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February 10, 2010

Mark 2: 1-12

• Read verses 1-2

o Jesus came to earth to teach us about God and His kingdom and to die for our
sins. His healing ministry was secondary. People seemed to respond more
because of the healing ministry.
o What are the church's main responsibilities?
o What are the individual believer's responsibilities?
o How can God use other ministries to accomplish these responsibilities?
• Read verses 3-5
o The four men who carried their paralytic friend were determined to bring him
to Jesus.
o How can we be more determined to live the way Jesus wants us to?
o When Jesus saw "their faith," He performed the miracle.
o How can we, as a church, be more united in living out our faith and reaching
out to the lost?
o When Jesus said, "Son, your sins are forgiven," what did that say about who
He truly was?
• Read verses 6-7.
o The 'teachers of the law' thought that Jesus was assuming that He was equal
to God, which is blasphemy for someone to do (unless, of course, it's true).
o Were they wrong to be a little cautious of this?
o Is it wrong for Christians to be cautious about people who make public claims
about their spiritual lives?
o What guidelines should believers follow in handling these people and their
• Read verses 8-12.
o When Jesus revealed that He knew what they were thinking, how should have
the teachers reacted?
o When Jesus said that the 'Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,'
we learn that it didn't matter where Jesus was or what form He took; He was
still God.
o When people suggest that Jesus was just a good man or a good teacher, what
kind of response can we give?
o How did the people react when the man was healed?
o Are people 'amazed' at how God is working through the church today?
o Do people 'praise God' because of how God works in and through the church?
o How can the church function differently, so that people will 'praise God'
because of what they see?
o Are people 'amazed' at how God is working through your life today?
o Do people 'praise God' because of how God works in and through your life?
o How can you live differently, so that people will 'praise God' because of what
they see in your life?

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