Sei sulla pagina 1di 25






IS m~NIG, STAfl1'EIl) SiiI'lectin.{l a gamB' ItNJ e'tW'() rk 'J.av

QUICK Sf.lUff PlAY GUIDE IBuild'ing





Prlopeny &: ResO;IJr,ces 14
:2 1U1ii1i\~es 20
2 lenalnCs 21
z Wo'rktc re e' 2i'!
J, fQlle'm'em~Work,ers
andIIRe!p'iiJirmel1 25
,4 The' Police 2i
4 The IBank 30
'5 lhelMOliJ, 3'
6, O,pponents 32'
1 Undillsirabfn, 31
13 I,son R,efe,ren'ce 39
'Prop'e AY AtMi'bulfl'S, 45
IGa,dlg,els 47
CFllDIT"S 48 11~1J():[)lJltT,I():~'

WelcGIll:!! to I:JH~ aU4QIl,·.rc,al ~\'t!lfld or CDIlSIJl:ictOI". 'liI1e Silt! w~thSlreel Smartsl No ~ell!.l!' has be;on spa,red (ll!X'cept DIy s:alllTyll0 IiJiiillg) V!!I!IYle qallimallefissio.n O'r SCf!illmatilil~ sim puuie; 811i! gritty sweet ,ac~illil. JlliS'llike __ me r,e<JI1 nrld lit Sill' Ibilillgly mocks. C.ONSTRUCTOR i~ II tomple'X, WIii __ ..... ehi!ll~ Q!lJi.l'l~ envif'onmQnl U1l11. fe,qtiirO$, '1!II1tck w'ils"wha:1 m a"!1I!iI.£Imelii~

ifw'ee'bis would ICSrI 'R'luUii,tasJdnf. ,II wiUifllliiGW ~Q intHe:t (H!,ull'Jal'EllS IlIIl

JOur ,enemies !1md ,8 lot 01 Imoney. ,At times, ,it is hea rtbl1ill8 kjn,gly iJnlii i r,

PllIllnillEl y,our estate. :stQalilU). Itu,ggjl!l1nY:fiI bellte:r tGIllOn-CW, bi"'~'lin,9 up '0111

,p opf,g.ol!llliu dish s~c rootyj)illlili, n~l1l: Olioin !J-it~s: all here! Enj ov fQll(li'l'Ig

(In psyc:fios lft'ying to!cl~iliiilSiil~ 'fO'Yf Ih~ ~t !lS. IghliiS~ ~tni_l:Irntlllg!l'eLlr t~n~W1ts

.alitd gaflJ,}S ,0'1 Ililiugs 1hnmm!) malllec '·l!Il'lIes·. All I.e! ~hl!l lI!aplllI~s[

~undUi~k ~ce "RIo Red Sa'I'kIui)'1

T$"UQme time tel:ie~liImefa.m·li3' 'WIth ll1e 'gam'!:) (sec D:uick PlaV hide. pill,g8 6} IJBfllii'B mil inllllhe diis;\ inliO l~lQ firle lin alii il1lp~ten.t r:ll'!le.J:IilSilllii~JQ tit9'. C'1iIllfUl:lclllQr gets be'H81~ wl1Iiiil1l1 VOl! IUiOW ~oJlIlethif1.g ;di!o1i.!llil: I'or ,thilil~ yo~ lila), Yes. Con SUUc~or i~ diU1Gult"lblili w" 'haijIlIlOlllum!lllll8~ "fOOr ll1a'l it 'cillll Ibe' lbe'M€lfI~ lliii~ boalWlI1 ~ollndM DIfIIl,'~ g.i'lle' ~p! Wak i.II'1till Y~H!'V.~ lll'pnS'1I1l1.d lihe manual50'tim&S IUld, sli1I'i1()n'tg&tlL tlilsp lh.Mwlhe disUII 0 the niililJ At far-IS IlholimpuUmt rag~ 11IJ1\del$lIJiul1 theIV,Iil'8i\i',e U'ealimetliS,I'or Ilia'i SQI1 ~I"INng III Diha:d'a,s:. Q,!ltrtl sdMalll~l'Id. really •••

MINIM. ,1l':§,J(M IVf~UIIIJ'1S'l i,

This disc cOII~ins two vu,i(s>lolli$ otICOr:1'SU'Ucto'j/; tilr [l'OS cr WINDOWS 95

Q~ !ir~lfflO .s.~l')1s. .

'.40 1lli:2 66Mhz f'C ~IP,eMlorl'll f60IOo1' biilllhH r,o!' idilBtllcflh,vmallco)

'iii 1111411 M. 116M B, Iro,£iornmandolil •• 4X. sp~l3'd ~I) ·,RDM ,driiveJ

11'3: MI laid di~k'$'Jlne ~m'fnlmum ii'iS!lolJ)

,., DOS s.o o,r II I 08(ler

~, VGA G,aplflli;: s, li,1'd

~,S un~ IBlas'lOr In ~OO'% compa:lillie ~ollildcEll1d iii F,or IilB1Work pI". IP'X: O()fI'l1I1!;1iQl!


1. TUI1lI Gill ywr ,eGrl'lpu~ef. In,'Sen the CON,sTR'1!JCTOFl'" CD·ROM I!fisi~ lnt~ you ~ ICD·IO M' drive 'Iusll'lg ,iii ~s c calliidll' ita IIIP'OPI'I ale).

2'.ll:l die DOS, prompt U::b). w,e Lllie Ie_I" cQflFlesp~IiIJjjl:lll ~O' the CD·IO M d'dII,{! ,01'l1l'Ollf Illill mpUll8r 'Ilmool :aroel!ulJle~ 101 or E110lllfwl!d by a "!Olll ftt. th !l1I1 !PI"eSS me' I::.. key.

3~ At til E! f!I;b ,or E:.\> pmJl'lJiJI'. ~yp e IINiS1rAU lb.1

4. The CON:SIRU C'OR~ logo wiU ,lIpp,ear. Press ,aIDY key • .A't Ihe II'lS!(IU $cre:en. priess ""Ie L ;, Ttle insroUarillR Program 'MI f,~n. IFliIIllow '!he! on·sc~een prompts, m hrlSlMI) C'OiNSll1RUCTOR '0 lI~)l:l'I herd d1~t dove. Vb .. 'can c'noose from I) minllll'llll[3 MB 1\ I'nlUma~ (001 MB) Qr t'u111 (,1lOO MSJ IIsm~~~lio""

By 'lh.)f,:uJllt.I'IUI game \f 11 in!Slltllll!l c;\ACC'LA~M~CN. Whore ACCIIJUM IS tIiIo directo,1) and !liN is, ~1l11 ConStrYCUH sub·direcu~liY.

IUtlce Hilol giliifiO: IS :flllst,alled. ,{-OUI will, be !ls<~»d to, seulIJ! WUlI' $!l)III1c!Cilr'd, IFot"loitl OJ1"'SlC,ille'1l IPronnpl$t1l dQ st.

5".10' rUIii CQNSUIUCTOIr' once iI s inSlall\l:d O'J1Vllllf hard dis~ ensurel 'Iha,t VIlli ,are lin !he

GONSlRlICliIl.R djm*'lf. ,11i~1'I ~pe 'G"ME"[ ,- I at the 'e~\AClCLAIM'CIt4,i prompt Nmtfl: U' V~iJ b;l!~ii mg ~1 MM. ¥O!! nm~t 1W~ 'GMII E~·.

~OO- l11i15, M4N

CoM~Ncicr is iii com~lelP'tlame reQ!lirin, pa,tieJOIl.e.lll'llnnililll ,and lIIi1! C'lipen:swe ~oOmplMr. Filill

d~luil;$ a'lllllU Of! me et~m~lI1~ II r ~lil thll M~HI!!!ain:g 'ill r [SllliO u null Append!!!: s!;iC1ioAIS. 'Wia

SlJlgS,est von l1!Ii!~ liI:le IQuite!!;; t (uid'1I 1.l1jiJ~ tMji! i~ mp urtro a 9!'mil EO g(U u<Se'd [(I 'lfio l!Ja'SiC

proclI'duro<S. Good lucill

\M'Ille mere are fivo :IIU:l,inl scenarias 'Isee Miss;f:(iilli, IlIflge 10NliI ConW'\!croI" \hey' aH S:litH,1l ,commClli1 elame:nt:r. The i~'81i ii~ ClCNS:'J1RII,CTC'R is 'tCJI rollil~J ,and dc'le lid a SU tceSS'lIiIi. Sl:!S'tainiog IlIIeiglnl:liirh!Wd an d 10 hi! IUS your liiiitijhbllf'S, . ~dle _heVUV ~l) dQ.1I :samt. To do liIlI'. ~ou build strutwres s.uch a'$fac~:oric~. h~H!5<CS, hospilals. Jliilice stiltion:s"aJnd 'IIrtOU~'lllhl!rs. Lmml by love". ~ u b iJif!:l b oMr hou!5!;J's, a,nd r~C~Ofi!£lS:. go~ bailor tenantS~ ~'~"'aJfd!S. O1JIar u pw.ardsi You ,koep 'I:r(JC~ 0'1 silending amnl ~CRII~'\'ing. V!l1!! also d(jp~Cf~ Il£IlilgSiWts_ IIplicemen, UlldesiralllsoS. etc. LO 1I!11p you 8f1111 himler your opp.r.lIlellts, You must '1m your homes willi te'lIIalil~: afld,VOllrf'aClOllil!s v.rilh \wltcers, and Ik<eep Ii'Ullr l'en an1!S happy !lnd :S'Paw~illg mOI'e W'Illll~rs.. U!n:ants. M'l1oernell, I'nol)soti:lr,s,.em. '1i'OIi m.ust dc; so 'W~tftlfi tfIe ICIl nSUaill1s set down, b\! liM C'Cl.lilt~.The! Om,llilcll is ,O~i' looal 'gtml!mme.nt Th'~ I!,etermjne how w1!~1 Vml iilif'e dOill,ll. Thi! IGlluAtfl ~ d~mai:li.1li!'lll, !Uf1 ~,e'a'S:'€JIHlbl'Q:afld OOiiJ n::ive" Th~ set h~·ga me rniS$ioos. ~€!!ll!hno Is n'd 'Use. SCUIS ~~ila'i'n adllOCOI~es. ins;po¢1 YClir pr,op'o""" ~I!!g IP{O.~'i:lSS ~~PIl'JU ,lIliId geflilralltr/ mllkOI vour ri1c' h lUI, To stllXle~II' !II COnslri:lc(.or. youve gO.l til keep the ICliIuRcil hIPPV. lit C'lIi11 'r ., III liF<iejUlIglinill lWiJtilfl

(31(Tlll~(J ,§T4~1 leI)

Ytlu'lIs:ee,a bun~lII'G~ lllin" lega'! screens.. PrEl~s.6.. 111 m~Il om Wh.en VO;II press b. a,lilho! d'!lo ·!1iCfC;eJl1I, yiIlu'li 'sell' Ii g'toIiklV:sI:i J'E!1!I~red ~trlr'Odu,sliol'l :SQllante {pIiCSS boo Ibtll.~iSS i~l: lillild e~lmtua'I1¥1hf) IMJi1t MenliJ.

IClick ,11111 en" onhese cbiii'l!es:

IP1I\Y GAME: B:lIgin, ~ oM ~Ja¥erg:alm<l us. 'I£luJT5ielf Df Ih:iI cll:mputer. mAO SA,.EiD GAME:.Resl1l'11!~ your p~8'd in illlll~ Q:f Ie pre'VicOus!ly sa!rnd game slO1!. SM &AVUIjIS G~MeS ~I:l'ilglllallfor de~ilils 01'1 saving' ,3 game.

Pi1AY NEIWORK IGIWE: Ull' '!O faLi players CDII il ntov IliIeIWD~~ IJIUV:

lAME :SEmfilllIiS=DH!l~ 119 lU99~Ci ,s~1ti!1l1$

bll!liJlI!ge~S'!llleCl vWllch 1101l.guage.yo:u IIfl~efm1 Ma S"oiriIICon b_1 'Oh!8fCler Aniima~on' Have 81liiimalions play Ii). iCIi or Air' AIS Automal.i'c 'Scli'e(l:n, Scgm 1illQiuJes lIES or·1')jJ0.

S"CN8'D Scm III :s,peo:d: Togglef1j"QJlJl ~ 'j.$IIlw,el't '1.0 5 UaSluil'l PiUH Gamel d!!rin:g !l'i!,:SS811)ts: liES or KO

li>tpfa¥' AUVi~e'li Anip)liidlfS.TO"{l:g:I'1i VE~ (ir NO. TUiI1Iir:lJ) anJfi'liiJ!jans ilIl maytl,e'V~l!fflstar 'g,me s~.!(Iad.

Cillck GA R'E11U.RN4D iii 0 back w the MQ,in MII"u,

REfII!A¥ IINil'RIl Ru,1 dlr-ougl1 th' ·'Wllt:Ile' ,opening ~uelilCic Olin andillgaiFI ••• em' I1IfIOGMM! lit13tl.1ilfilG' yoW GptI':E!'6:ng ~MI. Ii't1/II'bs' a~ed' U!Coo1ililll

§flfCDIN6 A G!Ml

~llJ£iJ satacli!'!lg PI..AY I'l:h.ME er tPilbA¥ tNElVIIORI( GAME. roo wm eQm iilllQ ~QJ 9llm9~tect s,'C,r,c~:n.

s.'iOIf~~ GWI:~J.o~s

~'!i!.S!~WC'!i .~I!~~ At,ltUI top ,ofdile: SG>I"a~, ~~!!' II'MllJ~Eld 'illlll(,e<$, ootfl witliJ sruCii;. OOMPU'mR a [;Jd ImwC!L _flogS; ,~ 'cntck 'on ,SIElWECf ~o l(ltiUtf~1t a ~~T,lII'. Tihts wm b;a 1N~U r 'll£Islin COlD r 1hrougln out '~~ ga r1Je<. Ye ur

~~UUO:fll8 ~s,;, worll(t£!r~ ~nd ~Ihl!r O,s,Il'Ul ~IIIJlmn~ YOUI tonth'll mll ~ndi~i:i"EI'ill1his coler,

Th~ SEteCT dl:l~W- wi1l'~llIang,e tot I:OO~ • T'OHI iR11li ill :iI ,chQ!l!!C;tgu 1'I1l11'l1!!. (Gille>£! V!J1!I've' oopU'!, a f1~mej

you CII'! (il!,,," l!NI '8 ~iffi~elilll;lllor t~ swiI.I:~, !;;Clklr$).

~ Cliclk @':l'I CIM'lJIfER ~orn 11 dUfifflfQI'I[ ¢!olor:! m !lIla,rllQ~lrun e ~(lmpul!lIr QP;pOlilenl VO!ll' G'an cl'lo.llSII' !liP 1.0 3 cQl1'1plII$r flllPlll'I!mtS'. (MedilJi m and IiIllrlil sMf IOilqls '~lI~IifT~e at tea'~ on~ com~l!tQ r OP'JKlIf~ n~

• Clrc~ en CAINtCiU (UI ~e~~ f'lIIl ~1iI Ihe SElJECT SI'ell}a.

Clfc~ Oil' flo, GAME 'nJiliES, rb~ (h:n",a, Illh~ ~o tGJ],gle LhrQuoh Ih~ \I'~ri(ll& mis;s;Jpns, (!';:I!a MIS SU:UIr.lS on ~age' 10J,

Click, OR l!ho :S;KEl!llliJEViEl!. bl1ltton,to 'l'OUigle umon~ ~~~, MadiJ;!mand Herd ~1If!l'h!,vek

Click on 11iI,8 UP S~'I ilC\ bUtttQl1l1O cho,Qse rli·Ofll !U,I) ~Q 5 Ili'iffe re!l'illlln8PS tllvlii!'aIli!il!ydJlilllf!fH,IS, IllIIl d~iffi liltllty ~e~tJ!lil!~11

Cliek () n ifill' "XiDI :nAlfb ~1l00 '00 'OO1l0hl' bQ;~(lell1 'h[l~nldl YQUlr ~irst esllllli[l ,ol\'IIID¥Moc ilil th~ 'sam!) S~O~ or (I MN'I!)I~M STMTI n \f,Jh~ch ytllIi r flrt{t 'ElSlalu I!iI E!V Ibe, l!lli!ywtle'Je-ev~~ bit . :k,!~tD, bflcto: wi!.h :!l1il1!'llilp'~"eAl'l

Whenl ¥ou r p!ilY so«~c!liG~~ Ii r~ p:l"lll)ew~col1l'fig,u!l;dli AiCCfEPT ~'lI'i1i1i pPG>ar iiI the tower 111ft. [!!llk 011 At'CEPl Ul 'Iii ill!)1l aJ '!I~!lIII€I,

CiilCk en ~.II'DlR1 tOllla'l,q,~m 1'0 til t;II MAUI,l'M~NIIJ.

~HW(IIJ~ 611"'(11

CDl1SiIl'O~ IIIr ~8 n bee 'pll!v,eli!' by up w, hlu r I}T~yglrs '!!1;I'er' al1l IP'.'!( Of' NfltblQS com,iJl!~I:.fIB nIlM·g~t Wlum V9UEilIIter th!il ,~amfi ~hllrHp $~~9n. i~ ,~'fllJil~Il'H~ Inil'1Wa:r,~ h<,IIS b,Q.Ofl d!!~eGlf;!d" i~ will ~l'Illil!iim \I'~!l! lJiIat nalWJlI~k miB,v is.IiI\11ail'BJbil'e.

i~ yall dlO[IS.Q PlAY NENlClRIIil:'G,AIMIE: l/(IUw!U b~l~mnl dleuchoi~e 'of ~tIl niP!J a n ~,.g<iTJUI' wliIh Q~harplayem; er loiflll!lg ;~,:a ghe '!lila! iiis, W~Ii1ifl!li 1(1 $liSlt n WIU stan r 01;\If) fOUl 'Nill Ihav,1! e~m,lete '~iJl'I~d1 war the gamQ.~ o,ptions: ',!Jiiho ipllliS: in rho gllm~.1lr9 m,:a!.!1ty 11",oL clToi.Qe iilf:Si!nri~rinlld wtri!:11 R1'aJptli:D g!lm~wlU'IHI'IDray,£ld 011, Iflf(llJljQ(n ~m(lDnl(l a'nwS:lg,.m;(I )fOY have 1!10CQrrtr~1 QVer llie ~r~!olilsly mefl~jll:ne.d f1Inc.tisiI)s

H lftlJLI Star.tJc!DIII11!11DI ~ III$\wgl'ift!: ,g~!lH~, vg~ (;>oIilIPut;r ,is, ell! host machine. Priitlr(G beIng a hCi~ VOiU mU5111i:Iih~'r \l'Ol,lIr:l!m~G' and I:II!'IV J1~JI1I'e yo !.I wmh 10 Il~"'~ ttl your Ilamo. m~is luni'qw alridemHies. you U g~m"'ii!'!d ~lrows my I~ip'\ii ,n'Eltwll,rk 'O.iilflil as 10 ~~ ~1!l1{tIiIQ1 QI1II ~h c samo !1,Cb.wflC. wiU~ou~ :illUll'f,uri liIlIi \l'A~

'(!>ach !l'1he,r;;~ -

Men armm er pF,aver nlld~ is detected ;;!1n.'tIlhc pflVIIFomers a mamBo i~: mil a (!pea~ in one 01 '!he cor,Q"~dI bOKes.. tOnc@ al1,I1Il:!.1{,ers IHIVe! e"'~E!rt!!1iII1! 1JImes !Ill d dcked en ~CCePT, il'stfl1le' 00 p~'aJyI;¥IiIJCtlIll1l1$Il' .assign srl.o~ 110 ,COMPUTER pllYflri,

C@rni!ln.lfliru!~io:n w7:lhotMr ~iIlY'lr$. can bec<lir(iQ~ ,olll, in ill!'Ile:s~a~!;I r.!!llilb,y. ThllS w.ulrB(s 'Ifflrom :Bg.!lI1I'I~ ociua II~y beQlins S(I '!hot ¥ClIJ esn Idiscuss gemo (I(itiO.IIS with iidHU' p1'!WllrS a nd ~ell p'Elople: ifvou want IU.h!l1ill IfI)fOUr ~ of IiIDUo'liIoe \lour !tamll hasS'l~lflte.d. 'the' m.uss'8ging ftlllillybecoil'l es M 0~he'r gmll!)S playing 0111 ~e Same' mlebllll'l:!'Ii: ail:!! GJilllji'all1MlVS com.mumi.

Siltlon ~vithlilll:e: .P fUl,pl.., illl\l'DQr ,U:8lm Il. -

Utile iIIos:t or lIi game docilfns l~ ~iUit ~~:a,'oIit!! 1iIIe game}'. ~e~ iilil 'liile olll!cr 1lI1~iVIlll'!S':fn me·qtilliFlil wiii be f~hmra.d: ~G m~ gl!ll1ilal me:ssa.~if,l~ I~'bby wll:en! ltlev C1Bl 'Irv 'to Iiindilloo'thWllclllm'!) ~Qlleliil!ll.

. , '111M , ~ ~I<!!1I' gl!'! !r

'[milll' Oil-llit. I • IUllD ~~~I _ I~ 'IIm~ IlIIslr1!ifiMi !imr.ak~ liD

t)IUlltl\ IVllAr t(JIJIIII)1E

I"YiU'1:e :$al'l!'MlJ:1Jy :vIii~l !!n~ciplltioill UIll1 VOU eElin,'t bfar ~Q .~Gg tIIfllliLlOh ·Ifte re$'l0f ~ bOO~ct figi'll nQ'jIf,II ~mllil~ ~ ~kI'~ h,t!rl!'sa bri~l'wil!kthfllllgh.


Chec:~ (lIn ttl!! ~CO!l rtder'!Bflae ijn the ,APJilGJildT l:paD"1l: J9l'f'llf I.l tn'Cioollgf;i ru illllilWIl of C'nnstntmlnr batic:J"

110m, '\We ~II}I

ij nOIS YOl!! kil '«VCE:.Fm 0111 111(1 GIlI!l18i Se[m;:l !i~JtlI!HI, 'IOu ~ill C'QIM 1.0 UltQ

gIl'fI]eSCrteen, slilpl~l!Il y,l;Iur th::lln:~bt~SIQ. 'fDiU bogin,th,tJ.I£lm9 lit

Hel!Jllll!Luar1effS';;!IIH.I ,he 1M it ~mli! dS"!Jf!. Your IiiIOJ'll~b,jJ,Si!li!> ll!IiIllllllll!liI 9

WII:mk!c~ws. ~"eih!irli!lg 3' fGrr.i:l1IIQII', i: IVJlmrtmQo IInll1 B Vllautars. l1hun:rreili is Sl! filll!iIl!I!IIJd b!i [1!!Iith SrI" whi(ltl'yGu 'Nit! :i£@OIl di~WiO' 10 m<!ikc' WI1~ AIr tia:ct€ln'i$ il nill h ill!iill~S"

tt()II~1ms0Jtn~en I

Til) Ch~c1ki'lIlIe'$''MOS tl'~ "om0b!l~e:aUl'U1\1[jl'Jle, clTlc'k '~:n 11m :a,t ~~ll' I~U pf )!Oil! r SOrUlI1, Do Ham!lbaSIl'SJt;m.efl will dj5'plar how liI'I!lrlV 'W,ofKo,rs a ntt UlJumts !J!tIII1:I lUI "'" 1l,1OI'aHflbl EI, \jjl1ld dej~aj~s abllU:l yalllr rel!ltiallmip Witli1l11ile Counci~ tim a 1)[1II1i] VQ,urr !~,el(t rn~p'lt~o:n aJll(l '~o:i!lr I'o,mi! Ill'" ~ ItliJ e tit!JWlof"

~e tbe1i!e~i~ -

lill rlilile' I!l:GntrG11 ganol! !Il!uheJ btflll!lm nglll (If liitsse~'Qetll ~~O le1!lflS UliU rlli[ 'J!01l1 COAlIl! It ~l"!l'rI!C~Ofi IrwtlJir«!rs I tn.O~eMIU'S orroro:moil'l. ~ella]'tI:s in~ W'Olkow, rw.-_- •• !l~~.).1o maq: Wtcpairs 101 ¥Our ,proP!l!1t!j! ~n:~to, nliso alllrl I®WD'~"1nt

I3lJIILI[)-~(7 §TIJUCUl!(§,

Th'9' 'IlrS'! '1iI'I1J!'JQI '(Q'U !load ~fI do ~. b'l:.I~~ a Wc:od 'ltl'lnll :SO !{illl es ill SIll til huUd I1g l.ev,Q~ 1 111 (luses 1~~~I1. woooens'h!l~, mallyl. lhen ytll1fU mDlII1!,] 1\C1l~!l1 ¥~l!Ilmu~ 'build !Illlea;$t Ont! or each l~ ty'Ul~ ~~il!lillbcf@ro ~!JI~I be all~ W 'Billet mOJeil.diva rlced SUUCMes (C'E!'me'nl Yard. Stoo.1 'fifdl Bl'iek Yard. Ilt!l.~ot ~Fg:clOiY. ~tC',~ !3!sch !'.II iMl'i1;:n ifll!ll!illl allews VOl!! [0 build I~nciell ,nol'l8t!l: llrnl Ibe:ttQ,I'facilftl~.!liltrileltfi!l9b~~ler lenOli"!!!.', W~osQ'~P;}Ml ¥iiill QiIlCQIIflO !i'lop:erU!1\IJ le~i1nts. w.orkers_ JXlflc'emen an~Dan9S1C~S:.

