and SCl'oDeach 2700 feet above the 'le\'~l of the sea", b6:side~ .se -.:end
otbers of considerable elevation.
, A""""kIt 811,,111 it Pori.II.
Croobd . . . . . , .. g
Eve" :. . . . . .. 'I
'.oot.Dee ' .. .. II
Or ••" .. •. 'I
Machor, Old, St.
Mtu!b&r •• ., iF
Aj:>er~'\"D"":Sew &. Old
BancborJ. DaTenick part of)p I "Toi~1
tM''''''''t1lJider oJ ,II" puk" DISTRICT.
, u iii A'illcardm",h/'8 ' .. l'
8.111"1'1,1,, , • • • •• .. P p
O",,,,oak (pori of) ., ,. p
!~e rOl~.aintl'" 0/ t/;i~ ,arif}' ,
,. iii JlI"c(m/~ir(J
otherwise Logi.,.
Dyoo . . . , .. t ...., " .. • '" p
•• 61"81'~' P
KI" ..Ua"' • . • ' I\;nkell •• p
Mocj>.llr, r;ew, " " .. I'
Lands . . . .
•• .. h"r~~ !S':
~hllt" ',. "1'
Total' l'
ALE'ORO DISral!:rr: '1'
Alf(>rd .. •• .. .. P
Auehlndo; •• wtlll Ktlir"
('"b ... r1HpMt·of~
flit': Yf!mflinder rif
, I. in BdTlffihl,e Ab"y"~
Clatl .. .. p Ri...
~I:i~bn~~.t.. ~ ,I O':pt'mar
K;,1drl1mmy p Coull ' h
Klli"..-rhmonl P jo'.dll.. ••
"""bell-Cllsbnie P. Or'"mo!ck, Tulliel, &
RhYllie and E,.ie P gal,,,,.. ..
!ll,,,!hdon '" P Kinc'ird!nr~O 'N~'i!
Tool{h :. •• .. p "oggle ·r"ldswllo
TOWI. •• .... p Lumphaoan
'I'uliy"eule, ... iln t'orb.. P MidmAr
Total 'farland and !\fig,i.
OIl,OTWi . . TOla,
Abrrdollf ~: ~. P 3':ffl (!airney (part.or) , " .. "
edmond. ., ., P 11<9 tIle 1'rmtUnd'r-r Qf Ih" paru"
Deer,Ne.. '. p 711
;, In B(I'!If.h1re '
0"",. Old (pMI of) ," p tI3i
tht! .....n«lnder of I hi. Jl"rUh lOllii'U"
I. In &mjf.ldrtl ' Go rill' (pari of)
F"'~ •• 81." .. • • . ,p' tI,!. p"ri.n i. P'I,I/II ill
'lot. p"rillh i. 4H:a1l1l, sii!Hue ' {;i.e. (part of) ..
on tll"",-AI)er«'IIr" tlti' p''''''''
i. f/(YI'/I" / ..
but belongo I. 1M .Mre of 'hiT#:1 hut lit';} fPlJole "
Bft11jf, «nti is thu4 6rdcT!!d inliem is entered h#Y4
Fraserbofl1b •• , , p. Huntley •. /""m ~ P _~~ _I.:l7~ ...!~.! :Ja.4?
Long.ide " I' I >'4)1(1 4401 "')~4 9425
Lunmay l' 'TIJRREFY
p.lerbe..s ," lown ~ p Auehtt:rles5
)'i~lill" P Fy\'ie .. I'
~\!lU •• 1> King Edwald l'
~~m p I'lo"'luhitl<f I'
'l'Tr1.. ,"', p Tun.1f .. /(.t,'11 tt p
Tot.] T,,!al
Gr.nd Tota,

THE city of Abt>rdeen iii siluatrd 128 milt'll' nor.ih-

florth-ea,<tt fl'(!m Edinbut![h', and is tbe rapltal of
f'.o~plU'ati~'ely r~pectl!ble a~ a IJlace of 1\00~e little
commerce,· . As far baek· Mthe year Hb3. It seems
the COOtitYl \0 wbicbit g\,-e!l nallie. It is a very ~Q hav~~Jl,J!,~w~ iII!,~ucb 10 Hle Normans ;lIlld,
ancieut tOWII, aoo
w3s known to Ibe Romalls at tIle m M~phel1\oll@ treatise oil commerce, it is obs~r·
f'arly1!enod Of Ibtfeighth anu Ia~t campai!l'll of "ed; that ill the y~r 1179, Esteyn, oue of the jom&
Julio!! Agricola, about the84th' year of the Ghmtian ,kings of that coulltry, landed and Vii ilrged,tbe t~VIl,
era. Antecedently to tbls remote I)crioe!, all reiat- III the course of II. pU'llUcal cruise along-tiler Brltl"-h
m.II to ~ny hi8torr I!f :Aberd~,ar it~orlgill, is in-. co~st. .'"', .
yoIred In ooocurlty, and, fot nl;\ny ages aff!'!',l1o I il conly times A'herdeen .WII$ frequenlly houour~d
rtrords appear to afford allY lIiIt.\lenllc "accou,\ ts re- ,by the pI'c.enc6 of j'llfld It appears, that III
lating to this city. Aberdeen ill proba.t\lr 1!.1Il01lll( the , tJl~ early JllU:t "f ham's I eign be e:-eclud IW
earlie~t of the burghs in Scollalld foulle! eutit led edifice for hiS etJdt'uce bt're'. It wi\s $I~
to an y royal m~r k of disl inctioll, IUtd irom \'ariH\lG tuated at tlie lower side of the town near the ,fast
drcumstances OI:cnrring in hi!ltolY, it i~ rea;onable I' end of what is called tbe fYrel'll, arid \Va>; dignified
to prclnme, that, at a very early period, it wa~ Willi the lille of Palace. This t'diftce he aitel'\vards
lBIrutOt'p. kBBRVEBlj.

~btrlJttIlGlJtrt. ABERDE EN.

PLACEII OF JFOli.BIP. Orry friarl, about 1M Iqlnulnj!: of 1\1<' Hith 0 :,,-
till')'. ..,
'rA," F,,,., ."d 'I'tll . or TOU!II".1 Cllflnlltt , r"m'
OK l>nlldlns. :Iud ill'l' ~I!uawl to t he north of Union
- ,lit. p.llr, CMptJwaoo ~rcttd In tnl,ror 11If' -c·
(OQImorIalloII fit meb of the t:pltmpaliall~'" rrlu-
~1Jft't. and fOu l of l:uiou 8r\d~. The lVr!Ot.tauct. led !1'I_hmll ttl 1M Juri!'!lktionM &Ofti!h bbhop!.
nil tbe ,ile'! of the alltin" t"bllrch of St. ~khnlJ..~. II CIII'IIIUos ~hlll1!~ for 1000 penMI~.
:mrl the f.&!lt is Ihat whleh atldtndy formed iu RI. AMIrN.',. or liffllf'1t ""J_",.lisfI (J1tlfpd.-
('hair. The Wen Chllrch I, lOll! ',,\'1 1011[1: •• "d 66 ''''b t'1~lIt f"IIi lln:, h. whith i~ I,"formrd t~ 'fr-
(,~ broad · lhe nll~e i .. ~ r~1 hro;ul; a"d 1M pie ... ~Ice of .ht' f: hurch nr F.n~hlllll. '"'" "nilt In Hill,
..{tbe an:h~t art H fert br lhrft' (<<t. Tbu'r b . (l'0III a de!lij!'n by Mr. ArdliblklSlrup!OlI, lIt"C:hit«f;
1r-11I.... y on each aide , lI ud.t n(b ~1Id; thaI .t Tilt II orrupin lhe «nl rt of the ~"'I ddt 0( Kln,-,tlTt1._
e:\ol I'nd il '1'Ilmprialrd 10. t~ ma~iM.,.t.... H e~ The plM, nr tlld, frnnU The Mnft,"~ •
... au d Cftllnt ClItl0ry whkh II ..uPP,,"td III The mld- C"nll1: llId ride: 'I~IH, Ihe t(lrlM'n of ...hkh .re or - '
,11", b,' f.. ur 1I1I1('d mllhnpnJ mlIlN"" nf Iht (;orin_ nIQIt"Iltcd wilh loft, Il(1l1!"nlll \tIm-I!, II\omoe 1m
Ihl:m ' order, harillJ( IlwIT n"ital~ silt, And I pc<1~ tach .ide of The eUl BIK't' btln! QI'lII'IIr~b of 110 ft"l't
m~nt in fronl, wbich hal tht TowlI" arm! CUt In in Mi,-:ht. Th, "UI"I!I~ lire finnohN wilh r"n~itlIIB,
all" reiiewo j ' d~ rorer inl!>f crimsoll ....,I~, with Ind rlCblJ Cl'Qttf.'ltd pinnacle" Ind the ""lnlltt'-
.,..Id fri u,I", hall~ o~r lbe b<-eut m tb", ~\.erT. nle il r",~m,htd _llh d"MI'rert ('Ilium • • , .nd
The l.on!. Pro,·o;'t ', ""bdl DGdcT Ihe Qrlllpi; ('roctr;~ nMtUllllun; lhe wtndlrW' lin: ~ nl_l,""
and o n ,-ach . ide ~i' Ihe IIII~i~II"II~, I~klnll" pr«e- wll.l~ 1111 corr"pond i n~ flylt. 'l1u' iuh"riM
~1~lIce KtOrdillg 10 Ih.-l .. I culuritJ. nlC' pileI"! II of Ib i, edifice pn.'l!ellll II wlml,le ~1,le of C101hk ar·
IIU' "'e~1 ('ntl b ~'l'rOI'rblr-d 10 Ille nl""IIT' lIud chltct1un' , IlOrrtl'llOhOliul' .. "h the ml",1Ke frolll;
.!-t'bul.. " o f the {,r~mm..... &bool, and Gordon'. al tbe ..·. ·;AI "",d I. a brH aud line ton,,,, orpn, 111'1'
IIMI ,i t'.tI.-Thr- f~t t:llurdi I_ 'fine GOlhic build· derwal~ whleh I. a banlbome IIIOUatll~U I 10 lbe
lug. derold of onlOltlltflU, II"IC'Il!-Urill( M6 fet't ' " I1tnml"! olth., lale lII~hop ~il lnDt'l".
II'U,,-III , ("J.r'llIlh~ o( I II" d",,,ct:I, aud 6-1 fct'"1 In St.J"m". (.,.-ft""I. 'ur l'Il'O"IIcll tpll'rop;tll'II', tlat
bn'l!dlh, il1eludi"JI flu- . ide .i~lt'I'. ·n.e nlltidle alld a ~"IIII .pire Oft IIIC' u~.rth""l'Id, Rill! .....111 ('Iln,allI
fide lWolea ""' dll'"led hy lo'l y ardlea, tuppttrled bo,' aboal !\to pcnoon~. 'n Hl Intr-rlor hus hutl), uuMr.
i,l<lill {lothic pill:an. 'rhi. clltll"("h tIa.. doubiero,", lolt( lIIueb 1N'..... tlou I,", rC'jlll r ,
"r r.llt~f II iu ~It: ru ~ nd, lind ••inAlc ,...... H/. ,Pa-,lN" tIM C.,/kIIk! ':"-,,-1, lit filullW I '
,-;I(" ' ~idl' : Ihe ul'pr-r " 'ealern p ll.....,. b Ippmpriatrd Ike 1tOI'11i1__ean-fllll of ClI!tk-ul'Hf, It 1M bnllOw
10 "",,:1mI'D , "KI "'I~ " eM, .-~pe-.drit un-r h, T1Jere of. COIfTt. 'Ilte Il'Iltrior " hI~ lIum up,
...... IIndtr Ihe cha lK'('l II l1l'i1 d\lllK"l, whk-h ....... attd hu i(lromlll!NlRllnll fM IlOO perllQD •.
,k,lic;"t"'d 10 Iht \'ir~in NarJ'j but il h.,., InmDdern Hnidr-llhe alOrc_metitlouf"d ,lleft of ~hlp ,
liml" , btl:" tK'"ea~ioJo~IIYIl:oC'("I for ~\'ClI1ar l"HpolC., lhe", tole fo ur t.: hlliltl , o( t:..e, and lhe 'Galle-
On Ihe norlh side 0( Ihe Choi r or Eull. hllrrh II (.;haJlt"l.
";1U&t~'" III!: fnl"t, III ,,'hldt Ihe Kir\ ~l'l<lOillu ..... Id 1.~ are II", placn of _Imhip o( th~ followlns
lheir ulr01.I"Kt. ~ Churc:hes Ire It"lran!ed by ~lIGlnilial io lU j Ori!inal Auorlate. Andwrrher
largt' "rellofl', npon " 'h k h I 1I.~..t'ple is IUppomnf. A'lIOriat~ I' Orlrinal A"IIb.-rittler AMOdale; .'inn
!IJMf by 1"'0 ,~Ie~; lml' o f " 'hkh, olllht $OU!lI, bat·_ Chapel 0 Iht Unilt'll Set.'!'~~lon -Ch"rclt; Sr-rond
inll hteu Ihe oclmltu rl' 0( IhI- falllity "f Orum, \lo Chapel "I tlte ll"il«"fl ~t'S!'h!tl_Umrl'h; Uld M....
Mnumiualt'd Or(ltn'~ Ai_I,; Ihe ol he r , on t he lit'. Itd",( (;lta!>t'I; Wt'81..,,'JIu i 3 COU,ICrtll:lllollai
north, lIa .. ill& bl:tu th e burnt.! place: o( an anc-irn l ChapeI. ; 'lId allKllti!t Chl,..l · tx-ide. a meellng-
(,lIni I1 ,'f th..., nl\lIlI: of Cnlli!!Ou . , J Ir.nown hy !ltr- tko. houilt f..,r the Soddy o( .' rlt'nJ.. , or Qaak.e"ff • • It.·
fi!"nalklC1 of Col lii!lOn·,. ,\ ;"'It; the lin' o( '1If'1>eIW~ ated OQ t be _eat ..kI.e of tb-e Glint""".
i, . he IIiKe wheN Ihe 'rlOOd .nd pn'lbyttry of
Abet-dttll hold thcir mt'tl inp. . BflZZ.DZNOII·
Old A"r~hllr (.·ltllrrlt i• • llmued It Ihe north "':c- Tltt'T'olnt·"-w, G.roI, ~l\'''''' ('ourl-lIt)u" 1"ltn'
Irc:mlly of Old Aberdeen, III tbe pIIrl.h of Old ale Itt""'~ !rft'(. I n Ih" hul1dln~ Is Iht t own8'
Mat"'har, whldt wllhin It, bounll. Old Innool")', In whk h Are depollitcd abont Ih~ bun-
Al>erdo:('lI. The buildi tlf!: rotuiw o ( lbe nue of I dml "anlb nf nlll~ltetl , Im...neal COOlI 0( mail, Itle
ClIlhcdral, .... hk h " 'as (otmdee! b\' Bi ~hop ..\ 1o:under I':fllno'lard carrir-d by tht Mlbl.'fl' al t~ bIT"le of Hllr-
K,ninmunde I I. , aboltl I~ lIIid iile "r t~ '41h ren - J(II~, lind (IIhr-f nrlike ht~lrunw:t1I1; 11M- ne o( Ihe
14IT\' ; II\(' It!lllt h of lhe na..e, indudi u,lllh" lIi~I" 1 RIi\ChittC, kno"", by Ihe nam e or Ihe :ot AIDIIl<, wltlcb
i~ 126, and the wichll 6'4 feel. Tile IRTcra In titlH::Jofolt.l wu uKd for deca.pitltiuJ!: e,.hai/lllt;
wall. of lhe 11:\...., are 1100111 42 feet .i,It" Ind are ar>d Ihe rurnlture o ( the ('roro~I'. cbarser, wl~ n
IIIPPOtVd CIU tadll-ide by I ""~ nf ,iUl"$ Ihe he IlIen4ed , U C"IllllmiuKlntr for lhe 10wn, the
lI\'IIII:h' of whlt-h .. I ~' (r.el, aad 11k' di .... leler a tillie coronllli<ll, of Ki ng (.;tw-I~ 1. al F.diaburlh.
IttOR Ihlil Ibrct:. 'rr... c:oe1HnS oC Ibe 'IIW ill (}Ilbe A neW COllrl_It9UN. 11M (:110 1 w~r~ proJ«ttd
lineft oak, of ~ceIleUl and AriO"~ _il~l.mhlp, ..... nte ,·tfU""!IIIII"O, 10 bt hnUt .. Ihr- ~ptnilt o( lh~
lind ma" '1e " 'IIb ""llhhr ~ "flhe 1r.II141n ~land. lown Rnd ('OlIII l y, lIud an aet o f IllU"1lamrn, oblain-
It Cl.m.. ~~t N of three roml*rlmt'l1l1 "f Iqllll"-, pAl'I_ tall,td ~ulhnrbi n~ tbe e:c('("UIOII 0( Ihl~ noder·
de, juiuin, 101 Ihe. IJllpolile anguillr 1!"llul- j 011 ttiling'.n·""Ii ..,, 10 a plall furnl~lt('d by J ohn SlIIilh ,
1 ~ tNudl ani 1)3.!UIet/ lhe! arnli lmd IlIic-~"" llite e.q. rill 1n.:I,ilec-I, ~'hkh 1113 bee ll I6doptt4.
l' rm<'t'l", llt1l>1l"1 , and ",·tlall'S, " '110 conuibuled 10-- ·1,...... c-f('('t>on of the rourl-OOIlJe CONlDtliCtd III the
WlUlb Ihe .... pt1Ist of lhe buildin g. Alnnll: lbe top «ar 1818, I nd WlIoI! lira! o ptnN in lit». It lot built
of 1M ,,·. 111<, u" l ho: >'nail. lide, Me illH:ribc-d lite itl~lr bc-tt~"d Ihe lo",.-hnnl( and I. C(HHle'CIM
"amH IIf Ihl' ~Utcl',ai.-.: Sot'e~.-, (mIll ;\blmltll with II; the ..... ltt-ripal rntn.ncu I. from Cutle-
I I. 10 Q.,non Mary ; "" lbe IlUt"th sidell r!! lloe "anl~ IIft('t, 01" a nr-w Guthic door-way lind I hand.ome
"f the IIC'rtrtU Nl",,~ , (rullt N~ln". 10 Willi"m " onl" "lIl r kads to the ~l'l!lilNleo('lbe roun, on the
Ij ordon / the 1181 ltlHlWl Catholic:: ptellill'. ,\ U II...·...., IIr~t lloor , _
irlH.' ri puoCI8 , IY ..."'n u thollC oa tile roo f, a re pai nt- 1'/lf Rr'iilfYfO, i3 , ilnllc-d IOward Ihe ... ~t o( Ih.
et! in the o ld b-lKk Sun11 eharadn. l"" Ih~'ir lTc-al I<) W11 , a mi ill ~6rroullded with II " 'all (o-url('C'n (I'l't
bcit.:lll r .. n"c~ them . reI)" dilflcnh w be ,...,ad. 'This high , ~nc l""ln~ I gal"lkn, and alri l:g groundl for the
t..:hurch, I~tc:l" ,.cllalr,ffi iD a ~"b.tllltlial ma Dllt' r l no,c of the l"i-«)lIt n . TIll' 1.'1'''"''11("1.' is fro m Ulllon-
" 'ilb Ilor.;IIlc rio r I>C;\.Il y IIII~ up. form •• 'a I'ftC alld at""", Ih rou!(h ", Nt.ndromc- t;"~tewlI)" 10 1!'bklt I~
C<lnl ntndltlu~ 111;t('c of ,,·orshlp. IIIII("h\-d ;1 purltr I loop" and a gU:lr~ - hou ....,
.'i/. (.'1_ " . CAo.~f, ur j 'ooIUe Cllllfrc-lt , ha~ a Ki",', CUi/fIe. Tim bui ldhll'; \, ,ituall'd 10 Old
lOwc-r~) t,,-ct hi& " .... itb II duct 5",CD lIT the rna, AbtnJtoc. £onn lnll qUadntt~t1ar toIlrt . '1"1' eu t
, r
,nd I~ 1 pai n nroc:turr, cont amlng l ilt- public: hall
Gr,., "',;/11'1', CI" Cu/lr« Clillrrl., b 8itn:atcd nl1 l he and d~_"l nn nlw IIndC- rntlllh; Ihe nnrlh ' l'lI,1 rornl'r
l'lI..t uf Ih·oad -.· Ireel. ,,,';11 i\1~riS('hlll Cnllel!l'. It i, i. ~ I<lfly "',i l!lln~ o(.II1'lorll'_ · on Ihe Ilnrth Ji.-le
u ld 10 ba~. bn"1l tr(ct~'Ill!y B j ~hop I)unbllrfor t he art dlt l" Iblk ",11001 alld Utrnrr,bill i. '''1'1' 't-
par1nltu tl han' httn ercrtlod ,l IKe 1M refilMU ' llon, t ucltli ns 1111 in(aut, and hay ing 1" '0 nai.:t:d chihl n'"
by draw ing a . -,ilima throullh Ih e cftllVt"i. wb leh li t ber k'CC . I II t" 'atlt ('III I" alto rdin-o. Th~ ,,;,,1
wuprcI'iuuly d(' ".ltC'~1 to r .. ll l1 luuM Im,...hi!.'. Un Iht: I.~ Oil t he 80."1:01111 11,lu r, and m~a" un'~ :\0 f," '1 in
loul h· wt.t ooruer i~ A lo fly "'Imuil lowt' r , ~lrC IlIt!lI ' IC II~ h , 191 ill h n· ~l' l b. ;\nd 12 f~"' l III heigh t. Th!~
1"IIi'd by btJ " n:_~, Rud t'tIr('~ wi th" flat roof, cdilicr wMl' rcncd in l7;l ~.iIj.~o ldin !l:. t u u pIau tie·
II.Yl n ~ 011 the 1"1' a IlIIIrl\IN'I , o ~r whk-h !\lrllllr.' ~ 11I "cd by ~ I r. J ;ltu .... (jlhll. , arcli ' I~'(:t, 1.1 ,I.e ......
(rom ,rlll.' h of itJ curlier! II . Up of 'Hmt' - wl'rk Ill'Iil)" rotu:te of :0001.
u.,."lDru ttd . 'llt_ , Iii'" nM.~ f I I .1", 10J' , Rnd (uTili 'I'M JIl~r",ur, is a large build lll!:. ~i lual··d a l lhe
(rIII r "~II a rchn. In iOlll:.llou " flln i ltlpt"rilll CruWII . \Yr.1 m ef o r lbe 10 1m, neilt U IIC\)m~ I O" ; it i. ,'er ...
011 1M fOp o f Ih ll i. a , lOut IlInh'rll, IUTluou ntl'd by Ir regular In OOIlJl'qlleDce o f ,;c"cr,il :atld i l ioo,~ , i'l
l nolhn illl~rilll (rOW" ,,( .oI1 one- work . " 'hh 'lI'lo'" whir h aa:om uJUdat" lII. more t hiln 1;1.011' b:.u lttT.,
aud croP. TIM' l ow~r (UrNlerl y OOll llliu..d I ,w.!
o f ~Iudiord. k it-lUll: 11('('11 UI:Ml1' att .....di u!!! 10 Ibe _~rolO'i"g
Ih il tL"t."II bell.~ . culI_~il'" 1I1'n..sitieo o f Ill.- 1I",lIu lioo. n ... mal" IHoi \d ul
T b.c ,vlu l-,I idc uf II>e tvll r l
of. "hU ll buihlwK. 11:1 fcet IUIIII'. "';111 a piau. 1111- ...»
('Olui lnlr.I~-d for MIoIt, lbe elL'l l " 'iug fot ~ 9:01. , a,,(t
Ik rll l~h ; Ihcl1: WlU _uck nl!, II r CMI llcll.o"c r a t .. M
eh I he 'III~II " ';nc for 4i6l. I i •. &t. 'fhe IUl6nolioll UII
cnd, but OUIl oul,. 00 ,,' rCII1 ' 1II ~. T he COIUIDOU hill! 1101' " p.:r:lli..., doo r, 6: e. ~""'I :.!UOI., a .. d tlt e uew ft ·
b OJ ree l 10118 lIy 2'l~ (~t' l hto.'ltI \ aud Is OllliUlM! llIed I'u_w ar'!! al~'II ' 7'00/.
wllh or 1I1liOOl'II £llIhlll ~It)ll , Duu U;u , &-c. L",..,i i< A I!lI..... T he hlnalle a>'ylu m ron, ilB
It b&i bltly uud cr Golle it lborough rt' l';air . '11M! I'OOUO o ( f WO huildin,n . o lleorwhkh WU ia 11lOO .
apl'ro"'~ICd fur Ilto librn.rr Is )1:1 f~'C:1 1" 118 . and 2!ij l he nlho:r in 1 81~. ' llIe iu!udkie,K'Y of IhI'
leelilivad , ba~j ug 1I;iJle riu. 'L1I': en><" tiull o r tlleac ltuildluJr lor the Ila rpotl'l of Ihe ill5lituli ... tl'odcriu!C
bllilWn.~ CO IUlUCUn.;,J a l.owl Ihe year I~ . lhe el't'~, ion ul a more 't*:ioIlt a.ud ('OlnnoodlotH
M"rudfld CoIIcf c. Thl. edi!\t:r(f)lU U!tI o ra plai D UUIl' . au "Joining l\( ld of Ihn't acrtt ""$
b.,ildi ng i 6 (cellull'(. alld:!'2 feel bn.ud, h;r,.lo,ll "IV
f'IIrr il»l'd . od an dtt~ 111 allIIn: t-rectf'd :a.rcurd-
" 'illg' attadu:d . 'Jilt puld ic ao:hool Ot'C1llpin I ~ loll' 10 a pta;1 sht n III by Mr. ,\ n:I, ibald ~im.'ICII", ar·
gmuu d flou r or llit-' I' rludlllt.i bu lld i"f,; tbe publk chllt'('l.
hal1 l~ 011 Ihe 11" . 1 l100t, a 'id IbtI Ii ' rllry Oil Ihe 'rile I'oor, ' lI~pii,, 1 i~ . illl.l l ed I., till' oa n" "",,,.III·.
lhinl. '111C wio!J routalu iodl llll' (Qt t hr ee o( till! and \Va." l",rch:IJIl-d In -1818 , ror !/:.ot. TIlt u,t~li"p
I'ttlfa..... n . Ihe dM nlty· hlllr, ehu. ·room. , &c.- I>{ l he nt:l!lne i u~t1tutioll • • a,·h'gs· ~pt , :alld OIb.:r
U jlUu l be lOp of Ihe IO'I' U win r l here "" a8 ctKttd, II I llIJi l illl!l(HIS. 111ft btld In l hi! bo~ pi l .. l .
Iho: el JI<:IIK of !o.. rrumcnl, In 1191, an o~w ry . Tltt Mtdlr. 1 Suen.,·' 11. 11 .. oppoeile SI. All'
Iu liat " l ODe ... II N:h Dr. Cot'bud had c R' uu d rew', d\;Il'.:I, K i llA'"IU~t"l i die fl'l)ftl bei llS orllll'
Cit.~t1c·hlll, 10 liS l , aud .. Incb Waf tab" du"'U. IIleoted ... il h a pan ko ol f..IIr loo lc oolu lllo, _!i rt"C\
III ordu IMI Ibe Il\N.Illd mllAI be cleared lor !be hlJb. Thb buildlligeoll llhlJ I ll bral1lud n,uae\llU.
t rttl ioo o f Lh .. mi Itary IIIr..;..:t. " oow lllandl , (n;wI al' rre room ror lbe 1IIft'IIII p 0( Ihe lIOC'i e' y, cum·
iI. Cicr.Utd liluatioll, au tll lc !l4i. e lON,pea, bellig ",llIee room l .te. II " ... built 10 1818 al a eo~ t of
aboul 1b1r (CCI abo,o: the leTel o( Ihe cottrl . 'I'M ~/. , Uld dOtIlffll trtdh 10 l he a bilil k>, o( l\I r .
.,riod...,t roow I, 48 (ce l by 18. 1 ' lcrc arc ffI:'I cnd .'\ rchlbald S'"'PIOO, who (\arol!i hcd Ih er.hlu.
~weots dttaebc<l {roB! llie priudpal bulld¥aa:.
1_lr, alaborato9'. a roo.""
7'M ,..'Uc A~, .,. euu l, J 00»" , :l . t ry
appropriated 10 Uil r~aa l"buiJd illl!l. mtrntted chif-ftr ror Ihe t.cct>lIlW .. -
prorO'allOr of dltwl$l17 ucI oue Cor Ibe ,..o"-or d ...To II of the uni.ed n>ttlin¥' of lhe COtl ll lll~ o f
of :Anatomy. in .... hid l 11~ drii re r ketia~ . altO a _\he~!I. San", Khlt'oU'dlue, aod ForD-r , are Ii.
d l,...:Jl inl-bi.Hue. OCl'IIpicd by Ihe tlO'Oooll,·p lt:'"-tII •• matl'd In U.kto~II't'!'I , _ r Ille CUlr:lot'\: or lb.
The lrealer pari of th~ prtle nl tdltu:.: was e~lro I ....'ll fro.., the ' HU lh. T hl. edifice i!; ,I«ur:lh'ol wltb a
aboul lho: rellr 16i6, alld Ihe ~-;\.'I ",iu l!: in l i~ 7 , the.- porl io-o o f ~ix N IIIIIIIII tof the: I ... ,i( o rlk.·. Illirt'· f.'t·'
prillCipal p;o n ofl hcol'is;illill blilld illlo-s harillll bt\'11 In Itdt:!". alld projt'('11 ns: ten G.-a fmlll Ihe -" ~tJ]_
de~ lroJ<'d by orl.' ill 16:19. T h" entrallC\: to Ihl' T he l)rlr",--i I~'1 rn lrllun:. nm"'r Ihe f'orl ico. lead,. Ion"
Wllr! II from Ihe l·a.! . idc o( II rD.\d-lI r~t:t , lIea r l i,r a n Oll ter .-c:.tlbule h,-Iu,!: a lti)chl .. I ~il ~h' IIIIt-O\IIiIIiC
G ;uIQw~ e. IUl he !f\'aDd ll3it,nn. wh lrh I•• ill)· fl'C'1 I" Ic .. ~th m,il
1'1Il! C r tlllllll fU .<;t:lmol i~ a II I'," modcrll bulld1nIJ , IW'·"I 1 fwt i u bn·"lilh. Rud I~ ,lId ded ili lu , hr.-.:
(vrnliog lh l'l!t' ! ide. of:t. "Iltare , w it h :r. be l(ry iQl ilt' l·III11 f"l'lltIe u .. b, dll ll'\\ IOIl!t:colluIU "I. wil h " rn~'
n:lllre. It colII:t.IU!lI I'ubfic 1000ll, lIud fow ' leachlo!! ",e ", Itd ClIj,ITah , alld cvrrnpondi"!I: piIOlH II'N. ' r ltOl
rOOOl1 011 one lloo r ; I he ICilch i,,!!! ",om! Ioa,·c ~ II cen l re j>ln b Ihi",--....o 1'«1 hl, h, :t.\Id Ihe CCiJi ll jf
lau:ly enlatJSo:d by 1"'0 :tddiliulI:iI " illp at Ihe hac k I~ I dOlUc II nb hed · ... hlt c"lI'e rlll!. In Ihc mi. I.! I" .. r
Ofl~ bu; ldln$.' 1111' ;"rra lll froll l i. clidOllt.>d IIfa Ihe: biliidilll:, aud ol'tni ll ( hlto Ihe l"klf)lI . tlor"ud . :t
10'" ,,':111 ha.1n! ,III irom .... i1 .m lbe lOp. 'l'hiJ IOCI'I!t'U or rol"" ... ~. iJ II ~1>aC'i"'l ~ !f.dkry " r !'I'UW<' "
w ildin! at ;alltl~"," »oarl ,,( Iht: I( ,uu lld ,.hich (" n IlHI)' .lIlc. ~en' U I\' f~c I In \cue l h. fin i,he.I,,·ilh rll~ , "· r .• •
bt-Iou~ 10 Ihe Dumillic:." (riar', " mI i. l il ualcd a ll,I :a" ;Irrl;,·.! Aud f"lIIcJkd rdli"". " '·'''''" I" ul .
ili l hat pari u rlhe 10wlll·"liL-d Ihe Schoul _hi ll. eal ~' ull Olle: l i,1t: wi lh Ihe b.,1i m..... . ... hid, i. "" ...·lIly
TrtJrlf" Ifwp;luf. Till. hosph al W3! (ou lldt'(i in f~'e t lUllg' . Ih iI1)'- ril' e (eel broad. und Ih irlv- ri yc r....·t
1632, by Dr. Goul d, Qll t' of Ih c towlI'J miu iltc r" lIud h i~ h , nlld 0 11 .hll OI.btr ,I d,· . " 'i llt III " "II'I!!.· '" or
lflerwardg pri ucip;'1 of I\ iug'. eolll·!(I'. It con~b l l rct'rcsl""en l·roolU . which I, u ~'1 ua rc o r Ih r l,· rull r
(I( 1",'0 ftoo,." tI,e uPller or w hich I~ occupit'd ;ll a fl'l'l ; Ilic r;m l .al.lOu, w bleh I, a rOl uud;a , ( ""'\tllII _
haJI, 'III'IIt:rc Ihe lr.We. bold Ihcir meet iu!,. The hal l " iC-oUd wil h Iblol roonl. II b o rn;ll neuted "'lth l'llI JIl
i~ G4 r,'t.'1 loog , Ii fee l bro.ld, au d 11 fn: t bi,h, aud dil led COri1l1h1;,1II cu lllUlnl Ilid oorn'8pu udill l: 111Ia..
l"Onlai ll~ OSC..., ....o.Il'Orl .... h.. The grou ud 800 r i, H I 11'1'$. orl'r "" hirtt tlte 1... labla lute fo tu,t " cin:le " f
IIp;utt'or school.rooml amIQ1hcrl'u, PO$(:,, I II Iht lloirl y· iuw- It''1 dlamo:k r. fm m Ilb irh 'I" 'hlp Ihe
Ihe yClot 16.13, Or . Gould \fl~' "t o;:d 10 Ihe 1II~lUbt' r~ 01 ,'('iii .., III f"rut o f a f~t doUle . ",il h elShl (:11111-
Ihc lown 's cOl pon" io u~ (be monoulCn' ami Ol her par"'I ~lIu, tlll.fudcd 10 lit fi lled wh h :llllu·Of!ri.t"
IlrOllCr l! . wh ich had forml'rh' belnnged Ii, Ib e monk , 1,;ohIl Jnp. Wu hlu lh~ COIIlIlIll! ~rl' {"" r "I!lt.Cluul
uf Iho: I oil' T ri"; I)', fur lloe bt' ue til of Iheir ili dilll'UI r coc.... lor " , wit h u l<:he~ iu Ih.· w ft ll 1Jch!lId .
brel hrt" . The l ow n coulicl i al ~o ga,'" 1000 lUeru, '111l' e lld of l be jCl.llery Opt' llft illlo Ihl' ball ll'\l' t ltl.:'
i lld tile dilfttt:nt .:oqoOn. t lon~ lllaUe lillenJ cou,u l- room lI.... icb II of Ihclll4 '"11 o.\ i," ,·.,.I.. " , wilh t he llall
billiOn" rOOIll ~ tbe ..,.11. afe llni$hed w illt l,i lasll'r 10 lm ila_
Ro6n1 Gordon·,.n O#pilul II a neat bIIiJdill!, eon· IIl1ioll' "f :Siclilia IIla r M.... wilh .. n)~ .. lctll td ClI .. i l al~.
' ;"iI!! or three 81orin , !il'lated ill tbe uo rther," ex· 1 111' 'III'hole rOrin • • ~u i lco(fi rOO-,NS openl us 11110 cil~h
t remlt y 0( alilrge p nle ll , 011 the ground a uclt!nti r o l he r b.' foldill!j:dootl, alld 11....,..." l i ,, ~ .. i. u. 1111' ("II
p ,_ailed "r tbe iJuru ill l(:ln rrian, School-hil l. The It'u!(th i.( Ihe hull.lilil. T he l'lprO!lIlJl l' fI><"lio ll 1\';1_
Icu!, h ill 116 feet, alld ule brratll h :t.1 j f«I. A 11 ,.'. 001.; :",,. III~ f"'II"hll iou ~1"lIt· w:t.~ I.,iol Uti '1'
u la ll li andlIOntC 81,11'1' , C1)v.:n :d wilh Jc:Ml, fi~t. rro ul 26lh (I f Allr il , lti:.'O, by Ihc It;,"t Il uli. Jail"" t::a, 1
Ihe rc ntR of Ih e buihliu\f. III a uieho: 0"'" lha. prlu· of t·ifl'.
t'i loal e nl r allce is a wbite Illarb le name o f t he bril l!' Tile /I"r~ur". Jil llm .~1 on Ihe ( 'a~II.·-"i11.;8 Ihl('!t
"ule ul (oll uder, w it h I!, rcw..ue tipre 011 bis left, 1111 for tIM: ru:"~lI i~' II"e u f ~i l Immln·J luell , al_
15 !
'h(Jugl" M'(V",tw~ tu I~ IWIAi IlkIIk uf miiiW, lilt" I A...uc"'~ "f~lIu, ill lJi d nil, ;
:IN'(If11mtNtalkm , II ;$ capable of routailllD.( dHUIJlc 8il.1cand M i~i"II;I.t)' _~lI!II of II,e A~Ij..l\u,..
tbi_ nmntocr ; theTC i~ 1.11 UcdrCM~ boI'~ilal allllCbed 'M.r r"lIgr~IIo!,;. Glk-oNl'lo. C~J.·I o! f:~ .~a-
10 iI, .ituat.....1 0 11 an adluh,luJ( bill. TIlt' buihlinil or ~l<IJ<>tI ; A.....a.moll lor' .Pr~1U1 'il;m~'IY
Ihe I~UT'/d: ""nl~ in li9-1, lind ....:llj Auillllld In alUou4 '''''' Je",.; A~ e Pbihwuu o"tUf Soc:'c1r /.
1m ; the upt.'UOf: of orredius alld till h'8 np _ aot.llho: AWn/een Hibt!tlli.... .u.oriiltiou, iu II
lboo l III,toot. ; the huopila\ WIU encted to 1 ;~9 at. tJ:r,t ~, Hllterulan :;'>('iely _
(0)1 "rllbomt 2,0001. fri,IftI'1I .5«if'fitw.- Thc 1,lute, ', or Dyers'; ''!C
'J'IIt 1 '1t""' rt, In ~b.ri.'!('hlll.5Iret'l . I, ftni~htd 111' Sblp M II!ll cr~'; the Na"..,w W,"!l4 - tile I'or .. n~ ;
'<"ry ,~.( uylt , :uld h u fI(":'OlIlIllOtI:,tlo" fnr 1I1~'11I Itt t ~ r~ IIntl Wil!" :'l IMe'" ; 100 "\ ucllWll~ ; ~ It.·
Ii.!: hUlidrell P<'I"IiIII~ ; Ih ll 1'r«1;OIl ~o~ t lIu.r :1,0001. Old AbrnJ,fi·u · IlliIl . 11e ~I """D" I..u<Igt'», 01 1I'lul:~
'rAt C",f(}M IIwu, M ~ll;II bUil4ill l(", IJ ~i(u,.ted 1ht:t1.' an! niue; bnid.., _Ie OIiw Sode .id.
Otl we Qua)" Illid 1I.. ~r lilt boll olll ur Marl.clml·II. TRdD.E AND OO • • EROZ: . ,.... prrrt of A!I(-rd_ b pll1k:u1lrl, ....eR'.itua.m
CRAllI'%" ABLI:, 4i-.It r -"J:VOz.J:1Uo R.rrOmmrrri:il I II' trl'6ur~ " !11f Ihe ;,oriKru pwrtt
ZN87'I'rUrIONS, "c. uf EUI1I,r' ••"d II .bo partlriptttH ill' ~ t ban
1>~Ii .. d uoel.ticlu.-Abcrdti,n ~Im~ Lod..e' o( tr.te wi.l h Amerlc, .... d the WN t 1!Ill"". S...'t-
t he Iiolioun.ble Cltlb, or County Cfllb ; GOlf (:lu1l " ral Whale,fiJhin, COI:IIpt>QIH ollTtal ~tUil~t7
11K' I lnlu.'II M ~.iDg of 1M Couullel nr Abt.nh"rll , a'e dia.bli~hcd h err "bO ~!H07 • " limber fl r ,hlrs
•·.., lIall8", alld Kin('ardiDe; ,\I,,'nlt'en~bire In thai tnld('. 011 ItI' IIlInh tllk o( Ihe t1Ilran~ tn
At::1~1I1 1" nl .\ ",.n:.lioo; ~orlhO'(n Pulled Sen'icc lloe harbou r •• Illit -,o ne pkr ntend$ 111'11 Ihou~lId
t:filll' a,ul, h,· "benle..,a Highland ::socit"l1. fo:,u i6o.u. 'IMo oIfOl. 1M ellthe ~ of ~",nlle;
P"lti(' SrI",<>".-nit (iramu~'r S"hool ' t bl.' Writ- many or d ,r flnn~'f of the oll l.ri~ wall.llre u!' ....."'.,
i,,!! Olud .\ rilh,"t:li~ l'~ ho"l; .ht: EI!~lbll .::l~bqoll ' the ,,( Ih"", 10111 I" W"lfll l, with dte.<llttl b;:d., 11m' 5r -
O,.... "nn:lr!khOl'I . I) "I A~ldl'CU . l h .. ~·("'I<IT:e!!.d:I.IO) . l.el'lllJy IOU ht '''''g. The "'''lIle OJ! Ihil 11",,,,1
. ",I ,h.. Tnw,'o' 1'<:ho"I , ' • .kre ;.f 11I:\.."\Inr1 forlU~ out ,.,1111 ma." , . nll II an
I .if er",', Sl'Icirtifl.-' ' 'eSoc:ielly fl'r 11I'",'O"elll(',,1 .......' ., II!l'1lI uf Ihe lun" b.;I1C' lIfial hnporllll1", 10
III 1'11\,,;1 COilIPII, ir iOl U, WlJ furm~Ju. ~Il)" IWI . II... ~hlPjllllg hll l.'"'~t_ or Ihe poll . 0 11 'he ul'1l0tl W
II,,' ·ri .roIOl(i(";l.l 1.;bra., ~...m notumt .," r;oo , ' 't~ IldI!bf '~ .,.II'l'l\IlCtAl'\1tf' barl~lIlr, III a bn-a!o:WR,er,
W,.ill.,..· Socie', "':111 u",' li lu.l.W III 11!:l 11 auJ II", v. "I~I \.P. r~l~ fWIlI llae I.ntl :.bout ,r:lp;ht hnud"t'
!\Itdim -Chlnll',II:i(31 Sociel)", 111 \i8'). rrt"!, 't,itllM" 10 Iht. nonh",.fd t'w ~'itr". -,:o»"IIJ
Rf""i,,t' " " ,' .\"l"" RQI!O/W.-·I' ... ,\ .IK'''~UOlI lliD - ~ . I he d"",uel o r tbe barbov, alllt b ... S, n l
ale in CMlle ·nr«I , ct>~I ... rill" all the n .. ",~ r abk I JIIn'ttlion r....IR tbe ,'iolrun: of ut:r. . ~ lhe
rlClI'l:ral>C'I'I , .nd DIaUf of the ptriodil",u .,.",l~ )lillo, I ~1I1111·""'-~t . ' III the 11I'('rioW' of tht ";arbom a D.·...
IIlhe III l..ondmo a,:d t:dillbu~". lIlI!l :tu "xlc".in: \\'Io;arful'"'artl~ o f nine hUlOll n:<! (....·1 io le",lb. nm -
fi)1!ec:tioll OfIDilI"!' &c.; Ibe F.uh:an¥C 1'<.·.... 1100111. ",111'1'. al/lUS' ihe "Mlrn aide or .-:Io:al Is lerlllw Ibe
U" lon -~l rtel . iii ~n e.>1\iblio hlUl"nl si,IlIL,r 10 llof t nlllC, h:... ~II COIllI,lct('d, 31111 15 all txcelknt at -
AI ~mellm, llllli iJ h.,,,,l.;omdy ii \ll-d up : rIK·...· are r UD,uloo:ati"u. A fille ':'1;a1 1'''"1 fr?w lhe quaT. (or
~. h O 'trr IInc. b .. lI~hl"''1!. Tflere an: "I .... IIUiJll' I(lII:O ;a. ltllF'lh of cighleo'll un .... III the. rwrr Do". i'h ls
(; m:ulallllll",lbr",,('.<, hl,\! ili) 0-""'(111 c:ana l wa.~ "Pf "I~1 III Ihe )'!'iIr 1807.
" <»pil"I, . ,.:"d'I~"u"t$ , ...·c.-Gonlull·. II OJ.'\!itaJ; II .. "~dc lind P'o llOrli>l]y dt:e p, "nd gre... tly ~'
Ihe I)oor'~ lhMj,i!al; th e Infirm;ar)'!' Ibe "U"Alk ,:ouragt:Ou5 It, l Ilt: rr:••lle ,,( the "nullITy.. The pnl"
A~.) l u :n; 'he I rl'~OIr I,,,":\tle ... ,!II) UIII ' IIbhol" s eljllt:l ll11p1)rtatlotlll 11110 At..: nkcII (!I)ualftl ~ wheat
1I,,~ ph al i )I}I~h('I.I'~ ilo>l,jl:aJ' Gyatd l, (; han l, 1I;1Id !lo"t, bM'I Cl, rUlli, g~11C'1\. br~:ldy. t ':"II,eb,
:iehool ; r haon! I.:h:vlr v Sehoo~ ; oal·ld~'m·. Cba- l'ij1:'lII l1lo. ·.,wI P.o rtuHII~~t "'II""" ; t llg"~I' lind Scoldl
rit)· !l('hlJul' Ihe l l ui lf'd' t'ulld ; lidrflfll'j fund for to-m, _oIri , n.Il,' lOb.,('I.'O, ilL', 'huber, &~.. The
tht l'Ollr 01 Ab.!rd«u; IIlIrll<'''''; 1';(.\IIOCr 1.ulUlI Lo:. l"J:p?rll arc ~18, w,·. . I. ~:,hn"n. li llg , Muckllll!:'
t ',md i. I' ri.ooll ·C I"11'1~i" "1100; ;aud ,lac ''V''lum (ur woolhill doth ,' Ii Urll" , I ~("'~, th n1llls, !IOIlU, e_
die 8 ri lld. . & .... Then: ... rc IlIlIny ''t:n' Itn~"rlll.llt "'1,ablioihOlelll~
'Ole l'ubllr In. lil11''oJl,' are l be \'~ille [n~ljl u - illlhe to ... " lind 1tII" icill'l)', .ueh N ""'1' larlr (;0"
fielD!' the ,""" "u.! III_ lilll llnll r"r• •IIe Ed ut"Alioli of tu" :'.Iillll, 1.11It1' lIo<! W"tllI~ 11 )Iamlra>:turit'~, ~x·
,he I a t alltl I)"'nlo ; :aud .he Sao",S~' Ibu:'. le,,"".-e l'hreat!""d Tlljle Worh, Colt on l'rl D~ III'
R,,,~,..Jt"f ml'I IIMIRIlJl~ •..:...·;~/¥'•.- Soc;...\ fur th... I loud HleKh Wllrlt~ , I·~J.'C' :'IliII!, Iron l"nulltlrocl.
Child rr ll of t he Clclll:! . Siel;, ;\(:/11'; .' rk'ud i. t'e' Ship VII'•• IlrclI'ni,'~, I.e. which 1;"1' cu> plo)··
lIlale S.o<'ic'[.fur Ihe I tiler or ,-\0:«1 all d ~u4wnt IIIt nt to a .\I't"~ sha n ' IIf the: .... orUug e :wEe.<.
","uUlell ;; A nll''''11 Clo,h;'lg Socit:l~; the [.alii...' The fishhlll Irolde i:l .. cry e,; leoei"e,lIl1d !IIay he
. '11 ",1;; 1m, lkne'.:olc:.ul~~t.l' I ~ I'all- lI aliled ill Hure d...un,";l the whalt: I15hi llg , the
ve r, I..lImtk: t-lI"d' ~' ITI(' RI ~1\'jry ~ t'l'tDlle 111_ ~al 1llnl1 li!lhill.lf, and Ibe "hile Ii~hjug. Tbe ,&J uwu
du~t t )· ; alult'ao'e I) I~l'cnsa e!'. . ' thm ur e;o.1IS1i1 i n I ho' Oon:wd Dec, ha"e 10118 been
. "~"" ctl/;~II ,,"o('f'Iit'l.-:-Tbc .\ berdd~ II,Sllud~yS chooi cell',1ml ted l ur ,)1111;1)' :lU!\ .huIlUai.ce. TI,e wlo\l\l.
Soc:lt'l r; ~,d ll(':a."un ~~Ie lr ru l' r rollwllug !,;duca.ion lI~bl11g ('IIIIftiHI In Ih u lakml o r I~hlock . COO l l urn
tin lhe H-I e n. of )IuIUilI 'l U\ructluu ; FCUla.\e bot, kallibul, &C, of "hklt lh ere ;. It'uera! J a n
l' r houl "r l udll"tr)" Ul1i<1l1 " e''''~t; Felll"lc & hool abtilldltul mJlJ!l y ill Ihe mark,·!. ~ l lIeh J!nt.i!e: 1ft dill'
,,( iudll,"'~'· . Ch.I'oukle- looe; amI th e ' \II,;'lia'1' SIt-- to 1111' III~i1ltratt" or Ihe city for the .ellCOtitile ,
drly fort.du c:"'"" l!lc r oor In Ihe ll ighlDlld! a nd w eIl l Ihey hare gihu 10 the po'Ople ...hq..... ~­
b l:uld. of & ulialul. ploy~d in Ihb ptI",uil' • collawOdiqu$ 1011" bait
Hrlipovl !:incidiu fur Ill<' purll(l!e or aidiug Il>e , laldy bte D trrrto:o.l IIlr '.IK: l\CromtllGd&tiott 0( the
)!t'ntral dlll'u.ion n r rl'lic:iout kll(l" .. I~d~\·. Ii, : -IWO h b.. rrueD ... OO their (:ulline.· II I. , i.uaI..d lIellr Ihe
All xiliary ~lIuion:lr, SocK:liC$; Melhodi, t M ~ion - lUouin or the b:uboour , aud ailed t'uoHI..:e,
af1' ~k ll' ; ,\ uxlli'tJ Sockt)· ill aid "r Ihe 1\:a.l' li-1 -
Mi~ilHl.' ' :l'llllfthlliOU , alld ~ehtlOl~ ill illd i~ i Fc- . T he clltir.. parhk of S t. Nichol», Al/{'rde('lI, iD
male )1"~10Ilar, ~ty; AlIlI;il4r, lliblc SOl·I .. t)' ; IS'!I , ~u.l1li nt-d ~.~St iu l",bil:llll.; :loti adJoiuill8'
t'uo tdteR,bIeAuon~t,ion ;:llarllle:U1b[c t'~tiuQ; to fhi~ p~rl~h, !lonla ..... "tI, is Ille parl.til of Old
Fcmale: Il lble t\!.~ud~IIUU, Female Sq~an' S"eil·ly. ) 1:lClaar. (~v"t:ai "ing Ihe Uld t:1ty o( Abenl«n )
1'1 . Nidtul;t.:! ' -I;anq \\Ii~~IOD'~1J ~O(:kl)' ; Trilli', . 101' pornla.ioll of "bleh ~i ..g 18,3 12 pl'lldutU a
ellapel " !Sud.itiull ; ~()('leI1 fOr r t'oCiUlin8: Chr it· toUil 4.1;:16 perto ... rClli!lo'lI! ill ... bt:rd«· II.

POST OFFIOi:~ 43, tJllioil-lItree!~:;-Alexauder
Robt. Grav, J;"ues Gordon Oeo. Massoll, and Wm.
• Henry LUllls;{eu, csq . •-IdvGcate, A!!Nlt/fJr PO!I OfficI!.
Ll1'IdlJn, Perlh, Edin/)'{l'g" and SOllth Mail arrives every afternoon at t!lrre, amI i~ despatched cverf night
half-past eight. InulJl"nt'.$8 l\Jails-onebv way of Old Meldrum, Bauff, St.c., the other bv way of KIlIIOrCj
and HUlltly, to FodHlhcr~ a<-rive, en~ry' nifl(ht from half-past six 10 eight, and are 'despatched cv."ry
a/'tertl04U1 atJour. Pe(('>'heo(CMail, by Mintla,w and Ellon, arril"es every afternoon at three, and i~
despatched every aftcr'llOOn al foul'. Killeuniinl' Q'iYeil Mail, by Banchory.anive~ en'ry aftenllJuli
at half-past two; and, is despatched every afternoon at foul'. SI.ffle and A(fQrd 1Iiail arrives e"enf
aftl'tnllon at half-pa>t two, and i~ despatched ""l'ry afterooon at four. Margcuiler and ~ai~.
arril'e3 every Monday, WedU611day, and S1lturday lIf1ernoon at three, and is d""tJatched Ihe aflt:.J::-
noon at follr. . .
Non. All u-ttersJor LDlllion, South put into
eight atnigid, and thOl!c (or Inverness the the ·... ou",b
CII.llno~ be forww'ded Illat night.
LeIters arc dclh'el'ed from half an houy to a~ bour, afler tile arrival ~{ the several Mails.
Money Order~ for trllngmiltiuj{ smaU ~um. under a/. 58. are granted and !laid b.y thl' clerk. (1'0111 10 1ill 2•.
NoT!$. 1"01' the dep!utun: of Foreign MailBt see Po~t Office account. Londu~ Dh:cc!ory.

;:£;""O.1z ·or WORsBIP,

Placu of IYtmhip Situation. Name, OfC/M'"mf'lf.
\vest,., .•.••.. St. Nicholas' -S'U·CCI ............ . Rev, W. L. BlOwn, DD.
Town', Churche. { East..•••... '•. St. Nicholas' -street ... ,. ... • ... Rev. Geo,G1enllh:, DO.
Rev.James Foole
Rcv. John .Murray.
Old Ma.cluiIf .... ; •• '~ .... , ........ Old Abel'deell ..••• , ............. . Rev. pro Skene Ogih1' '
Re,'. Dr. Patrick For[)('s
College Church •• ,·., ••••••.••••• ~ .... " ..."""'u._,.~ Rev. Andrew 'fawRe
St. Clements*· ......... "".* ... ~·.~ .... 1j~. "l" ..' .. ~ ....... ,., .. ~".~ .. l. Rer. John TholIjSOll,
~el~ont-st Chapel ..•.. , ........ . ReilllO,nt:etreet ................... Rev. Joll» 13ryce
1 rlm!y .. , .•.•...• , .... .,., ••.• Ship-row ....................... VlICaul
Union .... " .................... . Ship-row .......... , ............ lkv. Wm. Lvoll
GUcolllaton-st Cbapel, ...... .. GilColllstoll, .......••••. ' .•• , ..• Rllv. J!IDleS Ridt!
St. Andrew·s.................. .. King-street, ...• ' ............ " ... Rev. Wm. Skinner, B!~hOl"
. Rev, Wm, !JrowlIing .
St. Paul·s ....................... . 61, GaUowg;lte••••..•......•••• Rcv. Jain!!:! Corruuer
Rev. John Br.Qwn .
St. John's Golden.square ••..•...••• :-: ...••. Rey. Palrlck Che}[ne

Independent .................... Pi'illtfield....................... Rev. NeilMc Kechnie
Ilidepclldelll ..... , ............... Shiprow...... , ......... , ...•• It!',·, Peter ~oss
Enghah Baptist., •. ' ...... , . , .. •• U ilion-terrace ................... Re'·. John Gilmour
Scotch Baptist... , ............... Nethcrkirkgate.................. Various
Wesleyan Methodist........... , .. Long Acre ..•.....•... , ..•..•.• , Rev. Rd. Tabraham
Rev. Benj. Alldrews
Sailors' ......................... . Quay ............................ Vario.U3 '
Catholic Chapel. .......... , .... .. JUlItlCe:slreet., •... , .•.. , ••....•.. ~e.!': Chas. GOEdon
IS .iIl e M~~tmg
. ................ . Howbndge.. . .. . ...•...•.•..... varl,<lUs
oClety off neuds .. " .......... .. Gueslrow ....................... Vanow;.
Gaelic .......................... Gaelic-lane ................ ,. ,,,, .• Rev. Hugh M.c Kenzie
Ori.ginal Bur/Sher ................ Nethl!:rkirkgal.e .................. ~ lJ.ev. Wtn. Prlwlose
V lUted AbiOClal.e Synod ..•.• , .' .. St. Nicnolss' • lane................ Rev. Henry AIl,g~s
do. do' do. Oeol'gC-streei. , ... , .............. Rev. JamcB Stlrllug
Associakl SynOd, ................ .............. ·· .. Rev. Jame~ Templeton.
Original ADti~aurgher ... " ..•. ,. Skene-terrace ........ , ........... Rev. Johu Aitken.
Relief.••••••.. , ••..•..• '....... Andrew's-street •• " .' ....... Rev. Samuel Mc Jl.hllan
COIl&-reglitional Union ..•....•.•• nf'Or'lc-sfr'eef .................... Itev. AI~x. Thomson
do do. ' .•.... _ ........ Rev. Rich:~~'d 'Pcllmau
do do Rht<'k,fria,!'s-litr,eet ........... , ... , Rev. James SpEltice

u 153
.4Hz:, ~OWN COUNCIL. !itld ill lite Rero)'d-Iwll,' ellery secomi MoodilV·
Gavin Hadden, esq. Provost. The Aelill{1: J US'icC5 of the Peact', JudJ!'~g;
FranCIS Gordull, Principal Clerk
Dailin ,Alt:x. Tholll. and Alex. Miu:hdl, Depute
Jllmel Millie, e~q. John YOflllg, I"~q.
Alex. Stewart, esq. '. James Brcllncr, es'l. NBW COUBT-HOUSB
Gro. Thomson, esq. I)t<an of Guild AND .TAIL COMMISSIONERS.
A lex. DUU"'lIII, C5q. Ireasurer Named hllthe Cctlml!1.
Mr. Robt. CaitO, Master of Shore Work~ . John Robert~olJ, of Foveran
Mr. Oro. Lyall, Mas/eroe Kirk and Bridge Works DUllc~n Davidson, ofTiIlychetley
)11'. Oeo. Henry, Master of Mortifications Adam Cumiue, of Hattl'ay
Mr. Oavin Hadden,juli. l\Iast~r of Guild Brethrell'~ Patrick Kilgour, of )Voodside
Hospital Named by the City.
IIferc/umla' CIMUlcUIoI'.4. Robert Harvey, of Braco
:\ll"x. Brown, ell!]. James Hadden, e~q. D:I.,·id Butcheoll t Adl'Ocale
Wm .•1{)IHl~tOll, ~q. Alex. Simpson, eilq.· James Grant, Aavocale
John Maitland; c5(j\ Peter Macfarlane,esq. Jumps Gordon, Merchant
1'nules' CQllnf!ilfll1's The Bridewell Commissioners, and the Members
DE':\COlI WITI. Spark, watchmak£,I' for the Coullty and DiI!trict, arc also Jail Com-
Deacon James Williams, COOpt'!' missioners e.r:·ojficio.
Alex. Dalllley, LLD. Asse~~hr
Wiilialll Carnc*ic, Town-Clerk Wm.lunt'5, of COllrt House
James Hardie, I'own Clerk Dellule, and City C~m­ AI~l':' BI'OWII.
~rlail~ BRIDEWELL.
Alex. Cadenhead, Procurator-Fiscal Comml'8WlItTS E.r-o.J!icio.
John Smhh, Architect, Sllperint~IIUellt of Works
Member of Parlhuuent for the County
MIl.QISTBATBS AND COUNCIl:. Ml'llIher or Parliament for the Ahel'ut'ell DisU'ict of
Provost of Aberdeen
Principal Will. Jack, DO. i'l'ovo;st Sheriff Dt'pillC of Aberdceu~hil'e
Dailies. COlII'eoer of the County
Dr. Gordon Geo. Prilllero'!~ Convener of the Incofporatioll5
Ale;;:. Thomson Profe~'or Scot t Named &:1 the County.
Robert Ro$s, Trea>'lIrer P. Farqllharsl)tI, of Whilehnu"c
Mere/wats' Councillol's. Charit's Bauuerman, of Kirkhill
Caplain :\Ic IUlles J()11lI [lcrer[y Alex, Dtllhi<l, of ftllthric~lOH
Jamrs Irvine John fnilll' John Garioch, of Heal heot
W. GernnJ Profc,sol' Tulloch Xomed bV tile Cily.
Thomas Leask i\lex. Dalgallio Bailie Jame~ Miloe
Trm}.es' CQuncillors. Baili", John Young
Hobert Gray Alexander ¥i<ltl'l!s Hailie Alex. ~t(,wart
George Gmt> J.ame)! Ciark It,,ilie Aiel(. DuHrie'
John )fllller Dr, Fordvcc', of Cul~h, Vi~itillg Justice
Thoruasl3.urnetl, Arll'oeal ... , Clerk ami TJ'~",.urcr
SHEIUFF COURT. James WatSoll, Governor
Hetel Oil IPedl/&ld<J!f$ ami Fridu!!". CQ'S'f'OM. H.o',(},Sf:.
16, Quw.
Ald. More, e~q. CO!l~ctOI'
JOllll Shu, Fir>;! CIeri;
George 8im, Second Uerk & Warellouge·keepcl'
,\ kl'. Lyall, C;olltplf'oller
(3eorge Clark, Clerk
Robert H':lldcl'~on, Sun'e)'o" & Comptroli.illg Sur-,
vevor of \Val'eAOtl~l'S -.
John Stewart, Hoh!. Smilh (& Searcher), Ale!(.
COMMISSARY COURT. Duthie, nuu James Oli"cr, !.and·waiter:s
And. Murray, Principal Orlando H, Wilson, Title-Sllf\'eyor
Dr. Dauney and Wm. Kelllledy, "!';'I. Deplllc3 I:I Tides!U(' II , 4 Boatmen, I COOI't'l', & 1 Messenger
Alex. {ionloll, {;Iel'k James Greig, Weigher .
Wm. Simpsoll, Procurator-Fiscal CharielS R€'id, Locker
Court Dags, Wedoe~day ami Friday
Geo. Thomson, esq, Dean of Guild
Gray Cal1)pb~ll, esq. Collector
Aa.les$oys. Jaml'S "'orbe5, Clt'lk
Hailie Jj\m{'s Millie llailieJollll Youu!>. Fir,11 Dilfl'ict.
Robert DUthie Will. J.,hw';ton John Oliver, SI1\lt'nisor . ,
Robert Brown Alex. Galen . Officers
Alex. Hadden John Whyte . James Saun;!er~, George :S~iunel', Wm. SIVlI!1,
Hoocrt Robert \VilJk Alex. Gray •."le.:-;;. Strachan, Wm. HaiH:o,
Andrew Wm'. ~.lie Arthur Hrchner, au<J Hugh ~08~.
Gco. of Guild's Ollie Sef?'u! /)i*ict. .
I\. Hunter, Sll!ler\'l~or
Franri~ Gonion, Clerk Vr(', G~o. Roi>ert!\Ol.l, Will. B'llnd,
Alex, Tholll, lIud Alex, i\litchell. Clerks W. W. Bim~!I, Dan, Frasl'r,)1. GiIlel'pie,
Ak:{. Thomson, . ~1. Hally,Jn, Weir&JIl.Lennox .
Mr. 'f~ Baird
EXCISE PBRlfUT O"I"OE. - A lex ..Miilie'.
OUVI'.I!'S-COI)RT, 12, UPPl'.R !iIRKGATE. -T.lUaikie
Jame~ Smith, aud Jaule3 Findlater, Otllcer~
-Will. Rettie
D. Carter
George 1Ililchell, Assistant Hall
Alex. RoH) aud J. Allder~oll, Tide~men for the lime.beiu;
JJ ;'·ec4/)/'$.
(rioO. Ho!,arlh ':alld
Charles' Chalmers
AlexatHkr lmlbou
.Iolm Gibb
(la"ill Hadden
Oeorge uallll.~l'lllan
Alell<. Catto, and
,I amI's
The l\lagi~trates aud COlludl SOCIETY or
Wm Carul'~ie, Secretary ,llid ell,,·\; .TOURNI::YMEN TAILORS.
James Riddcl, Hook ·keeper aud A~eoulltl\'nt Wm. Keith, Deacon
Joseph lIo11llt'~, Superinteudent & Ellgiuccr David i\lun-ay, lJox·I1la~ler
NIGHT .Jalllt'3 GallJd, ,\Iex. Cuoper, (tubt. Cooper, IIlId
.John ~lalblesull, .''lastl'r8
Office, I, Raglf'o-Irme, Ch~rk~ II ell<i(?l'<ull , Clerk
Will. LllilWU''''. Wm. ;\I o l'ri £llH , Ollker

}'OR 1825.
Al~x. AIIIIIl, .el!<J. .\.
Chal'les Hackel, esq.
Assessof'lI. . j.

