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Clothes :

shirt = camisa
t-shirt = remera
blouse = blusa
sweatshirt = sweater = pullover = jersey = slip-over = suéter
cardigan = saco liviano de lana
dress = vestido
vest = chaqueta
suit = traje
three-piece suit = traje de tres piezas
coat = saco
raincoat = piloto
waistcoat = chaleco
overcoat = sobretodo
mackintosh = abrigo de tela o lana gruesa
anorak = campera
bomber jacket = campera ajustada en la cintura
duffel coat = abrigo de lana
denim jacket = campera de jean

trousers = pantalones
slacks = pantalones informales
jeans = jeans
shorts = pantalones cortos

overalls (US) - dungarees (GB) = jardinero, peto

trainers (GB) - sneakers (US) = zapatillas
boots = botas

Wellingtons = botas
slippers = pantuflas
clogs = zuecos
shoes = zapatos
sandals = sandalias
high-heeled shoes = zapatos de taco alto
sole = suela
 - have your shoes soled = ponerle suela a los zapatos
heel = taco
 - have your shoes heeled = ponerle taco a los zapatos
shoelaces = cordones
flip-flops = ojotas
espadrilles = alpargatas

bathrobe = bata
nightdress = nightgown = camisón
pyjamas (GB) = pajamas (US) = pijama
socks = calcetines
knee-length socks = medias 3/4
tights = calzas
underwear = ropa interior
bra = brassiere = corpiño
knickers = bombacha
slip = enagua
underpants = calzoncillos
bathing-suit = bathing-costume = traje de baño
swimming trunks = short de baño

bikini = bikini
belt = cinturón
hood = capucha
tie = corbata
bowtie = moño
tie-pin = traba de corbata
braces (GB) = suspenders (US) = tiradores
cravat = pañuelo
handkerchief = pañuelo
neckerchief = pañuelo de cuello
gloves = guantes
scarf = bufanda
shawl = chal
cloak = capa
cap = gorra
beret = boina
hat = sombrero
wide-brimmed hat = sombrero de ala ancha
bonnet = gorro para bebé
top hat = sombrero de copa
helmet = casco

US=American English GB=British English

cap dungarees clogs

short flip flops high heeled shoe

bow tie tie bonnet


ant hormiga
antelope antílope
ass asno, burro
bat murciélago
bear oso
bee abeja
bird pájaro, ave
bison bisonte
buffalo búfalo
bull toro
butterfly mariposa
calf ternero
camel camello
canary canario
cat gato
centipede ciempiés
chameleon camaleón
cheetah cheetah
chicken pollo
chimpanzee chimpancé
cock gallo
cockroach cucaracha
condor cóndor
cougar puma
cow vaca
coyote coyote
crab cangrejo
crocodile cocodrilo
crow cuervo
deer ciervo
dog perro
dolphin delfín
donkey asno, burro
dragonfly libélula
dromedary dromedario
duck pato
eagle águila
elephant elefante
falcon halcón
ferret hurón
fish pez
fly mosca
fox zorro
frog rana
giraffe jirafa
goat cabra
goldfish pez de colores
goose ganso
gorilla gorila
groundhog marmota
guinea pig cobayo
hamster hamster
hare liebre
hedgehog erizo
hen gallina
hippopotam hipopótamo
horse caballo
hyena hiena
iguana iguana
jackal chacal
jaguar jaguar
kangaroo canguro
lamb cordero
leopard leopardo
lion león
lobster langosta de mar
locust langosta
lynx lince
mammoth mamut
mare yegua
marten marta
mink visón
mole topo
monkey mono
moose alce
mosquito mosquito
mountain puma
mouse ratón
mule mula
octopus pulpo
orangutan orangután
ostrich avestruz
otter nutria
owl lechuza
ox buey
oyster ostra
panda oso panda
panther pantera
parakeet periquito
parrot loro
peacock pavo real
pelican pelícano
penguin pingüino
pheasant faisán
pig cerdo
pigeon, dove paloma
pony pony
porcupine puercoespín
rabbit conejo
raccoon mapache
rat rata
reindeer reno
rhinoceros rinoceronte
salamander salamandra
scorpion escorpión
sea lion león (lobo)
seal foca
shark tiburón
sheep oveja
sloth perezoso
slug babosa
snail caracol
snake serpiente
spider araña
squirrel ardilla
stork cigüeña
swan cisne
tiger tigre
toad sapo
tortoise tortuga de tierra
tropical fish pez tropical
turkey pavo
turtle tortuga de agua
viper víbora
vulture buitre
walrus morsa
wasp avispa
weasel comadreja
whale ballena
wild boar jabalí
wolf lobo
worm gusano
zebra cebra

