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Budi train Aprianawati
Rr. Indah Ria Sulistyorini S. Psi., Psi
This study aims to examine the relationship between family support with
anxiety of pregnant women facing the birth of their first child during the third quarter. Alleged
proposed in this research is that there is a negative relationship between family support with
anxiety of pregnant women facing the birth of their first child during the third quarter. The
family support received, the lower the anxiety of pregnant women facing birth
first child during the third quarter.
Subjects in this study were pregnant women with pregnancy of seven to nine
month containing the first child and have a husband. The collecting subjects
method used was purposive. Pregnancy Anxiety Scale refers to those aspects that
presented by Maher (Calhoun and Acocella, 1990). Family Support Scale refers to
aspects put forward by Taylor (1995).
Methods of data analysis in this study using correlation techniques SPSS 12.0
for windows to test whether there is any relationship between family support and the anxiety
pregnant women deal with the birth of their first child during the third quarter. Product moment
of Pearson correlation indicated by r = -0, 392 with p = 0, 006 which means there is a
a highly significant correlation between family support and the anxiety of pregnant women
facing birth
first child during the third quarter. So the research hypothesis accepted.
Keywords: Family Support, Anxiety Pregnant Women Facing the Birth of Children First In
Third Quarter Period
First pregnancy for a woman is one of the periods of crisis
in his life. This new experience gives a mixed feeling
frosted, between happy and hopeful with worries about what will
experienced during pregnancy. Anxiety can arise because the
long time awaiting the birth of uncertainty, other than that the shadow of things
daunting when the birth process, although what he imagined
not necessarily occur. This situation causes a drastic change, not just physical
but also psychological (Kartono, 1992).
Months from September to November 2003, the Office of Special Services Section
West Java Provincial Health in cooperation with Bandung Mental Hospital, Mental Hospital
Cimahi, and Section of Psychiatry FKUP / RSHS conducted a survey on mental health
pregnant and lactating mothers in 112 health centers 24 districts of West Java Province. Results
This study shows, 798 persons or (27%) of 2928 pregnant women respondents
and lactation, showed signs of anxiety or psychiatric disorders
anxiety, (
Taylor (1995) says that anxiety is an experience
subjective about the disturbing mental tension as a general reaction
and inability to face the problem or any sense of security. Feelings
This unpleasant generally cause physiological symptoms (such as
trembling, sweating, heart rate increases, etc.) and symptoms
psychological (such as panic, tense, confused, unable to concentrate, and
With more and more parents of pregnancy, the attention and minds of pregnant women
start fixed on something that is considered the climax, so the anxiety and
fear experienced by pregnant women will be more intense just before childbirth
(Kartono, 1992). Fear before the delivery of top ranked
most commonly experienced by mothers during pregnancy (Lestaringsih, 2006).
Buffering hypothesis refers to the theory which holds that
social support affects health by protecting individuals from the effects of
negative stress. This protection will be effective only when individuals face
severe stressor. Family support, especially support that is obtained from
husband will meimbulkan inner peace and feelings of pleasure in self wife
(Dagun, 1991).
Based on the exposure to the above, family support given to
Pregnant women can foster a sense of calm, safe, and comfortable so
anxiety can affect pregnant women.
Reader Reviews
Anxiety Pregnant Women Facing the Birth of First Child
In The Third Quarter
According to Lazarus (1976) anxiety is a psychological condition
threaten the existence of the individual, where this causes the threat
is not clear so that individuals feel no do not know, confused, and scared
to be able to face the future. Maramis (1980) says that
anxiety is a tension, insecurity, fear, arising
because it is felt will experience an unpleasant incident. Face
the birth of a baby is a concrete situation or condition that threatens self
which causes a feeling tense, worried, scared, at first pregnant woman
(Zanden, 1985).
According Heerdjan and Hudono (Hermawati et al, 1994) that the
pregnancy third trimester, psychological and emotional life of the pregnant woman dominated
by feelings and thoughts about the upcoming labor and responsibility
as a mother who will take care of her child. Women for the first time
contain, will feel restless, anxious, and afraid to face pain
manjelang time of delivery.