Tip: ¥~ll l1IiIill! wish 10 p~,rchaS'9 :811:11 Od!d:rtiul'lU ~ ~ot bl!lfllrlll b uUd,11'II9'lln t~(I Om,!) yOllist:arn; (Iut' 'wiilJ'l, ~At the OllllOOt tho, It!l~1:! ~if VIIl11 '(I1~Q1<!1 ~tlU ~l!! IIiIifV a se,{;a,ndll tU withQl!Iil, I'fiealn I'Ilillieir rather s~riet building ,(e;ql:lllo!l'llGflW:; 11:!lIter, y.oU \WlIII'l bGi ~GI ~1Ji::'~~ I)

ODc~ (lllIlIiI!!l S1i;murE (a!lfE!ft 'llf iSt~eeliltJI.Qr Sf!e VIIh-atlrots Ufe awilable.. Clto!:.ifiltl i);r'1 ,(I lOt:

1M1l $t~ct II (iQltrtMIiI.e i1: lin whiteJ\ -

,If YOUI Ml1It llO PUrc:1ii9Gllillln EI~I'I~eJl(n(ore,ny'II1jm" G!&t1).~c1!:lh=1 CLlln. Jh:EI p:Ulr,ch~e P~(;Q ls, ~ooUCi!e01tAlm yo!" CllJSI'I balan.oe [dispTa'¥:il!d ,~l tlle lOp le,tIJ.

I ~@ IIQnJI rrn to the Main se'le !lliI.



1Fi{,ll., I~uild II 'Wailld ill!lll. & do S]l. c:\'i~): on tit!! '111\6 u:ltaru!1 vmi(o EStAR Omf~

~drI' finl m~ c.onuo1 :P'illflQI In tillli' mtI,ri9jiU of Y:llur 'liicrliijfl!, ¥gl:ll'U ll!l!lte bu1Tdlrlg

9lsnscre,cn. Sintl:W:l,CS a,'t;!~l!bta dupud alii 1foli!J '(lUlil'eRt llli!fI:a'fng 111;!\f~~ t\:~1h}e fllfllme ~n.

'. wo:H \lioild' will be: a:va~,!!b'rt. ~Ib gamiil p·rrogra'SSiQs.·pu ,cO:1'! ~IEltt Ifrom Res(u.J~(iiCS

j !9ctciilll8:'I,I:~h ~~ W~~~, Cem8n~,Sooa~.Il'l~.' 1II0U5~~, SllQ(;ull f~:a;d:ptF;}l\tml'li'. P'Oll<:~ Sta~Qq. iuc.I' ;i F1~ ~l1desiraiDreIIPl~ Sho'P. ComnT!l[:llfle., ell,C.~ huiMirn,gi]H~eri~S ~ ,t'lidjli191lliflU~e,

ico.tMhen :st'~O OilIJ~\ \l!lthr!liIlai . SS W~jl'e ul'!;~

itt il'lfDrm~~Of! a ' lIirelil1f!lit~"!1Itl(j ] ~Plfai!t .

'INiIl~ij 1!1I!Y' wQ.l1Id V!l~d 'Ior iilny SU"III chi«l) iSi'.ere,CiOO~.' c~~k 1)11 mi~ i pl~c~ tho

~!!IliljuIQ1i!!! n IlIli'! ~hil ~:!lliriCdllilit 10 dor ~~. lriol/b' VGur mo!:!s:c 'I,Q VIlli 101. 'Q'!,nl1l'!l!, ,f)ll

Uho. ~,,(lquim~ 1M 81m wir]Ilppll.1 f; ~A~l!i amows: j)uiooingl i'n III 0 tdlf,oc:~dllilho: l),nlryJ gato '~~=. ~.$ Ute IMiNl'MIllM 'si~iI1!QJ ~e' ~"ol of I~Elfl:d ~1I' \MU need.

Mrnr,e' Ute' pe.rimreliElJ' <llllIund IIUlllJ'~ lfIu ~l1l1rrmwSr:iI!tie an edll!!l !! HI:!' ilia rUllimetsr tUII'lQij UIJil. lta'w~c t~ll {lieliimoter ilnrn .. "is'D:y· Leij ~rr~k1ng !!he m:!ll!,lse' Q r (me:&SiIl1Q 1fi1l 61 EEiN m01J!llE A!WlFlOW U~,OjN (b om~m Iright cOITI~1 pane:11i.

'UiS~)f\U.11' !n.ot!ls:e t.t! dli!! g1 !it:$i~(!tn!;l ~itlli you 'w;i~iIil the Wo od ~oltd tIl' .lillY sUtllctureJ t~ fi'lt Glictk, Then QsO:"the m'O""~JI "liBflIi!il .I.t! S~lijat'e11I:!(I' IwlnibQ~ Yflrd O!l! t~ e :lito. '~ijQ~ 8!DlI i 1'1.

Miff tU;tillill!l mo].lU b,l,IlttiJj Me(l~g,plar:~ 101 rir,OlJ~ 1ill1!1'IQftma Ilijildlng'!l t!!e,rim.gter:. The 'iIiO~1

af lhemoU!Si! ~n ,chang,!:! ~OcS:nl!lW me p»Jim :S¥lTItHIi. "ll!H! C3111, !lOW l>englilillli mJ~e,p.erilQ7a:f'!lf

rfnJ il'rll:gg1ng tbe mpu' :I,) i:lliUU:l'IiItIll r. U'fT . r ",oilr CDfI'li~lm mho ;PIlIiI_Ol'. i1i1~,lhif ~,co n wm

Il)liUt!f'to,e ilg!il:in hlI1t1ii1 hD:UiS!lI.1ihis jll~. 'pu IQI I'1lloll(llie lac:ailtuli'i G' ij'Jc~t'lUal: ·sWCU:lt'e jiimi~ ~hll' ~!trill1l.alllf. ,[ilickin ~ ~." l! ,I1iU!U!f!ll>s;aln wm Il!'lal~Jl: ~hQ grid or lite, bllifdlin:g;to' ~ built.

'£iU ilo ,iJIWCI1Iwoim!!

3, Vilorki!iITt !lire nLl101lll a~cll nyasst;lf'lod 10 QII¢:h, F(!I,r'llI;mlU'a~ the'

b Ihe 1!iJ8,mt. 8,111 d wiUlfallow RIUlVlDliI mov>c hilll1, alrO!!jI1,~.

hl's: nv I 'tiel t~,e ~CI.lii'al Slil'ua;:IU~~! ,lick Q,'A th* buih:!i.!'lglgnd

(wl:i an ~h!l: rnLiUISO 'Iums intlll;! till i'rding or hllyse' and 'lillo n p 'QisslJie i~1iI i!lto call ~1i11 a W!l~ikg3,lIIg" u.c¥,~ ~ IJUJ[r! :up n~"'l $,rml n~

A_qr:g!I~enUUltli m"~fi,ojjJ o~ tll~li!i! 9Idli~e'CtiI!IQ I!! 'ga,Ill:!:I: Go ~G Yiiur liI~meb!liSi(!<lIlfIcI ,clic!k on a F[I REMltI!N' (Ilh~y~ealr b,~owrl llMillfcoiUs !lind t~lorre,d h!l~sl, ,An ,lIllima'lMm willi! !ll!Ipo@r ~fld y.ou't!lIl!e: lI1lked wliia!t ~111 want

CIi'eJi (lilime MOVIE icofl~o ~II :Uie fOrtlflla,n' amI! his c.lrew tee r(!<~ort I ll(l1hIl·:;;r~e y,O!J cliclk Olil_i~th1s 'CIIS'E! llile \\v®itllf va rill sil~ttI w(Mk. I They w11111~;lJtu~the .!itml>tlllr,l!. tl1erni!(!,nd a rG'IIAd o!JI1Sidla it

l'II,efOllil!malll IMlIsU'1I1 be fJIlg;lili!li~Ued amtel' mo, 'Wood! y~rd h~"beeJi1 I'milt. il;!rrck"Ofl th II MOViE II conllC! ~e~wlHe h. Ell1Id11l!1IH11 c:IIT~hho IfIOUSiI hh,(l c,ursor WIlli C:hB;lIIll~ ~l!I ~ ~(lul$'~ ~bQI~ ~vh!!l'\e V<OU w1sMh Q~~O' g,1)1 in this CaSil' eml tlil~wod yard. This wiU pu~ t~ ill W~ ~kg:rnlJl illl:sid~' l!hil' WQutlVaN1< OIl:Ydi 'llilev w:tl:1 stairl 'Ill! p'r(Hltlc~ UlllIS~r' Woatl ~ilIP 'to Il, In liIxim\lm' o~ 2.5 urnit.s)r Vl!'ltJ 'Wll~ alnS(! kl:lr;a~ ~n!fl th tv(:fIOO j)rDtilUdl'lg unf18whelrulihll',FiM,\f steln~'Wr~l:Ili i!I' tl1e' w;(lod y~r(I 'SCt!JtHl.

1l1i!i1(!1[~ill,w:lllln !C1~il:ki!lml ,II~I hi.' !~' iIIo!tr lIill ibuildiil~\

Jh(ll amOUlllt O'f~:"PIII halVs ... ifll SIIPIlaJr IIMOOI tD;P l~rHd~([f :SCl'lr.lOfl!. Click Q!I1 tills: lie: ,~ 11IIOfl!! WQo:d illlrl). ene-I! '(fl!;IiG'l !IfI!Ii11;g. yqllfU l1a¥iI -C(Il1Icm~ ,Ib~k., and !ilI!ellli_~ ~ool

~£M' llmildn bl'UWI

Clil~1!: thl lcen ,!!]]:alfJ" aM tIin~s '~(m so1!ec~, Q!liIei of,m!!' Pl1lth!.ll~e Le"'lI~ 'llw,oo'd!m h.'mmJ,~ li!1l~IJ;HtI. F'OIIW~ lffIe'!il:!mel mAildjn~ Il'WC~ldl!lkl1Els V@,u' ~hj wid" tho, 'W@OOI Yard. WiJiIen '[hj! b dilding is~flrlislie~,@1 TO

I • 1 will iI Pil'J!llr;, i1ildicIl1it:lll ttlal \lD,1,j can mmu' leOIl:nl,l> iII"

NQ"'~ V,mI.U know h.ow' t~ b:uild ,lIl'ldl~f~ :stmiZ~yrG'S;. 'Rllmembe.r: tiQ .IDuUdal Wil8s>t (1mB of lliiUl hllli.Uatdll ,hI:lI1!SEI fol €!iH;:tllll!;rfl. 8 nlil bQ j{J~fl;:il;lus :115 !f(lU Ibi~~ Gn ljlOudol$. 1m!£! rO~.tlijilH)i1~ .. ,


Tlm,lililts: :Elidl, Ii~el ygU ad me; ~nullg ~l)i~;illliers wh~ '1I'II',~nII: ~~rit !td'!ilT1l sliusru~d:, ferm1'1!llli,JM!Io :glrQ !JiIi'tr<ElpM It;!!ru59 d:aimag;i'l .Qrllillltmhl r:f.res. BUr!filev ~'re III ~Ce;iSQry. 'eM O~Qn u!5m,~d.

Tlif mt'-~ 1.£~lUfN

WJu~n yd'!" ,clit~ Glil ,II tijlus" lib,at say.s m'ta:.'((ID'lll g;t) '.0 mo 1niSi'!! :S!lm~l1!lOO is¢r&I!~. fIiIis: Sl;liiI!elil de~ail:sth!!! cl:!mCfll: $iltllI!JS or' 1I'1lUf l~I1i!lfl!S a:FIIlllllfolll~rW. Jhl! b~", bar motor 1iI~ lll',Qbolimm ,of mil $I(;fef;l!l1I r,ed'de,II!Slls !j!\I11,lr ~(iM III~ becolll'1lll SU'mi!lfld or unllapp,y.

GUll"" !Th''4~

I Clic~ ill'" Lillo IGlff,- fEN, AINiI' in, ~In!l ~(lWC~ might, CQIlIiIt,U, ~ paflil~~oIJ, i'ldla 11'Ie1liQ: ibfiOlWO Skllll"'Y 'llioupt(lS !.'!lIf,lIilable 8~t'his 'lovCil. 'Click on IOnil ~lJl _ Ihll,nta~'eI 'lllill;J'tl mDl'1e~' (clic:k ~cCl"I.

~olfU !itHI ,0 ,Sj)aWIII Me1Er in ~M u9~el' lu!r. Wi1h S:p!!lM'!I Won'l{i0f. $pawnIQHiil!it iam:!! P'a,y Riel11 mod"iiI ~toniS 'lUI '!lhel miighl flf it. The Cllr~ern modo' \~ll' IJ 1l:l11 i!Q!hligh~ed. By dll~a'Ulr. tenants pay re!'liL fo haw llilom begill! sp~wJ'!i"g il'!:i:~b!il,. ,click en leifleil' me re ~aJilt ,~w '\IV~~foor ico!!. lcoi!flts w,i~~ ~eep, ~p'~w-;nifl!:g until ljfOlI! ~~~'f!9€i ~h~m IMck W pai~l1g Irerlt {Dr :1iomOililtlin:g b,a;~ hilPJHlliliS:, OAC(I off:spnna ,!life bllrill1lhav w.l'l~ ,1I1l~~alr In ~D IiIr Mgmeba$e1.a11~.

INIIQ),,II:I: V9~III!I'I!;I'~ l~l$,JGI! ~4~ ~Will ~iIIImt!i IftO'! ''COmes. ,ftt~ 'tI~~~~h' II ~~mb _ r ,(1:!1: !hDJ~~li'iII ,;~g~:

TIle 'rou~ baf$: IbQilowllhis a fe-II reflel:l> IIIl: "81m 9 of mill Illst~UJ, thecUf~e!1lt vfllue.lfhQ. II liJq~ul'illQ,~

Irent" b ~in'IJ pili.:!. I!~:e.; .

Iii! ~e "9lt1: ! ~. a plimlm oiIlhe InQ!:!JS~{or tire 'tenliJi1£. ~neil ~1lW1tl! move~ [Itt IB.eT~tlili~ rrdQ 1~!I*e~ tlml VtW thai Iire~:$lilaR laf your lana illiS:,)lliOloY mil ItjI' chillilmn 19rJey Ilaveand IiI'OW !~:.l.In1i1 ~hEl ~Itlhi af 'Ihe "lfJ!(t

A~ lI~e lower !'ig;Ml'ltB I8l'lailll ac,ia n icollts Iliel l'etrtl jj~erll WiU 1~.naln~$ wi~!ih~1 es rEI d9111il,1Il!8.

FiEN:CI!' Budld ,11 fieflee'M SClqJl"I 85!,~b.g iwusa is O~n'ilpIG1li. Tn€! wuiikmen ",Jill 'I!!m:8idy lif;! in

'dlQ¥a~~l '

IRElDIECO:(MTfltvick.G):I t~, p.aim ~OnQr i~II.J'11!Q1 s.~~ ~1I0ms EUild 1!Il!~cl:l~~ Up!lf, YOII InI'IYS!l :s.g,n'd.:'i! IIl1Olil;;er,tly"r 1i1S~if,i! UtI! ~DIIl~e' m c:bmphne I'll upgr~de.

I 10'4'0 G;E'i!1Sc tht~ll' ¥OU;~IQ'1l\ built 0 Glld!iic~: hCIOl¥1 you can twilt 0 rid! [lu~(lhill!):C gl!dll,ors lit.o ID,Qybl'e 6 'a~:edlwllltl!iws ~rll.f.lV btQC~ Q!ltr:,II;'UlfY iii (lisl!'l illlldCoimP!l1!1fc$ (iitfJ'¥ rni! ~'9. w ,!slns SP'~'f1 f!!l~1 11i1l'1l~ ~-eI1~llns).

BlIO 'elie 111~ this i~Qn ~@ s~",:1 IINJ 1lI1!i7sSlilmll t9"i61li1lScl~,,'Wkillg~ Wam1'n-g: ~vi~~iQ illS

~!.!'Ifl b'!!¢kifil'!!!-.,. '.

GO lENA.lNiIi' S~1l1~ lilting A lelJ,al:llt la~e)

RErAIR CIiCl'jDn~U) :hou,~ijJ wi~lu~oWo~ ~C;FI, mO'lIt~ r,g,!l!lQ Ililolii$erOr 11I'Iru3111 th DlIl,gh

~iS_ Ira:piiI.lts [itl1rntlf~di ng' p"'ltinQ OJl~ l'iresL~ -

'lip!: A (;hBtape~ M.r8iY '~J!i l1e.,air',d'li,mitlleJ IUD sonda: If~p'~iimafl~DmJLa. lio,rIl'f;o, click om It IrIll~!Ii~iIIIilR ~1I1 brumfed mw ~assil'l!lO ~~on:clil). mlln cIIr~IJ,!:l Tlim w~lIr,!i<iIlIlllil hy dic~iril an 1~e: dal'l"la<l'l~!i!l '1iI!''''lJllli'~'t, 'II'!l!u !Call .els!O ll!~lI~tIP MI'V8I II13Pll rrmNllliI bo OJI ~O:Ii,UiJifll1l pa~JI {$!!IG:

'S~:I!.t ',ROPER" fOUl Mtiln ~itlll,;li l'Io!JcsE! ba:clC,t!l,me:~J .. n(lil. ~;kef dG~Wl1rS'. tlfe p:J"(I,ptrly 1Nl1l bc~'Oml a... C'"a n~ lilt

TNItft I()O"I)UII~I§

, Vllh811i m:a md "Ii9_i!l0'II'Il' l[;ompl(lim itO" Ojl wate:h !tl~ lh~ screeii'! is IlUfl\ing'. IliatlJ)fl d@wn thO Iha~cfh8s! Some c"-li~!lky cf-e1illlia ,dem~ndl~ your o!!reIU.i(f1'\, !!11M ~. ~I~ IU·Il'~btli 'C!l<St pu IOOll~. .

I~ you gllllli~Bd I~~ ~heir whining. pu I:;I;!I'I alw,aiysrsemdllf!! ror'€l!liJ!slt [Qi .

Iblllw th~m '10 ki!l.g~!om c~me' Oh~!!f'S! '&.11 ".

Tlif, '(7![)t]tT ft\tl()llJf

Afte,~ ya\t,1l bui'l(I C'OIIICI'l9t,~ Va~d !llllIdl$@tmO' ICiilCi12 hcuses, you: can arn~ SMula ,Il ui!d ~I:I ~ sraUa IGI~ d:get fr!! i\;[i!~'!i. O!ilCIi! y,D1iII\Ml built iI (Jad'lle1 Fac:~rv, '(9l!ll1eedllll S¢IBC:I i~emsro ,buIT~. To I~O ~. C:lic!k 011 llfiIe !'acto n'V IIQf UTe:'~ ~canl inl ~Q strip ':at rn ~ Ifelll. {l1'1ih~ rst:'rlen~ till ,S'ee m.e g~:dge~scfieenl. li'our~l :se:~ iii !I.arhl$y or il'ems lh,n can be IbuTft ea:cih, wilih: a rnLm'bor hid _t!.l~R!I, Ill~'l1It ~~P·!lt!lV r~r ttrillt itel'll. erick en ttl,!! ulJQ:m 't~, ll~iJ~Qif ,the 'nlllll!b'lI~ vou W<E!!1l'l b:lJi~~ 10:[lctl 'clicik rni!8&S UHI'11'U,Imb01 alldle~edll SeFId in a work !Crew Ulbtgln lI1lillIIlUfflc'liJrin.g. and 1I~,aV\li01.HgQ. Ofl,~!3' itllms :BlliC b.uin'. 'lou C,Em CilClk OM luil i~emr !Il'1cli tIlern lonlhe ,iD'elw·ery iC'o~ t~ hoo~s wililtl ~

• 'BlIId :t1I\!O~. tlDellll!ll'lgl~1 w~en~: :VOI.l WI! 111. i~ d!3~rye ued. VQIl! C"i!llll: a'riSo lallYU> go ~!lIIliHI (lliIlUi:rvto IPick iilfl gi'lda;9[S Il~ c'!i~kin!l' Of! U'le gadget i'~la:n il'l l~e 1enafn1. SlC!1I'1~n. S ~re,ctmgth9 itOflll ((!Ir I!I!HCl~iliSEI, tiIIef! b!Jvin[J it. No.W fOlH~~I!~'S IGIHI ~'ille iii IRI'Q~c\a !lInt! harmon~~

lItQ1\e's a SlQIt. ~!Zl.Q,p going, 'b(ulldlllg .. l:!iuyingt,g,{:lIiinD ,bigg,er, b~u~& Ibold'ed


~rD g~l IfHJ or fib allfloyiflil hilJilil'l'.tlJ .wmhll<iI, 11 wl:mk gang to be:a~ theJ S'~I:IiWllIg !!IlnO~ Ilim (011'1 tl1f.1 mall1 ~crrl1!'l!n. "l!iti!'b, !! workGi~e\~, Cli!:IC:.~!1lh\E! fi$t rCClflialil d ~'HO f.lllifiG< hippy while h'e~s olltS1id,}.

!i Tty to' C'!!lvo-r. IIi,e:~ l~b'l!l ~,1 YQlJr PIQiIS withl ~llfll!ilt ftI"l!.!C,UWli. '(nil ItDul1l~il

CCnlSiG:iU't empl~ ~pSJ(:Q '\w~:s~ed·.

, '!i 10 pllEliil'l. fA I!E\S. 1I"O:tl'w!Ji~t 'ItI hillle ill' Dildine'!: 'Fi;I~{Orv b,uilt ull1 'WI'rlB '11~egs "b tim" .. CJi(i.k on '!he! 'U0E OBJeCT reef! tb:lp row lrig'h~" ~,Qn SQl~itl. 101 IGiil.eIr _c~g~,C(fm. IBfiiSlli~

MI:S,S, (),..:§,

TlhQ\~& I'H'lH'iliW I1Imn tYI[:IiilSOr fI!IisSiiollTn ,ltu~ 111mB: G~'obal M~:S!ltQns w"i~h VOll I;;liiv oSeallhll1 ib:egilllinin g- of 'Ihe gjilma aM Goum:i1 Missiollls wnic h rH~cur 'ElI.\!!I~'OIJS 1;me.s, dlUri~g thBgame.

l3[{)I34L MIISII()NS

Ih:sr;I'lI.l'fe r'O!'1r mail'! mi.s$i~:!'IS O!~einll rio~) 1)0 iC'IlI!)05'i1! hom, ilt 1iho :S!I.~liN: ,Oil Ui! II ga!il~O 1~llJjsEl S'~UH'i(i~., n~ dlif'lo' fimtUQCnaMI

If;inlDl!i.llmlll !CQ;nQlu~:rOatllriJi~e$!IC'!la,Ss in ltiil$ s~eli ~lriQ'i'O!!I1 mlust hav{I abil!1k b<alance ,~ i~, l'e3$t :S1.00JilJlXl mtlrtn Oil 401 ~;eilr time period. io qu'aliry,l!I1ere must: bUIf!o debts Qf !J!tV' tind to ~he IB;8nl<', tb II Mob or ~o the iall Mao.

IEg;amat!l!1,ia fOlW lire ~I!;qllli,redto bui I~ ilt ~~!!'~I ollie of elif'CI)! l'!jr:pl!1l,of 'hoUSIl: llie~E!is if! ~1ri)!I' ga,me, irlclUl!!lil'lg 8'1 ~ thi£! ':ipe,da~ c!ommissiQI1t1J', Anisllli'i g 0 ~hl'mhllhe' COilSli!U etiont of ,fl .gr!~l!IlJd Ph'arac!h's Pholl~ ~ the Pyr£lm'id.

Wluld D(llIIIiBati,~nll,oll,oli!'.rs tl'na l!BmG lh ma as IgoW:El.llli'fl.lliJilllilis SJC(lI'lIl~io VOl!!: have'",· 0Vlr1l ,!It

l<ea~toi!l!e' rosid(lfllial pcroP£lrty Orr! Qi~91'y :siflUlo 1Wl~'nm: in the 'MI.'C~t1. .

U1G.p~!1I1i1 S:l1j~!l ,brill'9,s 'I~!iielher ,1111 tI~e '~ll!p,i~i!~ist1a;.:sI(jIlS! 'ilOll! h{!ilol',g ae quurodl illl 'U:'I~ oilier st,eAafi'os \\!{ith diI e ~!ilI,p;pineS$ D1f Y,@;IJ1i WJ1IillltS,Th Q !ilbj;oc~Ii'i:el is 10 h'~",1l' 81 ruaM three Qlleillch twil ~~ ~~ill!H!l8[lldi ~!9lhef!'i all UIl~~"MfS(!d 1I,"~biE! at h~!I~90:% hllp,PV.

IBlui I~~ B!fl~d. :Iu'il'd lis f'~flh.Q$g Vilfi~' ]lIst tCU'lg!lt ,eJil.:ou,gh (If tl1is ga me iIllnd wan Un' bui[d' fJJ(~ver Wilh flO !il'!'!l ~ij'lil:S: and !illi!~hifl!l!l'lmM¥tlubI'lNilU a~Wlie'¥e otfj,er man cmat~n{llhll! mOist [[Ima~1I)1 ICi(!J11S~j'!lu::mf'Wo~d. /It g:~1J1lli pll.'leGi to pra,c'tiie,


ThQro :aWO 0: vQrl av; 01 1t:(!llln'~ii Jm~S~OflStIl!fII[. fIl~:$~ belect~~dl til u,ough Oli!'~ Ufl!l·l!1~me. "Ftiosll liIiI"s~jtm:) II~~ orig,tlili!'lill Withl me Cou[nci~ 'Il!1l~ mOs'UyCtiMern ,giE!~tlAg ytUla iil1ll~l'Glileth1nlJ~rOf 'fGlllt ~~I1:i~l!Im.