Bathroom parts

bath baño
bathroom baño
bath mat alfombra de baño
bath salts sales de baño
bath towel toallón
bidet bidé
cold water agua fría
cold water tap canilla de agua fría
comb peine
drain desagüe
faucet (US) grifo, canilla
the Gents (GB) baño público de
to have a bath tomar un baño
to have a shower tomar una ducha
hairbrush cepillo para cabello
hairdryer secador de cabello
hand towel toalla de mano
hot water agua caliente
hot water tap canilla de agua caliente
the Ladies (GB) baño público de damas
lavatory (US) lavabo
loo (GB), informal baño
medicine chest botiquín
mirror espejo
nailbrush cepillo para uñas
public conveniences (GB) baño público
restroom (US) baño público
scale balanza
shampoo champú
to shave afeitarse
shaving cream crema de afeitar
shower ducha
soap jabón
soap tray jabonera
sponge esponja
tap (GB) grifo, canilla
toilet inodoro
toilet baño
toilets baño público
toilet paper papel higiénico
toilet roll rollo de papel higiénico
toiletries artículos de tocador
toothbrush cepillo de dientes
toothpaste pasta dentífrica
towel rack toallero
towel toalla
tub bañera
washroom (US) baño público
WC (GB), old use baño
At the airport

air hostess azafata

airline counter mostrador
airport aeropuerto
aisle seat asiento del lado del pasillo
arrivals llegadas
arrivals are delayed las llegadas están demoradas
arrivals are on schedule las llegadas están en horario
baggage claim reclamo de equipaje
baggage limitation límite de equipaje
boarding pass pase de abordo
bumpy flight vuelo turbulento
cabin cabina
carry-on luggage equipaje de mano
cockpit cabina del piloto
connecting flight conexión
control tower torre de control
copilot copiloto
crew tripulación
customs aduana
customs official funcionario de aduana
delayed demorado
departure lounge salón de espera
departures salidas
departures are delayed las salidas están demoradas
departures are on schedule las salidas están en horario
direct flight/ non-stop flight vuelo directo
domestic flight vuelo de cabotaje
duty free libre de impuestos
emergency exit salida de emergencia
emergency landing aterrizaje de emergencia
excess baggage exceso de equipaje
excess baggage charge recargo por exceso de equipaje
final destination destino final
flight attendant azafata
flight number número de vuelo
gate puerta
immigration official funcionario de migración
international flight vuelo internacional
jet lag descompensación por la diferencia horaria
landing aterrizaje
life vest salvavidas
loudspeakers altoparlantes
luggage compartment compartimiento para equipaje
luggage/ baggage equipaje
meal tray bandeja de comida
on schedule en horario
one-way trip viaje de ida
overweight sobrepeso
passengers lounge salón de espera
pilot piloto
plane avión
registered luggage equipaje certificado, despachado
restroom/ lavatory sanitarios
round trip viaje de ida y vuelta
runway pista
scales balanzas
seat asiento
seat belt cinturón de seguridad
stewardess azafata (old fashioned)
timetable listado de horarios
to board abordar
to fasten the seatbelt abrocharse el cinturón de seguridad
to land aterrizar
to put out the cigarettes apagar los cigarrillos
to take off despegar
take-off despegue
tourist turista
travel agency agencia de viajes
trolley carrito
window seat asiento del lado de la ventanilla
wind directional indicator manga indicadora de dirección del viento
windsock manga (para la dirección del viento)