From the above description, it was concluded that the anxiety experienced by women
during pregnancy it will be more intensive during the last weeks
before delivery. From the various definitions of this anxiety, the authors
to the conclusion that pregnant women face the anxiety of child birth
The first period of the third quarter is a psychological condition or feelings
unpleasant that threatens an individual in the womb seven -
nine months in which the object of anxiety that are unclear or vague
due to physiological changes such as changes in body shape
or the more enlarged uterus and stomach dropped and pressures
which is felt in the stomach that cause psychological instability,
such as fear, worry, anxiety and do not know what will happen and who
should she do after her first child was born.
Family Support
Defined family support from social support. Definition of support
social is still debated even lead to a contradiction
(Yanuasti, 2001). Social support is often known by other terms of support
emotion of sympathy, which is testament to the affection, attention, and
willingness to listen to the grievances of others. A number of other people
potential to provide support are referred to as significant other, eg
as a wife of his significant other is a husband, children, parents, in-laws, and
brothers and sisters.
Sarafino (1990) says that the needs, capabilities, and resources
support changes throughout a person's life. Family
is the first environment that is known by individuals in the process
socialization. Family support is aid that can be given to
other families in the form of goods, services, information and advice, which makes
support recipient will feel loved, appreciated, and peaceful (Taylor, 1995).
Rodi and Salovey (Smet, 1994) revealed that marital and family
is a source of social support are most important.
From the definition mentioned, the authors conclude that
family support is very useful in controlling a person's level
anxiety and may also reduce the pressures that exist in conflict
happen to him. Support in the form of encouragement, motivation, empathy, or
assistance that can make another individual feel calmer and safer.
Support is obtained from the family consisting of husband, parent, or
other close family. Support families can bring a sense of fun, a sense of
safe, feeling satisfied, feeling comfortable and making the person feel
emotional support which will affect mental wellbeing
human. Family support associated with the formation of mental balance
and psychological satisfaction.
In this study proposed the hypothesis, which reads as follows: there
negative relationship between family support and the anxiety of pregnant women
deal with the birth of their first child during the third quarter. The higher
family support the lower the anxiety levels of pregnant women
deal with the birth of their first child during the third quarter.
Identify Research Variables
Variables used in this study are:
1. Independent variables: Family Support.
2. Dependent variable: Maternal Anxiety Facing Child Birth
First On Third Quarter Period.
Operational Definition of Research Variables
1. Anxiety Pregnant Women Facing the Birth of Children First At The Quarter
Maternal anxiety during the third quarter of the first child is feeling
or unpleasant psychological condition due to changes
physiological factors that cause psychological instability, and marked
with physiological symptoms and psychological and occurs when individuals
experiencing feelings of pressure, frustration, worry, and fear experienced by women
women who will give birth to her first child and pregnancy in the third quarter
ie seven to nine months. Pregnant women face the anxiety of child birth
first during the third quarter measured using maternal anxiety scale
namely pregnant scale prepared by researchers who are based on aspects
emotional, cognitive, and physiological. The higher the score, the higher scale
anxiety levels of pregnant women facing the birth of their first child during the quarter
2. Family Support
Family support is a useful aid in emotional and
a positive influence in the form of information, instrumental assistance, emotional,
and assessments provided by family members consisting of husband,
parents, and other relatives of a pregnant woman will give birth to a child
first during the third quarter to improve the physical welfare and
psyche. Family support was measured by using a scale of family support
compiled by researchers based on aspects of assessment, instrumental aspects, aspects
information, and emotional aspects. The higher the score on the scale then
the higher the family support received by pregnant women who will
gave birth to her first child.
Research Subjects
The subject of this study is that pregnant mothers will give birth to a baby
first and kandungannnya age has entered the third quarter, seven
up to nine months to check the ingredients in several hospitals
Maternity Purwokerto. Subjects were imposed in this study using
a purposive sampling technique.
Data Collection Method
Scale as a method for data collection aimed to
measure the extent of support for families with pregnant women face anxiety
The first child born during the third quarter.
Anxiety Scale Pregnant Women Facing the Birth of Children First In Period
Third Quarter
Anxiety scale is intended to express high or low
anxiety of pregnant women facing the birth of their first child during the third quarter.
Maternal anxiety scale consists of aspects of emotional, cognitive, and physiological.
These aspects are compiled into aitem-aitem a form of positive statement
(Favorable) and negative statements (unfavorable). The total number of aitem on this scale
is 50 aitem which has four alternative answers to the SS (Very Under),
S (As), TS (Not Available), STS (Very Not Available).