Pl'OVOsl.Gtwin Hadden Audl'cw Ramage

George Booth L. CtlllkksbliUIi:
.J"mc5 l\la!'~ie John'rhom
(;enrge Allan Alex. Ru!/t
J allles Johnston John Shepherd
\VIII. Philip John Garrow
FRIE.NDLY Will. Spark,
Jallll's Williams, Cooper
Principal of

Jalllt'~ Spalding. JUIi.Gr .. ndholm I lJeflrlftl8.
Jamc~Bouth, ,\bl'l'd"(,l1 I)'H'id Cartl'r
Wm. RoberU!oll & Duncan Me Gdgor, Wood- I o . TWIll)
~iUe Wrigilts&Coopro"las. Hohb
Coullcil/or.f. Tailors IWlil. nlll~~ll'ltO
Alex. Nicholsoll Jamc~ Dirkie Shoemakel'~ IRobt. Jafl'ray
,Iohn Taylor Hobert l\liIlle Wea,cl'~ 1.111. Gordon
John An.,krson fraucis Duguid 1;1t'~her3 II'. Daddsoll, sell. Wm.
James Jopp, Baker, FacIOI' of Ihe Willo-ws' Fund
ltlBD:rCO'OHIRUBGICAL li-OCIETY John Chalmcr~, Builder, Treasurer. ·to !)Ie Trade<!"
C(illl'cl1er Jolin L!'~IIt-, Widsilllth, Fmmdcr and
·1'rea."lIrl)! !Jf Trades' Widows' SUJlil'mentary fund.
Adam COlltU and Alex. Allan, ,\d'OCiItes, COllj'IIIU
l\1l1~eum Clerks and COII~nlter!.
Alex. Irvine, " OPEB..fITIVi: PL4.STBBJ:RS'
Robert M line, f President:!. PIU.END£Y sootB'l'r,
Wm. Reid, Secret<U:y ifuhll
GeorgeCoutt8, CoUeetor . Ale.lllooder
David Hutcheon, Advocate, Tr.easuru John Raeburn,
James Hav, S!'cretury
MECHANICS' U;STl'TU'TlON. Wm. Me Phersoll & Alex. Cromar, K(~y.l!JeII"'r~
~''CommiUee oj .VQfltl!f6menl. . JaR. Find later & Alex. S\'lum.ers
Stephen Pt'lIatt~ esg. Preside lit . II rqllhart, Peter Me
George Cieri hew,. V,u:e· President Walker, Couucillors
John Ramage, TrcQsul'er, W~, EIg.eIl, s.ecr.liltl\[~ CrOlnef. Ol1icer i John Ck:rll,
Alex. CrOll4!r, HonH) Surgeon alld Apolb~rnl'Y
INl"XR.lIifAR'V. Rev. Alex. Thom, t:haplain
61, WOOLMAN-HILL. ThOll. Sjlark, 'l'rea~urer and Clerk
MIss Hay, HOIIsl'k!.'cper
The Provo~t of Aberdeen, President,; t be" Bailie3 ;
Deal! of Guild, Treasurer; tbe Provost wbo im- DISPENSAR.Y.
me!liatelr vreceded the present Pro"OS!, Town- Dr. Henderson,
Clerk; 'l'rad(;s' ConYeu.r; Professor of Metlicillt'
ill lHari~('lIal College; M oderatof, of the Srnotl of Robert Alcuck, f\dvoca!e,
Surgeolols alld Phy~ida!ls,
~beni ..rlll ~II for lhe time being, lHauager~ in
nrwe of flletr offire. . Dr. Ill'. I.eslie, Dr. John Campbell.
Mlil/agerlfllirill!J Lift'. Fraser aud Dr. Cadenhead.
Geo. John Ewing LUNA'I'XC ASYLUlIif·
'rhos. Dr. Wm. HendcMlolI CLERI(SEIIT, l\IIIVBANK.
I)l·. Wm. Wm. r. Roberhon
J ubll Niven Stellhen Pellalt 111 a(lagers.
Dr. Jas. Bannerman James Kinlocb The President and i\'lallager~ of Ihc Intirma'1'
J ames Braud Alex. AlIlllnd Patrick Blailde, MO. Physician
Alex. Crombie Will. Atmuud Thomas Spark, 'l'yt'asllI·t'r aud Clt'rk
James Calder JalJle~ Bhlikie Thonl!l3 Hoy., esq. <lovernor and Superilllelldfllc
Rev ..... lex. Thom Alex. Gibboll Mrs. Boys, Malron
Will. Shf'l'berd Hemy D,u'itl Forhc~
Hal'y Lumsden PCWI' Farqllhanoll PIUVA'I'B LU:NAt2'IC ASYLUlIif.
Henry!l Geo. Storey SPHTIII..
Will. Lumsden Geo. HolIS , Under the Care of James Shlrrelil
Will. Dingwall Chas. Bannerman Rcr.Dr.SkelicOgih·y, & H. D. For\)esof Balgouic,
James Farquhar Sir Alex. Bannerman Managers
."Iex. Webllter AiI·x. Smith, Se'll Dr. G. Kerr, aud Dr. J. Campbell, Medkal
Alex. nalgaruo Tho~. Burnett AUclidanur.
Alex. Banucl'mall J. t'OI'hes,of Blackford
Wm. Johnston Al~l(. Me Kenzie • VAaCINB INS2'I'rU'l'XON.
ill'. Kerr .M ichie ~'o!'b('~ 'rhC Pr(lI'ost, Goverllor
CaVt. Will. emden In FudJei, M(lI/IIK""
Sir Cha.'. Forbes, 111 P. Rev, Dr. Gw. The FOllr Bailtesl>t'an of:Ouild
He". Geo. Morrison Duncan Davidson 1'ri'mll.lrer The Clergy
Juhn Andersou AI!"x. Gray The Physiciang 'trustees of the lale
Dr. Skt'ne Major Henderson Pn'~idellt of the Society John BllrncH
Professor Sluart Jamel< Hadden of Advocates PI'f'Sident of the Sode·
ReI'. John Bryce Ill'. Williamson COllvcnel'..of Trades Iy of Shipmaslel'll
Robt:'rt Han'cy . Dr. ~llIart aut.! Six additional Managerll.
Doctors. Williamson, Ewing, and ilIaikie, Dr. Ewing, Physician
Ph}'sidalls alld Surgeolls. Wm. Smilh, <.:Ierk
.If AAI&CBAz" COz"z"BCU:·
BROAI:.-»'·REET, Fo.vlimm l!.l93.
Marquis of Huntly, Chancellur· Joseph Hl.Ime, Rector,
Hugh Lumsdcn, Dean of F"cuhy. Will. Laurence-Brown,·DD.; Pl'illcil'al Palron, the Crowu.
,, PI'O/CiJs(>rB. Patl'Oll'.
Divinity .......................... \Ym. Laurenre Browll, DO ........ Town Council
':>101',,1 Philosophy ................ Heo. G1eHnie, DO ................ Crown
Nawl:al I'hll~sop'h)': ............. Wm. Knlg~l, LLD................ <.;rowu
Natural <Iud Uvil HI!Wl'f ..•..•.... Jamr's J)and50n, l\J0 .............. Crown
Greek .... H ..................... John 5!Uarl, AM ................. Cr(lwn
• •. .... ..... .• .. .... {nObCr~ Halllilton, LLD .. ; ...... }·l·o .... u Council
J. Cnnc1uhank, AM. ASIISI<lul ••
Medidne ...... _ ..•• -: ... '"< .... " Charles Skene, l\I 0 ................ Crown
Humanity ..... ; ..... ~ : .... :.. ... "~ .Jame~ Oav'idllOll, MD .............. College
Oriental L~nages ............... Jamel! Kidd, DO.... . ............. Sir ,\. Ramsay
Chemistry .• ; ............... ~ .•.•. Geolge French, ·MD.... . ........ College
. ' (,"dwc1'I to botll
Anatomy and Physiology...... . A, lex. Ewillg, a'JD, •••••••••••••• }
Materia l\tedlca, Pharmacy, t·W H . . (' I
Dietetics .............. : .... J m. e.ndel\llOlI, l\lD..... ...... ol{'gell
Surlj'crYllUd Surgical. Path"'!ogy.... Blaikie, MD............. .
'SCOIS Law, &c................... ThomllOtl.. ................ t;a.eulty of Adv(){'alt'll

01.1) AllRRDF.l!lII.
Duke of-GOroou, Chancellor; Earl of AM. Rector·
William Jack, 00. Princ1ral; Hugh J)1cPherliOll, Slub-Pl'illclpal, Cnllt'ge
Pfl!!j('(lsors:. Patr01l$.
Dh·ini!y. , .................. _.•. " Duncan M earn3, DO .............. Synod, &C.
Chil Law'.......................... Alex. Dallney, LLD ..... , ......... College
Medicine ................... " ... Ja.n1P~ Bannermall, MD ........... College
Ori~lItal Langllagea ............... Jamt'S Hentley, AM ............... Crown
liumanlty, &C .•...•.•..••• , •••.•. Patrick Forbes, DO ............... College
Greek ........................... Hugh Me P.her~on, 1\1 0 ............ College..
: Natural Philowphy ..•.•.•.. ~,; •... Wm Paul, AM .....••..•.•..••.•. Cnllt'ge
Mathematics.. ................... John 'Pulloch, A 111 ............... College
Moral Philo~ophJ ••... ""''''';. Hercules &on, AM ............... College
mirtdoq~. ABERDEEN.
James Crolllar, Hector DUMB.
Robert Forhes, James Wart, alld Jamcsl\lelrclI, ON THE PIllNCIPU;S OF THE ABBE SICARD
M<k~er~. The Most ~obk the "1arquis of Huntly Patron
The :l1ar ~hionessofHunlly, Lady Patrbncss
GOR.DON'S HOSPITAL· The 'Provost. for the time being, Presidell&
and COll\'~nrr
Directim for Li(,.
Incorporated by &Jyal Charter, in 1772. Duke of Gordon
Earl of Aberdeen .
Th~ Magislrale~, Council, and Four Ministers Earl of Fife
Alex. Thom, i\I~l~ter Sit ,\. Bannerman, Barl.
fraucis Muil and John Anrlerson, Schoolrnasten George Skene, of Skene
W. D. Kenward, Tcachcr of l\huic J, Mellzie~, of Pitrodels
Will. Ross, Drawing 1\IastcI" Charles Bannerman'
Charles Walker, Treasurer HeL Dr. Bryce, Calrulfa
Houcrt "IOJ'ice, Ad,·ocale, Clerk and Factor Dr, G. Ogilry, Bombay
Dr. Will. D)"!:e, Phy~iciall Hel'. Geors" 1I10ri~on
1I1r~, Keith, House-hellel Hmwrary Members. ,
Earl of Elgill, Lord Arburthllot, Lord 'Forbes.
AOADBM'Y j HOIl. Colone. Ramsav.
HI'\'. Andrew Tawse, Secretary ann Trea...urer

40, UNION-,sTRtll:,T.
H. Taylor, Teacher
Mathelllalie~, Arithmetic and Oeogral'h)', Jallle~
Writing and flook-keepiog, Stuart 56, GALLOWGATE,
Drawing, WIll, Ross, Robert Milne, Trcallurer lind Cleric
Elortllioll, John lIiegl"lH Genr!l:e ;II ilne, Teacher
French, MOils, Se!Wbier l\Ii~s Daviusoll, Housekeeper

~tJ:~LIO BU.l.f!DI~a.S. OFFICES, CH4ltlTABLI;;

Atwrdeeu Academy, 40 Union.... . . Grammar School/Jl6 School hill
Aberdecllshire,Caual·io)ffice, 46 Nar1!halst. Will. Harbour Ortice, waterloo Quay
Kcnnedy,l1ianager . Hibernian Associa~iQn; Peler Duguid, trea"urer
Association for ProlliotingChriAtiaoily among the Highlalld Societv, Ale.,(~lldcr Fraser, treasurer
Jews; ;\. D. FOrdYl-'Cl1 ·~lreaslU'e.ll Humane SQcie~~j, /\lcx,aader -GOI:doll, advocate,
Alhcll:£UlTl News Room,2, h!sill>lI·!building$; Will. ' treasurer· ,
DIII("ill, keeper Jlull,l~ue Societ(s'Wai-(:h house, New Quay
Auxiliary Bible Society; Bailie Robcrt~ :rir~W·ll; Infirmary, GJ WooIlIIanhill
treasurer Ju~tice of Pt'll"C Clerk's Ollin:, Ca1tle 5t
Auxiliary M;5~io"ary Society; \Yrn. Thomson, sen. King's Lollege, 01,1 :\bcl"(leell
Irea.,urer Lallcasleriau School, llIackfriar's st.; Peter Roher!-
Auxiliary Society for Educatiu!( the Poor iu the, SO", teacher
Highlands & Islallus of Scollalld; Peter Duguid'I' Lit!;ral".v & Philosophical Society'S ROOIll~, II IrhiolJ
pre.idcllt and trea-lUrer ,hlliltlilUP
Baptist Auxiliary 1\] is.iolla!"), Society; Will. Thorn· .Lilero!rv·Saloon & News HOOlll, 71 Broad It.; Johu
SOli, 81:n, treasurer , . Wrl/!ht, attendant
Baths, hoI alld cold s,'a waler, Belich and iO Quay; Lunallc AsyluUl, Clerkseai, Maryballk
I. Walker, propric",r i Lunatic Asylum (pri.ate), Spinal
Bi!l!e Society Depository, 12 Gallowgate; WilIilllUI Ly~eul!l Ne:v~ Hoom, 40 Union lit
I roup, agent LYIII!(-UI-Dl~peu~ary, 2 Long <\('1'('; Jame~ ·Jftmit>wn
liishops Hospital, Old Aucrdcen; James Nicol,l su.rgeoll .. , . '
Factor Manne Bible A~soelallOn; WIlham Caito, treasurer
Bdde"ell, Ilcar Union SI . Marisha.l Collt'~c, Broad SI
Caledonian LiterarySocicty's I.ibrary, 4:l Union st.; JIlechan!cs institution I.ecture Room, Kiug $\
. D Wyllie, librarian l\l('chamcs Library, 10 Drums ]"ne
Cess Office, (couDty)UlIioll terrace' H, & H, LUllls- Medical HaJJ, King 51
den, collee\ors. ' l\Iedico-Chi~ur~ical Society., Medical Hall, Klug &t
Cess Omel', (town) mack Bull Close, 4 HUlrter Mercha.nt" :Society, Old Aoel'deen
row; James Grant, collector 1'1 ilitarv Hospital, Ca&lle hill
Clolhiug Society· Rev. Alex. Thorn, treasurer Mitchdl'8 Hospital, Oltl Al>el'deen
Ctlal FUlld; Middletoll Rettie, treaJiurer Narrow Wynd Societ),; .Ch~r1e! Hacke!, Irea.,ul't>r
Court Hou~c & Town Hail, Castle 8t Parochial Pauper LIIDlltiC I' uHd .
Custom HOU3C, Hi Quay PlJiI~tPl'Ollic Annuity Office, 61 NellierklrlilUltf"
Deaf & Dumb Institutiou, 53 School hill Adam Coutts, agent •
Dispensary, Gordon's cOllfl, 88 Broad st PoliCe Office, (night) Ragl;3 lane, Broad Ht
lfulI~ation Society; Hohert Alcock, Ireasul,~r ,POOl'W Hos¢tal. 5!i Gallowgate
Exc!se Office.. Olivet"" court, 12 Upper KU"kga~ ?Post .Offi.::e, 40 Um.on ~t- '.
EXCise PermIt Office,'!I rourt, 12 u.pper Kirk- Puulic Rooms., UllIon 81;, Wilham Burke, keeper
gale , . Record Office, Head of castle st
female School of l.lldll~try,. 13 Chronicle Religi?u~ Tract Society; Willialll Clark, !rerumr!'I'
North !t; Mr~. Campbell, teachel' ' RepoSitory for Jo'emale lllllwstl'y, James ~I; Mtl',
Pemale School of Industry' Union Terrace; EHt, In-IDe, keeper· .
Riach, teacher, " SI. Andrew's Society; Johu Maitlalltl, president
Gas Works, Poyuernook Savi!!g:' Balik, POOl'S HOBlJital court, 56 Gallowgat~.
Gel'a,-u's Charity School ' . William Smith treasun'r '
(";lIlf Chl~\ C. Chalmers, I!eCf!!tary School of Arts, Baptist Chapel, Union terrace
GurdOlls l1ospital. SchooLbiU . School of Art~' Library, Me!l'cu'" Hall, 41 Queen st
Sci"ill50tlk:e, GIf'llllif, SeCl'Pfary alii! treasurer
Castle st jSlaUl1' Office, :i8 Hroadsl. Aleli.alldcr BrowlI, Sub-
Ses.ioll Clerks Office. distributor. William Farqllilar, clerk
~llt'I'iff Clerks Office. Castle It 'I'bains <.:ha.rity School, Shiprow
Ship :llasters Society, James l\liuhdl, treasurer ' ThL'iltre, 50 )Iarischal sl
Shipwrec\{'d Seamen's FUlld, Rouer! :llltchdl, !rea- Theulogical Library, Divinity Hall, :\fadschnl col-
~~ ~
Shore Dues Town Clei11S Office, Huxtci row
:-lick :\-lan's \Villiaru Mathews, trea- : Trillily School, Slliprow;George Robertson, teacher
surer I Vaeci!!t· Illstitution, Poora Hospital, Gallowgate
Society for the Childreu of the Clergy; Dr. Gcorge ' Wd!lh House, Quay; AlexalJder Paul, drl'l•.


Ahercrombie Dr, Julin, tJnion place Buchan (of AUc!illIIICfJY) Old Aberdi'cn
Aiken James, C3q. GiJcOlllstoll Bm lIett c~q. (of lJaljlulg) 106, Gallo\\'glItc
:\itk~1I Rcv. John, Skene t~rracl' BUlllctt ~Ii~"es, Skeoe-terrace
Alent Jlrs. Uniull l'( Blll',,!'lt Mrs. (of KI'mfilly) Unioo-I'iace
,\lcxaudcr Miss, S Carmelite 5t l\<lrJlClt '1lr,. (of Elrick) 42, School-hill
Alcxaudl:r IIli"iI. 6 Gaelic laue Blll"llC!t ~j,' Hobelt; 41, SdlOOI-hlh
Allan Alexander, 30 Wl'Iie,,-st Catlellhcad Lkut. i\lose~. It. N. LJellblll"U-tcrl'l\CC!
Alliin Ja'lllc~, csq. King st Caflll'l'OlI ,toillt, Slll'geQ~l. R. N. Murefield
Allan i\h s. Upper J.)ee ,t (;alllphrll Gray, eSII. Goldrll-sqwu1l
AllarJ)'ce Mrs. Halluah, 53 C~lIe~t Campbell Licnt.
Allardycc Mr-li. VlliolJ place .• . CarAu;chad Capl
Anderson Aicx. "'.4. (of Bourlie) BO\lrli(~ COllrt Camegie IIlis~ 11. (of
All~11 Arlhur, ~~(i. f7 f31'ilUonr~t. & D,,'<' b.-uH, (';lffllliac\l Mr~. John, 7, CollllllPree-st
Anderson JOIIII, c.,q. Old .\lJerdeell Challll!ioll Mrs. i\lajo!'. IIlarywell-st
Anderson Cal'kiiu John, Skcll\: square Cheylle Itl'f. i'a:tl'ick, 5, 'Belmollt"st
,\ndcrsoli Li"ut. Canal ,Ide' CIIe':¥J:le t'"wr, esq. (of·Locl. Head)
AIHJcrson ~lrs. Callfll side Child i\1t-~. Bl'Oalifonj
A 'l(kr~oll ;\1 rs. Golden ~qua!'e Chin\.4 ,\Iex. f"'l. Connnercial·ul'Illk·conr!
,\ "dcr,oll 1111's. {; II iOIl plac(' Clark MI'. John, COll,,~.j'i.;t.ol)e-building5
A Udel';(Ul lit rs. lJ pper Dec sl Clerk CoJollcl Alex. l' l'jl~r Dee-st
Andrews Ikl'. l3elljamin, Canal &ide, Mount Hooly CIUlIes i'll's. Holbllrll-st
A Ilgus Itev. H elllv, Si1v('r at Cly"e Caplain, IlraeheaJ, Gilcoll\stoll
Angni; M ..s. John', Unioll place COChl'1\lJ Akx. e~q. Upper Dec-s!
Allllalld George, "sq. Old ,\berdecli Cock Old J\[,erdeell
l\III1'-1mJ James, esq. :';':a!OIl gale, Old Aberdeen Colli'oll John, Crown-Collrt, UlJiol\-~t
AUllautI William, c6q. Belmount Copland J.)r. 2, Adelphi-court, Unioll-st
Autun Captain, Chapel. st Corbet Rev.Adam, 83, Greell
An-ow CaptElill, Dee-st Corhet COi'taill JII'. Peacock's·c!use, II, Castle-st
l\uldjo Mr,. Skellc terrace Corbet William B1eltlsidt', e~q. 83, Green
Bahd Mr. W. G.lJllion-plare COl'dillcl' R!>v. J a~, Chapel court, 61, Gallowgate
Bannerman Sir Alex. Hart. Ullion-st Cormack CaptainWm. Gal'd"n's-oollrt, 16, Castle st
BaUBCl'man Alex. esq. Woodside CoullS i\l James, 62, Neulerkirk81ltt:
Bannerman !II rs. Charles, t'nion-place Craigie :~2 King-st
l3annermau :\\1'. Thoma~. Ullion-s! Cromar Re<:lor of the Grammar School,
Hardav Mrs. Dr. Upper Dee-st Ollioll-terrace
Harry ivlrs. John, 21, Johu's·sl Cruden i\:I.i$s, Westbul'll
Banoll 1111'S. Bark-mill!; Cruicbhallk :Ill'S. Jane, Broadford ,
Bath !Ill'S. Upper Dee-sl CI'uicl;"hallk Mr. JI)hu, Ro'e-,,'\
Baxter Cuptain John, Dcnoorn-terrace Cruick~IHllJk Miss Manha, II ppt'r Dee-at
Baxter Mrs. DenburiHerrace Cl'uickshalll, 1111'S. 14, BeimQIlI-st
Huxlel' !Ill'. William, DeubmlHerraee Cruickshallk Miss, Old Aherdeen
Bell !'Ill'. Alexander, Upper Dee-st Cl'llikslJallk Isabella, Ill, Constitution-s!
Bellnett Captain John, 20 Cllstle-S! Cumine Adam, esq. (of Rat/ruy) Ulliou-pl6ce
Best Thomas, esq. Union-terrace Cmninc !\"l is~, Exchall!,\c-COUI'I, Ouion-!!t
mad; )\J ri'o Colonel, Uilion-~t Cummillg M 1'. John, ilridgeof 0011
Wack :\11'. James, WHlOWbauK Dalgal'llo Alex. e-",. Unioll-terrace·
Black :\1 i~s, Upper Dee-st Dalgaruo Alex. esq. Old Aberdt'C1I
Black Mrs. Skelle-sqllare Daun !III's. P.oOI'S' Hospital-collrt, 66, Gallowgate
Hlack III r~. (of ForesterhiJi) Davidson 1\11'5. Captain,. Chapei,
mack William, csq. Chapel-st David,oll Mr. Charks, Ullion-plaee
Blake Mi~s, Clmpcl-~t Davidwn l\h. James, 19,. Marl5Cbal~st
Bonllor Cllarles, e~q. 21 GallolVgate Davldwll Migs, Belleyue
Buoth Alexander, esq. Ferguwu's-cuu.rt, Gallowgate Dal'id"oll [\.1r8. 28, Gret'll
Booth Lh'inr;SIOII, (',g. 10, Queell-sl DuvidsoIl Mrs. 6, Wiudy Wrlld
HoyJ Captain All-x. 95, Gallowgate Dal'illsoll Mrs. Summer-hill
Honl (of CrimQ1UJ) Mackie-place Dic~ie Mr. John, Cherry-vale
Braud James, esq. Madsclull-st Dickillsou !kv. Johu, 1-6, I-hlXWr..fOW
Brebller ~lj'~. Union-st Dingwall Mr. Alex. ~rrillg-garden
I1rowll He". John, Mackie-place Dingwall Johll,esq. (of Ardo) 87, Gallowgate
Brown !\In;. Goldell-square Donald 1\1 r. Johll, 20, School-llill
Browli ne\'. W. L., I.).n, I, Castle-brae DOllald "'I'~. UU;OIl-st
Drown Hobert, esq. Cardcn's-haugh Duguid Captain John, Opper Dee-It
BrowniHg Rev. Willi.uII, II Ad.clphi·l'OlU'1 Duguid Peter, ~$q. 35 Ca5tle-~t
Bryc<! !k .... JO!JIl, Lillie Bclmuulst D,llllJ>Il' ~lajO\, ;'1, School-bill
ilil'rcto!~. ABERDEEN.
Duoeall MillJl, Uld Awrdeell HC'udenol< :.Ir5. 18, St. Alldrc'.'I-$t
Duncan .'Jr$, I'ro(CllSOf. 2, Ulaclt', bdUdlug1 H emlt-r~'11 Mr~ . 12, IklallOnT-1l
Dyce Milll, (of lion/mIlA) tllU'llpU~ Ilend cfllou ~lr8 . Uuio,, · ... L:ICt:
J>rkat Mr. WiUhuu , Dee-" H ntllcr!On c.;lIptain Knb.rn, R.N. UII ~j.· pl_
DUthie Alu. ntl _ ~of HulJiritltOM) ~ hill Hid;luan - - , t311. Old Aherdt'..·u
Emalic Mr. Alex .•• lWIlie'H;Ourt, 26, GaUowple Hood J.i~1I[ Jamu, !lht Hr51., T llnfit.kl
Fairclough bient. 46, t;ut North-U liurn Elphiu! I""" Mn. U UIOu-ll'frace
Farquhar M r~. Ul'po:r n...'C-st HUII"'f M~. Skcue-1HI"1&Ce
)'uqubar Mi5ll, Belit'...,,!! H"ule r Mr. Wan. Challl.e,.., Union · lll1n'
.'ilfquhllnUli ~ I rl'. Ilaillic, t'arqubar30u',-rourt. 10, IUllet A1eumh:r,nq. (ue I';t~ ) "'Uldetl-l!ll'"R
&hool-h1l1 11In,'8 M i~~ hue, King_lit
rarquharM,lu Mrs. l:harlcs, 40, Uppt' rkj rkl{a~ luu\'~ :.I l§II, U ll iUII-~
)'atqllharwn)I'., l;aM.ou-platt Inine James, e$(j. [uf Spriqbod) KiUybrooucr
t'uq uur.101I MUlct! I , c..:orre<:tion-wynd II"\'ine Jolm, f'!!II. Old Abe"ll"e1l
farqllhal lMJlI )ITI. ~Ilrer-lit J;&('k Wm. D. I). Old Aberdeen
F.r!j:u",ul\lrs. Or. Ullinu-st .Ial'l'r:t)" ~Ii."" Uld A~"ll"e1l
F~'lfu"':I1J Mrs. Johu, t"crllloo o'I-courl. 108, Ga1- Jams"u c.;al'laiu l\khard , 21, KiuS-II
lou'ptc John ~toll JameJI, nq. Sill't', -n
fiudlay l\JllM. 20, eMIle.... ! Johustou i.,.;;J,d1', Hillon Houee
)iu iasou Will. t'inl~ y. !'>liellll-.lqu're Kidd Jallle~, 1).0. Chapel-.t
F;~hcr Major, U.....- ~lIha KilS"lIf Mr.i'atrick, WuoWiide
}'o,bc, ,\lex. caq. f ,a!l:rficld KiLsullr TbolUlU, e~ . Uld !. iIer(ll~1I
}'o.bc.t (;olu lld ,\ 111101. Old Abcrdccn Kil michael <:ai.taill Roben, UUioU- lt'H:tc.
f orbet 0...0'11"', t'&ll. l':i l'rlu, baIJ KiulI;: Mrs. U IlIOU-nlW
t'orbe! Jarut''', t·"". 8calUD Kilil uch Mrs. G"ldcu ' ~lIarc
~'orbn M,. JOhll, 2, l,iUII'iIU'ftC-lIll1CC Kll llihi Will . L.I ,. U. GuldclI-sqo.uc
.·orbo.-s John , ~~I. (of JJlilcll/tml ) U lliou -tt"rraw K m.wLCI ~I u. 1:1, COlluitutioll-"
.·or~. (;;/,I,t. Juua,biW , llkh. I k~. U "io"-h;rr~ KI'I>(leh Mi~5 , Ihnhrieouoll
.·or~. M r •. (of Shim:u ) Uniuu-lIbce Lau <dO\l'lI ~ l r~.Commc rciaL-t(Mll"I , ~8, ClIIllle •.c
)o'ur~ )Ir~. (uf EeA/ ) Lallule MI'>! . 8, c.;anal-tl'rnw:e
Forbe$ Min, Silv<.ir,.t Laurie WID. "3q. 4;1, VlrAillia -~t
Furile. ltel'. Dr. Patr ick, Ok! AhrrdC't1i (.aWloUII Mra. 1 I , Ca"al tcrr;;lCe
t'orbo... H.ubt. eaq. (o f CfI#fdf1n ) Old .·U ...-nI~1I Lt."!!c nwood MiM, Summer-Ialle
. ·urdl'« Mi§ll, (of Arflo) :11, St. Nieholu-st LeIU'.l.1 Thool'hilll~, (of .IIiflfHlllA ) Millb;mk
"'orl)"lh Davlod, ~. 4., Jam","_5t Leit h 1\Irs. c.;ajllai" , COllllt i{lItioll-n
fO Tll)" lh Mr •. H. G. l6, KiIlH-" Ldlh Mi .... t;. Uililiel-ll
FOlilcrtoll Cap'" Ak!uado:r, 11, C.l'1IM:lilt-1l Leilh Lieu!.. ~·ranu., MOUIiI J)lU.wlll
Frurr Mra. Sk~l)e-tt Leith :.In. (of (JeD"full') old 4;\ht:rdef' U
(laJ.1Mr. Williafl, 3 1 io'~-It ~lie - _ . , etq. Powil HOlik, Old AbenlL'en
Gardl'l) J ose I'll, ellli. CowitltuLion-it 1A.'! lie Charles, 'sq, l;Juiou- piacc
Garden .\ Ir. lloberl. Tauli.. ld 1A;. lIc Mr. J a lllC'l, Will iallllield
Gariuch JO LlLI, c:I<l. Unioll .t 1A'.l i,· J uhn, ntl. l'owi.l Honae
(h:rr.trd Mr.. lI r. U ld AbtrdN: u L..~lic Mr. Jolon, 81 , Gallow~lc
Gerrard .\ l i!Wle s, Uld ,\lx:rdl~ 1l 1 ,e~1ic ~Iiss Macy, (;allal -$idc
Gibbou ,\rlhllr, CI!Ij. G, (;~tl c-brac L\· .• l~e .\i~!.IJ \l ioll_l"'l;;ICe
Gibbous Mi$.'ioC., II, Virgiuia n Lt:ll ,c :.I'!-~cs , P"w~ Lud~e, Old ,\be rd,'~u
Oilebri~I Mi!' , (;h;/,I>l'l. ~ t ...:,.Ii(: c.;apl;\in ThUlo.'IS, UerrydaJc
Gille, ~Ir . l'\ ",h;1lI1l- , ~l , Creen l.e.lie Mr. \\"111.64, II ro;ul · 1l
(;ilmorc It",·. J olm, .s il\·",·-~t I.idl ie Mi§ll, Uld ,\ ~rdeen
Glel1l1itl AI~¥ . " ... 1. / uI.l/II!l6'lI'k ) 1-1 utchooll-lt Lilld~ay Bel'. B u~rt, Ilollrlie"-cuut"t
{;le""ie He". Il r. (;O)kgC.l"OlI rI Liukjohu 1IIr~. Upper Uee-~t
Gordon c.;otl',aill ,\lexalldcr,l:" GaUowpl c 1."';"1:".,,011 M u . I),'. 34, U\,perldrlip,e
GUf"doll It",·. c.;harl ,,~ , Chlll,d-nlllrt, Ju ..,ice·sl I,oltie l.ieUI.1 R. N. Chive -~t
Gunl"" c.;al'lain lIallicl, Lfl'llCr Dl'\!-n I. tuu,,!leti Misg AlIlI, :14, l. nngncl·C
GUrd,,,. l\1r~. lIr. !I, St. 1\ichuLa.<I 1"",, Lon"", I,·" ~Ir~. Will. Skene-terrace
Gordun Mio;:s t:lizalJclh, (uf L ilehi"tII< ) ,I(i, Kiuli-u LI";Ill Alex. ,·"". ItubT t.;ull~g". Sill',"!".,!
r.ordOIl J ulu. SI .. ,,·al1, t· .... 10, ISdllluOlt-$I \')-"" It,·,·. Wiltktm, .:u, t.;a:, tlC-!1
Gordo n ~ I r. Lt:wi~ . :;'''J, Cu nstlUuiou H ~' ad"'1111 ~I r.'. Shul! Terrace
Gordon ~Ir~. ~ 1 ;'!Idal~uil , Uroodfurd ~Ie C",mchie .\ !c,~lI l1d cr , CSII. S1l~uc T e,'ract
Oor,lolI M iu M ;\I"~rel . till, L' lIiulI-~t ~ I a,.. doll :tld t.;;'I,\;.ill Aler.tndn, 60, J:::,",- North ....
Gurdun Mn. 2, Illack·~_."iI.JiIlP .\lad ",.y ~ Ir. O;,~id, UP!"'I' IX'IC'u
Gurdon Mr~ . 8 Ca.:lic-liU'C ' ~Iadnn,·~ t;(".. r~, esq. Uld Aberdt'C1.I
Gordon M iu, WIII:·8\ ~ I r 1I111C$ Mr!. Upper Oe~-~I
Gonlun Mi~$, Itui,m-lllill'C .\la.:1IIIY Alldrew, "Ii<}. Berr)' \);\lIk
GofdUII Mw., Sk~lIe·IHriolo(e .\t ;,,;ita'· t.;i/,jJtil lu LauChla ... , C/iapclll
Gordon ~II~. Rohen, Uulon_ plotee .\ l ackaY ~I",. c.;llllpel·at .
Gordon CliptalU \\'111. \\' hild'ulI!\Oi:..a ~ Me KL'Cbuie H.n. Neil, Printli ~ld
G raillgtr ~ lt"ll. GoJJ""-l!(luare :.Iackl·uzie Lieut. Alcxander, GileoUl~lOu
G'"Ut Lielt t. ClIill"ICl:I, Br<Jf\I.Jfflrd ~bckclI~ie "' rft. Cnlln, SI';ltlli
<!rilll' Mrs. Chill.":l -~t Mackenzie Kc •. lIu gb, (..... rdou-"
li nlll! Itohert. /(>f QrlUlllII<'1t(' ..) II, C"'noelil ....' M:.('tell:r.ic )In. ; Iateo! "ruda) Uld Ahen.:k.'4:11
G r-.~t Wm. (oi Wltiltlllll"n ) WhitC:1U1rfl M ~kellzie MIS. William , UI.I Abt-rdl"eu
Grcl, JilUlCll, esq. Lilll~ c.;hilIICL-n ' Me K':Hlie I.iCIII. (;harlc~ , 31, QlI:Iy
Ha.cknry Lieut, Juhn, C'"'oililllliQll-lil ~I r t\ " ll l ic .\Ir'. J"hn, Skcne-u
lI<M1d~ n GiI. i", uq. Unioll."r<l\'e ~I e t\l' .\I r· . :I~, Quay
Huni,'oll MWi\ I , P~ock.-dose 2t CUl1e-n ~ I (' 1.t':!.11 1.1e,,1. h ;u,dJ, )1. [1\' . D("uloum'l'crrll(e
lIamilton Dr, ube rt tl.! JirQ;lot-:t ' ~ I adood.-\ . N. (uf SWIII,tH",Jt) SlIlIlI yhauk
Ho'I rj.ICr Jo'Imel , jun. ~Jur~Lillg'ide .\ I'lC11lOd ~I r~. Principal, Old Ahcl'llll~ n
Han":Y )lr. n ollt' lI, (flf ~ ,,(lro ) I, ~ I Jrtins-lane Ma('millan It,''', S",uIHeJ, Itn.te H ill
H",y " ",'e r, c.q. ( ur IIdp!id) 7,ile,,,,)'! wylld ~I ;I£[lI ... rsou Ur.l l llgh , Old Aht:rder n
Hec.UI· .\ Iiss , Oltl :' bc,.aeen .' I c Pher~o ll ,\ Ii .. B~r"'rI', Jl I. l\illll: ~
HeDden ...n ~I r~. DI·.!l, ~f ou nt Hooly ~ ~tr ~Ir. r" ,ril k, 16, t.; on Uililti u'\·1\

1 5~
NOBZJ:.I7!'Y, QBN'.l'RY AND aJ:.B.Ray.
Mathewson Mra. Upper Dec,st Shirrrf~ ;\11'5. Alexl\lIder, 20,
l\Iuweli Adam, csq. (of lI/Ulmar Caltle) Con~li- Shtrrefs !:te .... Dr. Friendville
tution-st Silver George, (of Nellwrff/U) :~9, School Hill
M(~rns Rev. Dr. Duncan, Old Aberdeen , Simp~on Captilin Alexalldt'r, UniOIl Place
Mearns Miss Isabella, Chapel court, 61, GaUowgate Simpsoll Mrs. t:llion Place
Mellis Mr. James, 68, lIroad-st Silllpl'OIi Captain W. 24, Constitution-51
M('!IzicR John, esq. 15, Belmollt-st Skene !\Jiss Elizabeth, Lamond courl, 49, (ipper
J\liddlelOn Mr~. Jamt's, 2, YeaL!! lane Kirk~ate
Millie Mrs. Ja1llt'5, Brebner!.<i court, Cutle-st Skene Mrs. John,
Milne Captain William, Chapel-It Skene Mrs. John,
Mitchell Major Daniel, of AllIgf'OlH Skinner, the Right Bi"hop, Goldtlll-
Mitch ...11 Miss, Chapd-st !l.qllare
Mitchell Mrs. Upper Oee-l!t Smith
Moil" Mrs. 311mml'r~·5t : Smith Dr.
!Vloir !\Ir. Robert, Upper Dee...t Smith Mrs. Jane,
Monro Mrs. Agnes, 31, Marittehal"llt· Smith Mr. John, Moullt
:\!oore Captain N. J. 21, CODstitutiOIl-st Smith MisiI, Upper Dee-at
More G ...or~e, ('sq. Chapel-st Smith Mig~es, Old Aberdeen
More !\Jiss H. Lamond conrt, 411, Upper Smith Misses, Sill·er·~t
Morice Mrs. Vpper De~·st ... Smith Mrs. 117! GaUQwgate
Morison Capt am Alexander, 67, Qnectl-at Smith 1\1 rs. (of ('01IN'oiK) Silvel"st
Morrice Alexander, esq. !h~, Ca~tle-st Smith Mr. Robert, 11, Q!Jay
Morrice Mrs. Alexander, Uppel' Dee-~t Smith Mrs. William, Silv!'!' .t
.MolTi~on Mrs. Caplain, Chapel-~t Spalding 1\11'8. Sihcr-gl
Morrison Mr. Jame>!, Silvcr-st . Spence Hev. I::IrIl.rhead. GiicolJlstoli
Morrison Mr. William, Chapel-s" Spt'nce
Mowat Mrs. Jaml's, Upper Dee-It Stephell
1\1 noro Mrs. Caplain, 69, NOl'tb-lIt Stephen !\H~all(Je'r, '''"'1,,'''111,_1
Munro M ro. 31, Marischal-s! Stewart
Murray Mr. Eb,·Ilt.', Gerda'I-!t Still George,
Nicol Mr. Robel'!, R!I!hl'ie~ton " Storey C
Nivt,n John, e~q. (of TlwnlU1rI) 'fhol'1l10Il'1 court, Strachan
2:1, Gl.lcstl'O\1" StratI! Mr~. Alln, 31, Frederick-51 .
Ogilvie MisS('s, Union Place Stratton Mr. William, Uilioll Place
Ugih'}' Rev. Dr. Skene, Uld Aherdtlcli Strollach Mr. Alexander, Coupel'litone Buihling.
Paton Miss, {of GJ'(JljdllQ/m) Uld Aberdeen Stuart)1 iss, 5, Mount Hooly
Paul Rev. William, Uld Aberri!'cn Tawse Re .... Andrew, 19, Bcll1lo!lt-~t
Pellatt Mr. Stephen, Union Terrace Taylor Mrs. JOhll, (of Blllck/lolMe) 4, Quay
j'enm,1I1 Rev. Richard, 26, Constitution-SI Templeton Hev. James, Charlotte-s,
Pille Mrs. P. 20, Adelphi Court Third Andrew, <,sq. Morefield
Primerose Geor,,!', esq. Old Aberdeen Thorn Rev. 1IIexandel', Gordon's Hospital
Primrose Rev. William, Silver-st Thom Jam~~, esq. Union Park
Procter Misl, Skene-st . Thomson Alexander, elIq. Old ,\berrleell
Rae John, esq. Northfield, Gilcomston Thom$()fI Rev. Alexander, 20, Geon;e-xt
Randall Lieut. R.N. nridg(' of Don Thomson Mrs. James, Skelle Terrace
Retfcn Mr. William, 1, Conslitution-4t Thomson Rev. JOhll, M.D. Casile Hill
Reid Mrs. Sarah, 29, COII~titlllioll 51 Thomson Caplain John, 01(1 Aberdeen
Renn Mrs. Broadford . Thomson Mi.~, 40, School Hill
Ritchie Mrs. (late of PoitertOll) Old Aberdeen Tower Mr~. Union Place
Ritchie 1\11'3.47, School Hill Tower William, e~q. (of Ki"lf/(/Tdy) 19, Quay
Hi!chie "'Ir~. Pet",r, 10, KinA"!!'. Tulloch John, A.M, Old Aberdeen
Rohertson l'.lrs. A. Mackie Place 'llmrlltll'l'Mrij. Blacks Buildings
Hobertson Mrs. Dr. (of lIazleheotl) Union Place Turner Misses, 7ti, Bmad-st
Robertson Jail!:, a, CO!lstitlltion-~t U rqllhar! W (0 LJ lliOIl-st
Robertson Joho, eoq. Ghmburnie U~hel' Mrs. wgate
Rober!..wn Mrs. Garden's (',ourt, 16, Castlc-st Valentine Ca I
Robertson Mrs. \' .. 11, Gue~lrow Walker Mr~. ShelVlllI'~ roul't, 119, Gallowgate
Robert~on Mrs. Racl.iael, 25, Con~titlltioll-~t Walker Mrs. Sk~nt' square
Roger Mrs, Holbul'll-,t " Walker l\1r. Rohert, 1, Gaelic-lane
Ross John, esq. Ferryhill Walker Mr. William, Unil:ln Row
Ross Hobert, esq. Old WelJgter Mrs. Marl(llret, 10, Constitution-s!
Roy LieM!. James, Roy Webster Lied!. William, ChaJlel-~t
noy l\!J s. t: flper Dee-~t Wilkinson Hey. William. 29, Upper Kirkgate
Russel Alexander, (of Ad!!1/) 68, North Lodge Willox Lieut. William, Hardga.te
Hussel Mrs. Captain, 41, School Hill Wilson Adam, esq. WilAon's eourt, 84, Broad-st
Rus~el Captain James, n.N. 5, MOIIII! Hooly WiboD .Mrs. Captaifl, Old Aberdeen
Sandilands James Andrew, e8<j. (of Crl)ivcs) 13, Wilson,James. esq. (of Cairliba1ma) Bon Accord
Bclmollt-s~ Ter(aee
SaJ~ster Mr. George, Union-st Wilson Liel.l!..
Saunders Mrs. Janet, 5, Mount Hooly Wiseman Mrs,
Scott Captain Da,"id. Dee Place Wisliart
Scott Hercules, A.M. Old Aberdeen Young Mr. "'''~XH,nller,
Scott 1IIi:;s, Union Place Youllg Captain,
Seaton :\Irs. Uniun Place Young David, e~q.
Selby Mrs. Dr, a, Carmelite-.t Young Mrs. Gavin, Place
SetoD Sir William, Bart. Union Place Yo.tmg Mrs. Upper
~hand Robert, e"q. (of Hilt.ride) 40, Qneen-s! Young Mrs. GoMen-square
Shaw Mrs. Jane, I, Pt~aoock'i cl08C, 24, Cutle-II! Young Mrs. W. 7, CoI'1'cctioll wynd
Sbepherd William, c.;q. Skene-lIqnar!;!

SCOI~ LRW, and COuveyimcillg
the Court-house) Librariau
A~lam Will. 7 School Hill Jolml'lton George. 40 Nether Kirkgate
Alcock Hobert, 48 King st Jopp Andrew, Jol'P's courl, 31 fiallowg.ltil
Alllm Atexauder; 64 8r~!lt Kellnedy \villiaul,4G Marll!Chal.t
r'"~Il~ Jolin: 1 Little John ttt Lumsden Haty & Hellry, UI\i\>n 'ferrllu
Hlatkie & Balllil.'11l11ITi, I Long Acre "Ie Cook James. Wellt COlolft, :tZ Gucstrow
Burnell ThOlPas, J 1 Belmont st- - ' l\-Ic Hardy Jaule~, 43 GuelllrG\\(
tM..nneadAlexauder & Jobil, Z1 Adelf'hi COl1rt Mair James, 35 King g.i '
~arucg~,!Yilliam, (& town clerk) Exdll:quer c:-ooTt l\lilne John Duguid, 63 Queen st
Ch.11mrr~ Chal'iell., ) I Aildphl court Morice Hobert,;W Marilldmht
tlitvas Alex.jllll, CommerL'iiilYlallk C6l1rt , Mowat Alexander Milne, Upper .,
Copland Alcxand~r, 2'Adl!lphi court Muir Alexander,::\5 King-5t
Coutts Adalll, 61 Nelher KU'kl(ate i'llurray Jmul'~, 28 Scllool Hill
Crombie AleKlludcr. 7' Quel:u' si l'\icol .lames, 1:, Adelphi COlltt ,
Cummillrr George, 2 Ragll~~-llUie Nicol Le'wi~, Crowl) CQurt, 36 Upper KtrtP1e
Daullev 1)1'. Alexander, Broadford- Ogilvie Simson, 3 Drulliis-lane '
I)avitbim 11 Adt'lplft ~urt Karns"" Robert, Chevne'.. coun, til} Broad It
David 11011 3gt.1mont st' Hcid 'I howiIli, 86 UIlWU 11-'
DIIIlCIIIIJ Ruellel James, 61 N{)!:th $,1
Dutble John. 64 Shill""'''' SlInggter ThoffiM. 26;Ql.IeJ!l lit
Dyu Robert. BOD Accordst; Shitfff~ John I,. 26 Kiug 5[ .
Edillolld James,- 61- BrQlild dt Siml,son Jam('s, 49 Small lit
Ewing & Rohison, 25 MlIrl:lchlll If Simpsoll William, (& count'y oc~H'Il;rallor
Farquhar QU!'l'n .t
F~!'gu8011 Smitb I'\kxander, 11 COrl'e('tion 18
Fleming St, l'\kl",la,·lalle
Fordyce Smith Alexalldcl',juli.1 81
Fordyce Smilh Johll, 28 Que!!n '
Smttb .tOllO, ~Cll. QIlt'CU s~ , '

Smith John, JUII. 46 St. Nichola» s't
Smil h William, 2 l.ollg _Acre
Spark B~lljamjll, 4il Nelh!'r Klrkg'dle
Gorrluil • Stronach Ah"xallder, 31l)ing,1Ot -
!le!"u) Slnar! William. 18, Ca."Ille
. SIe'
(;0 nlo 11

l~ Kingst

Merchants,, Tradesmen, *c.