baker bird hornero

blackbird mirlo
blue bird of Paradise ave del Paraíso
budgerigar, budgie periquito
buzzard águila ratonera
canary canario
cardinal cardenal
chicken pollo
cock gallo
cockatoo cacatúa
crested lark calandria
cuckoo cuco, cucú
dove paloma
duck pato
eagle águila
falcon halcón
flamingo flamenco
fulmar petrel
goldfinch jilguero
goose ganso, oca
grouse urogallo
gull gaviota
hawk halcón
hen gallina
heron garza
house sparrow gorrión
hummingbird picaflor
kingfisher martín pescador
lark alondra
magpie urraca
nightingale ruiseñor
ostrich avestruz
owl búho
parakeet periquito
parrot cotorra
partridge perdiz
peacock pavo real
pelican pelícano
penguin pingüino
pheasant faisán
puffin frailecillo
raven cuervo
robin petirrojo
seagull gaviota
sparrow gorrión
stork cigüeña
swallow golondrina
thrush zorzal
toucan tucán
turkey pavo
vulture buitre
woodpecker pájaro carpintero

Body actions

breathe respirar
cough toser
sneeze estornudar
sigh suspirar
hiccough hipar, tener hipo
yawn bostezar
snore roncar
burp eructar
chew masticar
rumble hacer ruido el estómago
swallow tragar
suck chupar
lick lamer
bite morder
blink parpadear
wink guiñar el ojo
frown fruncir el ceño
grin sonreír
laugh reír
blush ruborizarse
sweat sudar
shiver tiritar, temblar
tremble temblar, estremecerse
inhale inhalar
exhale exhalar
itch picar
scratch rascarse
sleep dormir
see ver
look at mirar
listen escuchar
hear oír
smell oler
touch tocar
taste gustar
think pensar
walk caminar
run correr
stand up pararse
sit down sentarse


chess ajedrez
bishop alfil
black chessmen piezas negras
castle torre
checkmate jaque mate
chessboard tablero de ajedrez
chessman pieza
chesspiece pieza
king rey
knight caballo
pawn peón
queen reina
rook torre
white chessmen piezas blancas


cinema cine
movie (US), film película
action film película de acción
cartoon dibujos animados
comedy comedia
detective film película de detectives
documentary film película documental
educational film película educativa
full-length film largometraje
horror film película de terror
love story historia de amor
musical musical
romantic film película romántica
science-fiction film película de ciencia ficción
short-length film cortometraje
silent film cine mudo
western película del oeste
commercial publicidad
episode episodio, capítulo

actor actor
actress actriz
cameraman camarógrafo
cast elenco
cinema review críticas de cine
dialogue diálogo
director director
extras extras
film star estrella de películas
producer productor
role papel, rol
scene escena
screenwriter guionista
set plató
studio estudio de grabación
subtitles subtítulos
supporting actor actor secundario, de reparto
supporting cast reparto
supporting role papel secundario
titles títulos

to go to the cinema (GB) ir al cine

to go to the movies (US) ir al cine
to rent a video/DVD alquilar un vídeo/DVD
to watch a video/DVD mirar un vídeo/DVD

In the classroom

classroom aula
class clase
bag bolso
blackboard pizarrón
board pen marcador / fibra para pizarra
board eraser borrador
book libro
briefcase portafolios, maletín
chair silla
chalk tiza
crayon lápiz de cera, crayón
desk escritorio
eraser (US) goma de borrar
folder carpeta
highlighter pen rotulador fosforescente, resaltador
hole punch perforadora
notebook cuaderno
notepad cuaderno
paper papel
pencil lápiz
pencil sharpener sacapuntas
rubber (GB) goma de borrar
ruler regla
tape player reproductor de cassette
tape recorder grabadora de cassette
whiteboard pizarra
workbook libro de ejercicios

to ask a question hacer una pregunta

to clean the board limpiar el pizarrón
to listen to a tape escuchar una cinta
to open/close the book abrir/cerrar el libro
to raise one's hand levantar la mano
to share a book compartir un libro
to swap places cambiar lugares
to talk to your partner hablar con tu compañero
to watch a video mirar un vídeo
to work in groups trabajar en grupos
to work in pairs trabajar de a dos