$ollll.e' mi$$jons areuflgell\ed br.r nol ~Oifttg m the iilUles< ~IElt, bV lbOi CollirlC~J "0('; e~m;ph~'. lliot Hili!lkilJ{I tile h(l~ I~Misi!jr.e IJcS.Ei i)~ :f!ril!8i1!1!l:de ~P1I~e on 'V0Ui"' sSoflne..sI. "rM1enl III ['!!I'lli iltfll rlJ'Spl!ClQr ~,oes his MU!I~S 1m!:! '~lJG1s wa'Sl.GI~ spatCiG IIUllI'IhIf 'astati!B ill B t(u,loc,il volill dlllllilarijl, valli IlQrlre'l~ t~ell~Q'bIQm in iI,li:l!eil PJ~~r!lC1 01 tim 0,,,

$'!o:mli)! rni~i!l!I\', Il.:ll! VOl! ~ md!:!cQ ~Q' amount of 'Q<elll:Di'O (;Ilal'at;~f Ityp~S o:n (lnl !lIlPponC'nl\Jt(!:lIl"1l. You: mii1h~ rtlo ~l:IId to radlii ell mJilB 8i~E!lQi~QmQOIn~'$ f~~~1l' lO(L~et Or~liL'l iii umlber of 'Gh(l~l'S: .a:rll !:I!I!d.

ThIS soh,li~ion$,'m3f'f!bejllG:lW4etlljd 01' B !lllilmb~1r or ehal'll[{lt ildin.[ls

wherelJite.ll1l (;hafl'lcters, QIii~il'lla;te.. !liRe d!!.sl1loV~III!l1 ~ 1iiI!I!.i1l ~Q '!let

SOOle [n!!~alil ulii!DllrVOIlli'esta~ FQt ~1I'IfiIl.e"if~ j!UItIlI M(pp~

Goo'!mL!Ji'I(J' in 11m mm:dl~ or- if ~~!ll~ ",Citro ~blc W!S!iliia~ [Cul\inj!J a1

~rob1'efn oJ lhis ~tt.~lequires~u 10 COO1Jl1~illsa~~ meJtOMflts; Q'l'4h~ le~il.C byimJlroWlg 'Mr Pfc(!:P'Qlitie& Olli!erm~!lM aI drili\_in!3!lltde GDllilci~ d'oma1ild~1D c~ct PEl~ 00 imQlllv,(I'ihi smltll)nmem.

.AIW missio:UI$ ~nollililfedl Pfln"'od ,of lime il:l: M1r~'IiI ,you ,mu5ts1!Jcc~ssful~y clifI'I~l9'lO' dmm.. "Wu [m1gtu ,haMernOIftl tban O~I!III' ,11iI~tol'l tiill!i,ciKJiI ,Elitiillnif::'iI. 111'1 1liI"~ Siluill~iiI m~~m9 PII~ilds aIIQWeo,m.i" B!ilCI:i' I1I1t~'S1an n~fi m,~iOOQcwNi!lv.

~aning 11!! ~g rnpl'~I'l! th,g, ur~k:{i 'WI Ilf mliss:lll:lni Il'ii~ $,enDUll'c:o~qtJ~IICi!!j (or ~II. llny,re, <l It: lwo l~e's~f pcnqlt!ts imJiJDSJl9iJ,:

I t lh~ from 9d'~an! ~le~~s.:Sllon of fOl! r or fi;VtElO'I you ~ p;l'imar j!!1,o.\leflliElIi,ItJ

2~ YOIIII' 'G'ilIv(lTD,l1ei\slillB'l1IS(; i~ulkel]lllW!!Y from y.l)U .b,y w ~ Co!.! n.@i~ \IiO'U'f(l »u~ of ilie ga[metl To O.illtiflJe :nnw ':la,'{Qrs~D b(J~or W1iHloTJfStBrn!!l s~me' Q~ U'lel ~Gmr1,9!(iti,m; of Coum::U Ml~~fQn~. Uti' Eilq difllQ'ul~<~E:Uil1g 'ilia'S s'QIII.ij !IIIis~';QI~s d~s~bted~ II'4In, olliuns !lIC\cijr!Q~e' Iball! in Ihi~lIcr ~'iffi'tilutlV Ill/!J,~IS,

'T~, kiee.,p 1!!<I'~k of ~~~ llli!i:isi)!lf!i~ ~ha[ liIaVie blHln gfl;l,en. ~o you :and how hmOJ U~ cy l'Ia~ ~[~ltlO n:!!!1. cl~ck Ofll (!:i,i) brier,cu!C [i C(lI!,)Ofl ll~EI i'SJrt.s!i(le' of lhe SIC rl'lt:l!'l.mis willlHI~ you ilt 'IDI!: miS~~IiI!iI,diairo ~c ~{Ul!t

MWi!o~ [ContfDI~ ~rl skIlIIg hro ~lIlli~J;1 you :1,0 [lilQl il!\issiolll ~Q;'Iii(l1lN SCf8!!it Men (he b~'ofcl'I!SJ!I is ,open it m~lJfI:!I ~l1er'e are [mRS~to:nS awaltinQ c()mpl~tiolll,. Whe~ ~hll: tm (lkgrlltmd Ila;sl'les., il me;ilIl'IiS 1~un ~iniliEI is neilrly IJP~(Irll

~!! ~~ CU!>!llr missi()liI.

I Whenl irn tl'lll ~ i SShHl data SCr1101'l1, dh;: kijllig On! thQ~op Glcila'l ImroS101l1 e II@C'k (ill! ~I!,l;1 c.'lInter O. HIiI.,.a d.S,t!l sClr. !le",1 w:111 IJtlJ .. ~ you. d~~1iH !cSof tl1Il .slC!Nu:uiD! VC u are pla!{lo!)l!!'Id 'IJhG 't1mll ie~Uo co1II'!1!I1v Wllh II.


.~illIlll tht'UI(j r(m'QI' m~1DliilltlQ,~ks ~iv,il YJliI,I ~nfOMlIl'~orn aboilliiffl ,r_oiiiiiiiiii.1 nOllrl'cil missIOIlli$ cu:rj!\!!nllly [IU !linIn!, C!i~~ '010 ~nv 'clocks !b'at have a~Ji\lhv [ioo]l!s il1l U~elill and it 'wlU disp'~1iI' iIIC!t:;llits< ~f '!he t<i'* YOUI I ii&tre ~o underilliltc and lihclime Irefi to corl1lpletu It,

MlJUo.[ - ANI) In IOONT,l! S

bl1lt Mouse BloHDn~U.!lii.4'!n prima n'il!ihm1i:IiIilIllS a n3"OO, iSe'r!!Clt ,1i!c"lllmW ~.!Iftl'lL.

Rfotll, MOII@ BlmGfi'li ~FlM'Bl ~~imj)n'¥tu;n!!ll:1ien!S: hQ '10 displ. infD{m'lllliol1l i8ib(u,n 'an ![doll fprollss lMiilc' nell' ,n) and !!:I <.Giflnl!!lie~ tho, 'IlY rr1(l1llli3rClUIl:ll,

rue mou:s~,cm~l!;o, b[e u 'lId 10 'P~l!i~~ Sr:~oll' ~Jte' ~Io1V area illlO SCrI1Ili!'lilg Ii$t);' !by m)J,iiiil1g tlllJi ~ointe rkr Ihi!l QIt}I'lI1@~flil'l!e o~{le of mE! :s.~fl~.B1iI.

I)festroy ~rC~ema!llGnfy~

I:L: 'OOilM,ver IIi pmpcrty [tJllIl1!fIl3n 1lIll'ly11


8 Tia~es y,outa, me hUllE! r,ad:a,r .sC~!lfJi'l

[( ..... 1] T-akll's 'jfil)U L~m!Q RGmQ~IlSiL'li

[!J] Scroll p:Hwartfl Of lists

t:J,. 'Ch<llrtg~ gamma, ,figl1mll'li ojille!r!!Q~ YO!!lI'd'~play. Sp(l~dl upt~QW ii!QWIII ~hll rgtilllDe

~~gll stlQ~l(J:d lel~!lI\SC:I:er.'l·~C1 SrOJ:lJlJ>.

Lass!Ji~hiJ.'¢Iii:~taC!lIl If 'II'l1ll wilm ~D '!lfLfi'l.lP., hol~ mhfl ElIK,~!!IQWfI ftl1lilil prei$~f111l'1!I1: mofu rmIiQ,r:J ~eV$"PJ !!'ffii!te a group,

pri~;sil!lllii .f'PI1(lmil!l.n Ii:&V wiliin3, 'EI rfl~p. ~SlSl9f1;1!d to it ~a~ i!tiHe r(!,nl elre~l:s· d!e~!!!Ildrng, QI'I y;au c!'!rl'l~n;l ~C~~III'Jtv.

tin iI ~!J.USll.~i.!L~mDIi.cIl~i'·i$~mm't!"H$ grQUi~iilnllide' ~oulie. :2. InlihQ' pl", .(Ifill. Slj;!lee~ ~hem.

101 c:~,~'ce~ (I g,r(l!lllii1ng. seLe,c~. IHI It;hl!tllll~~rS':Ofl~ .. pr~"S:;jllu) l:IflPoop,iato rUllI;clii,(1IiI ,l:iell'>

i4V1~tB, 1&\,j'lfJ

:-._ ijll lillesclril'!e~ cr~c:k!nQ 100 1ih1!!> .IO'O!iI ,r[Op nfgllu:onlil'ol 1f.In.'l!I~ wm j1Ial.l!.~

.. • ... , 11:10 NS ~l'1 ~ ret ,til!! adJu~1 glam !SG1ijnl}s .an tmlrs!lvll 'f~tl.r qam~il:ik()t Gil SAVe

. GAM~oo S.l1iior.o 3 garno, .. cir 1E1nJIIiINi l~llIieSUII!~ game Ipla" will!!):!" saving. ,:

IO~ S~IJIE Gln!,1tE~. ¥(Ill Mf~ co me~o 11'111 ~AViE Sler:ec:n" whCfEI y,GIlii CIlIIi lPic.kDn~ IQ~ll:I ~!!i Sa,1II(! ~o.. SiOlect Ono .ill'ld'tlileJ )II a 1f!!!lme to'r ,{Oil! r g'~ma. Ir SII ~ "$jt'l,[Ad UJlm!'! Sl~ts .!If(! fu'II.V~lI win be

I :WId to (lfj1l,l:M!lrite h!~asG' OrlIO, SollQ1!!~ 101'10 [0 I@VQrwriID!ina elicik GIl it Qr,pre~ ._', l'oO"will

I, e to CiUII'lilti1. Icttc~ 'OJIII!hQ(:h.Il~ k ~oJ::1.O a'~.qQIl~, I~ Vflll.,;!lillleCl UilO''O'lipJll!i sjy,EI slut. pr,9Ss

t::: 'llJ. til he'dl

MtWi(J:I~IJ'()UrJ [(il1T(~ v:IlVI):m".~ IJ,H UlJCf§

these l~lIgl!'S tiantlin ana,v"e Nil!w oi'lJhe Fle,soulrcO$ YOUI have 'IlD b uihfJ. the lesll'll.l~es I[lQ'I,I',emyom pr'llgre!'>s; 1hmu{lilJ Um rllf11'IHe,m. Sl<li~,e$ or property ~ORSUtlC!li(l Fl.

,...".---~--. W'IIIDr:A:FlI This bll~diI19Is: 110m liIelirS1re!ll!lUftf! <l;n~ the mn pl1Opelril¥ YOl~ h~(l to OQIIIS'lf\!.G't rflthe. 'Ullme. ml t~ovrd'f.lsaD thil' MO~ rotllli~od f@r M:ry I~J,!)~e!"I:Y'in (he gam.13\. As ~~ ~Slihili moot 'c~mFlflon~ I.i~BiI1 fI'ItUnlll1 inl ~ru:~tiDIl!. il~;s 1!'I'w.ilJ~'w,CI.nh: CDIl!S[<letilila,'~awng 1'OOf11!'

- WIn one .~' mess esse:lillial ~lII00Llftes;]~1J nlll

;=::::;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;::::::::::==; CEM!Nm JAiRD \I'IIh>Qo,1iI :at too.stune of each '0' '1ilIIe VIo'GHBIiI WiOlil'SeS hal\f€l beeR!,Qoolm.~1ed. tfiis resou ~'OO bec'o:mes avawl<ii'~r:e<, 1I'fit~ ~iv~s, 'IIOy Ihe QPP9-li!ity ~o' tlU~'dI !ilcHl~~~~elY diff\l;;lrell~ luild muttrl iml*alOfid. ra!"1llc' or 110 Usi_nml pluG SGYSr4'l D;tIillr il!ltlllr~Ii~1'JI tlfOp;e ftle.

~=====~ IBI:I&iK'(I:RI Afteili m:fle or 'lH!!ICh orlhe, 1MQ00d ai!lld ~~m-0i,in pJ'QP13;l'ije$ hQiS IIi p.FI.,caVbiill~til~, Y~!!I 1ll!1 be Ib]1a (01 ~M?:I'.a this ~ritk Y8 fill :Once b.uill;.illll:ffQ ~ .a "IIIHllif 1iI!i)1I'~ ~~n.ilel of rQS:~dintiDII .plliilileliili~' aMaIHaf}hi!' fGr ~!!.~MiJ!lQ!" As with oltie.r ~!fSIH!(fiS. Ilhet>e':Qiiill l~uh'E!t tVnas 'of Ipropenv al!8tl':JI~t(l" jn c~njullCli'Ol1I !I\lid! thls OIilcO. M:i1kl!l kln~e. yon ~Qfi<t Imi~~.g illl en arlllY - ki'iil3'p .......~---_...... ~hiuc::~i.f'lg whlal·sr\llalii(lb~a.

;--------., mEt 'YMD 1Iliis !$ IJIQ IQ:tll 1F1'l~Il1:lrl~Q ',Uti !'IlIlIa ~lil rfI,uird. n IbJel!;llmlElS a,lll;!ili1bl.e ~ftew VI,)!.!I ha~Il' tllli.!IS~m 1l~l!"d <II me;H,l !!Ine Or" 91l.!iI.h of flite'wao:6. ciI!'mel1!l I allld IbrI,tk prIOI!l~l'iIIi'e~~ ifhi:.; roseurc* g~es ¥a!.!1 tho' tlliiI'lC(I 'tQ ijm1rl!:lk !ll'l 'lI'fe C~IUUtU:(iUgjl o~mil of ~Il' m~t lold"ga (it ~lsid'91'i:fle's'il\ltl1e' i!lm'li. Atn(J it d'i!9t WllmSI

- . - Q:!l;u]r 6t~er ll-ellll inl~u!·Stil'tg IPI!Q~er:lie S;

..__----....,.. Ie that :V0IJI slllQuld choc:k ~1i!t

.OI1~a'¥Dull1ad liL!IIllt~t ~e.aSh)Il'E!'~J ,all Uii e ,nfeli9rl~[¥P ~cS 61l!!;SO,Ul'lce! 'va rlf~ YOIII ea II ~hmk a'hol.U ~J!'m.mdin.!J VllliJr s)liSul'Ig ~1iI:Q~.

EVillIY .moou ~,e va rllles"r ibe' IIPllliiilltled to, 'F{i1l1QrV @:i1~1:I5. Die IHllillefills. or ti'iis. ;EIrtllrfCjl1eaSle~ ()'.lil)dlll:(lli~m ,sp.aed <lInd Ifl 9 rr(lf.l"~er rr'nl',enmrY IGap'~,(li~ - Ib,QIlh '!I'el'Y 1mIHII'I@ !I~re.res in Ihe law &tagoo or dil,e gome.

Ttif [V~I() IiU'UiH,

Iha tQll!n~rng ~,£les ~!l! m'!grm<!ti<rn a:bGul !JI~e diflenml ~S l(!If hl;li.l~'S yOIll Ci!i1 COO&truc~

d1:~ughol!t. (he dlkemn1: stil!ge'S: rtl the game. - -

W{;(I) N t~()l5!fS:

Ilde~~ 'tl!~fI:~: S~oib QJ IG'rCltlSell 'ram.!'! iOel; SIHl~!lm hV(lI~11


lQ:lIick, ~1iId ells/i to I:i ilild.l1itis iiS ~olJn il1l!1FOth.ICliDlIl 1:0 1;lIiild[l!Ig] _rl!:sid~n.'i!!'i ~lio,pem a$.Re:q~l~irng, ,ruJ!:, 3 u nl~lj 11)'[ Vi\loul ill!iI d Ii! Ir~la~ely :Ii'han !C:1IJil~1l fiffDn ttl!l1e. j{QUl wi'! r soon haw this minimal iIllboth) r~ad\l' 1:0 InlO\ii:! tn to. lhe fdo.';!! oonallf~s fo,r ~'tili:flll!lll~9 aile ~l'Ie Slob Olf Glrl!:rJr~er fl:lmme~.

Cost. $3,500

f"e,Bhold V'fJ lue~ ~.QOO

,--------, W_lIilIEt!!, lODGE

l1Ii'el S'ecbn11l altho. W1H)D. [!nl'il'~o1!lS~nr!j;~~DfI$" ~'his ls all, impn~ve:d pTo~e tty, OM€U' ~~I c·abJl'l. ""geinl only' llUrecliRg Jl Ulilil~oI W!ll11'1lti1l(1 CQllfStrIYtt it docs flllle a iittlillllt'iOrilf ~g, bqildl, ThEllf~e'i! 1 rel'l!lfllSrllr mishllYSfI ~He till! Sloblo.r Gre3H:r fill miti ~S;

CO$I: &1.500

IFlila nQtd Vahlloi; S6.!IIiJ

~~------, SllWm HIT

lho II:Ill'tI:aMi<~llSlrn ~Q f~lilil'oJ0'lrnililinil:a[~wood O:r(~OOfl5lruoti(IIiIS.lhis mOO) ,'isi!!l~e fI!§ll11i?l'ItG p;~Q1.Iid~ ~ ~er sunn{l~rtm 0'I3crc:o!'!'!mOOil~Ullilliml ,is: rDlrifI,

'In he SIrOi rno proQ\liOOS: IVlIO- S8gliltlw ~!J()1' to c!(lnMruc~ it imlleGfll¥.

llle~~ to< com,telll'l. Tllto itru:al '~(!l'IlIllm for oos iill;U.iiSe. j;l'r:e Lhe

,Sh~'b Of '!iIe~Ei!r f'lliinilil'ls.


Freel'u:lldl Value,: ~ .mlQ


woo '~[I [EtW~-a ,111n- __ 0:

l'deilI1lii'!tf!I!~b!1. ~Uflk Of $1Jgd'e!!litFamUie;s SiDcja!lllAi1I!I~: 2

iOllJNCLL H:DIUSE It--orlsiidafO,d by SQl1Ie to be II d'c~'1'II'ln"l'l!llldl~~ ,ri@pllii1t'j'~ w.-_- .. tht:s, e!l!lf1(u\illell{ ·S!] !(IlIJiuafmt lyle ~~ pOO:jlllint'l' ~h<at.

sllil@zili!:g, ~nl¥ IneQjuines " l!! ,,"($ 'lih!jl~(ujf ;;eil1ld 3 I!Init$ Gif

'll:eil1lllii1l~. hll ItOM~ct wii:1I !:10loflll ~he 1iI.lii1l1-i wI' ,slJuifefl!l

~a millils, (Jj1l1E!ll!Tlilglltt!l1I f'Or 11 .. All nc e ~e Ih ... ~ mew!!'. 11Jr II n

L- __ ....;:;_---iI ~l1le WcQiud ~1Ii~ bric!!; I)lri'd i fIOs tl11~ hllii' the r~J1Y~~

I~O oStrr!.u:ti Dnt5:me.

'C@iW- :S9;2001 IFMlQiliU)IIV~IIHi: sn,500


lille 'firs~. £If ~hewl!I!ldalld CI!imSfH buTldhll9S, is lUll ol'o:~iB:nt.s:[ngle-<Sto'rey prope nythillit teq:ulfE!:l1 3 urnils.

• o~ waodl m ad 3 lun'its or C'~IIIMI1iI'kI ~~liIsllm~t S(fQng(l~ IhUlil an,! !!If l!hiQ ~odoiil orn~y prop,~rtie~ it takeos m!:):(lh ~ClfiI~19Ir ~DI C(lrni~rllJcUdool ~or flu Ilk In SUHI!!!nts. lCa~SS,BOO

FtcehlilTd Villiul¥.S7~SM


Your flrm 1II!IfO'-St~.1Y pi1'J~tfly; £ill. last" VOlll C'Q ill see ~'tIIc n~es. N'e,eding: :3 II!W ·@r ~ ~ ~d 3i !!IllOO {I~ C€ltrI;a'l'lt m

'COI1lW,II!C\ tile: iI ts Wil~1 "'-11M 1111. Jl!I

~fOd:UIlI!' lhiG moM ro,gid!jfllca' f{!r m~ itraM

'~llnillii~,ItiB Ptmk 'Or .~ellHamllias, . .

&lllstS9I.o0~ IMreehol1ii Vall!J1o: $~ 1ll.!OOI!n

Afller lOne ,e'f Illac!hi ,of ll'li!:' 'wilIllIlII ,lilfUli ,C;lIli11~lliJ: IP~e,pertil!s baS' Ib iilelll ¢unslilill$l!etI. U:(lill IBr,id Ya rdllbe com,e~'iBl'IIIlimll~II!!J hll'!)OnSlJlJ£tio[!!. IBijildillOI tlfl:s allrlws YQU 'l'O c'~mS:!IiU()L,~QlRlltol:any' d'f:fiQren~. :alii!!! pci~jl)OI ,ew 1'8$ientill ~ ga~op1,lni~:s pt!.ll$ oll1~ I b ~ildJngs· 'w-'hic,Jl Will hI 1,i&rylVSiOJlbI ill! m i $; S.!JlIQIlI(,llthc: ~,B1ln!3J,

WV() .' (fMOO 1113I1J1'U U§U:

idea,1 'Tenants: N'lIm Uf' IiItlliliisd MU'jlllr

S'~c~i~IIYlivef: 3, .


lakJn:g Ih,eirmilme from 'cla"ie: pro,JIsl'tios, in the 'IilDtonies. this first pl1iJ!perfy clevarly hilfe!llllefac:t 1hal ~ ls m'3de QUil or ad!liliiic'edl !11ill~erij)'r<s: by e'laddil'lg ihi! ·ou~e~ s~r'e:ces Olil WOGd. Tine ,con~trrtJ'~tion time is II lil~ID longer tlnll!1il VGIJ fhav!;) ,SQ ;rar IlllKIl.crienc:cd and fifilluifes 2 units or woodl 3 ullits, 'of ClliI'1lfO'IiIUIUI13 of bl'll:Ck. to, build it,· IIl,- er~n:tI s~n:mgtlrl and .'iilcmil'y II-_~~~.......! lUll' Wlliil warth it TI1 Il, ,I,liXgui<!iil:e p,ropel'!:y dC'S'f;!NIlS,thllJ ,besl: o,hooants iI'lildl

-- ideal (la'ni:!lidattls alre lhp N~ fal tllII!:!1 Rl!llred Major's 1,8mlI1as,




Ha\liilllile,sire w 'get batk to basic$'!Uld llllcil your room. mllis S>lIplI~ior WlldilIIH3.sS: hrdllaw~v wouldl h!!\unh-9 W"ltlJi1lS' dl:lilllO c~'lcit"'-vhe91~. Thoug,hl I;!!kjn.g a IitlJe' 10 no .• r to Clon~lJil:t 1~!:l n ,other prlDp,erlie~, '!,he' ,rU;5ltil} ~~mp'rtcilY is W(ill wonJll the allll1lllj;llil{l will11he; 2 U nits of ~a~. 3: or «1m ent 81111114 of b,~ick rUl'iii:led ru"i:mildl it: Allhlilugch Gra ",lima 1C1:!I1IiI pit WDlll(f

'- __J pmliatlly betbla lJ~' te., _ Ill". YoUii' ideal ililhabit ,nts are !:ho' Nerd Ii r 'Ra:tJrs d

Mlli~(S r1Jmlfle .

CIJ~: $9.5011

ffll!ahold'V. lUI{!: S,IUOO

...-------,. ItlJlOI

It vo:u tilnlllQilrlt 'I he M'itl West wal~ somei'hhcrem ~t YOUi wO IiIld ws.nt. '10 filla, this pJro'lIel'iv is II trill 'Cil~lsic ~ ,om dllI,coftilill1i1 backwaters. Incl'IlI(J:ibly. 1Jtiju)ltollsTw, properly ean 6£1 b 111111 ham on1", 3 u lIIil~, 'of wood'S g, tlQmen! afid' :il, Oir brick lind i~ G·(I&wlllclUm limo Ihllt whll i!!ltDILi~d 'lOll, Vt'lf'i d!E!:Slria~le.1Ihis fili$!~m~;w(l~ in'tbll prJOponym!jrloo~ willi ideallv S>l.lite the ~erd

L._ ---i! Qf IRe'lirred Mipjofs rifmi1le~,


Ii'r'Elelhl;Jld lil! we: S13~

Wh~!t 'IQII h._vel buih ,1I.,lell;Uluu iif:ln.:IIHlm'lll a,wood, cemenHlrliI brick prlopenles, 'Ibe S~elll Yard 'b ,cOm05B~1'I nolilill ~r COInS1IUCifhilill, This; rhe last of ~hll flO$OllrC 0 lY~Q sin jlHI g "R1 9, will !lI iVliih y~Ui '1Iiillillih!lMelll'lQ ,embtilt (ijll'l lhi:!! CQI"l;suuc~io III 011' sorno.of 111, ilIUIi!lt, ,9~aiaQ rnl nOjJ ses ~ n lillie Q,ttll'te. II tlJSlt we 8 Alit entJIlJg,~. '~"'OlO !lflElS'~1'I'K! O1tief very inl!E!oos-tin y piltQ~1l rneiS lha~ y.oy sholil:ld clll ckop'

rfDw 11tt. '(lliUl are tllileriug dI!flItiLiosieS1l:oJ!ld mom de:tmlndrng d'i,H o'1be g;8m~ i~. il$ w,.,,rdI ClQ!'!'~lIel1lnlll !l!pgmdllng .Ii'll' ,lIur faall fCfi. Tho bIlli1efJts'8~ilf ~Drn'51do(ab1'Q - greilUlll' II\WIlI!l~ cap' ~'ty Qild ilnorElI ~apid rprQd:uc lion'. ,So II s ,:mOil, ,!liS vel! r nm."" ,SooO'1 'VlIl1dl is com pl6'l, have .' IlQok 8. im.ptrQ • 9 yOur Jlmlil!!Cti il,y.

mil" t:()lJi ':

I'deal iliillli!'III~ Y!!,I!pie IHid! Ji!iI'Ol~sQir SiOciullel'ok 4

...------" MOCK TUDOR

Eleg,l!nt. SilIptti&ticllledl., magnilicmt .mdall diJe' Itl:be. LiI IIIrI ..