( I ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )
ACADEMIES, ;\'1~s~vcill Hugh, (general) 5G
Allen Wm. (geueral) 47 Quay
(UD/ES' DAY AND Bil'llic GcOI'S't',' (colllllJi!sioll) U mOll ~t
Coh~titutioll st Mail,land John, (clolh and cotton
S.e abo Teachen, '
Black Jault:s, (Commis5ioll) 40 Yllm) 36 Union st
U Ilion ,S! Alexamkr; (gClltrai}' 57
st .
Cllw\, Wm. (general) 8 !{illg ~t
Donald Wln, (shippillg) 12 Com-
Duguid 8t 'I'
(general) .C'Om;ert
Cllurt, Bl'Oad ·~t [low!!a!<"
Duncan Adam, (~elleJ:lI) 47 Gal-
Dllllcan w. (ii:, ~cneral merehaut)'I
25 Adelphi'I:Qurt ,
Edward .Ahl/Smt. (general
and writer) Jopp-' court, 11
agelltl APOTBBaAltJ!lllIII.
Q'ueen lit ' &' DRUCIGISTII
Geddes Alexander C. (ship) 10i S ..rg~OD•.
Canal [Broad $~Alex!tll'der Will. 119 Gallowgatc
H-acket (bed t\<:k) 43 Anderson James, MCalule st
Harthill ) 21 Broad st, B~l'ro~ ,.Iames; 79 Broad ~t IlCral) 3 ~lllCk Iholll!l8-,M Broad ~t
Thom<oll's COli Chrystal! :Alex. 154 Gallowgate
!\Jackie 'James, ( Ill'l'al) III Clark.& Me L('od, 22 Castle ~t
Guestrow !Jowme Charles, 13lOad ~t
~btt·bttnlf;trt. . ABERDEEN:' ~ ot &"0,,·.
~~~~~=:;==::::;;;;;;;;~~::::::::i'==r==~ 6 }
( 4 )
Broad ~t, aud MAST, PUMP MAKERS·
Audersou Waterloo Quay
Call9 &.
51 Mackie Alex. JUIi. (&. ~hip owner)
Maitland Wm. &. Co. Foot-dee
8u .1~o8hip
Neilson G{'orge, (&. & pump
maker) FO.)l-dl'c .
BANKS· Reouic William, Foot.dee
B"nkof SCOtland (branch of) P. Youllghu~balldJ.IOClillaIT~rrace
Duguid, eStl· cashier; Bauk 0 BOOK AGENTS.
Thomson Scotland conrt, 3.'i Castle See ai,,, K..o~.~lIeu.
Broad st CommelcialBallkillgCo ill
Ur\luhart John, 54 S~.Nichola..1 decn, Alt-xandcr Chh'a8, esq, Anderson Jo~.J3 &. 15
WiHiamsou I'et. 1 Exchequer row ca;IDieq Commercial Bank CI,. Edwards R. &. J. (&. tea
Castle M Jack's Brae
GOlnllll'fcilil Bankiu!{ Co. Fenton Janu:~, f.erard ~I
Iflud, (branch uf) Johnston Alex. 381acldrial1ll&
Sim'~11 Archibald, Unic.1! ~, Hlackie, esq. agl'lll, Mc Donald'.John, Upper Dee.
Simpsoll JOIIll, JUII. Silver ~t rhal 51 Mathisoll John, Reltic.s oour1
Smith John, (&. builder) King lit Mallerly John &. Rusll!ll Alex. 7 Nether Kirk!!a!e
Worb; Stephl·n BOOKJUNDERS.
'rhe Blinking Co, ill Collie Wm. 41 LTpE,r Kirkgale
Castle st.; Jas. Bnllld Gordon WID. 20 U ppel' Kirkgafe
l\torricc, cashiers Laurie William, (& cil'(~uJatlllg Ii-
BILLIARD brary) 38 GIlHOWgIllc
II Low Ernest, 1 f\~kfriars st
TABLE KIlEPER· Philip &. MOi'Fdt, 50 Queen st
AUCTIGNEE.JlS. Allan Jam~8. Chronicle COll~t, 32 Strachan and Gellen,:8 &. 10 Long
Hrown & SOil, 29 t'llion ~I Broad st Acre
David~on Saml. Slrollac!Js close, Cooper Alexander, netties court, BOOKSIlLL-ftS
62 Castle SI 20 Broad 51 "' ...
nonald Alex. 38 Lock st AND STATIONIlRS.
Farquhar AlexeiI'. (& comllli~si(lil BLACKSMITHS, Angus &. Son, 8 llnion it
warc~ouse) 2 Broad st Au,lcrf'Oll ... Iex. 30 North 81 Browll Alex. &. Co. (&. cu'cu.iatiillll
Henderson Jollll. 4 Ju~tice ~t Andl'I'sOIl George, Boolh'~ COUI't, library) 38 Broad 8t
.P.1c Leod Pt'IU, Exchange court AI'!(dJIml' !\'ether Kil'k"ai(' Clark George, (&. news room) 71
Jame:l, Seaton Broad 5t
l'nion ~t
Mac~wein Black George, Foot Collie Wm. 47 Upper Kirkgate
1'1 ;;!lSic Booth John, 10 Littlejohn 81 Forbes Will. II Ca~tle 8t
l\li\nc Wm. Cart.. r Da,ill, (&. gejleraI8mith'~ Gordon Wm. 20 Upper Kil'\r;gatl'
Rog~ Wni. 6 . work) Northst MoirTholllas, (&.hbrary) 12 CQI'-
Kirkgatt' ChapDlanJoh",IO , rection wynd
Thomson Will. &. Co. 13 Killg st , Cooper Chartt'~, 41 Patel's?!) &. Dunbar, 14 (Inion st
\)ou!:las Abraham, (& Robcrtson William, (&.libl'ary)If)
BAKERS· f maker) Caysewar eud Broad sf
Duffus Johll & Co. foot-dee, aud Smith Lewis, 78 Broad st
Adams Alcx;lwler', Chapd lit J\lcal,Markel-lOUle Spark Thomas, 52 CMllest
j\1l..n Jame~, 10 GI'(lI'j~e ~t Englaut! .John, VIUOD Illidge Stel'enson Alex. 60 Castle 9t'
Audersoll .ram"", t'uioll place Gordoll George, (&. hell hanger) Strachan Janws, 32 School Hill
IIl'uceJaml's, Old ."held~t!1I 75 Q-I4~.lI Rt SlItllerland Johl1, 15:~ Gallowgal ...
Bruce John, 14 Ca~llc ~t Lillie Wm. (& fanier) Windmill Trollp Wm. 12 Gallowgate
Crabb Wm.. (bread &. ship Bral' Wa!son Alt'nnder, (& library) 51
3 COInlll'eree lit 'li.,,, .. ,,.~, lillie Jam('" , Dellburn Hroad it
Donald Andrew, 27 Llp. Mc tlardy JOhll, sea. (& Wood \Vm. 10 Upper Kirkgate
:Edward .Lames, Skent' ~t 37 Frederick st Wyllie Da\'id, 43 Uuioll 5t
Emslie Olas. 25 Nelbcl' Kirkgale Me Hardy J. jun. 37
f.1U~lic W,n. Gallol4'O!;ale Ht:ad l\lc Inlosh Dan!. (& BOO'!' Ie SHOll MAKIlRS.
Ferguson J. (& I.:iOCel·) Union pi Commerce sl Adam~ Alex. 35 Mal'i,~chal st
.Frencil Wm. 5 Ship 1'0111' Me Kt'llzie JUO.jllll. 45 Gnestl'ow Allleck Alldl'ew, 53 Union ~t
Fullerton Gco.~40 St.l'\1ichobs st Maitland Will. & Co. Foot-dee Ah·t.l! JOhll, 24 Park sl
C.ordoll Alex. 10 Woolman hill .Millle J08tph, Bon Accord ~t Alexande.r David,!lt Up. Kirkgale
c,r.llY John, 22 .Iu~tice st Millie JOI'Cph, 20 Fredel'ick;st ,\lIdenroll Akx. Windmill Brae
Harper Alex.4::! Greel) ;iJ,Qir J"hn, Skene !It ,\ndcl'son James, 181 Gallowgalt
Kelman Alex. 10 Huxter row ;\IW1Ch WIll. 3 Blackfriars st ·AIl.der.'lruI Robert, 66 Queen ~t
Kerr Rohe.!'l, Skene S\ Niooll'oll .Ioim, St. Calbel'iut"" Barron Wm. Woodside
Low William, 4.6 George st C()llfl, Ship r o w , Baxter James, 56 School Hill
lIlachray ILubei't. Old Aberdeen Pa!t:'rsoll Roderick, (& bell bang- Baxter William, Skoeu.: ~I
MackicJames, 35 Ilroad Sl .cr) 43 l\iJrlh st. Be!,g Charles, WilJdlllill Brae
l\latthew .l<lhu,. 63 Queen st Pil'ic .Jallle~, 24 North st Brebllt'T &. Maitland, .')8 Uuion st
)\Jillle Alex. 83 Galklwgat.e P'iu~lldri!ih Alldrew, 89 North i5t Browl! DOllald, Col'pocatwust,
.Mortima Alex. 55 Uwer Quay Simpson &. Co.. Wate!loo-Ialle Brown John, Delllruru
MOI,timet· l\lrxallder, WO{Idside ,Smith George, Seaton Buchan Alex. 81 Queen lit
Mull J()hu, 16 School HiU. Smith Ro&ert,6 Moullt Blick & CA. 50 St. Nicholas lit
O~i1",y John, ;) Jl'rederick l!t SllIilll Wm, 18 COIl:llI€rce SI Caic Gt'orge, 19 [)l'Ums lane '
SQligster,.}ame3, 45 George at Sicwiln George, GilCOll151.()II Chalmers Alex. 21 MariliChai st
.::iulilh Jacob,.17 NI'l'lh sa Walt Old Aberdeen Chisholm James, Old Abcrileell
;',,,ilh J,ohn, \)l'e 'I Wlllt Old Aberdecll Clark Alex. Old Aberdeeu .
,si"iug Hoocn, 29 Sc!.wol Hill Walt foot-dec Clyne Alex. 41 Ca~tle SI
atI'tetol'l). ·AUEROEEN.
BOOT. SR OI! MAlt ': • •.
aGO'!' • • ROa _AXE.. .
") ( U)
..0IlER S,
C)' 1Ie Wm. 16: I ~luhcr eGner) III SNU Tho •. 42 S I. Nkhul.., '" Walte r Alex-. 5 Call!..' UI'lIC
(';aUnwplC Sallt WIlliam. CII' rellt White Will. i ",.. d~·riO: '"
COu ll . J :III. IIi lS I. 1\i<h roIM "I Sl'nlt'rJnh",l;lIioll!1 BRUSH M A.KER • .
Cmichhauk (i\·"." Wiud, ....111d
Darid., n Andn' w. i lolhll ' o st Shrj,hrrd Wm. II I George ~ I' Til.... , 18 Sf. NichoLu JI
Sit',,,,·rl.hl R. HI George II
Dn;,bon J ohn, t; .. U,'!tc" Si m John. Brf'lllMord /}allid J .. hn, ~ ti C;o,<r1t IU
Uou!flao WII!. U ( ;m"'Trow Smil h Alex. 2'J Neth('r Kitkgale Oouald I\ohert, III $1. Kichub~ .1
I)n lm ll1(1l1 11 Jlln ll'~. 1 Uuecn 81r. Smit h ,\ ll'xaIl1l(' r , Co lI l'ge ~t and ~ Woolm;tuhm
&ud ~ Union . , Smi.h Jo hn, I,ilne Quay BUILDER'. MAeONa.
Dunbar Gl'O~. U~"bllr" S n,it h John , Uolburu.c Ikan le WiIlia, • • II Porthi ll
Dunnn J uhn, nri,l~l' of DIm S mi.h /''''I'r, Collese ~I' U(U"'l'" J "hn, Ii ro~rI(..rd
1)\111<:1111 J"lm, :19 CII~ll" ot Sml lh Wm. Holbu rn I I Hurhall (j('Ur~ e, Hn."ly ~t
Duuaa J Oh ll , 13 S, . Nichol&3 al S n,ith Will . SplUa! Chahnt'l'lI J"hll, R,,>'C ~t
. I)wlb .\In. C,;aW\eway t,,,1
:-;Ic...arl JalDn, Windmill Bue Cll'rihe ... t'rand.<. Ilnioll l,late
Duthie Alrxamh:r. Cloal.ocJ ~t ~ l ntCh." J 'DI('~. Windmill U""" (;leriht'W (:eo t~,i t,;Anlit'l itr 51
~ J am" . Chapt'l ., ."Iuart Aieli'. 2:. Nonh ~ t (;ohlolllll JYlllt'l, IO"! 10,'0"''' ~ I
f '!:'lulmt .~rthur. 18 Upper SIII~rl Darid, G f'OrKc ~ , (;ollie JalM>l, I.i.lle (;llill~1 st
KlrlF:,al e SlIlbe r lYlld Alt'][. 34 Kin g al Dalr.lrn" W, ... <!Ii S I. A"dn!'w_t
Fldd.,. G~ rf(C. O ld ,\ hc~u Taylor Alu . Ql.u~"·aYl'"d mac k Akll. Sk.: u.: -'I ''''"'
tlndlay Ale..:::' wlKl' wall;: ·r-.II·lor Peter, (& blllCking) 21 Gal l J obll, 1& ,';d"".:1 ma.l'r)
)'llIdl:l.l nl,bl:r,!z lI o1bllrn ~t UNle r Klrkptc L"bbanl ('O',rl , ,10 t;a.I,k M
Fithcr Tho •. !lU Virginia It l l,or"~o!l U.,,1.1 Shlll ll,,·Ja!!!! Gordon 'n,OI".... GmdOlJ ~ I
F"tbt. G,'f},g.:, (III. 1"lIther cu tte r) T""" II·F nmcl., oU MArillCha111 Grt't' u J ob",!1 51. Nkhola~. lanr
Win d mill lIme 'I'yllt' r JolI", (& It1llhc r Cll tler) 18 Hatj>cr Jail' (,f, 3 1 ~OIl. tiI U liuu I
. "."h.:. Wni . I 1.11I1f! " " I mOlt( At GnllnwglllC Hart'..., Ja ru c~, li2;";",-t h ~ I
..t·~ r JIUlII,:,. U,IIIIIA- lane
)'~ r J ltrllc~. Holbllrn 31
Wftl~~ r Ge4,r gt', ::kenc ~ I 1 11.:",.Iry J ;OIlW~, 80 1..1",'" ''
WM."'-", GCtl. \& k", her ~uttcr) lI('y J alUe~ , J l, ,, dll~"'~'
FrMer T hUll. 3 (:.ellc·IIIIIC J.( Nether KIr~ g~tc lI uII '('rJ.",t'II, 2'1 Willd,. ,,~,Id
)'ubillcr MagllWl , l:l\apel_t W~tt Alex. Gi lf'OlU31011 ,\f ro Con~" John , (;hajlt..j SI
fludller Wm. 1 M arl~,'h;oII.1 Wall J "hn, 3:i Ul'per Kll;):gale May J obu, 19 QIoC'tD '"
(ja,dd Alt'J:andcr , lJo.,,,burn
(:l'lldet J ame. , CaWK'wa, end Wan I'atrkk , i!l Q ut'C' n ~I MUIII!!'olUery J. l;l Chnoniclc: lallc
Wehotlt't U!obI, 19 81. Nkbolallll Pal('r...,n Will, Uld ,\hcrUt-eu
Gril. Ceo. 49 Ne lher Kirtplr Wood OI'O'l{e, Holbum SI Il;ulllic Thu •. lhl_oliC l ~I
Gdlan Alex. 12 t:a,u North at \'0<11111 AIClC. I N"'her Kirkgue Held John. !lO Unio n ,I
(".ellan WID. 2'J St. Nicholii;'!! . t
Gill AleJ.. II East North n • • CW8... ItohtrtllOn'rhos, i J nsl it'('.l~u~·
GhuN Jamc., 4 Marbchal " Ab.-rdtt, .. lh,\'wtry. Will iAm \It RoberlfOlI W . ( I: I",,";orr ) ln1Ul'-
Gordon Oeo. 12 K,d: "l'Dd lil'a \I Meal m.rket laue I treet ; bouse HIIIII Il· "
Goo'c Ala. 42 Q1it'e!) It lIlack rwllllaw .ud 'Co DeYanha Roa J obp, 6 I.htl... Ik 11101'111
Oray WOI. Htndel'llOo's court , 46 8te"" ' r . . Seo'llie WUI_ !Uo t:l~lul~~le
Krood _t Cldcn ht'ad. BArron" Co. Ktw ~Jd lluer Ro bl. ~ (,e,~"t $t
On-I!!, J aIJlC_, 65 Q ut'rn ~ I Ilri.4:e IIrcwer r; Gootsc Itdd, !S I~ I J . ml'll, ~ h(,I·",c.t
Greil! J as.:l9 Nel hn Kirk!:~tc U, ;tlll,.:cr Suuth J ohn , U 'ShllC·b., ~
Grubb Jamu , Old Abo: rd~e ll Co ... ic ,\lo·x. 5 \'irginiau CABINET MAK e RS
Hlnle A",ln'w , Slielle H UII.hic \\'111. Hillburn n AN D UPH OLST t: llERS.
Horton Matthew, "t. Gl'C1!1I G iil'om.; tOll Urcwer, (;0. Gcorgr T h..e •• ' 1~d rio.. . ~, . (,~" ,n •• . tr Aln: . Old .\bel'd«11 .;bllll~. manllKer ... h " ""'y.
l nine John, 2 1 1.ou!I Aere GOllloll Gl'On:r. &. Co. Fer r)'l,il1 ,\ Icx:llldrr Wm . 15 Nort h II
Jilifrol.)' HOM-n, 62 Qu~tI It Urewt'r)" Ht'll. lI olQ!', 1IIWI . ,\Il an &. Mar;,lIall. t.6 Ca!t11' ~
J am inoa WOI . Uld Abenll't' n I\lo"'at Jo~u, UUI'AnI mu". 61 ilan!'lI,yJoha , II (;n!"('n
t:dhnan Alex.:W GueurGw (;:uile ~ I Ilarllrll Joba\ ~ l ' ,:MIIi ~t
Llw Willw,u" 4J Gt·tHI!C II Kirol P~ lcr, Sea.on Drewcry IIt'a\lle lIeler, 2 CorrCCfwn orr-d
Leith Aln. l GJ ""liee II Siru Jam c~. lIardpte · Chal'lIl.'\" J olill, 110 (;rorge.1
w 'ie WiUiiloDl. 50 U ppt'r Quay Silll ThOll. & Son, 22 LMh ~~ Cl:Irl.: ,Iuhn,; PriIlCt'S ~t
Ne Con..::hi~ AI. 10 Marischal II I Smith Ito'i" e &. (;0. Old ,\i.lctd ...
",,, - t,;I,... ihtw P('ter, S k ~nl' st
lII ao:hray Will. (;1U'~way cud Still P:.ltriek, Soulh Dridge t,;ont! s Ibo'hl , 3 i'i"nh .t
Me Keude DUIIC.:l", Skell e !!quare aaIOK. TILE IIIAKE. • • . · t,;rni", J .. ~n,lSkl'lIc I t
Mackie Gootle , 3.1 Eau Nort h st A berdeen Co. Clay lUlls · (;r,uk Will. 28 .:ilJil ;.oorlll Ilo
MaUll Jobn, 2 Lou.K Actl" AIIlt" Otor"e. Uld Aberdeen ' DoIIRI;l~ Jl&IlIU, Oli o'er'! rollrl,
Marthew WUlia nl , 61 Greeu N· 1 I' 0) ' A "~-" 12 VPJ*r Kirkpte .
l>li1ue Audl'(' w COllo n , ,1:0 t'1t' r , u """uetl! • ••• Irwel<l her "av. II SGetirgcil
Mirt,e Will. G Huxle r rGW • •OKE.'· t'ii!dtllr Wm,:W Kill/t' 11 •
Milner Art hur, 2 Upj,n- Kirl.:galt' IS!! 11' A~ n I ~ SU RA~CE.) .·OI'1r.!h WID. ~I SI. ~khol .., Nt .
MollillOII J M. 11 Nelhe r Ki r kgate Allrl! William, 4; Qual' Gill ['homM, 21 K I II~"
Morpn Oeo~ Chapel SI Caldt'r & Co. 41 MlU'i...chil M: G"od~"d. J alllt'f:, CuUoo
MoNO. Al...x, Deu'bum5 Clltto J oho, Son , &. Co,~" in!~t Oonl<m J u hn.!I SI. 'Nkhobs. I:.lIlC
Morli lDU Wru.1iZ Guestrow Culll:m !1 Da,1d, (ill gener.&! ~"I ) Grei" J otll~ ," PrilK'tolll
Murray Jamd, Conoll .. ; .i\lIIIrUdtal lt J ' m'eI'<l1l Geo~. lUI GailoWll;8-Ite
MUId! Wia. CauteW3r end Uuthie no~t, (It. .,cal ) 4.l Up- Li!l:rrt\y~,d J olin, :~ I'ri.en '"
Nirol Pl'terl 'lIl J allln.c M(' Gn:JUr IVIU. " E:il' !'Wrlh ~I,
lIi111tOll Chv!et, 3 QU<'Cn ~t per Q u.,. 2S M alld Gal1l'1wptr fl ead
P'le""u Alu, 71 Geo,,¥ ~I
Forbn Ah:x4 r • (& . 01) a· Mih,l' Alldrrw,,19 KIII, . 1
rifChal II
Pille,...,n DoII Ud , 122 OIlllowpte .. ruer AltIIIder, 14 Q ua)' MnWllI J<>hn, Ca~ll(' II
lta ~ lIle- Wib. 130'Oa ll owaale H~y Alex. 13 COUllnli~ It Phil Ii !, AIII'- &. ~' III ~ 7ti l ' llloli it
I ~~ lA'ww , 24 QlI~" wt Lll n.idl' Y JOh D( I ~ ~ l anKhai ~t. rt " '~" 'I' ,1"lIn , 20 Nor. h n
nerd Wllllllwl.DtubGrtt. . ~ I dll~ Po:ter, "'coal '" lalt ) 36 H tlddim~II J "',", 1 Lodge wal"
l\ou JII Ult'II U_'oo It . 111'""r Quay , Slldl Ja .....s. 18 I.... ng Acn
SaIlK".'r Joim, Old Aberd~en ]l11Ii!' Il oh. ( &. ~nl ) 5, Add l,llI CI '''-)'lor J)ill"id, 6 ShO('·lam:
St:.u nt~l~, Sken(, u Mo.?':1l II u"h ..53 Man.oehat. ~ I . · ·Ionle Robrrt . ~kt'u~ U
l fU lI J:llll(". VenlJur u I ' ,· ,·. IY ln . .t Co. IS Adelptllt'l " 1" '11« Wi'll. 18 \\I imly wyni.l
. 16a
( 10 ) ( ) I .} ( 12 )
Gkgg George, (& toy dealer) 27 Cromal' AlnL Skene st
Adams Alnander, B),rlle!t Uuguld Will. [stockillg COItOIl] '3
Bmwn Alex. 20 i\or'h st Ship row
Kerr Robert, S\(ene 81 St. Andrew 8t "
CmlllolJ Robl. Camcwav end Gordon, Barroll I';. Co. ralico
tuum Wro. (& ~llUtlfe) WintI- Klli!(hl George, 41 Jlnioll-st priuters1 20 Belmont
mill Brae Lau .. A IlIlrCW, 40 Woolmanhill
Ll'pli" 1'heoUore, (& pa~try cook) LawT<"llce Alex. AlJu ~t
Edmond Fral:d~, 71 North ~t Lawn'uee Jame~, Skene Hlual'll
EdmOlld Jame~, Wiuclllill Brae 62 Castle lit
l'dc Kenzie JollU, 5:1 Gallowl!;alc Le:,lieJoI1ll,64 Woolnmnhill
Greig George, 88 North ft iI'l~ckle Wm. 1;.) BrOil!!
Jafl"ra) Hober!, Sea!OIl Dykes ~liJnc Jane, 19 NellJerkiJ'Kgate
Rm,d WlJI. 38 l'I.,pt'rkifl<gate Maronl1cuie Will. 28 NichQ-
Lamb JamcR, HuthriellOli liI~ st
Law Wm. Seaton gate' Shphcrd Wru. 38 QUltl! st, '
Strachan Jaru~s (& grocer) 207 "'karns Jallle~, 3 Sl. Nkhola&-!t
Lawrance Jllme~, Holburn st Milne, FOlllt!rtoll & Co. 1 Unroll
Millie JlItneS, Union sf. Gallowgate
·.Millle JOhll, Seat Oil !(1lte Tit01Il50n Mn<. 2 Cal1sl terrace buildin!1" .
Young Carhariuf', 5 Rap;gs lane POlllter Thoma~, £2 Bread .!. :
Milne Thoma~. Bolburu SI ~l1lhel'hlllrt Al;d. 1 m<l!'ks' IJdin!;!
Heid Alexan,ler, Skelle SI CONSULS·
RoberUlOIl & 1\1 urrav. t'llioll ~, Weir & (;0. ::? 'rlit,ill' >1
Dallbh, Jas Kllowks, ",-delphi 1'1 Will Jalllc~, 74 (:curgt: RI
Sim Charle~, II Hh\ckfriar~ st Dutch, John Stewart, (;rowl! cL
Summers, Ail' & Co. Sliellc SI vuioll MI' COTTON SPINNERS
Forhes, tow & 1:0. p(l),lleruook'
OABVERS ... GILDERS.' COOPERS Gordon, Hal'l'oll & Co. 20 Bd-
BI;<lIol' Gcor~e, 29 QIN."t'1l St 11.·11 Johu, Willtimilll>rac mout 51
Hay John, tJuion 51 Blair Will. :-iOl'lh 51
Mackav Allllrew, (raryer only) lIrichell Wm.!I Vnrk 51 CURRU:R8·
12 Shil' TOW Camerol! John, 68 (lallowgate l\Ie Gowan ThOIll!l~, 1,01'1, ~t ,
Smith & (0. 18 Union ~t Cameron ,Josepb, -eorthill dowe Me Millan Thoma.~, Jad:. bfllc
OBAIN CABLE MAXlUU;, Cameron Pelt:r, 1;';0 fillllowg3tc Ramage John & Co. ~ Broad ij;
AND ANORORSMITBS. Camcl'f)u Wm. tl6 Oaljo\\'gate . CU'1'LB'.a·
(;hn\llllall & Ua\'id$t)Il, 16 Com-
~ee 8h\l) Blj\c~~lflitlu:, -
Coutls Will. 214 Gnllo~\'glIte
Du!fus John & Co. (& harpoon) Clark .Alex. & J<I.". Old Aberdee!l Croll!arJlIlIIes, 45 Gallowgate
root-dee t:OOptl' Alex. 26 Cooper's court, Hamliton.Johu, 16 Uppe.rk,irkgal
SimJll!OIl & Co. Waterioo-Iulle Nethcrkirkgalt Kill;! W allt'l", 206 Gallowgatc
Courage Geurgl', Ii Chapcllal'c -'1ackie JallH", [& ITU!! make!:]
CHINA, GLASS, 25 SI. :-iit holas 5t
AND BARTHENWARE Duugla., John, 31 Woolmauhill
Do\\' Johu, Drnburn Sicvwright [& gunsmith]
DEALERS. Dun;o A!lam, Callallalle 12 Lodge
Ander~on Joh". ;, t:hronirk-lanc Dul'll!) JallH':', Canal lane
Cudllo p.'ter, i6 Gall!lwg~!c
Falcouer .l.uhu, tI (,lua: Cromhie AI(')(.;S Lillie BelmonUt
I?o,n?lld Peter, ;17 En~t J\',mlJ ~t (;onloll Cbark~. 2 PUI3chic side (;rombic Charles, Jopp's court,ll
Kclth Hout. & t:o. <Ii BI'oad st Gordon JamCl', 5 North st QueeIJ-H •
Lr~tt·: Jonathan, 26 Union $t Gonl!)11 Will. l4 Commerce st Skues George, 37 M&ri~(hal st
Madile ,\ie:xaml.'r 8 Ship row Gn·if( 'rhos, III 'I.'il'sfuia llt Wright Pctn & /'!I}U, Ii GilestroW
~lackie John, 2 NMh ~t Hay John, 11 Pork lane '
Mearlls Geor!,;c, 4il'lIioli st .JaTllt's Alex. 4 Pork lAne DISTILLERS
l\~ea~llg Jam.·s, 10 Shipl'Ow Laird Jlllllt:;, nl-rryballk . flrown & Co. GknlJul'll OisljJlcry
VI~hle Alex, 15 Park SI ' (;iico!l"tQII Distillery, Giln>lIll!ton
Lt~lic Jolin, Cnlkge ~t
Wlholl Wan. 45 Broall ~t Me Bail! Akx<lmln, I North st Hdd &. Co, Broadford
CLOTHES RBNOVATORS. 1\Ie Bean Air);. 'Cil. 22' King 5t HoonlsOIl & Co. SlOlIylowlI Dis-
See .1." Dyer•• i'o!dHs George, Hoiburli st tillery
KC!ln Wm, 6, !:it. Nichola., Jane Mit'hie G('org~, 8 i"Jour mill bTne DRA!'!:R. a. DEALERS IN
Reid Wm. 32, Nethcrklrkgate N !col .A h:Jatlocr 6 CasU!!' st SUNDRIES· '
:-iit;ol John, Hlllhrh.'stoll 8fe 81,.0 L'n;",n find \\)oollen Drqper.,
• COAOH .AIlltBIIUI. Robert~oll James, Cau:;c .... lI}'cl1d and aloo j1 .. b~ld ••l,.," & Cloth;.r•.
Ehnsly ThOll. 43. Kiug 8t Rob<"rtsoll J Ohll, Old 1\ berdeen Arthur ScoU, Collon .
Taylor John, Fn-derickst Ro>'e James, Ho.~e Valley Broad- Findlay Mlillbew 19 Erust N.orCh-
COAl. BROKBRS AND ford 5trt'Ct ' ..
DEALBR,. T~():II8<m AkxRndel', 10 (Cuay FinlaJ'~on John, li Sbip.row
Abel Peter, (agent) ZJ James 81 \'I, Ilhams Jamt's, 1 Virginia St Jad obll; 151 Gnllowgaic
~anllcrmall Patrick, 16 J<\lIlt'S' SI CO'JI'EU.l'1'Hfi· Me Kay lmzabeth, Ii Loch It
(;olllion Will. 12 Commerce 5t
Gill John, Lime Quay
Bairll& Ellis, 48 North ~t
GU.J(loli HUgll,& Cq, all,Broad lit
DJl~18 M4KEJf.'·
s •• •100 Milliner.. ,
HUiller Geo. 46 Shipl'ow Leuh John, IS H,uxlel' row
Mellis ~eter, 36 QWlY ~lIrgr~1I J;:llel.I" 9 .Maltmilf bridge
iIlcft Wm. 19111\x.ler tQW.' Calder l\1r~~es, .l.6 Beim,oJlt d .
, CO.B MAKBR •• :Sle"bclI Roberl, ::w Nl,irtb at Chmlllfrp; ..Mi~M·g, 29, M. An-
Gordou Francis CORK OUT'TEIilIlf. drew st . . . ,
Lawrie Wm. 46 Sbiprow. DUTlcall 'rhos. 60 Gue~How .. Duncan l'IfIl:i'Y,,!) l... iIlJeJoila-sl,
lIIow,lt Grorge, 44 GueHrow Durward k:h:.:. ,42 flff4eriuk e',
Alrxander Wm. :> Park st l\Iulhollalld Joseph, 186 Gallow- GOI'OOIl ijal'lllltlt. 35 S,ehoo} hill
gale Go\'\' Mi1ise., 'fl\om~oils-collr~, 61
H~HI !IIargan;!, ;, M a,ischal st H~.oad.t;.t.
BI~set J as. (& grocer) 21 & 23 Sirup;oll :\ liOn!\\" 12 Carmelite 51 l!rallt C~I;i!liial1a, la, Quay
School hill COTTON Gralll l\;Il~~, 51 St. Nic)lO!a/l st
Brown .I'da.garcl, Holbul'II SI M.t\ NUFACTU,allR s· - Hay I\lis~, Old Abrnkell
t:ock Will. 52 Broad 81 . BI'I'rY I'm!. [& lim)ll] 67 'Bl'Qarl at H\I,ldk;.t11l l\1i.~, 8 SI. Niclio-
Donald illldn:w, 4 llilperkirkgale Clark Wm. l:>kenc ~qll;u'e I(\~u
Oulfu, Jame~, 6 HI'lII'!On lalle Collie Jame., Gotdon 51,' Wind- .lflck· :\liF"~S, 51 St, NicboJas.1Il
i;;-4Qhar Wm. 6 GaUowgate IJ.lllI brae La\l\ll\li$~ell.:J5 Shil't'Ow
Ilirrrtbrp. _ ..--*=" = A"BEItDERN. 111 brrbrtlltl)lrt •
o s- __ - - . " " , " ." n
-_.......... '"=
( '3 ) ( " I ( 15 )
Lopo Mi,_, 61 Urnad I' ,\l.Iw .... t'1I1I: &: Lin:.. J,,4u Sim. ,\lOCrdt't'lI ~.]w"" ' : 0 . 2 t"i. lo I I
~k C'''lIltie Ju...'~.lIill~. c.:OIlC'~rt CI Jam.·~ II
,\h..·"I.·.. " ""bile Co. ;'9
lII e H~nJy J ane, ZJ Shiprow A .....iu·cy. F 'll; 4: 1.11"11, J alllU H
Me "'''Y Auu, Madr.:.)·, oovrl, 60 Bt~I'k. ~O ' · "i,," ~ I . 4: ,\ 1":11:. Ikm :\ roord WI\alc Co. U QUII)'
Galk"" '!",,c S"uu;w:h, :11 I\i"~ ~1 UN: Wlllile Co. 13 )lariM'hal!le
IIli,ri,I"", Mi.Mc,o, 13 Kelbe r- ~\Tu. . , hUll'" JH:ukk, 1 Lollfl Gn"'ula"d Whalc Co. :l!I )1 ~ &iJ_
klr~l!ale (1.i11 Acre tha i ~1
Jlloir !l1i.~, l>Oual,I'~ nl. Schow]. IlRA.c o!'i t·nu:, ·nIOI""'r. rui"" W!/ilc fi~ hjugru, 12 (:0111_
HellM: "II'!(arcl, I lulIll)' &I 16 YUt..,,, aI mcrec ~ 1
SILiIullliarbara, M "jug til fhN:IIIS GU"' ,\ ,. Hn~h M o rr~ll <>'1
Skill .... , 101 in, !If, G~~ ~ It :'Ilarifd.1ll . , • PLAX DREllaERa .
Sh.'rtll"on MiM, 01,1 li:lot-"k'C'u IhuTII' 1I 4: W""T)t'''f"ll'!II. B. AI. ,\dam "\ ""'ll1,t/.." 17 li l . .\id\U-
('oc k. 46 Kh ~ ~ 1 la. Utttl
SI~w:lfI "libM'~. 6 Carll~lile ~t
1I111T1~U Cn.\ I;"f.MCIA'., Alt:xulU.If."r
,\ nti('t"" " AI~x . Coupt',,,,,,,
"'iJlur .hUt, t:1'1It1C"~ CUll" . 2:l
Hn.." .. II "!J~u. (i,I IJr"ad ~I 1Ii.'w, G,·vrf/t'. II (;ilUf>""tafe
T Jlkr ,He uricl1;\, ( & lJab)' liuCTI (;.1.1_':1)0" ,,,,... .... ,·II"" r ·l1l1.1lu~u. (~ ...~)' '\l ex . .... Co. ],,8 (;w I"W'~lc
11 lJui'~J 1'1 I "JII~kle Uevrgl', .. 7 NC'lhn~ilk_
t'·I.... ~n"t,.1 If, IJ ".~·" U ! ~' I!
W:,ltn MII>t~, (;,ud.'" . I:(IUII , COliSli 1'1111. , I :"bcot n~IIl~~
'l:.l /1,,,1141 .1 (9 Iho:teI ~, - • .\]rulli(' J .. b".r& lim' II fa,,, 111:.0-
Wan ;" k I~JI,''' . ~O UII''1'1I ~I IJIJ " U~ I " ~I IIM...·X Cn. Ak". "" ri4t·ltlrcr] :17 Oalh", ", '"
Well. 'o'r Mi __ ~, 2:IUa(~ lI)ud nlt·Y lle. tI!. Mari; \I,al lll ()g ildl' \\· 111. M! Gail!)10 gluc
».y.ALT.Il. •• . "; "'GU~ 1.o"WUIIIOl, IIIt'xandt'r 1I.llIn;': Will . .. 0 North , I
. ~ Iuilh, II (,;orn.-C:I;'II wy",1 SIDhh Wm . 13 Glo.Jlo\\"F"l"~'
0.11111 I>M.-id, [II"" IIr",,~ r) 39,
(,I.Ift' 1I ~t t. lIMfll' P. <S I. ..·p.. J>lIlKlUl VII"id- 'I'hom Juli n. {II< IlIt·rchntll] 66
Smi th I"t'l I, "0 Loch bit ."u. :1 1h.-huonr H GalIUW! lIle
l; I .O"III"~U I". I1!"1: , G.-o rse r";lI. FLE.nER8 ·
J.'i YUt"" " I • /I t!ru" . Dal'itl, 40 W ... ll'~.l
AIcJ(8udn 1I"I..-rt. tij lrom. 'on G ...... JlitlAS. Altx. Cbi ..,~ , juu . •·\ I I~lJ\s ""h"rI, 2J l;,"ur!(C ~ I ~
lk-g J ilUII'l! .f2 U"rn);lrkga!e C"nlu~l{i.1 1~1t l'<IUl'I Add iso n J ohn, ; Walt'u't
,"y Ju. 9 Powl"r. I"ynd, Gu:en 1lp.llrtJl. u. I'cu" J)uguiu, lllank Bax,erJHwn, 16 Walnn
t'uquhar Juhu, 8 flour m IIl1lue of S('OIlallri ('ourt lIax' ,·, lIolN-rl. 16 W;lI".t
1'0rs)"lilVoorse, 2~ Gl'tlr(e It 1I00'ii, J YI"" D)'t.·, 80 Iboad ~I llirnic Will. 12:1 G,'(tq~t"
' ''o\\,lt'r JII.lUCII, 8 t·'"u r will bra.· 1:I!'£IIIAL. J oll u SWilll, JIl,II.- 5.\ t.:Mnlpbo"ll Will. 22 "·a]f~ .1
'-'a>er HUJI!'. 5 !-;ilU Nurth
"'uur 01111 bl'1lC '.
$I." K lng'~1 CI,I.!tll"" !II .... :l6 Wal el SI
1 /li"l!us~ 1 en. o( St;ylial)d. A. Ch ristie J aWl.... !tO W.Jt'S.1
h",.·s Ales. 10 IlI nl~ IllIc Gibbon, 5'~""ihil'm'" (\~~ JlUUeI, 5 George I I. ~Jar_
I ~,w J'IDIt~, S9 LuchllC 1.0""00101 _"UIlI.AN,l·. ..... -
Mad!!'.". A lu. 79 Spr\ .. t
(I",.,on Juho, 32 .I.och,t Tros. " ...... );I...
&o.d .. 1
,....D. 49. Da~idl'4)n J IIliCII, 17 WaI .... It
DIlI'idsoli Jolin. 21 Wa la M
Niwl J;lmt'!, Iii Shoe.- laue
SrrOF"ic John • .e !'il. Andrew at
LOSDOS l))jIOJrf ••h ;ba E II·UJg .. 2'i David1'f,n I'efl'r . r& boue Il i,,:r]
l\IarillC b. 11 'III 36&31 Wale.u
Shaml ... a"'lt-r.~ 4 ) 1 ~'II"i11 brit/St· N ...1'fOS'.!.L, J , D. ~Iillle, 68 QUEen IJII.-it/JOD W". , 5 W.I ..t U
TUIT)" JUI1IU, ("'orll" ~·t d U'cl Dirtie ChMrlt... 27 W~ks It
EARTHENWARC :-;"NTII B l lTI ~1I t- IIIP. . Th... ,,:u Oid:it· JlIlm. Ii W"l n U
».cALClt8 . lIutltl·" . lklllwnt »1. and Will . D~)IIaJ.J Gt"Urgc, 13 GI'tl ro;C ~trl"l'l
'he aI •• C. "., H :~ .....d t:..." hu ..... ~lUiltl. I II (;.... ,11: . 1 Marh·,
J••• I ~ .. . 1'\OM\\I{ 11 US IOli t"IU: & I . IFP.. Donald.on M.48 Wal ..~ ~I
(;.rni(' J","n, J~ t :xrht,<p,er row l"lllIriCI Cbahuc:r~. 11 Adelphi i)ollllltl.'!O n Wili",,', 2'J \l'ak~ et
Colli<: tAl/lot'l , 30 Viniui. $I ~" U\lliuid ,\k·.llIudrl. 6 Walu It
UiI.'ido,oll Mn. :1; YUIY I'AI. I .... IJII,l.ll . JaJu .... Ni~ ...\dt:!. D~eau Jaulot'$ 30 Wain It
J?ou t..Wf('UCl', 16 NOMh It I'hi roII, 1 !JunoD Will. ~3 4:. J.I Walnl'
torilrll J "hu , 19 Stho"l ltill I' t:UtAS LIFI. Mowl. Nit;nl, O)'tr Wnl. 2 1 W lllts ' I
HlI"pt'r JIIIUl'S, [& gT"OCer) 10J. CroWlIl·l. 31i rl'l~r l<Oirkptu E.ldie:!Otl Ot'Orp;t'. ~'ll t
GillIOWplC i'UOf.l'o"I)I: ,.·IIt!!.. Ill',,,-y Luw. dcn. Edt/it'~.", .IlIil1(", U WlUIOS Sl
Kt:NOll Vawse. 26 Sdlool hill Ull iun Il"T~ t:d,li\'MIU J IIUI'1I. 36 W"l u H
"ackie Alc-uiltk-r, [&. 11Ig & iroo] B o v ... !. !-;X(" II.1 SG" A~511""'X("I: . t:.ldil·,.oI1I1"bc rl_ I Walr.,.,
JI"",..,.·., A~dr"w Jul'l'. J 0I'II'. t"tl l'I, :U t;ddit·.·..m Il ohell. 20 W ... k~ ~ I
MvllO" r.«IT~, (& gl'Q«r] 48 Gatt"wj{~tu Eduje~on RqbtojllU. 10 Walt'lll
WoolmlllblJl Snit, C.,1e ,\. Gordo~. Cowmcr- (lltrd nt' r JO~'·IJ ". 3"2 Wal .. ul
ENGaAVEa. • COP~Ea Se,,' "·lu.Rob.:rc Modtt.3-I )Ia_
tjlll Hart. fourt : Glln ld iluVb. JUIl_ :!.:. GllOr&e
PLAT. patI'(TE ••. rilChal u ' GEllau W_ 3J Walt.. n
P~lti~ Gffil"R~. I Huxler row W~T 01;' El' GI Mill, ,\kXll lld~r &: Gib"Oll William, 15 Waku l
:Suthe,land John. Crown c:ourf. Juhn (;atltUh"ll", 2 1 At/cl l,hi fl Gray AloQuder~ 5 WaI(' •• 1
Uniou at .. W I'~T 01' S(' OTUSI'l, IIkUlltk, OrjJ Wln .:J w iUe!! 51 .

Did: !:knrt.4 Q1u!cn It Ih AlIJi_tfl'l', II Wlllt1'O ~ I
r 4-J'iOY UPO.ITO.tES . H'rtOw6,tofIC' I-WIIC'>"~c
~'rre (;iI.r!t-t ;. . Co, flkSttleral rl.H OY~J;"_-': ...
rt\nlmi",ion nu:rc:bl, 46 UDion C hal"n~n "" l>~idllOfl f 16 Otnl'-,br~r Jamt'! ,;i8 W~k-~ ~t
Hu rD ... Will . ;(5 &: 46 \l'lIlt'!! ~I

" "-1'(',' ~t HU'!l'hr'tlu )}!, 31 Wiles ~t"SJ.,..:,. rl.ry.~. &t.] Gi linion l)iu;'dlNU Oeor~t'.
I lfttt •
Q".,. .... ,
I\ rhh JaD:('I,'!13 Waft'! at
Kt'i,h Jo hn , 28 Walt't 51
II IIsba"d lWricf, II (:o,"nlttre ,I ti"i,h .\.1 ..... J .. hu. :!.'i Wllln u
Wal.OIl Altla nd..., [Italioutry ~~ rf>nlt" Ot-6r!t'. 1 n"h~"
I.e.] ~I 'H)1)atJ It • , I\ ri lh °fhonH'8. 12 W1l.l''I I'
Williams JlnlC1l, 7 VilJiultul i\II!)WltS David, 2 Waln ! t
F •• E . LlrB , . tlffJUaAKCC
FISRING TACKL& l\"UWlf" Jilnlt'~, II Wilh·•• l
OFFICE 4QEM'I' •. I\lIon·It'~ Will. 4 WaIe,.1
,' UI. IlDr. ES .~ r.A 1"lll RASf E Cu. MAilE •• t..:.,ub 1)al'id, 1:1 W illt.. n
A rt.h!lf 1 hotown. 11 l"lltoU- (; .. IJ~lly Jul,." 41i HI~d 11 1..,ul" .. n (II;lr".rel. 19 Wlk. $1
bulJdmS! (;01 dOli W". Z8 rl'l"'lk;r~yalc .\ It UvlJjlld Julm, ' \\'~Ic,"
l\hclt'o,l Alex. 4 &. 15 George sl Bllrleg,~ Stephell, Rose hill, Skene AND I!IPIRIT DEALEJitIll;
. Markel. _quare Dillin .JOI1I1, Union place
Macleod Norman, 9 Georf(c ~t Cadt:llhead Jobn &; Will. Union Wm.84 George ~t .
!llarket III lice Silllpson, Skene sf
MoHr r'rallci~, 25 Wall'~ PI Cadt'uhi'OI.t John,jnl!. New brillge EIll~lic Wm. 189 uallow~ate
;.1l\r~hall J 9seph, 15 Wales _I r· . . rrier ,Iame~, 11 81la .t r:~~on Will. 92 G"llow~ate
1I1<min James, :17 Walc! ~t Hntcheon G('Orp:c, Old Abel'decil .Farquhar~oll Alex. [& ~hip chan-
. Marlin John, 18 Wales st HUlton Charle's, Spitlal dler] 29 Quay
Martin t\laulll'w, 1/; Wah,,~ ~t Johnston Gem ge, Seaton !Cale Forrest John, [&. fruiterer] 47
Marlin MlIlth,·w. 34 Wales st Jolm~toll John, Seaton Dyl;:es Castle st
_Mt·aru~j .. hn,!l Wal ... s 51 Kllighl Cornllill For8yth Alex. 16 Plll k ~t
Mennie John, 8 Wal.,s ~t Malcolm Alexander, Dam of Gil- Fras('1' Angus, Uniou place
II! il!ilr J amell, 2.1 Wales 8t conuton F!'l\8er J am~~, 65 \lninn ~t
Milne Da"id, 26 Wale~ lit ~alhi5011 Alexander, COllingarhlll Garden R()bi:-r!, 19:1 Gallowl(3te
Pike John, 20 Wale~ ~t Link$ Gan;y Jas. Harry, III Gl'.)rgc d
Haflray Ja\llC5, 2!l Wales 51 MUlch John, Loch head Gauld George, 1'il'llHdford •
Heid John, 32 Walc~ ~t Or{~hestoll James, Shull Ie lane C;t'lla II Peler, COllon .
~leid Widow, I WHles st Reid James Sprill!( b:lllk Gibb WidtHv, Wood,ide .
Hdd Will. ;);1 Walc~ $t HolJert~on ,'lex. Sl'lual Ilill John, tit. Clemellt'~ 5t Fool-
Reid Wm. 27 \Vall'" st Roy Mr~. All", 5.1 Gueslrtl"l' ,lee
nite/,ie Thomas, 22 Wales ~, Rov ,Iohn, ~'oold!'e Gordon John, 28 Norlh ~t
Rogcr.~ Hellry, Ch<lVei st Sherrifs Alex. Schoolhill f7wb & Moil', 56 & 60 Georgoll&
Hoy John, 49 Wales 5t Sim Johu, Cassie st'a! Hav JaIUe$, 2:~ Castle 8t
Roy,lohn, 18 Wale. at :;;hll"lIl Jame~, CUi'll hill lIay Jame><, I Illaciifriars st
~lIllgster Alex. HI & 2Z Wales 8t Smith ilollt'rt, Hilum !-let-In!' ThoH,COUOIl
Sang'ler Jam",s, 33 Wale~ Sf 8Ieve!)~nn Will. SealOn!tll1e Ht'llder~Oll Jilwe8, Old Aberdccu
s.aJlguer Witio~!~ 24 Wales 51 Stewart Alexander, ClerkM~at HOlikiu Thomas, Woo{l<Ide
Sh15rt Wm. 36 wales ~I Wafker Alex. 1120l'orl(e H Jal1lie~oll Jamts1.1 VasIle ~t
Smitb ,lames, 105 George SI Walker Charles, 121 G.i<Jrge lit John~lon Ann,:It. Hast Norlh s&
Smiln 'fj,omas, 4 Wales st Walker GelOrge, 57 George ~t JObllgWIl Jolin, 19 Back wynd
Snowie Wm. :1 Wales SI Walker Wm. Hosemoullt JOilll$toll Wm.l!) East North st
Spark Wm. 8 Wales SI Williamsou Dllvid, Summerfield Kelly Johl.l, 9 U('per "Irkga!.:
Spark Wm. sen. 6 Wale~ 51 GLASS CUTTBR AND Kerr Andrew, 103 Sllipi'pw
Siewart Al'thnr, Back wrud SELLER· Kerr Margaret, 49 East Nhrth"
Men'art Johu, 28 Walc~ ~t Ken Wm. 88 (juion st
~lcwart Roderick. 42 Wales 51
Bunting !lialhall, 82 Union 51 KII i gilt GeorgI', 41 U !lion st
Sluart James, 43 Wale; SI GROOERS AND ~PIRIT Laidlaw Wm. 60 Shi/?row
TestaI'd Joseph, 21 Princes ~I I _"iug Margaret, 36 :-;hijJ/'ovr
Thom~o!l James, George Sireet Sf!'f.> 811'0 Deal er&~ Laird Wm. 33 Green
Market Adam. GMaon, 82 Gre(,1l Lea~k George, Bridge of Don
Thom~ol; .101m. 2.1 WaIl'S ~I Allan Auarew, al Green Leask Thowa~, Old Ahenleen
Tompkins Richard, 3.') Wales at Andel':<on George, 12 Cl\:!lle ~t LedingJla!ll Wm. HUICht'oll ~t
Valentine James, 50 Wale. st Hain Jqhn, 25 Park 81 Leith James, 22 Gallowgate
Williamson Alex. 44 Wale~ SI Barclay George, 13 Trinily it Leith Wm. :m Kiull M .
Williamson George, '1 George 81 Barker Robert, Cotton Le~lie Will. 4 Meal :Market lanf:
Market Benzie Margaret, Huntly 51 1,C!llie Wm. jun. 31 North 5t
Williamson George & Wm. 70, Birnie David, 30 Woohnanhill Lcyg Ja!llC!l, 202 Gallmn;ale
Broad S\ Bissel James, 87 Shiprow LigerlwooO Tho •. 51 Kin\( ~t
Williamson Jas. 9 & 30 Wnles 5t Bissel John, 54 Netherkirkgatc Lum~den John, 15 Marischal it
William'30n James, 47 Wale8 51 Bisset Wm. sen. 13 Wales 51 Me Baill John, 29 JIl~lice.1
WIlliamSOn John, 3 George etreet Bisset William, Igrocer only, and 1\ I c Bean '~abclL:.. , 28 Wales Sl
i\I arkc! hartiwaremallJ 17 Broad 5t ~lc Donald John, 70 Queen.t
William~on Jobn, 21 George st Bla..k Gordoll, 60 Queen st Me DOllald JIIO. 43 fo:W!t North a&
Market Booth James, 32 Gallowgale !\tack Charles, Holburn st
41 Waleut Bowman AIt·x. 14 King
14 George street Brown & Co. Chapel st
8' Mackie Rohl. 17 St. Clements -,
Main Robert, 16 Shiprow
Market Brown Robert, 58 School hill MarrGeorge, 30 JURtice 5t
Williamson Will. jun. 6 George st Bruce Wm. 51 George ~t Martin John, 8 Woolma.llhill
Market BIJfIle5S John, lOS George.t . Martin Samuel, Wood$ide
'Wishart Will. 38 WaIfS st Bnrnett Alexander. Woolmanhill Mcnui(' ,'lex. 45 Upp('r Kirkp;ati
Wyllie Juo. 26 George lit. Market Catanach Daniel, Hollourn 5t Milne Da~id, 62 Woo1l01lllhH1
Wyness Andrew, 1 George slreel Chalmers Wm. 36 Gallowgale limn!! Johu, Old Aderdeell
Market Chapman Douglas, . Hi, Ullion !II illle Mary, 39 George st
Wynes's John, 2 strcet buildings Mitchell John, 44 North It
.Mar~et Clark Wm. 98Shiprow Moir Charles, Skene tit .
PUJUUTV:aE BJitOK.ERB· Coorer Wm. 130 Union lit M oir George, CottoQ .
Brichell George, 9 Park!1 Cowic Alex. 44 Ea.~t North ~t M ortimet< Peter, 14Ju~ticc st
(;ormick Wm. 7 Ca."le brae .Cowie .Iame~, 95 Gallowgale M'Urray (,eorge, Skene st
Hender'SOlI Wm. 23 )<~ast North st Cowie Wm. 38 GeOl'~ st Paull John, 13 Ca81le 8t
Me Gregor Wm. 210 Gallowgate Craik Peter, II SUlllmer laue . Pittendrigh John, jU!!. 11 JIIS-
Cruicksllallk Ja~. College $t tice 5t
n.O~ll 1\1 ,,!colm, [& auctioneer1 36
Caslle SI David5011 George, !i School hill Rae Alex. Woodside
Shilrcfs l\lrs. Maltmill bridge Uavidson ,lohn, 13 North ~t Reid John, Skene st
Da,·idson Joseph, Union :5t Reith Archihald, Old Aberdeen
GARDBNERS· Oil-II .Iame~. 6 Wales 5t Reith Williarn &; Co, 24 Upper
Allan Thoma" (;oltOIl Dobie Wm. 17 rishel'fOW Kirk}:Ulc
B!lIhwell' George, Grecnbank, Donald Frallci8, 9 NOI·th 51 !lohb JOIIll, 29 Ki!lg st
Broadford Donald James, 15 Fi~hel'l'ow Robb John, 53 Grcm
Brnce Robert, Ckrkscat Dugllid Alex. 10 North 5t RohertSOIl .Jame~, 39 Park st
llrlle~ Wm. Drywllll1 Park DUIIC'.I.!I WID. 44 Ca511e 8t Robcrt301l John, 5i Grocli
( 19 ) ( 20 ) ( 21 .J
AND SPIRIT DEALERS Playrair Chag. 56 lluiol! ~t Thom~/ln .lame~, 12 llni<lllllt
19 Park Mt Troup John, (&. blachlllith) 10 Tocher ,\"·x. 28 Broad st
HABElitDASHERS Child T!.o~. Broadford
AND 0 LOT HIE R S. Rt'id Wm. 199 Gallowgate
1'1.., ,100 Linen .. nd W oolle" Drapers.
,\ndersoll J:l.'j.jull. 82 QUe(>n st lIIIANUPAOTURERB·
Brown PClcr,63 Gallowgale See ab.o Stocking Manufa("turftU~
Chri~tie Th~. (wholesale) 2 Blair- Bathgate Will. 49 8t
ton lane Brown Alex. 9 ~t
Clark Thos. 18 Broad st Massie i\lariallu5, (maul.Ifa4:turer)
COlman Juhn, 5 Broad 51 59 Caslle st
Crolllar Alex. 3 Uroad st Milne Eliz. 7 Cru<tJe st
Donald Johu, JUII. I) Quet'u at Thurn David,S Upper Kirkgalc'
Duguid James, 10 Broad 81 Wil~()n Alex. (manufacturer) 49
DUlin John, 00 Broad 51 Gre~1I
Farquhar JaIlle~, I) School hill INNS .. HOTELS·
Gray David C. 13 Broad st Se-e al50 TaTemB.
Johnston &. forbes,23 Gallowgate A berdeell Commercial
Laird Wm. 33 Green P08!.ing Huusc, Will.
Machonachie WID. 28 41 Queen Sf
las' Lemoll Tree', Mrs. Ronald, 7 HUlC-
Mackie tel' row
l\f'.min New lUll and Hotel, Jas. Ander·
SOil, :> Ca.~tle se
Ho)'al. HOlel, John D"lllp~ter. 63
UlIlon st
.\beruelhy Ja5. &: Co, t'el'ry hill
Ilarry & HClJder,;oIl,12lullcs lalle
Lcys, lIla~soll &. Co. Gramlholm
Allan &: ,simpsoll, ;~o Ullion st
Allan David C. 9 Queen st
C~rk Wm. 16 Ullioll sf .
Duguid! Ingl1lUl &. Co. 35 and ;lS
SI,.. Nicholas' st
Adam John, B7 QUl'ell st GiIJ~on Wm. (&: toy dealer) 3J
Bro:,d 81 -
Ud.UU,HCdH""·' Clark Will. Old l\herdeell
Collle Will. UlliO:1 81 )Ic Kinnan Will. z:; Gallowgate
St~\'hCII Dadd, 2;) Broad ~t
Duthie John, 1 Clnlrch
FeUt:s Alex. 114 UpPt'1' SlIllcrlalld Gco. (\: Cu. !J Broad ,t
G~lrioch John,:3 Gt'ol'j(e st
Thomsoll Will. & Cn. 27 Cuiou 51
srreel H ulchi~OIl Arthur, !IS Goorge ~t Walkt'r ,\Iex. 51 Ga\lowga!c
Fraser Wnt. 33 Ullioll gl Lefevre Jo~el>h, 199 Gallowgate .JAJi'ANNERS.
Fyfe &. Co. 44 U lliOIi SI 1\1 ':HIll A(ex. 47 North ~t Chree Johll,\ford
Garden ,'lex. Hi Castle st Milne In. 2!J G,lIlowgatc Hallliiroll Robt. Chronicle Coult,
Gordon Lewis, 6 School hill H"ber!~oll Jiilmeg, (&. perfumer) ;) :J2 Broad SI
Gnllll & Co. 27 Broad st Queen ~t Hay Alex. Yea Is' court
Leslie George, 109 Gallowgate 8m;lh Hobert, 14 RI'ltie i\Iiddlcton & Son, ReUi",,'
LUlllsden Harry, :\4 BroAu 81 Smherlallli J". COlir!,26 Broad SI
Mackay Robert, 20 Gallow/iatc Walker Gordoll,
lIIilne ,\lex. 124 Gallowgate Wehster COSHlO,
Millie William, 39 Broad 81
Oldman Andrew, 2:! (;1'<'('11 HARDWARG
Philip James, 4 Retties court, 26 AlI(lt'r~on Alex. 17 gt
BrOAd sl DlHlU I~abc.lla, 9 Castle st
Pirie Georg" & William, 49 C:l.'j- 1\1 itchell Jas. 611 Queen SI
tIe street Porter HUl'fh, 2 King ~t
Pratt John, 86 Broad 51 Tocht'tti ehas. (and jeweller) 62
neid Jamell, 60 Grt't'n Queen St
Reid John, rand wine and spirit HATTERS.
deall'rl 33 Castle 51
Shephera John, 43 Castle "t AllilE'rson James, (and h01ier} «
Simpson Andl't'w & Co. Grecn Queen street
~m!th Alex. 117 Gallowgate Rcatoll Alex. 37 Union ~t
lSunll! JaMes, :i8 Llnioll St Cooper .Jall. 59 Unions!
Stewart ~largard. 57 UIlion st ~:WCII Ja;r. 175 Gallowgafe
SVUlOII John, 15 Green Martin Alex. (& b08ier &. glover}
'temple J ames, Castle sf I Castle 11\
WallieI' Chas. [lit glass dealer] 58 Mowat Alex. 18 Nether Kirkgale
Broad st Mowat George, (alld furrier) 42
Wal'l1Idi: JllmeJI, 00 Union st Uroad sl
Robertsoll J~. 50 'It. Nicholas' St
GUNBlYUTHIiI. Hoss Davitll 28 Lodge walk
Henderson Will. 3.1 King ~t Smith Oavl(J, (mallufacturel'}
.Pirrie WIIl.SSt. Nicholas' at Floufmill hme
Smith Wm. Cross, Caslle St
( 22 ) J ( 24 )
nnwnic .Iag ... St. Andrew st Lundie 12 Constitution It AND I!IHIP OWNERS·
I iie""y Alex. 37 Upper \<il'kgate Lvell i\I r~. St. NiCholas' ~t Jos~ .lol)!!, Donald's court,' 20
;I!aui>cwj; Wm. & SOil, .. St. Ca- ~ie Gn:~or . 1"8. RI. 2 Yeats'lane School hill .
!heril1e'~ wynd ~lc Hardy Mr"l'. 2 flourmilll:t!lC Kelman J,tilles, 9CI\.!!dc St
&UIl age ,101m & Co. 85 Ll road Sf. ;\Ie Millan Mrs, 12 Ouel'trmv l"UIUSllcll .101011, 15 Mari"chal ~t .
)'1 itchl.'!I.fohn, NiclJollas' 8t Milne Dadd, ~lilne'8 court, 38
",'n •""'n Lime )10;1' MlIrg!. 2 ilrae Ca.~!le 51
;\Iamlt(er, Quay ;lluaro Jane, COUl't, 69 Morrell HUl{il, (& gellcralagelll)
Farmer COlllpRlly,G.Cl'uh·kshank, Broad ~t fh1 til a !'i.cbal 8t
Manager, Lillie Quay Nicol Mrs. Andrew, El'change ct, Piri~ Wm. & Co.· (general &. COI"n)
Union SI 18 Addplli conrt
DRAl-':EaS· SlIllgsler Mr:;. G. 25 Frederick ~t Still yeo. 4;) Gallowgiltc [21 QUII1
See abo IJabt'ydashfl're a»d Clothiers, SenllY Mrs. 52 St. Nicholl\~' 51 TholUSOIl Geo. Thom~oll's COllrt,
. and :'ilk 1ihrc.... Shirreff~ ,Mi~se~, 3 VealS lant: Tytlel' Archibald,.24 Back wynd
&. Co. B Broad 5t 8iuller'lI, :10 Adelphi court Walker Alez. 5 Castle hrae .
Broad ~t Smail Jane, 1 Aoolphi court White Wm. 7 Fred.,rick ~t
Queens! Wailace,MI'l<.Jo;·. CopPCl"COmpallv5
COIII"I, 12 Gallot\'g~te . MESSEN&EIUII.
Hall Hn!"l'I.'y 32 lJ nioll ~t
Johnstoll .la,~. seu. Z4 Ul.iou ~t Warl'OCk AIIII, 7 School hill Camplrell Geo. 30 Ship rO\V
Johllstol) Will. &SUti, 10 Unionst Wilsoll Will. !KIl'lIhm lit Cow II:!,. Thos. 23&24 ~,ast !Sorthst
Kay.Johu, 37 Uroad st. Wintotl.lollll, 2 Rap,g'H lallc v)'re Geo. 8.1 Ship \'0'" [Hroad '~t
IIIe :FarlullcJohn, 11 Uniou build- ._----'" Fyfl! John, tlellder!lOu's conrt, 46
i!lg~ . . MASOffS. '\Ie PhcrSOI\ John, 1:\ Castle 5t
.Mifchell Wm. 36 I3rdad-st See 1l1liideTS "'lId Malon., Hac Geo. Commercial !~allkcour~,
Heid Will. 23 Uu.iOtl'st .. t:astle 8,t ..
Roy Alex. Jull. I) Union building>!, MEAL DEALE. Walkl'r Wlil. Hendcl'son'~ court,
Hoy JOhll, Iti Broad st Ilroll'n Geo. :~ mar~et IHUe 46 Ill·ol!.dlit
Sherres Alex. 2;, Killg st CHlIO John" corn &. fl.oiu·j :l M,ILIoERIIjI.
~lllhhJ(JIII!, 30 Broad H East North GilCOIll1!lon ~'Iollr .Mills, Gilcom-
Srmmel's Geo. &. Co. 2:> Union SI CI)olwr DH\·id. lil7 Gall')wgalc stoll .
W<\f~"U Will ... Uuiou st Dlllll"illl Geo. 71 (;It.'CII Pirie Wm. & CO. Woodside
L(N.:EN Elrick Geo. H) Sh"e lane Pl"Mt Robt. 1'Iaitmili bridge
MANUFA"TURE'RS. Fvl'e Alex. II Ship row TOWill! Uavid, 17 t:s:\lle st
Bew'ritl;;c &. Co. (damask) Ullioll Hay Wm. ;tl Ship I'OW
plact: HUllIble \\·HI. e,6 ;\lether Kirkgatc MILLINERS·
HarlhHl.lohu. Kelman Alex. :\1; GI"<?ell Anderson Sll~al.l & Mary AlIlI, 8
lerford, 1'\'Im;!.>! Alex 10 H uxte!' row Gallowgaw
I.ry>', 1\1;"-011 Leys Peter, 19R Gallow!!,\!" lllllck Mary, 00 Queen ;it
Maherly Stt'l,hcu, (aud ;\lilnc Wm. 9 East Nortll Sf BUl"ilclt Miss, 12 Io'redcrick ~t
Uroadfonl lVork, Pen'ie .John, 61 North:>t Forsyth i\l. '" .\1.2 St. Nicholas'lll
IIlilm', Crudcll, & Co. Spring ;,'1\1'- Hn~t Jaml'~, ClitIOn Hendry Marg!. 76 Qu('en st .
deus Smith Jame~, 8 Nether Kirk!!a!., Hunler !riisse8. ;\0 Adelphi coun
LIVERY STABLE Stcillien Widow, 2 Commerce 'Sf Jamsoll ;\lissez, 27 Killg 81
Watt Gco. 80 Ship row Me Bain Susall, Hi East Nordi s&
Ma$<ie M t's. 56 Unioll SI
MECHANIOAL Morisolllsabella, 2 Ship roW
Camphell Wm. 7 Shoe \:lne D R AFT Ii MAN, Stewart AnI!, (and strllw hal
Camphcll Wm. jllil. BOll Accord SI Marti" Jallw~, SCll. Windmill brae maker) 21 Queeo st
{;raib Geo. 23 COll"titntioll 51 MERCHANTS Wright M. & A. SGues! row
(inw Will. 18 Frcuaick st
Kit~""r \\'01. horse master) AND SHIPOWNERS. MILLWRIGHTS.
Ah(· John &. SOH, !II val- D
10 Ilarriot low~ale ownie JOhll, (and engineer)
LODGINGS· ~ (. Causeway end
Ill. commission & agent) iIlartin,Wm. Windmill bme
Allah Mrt. l!./ Union buildings Jamc6' ~t, Qllav ,
f\lIanlyce Miss, 52 Union st Banll{'rmall Alex. & 'rhos, 51 :\1;1- Steel Charlc~, Nelson SI
Amkl":!ull ;\irs. Geo. !hebner's ct, rj~ch31 at MUSIOAL
Castle ~t Birnie Hob!. BOIllIymuir INSTRUMENT. MAKERS.
Barclay ,Ii\)! . .'\811 Villc 110o!h ,John, jun. 16
lIis,,·t John, I ~'lounnillialle Booth Pat. 37 Nether Calper ;\\ex. (l)i:lllo fOl"ie) Ht:Il-
Hl'aid :\Iar,.. 29 r'rcdcrick st Callo John, SUIl &. Co. Sf (funoo S COllrt
RI"OWII ;l1r'. 29 Union st Cheyne Alex 28 .\Iarischal Sf Cramond Chas. (violin) 27Nclhcr
llyn: "I!"~. John, 43 Marischal st Copland DaVid, 47 Mal'isdral ~t Kil"k~ate
Calltlv .\ 1111, 2 St. Catherine's Crllkk8hallk \,cslic, 58 Gallow'-(<llc Davie ,)ame~, (;;cller) 55 Castle 5t
wyi.d IX Coml:Jerdal Balik ct Davidson Geo. &. Will. 17 Quay Knowles Alex. (pi;1I\0 furte) 1
ChessarMargt. II School hill Duthie Alex. BrQadford L:l.ngslon~ place' .
Christie Mrs. Concert cunrt, Forhe" Hogarth &. Co. I James ,t Morris Michael, (plano forte) 55
Broad I't Forh('s Wm. &. .las. l,lame~ ~t Union 51
Duffus ;\1 i~s, 83 Queen St Ford)ce Alex. Dingwall, 3 St. Ni. Naugntoll .Jolin, (Union pipes) 2S
Gihbon Mrs.jun. 12 Quay cllOlas'laue . SI. Andrew st ,
(;ordoll Isabella, 11 Umoll ,'I lex. 14 Quay, house Ma Taylor Alex. (\'ioHn) 3 Carlle!jie'l
Gray ~!al'garct, Jopp's court, M brnc
Qm:cII :;1 Galen Alex. 15 Guestrow Wright Pder I\: SOlJ, (wind), I)
Orealh Chri~tian, 14 little JOhllllt Gibbon Alex. & Jus. :~I Quay Gm,strolV
Halliday i\1i~~, llUiolJ at (Hbbon James, Quay NAIL MAKERIli.
HIHnphrey Will. 50 King.s!
Hunter !'III'S. Adelphi cuurt Oib.~l1
bert & SOliS, 11 Vir- Kil.gour John, court,
James Mrs. 34 Qllt'en it Geo. 58 Geor!.(c ~t ;W Gallow",ate
Kirkland 1\11-:;. Upper Dec ~t Hislop John 1•. ;\0 'Marischal st ! Milnc And. J·ohn ~t
Kyooeh Nilliall. ;1 Adt'll'ili ("om! JOhllstull WllI. Walhr'!$ court, 49 Ralll"ay John, Porthill clo,;e, !IIi
L~all Mi.", (;1 Umatl,1 G U,'3Irow i Gallowgate
Jlt,'rrtOl"I)' A!lEn DilEN,
( 25 ( 26 ) ( 27 )
MAIL .AIIt• • ' . NU • • t:RY .1t:t:DI.CN . "BYSleIA.S_
UIIY Aklil.:'16 North ~t Raun;e AII:lIl1, C:aUM:w., end Skl'110 Cha~. 17 ,\ dcl llhi coo'"
SII,hh Jcremillh, CilntCron' lcourl, lIaunie .\. (;;lUv.war J!nd StOlarl Awlrrw Utt!. Collq;t ct,
~ ~ort h ~t Ikid J:UII~, jun . 6ti lJro."ld ! I Il'.! IIr"ad SI
Sillith J ulm '" Co. (& iT<)1I Intr- IltIl' J lI.juu. (.1: Ouri~l.t rruitrrrr) ~OIrherl;u1<l ~. 4 8 ehnon. U
challll} !I ShO(' L'lne 111road ~I 'l'mrie .Ian'es,?! COII~llh.IIon"
NEWIPAPEal . ~an,_<ter J ohn, Sktl>('~uare Walker JII. HanI;,,!,:, Ulli.ou pblu
A,",rdocfou Chrunide; SaIIlm.l\" SIlI;lh J alllC8.:l ~1. Nkhob,,' II PLAN!: .AKE ••.
uloruin!!; J oho IlIxllb, publbh'" Taylor Will. Old Alxnill!C'u C I. ri~ll~ Fr,u,l'i.l. 1 Ibtlt .rod
cr. Chruoidc cOlin W;I.!kcr JaIOt'S Ik (;0 . ( lie tlOI i~I. ) (;ouk c..:ha~. foold.-c:
Aberdeeu J Ollnll"; Wrduc~, !!I':? llroad st i\lelrlJl e T hol. (and deakr Ined.,
murn. U. Chalmen&. Cu. publi~li. PAINT£.I. GLAZIER. _ "onl~l 5-8 Loch ~I
",r~, 2' AddJlh i rollrl, UUioulIi :\udrrWI1 .\ud rew lUlU J~ , 3:1 Smhh WW. ~J Gl'Qr!:~ n
AlI:.u ,\ 1c:c. 6 111rOlld tI Bil'nie Will . 37 Kin(t II Ill. idiUlI J :u. Whilcbouu It
maiti!:III IlalUlCTIUlllI, I l"IlI,lK'n- IIIIoth J Ohll, 14 1I"l lIIolOt .t (; il...." W UI. Chapel WI
Hlltn~u Tbo~. 8cIUiunt . , c..:l1<", J auH", 1:1 :'d uN)1 hill lI:ty ,\"all>, I~ Berry lalle ,
c..:adt' lIh~adAII'):. &:Johll, 21 Add . U",i<I~n 1'0: "<lbll, Z liuk J ohn JI )I a<'ald"..-ie Peter, Pw~r" I d,
phi ron '" .•
Duncan "~":r ·atlon · «>un, J'J '0 GaUO"'jCafl'
C.trUf!':", Wm . nll.ctMoqt~r court Gmr!c al . ~I Kil'all A. Matteau', (flnrl, SO
Ch~lmertl (;1\.18. 1 Adelphi (Un., fanl"bar k 0111. ~ C;aUvwptle (to Gallow!!""lo
C""I;ll1d ,\11.'1.2 I\delplli COllrl t'itldcoo A. Old i\hc.d~1I ~I al'i~all J .. hll , l'I~ler~r'l COIITI ,
C"'III' "dam. 61 Nl'lh.r Kirklflh' Gordon J tlll. 19 1..1otI! l\('tt'
c..:mUlhle Alt'I. 1 Quecu U Gl'~"1I n ~l l>h, 11<1 Ot"'I'I:\'C.I
Mr l.cao n.. bl. 2Z John I'
M"'lfI:OtIlC" A.1ISIlj{',U'houN' lane
Cu"",,\u.l Geo. 21tq!l'~ laut.' il r n,II'Y "arm. Bnt~ar·. cont i, til 1I:U'hilrll J ..III1,:2 lkl1burn
IhllllfJ Or. A. IJ roadford CMlll' ~ rl·c..:t ~;lI'1'SO" A. Oallml·j{'. ne ht'd
Ihrid,oon Alld. II ."delphl (OIIrt Kei lh A. ". :;1Iip 1f>" Sltlhl'rl~lIti 1I0h l. :11 t.nn ~ At'fe
havill_oil 1)110""11,:1 Udmoll , .t Kl'rr·f, Cullc!{e" l ·rfJllh~"I.l itnl(·_. HUli t ly III
!ltu hic J"hll. fi4 Shlp .... w t .."II>lU Geo. 4 G:a•.'lie 1....1' Walk!.', (;,,0. 10 C()"~l illllkJa II
~;\\'illc & 1 1lIbi~>u , ~ Marl,C'hAlfl LaIll<lUIGCO. jYII. Ik u ie', cOllrl, WI!k"r \hlr er,6-1 Oeorwe It
t'U'1Uhllno" 1'':ler , O"lon Il'r rat\. :l6 liroad fl, Wrir Jobn. II DrnlDI.laue
•·.. '8'111111 bl1K'II, 111 Q"",-", _I McKcutll·:\ . I!JI (;,tIlOW'!=,11!
Fh:mill! JOhD I MariK""" Ma .... h.lI0..rid. 15 ,llIxu:, row PLUlIBER • •
t'Q rdl~ A. Oill&\nll. 49 !cbool Milne Wtll. 41 GIIL'j[lf1IW Olaikle John &. Sonl, II, 1.2 . &.
hil [lIiII .\Iitc h~1I 1\. JI W,lier lane 1:I I.ill ll' Joh" $t
Furdyce Wm. DiD~lI.,..., Scliool Sh..... d A. GOrtlOD·. ClIutt, 88 8111ikle J uh n, JUII. ~loUll lhoolJ
t"ulll'ttOft HII)!:h.C&Id. . . . uare Hroad. : , {Dl iIIlalle i\hltlhaalJ JIIUles, Waltr lane:
l'illhonAln.96Sblpro'" ' Shaw Llullllld and Saml. "Floor PORTER. ALE DBA LB • ••
C.otlluu ChI.!!. ~ :\~x. Cotn,Dtr- SUlilh Gtoo. 11 NeUer Kltkpte Dlrld_ &: Co. I:\CouuMm: "
c:i:o.l l1llnk ~'Ourl Smilh Joh", 14 Loo,~:o('re G ..roon Janie!, S8 GUftI N\lI' F'rauci~, 28 Ca><IJe It ~milh Will. :\ Mari!ll'" hnl ~t Nln,' Robl. SI. CaIbt't1ne', tl .
GraUl J:u. .. /In:,,,,.r tOW :-:I~trk Itobl. 4 CarnCr'f'! brae Shill NW; John I.Jr,!li('. )11&.
HardieJ"nws, 1:-. Kin! ~l TrokCl J"II. ("llld 17 c..:oOu~li_ lIa!(t:r
1I ~lId~'u(ln P;llrick , " Ju~li«" IlIfin" JI • Slllic'h,'amts, Zti\·irdliia II
IluII'II.-oII J) ;,,·id, '11 Mlt ri8Chal!t TruIII' J alll('I, 69 Nelhtr Kil'k!l3tl' T t'lIIplc Geo J OI'P'. court, 11
J,/*t\ud. JOIIII'I L'Our l, :II tial- PAPER l.IlI cc n ~t
KellUM), Wn!. 46:'>ltrl M:"~ I 'f Ird"l' A. & Co, 49 Mari!ICh31.t AIII'I Chri~'iAna, 76 Shlprow
l.t."udeu lIuJ aud tl l· lI fY. lillio" )';ric ,\.18 Adclplli L'OUrt Douald ,Wn..19 Shiprow
Ic:, (Gol'.rrQ"· SlIlilb ChI.!!. & 1,;0. J-I 51_ AII-
MeCuuk J all.Ci, Wt'!II courl, 3:l drewlll'ttl PRINTr: • • •
)Ic Plll'nNllI J ohn, 1:1 Ca.-Ik It ( Leite' ....... . ,
Mlln e }"!!n 1),ll{uiol, 68 QIIt't:" " PAWNBR OKER S .
MOrice: 1101.01. :H :'>ldfi>'("haJ ~t ~'i~ht'r J Ohll,l1 Loll' ,\ c.e lion'" Juhn, JUII. ChT0l11de t t ,
Nleol J :IIIIC3, I;' ,\del ilhi ('IIu rt ) Ie c..:nnlc'/lle W'II.:I Shoe lane l.Iun n _I
Nkul l .cwi~, Crowllroun,ati Up- )lar!wcilllluSt.,:'1 ~lItlle r Kirk · CI.ahnl'n> Ha"j,\ &. CO. 2& Adel-
ller Kirkgate !,'arc . 1)10; cou rt , Uni"" . ,
OgiMe ShllllOn.:\ Drum~ lane PERFUMERS. h.II:I)· ,\ll'lHlndn, :?'! 1.I>I.g Mrt!
HimAI Itl. Cbc)'lIe ct , 69 lh'UUd II AUtjenon J allll". 44 QUI:C'II st PJtOVI.ION "u:aOIlAlfT.
lleid TbOl' . 86 UII,M11l1t
Sa'SSler Tho~. 2b-out::e1l II Gunn John, 40 ely!!!e II RnrUl'M ,\ II'lI.. 6 '" 1 AdMpIIl ct
5mITb Alex . 11 Corrrn.ioo " '1nd l.ailiS Jane, 61 lIninu~. DUllcall Adam , 47 (lat lu.plt'
SIDilh Jnhn, 28Q.oecn.t Lain~ Kobt." St. Nkbolu' ., DUIIC:an Wru . 2.) ."drlphl mu rt
GOnlOIl Jb lph . Mall mill bridge
Smith WIU. :2 Long ~re PRVSICI.ANS ·
~llIilh John, 72 GaliowplC'
SlronlCh Alu. 31 Kin, tl Bannennall JamH, P olJOWIIle
ThoUI JOhn, ~ GallowI'll! cnU"t(e QU i LL "' ANUFACTU.C • •
""'n1ll1l01l A ex . Z4 UnloDit I1 l3ikie I'at rlck, ~6 l J.oI8ChaI n Cam llbell Genrge, {&: Ilik mllkerl
WUW II JOhll, 4 Castle bnre Uadll$tlll Jamc~ . 4·' i\ larbchallt :" :Shi)lrow
Wemlt'r Alex. 8 EUI Nonh st Dyce Witl. 48 MviKliaill Dlillcan &: Bowman , Crown ('OlIr l
WilKIn Geo. Comnlndll Dank el E ... inJ): J\ . &i (:I'«u Union "
Wineh8Ier (;l. 2081. Nlchollt.'l'" t'ordp:e A, pi!l~a1[, Arthureeal Knighl Jvlln & Co. 31 QUte
" nil UI'O. $ Queeu It t'!'eoch Cito. 20 H:M:Jr: wyud \ 'au J :IIIICI. 9 I'rl nct·. SI
"':U •• Eay • • •8D . . . mN , Gordon J a mn , Uld Abtrd~n
Ill:w:k A. i\lile Eod Hcnderson Will. I B.;lnlonUt ROPC. TW1NE MAlt • • • .
I:ordtin JIlII~ 28 OaIlo1\'pte HI''''ill Win. I\ourli~ I cb\Irt Callo " hollll!OD 1'0: C.... ""I)\ .. I~-e
l.ow (teo. (~mau ouly) 43 K~rr GL't) . :; Cotrectlo!' wyllLl I>a,id~n G~. &: W Ill. 17 Quay
51 Nichola.'" I Mo;r J :"nc~. 9 ClIfillellle II Forb!.'ll &: Cn. Fool_dl'e
)lIluI·'I'lII». (aud prd!.'lIn) Kit. \ (>lih'le:J?1111 C.l' lI ~O" u fiihhon " s.1t.~. Unh
I)'hr(\\,ltt'r . Oplou t ralldJl, 2 Galluwga1t: Gra, Willi 11: CQ. tlO 1\orlll u
y . 169
( 21:l ) ( 29 ) ( 30 )
Kelman William, ROI,en collrt, Armstrong Parker Johu, .32 Wale~ 8t
101 Ga'llowgate ton .t Pder, 10 Pork lane
1\1 ilIar George 34 Park 51 !lain Caplain, 15 Commerce @t Alex. Walkers court, 11,
Routledge and SOli, Gallowgatt· Harclay Alex. 2 Baltic ~t Virgillla ~t
. Head Barclav G,'orge, 7 Canal terrace Philip Charles, 28 Jame~ st
Simpsol.l Pal. (& hemp) 56 Loci, Ba:\:!c': Auon:w, 9 Cauo square Philip G'-OI-ge, 28 James sl
8t. aodlJ9 GaUo",:gale Baxter Robert, fooldce Philip Jame" 8 Justice 51
Wales Alex. 12 St. Clemelll st Be.:die W 1I!. 6 Garvock 5t Philip W. Walkt-rs court, 17 \,ir-
WYllt'S~ Jolll., Broadford Beverly Robert, 3 Constituti()11 SI Kinia ~treet
Boo! h Jallle~, 3 Hanovel' sl Rai!! J)a\'id, 13 Commerce SI
IIIABBLERIiI • HARNESS Borthwick Chas, 6 G;:mocks wynd Rannie GIIO. 55 North 51
MAKERS. Bothwell Chas. 6 Gal'\'ock st R('eo Caplain, 40 Virginia ~t
Christie Jarues & Wm. 45 Queen Brown James, Foot~e Reid DUllcau, 43 Frederick It
street ' Brown Hobert, 4;1 VirgInia It Hdd Georg(', 43 Frederick U
Coopt'r Alexander 24 King st 8mct' Alex. 4 Water lalle Reid Johu, <I Links 8\
Knight John 4.3 Queen lit Bruce Captain, 3, Prince Re- Hilchie Thos. 3 Cburch Sf
Pirrie Alex. 203 Gall.owgate gellt 51 Bobisoll Capl. 15 Green
Reld George, sell. 48 NOrlhllt BUI'lll's, Wm. 17 James 51 RUllCY Captaill, 4 Commerce 51
fkid George, 37 School hill Bpbe Will. 6 Glln-ocb wyud Scott Th"inas, 14 Commerce .t
Ririe James, 91 North 81 CalUpudl nOU!. 11 St. Clemellls ¥I Sim Alexallder, 13 Vh'ginia st
Rohet'tl'Oli Geo. [& trullk makerJ Cargill Jame~, 2 M id«Uetou 8t Small Robert, '1 Wellillg!<:m 81
54 Green CaslOUI Cal'willl SlIlIlmer hme Smart Johu, !J Summer lane
Thomson John, 15 School bill Craigie Ait'xanller, 7, Callalter- Smhh Car.laill, 18 Commerce »1
Walker John, 51 Que~1I It race Smith Jo Ill, Lillie ~uilY
Willox Wm; 22 Queen nt CralJlJ Andrew, 30 Wales ~t Slcl'liuli Alni. 13 VIrginia st
Cummiug ,Jaml!8, 15 Comm~rce 5t Stewart HCllry, 1 Wellington It
JIIIAJL HAKE JUl· Daddsoll Alex. 10 Virginia SInHhers Cill'tain, Priul!ield
Fooltiee Davidsoll James, 11 Water Sturrock David, 18 Commerce .t
Dearie Andrew, 14 Vlrgillia at Sutherland Alex. 14 Virginia st
Downie Alex. 2"2 Princes st Talbert David 12 Comerce 8t
DUIlCHIi Captain, 5 CaIto square, Thomsoll Clugh,ll St. Clement'"
SHERIFF'S OFFICDRS. Foordc!: TI,om$oll John, 21 Jallle$' lit
Clark Benjamin, 14 Frederick ~I Geo. II Tholllson John, 21 Jamell'!t
Clutl':!! Alex. Commercial eourl, Hobert, Walker Captain, 7 Cano square
58 Castle II Gro. Walker Gl:!urge, 2 Liuks st
Cockburn George. " Siloe lalle Gilbertson Walker Will. 6 Virginia 5!
Cowie Thoma~, 23 East North ~I Goldie (;aptaill, Watson Gcorge, 2 Wellingtoll "
Dawsoll Chd'rle~, 25 Gue~trow !(elll Sf Watt Alex S SUl'dr house laue
Daw"oll Ja.... [towu's s~rg\:alllJ SI. Greig Al~x. II Commerce st Weir Captain, 13 Jamcs st
Catherlncs wynd liugg .I"hll, 33 Conslitution st While Basil, 8 W('llillgWn st
Eucrshank Peter, [& Hossack Captain, 8 Caito square Whitton John, 12 Water lane
tarcr] Dcnburn . Hutcheon James, 13 James SI Wood John, 25 Frederick lit
Fyfe George, Brebllers court, 831 JollllslOn Andrew, 20 Park laue Work James, 1 Yeats lalle
Shiprow i Kellll Ale:". 51 Commerre Sf Youlig Rukrt, :4 Commerce 81
Fyfc Jphu, Helldersollll Courl, 46, Kenll Charles,51 Commerce Sf Yule Alex. 21 Shiprow
Broild SI I Kenn Flulason, 51 Commerce ~t
Grallt Simon, Slrouach's c1nsc KCII!l Wm. 51 Commerce st IIlHIPPING COMPANIES·
Hii'll Hobert 9 fi8hel'row KelT James, 9 Canallerrace i\berd"PlI & Hull, Akx. Wil50ll,
Illnes Wm. LOOse It'aili. ! Kidd Will. II Commt'rce ~t manag~r, 49 Quay
l\k [lOlmld Will.::' Oue~trow I Lalllb Hobert, 51 Commerce 81 Aherdeen & London, Norlllllnd
J\hu:kie Tho,. 33 St. Audrew 51 I Lawsoll Alex. II Callal terrace Yule. manager, 21 Quay
Middleton Geor:.r;f' ' Lc~lie Alex. Z7 Conslilul.ion ~t Aberdeen & Lonool! New Co.
Pithie Wm. 46 GaHowgate J",giie Captaill, <I Prince Regent SI Wm. Allen, manager, 2 James
Rae Goo. COllllnercial ba.ok COOI'! \ I.c~lie George, 31 COII~titutioll SI ~t, Quay
Rogs James, Old Aberdeen Levie John, 20 East North 51 Aherdeen, Lrith, & Clyde, Hobert
'1'41 r 1-t.1r George, -'29l-'redelick 8t Lillklatler John, 4 Waler lalle !\Iitchell, lIlallaKcr, .};\ Quay
Walker Will. Heooenolls COllrt,. LOl<an JOhll,-:l7 Callal terrace ,\herd"ell & Newcastle, Walter
46 Broad st I Me DOllald Alex. 20 James' ~t Jngli~,, 36 Quay
SHIP BUILDERS Me Gr~gol·Ca~taillJ. 4 Church ~t Leith & Aberdeen Hrilliallt Steam
• • Mackay Captain, ~utherlalJd CI. Yacht Co. Walter Uiggar, agent,
Adamson James, Footdee 17 James at 47 :'Ilari~chal s&.
Anderson Alex. FOOldcc Mas.oll Jame~, lO WaleI' lane North Co., Walter Inglis, Ullllla-
DUlhll? Wm. Foowee .Mathi&lln Jobn, 9 Constitution It 3{j Quay
Haoll Alexander & Co. [alld Mearns Dani('l, 9 Canal terrace .LATIIR.·
Fo<?tdee Millie Captaiu, 3 Prince Hegen! st ,\lIderson Jas. 41 St. Nichola.s~,
MathIson Robc£t & Peter, Poyn- Milrlwll Genrge, 10' Pork lane Burhan JqhIl, 67 GeOrge 51.
.E'rul~_·d Mitchdl John, 12 Guestrow Caie Wm. FlIIJ'quharsoIls court, 10
NICO ,..-...:1 MoWat Wm. 9 WaifI' lane Schoolhill
Renllle Wm. , Moir David, 14 ~lImmer lane Collison Akll:, Milnes court, 26
Stephen Footdee 1\lol'!l'an Cap1aill, Foo!dec Shiprow
SHIP MA IiITE lUi. Monsol! John, 15 COllStillltion 51 Covlalld Wm. Porthill close. 98,
Alexander 1 I,inks 51 Mordce I Commerce 61 Gallowgate
Alexauder 6 Carmelite lane Morrison 2 PrilJ.Cc Re- HUIIOII Will. Chapel st
Alexander Sugal' HOll8e lanel geul St . •• Knnwles Wm. 8 VirgInia st
A~lall AI..:x. ~lIgar HOlise lant:' N~wtOl1 Jalnes, Jr.,Ylrgulia 51 Prolen John, 63 GIlC6U'OW
Allan George, footdcc N~c<;,l A!~x. New r ler Sb~d Air);. Burn cour~, 44 Upper-
Allderson Alex. 37 Virginia l<f NIII!all 1 hos. 12 C.omm~rce 5t kirk gate
Andersou Damel, 12, SI. CI.e- Nol'I<; Ja.!Ucs,. 43 rcdenck at Smith JamcR, !l Trinity st
ments s& ' Norrie Captam, Foo!dr('! Spence Alex. 1 Jopps lane
; O~wald Jl\lIle5, 20 Constitution 81 Spellce JOiln, John Kt

aTOKn .ZltCSANT. _
TA1LO., .
( 33 )
MANUFACTu a ER'. DUlhie Aln. JUIi . Umadford n.-.n~ 1oI""n Wm . 12:1 Gm'1e ~t
llil ne, Foult'rtoll ill Co. 1 Union J"ho" on Wm. Walhr. ('I. 49 1>'1....talc ~ <I"'e~ . Wqtwbl(le
buildinga GO"lrow I>olf' Aft-:.;. J3 ~I. And rcw st
.ILK Mcaoea. , Low AIt'lI:. Wllful,no quay Dn,," J ohn, 5 St. !"ichrll~ Il\n~
) I ;tl!hl'w~ ,\ tel[. b MariKhall' 01.("" WIU. elk. ...onled dulu) ea
~ Wm. 7 Uninn Itl1i l-iiolCl' S hip row
I'MII Gf'Or!c. 6 Ulliollianc
H~hin J.,hn, [4 h:.bcrd.l!hc r] ~u.ilbAlu . 40 .·~ri<:k" Fa .... uhi\r Hobl . 9.& Ga1 Jnwpl~
21 lirolld u Suell Alt':(. U W"Irrloo qUII1 ~' nht,a(1U Eric, :I SI. CathfTine'.
I,yall Geo~ Ie Co. 4:\ I\fV;Id.t ""'nd
Reith Arclntt;lld, 39 l1 nl" " ~I STaAW SA'r _AilE.. . ~';uJ_ J . A Sou, 12 G_tro"
~~ Qderlo " Pirie, [& woullu fl'1oer Hu! h. C'IIlC'!t" Jt
drlptrs] ~J Unkm II "allour S<'loIhi:lj :16 Qnn-II . t
C""l'C' r ,\ UD, :1' Q I,II'CD.t t·r.4.'Cf Sltn6D , ~ OUl"!lfO'W
Sband !lIn. A: Co. {wtlOleu.k] 3 Hrndry Mant:.on·l , 76 Qucco -.. f)'fc Wm. :I Long Ano!.'
U"kln bue Uaioll at
liilllpton, Ro~tUOU t. Co. I ~ "'N.
Kei th 21 Q\lCI.'U .. GMd~n I'~.". 10-1 G;o.U ....."".
Hal' J:lrll', (& dre ... DIU.:I ) !12 Coilc"r!.'1 Gordon. CotlC'l'rl l"\.llll l
8road " t.rc~n Grfill' Will. ~ C"Cft rO_
R.1lK:t land OO:O~I:\I ""ion I t ItohrrlJOOn Mr • • (& ulilline r) 2 1 ll lMl,It:1I WIll. 58 Eau NOrlh U
l"rau Gw~.;U u uiollit G t~lrlj:C I ' rfriart Jt UUlllt'r Ww. t HlUtlrr row
.Klln•••• . Rm~ t:. (1'< tl rN.O .... "cr) ~ 1J1ac1r- lIu u:htoo " J;UUct ~1Ibw-1I
~ulhcrIR "rI Wnr . 1J ~1I. 1
11Il1t'. John, 6 Untou u
1\l.III(IIIt' WIU 49 ~n II 11" ;ut: Alu. 'I1luw,"u ', tOllrt , U
Me Ke ndI' ,' dam , ~ f u wlcllI wylld TauSh ~ l i8fe., 12 SI. AaclRW" Broad If
.OAP, .uaol:o",. Kd!h J Ohll, 6 Nether KirlrSftl"e
I)",id"'>n Robel.r , DullCalU rourt, C!I(ltP hcad Juhn, Unloll place Ki lo h J ;Unl"S l Windmill " rao:
H (iilllowllllolC: C.lIIII.~ ...1I J ol"" ,\ddllh l evurt . 1oO\..-ranft: J"r.u, If1 ,,",ort h . ,
HCII'" ' ''''''' WIt!, :':' Loch<, U .. loo II ·;0.."
1.. \Vn:r. !I Nf'thct' Kirknl..
MabrrlJ SIC"h . IIr,);id fu.d w .... 1u Ca"IlIt.d l J oh .. Ktlflp .. ,slrt'lI(' ., 1 1.llrl r II r ury , 2 IJ lliuM, I.."..:
t.:iIlPI"' rUIU JUli n. Old Aherdt"" I.u ~ r Gloor!!" SIr,,-ue II
' PIRIT DEALB." !,;lIddic Ah'u"dH, »GrC'l,'" " I'on AleJ:. Hut cheon It
ffl ..loo C;, •..,e" '" S'I<ill)ul .... ~ ... 4 D,wca" Itol"" 11. 6 D,o)dll .\ r Couarhie W m . !W Quel'_ . !
T ........
~'cTJU""1n Aud,yw, (.t apocbenry) Mc llonald AleJ.. Me I_,,'l~'
Diack UI'Ora:c. WiDd,o,lI brr.e I 38 Orren Mt' Donald '"f1KM. Colto"
IlouaJd Will. II t-:I:chcquu ro~ ~'rnMr Alell. 311 S~ hool "111 Me K.y .'\n~l. IT J ...'tOC"e at
t'lr lftlillt Pt'trr! U Shilolrow t·,.,..,rJo hn, HOI"I,. II MlIChy Geot"JI", -tZ61't'et1
'~r Hqb, Ean NOt"lh u Ol";,y Patrick, lt'rrxe Mc K.y Oar.:sa WnOIma.\lhi U
t 'yfc Cbarla, rfondfU & Britbh) III"," Ain. 23 L<wI~ walk M e Kay J otJo. ~~'"
I .. St. Nlchor.... Jue J a ",il'~n Jat. 2 Lou, foI'l"I! Me Kiddey Jaa. 26 rMcrlc" I t
LeWI Rober!, 7 ~::.; cbeqlltr row Keit h W. (l''''IIOIbeca.ry) UDIoD DI l'hclllt' Oir.rid , 8 Nonh II
Mlic.'kilo Jaml':a,49 Kfn"st Kilgour Alu , (Ik ~1) jJ .\lc lbe lJooald , Dnboml
lIIil r hrll Ueorse,:U UPllotr Qu;o.)· Gal l" ...."tc Malbi_ Ptti'r, St. t:athtiioe·.
Petri.: Geor!'w, r. Kln(!i ~I 1 ," l i~ W ill . l:l """ri5('halll \n'oct
RIU'hle Ja~I" , 19 Co mllle rce 31 ~l acdonal ,1 J uhn. Itnlh rio.'~l o" Miltie J ohn , Old AI'frdl!-e1lo
8ul~r llllld ,\ It'lI . ~ J auu' l II Mark ir J a ,,, ~,, , '.'6 ~I . Alldn w II )Iilllt" Wm . Slr cnt It
Wtb.lrr J ohn, 2lil' ppcr '1W1y n'lllUM: JlW 'r~ , lllllal'lrfril r' !I .\ Ioir OCOTrc. '!I GoCSlro lf
'l'1"" " w II A i~x . (... drollllt l ) 13 :'> Iorny WILl. 31 E'"t Nonh II
.TATIONEa s · I'lI lon bui ldi .., . Na il'ur J/llIn , 1I0lhum ! t
Pirie Alua mkr I'.: Cu. ["'hole- WlIIi;untOti (MoliJ . J6 Mari$Cballl: S kol A: t'I" I;t;on , Cou aon ( oorr
1I.le} IS Adelphi toun Op lO<l Alcs . :?l flC'O~ Ir
IUanyo • •. Ratn."' r ,\reh . Ii ~h"l!ICh~llt
ITAY. ooa.a,. MAKE •• · U"Ol.iiOY \\';o..II ~ r , .m nallowpl.
Innell J ohn, lInioll place
&in Mr •. J o hn, 2:1 Park ~I W;o. l\;e r l>",·id'.II1OOd ) (;roorlU Meith Jlllnt:!',.~ Ikr". 11I1lt:" .
80..· Mn. Princq!1 court, 'll Hroo 01 Robb Alt s . \'1'1 ..11111111 8Tae
Slad ilOa MarplTl, 38 Park II W; " 11':1;. :1\1 1..0"11 al'1"I! 1t00...·r uOIl llo.vid, I:'> "ad: ... ,,/I'd
U"bt'rl ~~" Will. 12 :St Nlchn)as _
ITOOKING 'rAILOR' . II n ~ .1'I 1V1lI . !';" " rc-rl co urt
K ..&.NUr '&'OTUal: a • . Ad:"". I)')" .hl, 1:1 Cl ardlll'r,,· I;uII· lI u .~· II .\ "'lI . l>~'nid fUnl't. 6,',
,,"ol,.lIool••• a. W<>ot ln a. \\'",,1.' AIc"a u,\c·,· J a.nt'l . S ktu .:I~II ~ II nMd ~ t
.......( .. I ~.< .. A "dO'(~,," Gro.JuII . !li Un 'ad, l S:U 'I1~l rr C;coq! C, Cou on
AbrlTrtl mhit J ohu & SOli, 91 Andrr$(l ll 'I'll,.".. 28 t' a~ t r.> urlh 01 ~ro ll Jamr . , ~~ ~I . Alld r,,'" I I
Gallo"'plt U.I!ltnoc h hllll'1', Gordoo~ r "u rl, 1';111 Charlet , ~ I,,(M' ( ."("flt
f; . ;o. v Will. Blackfrlau .. 88 Browl 81 Si nclai r Wm. HoIb"r" n
(:ru~ & Taylor ~ OWrie ~t I\"gg AI!:!I . \\' imhnill "ra.: Sltill'It r (~t'OrK\" , Sk~lIe II
Mitchell Jamu, HIK"fr!;t.11I11 Un'wnrr Arch. Windmill IInI~ Slatn :'imo ", 12 Norlh ~I
MOD("Qr D;o.,·in , \villdal ill brK Brodie frau . :JO ;.;: .... her Kirkpu, 5".ilh .\l r ll . i Hnuer row
MOrtimer AI,·:.;. 12 J UatK-e lane II ro ...·o , Ik-iS & Ce . {merdwil Smith "Iu:. ~ St. catJMori1:lC" \O'd
lilllol'l} 1~ Uuinn It Smith J.)lIn, 9 1..od£C walk
lTONB OU"'r&., . Caut\y Jafll N , Hettie. court, 26 l'llI il h Will . Spiu al
Ch~iot ie Gf'Orte. ( & mArble) 91 Bro:u1 a.t ~IIt''''It' AI,·:.;. !I!I F.!U t North tt
Gcorle IITfft Car r John . Holbn .... 11 S pcnCt' WlU. 20 n roatl.1
Ch rillile J oho. 14 CallO "quart' C;usie J:UIlt't. ~ a_trOw Slcphto JObo, . 1 E!UI North sa
DullCa ll Thomas. lJuiollll Clart Gt'.OI'Jt.. Skl'ut It Slcn~.rl J oo, !!ij NClher Klrkptll
' Ic !Jooald Ain. (Ic. marble ) 2J (;OUUl Jnhn . tti ~:a~1 North .1 Stoll J ohn, "urut. COl,lrt, 61
KlnSn U. ~.. nw Ww.:I Neiller Klrkpt e c.;anle ~t
MlICdOnald Donald" ROlhril'lIOn lhll lU !lobert, Chron Strachan J a me'l..t 3 H,Ulter ro..
~.~ln Jamu, 17 ~ I IlS 1I Ollllid J Ohll, (merchllu tllllor) 'J'awfe Wrn . ~8 li u"tro'"
_ Jarnf'I Hl,llhr\('!wll oW CaIIl lt" Taylnr J nhn. Jun . 8 H1ac-Hrl:UI It
Robemon W. (& ".Iuary) U nJoo Oonald AltS. 38 ~I ••, T")'lur Pr t.:r , 3 Gallo ...,., ,,
atrftt, bou.;t Hun tly II Oomdd O.~id, HfII lMml II Ta ylo r Ptlrt, 1 Gallu"'p l~
.S mall J alll~ , Calherlnt' 81 Dou.ld J Im"', Ii WuolmanlliU 'nlOmlOn HUSh , X! "l a rlOC'ha.l If
""rim, Marlin & Co. 17 Kill,,, Oooald J.. nCllr S I. ,/uhn's ChllP'!1 T houa.o. Rubt..1 St. Nil.'holu . ja
( 34 ,) ( 35 ) ( 36 )
TllollllOD Wnt. 5IUair!oo·bt.ulI
T.V~IlN B.&1JPE. • •,
C,llo.banll Wm . !I ,KiD!! I!
.0. TAYER.N JUlEPE •• , k
Maitb.ud P"I, {& gfOC'er} CauK·
Torric Robert, 8 Mariac:bal . t CUlhbrn J . 11 M ~1ll Markel-bile
Uonl\ld John, 7~ NOr1 h ~I
r ud
Martlll Airs. New QUlly
Troup Gt'Urgt' 2J LIODIf A(re
Weir Genr(e, Fuqrihahc:nurt. 17 Uona.ldMlIl .101:11, (& ""bier) 1:.11 MMJIOn Alex, MI (leor~ It
Upptr Kitlo;(ate GeorKt " ~ l l.!!M)n ChrllUI. Wlterloo Qulr
WC'ir JI.!! . 14 M ari~hallt Dow .101111, 11 Gret'D Mth'cu JauN, .:xehl~\ICT court,
Wioon J .., 2!i .·Ialcrifk It Oyer I'eter. J King ~ t Mdfeu John, ~Id. coud, &
Willoll \\111i1l1u, Jopps wU(I, ,11 " lIlconer William, Reid' , rourl, 6 Shill ruw
Qut't'Dn Ship row Md_III T hill. Old Abt:nIet'lI
Wiuton J uhn , 2 Raul ~·lane r.,.qub..V1OlI Robert, 61 :-Iethel )Ieunle Alex, lIiS GlllJowptC
WI8hari Rubert, Old- Abt'rdetu . Klrh;atc ~ I cu J:.I.UlCI 4 Walcr· la.ue
Wyllie Oa\'id, Son Accord" t'Crriei1VidOw \ t'ool dee ~Iiddleloll Genrllr, (& .tabler) )
W)'II ~ Juhu, 9 Lollg Aere Ferrin Oarid. I Jama '
Fr1Mi JIUIICII, 21 Foot-dee
I' UarriOI n
)Ilddlt:tou .Illnn, 6 ,,"onb It
TALLOW CBAKDLB.'. (;"rdCII John, 60 Lime Quilly Middkrull JOhll, Yoot·dee
Borthwick Wm.2$ Ea!lt North It (;coor~', 716 Sbuuk·rnuc M ilu~ J .... (lttd Uon ) BroW.1
Uolhwell J ubn , J D~tlec I t G\~D Darid 4 Sbo~-Ialle Millie Robert, Dauic('. rourt, ..
Coplaoit '" Milllt', 37 Loch" mltson ('reo. 2-l Woolmlll\lIill ClUltl~ . t
Mai tl and Jamt~ &; CII. ~Jallb.nd'. QiboMJn Geo~, Gordo n', roll'!. Mi,,: hr ll John .Yi1conlilo/l
DlIIrt, 42 f'lrlhrr Kirlo; p te l
88 BI'OIId ~l Moir }' nTICu,31 Nurlh II
0ll"ton ,\lex, 52 Loch 81 Gillin .100 .... Ueanic'. rourt, 100l Mollltou Jllllle. , (:Shl,,) U U"...
Iilo;ltourr " rl. Alcx,l!I l, Catilerilll:s GallO'll'pt r Q llay
wort. Ship row foord on ,\l,'Jl. W.krw.o Quay Morlhurr J NlC, U HUJller ruW
TANNCJlB, Goroon G~,,!e. i!l QUt"e1i et Mnwat Wm . Smith', toIIrt, 113
al( Gowan Johll, Ne....-bridge Oourly Robert, I Colllnlcrcc .t GallolO'lIl'l e
Rodlcr JanN'I, OIlWIWIIl.lII Cony (}eQ. 1& Illlblt' l ) 1I.,rlol It Nrill Jawn 41 UWr Quay
Nlc"n Charlel, ~Il\eld
,. TA.VmaN
Gray JIIJIQI, It> Wal~ , I
On.,. Will. 18 t'redtrkk It
Ir.EEPE.a, VINTNER., C:~lg JIIUC'I, WllidlUiIIllr~l'
Paul Gcorge, Mains of Sealoll
P~lrle A1I",;, 61 NtIII'lh III
AND PUBLICAN., GrltIIlh Ww. Srr'OlI:u;h'. dlMt, ItIlj(8 Itobo:rl, V WalN M
Adam ,<\1c![aolckr 40 Gco'le I t F.lI:Chf,jucr row Rcid Aleuw. (& ltabler) 6 liN'·
Adami Ja. (St stabler) Back wynd Gri~or \\ tn. 77 nnw;i lt rlult!
, Allall Alex. 3 Trinity ,t Gnn J ohn, (Tradt'~ l\ mI~) II CD- (kId J uhn , ~ l.nd~ wali
Audenoll J~un, ( Ship TI'tnI) del'$\/ft" roan. 4Ii"road II ifeld W.ller, 120 GC'Or):ClI
Waterloo Quay Hawpcou AlcJ:. GCOI')l:C U Ilcid Wm. 9 Lod,:e ... 110;
Aod~w Ja •. 167 Gallol\'~lc Harrow Gwrge, 18 WIII~" Rrlll/ ie t\ lwr,,"', Uroadford
IJadcnocb Mar..-, 136 Gallowpt.e Hay CblU'I('~,Clltlon It!arh J amn, 2 Pork ~lane
!Jain Jo hn, (Scotch ThiJlle) lIe"denou f)a1'id, Waterloo Q,"y Ril t h)e'n l()DIU , 3 CblU'Ch at
IhlJl:ler row lI elldl"l'!IOli Juhu, Waterloo QUIlT Robo:ruon J a'lH:I!, (Ik bre"tr) 1
BanI J ohn, Ne ...· Qlla)·
Dal rd l1l1rlletl , ( & gr~r) Wioo·
lI e/Jd\:rtOlI Rorit' , 52 EU I I" onh
Hinbill £Ika, Bnl1lelU rl~
}larnelt'. duM
Robc"OOIl '111OS. I O('OrllC II
RoM Jamt!O, (& ,tabler) !o !.!Uk
l\a.uncrmau P'llridt. 16 JalDn II. lio.neJoh", 44 Wool .. ~ bill 8 ...IlOOnl .t
Rllmay J ohn, 11 Canllc:1 itc It HolCbeOu J Obo,L Rumeu'l dole Rou John, 12 Ca/l~1 Trrr;u::e
turr WlUiaan, 4 ShutTle M I lIIray D.t1'Id, 1 :J:I-Gall~le nDn Yraucb, 1 lIt1k)n- I.IlIe
nllron Au. Coun'rt coun loy,illl WID, Ii Fluor MUr·1:me .scvrsk Genrse, 4;: UPflO!r Q,1J,1
Bate JUlIO, t'oul-dce !UIM." ,\Iex. 4'.1 Y.I.!!I SIInh u ShcrftO; John,l l\Iral Marllel Wte
RUler J ane , 3 Water· la ne Inues (leon:e, 12 t:xrht-qucr ro ... ~hlrreC JlllIe_, (& cooper) ISCar'
lkllby J ohn, (MII5Cum Tucru) J lo_~lon H,,!h, 4G (;oe'lruw nl~1I1 e ~ I
Ca.t1e Brae rriol .,1 in;nc J ohn, ;; WaiL'" ~t SIIft'f o..'Orp;e, (& '!abler) 68
Rerry Peter, ( 3< 'Iahlrr) { Hu· Jatrrny Andrew, 18 Norlh 5t Gcor!C !II.
UJlICk GCO'1!c, Fuol· dre J ohllSIOU J C!'~ir , 9J On'co Siml_n And. 6~ Nurth st
8lack J all1o, I4 Waae. At JOh081011 J ohn, Ulinr'l ('OOn, SUliili Aleltaud, I'irlc', wort,:,t
Black Juhll. 26 LodF lO'~k t: 1-'~r K i rll~al e CU IIl' II
Bonar ADdrc .... (Bla BuIl) Hus.o Kay J amn, Mliller', oourT, 21 SmiT h t·rll/d•• U,,101I U
ler row Gu ~~uo ... !'tullb Georv, 47 NOMh n
Bnoth WOI , 12"lGt'O,,!e It Keith J ohn,6 N(',hrr Kirhalc Smith Ue u, 10 Meal Market·1aIC
BowlD&I1 AI. 43 Nr tber Kirk!lte Kerr Andrew, Iluruct l '~ dote Smilh Jall!'I, !, j U pper QU"T
Boyle Mn. John,!i UuXlcr row Kilgour ",m , I" Harri,,! U SmilhJol ... , 8 t,;:l' r/c:tot
8ro"'D J I.!!, f OOI·dl'C LeUh Wm, IRnburn Smith J UI Ill, li7 Gal1 o" 'plC
UlU:~ha" Wru. 16 J.::a:d lf1! ll1,· r ro ... I,"" JIIIII.. , 91 (lrttn Smilh S' t'I,ll(ll. Itc:uiu courl , ~,
BUrttI'll James, (& &tab er) nour I.c:slie 'OloOIlU ~'oot·d l'C I~ ro.,d "
Mill Brae lA'y. AleJ;. II l:hroukl~-\ane 8111101\11 Adam, C)Id Abcrdl'CD
Cald"'l'll Alld, 33 Ju stice" Leys G~f!f', (& Im,~'cr) 29 Slahln Jalln'~ 0 1: Abcrdet'n
Cardo mchud, t:![cbC'Qller ro ... Lod!,e ~k Slqlh ~1I habell:I, 10 l:hapt'I·IIIlIC
Carp;ilI AlldcllIOlI, Olul('\', court . t.ilJlbal' Alex , 7 Kio!, u SIC"'1I1'l Fntrt, 6 I,tltle Johll.1
-&8 Cutle It Loche! John, ( Uurn 'l '{'a"CTlI) Strachan Peter, ( & Itabler ) ~
Cvuie Wm, I~ Fi3bcr rOI\, Shill row IIlniollt
Cockoon GC'O..,,\·, 4 Shoc·IKut I.ow \'illialll, 24 ~orth . t Sluart Will , 52 QuCCII ,t
Collie CkolJc, 4~ O~t''' Mc Ilouahi (leorl/e,3 Wlln 81 'i'ag:,re J oh", 18 Iw'k w,nd
Copland ChIIs, 21.illleWal~ 51 Mc I)olliid J <I~-'ph, ;J R ~' .·Wte n ,in J\ iclt , 11 PLwock I dole
COJlland 4.iract\ 19 Wale, it ~Ic liard)' Wnl. t& subler: 7 ThoUi Robert, ( & h~ ...'cr ) 8uo-
Copland Jant', 0 Wale. ec. Har rlo! ~t , nllcll·.c lo~r, F.:U:hl~lutr ro"
Cr"il/ Alex. " ·lIlerloo Qua), Machra, Peler, (& atabler ) 13 Vw Janet , 2 ~h'al Market·lape
Clonln J .me, II Lodge \\'l\lk Ih.rr,ot s t W.I&I)II Hoben! 16 Lod8l' walk
Crol/llr J"lm, Oo"'lIk... wurt, 53 Me Kay J allld, 32 Norlh u WallOn Wtn , New nrid!!:c
Rroad u Me Kay Jane, 166 Gll llowFKte Walton WIll , 21 !.od4re "-lk
Crlllck ~llaulo; Itt, nridg~ of Onn ~I acki~ narelay, Broadrurd Walt Geo'1!~, W.! erloo QUIT

Crulek. hA/lk TI" "na.~, ( & "abler) Me Klnlay Will, Boolb', cloer, 21 Wtbl lC'r Aln . 116 George It.
Seboul Hill Callie It 1\' .. bJl\Or Alu. OordoP ,I
, 18fvtrtorv," \lI"t~lI&OOIl!iTt.
(-"7 ) ( 3~ )
Wtb!u'r ·r ....... Ii Lod[tC 'I'I'aik .\ 1"'"<1 '\ \fIUUIIIl"r . (I~ lIiij.hJ DI.-e AIiIj.(II .. C,tG'1!C. lfi Gr ...·n
WRoIOlI Geur,~. ( I\.:d Liuu ) OLd rm :l!.(~ t.:OllUS Alex. 48 :\"Iher Kl r~If"[c
:\lH:rdre n • l'alcr"Uu John, ( I..alin ) ;.0 Nelhtr Cr:li)C Willu.w, 2"2 Gr~~ 11 .
Wood Janlel , ,\ I\lion rourt, Kirk~te I.:,.••·(ord Ch:uo. :Ii Woolman hill
CWILe " Rrid Roh .. n, ( En!lilIbl DilihiC'l Juhll , 2 & 11001 hili
TeACH e • •• rour., Yo GUeo l1Vf' • ~·iudl')"ilVn Jnh lll,l.:alUewar t:od
~e .he Acu ..... i ~ • .
Reid Will . ( E"IClI~h ) :' Denburn Finnic G ...... 4:' ."cllwr Klr~ .:all:
mach All'll. ( f:n,!"li~h ) Ex("hau", .·or....... RobcrT, I1 Gallo"·p lc
Adam Thornu, (En!U~b ) lI ut. roun, Uuiun II I fin". I·..,to.'r 12 Wi ndy w)·ud
cham iI. C.~way o:ud
8an:layJaIl>H, (EaglllbJ :t.!LonS
Il.o!u ThumM, f mit~m.'ics & .\I c lJuu.1d
aritbme llc) ' Veil enUtl, 26 Me IHIO,lh J •• 28 N... h.·, Kirk e
1. fo Curr~ilI" "'1r,j
Aere n rnad BI ~I C' I..eodJ:&.W ..... :~
Rrio;~nrd Ill. ( t:ngU' h) LUlkl U Ilou J ~. (da.ndu.d Jupp'. court. ~ Ia.~~ ic r.t:urICC,81 Gillluw!p-tc
E." Not. 'u
Urncc G. ( .; "gh~h J !'! l.oll/! Acre II Qu een It Jla)· Jnhu,;, G.JJowI'oI1e
Cln'~. t writiuJ) Ithiud'. llou John, (mwde: ) 39 lIpper lleuie Mil.I<lklou & &/11. Retl ie',
ruurl,It I (l ;llIo""I('oI.le Kirk nte roUtl,2G "rood III
Corhy" T homu Juhn, (dancillf) nllM John, (musk ) S I,ltl;a1 SIl~illI& Cu. 101 Galku.. ple
8 ;\dflphl court Ililtl Wm. (drawin1!1 Addl,hi c:, Sll'pbc" D;al·id, 25 Broad It
eo"'ie Jol"" ( parochial Khooli Sc honbn~ C. I•. (I.a" l nagL'1.' 6 1 Wrl,!l bl Frt:d . 8 .. QII!.'CII't
Old Abe,"!'!'u Milrilll:l,al n Wright .lawel. 16 Ki uil!
Craigmil... t "IlIIICi! , (writing ) Cor- ~c " eloln Fr:wcloI, (t'r:e: ncb ) " TO,aACCO AND SHUFF
reaio .. ""o'lld G.lle 1!We • • NUrACTUB&RS
CrolMr ,\ l;'xarulcf, ( t:uglirh) ~ SllIith AIn:4r. f En SIi>Jb) Po .hrr C ' " . "- 8 S I I h:tI
Ili'uburn 1\I arkl.l, aull ShiJlrUw !",I~ 11M . . ...... ; I· I~ I
(; IIUlllliuS John, ( ~; " 8ILoIl ) A""., ~Uli l ll \\· '''. I ~: '' !.lUdt ) t'oo t ·d~·~ 1)'II~wall ,\I . .111 Nf'lher I\II·k"",l('
DlIrld Nl II ,\Iull'l' ''''. ( EDJth-h) 4 Tayl"r ,Jal. IU U. ie) :\I; V lli;}u . 1 I!UIIUhl, 1" 'ler, :.I I C"!aIlOWK3fe
Trin ity ~I 'l"trrM: J~~ , \ t"relleh) :'Ililllt·. fyfe Ch:u-k...... 1.:0•• {I "'PO,11~n
DariC' J am"_ (m lule) :J,5 Ca!tIe II roUT!,:18 Ca.l c I! l.nd d.'alt~ In Forelpt alKl.l-lri'
,1)u""uie A k~d r . :ohU(.iuS ) Crow" Watt J lIlJlt:t , (Engli, I, ) Dcuburn lI ~ h (O&II(,Y .IIU .... ~ ,. p, .."1 ,
rourl, U OIOIl U Tcrr:1(;1l ..,null" bolliN, &c.) -'6 Uutoli ~~
Duft'lIt~p. (dan dn~ ) ~O Un ~ 1 WlIl!OU Jobn ,\bbot. ( .io11,,) Con. K ' I~ur,.. ltollertaoo & Co. H iS ~ ·
cerl CUlln, U;roaiII\ fhet KI ~kfC'~'O .
D llUCan J ohn, (languagl:l) 'I'bom-
100'. COll rl 6l lJroadn'
DU lin J"hll, (Lalin ) VarlJ uhanct
wnwil lIIr. Md "'rI.
CobCtr l COlIn , Urelid.t ·
(~,!I) )Ie: Cowhle .I'el t r. 68 G~!.'C"
Me Cow.hlc l'llolUiI:I & Co. 5 1 Ne·
Y.1~n Wm. {malbcm.lka:. '-t;, \\'llton Robrrt
g~phl • . Ir!' (mllhe l"llatlct
16 Huxler w';
Iher Klrkgate
Wh)·le Pal rIck. 13 Gallowpte
t:Uersb.6k Wm. (IllItbemhla. \'O\UI& A. (t>qIbhJ DUlhle.tcoun. TOBACCO PIPE .4,IU:~ .
"""",ph, ',.) ViJjinl.: II . Mc IUlrre ItI Ooil'S. n Locb 'j
..·.leoOrr Gillie". (ED&l4h) 26 'I'.A D"CAt."C... MU IerJams,fo8 Loch"
I)nlln·~ ·Jar:e
•·imllay Will . C",athelUatic.) 6
S ... eloo Ome....... Tn 1le&I.... 'l'UaNER. • •
I.:orreclioll 11·1·11'1 ,\lIanl yCi: William , (,,·holl'5&1c mack J a.'l. 12 c.... rn~e Drae
.' Iemillg I,l·wi.. , ( mu ,;ic) Z.! fre· and (('"fali ) 40 l · uinu 51 l.:ouIU Wm. (& Ihllllll: milker ami
dutell.l Cobbau Un lltrl , M Kn.wI ! 1 ..·bl'Chni,!lbt ) Windllllll IJ r;o,c
Forlw>! It"b\:n , ( Lalill ) lIutcbeo n l ·olliwall Ebeu. 80 J.;uion 51 t: w,·n G ..... rge , 2 Chron ic:ie· lanc
~t. Il ru:wfnrJ
Craib li den , Windmill Il,ac Gordo n J ohn, G.·rard I I All'xelr. (Iirawins) ~li1ne'l OUll:uid Alexandcr, (wholcsa.le ):10 I.awwn l'l.' t.·r. \{1.11Ic', court,2G
collrt 'li Gallo ...g.. tf:~ Queell ~ f [tl!eh3181 IJ ro:u1 U
Graul!)u id &; Alndr. (t:nclUh . Fo rlle>! AleJ[ . (wholeNle ) ~ Ma - Mar k \VID. 25 Woohnlln bill •
&c.) ~ I.oD! ,\ m : Gn.y J ohn, 11 Oallo,..,ale M ullro "It)[ . (& !Olr tlllb &: Ii!h·
Hay ~t ", ( DJu~ iCJ (IInccrt cOllrl. Sm ith ."'Icx. 01" Aberdeen 1118" rod r:naktt) '" KIU¥ f(
Broad II Smarl Chi. (&. win e) 74 Union II Murray Jam" , 18 WOO!lIliUI hil~
lIiII J :UU I'1 , ( t:lIgli~h ) W ell ro u!"l. TnaCAD Nan ~ ht e1\ J oh", 28
Sk."OII J olill.lJroodf,ml
*. Audre .... ~ I
26 II rood n l'IIA.N uFACTUaCR.S. U~w;o ld .\Ie xalld..,r, (& can ·c. ) 67
Hutboll Hllberl. (drawir,!:) I .... datu Aln. II Ilarriot ~ I (; l"Ot!(e St
Adtlphl co url$Ol\ JIUDC'II, Killg ~t italuC'y Wm. 131 Gallowp te
J alfray .I" lm, \,":IISli>lh) Milne'. {larrl.'" John, 8 Ga!"row's «Iurl. Iteid Gt(lrge, lit". 21Mck wynd
court, 21 Gal o..·pte Trinity &t Rdd GcoI"J(e, jun. (&: Ii.mlll rod
Ku.rd Aln; ( nlu! ic ) Sulherl:lIl1l~ Hlrthill Juhn, Wal e rfurd. nnT makt:r ) 6 Grllt n
COiItl. 1~ S),i\, row ,\Ilerdtt:1I Rougt. J o!m, Gardea', court
Kmwvd W. ( millie) 56 U nio n ~ I l!ln C!! J o hn , 19 J obn'''n SIn> "1C'x. 1 BI.cJ,;frillnl.t
Kit'lOu lI ell'1", ( nIU~lt) Farquhar, Miloe, I.: rudcn &: 1.:0. SIWiu( Wrl,ht ,",ct. &: Son, 16 OllftltOW
COIlrt. Ii Uppcr Klrltgah:
Me COIublc ThumWl. ( i-:ngli. l, j Gatdeo s UMBRELLA
DenOOro TIMBJ:B MCaCRAl'f'l'S , MAItCa • • D!:ALca ••
MackC'nlle Will . ( En&li>Jh ) 'fown Allan J ohn, OaridJoo',.I. Broad· , Burg....... J . &: Co. SO Up. Kirkplc
HOU5e. O ld Aberdccn rord , ;wd P01·lltnl!."l'01r: frte Ca... &: Co. 46 Un~n II
M~I J ohn. (r1oculion) For· !knlic J ohu, Po ynuuoolr: HOU AleJ[. 33 Upper K lrk~tc
re~lC'r Hill Co plalld Oaril!., 41 M...1tc:h~ It Kerr A uMcw, 1:1 Porl· laDil
&teaton T'jEu&14h) 36 Union It cIlUlmhlA'es.. POJIlCluoolt Walktr .lobo, 4 NOllh.t
MiddlC'ton amn. (1IIUlie:' 6 Ma · Ou.utaII ~. Poynuvook VI'aOlATCaE •• '
, iKhal ~t ' .:_11
Milne ,AkJ[. {,lancing} MilnC" . KnuwkA Williaw, Foot-d~
J II, PO)"QoI'ruook ~ al ... C.IM. ..... b .. ..,. t: phl.
court 27 Galiowplll Lalng CUlilming. ~llIallll&er for Ihe
Eatl of Abo)' II~' , f'onl·. k't: C~hle r hllles, Skene·lanc
Mlhle ;L';ben. (Bullil h) 12 :'I l a'
rlsch.llt )I ac.~ic llluclar, Hruowf"nI .'n ... yth WPI . ! School hill
Mltdwll & Du!\"uki, (It GRmt,uar M.t.hi,oon Ih. &; I'cI. I' oy uen.ook :'Ilituc AIC'J[. II I'rin,"" I I
Schnnl) Old Abt-rdtu . nao: .\ Ic:u,nder , t·oot·dO"\' Mi rridC"t'l J ,Dlt:<. 71 V ";"II ~1
M O'T~n rot.'W'"F, ( N~lption ) IS Itoee l)uU;/.hltull, (& . bll' oln.~·t ) IlntuJatut'S, I':' li llJ-'l!r K i r~S"~te
J"a1'~ f( ~-UfJ\ tl-= Scutt AII'J[ . 1>Ic~," QII\"1.11 . 1
( 40 )
.l\nan James, Htllhurn st Duucan Alex. 25 (pch ~t Middleton 7 George st
Angus George, 72 Broad lI~ Grub & Taylor, 58 George st Moil' George, Gallowgate
Barron John, 11 N~t~er Klrkgatc Hadden Alex. &. Sons, (& carpe Sutherland Alex. 26 Green
Booth George, 34 Umon .st manufacturen) Green Toul/:h Jane, 6 Fisher row
Booth John, 41 Up[l~r Klrkgllte HO\IDes Andrew, 1 Woolman hill Wilsoll Alex. 49 Green
Brown John, Woodside. Machray "-lex. 79 8pd 51
Dalziel James, 2 frederick st Mackie Robt. (executors of) (and
"'ra;,er John, Umoll place wool) 14 Queen st
Gal'(len John, 4 Skene 5t l\l id ler Alex. 126 Gallowgate Altera Cresar, gla~8 blower fur
Gatly John, 17 Hllxter 1'0\'1' Pirie Wm. &. Co. 18 Adelphi d chemical purposes, Skene st
Gill P. & SOD, 13 Queen st Reid James, 86 Ullion 8t Balfour W. commercial traveller,
I n nell George, Skelle 3t • Skene George, 126 nallowgate 182 Gallowgate
Mearns John, Ii School hill Wisely George, 29 Woolman hill Bi~set James, riddle maker, 66
Milne Alex. M North ~t MitcheH's llOun
lIIitchell James, Broadford WRIGHTIII Black J. wool COI.llber, 54 Loch st
Mitchell Will. 32 St. Nlchola~ tit Brebner Arthur, excillCman, II
AND OAllPENTBlIIUJ. Commerce!t
Murray John, 40 llpr,c,r Quay
Ogston Georp;e, Ml l. Dlon 51 Adam William, Spa ~I Brown Alexdr. governor of gaol,
Sil~rk Wm. 27 Marischal st nevel'l)' JOllll, Old Aberdeen Ca:;tle Hill
fllack Wm. Union Bridge Ilrownle Wm, horn spoon milker,
WHITESMITfUI Uyres Jaml.'s, Sken(, 8t Broadford
AND BELL-HANCiEIUI. Ryres James, Clu\Ilel 5t Cam pbel! Hobert, paller dealer,
See nbo Blacksmith •. Coutt~ AI. 20 Princes 5t W.:II court
flonnyman Jat!. &. Jno. 15 Loch 5t Davidson AI. St. Andl'ew 5t Campbell Wm. posl horse m......
Clark Jos. 17 Vcune!, Gallowgatc DeanI'! AI. St. Audl'Cw8 51 ICI', 7 Shoe-lane
i\1iddletoH David, 49 George st Duhcan (ieonle, 6 WOQlmall hili Carter David, machine maker,
Eddie John, 42 Loch ~t Nortll st
WINE AND' Findlay Peter, 50 Green Duguid Jame~, Gerrard 5t
SPIRIT MERCHANTS. F()nlyceJam('~, Mouut Hooly DUlIll Alexander, maker, Ii
See also Grocers and T;:a 1.)eal cfl f Gartly John. 7 HUlCler row Windy wynd
••"'! Spirit Dealero. Grant Patrick, Reid's court, 34 Durie Peter, pewterer, Farquhars
AUardyce Wm. (wiue only) ,,0 Gallowg-.lIe . court, Upper Kirkgate .
Union 81 Henderson Wm. 6 fnneg-Iane Durward Jobn,scale beam maker,
BalmernllloU 111OS. &. Co. 59 Ma- Hendrv Jame" 80 Queen ~t Shlttlie lane
rischal51 Inllc~ 'rhoml1.', Old Aberdeen Findlay John, steel type cutter,
B\6Ck Wm. &. SOilS, Concert ct Jallli~soll George, Shewallscourt, 46 Queen st
Brantingham Geo. 3 (hlluwgate II!) Gallowg;\te I Gibb John, civil engineer, Water-
Cald~r & Co. (& general) 42 ~Ia- Jalllieson Wm. Holburn 51 100 Quay
rischal st J08S John, Deuburn Grant RobertI dial mallufacturer,
Clark Wm. &. Co. 8 King ~t King Will. Gurdon 5t 24 Frederick st
DlIgliid A!. (wiue) 30 Queen st Knowles Alex. 156 Gal.lowgate Henderson Gilbert, collector of
Duthie Robert, 44 Upper Quay I,amb .loh ... , Lamb', court, POI.- coal money, 6 Loage walk
Forbes AI. i!5 Marischal 8t achie side· Hoimc6: Joseph, overseer 01 tho
KIIOX & Co. 4.1 Fredenck st Le~ertwood James, 73 George 51 'harbour, Foot-dee
Moil' Robert, (wine only, and Leighton John, Old Aberdeen H'lnter Robert, 3upernilOr of ex-
Roman Cement w<lrebousc) :; Lyon John, Holbum 51 ci3~, Spittal
Adelphi court Mc Kay AlIgU6, 17 J Ilstice 5t Innes Geo. Wl"avcr, 43 Broad 51
Walker C. (<lI: porter) 58 Broadst Mackie Wm. (& cabinet maker) Innes John, gin~er beer manll-
WIRE WORKERS. Old Aberdeen factlll'er, EW<lIl" court, 42 Gai-
Jamieson (& fish lIook Me Pherson A. Hi Constitution S110wgatl?
Morison Will. Loch 8t Irvine JIIO. saw setter, 18 Park $t
maker) row Murray Wm. B1ackfriars 81 Johnston Juo. OVerRI?Cr of salmon
Kerr Win. North 8t Pirie Aleullder, Denbnm fishings, BridKc of DOll '
WOOLLEN DRAPERS· Randall John, Collclle It Keith Alex. copper plate printer,
1'1 .. also I.;ineD and Woollen i)'''pero ; Reid John, 4 Jopp's-lane 7 Long Acre
and Haberd .. hen an4 Clotbieu. Reitb John, Gordon 5t : Low James, wriler, 65 BlQad 51
Rinch JOhll, 147 Gallowgate Lyell Jolin, stove grate mallufac-
Blackhall James, 28 Union st Robb James, Gerrard st tllrer, 92 U Ilion ~t
BrowlI, Begg &. Co. 72.l!nion 5t ~ohertson Charles, Union 5t , Mackie AlexaDder, ship chandler,.
Collie Geo. &. Co. 20 Umon 51 Sang Wm. Denburn 39 Upper Quay
Duguid James, 10 Broad 5t Sannders Wm. 12 Blackfriau It Macnaughton George, cotton rna-
Duncan AI. & Son, 53 Broad st Shand Sandy, 3 Park-lane nager, Chapel5t
Gibb Robert &. Co. (wholesale and Shepherd David, Gordon 5t Middleton JaB. timber measurer,
general mcrchallls) 36 l! Ilion st Sim John, Gilcomstoll Duthie's yard, Foot-dee
Gibbon John, (&. clothier) 54 Simfi~oll John, 73 George 8t Mitchell Jas. dock or hirth mas-
Uuion 8t Simpson John, jun. Union Bridge tel', !J Water-lane
!II ilne Foulerton &. Co. 1 Un iOIl Skene Andrew, " Yeats-lane MUllro John, IItucco mill, Dee
Bui dings Smith Alcxdr. Factory court, :'I Village
Munro & Grant, 48 Union 5t George st . Munro ~Ohll, surreyor of taxes.
Philip & Taylor, 31 Broad st Smith Walter, 16 Diackfl'lars st 84 Umon 8t
Shand AleJ{. &. Co. (wholesale) 3 Stephen Wm. Summer-lane Nicol AI. pilot master. New Pier
Union-lane, Unioll 8t Taylor James, 35 Frederick ~t Nigg Salt W.)rk Co.'s Office, 13
Simpson & Whyte, (&. clothiers) Thomsoll Andrew, Diamond sl Uniou Buildings
21 Union Buildiugs Thornton John, Skelle 84 uare Rattray Da\'id, brace maker, 48
WOOLLEN Ik WORSTED Thrislie Hobert, 11 Pl'illCeb sf l!;a:;t North !t
MANUFACTURERS, AND Walker John, Skene square Reynold3 William, basket maker,
Black Thos. & Son~, 54 lil'Oad st'
"IJd Gar1osit: Mill
Westland Will. Skene sf
Wilkin Thomas, Old t\herdeen
Willox WJII\, at BiackJrill1't ~t
74 Queen 8t
Robertson Goo. ollie.r of uclst,
Tanlield .
"'rrrrOlt!. ABERDEEN. >lberlJtml\Jirr. '
. . & Co. clothe. din.? Gal1ow~
I (44)
Su,.. le John. lectuI"Cr 011 _ha-
( 45 )

'I~ I; and ROMrt Downie,!J4
lo"ell J . ehain milT. fi.e North It ok., &~. Prim:" n ~hlp row
Sudbofl Wllllam,collon 'II'u"cr, Siophaul J . optician , J8 North !t l Ire Atl':cnnd .. r, oftiC(' r or nc:i$C!,
Hut~hl"On It Stur! I'c ..:r, .... r\·c1'or of taxc~ . Old Abcnl cc u
81110 Ju"W\,h. dealer iu toy. , &C. Shut ' jllarc - Wal~ cr George, iuspt'Ctor of di!-
141 Gal ol' PIC 'fhmulIOlI ohu, lapidary , IIi Es- cued horR>!, Hruadf... rd
ShnlDir Robtrt, reed Il1:1.lIl;'r, 10 chcqucr row Weir J uhll. uttln-r ofucise, OW
H"nlot II Thonll,o IlJohn, Sacrin of KinS '. ." Oenl~n
~.hb J'Ule~, 8opi.'riutcnd enl or 0011<,,,1.", Old Aberdeen We§lland M"" trouollliSl, Kjlll'~
canoil "orb, Gerrard bt Tvit'll I)rllmmcfI-Ad:uJJ Walker. Colltgt'. Old Au,.' rdccn
St.Il~r. William, fe rwral d<'lllcr, HeliderlOlI'. court, ~6 Broad Wilson William, ol1lecr o( UdliC ,
HGlburu It 'I'llnlidd

Alphabetical Reference

nail« tl



; " .. I

U ·


" "
-"n . "

lBir tebl ....." ABERDEEN.
A LfOK D,dI. ,....... a'~. f r o. C•• let.
M.II . hoM Oe..
all. r:orSIVRGH !loy.l
r.."·...."..........·• n ...ULL.
"" ~rlllJll(lll,
... t . .
l b. l lalu~.
ok.a\ ' e. ti, ~1 .1Io1ll .... IC/Iw " , lI old. ""'1 •• ~I a, ~.lf. ~"'1 e,
8«\ ... ,. ... , n ... · ' h ••• ~lho ...l....n. Bu '.. ,., ";1, Cy . I~.
Abor,t . . . . . . /lIlllS" • •
C~""' "
N). lOru_ •• II ,
.......... Ike '. U.al_c "yo U I .
•••• )t oftt.on, A. b. .... h. Du.dre,
I'erlh. )li...... , ..... n.hhi........
u...,.a "j"C,,,,,,,YHul
• •an .....
.. I,, .. BAr",,",
[OI",.,UII.OII, .h Ii.,e C._ .... Q o ... ur• ..,.,.. ,h flln. ""n...... I". .
• ,"10_ rUt.,. II".' R.,,,,
h . 0 •• ,,01< ' " koJ0' IIoI ... ,"'"' PF.T EIIHltIoO . ..... R"81!..SUlIOn
u·. o. I, EITH. 1\.Abndru, t..;tb &: CI~

i;u"to, ) •• 6.

' INO, A.~", 'II, IJ~ ........ u.

lIIon.!lA<~D, B... lc.~ ' . CJ'." Mont·
I ' •• ,.,
• 10 ••• II . 1.1'" .II,d,IoI,"''' pro-
M ail. fI'_ f), ......
" .....' "••• H ~e l. .. •• ,
... q ~ ... erHlo.. 4, Ih,OtI.b Ell ....
.a. e...
d •• ,
U\·t; RI'OOt. •• bo .I.
tlMppin. Co ......n' .
tIl"ft"''' hr" f"", or ft •• ~o ' "
.. ...d .....
:'d .... Lf,i tll ..Ji
CIJd. ~"lp"I"J Co",,,,,,,,', Pac\eI
...... ftUI Nom ina ., f , 1iI,. e , 1I I'F. TEII II ~: A 0 and I' Il AS I( R IIUf\G H .. II. "10.,.'
f_,_ ""'Hoo_
Ro,,' M. n, rra.. 1)• • ' •• 0.'1 .... ,, ~. I. IIS DOli. , lie " ,..,d•• n od 1.0B'""
. .
Klo' . .. ,lau.l''''''''J. u4
defO on 'l 11 11f..t, eu'1' .n _ _ tI . Wllppl-., hitch ... 11
EDI~. U RGH , 1M T o' •• , (,,,_ q....... hJor. 4 . lb ..... 1l1I••• 8 i. · \Wk' a ...
.. .........'. " olel , ourI- "' ....;"" 'U' • •• , Mi.Ua • . l.CI'" DOlfi .~. Aberd ••• IDd Ludoll
lu.a,tSolMo,i o. 6, tII,oop !Ali· p r rK klt EAO ..... E.., olf-nol, I,oM N.... ". 1'1'1". Co .,p.. , '. Ii~h
'OIIC,kl,\ ......1101., .'..,.0.'.
C.,.. •• w. 0 .., ... I~ . P, ,...,id; ·..T«I. ..flOMe . .... 10 .
"'. po .•r'" PHIAl , 0110",11 • • .0
olpl, . . . "..,..". . . . . . . . . .ito&:
... nl .ft .... o .... (1'....., ne.."o:<I J NEW C "'~" I ,~,
al ~ OIl",. !:1I0 • •
,b. ""..·•• "'1'_.
...,'. 8101" ••• C......., ' ......!o
1 . .u ..... t .
oU .
lOCO.-.-" .. '" N\' EaN158 floro.
t • .".
f,_ o..'-u',
JeI_'1 ...... ..,..
" .,alll otri,
1 . ~.U1 " Nf.... 4,

,,..,,110 _»
a .tft',
SII!:Wc"rrt.E, '100
_.'-11,. Tyee,
.OTTII!:II.D4M . ,be ..""".......1.".".
.. C~ . . . 'ppla,
Co • .....,.·. na.,
I'.. l., l ull ,. ....
' NV I.NU~ .w,11 MaJI, ,,_
110' " ~ "' ....,I0Il'. U ...... u"'1
0...,_ • .,.S;A* ,PACUCB i s .
.. ," _ . aU.,. .1, w•• h . '

.Ii ......... t . ~.a ........1..... . ..-i~r o· ED IN"lI Ru n , La / Til , "'.. N·RW .

Old .... ~ •• _ . T."~I",lIonl", q••. II AV!:~ , ~011'" 01" H'ouh .. n, D ANAL BOA 7'II .
,.., F........... 1:1,1.. _.lIhl .... "' ... I'''' f, Ar1I .... ~lh , rr..1I, t"'I '~ ' r&o~ I I TTYl kR W'~£R •
tI. I~ P~ke nf q<J.d.....
. Ih., .,,~ ''.II~. tb~ IIrl ll l." . ""'1
I, . .. AD . . ... R"I HOlrl, , ... , ""'ft.
W.dn ~ od., ..... S.'UN.' ""'",I.~ ., I !(VJ:ItURY , IM",t". 01 A,,-I1. I ~
Ii, and , .... V..toell" u .. " .IoI ... da,
Cn.'~'8.ft •• Jl _, U. r1" 0.1~ I nu .
, n'r, lto. .." ,. ~·.. h. t..-... P.1~a,
F. " ••• !hl ... ..d Co",pkl lu.-.
alld f.ld. , ..... ie. ,I e. .,orrol" . and . h ill,'" ....._ ,
.he , .... f""pl~ .. b..... . i ~hl 1ft'"
,,_ ,.." , ... nl S . I', ....... .....
rRADING VSSIl7;Z, II , . '.... II .. ~ 01 Oct'-. .. ... 1. til.
Il IN'C4MUI "'· I.:·O' N;P. ' I., . c. . . t t -
l . h.t •• '.. n ."'*,".n.t7<T.... "OR Cooot "SD P"¥£NCIt.I&. I .,"'Ml.' ..d 1. ,.... "...._ ;
I~ ' U
• ... dll."" l b. ",. 1 01 .. . ._
...., . n •••, ..... s..... r .....
I., •• t . .......... _ LA8QOW ..... Aloerd_ LfoI' .. , ....
..e.•• . . .
tlo. folk "UoI . I CI,d. Ship,,'''' .com,.., '......... . Oll« ..., al l"" Ioolh f ... -.
• 11 .... _ .' ......
• ., ~

: 1· "01\ • ."',,
'If '

I'rfJm Whtntt. CII";~rf "'allln. II'Mrt /. od/fl1l. Arrir/ll,. n ~pnrl'/rt'l.
."' bnyne A. Wall Midlllelon·. :I Harriol ! 1 'l'hllntL'Iy f"i,Ia )'
.... b,:rtlm. r J!\lI. ~Ie
Crea M, lIadenOcl.·s, l:sti GaI10 "'&ale " u\"lIay Wl·th,C'MIay
Ab.·rgC'ldJ D. Thu n'!Oll J It.S. Hem ',. ~ Lltlle Help) on i st W L'thlnday Thu rldllY
Al(ord •." . loIlWMlII JM. RoN'" ~ Uule 1k11U01I'lt
1)0 J . Mircht'li RoQ'", ~ LIllie UdlllO nl U Thartday Friday
t\tbroalh Johl1 ~nurt SIl.'~'1' ·~, fl8 Oror,e .t " .' t kLIJ . 'ritlay
AuehlDlI((lJ a t \ , Waltt r O. Collie'.,,,. Grt'Cn Thllr." .' riday
Auehlnnltll ..\. Sa ntliC$On IIt, rllett'!, I f'lollrmll1 Friday ~'rldar
All:Olh:u. W. Joh rrUou Me Kay' • • 166 GaJlo"'ptc Tlu,r$dar Friday
AlichlerleM Wm. S .. ndk-olou .'III' Kay'", Hi6 GallOlO'ph: . ·riday TUl~a,.
n. • II'. D:" 'id5011 Me Kay'a , 166 Oallo ...·gatc Wt'dlll'~day 'I'h"""la),
Do A . ~ l orri50n Sirnll!'(lu·s. GO Noreh n 'I'u cS4!ay Thurloda)'
BAllater G~'fI. l>!harp Ro',, '., ~ litt le " d IIlOIl' U W Wll rSday ·l1ulr.rtar
Do D. ThOlJlson I W~ ·. , ~ Little Deh uo!!I" Wtd~Qday T hunday
llanll', l'OI110y '}
Ctlnen . lluc:kf~ tn'",. MddrUlU 9 Gerard iiI 'r un, .·rld. Mutt." Th,!l rs.
Pon ·Gordou·
5lmlf J06Cph 811rns Smi.h'l. 177 G31l0wKol Ie Tu esday WWlIflday
Btlclde WedD~ar

.-\ . llende :llrunlb. HiS Giillo"'!folI C Tt",noday
Do A,JaUli~n Crllick, hauk·., ISO Ga1]owple WtdnOlday Wech,ftday
Rt. J)a. idlOll 3I1,uell'., I .-!ounnUI brae 'n",nday 'ridar
Do A.lmra,. Crllick ~hank' • • :n lkbool bill t·rida,. ~'Drilay
Do Johu m a.cllla'll' Crui<'klhlnk'• • 22 SdIooIIllI} nUlriday Friday
Braemu John Lau~1It Ruu'I,' Little Ikl-.ot It We!lIIQd.,. Thurlidll~
Rc"ie Wm. Walter BunK·It·I, I F10unuiU brae Thunday . ·ridn
FUrse Chait. ROllI Croic1t;ahan" ~. 22 Sdtool hill Thll*,,. Frida)'
Bremner Johll L'\Ulol'ld ROSI'" ~ Utile IkllDOnt" W tdnbb , Thunday
Brtthin .... &W.Ailll:en 18 Geo"B't'lt Frida,. Sa.urday
BUfJ;ht'ad 1..& W. Aitktn 18 Georle k' Wed. IDd Sat. ' ·UC!I. lie frid'.
Cromarty ..

C.k hle
• ...
L." W . ,Aitll:en
w. role F,arlane
Commineili;a ,f Gl'lnt'~T.mot
O. Ct1riCbf.U1f
18 George It
Btrry" , .. lI. rrlnl It

Cruicbha'flr. 'IJ]BO GalloW-pit

Badenoch'" l;u G~wgale
W ~.
aliI! 8al.
W",n e~da,.
;·I'uQ. at t'rkl.

.' riday
Cruden · Petl"TJaQI ~ Catlibett'., I l lIfsll,wkc I lanel Tbjlnday }'rilb,.
Cul-.ll1l0Dd W. Me Gripr CnlkbbaAlr;·,. 180 Wrdonday llmrMa,.
From CIl,.,.iers' h·(ltTII!8. Wlw'/'e Lodged, Arrivals. D!!partlire'
Castle A. Couus ROMS'S, 5 Little lIe.lmo!!t 51 Thursday Friday
Colliston I
Rd. Imlay Smhh's, 10 Mealmarket laue Tbursilily Friday
Dundee and} Jas. Murray Smith's, 177 Oallowgate Friday Saturday
DavID! Wm. Wright Smith',,_ 177 Oallow'Sale Occasionally
Drumlithie Jas. Smith Burnett'~, I FloormllLbrae Tul'sday Wednesday
Drum A. Currie CI'uick~hallk's, 22 School hill Friday Friday
Edinburgh I>. & W. Aitken 18 George St Friday Saturday
L. & \V. Aitken 18 George st Wed. & Sat. Tues. & r"rid.
EJE~ Jas.Douglas M, Badenoch's, 136 Gallowgate Wedn~y Thursday
Do Jas. Durward Mc Kay's, 166 Galtowgate Thursday Friday
Ellon Keith Mackie Cruick~hank's, 180 Gallowgate Friday Friday
Do Wm. Thom~oll G. Collie's, 44 Green Wed, &. Sat. Wed. & Sat.
Do Wm. Couttl! Badenoch's, 132 GalloW-gate Tlull'llday FridllY
,Do Wm. Cormac.k Petrie'&, 59 North st Thursday 'Frida
Echl A. Craighead. Ro~~'s, ;, Little Belmont st Thursday r'rida~ ".
Frllscrburgh A. RUNdl G. Collit:'s, 44 Green Wednesday 'fburs. mornillg
Finclon Chas. Ross Crllkkshallk'~, 22 School bill Thursdal Friday
Fochal)ers L. & W. Aitken 18 George gt . Wed.&SM. Tul's. & Frld,
Fo~~yloou "Jas Clark Smith'~, lii70allowga!e T.uesday Wednesday
G. Hendersoll Smith's, i77 Gallowgate On~'IlWeek
Do Geo. Milne !\'l c Kay's.,. 166 Gallowgate Tuesday .
Do "Jas. Gammy Me Ki\y'~, 166 Gallowgate 'fuesday
Forfar L. & W. Aitken 18 George st Friday
l'"or~ue Peter Home Cruickshank's, 180 Gallowgate ,Wedllesday
FOITe~ L.& W. Ailke/! IB George It; ~ . Wed. & Bat.
Fon George L. & W. Ailli.CD IB George 8t Wed. & Silt:
Fyvie Jas. Taylor M<,'Kay'l!, 166 Gallowgafe Wednl'!day
Glcnbuckrl A. Walker Ross'S, !'i Uttle Belmont st Tue.iday
OIengarn A. Forbc!! Ross'~. 5 bittle.·Bdmollut Wedilesday
Grange TaylM & H nle Crllick8halJk'~, 180Gallowgate Turida
Glasgow L. & W. Aitken 18 George 8t 'd . '1
Huntly Geo. Moir Smith'e, 117 Gtdlowgate Wedriesd:1IJ'
Do J. McIntyre Mennie'~, 168 Gallowgate Wednesday
Do Wm. Reid Mennie's, 168 Gallowgale Wed{lesday
Do Wm. Home Smith's, 177 Gallowgate Tuesday
Im'ernt5~ Same as Elgin
Do L. & W. Aitken 18 George ~t Wed. &. Sat. Tues. & Frid,
Im'erury Jas. Thomson Cruickshank's 180 Gallowgate Tuesday Wednesday
Do Sam!. Farrier Cuthbert'S, 11 ~tealmarket Jane Thursday Friday
lll~ch \V alter Bl'anie Me Kay's, 166 Gallowgate Thursday Friday
Dos "Chas. Riddel Smi1h'~ 177 J~al\iwil\te Thursday Friday
JO!lll~ha"ell Rt. Surus 8 Wedne!!day 'fhur.sday
Keitl Wm. Frllser ~e . Tue~day We411el!day
Do G. Shepherd Cruirkshallk'$, . wgale Tuesday Wedllei«lay