 a band of soldiers
a bouquet of flowers
a brood of hens
a bunch of grapes
a caravan of camels
a cast of hawks
a circle of friends
a clowder of cats
a clump of trees
a collection of coins
a colony of ants
a crew of sailors
a crowd of people
a deck of cards
a dray of squirrels
a drove of cattle
a dole of doves
a fleet of ships
a flock of sheep
a gaggle of geese/tourists/children
a gam of whales
a gang of thieves
a group of people
a herd of cattle
a hive of bees
a horde of children
a leap of leopards
a mass of people
a mob of hooligans
a pack of cards
a panel of experts
a parliament of owls
a party of visitors
a plague of locusts
a pride of lions
a school of fish
a set of teeth
a sheaf of papers
a shelf of books
a shoal of fish
a sloth of bears
a stack of chairs/papers/dishes
a string of pearls
a swarm of bees
a troop of monkeys
a troupe of actors/singers
a wad of banknotes/bills


bag bolsa
a bag of sweets

a barrel of beer barril

basket canasta
a basket of fruit

a bottle of wine / mineral water botella

box caja
a box of pencils / cereals
bowl bol, tazón
a bowl of soup

can lata
a can of soup

a carton of milk

crate cajón
a crate of apples

a cup of coffee taza

a flask of hot water

jar frasco / jarro

a jar of jam / pickles

a jug of water / juice / lemonade jarra

mug tazón, jarrito

a mug of hot chocolate / beer

pack paquete
a pack of cigarettes

pot olla
a pot of soup

bolsa / saco
a sack of potatoes / flour
tin lata
a tin of sardines

a tube of toothpaste

a tub of yoghurt / ice cream pote


Advent Adviento
candle vela
carol villancico
Christmas Navidad
Christmas card tarjeta de Navidad
Christmas day día de Navidad
Christmas Eve Nochebuena
Christmas Eve service (US) misa de gallo
Christmas sale ofertas de Navidad
Christmas tree árbol de Navidad
cracker cohete chino
Father Christmas (GB) Papá Noel, Santa Claus
fireworks fuegos artificiales
gift regalo
holly muérdago, acebo
lights luces
Merry Christmas Feliz Navidad
midnight mass (GB) misa de gallo
nativity pesebre
New Year Año Nuevo
New Year's Day día de Año Nuevo
New Year's Eve Nochevieja
pyrotechnics pirotecnia
reindeer reno
rocket cohete
Santa Claus (US) Papá Noel
Season's Greetings Felices Fiestas
Silent Night Noche de Paz
turkey pavo
Twelfth Night Noche de Reyes
wreath guirnalda, corona
Xmas abreviatura de Christmas, Navidad

dairy products productos lácteos
blue cheese queso azul
butter mantequilla
cheese queso
cheese spread queso para untar
condensed milk leche condensada
cream crema
cream cheese queso crema
curdled milk leche cuajada
dried milk leche en polvo
egg huevo
full cream milk leche entera
goat's cheese queso de cabra
hard cheese queso duro
low-fat reducido en grasas
mature cheese queso maduro
parmesan cheese queso parmesano
pasteurized milk leche pasteurizada
powdered milk leche en polvo
salted butter mantequilla con sal
semi-skimmed milk leche semidescremada
sheep's cheese queso de oveja
skim milk leche descremada
skimmed milk (GB) leche descremada
soft cheese queso suave
whipping cream crema para batir
whole milk leche entera


to wake up despertarse
to get up levantarse
to go to the bathroom ir al baño
to have a shower ducharse
to have a bath bañarse
to wash one's face lavarse la cara
to brush one's teeth cepillarse los dientes
to brush one's hair cepillarse el cabello
to comb one's hair peinarse
to have breakfast desayunar
to read the paper leer el periódico
to listen to the radio escuchar la radio
to watch TV mirar televisión
to go to work ir a trabajar
to go to school ir a la escuela
to study estudiar
to read a book leer un libro
to use the computer usar la computadora
to play with the computer jugar con la computadora
to chat charlar
to send an email enviar un email
to phone a friend llamar a un amigo por teléfono
to cook cocinar
to make dinner preparar la cena
to have dinner cenar
to set/lay the table poner la mesa
to clear the table levantar la mesa
to do the dishes lavar los platos
to go to bed ir a la cama
to sleep dormir
to dream soñar


attractive atractivo
beautiful hermoso
good-looking guapo
handsome guapo (para hombres)
old viejo
pale pálido
plain poco atractivo
pretty bonito (para mujeres)
tanned bronceado
ugly feo
unattractive poco atractivo
young joven

