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]CS 11.040..,10

NO' c '·0' 'p'n' N', G'" WI'" 'TH' - 'O'UT B' S" I 'PER' MI" S- 'S- ]'0"- :N' HI 'XC- D~ AS" :.' . p' E'· 'Dli..i'IT"J'YiI""D' BY'·: COl' 'PVUTG- 'I,HT LA" : W"

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BS 6.615:::1,9916

80\'" ".1 8·······:·0··'··6: 2~~'·119·········9·····,4~l.

. - ': '.' .' . ". :....:. . ' .. ' .' . ," , '.

T-h-" B' --"_',,jI.~ h Sta - d' ~. 'd h ,!l,Srh .. lS, 1- •.. ' an. ar~, . '.' a.Vll1;G

been prepared under the direction. of this Engineering Sector Board, 'was published under the authority of the Standards, Board and comes, in to effect on

15 September 1'996

First published ,J une 19,5,5 Second edition September 199[6

The following BSI refere nees relate to the work 011 this. standard:

Commi ttee refere nee MTEl24 Draft fo·r comment 191./80'906 DC

C·/·I. - - it te _. . ... ~ .. ib l~' £"'.. tl 'h- .'.

_'Omm:lL'i"leeS rlelSpOnS,I .••..•.. - -e: 1_'OI,r · .. ·'---),lS

B···· . ill t·· '.- h' S,-·I t -. .. d- .-. . 'd'

. '< 1 . . ..- '. . 1 '. ',.' '. . ..... ,

.... rl .. IS,. ,I I_-.[an,~ar

Th:' " ,' .. ':', .. c' •. , .... ' .:. ··,·t·_·"·· . '. of tho , .... , 'B':"" iti c ,hi .. :S··-t·-,,·· nds [d', .... -c . , I' ',- ··t··1 -t<: [d'l -t-c . T" , .... h: ", " l'

.Ie prepara~lon 0 _',. ls,.rl ~]lS .. ··· .. ca.n,_ "a.r_. was 811"rU8ce c cO 'ec. Dlca,

Committee MTEl24:, Limits and fits, upon which 'II hie following bodies were re p" rOB' ent 'e' .'. ·d· ,I,

': ' " ,,'[ I' ~~-~ "" .. JlJ1 .. ' : ' III

Hritish Clast Iron Research Association British Engineers Cutting Tools Association British Foundry As socia tion

Railway Industry Association

Society of British. Aerospace Companies Limited Zinc Development Association Cooptedmembers

Am .. rdrm t···· iIi_ - _ ed -<II ... aubfi ... ·1; ..

":!.'j '. .' .• ' l" ," I, '" . ;:_'. ,.' . I, '__:' . '.',.' "'j .'

,e,n,_cm,en_s rsaueei SlD.ce ptu rcataon

A d N'

- - ~ - I

m.\" , .. O! ..



BS"" 6"6'15-' 19"96

'. - • J • • ~ .' Iii. I I '.: 'I ",':

~.,.' ,., I.,~. ' )._ _ ,'... _ ". ,.,: . . .


Committees responsible National foreword

Page Inside .&0111, cover



Introduction 1 IScope

2 Normative references ,8 Defini tions

4 Dimensioning

5, T,o erance grades 6 'Misraatch

7" wsn thickness

,8 Tapered features

19 Position of tolerance .Z,0118

10 Re:quire:,d. machming allowances, R:MA 11 Indication 011 drawings

.&1l1.'BX. ,A (informative) Casting tole ra nces

.&ll1.BX. B (informative) Required machining allowance grades (RIVIA) Annex C (informative) Bibliography

to 11 1.2

Figure 1 = Drawing indications Figure '2 = Tolerance 'limits Figure a = Maximum mismatch .

. Figure 4, = Tolerance zone on tapered fe .. atures Figure 5 _, External machining of boss

Figure 6: - Internal machining

Figure 7 - Machining of step dimension Figure 8, _, Machining 'O'Tl 01119 side of feature

Figure 9' = Largest overall dimension of the: casting after final machining Figure 10 = Indication of required mach ining allowance on individual surfaces


Table 1 _, Casting tolerances

Table 2 _, Required machining allowances (IDvlA)

Table A."l-· Tolerance grades for Iong-series production raw castings


.. ~ ' ..

Table, .A.~2 = Tolerance grades for short-series or single-production raw

castings 1

'T'a,ble :B,~l·~ 'Typical r'equir"e,d maehiniil1.g ,allow· grad,e.s fO.r r,aw' 11

List of references Inside back cover



N .. ' II £'~I d

-;. '.' , 1"'-:- ,~. ,.- ,.~' .. ' .. -- ......•. '~.

at.ioria orewor, ~

This. British. Standard has, been prepared by 'I'eehnical Committee M·TEI2,·4 811d is id ~ -- ti '1 -it h I8·.I0··· :., '8' '0'" '6'-'2:' - '1" '9'-"'9' "'41 C"" .. Ie ~=- -. S····· . -t - I'e d "-_ .. _ ... ~ ,-.- '1' t· -Z- - _- - - d

ll€nl.ilca Wl '1 .t _'--c' '~'., .1 ..•... :: < <,' as.(..lngs _, ·.ys··em O·,'lmen.s,l.onu·"·o·e:rances a;n··~

h ~.r 11 d b h I "'1 0" 'i' ,', .11:'

mae uung auouiances, preparec .. --:IY tt e .nternational ·~ .. rganization ror

Standardization (IS,O)~, It supersedes BS 6615:.19,85 which is. withdrawn ..