OSitatu' a;gGiiI i~r!IJGfI VOII 'ci!ln lhin1!:. of. This pfgpeny is I!

, 'tnI'll dassie. T~I1D ,iI m1!ir :Iang~ of limaTD construc~ and

lieetUnu' ullits fi(Jm each ,ofVllur resuurces, the s~riinuU\ securitYllldl apPlIarnnee 1I'l'C worth !III: 'In(ll ofl'Olit I, is '- __ ..;.__--OiI llik.filr.t l1il!llvell wOllld really UItQ, 1;0, ID@W;! in ~O\lrS(lrr~INCn ycm t an1 rllS'lood. '!he Idea~ ~Oltoinl:S ~or 'litiS pr'OIHlrty arc Hio Yu,ppie and Pm'I"~~Si hilllil'ies.

'CIl&t $12.001)

fieeh Did VaIUilil: $151!11OO1

r---___';--. SiCOi11ISH IIlJOiDGIE

Tra~itiorn I spla-ndl!lf ,!lnd r'Bg:al eleD~ne'i '041'11'{ tJt:Q onl,v way to sum Up mrs· proJ)Grty. VEt), it takes ~ nUI'9 bfl lomg:or' to bUfl'tI. lIae~~ IILllliliS from aaeh of your r,e,S;Oljrees, lIil ~lIIen$i~G to ~U'l but it has a gO:l!Id rl~siile\l'.aliJll'. APlillt hll'llI ~~JIl,ltv the 1I1l!)(t be<sueilll!iIlts

1- -:--,...-1 I)(i put in tl'iiSi, lfesirall1e IlI"OPOWJ! are tlllI: YU;Pllio' Of

Pn')IQSSII s'I:"miltoi!t

Cost. S13:.500

Fmeiho1l:1Valuc': sn.!.m

liOM "lISlE

lillI'S SIl'awIi~ ptOJ)e'lil.Y owes much or its [llInu8I1C(I W the 'dey~np~r ~f th~ 'Drop DUil~' rnt1!1!11 G~lIil'l ood nmil, too, emllYal!'lljil~, NmIJ'LIll'I Ehrllm. AvtI'Y i1iP'lio~11lrh~ P~PII"", 'mu ~ woJillll . e OOIlSlIVCI,lOOI 'lim ·31i1d 'dllJl units of 'Cilch ~~:rce neOOed m I WIIIiIM II ,doobt yotrlf idea]

L- ....... ~"enelilants larl€i Ih!;l Yuppie elld ProI'essots fa' as.

CI)S1t $l0'.IliID1

ffeehDld V:!lh!!!!; S~9.ooo1

lIiIel1l are 110 mlJ mOlJt~G' ~s: 1:0 COOSlJill)t so ii' llI1iOilll: be ~ good ide to, clitecic that Y,Otl bull!. GvorythlrrLg yoti ~ed m'1:d 'dm \Itltl havlI nqt mfsstd ilfiV 0.1 tilt nG:n,rBsidillil~lIll~rrCilpilrtill$ tluu ;l'Q I1DW ilv.aUable., D'r:mll f!:'i~O,e.~ IUPQfi!d~ thpse liies,oLlfceb I will pav dWicl~!!i inlw Ei 'fulU~e.

mn ~ tf)IJi!H:

l'd'ellllllll'lilnts:SHoane, an,d, :SUlG'kbroke'f familie',s SQc.allle~el:: 5

I"~:::;;;::::-I BEACfrlIiIOUS:E

Excilirngl,~ modem" new dO,CiU, allliJ1ase aoo apt dl'lscnp,timu; ,~ tlIis prop~rty. USilllgl B 1]1h:~ h'llesl cOnmm11ifll'l t,ech rmlog'l( ami l'Ila~erials, marlr'V units f!Onl as ci; 01 yillJ i'T9S0'llreeS~ mis house wou.ld not blli! out of pla (;ij in ,l'lIn @ipdsode ot Mlamr lJ,jce. FjJ'nctiOI:l<l'1 and s~adol!sl this IhoIJcS81 willliilake iilgri!:at t"mmefur eilher 'the Sla,~ne or Stec1!<brol(ej Iamil&e.s:.

CO'llt ,$Z,D,OO.a

Fre,eh Did V,alt.u~: S!5,iOOIl'

,....--~-----,. CiIA~SIC GEORGIA!N

IOW_n · ownpliee,e p,t SIl!lIr1i1viiil with this ~ubsta~~i~1 Georgi;!!nl nlSud'EI". '!!ia, 1'JiIUlfl f11il"rli€l:ll~ll'alltclllS: ~~Ii!1S aU ~(J.i1t81I"1ed, wltllm one ofme mFlsf splfl~dldrill~~~es av~l~Jlh):. Ehllit In' a re;lfs~mllble tlmer~houJ)h SDme'

might ,nv itW.liS! quifa '1\~n9, llJll~e of lIi'ulsfrom G'!J"*'

of VJJUlne'SlOur08's"thi:s n;lO~ S"OI !ilt! .P'ifOPieF!;V Wi ~ PliaJh a III !If\!!ellrlJus:

h D[li" fOrr e ithr ttll!!. ~lc'!lliIe or,' ~kbl'"lJ,k'E!r Wal1J1l1lill'jii,

C2~¢ S23 . .QiIJO

FfiM'nl1lld VQlliJe;-siS,1l00


111:8 Pinll@cl:eO.:f9f8i"1delepFlee, lttiSpired ~:llte style !If !lI·l!iJlll~~.I~f!90Q!ilrre., Ults !!IralcolUl' millllll' lSi fiffQr me, mos.t disteffill'1g ef UUl8 !lit, S'tJf1ll1'l SIl,GUI1! a mi

wilh m!l!Jnilice~ vie,. fjro,m. t1fJe uPP'erliloors,; ~lhis pro,pe _ . ., SOllie

time to construct to sueh hlgn stalfldaJiid~Hll1d WlIII1:~ed 4 jj eac:il o~ yaur

11&1' mSlJuroeS: TIle idool. - lI1ostt,')lillil'lg Uifl!liits,kir 1h P~lli!l8Ftv il'l1!

S"tOc-kb f'oker'a'ild Sloane f.a ~ .

C05;t $25 • .000

F.h3lehold VaJllIe; $32.iO!JD


Tlu!cse. ~J'~Rertie~. ro '0 '(!Ib~. lu~ Ib~'llt in ·.sityle~.'E!le911 !'Jc!= J!lild

Q,r;imlleur. The list e ,roper_t.les Includes a 1'I1:I~'$liln Wlllteir

1r",alaJi!:e., II Dutch ROlJJn'! OIlSi]J, ~n eXtensively Ci)f1;,tlllrtQ.d [il.'i1ihIC Clll!lrch, Va OJils Pl!lb lu .. d mhers even mar,e eXl,lititlg:

nUl' profJemes ,allll oat dlsjlia~e~h.IS'~!Ss 0111'11 II certain ~Ia'

be aUowedJ ~il sl!e tn.em ill1d.I'Ulllev 9fe reially !l'ClQi:I, bud~

_~ ....... _ Are you gllll~ '~.h to builtlllH!SIl pnstlg'I' ropertl

oblain Ih bur plains. ThlliSQ arE! cOrnftOlj1l DVti,l

tOiP Le,1;!el il,OIJl'${i$ lind:' tf.Ike ql.lfI:eJ a Cll p:rlldll,~e, .

YIliU have, to think sel'li!l'!!!l~! abqUI,::the rIil60U(Ce·~ you. will,ns.ll,d til

s. A.II O1~hEl'lJI· . hie amlFUJl1it IDf III 81n;~(I,~e r/[l~VHiI S!1! ~

III nt of mme.nOlI' .

'n'Sku,hl,tM!1 li'P.IH IWdl! 'Hnd thll1 eil,hcr: or ~t1r htgbe5ts~cgil}1 raFl&;e(l'!iBmiliil!i 'IIIl:ill

be man;!, ~ '1100 [lI"q~""e III - 'tl'i~m; but don<~ ell(1lecUhem ~ta Ilr;oduce al1lythlngHrot!! s..1:i,()uld

bEl htll'i'IIlJI!I' tlinatSl{I:liIM Jtt!ereat aUt .

UTI un l§

The f,ollllwing ~a!l'es ,c;oHtain an ol!,l\erview otitis different Utilities you ean eenstruet,

r------, GAIIilGIEJ IFA'C1iil!lI!lY

1ilhis fa'Glory pr'OIl~des m<my eS$C!1ti,ell items n li!e'dtl~ iin rme: glume. Sirnil artc the Fie5JIJu rces, til ~s Ii!lcl:m~ is, ;j~n!ad'v in lts uipgra.oed state <lind WlO IUlnlI1er

I imllrm/emelUs, ca n II a mlll~!:L !nU1(}duc ed iltlto lJhe g!im~ wJrh the CEll!l'llel'lt Vllwd. i:~ will (JI!QC J()IV blQCOiillli! (ii'li1i i),f tihG most. visiiiQiI properties. in rown. As VOU flr'Clg,resl>

L..- ---' ti.hrou'gh the game tll,e range ami diversity OT 'prl()O'u,cts

i}v:aUable willlj'i1creasll.


Cl!lnsJirllli:ting ~his, ~ilormoll~ ~isoe~i.J11 Udlity shoti1i!1 bii high on \lOti r ;Iist of PriDriI'i.ll!S. Some;ofltle· bell elits of ttllW' and ordar an yu:m lE!slaleS, p~Mooflilg property en~ ttM'Ilmfs, nn:akillQ peop~elee! s.ecllrre anthrr€!.sJti'ng i1n'lI"1:)ii'i~ Who·iS up ~~ ~ili.stl'iie'l~ 1l1~ SW~l1 a.L~' ~ll!n,I\tliS as aSrmi II [&1!. hofd:ing .tWQ prJs:On.ef'$ .. 1 a ~m9. This. illlil(l!in~ ls

I.- --;__. av,lIHaltl'le'in conjunciticl'l'l wi"nIl \h~ Ceme:rl'l:¥ard.

.------..., !PR~SON

If your 1P',olic~e are palniiGulal'~ '90lOdraHliif~ir jab tihe'il i~ woml"'~ be IOllg blifpre ,the s~n!1l11 capBJCity of YOllr Po'l.fc.e Statiol"li'or IJlriSlm9~ is iilade'!JlIatll, The Pris'oO hilS a 1.8J~ge c<1llacily, I:Is[Jal~ ~nlJuJlI:I for ~II tlie b\lgl guys VD'U cain carl~ll,' A,"~lMr bo,nus is that a'il PI'II'SO!1lIUISf thi3Jt len d !lIP in 1I!!1 pnse,n sa rue hlililge r ,__-----' !S;Qn,tellJ~es. lints is I~il Ftil tnro~, ~c 1II!<Jlkll' SJjlrl!' IID1l1!l Bf

yo,lllr' ~eiQplie end IlIIP 1111 tlliil;l'tl3,IiI,

.....---:::-----, IMDB: HID

Ta b,8ilanCI;l: al!lt the rfO","!l'll'!;Ir law !!I~d Clfi:ler, Y(!U j1~·~d ,acee's'S Itt! th'iJ Mob, for ~ho~ (u::,casions wh,efl itDill'~ 'ltiillQiS ~he 'clDrre'clf W1IV jmrt)s not therighr way, TIIlIil Mob, l:J~avin!l' <Jigmat 10vIl lit Italian {midi, hangout in P~t{!'s lP:al$h'alT1r '& P'~sta P,ilUl PlllrlOlr. .Ap·,slrt from prO\i\idilllg a SilJI!lrC'B Qf . - ~J\ilrs til ·ca'lT'lI'o:uLbJts:e'

..._-------' 'sll'eciaJl'1o'Ds, the Me.D : ,ange 10"3 ns for you. This

bUilding Is allaJI'a,ble 'afl!~r frle {l,ricik: iia rd, hlils been bi.lflt


As the ~esid elltia'IIPl'(lp,eu'ties be,c ()ffI~ !ir10!,~ dOIl'SiSlIv IfltH:ked" wmmts n1eed ~ (;a:lm~1,ef!1ise'Ilv,9ii!i in mOl'll:! ru:Sfic ttl rroumiihgs. Building a 'Par* C,,1ni ha~ 11&,11/ bel'll)ifici"il !iffects em ,f11l01l11,e"stellflpernmcl'lit but bew{lirl(lJ; it also make!> ftlf 3 lYre,at hfding place ror :aliI ~~'D$e; ~!'!d~s}rablll!!!.ypastJ1i3it ooea!li{lnalllYli!i.l'and~r arO!dn~ your estates.


IFe,d~ l!1) w~lh IltU'jrttl!;l :a:nth:(I~e !l!~!p91'!s'ivoil il~l11e comIP~ters; ~ n1~f1ndltng tha~ alill :~op!& w)1lil tUJ d~' ~~th ~\rn 1!S p'I'aiv8ys:lem 3l1'ame:s7 ~!lird ,a is'cilll(loi <lI-:arlllll,llfll>ve litie £'Om,sll standing Il'~~h{ls!il i!~'!'Ia iUS, mat Ji!Qled II nIl) IFIlIl;SJ,


Mev anv c(lIiIA1el ow after e'llclifSSlII.I'e! arn~JJrn! r;jf Ihard work. vou wtll'fil1id11l1l!!1~ mt:ll'w~fYOlJr Wllll'k;ri~ ,cttass peaple hull b~k m '!ftlur tiliIllIlU'!bEl.S'elOhl hit tit reist £Iluil ra:kiili!iI~IJ'n" 'fL'l s!)ll<E!d up m~ fEm01leJ'Y p oo~.eSS (I~ V,lWr r:uf'l,dpwn plf;!\Cple, hmifd <lliIosiP~aklJ1dl ~uUIler:n jf!, il!.ll!~ wqr!'l i"VMo(! ~l:i,!I\1V r!:ll],Q.


Once yOIll tHl\1'llVflUr fir,st nouiSe itI!lIilt" itist:irnu! to get S(i,mef"llltlllnts inltliEid sWt~lfIttlU:rJililg_mme of yoo'w rm!,;estmeOiI.

nil TrerfllliQt: s'illeuUol1l se melll us <ill~,egs~d rrlilril w,lti'l,ifl or h~Ml$ie d:i;![3 stre~(I ~y (llit~in,g On! Ur,[s mOn! I oc,81t!l.dil1l rth~ Cflliltr~l ~~~IJ[J, Th~ e hpfce (If 'WlillUll st1JlJils i1llllia: bmwm,

r,~liIlk~'~ l!illl ~'iie~s that ~~ff ~ct th~ir StD£I.alii'lit ruilTfI!l, ,Ail a:1rC h I'E!!'!!I IDE!l:e Tis <I cJ'i, !iWO

dtffer~nl!:falWllI~e!tttNJt haw diHetel'll, chilll'lIll'furisliii!>s; rife- main! ditffilfieneel$ bet'We'E! LWIO

f<lmi1iru: 01 flI'Il'lIr1iiC ulalF social SI~1n ding 'lI~rjjl !heir' aJ~lil\' l® C1M8~ chilan:!it $Il~ I;~e 81111 ~uDtm' mDI] E!'Kti1ijlv~~11 !Jav ilil, reFit a,liIdl 'thel r lirle! expectlSnlc.y:Th a~ ,31m l1filan¥ ®ln8r,. motce !lulJlte facIDKS ini.f9lv.em iJ1J ,~6oo.sijng tIl'f ~ormCIWlilfiiitt an:d VD;U s'hould r,&IlW rutile b"lJ chad: f~:rte~'Vh mJe1h'at. is displayed ail th'ii ~p ~iJlht-6l ilila ,lIIiii~' Si~l'iae.'O. EXpFi!rl~l'I~e; willi s'oon teaoh, YQlllwllich is-lITe bastr'a.miIV for [I partiMlliula r p,

lin adliliifion 10 .mle~' rlJJ~QII/roIIO"wirig, li rjh~lrI. i!'l~ic!iiii'hg dle !ifflailQ d'lffel''&i'c~ hillS lJ~en

at thiS' eod [If ~l:JaL


AISliJaffec~ol'l!lre!V' ~r\~fr'lldt~, <as '~Ii1~ SKijiWul'ildJ F1ii11i'1!1', lhli:S!EI' -~BnalitS' have (l M'(;ia~ 1tamiiNI of n~\{iel'rf 'a no wilem ¥DtI De' to Rrul.wjj!ffim benerYlI))l win u ijltI!.illfS:t:i,I'IU w~~~fhis m milv ll~me iDa ckb (In a o,f1!ha':e,ady partoh~~gliiru:, ~~V

w1H ,~r~tIle~p'uwlltil_m,l;l~ey(in the r@'I'm rrUGlrltl nd pillaue_1I ~' 11.':1

11 al'1!Ik~u{l Q, if, ~OI,.Whe.n~ YO!l!,g~tii, '}J ~han~il.', ;~ILJ((~rtflthalr lut~ [llir, _ ,Iler

,Sf~ n{lll:r~ ~ ~f:!!ld IJCIB' V@m I1B'XitCS@ ,'1111 19Velll~ ,tilf;ffi ill'S.

I iliHiE (il!liEASIIIUI

Mut:l:1lhe ~i)i!l!le ;~s th!9< SI'oo f.alm~IY,~hev til: inlto lhe $aliJl~ S(I(:ial I st,si",ding I\!vell. Thall" a ~Il hard wl!lrikir1Jg~ ili!d!J!:s~rio us. rea,sonalJle ~rad:UetI\JIa lind al~~ p f'(Imptmlti, ~h:ej r ~1Ii1lt;. lIru~ ·oond to I'iv·e ttl, a lrlpri!(d~~~el,


At f[lISt ,~j,ght VOl! mig,hlllhlnk, flat you WIl uld rnever 1N<llliit W~s fami I.y ilil ,i:lny 'Ilf Y.Il;ur pf~IHmiesbu~ Ui!il2UMllnl ill ~ n~ra,ce alu:l lillIok !IIftelrlhema:n~ YOIli willl~ b~ plea$lln~ly ,sllrpriscll. Well, ,surp~f5ed [II[ r~~,~~ A:f)arn!roJI1 rill lilt a M tel1lllnts, tnis SO'I;l.H(l1 S:~l!Idh~gl I()vo'l 2familJ! will GormibUlE! toth e law andl@rd:er ehiil~ C{lIfIIlIIUl'lny IJV pmd'uc~ng P@~_h~'e CaJllimJ,


Sii'lflll;lIf 1:0 time PlinkS', ~lis; fam:j(y (6 a limle benalLls,8 of ~~eir iaM·bac ~ Ilamm, Nm . <[IS 'thle~rf,e_nt\iV lev,e:12 faflll~lv;t,lmfa ~e mUfE mrHili'f¥, w,nlclh IS J]o;t.s,ucih a ba:dtlii IrI~.

(- l -


TIll$" f<J!mWVlma~ fbe'wtl'8It,tw~~~~~~~!r'(!~'to, ~e!C~tlllfllng

'but: they IJH(ln tt) im ~r@E! 1it@ lEi!liIvinl'mlmellit ;liri,~

<lIre llii!tv .' wtlen II: ,,:pIti'E!S to Ih,llving <Ill! elitertrJe~

t~,f1!li~. Ti'lis ~:o~r~1 lell'e:~ Malfl!li~ VII'ill Ldd :Ioloile~o IiJfmbre hl~9Mv re.g~,rn!,!d, 11iI' 1!h~ (;Q'if! rtJlU,I'illV, Ilt'.s 0 stll'lIJ!~' tD'~ are

iu~ts~'D(I,rri~g,t '


Illtelltg€Nilt, cluing and @xl(;elle'ltt parellts that produce the ve,IY Iilest of children, thcllI.lIh not very ohen. A1wavs willing to l!u1d a hand arou'lldlthe neighborhooD and liIilV a Ilime bit ,exlira for III good Ihom&,. !his sDICiDllervel 4 Ilamiry are' good to ~eep a roun d fo r iii Ion g tiPi!i,e,


Been i~ 1119 city sill1G'e lel~r\l'[ng \\ldllo[l~. this gu~ is very' p.rim and' ,proper fl!b,Dut 'DlH,ilfess, Has 1110 timlE!·tll pmdl!lci;l ,allY Q1trspril1!!J but wJII pOint you in lhe rigilt :prOllerty d~f1ecthllll of pflliiJl!rlll d~wlDpment imd il1veS'lmel11, Beil1g a Slottlll ie-veil 5 fall1ily.lhey lirave on r.Iesims Ilr a Ilil fW m .alJvBl'u::e runner.


Tllua p~9ple J;ome [trom a loog ~illle of rich ancestors. nu~·V havl€i mn iliad fill wo~k fOlrtlifllii mcltl~ljf' nd19'XIl§:et illat from you to !ilet~hB!m to lIartwiiili an/y,o! it. A!utomarti ea lIy a iSocjal~ I ~viil 5 fillllilv, th,1W will he~pVlm reac h the p,innalclclJof SIJ ecess i n til e 1: am mUIRil\i.

SlHU,Ilfd you net tJe getting ahmg MUraln'!' of ~ojJr te ilia 1I'!:!l', 't~1lJ1 can a!wayst:ry E!lIic_til:)!]1 Ihe;(ll. 1Ul~ might :seem a :lIerli straig!hlf1l}l'\!lJard alr~t!ilr b yt you wll~ find ~eIY'l'ew f~W1~I'ies . I ·It_iaf \!Mill r~ave dm~r home quiet~. Tiltre are: 's'E!lIeral difle~l1tthill·gslh~1 Ga'I'B ha PP'!!'fI" li'k,e tr,a~ll~nQ the .rnside af your prroP,EirW er IEI'v.emlliem. ~En'in~1 il'll~Slr:Jl;lan.elrll, or ~Olm:i!~i~~Y mlg'ht S1m.plv leave, Uyou wool ~a el/lct a temmtlhen chelm;m IiiIIIl Uil~ rCDn lI1~hJa;, opoool61l ctlrOllI will s end them ,oll.ftiefr walr. ma~e.


'V'OIU mighUllink bllih:Hnnl:iE beautiful :~~Jilis!l wilha Iliee garden and ill a goo lIIetlgilllorhl109 wo,ulilIiJEl· !!JIQJ!I.llbto most fenants. We'lllIOU would be very wrong.

Glve'liI the sli~ lefrt excllIse, alII vom t.e'!lanl:~,. ,eve.n the· v~rv beSt "mas, will b'omb~lr'dl VII:I wiUII a IO~'rellit or'cnmplalints a.bOIil~ 1he1r living CQncl~ciils. fry ifllltl1ng up iii fl'lctory '111m to th~ 'lI!',rd-:o ffa mily ora ne iglhlbO!.lr ~aif ls in lihe wrong 50illa~. ilfa:ss a IlIdi 'I'OIJ 1111111 saen seluh1art ~~~' r!ll'lafi~'S

dOl iIIot Ilike' you~ very rIIIP'~h, .

There is an el'l~.rrrnQll!Is· !'8 nga of tihimrgs ttl at t:e1fl3int.$ wm conwilldil a~ Olil~. !!I'i~ an !lq]1i! !!Illy l'fi !Q!! number O'f things YllU bal,ll'i!;ito dill 1.0 :rt'OlItberrq. Whel"l'~, ten~l1~ Icom~JaqQ')s ltrey C'llJiltlll et VIm first tel'ling ijI'I[JU wh attile¥ are 'Illll~ in alp ~ ilb ClIJIUmd giil/t yoU Ii periiod of time, Ie r!!mlerl,y~a p{t\b11e-m.

IfV~lIlllo not respoml ~ropetol¥to I;Hel'iams, COiillp!liiTlll'!heotheywilil gel in UlUl:tl'witlillllnllloi'IBlld Gomplail1l 10 '!hem, The C:oun,t:il' l!ii ke-s a very dim !Jiew of lilfUih~rl~!> and Plrope ltV d~\f·elopel:'S that dip ~eep 'lll ir tel~il.!l.ts lila iflP¥ !'Ifill will ~i,1Iel ~QU iilil!:li~ m~lrks an your !ieco~d, l11.Q&c.IilS~q aences, Il·f getlill!!l! toil mailliili' Illack 'liOil IR<:s illfe \lelY sevenl S~ .vo'!.! I1Gi~d ttl avoid this 11 illi Iilalil.