Do Geo. McAdam Smith's 177. GaUowgalc Tuel!,day Wedllel<day
Do . John Gray Mennie's, 168 Gallowgate Tllesday Wednesday
Kincarainc- ) A. Ro~s Cruickshallk'~, 22 School hill Qllce a week
O'Neil f
Do J n. Fraser Cruickshallk's, 2-2 School hillOnce a week
Do In. Brown l'IIachray'" HarTio! st Friday Friday
Kildrummy <OJ ll. LivillgstouBerry's, 4. Barrio! 51 Wednesday Wednesday
Kinton! Thus. Reid Smith's 177 Oallowgate Thursday Friday
KinDlundy ..J as. Rettie Me Kay'~, 166 Gallowgata Thursday Fridav
Kemnay J aij. Mitchell Reid's, 2 Harriol st Thursday Friday
KinnethplOnt A. Howie Cuthbert's, II l\Ieahnearket lane lJ n certam Uncertain
Laurence Kirk A. MlIthiMon Silver's 68 Geol'g~ l't Tn. Th. Sat. Tu. Th. Sat.
Lonmay WiIloK & SOli Mennie/s, 166 Gallowgate WedneSday Thursday
Do A. Wal'rendcr G. Colli~.'3, 44 Green W~duesday Thursday'
Luehell Jas. TOllgh Henic's, 4 Harriot st Friday Saturday
Leith-ball "W. Auderson Smith's, 177 Gallowgate Wednesday Thurlld!!.),
LOll,!)side Ju.Smilh Smith's, 177 Gallowgate Quce a week
Leslie .. Jas. Dal'idson Smith's, 10 Mealmarket lane Wednesday i Thursday
l\lonyl)lusk Peter Watt Silver's, 68 George Tuesday Wednesday
Do Peter Ad:lll1 J\I. Badenoch's, 136 Friday Saturday
Montrose JIl. Smart Sil"er's, 68 George Sf; Friday Saturday
MUTtlach J. Williamson .Me Kay's, 166 Gallowgate Tueliday Wedllesday
Do A. Graut Me Kay's, 166 Gallowgaie Tuesday Wednesday
l\Ielhlick A. Hay Me Kay's, 166 Gallowgalc Wednesday Thursday
Nairn L. & W. Aitken 18 George lit Wed. & Sat. Tilt'S. & ,..-rid.
New Deer In. Helld;y l\'I. Badenoch's, 136 Gallowga.!e Friday Saturday
Do . Ja5. Scott Smith's, 10 Mealmarket lane Wednesday Thursday
Do In. Taylol' Simpson's, 60 North 51 Thill'sday . Thursday
Newbyth . A. Smith Smith's, 177 GallowglIle Wednesday . . Wednesday
New Pitsligo Wm. Jamieson Smith's, 177 Gallowgate Wednesday Thursdav
Old Meldrum +Jas. Smith BUrDett's, I Flourruill brae Mon. & Thurs. Tiles. & Fria.
Do A. Milne Jaifray's, 18 NONh 5t Wednesday Thursday'
Old Deer Jas. Caito Smith's, 177 Gallowgate Once a week
Do G. Cruickshank M. Badenoch's, 136 Gallowga1e Friday J"riday
Perth A. & W. Aitken 18 George 8i Friday Saturday
C.4BlU.ES. lilY: lidND.
Carrier,' Names Where LfJdg,ed Arrival,
tAo Hay Sat. 4'lifI'd,
Jas. Symon Smith's, 111 Gallowgate Thursday
A.l\IcG~r Smith's, i11 Gallowgate Unl!ertalll
A. Mathi~oll Silver'.. , 68 ,George st Tu. Th. & Sat.
Wm. Rankin Mc Kay's, 166 Gallowgatce Wednesday
Peler Reid Me Hardv'ij 7 Han'lot lit Thurs51 ay
Chas. Forbes Me Hardy's: 7 W.ednesday
"Jas. Kerr Berry's,4 Harriot 8t,e Thursday
Wm.Emslie Strachan'5, 5 Harz·jot st Thursday
W. Keith Meunie's, HiS Gal10wgate Thursday
"eWm. Pratt Smith'5, 177 Gallowgate WedneKday
tChas. Coopman Burnett's, t Flourmill brae Tues.&Sat.
"tWm.Dunbar Milne's, 58 Green Tues. &8at,
A. Findlay lYliine's 58 Oreen Tuesday
Jas. Petrie's, 59 North st Thursday
,In. Simpson's, 60 North lit Uneerlam
Jas, Simpson's,60 North ~a Thursday
Badenoch's, 136 Gallowgate Thursday
Mennie's,1686allowgate Wed. &Fl'id.
Smith's, 171 GailowgAle Wednesday
Itos~'s. 5 Little Belmoat lit W!'dllcsday
Millle'o'S, 58 Green Thursday
Milne's, 58 Green Thursday
R('id'~, 6 Harr.iot st Once a week·
Heid's,6 Harriot SI Once a week
Reid's, 6 Harriot st Oneil a week

lU"LlH~ll L Caz:rier~.
a week.

Albion court,
Andernon's ct.
Aun ~t,·eet, fronl
Hutcheon 5t
Annands court, 27 James st
Back wyn,I, from U Ilion st, to 3
Schoolhill "
Baltic st. from Prince Regent st.
to Links
Bank of Scotland court, 35 Cas-,
tie ~treet e

Barnetts close, from 44 Guestrow

to Flourmillbrae '
Beatties' court 102 e

Belmont st. f;om

to 55 Schoolhill
lielmollt 51. (Lillie) from 8
B mOllt 8t, to 1.3 Back wynd
erry lane, from 181 Gallowgate.
to 65 Loch 8t
Black BuU eose 4 Huxler row
Blackfl'iar's st; from 16 Woolmall-
hI!! tl> St. Audn.'w's at
Black's buildings, from 37 Wool-
~anhm to Spai: street
BJamou lane, from 53 Broad st.
to GUC8tI'OW
Bon Accord {rom Bon
ACcord . Accol'd
Ierrace '
Hon Acetlrd ft,from Union
Booth's OOurl t
Booth's court'
Dourtie's cOll:t. 19 Upperkirkgl,te
8TREETS~ 6-c · ··'·f .':I'II.B7'''~ · ~. ~ STRE£TS," .
'"' D. Gordo n' ~ court, 39 North'at Mackie J11~. Top ofSkeni! It ~
Dauiel;, ('Our1, 48 Ca~tlf elrCt! Gordo,,', cou rt," Schoolhill Mar.hnzie's court, 42 O~,:efl
Davidson1 conrt, III Gallowgate GOtdnll'~ (H) Ct, U GaIlOW!lte lII e I..f'ah·' COllrt, !iO Oall('l~
Dee .t!Tel. {lowerl Poyueruook GordOIl'. ct, 2:'i Virl!iaia !It i\bilbod','courI,42Ntllll'r\IrQt.
Dee U. flipper) rrom Uuiou St. Gordoll's l'Otlrt, 88 Broad &$ 1IIIIIIIIIill brldge, ftOlll I PutaclJe
.....r... I'J"II"I!JlnteeC . Gordon st, fl'OUl Wiudmill brae si d~ 10 I ~'i lher tOW .,.p
Dellbura, froID PoyuCfDOOk to Grceu, from Wiudm il l brae 'to ~ l aTbch. lu. from 52 Casticd lO'
Spa lilted . I'utacbie.ide . Quay
Denburn &.eITRCe, froru Uuio u n. GIl(·~lro .... , from" iIIetMrkirtp:c Martin'llianc, from 41 Greea to 7
bridge to Stene terr~ to 21 Upperkir~ga~ . 1\(:110.) " wrud
DlanlOlid .a.lreet , rrom OuiouS!. H. Mary"dl ~t, End of Uppe r Dee It
10 SilI'er .treet 4 Han over st, frow CUIIe hili to Mealm.rket, Mcal wa rket IIUI(!
Do nald'.~, I. Schoolhill . 110"1..-1, , " (MiWeU<t Mealmarket lanc, from Kil,' ..,
Donald'. -.rl, '20 &hQoI lolll Hnrdgal e, from N'_brid S-~ to ~ 10"'(,1 North et ,''''
Don~u.on'~ cJOK!, I Uppt rkirkgt Ha rpe r'lI eoort.·~ NOrth It "t, MU!I(lu', court, 3'l J usllce st
Downie'. eourt, 65 BrOold It ,I Harri"t M; fro:i:II 3:l"Sdioolhili'tfl Middlethbd, from Waterloo QuI)'
DTum'a laut:, 2Ii UI'pt:rtil"I~ ' Loch AI " " ~" ,", .,. \ to st,. Clement'~ st '
Du nca u', co" r!, 45 CI\lI,ie tlreet HI,,",'ey'8 tf)lI rt j !lO.o.I~~.'I>· Milnc:r I c;OOrl, 21 Gurstrow
Dunea'I" (OJ ct, 120 Gallowgtlle Hav', t.... url, II 'J)oI"in"«wlle.>. Mllil/!'i'cPulT, J!I C!I.lIf lc ~I ,
!)"nC>\ n'R OOlIrt, 14 n"u .....!"'fl " ",;,~ ~ _,'~('N) ct.I~G.If~' MII'n...•• eolln, '21 (lal1o'''e,e
J).lIlhie'.eourt, 45 G~1'fI'III' Hcnder$Ou', (W )>hyJ61 GaIlOW!'1 .lilne'~UaiLit: ) CI, a, UttIloWSc.
Duthie', 00II1'1, 41 Vlr~ni. ~tree' Helldenun"-eotlrt; t~ Ga11n'lt3t' )II' loe' ROl)erl) CI. n GaJl~
E. H e l ldc r~oD ;• .cpurl, <I6' U~ 'rr ~t . l hni 'W,fc,OUr,t , tIO li311~"P.!t'
East t\ frotu Z4 Kin! ft. to' Holburll ~t, frvm Keudl bridglj 10' ~lllc~l,I. <vult, 166 Nprl h I t ,
I'ark 51 Mile end '. ,. • ' ,,!oJ' Moil'lW1trI, 'l03GaUowf'J.te '
I::mslic'R ci:Jurt, 42 G~ It .. ; Huntl y I trect l (;0111' 'Uuton ft ' to Mon:isOll'l co~r, 2 f ish!.'r row ' ;.
i!:D1AlIe'looUI'I, 26 Ga.II.wl!lote Summer II ,'1 \ )lrifJlithboltrtroltl2190allow,lI~
.;wnl', coa rt, 42 G.lkn,,1P'O •• Hutcheoni4t,t-irom t iCMtIewti"tDi!t ! ~c.:.~I' t}df , ..(:
t:xcJlB.uge 00'11'1, » U"lon n ' to proadford " ""n Muttaiilirac, frnm ~1 WoolmM-
EuhtfJuer CI. 9 y')l:chl!'ljner roll' Hnlch~II,.,t6ti rt ! 6SlilpRlw :' Jti" IO,DfIIoI blfli.
Excheque r ro w, froln 6j! Ce.slle II Huxtcr row, {ruOl 8l'0III 'Ifiie«o'tv 1 ' ~',.' . N, •. ,
to Sfllproll' ' I 1 Cutle'" t , ..... ~ ;Jf' I; .. ". \. .Nel-oa '~'CI ,, {rolU ,1,GI'!I.l trtd lu
F. 1. ' Oallo"'fCII1e
F.aetoI')'COQl't. ~J Oeorgnc lliltet 'I\n!) !fMUI ·ll1'Oall&Wpte Neu.erltirkpte, (rom I~ BroI'td1C'
f .t,\uhar'. CI , 17 UPllCrt in: gll le to III Loch n to 18 St."Nich·olas 8t ...
Farlillhanou's ct, 10 'Sclloolhill •.• J, " ,,' , " Ni.'\.'u'. CUllrl, 2'J G u ~Sll'o\\' .
•'e r~u~D'~ OOIlr1, 30 Gallo wgate Jatrra)", rourt , 'M Nn1-lh ' Rf .... Nonll M, frO ll1 EllSt North SI k)
t't'tgu$On'~ (J ) CI, 108Gallowsat~ Ja m~'., 31, frolU 28 ~)' 1(1 24 21:.1 Gallow!!:a!c, .
t:!~ h rl!r,k~'t 8§ Sh1v.fO":: !.',jI ..Virg!lIiatt, ...... : \ '.I, • _ ,1,;" . 1' . ...,., , 0 : , ,.~,....
t I!h IIrrecl, i"ro rri'Siimmu1aue (0 J:tml~on'i'collrt, 5't1I,pocirkl!'\;g:,le Ohl"rr'iI cour', 12 Oppe'~kgate
8uwt l'mul J amicsuu', c"III"r., ·IO ShipIO'I'I' ' 1'.
Fi!her row , from I Mal tmill b rdg J ohn "', (rolll 101.;' Oeorie 3t to P'at'klaue, (row 16 Palk Slrect lO
to Gr~..,n W~I!\IiUlbill " 1 ,,/.,: Commerce It
Jo'lc~b mark~l, Walc~J trrct _ .{"P~'t iOOr'f\°3\ G'tt'l iow ;l~ I_y, Puk nti4tP!~:r,*l~ ,tra.'t, $O'.
l'I~, h marltl.I~'lJeor\itI!i,~ ' JOI'I" " COUlI. 4D Ii '.t, )L Calla ...... , llO '/
t1o-ttn>i1ll tifae, fiIotti l6 St..rf· J' Qnec::il1it ' . '!..!..i I '"~, ,~. Pt'uock:, ci9a!;. ~ cMi~,~ ,
chow . 1, lu lW:iltt,'. 'ttMO ' 0PII'.laue fr.oN ."1:1';' ~ A:Ddrfu'. Pc~~i~·.. £Oartt 18'ljituie&" ,.
t'Iobrmnl' 1an ~. Ynlill ' 5t~I.fcHitf- ' !Im:f1o{Johlf'~t ') .. t~, , " Pettte'~ c~u t.t . 50 ,n"n!CII - .j'
klrkg<lle II) I, t'ldul'\l1111 tirae ~' J II~dct: lane. frOlll 7 JII! tiC'c,prcet Philil" ~ cuill·t, 1:1; GallowgatOl '
FOO ldl'C, from (;,.,,:11 basill to Ncw lu E:l.:II ","onlt 31 I'iri,' ~ rourt, 50 L;",!lc ~t
pic r ' . , Ju , licc SI. frQnl'ClutIC ~ do 'P~rL': $I P irlc~~ courT, :1ll 'S hi p."w
Forltes 'tollrl, 78 Grcrn K, PliI.'iICI'CU l'OUr!, iO li:dlvwgale
Fuwlcr '~ wynd, (rom II Green I.. Kh/d laue), [roa. ,C.hapcl"II"Crl to PoorH' HO$l'ilal ct, ::f. G:.llolfltatc
8 Shiprow SlIlUme r n ' I'u"k lane, fro", J,'i (.,Iua' · to Vir~
,·'roderick It, f,(f,u.' &1~ tl . .tO Kilgolit·! court, 46 ' NClbcrkirk!l1 gi ni. u . ,
Park 6t Kluglt, "0111 .9 (;11.', (.lc It III Lorc/II Port e r '~ court 8 W~ig h house tq
Gaelic lalle, froUi Delmont tl to 8 KIIOX'I, CflUrt, 7 Will e."" I'orlhill clo,,{', " 8 (iallowga«,
8 ..k wyud " ! II t L. 1'0ulU'), markct, {nliU 61 QUl'CD HI
Galen', court, 18 GualrOl1' ,\ ... ·U~\}IIn..:. Putacbi~ ~iJ,~ to <':lI.Stle st ,
Gal,lowgate, (roln 89 Srood u to L!'lPolld'. court, 49 lil'pt: l'ki r!.:g!l.le POlucrllook, f OO l of Deubur. I
cause will'eud, Mouuthooly 1.I,IIertwood', COllrl,' 1:1 GeM." S\ Prtnce Itt:ll~lIt lit. from (;aual tMt,~ !
liardner.', ~c, frOln 11 Juaticc Lime QuaYi' frolll ' l Cum m{'rce 31 ~e to llahie~ 1 " I
at 10 ~ru;t Nvnh ' Iret't . to Wa!etloo Quay 1'1'111(1:1 u, froul!)1 King atreet t~
Garden ,; court , I:' ea.d~ It Lmks, footcl l'e Park 5Iroct "
G.'U"row'~ COllrt, 8 Trlulty lt Link. IIC, from 1 SL Clemeutl M Putachi.!pide from Carutgica brae l
Garrod',11 (roll1 Caual basin 10 t.<> Linh . 10 12 Tri nity coruer
Glrtod:a w)'oll , Littlejohn al. from 2tl Ga llowh>ale Q
Gat.'ock·, w1"d, [rom Ganoek , toN(lrtli 51 Quakcl"I!' cuurl ....1 GUCILtroll' ,
tilrC<:1 to Link s " Lobban'~ court, 30 CMtl~st Quay, from ti Shore brae w Lime
G80rgetl,froU151.SI, NlCholuSl I.ach ~I, frOIil 15 HMnOI at to ,hort I
to Broadforrl Spl'ing gardc ll Quccn ~t, from 3;1 Bruad ~Irrrt
George SI, mar~ef, 12(1 Gcorsc,t, Lodge walk, from 5 Cll.Iitl1tl 6t 10 W I Nonh at
anrl Juhu 8t ' 48 QucC'u It R. .
Gcr;uJ "I, fronl 203 Oallowgatc LoonS- Acre, from tl6 Broad street Ragg'.llIIe frolll31 Broad d~
10 Hroadford . to North u , to.:.!6 Guc',lrow
Gibb's cuurt, 91 Shiprow •. Lol'e QUC, frolll Spital 10 Link. Ralllagt' l .court iD Broad at
GilootllUOII, fn!1Il Weolmultlll lot " ltam.a,'a collrt; ~1 Guelllro"
aud Spa Bt to Sliort LOBIU !lie Combie'a ct, (rolll 52 Union ROO. LIOn cou rt 17 Broad.~
Ollc:omslO u ~ ((>p!, frOln Spa U 10 llttret to 51 Nctheriirkgale ., Il.eid·. COurt 34' Gallowgale I
Skclle $qua rc I\I c Cook', cuurl, 116 Gallowpte Reid', rourl' 6 S hipro w
Goldcn ~Qllar{', from r llion!t to Me Gr~~or' . courl. ~9 G~ lIowgate Rcuny'. w)' ~d frow 81 Green 10
i:r:zer st Maek~)" s court, lIt} GaU o'l'!nlc Trinity u ' ,
aft'tCtohiC ' ., ADERDB~N: ,

.rIlEE:'I'6. "0. .TaBI;2"II, "e. IITaBEr., 6-c.

Rrltir', murt , 26 11I'0Il<1 "' ~lF:nte tired, from Oeuburu Unlo" row, froM Unioft rt ,It'
H,hirod', court, 64 GaUowliate (;~ rr)'f&l4 Sonllucr.l · ,"'1;'-....
lWprr', conrl, 10; GIIJlowptll ShU'; ICrr.w:c, ftolU Silell' J.C UliitiU 'l refl, (rom· Cutl, It t.
IWI"",'Acourt, 47 Loch ~t Sunlluer 'Ir~1 Uuiuu pJarc . ."
Jlo:<.s', r Oll rl, 2'1 8fhoolhill Smith'. COIlfl, 1Ii ~elherkirkpt Uili on terrace, from Union ·brt~
Itu.I!I·~ wur. I (i Ul'\lCrtlrkple l'\runh', (J ) conn, 113 Gallo... If) Skene Icrrace
S. 1 c>-' .smllh~. roufl 4!1 Gllliow!!'te ~ PJICrkl rk!ll'~el fMtll V; Broad '"
l:Il'.H~fnHD Ikuburu 10 SICII.i II to 54 51. N~olu.1
SL '\II,lrcw's SI, froID 51 IM. s! GiJcoDUlon V,
106:1 Woohuallhl1l Splltal, from JlI!)UnlbooJ,.. 10 GJd "mud, from 39 Oal\owp te to "',
St. C"lloa~iul"~ courl , '" Shipn't'll( /lbfnl«n .. Lorh It
!it.Call1,:rinc'a hlll ; 91·utac:ftidl ~prin.r: Gllrdcn, (rom Oc:orp " Vlrlj:lnia 'II , from Cmman.:t It
St. Catbc:l'ine', · wYnd, ' (roN 3] 10 Wlutly",yod '0 (j Weigh !lnule ~UIInI
Jjnion ~t II) II Netherkirkg-,.,e Stilb COU"'. IBeaHle 8 tr~~1 W, ,
SI. C leUlC: UI'~ 51, (rom 8 GatT(lCk SII1l'l;OII n 88 Shlf'ro.v W ...1" ft, (I'. 28!>ark . t to IlIcc..d ·
"rc:r IIO WdlhlgtOa . t Strouat'h, e\NO:, I ~.x chequ l' r rm Walet II , {Unle} fn>m If ,.,.. 1..
SI. Nlcholu Jane. I'tnol3 SI. 1'\1· SlllPo~hullM! ' !llnt, fro lll -U Qua ~treel 10 Hap"""r "
(hoi"" !I w II Co r nx,lon w)'Ild 10 \ 'irgiula 4t Wales st mukeo, WAIM It
51. N'kltolM '1 , fTUIO 12 Uuiou at SUJllbM'r lI ne , fnlm Oamld.• Walk en (Oun, 17 Vir«lnil.1
to Goorg'" II . ~firT_'to .... I.b M • Wal ken court, 49 GII('UTO"
SolIh'rl ((Hut, 39 I.och" SilMlIuq II, (fOil' Ullklu plac. Waeer laaro. (rCIIII 39 Quay to 34 ~
Iklloolbm. (rulI'I ~ St. 'Nlch~ '8k_ .ilm!t Vl,pnia Itt
IlrUI 10 Woulma.uhill ...SW9!lJilI.u4"..q;NIr;I... 11 .Iame..t Wll.erloo Quar. fmm Llple q~,.~
&-011'1 fOnrl, 2;. Ui! .~ua7 SnUierlan"'1 tourt, 126 Oallo"ll I 10 Bnllding )'!ltd. '. •
~Alou'l rou n. P.l:J: I' 8.111~1",",,'a (!.p}!rt, ,78l:ihlprolll' WIUOua rolln .~ NorUi II
~"rw~n, .coIHl, II n . IJo ... lQ.~ T Wlua' COIlI1, 2s
Vir~lnl. n
Illl1pmueer"Ntirt: 97!QilpW.. Tb""". h4l1.... (rplU I .. Q\IlI7 to ' Weh.le r8court, 1:2 f,lL~t NOltb st. .
8hJp~ow , froot fI " Uolbh at ' 0 I VirSiul1 iit Weh.'le n routt, 72 Shl pro,, ' ~
1'IInl17 co rtler I TIIllItw.c, tro.. lloae f\ t.> 1\.111111 W .. l~h·hI>UM ~uar~, 14 QUA,
SIIoe lillie, (ruul1 Nor1b· ~tn.'I:I It 11l~. . WtU Co,Ilr\, 14111niUl ~t t;
Qu~ell.r _ . Tbomp80nl ('(JUrt, 5.~ Nurtb II WcJ1lns 'on At, from !h, >qe~C.
Shfll'l:lirac, from 61 ShlVrow to 1lM'>,uu m .. f'OIll1 61 "road" ~' rrt l til I.lnh .
,hQuRI ( '" ,, 'ri 'I "".' ''' ·nlqll,IIQ'UP!l,(L':21 .Uy~rqUIJ . W...., t'$J url, 31.09:."l ro" .. ...... ,
ore ane, rom ",,0 7w If· Tbo rntouaoourl :!JO_«lru" WhltehouH-', frolu C"haptl 1110
giuili ~tre1!1 ~. ,l'thtilyfOl'ller, in>fU 1001Shli/ro . S~e u""
Shutl lelallC:, €TCAI:lR-.t1l. ~ I to2f.~hhi ./. , . 1 WUJOt ... row1 , Slllroad~t
Itrtet 1031 Park" .\ . ~. . '~(-I~lp"r ..r W\ .. "··,,, h ...... r_~ &J ' !,-u '"
Shllnle It, fI'ODlSi::. ·"AQ4reWl;' 1I ~ toS' ,"I~
'r '.d·' ..' . ~"" ""'''I'· ..,., OJ'''''' r-
tI~ )Tri~y W:~~~ ~~ I~Gallo~e
. '1''''
IO J oha t,rm.:'&IN.r"
...... tu
5il-<..., ", from Golden 1tg1llI'C to I Tr\¢ti,PM. l ' , . 10 Sprlult pTdCII -w .t ,. , .. 1.
Skene tcrrare .
''Il;llua t'OIiit, 11 oni~ ,~ , WoonMbiU, ' fiom ~ ~';'U,
S;IUp!OII'R eoon, J:i90allll"P'I ' U. to !k'1N o'rollmoDllo_ \ • 'I~ "
Shul eourl. 118 ~hipr(lw
Silll~ lIIl Mate, fro ID IlJaeUriau
to John U
III Union bui!ding~ , fronl C.ul~ It
IU Shl l'ruw
l lnt uu ll\ue, froUl 26 Uu ioll II to
YeRll' eourt 30 Nelbttk\rkgale
YCiU~'1aU I{I , from i (;anallc~

tiillclalr, dOlle, ::!n J II~ lke .t . I ~clh\,rkirll1~ale , n r. S . llllnr: r lane

Slrenl{ , (1'<1111 ~telJ'l or 0'\- 1 U"inn pllioee, froto Uuion at 10 YOUII!', ' 1, fro'n 167 Gillowpt ...
rouuwn 10 Hut cheon It Suut h br.dF
. . _---_# __ . . -
to Loch ttreet

~, ',' 1"'1 ..
ALFORD, '" .!,~ "
Au'onD, a JW~h ill A1M.~hire, it 18 Dlile. church, is (allt'tl Macbeth'. Cairn, amI i, ~lIid 10
from Hu,lIlr. aDd 2i {rum Abcnleen. It n;I(Iodt contllp Ihe IIIhn of lhal ulurper, .
In len,th abolU {'i,lIt mikll • iu brndth (rOlIl fOIll to !\hOllAA ,.."iah II U ' IDlln froUl /llJcr~lI. Tiae
fh·e. Among the aDtiquitiCi nil)' be uU!tlliou~ the VII~ 0( Corrkbil' , pea" Iht _ Iherll JlOolodary, I~
Calrn_th(rc are tWO of Ihem of j!:r~oat ate"'. ,,·.. 11 kIlOW D" the Ia._' ofllo baltle I"uIlf!bt doirlaf(
ECHT it a ,"'rb h in Aberd"'-lllhlJ"c, 12 ,,,lie. (wm tbe relj!:n o f QUI.'t'u Mar,·. "ben the roble. . .,...·
Alwrd~~n, On the top oCthe Barwllrin , une o(lbe liet wt:re headed by Ihe !\larljui" of U WDlly, hd IIrIo!
hlghrlll hUll, it 10 aocienl drcnbr (uni6n!lon, EMI of Murray. ··' ., ••
concerning whicb lradilwn it si lent. Su~Jt patIO 9 milCl frolQ .Abt-rdeeta~ i.uCIP 0... 1
Kl!lC pariAh llr zj milet (r(,m Aherdren ,lnd Dear- (OTlU, Ii:, rl!Uct IOuS BPd ,hr" .nd alllll( hl~_
t)' of a cil'C\lbu" li.sure, IH-in« frORl Ihrt,(, 10 four 'rheaoenolSkclI~ ·b'OOuta DIu.; JoDI. aud Ihree
milts iu diaa~tcr.-The !teat o ( Lord Forboo~ COlD' lIulrkn of. mUe)lroad.
maud, a fi ne ~ir.,,' ')( Ih l' windi,r.p "r ,be ri~tr l)ofl., Touo ll pa,lah II 23 ml .... frolll Hllml)',:wd ~
f!-,r nearly 20 milel, and i~ ~urroll"dt"d ,,·ith t...,U!n· (nun Ab~rdecre. Se,·er.1 druidi(al. tetllplra ma), he
I lle Illllllllions, IItlidu a ualnr.:U,,-oOO of OOIl.idtr- J('eII In Ibll dlltricl; ooe o( whiell. 011 t he 1;111
able nlent. aboUI 1_ mllfol frllTU t he fhulTh, lIiII mailll the
l.tOCli tL ASDe!,!I"" I'; united in Que ~I, Uit.IIle of Ihe Old Kirtr. o( Tough.
and coulain t,,·o Imci~nt castles IIOW in ruinl, 1"111. l \1 I-U'"UiU\ AS" fORU.s, a uuiu:o.i ~ri ~h, 27
C'!! J,l otllrk III" ,CO rle. III th ~ latter ,..·er... borD milel (rom Aberdeen, loud 18 frUID " "lllly, i.
. ~tal ~the .·orbUet,otIe oC whum, Pllk. Forbes, sltualed 0 11 tbe north bank 01 l he 1.I0b. The a:,·

..r Cune, orrrotll a tommr-nta". on 'he lle,dalioili.
LUM '"A~"a~ paria h abou l ,ix milt'll ioillJ. lod
follr h~OIId.-'fhtrlll~ M!YllraliOdeOI (ortifinrUo,u
pellBl,ceo{'he cOUnltvr.. hillr. or rdthc:r nlOUlI'
lalllOlll, Ind the 8011 pot IIHIII:I(Ml krlilr; IlOwe.·er.
it lbound! witt. pair.
loud (illru~ ,-<>ne of Which, about I IPUt frol!llbe
A A 185
POS7.'-OPFIOB _iJ1idl1lur.-Pust Milti'e81; Jane M,artin. A
c,'err evc;-njpgat, h!\U-pas~ ,fi!ight, and depafl~ every; mqrllillg-at half-past
POST.OPPICE 'T01Igli.-'P081 iJltUler, Robert Heard. foot frllnrAberdeen arrives every
Sunday, Tllesdir.y, and thursday morni1lg at eight, and departs mornings at filllf.
Andre\v Wilsoll. A foot Tough arrives 00
; and departs ibe S<otllle at eiglll.
ALFORD--Rev. James Farquharson, Minister ALPOlu>-Hugb Me (;Qaacb, Master
EL'HT-ReV. Willi~1Il In~rdllli MilliMet'Eetl.1'-William;i\lalcom, Master
KEIG-Rev. Alexander SUllth,Miliister KEIa-Gordoli RaY,bun, Masler ,
LF.OLIIEL AND ,CmmNJE-Rev. Wm. Malcom, Mi.- LEOCHEL AND C'JSHNIE-Jobll Malcolm, Muter
illstt'!" LU~ll'tIl"'/I'I"N-Alexander Birllie( p,~
LUMPHA.NNAN-Rev. Wm, Shand, Minister MIUMAR-Vacant
MWM,A.II.-Re~. Middleton, lVltnis~r S&ENil...,...<ihar1es Skene, Master
SU:NE-ReV. George Me Keuzie, Miuister 'i'oIlGH...,.Alexallder Ingrain, Master
TOUGII-ltev •. AlelU\ucrer Urqubart, Milliliter " 'flJLLVNEliUI1.£ AliI) FOIlBJi'.S'-Wm. Rdd, Master
TULLYNUSLE "'NO FonIlu-Rev. J. Paul, ;\finlster I

B~rl'~ Col. Patrie!;, (of 1'<mlU!I) furix'$ Lord, (of eqs/Ie F()r1Je8) £kellil! George, esq. Skene CMlle,
fuugh K.eig , Skcllt!
Fm-'Iulllll'son Audrew, ell<!. (of Kilowies Jas. e~q.(of Kirk Yille)
HmJa) AlfuI-d, , SkIm.:
Fartillinrson .Ino. esq. (of Haugh- Lanloud Harr" e'iq. (of l'ilmu-, COACH.
t<m) Alford " " q)#f;) Lqm(.YU\llflll.ll, b JUIl i Tit_ T ,,1"lI(&~. ft.",
Far411!lariion Pet. esq. (Qf Low - es~ FOOdy. »kene n".! Dtid~". ol.,AI.t!'t,Ii,
/lollse) Tough ' Me ,Com~ ball. esq. (of''l'iP,l~ We need.! alld Ftilla,
Jame's, esq. Echt fO""1 Tuug I I..dr-pall '''''011; \'t'1<m>1
da11 '" fi!U( in til.. lif·
Colonel J (Ibn, {of Jnjle- M'ansneld Joba, esq. l\Iidlllu (,,(noon.


AND KF:AllN, a pat'i;;h in .I\bt'r~
~out se\'~1J 1Jl~'eR
.)ong, five broad, is
from HUll1iy 8 miles, and from Aberdeen 33. The
,parish eXleuda)lQeIl' INl[,mlle!l,i'Illeopb. and three
distant from Aunt! III miles. ed an. D~d",,,:rJwu@'h it. Is wat~:by aeve.ral rivu- OUIl "in (l;re~ the lie,...·~l . .g~,WrUIl Jhrough ia.
Il.SSl.\I'e8 0 W KliDR1Jlif in Aberdeenshir.. iui\..llllled
fm waddln~ i.'HIJilI!J.. 'k'sJ~om Abenle6n"l;\lld.l6
with (~OOl!tone.: Th«om 06Mle is t froDPkillll\ll'" ~rAtt alIItl~ qf Kildrummy. which
C ... IlRJICIi fI"ll'idR,i. p:al:tlf lu'\berdet"lIsn ciel1tly bclqnged t!;1 DaVid, Earl of Huntington
part,ly in, exteudillg in leoglh five miles, Garioch, and wag of Kiug Robert Bruce,
alld .aoout three iu b,·e\ltlth. It is disUl.llt from whioo ~v.ed ~ retreat to his quecJ.\ in
Abenlt"en ,l5 miles, aud 20 frOiD The De- the winter of a ruill of great antiquity, and
\'erOIl am! the Fiddich waleI' Illis :.rlle "IPwafs to have strollgly fortified, haTing sub-
mountains abound Wil h game. of Gor- tel'raneOll8 passag('s and concealments. It was dis-
dOll has a small hunting scal ,.til..guisbeli 'ly its sevell tower~, one or' which, frolll
in this liistrk1.IU'~ ,plea..,un, but the whitejless of it.~ Stol~8, was called the SIIOW
and sever~. rowel'. These fuills cover all acre of ;;fOUlld.
CI,A"~ ij small ,vill;&ge all{\' ,palish ill Ah('rdccll- RHYI>IE A:-In E~SIE, a ullitedpansh III A.beT-
Ilhl~i' iii distant fr?1Il. l\beroClin33 tl]ilcs,. alld from deenshire, is distant from HUlltly 10 miles. They
H ulll y 10. It Wl\lf' erected inlo a burgh of harO!;y comprcheurl part uf tbe jvrdshie of Straln-
by James- VI., in 1501, ,With powe: tl!hold.vt:et'.\i.!Y oogic, originally Qne of rlivislOIl! Of tbis
alld annual markets. rh" supenol'lty belongs to county. The soH is rich the banks of
the family of .Go~don,.of Knllckespocll.,·who have the Bogie; !ol.l'ard, the and gravelly,
done evcry thlllg III tl,clr power{o 'feIHle!' If "a' place yet protlll<:l!l'C. The this parish,
of COllsequenee. . • . ,;; ,'\f€1e1ving of notice" gu llle top of
GLEl'iBI.JCKE'~ parl~h, In the county of Aber4!!t'U, the hill'of NOlh,
is abollt four ~mles long, one broad, alld disl,ant fwm Towi!;, a in Aberdeensliire,
Huntll29 miles. The wllole parish beJongil to the ,~untly, is three ,miles anda
Earl of Fife•. The reniaills ~f a h?usc are,lillto be '~~~, and ,-\'mered by t~e POll. The
seen, called HadenyolI~ which gll'e~ !lalllt; to that pearanceo( ,he C?lIIl1ry IS hilly, and the
excellent ikmg: J ol:n o.r B~d~yon, ' ... lJlo.tIy covered WI! II heath.
KENIITHMONT, a pansll III Aberdeensilll'e, dIstant

POST OPFZOB,llhyirie (Jlld EMie ..:.....PiJs( 1I!astcr, Patersoll. A foot PQst arrives fto~ Old·
rai" cn:I'Y morning, except Thut~day, at nine, and departs at ill Ihe mornillg.
PARISH CHUROHSS. QLENIlUCKET-Rev. Robert Scott, Minister •
AND KEARN-Rev. James Reid; Mi· Ih~l'II':THMON:r-R\W. GeQl'ge l\liuty, LLO.MInister
KILDlwMIllT-Rev. r\lcxalldcr Reid, Milli.~ter, "
CABIII\Cu-Rev. Wm,Cowie, Ministel' . RHYNIE AND PAISIE-Rev. Wm, Al)"rayce, ,Minister
Cu'rr-lWv. Roben Cook,Minister ·fowlI!-Rev. AdaruSmith, Minilltel' ,

,AUCIll1'IDOm AND Rubb,.Master
CUT• ...:..Alcxander

BBB1DBN7." i'lBN7."BY·
Gordoll Chl\s .. ,(of W~rd .H()JJIf!) Gl'ant Rob.. r!. eS!l' (of Drummill~" {~f Glenkimi!{) 'Towie .
Gordoll Hall, Kencl hlilont . fler' AuchllldOlr . 'LUmsden H.ltrv Ldth, esq. (or
Gonion Harry, e'lq. «of KffflciM-o Hllv·GemAlex. (of Ranlllu) Leii AuckilldQir) Kildl'Ulm:ny
spock) Claw. f Auchiodoir. Hall,-K'IIHetllmoot . WCIl1Yss Peter, esq' Crai$. Ha'!I,
GOl"dou.~arqC$. esq.(o{ C~) r.eith Col. Sir Alexander, K.(:.B;'·· Ketferumollt , .

PLAQ1iI.. . . W1>~qU"~
Dingwall, Minister; John Gray, 'Precentor.
herd, Mioister
'dyce, Minlster; Goo. I.Jnalnner'!\.
"llhobie, MIBiliter
, Iwn; M luister '
Allardes Jat!. esq. of Boyne Mill, Auchterles~ Piper Mr. John, Greenfield, MOl!'
Forgue Hepb,llfII ~lel'and .. el!q. Parkhill, quhitter
Cum~lIe AroM. esq. (of Aucllrg) Monquhlu~r • Ul'quhl\rt Wl)l.e~q. {of Brit")
Monqllhlttel' Me !<hizle' Rook. t'sq. (of Olack) Wlison' Ja'me~,:e~q .. (of MIltou:u)
ElnlsUe Thomas, esq. (of Ftnz/n) DlWiot ' Aladim!; ,l\{ollqnhl(ter
na"iot 'Morrison Theodore, esq. !log'nie, WilSon J.eiJ.;j.(of Auchaber) Forgue
Fo~:JoIm, etq. {of Blalikjbrd) Forgae ,

MANVI"AC'J.!vaBas. and
Cumltll! ATchibakl &. Co. {cotton) bitter
'!\HHfWd, 'Mollql:llritter . '
Maberly Stephen &. Co. (linen)
Cllmlllesl.OWIl ABl'RD.ltl,';I'I. ",,"Il\- SNl~i'OIl,
Thuraday, &lid return."" Friday.

Ilnta\'ollirable,esl;>e~iallby at a diRt;Y1CC fmm

Ilolllillg bllt l",al II
llir greater
DE LHE LV.I E, &". ,[linot $I: fto.i,
=* =....·
· ·:;7.... t

• " J
SbtpptTd J ~. HIt. (ol.Ad,,)
• Crlld\'., I
T Urh l'r (lMtgt:, Uti . (uf MUMit )
Turner Joh". '~I . (ur TiPPfT'I
alMl T ot,.." /lff'l) (AlIle
W ~ll.:cr Mi!.:! Ca'n,'rulI, {uC Ifllpl"
MIf) IJcthdr ie
allo.", • • Z • • , Clark {'.eorgt:. t'OOpt' t. Ellon MUl'fr Robl. l ilillJl', Jmon
'1'. AD • • • o . ~ . <:owkl J 9hll, hoo,k .. r, tl!n" M ild~"11 ,\ tlLI. 8"rucn, Newllu .. b
Allen Geotp 1Nl.I!'I', Elion Cowie J oli n, l·lnIIlC~ . ~.lI on J\lurrltoll AI. IIrllCCr. Newbllrp
At,;o J olon, ,·I"lner, :-;ewhurgh Dan iS,...,:" .~Ies. !cu. gI-'1icnl dca· '~n': .Iohll, ~~nl'nl dcale,/_tUon
IWr;I.('k Alen.ndcr, bool and .. hoe '. Icr , t,lIon ~~"It J oualluuI , IIfQC('r, , .lIon .
malt .. r, t:UoQ G;udra Alu. uJdJer, Ellon. I o.ry J"bn , tN~. f\ewburP'
Hlack J o. ~hip builder. NewtMlrl(h Go,:"'-,, Jamn.lrottr lie; doUnc r . Walker J autef, bool aud .hoe_
Bowman ('.eo. lmne t\1I1C1 , t:Uoo . N~w!lUlJb I • l' kl;r. I-:Ih~ • •• • • 1.
nro .... D John, blacklmilh, .mon 1\,'IIy Gto. biAcbrnltb, Ellou Wi ll'T . ''"*Ieh, /ltC. maker. t;lIull
IJraoe J u. blaekfmilh, .:1100 l.elldrmn !tobl. tallnT, ElIol1 Watl /I \n . ,"r. t;UOIl
CMilnen w• . Jag<~ Ika- MUll Jamea , watcb, &C. maker, WIIIJI(mGeo, (;Ut &'1,I(II18h .",.111111,
1..r, Ellen I'\nvbllrp " )9 Ellon • •
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - : ' _ _ ... _ _ __ _ II __ ' __ _ _ _ _ .... ~- - --- --- - ----- ... -


I,ULIE, MONYM U.sK, N£,!~ILL S , on..:, AND I' Rt:M N,\ \'. '
G ,\IUOCH. ('lIapl'l.of Gar\oeh, or.IA!i';'D~rlld/l ~ fU1k'll fror ~ft l:dl~. ""PII08etJ 10 be ,he rillt't' In
" I... rl~h or ch~J'I· l rr. 10 Abt:rck'tMh'rr. I. dl~'allt :Kofllud. r::e..r '111# \' iI~e .... ~1lft"l'Ihc _Wei<!
I,,,," Abt'rd<'en 20 ""'"', fl'Oltt H_ltll:r 18, ami fr.... nr Harlaw In I~n. 1 W:'hu!~U /\!eUJld tr t:...1 or
11I1'tI"ut)' 4. ThtCjI!lle.,f lMJ'IU INrIIl,IIOW 1ft lliin', !oh.rr, Rmllko ,l....a.£ui of w, Wu;: 0 ..... ft·
!at,., thaI Ihr nu ,lI lirr of nubility, "I'tIo (....II 111 ~hls Ih ..,. a!!'o,,' Ihelh:r 10 Il,e c:QIIntry. S ...w al C'Illrns
obII in l ldy fU'U~~It't1 actiun, ' 1'1111 IS rrlltt'f IhllU IUIII. are ~n herr , aud nprillh t _tou... . arran~ \n aq
,"'In In '"Y fOft'lsn t'n~",~en t for lUll"), )'\"Iln ellirtdnl (orm •• uppOtN to ban~ been part of :II
bd>rr. 1'1M a*1 paun lhrutoSh I~ ~h. whkh dnildkallnnplf'.
Ia wate~ fo t K\~ mile. b7 the river, Doo and K".ooae i •• royal burs" In Abetd",n.bitt', ant!
UriL. the pwW! of tht NIlI' nlmr:. db<lan ' from AtIn·
CWliV p'rl~ h. In Abertlt'ellah ire, b dis'an t fro,PI dftP 1:l IllUn, HIIUI.Ir. 26, a •• " I nn' rury Ji. " 1I
Abitnlt'C11 18 mllu, aud {rom IlIn~rll'l",. !J. ' !tletl!,:" l!(>O'C rned by , ....(1 blIH 1:.0 , all,11 prOfO!!, ;md join.
babout len rull('., a nd It. breadth IOVO, aud It b .\. ""hk Clllro. Uulf, EI~n, "td hn1!rnrr.1n !lCndioS
l..crd becl\"~' the Ihl:l"l De(' and ()Qu. ' (be oal,. • IItmlbC'r to IlII,rliamCnt. 'n,rre arc IIl1mno.g
_ . fildare n.rril.v ou II tbe kainia!! or I'tockinp. "inll ,ltd tllmuli , ",hleh arc IQ !>Oin! till! the
''IIir,e are th r.'e druidM:lilI t.eII.lpte., Iud N'-era! I'l.ite where RolJt,rt Rro~ ~rtO!lk IUJd ~ltOf," 1
rMl"IIJ ofl\n'at Ilu, tJhldrll two larJe ~11t'lI11I Ihu the .rm,. of Ethnnl I, anu tbe /k·fell ofCump,
. . I'kt, Cutle Clauy,.ad Ca'Jtle .'l'aIer built In the t.rl of Bocian, nev In~rar'f.
hrBlunh.~ of tile I ~t h et'lItUry. 1'hc' C~tk: o( 4; 111111 I,""'LII!., I p:.r~h III Aberdet'Il-'hlrr, Iud Ilw'die-
Mi u UI • doaIbie-batred IreD 11:1't1.', wt:ilhlll l! thirt y- trlft of Harioch ; CI'II\I'~lw.nd •• uprrfiriet of fuut
tWO Mone .. Ith maNy troll bolli, I ud i~ --:aid to hII.~ l'(jllarr ..II.... It b _leNd by the Imall ~r GI-
!lttll the birth VIKe o( the Id n, lrable Cnclttlln. d ie, a stream (O'kbntN hy Arlh"t J ""n~lone , in
CcLU)l O"iD IlUl~h is .Jt~llul from HlIlltl,. 10 hit dt'!lUIt Latil> JIOC m. I II ...,,·cral plilCft towar.h
nlUe-, and (rDlu ,\lK'rd ce ll 18. The lIIAII .,...-ea tht _ t h thr", it fou .. d I 1p«ln o f gl't"!::III, h ro-
tlwviwb !.hil ~rl.h . Her ll ila . I(oI~ IJtoIrlus an In- ' luund IUliar'lhu.s, ",hleb II cully cut a ..d f'orlllN
IICrlpdoli of fin: 11,,\'8, whiCh <-nll(l t be hHC!1'recm. by lbe COIUIUOU JII.'Oplc inlp ~u,llfbo"'lllI aU<! Olher
~ ItOIiC COm\l. bll'e IIIIU 11C'\,'11 fo. .d. f'Oewloli I.rlllkcll, wbid. lW.~e ... 'l:.... beautl!lIi ilPyar~.­
n_ IIt~ only ~lftCe ornOfe h. IheJUt8h, whiCh s.,.....cral l eauai n'(I( druldiciJ templel, ClW'tII,IDd all
I.. I decp rcrlll<; M,l1I wtlh ~ua1 tbrirlOJ pkuc,a.. andeDt tneaUlpaoeot ve po'ialCd 001.
Uu:r. pari~h, 611111~ ~ AlM'rdC""t, IHI(co"l-
/1010"'.1.1''', • rarb h ill Abeuk~QIo hire , lbo!U
.efC!! n,ile.o Toul!, .nd from 10ll t h.. fire broN, II
lkrable n .• tw, Iyill. 1101AA' the bitllke o f tIM: rl'cr· 'dl!llI lIt (rollt IlI n' ru rv 7 mikl. Nt .., the llouse III
l>oo. ,,~ rieke of 'HU~l call \v '1),:,;IIc!M,.IU'. tU".1 Mllu) IlII1~k WIlt (",ullit 11 large tip"" .M(NH", whiril
Ihrongti Ille parl~h. UII 1M to!' of OIlC o ( the: hlSh- Ihe yroprlclor hal el't"C1M br the 1Mit' of tbe publK:
¥OM. HCl e Vt'U • priory for Clllluni rrplatly
...1 ... dtllidlnltt.'ml'lr .
t·""T...,., • pootUh In Abrrd~nlblT'&, b I ~ ..ild
ftolll tbe capital. nw,r. limue,",.) ' W'U ff \.ocr ,ln
lfoGildtd by Gilr~rMoli Earl filf
IW~lallj ~ LioQ,
"'.Ir, . . the rril:n o f
' , _ .... in.w-d 10 Ihe V1rf(iu
'iliA pariah , aDd Mr. Lc!l1e, l he 1II1nlu("I', h In llil Mlry,lh d i lioUed 10 Ihc bI~h" llric of DUUl bl~
jIUII~1I I ' loue . ~riu".IIaLO 1:JB(l, _ a ~er &I f JII"a Ibe-VI. la 1611, ' la·IMlll Ud "r~~lIftc
( OP oC 1631· ~t"kb. liiditwa M,.a.,t:!iJul"llMlLtnllIl of_.....t ... IDOIWJ'. I· , • •
I ,lh·u Ioe~ (,(l5i.l leddt.Su, thC tau:lar~lol l ._ ...J!I .~ ••pariab la ·Aberdft""hlre, 6fa" irl'l"_
pariah. IMi'IMi 10,., 111141, J)1I.I't1nIlarly OD ibe. Nab plat hC':l:lII!1(~mal Coma, 1i.a)p~!MId I Jall( I. dla-
01 the '000, &IIi toI\ Is r1CIt"d 1c:t1ila." 1
I/I',CIU[IU Of b .IleR,a ~~~E
- .ri1'nl~:Ior.lDII"" ~ Ott
b I.. lilt dil'rltt Of GariOcli,!" 011 SWi w~Olj _
of Uun -o-dccr nc {be ruin. 01 ~II ~~..
.-ctu alld d'leftm.t-'fNirIIo 'A~" Iala ~
....M! "po. It, wlt.~daQ'~ ... ~ft«Bto 1I(Wfl';.1
. ttl _milb. T he h~1 ...,...._· .ltlt'.vaRttf:-cJotbe pri!t.
,_".or.,. eMl

ha~c 1I"'l:n by Klajl G~IJ' tile Great.. ttt. d,eo ripalllhdc of , ...... the)M'f'part1l! nchate., rtf
most rlL'1'1Ih-d p;!11 of the hill of FIiIldl:w4, ".. ithia tbclIe ,'on"" for II>c I........ DlIU'tIti. la 1hf1 IMiUh
th b parub, Ill: c",;ICftS"·C qU<lrril'f' o r tiue blue Ilalt',
of ~·bi<'h a colltid" rnbk q"antity II ynrl)· IO ld. T I.e
lie the t"illl of," old chapel, aad tome """al".
• dn.idic-:ll.rtuple. Th ( ftuer1il "l'peara,1fC i, hill.,
town of lil'tCh II a burgh ol baroul' wlt,h a wtdt ly whieb loW<lt'd. Ihe " 'CII becoUlCII lllOUli tai IlOU~. •
marke l, Ind Ibrl'c IIl1upal fain. 11)32G LU iil'l lrool 1":liE, I pan.,h In Abenll'tln8hire, ;11 th e d lsirwi
Abenkcu. o f G;l.riocb. i. v l an Irrqnbr IIlure, the Ulltm\)
kua:o. v, a parish iu i'bctd~l\. bi n:, 4 IItllu and I PQiau o ( whicb . re lbrU or lour miles d~lIlfil ht
balrlll le0K' h, I ud thfl'e ip bl ~d th. It ia dilt&l)1 ~y dinctm l it b di~au, lrOlll HlIlllly l5 allla,
(rom Aberdee n 17 IlilIel, arId (rolo luttrUl'J' It. Tbe Abe~a 23. HarthW' Cude Ia 10 be _a In " I.....
Hbu.&e o( KClIlIIay II dc]i!lhlluUy .itlllllt'CI 011 tba Bu ~rbie Hill I. IUpDOKd .lIIerl, 10 hare'befoII ",
bl.ah of th e Doll, .ud surrounded wil" a ....k aud I)e.uilh rorti6calloa, Tbe II1II11 ~ thMIp Ihi.
pleunrc gro un'd$, I;Ild Ollt wltb s rC3.t iaite. pariJlh. ' • ". I
Kllfr.U..... 1I parl.h , III Abcrd\'Clllbirll, on tbe 101lih Plla:~)("y, a rari!h In Aberdeen l hire,lriD! 00 lbe
aklc o f the 0011, 'nd distant frt>U1 Aberdn'1I9 11li1ell DOrth ,]de o f the Hill o f lkuIIOChw , baboolllltlr
IUd I ha!f, CO\ls!Jtt of a ll Inquiu UlCnl.b~ of mill" long and olle bl oad •. It" wlllaut from ,,~_
h ilb, "hlCll -aft of I_siderable deo-aliou. The dt.'ell 24 mi..... Thil pariah ealn prllC', about 3000
~UllllD;tl I ll: IIClICrallJ ~red. ..,lIb small pl lllt a_ .cn 'l, of ,,·hkh 2000 Il"C aralde,lIoId lbe retllliDdc,
t~ 0( firs, 1\'bIch81.e liUwJ to the sccu.e, ",bile
. inclo.w:d 1Utd. ",1auIt.'d ,
JJI tlgili1tah?lJ'o/ Kinlore. JlIIIlts Slaikie, Ad,vocate, 'fo\VII'S Cltl'};
CII9Irle,'B..anIH,'I'man, e~q. (of Kjr~hill) Provost Councillor,.
George Markie anil Johu Fraser, uqrs. Baillies HOIl. William KeHh,Major
Robert>OIl, Deall of Guild .Jalll8l A. :SandilaJldl!, lkorge
Geol'8e fr&'!Cf. Treasurer Bannerman, Pau'ick Hlaikie, Geo.
DW'uelt John, esq. 'K{!Dlnal ,Fra.:.el' Cha~l~ esq. (of Wiiiifim- LelIlie John, esq. (of Bakplh'lm
Darid861l Mr. Wm. Kim ore , "one) CulsalllOl1d J?dtemt:fJlj Chapel ,ofGilrioch
Elphitl~lone HOI'II, R. D.csq. (of Gordon AlclIilr. esq. (of Newton) .Mit,'bel{i\lr:;. (0£ '1'~)
l.ogil'! Elpllimtooe} ChajX'1 of
Culsamond Kin lore .
Garioch GOI'doll John, CI!<l. Cluny Ross Mr. John,
'Erskine l,ieu!. Col. W.,H.K. ·(of, OOldoll Mis;; Mary,.(ol Rotlmft!!)/!icon AlexdT .eliq;
PUtudrie.) Chapctof Garioeh ,lIISCbltirk: . Newbill!!
Forbes Sir John, But,,{W.{;rll'i- ,G~ .Sir ,IallK!!I, ·Bllrt.· Molly- "rower William;tmq.
giever) fintrny Honse. riUtl a1' _ mllsk House Kiucllar
Fraser Col. Charlel, (of Ca"a.r A~x.-aq. (of PUme,1.dI:IlJ
. Fraser) Cluny ,

CRIMAlN~,a:f!&ris.b luthe diltl~et. 'OC£~lIllba1l,in

Aberdeellshire, he~ upon the COI!.!lt,' '1lea~n!h
.eqfiJ distance {rom the .towll)lof ,F!1I8etlimgh iind
~head. :Ratt~hcad, 0llthl5 coast i~ a ''V('ry
.d!l/lgeroI18.,pwmontol'~, Near .the east I'lld of the
lake o! 8trathbcg Is ItUlaU; hill, 1::IlUetl tfre Castle
:hill, wbereComy-n"ElI.I'l-.of'Sucban, had a Ilastle.-
.About ."': hundred years 11110, there was II cO'mmlllli-
·cation bNween.tbe 1:.«11 of l'itl'8thbeg 'andlhe sea,
aud a barbollr,.at theea..~·emi cl()Se by the caliri!!, fO;t
alDall emit dtHllle. night tie iMUtlvof:tln! MtOOIlt'
was lillel.iup-eywedtifting of !<ami,'lInd ~~:
munieal»e J.M _n" !X'd e'l'e~ nillC6. QntIItB
strict of Buclrllil,' 11I~'
wning about: nioeteen that part of the dilltritt
I, not eon1.ailling a hiil I)f Hneh,lIl, whkh belODgs 10' the eoUllty of Bamf.
EaIIiteis,aoondaot, but the It is bounded on the east 'by the North Sea, -aU/II/II
, rely felt. !!Ie !outil bylhe small r\ycr Ugie~ ,whicb SCpar1l~8
. LONIIIA'Y, a pari~h
ill A:1lerdeenl!hire, Is ten mUes it'from.Pel.erhelid. Tbegrcaa }'Iew Marshalld(b
broad, The soil is val'ious,bllt was born in 1696. a! Inverugle Castle. the ruloa ef
. eue lfio'11sbing ,villages wbidi still -remain. . .
J'den"ofc8uthlaw, who hM
ST. Jarnea A~I!!iOO,Mlniliter
·.C1lII!l~•.wlUba,.Soyd, 'M;inI3ter 'P.AtB.OOJ!UA;L SOHooLS.
LONOSIDB-ReV. wunam Greig, Ministetl 'CIlIIltOND-Jamt's Watlie, 'Master
LONMAY-Rev. Charles Giboon. Minister. LONGSmE-Jallles Adams, Master
LON MAY (EI'ISCOPALIAN)-Rel'. - - Sangster. Mi- ,l,ONI\u.y-Jame~ Davidi!oo, J\''
'watef' RA1'HEN-AklUlnder l\1aIiter
'iRAnmt'I-Rev, ,WiDlAmeock, Mlnlster ST. FERGIls-,Jubn »)hs~~r

Bannerman.<ThaII. e..'!4J;;LOmuy RaLhep I. .' . . , '1)1' B.lalrmOrDlOnd; Loomay
Cumine MaIn. tlIIq.1)[ Danny, Gordon f'hoolas, esq,'OUk.!Jllaw, .
Rattray House . Cairne8~, Lonmay ·MAWU:PIU,r:CdlI1Hll.S.
Gordon J. esq.M9rDlQ!I{HioWlC, I Sile.rrio/l'II George Lumsden, eI!q. 19)9our Robl. -& WfD, .


IN Aberdcen!lhire, was'~rected Into 'a burgh of reo' angles. Near
gality in 1613. It i~ il2111i1e~·ito1:lh by east of )\1*1'-'
eentre of the fo\Vn is tbep~!!~
and toWn. house. Frnserburgh P.?Hel!llf'll ,. ;lUW·...
deen, 18 nortb-north-west df Peferhead,'z:;!east of but t':'xcell:C1l1 barbour, wbieli Will ~mit·
Banff, and 149 north-nortb-east ~f Edinb,U.l'gh. The 300 tons. defended frool tbetleaby,twi)<.....e
houses are ncatly built, and th~ strecb, wbich ue I)i('r~, la!dy hUilt! at all.e~timated.co8t or~i I
r ,.II.
'8GbIY spacious, crose each other nearly at right 20,000/, 'nH~ haroour, 'frolll its' ~ituatiol!. is we I

,.o.r·OFFla~.-p()fl JJIIIl~. Air. Georsc (;,,41. The IPaIl anlve. from Alwnlee n ewet}' nn-
1~ at h.I(·~t
ten, and u del.-I ched at a q~r before lillie I. 11M: nlOnllD8"' A roo l ~t loa LG . . . ..
""'T tlMMy. Wcd.eatlar. ",,4 ."ridaJ IIIOtllba, allour, ud reUll'aa IbE rol.lowiDIJ UIOt"UloS.
pSoAe•• or WO .. IBIP. J ose,t. Bru« PKlCUracor run!
r.ITULU MIII) ClI lI.e ll-ReO'. John CI./UUlio!. MI. J ohu Craig, TfJ'W P Clerk.
alitI'I CoIueril.
EftKilrALI.Il" CMAnL-f1l. Ikt'. Dr. Jolly nw.o;
r. ... fCOJlAU4101 CII.4J"U.-Ret'. C. P~I"" ~titlMtef
ISIIIII't"Dt:ljT Cu" ...n ..-Rcf . .... Iex. Dqg, M)n)!k:r
lAfd s.lUINI P~l Mel S.~
CUrl.,. cuwlue. DeaD of Guild PAROOHIAL .ClHOOL.
I ~ wi~ Cha!lIlorn, n.lUc Wlllhlolu Woodwan. MAllter

Wi lli.J.w J :ULlicltlu, SII'100U, Trc»Uf'C!
NOBZLJrr AND QElfr:ar.
, . .
Botfeo Lieut. C.H. R.N. \ Gurdotl Ci puln WUftilll .."'" Mn. ......
(.'oalllltrt l.ewllt. CIq. t"KWr to Mil". Ueal . J~ • • J\.N. 8&huu.u Lord, PliUo.u
Lord ilIoIlOIIlI \
• •aaBAN~., ra.4DU•••• h.
COO..... Lo" WWlun
B\NCU~Geo~ . , ' I Mac A)lau AIC'UDdou
8r;u~.. ~ ~~ ,<1.,;),1. , N-.l i J ohl'l. (.tba:rd~),
...... . "bbIe WJlllaat. .
WtUI~ J o" '. '"..n" II... ~~ JolIlI. '(a "rap,.-· I
wnavuTbum_ PIlrk J ob u
FI" l "rl:bl~ Churn '
.LAC• • • • TH • . OPPIC&. AND AOJ:NTS. """pOl" ,o\d:uj.
Wallace J olrn
Rrown " t'U', c.;~umo"u!l' J ohn OftIcu
Fl'lIIICr Jobu lI u cu Lt..!l, t ewUi Ci,a1ultrl IJ'Jf .
MoLr John'" Co. Salktlm lllu·· J IUIln C rllidl.lLl&allk,
'!v,t. J:uuC:t FIaU CURERS · (a: 11UII,1Uf: boII.Ic" lUaii lVII '
'li nda.! RuUtrl Lt.rd SaII"-.. , AclBii~ Depute 11'.11:"101')
Wall_ J.m... .
Lt-.~;itlll~IIatU.I'!I" A4a1nU Sub-
aOAT BUILD!: ••.
.Aluaotk:T&rthtri&nd , OIBcer of
Lobhau GOOI'I{e ftH"t"tb J~._ ~ _ .. ~
bllCkic Kubrrt Ute 'WbcT)' •
Slrpbeo WilliAm
Wibou Wm~11I lW-nett J oho
....... A"'"
WOOLL.JI,II D.A ••••·•
BOOT. IROl: JIIAICERI " llruce WllIl;wa
George Center J anH"1l
J}.uprdoo ) ,,1111 Lur...- Gbw-Iet
Machealh H.obert Smith J anie.
Hcn'ltntrnl JoIw , Oll&oerJohll
MlCbralh Aln . ami Son .~aCHAJifT • .
Pt:IlI"*lU A""under
MiI$:I.y JAllln Camlne Peln, ( ~rttraJ )
Slm~ 1I CWI... &. Coorge
M~'rJllhll "l"urritr Wi11iul Slul~ Cw. til Ueorse
'>' bley Chui('1 W_at8011 Jobu saJP aUILD.'" 'I
Sttwvt J ohu W..., Wil llalll' . ,OPJ.,..,Je JoIIIu' • _
Wibnu WlUiim & J ohn Wt-writ John 8a •• owK•••.
BROK8R.· • A, FLEaH!: •••\ :...... $>i
Cw..,. J u. ,II ~ raI .ut
and ~a t JO the Sial 11Iiara
t'rucr J llm...
GIIII William ' ~ ~,
• ,I' • ~~~;~ 't~ '"
liialmm ,\ll"J:llldt-r
co. Gf6cotwtd ). ' I'ltJlor P~t~:r ! I. 'T' ~ SJ.~iIliam
ClA.IHE'!' _AlitER • • 1'hOIllP50II 'JlDks .~., t" ~ Sim n CbarJn " Ot'OfC't:
ft rtbllfl Tbomas
Ib!I kill WUf..:m
JlR,6.lll..JllB. L1;.'~ ~~ _ Step IttI Wlillalft
Til ritr W1t\1im
Me: AUuJ.mtt WCIII)"II Chull's
1lacxn1l1tO.l1 WiUiaat
JilUII '~ r i~.:r~ I
O"".X'J'JI • • ,PI.I6d I"eter (
... .' .UROEON,.
. , . " O,"'.orWRIGHT •. WelA)'" Cbulu COUITI J ohu
Juui_ Wililaln
IIlilnt AICUDdtr .,.OOBR".
Soon JolllI AND SPIRIT DBALt: • • , TAILOR., Da ~id " Ih cnall J vhll Auld Wi lliam
WallKIll Johll ~"re~ Clark.. HHI J uhu
= • ."'''"0 .. ~ :Z
waIT••• •
A.D .OTAaI_" .~.IoIC · Johll W.lI~. ~ lIbdl.n1bdlOr
C h~,.I.t'lI'ilI
!'l'1IIoCr ,\ItUllder . . .COACH.. . "lo
AJlE'IIII)i-:I!N , Tile 11""01 ~hit: ""
.f!ti"tU"a~qu~. ' lb. II,U"" .. I .. , '."'f
" TAV8JUf.
Cardno Williaal. bkd""'er . ~. " ... bof.... niu. aRt! , , ' _ ..
,.4N'D, PVBLIO HOU.JUII . ~... MN. ladies' ~J t ... ID tI,. " ••jll~. ;
Chalnw~ J alltH
CbaJmton WJdo",
Oarid ..n Ales. !\aX" d ~
Douatd Clark, otliCIeT ut n;w.e OAaa.r,BJI •• •
.to I ....
t'"uIlH Mary Guin J aDlea, lurDU ", ... ItDE""' . Air,., . "",,"",..-,

- John Hewllt Altos:. !lChuot, •. . T ......'/ . ... 101"..... t"i~J ... ,
Nicol WugarCf
Thllill' J,UI'ItS
, ", "
Malrom 41cx. rope &. ta1ll1laker
' Mftnd John·1II Sen, bl'YWmI and
'" tlrlhell'WM'e de.k n -,.
Mltthell, '''fohu, bool:ltikr a1III OOA •
. ,. .,.'lta
PI'T£RH AD, ,U.. H.. ,.....,
T.........., . ...s ' el<lr" ... ~\t......

V . . . . .."..
TI • • • • • • •O. . . , ••
.~ ...... , c.pho\.
8inlf11Ou Cbuln It~ · •• 'J'\arrit"Wru;
1'bal.. WUJIam, ~I,<r
eolt.ft· ~JU
' .
WULI• • II i. , J_l
B<<>Ih"",. (;.pl.l~ I!i_. 1II11~1
r o_, l '.ptal . If"- ,.... ; I';IiIWO,
WATCH enTo. 1""np-.
AIU"ude r Millie: ...nut1ollkr
Caplal. \Vim •• 'l~"K'
• C..,.~. /d~u""""If.b-w ; .....
,.IID ' 01090. . . . . . . . WIUiuI 'W.a, • ___ .alIt.1" , 1· r~1 cel
~. 'oI>ffl u..1~J.;
..ii.i................. .
Melkth Ak-umkr AIeIr..1I4a- 0atidM»!. bulk _h'r ·hlJl'i'c. I. "'• . • Iloo . ... .
~a ,aCQ:p JUlftCtwr.en: birlli ..... ,to II
__ ,.."" ___ , ..... _,,,,_ .... ____••.__ ~~ _ k _ ... " , ___ •• ,;;. .-.,.~_~"} ____ ~

•. ,.


'"... , • .1
H I INTL Y is II" nAnle of a parhh and 11111"11 10
Ahe rrleen! hlre, t~'fonncr is abou t nin c IIIUe. In
W .'OI' '''~, 66 F.. of 1 1I'"eln ('~~ . ;wi J8 S: ,t .
of.fotllabcn . Th i. I()wn i~ in a dry and 'v lnl-Ol"
\(,IlKlb llid (our ill breadth, formcd bv till' aunua· · ailaliocl, OIl the VOi ul 0( lan d fonntd by tile con-
I;on ari he jl3risilei a f Dubibcua n and ).;llIMC: 1'be ~ of the Uogie wi lh the Oc.·.. ran, eacl, of ~
gt"ncrahurf.:e ill cu~ iDttlr roulI h lIud rocky, ron .' ,"Idi !oo a b(\lId!lO.ole bridg... II i. uratlY IN.Ib,
lai"i,,[(, ho'WC'"cr, tuaa,.lIPCII of tine IIrlll.ole 1~lId; h...,....two prlndl~1 5I n~I ~ , CTo~iulJ raeh ... lhcf .•
alUl M>nae of tk clJlill('lItCf.are. co,"ert~1 with b.·au· · rl~ l.ran@'ln , ami fo rtnill~ a. ~pa.ciOo.Ie J411MO or
lifnl P~ILI;\l iolll. h i. 11'""-n:4 bl" 'he 1I,,!!ie and markc\- ,,11Itt. N~ar II) HUII II)", QU ,.lu:.. )ap!l4ol
I ~ IX,·c run. :;\.. MlI.llgo', hln, Ji.the di ~u-ic t tff Ihe I)c!'cl'nn, Is Ihe rlqr.tlll rCSlden ~ of HQ lltI~;.
"'; II"n~ . bas the .lll>tan"~ of a yolc:ulO. ~ud on Lodge. the ~cal 0( the 1II000 t noblc tbe Marquil .,.
the 10!, t here is an opening.1I·hieb i~ St'lIt'rall y ti lled Huully,lIdtl rilg h t o the I.orldgc of ~~o . uuls t k
wilh wa r"r , IholLgb,la dry 1ItlM».. , "eat is obtained remain" ()r J-Illntl ~ Ca._t it', Mr uinOll8 _ I of 1 ~t'I.II·
from it stron,lr inafirel!(naled with l ulpbu r , arId C~I .OO noble fa mil y. w bi;b l~...dctll:oJed;n IS9oI,
J!i~'C('1 ,;[\a,"a. ;1 i. Mid. hlte lIftu fOll oo round iI. a1\cr the balti c of OJ" 1l1il·~t. Tbetoe tui", w!tlcb
rhc Jlar i~h r i!u tailll a I;juatry of iiwl"lt(lae. smue o f
whleh ap\lro;olbu to thc n;AUlre of uurble. aua" pnmy perfo:d. di. plllY 11I1I('h arcbi ttct uraJ
H aal ly Iwt 110 alagil l r.tI('S. nor rc!idcDI JU lldct.
takn a ..ety b' llh 1'0 1l. h. I the peace; bl .. Qrk'e Ihe Duke of Gurdon I. AlP.'-
'nil: tow" uf i-Iu nl ly b I burSII of Ihtony. ,,"d I rlor, alld the III .... U i, rl!l:llialed by tbe HMUII Ball~
.,rubytf ry,clLt , i ZJ mJlu N. of Edtn~urgh, 38 N. J IlIlIU GordOlf , t::iIq. 111i, town lO'U IItIC' fi ll
HUN'i'LV\ ·I!l••

.....-.... . !"P. . . . . .
nolril Wiiliam
Farquhar ,,"!dow
. 0taicM Job_
Horn Jolla
.Sl~.n Of'orre
Oeorp •••••••

Alldft'..- Wiln.",
tltrlGa Ju!ft,
Wiboll Jamn .-E._a•• A'I' .. . . ..
oaoem. . ' lthikland (korse ,~~.::r
AM» SPlalT D~ •• ·
Bro ..... Cwln WOOLLa..
Clark Jt>bn • • 1fO'PACTU. . . . . , ~
O;a~idooo" Walter JIIiMtrioh Aledtldrr - .~-
MakooIAlo.uder LetHe Robtn - ~ "....
1\1eW.Wm. 81tpben A: S~ ce 'i.. ~
Meno"J_ wa.TZ . . . . ' irO'l'''''' •••
"fIIOIUJOIjIl J .IIlICS , ~ . Stt1lwt AI:!1.~~~~Br:'"
nn...* P " STIJrlO BOV ••• Stt"ar,AIu.ndn, J"u. ,1
~,"tll&lltou.. :~:
OmOOn Anwo, JRmtl OC!OfP "
New Tnn , Jobn Andrnon
I.OW.O.O •••. Cununl nll Willl.m, IhhlnJ ttdw
L.I'I'~o" GwrjlC
.V.G.O"~.. ~.:.
Clrr&tie hIftti ~" ,- . . . .K
Reid Alu and",r :!ok CoIlD..can, R. N. F~~~r~r . ~ ....
LBATRCa tIl.ReIlANT • . Stewart J ohn Macdon.ld Will, bl't'wer
~Ie Kay Will. lI ... brcJJ. .ukn'._
Johll " Co.
J.., ,
TAn.oa • .

&be'tllK' JoI... haul'r
lAI",",-JC'e WloCIIOn AieJ[lWder, Iu: cvdtr
MAlfUPACTU • • • •.
U,,1dKlII Waller
~=~.!!- -< axo ••a OprlOB,
Oordol! Jalne.
1.11110101111 James
01'&111 JohQ. .
Grl"lOl" Jllllri Dwfld /101.,.
J ohn MacnaU'}IOIl. 811prrYitor
0 ..... -
Da.k!. ~ tD • ~ ••

Macdollllld Ceo. Ii Chaa. {11M

T .. W_ •••
Crulcbbank loti, a Co. .,
0-1_ Sirup",,.., H."kball' J
.'I'A• • 01"1'108. _ "
Robenolln Johu Robm_J_
Spr~ WillilllD
~ckr SteWll1, Jill, ~u~'d\i'
TAvm• • • • .-u:.LIO lobulor
Wan Andttlv
ClIlIlmimr William
Clarll: John
Cruick. h.llt Ji m" GI'f"o r William
Ha ll J a~
J)arid 50 n Wahet l (lI< hatter} Al e Duplil WJ60w
Ua"'~'D Eli:£abeln
Oo"ald Willltnl Reid A.rrlItWd
Rl\hidlWllljji ~ 1M ,~, II'
~~~~~er & ' $011 ~" .......I(
)SjIan4~ 11 :fc;p~ "
Mamiloa Collil •, : ..; TO• •COG .WII •
Y'O llpicr WUliaMI MA .. VP.. O'I'V • • • ·
"lI t~Tbo....
'RobeneoII Jobn Outhrle-;,lohtt ·· ~ ... -
Sl~pho:n J::1~prlll
SIc-pnell WiI!1QI
TU. . . . . . ·
Me Connoeble 'J.rDH ' •
.. a.4.RIUJ:.RII.
.i.E.OIEN. J M_ Nt l _tp. , OH,
!!l1CTC'utoM Jaua
• I.
u of , •• no .. ,.iM,.
........... a_I. ...... , "T.. . ."
".r.ItDJ!:ll'I. w • . It __ • • w• .
• .ANOrAC'I'V-'''
Ctllic~1baak JMea v.Taa ••••" .VJlG.o-:r. . ~ ........ , tI .." .." .... ,"'......
n"......' .
-Darld8ol1 oeotje G~.IJ ~1l a'SfF, "tu. 0 ....1. _ ..."L