Pubfieatdon refel'l"'ed to

Corxespondiug :Br1ltils.h. Standa.l~d

BS, E.N :210.2,·86~ 1: 1993 IS,0 system o] limits and fite.Bases of tolerances, deviations, and fits'

The Technical Committee 'has reviewed the; provisions 0.£1180 1,30'2.:191912 to 'which normative reference is made in the 'text, and has decided that they are acceptable for 'use in. conjunction with this standard.

A British Standard does not purport to include all the: necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application,

Comp Ianee with a Brftish Standard does not of itself confer Immunity from legal obl ~ gations,

Summary .. r of p ... ag······es

I .. _ _ _." .. "~'

Th~ d ~. ~ f t ~ "d f" t ~ d i ..

-1181- oeument eomprises a .rom cover, a11111STi- ,!8: front cover, pages 1 anc ]1, .

. "-" -11 t . 12"-'· ,', .... ideba k e .... '1' ·d· . -b' . k o ..... '.'

pages . 0", a.n IDSI-·.e· .ac cov·er a.n,· a Iac. eover ~

This standard has been updated. (see copyright date) 8111d. :m .: ay have 'had

'.: , ·d···1 ,. rt ." ,' ,. , - . .,.. ':':" .. te d' TI·h:· .",-:' ···.:·:·: .. ~1111 b -~ d"· :·1,' ,:. t ed .. " th " · .. ·1··· , d"· '. '.',' -t'~ t-·, .. 'bllll ( .

amen._m.e·n._s lTI.corpora."e, . IS .. e lll_lc,a ,e, ]1'1 _" .e. a.men_me·n""a .. _Jle on.

the inside front cover.

- .


e BcSI 1 0-, 1~),98

B~S··:·· ,6,-'6"",1' :5.:".11'9 ..•. 9.::,6.:

..... '. . .. '. .' ,- .- .. ' .. ' '. - - .. : ' , '. " '

Irrtr od uctfon

This International Standard relates to a system of tolerance grades 311,d machining allowance grades

,1:0' r - - - t - - - et als - - - d' t h 1'" - - - ]'10 -: -so

roi cas meta .s all', me: r a _I:Y_ ..

The tolerance specified for a casting may determine the casting method, It is. 'therefore recommended, before the design or the order is. finakized that the customer Iiaise with the foundry to discuss

a) the proposed casting design and accuracy required;

b) machining requirements; c) method of casting;

d) the number ,of castings to be manufactured;

e) the casting equipment involved:

f) any special requirements, for instance, datum target systems, individual dimensional tolerances, geometrica] tolerances, fillet radii tolerances and individual machining allowances;

g) whether any other standard is more appropriate for the casting,

NOT E 1 Further in vestigation on metallic permanent moulds (gravity- and Iow-pressure), pressure die castings and investment castings should, be' c arried out,

Because the, dimensional a,CCUrtICY of a casting is related to produeti [)'11 factors, tolerance grades which can be achieved for various methods and metals are: described ]11 annex A for

a) long series and mass production, where development, adjustment and maintenance of casting equipment make it possible to achieve C,I ose tolerances:

b) short seri es and single prod' uct 1" on

" 0 __ t, ':L . ~~"~ "'ci, :: 11-.,1.',_ ': I' ~ •. ' '~:,'~"_' 1_ '.'J_l-JLI"

, nformation 011 typical required machining allowance grades is given in, annex ·B.

1 Scope

This International Standard specifies a system of tolerance grades and required machining allowance grades for the dimensions of castings. It is. applicable to the dimensions ofcast metals and their alloys: produced by' various casting manufacturing processes [but see also Introduction g) and clause 5] ~

'I'his International Standard applies both to [general tolerances and/or required machining allowances given on a drawing and to' individual tolerances and/or required machining allowances which are shown immediately following a. specific dimension (see clause 11)~

'The system specified applies when the foundry provides the pattern or die equipment or accepts responsibility for proving it,

2, Norrnat.ive references

The fo lowing standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this .nternational Standard, At the time of publication, the editions indicated were 'valid .. All standards ,are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard, are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the: most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members ofIEC and IS,OI maintain registers of'currently valid International Standards,

liS 0, 2,86 .. 1: 19',88~ ISO system o] limits and fit's =,

Pa r t 1" '!' B': :'as' .ses o] to' lera nee 'S'" deviations a· '1"J'd' fits

LI,.r: .' ,I .. , .•.• J •• : " •••• '. •••• •••• • ".' '-"' v' .. ,," '" .1 ... ' ..... , I ... ~.':. ~~ • ..: " it :. '." .'.J ~ .. I' ~ .. , . I' ~

IISO 1,3,02:::1992" Technical drawings' = Method. of indicating surface texture.