baby-faced con cara de bebé

fresh-faced con cara fresca, joven
pasty-faced con cara pálida
round-faced con cara redonda
stone-faced con cara de piedra (que no muestra
thin-faced con cara delgada

short bajo
medium height de estatura media
tall alto
tiny pequeño

average build de constitución media

fat gordo (despectivo)
muscular musculoso
obese obeso
overweight gordo, excedido de peso
plump regordete
skinny flaco
slender esbelto
slim delgado
stocky corpulento
stout corpulento
thin flaco
well-built fornido

elegant elegante
scruffy desaliñado
smart elegante
untidy-looking desaliñado
well-dressed bien vestido

short/long hair cabello corto/largo

straight hair cabello lacio
curly hair cabello rizado
dark/light hair cabello oscuro/claro
black hair cabello negro
blond/fair hair cabello rubio
brown hair cabello castaño
grey hair cabello con algunas canas
white hair canas
redhead pelirrojo
receding hair entradas (en el cabello)
bald calvo
braid trenza
bun rodete
ponytail cola (en el cabello)

beard barba
birthmark marca de nacimiento
braces aparato de ortodoncia
freckle peca
mole lunar
moustache bigote
scar cicatriz
sideboards (GB), patillas
sideburns (US)
tattoo tatuaje
wart verruga
wrinkle arruga


alcohol alcohol
beer cerveza
black coffee café solo (sin leche)
brandy brandy
champagne champaña
coffee café
decaffeinated coffee café descafeinado
draught beer cerveza de barril
espresso coffee café expreso
hot chocolate chocolate caliente
gin ginebra
herbal tea té de hierbas
iced tea té frío
juice jugo, zumo
lager cerveza rubia
lemonade limonada
milk leche

milk shake batido de leche

mineral water agua mineral
non-alcoholic drink bebida sin alcohol
orange juice jugo de naranja
red wine vino tinto
rosé wine vino rosado
rum ron
sherry jerez
soda refresco
soft drink refresco
stout cerveza negra
tea té
tonic water agua tónica
vodka vodka
white coffee café con leche
white wine vino blanco
whisky whisky
wine vino


Ash Wednesday Miércoles de Ceniza

Easter Pascua
Easter break vacaciones de Semana Santa
Easter bunny conejito de Pascua
Easter egg huevo de Pascua
Easter egg hunt búsqueda de huevos de Pascua
Easter holiday vacaciones de Semana Santa
Easter mass misa de Pascua
Easter Saturday Sábado Santo,
Sábado de Gloria
Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua,
Domingo de Resurrección
basket canasta
chocolate egg huevo de chocolate
coloured egg huevo de color
decorated egg huevo decorado
Good Friday Viernes Santo
Happy Easter Felices Pascuas
Holy Week Semana Santa
Lent Cuaresma
Lenten Season Cuaresma
Palm Sunday Domingo de Ramos
Passion of Christ Pasión de Cristo
Pentecost Pentecostés
Resurrection Resurrección
roll rosca
Whitsun Pentecostés


 Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday. This day is remembered as the day
when Jesus was crucified. The origins of "Good Friday" may be from "God's Friday"' just
as goodbye is derived from "God be with you" (ye in old English).

 Easter Saturday is the Saturday before Easter, the last day of Lent and is the day
when Christ's body laid in his tomb. On Easter Sunday we celebrate that Jesus rose
from the dead to live forever.

 Why do we give Easter eggs? The traditional Easter gift is a chocolate egg. They
symbolise new life. Rabbits are used as a symbol of fertility.
 Read about the origins of the word "Easter"

Easter in England

 It is traditional to eat "hot cross buns" on Good Friday in England. The buns have a
cross on top which symbolises the cross on which Jesus was killed.