------ --------------*-~-'---------~--- -------------




1iIIIO£EN, • •'1,1..-" ... " __ _

ID",' •.1,." .w'''''''1 ..1\",,_ u
Ih" n"DK ••••U . u, 0' I.. Ia
Ito. ~ <lui" w'o'". .
---.~-. --,---- ----- ... -~--.,----- . ----~-
2bef~,.n·I!Wi I<lNl'ARPINE O'NEIL, &c.
~ _ Ofi • • •

PO• .,. 01'1' ZCZ;.-PIUI J/Nlrl't. J oh1l IJm,1Ic-au1l SolI. ' TIle mall arrires ~ l'4bailftr. 1'li;'_
dar aud SloU.Lrcb"r afternoon lit fou r. aud i~ despaiChed Ihe ~C' worD 1111 a' tl,h •.
• ,_ .. ~ .. _. ,_. co ... ' ... '''!
PLACE. OF W'O •• UIP. " IUII'Horrnm
EITAII II " I ~UC II U Il t: tI_Re'. HoghT."Ior..!\Il ohterl
Meocl.n ll COlCOUGAT10;,
... Adl.lR Liud; M iRill,tu . -,,"
. , ... , ", .

ThO!!. Chalmers, Prc('c lil or '4 PAROOHfA\o SCaOOL . • , •

UI'IIT1! O AIIIOC!AT1I COJIIGIKCUTlO"- Rc •• Folic-Nod Thoma.t Chahuen. MMter ". "., • ;
YJ.kl loUA, A.hUlilcr , , • _. . • ..... • r .... .-

'~lOn Goo. elq. Phruu r

• p:.l:Jt'rai-, '

. 1 ... :.,
'.~ ,rr"
AUMt.lyCC ~Irf. "'rUmford' H ~ Ponlri;oe · )\rtt.i·~ DWI"aU, MD'j ~n~n J olIo, esq. Ne thcnUldT
mDS_1I J ohn, eIIq. "nania, .'CPhI,r ~,,,,,, ~"'t 'If (I' ·~t'l.17 Wiboa lu. esq. ClIi rnbarmo. •
. ",'~,. .',.,~
, ••.,
•W ,,~.,,\ • OIlIflIJ"I'''~ .~.,"
"' ._.CRANrII•• rJldD~• • •N , "o- '.
" .


12 tlq.&ld,Jcid ;,mples; of, ~hic~
mallill1g,fliat are pretty elillre.
;pte 'at 'Bailie is the
resorted 10 '
the second
~I!,t"on tbe second
st!t~; ,

;POll1l, OJn"",f:rB -Jlifll(alD. The Mail Ie sent bra loot pOat" hut at '110 '

ESToUILISJlED CIUIIlCS.;....,.."ODn·MornllOnj Mi-


. .
Arbut.bnot !\ofr!. Nether Chrichle
Christie Ja,t. surgeon, Old D~r:
"'erguson Capt. George J Pitfour

,J:D er "
W~tt Jam~1II general, merc~f "

A BUROH olblwony, hI the:"
is lS milllllllorth Weill o(.·A
!lalf from 'lJ1artes, 'b,ll tile


Barnet Jallles~ Ct!q. Likely Mis$

Bruce Alex. elIq.· lClansol1 Alex,
'forbes James, esq. Parkhill < :!\Janson John,
Jo'orbe3 John, eaq. of Balbdlieri' 'Kilbeill
Lamb Jobo; C$q. Robertson PAtrick, M. ·D.

. . . .QB.iIlN'l'B,
Oray James
Barber John Cledaew fet.el: WCbHter' Alexander
Davidson John SangSter Wm •.
Bruoe James . Bridlen Wm. ' Lealie James, r& seed~lllall)
Simi Willi'. ('& eomemollorj . ~ AleSllndoc' I MiltoR .... Icxliftd« (&: llracer)
\ rJ.

COBN MJLL • . . ~ "v~O.~: 1 Elm.lic J ohu, candle mailer

C.ltthuen J,mn , T ulloch Bcllne! 1\ooW Lamb J oh" , bumer IIKI baron.
f"OffJlb Ww. Cn>ntltt ."orbe!l Will. lUe rr.binl ,,__ ,~
GlC'oor Oeor~, t'Ol"fttCT hill Murray".-n,
MalllOu John, lulher deaki
K.ox Jllito, HalClli ..... Millie TlJo, . • bDC-
T.a.IIpOU· Rimj»On 'n.o,.. bouM: ea.rpeoWl'"
»8"00'.'1' Dtmu Jawn ~llt ,10"". ~cbe ollcer I
AND AI'O'J"Sac.a.BY· .<
forlie5 Aln..n.der I
OgI.iI"ie Ja*1
'WA'!'OR , , OOACll. ;·
aROOE ... , .c'.'
AltU OLOCK M~~J;I!- . :.. A'~RD'EN . lb. ROJI' Mall fr••
Minton Alexande r, (& Ipirildea. &.NU I . . net'}' . . . nlof . 1 ,If,
Stann JIIIII" "'0 ••, N...
kr aud brewer)
Reid Robert
MeoDie AIU.ludt'r
Riddel CIt~IH .1.
Slepl,e o Jamn
for 1.........
..... Bu!I'. •
llIoo __
"oC~ ,..,,
WaHler W ...;'(Io: banI...remau) 1",.<;;.., :OJ~~:A"'"
Wibon Slepllotli WOOLL.H ».APBU. OA1I.l. . . .·
ConnOIl W1II . , : l.A8EROjlC'lf" ,II. ...... No;", ,~ i+tl,
. . . . . . . 'PUBLIC H01,.S •. Dit\~JOOn. 1& srocer) ,. ......, ~ 1)......, • ..J_
1~lI el Alexaode r, (priuciyal )
MeRae Hu~ . OoPllld
.Iohn .~ ...llur.OEE".
... T...... ,. .....AIr...
.. if.... • eflI1
MOf"pU J.m et 'nI l ~w -:e...e.MJ.~ ......... . n ... . . I':'> , 'f M\~.t~(.ilC'out. J.II~KOK'S Cwr j_ ,... th ... iaI
CA .eedtm.n) Id 0 1 I~'~rl ~ e.·• ., T.~., . ..... . e.... f« Burr,
,\ uid Cwlea,
A 1I~.~!n .m B"". . . . . . . . . PM.... ' . ... TII -
""II", n.."n.n~.,.

-----------.. -··-;.
.AlfUPAOTUa.... 8 .."'-7..... . ...
Oordllil Uarron & Co. Drllcc Altx ••11p!:""\!IOr 01 adlC , ' ' ,
I s R (III,hh, and .. rou skierMHe. -,on In t"- l4i~ bIIlldlu'i . ·Inthe' dntgn of which the architect hal
Irk. of lIuchu I.lId a)II~"Qf Abt:rdHn. Th e lOw.! , dlaplayed I'; reat laIIte. H-elidea the prectdillfl
" thirtY',tWQ IIlUel nonti byt'Ut or AberdCt'n, Ihlr· ' pil\CQ 01 \t"onlLip... the~ Ire tbrtt otheri.- Q "Well
Iy·fou r JO'l.Ith·e ut o f na'n/f, eiltlLtcell lIOut h ·lI(Iulb. • • a COfIrt..r;G9!A" ItfCtaJ frk'njllr lIOdetkt, ' Dd a
east nC.'r.uerbllrch luue frolG Mlnll. .. I lld 0'1'"IttefU]' o¥,. ~'~Aj • roWDltrdal t OMl Pctc.rbead
h~ ull red altd (on7·t ... IWrLb by ,,~ t of Edinbur ; ranh PrettY hiS-it. AI 'aD carly pe.:i;l iu_1I
It it !itllatlld upoa a pe'itla.tdla abont a rat '\t.nNta.r~to Ihe poru In tbe Baltic, 10 1b" lA"'&IIl t
IIOUt h of Ihe IQ04Hb uf lhe rlfCr U;{e· Lbls Is _ .... lo!,AIIitf'tb;".-d bI 11~ It. merehanu ooulll
"'....1t'ute rly JM?lnl o rland 10 ~lr:U.d . tbe .&..It!- t ...cntJ~bl .blPf carrylllI upwam. of
lude bcln~ DID 39' weat frolll Oreeowicb. and ilw 3000 JODI. Hotre'er, uOI jj latc ,.e~ ~UU.lo"" .. n·
blilude :'1 3Ir..pOrl.b. .... &Ad~ ... dl~ ~~_ . dIM.,... ..,..... Ilr'die di7ltl16, ...... ~ · Iia'e 'i~
the pcn iD~ula aud tbe ollin l&od la (lnl )-BOO JUd. rabed DIII;1r .g' l" eulerprialnc hlhllblt.ut, to rom·
wid e. T he Inwn b buill In the (orm .ot a ~ [liti.....e ~~_. 10 whllle-ftthloS- II may prv-
.ud i. rli,·idr.d jntn four diSl rk t., whl ~ 'ar diMed i1Ablf be ranli:ed tM tlt.lrd or (oortb port in lbe ill·
10 eu h olher by Il OOOt lll1.l811011 of ure .. u ; Ihetc I,ud .. for Iblpplpg It POOM'Ie« 'ur COAllden.ble
di . trktt tailed Ih e KirktowlI n Oll head! acromrnodatfn·l l.. Tin; tIi&trlct o f Keith·lnch di-
Kt·ilb· lnch, ",uIPeu:rhelU lprol'l'r. l l w;u fo"ndl~ "ldcs ll1 c hariltiUr lUL\l a lIorlll and IIOU lh hanll.
ami e rn:lalluL\I a burgh of borony br G..orgt earl Ihe--e ul ram:r!io' which ill'rflf ~'Cfed h~ two pit:,1"1 8nd.1l.
Mllrhcbal. iu the ynr 1593; but. 1\ 111)\, It ,,·at
lenle; and III the bay is exedic nt a neboriu, ground.
rnrf('iled hy Ib l. family in (:ou~ue n~ of Ibt,.oir rhe "el!~ of "e.ler~ad lliu'~ 10llg bct'n mooned to;
adhereDce to die un fortu ua le OOlite nf Slrmrl, ;,tid 'Ibe! walen ~rt ch.l r Kllle. O{tc-tl ' ery et'IIcaciowr io
pu rcbawd . witb lhe oei!!hbouri nt: lamb in I rn~ br 4elillJl.y o(tbe I WlIt.:h ~ di¥lnlcntio tlle._wcb,
l!te. trlUt«1I. ur !(Wullnn o f lhe ' Ma i<le n Hvspttai, f.n~ ~..."" lt<~n. ill ~p'¥Ie,.tr9u& &~ctJlII" y~jI.""
"AhoiLurS-b, whn are uill lhe .... peti<JfII. 1"1lc' 110- nit It~!I~t III ealkil the 1~ ' ..Ut., ~lI ,". Jru. lLro
Inioallon of lhe llUICll1 rat~ i. lor dlafter 1ftted 11.1 wate r ,p-"lrlilins hi the ,Iau, nke~CNnt~. and
tbeOI; and 1M 1lI ~1'lraterl .,td rollndllon; tlie li... lo 'tbe eouth of Ihe lown.' Ai 1lM:"bitth-afon!!
laner of whool'~ cieel rd by a lllIJoril1 of Ihe feu· uc:ellclll <!i'l"'rtuoi!i..,. 'a lM! ooun!Uieh __ 1Ol-:1I<'lI'
'r. , If'(' In"Hled ..llh Ih e IlIlnucnlenl ot Ih e re. ba~li",. 1\:le rht~d . during the IIUlKlta..-:otl.
"emll', which hi cunlidtt1lbito. Tbe houlc~, whleh b a fcr)"(h\"l'riul Kar place. ' Pleasure &lid lI:uu:iu!!
are 11U11! W !I"I-anite, to .bu ....bwl ill varil)UJ plrtl partie. a re fre4u~DI here , III at Olliel W>ll«'",
nf the: ro\l.lll)", I1re ~II "f tlre uilleat Ilnd romforlable, pllCfll, wl l('l"e 1li1llrltr, eaerelse. ~Iy , and frrt·
IIIJ"y of thtlll CUl"tuoUiu.u aJJ d "Iq,'"& nt . "'Ie public Will frout C~ lXlulilbut., oot • liltle tlol.,tbe ,r e -
bulldiilr>!, which dalct mote l'arllcull1 Iucntiou uorallon of Ilie palkut', h~ltA" Foa.tiJ libel" ia
Ilre Ihe (n wlI. hou... , a t lhe h ,.d of Ihll prilJ~il;.J I'""'" 'lUI"I;I;"-., ".!fI,-",r~ k1"d ••~o:.. (o""4.I ....tb.
~trcet; It 18 IU (' le,,:l.ol buildi"8 ,hay flle l luug. IIclJlllbourhund, twetl11 or 'hir" lefl 'a~ the
rOl'ty {t"« wide, .llh ••"ire Qne hn ndr~'!I a nd ' ,'n leyd of Ihe ~ea; and Ihl."te ot kina. Dot 10 be mel
fr:e! hi,h aDd • dill' dock:· Ihllt l!Iii!iceco.t .pwmHi wilb' in t,: ., ltaMII MallY SO rtl ot pWbte.lUay
of2000/. nuliul-t he CllUabli.hcd rburc:b. lit ua re al be lIIel w11'1:.OU the ahore. 111(' IUar~et is held nn
I~ IXllljllllCfion of 1M. toUllI and WCllt road~ , rom· t'ridlOr;' a.tta"ihe~ an: Ult'O ano_ I.'fai"'1 YII : on
billCl el~ ~Ih coDVI.'llicll(eaad hu a liue spire d. ·thlnl Tue~bJ ill ,\lIIy, .,\11 Ibll 8«ooa 'I'lI C"lJday
~d. tbf: ep~pal tbal-ld is a ba"d i"III~ . madera I.~ber ( boihold OI,. Ie).
OF:FZCB, Hroad·streel. p~ Aff.' ¥!. ~_ ,~ ~iA ~UI. ,n .. luail arrirea, lrolll Abu-
e'e" ereDiD! at • q uarter before olue, lod ...~ea ten ID thie loorl:ll og. at
PLAOE. OF WO •• BI. ~ ~J'I.,. r:t « -~ t,'"t-r _AGI.TBATE •.
EITAal.llllr;D CIl UIiCII, Maiden.,t IRe" Wm. DO- ~bI . Robc:rtlon and Roderiek Gray, e511"1. Sajli....
. oald . Mlnltler , :t'(,1,t< .. f aiid(V1ee1Adiniral l
[",co rAL CIIArat.. Mer.~t·'I. tile HISJII ne.·, Oeo. "r"buthnot, uq. T own Tre.l~urer
Pltrldt Torry, RI. hop Robt.teordlner. HarbourTrellllllrer
CO)lC UOA"QO'lf1. ItI.....NO. Cardwell·. t i . ~" ,;AQd.; ltrOyd; erO('urator ·FiBCllI "'.
Jllm~ tsoou, MI"'.r - Adam Gray Clerk t.o th t J U~tkel
U)ll"nlD 8MaalO",P C"A'P~ booISr." Iter. •. PAROCHJAL SCROOL .
Robert ClnlplMl1, Minl!tn ~ ! ' .
~1,.r.'I ~l)In ClloI.1ru.. Ch; pd.ftl Ref.
llllll~ I""
w,.. ru..,t, John I_ray, Muter
IIlBBOSA.N'rIl. 7:1UJ.DBIJ14SN, .s.c.
Able Miss, Maidetf..I~lIe
Allder~oll Miss, ElHs«
Gr~)' 6£ Pdugle, Wdl-ll'

Anderson A. Broad-!!
COllm;m JII. l1:jckgale
Morri~on Robt. L'ong-gate
Robertson A: Broad-fit
Youngwn .'\. flaekgalll
:," BAN.'UUit",
Aber.deen: Ballkjllg Co. JII3. AII-,'
, rierson, agt'!I!, Jamaica-Mt
Comm<."tciltl· Hank, Jolfu Elrick,
" ageu' .. J alliaica-u

BallDeTmanWm; arilbillil4t
Forrcst'Clllt.lI. Long-gate
Gilchrist In. (& wille) Bro.wM
H~8lillgs Margarct, Long·galll
Back-st ;Law Geo. -8road-!>!
Church ·st
I Morrice Robl.' Kuktowil
Lawf!1"ceGeo. ~road-st
Pe' !I-st Sang~ter Da .. id, ElHs-Rt

I ~~u~~':. aj. Marisc1l1l.l-s\ Se!ler Will. Long-gate

. d-st ·~hl.n'8 A. Broad·~t
~ariilchal-st ~m;th COSIllO, L~ng-gaUl
. ~1lI1'h Goo. Manubal·st
Webster A. Broad-st
Bellllett JM. SOllth-Hhore
:SpoT 45 Sa~B'1If(AKER •• ThomsOn JOhll, Long-gate
Brudte Goo. Broad." . UlONMONGBR"
Hur8t'~s JII. & Co. Jamaica-st ·Gilchri.~t John. Broad-s,t
Coupet' J~. South-~hore I Shires A.
Johnston J'Ohn, KirklOWII Webster A. Ml!.rL~cbal-.t
KingA. KlrklowlI ': . LINEN'
Liudeay And. Norlh-shore AND WOOLLEN DJiUlIZII-·.. •
Ogilvie A. l3ackgalc '
S:l(jnder~ 'J3o•. jUTI.Marischal-$t A ndt'rsoll 'J n~. J iunllica-~t
~()urt("f Wm. Tolhooth-wvl,Il! Muckle Jag. sud Robt. LoIl8..1jl11111
1':rarliall Wm. l~m&-1If ~"F
Thol;ll J alJ. Jamaica-st
Wallace David, 1IIarischal." . Ja-I' Ewell Darid & Co. (cottoll) KiIt-
Youn~ Jobn, Long-gate
YO\lllgtiOn A. QIIl'en-hl Jame~ :lJackie, J. icottoll)Wind"iJi-tl
Yule Geo.l\1ari~cha!-.~t MAST, BLOCK, .
Gray, 'Jamafca-st AND PUMP MAKIJBIII.
Meflls Juhn, QlICe!l-S! Wm. Church'~1 Hay John, Jaixres'-~
Paton JIl. & (;0. &booj·bla~ John, J!lmaica·~t
Mitcht'li A. Sbore
RobfITUon Win. Keith· loch
r;s·rAJIIIII'IiU~;;~tI~£C.II.,....I,'ev. Alexander Flirq'l'lhar, RobertllOn, !\IMh:r

Francis Garden, esq. Draw Park

."CHANTS, rB,4DBSlfI.EN, laC •.
Rosehearly rive. SllIt""day, andretW'l1J!!"
Gordon William. sen: boat builder.
Rosehtarty Taylor J.ame~, boat.oo.ilder, Ihe same
Gordon William. bOat builder, hearty ,
Roscheartv Wood James, officer of' excise, COASTXNQ VBSIIB:r.••
Millie George, tigh curer and Ro~ehc¥-fty .' \ F.1izll, James Rltcbl.. }
OWllel', Rosebearty George, Jobn i\ilcbi.. Masw'
Taylor Alexander, boat builder. IIl1melt,llIr· Margaret, Georg.. Ta,lor

8nUCHEN iK 1\ ueat and clean village ill the pa- ;lAII.E'R~UR~ a parish io.Aberdeenllhlre.
ri'h oftne 811me name./. distant frOIll Aberdeen.3.'!A- dist;:IC1.Qf Buciwl"eX\cnllll
illiles, Peterllead U, HIll!C!"bu.l'l!h 9, Banff 20" Nul· 0I!Qn arockYI)I'c.cil,ice, over
Turreff 16. The towu-house 18 a neat and elegant fllll1S of tilt: ancleut Cas~t: ot
structure, ue<!\ed ill tbe yea.r 1816, bJ T. 1\. Fl,'ascr, j!. place Qf great !=ollse uellce in
esq. at tha expeuse of 2,000l. Strkheu' HQuse, the' lli noted (or 10 a I
seat ofT. A. Frlll!er, esq. of LoVat,I,' a be;iiuijUl' E lof
and plea~al\tly situated bllilding. The side Uf One
(lithe hlll~ i(l tbl~ parisll'. is cOV4l'red whll !!Wne of
a wbite colour, in whieh i.~ cut, the ngQre·~f.· berdeI:UI;hlre, IIW\~.IHI
horse, which has a fine effect at a distance; tbere is long; and a half broad, 'i11e,surm..-e ~~ <Joo
also buill upon the hill a hunter's lodge, bearing verSIfied witb bill and dale, heath, moss, m~alI~)\'.
thig inkrlvtloll.;" 'rnil!! HUl1lel"8 Lodge Robb Glb and corn nelds. 'HiI:!'lII'tlliam f'orbes.,of I'iI.llIJlO,
commallds,"-LEE:1S ill a small village in tbe Imme hill! foullded a village here, called New Pi• •
parlsb. Lincn alld cotton weaving I~ the cblefem- whicb :poslle$ge~ llIall)' conveniences and
ploymcnt of tbe inhabitants, Tbe ril'er [igie rllJl8 tages to!u'I'ers, 8.l,Id various Inducement!
close. to the village, aIId all it there iii IIlt\la~1' ' and eut.:ouragemeuls are. held Ollt to setders !I' the
bleach-fidd, woollcu manufactory, lint mill, village: Sir William, arid several of the lieriWI1.
corn mill, Fairs ale held on the lil'st TUei'day are raising plantations, which wUl 1M! of fl."rcat"lille,
Jaull8.ry, (New 'Style], la~t Tuesday of February, as well <I' ~ II ornament to this district. 'I'he ~':h
(\)Id Style), second' Tuesdayaud Weu!kgd" of maDufaetur~ i~ in ~ very thrlvillg state.. The. t-.-
t.1ay, (Old StYlei' lirst 'iue~d church is of .mciellt er .
July, (Old- Style, second 'lllesilay an have been
of Ausu~t, (Old 'Iyle),fir~t 1iv..mav
day 01 November, (Old Style), ~:rl,.,

tvRIE CtlAPEL OF EASE-Re\,. John Sharp, MiJIi$-

tet. New Pit~1igo
TntiE Episr()!'ALIAN CHAPEL-Rev. _ _
~Distel', New Pitsligo
'STRfcH'EN-Johll Gordon,
AIIEI\DotiR':""Sarnucl Chlik,
'''YRIE-William Fowler, Master
QUNr.a'Y, "c.
A~~e~ Mr. JOHIl, (Factor 10 Fra.<er Thos. A)e:s:~nder. esq. (of Gavill AI. Sllrge9n, R.N. stril.'itll
I. A. haser, esq.).
DavidsoD Mr. ~bert; Sirichen
Forbes Johll, esq. (of BO!lfldtle)
lAval) Strichen 'KOuiIe
GamackMr. 'W"d1tl1D1, Cllbcrly;
GordOIl Wm. esq. AberdQur: •
Leollaro Jill!. Surgeon StriehleD
Hl)s~ Mr•. Wm. Adziel: Stric.bell
'fyrie . Wood8l1ln JIlO. Surgeon, Stl'iciell
• 0 ""1" ,

N:ANVJJ'AG"I'U':RlIUiUI. Andersoll W,iII.iam, ~er ' Park James, flesher
(STRICHEN) Campbell Wilham, tailor Prau. J~,millel'
, " W'II'
G,al (I' ~ ,Clark Johll, earpeD!e!' Rerulle Forbes,sclloolmlll!tel',NeW
III I lam, men . . Coplalld James, saddler Pitfllgo
Stewart Robt. (lmell de_II) Dallel Charl~3, grocer Riddell Jame.~
'i oung Matthew, (woollen, and Dabel William, bleacher Shand John, boot
carder) , Keith Jallles, grocer and clothier Sheerer Alexd au(~tionetlr
18 H' 0 P It BUP IU~", Loudoun John, o6icerof excl$e; peuter •
TRADERS, laC." Me Pbail JaA. boot & shoe mailer "inclilir John tailor
(STRICHEl'l) Miluc Andrew, grocer & clo.thier· Smith John ROBber
M.ullrn Peter, lailor Smith Will. 'carpenter & builller
Addie John, blacksmitb Nicol Jamell, bookseller & cooper 'farras Fraser & Co. blaeullIlW,
Andel'~oll I\udrcn', groCCI' Park Andl'ew, Itc.her Taylo!, Alex, "Toeer & clotbler
,202 ..
Taylor Jas. & JOg. walch & dock ' TAVERNS
Wallace John, cartwright CAIUUBBB·
Wallace William, cooper FnO~f STRTCHEl',
Warrender Wm, boot & shoe mkr DuldsoD Ale.xalldel'.
Watson Jas, boot & ~hoc maker JelfrcJ'S James
WebsJer JamcjI, dyer SImpson Alex:alldel" ABKRDEEN, Willinm
Tarras John ,T.!e.~"y " ... d""tul1lo ""
Webster John, gmc('r PETERRkA D. Alrxunder
Woodman John, auctioneer and ThomBon George OIIoe a hlnnight.
lint dres.~er Web~!el' Wido\'!'

was f8unded 1111

;EQ'ii of Buchan,
poor men. who
m ·Buehall. .The
are linen yarn,

301m Clark, MasIcr,


DuR' Garden, esq. of Hattan Ingram Lieut. Alexander Rae Alrxauder, R. N.
DUJI'tlid Mrs. ] i.J'Vine WPl' esq.1'<!w\c .' ,Scott Alexander, c~q. iHitireslt
Hall John, esq. of Hallhill

Milne Frands AI!'xand~I"JaDift .
Ranllie John Fonyth.Morris·
BOOT .. 8ROB .AKBaS· Gerrard Wm.
Loban Alexander . Rannic Alexander
Adam John & Co; (Ihien yarn anti
,Man II Alexander lint) .
Manll James Cruicksh~nb Alex.'"" Ogston ".,l&etllMtou.
Morrice Wm. . Robert, (wool) Greeenlaw Alex •. cattle Ql'aJer'
Ord Alexander DavidsoJlG~ge {flilii) Keith John, druggist and veteri-
Robinson James nary ~ul"geon
~tewart lam PUBLICANS,
.Moh- William
Nicol Janlt'$, book.sellcr &sta-
Ruchelichy',Jault;S Peat'soll Robert & Son, bleachers
Stranall William Rennie Alexander, gunsmith
OAllPBN'TBaS Wallace MI's.
George John COACHBS-
Grant John, (car! & plough) "ABERDEEN, Ihe Royal Mail every
aft",~.oO'll at tbree.
ooaN .ILLS. INVER'NE8~. Royal ?hH,!hrollgh
Simpson James' . . MeldrulIl,UllnIf,CuUv'll, ElKin, FO<lh-
W right James "bero, alld Nairn, ~"rr IIlght ill
Adam John & Co. .
Cooper John TAlLO• • · ABERDEEN ,George Chah"o",eve,y
Malin John Tlle.,day momiDg al eleve". and re-
Cheyne R. turn. on Frlony mOUling at len.
ft'I!"urice Alexall4er Gall Alexander A II li: It DEE N, Adam Crnick.hank.
Mlllty Alexander, GCITard Robert and 'fbnrsday, and le-
I\f orrilOn AleJ.."lUldcr Massie James tUtus oD FrltIa, "nd lSatufll.y.
MOrrillOll Bou'bar" Robill3Oll Jolll!.
Is bounded on the north by the
. and Qn t~e IIQuth and east by
to' Its length. the extreme PQinlll being nn..,,. ......
breadlh IIIC4rcely 15; Ihe base upon Ihe coagt however, abQut 25 miles.
the Deveron. for a cQnsiderable distance, forms the eastern boundary between Ihis county
,,:nd Aberdeenshire, and (he Spey, wilh little impropriety, may be accodnted ils western
hmlt ~ith Moraysbire. Banlfshire is divided into 29 parishes, or parts, of and
contains 645 square miles of land, 2 square miles of lakes. ] 23,840 Eoglisb
vilted, 288,960 Ileres or· uncultivated hmd, 43;a6linhaoilants, and two 'r.o1al burgbs'~ "i,.
8anff, the capital on he COunty, and Cullen. The aspect of the VI'hole county is hilly. and
all the cultivated ground may be described, 11.8 either DarroW plains, on the ·banks,of the
~Irellms, or 11.8 fields hanging on tbe acclhrities The soil, VI'ilh
IS ,loam, or clay.
Upon the shore, the climate is nearly similar to on other parts of eastern
Coast, but as the power of the sun is not so grain, particularly the barley jlnd
\'¥heat, is greatly inferior to that broug'bt . In the interior the seasolls .lIre
lIluch leljll alld all the of &D lmnl'tll}iltilllill and stermy dime .are Ut
wi,th patience. however,agricuhurists; 'the, ni-rn;(,l.l'I&l.
raised are or oats, Su., And, in some
exlent of peue. .
, LilUe-atone. may' be quarried over the whole county; "ndaL Porilloi
~rJl6~tine, called Porllloy marble, as weil lUI ~lIpecies of granite,wllieh, .
exhlbilll tbe retiEmblance of Hebrew characters. Freestone, mad;,
ruund. '. .
al!Boil( equ4I ~per&.
ill the. II pin Iimg of
iI_~ Itc
,_ .
v Dundee and Abe een. Tbemanufaetul'e 01
- - IW r, .. , • t. I.' _.. _I' ,
thrudi carrifd 011 to lIome extent.. r l'.e C~I~ UI expol
are bfaek cattle, bear. oat8. Mlted or dried cod. Ii . and ~kale;. the ~Jmo~ ~r .the
IS. and Devefoll., put toge1Mr, Are all ,a ~re~t consIderation. The n~~rls
. : : be in gencial comprisedillider aDd lUXUries of life. not produced III the
county. A d rid-
The prinei".. 1M Deveron MId the Spey:,~h~ Isl;a. Coogl~. yen. ftO . •
cli,ch.;_ me.. are ijelr!lll)e8 2747, c.\lrrg,~rm 42H, Cor.
ryl,Ubie 1$68, "hOYe. t~e level of t~e fiea.