,3 Defi.,nit:ion,s

FaT' the purposes of this International Standard the following definitions apply.


basic dimension

dimension of a raw casting before machining

(see Figure I); the necessary' machining allowance being included (see F~ gure ,2)


djmenaiorral toler'ane'e

[see 'IS 0' 286,-1]

3 3,',

-- ~ . .......:..,

r'eq - utred machjnmg allowance, :RMA

- - ~ , -~ . ~~ - ~~ - ~ '. . ~ ~ . -, ~ ,!I -,. - . ~

on raw castings a material allowance to permit the removal of the effects IOf' casting' on the, surface by subsequent machining and to allow the achievement of the desired surface texture and the necessary accuracy of dimension

with cylind-rical features ormachining on both sides" the R:MA. is taken into account twice

(see Figure 5 and Figure 6)



relative displacement of surfaces of a casting owing to inaccuracies in, the constituent parts of multipart moulds (see Figure 3)


draft angle (taper)

additional slope of shaping elements (e.g, on enveloping surfaces) necessary to facilitate the removal of a, casting from a mould or die" or a pattern from a mould, or the parts of it, permanent mould from each other


R tl b" dl ~

ow ens Ing . aSH:- tmensaon

F'.,' 1 D' III ,.' di ti (' 111 4)" 19ur'e . =,r,a,wi:ng In "~c,a,Cl'onS'S'Be~ ctause ,~ .','


- .--+-- -- -~ .• - - ---1. -~ == =~ .......,.._"._- ....... -

........... '. ~,aw cos·ting bo.~i(.E~,im_·~_n_si~of1~- __ ___,.~

'Finished dim'ensian

C'T 1:2

4 Dimensioning

With the exception of dimensioning of wall thickness (where a chain of two dimensions may

ex' ~ 0 t-) - h - .. -. di - - - IiE!i; - , - ,= OJ: '. ~ - - - - sh. -1' b e - voi d d .

I .... ··l~"", e." ,a, n · •.. 1 m~n,S-l, 11ll1.,g '. ..3" .>: ll"! ,.'e~i ,.~

'I'here are 16 casting tolerance grades, designated C·Tl to C·T16 (see LT'.able, 1)~,

Dimensions for which general tolerances .. are: not

.. b11 h ]'1 b ]'1 d ~ d'i' id 1 '1

suitable ,s, rall be al. ocate . mcnvic ua tolerances.

While work is proceeding to obtain definite tolerance information for metallic permanent mould castings (gravity- and low-pressure), pressure die castings 311ld mvestment castings other more appropriate tolerance standards, e.g, national standards, may be employed for these particular

P- - ri-O- iC-,Q, ~ ~a e--.-:: 8'-" .

, . . - ~ ~fj.J . - .. ~"l

6 Mis,lIlatch

U·111~2:s.s otherwise specified, mismatch shall lie within the tolerance shown in. Table I (see Figure, .3),~ When it is important to restrict further the, value of mismatch, the maximum value shall be stated on the drawing (see 1.1.1)",

7 Wall th'ickness


Unless otherwise specified, the tolerance for wall thickness ill grades CTI to CT15, shall 'be 0118 grade coarser than the general tolerance for other

d- .. ,. £ -I' ,. f' . there i '}-:---

.- -_ .. " .'. . '.. .' '.- ' .• t , 1 !II ' '. . .... '. .' '. I '. J •• I ..... . I .' -'.'). ' . ." " '. -I:' .. '.". J '.' • _ " '1

' Ime11810ns, lor ex,ampi e, 1 I .. 'ere 18 a ge'ller;tJ!.. .

tolerance on a drawing of CTIO, the tolerance on

.. , II' th ", .1, ,.'. . ih .. ]11 h ",". 'C'·, '··'T'lll

wa _,11CK.I.les·s'e,s s. .1 "a . ,e ..... , , ..

8 Tapered features

Where. ,R. design requires a tapered feature

(e.g, feature with a draft angle), the tolerance shall be; applied symmetrically a1011!g the surface

(see Figure 4)~

The drawing shall specify generally whether the taper shall be added to, subtracted from or averaged to the material, e.g,

taper + ~ Figure 4 a) taper -" Figure 4 b) taper ,±" Figure 4 e)

Tapers for particular surfaces arranged differently from the general arrangement 'of taper of the' drawing shall be indicated individually at the

a Ll rfa c 'e' .0 e»

61, .' .. l.i' 1,1:" 'v'~,~ ii'

For di 'ill' . 'e', -nsions tin, b 'e' 'ill' .' achine .. d "taper +" sha '1111 b e':"

. V',I_I ,I I, b~,O=., ~"v', I 1, ..... I _.I_._.,.,tA,., ... ,1. __ ':'.J.l ....

applied, irrespective of the general drawing specification for taper, in order that the finished

d .. '., b h ,i '-b-]

Imen,s,lons C811 .- .. 8 ,aCl-I'8'val,.·· 18 ..