 Colouring eggs for Easter was a custom in England during the Middle Ages and eggs
were usually painted with bright colours, to represent the sunlight of Spring. However,
this practice became more famous when King Edward I decided to give them as Easter
gifts in 1290.
 On the traditional Easter egg hunt, children have to find small chocolate eggs that are
hidden in parks or gardens. In Britain it is estimated that each year nearly 80 million
chocolate eggs are eaten.


boarding school internado

class clase
co-educational/"co-ed" mixto
course curso
diploma diploma
dormitories/dorms residencias para estudiantes
ex-alumna alumna
ex-alumnas alumnae
ex-alumno alumnus
ex-alumnos alumni
exam/examination examen
grade calificación
grading system sistema de evaluación
holidays/vacation vacaciones
homework tarea
kindergarten jardín de infantes/preescolar
notebook cuaderno
nursery school guardería/jardín de infantes
primary/elementary school escuela primaria
principal/headmaster director
private school escuela privada
faculty profesorado
school year año escolar
school year escuela
secondary/high school escuela secundaria
semester semestre
student estudiante
subject materia
teacher/professor (university) profesor

to drop out dejar la escuela

to learn aprender
to pass aprobar
to repeat a grade reprobar
to take an exam rendir examen
to teach enseñar


acid rain lluvia ácida

carbon dioxide dióxido de carbono
chemicals sustancias químicas
climate change cambio climático
conservation conservación
contaminant contaminante
contamination contaminación
deforestation deforestación
eco-friendly que no daña el medio ambiente
ecological ecológico
ecologist ecologista
ecosystem ecosistema
effluent aguas residuales
endangered species especies en peligro de extinción
environment medio ambiente
environmental medioambiental
environmentalist ecologista
environmentally friendly que no daña el medio ambiente
extinction extinción
global warming calentamiento global
greenhouse effect efecto invernadero
noise pollution contaminación acústica
nuclear radiation radiación nuclear
organic orgánico
ozone ozono
ozone-friendly que no daña la capa de ozono
ozone layer capa de ozono
pollution polución, contaminación
radioactive substance sustancia radiactiva
radioactive waste residuos radiactivos
radioactivity radiactividad
recyclable reciclable
recycled reciclado
recycling reciclaje
reforestation repoblación forestal
sewage aguas residuales
sewage farm (GB) estación depuradora
sewage plant (US) estación depuradora
sewage works (GB) estación depuradora
smog smog
solar energy energía solar
sulphur dioxide (GB) dióxido de azufre
sulfur dioxide (US) dióxido de azufre
toxic waste residuos tóxicos
waste disposal (GB) eliminación de residuos
waste disposal eliminación de residuos
wind power energía eólica

to become extinct extinguirse

to conserve conservar
to contaminate contaminar
to die out extinguirse
to poison envenenar
to pollute contaminar
to recycle reciclar

aunt tía
boyfriend novio
brother hermano
brother-in-law cuñado
cousin primo/a
dad pá
daddy papi
daughter hija
daughter-in-law nuera
father padre
father-in-law suegro
girlfriend novia
godfather padrino
godmother madrina
grandad abuelito, "abue"
grandchildren nietos
granddaughter nieta
grandfather abuelo
grandma abuelita, "abue"
grandmother abuela
grandpa abuelito, "abue"
grandparents abuelos
grandson nieto
great-grandfather bisabuelo
great-grandmother bisabuela
husband esposo, marido
mother madre
mother-in-law suegra
mom má
mum má
mummy mami
nephew sobrino
niece sobrina
parents padres
sibling hermano/a
sister hermana
sister-in-law cuñada
son hijo
son-in-law yerno
stepdaughter hijastra
stepmother madrastra
stepfather padrastro
stepson hijastro
uncle tío
wife esposa, mujer

firstborn primogénito
oldest el/la mayor
youngest el/la menor
the baby of the family el benjamín de la familia
twins gemelos
adopted adoptado
orphan huérfano/a
relative pariente
acquaintance conocido
generation generación
ancestors antepasados
descendants descendientes


anchovy anchoa
atherine pejerrey
bass róbalo
carp carpa
catfish bagre
cod bacalao
conger congrio
corbina corvina
dogfish cazón
eel anguila
haddock abadejo eglefino
hake merluza
herring arenque
jellyfish medusa
large catfish surubí
mackerel caballa
mullet mújol
pike lucio
plaice platija
ray raya
red mullet salmonete
salmon salmón
sardine sardina
shark tiburón
skate raya
starfish estrella de mar
sole lenguado
trout trucha
tuna atún
whiting pescadilla

crab cangrejo
crayfish cangrejo de río
lobster langosta
prawn langostino
shrimp camarón, gamba

cockle berberecho
mussel mejillón
octopus pulpo
oyster ostra
squid calamar
whelk buccino
winkle bígaro