Family Support Scale
Family support scale is intended to express high
lack of family support received yng mother during her pregnancy. Scale
Family Support consists of aspects of assessment, instrumentar, informational, and
emotional. These aspects are compiled into a form aitem-aitem
the positive (favorable) and negative statements (unfavorable). The total number
aitem on this scale is 50 aitem which has four alternative answers are
SS (Very line), S (line), TS (Not Available), STS (Very Not Available).
Data Analysis Method
Data obtained in this study will be analyzed statistically
using the technique of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for
know the relationship between the Family Support Pregnant Women With Anxiety
Facing the Birth of First Child In The Third Quarter. For
simplify the calculation of statistics, then performed the analysis using
assistance programs Statisical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 12.00 For Windows.
Table 1
Description of Research Data
Empirical hypothetical Score Score
X Min Max Mean SD X X X Min Max Mean SD
K I H 33 132 82.5 16.5 46 87 69.5 10.884
D C 40 160 100 20 98 160 138.725 13.10899
Description: KIH = Anxiety Pregnant Facing the Birth of First Child
D K = Family Support
Table 2
Variable Data Categorization Anxiety Pregnant Women Facing Child Birth
First In The Third Quarter
Category Total Percentage Score Range
Very Low x <52.8 2 5%
Low ” x ” 72.6 52.8 21 52.5%
Medium 72.6 <x ” 92.4 17 42.5%
Height 92.4 <x ” 112.2 0 0%
Very High x> 112.2 0 0%
Total 40 100%
Table 3
Variable Data Categorization Family Support
Category Total Percentage Score Range
Very Low x <64 0 0%
Low 64 ” x ” 88 0 0%
Medium 88 <x ” 112 2 5%
Height 112 <x ” 136 14 35%
Very High x> 136 24 60%
Total 40 100%
The hypothesis proposed in this study stated that there
negative relationship between family support and the anxiety of pregnant women
deal with the birth of their first child during the third quarter has a correlation of r
= -0, 392 with p = 0.006. This figure shows the relationship
highly significant correlation between both variables. Thus, the hypothesis that
stated there is a relationship between family support and the anxiety of pregnant women
deal with the birth of first child received the third quarter.
The results of this study showed that the correlation coefficient r = -0.392 with
p = 0.006 (p <0.01). Based on the results of data analysis it was found that hypothesis
research that states there is a negative relationship between family support with
anxiety of pregnant women facing the birth of their first child during the third quarter
accepted. This means that the higher the family support the lower
anxiety levels of pregnant women facing the birth of their first child during the quarter
The third, and vice versa.
Receipt of the hypothesis indicates that the influence of family support
to deal with the birth of first child anxiety experienced by mothers
pregnant. Family support to pregnant women may cause
inner calm and sense of excitement in pregnant women. Families have
major role in giving impetus to his wife before the other party to give my
encouragement (Dagun, 1990).
Zanden (2007) says that the face of labor is
a concrete conditions which threaten the self that causes feelings of pregnant women
tense, worried, and scared. Therefore, pregnant women trying to be successful in
deal with the situation as well as possible until the delivery arrives. Presence
physiological changes that cause psychological instability during
pregnant foster ongoing concern in the face of birth
first baby in pregnant women. Such feelings will materialize in the form
some anxiety. Anxiety is followed by a feeling indecisive, there are times
less realized by the concerned so that last long in her
the longer will have the frequency and intensity is higher. Changes
emotion is not the same in every pregnant woman. These differences depend
on individual personality, who never experienced the type of stress, and emotional support
obtained from the woman (Effendi & Tjahjono, 1999).
Some researchers suggest an increased dependence on both
physical and psychological in pregnant women. Research Werner (2000) concluded
that the physical and psychological changes that occur in pregnant women increases
dependency need. Research also shows the need for attention
larger, the desire to ensure that the assistance they need
available, and the desire for the involvement of friends and family. This is reinforced
with research Marks & Kumar (Oktavia, 2001) which shows that
anxiety experienced by pregnant women are more present in their
receive less social support. Factors that can reduce anxiety
occur in women who give birth is the presence of family support
can be either from husbands, family or other relatives, parents, and in-laws.