". .... . . . . . . .....





=t=I~r- -- ------1.,-~ ,-~ -~ =~~-




M:i nimum limit orslze


Max:imum llmU' of- size

F i .~- , '. :. 2- ~ 'T' "',' . 'II, --;'1'· .---.: ,,-. i -:_ ,-:-:. -l"~' , ..... ~ ts I, , . 0 . e,rance .,lDl.1..8

BS·• .... 16······6: 15'~ ,iii '1'·9· "'9:'6'··

", "=" . :_~ .. .:. .. 1, ':~'. lit I ~ .. , .:.:_.'. ' .. :_.'

Maximum mlsmctrh

Maxrmum mi:smotcn


~- --1,.-+'. -,-_._., ,. -_..--~ .................... ~-

.. .

MloximLJrn Umit of slze

Figur'e ,8 ~ Maxi,mu~m rrrisrnatoh

- P" iri ft '::-1 - - ,.-., .. -.

9 ~. osrtron O~' torerance zone

The tolerance zone, unless otherwise stated, shall be

symmetrically disposed with respect to a basic .

dimension, i,e. with one half on the positive side and one half on the negative side (see. Figure 2)~,

When agreed between manufacturer and purchaser for specifi C reasons, the tolerance ,7;1011(3 may be asymmetric. III such a ease' the toler,an,e~ shall be stated. individually, following the basic dimension ..

10'" '1 G'" -- - -- --]

" I, >iI'-- .. ':ene:ra

Unless otherwise specified, the required machining allowance is 'valid for the entire raw casting, i.e. only one 'value is specified for all surfaces to be machined, 3111d this shall be selected from the appropriate dimension range according to the Iargest overall dimension of the finished casting after final machining (see Figure 9'),.

Maxl!mum rntsmctch

The maximum dimensio II of a. feature, as cast. shall not exceed the finished dimension p us the required machining allowance plus the total casting tolerance (see Figure 2 and 'Figure ,5 to Figure 18). When applicable, the taper shall 'h,e considered additionally', as Sh,QW11, ill Figure 4~

10.2, Gr,Bldes ,of require,d machining allowance There are ' 0 grades of required machining allowance, designated A tOI K (see 'I'able 2)~

NOTE 2 Grades recommended for particular allillioys and, manufacturing methods are shown in Table B.,l ~or information only.

10.3 Surfaces pre-maohined b,y' the foundry

Any surfaces to be pre-machined by the found~ and the necessary machining allowances for tb,e final machining shall be stipulated OJ1 the drawing by the: customerin accordance with 18:0' 13,IO,2~

- 'he required machining allowances :ne.c'Bs.sary ~or , __ the achievement of the pre .. machined condition shall be the, responsibility of the foundry, independent of the valnes give 11, in, Table 2.

. : BI' '8,··1][1 10-119·'19·'1·8':

(C), ' , ., .. ~ I, ",




[11.2 [Tl2,





I - , - I

! ' I


!I! 'U
......... ' -.
r III ~ ,-



, "










© ,B,SI io. 1.'998

B'S'-:' 6""6" '15' 119"""9" 6""

,',' 1":"" ~', '. ',,' ",

"'";_ .. , '._ .. ' ~ .. Il (.~ ,II. . -; ," ~.'. ",_" ,"










I [T/2

. .

R = F _.. 2RM.A. +- CTl2

R = Raw castine basic cimension

F = Dimension after fina' rnachininq RMA =' Bequired machining allowance Cf == Casting, tolerance




" I RM,A

I _I CT /4


Ft' '0';- I' t' '-1 h'!I!' I'

, '''~''II' i'!',:-' 1," ~ '-I'-'~- ':',;- '--:1 '1"- :-,:- ,- I"i' 1"'- ,~,'

I,gut if! ',', .nrer-na rnae amrng

e B,S! io .. ]lH98



BS"", 6:--16'-- -1' 5'::-'"I! -1'1 9~ '9~ '6'~,

- .""." .... ' .. _, ......• ,_'.' .. :.'.- '."






Figure 7 - :Mach:i.nlng of step djmeriston


. [1/2



(= F - RMA + iRMA ~ CT 14 + (T /4)



(T/2 RMA


R ::: F ... RMA + '(T 12

F'I' ,-,- I "'0" 'L' ,,-' , - t, ',.. 'II' d It, " "'.'",, 'f'~' t h' - t' .s ,-'-, ifte ~ f"~ I' .. , '1'" , 'h'· ,. -

Igure: "'~" - .. "ar,ge:s_- o'vera.,, , __ lm'enSI,on 0' ,-," e ca.s:I~', ,8 ,_,el I Ina, ,m,ae" In,)l,n,g


e B,S, 10-1'998

B······S-"' 6······"~· 6'~- -1' 5':'''1'.9"9.-': 1·6~·'

, . . , I • I .. -' .