flower flor
bud capullo
bouquet ramo, bouquet
begonia begonia
bluebell campanilla
carnation clavel
chrysanthemum crisantemo
daffodil narciso
daisy margarita
dahlia dalia
fern helecho
forget-me-not nomeolvides
gardenia gardenia
gladiolus gladiolo
hyacinth jacinto
hydrangea hortensia
lavender lavanda
lilac lila
lily lirio, azucena
magnolia magnolia
orchid orquídea
pansy pensamiento
petunia petunia
rose rosa
tulip tulipán
violet violeta


player jugador
goalkeeper guardameta, portero
goal scorer goleador
substitute reserva
coach director técnico (DT)
supporter fan
hooligan hooligan
changing room vestuario
stadium estadio
pitch campo de juego
centre circle círculo central
halfway line línea media
penalty area área de penal
goal area área de meta
flagpost banderín
match partido
friendly game partido amistoso
home game juego en el estadio local
away game partido en un estadio visitante
home team equipo local
away team equipo visitante
ball pelota, balón
attack ataque
defense defensa
defender defensor, jugador en defensa
midfield player jugador centrocampista
forward jugador delantero
referee árbitro
linesman árbitro de línea
red card tarjeta roja
yellow card tarjeta amarilla
scoreboard marcador
kick-off puntapié inicial
throw-in saque de banda
goal gol
goal kick saque de meta/puerta
free kick tiro libre
direct free kick tiro libre directo
indirect free kick tiro libre indirecto
penalty kick tiro de penal, penalti
corner kick saque de esquina
foul falta
own goal gol en contra
crossbar travesaño
goalpost poste
header cabezazo
handball mano
offside fuera de juego
replay repetición
first half primer tiempo
second half segundo tiempo
halftime descanso
extra time tiempo adicional
penalty shoot-out ronda de penales/penaltis
final result resultado final
victory victoria
defeat derrota
draw empate
league liga
tournament torneo

to beat derrotar
to book a player amonestar a un jugador
to draw empatar
to kick patear
to score a goal meter un gol
to shoot at goal tirar al arco
to win ganar

World Cup campeonato/copa mundial

championship campeonato
fixture calendario de partidos
group grupo
national team selección nacional
cup holder defensor del título
to be eliminated ser eliminado
preliminary round ronda de eliminatorias
second round segunda ronda, octavos de final
quarterfinal cuartos de final
semifinal semifinal
final final
champion of the world campeón del mundo


to dance bailar
to draw dibujar
to chat charlar
to cook cocinar
to drive conducir
to hike dar una caminata
to listen to music escuchar música
to phone a friend llamar a un amigo por teléfono
to play basketball jugar al basketball
to play billiards jugar al billar
to play bowling jugar a los bolos
to play chess jugar al ajedrez
to play football jugar al fútbol
to play hockey jugar al hockey
to play the drums tocar la batería
to play the guitar tocar la guitarra
to play the piano tocar el piano
to play tennis jugar al tenis
to play with the computer jugar con la computadora
to read leer
to relax relajarse
to rent a video alquilar un vídeo
to ride a horse andar a caballo, cabalgar
to ride a bike andar en bicicleta
to ride a motorbike andar en motocicleta
to sing cantar
to skate patinar
to ski esquiar
to sleep dormir
to watch a film mirar una película
to watch TV mirar televisión

to go camping ir de campamento
to go climbing ir a escalar
to go dancing ir a bailar
to go fishing ir de pesca
to go hunting ir de caza
to go on a picnic ir de picnic
to go to a disco ir a una disco
to go ice skating ir a patinar sobre hielo
to go shopping ir de compras
to go skating ir a patinar
to go swimming ir a nadar
to go walking ir a caminar


almond almendra
apple manzana
apricot damasco
banana banana/plátano
blackberry mora, zarzamora
blueberry arándano
cherry cereza
chestnut castaña
coconut coco
date dátil
fig higo
grape uva
grapefruit pomelo/toronja
hazelnut avellana
lemon limón
lime lima
mango mango
melon melón
morello cherry guinda
orange naranja
peach durazno
peanut cacahuete, maní
pear pera
pineapple ananá/piña
plum ciruela
raspberry frambuesa
strawberry frutilla/fresa
tangerine mandarina
watermelon sandía