Ttl,I1j;blslck m,iilri. il'lillC(lltlilr is eft 1Iile right sid(!"iIlltthEli:sere.el1~nd there idliiili iifilb,rma~OiI QlbOlllt till e nUIiTI~E!r yo~ h~\le iii YO,jr Home· b.ase, To 'c:oLllitEnu::t the bhiC:k mlark~r VGIJ ,c;an ea,fIl ''''vllite lI1'Ial1\s 'Igg:oo foep!)~ froll"!" the [;wli'lcm by completin'g IhIlIll1L<SiSio!ils threv :set YIHt Ify;C!u 'li!~e in c ~tldit with white m~rls.& It! an thee am.Dtllllft is SIrlQWfI @I!'I 'tbe' Hlo meba:se d,art!! sc~e·en.

'Then' kHI ~e:rIl1UM~IiI~' r~lI'ffrfld'E!r ~f 1[>(Im~lii;i ni£ a!1~ai!1 tI fi'rDma 'na!l1ii!llll i~'bn ~D'n the'

Ie,ft olUlIEI s)~reJ!I:I, Chckmg'@irI ·mlls· ·w.MI take you Illt·QI pl!alnt 119'11 ,9'~'II"s.are!lfl S(I

'~hat YOI!HlIIli rremmd YO!llr®Ellf~fWhet YQi.I have19 dlcHO gei( ~Id of the 'I:I'OmJllililIlS,

Wilen ¥I:IlIIEiiil'Wr 3 IlmJS9 dma screen of 11 property where the. terlal1ts ani cllmplaining. thefumily Iliclme oll'lI1e wall will be flashing nut 'C~r.cking on this will s!tmw you whallh fJV are upset a bout andllhe cO!Tlf,!laintlhey hava made to YOLIL ll. baFlni;it is afso pia c~d olhe outside of 1I IJ'I!Iperty !Where the tsnams have iii complllinrt WllsflYou a comp~aintth8'!e, lsa 'jum;pto' ieonen itso tJilat yam can vis,it [he r,lropeny imIT1edi~Wlv,

SU()H1 ]fN4~§

Super ~enarr~ <J~e very rnueh the pro,ducl of ,good pmpl~rty Il'Ulflagelment and Hll1iilltl plac~fIient shat:el~ie.s. To cre~te! su~er tenants, [If which there are: Six ijlp':es, you :nm:sHlOllse select:e.rI·l~t1ant~ :i:n qlJt!IIIIIV 1!t@per6&s. The 'Eihh tenilnt nh!lfe :S'!'IIDe .,pe bec,umeii III stl,pei' ~eimHlf.

Havih,g SUPei~ 'milalll~S re:sid~lI~ on vour e~tate;;) is~ bell~ficiial. to YOII:r 1lli,ll'Iilrml'lil !I'! the game. IllS liiI'1111Cl1r13lit 'Iii UJiloem'i'ind '!hat l1avmgsuper :tenantSialso e1fe ets vou r oppnn ents; If.or aI11he"benefits VQugailil, they lose. 01 course Iile reliefse is tme; i1 'lour QPpo.nenl:S ha\l. them and you do' rncHli'Uiil il wiIIEull\t~~£itll' ,a1le~ts yOUI, HilNillg the serna typo ;Iud number IlfsllpeirtElJllln.ts, li~ VC!LFF.oPP9fl,enit8 ac!g.ioJ,~Y neo!J,tes Ifleir elif·acts,

The typ~'S-<of ~~~enelnilrtl lind whlt:hoo'mIH)ts CflllilltElllleililii Olm: ,ACA!~Oll.!lDnr. h'E! is Ilhe ~t~h Nerd f'a1Jlitv

N,e~gl:J bodmiOd: Wa~c'h: he is thI'(!i fifth 'Retired M:iljor1i fami~y G,P (Dlochlrl, he is theflitth ,il'roleSIaf!! fami~v

Finlll1llliiilll A.dVisoll': i1'1l is tile fifth I(lull pte f;lmFliy

II"SlilaRes Apnt he Is·theliiftlil SI'o211e family

Mligistmfe: lie it 1he 1ifth St~kbro~erf;i'l1llil¥

,()UIV W()l2l\f()~C( tl~.1) ili'()M.fI3A§(

The of V,OU r QIlQWarion,s, as a pr,o~erty 'ri!rQ\I\Q!O_llir and [land loMI is vour H.'Clm ellitiil. ftoJ'illhis 'cllfi;lur,fJ~Ell:ae'lIdQlla [fer-s YIllu ffne'tune 'jI'1l1Jr wlUild"m;:e. build up ~lm.eJ:Ves of Tenants,' amli deJpI'oy Gilllillg~teT$ i§l1!ild Rep:l!irlmeo.

When :111,6 game ~rttbaglli'ls YQ'i1,Wili see your Homelifase an an estate illtl'ie mjddl'e of'DIIl SC'Ulefl .. Tllfsds a good o. ppoRUflity to 'get acql!lail'l'~ed with the liudhrllll'1it:s of' how tP select chara1cters. and ~OMr!il1 U11~m. ,

There ar,I\!>,sQme C naira eters o'lJtsfde oiJ the- HO!illol; bl!!iUiling. Click On, 811ly Itlf 1hie.i:ill a~d you win s~·1!.l a n a rrow ~p!lear abl!J.VIl Wiisll'ieQd. G:nJt1 e 5e~fjGt(ldr V,8Ifi.ous, i)~ nG wl!~ appear Iidepan ding on 1h:!l: III Il1ge ~I IHltiiQn~, (hat

'e>Mifalc)ter hlls). '

10 Sel'ect ~ 'ch!u',ac:ter.

'. Move the m(H.u:e ~Qlrlteir Jia:a:r a ella ~aetelrkl put Oil PlJls i 1'19 l!l1Ii1Irlo:~r unde I his 'f'e'Eit '·,GI'ic;k 'tihe left ffiQU'$I9' bulum to select til;1JJt ClhiUlH;-ter.¥oll call alse

Sale!:. multiple cb{!mc~eilS ,ilt olle,E! by lassoiIlg' l!hem:

.. Press tlll,e I~ft' mouse blltliclnI Iwflen not highlighting a parlict!iar characterl, and drag the recta Pl{lLi l!ir ruUHl:1 ilea to enelese all the e ha rll eters y,ot! ws,nt: to Soele etc


¥OLl willl1ot1c~illJ5 ~utsi.die ohhe Ho:mQ'bllse bu~di'W. Allal ilnd.ica1es W!ElIt;8 ,ch;ai\llC>'U'~ i~ i!i!~ildll a Ibuilding - diffe,r'llnt cO:~oured f[aJ.!s,~oF IlIjffier1!lIIl eliar3~mrs. The I'Il!mber ~e)!;t lOl1h~ fl~g.'IIl~lcates, how many antiat Ic,Mfac~er are 1111~oa 11'11e bundil'!g, fils Hag system applies, ~o Ilver)i1' bUlldlngl tlilEit I~IIS .~hallmuns; ![Iside· &t, i1i AaglSX'31'! be i . jj in ~e l'i);S-~? 111. ~G1iOIl1 or De iimlfivi~lH'IIIIV se~ ctrnJ ~Ui8,1 hk_e.i~ chOlra~r a[ldl al~v,oftlr!at ~1iI'fimh:;tlil '. fGn~lJl1l§ miliated.

'OUD W()~l\fVIJC(

Tirle I'la.ckborm, ,af your workfare.UI Fe F9rem~lil. W0~keir"Sand Repai~l'I. TIll! Fbmman is. EI central cOMl'QliLn-g ch~fElct&r. He ISiirVery IUtllll!rieIlC'IH:I wtllt~r and~l slie ts me lead'I3:r. at ~k!~ngS:. ill ~rtigaflg 'C'DRsiSlS of Jl FOI1JIMIl ondat least Ofle WJlm.~i> 11 eorlfi'q1ItEl' \!VQJil;_gllng YPl:l gnly 11 fj,v~fiI mampulate lihe ,rO'Jlel!l1l~fl an~ ~ IClJi WJ)rliI~a~~~l3d 'to h'iln. I'er de~'"l11s '~nl cQf'!~ije.11!8ng s(:reen s~,,*o:n Ipage. ~. Ttliforeman!s arSIl,call~b, of5pecl~1

fu.fmlicms 1I'lIJI. he. Dill hii own liRe de.stFoyio'!l fI'gal1!le 11 object or blol.'llilil!lu'p a Iil'Ol:tSG orL'akjl'll!l

avera ,prllilp~lty. .

N!Il~ fo~em"eIl'~iieJllpt bom i~I'lhe ~~1lI':l'< 'lhJfll II'" c~'Jll~d by !Xl!!~lI'l;Cing WtIDill'U i01l1l81 Hom~ba!., U511 lI!ie' ~3ft'BiOIlI!l~ll' In the 'cji)nlr,~m'SI!.l<fl(l~to, p,JGdu{;o ~ new Folemilll, .

!Noimal'S ,{fe 'die t:lilthliri~ tflQt p.ower eOficSlIllqtill1fl !Ifill! pmdUictill1fl t~sks. They .iUe ·pnHh,n::iEld' onty by sl!Doia~ !'ev!l~~ Te.fl!Bilts !li"nd ~m l':1umrniiii:c:allv go ~r;I V;Du'r HQ"!~lbase~,tlIEI~ tfiey -a~~ Q~G ~nm.lglHIl be'gm wlOr~ll'l~. As 0iI_ Pill'l1IC LlI.a r worlke r Is tilled oil a Mst.l1ls !!l(P.lilrl!1lI:tIl,I:liIliOws; Thl~ ISi!Jdd~~ roltie: ~xpef,lenGe efdi.B ~Immall iI~llllh1prlil'V~S U Il' llerf~I~lIn,ce,lil~ the ~110~e gang. 11I1-ad1l1UOIll tl:l dlilITJQ manuel Iilbo:r, ytlur W(ircke~ a1re alS1 a very ~lmiC:tive fightilllg unit vvherrever 1fol!~I!!,;rs ~'bout When, IheV engs,g'e i~ IliIaU!leas-SOD~liSi\Dl'1eotthe'fIfIl'\eclli'il'€iS 81i1V injI.lMlie·1FQ~tl'U'li1l. they IIsstglled J~ wm illfm~1 [la-ad ~efe!ld: hl!i!llllOnkern.

1b ihaNe 'Vimr w,lIl'kefSi ;8lta:llrt~

• Sei:Elc't a Wi'J:r~Qalilg

.' Click oo~he' Qliack 'Inst) iconl

•. Movi'l' U(l thill' ~I\!irlc;.tlilrls~ ¥l!Iuwish m.allllek ill d,cH~k

Thg 'WDlr~r$ wm lII1M!'a mIle ,asstgned tar!] iill ilir'ld: llfV to :admh1is:t·er a hle:atingl•

Workers litre ~IiIStl .a ·fom fl'f C'()o\',el'tilile ClJnefl~V, fllr·em,'!!n:, Fhhl~rtm!l' (jan.i!l er~li!d e:lCitra Tenants; qal'l ~~l3rl;lil d by ()o~vertil1g Wo~ke:rs tll!i,ethe appmpn,Uill icoll in rile control ss'ctilllll ,ilIt 111 ~ I'igh:~ 13idle ,01 file. i:cr-eell). WhenYIl'II .hllw.llXhaul$lJe;dalJ p(I,¥~11:lIQ maims. Elf p.~ting new wNlI<ers I ,'lher; I~ 'EJB(Jm,g Ih~lIr COlll1lemn,g 5iflare Tel'1'!JMlS bliiC~ onto· WOrke(s~! then you alr~ al~tD _ e-dl 00, flU r.uha;o'e!

Convert a Tenarll inm iii Wori<er

C~mIIl:rt WQ!rke'rs: into I a TenM~ CO]illfert

Convert Workers in(1O a Foreman

Work@rslil1m a IGangsl:er

CIl nv:e.rt Workers iintl;! a Repaimilil!l1

lh~ 1iI!epiainn~1I[! isene ailh€! mOIst \i'alillable ,(>lmra'llters VOl:! halve inl your WQ~k10~G e. His fun etien is :10' repair d~mag ed pro Il Ii l108!i'i, flere 1:1'11 e:t:~ellildilil;g 'heir lifEI e>:pei:.t:ali!lc.y. theu srs twa ways to h.ori1li"o1 V\lUF' AEI'Pairrneill. The 'first' is 'to 5!!!n,d melTrl to sjlBC:iliio f).I'flpemes if! n.eedltlf repai~.lodo 'mis. select the RelID.a,illl'l!ln am!! h,icllliilie the ,property you want him to I9il"lte r - wlillln tiai~ 'iii 1I111lwe.d the m,oll!:liiJ painter willl' eha 1198 and :cll;l!:ki.. on til!! left mll.Il,S'e Il!JWl'IPlllili mO\ii!ll itltl!llift property. TIffHffunctiOfl is pal1llmlarily iII!lBlOlrta!U,if· a houso is C10~I.rlj.!, '!II'i,~eJ[affal()k' and VO!.! wish ttll negjat,e !he eftJc·ts oflliillt ailh ek by leaVIng him- In lfine p.r·Olpefil~t

The secofld, a~d }l:e~haps .1JIi1l:!5~ imJJ,; 'h:m:ctioo @'f ~e IR,l!Ipal!i1t1M j,s 1,0 roaJny ·9ut rellailS'101 (11:1' iii siiiigfe esta-tll'

HI 81ll1Jallfililticalllv .. To e' e th~ auto-r8p8ljr fuII ction, move a

n,lpairmali ~1Ii1E! e~st:a'te YOli him ~1119Q~fter. eJilce' th'III'i@,clic'k ~n'

tYle auJQ·rep·3fr. ie,OIl in tn, 'CiOlIl1fCI SlEmli:ofl of tli_e SJaeeill. H,e !NII!I immedi':3Ite!'Y' be.£lin ~strr pro~erty Iii prop·arty. Q1n~@ridg ~:ac'h one i!lfJ.d ~EI msj l)irli;(1m,ua!;l' IJII·I th'e pfQ~ (Jrty iii! bJOllgillt lillick up ,10 pril1rla conditioll. fCI ~li til~s fUiIlIe'tlQfIi; simply; :s:.ele·l.>ttlila IRepail'TIltBIII ElnP tl~cR 011 Ihe stop iC{ln,

Alicth:Etr iJil1pottallt OOIlltn:l1 area tlita, YIIII sl:iD.urd Jlet u~' to using ~ .dle People llit: Scroon

CllcldqgJol1l U\~S lee·" dj!s:pla'llS a nst .QI Filreml;llq, ~p'airroen. ~aflgsUlts: and ifna sit'lieftrWIlJ"l(eJS'~unae~ v~yr ~.oIUi"QI.

This screen disll<lI'jI'!i; a lolt ~f iniO'rllu!,1iOI1! alJilut !l.ey &lr.i1ra,llters ~1at you Ic.olll~n~1 The <ll'iray o,f icoo$,asslll:liamd with each characterteUs y'Ou hcrw healthy thm sire .• whall1liiiey alre mmently earpYif1!!]1 and! wpat tIiIav 8~e aCD.!:s,II¥ilItHiillll-

Sel!iii!,)ting a sjJJg]e~IiIi's!~lIIhum 1fI a list Willi ,E1T~~tw d1:[i!~iJmp.w iI;{!1iI in time

C,O!ll(ol Se:ctiliillil; cJ6Gkin !~'will tar~eill~llI b~ck·inlD tl\e game s.c:reim wjll'll:~e

cll~u.acmryouehd'Se· ~~JeiZ:ted1JliJ.d ill lie 'G/l!lltetofthe sc:re:en.

Usilf'lg this litree n Fs "ita I {I~ you P'f'O,gflEiSS (tithe [lIllH'';"stltJH~ of-the g'Bm~ as 'Ill ur workforce b eC'(!1I1eS qu~tre I argl3i md diffiGultm ke ep trillek G'T •

.YIDIJD 1l()~'fU4§f

A~ :Slated earlier, y'OlJ~ ,",lIrIU;)ib~,~e is the h~b of Y0l)llr prapenv em.~iriE!.

Clll~k~ ilhHI" ,on tiTle in)fldin;gilsil1f (lIthe HOIll1:ebils !lin lIil'l t~ft of Ihe! sc rll~m Will fake. Yllil\l

~I'!Si[d HOl'llebas'8. O!ii1&e·thiElfe, We data SC'leelil,:S !fWI'i!'l,ID,o! ~llrlQrmatiQ!'I. O'nthe ~,efT

hand ~diei~ YOill'F INOlM,(lI'!;e'Siu!tnrrn ry, shdWilfg Mw mQY (!r~' [1ft use., h,ew iiIlall\1" ~I'I(! in fI:~

Hmn ~hi3is.ra'rull t!Q.1I\1 many me in: pnli.dllc1io,n, if.lI0Y. On Pllfllll.

g~as \l1l'il! !,fall!~bl!:r~lnfo~l'UIa1i()l1 ia,bQut yO~ ~ telfl(imSi @.t d

Mob :Fali!ior !'IV~ rl1allll1ilV amI! !ilFCld,uctjoJ1. B..el!llw ~hQ WllCi ,~allli'ls fs iWi'Ollilla~on ~Ib Clut t~e n !:lm~r

of BI8icli IM~rks' I'll. ~i.!,I'el'l mi, l1~l,Sfih,lil1l(i ci[lm~laifl~). If.'(!llll l'IavE ~1:!'E!ilr s:liGhe,slsfl~'1 iii'

,c:®mp!I~~l'Ig. anv ~ COl!lnll,lil's Mf:$:516f1~ them y(l1l ;lmer awarded' 'Wlnile 'MiiHt:s, VVhElH'll~aSe

o~trrlJliltberlhe 11:!!ack ~ne$; tIla IjilteSS81Q8Wlll rl!ll'l;d Wh 1ts 'M 1;11:Ks;.

Tnelill.)i]! Ulu''l·ttlOS YbrLl wtre~ .... ~Jme i1'Ie)fl:~tmc m,ifu;~e.c'tlol!f of y eu 1'. G$~'tjS islO take pliade. ll1(i1 C(lOIiIIC il

willi l1fIelilt~ how wall VD!lnljrll'·~(1j!Jg!. n wuwe liIotlJgll~'tI, p,.alrticullir ~anii<lrd ti;la:iYtilte

Co.undl -, ,,8 ~~I:h'3''V,qlil 6:a,\l'ect,tI m·il~e.

The .fin~li Ifmlsi~JI)m YQ!!U clJrr;ellll'land l!ISl1Qa. ThiI:O ,~eJQe~ Qil s'ROW>S the IImll,MYOIII[ Il&tam~ W'il,t hal.!\e. irn[!lrll,lJ;egi I'If~p e[\yGI1 lihe!Jil' nne hrg~et~~ 11'L1mtr~ils, the better 1fllU're d~Qil'lll~

Tlif ~G ,ICI!HN

Thh, data S,C,I\eefl iSiI!ot in s~~e 'a,ny bn~!d~rrgk ilI~1 is III n"e of 'me ll1!lOSt Ilse~lIl arid ~s&!ll'Iilia.11 i1'l

till!! game. .

[ Ioge't in~(I~t~i&- s)a~e!1 vo'u, flit'lfJ!d t.~ dit:k Oln '~e ~a:~I~ ic~ol'l' In edna c(l~ntJ1cd sactt® of'the-

sereaa, T~lS u;ell IS ®I'lIIY dtSpliWVedwho[J a 'S~Il~,I~e IFolWfl'E1n nills b:aen SI'IJIEl:ctfl'tJ.

IOirlH~~s: SCill~riI VOIL) can liIui'l!d worckll,a IiIgs,. mod'lfy ,e:xis,1in.g one:.!>, :s:lllJm!l wo:~h'r£ .11 W!.J1Iid, 'g,aillig S 'and g,e ne'~llv llel€!j)trc€H'I~ 'ar yc,ur ~rktcrl,Q~,

leu m:.rnt Tool

On t~,e J[;IJjght sid,e of ~ha se ~eel'l is the W(l,~~mr f'itlQ~ fil'(I!mWhlc1h yo u ,?Ol1!Stll!ct ~(kgiangs. li'his IPoDI s hPM !III '~he Wpj~ern (if yQU r team 1lhat Y'@tlltlllalfflflEi Q[II1Tie <ilUhllt~me. lf1)he li~ IS Di~g;e:r tJj'fll1l' <II sill91es1creen's height, )rQUi eEIin' scroll tille' list by IiI1!QIIIlIIgl ~he mth!iS~~ PQiffilte" to the ~ry ~p

a,r borwm aflih' S!i:re.en, Qr 11J$~ng theJ SCI'011':alrlQWs. .

1illeal are a,rre ~df aS~1) c.i~ted j!IlovUl ·LtIe ~larft:li1i1.1v s"llill dad Fo~~m~ b rug!Jt in'!'~k.:gr.(~L!nd ~{lhi~'l~ t~eir 'neUs., Aisil, o1JilY WOlke ~ lhati:&'!i:il;si!lflel~hlaiw F'r.m::H;Il<lIll, rrH,rl;ldlilil!llthEr~rl.dha[ i~ se!lected h.a'~Hl red amid WQjrtll;'SlrT~e;r:lpieJ(l'eQClVefijng, il'ie:eome~Sl~ '~)e~ it,Uf)S"

11l add " WIl:rK;erw In!,! g" 5illfl,~ly e Iilc:kan him

;'!l'Ud C!;~~l"(Iu!'l!llWm WOT~r W ipiJ'l

lill~ . 1l1!I'fg - ~Ye:!'I ~f ~ .~ as'So n lJ1jhW F®i~em1m. 1.iI! __ .......

When ye1!.!' , 'tlJe(fUle wer~~b:g_ ~hln you wjil:lil~, '~Ii~~ ~liIllhe 91iUlg

feolil irv {Ilie it;]l ~In!il <Irl,d ui e. ~a rIg o;Wlr l},eLn~,ii1futi.

n,e tli~pl!!y shows the For~m,mthM W{)'S Sill ~ct:ed, QI'I~lle leJ~', ~ tldl ,g,!l1Y wOQ'k:e:rs tiEl ~ esasse c:iate~ w~th him Ulli'idern Md'!. ThElc ether ic®!'IS". to ~hil ri'lJht of thi,~ Workers: ill'ld forema n, <I re i ne i eaters of his energy Im/eJ,lIIihat tc10ll he ilgc c[l~rving •. his' cu:rrent ta!sk if any arndl:ln! t~e: far ri,~lit the amO!,lnt >OIf '(;'.xp~li€'~ce he h,a,s g·ai!'!,ed ..


Ttil fJ()L~I'C(

The ~ol~¢e bfinjt ~.a.V!I !l1l!iHlr'~e[tlp/lJ,ur mWIil iJy maki. n swil'fr <I ~fiest~ ,inf:

U!lIIiEfsirabl'e 'type::;; Who Wilnd'e1r tbe stnms.

11'1 ord'~l.f·M: IJIse- yo.llI f iPJOlice FIi:fc'e YO_i1IIi1Ol,y.;El ~.I;tl:li~d th Pnl'i'B~~:stal!Q:n. IJillJti.e 'mat ls dOl1le ytIli1 fI eed stan p~®tlll!~ll'ig P~.I.iIH~f~'m: lCi'ltI!ll~s pI!"Cl'l,i'id,€!the: H!W pCl"Viilet that1 diri\!tI$. yOu.r Polite FllfC"a:, Sg 'rna ~e SUfe: ''11'00

a~~le~ .a ~ supply' C;~dceJs .lire q~!lJilil:ed !:IV ~Ie'll'xel 2 1l'€'Im<l,liIts.

Ofl~~e_ G~e<i ,h~;~ o;lililtb IV 3ppeIir' il1,tmElI P~li'6Q $irtiQ'o

H 1I1{1illU 11 lPQljll:ill Fan;e makes V(llllf ~m~l;!s a _s~fe,r 9W1~ IfNlke S 'four ~~lrIa rins; ~JlI sie'~!Ilrll," T~e bigge:$lthfE!~,t,t(!llilW,i!ll.a ordetr !Ire me Ufl~,esir'ablll·tVp'QS who ffi!akeffre:Q ull!'i!ltap~Gillrlmcta:sami IlniLlSllbe Mpt L!mde!1 "'~Ili~mL Wh'~rn"a P~~ili"emiilUl safes lin Undesilillbil,E! on his waylCl c<i11!¥,[I!Il"i'misCJ~je'f,~l! in!i(!!J lilts best '~!il ~lJrttaii Ms a citiyitie's. WiI'u,m Mle, Pl;Jlllteman makes4! ~lICC~s"S'~ I arre-~ ~,e C Qlis up JUl.e iP~Ji.c,~ hli!ji~'QIJI~~J t~ s,l!in~ Irljs priiSQn.0r ,~M 10 ialL


Thi~ iC'(!!11 t!lktJ:s Yt! L1I diulctly iinside thai PoHeeS·1laUIlII'I '<lInd d'11$,plaliS i!:S da~!lsc:rellll:!.

Wne!ll V,ou ~!1itl1):r!he Po'lice:Sta~ion, the R!ld<lr ~isplav \i'llill s:how<ll~ the esta~:es where a P~lh::el'mllln cOlilld Ib~ ill SS~~I'JIL,!d.. The eS!Al!e; t1i<ll~ h as Ute Staliion OIl wJU be ~Ia!ihifig ills tn~ d!3ftll.!I~ l'l/,nen you firs[ \!'~sit tile SJa,1i1l 11. Alii ~he estmeslfliU' (;3 n h31V,B. a Pone;'aITl11n <'lIlStDIl,B~ tv diFElIiliiW1l11 be Mgh1igh~E!~ ln while. Cl'ic:kil'lg ail OnJE! oH~ese wfll m<ll~e it

liIaJ;h and hecome d1,e selected e'st!lte.