Cu lien :., ...........1. "lid p
Ueer, Old (partof) •••••• ....1'
11k """",,,dcr qftJib parid, is
in 4&tlrduluMT<.
D<oirlrfotd .... ' •••••••••••• •1"
Ji"n~, 8t .~.""".·.~-."'" •• tIllP
Ford,."" ..................1'
FO~6n "." ..... "'''~ e . . . . .., ........p TolAl. ....

THE £8.pital•. e county, is plea.~~~tly
situated I ~I'e
,conti,mmlly shiitiug in ~totmy. we.allll'r; a. pro-
ill.'iWde 57:. 39'\ N. llllrlloug. 2".25 W. 011 tile· Jt'Cuug pJer lias tilctdore Ocen bUllt at the·iJarbellr
side of a bill, and at !b~ nlOuth of t.lle rh·er Deve- mouth, which is also hy a ballery. :-l!0ilk-
. ron. 'rills tQWl1 was part oftbe andent Inanedom ings, rnn'adand mallufactllrc<l to a
of BoI.u, .wbella!. the name seems to be derived; 3idcrable extent; Ihh also, and the
lOr in some ,id char.trfS it is IpeJJ.ed Boineffe andponatiol) of salmon are lucrathe branclre5 of CQllld
naiueft'e. The dilmct.of Bom was ·probably so cal- Illcree. About Troophead some lwlp is made, an
led from IlrollllpiellO!l~ lIlo.lllMain In tbe nelglibour- the adventurers pay tlJt' lord of fhe manor r~
hood of Cullel1,ca1ledBlllll; 011 the .soulb ~ide of yearlv for the privilege of collecting the·iea we
\Vhic~ ,at I)arb~ich, the forester .l!ad his dwelling, on
th~e coa,t. Here was alJ,<I!lcient castle, fo,rlllerly
while tbe (ort'slryand thanedomexfended UlellCC a place of Ctl!I~iderauJe strength aud occasjo!l~~Y'
to t'he oorollgh lanlla of Banff'. di\'iued on! bv the a royal residence, which, in inc l nbscnce o! t e
'l,'ll'ater of Boipdie. BanII' is 165 !,lIiles . N , K l n g , wa1\ .:ommiw'd to the care Of a shel"l~ or
Edinburgh, 4:; N. by W. o{ A~rdeen, 8? cOII;,.able. ~art of II\/.! ancleyt ",all is 8till ~Ilm~.
of In\,(~I!le~!f, 34 E. of Elglll, 2:) E. by N. lIpd tbe remal!l8 ~! the i lloa ! and elltl'c!!clllllr!ll~ arc
abers, 13 E. of Cullen, and 8 E, by S. of Portsoy. viSible; but ir i~ IIVW a modCl'lliicd IIYrlnsion, the
• Tradit!on saysh ~\'S founded ~Y i\1aicoljp Cp,a... .prollCn~ of the ('arl (If Findlater ,.and contains ~OlJle
'Ill 1163, and II was erected mto a :oya~ burgh good paintings. Ncar the lown ill !)ujf-h?u~c" Ib~
rt II, ,!ho elluowed II ';Hh ',he j.lllall:filficelll manslon .o( tne earl of Fyfe; It)S sill! .
• lind put It 00 the same footHlg Wlth aledon.a, beautiful plain washed by the 'DeverQIl,
Aber een. n fOlljunc\ioo will! Cullell, EIgilJ, IlI- ,lh.c\l\oqdy banks of whichJorm a r>Jea~illg 'CO!lU'IIS~
ve~ury, 1I1l? Kmtor~ I.t send~ a member to t~e ~vJth Ihe~ubjacent ,·ale.:.t{lC par~ and It~,~un:outl,d~
muted parliament. .!'be municipal I\ovemmelll IS Ing'" plantations are said 10 be fourteeu mile! !~ CI~
'~e.sled III II pCl)voS!, {Otll' ba.ilies, and Iwelve COWI- , cmnfer·t'nce.. The surface of tbe· arish, wb!ch II!
cillers; the ham.m~rm.e!l. shoemakers, taUor~, ' 5ix.IlIi1~~ illlellgih by tWjJ in.breadl .
coopers, weavers" add Wrights for~n six h,r.?rpo- di,·er~i.fied, and llie soil in genera
rated trades. Beside. qUllrtl'!'ly seJ!3!Ons, Justlce!!f coast IS bold arull·oc!;y. :A !inc l!C\"en
tile peace court~ lire held 011 the lirst Monday III arrhe~ forms a communication a,,;r08$
ev~ry. monlh. .The ~tret;llI lire well built. and ,tbe \lallft' hilS II ':ookjY.IIl;),k€'1 OU ;xjd'lJ"
prlnr.l[l<ll ~ne, III whlc~ IS' !!he towu-hOll$(', ol'na- '~ual fairs, nl.: January the itft,. tile
. 'II1ellted "'!.th, a spire,. I~, nllildsollle. Wh~!lstrOtl!t, In~.Februal)', !he IhirdTue.Adartn May ~
IlOrl!lerly ,,"!Dds \!revad, the harbour IS u""afe, i\IUItbc third fuesda1 111 .Decl!ll;I.iler, ol~
~rlli 18 oftell almo~ (holrtd lip wlIb lalld~, winch . .
.260 '
·OA'OIlOMU: • .
B.utr Ar ;w k rJl Y. J uhn CI"Ilcll ·
• ,h&lrk., Ik..'Wr

Forbell Ret', Jon., ( Italian and

L\U~ OftlfJ'l!. ~u o( HOSldb,
\ O.uc. bln
IiM;':}r, Rn. Akunde,. KlIgLU
SlDith JM. ~lI(ber of arit~m"'k
AVC'l'IONI:C ... .
S~ O"dd, II lgh ! hol't
81"'011 Will . SniIOtl'n
hill it
Wright Thom.u,
Hebum George, C.arI!le1it:e I~
Shier David, High shore
Symon Wm. Se'atoffn
Thomsou Alex. Lowst
Goode. Wm. High shore .
Richardwu Jno;'& Co. Bad PIlII1
PHYflIOIANS. bill 8t
Gardoer, SeatowD :::\olomoD, Seatowil
James, High st TALLOW OBANDLBRS' C:ll1l'l'OM ROUSB.
James" Seatown
",,'IU"WJ:OUU Chalmers Alex. & Co. Seatown James Nicol, Collector
PLUMBBRS", GLAZIBRS. Gray David, Sm;tight path Wm. Patoll, Comptroller
Frazer James,
Stevenaoa J aB. CaJr&W~Iit'u'
TIN PLATB -"au..
LeftHPeter,' Bridge 8t .
S. W. T. Jefrrye8, clt-rk & landwaiter
Alexllnder MlIc~ay, Shore MaBler
Milne Alex. High ~t
IIADDLB:a•. Shepherd iWbert, Low at COAOBBS.
J,eggatJaB. Bridge " ABEII.DEE1!., tbe Royal'
Proctor IWbert, Low n TVBNERS AND CA8INB tb •. Royo' Yak, 'Brldgo
. lItIAKBaS. afternoon at two) . ,
Sim John,Hridge st INVERN EllS, lb. !loyal Mall, enr:r
Henderson Alex. ~lz:ai$bt path njght at nilll! o'elack.
8nBD8MU. Johnston JIIIi. S~ndy lull
Pau! Alexander, ijiglut O'&RBI.£BS.
Reid Will. High st WATCR .. CLOOK ABERDEEN, Callen, Porto"y, !lnd
lIue"ie, W'D. Meldrum, Bridge •• t.
OWlifIlU.8· every MOlldily at"i ThandllY.
KEITH, A»eTI" .... &. Gra"tOWD, fro"
Ih. Ship. Gllllowhill .tr".t., ""err
W edne.doy, ond to Elgin. 'PurlMy',
CuUedfFoehllber.; &o ......... y Frid,a7.
DulTe~ Geo.
Gerald Jas.
I.iltie Alex. Low 8t
Morrisou Alldrew, Carmelite st
W~bater Jag, C.ar_eLite_

Is a pari tih :\lId mariti,"c Town of Sc:oliaud, in Urul'C , I~ Uid to ha~e died. !r.u eminence, call~
the County o f Uaulf. 'n,,, l OW,. It !it~lcd at the Ca.'Itlchill, at the .... tflt C"ru cx trcmlty of the town I,
mOlithof . ~mall st n'am 0 11 the Moray Frill" 191 all that remaiu~ o f all ancieut fonltkation, which
mHet N. of Edinburgh, 14 W. by N. of Uautr, 6 w. IIIUl t formcr ly I,"," e OOcU a ~Iate of ~al ~Irt.'ultlh,
of Porl!O)', 13 N. E . of Fo.lChabcrs, and 21 E . by N. An a1mO$II"'q:~U<.licular roc\.: r"uden it il lOICct'Mlhle
of t:1~n. The Earl of SCllndd is prillcipal provric- frolU th e uurt111 andit i~ aurrounded in ncr)' other
I,n, and, under hb directiuns, Ie"cral ;11Ij)ro,'e- dirt'ttioll by' a OL"l"P ditch. II is ~uppo!l~tl to h:l\'c
menu bave been lIIad e. ... :-lew Town has Ix'co beell dCl;tro)'ed by lire , as "itrilied ~t""ea ha ..e becu
bllllt~ In the main !treel o f which are
a haudllOl1Ic frequentlY e¥ltactl'ti. Cullen manu factures lineu
Hotel, .and many good houlW~ ",Meh gin! tht: place yanl. lUId lilL'e n aud dalilas k clot hs , alltl in th~vici_
• beaulifuL appea raut"C. A bridge hOl.'l ret:e ntlybeen lIily bleachi "g i$ carried a u. wilb great ~uccqs.
built O\"er Ihe Rurn of CUnNi, and it. hand some $Ionc Thi S place jOiM Elgin, 8aulf, Klntnre. and luu ,-
temple h~ been erected 011 an ele,'ated ~ Ioot of rury, In ~endltll! a n,e mber io p:trllamcn l. It II go--
pound, )'ery ncar tb e ~ea. aud not far froUl (;ulh~ 1J "crued uv 'hr.·c 8aron U;,i1il'll, and !Jt:'\'ellteen COun-
house, tb c !Ie,1.! of the t;arl uf Scaticld. Thi, b an dllor~, aild h"" '" 8walll!"loOl. There II a f~i r on the
. udell! a nd Irregu lar building; the ill...,r;o. iSI 100 ..... hut Tue5dllr in Se ~l.elnbee. Thcre lire I WO Ii~hi"g
corer. fU' ni! hl'd with mod ern lUte, and a(hlrtlrtl ~iIlalt"M ill th e nflghoonrll<>Od) ~iz.: Cullen lind
.... ith ""imiugs uC ,he m05 t eminc nt ""<bter~. Cui. l'oukuockil'8, " 'hich emllloy tOllnt.-en or M\oell
I"n atl'('~LIlloaut'S under rh\) ~oll lb ...."']]. , ~ utl 0 11 the ~I.JI. Hy Ihell<! the to"'11 alilloollnt l'Y are ..blln -
op~itt side ~rt tbe J"l.r k ",ntl pl easu re IINlunds , daUllr 5ul!l'li.'d .... ith Ii ~ h; and, bel!idd what i_~ IOId
which are OOUllC~~ Willi the ho,,~e by au elelll'lut dall y, • L'OII~ide.r.. ble qUllutit), il cured lind tlried.
I tch of~ (l'd _pall . No t rar dillan t lire the l'uiul whicn I~ di, p'll or al Monlroao, Arbrooth, DUIl-
of a IlOu se 11,1 ' whleb E!iul.lelb, QUl'C n of Ilollert dt'C, IIIId LeIth. .
posr OEFIOE. Sqlllrc.-I'od Norltr, Mr. A\.enudl' r Audenoll, 'nIl' Mail from Abenlen
arrh'CK <'-rery nl!(hl at t lel'cll, aOld i~ dc.'llalchrd .·~tr1 daT at twd-re. The Mall from 1I,,·trneu mires
("cry da)' altwehe, and is dclpatclled e very nigbl al elel·o:n.
EHUI.ISII£P Cuuacu-Itcr. G eorgt JUIICf, Mill'ue' ; Walt('r Booth,

.. O:E;NrJlY, .s.c· •
Andeuon Wm. tllq. Gordon Adam , e<q. of calrUficltll Marcul Rober1! csq. of Berl;rllboJ
Duncan Johu. ~. o f Brom
I?UlleaU Tho.I. ~. of Logie I
}nserJobn, ~.
, .1 • .J-l
Gonion' Sir Jllm ~, of Lett t rfoury OUgh t(>n Captllu Jam~, Gralllil
Grahl Colonel trallda William. Wlhlon Alexander, ~.
CnU('u house
~"~''', • •aoB..A*r#t "rItAD ••1IlSN, ...

. r· .~,
AUeTIOJl..... .. Bremner Oro. J:lukIorti It .V.GEO....
Frater Thos. Old T own Oa,·ld.'IO n J as. Sealiclo!l Shaw JaUl t:>l, :seaficld sr
GrodelJohu, Seatnwn Da"id~n J ohn & Co. Old Town ~tdl1$Un Oeorge Old Towa
BAKCRS Lo!,han Alex. S'llIaro: TAILoa.,
. ' IICH.J J ohu, Seatown
.SeII a.s J amel, ( ,.a,,! U Dadd$(ln Wm. Sea6eld 31
:strachan Jarnl"', Scato"'n HOTEL , Gandy J uhn, Old Town
BOOT. IIHOE MAREllS. ~Iurray Jill!. S~'afie1l1 d S \,;akt-l Georgi', Gralll U
D:r,~id$on Jllm n , Seafield"l INX • •BPE.' •. '.,; .• ... 'lW'4TCS~ANDCLOCX
Davidso n Jam ct, jim. Gralll st MAKE ••.
Grant Jam .... Granl Itt Da~ id ilOIIA oh~. W!l;J:Ow i\1~ckie Andrcw, Se-.Jitlld II
Mnrtimer GeorltC. Old TOOl'n MillroJ.., . .S<l&to-wn .l. L MortimC'r Will. Old Town
Pat erllO'u·WlII . SC'ant ld It
Whit e J as. Old Town
Ska~A!t'x. G~I
at l J¥lfsUUa:nfou;,. . '-
Q'.6,.PE~'I'EllS, .AXUFACTUllE. AXD Amll'l'!'o lJ Al~li. clothier & haber_
Booth Walt('·.. t Sealield 51 drulher. !S"m.rc
Rou J llmf$, :seato ..·n BLEAOHE",
Bailie J a Ul ~s, road mak er , Sea.
SinClair J ohn. Seil{owli Rau ljir. Tllo~. ' (and agen t for II ..· uI'ld ti t
Skallet Alexander; SeatowlI fillllfwau .IIy-e aJltJ,. l.lfc Au u- fotliy th "rs. tirea maker, OJII
CART J11nce CO, o( Lwtdoa ) O ld Towll Towu .
• MD PLOUGH WRIGHT., MAllO • • • BuiLDERS . Geddes J oh n, gatlle r .
Reid Jas. &: Johu &. Co. GraQt at Gaudy J ohn, Sca6€1d ~ t_. Granl GeoTlfe, 10"11 cl~rk - ~
L IlInt1--, t~\)rof.; n!JIlh
Wrigbt WID. :xaftelll I t I GI'll)' ?allll'1.. , L .

Jack Alexander, lIail ulaka, Detlt:-

I'-IS& cu .. 'r.... Lyon ,Peter, Gaslle H

Smith Wm. Sealicld 8t
!nrcl u ,'" ~': <II) 'If , •
And.r8011 Altlr. SCa\own .1
Killar Andrew, Old Town COACH : ...
LoLbaJ) Jill. Seafield ~l MEltCHAN,T . .,
Lorimfr J IIlI . i&: cOIIper) SeawWtl Gra.t Geor!:!!, Square '
, _,.11..
I~~ RO).], ~~~rr
Roat; JamCll, ~at.own
. ··' FL• • • • • • .
Mitchel JIlIJ. Seato ..."

- -"
SJt:DDL"8'j~ . o.ib
Leg~at Ju. Sedekl"
Sann.den WrL_~ Sl ..... '
t ..... ...
lJ\,~'EII:N£~S. lbe Ito)'.r AI_n, un,

,: . ' CAa.aIBR8.' ....1' ~


D........ .Y·
Patenou Wm. Sealield II

.... ndenpn ~'. ,~a6c1d et

• • I'I'S. ·

g~~:~A~~"":Jeid '
!:kid George, ' Grlltlt sc
ABI'. RD EKS . Wm. M ~I,,:O';' i';"o ..
Wm . " _I." nn',. en". MO_J .. d
-.. Fr;~. J'
[I.GI S, \1' .... l -" . i" . ,._ )j'u ... ~' •
... d.,:
lI<>trl, c...., ' ~ ...
, "

'lies" abounds hi grouse. The district of Glenlivet
ofnw-kilbly fertile, and noted for tbe eXrellen~;c
. whiakey. The sides of til •
of birch ,and aldef. and, 0
there is a eoo$lderable ext ,,
. Grant, esq., tnem Of (II
and Spey •. A iIi-
and the ,ulMof
01 antiq
estabU,hmenl.. witll Us of
held 60 the Becond '1

PLACB8 01" WOl1IU1IP. H::HAR't_ E.4!8E-Rev. FRltIcia'Walker, MllliIier;

Ll!l~CR·..... ~ie". Wm. Granl, 1\11I1i8- \ JamIll!G~, Precentor.

Chri8tie Alex.
Gordou Cha:;o
Gordon Robert,
of Haugh
NQBlJ:.lrrAND GBNi-aY.
Grant Capt. Cha!: Tombrekaehy
ofStralbOown Grant George Me PhCfllOll, esq.
M. P. Balliudallocb. aud Invc-
I Capt. Jolm, A.::11Cnam:I'W
Capt. Wm. Achorechll.ll
Chas. esq. Desky
Gordon Coluuel lo.erlocl\ty' I'asbio esq. Kilmichl~
Ilirhtotjl n r INVE1MVgN.

I"H ·
I.b.ln:Uh:tu gh tlrmo, Alex:'" ,,!.,.

I Gm11l

(Jraut AleJ.. I'IItpi/III"1'

t;1.""". rll~"'JU
Gr an' J uh u, lI.a.OO ll
I • c.
li d \! J uhn. ~r"t'I\l1 d,'fIlrr
:"\1<'\\":11'1 Jll1111 , ~IUilh
~1" \\'lIrt Wm. huol /lt ~ hoe IJ\;lilf r

TaADCR., . e ·
,.,I"x. ~" . !CT.."".r
I H,w William, lai l".
)k Ilnnl,ltl Wi\J\:wl , boo t liI. ,hue
ltI "kcr
Me I\",,'de ,1ob l1 .m;uo n
I Wa1k ,-r Will. "pili l tI.·aler
f:LflIN , S.' n.,,"'~r ...·...1 ,", . r.~.,
Gr.II1I ,\h:ut . ju" ac mcer ~I c

- ,, ~-------~,,--------- --- ------- - --- --

I'h rrKl Ll Jvlll!, lailor
.. ----,.------
O NE'b\hdrcd and M!n."nt~ miles N. 0( t;dillh~rll:h. Ijlli lC finished , i. in FIfe Kl.""hh , IInde1U'led at lhe
208. w . orU';UlIf, 17 }o: , :":. t:.o( EI~ill ':.o N. f. . of ~1"' II ~e o f Lu re ~ rali ... d. Aho," l half a mile f~1D
Abt-....lecn. IIQ ~; . of l uwrueu, 1:1 &: loy S, or }-'o.;h . the lOWII, On t il " "-'nlu uf Ihe 1 .·la, l~ an c): lel,,!"e
a~ .. , 17 S. S \. W. of Po rl>l<,y, /11\\1 12 ·S. of Culkn, wnolie" I pilJ llim( mill ; Ihere are ~I~ I"" IIu nnlil
h.huatoo in IhI: euUnI,' ' Jf UiW tr 011 Ilu' 1~lI1 ksu f ill the nt:i~hbonrfluo>tt. A neW rorilinill. bu ilt upun
II,,;!, is buill. un a 'r ili!!1 ~ro'u nd , :uui Is ~ur ' an illll 'rM"l'tiphl ro, nnd "rotJt- r lbe palrnT,;!,@"e of lhe
rOl4udrd 0111 a ll lui.,. II)' hil1~. f he lo wn i.lIl~iUcd Kllrl of ~'y(e, h;l..< bo:eu errclt'tl on Ih~ ~; I" of 1M. oM
IUln Ilm."1: 1"" '1.01, 0 1,1 Keith, N,·,,. Kdlh ,1I1t1 Frfe lIIi11. which ,,~,. kno wn hr. Ihe name of Ihe mill ,.(
K;tlth. . 'yfe Kdlh, e rl'tleil by Ihe ~: "I"I ~ )'yr, Is KeIth. 011 Ih,' Caird.·bill , ,leuOlillA" Ihe " hUlo(
~""Lcd r~n 'Old Kcilh hy IhI! bla. Th e bId frl('(ldl." Ire the n 'IJllIinl of II. druldlc"J lemplr,
fuw" h~ dll(:lincd NIfI!.ldel"flbl,. .llIec the C.M;l.hll . ... nt'llr ... hlelt !lC1"l'r~II UnHll i haye bt-cn opened Iud
ment of the Nt .... Th e laller 'WM "'"111111 ab.. nt Ihe (ound to l'Oil lal n '"IIrl"ui 'cpulchn l rema.i ll • • T llue
year 11:.0 hy the Earl of flMllaler, o pou • harren a~ 1H!rt: (our 1ibr:l ri<'~ , •.;~. 11"1> e,"" "~,, heal, II IUIJ..
tract of l:.n"l f~ uc."t! ull'" iu t C UI'III ~ IIUI C"ulil;" jlll.( U ~ril'tion, IInti a Ju,·"nile 011" . T he re ar c 111.0 Sl·'·"·
r; h{ Ill ; t h for med Oil A rf~'UIAr IWlIU of Ih r~e raJ frj" udlr !'''l'let ;'·~ I Ihe S t . James'$ 1~ )llge of
IllIrlllh: ~l rcc "" IIJ1lI a ~ q l\l\re, III. which are IId!l Ihe t)pcl"IIllC1l1 t·Il'CIUa"O,,' 1.~ Ihe nlOO t Ilumrr.o t:" In
fairs :.nd Ihe .... ~'l:kly ",a,.kel~. 'nwre ilre 11 0 &11110.". /k'oJ tlant.I; amI II " ew It)(l)l:e 1>1 G~'Olnt'lrle!ll Yree--
lie Iloe!llIlCIII.' 10 recn-rd Ihe ~ill "f Old Keith UI:tsOIiI """ ]"'1'11 i llSlhutt-d uull" r th<l paU'Ou.t«'I':of
bllt It hlUl fcttailltr c.(i.rtl.'d lI~rd. o ( I\VI~ hund r;;J tbt t:.u-Iof t'1f,', "'lI k h, III polll! 01 rareCfIlbl~ItJ .
Ju.... Am·.... C mtch of tMJ .:IS blel, fllir 10 n.,.1 ally in~li lul)011l ol ille kmd. ·ll a·
OjIt"lIed (or 1I11&l1c W(I,.,h lp In tebtlillry, 1819; hi, dhlon JlIII .... t hat an " "cou Rler wnk pl:ICC ill O ld
~D dep lll'lud co.,lIIOdlold billdhlA". In lite ntOd.~ Kl'hh, ullwanl~ of 1.',0 Jean I~" . bf"lW<'"e11 Mr. q.., r·
"Otltlcl lyle ... f vehhcaure,... ~l:ile ol OOnlabriu.ll &a. QC G1e nr .u-idr. ,..111 n ov ' Me Grillor , 'he hraet
20It Pf:r.on~ . and IIIP ~ 10 bailie moil ~IM itf l. ' blwd of robbe:.<, WhO/ i fU:r a d"~I)l:rolle ru isl -
tlllti c:e uf the kind In the lionti 'Qf Scodaud. Tl\e _ ..... !left'alr((, h;'I" .. 1 IAken . :lnd ,;" band duo
old c4un:h n-qnke·tn nil"., thi .~ ....,..8.,.... tiojet!. 'Kl!Ilh I.a gtlTCrnl'd by • bAfOlI bailie. Ther e
t cmovo,d ~ bulld 1.. lftlil'O'Dndlbe parl'h eetfIIclery a", (o)ur ,.., ... helil here ris. the 6n1c TIIl'BdIJ ill
'n,c E~llan~ " R ~her:tl. ~-dc n. C. 11tOI~: April; th e flrar Tne~d~\· ln JIIU; the firll TueIWy
alld Met h,,(lI!IS hllv,: eadt 1\ r,hll.'C: of w9nltip. III In St·IIto!Dlbcr. fur cat lie , And conuuuC'I the l"I!!lIaln-
Iitl:1 two "crr n:fen~"-e ;l.ud e t,lUI Inn' ",.. ror h"lL! ,I"r "r lhe "",u 'k · Ilutl l he Ii"" 'I'ul/llb.t afler MAr.
(?r rhe llC("tIolmodari"" oflhe IIUblie ; "n" o f Ilol'm. li;,fIIM ; all 01:1 Slyit-. './'be nurket ill Itd,1 UII
.,ta"I ~-d In Mld, 5tI"NI. lind ~atkd " "rdo,,', iu" , Frid a)'.
- buil t by the Duke o f Gord' ''I ; lire ul loer, IlOI 1'"
. POST orr ICE . ~"'.'~· ' lrl'('I. - r'»l AIIIII", Mr . Alell. CowiC'. T Ilt AliC'n!c" n 111;1;1 arr; " I'~ "try
nighl al dC"CIl, :lUlly IIc'J':'!('IIl'd :" I,,·... h·~ at ~fMJII •• Thr Fuchaht>n' lIlall ~C'~ U I.wl'l,-e til ..,,"n , ,m,l
h:a~e' lI l eh·.... " at ,uglol. 1101' Cr:l1ordlach lc mati ,,",It'('!) It eleven i.lhe tuOrn lll,". ~nd I~ t!0p:Uf hed at I"'U
in Ihe m,,<'nil1 g ufe~ .. h day . u:ecl" Thllrsdll)". • q.1 (V, l

F.~T AIII.I I HIiIl ell UIII' II - Iter, J 1Li. Me I .. 'ap, lI l llI i!-
ler; ,1 uhll I"l'n:, l' rcc'·OIlor. .
I n 'j RGIIIII!8' C n "Pr.r..-RM" . Audn'w """"...1" Mi ·
. 1I1~teT; ~t"rse I l<ll~, I' TI·...·"lor. .
~ I'.C I!.l>I'.1t «.II.\I'F.I.· - 1lt:Y. J ~ "n~ " '1111"", i\I ill i!II'r ;
y')f"LI'"l:lur~L_ R~'·. J"lt" Mordnck, ~Iilli~to!(.
MI:Tllul)!i"f C " " I·I:t.--,\l iuilkn nriuu..
I 'i1.0!'. WII IIO II, I·' (.....·nl"r. .
CATIIOI .IC t..: 1I1l"t:t - II.·,'. W" I. Iklll, Mini , ,,,, ;
Will. l).""I:1.i 6: j ,Io':I:. ell\r~. t..:lc "'~


AII'II~ :\. r.... Guul. F )" fi' ;;:.: il h
AII.I(US :'\Ii"" P . ~')'(e Keith
OIin':;III Mits MII'1II . Ullio" ~I,
~'on<y (h ~;dw;"'I, t:,<lI: Old Keith
(; ..~nl Mi,;,. EII ... n , ~'y (l' K" i!h
n~11, M r~. Uotdo n, tJ ' fe Keilh
I,, "('~ Mis.! ~: l iM, I .a " ~t
l.awsOIII Mill. ~:Ii~a, "',,;n;1
l.:l..v:,,"1 . 1.... 'JUoJ. M"h. Il

L f.
Jobu·8khmer, Land 5t
jun. Hf'pblll'lI John, Mid s~
GOl'doll William,
Me Donald John, 81
Taylor James, Sqlhue
Gordon Jani?!,. Ea,.t ~~~~.
IlInt'~ Johu, yfl' ~t'lIh
Smilh Wilham, ~hd $'
Wilsoll Peter, Mid $'
Bremner Alexallliler. MOIIl!.5t
Lanrcllee Alex. Cilthillst
Milne Alexdr. (& dl'llggillt) Fyfe
Ur'luhal't Robert, 1,111111 st
IUllcs cabinet mailet,
Johllston copper
Squal'c ,
Kelman Geo. cooper. Mo~" ~t
Kynlo~:h Georg ... , tin plaln\'ol'l;rr,
Mid 91 •
MCl'1loll Geo, nH'ssenger, ~~!larl~
Nicol Geo. irOllnJonger, folic! ';1
'f-rlor Jll.1l1es, woollen draper,
Mid s(·
'Wlmart" John, dyer, Sqlllire


!\/id SI
Bait, Thoma~, Land Sf
Cruickshank Robert, :llid SI
Fraser John, l\lo~3 5t
Gillks Joho, :llid st
(; ralll Char't~, l~a~1 st
ARr:flOEEN, Wm, Frll •• r , Lilnd,.t.
Mid'l Grall! .I"hll, Land SI evN\' Monda\"
druggist) Mid st ~lilllc Pelcr, t:ulhill SI tlT!FR·DEE:>i., Sh'l,herd. Mid·
INNS, "0, RubertMoll Jolm, Laud 81 strpf't. f'very Monday.
ABP.RDEEN, Oetl'g" Me Adam, Fyf&
InD, Roht'rt Gordoll J WIUTERS· Keith, ('ver\! Mo»dliY. ,
rowie AIt'lGlllder, !\lid SI SA!\ I'F. Hngh Monroe, Old \\.,tb,
do.~·s UnN"llnin.

the year 1783 tltis piaee was very
contained only a rew crofter.! and present lord for mall)' imprOI'ell1elltl!, espee1d
late Earl of Fvfe, obtained at Iha In tbe harb.oul', which is l'endt'red safe, all ,
from hiR majesty Cl'OOrge HI. conMitUlillg the vi!. e, and WIH\rf. Macdnff is a good her-
lageof DODD a rOI'ai burgh of· barony, Ullller t.he .station· alld the principal exports are
!lame of lIlacduff. It has sillce increased rllpidly ill corD, lIlIlm !l.1I , ,codfish, and excellent granite. dU
~ize and trade, and cOlltains a haudsonlC church and . ol'a provost, bailie$, and C0U11Cil; ~II •
spire, fie grammar school, a town hou~e, Illldgaol, ...ot at pfeflent a placeofmuch {Mlllon-
a masou's lodge, and UoIany good ,p.riVlll() hO!l8e~,-. .is pro~ressively improvillg ullder t~e
The pr('IICllt population exeeed~ 1500. The Earl of fostering care of It!,! liberal proprietor. .Macduff IS
Fyfe is proprietor of the pla<;\\, i.lld i~ is in debled 10 ~i~ualcd in the parish of Ganme, ebout a mile east
of S!\Dff.

Ileli: .M.iIlil~; Goo. Taylor, Precentor

aimto\'!!, ~IA C J)UFF ,

BAKBas . oaOCE • • -
A ",I~,.,..", J 4Iu <:~ Barrl,an J ob .. JR iscrllancoUf.
Wi!...., ,\ l l'lI.'J ohn
~ 000.1:.3·
• Ri~r \ValIn' A Co.
/II ·nt Willi...
"a rqllh~ Uaoicl
Gu'" \\'0' ,
I A"d"r~Oll Gm t c\rt.h il't
t;llr nfy ;\ Iu. r~ oo;."l'r

F"rll ll hlN<Jn Uauiel Mc Lc;", Allan t'iHlII"'~r WiIIi.LUL, boul ~nd ~iLee
I·YIII UC"ITle N ic..l J ~wc. "laiL:~
" '" i~ J;o nll':!l I't lcrki" Wms Har tl J :utll'r ll'lill'r
WIlIt Will l,au Wall Jobb J",... WI1' . l uilo-or
• • • CRANTS - I.caI! k .'a....... IeI' ", ~ kH
DaVQOt.~ • .
AI,'leand .. r AI"x. {cnrn ) M~ir S al hl. ....·.....,·''''.Ight
k:\lOk J" lIl1, (A " ' ",,""CI ) Urd J ~LUI'!L. "Y"'"
~lC!I'Widuw I)""b;,r fleo. ((lOr.)
It"j"",), J 011l1 , (liaille. ) 1'11I .. noo. AklC. ~I'itil do-a~r
:S i m ll~ 1I J aUl..s
lIu",," Juhn 1'.-I .... Io;ill J",. hu,,1 '" .1,,"-·,.. I1I;. ... r
PlaR cURe.a _ Ibe J ohLl, ...iI,uakrr
lalP OWlft: • •. tw.lf" .. ' J,I ..-, !'t'11t'r
Ri!1fo&I' W.lln .\: Co
Cu...' y .U,,~det " Iiln.. Jo bo 11.. .,.., W ~L . ~j.N .1t dl'><kr
FanlulLllNUII l>iwld 1'~11' ''''' ''' J ao," Sb;;u>li JlIlJIn, 1,1.11<1.·" .,.
1.,;01 r. '~'"lil WLl ~", J"'IIC11 Sn.ilh All'lC. ""tl(",11
1'.. rL~ ) ;u ...... W i lw l! W ill . Smilh J"Ult·~. h ·ar' ... r
1''Ir~ , ,ul.'undcr ' 1C't'1 W IlL. hIndI" 'ItImp "",br,
TA.V~."" and ,,;all "I&ltuflw., urer
11.,hl l1," '" li clIl'!!:( &. Cu. fi r.: ,\rlU~,
Chllrll"l Wblle
......" Will ia m ." "ugh, Orotic
Wi l""l1 J llm",~.\ Co.
------_._.....-..._-----------_... _----_..
Shl" , JillUn " nil
....... _--
A. S'''I~ f' ~u ,!"'
.bire of Raul!', auJi.Pll{Wiol IthllWl\lCadurC"di " l nd,jLlII.1'11';.~ ...·I, IIIVf1"PICIIII "
h,"I .~· . .. ,~tI l1ulc t ;\ . of t;dini.Lul'Jljh, II W : bJ N .. ,Id ." riO-IL.ofQalu .."'al ...';d,.... T'",ru i<a IIk "Utl,
o( 1~""If. III It N. K. 4U'ochoWrn. alit! I'll Yo • ." N . DIlled tbe- Do,,,,;.. , .. hid,. IIMli"u"';",,,, ~, W..
o( lu .·.T...... ItWMr:rectediatoab" .. d ,ofbaroIlY ,91,OIt. :ad,...iUie".d Il'trlple; :u"l. ~1~ ..,, :o ,,";U-I.. r .. f
ab .111 II ... ~iJ;1«'u llo ee.".,.. by ,he "roll ,,( I!.cn<u.;~ . . .ito: "n,,,ard aro: IIw ntll\~ <.of 111 .IUCM·1I1 DlHk.
" "'-: dl'$Ct'n dilUI~ ("U\l..-l nl!: the p . ..."rndorr I" 1)'4$.
1'""f1rw. ftelKIi1J6urloOO.l ahoUl"b " ·jllo .-",relt"".. lilll~­
II..,i. Iillud~ ~nlue forf~I~ J IO 1_ .. ru ....-u; tbty lI(MIel 'rhe nrl 0( Srafi"ld i~ )111""rio. "( " IO'- Iu"'""
"I'rl' altcr " " " , ' - .. Ihe earl of Fl...two,.' " .... d! ... fl'I'Mnily !o...,r",..1 lit 10M ...",t.lli..·, {"''lOr,
So:alickl , and are .,LlIIQ poae.ion of Iht -.II,. .at I"'~""('.• IIr.l I" .......'·tU uf Ib,c he,-
POrt.<U( i.I ~tulL'd on a toIISlie (I f I~, wbkb , rl . . IialIt1'y . which ha. !>t-ell aclln" y lind "w;.r~
pruj ~I uII" Inlu tho: 1\1", ...,. J>ri rh , forms" (1Ilfy ....,...x,""" for .0",,' \·,'11 .. ' . IILe ell k( I ~e'
""fe haroour. n p.ble of admilting f r .• ~I. M 1liO fun,j!1I i n the l'lIl" 'I"Iatiun . ,( Smin, 1II1tI ,h.· i m ro~-
'01 •• . ~)n rae h ~Id c 0(,10,· 'U"'"
are tin .. 'I "" frk~ u( l;o li"" "r noa!:;. ·1111' POI,II I:II ;UI, o ( Iht: town llI"
ICrpt'IIUnt, rn monuulv c;III",1 P"f''''')· marhl", ,,( ~bullt 1;00.
Ut-ellclI l quality , . ud u( a great ,-v1'"l1. of culuurl;
~OBT OFr l eE. lI i\l"h ~l frt;I, - I ""t "'lUI", llr. Will. H.c-id. '1, ~ 1\IlIil (fmll ,\b.:I·"wn~n,1 Il-a!,/I"
arm·.·. t·l"t' rr IOflern...o u at tine, a Dd 1~ d,·~.o;,.tthnt Iftry "0111",« It ""., TIie_1 {"':IIII 1II'·"' Ut'Plliud to ·
ch:lbcru rrin.. e'·l't, InorDill! II UIII', aud it d~p; ....i1d1 eft",~" a l 0111'.
PLACES 0 .. WO.SHIP . C .. nt_LIC C ,... ru..--Hev. J oltli FertIn. 1 11odl-«;.
':'TA lLlatII'.D CIII.I. C: U_ Ilr.-. o.ulid C ru~~baall, J obD UtOdH, CI"it ~
~l iIl4ter; W'''' 1,lMId ('TL illUlI, PR'<.'I'lIItJr oaAMKAR aCHOOL J
F.1"I $I·orA!.U!'I CIIAI'I:L-ll.t:r.f.,1laS, Ura.II ' . ~l iDiil" '; It..., . Cb;or l". (Or"",_ 111." , ... ,
J nh n £"'.11, «.::Ietk

ACAD • •Y . Sallndf-r.o WD" Aim n

RoOT .. laO• •AlI.ZaL
WiwlOan ~II . , ~'-boanJiIlS")
. -a""'e rllld'-y J_ , Altd"
Fordr~ Jamffl ~lIan!
GT1\DI~. rna
O\illl.. road
I SIlIi,h I'.."ler, mlh I t
Sl.. ",~r l J a.. Sqnan:
ThOlll >'O n Ala. Church..-!
WlIlIll-I'n. Old Cull(110 ruad
.A •••• .
II r llbu r ll WUI. C""~bNlid
GrolD l J ilhn , Culbert tlf . WIUI Jamell , SqUI·e •••
HulChisOlI Pete r , Alld II COAL ..c · •••C.A"T·
li e: I)""ald Will. StILl&nl l .awrefla- Ale x. Hid C.l1eu rmlll
"'a.....11 liellr)" Hl,h at J.Il" ... _. S hure
lit:: IA:ud W,u . II I,1L tl
JII~k Mi~6,
lIrlark AUII, Highst B"lIzic~ Ar.d~Qr, High st Grall! Geu. Old Cullen road
DYEll!>· l\Iillty Wm. High st
Black Isahella, Low at Paul James, Church road
Calder Man~u~, Buru~ide MANUPA.CT'OIlEBS.
FLAx DllEI!ISERS. OUl'!lCt James & SOil, Ail d ~,
CheYlle Wm.Cburch 51 ((!light Robt. (yarn) Low st
Kui)!ht Robl. Low SI MBRCHANTS, Chap mall ~traw hat maker,
Me Leal! Johu, (amlship owner) AII'd .1
FLESHERS. Shore ChrIstie Wm. tallow clmlldJn,
M~ Gregor John, Shore Taylor JOhll,' (alld Shore High .'it
Millar James, Burnside. S.\unrc Clar!; Abraham, lUitl('ralogi~1 alltl
IUorrison James, 8llnlililie lapidary, ~cw
Shaw Lachlan, Old CulJclI r0a4 81'41'1'&8·
Cummiull' JlIlI. CuJJl!ll'road GHell1 i$t Hobt. Churth-
GROCBlUI Dawson John, Square road
AND GENERAL DEALEaS' Torn John, Cullen cOild Gow Heclor, nail Burnside
Brodie James, Aird at (lO\y Hector .juli. IlaimCI',
Crawford Cha;;, High 51 SPIRIT DEALERS. Culbert ri!(
Crawford Johll, (Il00 c~thier) ROM WIll. High Lorimer .Johu, earthcnware dea-
Square Stirling Hoben, ier, Aird at
Marlin, Wm. New lit IIIURGBON' Mitchell Wm. cO!ls!ahl~
MorriSon Peter, High 8t Geddes Alex. Durn Portsoy Distillery, V\ Ill. Morrison,
Morrison Will. Ctlllffh road Greig Geo. High It COllductor
Smith Alex. Rose acre nos~ Alex.lrvillc, land sUf\'eyor,
Uel! Jobn. (lh:d Lion) High ~t Slllith Alo:. (and c10Ih(er) Ro3C !litchie .JaR. pilot, & lodgillg~ ,
COoper Riebd. (Sial') High 8t acre !!i&ullderR Gt'urge, I<-atber dealer,
Dunean Aleland, (Roval Oak) '1'1....,.' .. '''' ... Church !'Oafl
Church Toad • SaulJdcrs JII. saildkr & fish carer,
DIIIl~an Walter, (Artillery Arms) Airel
Alrd st tide waiter, Shorl!
JllCk A1111 , (6rllnt'8 turncr, A ltd S~
Me Dougal DilncaQ
Back lit •
Me l?uieThOll•. (erowll /I.; Alienor}
High st
Sh~soIlJallet, (Ship) Shorc
Wright George, Low 6t
Jack Jacob, (& COopcr & fish cu-
rer) Cull>ert rig
Salillder~ Joscph, Church road
Greal Britain, and is siloated on Ihe nonh.
figure, the wpst,erll side of whid.
Jwo hy the sea; the utmost length i" about
iuhabited by the Caiini,. rrom VI'hom the-
mlllmillinu abound
are seYeral
is wen. slDred wilh

1,250, 'and

RO\\'f'f ~ ~ ....... ~ '" •.••
Cani,hlly .. .
DllnflElt •• ~ ,1015,
H.lklrk .... '" .......... . 1158,
LalherOIl MI3'
Ulrick .

. t


JIIIIIH T~U . e.q. (M RaIler) Prt.ldru t

G\"Or,e Sultwr,JuQ. o{ VINlcr } ' "
GeorF Miller ... p,~
WUIIim Wil'OIl, trn illlrrr
Hey, WUI!.w Me: InlOIIb, • Bn. JobD Me: ~
Secrttaritt .

.<..1., '~ "1fIQi!r,-,
,~" ~'~'f~==~~·~r~
Murray Mr•. Marilla, !)ic urllclWI ll Sinclair Temple, e.tq. (ot L,bII~,) Trail! C ..... rgt.
f'Sq. (of Rflll"rj
tl.t·:lCh LIeI,lL. W ..... Utmly L~lJtiler ' Cl1.'lIidlili.
~lllCMr 000. '*1_ tol Ulwlu) Sinclair Win. csq. (ol FrnltljcAj Tram Jalll ~. esq. (of &dt"r)
ThuM ":l*.~1 Dicurut'U.' , C&lItiehiU
Sinclair Cape.. J amn, n. A. Dor · Smith James, lien. tllJ. Ol rig WalC'" Lieut. {78th (OOI) Gairtb.
ro",alOWIl Smith J.ulll'l. Jun. e>lq. Hayfi eld Wfillam80n lUilJor Oeo. J iIJItt I '
Sillclair Rt. Uouble Si r J o hn, bilrt. Swawoo Capt. George, Genlol/.
(ollill.Mu) 'I1mrw ~I ! S"1UIM10 Lieut. 111OUliU. Halll
lIfBaGHAN'rS, TBADESIflBN. &0:-.
Dll.1'idton t\ lcunder, JUDo IJe« Ah:xauder. Mallin I'..(jin John. Hank b nc
Milier J ohu, Maila 8l nrim. Joh., CooPCI'1l lane
LiNEN Clwpbo:\l J)onaW, HaH lane
ltobcsoo o..,·ill, (10 LIOJds) '10<
• 1p1iau &C ANDWOOLLENDRAPZa., Com mercial , J . :'ohlrr&r, Bank It
BAlIE.DASHE • • , 4too.
Dunuet IXInald, 8h~ n
SWIiUOII Wo.. Bank ,t Me 00nak1 WD!. Carnaby', e'-e
IJrhlll WID. lieU. Mai .. u
BAIlZ• •. C1rue WWI. Mailt . , Me Kay hlUC1l, !ione !II1QiU....
/\Jachy Edmu-d lIIal " I t Coe;hlU UOllald, CMtielOti Me li ar Will. nallk &1
Nrmmu Sar.ih, Sindair It Me li lnde J oh n. ijhorc ~I
i)unntl Geo~ !'IIRID It
Dykes Itobe r! l:oo~u lan e Plou, ". Aln. Da,.khlon , SIIdre It
• .1. . . . ..
(Jordon (;lIarf"l i)1oI.'Ut'~" It "".,, :ex. meurllbllt
'Ii,i,cle . Gt'O., lkulk laM
Gunll Ah:x. Ma lilt Waterl o. , .-\kx. Alallson. Maln II
GUIlt. Jaucl, Maiu II
Leneta Wm. l)iclI.DI'U" WATOR • .c.
IIIAXa • • ·
rote OrqoJr - - . l\hlln n (''''Win H"I.~' Cailhueu . '
"Ie Ore~or I'tlfr, Mal u la Mi/,IUIUII A ex. Mlliu n
MIWIOU Will. UruC\', Maln Il wnn:. • • JlOH.Io.N'l'.
Mille r J ohu III SoUl , Mltln . t
MUlln' 1)<1,,11111, JUllm . , enl! Oeorge, , ~ I ain .t
Ryrle .\lc Kamla. DicuruCII8 ~t Wa.IGBT.·
-Sludal r Aleulldet 111&111 II Angus W\IIIaDi. (cut & plOUlb)
1'I\lIelalr DoI,ld, M&\"'I hlm,d
~ I Wat.en J aml.'ll. Maill ,I Me Kay Ow. (cart ud plollgla)
paIWTIl.· . Sank .t
!)Ie K~ J AII.e ... Uatse M3rkel
.oo~.""t: ••. ..,.
Me. KII1 Uoaald, (aad clrc:ulati u,
-....s. I 'l. . {LETI'£R PRa!8.)
"I"Odd WIII: Ma!a st
.ADD" •••.
Sinclair J lWles, Church loIlI':
SwaDiIOn Dopa/d, Bank Ii
Wrl91 l.l u. (JItIld Iliner) S,bo~1I1
h~) MlIa .1
BOOT "• • • oa . .
Uank J Jatnel, Main n
. ilalberiJDd OOIlild, SJoclalr It
Todd Wm.'lralil.l"
FO~I J lllllel, Old rise st
ll ro'chie Ol\dd :o:i hore II " 'illou WIU, High u ili e h>ly Hnbc-r1 , Rose Sf
Horne "clcr. liank I~"c Wishart WIU. Church lane Mall"-QII Will. Rotleul:l1u ~ I
P ulton Will. ColtfICn laue HUK Hobert, (;ail hl'l~ II
.HIP OWN Ea • . Snudy ~luri:!un, Cal,hllf'U 51
COOPI:... Andeuoll J3111es
GUIII1 Murdoch, Diellrncu SI lie Kenzi e J ohll ;f!:1 Usn Ita n r~uS: .
SlIlherblid J ~. Dieurllcu It MiIIl'r IloIoa.ld Calder G('O. ~hopk t'cPl'r, Main It
DI.TILLe • • · MUle r GeofRe Crear J ohn, \'Ncrluary IlUrgnW,
Brodie Alex. Mall,on laue Mille r J ohll At SoDi Main . t
MacdoDaid J obo &; Co. ' I'odholes SwaulOa WiI\1a.lll GIIJlU lUll....ei&h UIlISler, S ho~ ..,
Smit h Wm. Wo lfburu Thurso Shippio! (;0. Gco'1le Dun· . Ic Donak! Dtiuahl, IrolllllOUJ4:r.
DaOOGI • .,.. _ ~,~D t Main It I'
Traill James Me Ka11\1I8"u~. d)t r, CaltIUIt:M III
Da"idSlUI Will. Main st
PIal: O,"pICE • • AOI:NT • . .....
While fishery Co. Amlrcw lIruCt, Me "'- ed 1\1c.'(. carll DllIler & mill·, H. COWlln, Cah blll'lI8 st Wibon William

wri::ht MIlloouk
.'laOUIOII Wm, mr&!ll'1I8~r , Shore.,
Me U\.'IUI, IIIMtc r of ihe parlKhlal
C.. U:OOSIAII, J ohn Gillin .O.GEON. · ~hool
issUIlAS CZ Co. 0' SCOT USD, Bain Job" , Main ftt
MOIuon Snodr, Cailhn('~ st MU ler Gl'O.•plnt dealer Main "t
CUllI.mi'1( WIUIa.1
NORTII BR ITISII , William WilHlI , l.alng Da~ld, J anel It I':.Ion Alex. r, IIl ~hUcld
High at Smilh U"yid. flCI~er, Maln It
Turrcucc W. H. Millcnllalle Smith Oarid, cnallk'lller, Shurut
Robewn I),"'id, Itullcroam It Elder Don~ld, 1I:II,k 1~lIe OOACH .
SWII.III(III Wm. Bank st .\lIller l)-,\I" id, KiUlk It ' WI C!!:. DOfROC t , T.olR " I nnm ... ;
. GROC&a'. TANlfCR- Ihl RO~II
M_II nOM .bl H<I"" .....,.
u",l~ r II 01 .. , .ni~ .. 01 Tlo_~
CraIg Georse, MIl11l1t
f,!illcr G \.orge, Mllin At
'I11&il1 John, Cailh ucu It "'''t_onl .. 01 In .
SII.c1al r AIl'"Xaud~l", Main It TmAOBa:. • • , O.AllRIEltS.
Ewen .I0hll, (Gftck, wtln, &e.) ..
HAJlDWAJl8I11EN . Alain , t .. 'Il' ICK, W•. An... .( ..r H•• e. ) o..,u
Me Lean Wlll~1Q &; Son , Main II lot~, .uk, o ....... n •• O" " ., ffljlln, '"
INN. , IJO. S """!"A ' > ' ) Ch
ue &.Ir un, \".... II!S nrch' 31 J obiCJnot, /",. ....... ) I.. I... _1i
1.lotel. h.~I1~ Me Kay. n;"nk U Siuc1ak Jo.!In.
' ~11)clal, n (Greet and LaUD) CONvz;r ANal:
Star, Benjllml11 iliurrolY, Itbuer. ' l)~ 'UIlIhr. .
da m !Il"ect SleWllrt Alexander
SltW1lrlll hm, Margaret SteW....I, LE I TH. I. poc:ll-' ,'u.. ..... ;&IlI., ~Q.
TIIII.mll • •• CHANT· ~ ..".tft .
.\laill tit LU~DVI'I,tk t1olr\., C-,u....
Miller GCOf8e. Milkr4 lalle

'. +

. ~~,

lUteIN:. OF.I01: ,
, 1'tlL1I!SItW'·TOIII' " .
John IhtIWd
rl.a&ay OnJCD,
J'ULn~I'.Y·TO"' S.
'\'1111 MarltrIaut, Prll>ril*l U~{
. RId\u'd Mil..,.. Auillallt
H . . . .OU .. OP P 10n.
Ales...,," Rae, Con~lor

• • ITlaH 'OOIeTY
£ ...'r~~!lil., Ilk '}?/IlAWifl ,
f '(Jr
, K" ullrth MadC'.ly, Agellt •
""ter,.... WICK.


