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Abigayle Therese R.


Target Audience: School Age

Topic: The Importance of having a proper nutrition and discussion of the Food Pyramid
Goal: To provide the learners with the importance of eating the right food.
Rationale: for the learner to understand the importance of eating healthy and make the right choices in
eating food.
Theme: Advocating proper nutrition for Children.

Objectives Teaching Activities Teaching Method Resources Evaluation

After a 20 minute
discussion, the
following should be

Cognitive: promote Role playing using Role playing Puppet Questioning

healthy eating by puppets about the -Discuss the
increasing the importance of importance of
interest of the eating the right healthy eating by
learners in eating the foods. asking the
right kind of food. perception of the
learner about the
importance of
healthy eating.
Provide ways on Gaming
Psychomotor: how to eat healthy Discussion Actual size food -Pictures of
influence the by introducing the pyramid different foods
learner’s preference food pyramid. would be posted
for food by giving the in the board and
importance of eating the learner must
healthy food. be able to identify
where in the food
pyramid the food

Behavioral: Teach a song Use of Media Video presentation Singing of the

minimize the about the Food Photos of foods in food pyramid
learner’s habit of Pyramid in order to Cartolina. song
eating unhealthy help the learner
foods. retain what they
have learned.

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