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I kept having visions of summer dancing in my head while sewing this shirt. I don't know if it
was the bright yellow fabric or the warm weather I was enjoying, but it works!

I totally love Sadie in yellow. and cute shorts.

I love the little swoops (technical term, btw) on the shoulders and the buttons. And the
stripeys! Gotta love stripeys.

Headband, purchased. Flower made with

Say, you wouldn't want to make one for yourself or a smaller person, would you?

You'll need:
knit fabric
polyester thread (matching)
ball point needle
buttons if desired
sewing stuff (machine, scissors, yada yada)
First I made my patterns. You'll need to trace a shirt to get the basic shape-this will be the
back pattern. Don't forget to add on your seam allowances!

Then I made the front pattern pieces. This little swoopy piece you can get by tracing the top
of the shoulder seam, and part of the arm hole, then sketch the swoopy part. (very scientific
and exact...not!)

For the front, I traced the back pattern, then laid it over the swoop pattern. (I use freezer
paper for my patterns, FIY) I then sketched in a half an inch behind the swoopy bit, that's
where you'll sew them together. Then I drew the front neckline like so, I used another shirt to
figure out the placement of that. Hopefully the pic below helps more than my words do.
So...let's talk fabric...I upcycled this tee from one I got thrifting, for $2 or so. I love getting
quality tees there to upcycle for Sadie -my local Sal Army always seems to have lots of Lands
End, or LL Bean tees in good shape.

If you're not using a tee, you'll probably need about 1/2-1 yard of knit material.

So now with your pattern cut out one of the front and back pieces, two swoops, and two
sleeves. I cut out my shirt pieces on the existing hem. (note, I did re-cut the sleeves so I could
use bias tape on the bottom edge...these are just the ones I cut before deciding to do that.)
and some strips cut on the bias (mine were 1.5" wide)

Now to construct this tee. Pin the swoops, right sides together, to the back piece, at the
shoulder seam. Sew across the shoulder seam.

Then make your bias tape-I use my lovely Miss Prym for that.
Read more about her and how to make bias tape here:

You can also easily iron the edges in, and then in half again.

***TIP*** I find that using spray starch helps a TON with this step, and really any step while
sewing with knits!

Then I pinned some bias tape around the swoops and back neckline that you sewed
together, and then across the front neckline.
Then carefully sew that on, making sure to catch the back of the bias tape. If you sew in
tags-make sure to add yours here before you sew on the bias tape. I'm the worst at
remembering...but I did on this one! hooray.

Next, pin the front piece 1/2" underneath the swoops, like so, lining up the arm holes.

Then stitch in the ditch (where you sewed the bias tape on).
Then cut 2 pieces of bias tape to your child's arm measurement+1" (or more if you want a
looser sleeve, and sandwich the end in between the tape. I also gathered the bottom of my
sleeve to fit the bias tape length.

Sew the tape on, and then pin and sew the sleeves right sides together, into the armholes.

Pin and sew the sides of the shirt right sides together. Hem the shirt if you didn't use an existing
hem, and sew on some buttons if you like!

tada! so cute, right?

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