H '1"0 d. s!l{'m,eie:n~ Cadl~ts" t~O: c.~n:tro~ zer;ti,on: \!'!Ifill (1'liSj(l'IillYSII'I leen ef a

PChl1m:!IIIlOlI!I. ~b<lt icon:WiU 9S~g~ himw wnide:ver estar~a ''jI'DILi hall,i',e plmvJ(ll:I.$~y

selected. 'Whe' g rlld Ihfl Pill~l~ellTli!m rt>lJln will show ,8' b3ue bac ~grIOl! nd .and o~her

i. co. as ~'II!n ~i ~:!p'~:~ir ~ b~,e dDa:IQ'~~'.il A!I!I'O~ tJvl}le:IIE!~~~ ~stat~wi~l_ ch _!I!!;I!ge tJ)< yQlur tBal1rl~udDf !lml,!! IRl!l)jiU ~llpi wiU§~01N tliI e IPo~me'!lI1;e lI'tS liIIIi:lVE:mC'I'l,tarOlltl'ld: 'the: Ilstllt'e.

1@1 c'aJ~c,e~:~e a'S~I~~~~nt'bfa p.ofroQmanl, si~plV Gli~.ilI~ an <I~~~er~Qlicemal~.iconi,.~Jh!! ,.

Ut!S, the p,DrJuman will aLlkimat!o.1i1y re):unrto tni1 Statton. ~e'IEI'~linlJ otl1er esta lllls w,llli n

lllntllem will,aMl1w you to !(J;i:l11I ~~et:ltlilejt pi3ltt!:)fs If yo!U Wi<S~.

Whei'l 'P~lrc!millil. t:i.1IVfe tleelil .a1S'S~IiIIE!dI. a~dti:liQna~ llFirolTli\ati®n liS; dusiP,'I

'U'jQ d:uro S(l(Il£ln: Ihe Cilm~llll'lr or ,(l:over,af§lE!' llifriQ Il~alll !I-hI~e ail'll the .!!flff~le'lii llarIJifltll,Elr PIlU~eman,

The ~!illVera!l~ lime rep!f-llSeillS; ~01N IinUl)h Cad et il'!I'Ie'rg,y you ilia\!flifl res~l"I!e. This Ir~ ae"p!!rtlB'1lI bV thp n~b,e[ ,1lI.1 f:oJi!!e meQ . ~$$'TgIlCld' i:!lnlll by the 'leY,el of ·8ifticfie.n'ClV ¥00,l1 $i!lJt! fnread Palic>eIiHln.

Th~e,ldiCiiem::y (augIe 'll'all.!1e iJ1d:i:~!I)~S how eftucJjYelV ~u p,a:rtio}lIar P~iGlem'a,~ '~f!li:I tinm'llrlil'ls~ T~iE! higher tho: valu~, the flifl!hll fc away ne ~\Ilil !bEl; ~bteoo s:~(It.~ e f!!f!! n~1. ,~rlici~hc,y \I~rlJ:!l ~~~l,mraUiHJv G ia'kin;gllE! uptin:d d~wlI arrow. Tn thG (ji(!nllriOI s~~9rL

All'anllr'@!l!1i Itli'lling Pbl.i~m!m de regulll~';~'ei!ls'careILlrni$ ;iiI~ estate. you een allo m:aih lnEim ~atroll :e spe-c ~m~ P!lt~ be.l:WIHm 'i'wu pmlns.ihfs r~ .c'aJ'~hrd' out tr,O)Ii!'I tl\lQ maiA g!lliflll S'Cre18J!1 b¥ ,cl:it>ki:1il1l! oil il Pol'i:eemll,1'l m mringl ,a~(!i.ln~d ,gillil estalt.

le$i'ne 'Pita I TIlris iCPIil:alp~E!ars Wh1;!flc){6ll1 ,seleet 11 Poll esrnan 0111 [life b8!lteal'Td.:aIlI;lWS VOU todllifilJllNI .spe~ille. Ilam;.! path. ~t~! ~lb:king ~ 9 ~:QIiI, the JII:IOJJ's;e'[I,~}n!ttQr cihang'!;!s and alloWS V:!l!tJ tb rl'!ile,eIJhJ~ ft'S1:~u:nJ1olll)arktj{.!ThIS)lIl1slio he Ol'll!l!l' .~;l,!El~nHf~E! e'$ltate the p.i)ncefu~f1 is' D'sil'!J.,~1!lI' tal tlJB~ platfe theel'l~ Pa!~r.oL(IUlr~el'" trnis ¢iHI bo iiiI'! <l:l'lV

Illl,h:er IGl@lt(lVP'U 80. ~IJ !I~ 'lI. l~aveffi!laflt har~ beT~fI~i!t Pla;~iI'!9 Ihtll'>.S~ti,lll.ntl Ii!IllrkE!Jr

coropl~l:a!8\JUni f", 0 8l11id ~~erP!lli(l'llm!HI be9l~llls iHil',.~:r~itu~ ill'lme(j~6Jl!!!~.

'Ea n~i8~ Pllji'jol T~i~ win M6pkil Pe~iGiema!'l f~Q"m dIlT~':~ spl!eilio ~1troolr ~Jiidl r'~wr~ h,im tID h IS; 'IiIQfmElI beat .;lIlt ~u:r est:aile hre was on!~mdlv D5191i11J,jj tll,

-rlhfJ loUIe itI01r1S;iillllai~~ble'·are:

JIJmp Tn I Fi'Il'l'lllie ~ilifo_ml:r;S~ rre!:!.r1 ~E!nl{!rgO' !ffl)I!Ol[ti' th,e .P;olicI9lin8Ii'l

l YllH Slll:rElc~cI i.n1he

As vou IJro[ln~$s til rJ1)'l.!Q,n~he 1Ia!Rl'El y(ltivlI1elVita IlIV I'll", eh <I sta'Je whe~nl: you n~;,r,Ql to IlumvlN money, This 'is, usually ~he Iilrs:t I'easol!l p.euple ha!.i'~ for

~isiljnglh;e Ehu1ik. _

AP01lri from ~f11l wlQetal~ overdr.aJttt, the Bank its the J1eIH.lSitory of ,Ellil ¥(I!,J,r pl'l'rifenrlllalnGle sl;ilist!c:s, p~rti(ltlIOlrly fhHmcl$1 ![Ielif:anlla:l1ce. {¥alll can acaess the Bank a ~ ~tte stElr:!. of the g:81i11:f;l.}

, following a~El detail!.,; of all dll'e key fUirllotlollstlf!d dUfe're,r'lt S!i1C'~(I~~ ~!'I tlm b1an,k~

MOlliey Tillis: i~oIl~lppe,ars in se\1-er-;:l1 g!la (;.Q'S. In a ~l(ll;!~o diafawM I da-crEl;;I $(1. thE! 'F!1liU to ti Dnil!'liI18lJ,y 5 percent

lin th"e I'h:l!lrie- : t')1$e data SCrG0l11 ~t wi 1'1 ril'~UeG r'El,r\U bl'5 percent ~ e:veJil/h(lu:se- VO!!! IOW,f!, h1 the B~ nk data en it will J.ei:h,me ~e:Lir o.''''i8,~1!1 r'<I'ft iJV IPayil1:g melilev baek to the Bank.llnthlB MobJ8oss;'s data SCreeil this win rel}1l'~ ~Il_m'l! o'tyoUlIIl<~h.

1'J1I;jJ\!H!i~i8 MUfUl¥' This icen ,appea riB ln s,Ewe,r,a1 JllI~IL' •. 11I1 iI hroJis,e III at.. spr~elll' i'l: wi,11 ,iJlGr!;!a:>I~!iliI1l rern ~hl)!Sn~an:a~t!l pay. Illy !)

. lE!rI:: em..ln~,e fI!lhJiebase data 'm; . it wilr Jncr~HSG: r~fII~s by· 5

~!!roen'!: UII !}VQty Ihol!~9 y,llu, Dl1l'i'll. I ~lJtiil 8111 if S"cr:ellfl It W1111n1cre_ase

your t)'P'e,rocir'aff. 11'1 the Mob B''OsS'1!:, titllti1l, sc ree'elm This win lr{cliea:>1B YOlllr '(I!an~.

I [!>. E!:Om!liTIlll(! Sii:ee1l: Olsplav~ yo~r C\J t'f~nH';illaII9ifll f$hl!GT he:ld biy til! I ' ' ~~liIki 111118 dii!lll.rll,~ iS~~1l de~iltdt"INl'n:lnyml.l1rs_t !lililter tlfle B'Elnrts,

oliilta SGre"'I~ .. ~f ~qu !1l.i3Jvg lhil'!~ 11\111 I'e VIewIng ~:n~fblr af the

Ifla-rik~s.~;firaefr¢... ~l1e,[J tlil'at :liIe.~oFlJlI}S·t~ ~ d !.It I rrj~uTml!l 'YOU il'.efl\Jr~. i

yqlJr nerfo~'lIn.ce}n I!hll! gmne '<lI~ ~l1V, lhe:rl1l4He:ll \I"a~rtly 'IJ~ t11jS 'thai ~how h.m.',I w~llll'lf b:aiilly y,o.u s,re dGlI] g.

ti!fi~llil'l 'Gu.lJlh~: A\!"<lruabiIB yil,!l!lH th:e BSllllk's data se:r~ell is

. tliiS:;'icon willtEII'ke )lIl,U j'n~i'l lh!!l !i\'EI~1iG:l$ cl~.arlm~nt

~lI~nl s~gJl!lJInn~: 1I\i'ilil~~IilIIl.

IOne'a il'l'titl,1j ~r:1I pi:\' SlE!'citil[l'l y,D.LJ C1llr1, selllTdL one ~,e' ,ol;rtlI ~h you w@u:ld Irke

~o ser"

li.~ ... .i.. 1100 ~'t~~ll.s ilJ~ this, ~o dj,sp!ay ''((hlll'' ~~.mfarmanl).e s~Mti~ In tlifa.

. ~ fill rrn of line gr:~~h!l_


Tllefulllowffing ailrnow!j!\uut!lls!ilect. file ,d!~nem!l1 clllll1sa'ValiIIlWlLe, C!ui!i!i!i!i!!ll Advi~ilis Oisplialv gn'llph of Vil'Yf I[;rim1nlllacti\l~lIles.

lLallldllllsag:ll. mspliliV graph of how eWc;ientlv you have used I:,md.

ILi t1!lullcim llIelatlOi!!ship Ois;play '~repll (If VOlli r rleJano ns;hip \'I1ith the iCoul'ldL 8Bn~ la'ianoii '[liltpt~ gri~tJ, nit yauf ~QrlGl'm8nc:fl wi,ttll~e Bank

The·l)thllf'frollort:\l.nt,SElctioll fliL 'the iEla~k is-the Tex.MllIli. IFIiOI)l1' fnfmomerrt you ,begin the gam!! me cll'lek"S~iIlSfl'i:ekind;l for ¥pu til liand !lI!J,er a'nltageQf Ymlf hard"eimlll:!a 1JIl~f1~V ti:dhll.;, Tax,M~lI.

Tilere1i're's:e\llln~ difW.l:EHlt t1l.xe~ a s',detajled (J11iI ;ti11i!! TilX: dat3 sm:eell, <lliJ:~ ttu:!sa ~Irl'l OJ II added

tg:lgetliel' [!l,m, I!lIne lumM~!iTlf(lf vnp Ilr '. Th~i3Im(lullt Ilwe.d ttl 'lIill:! la~, M:a~' n~s. to

Ibe paid Irl'total a nd~nc C~IlS>e'I!!'ki it !'ita:ll 3nf V!lnrs~,Vcre'.

11I1e 'Ita If Man W~e:~ liln 'tne Barl~ Man~ge r's ltJff,i.c!EI~ 0nG!~J:lIlIoihifi 1reo:nt~ tgo ~I\d ,se.e IDe Tei~, Ma i:1 till :chelck~lull 1('0111 r sta~tuiS~

filii\! Ia~ 'W~'!iiil ta~ ~ due" ,elickin£t~ri 'mis !ClOD wm aJuw'l11<'ltic;aIlV Ir€iITil9'i\'~ ·it\ti ~,Iall

'1lI'l'fOIU!lt,owEllflr0m 'V(J:urlbal'l~'lleeralJll1it I1lrld P:8lV ntrn l!'he falx Mall. . . , .

. ngS{EfS anH:!xl]f'erllle~y usef!!ll, p,uticulariv f(ll~ kminll petliJiEl 01' fil'e~~!lr.~,yil1l,g ~~m~Q!,!e'~ p'roperty. W~len yOI!l select EI Gan9,st'E!I!, a ~"lI'aO'! pOlll8 s!Qlec:ti on i con is d~8pll(;!yll)d iT! tl~'Q ee Il(roll S81C'lii(m, Clie kin g ollithis .;JIIrOWSVOIll to' purC;h1!!Sll batl1lll~ WE!1!1J ens, Not ~II~ oflhom <lHI alia il:[Ible WhElml ~o[J tirs[ gilt a Ga:ng,s~e!r. Ga:ng:s;te'rs ea m me Irlgh:u in Lise b e:!t:el wea Pi) ns based Qillihe: IiII,J mber of s[Jc.[:l;!ssful ki,ns ,a pa.rlicl.l'l ar Ga!'l!!l,suJr has 1i() hi~ ~rf.!du~~

To send a sel'ecte d ganQSltE r O'n ,f!! mi,ssicm, ()~k:.k~m a til ~'get in the 11001lllli !1IIaf!J:!,~r.

The oU1:e_ : al fl,ltne~()n (!I1the Mob ~!i~1 act as-a :I!(ian$ha!~kim YOll iI' yom I:IvQrdrt,ft fiUhli ,limit. y~u c~1il ~'~I{~~e goo~;lliierf~nIlCl~n:iirrmlltv bY clickj!1Jg CloIDe u~aNow dl~phlyed ftr the cQntJ'vl sentlon inside Mo,t(si he3d~ullJters, eli oking 01'1 ~~iE! down a mlW wiJIIl8iY back tille limn im.medi'ate[v,.

thE MelJ 'tilfliElrsinJm your bank in U'UlJ: if you dOnl'.t. pay ~1!lCik. thek mol'lsy wh.~ntli",ytall YOIII10, Ih'ey will mlmlHll'1®lJlJiid alill:! cQUe,&1 it ~l'I1(iNav. lin tnll

" .' 'lhe'~ll i!:S ill ,r;!l'Lll1lIDef teUfnl9 V'1il1J ~O;W !Q~ '(Il!1II hail'e t~'PiliV

thl! maJiilV Id IhaW 100~g Qve,r~\.Ie you OO'i if ~@1U1 !1J ll>a:l\lL Th1e Mob

h~\!'EJ ~~!T:Ietolerli!IFlea';JI;i®,~t g~ning th'QirfllOinl.ey Ilfa~k, b~n~'liloe$r1Il['histf(lt

le:ng. III {)iiiPll'sil3~o ilJlll)l~ll:fllejr ' ~'llin recovllw ~Ilir 11'I)01le'V

by _ ollie (If vQu l" Irrlml:! , mil :ilso filld mat ,!/Clil:!t

G,ang-ate!$,.;h ~Oll! ~f~a~e~ 'Lhe~, ~.alvi! giglll'lciBi ~~ 1lIi eir ,gl]dla~'Elr

.t11~ ~~CCUlll~ f\Qt~'C:I!l!fI'f W won.

[)l!LI~,(J WITIl nr ~fMr ~§

Pot .~~~ s.~t.lrt o~ i! ;Jgime yll'Jl! ,ealll .s:~!~(lIttilli !!)~mbl;i'~ Of@!l'I'Il,f,llIIte:r (I~p~l'Ieflt5 V~U w,a,ti1t, il'troU!!IP Ih,ane'!:'!re Silirne: c;oluJifTj(jI!:ls,.i1!ct,ol\di!lg 101 ~itfiCl!IW ~ev~lt 11 M n1i1l.1l you !lire f.!,r:lIyiiilg.

Un'lik.'Q ,nl'al1!LolihEi r s'in!lU!li!:'!tI:cins, till op~l)'rrenu:' in tlill'l'$1J:udOr de, ilrot be gill

thtlcg~liJ\1e':wi buiJt,!ln:}I, Wlilr~i,nl!ljilM~. iI'L.5WJ!lO, tili~y btli~d iU's-t li~Ii!'

Villi do ain~i S 1}bse'~e tifJl:!"saoilll'rul!l:s .. ~ YOII. Th1rr at it

~olQ ~Iayer ~~n '~JiCI:Y'hhe g,~nTie. ~@ its fulle'sl]u$t;a~ if '~e lIiIe;~ 09lwod: !i:sme in ~~s Q~n 11.DIl1J~.

a~l!l~l!Ien~g. ar~ r:~ietre,i:I'~d' is 'I,1;ilal'lilS\, witil1 !l_aIl::lh IllFle lilillVil'lg.'IlI1'1 fl'ltlhJiijujI.i' e oloyrit~ [.den6rytl::r~n"I_Tmmii'le~JIiI ,(;oIQli!rl,sf!;ls~d 'iiiIS,rr-e!1l ye~!Uv' ~ 'p@!¥sible

$Velil on,ID11[q~5lli~e;1I • 'lItt!d clh!il!ractll~Mha.1 PQPIJ~3tll th,~ {lliill1i1ll

a nli me' n~r'lj: ,in 'h' ' .

WheUi 'I!'@U II:lrck fN'! en enemy ,c~mr(iIJ~~ Illl'at!~i(;te .. (woi1:ef~ gillornsteie&.

~t~~ aim' ;OIl'Ii'l11a'l)on na of cbarndaw nm:li~ is ~l:i;Il'I'~)fe(.l· 'in! Ihll

i;lnlrrratiicfl'l ' ~·,wlli1,:tI1t.~t it is <I'rLel1ll~lI1i,y. hg,1,I\f ~Ii!~~i'l:-rs alnd"

Which tlil~Nm it' tHlgS. ttl:

To (ilb~rli'l illf"ii!'inlation about an OIlPCiO!lnt's housa you mus! firs:!: send a!w ,of YOllr characl.ers, includingl um:lesirabl'l31s, in tll'!ihe bl.iild'irlll. Once inside, clic1killQI on tlie foundatioll wili'l'the right meusa DUil:tcin wlll dfspl'av tho· data sc reel"! fonhat house, Wl'iiJe your share oter Fs ~fHh8t property he :iru:rease's· dile ~:!rEhss on li1etellfant, the m@re poo~~le' you 8,Ii nil in 'lhe girela!l:t~ 'lihe stress.

YOIi &.1111' 1111)0 {I!it illrormati!m about how anomer 'ream is rmJglressin~ 'in the game: from the 5tatitios seC'tio-lilor the Bank.

Tilt 1J~I)HII124I3LH

UmJes.ilraoles ,Iif'e used to h'fJp;ass ar;nd atta'ok Vlllojr opponents. SlIrt 'O[ lik,e a oe·meiUE!d ,8Imly. 1h~'[e_ a:re 7 diff,er~nt· types of Ul'nillsirable:, Hippy,. Clown,. 'Ghoot, ~r. Fixil.,- tile PS'lfcho. Thief '<Irn;1 Thl.lij~'l- Un.~_a~!rilll:llll:ii. b~[ln:l1i !!lillilsbld afti:r tneJiF .appmpf'!alte mw~liilg phme.s; have heen canstrLlcta tI. :r., iUS! ;Ein I1ndl'Sf'"rab,bl, eliclk on iits house <!I:ldl "Iliet. mlDll' of till! fun!~iQ!l$i disj~liilved.

An Unlde:S~l'lIlb~le !l;'Sn Ori'I\I' liie: .;II:ti,an~d if he is actually- in tbe prolllelllly' wI! enl yu,1!l ~I i~~,~h~ iCDn. H,e mig ht nQt"~(j' tn if I'lli' ~ a~H!a dll QAIU.1il Ii job, h~'viI'JJIIiI' Wlln~'er iUO'lmd his ga nlE!.n, U fIllli'i.!f1a'rl'e,S( or simply deal!. Tha d!ata S'(ll1lu.m wm ~a\!e information abo,ut 11 i:S'u~clipated r'l!tulrrI.

·11'0 tiilild Oll t wfIlitll: pa 11l!:uI'ar Unde-.s'irablu c,lIn de,cllick _willliJ tJlle left Ill0u'S'1ii hlUiHim nn a 111 D'

lihe j,c'J:lI"IS inthll:dal1i scraenand 311'1 9xp.lanatllry ~.'d'fJilegSil!!lJ1l! is. di$~Jayed,

• "1'0 ablliva,t9- tli1!11 r·~fllLCtioil. left slick on '1.1"-8' 'Dorv' ~'O;OIl ill the right ~a rld c~ntrl1j ,ar':EI!I. -Un ilia majnl'~er,eel1, scroll (or use tlill:~ radar Window) (b sI!1ect a tarijeL

!he' lJndasir3'b!e~oe~ not need tel Y1_l' 5tr.aUlIm-~~i!; ta!rg~,VOI!I elm use ~tea,IID tactit:sto) m,Me lin!>;s MWilrQ~ lhilltarge t.. Than:l I S"'J!lolJi1rIIB hmlUn mOIflI'J'il"an IJlllda<Slflll}la; V,(ilJ t~1iI tu. kl'i <l& taftli,a:s t!:i lJ wittinG r!E!81tllllhl! 6n ailtargeL

When ,an Unid~sfrable's·'fUntt1lt)l1 1l1lls'liIeen ini~!,I tI. Un~ l[liopSIiI painter chllln!le~ in 1I1fflll'erlll: lNIlIys de'Jilentl~lilg 'on wl1at VOl! an: pointing at .

·Iilleg<il~ p~ali;:es@ nuwe 10 is shown liI$' a 1I,arE!;OI1i,llgEl_inW{Hd p;aintillg arnw.$' ·AiillIIeg,allllilGlIl is.sl1a,wn a~.dii!rk red.

IA legal tS_fIle1. eilher ~rlilflerl,y. ~erson or cbf,ect, is shown as foW' lalrge,~f(nm Inward

pointing II rfOVl!'S: .

• An ilIega,1 UlFlloet is shown as a flaS'hilll'Q uN:lIII\!trttB d 1~1k with a ba r ·thml.lg,'~ ". when' you pl'ess

the le.ft liOiilJse tlllttlDn.

Thel dlffiU'Ienit teve!s IIiII d'lffieJllltv in the game prolJioe IlIWI'Il sr lessIUndesirablefW1c,tions. Easy II!I\I'QI of III illj lha s onlva iIn'flJl'lllHVI $~I of ~u [uino(,!s wMe Me'~frllliii: ud H~rd I ~~els fin<llve 1lh~' rull r<llJge,

Y ndesifable& bylhe I i: \I' ry l),atllrCCOlil1e IJ Jiide:r close s'CinJ,lilrry frcQ fil th II PQlic,et. An Undesira!ble r:s rh.Dst lIulnernble wh~1iI he is' (in lfIis wav t,o dding misohie:j cr actllla'l~ ~~in,9 iJ, SihQ11JIa.i! P®llG'eman sPQt fiillfil !Jtt~is time, he wlll mflr-e '1lh1i!1'! M(&I'1I" be 'arIT:E!Sbac<i and 'Wnr'$~lIId &W3ij ttl ~tdS"n. He is ~iBla t 'Subject many li'arassm'liInt'l\rtim the Pollee if he is jl$t !ital'ltliAQ aro.uJ:l~ iln his oWn grounds, or in a ~Qrk, ar on lliis way tillme ~ftef comple1ling hi~ d'iiI&d.

,1\11 com ,w11!e:r C III ~ li ~p9.l1efllS in,,-a !I@me h alve'8uuame r.est • Ctif:ltlS.;ifS you with r;a~!!Im to

IInd~ill b,1.~iSi II bility, allld ar:tge of flmctio'rl!l!. .

Pi:cke1jing The Hippy ~!liil bill ~e nl to plc ~et outslde an OpcpollQllfs resource Qr houso'. Piclt~'tin!l <II reSioun:e stops productiorl. Pic k,e:bn!l II I'ICJiI:lise C:'~ uses- stress l'O th e ~elna.n't

Sueet Pany BV po<si~iofJ~f1g 1M I;llilPPY lin a key ~o<siIilQIl 110 can have ,11 ,$;treEit Pi! rty·oo which aU lIn! wellcoliTlb!t Anv Ic:il!!l:nu::lar ~~bE! plaVer's Of ~js ol.ip~nenrs~wit!hiliT earshot Qrflhe PI.l.i1Y mu.sic~\lill fow,getwhart th!\!\' ai\e slIpposHd to, be Icloil1 g a ndl mO\ielwwtil rd'S the mlJsie,.

S:qWUtillg Plii(;ilil~ 11 hi,PPV l'f1to an 0p,pOMint's "a~al1t property will tUlrili llirri il1i1:o alii lInwOl~colifle squatter. Wlll'Ill II SiQll'.al1ler ns< in a pl'a!.!efs hOllse [!'Ie IillofiFlia~ functions of 'Iha[ prIll'"my call1liot be 'tarried Olllt

Oi!Slractioo If,a Hip'~y has belen lpl[l.~el~ in Illite otYDUf vacant ~~opei1i(!s, you e'en use ylllllr Hip~y to l!l!re il:lim 0111' Q~ '~he iii 0 use f,or j! chat. One'B outside. me h[IIPIV is \ 00 ailhck. I1Iml esn b dll!)tfcv,ed',

Elitena:in lhE!1 Clowil has 'ilIll fear-,or biiu];Itedl h!lus:e~r a:lldi can be SEll'lhNli1lIlS81'E1 GhostfE!siding in om;reWYO!lrlhol!l~&~_I3,ho~ h~ve he!srd alii 011 th EI. C'rown';!I ba.d Jo.kR<S: be;fu r'&arnrl will run

from the !house.. .