.. " ... : . .'" ..... , .. ":. ,_" .... ./ ' ... :

11 I·"' di '. drawl

.. In~ catton on c rawmgs

'11;1,1 Irrdfeatdon of eastdng tole'ranees

Cast ing tolerances according tOI this International Standard shall be stated on the drawing ill one of the: following ways:

a) with general information relating to to Ier 811lCes:~


, " 1 ."

"'G'·' '1"· 1 IS··' 0··' .:. 8" 0····' 6· I '2·· C···' T"12·· ",

", '" enera to eranees II,_:I"~~~~ =.:_" ,"

b) if further restricti 011 of the mismatch is re sq -U-Il~ r ed (a ,eD. ela ·UI'I ,DO ·4·· ) .. ,;;;

- .. '-." , ..... - ~ ... : .. ~:. .. Q _, .. :1" • !iW'lv , l."

E'V A 1\ 'PI·'·;LE-·' 1,1\..i'\J:V.L 1-" I

"General tolerances 'ISO 806,2 - CT12 = maximum mismatch 1",5"

c) if individual tolerances are required following the basic dimension.

E'v-A 1\6PI';L:E-::"

~ I. , . .

"95 + 3" 01' "200 ~:"

11 ~2 Indica tdon ,0,£ rnachfnfng aflowarices The surfaces to be machined, the required

mal chi 1111 ng allo 'W' ·,gI11·C'"·8' v alue an" d in b .raek ret 0, t"1 hi" e

" • ,:.'"-,, 1 •. I., 1 ~'". ""' . a .:.. ....,."., i.. . '" .. '". '. . r : ......• d,", '! ~

required machining allowance grade 8h.311 be stated 0'.11 the drawing, These shall be taken into account when tbe pattern lor die equipment is 'being'

prod need ..

Required machining allowanees shall be stated on the drawing as follows:

a) with genera] information relating tOI tolerances and 'required machining allowances:

F·"··· .. " ., ',_.,.,.. I'"' .. - '''d- ' ·'-h"' .. , .. ,,- 1'-1" ", , .,'; ;'f' '6·-:: ._"... '., r-

or ,a rB'q,U.lre u. mae II1tJlI1g aJLOwanCIB. 0' , ..... mm Hl

grade H for at, casting ill the largest dimension range over 41010 m:m and. up, to bl310 mm (with

1- . 1'"" t". hi· ,.

genera to 8'raLnCB lor tt e casting

I8,0' ,80'6.2 = CT'1,2) ':

~'~ISO 806,2 ~ CT12 .~, 'R.IVll\ 6 (H)'''

-b) ,. -l rf th ..:.Jl..... .. if·' ...

....•.•• on a partieu ar S'U rraee on ·· .. '"18 drawing, I i' an.

mdividual required machining allowance is necessary (see 10'1P8),~,


See Figure -- IO~,

F'igu,rle 1.0 - In,dic,atio,n. of requ:i.reld

; ".0 " •. ··c r . - 'h·· ., ..• , .. ' g; '11 - .. , . ,". . -,. . ,.. ,'iii! _. ·d' 0Ii'. . !iII' d: ii' - 'I .~,". <ill: ."".

,mac Inln __ , ,8 . owance o'n In.: . lVI, g,a. SUI. .,a.'ce:s,

fF/Io. <E' ·8'" 11 1" 0-;' 19-' '9- , 8-::·

~J - :;-: ':._L n ' . .'.~.[" -.-.1':',,1' ",[


BS':'" 6"'0' "1- .I.!:. t 9···· '9" 6"

:-, I. ':. _ -.It..J:, _ _\ ';~., '-,

T bl 1 C' :, t· . t '-1'

'a;~,e - - ~as;·1 ang '-0 erances

Raw castlng basic dimenston



up ·to and including

'FIi"Io" 't-' "8' ill ea stl n g ·to"'··].o r'a n~ n ,:.ia

.£ .. '.1, ~._.l1J1 ' . .'~_)~1.,.1 11._ ...•. '. ~~ .1 I .~lj




C·;- , ..' ~ - . 11 - - . . . _. d- _",1"Ji"I 'be

I .... asttng eoteranee .g·ra,_ e ~ ,Jl .





10 16

25, ,40


10101 10,01


4010, 6·3,0' 1 0,010

161010 25,IO!0


.1 _'.'

161 .25

40 63 _I00

,60 .2,50 .4100

'630 100,01


2.50101 400101

01; 2 0,1'7' 0,,24 0;32 10,.4·6 0,'6·4 01;.,9: 1,,3

01,13 0,18 0,,26 01,36 10, .: 5 O~,7 1 1,4

01,109 01, 13 0,.1,8 01,1 0,14, 0,.2 01,11 0,1,5 10,22

01,2,6 01,,28


- :; .