MMtlIlJu. 8 :.. 1i 10", Puht'lttr
T pwII
Talc John, lJ.'\nk row, PU1!IIU.).
rll lml Wro . HiSll1t

FraH'r AI.-J. Hior:h ~I

IUrlt J ill"., U'sb,,,
Me ,\ llie Il~Nd. IIrin!:f: ~ I
Muum J ohu, Ibnk to,,', I'Ultll-
nl'J T"wn

Dolll Jolin. lOeb. High II
Vaul l)o..ald. "'«b . ,
III M 8 '
(;on' DI ~rfi:ll,In. lA'h.hi/ Bridge u
IIn, ,,I , Will. Mnrray, Itth .~t
Wo:lIillljton, Jn. Lcvad., Hl8h 51,
P I' 297

.. "
J*' (
NK of the IDOS~ northern countici of Scotland, i. bountled on the JlI,utb hy
O that bmuch ul theNorth Sea, cnllcd the Moray Frith; oRthe east anti Buuth.
east by Bll.Offs hire: o n south-welt byln"emesa-shire' ; and on the well by that cOUOl y
.04 Nairn. The figure Of tbis eoont; M utremely ii-Hog1'la~ I'>eing ill severnl "lace:!
intersected by diatricu of the counties wbich Conn ill boullullories. 1t u;.teIKI. ill
length, Crum uorth to lOuth, "bout "Ii miles; and in lWl!rage brn.d th, from eae' l lu
Welt, &boo, iO. In ancient t imet! the limit. of lb ie cOIlnt y were much m ore exlcn-
tlve th,an at VI:..C.le.!lt. CQIUPlchendinl; nll tbat .lc.u.c..t of COUllt{y which tiel ~ctwee n tbe
riyer Spey 011 the cut, the Ikauly 011 tbe nortb-wellt, and the northern confines of
Argyllsbire 011 tbe 8Outh-\,.c ~ t. A pJ.";n , tbough di'ferlifi~d by &ev~rnt little hills
utendi the whole le ngth along the sbotelin bteatltb from auout 4 (ollcMly 30 mil t'l ;
thil truct il t he low country uf Moray, anti is bounded by 11 rnuge of Dlountaios
nearly parallel tu the CORS!; beyond'tbil it conslat. ur't.he valley. near tbe .ou r~es
uf tbe ri\' e~ Sper, LoI, ie j and }' illlihurn, " ' jlb the 1.laef vale. along tbe bank. flf
the t~b~tlof1.trearu" wbic~ perYatle' ftii jKtf!rt'tnl.rI~ hill.. l :he lt~pe1" l'~rt of tbe
coullty ¥ commol!ly co.ll~ the Ura.l! B~ f\¥rllY i , It. 1& mount..ino.1l4i..1.IMt ~OO(ly. aDd
abolllHb in bcautlfulllue.; of wbich LodI-SpytPe II delerriatf of tnotice. ,/Tbl,! _'*
lUil ot tbl! eounty, dtooo'~h leu uutrofin 'tlnlii\ ' bf'~~tI~"1-1~ fo~tlte moet
par '''.9d '' 'to;m;
in tolUe placel \tlIM,Iy. grll\'ei; eon.idl;i,ablc , V~ , e?~br: qry
·{erltlc clay. 'qd,ol, t~e blOSt. gellia1~nrulIl~. j J 0 the lowe" part. of .Mom1 t e cliDlllk
'II 'MitI tv be as "'f-nn. ami D1or.: dry tblln in aoy di!tiiCt,in' Scotland i in the oightT
'qul{rtCJ lfie ~.'t'lLt!ier T lI~ mor' m ild (0111) \11 the county rQ{ 'uan~ Ul jn,.I IfJ~~ !'~I:I~e
.f,!U;I r N . ,Iap~ .. tb. \1011 D\O~ dq and !l~. told" . Tb~ agric..uwre I. '~ry
!Plflttd'l~a.4)he, !-n(l. hi ne~. 'y1~hU1.n. re~t;'..ttiIl Jf tti ~t ~"h.~ p.fiS~bQ~,,­
IQ". A1Q~nti1=1 j .~~~ teuluJil ~ toQrcJa, br.ep.(l. !lOd to tlic teedwg 6t 't llt-
(Ie; .Ddlt.Ke edl&~or !,~p.' iI no4:l!It01genen;l aDy .. but nortlrw.,.d of abe Cr.m-
'lw"ql . ......:'~,..-i. 6i! ~t.f1~ rea~tlriI ,~'1aami~~.; wootJ~ . tuffs Me
~CI~~~ ·~~ ...U_I.JAiMf&~ J"ilU:h jtugtebff wilh gM:l.Ca~\I,e .
,. -, ·.....-liIeW.Ii~~Jii~.:;:ct--:i-i..,;pa1 n. 'COWd.}" of
,1:1 ...t eotl\ai~'47:Jl~~p,q~~r1~~~'riJI1lli~Jmil~~' IftIC .. 19 ,.~ rn of
,~~vated. &lid 18{,G;l2 ~rc. O(..uaclllun,lw) 1... ril • uo,. ~ • • ""I.'."U~""""'" uto
.... " ',"" • , ... ~ I. '...... I,..,:I~-' ,,/1 ·" •• 1.
',' .. ll()PULA~lO~ OF THE SnmE 01;" EI:.QIN. ._ f

'''' . . "
. '
.' "
l,~ ~ f 1~
,. r.'J
0, n...,.g. . I I'. 1·';,W.
~ /.
V_Ift . OIlo!o
-':' • JJI~.
• •• 114 • ~:!!:!J ' . ,....
ioI.'" .{.. ....:.., ';' "'"i4;" m .;
, •. ,~ _.I":w • T~.'.

t· -

• _"""'
~ .. ,.
A~I ""Of) ........ ,
. . "'"I
. '
Ah l, ......... .... .. ... \ .
Au-o. 1I. ..... ..w. ..: .•
. . IN. C..II"O ......... . .. .

.j'Ol ~

t •
"'T \
11 ...
&y ....
2 ill •• IIII • .. /t .. .... .. ):!. . ' . ,
. . . ............. ~ ........ lIil1
·t:,·o~";; .. ·.. ' .... ·...... ~ "" ~
. 6.W
II:If7 =. .

L , ..

",' t . * , _ ;, '''''~ j . ,"-

n. ...._ m ... ."
'" ,. """,,~
... ." 1.·~.14
'.~ .u. i,.

!II 1M: tot :I8t-
OJ ,..w.
I..... u u { ...... " " .... .. .. p
nl4 t. _II '" "-1,
XI ell :I&)
.~( .sJ . ..;~I!=.. ,.................. , 113
14.1_ _ "I4i.~iJ ~ I
Ito 2f! K -...:u",.I . .. .. ... .. , .. .... , 37
lh,r,.,.d .... ... ... , ....... ,7•• " tol
e.-o!e ( ,.rt ........ , 1:JO 311
m '" '"U
"'" HOI h . ........... ... .... .. , :ntI

'" ..''''
0 ..11&. .................... . t3Ii ~"'''''Oglll . . . . . ..... .... , III
n .... , .. .... ............
0"""0 ................ ..... 4""
O.U..I I ,.n .tj .. .......... ,
n.. _8j.,y, '" I." ,-I.A
10 ....... <W'......, .
P Iff .ski
".. ... ""
,." "' !lrl.~ !<I~ .. ............. .. .
IIrq~~ul ..........: ...... p

Toto.l . : .. ~

I~ (1GI'1O 311G1
, .,
'" " 'DmHIL',

T ,
.,..'l ...

P'tttY' 101lbo:l tod,U1 br ' ~ioraJ, aW \. ntt 1 nd 1:16' frnru ITlt-crnl·N'. 'I:he "~, Datllan,
I!"',d, III t~1 "" In"em~, It !I (rum ,noll~ie.
Ii flVIIoI Gum_u, ~ (!till In'er.lfcn, 4 fl'Olll
"'lei .\t,.,- inlerY«1t II for 13 mi la.. 'fbe ~tO.tai'" a
cbllrc~ , lind II ,tV\'I 'Do:d '- \- , ::-. T>"
\- ., .r ';'1 ,II" }t "",

PS.ACa: or WORSUIP . ) , 'ff. l,f


M(lHcr, Mr. Patrick'Putf. The Rlllnh, .. "".h

t~irtI-41ve minutes paM )liue' ill the mUlrlllntr.
m :the mornillg, lind III despatched-at
day. eX{:ep~ ~u Ilday.
Rev. AleJUUlder .Walket, Milii~ters; 1I.11~li.d~~r
Sbepherd, PreCel!lor
E"Gl.16H CHAPEL-Rev.
William Hardie, Clerk' .
r,mEI'END£ICT CKAPEv.:-ReV. Neil Me Neil, Minis-
ter; Alexallder Phimiller, and George Maitland,
SECEDEIUI' CHAI'l:lL-Rev•. Simoll Sommerville,:lIi-
nister; Alcnnder Faloollcr, and' Peter Ky[lo~h, £Xclsn OI'TIon.
Precelllor~ John Anderson, esq. Collector
S£CE.DERS' CHAPEL-Rev. Rohert Crawford, Minig~ Abraham Moffat, Supcnisor
Ie, John Taylor, and Alexander Cook, Pre:- WiUiam .:ron:allce}«OllCc~or's Clci'k
pavi!! P..dgiiee', '
David Me ;IUrdy, Ofticel's
Priest; Walen Scott,
EbGlN .
NO.ZZolrr .II..D
., a ••raT.
AII4cnon Ca put_ Robtrq 1I11hop Dull' MI.Ior I~. Lad,. Hlft Me WlIllam !'lin. s.clr: It
Mill Dallbu!$lr Arrlai'*d. Kortb f'kld 'Rae Mn. er. MWc., 811cbeu It
Braader .. ,.., Jilne North It Oillnpie loin. s.n" Rae Co&ond Robert, 8 l1bop !l11U
BI'O'Of" Mi __ , BI. bop Mill Ort.llt Col08t1.AbaMer, 810 a Rbilld Lk ul. Wm. WEt! tAd
C~ W-- .-q. WEtt }.; .. d
Ctw-"""b Miu' Cbrwllna, H i~b.t
Granl, The HlHlorable
Onlll LQdac
Lad, AIIII, RilChie !lin. HI,h II
B&. Min AS"" Cotl'p
DowlI\e atlQ J allc!! North It """ Graill, The fl ooorable Lad)' Ptn- SrRlield L. A., , 1..; Hlllbt Honlllt-.
0". ~iai, ' J 9bll, HISh' l' uaJ ,Grant LodJe Earl .., . Orull.odae
Dull' Captai n ArchIbald, R.N. 81· GI1't'Ii MIu, Dack . t Stewal'l Gellen! Will. Wett Pull
. hop 6!UI )0111:1 AlaJot" J •.l.•.Weu..1.od«e $ IIUMorJaud Llcole.aut AlesaMkr, •
O" .. Ml}br G~, 1:o1~ ~ t..WJOn i ulln,ftC!. Old MII1I Eu! Elld '
"n. . J, -
Dull' !l1""PlII.rkk P.... t OIfieeLaDC Me Krnde
~I"" liau:bealt \'OI!III& WW. ea:q. or I'll...., Hill

.1:&08.111."2'., raAZU;• •EN. h ·


.\ JI.bkr.

S';;';;''':'';;'·" ,H;,ji ." ~II

NO.IEllT " .~ ....
AWn ' .EEDS • • " .
F'nl'bn,Da.;id. " Ish Ill ', ,
Gr igor ,' lex. 8 &("1r. (l r l.ady Jim
PAlM"• • •, a.c.
~.1 Ala.. & J ID'I"f, Hiplt
GiIlk.'e Jamfl, IIigh ~t
(l rlUL J al1ll'fl , Ilil!iI!l' • •
lite 1>ollald i\1I1! "~ 5: Ceo. HJp",t
t;oul J l\llIl1' l A.h (:runl
5 0
"~1I1 J u li .. , Ii!:lh SI
:S.Uli-~. IIIgh . ,
A lrall CO"n In the oll\e ll k , MoraYl'hl""
!I mill:ll f.. by!S. oU:I,r... 8 N". N. W . of Kdlh, 1:1
teat oe the Dulle: nl Gwdoll'. , II III tbe nt!sbhotlt-
hood . 'Ole town, which b. bu",h of bI&n,ur.. aud.
:-I. W. or CulleD. a"d 52 E. h,- N. of 1 1I~I·rurtt t. b thrl"'II' plal.~. I. If(»"ermod br • lJaroll t.lIIe, nid
.ic.utcd em the t-...~t uauk' of 1M tin " Spero 11 MS ...,. a ~uoall f'lI4Il Wm . Sh'cWT\P!t, pol('T. At •
...... neal "bill, lou .... lIAre I, 18e O:,II'c, r. ,h,u rt di...uuce (fOIU Ihe tn ...... U .lwod ....>QIC IHWft
I.,hlo.-h tbe ~rish chllre.. I ~cb. alld ... here tbe (lrel the rhuSpeJ. l'11c", are tal,. La Marcil. JWIt,
~lm:tI ealer a, rlghlllUlin. Goldon C.... tlt •• ftue ull "1IJII.1'.
POll'" OF7 IO I!:I Ilig h J IrtC't.- Po.of ~;."" Mr. O~ fI'llnJ'Ib. n~ K4tlllbun;h. Abmkoni
1I..t1 ani\"t'a ~r..,· IIIJ11t.' t..-"be, IWd II dl'1lI*~ In tbe monoin.( a, If:Il miuatrt bo,ofo~ C'I~ . 11M
tbe aftn'noo. 1'11\: ,...",. mail at'tin'1l t'n'I')' dar at
I t , .. u luhlu k'~ bdon: ~Ii:.'~n ill the uwtl.lull.
,.~ lIlai! arri'tal"t11 daJ aI • qllancr IN:(ore C~, li nd I. deip'I('brod at a quana' lItfore ~ '"
bl,:{ORClUC hi tbe afterliOUfl. UHI. 4clpuc:Md
PLAC •• 01' WO.,RIP.
'.llTAlUJIlItD ClI ll lrll- Ilet-. \Yrn . lUanie, "Unlt-
IeI'; Ja.w ~.. l.calie, !'!'«enlgr.
IciTHol.lC C"" Nt.-RcY. Geol'F "Ilbrton, ,,...;
C;.~ 'lie nl'nll llC'l', CAe,".
NOBILlrr AND Q~Nr:ar .

Ii i!< GM !llf' Date of OOl'doll

llull !tOt-t.. WhanUIi . nil. o( ureo ll
001'0011 Aci;w. ~ .
pi I'r
N~OfI- 1 OOI'do" Sir .Iu. or 1..cIl~Hl
1'11o.wl1 Ju. nq. u"fI.IQ
GlIDes AIu.. 1.'lM1' Sq....u: - GtJrodM AdalD, tof«. o( c.k'lIficW
• • •aBAN'Z'• • ".aADJ:• •.£lf. joe .

AClADS_Y · G£M!1 .... L DICALER' .

ltoq MiN J &I>I', (ladic;lt boanUlIl )

l.ocbel A~.
~ .......
AVcTlo,.all ..,
Scotlj&W~~· ('''UtW.t

MlillroJ __ • Bq __

.00'1' * lao..&--.
llu-.D J_, .IkrwIIk •
lirf!Or1 Ala. HIidI_ .,
"'arqnb f1t.Ori:ot Flip It
MunN .\'"
1'r.ICI'SOII WID. Hillh "
'fllylor Gt~. Hip It
C • • I . . . T _AIlERI ·
rony John & Co. St!.l&re
Hobn'lMMI Ain. 1iIIII, It
C • • paNTeR • .
Cbrlltle Ale. N!ida lit
Garde" AIQ. H,,", lit
Ito~ J ... W,*~IMId " LIN .... D-.AP• • •· •
CI • •T*Wall&lowt • • • , . Gn,. Alc.'s. III: Co. rA: IronlUOult
Ganl f ri Ju. We:olllOOrt ....... " and ,11""1 dll !rlblu ... r ) l:Sqwn:
Galdl.!ll Jobll. H ish It Rdd Wm.JIIIl. m lh at
D • • • • •A. . . . .. .....0'" • SUILDEJlI .
Marqllll Jlne, Uit!;lt lit Mihw Jat. Hlah It M~rct. UI,lr ....icIe '1\",. W • • HI,b u
8umc~ ~...,..,.. Ulln,Wtk
rio. . . . . . . . . .. '.ITRI·
e ...., .o\Qd_. Hf«h It Cbri~lIeOto. HI!b . l
SklnllCr Juun. H~ It Slunidl Ju. Hip Il
.LII •••••. .v..GEOM • •
Howle J(lbll, HiCh .t 1..ln!!" Will. SqUIlR
BrooJra'l * I CUtle II HUl(tou Heerr, &juaN
- -'.......F..._ _ ~-.; .... ___ ~_ - ; 0 0 o_.--..---___. .___ __...... ~
"'-;W n"'IOW II i,
....". t'~q .• h. h: ofGI;" gvlV, nlld a mlti .... "I' Kill!O'!Is, wlo k h il w ...·1dy fOr\l'lI.nll'tl ' " t:i(in. An a,," ,,;o1
a IliUa r, (';111 ... 1 :-:"''''' I''~I O~.t ~ 'tnt'ellu,; I~ ht'ltf h.· ..·, callt'd Ihe 'I'rnfalpr drib , "r
I,:<! I hi~ h "I .. ,n) Ih t- !(Ttl\lll.r, .hroo r'~'1 ,enluchetl w hkh Ihe n '~ r'l "i., "f Ihnlll ~' iJ prnid~,,! ~ lId
l>I"~"I. an d " lie (O)ot 'hree ; "fh~lIlb icil . II II eaid pa~rou; d",,1"l' ;o re " I"" M"·l:r.l.l"lioe lll:ut 110(""1_,
t.(') In.... t' lloe'I"Il t!1l-.:::leilabOu t the ynr 1006,1 .. III"lIlflry aud IIIn:e muolI." IOOSt't. t\ 1111:1.11 tlebt tmItl, (ur
, orthe ddc.1I or /llIal retreat of the DaDI,IS; 111i~ allium, II lIde r rire 1'00I1ld!. is held on the tir~t
Mhl e mOt. li men! Is finely ~nlp' ured. abtl h t il Moou1,,): I.... ,·ur " "Hu h. ·n.1: 11!;ICl'lo f " "'I">'hlp
he: t be: mOSI ~Ialely of I h~ ki ud ill t:uropc', 'I'he are Ihe t'$1.bll~h~-d thurt h a ebapd for St'r l:dcTI ,
('6I~lItrl abom t'ur)'l.'f b "cry 'ph:a.'!:I II I. Upon "" a flll an.,lhl:r fur h "lc"c "Je l)l ~. W"el.:ly IIm rk"I~
""""<"lIre to Ihe BOuth C'lU1 o( rt,e 1"11'11 ,"auds arc ht'ld on 'l'lll'Mh.y Ulltl friday; aud fair. alC hl:ki
,·.... t .. '''·$Io'Wtr, lUI ert'!c l i.." "r roll~idcm blc ,,1{'<"Il- 011 h r. W('tj'u:M1 ay In r <:'hruary, 2nd. Wcdll l'Nl.,y lu
lio..... . he "''ark to whkh, at it \,il;d ~ """,,d Ih hill , AIII;I, 2!>lh ,IUd :!tilh of J Ulie. IOlh of A",,"~I , or
i~""'rCUl~I~ ag rl'Cabll',IlII,1 all,,,il.,,! a V(':u ",-,'ill' te Wed uC8<l ay after , 2nd Wtdoeeday loud 'nou .... ,by in
uf f.. ,,·ry cllhh'alN IO('fll cr)', T he mille o( Forre. Nu~cmlwr. all old 81yle i IIlId o n St . John ', dar, If
II chil. tlr dmut'. lic, 1111<1 PIIlJI )' YOUDI! fC lll ale~ art" On Wrdllesday. Thu ndl\y, or t' rid:lJ, If DUI, UII
"'''I,I"y" iu ",a~ll1 l1' 81raw I, hll for ladin' IJonnt'llo. Ihe Wed M:lday afG.·r.
POST 0 FFI C E .- P"st ,lln,'rr, tlr. l'llbtrt Wauoll. TIn: t:diu bu rgh Mail arrio'<:'!' 1\1 II 'l'larl4'r
I'a!t f"ur ill II I\: I" "millll', IUld i~ dt':!!p;!td,c"tl:1.I h.uf-~u ie'"t:U iu the morni "I!" The hll''''r1~U a rti,c.~
· II hatf-pMl """""II In Ibe IIIUM, lll t. I.ud b d""llII lch..<d It a 41113rler pall (oo r I" Ihc motu;,,/!". All ~u"lh
...",·.t!b )"ll :11,,1

p,LACDS or woa.HIP.
EAT..... 1~1lr.1l t,;HUIlC II - lteY. W", . It "I"" i\li"i. t(' r·
.\0 .1", Moir, I're<:culor •
I'Uf' f', 'NUIlI'i I I,;. ' .PI(I...-I\\..... J IIU.lIliuliu, !\I ill is lcr -
Ir tu: n n.", ~ .... ,d 1li'0 h, Ihe 1 1I~" rn"3!I 00;. Grau lo ... " . a fW II'O. 1 uaity. KiukUJle , II foot llOltt on S... II ,I'I',

J . J\ . Onul, e" q. of \,lc w~ cW • .Pro,o.l
Wil liam Mlldlell,~. }
r. f'<"Kt' lIle lul Uo!h.~. UaillCft

.I 11 1111'~ Ontlll, !> ....ut"IO' ~ .le .)t., ,'-,i AIfX.'"dcr M\kIC, etq_
"l« " WI' ''~ ' C'l!'l\l.-R...... ''''01. SI..o;, Mhl t,lrr; [Jr. J olni' Gr",iu , Dean of Guild
J uli n " )m~I 'PlfCfll1or 't HobertW"'tou, . t'SCJ.TrrMII~ ,1 .\..1

. ~ NOBILITY AlfD OZ:lfrltY. ...... ""

Il mdle \\'11'1 '."'1. o(Rroilie f:rnn t ?II.,.,.. Aim, o~ 1(\,!, k~U' ,
1J1I'.,lJ~t t ~wt. U"(,It\IC, nq .r.f Uur - ( , milt a h~. J ant· , Gordoll , ... )'uil
lilt' l.eod Normall.~. of ~) .. Iri'·.
lIluray Ihe Right HOD. J,;"rl ul,
I(le ""d 1.,·lhcu Gn,ul C-~Pl. Jal11~s . HI,!; h 01 of Taruna ' ?' \ '
f'rn.~r ~.{.;or -n1QlJ , Drf)]lIdu ~ " C.I :O III l:apt. J Uhll, lIi,l!"h at ~ lllllru MJ;II. DlIlIhar, HIs: •
t:tjrduu .... .!Wy l:tllUl>liu~, f"rrr'~ ( :""" M:o~o r c. ~". Will . of'faulld,y lime l:ul. Ales. 0( llinbpnb
1I1i1L<e \':u,d " r SIr Tho!. Oid.:, lNI.rt . of !i1r.K'baD lIlajor P;!lrkk. J::.lo..I t: ur1
G r,OI)I ,\Iexa ud rr , l'!'!. Tl lUrul,iIl II dugu I I


AClADEMIS. · {; r.,,1 Willia.u . Hillh!l GEN • •AL :DDAUa • .
'l1 e,,~J1IO" MMi. il larg. rel. ( IAd i~ ""rr lIo~"" "'olboolh WYlld 1In'IIIIIC' Jarw...... HI';Ih, "
• bo.1-nlIIl~ ) 1 ~,,,,It' r ~·n"c~, II.aIl".. d Otie "~lIdrie, Hig" It
. lI nnler·MII&, {lad;".,.' hoanll"l!') lIl e Clltioo: h Oonald, lIigh H ff eury Gl'Orge,' HI,I!"D It f
~ I oir J obn. (J,na:lbh )
.R_ II JohD, (pn,-ll"'J
1J ~'1t1hartAlu . (' tillumar )
ClABINE'I' . . .
Her mIt! Alex. S bllSllblc l wynd
IIUI... MUlder K."
) Ie KYllnth &:: M t> Kctllic, High It MorrICe JllIOI."I} f1ll!:h' It
J . H.~"
lI.o~ Juhll. Hil!'h II
, !'\ BAkE • •. ;'.It KCll lic Aiel[. T olbool h wynd I
I hon'~"" !>ctcr, S halUbJea w)'ud Amld .... n John, High It
AU! I\u J oliu, IlIgh It
· flri<1" •.,. O:l,-irl. IIillh ~ I
11rn,~ Wi lli am , Bit.:-h"
C ART AIfD PLOUGH 't llamu, J ~ ,m'l'. IIillh 1\

Slew I ,", JOIJIlC!I,Ild". cIoolC
BAlfa • .
i{oilcrl 3
MiltJr J alI\"", CMlle hill
h w)'lId
lieU All-nuder, HIl( b It
lI(,ll-ck Willi",_. Hish ~ t
Ca ru aby (ieQr@:t·, Hi,dlll
~u of Ik-Itiala J.ina Co. J oltn N on~ J lUIlk&: J ohn, NOl ie'~ pl~c C~I '"llli"g ~1!l itlln, Hl l!'h ~ t
1.:0I"lIIio l!", ttq . .,...-111 • draw 011 COOPtRS . j Ol('k$" ,," Iih~1U, Hlf~"
•" Ole ~ldd hOll.ce III t:dlnburxh , T:lylor DavId, High ftl I? "".b'lr ,\lcx!llU)cr, I "la.~ .
• 111101 011 Smi.h , Pa)·tlc. 6: Co. T "lnr Ja &. WU\" , •. b t, lhhe Jnln ~... , (k "!lUll' dlllrlho-
IA,Mon ,. . llll'll . . 1<4111. !I): ~ t lor ) m ,,1i ~In:ct
.1'1"" Ctlu lllliil~. tIq. n't<:h'i,,~ I al lor Juhn, 1I., h . t Edd ie ThOUlIll /IIIi ' Hil!'h It
~(,ul for Ih.: l:OI:Dmerci.1 II Hu~ DREa• • AREas . GillaMJ o hll , j 1p'lt
or Scol land , and 1It....-eral prUfiu_ ~arnab)'
Bowle Jallei.'(& ,iraw hatJ lI ig b " (;r~ntJIOI", H lflb AI
cial balik'
BLACK'H:n:a • .
Jan cj'llikb AI
Ste'A-.l.rt Mr• . Jill"'. HIs'11l
II nld,bon hlllet , UiSh I t AluaudC1'. Hil!'h"
FIBE "'LIPE ••• VJlANCJ: lII e I ntyre PftCr, HiJt:h It
Allin "am('~ , T olbooth wynd oprl CE • .A,JlD"A.G,JlN'I'., ~Ic warl Wl lJi all1. Hrrl! II
Me l)uuaid II ngh, TolbOOth WfUd C"' I.I!.IIO~Ul(, Jo . l-'onYlb l Unlllhltrl Alexander Hlsh 5i
Me j'h('l'l()n J aN" , IIlgh at
I'hi mialcr Jno. U'911I1VI'. "Jud
(,; OtliIUIIO U I" eu ..... icl:!: cO. J ohn White Alexander, H Sh at ·· .. ..l
Smi th AluaooC!". Shau,bles w ynd C"", nling. ~eq. 'II!t"l1'·'''' .'.... • .. ~:aA.E.DA • • & • • • ... .
NOllTli II II /Tl itr, (i~'Orlfe Cam _ Gillau Jamcs. Hillh 51
BOOKBI:LLER. AND . miu g &. Co. agrn~~ • i'u. ae William , Hi l h U
BOOKBINDeR. ' . NORW ICII UN\OIl','JohnCllmtloinl;:, Rail' Alcxander , H ~h!l

.4. .
luiu W illiam, (& ft lHlltHler ) c~41' ag~llt ltos. & Kerr, Hlsb u
Milllr All·l[lturlrr, (III. IIlItiollu) rLJ:sSBa.. 80u Geprrr.l;li&h.t
BOOT" .HOE JIIAItS. . . Kerr Wllllim. 5l1amb," DaE •• B • • ·.~
AI~":I John, Hi Sh II .. Magro .I nhn, Shambift , EddMl AJe¥1'fl(ler, Hlf!;h I t
U.ilt ,\ h",:alld" r. lI iJ;h _I MilD", lMhlllD,l)hambln 'I'lylor Robert, Hair It
BUl'<:k Jobn , Urqublrt'. "1nd " Muidoch AI~Xlllder, !\h!.mbl('ll ., BOTIIL.,-.c.
Bi'Kl A1enlider &. So.. Hlt: h U M"d~ John, Shanible.s Bowk' J&DIft l Red 1.1011 Hl,I!"h ,I
"-'lIdLa,J Ale.... Siwobll'l "-rDd
MurOOcli. Willi;&lll, ,shlatbles I:.ollileu Ot,ld, l1otel, Hlp It
~ t>t;
.1 JF@RRlES.(


,\ "de""," Jam ...... i-li ~ h ot I
YMtWIIt'r Oadd;lHlh H
l.aill g 'ymiam, lIi g Sf
M" 1 ~")lJh G~'tIr3e. II Igh ~t
I'uffi! J.m~ . HII II ~1
,~ .UUlOHA N TS "
GorOOfto C lo:u-I~, ( wi lle) m, hIt
MIiIi$I ... WJUla w, H ~h It
llilcbd l Uobt. (ai: ~... ) High.t
Ibll" J.~, Hfst- !If
!s~ltb :\ leUllder, Ill,:" It
Adanl~ &: g".i1h
l ieU J ;uu,,~
llauw &. Ura.u~.... J
TAlLO... ' ,
C"peland J " hll , T olhoollt ''b'ud
Fra...,r ,\I('S auder . I~ "h I [ ,
Fruc r John, Hair. dll~e
t'r~r Hober., Hi~ h ,t
1.,aI Alc.u."dl"r , ' rq llhllr!" ""1"d
., • ., 1
INNS , .' Call1pllC'll lllbt,:Ja. II,..' ,"t Dl t r
~w ' Mel, l>oIaald t"CI1lIl-"UtI I'eur, w~l ... rilCht
lD(to9 Gntum ,\reb. IIt ncn.l dtRIl'r
Gf'Il'lt , ) uh n CIIPCf'On J:III'ray JOh.II, relltrlll "!!'&let
N('l'tn flll I I~ II . (CorylCIIC'Ia) JMIh KCIIIII:'II)' .: ~·('U • .c.'U. b.1l1cI
Rhodci ' Kl:lllll-d)' ~:W('JI. Ju n. baker
Nfl," IU\I, ~ Camrron .. Keuucdr Hu!!h, I!tOC't't
Ale Carin .It/hn, bat..,., ..~ort
.HOP&Et:P • • •• lie I>'''I~III Al..-:carwkr, S'GUt
T.&J):c .... ~. )Ie Ooull.l" IMn,dd, wlOr
A.~ JdtMi, tailor Me Uouudl Oouafd, ~nen.1 dnlr
)I..h••la ) o,hn. IhbnJ oftltot r Me Domj::J ,\I~nd('r, w iln,
l Joy" UWflI. lI'.on r ~ Me Gn"J[vr ITcnry. ~Uor
e:a...e' Il U Ard!. "UClu4nlkr :'o le IUlyre DUII('Iu. JUII. Illetchan l
CiliMroli l)onaill, laUor J loIe III'yre DIIIlUIl, bOOt l\ shoe
C;'lfIetOn ')o:...ea . scntfll cal« 1IIIIIn
I,;llItcrOIi I Aht:t II,~, 1,1 ) 1(' Inlyre Du n.t:lln , 1IC'1I.1I1'On'T
C:~lIIrron Jot.lI, tell. boo( "" silO!' Me "rnIle ,\)ex;llld"Jtl&ilnr
m:Ulrr )'l e Kiuull" ~U(\l~. 'I"'"il ~Irr
C..~ror. JDhD, ' an. boot 6. I M" Lach lan I.adlbn, rc-n ....., dl ,
IIUdU .'l Ie La.chba Lactll:u., ..... Idlt...
ClI,"""on .I" IIu, boot" .hoe .tt ~I c 1,cIUI Allal!, bali" aT EAIII .0",.8-
Ca.lw.n... J"hu. IInQr M, 1.......11 John. bailer '1"110 ..... ~. I •. C_t, ..... lI;rl lII.l.
t.:. ,,, rro.1 Ma.y ••,raw hat I;'-" ~""'."" I... ' ...... .
!\I, I... a" ) ,)1111 . Vnerlll deal....
_-!.i _ _OoupI,
.camvt>t>1I ullclr
_______ &1.·
... __.... .\ l....
__ a-___
l,·' ..Jrolm_,_wplrit
_ _ _ifnI«
_ _ _ __ _ • • _ _ .r
."_... ; . _ ,II·e
.._ . , "....., ..
. ... - I

. . Bopl AClllltllllln·y.
ltatbellrultics, Geography,
.Mathew Adam, Reclol'
~(lCOllllts; ·Rev.John Clerk,
Latin and Greek; Peter Scott •
. sislallt . .•
English; John Cummillg .
French" Spanish, aud Italian ; Peter Vclleliller..
Oetitml School, Queen street.
l1ndefiM Spcil'l!/ for lilt! Edul'!ltlOn J'iJ;9r
in. 'lie llienldna8.
C H elld 1\1,\slcr
. . ' S'ecn:taty, Kil'kbUI
.~Meeting ROOIWI, CJa"IU'CD
Nolile Marquis of HUlltlr.. Palron
Noble Malchollit:>s of HUlltly) Pa-
,."unnvn. Pel'mlllfl6l:ta Ileward

'John l"ergll~QIl
~edo~1aD C,.~ omce, ClliLCl:_BlIIiiIrl"V'
James Davidson i, Engilleer;
Andrew May,. Colleclvr of Duell Public. OIlke:II'
'Clerk of Pea('/'} Offief, iVew-tt: James Grilli',
Clerk of the Peate
Jwdtdary and Lilli! Ow,.t, Bridge-It
TaWil flail (md Guitrlerg Roomll, Eus/-BI
Town,' Ta.1!Ofjice, Chure/,-st; t"arqllhn Ma-II-
aId, Collector
. O,antJames, esq. (oi Bllgli')
-in/(tb o..,ol1fe, csq. Kiuglllllil/s
fllgll$Mrl1. ]sabdla, Gordun-vale
hlglls Mi~se.q, Castle-slreet
. Innes Mrs. Grace, Casllr-slI'eet
I J.amcsoll Charles, gent. Haugh

Kennedy Mrs. Randall,3, Huntly-place

LolJanCaptain, Laggflll '
~1c Beail i)onald, seu. esq. CMtic-stl'eet
Me Donald Miss '\UII, Millfield"
Mc,nQllaid Mi5SCS, of Springfield
)(acfarlane M13. HlInlly-pl~
McIutosh AnllMc Phersou, Churcb-~Irect
Me llllol!b Mis~ Elizabeth, CR.t1e-~trt'ct
Macintosh Mr~. Janet, Church-street
IIlacintosn L!!.cMm, esq.' (of R«lg'mfl-re) IJraikics
I Me Intosh il<liss M. II, HuutlY'place '
I Me Intosb lVIra.'
Me IlllQsb Ppjny, e~q.
Mackcuzie Alexander,
I !'iVEltNjl:SS. Inbtin'd~t.
.~r, I O ~ jjl ,W li ,'Jl6

"'r ;~... r WII'. M ~r"iu fh
0 .....10:1111 Wm . ........."
:,Ic l \un~kl AI~. T .... llu:r.lon.ric-h.'
" Me O"Hal<1 I}oo;dd, t'i,bll,;arkCl
iJr;oc .
)Ie n Oll ald J oI,,,, Gn."etl
Me J}ouald Nci'~ W,(c",me
~Ic: 1>Olllllt.l Wm . ) ' j'humrket line
,'II .. " c lI~ic Juhu, Gldoc
l'at\'I'14.IU J oh" , tbll_h ,f
StewKr,' J ohn, ("'lIstle" I I~
.... RINTER •• Letter-pre ...
t'n"', Jault'l, EaIIl ~ I
1" llk R... bt.6aiJUe & Ce>. t;;a~t It
~Ic 1\"1 J ail_, Hi! h., .
Rope ai 'AU. MAU • •·
1tt.~ If'r 0.;" (uil oul,. ) Shure "
liellr," "'.....,.,h.l'il... ru
Muu", 1" '«'" , (:alld twill.,,) Caual
Oran t ,\Lex, Ci6llcwJ""
~hw:d"VlIId'M",'( Chllrd, ~I
Me '1<110510 Ale ... llieh "
Me I"to rell J ulia, 1In.:,! c ("11( ,
Me IUWllI WaI' i "'Mkcynch
' "
Me 1.nII A~ Ii " .c
Maah-WI ~lturd,
Rhhllt I I "'", . I It "'l (! •
ttUMI:1I JaDlrt, t:~1 .t
Dull' lI ugb Illlbtrl, Gn:c':11
l:iW: _~1I JOhll, On.'en
IHIP • • OAT BUILD • • "
Caulair. ThOll, Shurt' ,
,Iol eOo Il;4!U Aiel" , Cbu- I"mharrl
"'It: Donald J amC I , Mcrkille b
Haln Donald
ClilUcroll J ohll
Can'I~1I J ,UII U
t' ruo.:r ,\ In;aud\'r.\ Co,
F'ruer t:dW'anl
F'l"MC'r J olul
II lanu John
Ilou '('110mb
~hcPJl~rd Alcnnder
~ Ilttr JitnH'. , ,oc IO ,
81111'r J lunl~ .jU/J ,
Sille r John,lIen,
Cllluu Will. !Ii" cr.ide • _
Hay Jdtlll, MQlrtoW1I1I1'ff1i
lite Kay J ohn, M~rl.:lneh
Me Phal l Ales, c..tlc! n
Sillef Alu. 1'omllahturi dt .,
l"11lklc:b Am., Merlr;\lIcb
1'lIr.1MalI. Tboa." J olin, RlnswWc
I~T • • • ' ~ '/
Camet"" J.l#'let tad 51
!.,Ie lk:an J hbn, tUlon
I ... " a"aOEO",. ,
Cakltr PtU'r, flow.' ,
tAutpbdl Olin"", Mllr~' p\;ltt
lkall Jo bn,julI, lbt II I
Mardotu.ld Celln J ohn, ell_reb n
..... h"'Qlh W"". Drldp."
NlroIJ ohlllulli'l ,W,b .,
1'011 1011 )11111 10, "'." II

432 -';~'
'fHE POPULATJQN. !l,\'i"''''J'f~ UE OF NAIRN.

, NAlItN,
,burgh and' ci}'lihrt ttMn of fbe same
" IS sltna~(,d o~ thc' coast Df tqe.l'tioray
ilatl:'d 1589, \vhfd:t:-Jji{rter wag.
Charles 11. ill 1681; bywlirch
Ih!t • \\l:erc the rlv~>r Nairn lIow~ into that lirm of
h is n!~ted in apr<ivt'lst,
21 ~ea, rhe town 110 996 miles W. of Aberdeen, lI;uild. II'el1SlIrel' ,Ake, The
Fd,E. of Inverness, bv the mail roan, 146 fmm 01 oue !leal ~tl'ect, about the c(~ntre
II {'Iburg!" 18 from Elgin, 27 from Fochabers, and lR very highly embellished by a halld-
. ,1'0111 rones, At what I'criod it was el'cctcd into the town and county I(oal, erectt'd
i\ lOY_II bUigh is Ullccltaill, the oldest charIer c;,;talll YClll:;:;ilu;c of very fille ~tO!lC, which i~'

V INTNJ;1l" .
,,'ralrr John 'I
IhllChiMln A1.:uru ler
J\lc III""," '.Ir"1IIf1
" :Me into"h Hu"h
Me l'lwnon I ll"Ctor
M _*I.·~ .'
!~ "mila

" . .. ••
t h .~
.1Y;,)1' .lIatnttt ~
ORKNEYS; , .. ... ,.,, '"
ORKNBYS. ~Di1tot $t € 0.'.
::-e - = ='
tagen . Theile 1:<b,,"_ had Mf'n)01Ig- In the I",J" n of the Norwf'rianll or Ih ne.;
but, baying been I lIbdueti by King Kenlltlh Alae.lllin, .bout the midd le uf the nin~
centurY, tlaty eontinut'd ,..hh the Scottish throM until the- end of the eh:vcnth"',
when tht1 were ..."lgne,1 by K; U2 lJonl;d Ihm: to tqt King of Nor",.,., tf) ",holl'l }",t
were IUhJut until the middle of t he tllirteenth century, "I'hen IheX ?t" rc ....ain tra,n"rlf p

red by [\JAgnll ~ Kin, IIf ~or"'.y . to A\exander, Kinlt of ScIodan,l. Uut; a lthotl,h liteM
idand•• rre thul ttded , the Nor we~.tll Itill Ulierted their right 10 thern, ulltil the ,nI',
1470 ••heD J •• u Ill. of Scotland IUlrried .larpret , du, hter of the King of UtII_k.,
with who,'" they I,_in paurd, ill lie" of lIet dowry, to the cru_n of Sco~I ; Inll",..
the birth of hu lOll, (Jlme!! IV) the. ..ere fin ally cellell; ..hieh .....fterw.rd. eon t
.r~d, .. hen J .mes IV. of Scutlloll 'muried; An~ . ull4£hter of the K i", of Den ...,k,
Thtle i.llnd. huillg been I. 100, . "d 10 repe.tedly io lile po.iU,",O!! or 1M DtlneII_)
Norwegilla, m.n} of the nl lM• .of ~"Oll'. II wel,1 .. fli l eel Ire lIeriyrd frum 'he ~
illb or Sundiouilo IanI/. uage_ Orkqe} returo,' olle member tu the U·ril.ilh Jl&I'li • • ••
lh. fl fl:lent repte_enhlive is BIUour •••q. ,of 'I'ren.~y . 1. lhi. eountr~ 'l1It
. Orkney hills are 1,200 · fctt. and the RODi bill.. itl Sbett.nd, 3.~" feet . 1Ioye tile leftl
,,( · lh e'tD. II 'L •• 1

• • HWJI.; I , 'J."J .I'. ~'(I","Wt.
. lot
, .II.~ " ..'II' ~ 'U'h'./ ~tl;"./.. , ~"" ~h
o ."~y I.~. " . ~ .~. ~,~.II· Ii) H...... •Valft . • ,~ ,..".

tu._. lU,I,SLASD . .,.. 7 \ "'

! I. . .. .............
. ' -,. ............ : ........ .,
_ ;oJ
1. _
I" :11
'• .1. .,'

• : . . , . . . . . . . \ . ...... . ... 1

r,-.; ~m
-' - -
o.~ ....... ............... ..., 1'1 JU .... wt !IOUTII ., L,"" " .. I _
It.·or .. . .................. .,. 111 .. Ill .~ 811 Ro... , , .. •• ... ,.
It~·h.a. ••• .. .. ... . . .. ........
. or.]· .•.•••...•..• .. . .. . oJ> I I:~
.. If
.... ....... .. . . ....
c..,..... "")' .. ........ ......i
~In"a aw 1Jo ... a. . .. . ....... .
. I
l.w ""f lU

141 ,r,.
It!'h.. ..... I·. pr. y ... . ..... .,.
I(lIk ..·. ).......... .....: ...,
3011 Ii:
at.... "'••, , ,. ... .,. "
U,.,. " . ...................... .m 1
0> . ,
••• 01 .. .. ....... .. .......
()'~h '.I.IWI.. .... WI :IO
11<1"" i .,II wllh ('.,.
!Io ...........................,.
• ... .......... . .. . ....,. . 1.1.1
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.. ,
·- ! ><:
.OOT • • SO• • •S-, • .
CnIp WIlliam '" . " .~ T
};.lIlOn Kohut
flttt Palrie-It
(ian1och Pel"
Logie Hollert
l.oul ll Audr .....
Mona.t AlulUIl! cr
M (lUMThollll~
Rdtl Juhu r:.' • I
Reid Ro\Jr u " ~
ScblnJonll ."
\ ..,..ton Rober' .'
BREWE • •.
Ccll'llon Willl;aw 8rebntr William "".
OlUOud Tholliat • • aaaAH'f' • . Elrkll H. f
Dr.TILLER • . f)rfTcr J ..1ftI Yubl'le,/uha
l>feTn Jamfil • .. old Spruce Jawn, IU. WR •• LwtJ.R'l'.' ~'·.
T,.;iU Wm.ofFroiftft
••••••• Copialld Joh.. , (& turll cr)
VarltOn JUlIn

W8108T.· ,: ~

., ~

.LA TBall\. 'f ~,

eur.Wu Willi&qj
I"iu Williau,
,. :

.... 8!fROMNSsS,

4-~ ~1It. '11wmu. (Keyal I
V~eran &tallioo) ,
CIoUtoa Rei'. WiLH..M' '.'{ ",~,,,, 1
truleklbaukt:M n oAQ,
~tPtter ., ~.ol~ ,

.• "

{ e , . '''.
r .1 "
.. " " j '"

~6(l 1
= '

R oss-SH uu; I, .... ell!.en,ive IleCtipft' 0{ SCMland, belne 80 mile! III lenrtb r ,n'-
yea~l tlJ." ~.!13e to breadth, extendi'llg (rom tbe '''UfI!. to the 1r"It.erq Ie,. II A4
btlundea ,UIIo lhe q,'J' by Itae Ocean_M~ ~ht(lJqall ~" ,lfe CroQl'r1~. ,op\ llJ~J'O"':k. by ~bf
t.(l01I\1 of tlutherland. on the IOlItk liy luyt Mle.... dlll'e, IUld by tbe ~ on libe Welt'.'
h. wmcre,CIOa,t ii laW-ope.. bf lloe tj~l'.:.. plpW. 1whK,h roU \be lea tv .kIH .. tJle -~'i
!fie mldtlhi of 1t»· e_'tm. - lIf.!~ II allO ""tply penetrat'ed by the bay ~ 9:':Qp1.~.tJ.~ 4tl! (~~
II ' t.r, irregular, beIng mUf!b hulent.ed b,.' 1lDle~1ak .. ud fritli •• Th. wbofe asped .
of the CO UDt')" wll~ u.d Dloulitaincrn J areailror
Bel"t~,ye .. it IC&I'ceJI iolerior iu
IlUjtlt of "1,,.,.,1011, ~ \be lIigbe., llWMIa.'wBrkaUt, iI: beilll' 3120 fut abOft th. .yel
of dM "".. IR e.. are rM111 J,lIel hi ,AI,' eo,.ntY,Cdie "hi.t of ... hieh are I..oc:h ~~a~ •.•
l .och Fannich, Loch Morr.r, I &e! Ace. w1ileh give rhe to UUID\V'O¥I riural.> tbat alfurd
pltmt1 or ~a l moll nnd other fi sh to tht \Jlbabitants.. .. Iill~ Ihey rer~ l jle the valleys. The
chiet rhen are th~ Cunon. Ule UC1udy aOO the Orrin. The nileJs are lDOlitly covered
'filA wuC?d j indeed I t-he wllole counlry seeml to h," bfoeu au immense fore~ t, IS. t.e .
fO!etlt of Alrrai ~ at prellent r emalw.. whlcb il nearly twc;uty lI1ilei in lell! th . 'Fh.i'
CGllnty coot.hi. three royal b..,rgllal ;' ,b. Dial.aU. T~n •. and FO"rtrole. ~d u di\liclea,
Into thirty parochi~1 d ~l~ritu . _ .••. r _ • ~ _._ _
'nle cuunt, of CHOlU HTY ill Ictoall, a F.nlosul., washed on the north by an inlet uf
the German .ea, called the Frith orCIO ....lf. 1011 ~ east by the Frith of Moray, and
On the welt it is bounded ~y a small portioo of the eouoty of Ross. 'Chis '00ullty 1-.:
!f~n.IIY"'ini t('jI wllb tha, of 1~o6~ , "'d may'be.coJI,id~red in ~oule nu: •• ure. ..~ nile and
tbO.•amo ooullt1; Cor ill a 8"c~r.pbicaJ, point.c .iew. it would be diftioulc to ghe IHI
!.te~libta' d ll'0P11.diell of it~ .urrace. It ia mentioned ill the fifth parliament or J'ames V ~
~n the ·,.t.u 1537. Ill. &eparate county ••Dd. the .ame distinction il phBerved i~1 lIucued-
till actl whic.h aUI CUIIU16ration 01 co. .ti,) •• yet. h is C:~lreb.n4ed i. the 'Aui8'~
d-. at: UOII, aMU the sherif l uhsMtute boJtts • eourt otu.ionaHJ ha tile toWli ofC'riJmtrtj *I
the .OId1 to. a Ill..the 'biro and froDl which the county ~hu , tt l~ . Tho .. ljpl~
ptlUll& lLu, t\.e Dame of the mack lal&. and the Cro~y ~ it cilled the.1d shirt!
of ero_art.y. Th& 'I' of1bu county WMlttl jof ~e ~td:p~.J~rtfon.••in " rioull,..!1' ..
Or· ltoss.dlln:, containing Iii ' a!! ,~bO~~ , ~_' ,q~o ~.. rbe c:ouutie.l of lL.o,j tM..I
fromartf united, contain 2H85 "luare nlll~el."', .D!1flG.....,.. .. .,.i~ •. of I~e. 0..
70,975 ED~liIb..ACfI' of eul&in&od. ud Jttq~-&25 atus Or unculunt.edlalirL '.... "ft4\"
, u! ~.!.~ I I ~ ''d, ... .
~ ~ .,' ..,
. ; .'
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'I( {lt'i":'I."\ U 0.1,(1\0. ""'Hi~.~:!~)

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l.-klN ... ! .'lj .~" ... !I.,;:-to '' '111"n4 MDt J .. ,,,f-'l,· "f! TD~I. . 14. t11 I · ' I ,"
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DBNrAY AND az,.z:aor· ,



------_. _--_. _-----_. _--.------,----,-_.._-
. . . .... -

" ,.
j frmu hiler"", arri_ f!W'7
JUaiI frolu Wick iIrTfnII .....,
• •

P.-.. . .• •

Dougw Kenlltth, (Ie later l'rf.
..&6ter &: bookbi nder )

TAI~. , :!a1\!J!~. ~t.
WI • • au:_CUA." ".
r.htmy <kotfe: Wm .t Oeorwt
RoOer~ II Ga1r

s out! of
I th4 ru.ost northerly counties of
of the bland,
bounded on tbe ;\'.1': by Cail
extending the whole brelldtb
aoout 60 miles in length, and 40 miles in hreadth.
011 the S.E. by the Gemmn ocean, and the Frith
of Dornoch, on the S, and S.W. by ROils-shire, on thE' W. by the Atlantic ocean,
I1nd on the N. hy the ;\orth sea. It contains 1754 square miles of land, and 47 of
lakes; or 63,045 English acres of cultivated, an:l 1,059,5 j;'j acres of uncultivated
land. It comprebemls the districts of Stratbnaver, .\ssiut and Sutherland, the
former (;Ontaining the northern, (and whi<:h was formerly a cOlJnty uf itself) and
the latter the southern parts. Sutherblld is divided iuto 13 parochial districts, bUL
containg ollly one town. ,iz. Dornoeh which is the county tuwn, and a few villages
chiefly inhabited by fi'lhermen. There are few seats of note; but there are many
Pictish hOl15CS, similar to those iu Orkney an.1 Caithness The coabts for the most
part Oll the N. an.d W. are bold and rocky, indented by numerous and ha\'ing
many pro:1JOlltories into the ocean. A number of slllall blands are
scattered the coast, few of which. bow~er, are inhabited. This county sends
one member to parliament, and it is singular that there are no freeholders of tbe
county, all the voters anli proprietors holding of the family of Sutherland, an act
of, parliament being specially for that purp(l~e. Tbe principal rh'ers are the
Durness, Sirathnlllre, :\avcru, ArOli~da.le, A \'on -Stl'athy, Stmth Heel, and Shin;
AU only 1U0uIltain of nole is Glnschran, 2000 feet abuve the level of the sea.
B. flllrgl!; P.l'flPW!,

................... pl~
'::::',:':::"'-,'.','''.:':~ I ~~~ I; ;11011

I Lolh" ... ,,'"

He,y. (por! of)." ,., .... ,'
~Kf")41 lhi, Ilrtril J, II mottlg in
. "'" .... b &; I' 1;(1;) ni'58~lhlr#
, P I7H 100-1. fioI{OI'l ........ ", ........ - ,"
........... l' 2:.111 1,,~9 . Tongue",... ..... .. ..... P
..... " ... p 'H8 1994
, ••• ,." l!4G H,):; Total..
........ ,." % otiS
" " " " .. "p 2:.12 JI1J4

A R?yal bun;h, a::d rapi,"l of Su!h('rl~lHl~hire, i~
sitllated un the ".wlh <hore o(tll" Frith of Dom,),ll,
I in
ccnlury. and elllar!!:,cd in 1280.
If)10, aud l'fpairc.! ill 16:10. The l'lIius of
aud ncarly opposite to Tajn, which lies on Ihe the bishol"s c;~'II". Which appears to hnve been once
~Ollth <itle. l\llhouI.{h DO .... Qch is 3_ 'IH:llty town, all cX'r1l 4i,·c lind slatdy ~tructllr~, stil! .rem.a!Il'
It 15 a llla('c (If litt k; r,,"seqllt"Ic!~ •. 11 15 COI'I;'l'Uetil sow\.' Snl"ll pi\l'~ uf wl~l~h I~ ~I:nr I!I repaIr: I he
bv:) promst four hallws a dean 01 gUild alld 8 COUll- wet'kly markel IS Oll Pmby_ I he yt'arly fllirs are
cillo, .. , wilh -rain, Oill!!wall, Wick, awl Kil'k- ;,n the ht Wl;'nn,,<\:1)',n .hbruary, :lrl WednesdaJ
iu sending a membcr 10 pal'li.lInell!. III March, 1'1 \\('d"r~d:'r III July, and :ZZd Jllly,U.:>.
Do!ooch W,IS rlllll1l'rly' Ihe ~t"tt of Ibl' bi"'lOl)~ of if Oil I
Cnnllilt'ss, and thi:' I\'e,\ CllO of the clllilt,nrall., ~(!Il ,:,,' 1,(
W"d",:,,:ay? It ,"ot 1-1 Wedllc", afll'I',
III Nm'rmilt'I', and hI \\edncs-
kCl't ill repair, as Ihe pari," church; it lI'a' erected I I!.IY ill De,cmiJer; Iwo last are great canle fairs.
POST Jltull'l', i\1r Jalllt" au"e. Thl' i\Iail 11ll~1'lIe~ .. , Ediullurgh,
&c, t''I'l'ry ar half,!,""1 !'Ien-u, <l'd")':)'l~ imllH'<iiaa'ly fot' &<:. whellell il arrin:.
every aflt'IIH'('ll at alld t\cpans imllle iat..-ly for l!iveru<,~s, &c.
\ PLA':ir::S wo P, • I Wiil!am Ro,s, Camb!!~nlOre,}
MI- , Parnell ~cllar, Mor.Wlch,
EsnULlSlII:ll Ci,URCfI Angus
"I,ler' J()hll Matheson Pl'~celllor
, . '
FranCIS :-iltlher, Hhl\,{,R,
William Taylor, Tmvn Clerk

Parochial &. Dorough School. , D. Rus~, M~ssellgcr at ArlllS

JalI\rs Da\'itl~oll, JIIaster Sheriff's Court.
Municipal GOVOl"JUn8nt. Charll'S Ro;t.~, Sheriff O{'pule
TI~Mosl Noble the lIlarllui$ tlf Stafford, K. O. Thllma.~ Gurdon, Sheriff Suh~lit!Jte
I'O"OS! James !:Srauder, Prorul'tllOr
(~ IlgllS F l ' i l x e r . , }
• >por!!c Jall'ray, .,
Jam!;,g Stewart, Head Cou~t.lblll
r~O~lla5 GOI dUll, Balli"", Gaol.
~dl~alll :Sulherlaud Fra3I:T, Johu ~lIlheriaml, Pl'iucip,,1 TUl'llkey
W IlhaUl Host', iJean of Guild John 1111.1111'0, A,~i,mlllt
James Ito,c, Tredsurer Fl-ienaly Soclety.
Jallle~ Brander, Guls"ic,
AI r } John Hill', Pr .. "t~
I.i:~tl~el' Cotai g , C,n'li.ghlwn, , '1 Rohert Sutherland, Vice PreilN
'1'h~8' t'Q. UIlII, .... SSllIt, CoulIe, lot.. William Munru, T!i'llllllt'r
Wlti' HOUS!Oll, Kmtradwell. Gr()I'g" GlIfHl, Clerk
I 11m Mllcken~ill. Crllkllig,

Fra..~er AngllS, e.>q. Lauilh'lu Mrs. Mary Sutherlaml jl .. s. of SiberoSi

"'raser Mrs. Elizabeth Law :'lIn. Taylor Mr. WiHiaul
JaffnlY G,.eorge, esq.
KCllucdy Rev. All;;n. I :\1 ackeu;t;ie Llcut. G~ol'ge
Hose Mr. William
Fr'!l!?r Will. wtiler no~~, Dadd, vinlner
(;ol'(lon Jobn, I\o.s Hobr. vintner, Oorlloch 11II.
{lordoll Thomas, writt'f Simp!l<HI Donahl, hlacksmith
GLUJ" G('{)rge, h;\oerdasher lIud Suthcrbnd Alex. blucksmith
dru~gist . :,ulherland Allgll~, grocer, &c.
Henderson William, earthenware SUIIll'riand Gemge, cart wri!(h'
dealer ::iulherland Robrrt, grocer, &C.
Leslie Alex. house carp,enlcr


HELMSDALE, a small , llCal't'st place of wor~hip is a I)() II I tj;'e mileg oil'.
shire siluatt'd at the mOllth of TIl('!'e is 110 r<lir or markel e~tahli"h"d yet.
flame', and lile pari,h Loth, BHORA, ill lhe pari~h of Clnw, is ahout II mile'!
Wick, aud 64 N,:\.E. Tain. been built from Hl'imsdah.' lind /} froril (;0181l:e. l':xteusive
within these few ycar$, Ill,' not IIny e~lablishcd ~alt
works, and cnal mil'es employ I!1Il~t of the ill-
manufacture, am! il~ principal leS()!lrCc is the her- h'l.hi!au!~; rhl-IT
is also a ~Illil!l distillerv in tilt
riug fishery. for which it is well situated, and pos- nei!,hbollrh"od. A fair is held on Ill(; 2t1 \Vcdlles-
8r~~es accommodatioll for Ihe CllrL'rsliuperiol' 10 anr day'il1 Octnb~r.
of the olher fishillg ,talioll~. A smali harbolll ha:~ l:OLSPlf., in the parish of tile same name, is a
been lately fOrITu.'d, by which means \'es:<els, ar high smalll'illa~{', :HI Illil,,~ N. of Tain, aud I:i4 S. W. of
water, call take it: their lading, Allhe entrance of Wick, rhitfly inhabited by fill\wrlIlcn. Nt'ar Ihi'
the rirer, which abouwls with 8:11111011, and just plar.e is !)uuIOlJell castlc, ! he seat of I he lIlarquis 01
oj)posite the town, stauds the ruins of an old caslle, Stafford, au auctt'ut magnificent fabric, with all the
which serve ail a hmd mark to mariller~. Tht:: elegance of lWl!lnll accomodation. "fair ill hdd
at Golspi\' 011 the third Weduesday ill Uctober.
OFFICE, HeI1ll8dale.-Po~t Mast!'r, Mr. John Hudson. TheMaii 3tTitt'S from Inverne,s
e,'en morning a' oue. aud proceeds imlllediately to .Wick, whellce il returlls en~ry fon:uoon at etereD,
and depal'ts immediateh for Illverlless.
Bll.ORA is only a rl'ccll'iug hnu>e for lhe ollice at Helmsdale.
GOLSI'IE,-Post il/(I.Yter, James Dllllcall, jill!. The l'Ilail flrrivt's froll! IIl\'cmcss ever;' !light at tell, and
immediately \.() Wick, wheHee it l'Cturlls every aft(,flIUOI1 ill two, aud departs immediately for

ChmeS5 Major Wm. Crakairs

:'\lackay Major Colin CamjJ!Jr!I, I Stafford the l\I,,::l Nohlc: fhe Mar-

Duncan esq. W"S\E'r Gany Biy;house qllis of, DUllrohili castle
Houstoll csq.I'intradweU ~luunJe George, . ""bite hill ."uther I"ra!ld~, ""'I. faclOr IV lh~
Laith C,ml,,01I'('r Ikid Gabrid Olhdlj' i\I;\ltjllh aud ~Jarchiol!b~ 01
Mackay Mid Garl y Hoss Rc\,. II! ,ullt ~t<llfOl·d
Hoss H",'. Waite!', CIYllc
Alexander GeOtf(c, architect and ;\ndw. Iill\!n draper, &c.. R<l?S lillen draper, grOC\!f,
builder, Golspic John, villl1ler, Anchor &c.
Andersoll Jas. Willoughby, 5ur- DOllald, liuen tll'ape!' Hm.s linen draper, villt-
I;con, Golspie vitllnt'r, Dee .. & Ship lit'!',
Anderson William amI Son, linen Ar:fiw.liuen draper, 'iro- BMS Gordon, ~ch()olmasler
. drapers, grocers, &c. Brora
Bell & Thompsoll, fish
Brandner James, writer
to the Marq ui:! of Stafford,
' S h a w John, collector of cllstomS,
Simpson Alex. and Dougal, fish
Ooklpie draper, I' Skirlller ",'m s~hoollllasler, Brora
Brandner John, villtner, Urora grocer, &c. Brora ~lltherlalld Donald, taltol'
Clune. Robert, vintlll;r ~lallU Alex. bouse carpenter Svtherlaml Jobn vintner,
Duncall Archibald, fisbery ollicer Melville Alex. v!n!ller and Uelgra,'e Arms
Duncan George, bakel', Gulspie 1\11luI'O ~lugh, vllltner SUlherlalld Kenlleth fish curer
Duncan Jaml's, sen. Sutherland Murray Angus, villlner '
Arms, Goispie Peudreth Alex. earn mille!' Gol- COA.CHBS.
Fraser Simon, watch wakeI', Dun- spie '
robiu Roberl~on \V m. :;alt proprietor II'VERI'ESS. tbe Royal Mail, lea."
Gibb l'Ilargt.lillen draper, Goispie alld ship oWller, Brora Hehnsdale cveryforf"floon at elev~n,
Grant RobLHenry ,surgeon, Brora Ross Alex. tack~lllall anu Goispi. e"ery aftemooll at 1\\0.
W Iel" tbe Roy.! Mall, leave. Hei:'~'
Harper Jas.~istiller, Clvnelish Ro~s And\\'. I'illtncr, HighlandE'r d .. ," m()rnin~ .. t O"B, and o·
Me Douald Alex. linen draper, Goispie ' .pie night 1\\ leD,
IJrocer, &e. Golspie


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