HVli O!lEi!l th,~ C!loW'f(s t lents fS' me IHIW!~r W lll:ltnmce

d'o,QS-, Uiti;! CI'Q,Witf i , <II gard'en lIod fllstanW d!i.straQt tht d!;l,g

from hJs nOm:llli,dulies. the dog . ~ cliistrf,u~till~ \'Iou ¢;iln efTl(i'F

the gmllnds of fie house without fear, .

Wbi:iBII~. lIfealllil Everyollil likes 'Ihe wild' rii!!as iJIl'llUlc fair:. liug at an oJ1P~nllflrS: chQraGter i>lj'llt:! 1~ e Wown will enti'G~ nim til go lo llile Hlo!ls.!ra1f Fun l~aiillll~flJ'!l!Ietmlbl'!l ~ldl!, .

,Arson T~e Clown Gall ellter ,S! prco,pe.dyS llF'ounds and ~hrllw an BXP Imime projectile tilt the: bllilding, causing clilqsider.ablill dll1liU!g13 10 tJj,e: building.

-.- Ipl(jiSn~iun P"ssess 'Bill ,oppone ntl$ itlharacter Hlnol the, plaver

~ 'l.el]irlp!:l(;uf~ I 'Coll'lt?1 Ijf; h~l1fI. ThEi' clmnlctElI' is;l!mab~e to

eli rryo'llt ~n'; functlil nt. n~s: liU,J,W,ei'l'1l1 efffiiuln Iy la~ts for a

'Shllr~ period of :t1iiH'I.

Hau lilt a H'o[JSlI! S,en d~el Ghost into an (j~pon.enil:'s nouse en d ~t wj II begin h~Uliliiting i.mmeiIl~at!!ly. AIiiV teJtai:lt$~ill jlliI~'a~' tha ~lrop~rtY :00011 as they tlecam,e too stressed '[fI, ~ltla i [J th~r:e.

GeneraJt{: .!lII'iI~ibjnty The III hll<st has 'Ihe power tll!'~l.!m 011 iI of'1l'lUIr J:l.WfI p~o,pre iP'illisr9Ie;fonllillilite!d ,period! oftilllillJ. YO!.lr ,ell'8M'liter is om 'IIi5~DIIl' 10 YOll,fl,ilsh1n!, DUll lIIot tQ alFIY opPo5i 11191 plifIlVe(!$.

lemat!!, Zombies Selid tlile Ghost to haum an (J,s>l:ate byt!lrgeting the pa'lement SlurnllJodillgJ that estate., Wlilil~1i the IGh(!)st <Ji'irl'l'l;!s he will si~k inm tile PiiVIQlffl,lllfit. ShClftlV afterwards ,a S'lJieam lit Zombies emur'Q&S.. tenifying Ihe neiglhl:ilfl~hoDd and

G,au..sing SII1l,Y Policeman about to·go i'lllO.ovel'load. .


Elec.lliIica~ R~pai'~.s M r R;{~l is th (ij q'lE!llaiimrlanfrol'll Hell: eVlllf¥lf1ilil!. he d~oes:,rc$t dlestlUiCtJ;~. Sent tOI an op~omlFlrs: house to linderilake elec:tl1ical WIl.rk, rnlB willi h alvEI lie sJl<Jrks ft:vinjl out of ~h iii hllliidifigand dsall~iv1lti,lfig !'ill tlll,e ellectric al ilem~1 n lhHI"B.

Gas RiBP Qrrs IHav,in!) Mr mit InGk at the {I::jl1, even in !in Q.pp on,el1ll's nIHIS!!, !A!h~eh'h e has: )m remove, will c'ill:lS!~ alBirge explosion: Gr.~a'ling a lot of damage to the prop~rty.

PllI)!mbhrIJ Repairs Mr Fixi( stinks atlliumbingi ijlnd loves water; l'llts; olwam •. Soon aftel" liJegirli"ljn~ hiS r~P'I!ir. SPPlits (11' wi!te:r PP'in Ollt of tJij'i:i pn,'perly, !!f1gulftl1.g the gardia'" I ilmlllilfealllriTng-fu spreilld arQ1l!Jml th!! flStiltP.

Rampage lihe Psvchs is very effilioCtiv& at SlC'(llI'tng p.eO!iJ~I!!< Sl'md. him to ifJl ~mUdi nil 'sille. ·11 III 0 WMet1 ~n the pe,capl.!:! the,re nun mHR@Ir, 1~8!i.

Fence all~ructionS:ilnd t e P.'S~lC*lO i!!lto ~ pmguntl(s gr.oun:ds lfn<J r~(lIfl.ttJ[ill' feflce liD d~$rrtJ.y,it This makes·lIile bmant very 'm'NSed allld the 1i~{Is'e ba,rNlrnes '<I hllt more vu I ne'i'a!ble to d amags. ln add me n liD file hijt! cost (if the dallll<!lQf,ll,.lhe: prop arty alsa l:Ie,ei\l'mll,s matI! vu'llnllubl e ~!lI a lak_6.ovet.

IHOlUse Ide-.slrlilctiluliJ Tile IPS'yc~o ilS arbla to dlJ,m~liet~lv destroy ",(juse. His. ,Blfeetivemoss;at is di.c<rnte:d by rhe st«lI1Ig~ll 0f '!he IJro'perty liI!IId wll;l~1ihe r,.ur n:ll,tit is ·bailJg r$pailred - bIlIP{OIl e'atllalwayullmf lliorliHhil! III Qlile Psy()!'I'l QVll!l'1hera.

111rl'f TIi·171

liEll'I{llfise, TllrlQ.e:Uhe. ~numd:s'G'! a:.~Ql~i!ie: wbe~ yO.lJ w!lllttCi.dri~il 'tile 'Uil'Iii,Blllf:'In!Ut,JOnICEt 'lilfle Thugs 1!rr\iIj((l'~ll!Y Ibe,girr th:elr in~rrii'a a'liiolil8rifd ltv ~e~w lJIefl{ tn:h~l' ~get lful teil:a nt: to qU1t" (ht pnlll)eny,

p~~ Time ~Jln.d m~ Thugs inslrlellllilo'illi!lEl and tll,ev will immediat"e~ly start 'I;t:I parw. Wh'li!n1lr1e pOUlrty first' starts. al :m~s:S~'!Je i.S ilroadotlst to lIhe Owner of1herhoifse warliling 1~lm [haa a laVI! is l! rwa,v. A.s ~he . partyolJ nlii fllll as ea chi reom is dO,WJii gra:d,ed iill tlii m. Om::e all rlOoms have baen ~raislilllll tIw party'llll1!it ~"d the: Itu,!gs re:tum 1l0IiIU!I. Thi>s, "fllllldi~[IJ cau. es 1i::llfisitler!lble diama9ill I:mJ lif it tll!USE! Ii as II b Llrglllir ala rm tllle ThllgiS imi1l1!d!atelv

I ...... ii .... ,· .. Wander

SU:f.!1 R!;}~(ll!:rces Your I hief can .ste,lIl items from an o'lliPommt':s IRies" ure 9S. AfliV m~·l.elia'l $·wl,afll Itimi).llr, bricks" CeffiiElI1t. or stet,11 will be 0;1 dded to stoc ks. U Aesouu:!lS ara fun, the SIDle" ililm~ wi[l still fule added· IIJl '10 doublil '!he l'Ior~nall cQ,P,ElCitV 'of a

~I.ilmclliar FiS'SiCiUFC'€i. .

Sh'al G'aJdg:ets. The:1h ie'f cain mm{l,\U:l g~d!lets rn(lrn alii ap ~Qi'HiU'!fs f1(J1U:$IB. This Cali h fllI'e the erfect of ve dml:i ngl that tenant's lunctij[ma,li,ty and social 'Standil!lll, Succe-s~dL!ilV stolen ,gadgets are added to YOllr Gadoet FiaclorY's ilWBntDlry I!!lIIIBn ii,tJriG' falc~o'll is ..I.e ally illil - Ulp tn doub Ie its no rmal t=<i pac<iby. lif 1t1 e ho us:e is pmooned byal lBurglar Alarm OF Sangster Oil securi.ty detail. the 111 iMf Cll Im.C~S of slice ess .,lIFe cm'llsllienli bly f'iOld uced.

5'fill MQJ""V lhli Thief C1lI n my 'to s1ieall ml!i!i"I~V fmm ail OIlPol1iell(s Homllba~e. i\lIWiiys stii,aliiilg the s,"ame. amllul'It ,of money an ea,eh viS'i!, ilI1!!; Thief's suueass is a 1ll81ltlH olf p!.!re IUl!!k.

S'I'ndcll a W'ooplln' If !J11i rDP'P(Ul!3rflfS: Gai'igs\i.r is')lllJlt rnthe ®;pOI'l, tl'i,.e Hiljt§lf C~rl !lave a '9P atta kil1lgllis: w~a!PQn r'~o.m him. ThiS'ts a li.I',euy Iri.skV·JfI!8I'I11i~J!ij!elF, ~& GangS:!:e'S hav€!"'e:l!lremaly qllli;~:k r,eflleKss and gall fe.a,lly ,1lil'lnoyilld ifSl,tlll1itelilfl~ W!li~l'lne,s /thil!'iir weap.Dn. A

iiI,! cQe.s~rul snil'k;h will pia eEl! file' WtlElp"On in '1'0 ur ,alrse na,l.


Bu'Udiilg anpmil. reis 110 leas:y t~sk; even Donald Trumll W'llIllt b oke! B'elllw alre 510mB CnrrmQlljlrolllerns pl'IiIJVelr& 1111iJ.y eneOUll,rel'.

P,rolbliiim: II Se'nt,1I1 WOflklJ:lIl11g ~nbIJ !I :ibu:ililing. hut Ino Wiiii'k is 'glmi,ng d'llIIe!

Aflswe,~~ lif , ·.I'S" nil '~alg: Ilutside~ YD,Y'VS ° U'I,e ouWid!! .. g,f ~I!

strlJlctlllFI!. . J;l SIUIi 11'1 at 'lila tm'Ge'' :r:mHI ,a hl!i!lJ,SlIii Dr b!!!I~dllflg

wh-em you ~.Ilre~ dn it ~e~i!l~, vou moM ll1e: wtl~l!:g'a1)lg~tfl'lla1hg8Imillnd OWSide, 81l1d 1hllylll somll'liml'ls hide~ol1lt of sig~.

Ii'll'0biem; II se!!ta WliJIrkiga'lIIUltkl HI p!IQ~. bul tIIIcy'rlG AotWllrking. 'Why'? Answer.,IA.,stll'iinllto,dlill is cneck'ol:Jtthe sioo'Sdara s~nQe·IiI.1iI!Iiswili give you u:Slll1i~ information Some of tile! Fea sons V'iflV wlm 11M,pedcolIl~ be:

I) You're (!'Ilt a:f re'SOl!rt;e.~ .. ill ~ sitelS data sc ie.llIil Will tell y.r.m What V,QIII lie eeL

2) TheFIil's an el:lemY wm~er 01l1l1e l!at (Chase him QUfalill!l'getba1cktD 'I'lior~'

3) You've Ql'Il~e wnm,g SITe. Make sunl the sign matehes your team O>lIlor.

EmptV s'~'sJOG~ alilk;e.

Probl'em: One ~ilr mll~e !'~, of 1In!i! guy<s is liIIIis:siflg. Wh;erre'lre ,die" lidding? .A;ns.we:ri; len'ce'1fQ1I1I' t.own statts glO'l.vil'l g, ifs:w'Yel!":!lf!ll' tB·loslfllr'al~k O'rV~ur chiracUi ~S. fry dDtkil'l,g 011 \]lour rada F .icon to ~ee vour lan4 IQI1II'eryon e's~ p,ellpil_e directal~ Qf ¥OUI¥ f()'~eille1!l. r!IIPairme:na!Wd IIIMs!>lgl1led W(I~·rs, Or c:licll!"ol'1lhe'Jl,e1'S_o.ns icon to r,Eiach II lII!ilS1er ,c~nl£,1 !!cr:e'Bfl to dlnnim IJU of yourfoli@lmertm.Em~rme!'l/wlll"kers.

IP,lolill',em, :My wDfkllrli!!U~!Sare n10Ming very~ VEIRYsll!I'Wly.

Air!S,WOir. '¥oprwomgrcI!il1l6 ill r:e very; VE!1"!j' ~i~J:!d. '(Oil haivE!~(I let lliJem rest, SendWflrt:t1J~DI,I~S ba,C'~ to your IHoFlJlebaiSi.e. ~Q Ire-c!Jpe[rat~. Eh~i s~l\e to la~rtle, y'O~f 'NO~k~!!!lliig;s so O;rHi! i$!ft ibeing O\lI!IVrIClit9,d {0f1lUhat sW!\!s ~o Ilhll Soa,me fl:M:OOIY SLta~ fre'sh~ ~ut one thM gl'l e:s o'IJt!'lr1d blllil(l]sall11ile 'holLises willi gettired quickt:y::'1 tI.!Iso, build <I. HQspital to restore V'ou r worke,rJ5 to lullliie!i3Jilhf!ts[e.r.

P'Joll:ilrem: iMiV'WinunllS a~e lirlwa~5:tom,l:ain~flg~'

Ail'iI$,we~111 YQU, gjilfte!d'lem .sQm~thi~glQ C{l~iP!aln, :alb Cllilt. lh~y wi:lt Som(il!11l ElS even if yoll IOjJIit Try to 1t!i;i)"k,(iI ¥our'lhQ'l/!sll~ "[lqice". A dl~!(;e!lt sizedgalr!'i!H! 1ill000kes p6olP~e hap;pielf, al!> do tJ1ees',m'!iI othet ~tll'l'llsrQr tha:! r v.arrd. ~f mey ~~ve' netlif ,11 f<lld(l'I'V. ~hlln IlJ\le, them dIlLlb1Ie"gf'lIzinghl;l:l1I1Jile i[jiBdlJ~t FaC:M;lry!jlo i~$ ~,l!lih% g;f !G~I:lT~ei some !i!eQP~le juS! like tOG:r)mp!a~!'!. As Y~!I p'JaJ\, lh{(l :&Iamey~!!n~ ilJ'armlli'!lih.!!re@Ch 'l9i'l3'm!tllr~~ li9!fld ~QW t~ p~!l1:per them. O~ you c'[lliid ~ust evilctllin1i. [PrIDlille,m~ :H~w dll' [I grow UIlPltf.lell-e1 ~nal!~f?

ProbbUiI!l; M!iI' w;u~k~~ t1i!1w luo l\ul1]1~u' 'get ~nywll'!c!l'!il

lI,'fIswer; (l ~'CI!VO L! bL!i~i:I tille, GadJge1: f'€l e~orv. ¥i)UI esn p'vlldu'ee $iUlbW!!'II' ~<rIiolilsand place llii em uisilng the PLACE OBJ Em ~QOIl. ThieS IInows 'fOUl r wnrkga n~~ to gtEll amull:d fllsie[, 'The mJIJlIi(]i,11 jJll(lVll:les sillmeWwe.E!! slU!bway st:gth;ms" one every th ilrd e:Stal.e you PUrlC n;;lse",iIThese! froe Slil b'waiV sites C,<)1'1 be uSiM 01' !!I1IY,DDclV, not lust )iteM ~Wn people, yo:~ call cre,a,w youl~ OW,fl ~'lIbwaW" .s13~o;ns ~n and p~!I(le~hBITI OIilVQIJI, I[lWri ur Cilpponenrse.states ~t;lnly one ~i)'~ b li()C ~).

Prnbl!eln: SQmeGne ,ellse b<ui,l~ ,sometlirullg ,olllmv ~ropl!il1y~ ~ want lit'i!JII'ns! Ainswe:r,; 'll!lD1J1 I)J1lillr send 1] ]Qfe.mantlll' ti:lih il,)VeI t~e: silre., but hava buts of w"Orker;s,oo~~ to d'efell:.d him besause Whil1!:t!~Elr~Fjlilm'!i '~mll·EI~ iti:s,will ~8 S'llll~ to Hilti '~U[¥S: over tes.1:Op hint O;ryou ca III ;slend Uflde·st1r!taJb1~s· or

J!la . ill00 ,b lJO'w upr tbe p mpfl rty p~ Psycho hlllm 'l~lIl' Eli Ker BOiH

wi mmi;;aw SIHnEilnh:ie dal'lllllgeJ Rt!'rnJennlIlel', 'fOil! do 'not always

~a1!'ill ~ b!@w !;JP' l~e ta~.grel p~©,pe ny, illdjQinin'g pln(JpJi!l1i~iS eiilf1i bedf)~rcrved and the flllhil!Llt fIr(ll!fl~he:if f!J(pTosions. ~Il (fg '~reaJte '1' e tl,.IlI,ri'i -refjJct~cm,

4[JV4~(;lll SITIVATfGlfJ ~~alty T riclks IIn;d StuIP,id 1)lcwl)

Title hh!I,~l:!nrgll:me''Of·Giln\'l>truc«rr (S,mile I:If; wai1~1:l dEi'$ltJiIIU::ti!'N11 :aJl1Id a'buSEl nf \!l)!:Iir Q~lpmfl.elJ)~$llI!OR@f'!.\\'3n~ perso!lfi!.e!I,

.. Send a Re'lla:iI'lI1l1lril to a liouse 'IOU want to sell :~nd let nlm remain fhere untIl the property is lullV IrI:llpaii:ed. When you camet!! sllll tne ~ou£elitwill be: Ior its fillll PDl!mrliaI, value ·Not~ t~,e oldeJ( II hOi.iSil! is, tlii'(l more vallual:Jle i't is ! if yo u halle kill k'lilll afliSr iII',

~HW(}IJ:r\ §WJlT(f)'ll§

N el'!Jla1(uk pl:av ,sometimes brings ~'U[ 'tlle worst in: p:E!ople. IHeli~ a r"O ideas '10 b~ingl 1),1,1l the wo rst jill yo~:

I, 'US-I:! [he HT pli'y's ·Street Pnu1( funelio'ill ~o dlstra etthe en emy while Vo lIsnempUlltfikeover or damage elnemv P,rOllllrty, lihis ls e<s:peeiilly handy.if Q fU!sk-V repainnan is prewliltingi \riJ'Llf Und esira Illies fro m ta,ki ng'Q'IJer, (Sinoe Irll:~jlirml!l1l1lf1iiei1J1,er Ciiil the m()ve' or insld e a house it's tOl!lg,h fur iii CIO\J!Ji'i, or IGltost to gMlb l1'h1l.1 B,lIt lie'lll be dr<iYOlin to th€! street P!lrty, While he's, da IlC tng:. have a Clnwn lila lid' him a 1ie kat for a ~ree Ride.

• 3 oJ il1I'IY OIle,A'pe ~D'f Uilild!,rsir,able iBll'!{j it,w:ill create a mission for~1I your oplpo.netmts rn'QVliril1g lne-m ~(l' rll.IlII~,ve llI'a(i.llItY!l~lr desirablres,

'. B,efore 'an IlJPllni1,Ell1lii::lIll build an cme ofhf:s Of h~r eslatejS. place 1<1 cileapll!eve'll Shiir::k 0, a S'~ri [1l af ~,al!ldjit!ll~:led i:I (l'Wnlhe mtd'cdie so iflil!o cknhulil1 from ~~i 1'191 Qlble to buitd (mil This ~'t'ill PHl~Ql'lt tll~m. fr~m bean,; able ~D Imy rmme IlaJl'lril, $rn~9 tharv h!'l'vel1l't. built on tite 11<llld thElV illre<Bi~'l' owIII11

'10 :B[lHId Els:~1t~~S Ifll"I enQil1IY I fll~ d. I~ ~~st~Hn~lre. but its IIl'Itorlh it rlHakes u P y\lur ,en.emy's valuabl'e la l'ldi. ~Ind if '!IJlI.I ~BI: the pro'lle rty d fJMri'ofliU:. hi'lll ~,IQW Ulp a1ll(l dil lITIil !jli: alllrIClJillld]PI1!l, iist'alllfilsl OO!l"t forget. Wi1~,te ~'Ou :Oil ~eir Iraml 'it is c1o$ting you :m(J:I'I~ ami building lh.llrfi T:s more lexpsllisiVe

• Ig nor~ I!IS ~latutl pUlrpo<S'EI Df the Ilii sSioo. ~l1al1t lCJ!ImJlIi! jiltS, etG.. .and lip!'! 1111'1 a IIVlIlllf re:SOIlI'.GIil,S Sip.iiwnin!l work) ,I'S tllaif iii u can I::lfnv~rt into mas.sesof FO'remen. Selld! ~he F,tll'I~l'I'!fl" tp ·ta~.eov,er 'andJllr blow 1.111 QPllo:irog teams.

!IJIJ~()IIX Ic()~ I)fflE~lEN(!f

The 1~olll'owlJ!'1g ta,bletS~r,e -a ~uiick fef'eterme for i§omec:Qt the most common:l,y seen Icons.

Jump to Wfi,e'rJllhrs loon 8p'paaitS an iHilI!SSl'!'ge, ~Iickin;g it wm tr<ln~~rt ¥QIJ OOlhe source of tilalt message. If (lI ch'lri;mtell"is1ieJi'lcte~,rhen clicking' ~hJe k(l:!il will b~e you to that chuirlreter':s location ~,nd Corlll1itertne senen IOn him

!Exit SlilifieJlI This- you l1utof th'li! Il:UFl'ellt se ~ al1l, ei~ji)en:() 'qmMOIll!S sera en (IrtJi,e lJIain 1lI8:R'le SCrllE!:It

Accept . oUOftielil' selal! on tR,1! bcotll'l'rII of mesi$a!lfs, elil1!~ill9 1I1ii mBa iii'S. ynlJl ackilC;wdl9: me:z,5Me a ~d (n,lJive 'rl!.ailil1t.

, €ompleteAc,tiion Thi~ !con 'sppe:a"8 ·in m,8jny pla1c,ffi; wllhill fh a tIJ!lIf1:9. I:I!; ,fyot;'iJ:)']:I is 00 e·om,ji!le'W 8:p acq!Jisltio~ il'l,orderlo oat Ui1!ilt i~m. InlllrUlst il'ls;liinces tlic1klnglhis:wi:11 inrclu,d~ spenDing mo,ney bUll n~,t: 18ILwilY.s.

S()folll ILetiI: Used ill saveral Si1lJMiOf!S, this ic"on willi scr,oll the sc re~1l ,!:ira lisl: tQ 1Ihe II eft

-- Seral!1 Flight Used 111 $i)iler\l'l siwa~iol'ls. this [COoIII 'Wlil scroll 'Ih!!

- scre'~m 'or a list to the Right

Scml,l 1IlJ~ Used in S'B\I'oral situa'tiirH'ls. th!s, r ecn w~11 sOlon ~hll $~ffi sner a ~i~llil!)1t\l'a rd.

Sl{)roll IOVWfi Used ifflSiejle ral situa.tion s, l!l:icjj icon will :lie roll the

'scr~en er a list 1.0 t111'.1 dO~\Iliw3,rd. .

fCl;Jins d:isJl'18~d. when inls!idie a ItlltltS>8

'Select Fenee 61l W ~he Fence upgrade .~c:reen to select a new IMliielor til',!!! Il'loperty

Giad!liS'!: Silll!clC'tiuti From wltl,ul'l a housesdata ~.cJ~elil, ~Iit'lkiililg this iIlQn,-wili di,SlplllY !llU:l nmge QI'~ gadl[~tis d~a~ esn b,e i"sta.lfed iiia tlhre p,rro~eny. ~hher:e ilf; stocK·I!1J1]irab[e ilill~e'~'fldgetFacWiY;,yijtl ~111I cHi;[( Qnl ttl e i~nl~ VOtl WaiQt, ~1.I1[J;::lrIa:s~ it i(iIliu:llitif l£1rttam wfl~ g iii a ilH (llollll>Gt it fnrn tti.0fac,tof\l', llifthe lte!ill is IO!;lt'Jilf "':Ulpk~llIlJIl w~11 be a W)~,s oYer ita luHI~I:!' ~1i1 ea FIn OJ: be iiiel,ctetl.

Sie*l!ctienaflltTo PI.H:e iii, TiUh'l,!1ttin the ildllse. cJic Ito n ilii&'atld you ern lakEm till 1Jle Tenal1t sele:tIDol'l ~!ZlIlj(il'i

I Ellf:!l" .• ~tenillilt Used whe:IiI'¥,(Ju w~n:~tO; Uyte rel:tuWe 8, t~na'nt fmm 1111 jlr!(Jj;JIEutv 'va:u ara eu rrentlf VI'SIliJ I1g.

Sell Pr@ertly ,A~Iilj'lab'll!! WhElII! il1:siii'e "1I1I;mil!lS'il, !llirnkinrg thiS'lcoll will u g~,wymJII:!Je op'pm1JJUllityLd sail the hClliSin~U are in~'It':will dtsllIlill( .. 'Ihe a,fl'l~'~l1!t OiF O1ri1r1ev YO'l!Iwi II rQ{llliv13 from lie is,)') II afltd ~sk "IQr' t'ClI1Ii1I11!t~tio il th~t you w~ I!Jll'll g,D tnlro,lJgh willi it.

ItlGn6 Id:ispJafe;dinswde you~' H:Dme~llSt'

IGQf!V€lrt siix: SAllIe WliJtkir~ into' ii (lall1gsler

f;(l1lV!9titlW'O ,SllalrEl' 'W'orkel;s; inl10 a,lei'iiiliit

:C@oy,ert four spar,e WlDr~rs,.i!1ILO II fQrlemalill

CIDl'Wert six 'spare Workers illtl! .aJi G.IIIIl!!Fste r

CIHll,rllrt til reo!;! SPllfe. WIl,rck;en;jhlti a RepllI'rm an

!io'fll.i'!:lI"ll :MIlO .s'lfa re lell [lints b~l':k into a Wl)rll:;er.