IO~.36 0,5.2, 01, 7'4· 1 10,.3,8 0,5·4 0,78, 1,.1 '0,,4·2 O:~58 01,18,2 1,2

1,5 1:~16 1:,7

1:~8 2 2.,2,


2 8'·



3,'6 4

2,8, ,4

5 7

2 2,.2 2,4:


8,.6, ·4


5,,4 ,8 '6.,,2, 9

.2,,8 3 3,,2


, -" -

5 5,6




10 12

4,2 4,4 4· 6

, -

5 5,6 6

101 11 1,3

1·5 17

'6 8, 101 12
. 9, 11 14
8 10 12 16
'9 1 1 14, }·8
C .' ..
10 1.2 16, 20
1 1 14 18, 22
1.2 16 20 25,
~ : I
1·4 18 22 2,8
1'6 20 25 3,2
:,' '.
18 23 291 -3,7'
2 1 26 33 ,4:2
2,4 30 88 49
, . '·1
28 35 44 56
. , ]." .
' .. '
·3,.2, 40 ,5.01 64
'.'-,.' 4 01010 6 3001 6 3,1010 10 0010

O .. 5 0 22 10 3'"

I, '_ '. .•.. ,_ _ _ , .... '

D 24 10-34

- , ~ , -



:101 14 201

11 6 2,3

;a 8·'1···· .. } ... 9'"

. '. ·,eB ('; ,a use . / ,.

b For 'wall thicknesses in grades e·LT 1 to 'eT 15~ 'On.H grade coarser applies (see clause 7).

01.,44. 10,.6,'2 0,88

01:)5 10,,7' 1

01:,56 10,,78 1,1

d. For sizes up to }'6 mm, general tolerances from 'CT.13 to eTIs, are no t availa ble, For' these sizes individual tolerances shall be indicate .. ,~1

_ = __ ~ \L1iI

'} 2



.. , '


" -

2 22


01,'64 iO,.91 1,,2,

1 1,·4


1,.8, '2

2 '2



~' , ,

2 8,',

'. ",1

_, .. '

3 8'

, .... '.'



e B- '8"1'1 '10 19"'9'8

' '. ". ~ . ~ . I.. . .. .r' ....

", .'.' '" , "[, .

BS'-' '6-6,,'-,1' 5',,·ll'9·--,',9,-,16--~

-,' , -, '- '. -", --

'T" bl 2' R" ,- - ~ - - d - - , , .hh :!,--,-. - 11 --- -,- ,,- (- I '-'M'A"')'

a:' e ,- = ,e'qulre:", m,ac -" nlng' ,8 ows,nc'es ""'_' I:, _,",,~


up to and :i11Cl uding










: I



1 "

40 63 1'010 1,6,0

25,0 410'0 630

1 0'0'01 16,010

:2 5010 40'0'0 6,30'0

401 63 lOO' 160, -2':"50'"

.... ". I

." '~! .. , ~r.

400' 630'

1 0'00 1600 ,2, ,500

,40'00 '63:'10:"0':'

I ~ '." .. ." j

10:,1 0,1 '0 ",2,

0", '3'

'-'" ,-~I

0',', 3

'-';-~ ,




0', 6'

'< _/,' C"

0;7 0,8 0,'9



0,,1 0,,2 0,,3 0,,4,

10;,5' 0,7 0,,8,

O 9_:1


1 1,1 '1'1 ,3~,'

" '-

1,4 1,,5

0,,2 0,,3,

0,4 0-5,

- " -


-.' ~

0,,9 ,,1 1 :2


1,,4 ,,6


2, 2",2

O 3',

I ",'

'0, -3'-"

'. ,,,,"

10,,5, '0;,8 1 1,,8

1 h " a



," .1

2 0"


'-":'" ~ /


0',4 0',4 0':,7 1~1



1,8 2,2

2~1 5-'

_____:_:,' -,'

3 2:

- , -

3 f-'



0",5 0,,5

1 1,,,5

2 2,.,5,

3 3, .. 5 4 ,4",,5


5 'I"""

" D


,4 .2,2

2,,:', 8'

" ;":

3,,5 ,4

5 5,5 ,6




0',7 1.


3 4,


6: 7' 8,

9' 10,

11 12

1 1-4



:'-,,:: -,

4 5,-,5



9 10 11

1- 'QI lUI

1,4 16 17'

1,,4 2,



8 10 1,2

. ,4




.. --=:..1 .... : ..

22 2,4

a Lar zest overall di mensi on of th Q p'g sting after final m aehinin cr

.bI : b"'::=O' !U < ~ - a ,"_" - r'" 10.d '~ 10 l' '.' Iv I~ao. &. ,~I_'" ~ ttJvJIL. Jll.lL,",·~· b~ JI!. .. ;Al~il

a Grades A and B, shall only be applied ill special eases, for example with series production ill, which the pattern equipment, the casting procedure and the machining procedure with regard 001 clamping surfaces and datum surfaces or targets have bee» agreed between the customer and the foundry i,

e 'Be, S··· I 10'-; 11 9-" '9·~ 18~'

. .' .. '_ l ',_ ~ .• '- - ," .- ~. :: •

BS 66 5 996

'. "1 .' "J' .' . ,." •• ' •

::' .•... ~. I> 1 '- :' 1--'e- , . 1-.'