Support families who obtained the prospective mother will be feeling
calm, positive attitude toward themselves and their pregnancy, it is expected that mothers
to maintain good pregnancy until delivery. By having
family support is expected to maintain the condition of pregnant women
psychological health and more receptive to physical changes and control
emotions that arise. Family support, especially support that is obtained
the husband will generate peace of mind and feeling happy in myself wife
(Dagun, 1991).
The results showed that 52.5% of pregnant women facing the subject
first birth is at a low anxiety category, 60% subjects rate
that the support obtained from family is very high. Family support
high due to the emotional support, support insrumental,
informational support, and provided a good assessment of family
to pregnant women, are able to foster good relations between
families and pregnant women and prevent anxiety caused by physical changes
which affect the psychological condition. Pregnant women with family support
High will not be easy to assess the situation with anxiety, because pregnant women
with this condition know that there will be families who are helped. Woman
pregnant with high family support will change in response to the source
anxiety and went to her family to pour out his heart. In line
with this research, Sagrestano, et al (1999) mentions in his research
that social support is shown to provide beneficial effects on
physical and mental kesehtan in pregnant women.
The research also found donations affective family support
against the anxiety of pregnant women facing the birth of their first child at the time
The third quarter is sebesar15, 4%. This shows there are 84.6% for other variables
the influence of anxiety when faced baby's birth in women
first pregnancy. The possibility that other variables, among others, are status
and the level of socio-economic and knowledge about pregnancy. A woman
first pregnancy has not been well established that social and economic will feel anxious, and
in meeting the needs of the baby to be born, and vice versa. Worry
deal with the birth of a baby is also affected by the level of knowledge about
pregnancy. A pregnant woman first having knowledge of the
pregnancy well lets himself be able to anticipate and
prepare yourself to overcome anxiety in the face of birth
her baby as well as vice versa.
In conducting research there are methodological weaknesses: the proportion of
family support is not explicit. Sources of family support
husband, parents, family or others do not have distribution
percentage clear. On a scale of maternal anxiety made by
researchers, there aitem containing causing social desirability
low validity and reliability on the instruments.
Results of data analysis and discussion in this study showed that
there is a very significant negative relationship between family support with
anxiety of pregnant women facing the birth of their first child during the third quarter.
These results prove that the higher the family support received
pregnant women face the birth of their first child during the third quarter it will be
the lower the anxiety experienced by pregnant mothers, as well as
on the contrary the lower the family support received by pregnant women face
the birth of her first child during the third quarter, the higher
anxiety experienced by pregnant mothers. Donations affective family support
against the anxiety of pregnant women facing birth of 15.4% and 84.6%
Another is the contribution of other factors outside the family support.
1. For further research
Woman's anxiety during pregnancy can be influenced by several
Other factors such as personal circumstances of pregnant women, pregnant women the level of
about birth and birth, marital status, socioeconomic status, anxiety
toward the baby, and so forth that need to be considered at the
further research.
Also recommended for more attention to content on variabelvariabelnya.
In studies that use sources of support from family
encouraged to share proportionately with the clear support in accordance with
designated sources. Subsequent research suggested using the tool
measure that has proven validity and reliability are high and do not contain
social desirability.
2. For Mother Who Faced Birth
On first pregnancy, so we should bear for pregnant women to
prepare themselves both physically and psychologically. Can physically
done by maintaining health with a nutritious diet, exercise
pregnant women allocated, check content on an ongoing basis,
and so forth. The psychic is old enough, be positive in
deal with pregnancy, is able to control emotions in order ability
to adapt in certain situations and gain knowledge about
pregnancy and childbirth. All this was shown to maintain the health of mothers and
children and avoid the emergence of anxiety in pregnant women.
3. For Families
Families are expected to continue to provide support. With the
support from family will help pregnant women in overcoming problems
they experienced during pregnancy and before the birth process which will
prevent pregnant women from anxiety. Families of women who are pregnant
should have sufficient understanding and knowledge about the process or
changes experienced by pregnant women can avoid or
resolve possible conflicts and will facilitate the pregnant woman
these adapt in the face of her pregnancy and to reduce
anxiety during the wait for delivery.
4. For Institutions
Anxiety deal with childbirth can be influenced by a variety of
factors that are real or that are not clear on the events that will
come. In anticipation of anxiety in pregnant women, the hospital
competent handling of pregnant women are advised to provide consulting services
useful for pregnant women to be able to avoid the anxiety that arises.
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