P\urt!h~Si,e..aWuflkeif This il;Qn !iI[nl1{!.IIlJHI;llrs;wJt~ Illtth'illr qjIill:~on:s to GreateW.[I~k,ef& arB 'IIQt llvaihil~le

I\cmrns ~ispllapdwheln liIilS~d!e: tbe fslate Agelil~'sIPn~peJty Se,leetimn S,c:reen

I . . IResOUII1l6 !)Iilll~!avthe ResQlIIn:es l'i!l/ia II abi[Qfor co~st!u ~tliO!l1

II:OIiIS1€ls Display the range of 11,l:'iusiils !'lvaulab'la: tor COrlStrUiCtr.CilI1I.

faJkeoller:a House On e lot t~Q f!m'll1i1~u"S key fu IiIc1io'ns IS theilibc~ity to la~"e ov~r a ~~~j:lJ!11Y belonging to en oPPQllJelrlt Th I ill it On apjJ,.eam when a Fon!limm is SleleC"ted~, Clid:jmg it will allow ¥QlI! ro li3rget th'El lJ,rO[iJflrll{ y'OlQ Wi:Hl( to alJlempl tOl'aike 1J1l1lr; MIUllidpl'ri= fOTe~1'U~n can DH U'SIEU:~ 10 try illlld H!kJii·~ve~ 11 si!1I~le [lmpBrtl;. Not iln

In{!per,tll~$ !;,ilin beta.~efl Q;1"arr; - .

IHall: ~mn"Eld'i~nelvstop 'wh1im~\E!r Iilct~Cil!'llhe G~ne~tl:V :$HI:ec.ted ~har,aIGtE!r i~ doing~

'Rotu m lome: Me !;)e~ the sieh;!'~laQllli:h air-Cider, or 'tIM rs,C'ters:, ue·t.!.UJ1 ~VQ1i!r Ho:me'IiI~lse as ~uick!V as IlbS$~bie IIIsiflg fie .shotlle,sb~i.Jft~.

Phiou IUii~dlng C~!i!8t1~t Ii nMI:.lUlJldlinUite 'irl'l~l~llt1U:I'tU~f1(lli!tIV Ilighm!flhUHI tl'lI'ld~l)jg in

'~Ile ~OOpB~ SeIH()tr~f1 mmeer:i'. .

. - R_ Site Whlln im :site plslc'r;!m.enltmodle diun'iinm !property m'uilidi YOIII mJgfl~.wamt;_i?

mia\i!'!fh~ &Jl'lttall'u::e t~ tll'l31 p,I"iOP,erttY !Dolntrnstililfl jJ,:aTttlc,11lar i:lit'e't • B2 clickirr~ Q\Aii'li!,

]!lIn~ i[ wm rotatE .mesne IliImn1{!h mlrhy·live degle Em, BflIclt ~ I i,&~.

IlIIOil.lSII SulectiiQn When you h~w iI b1.lit~in!J siM Fe'd/{ 'til 1l1ace. 'clickjn!g here Win,

,(}i3In~e1 tn'~()ur'MIi!'t site: sil lectiii'J! 'Il [ild f"etu rill 'to U 'to lhe SS~lIieA,~,el1ts seleGtfDn s~eeiil,

cillscl w'~h I,O:UI WD~khi~cle~

mlf!li!l:n <i w,o:rkg.ainl 10 VOIII~ itmrrelrnt Im:rali~:1:1 and be'gil'l a'I1V ol1!1£tanaillg

. OOIl!@!lu.C'~Qf;). IiIr RrO~l!!~lion 'nasJts. reQl!ill~d, .

M~e AlId~s'ltll!' iiulo¥.emf lIlt of. all'll' ,s,>8!~ecte d·t:!la'raclen; whenl cJicik'iQ:d.

C!iliilce'l :Sl~fi,ptit!n \!Vhi!jn ll'leith~r thi ~8~pl(j: bs~ or W~rk'! a;glm s'nf~f,l~~ this $0 n <lIII'ows'l{lU til! !liiilln'~.!:!IU!!!l c:J;Irrnl'it !lel~b~l~:m VOl!lh@,;i\e made.

~aJttu.\aIIl:D~t"([\I!I" 'WQiJI1l' pr(l"J:iJ(:,~(in. A!QriIIJ 'I;!(riitlil Mlte elf t~l'ii!! ·i~IIIiC'Il't.E'S\tl:!il 1[;l.m'iQllt 8Wcl~ I&vel @1 (na,l


1911ii~k D~la'!(ln~aitl! a bern yOiUI' ,Bl1le;k pr(ldy!:1iil)llInAI~rmg wah t~lQi iC'~r1 is i)!lIIiI1,be:r: that ~!'IdiGatg.~ the .i;N:i~~8flt lt~c~ I.e~l qf itlat ,[e.liil'urco:

SIBeJl Displll¥S !.!i!lJI!l4'!bo!lt yQJlIIi ~Wg! utlliO!'l', G/llol1g ~t~ otJfia,

iitl", n . i.s :a l1!J1mber ti'!;at lodic:ate5: 1ltl~ I .m stQG~ J611\1'I. O,fUUll


"!olin:eb;iils~ [lispJ al\1'~ tQ<e daul' scre~liI®f ",our he'lfdq_li<lirters ii!'l.d illlvW's you: '~ car'ryrwl·1iiU 'fhe: junllliClIl1iS~~ell'll.

~i11el!lile m~~:I!Ji;r S,hQ1NS. (I sat:e~I1te! view OU~'€iI v:.rorld~cUlli wh i ch you can pun::hasQ mwu; ll:stll~e5 Iby5.!~hw~lllg the OJ'N:! ,VIl'U want ll~dCliGktlllgl the 'llurchaslE! iGm~ in -- ~heG(!J:n1trol, arsa, This \ue\!'\l' is~ls@ IJs~hd far ~eelpmu ~Iil·~e 0111 haw ijll!) Q!)p@sitiQI1!.

:<l're (fl~a1ig.

IWiltiS!)~(II~1 Cll!lliIitrol CHc~i fll!;J l'Ierli!! will t".lllhV~I~ to themi:ssio!1 review ~t~ecn,y1Jh,(ln tliI'!l hri,9fci!lls!'ds 'opem~t means UtllfE) :ara rn~ssioml !lw!iitil1g loompi.e,"lJjomt ~ E!_1l. the bac ~row,nd~alsihe'1l iii: fIlEN!lm,thatHme is 1liIE!3 rly ~p lor lal pall'it.umlar I!IlISS'IQIDL

FM'1ory . lJIisll!ay. the 6~dg~t Faptor{s d."i3Jla, SIl. raen ,[l:IlI.,d a]l~ws ,8J1i thje fl!.lm:~i(ms associated wnh IiOOllI1Jel:actlo iil" n1a!1ltlfalctiJf1~ a od d,ali¥eJry.

tu~pllal,i~mWh:eff~h~S:i~~rr ft~~hg~ fr~ .irrelml~fs~.hatsomle renam. has i(lOrnpla rR!l~ :abIDij~ YOIli to th~I~?IllIi!'~~I, ellGRl1 ~fl thl!HCliHl wlffi ~Fsplay tlliJe rri>(lsr re'c;e'iili. cl)li'I1!plainJlfl1~ nu,mtler dIS~lie¥E!a~aUs:y.oll!ltioW nUll!'!V cOmpI3irl~ar~ flut-!!f8I11diTl!"

~I H(lID"eba~~ .. ~n~e "Wh_e;hdi~s! !cIDflIHa,S.hc€ll.iit in:~h.c:am.'s.;.tli!._~~ VOl! HOmll'~l'iIseii Lll'ltile.f ~ attaic k", cltcki.~~ 1)(['111 wlWt.ake Fou W tiI1~€"flec ijJf the II Gl!llon

Fen.e·1! ~Ift!lC~· ThIs f con, .Me:n IirSil'iinlg, C'ail1l imlill.,ue, Malhi I1IJIS thall' mrghrr be" na Plll~W1I!11g1. FIf.St, a IPsych@, ~$ atil;~C'~!I!llg (me-, f~'!iIc e olp~ ~ ,~~ Y"?l!.Ir P:',QP~:r~es~;tldj ~~~oIJld. I 1hl:it-~ fJ:ljreml11i1~S 3~rn~~g l'O UI k~ war !I ~OJliS!Q. eil.: ~~nii o.nth,~ Item wfl~1 tt.lIl)1,si~·:rt "fOil to, L'JtuiI ~nU!lr hnll !lc~10n,

I p~p"e<l1'Y aq£1t Whej~ ~IQ .j. C'j)1i' ·~.a;~hes 1:1:, roe ililil,iS h, l, (Il~BPY O'.wm~llIl b¥ y.t!~ha$ GIJfHJ!; UII1~ ~'<1llf'il,c~_ Gh~l!lg on 'tfl~ U:lJlWl win 1i"jl11~!ilr! ~1I1 nJl.lhla tIQ.!!1 Dle 'S~ct',

I l'iig;ht WII~h ~!~i~it.Q~ fJiaI~,~~t:·il iI1lUidii,'.~~'!nh~L 'Sl]m~n~l'a".sQm~.j)~ 'hiur n~'Op.I· ~m~ IJIr11d~r iIlIM~Hik:. Clmkm~ On iii: 1;'11'1111 tl1ke"yDIJI.tIJlt:le oonlfhl}t"

~n~y s~ow !l Dl)SeS, httwrills. uti11iiies"foacl,s'; ,. cmlllin de,~~ 1:1.

The D!(llruk This icon willhtrsflSDr;lfil:yolll t(lthl;llEl~iflk w~)e:rle YOIll san rev! ~w your filll·a,rwia'i d~taJ. CO'If!il}O iJl IrnlpCDnallf1 flIIncti!l,n.:s like b oNowlngmo!ilijrV (lm~ also viSit ~he T ex Msn· whe-rll' 'rcm n 1I1i1 ~a,y hiM 1fI{ll'Iey

The: INI,[)b Click here to e iltar 'the Mo:b Boss's dom>ll:in '~!:! 1~1~-e(:lk (ll] YOUIF rvl1i1:i ClJ1.sIhip whh tha Mob ia,nd maybe a rr:1lflge· a il,OElt'l.

IWhlS5:iI!J,e rQ1II1 DisflliilY the messagllll(ltol !l'(;r·ee!lwh~m y,ot! (lBO ~llvijQ'W tiil't1i r.e eem IIIii'B5S,~,g_ij:S and, usi o.g the i,o~JIl il11 thtil 1=(1)'1)1'011 3n~a,l{ .. g,~lll em ~ r ,off '!he help rIlie8~lIg~!il system.

OIp1l:oll 8~r>!le!l ~te:r the gamll SaiVEl IIn~ option~ SCtrlHll'lwhme adi~ ~tm~li!tSJ!l (he g am@ e~\!ilr~TlII1IE!nt mHi Ibtl' il'!ad.t': amlgaiiluls

!Glln btl slJv~d, .

'leil;p!1} lisl [li;spillY a list Oir hlrerr'len, Re;~airlTll)n, GanQ:S!i;lrg and 11I1iI:iJssiiQ.!'1I~·~ Worjke rs !,md"erytl,ljr CIOI1tIlOI_ Sele,~~lllg a si~gll,~ pa~"s~!l

. from We Ii:M \!11m dis~h:)v~e"Qoro' icon llii t~e e;.OIljrri] Si~c-1i(]/n. .arUiOwf1flg ¥01;11 to q uic1kly g,e~ 1'0 'a . p~r~~1!11 r ,PlBr~Q:n

E$ra~l!b ~1iI1lm m~ph!"ys· all~he difFerr,ll fit ~J;pN!peme'$ $halt YOIII C!I!Il Il.QliM ~$: thev lJje$MlmBa,'I,!'ailaJII~ mrougl~;OU( tt\'ei S,am~.

1(~c4~T 4TTVIlijUltS

1:. So cia!1 P1il::iSf This i.mlIdmilll~}l~ '[IiJQ_:!;~:-gle .Qf."tllelgil me ~n WhiliC h a 1!13rl~~.lJill~r len lIf1t ~flCQfI'Ie~ ~vaile~le,

2. nelp~lodt.l!cliplt S]leed:, This shQws·l1iow €:a s~ lCh'ilJJ ~IlJlwf111 oil prod ut~pl

3. M,sl>:i f'fI111'1i'1 A:eflit WIlli Pav.AII tlH'IJa'!'lts' ~gll;i'e II rent €Illjli~g ;·~h:\h fkeV wm [not pay ij'!.C)r>a,·n tI.IT) Ell'IieJ 1:19w spl&J1dil~ th~'Wl'!'~I'\r.Jy Illial{ ibe,

4,.'Sf«!s$ .H9ntllJ~ .Abnily.Thts~.gure·is me (l~m~nat~mll ,oJ nu~yfu>c~t()'s· !I!'Id n~'l:IIElelll1 c;!l'~clliiiue~ IlSJtng s:t1In~a[d QOI1i~irt(lI1s.. nll!;l~ ~illll;Ut& ~lIry ~ll SPlH:f:a'I. aii-rCllIlI1I)sJ:a niC.~.

5. ~ifre 6X_ Cale~.dafed (II! thEl[e;mHIl. ~i!!¥,ihg J!I ~b;tI~~~rE!~" Mil

bala:ri:ced:(ili!1!e in e game, .

Ihm~IVNi1Ime Suej;ill Rep~liId'uG1iio1!l M:arIl!imi!liQ IRem
Cilil!s~ :S - £led Willi ~!lr:
Greas'er 1 9 Lowest '~'
Slob I Fas~esr 10 1 Most 110
Studont 2' Ii 2 B 2
2 9 2 '9 7
3 :4 J "]' 3;
Nlerd 3 7 3 7 B
Pr"1(1fess()r 4 3 4 e 4:
\flll!~ 4 5 4, 5, 91
Sli!l~lne !i SIID~Ves.t 1 5 4, 5,
S~oc,k:brok,!ir 5 '2 Iiiglil~sU leom3 101'l9Eljt 10' VV(J:VlI2T' 4TTJJII1UT(§l

'I. Tile fiQ(urs in tI~e firS!. oolumll. L i,:sJhe,sIlGtal s;'I;~mdifl!J iO'Y'£II,,,at which th,.H l181eticlJlm~ property hI~>Bn d ¢in Ii! level 'iJ:fTenant ld{.&Ily ;s'!'iiletl 'to, It

2~ n~ IFf'ee:h~f~ Vallie is lhe resela ~aILUI @fU)J'Qp,erty in g8neC! ,conditlon, Q!)cl~pyjno 1i11e abstllute mtl'mnum amouillt of space jfolJimriml' lind mit liaYing had [InYlJllgrade~.

l !"itial Sl!l!rlgfh is f@rr a pro:pe~ ~iIh, 110 molilificalioll t(lft, IiH Tts pElfirm!l!l(, The fig,l.JiUl SI:l~WI:I IS Il'Illt an, sChiEl,llIa,1 us b ULB, rlllatJv,!li'~i,gu rj!,1 m .s.tIlllW Vtlllll'!'!! relali~II1I~~ip b1e.lWEH'IJI tl1~1 d t'r(lnun p,r-O'l!Ier1f&s.1l. pftll~:rty 1li1111:!nemy's lann will ~.a\[e its, .snel1glh i'aUf'lg re,du.clad 1)1' 211, :p'erClent

4. The' Sui'lel Time IS not 1ickilil time bllt a relaliv~ measurement ui rlldiGate ~11& di1f'8I'ances ill c:on~,trullilillg lliiricn.l'sproperties,Tll'e ,Ii!C[U~I".biJild tPffie: is ~ep'~~d;!:!lIl'l an n)aJlyr~Itl1[lr{;J nUmD13'r ®r WO\~~i!Jf!'ng$, I'IIiAilberc ~f bodies 1IVI11'i1l'l,JBjlpe!lrlem::e nlf1}1e if1t~llI.I'l[hn!l

Workelrs-an:d f01r.emllll. h(JW tinld the workfmo'e is" .

li'F>lIpe.1iI¥ Type ,L PU~~&iI'$e I


500~ 50'00 250 III III
iOOO 7!iOO 250 0 II
1~1l. 1il!J00 2511 II I)
l~~O 15000 2Sa 0
,~mm 50 111 (J D II
10 ;a 9
,a :0
~o 10 I Pro;peny TiYPe; IL Pi!lircihas.e fiJi,ell'helld Illitial IIJuild RiesuliIf¢le' Uinits n:eeded I
, IC9St V,!due :Sb'ol'luth, Wme til, Ibuild IIJtoPeilties
W e 8 S
LO!lCaillO 1 3500 50001 5j) .50 3 (I II 0
W'(lildefl lodge 1 45®[J 6!iOO 100 III 70 :3 0 0 01
Sowelo HlJt I ,. 1 ~o 7000 1'0 001 3 rn 0, .....L
Bunga'low I 2 fi.8110 75110 80 JODI J 3, 0 1[1
Nortl1ern MIl\vs. 2 900fl1 110m) 130 350 J 13 0 U
C[J!im~iI HD!!!Se ,2. ,9~OO ll51lD 140 '1:00 4- 3 _JL ,0
f---"-- _-_
MfidW,GSl 3 9500 12001) 1'50 SilO I 2: a ,3 0
!lakota 3 9!l1l0 124001 ]60 '5611 2 :3 I~ _0_'
01i~a I 3 II 10500 13GOO no. !5:BO 3 3, 4 0
Mock TudEif 4 12000 15000 1'80 16:1OJ 11 I z 4 Z
ScO'ttisl:lllLo!lge 4. 135CJ1I H50() 19,0 S5£l 4 2: 4, 3
Town Mpucs,j 4 150011, 1'!900lO :2Im l;-SO ., 1 Ii 3
Ele~ch H'O'~e 5 20.r!®1 25UOO 220 700 4 '6 .2 2.
Ge.Qrgian 5 1.3flOO Z800n I 220 ;,15(1 r 4 2 -L :I
AWl'!ttlll 5 251]00 3Z00(JI 24fl SIlIl -r ~ 11 I 4 4
PropertY Type II. li'illI~M,se ~eellor,d 1[1iti,al l!I:uild III RaSa/IIRll U'l!lt~, i'ie.dedl
Cils~~ Vamue 5[reno1h nmei!lll~lIild IPlrall'el1ies
W e IB, s
Gadget EaCl~(lrv 2 5000 5{1(1& ~51!1 2001 liO 10 II 0
Mob tHO 2 I Ul®OO nl!ll(l:' 100 400 1:0 111] II II,
PIl!ic(I Statijo~ 2 mODO Hl000' 100 400 1ml I liD 11] 01
IPri!iOfl 2 tool)O 1000(]l JIOO 41ll!l HI HI 10 I 0
'Pard~ 3 110000 101100 1 1100 4011 10 JIlII 10 II)
S~IrOi11 3: 11111000' 1,Omm 100 I 115011 ]1:1 m I 10 10
lHo'$>M.aI 3 umao ~OOOO 100 OCO '10 ~I(I 10 l'li1
511llll' III lifO ~
tj)JIili'luJrn'a 2 5900 ,300 111 ]10 61 0
f'awl1'Sh(J1) 2 'OOOD 5000 100 30[1 H]I HI 01 0
Fb:ifs StorE!' 3, ~m 5Ullllif lOll 3DJI m 10' 10 10
A]!artmelJ't 61~n:Jl 3' 5001]. 501.10 '1100 3011 10 'Ill UI 0
Bikai Bar 4- 5:0011 :riOID'O 11001 I ':3(fd 'to 'W I 'liO 1'[1
Hail.ln'Kid H(I!.!S'~ 4 ~OO 5000' 11® J(]UI 'liD ~O 10 10
l-ioUSQoHull 4 51l'ID 5OCIC' 1IID '300 r 111 110 1111 10 tJA()lJfT 4JIVI13UTfS i
Dacs'clliipti:ol'l COISI Q,t I1'tlrc:hOi!>S1EI I Malllufactu~in.!I MailCimurn a
Maf:lu~1ilctlJre Pliioll 1 Time :5i1!€1ck II
S ubwalt1' Stlltion 11)1] 500 le'8IS[ 11 II 5
Trees I 10 50 * ·4 I fl'
I ;is
Rat Tnm 2.00 ~'"' HI% s 15 g
Cori1l:mt& I 160 iII';;UI% 5 5 C'
~ e
D~:L1b'l€I Glulmil '11m !Hi 15o/~ 5 5 I
B.lIflllar Alarm 500 ·*~~D% B 15 e
Te'IIII,!Ult DlV I<i'l: lOOQ II n:l!Ci~ :8 5 I
Storm Shutters" 100 "*"115% 15 5 ~.
Dot) KeVlnel 250 1:000 a T'
5 u
G·i!lrdeJil Gn Dm;!!" J5[J 100 2. -5 II
I Wjshin:iI; W.all 25f1 -·12.5· ·,t' 5 p
, IG,aJrd~f'I Shl!d 5001 ~O 6, 5
,PiOnd 5001 lOUD til 5
Rose A'rbor 4001 '2511 Ii 5
Gn;!e.llhllusie 1501 l!iD" 7 !i'
G:im:lerll Eumilurn 1000 .. tODD Most. 8 5 0
~I()TI§,: ,D
.. IIIl Uu;! c ~Sl! af trlJ,es; thol!J,gh~he IJUmllmClurnlflQ enal't isi IlillJit9 hi,yhlJhelte a~e ~rlj!tI
pHld lll(l:~(j s]mu'ltil ne au sl\l. S.
*iJ The ilfll~riil)r lla!:iJge!ts haw a·m.Il,iIIJfac·tIJrirng :l:lIi~i!I blB!o!.d em a pe [c.entll~e of th til .oritilin!li'l
IFn'lenold Vail,ue.of'lhtpt·OIl.ert:y th'iIt YOllitlim il!sf0l1Jiq !tun.
~,e :~G~~ i)~ M~'l'!ufaJtt~rilll!gl!!'fnll.ulilt is. dedu·c;ted ~rom ',!our lila rll! a CC·ClUllt wi~en marU.uf'itctwiJ'lIl ill
IS Ilnilla'lIea !n the Galdget l'iJc1mV
The Piin:l'iji~e Prj!)!! i$. dledlu·c1,ed fnDm yOllr .bOlI1t~ ilaQl)l!J rll: Q IIlv when the· goods.ary weill.
IIHIr'~ is alii aioqiliml,<I( ~harg'B G;I,fl,Ofl u,nits !Ql" any intErior (S:ad!glilt lieliMered (r. rt~an
(lo,ll'8o;tjld tmll( We.Ga dg'el' FaCiLOj1J bV a l8ni,fitl.
II 1
Jl _l I . UleimOe htm ~'a'~k tale. I\tV (Jf IJ1lem1,

ystem 3 has be'!!!'! in the business 0,1 producing quality computar lite rlaililiiiant pradacts for tift:een 'lie ars.lOuring fiM ti l1I1el np{ compafIV h as htJays mild to Cfe'a~e the bast games fol' YQU, the perse nail comp !Jler and i!m~'S~IltIlSO!~ OWI'HINl amun,d the WDI11dl.

With th'El garn~ 1l,I COIilStIi[Jlltor t~e, company has surpass,ed all its; reYio.!.Is successes ElI1Id rea chad a liIew ,flinnac 1',£1 of ,tllig i 1li~lilI¥ anD mnnrm ,~uIP~riem::.e.

ol1lstn,I'i:.tor j~ ~~yl:iri(j g.6imEl, 1'1011: es s,Uy ijtling ~111t1l IiIXjS~II1!l gaminQ amgllri - UY'er'the many man·ye!l(;$ take n ttl de,v.elll'i!I it, 'llhe olig:i rUi~ ilh!a ~:s !:oJlrltfnu~iIiIIV !lI;\I'Cllved gll1d ~mprmJlld to mee't '~he higlil l'lemiUlds 8,lId xpellitaitillllls 1!hi;lUllday's game Iplayers: !mave.

would like Ip ta k!e t_l'Iis (I Pil DrlllnilV Oil'~ha I'Ikiliig alii 'the '~reatill,e pe(llpl,e ill he C9rlrstfllctorr development team,. in parlic:ular John Twiddy and! Phil liIorlllton" f.or all me hart! wm,k. hdi,csllORj and lenthusiasm they nselllshty I:fptntribul,ed to m,ake til is such IJ gr.elil,t,game.

hope \fUll enioy C!'Jc'1$'~r!ldor ami 100Ilk tcrw:.s~~ to Il,:fuer Syst.E!n:q3's u)dll€!ts i n m~ near f~t!dr~.

Tilt tl2fUIT§


rigina. Gilmo D.esign, M!ain Graphi~

esig:n .oiin@llg:!!t~ x.EiClliJ'till!!, IProducer:

Lenl'! irapbli= Atti,S1S:' to",bO,flIrd ."!fist:

MUSlC " sf,](; rrap'hiiCS iJil!lim~

John Twiddy Phl'ITtlpl'li'lloJ:l'

MqI DelillO,,!; System 3 lOlA:

Jrs~!lm 3 ,Admim:·

linn Best MJll11k,C@lii

Jo~e, Wal,h"i- ~_ Nic k Lee M1atlltle.w Be:!1

MiJlrtin l[i,ver

Hobin Levy, t::,lu~s A.1~aJl'ldelr, l[Ja,1! MafGfiQ, 'I?e't.el' Amallhree Rich am' B.Hit!ey,. Atle,9 B.a1pliste. [J.aI1flIDl'llrrcll, J:a sen SlI-rraIifO' !(el~1ii JOiiles

Chris E! ~m,s

N ad: -steadmalll

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