An A ('. ~ - .' ) ,nex:--· r.. ,l'nJLOr'D1,atlve,

'C···· ··~a·· '8· ··'t- '1- n- 'g .... - t ole r'a ~" 'n:- c ·:,e:Q

, .. '. ., .,_ - I,.: .. ~ ... __ .:__'_ . ',_ I, '_ 0

AS In sand casting lor short production series and for single castings it rs generally impractical and uneconomical to use metal patterns and to develop equipment and casting procedures resulting' ~ n 11arr\OW to .erances .. , 'T'he wider tolerances for this class of manufacture are shown ill Table A,~2,~

A~,l Ta,ble A~l and T,a'ble A.,2 show tolerance grades 'which, cannormally be expected ]11 casting processes, As indicated lin, the Introduction to, this International Standard, the: a!CCUT'ae,Y' of a casting process is dependent upon many factors, ~11Clud]11g:

a) complexity of the design;

b) type of pattern e,q,u:ipIV5nt '0 die equipment; e) the metal or alloy concerned;

d) the condition of patterns or dies;

e) the foundry workmg methods,

.A~4, Tolerances in Table J of this International Standard are 'based OIl foundry data from a number of countries. These data 'W'Br'B 'used to construct a, series of smooth curves using increments of

J2 for grades CT' 0 CT13" and 8J2 for grades CT13 to CTl'6~

Many dimensions of a, casting are affected by the presence of ,R mould joint or a core requiring increased dimensional tolerance, Since the designer will not necessarily be aware of the mould and core Iayout to be used, increases have already been

1,', -[';C,iII-U~ d_j ed 1"']r1. T" able 1'-

.,L·:ll- ... '." ,.- .... ,- LJl - ',.. 'v ,0;

'I'able A~ 1 - 'I'oler-ance gr-ades for Iong-senies pr-oduceion r-aw castdrrgs

A~,2 For long series of repetitive work, it may' be,

- " ''',,' :.' ·b:·:l,··. "_. ,t-·· .. ·, -.- '" k··:·,· ", "c'I'd-' ~ "I st rnents 'I ,d'~ tc : _., tl-'I·: -' '-":-

POSSI . ,B 1-:0 rna, ". B 8- jllELnl,e,n S s,n t.. .• -0 con, -ro , core

-'.','. "_', rit "', ' '.,' .. , ',", _ .. ,·f"I' 1-:-1·:, t .. ··· J "," hi- ,m. '.' t··, :-1" ,,' ,-,,' '''-:'.', " - -' d ,- f"" r:' .,".-

pOSIIOns. care 11 y. 0 ac ieve 1(1 eranee graces nner

than, those indicated ill Table A.t.

Investment casting

Work is proceeding to establish appropriate data. Me anwhile consultation should take

_ _ - E' _ _ - _ _

. . . .... , '.. ,., .'. - .,' . . -.' "1 '. I"" , ..' I. .- .! .....-... .., -, 'I . - . ". .' I - ." . . .,' I '. ' ..' .. ' I

place between the cundry and the, customer to agree upon values used.

Light metal allillioys


Nickel- based Cobalt- based

S ,·G r ·· ,~ '-. '- .. ' Ivl~llillie able

'. .'. _.' lIOll "


Copper aHoY'S





Grey iron,

Sand east,

h d 'ld d

..... ' ,'- .... I' "

anc -mou nee

11 to 14, 11 to 1,4 11 to 14 11 to 14, 110 to 1,3 }!O to 13 9 te 1,2 11 to 14

11 to 14,

Sand east" maehi nemoulded and shell moulding

8, to 1:2 ,8 to. 2 8 to 12 8, to 12 8 to 10 ,8 to, '0 7 tOI '9

8 'to, 12

Metallic permanent mould (gravity and, low,-pressure)

Pressure die; casting

NQT,E 1 The tolerance grades indicated are those which can normally be held for castings produced in long series and when production factors influencing the dimensional accuracy of the casting have been fully developed,

NOT,E,2 This International Standard can also be applied to processes and materials not cited in. this table by agreement be:tW!B'811 the 'Producer an d. the user of the castings.

f.?1i'. B'- S'" I 10' 1'9"-'98"'"

~ ... J: ... .: .. '.,,~, . ,.;':.,,".:

BS"> 6·:'.'·6··~·,l· 5~:c:·,''''l'·9·' "9---'.'6"'-:

- --: - \.' - .... _____:__'-:_-!I<_:.- '! _ .. _:

Tole:r.anc'e gra,de CT

Caatfng mater-ial

Mo'uld:i:ng materfa]


Light", metal alloys

COPP'Bir alloys

11 to 18

10 to 12

13 to 15

12 to 14

'1-13' t 5-

---I,i 0 '~.,

12 to - 4


S,. G'., iron



- -O-E

' '", . , .


The tolerance grades indicated are those w hieh can normally be: held, for sand castings produced in short series or as single


13 to 5

1.3 to 15

1 ~3':' t.· .' 1- i~' ,., .. 0 u


NO'TE ,2 The valuesin 'this, table apply generally '~O basic dimensions greater than 281 mm, For- smaller dimensions, finer tolerences can norm ally be economically and practically beld as follows:

A B (i ~ ive)

, nn,'ex - ,· .•• ,l,nior'lll,atlve:

Req uir'<e,d ,nla,chi,ni,ng aflowarice grades (RMA,)

R.MA, grades recommended for particular metals and alloys and manufacturing methods are presented in, 'T'able s.i.

Sand cast, handmoulded

Chemically 'bonded

11 to 1,3

11 to 1,3

'b) basic dimension 10' mm to, Iflmm: two grades finer; c) basic dimension, }16 mm to 25, mID': one grade finer,

'NO'T" E 3 This International 1St andard call also be applied to p,rOO"9S se s and materials nut cite d in this table 'by agreement between the producer and the user' of the castings. ..

a- ).: .. basi iII"li d i m o-n- sion up to 1- 0" , m -n-"'II ,. th ree erades fin er:

r ,:< ~,_ ~,I, 'IQ:_ ,I~I'I ."_' I - _,.', 1 I .• ~,;, I .. I':_;~ b,& :>'_, 'v, I,' "

,Requi,rea, machtrring al'lowanee ,grs,de

N·' k ~II ... : ...... mC"}9l1i-'



Table 'B'" 1 Typic a re g- uired machinmg a IO'wa"IIC- e grndes fo .• :r'8W-' castings

,'I,_"'; ,____::'i!I!'_ ~ ._', ,.,1.,,'; '_' ,1, .• :' - _I_·, .. ·.: '_, I_:__ ".' __I_L __ :_, __ I ' ' ..... __ ,._', _f .':'_,~'_I:. '~' Jjl,lJ, '__!_'Y~.'··."!.'_L ,~.i2i


Sand east, hand-moulded





Lightmetal alloys alloys


Cl"IIp: 'p' er

. - ,'v .. " -. :_ '"," 1IL,





G·, '8 G'- .

I ~I" ..... ' )' I -.:.., ,_.; _,

Jt;' ey :~llron, ."'. ~ lron



E-" ,t·- 'G" , 0_,-


F· to HI

1 .~ '.'~' ,I ,

[Sand cast, machine .. moulded and shel] moulding







P 'e- rm a n c· ent m O-"--"-U- d

,' •. ' .. 1" _ I ... lJl ' ,J!.., .. -., .'. ."

(gravity and low-pressure)



Dt F

- '.·,0 -,'

;N'OTE This Infernational Standard can also be: applied to processes and materials not given in this 'table by agreement between the producer and the user ofthe castings.

Pressure (lie casting


Investment casting








B·S-·;, ·6;:,6····1~ ~.'1'1'1 9-"'9-'6,·,

':_ ._"~., JUI', l~ .... ,_ ... .::_ ..

Annex C (Informatlve) Blbllography

[1] '18,,0 11101.::1'983, Technical draunngs - Geometrical" toleraneing - Tolerancing of [orm, orientation; location and run-out - Generalities, definitions, symbols, indications on draunngs.

[.2] 18,0 5,·459': 981, Technical drauiines =. Geometrical toleraneing =. Datums and datum .. .syetems for geometrical tolerances ..

[3] ISO 101,3.5:-., Technical dratoings =. Simplified' representation of moulded, east' and forged plar.t81)~

1) 'T:I' b .. ' 'b:l' . h .. ·· ':d' oe pu ... IS.. e. ,.

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S·' e·: ... I :.' " t .iIl. :., : ... , I 1:,. " ,. :'. .. d

_ .e ll,a . .I (lIla. 10re·wor '_'"

© BSI 10.-199.8

389-' Chi ., k High Ro d

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,_,1,_" 8lVIC < ,,1-, I_~,a __


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" l!S ,I . em:, epen ,en ,naMOII'. I, oy ,respOl1S,l .e JLlor p,repann-, ,111Lb 1 j'Li1J.I'", ~\ •...

presents the U' Kview on stan ....1 ..... _....111 __ ,-., in Europe an" ·d· 'at' th einternational ·'1 ]e-'ve'] I-t' is

,I, '-'., , c.' u.n', ._. -_ "',.'\;'..1.',.: I,' ,,- \_li:t.r~, .- ' ... - ._, __ 7., .... ,":_, 1-, ,I, . '_. ,.llil.t,1,LI.,' - ,.,_.'-._- ~ " ,c.'

., te db R'" yal Ch .... ~

mc'orp--ora,: ,_' •. ~"'y_'. ,"Ol~<' - ', .• _ !.11KLt-lLrer.

I·' ".

. .

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