artichoke alcaucil
aubergine berenjena
asparagus espárrago
beans frijoles
beetroot remolacha
broccoli brócoli
Brussels sprouts col/repollito de Bruselas
cabbage col/repollo
carrot zanahoria
cauliflower coliflor
celery apio
corn maíz
courgette zapallito
cucumber pepino
eggplant berenjena
garlic ajo
leek puerro
lentils lentejas
lettuce lechuga
mushroom champiñón
onion cebolla
peas arvejas
pepper ají
pickle pepino
potato papa
pumpkin calabaza
radish rabanito
rice arroz
rye centeno
spinach espinaca
squash calabacita
sweet potato batata
tomato tomate
turnip nabo
watercress berro
wheat trigo


clap aplaudir
drum tamborilear (con los dedos)
knock golpear
point señalar
press presionar
punch dar un puñetazo
wave saludar
snap your fingers chasquear los dedos
crack your fingers hacer sonar los dedos
clasp your hands unir las manos
hold hands with somebody tomarse de la mano con alguien
join hands tomar la mano
raise your hand levantar la mano
shake hands with somebody dar la mano a alguien
wash your hands lavarse las manos
give a hand dar una mano, ayudar


health salud
illness enfermedad (en general)
disease enfermedad (específica)
asthma asma
chickenpox varicela
smallpox viruela
heart attack infarto
heart disease cardiopatía
hepatitis hepatitis
ulcer úlcera
flu gripe
mumps paperas
wound herida (por un arma)
injury herida
hospital hospital
doctor médico
family doctor médico de cabecera
nurse enfermera
injection inyección
medicine medicina
prescription receta médica
painful doloroso
painless indoloro
bandage venda
band aid tirita, curita
crutch muleta
plaster yeso
wheelchair silla de ruedas

to feel good sentirse bien

to catch a cold atrapar un resfrío
to have a cold tener un resfrío
to sneeze estornudar
to cough toser
to blow one's nose sonarse la nariz
to feel sick tener náuseas
to feel dizzy estar mareado
to faint desmayarse
to pass out desmayarse
to be tired estar cansado
to be exhausted estar agotado
to have backache tener dolor de espalda
to have earache tener dolor de oídos
to have a headache tener dolor de cabeza
to have a sore throat tener dolor de garganta
to have a stomach-ache tener dolor de estómago
to have toothache tener dolor de dientes
to have a temperature tener fiebre
to have diarrhoea tener diarrea
to have a rash tener erupciones, sarpullido
to have spots tener granitos
to have a black eye tener un ojo morado
to get a bruise magullarse
to get burnt quemarse
to lose one's appetite perder el apetito
to lose one's voice quedarse afónico
to break one's arm quebrarse el brazo
to sprain one's ankle tener un esguince en el tobillo
to twist one's ankle torcerse el tobillo
to be constipated estar estreñido
to have constipation tener estreñimiento
to be allergic to ser alérgico a
to suffer from sufrir de
to vomit vomitar
to throw up vomitar
to hurt doler
to swell hincharse
to take an aspirin tomar una aspirina
to take a medicine tomar un medicamento


herbs hierbas aromáticas

spices especias
basil albahaca
bayleaf laurel
caraway comino
cayenne pepper pimienta de Cayena
celery apio
chicory achicoria
cinnamon canela
cloves clavos de olor
coriander cilandro
curry powder curry
dill eneldo
fennel hinojo
garlic ajo
ginger jengibre
horseradish rábano picante
juniper enebro
nutmeg nuez moscada
oregano orégano
parsley perejil
pepper pimienta
pepper corn grano de pimienta
rosemary romero
saffron azafrán
salt sal
sorrel acedera
tarragon estragón
thyme tomillo


arrival llegada
bath baño
bellboy botones
booking reserva
cancellation cancelación
departure salida
double room habitación doble
elevator (US) ascensor, elevador
floor piso
front office recepción
front-office clerk recepcionista
ground floor planta baja
hall porter conserje
housekeeper ama de llaves
housekeeping staff personal de habitaciones
ice-dispenser surtidor de cubos de hielo
key llave
key card llave magnética
key clerk encargado de llaves
laundry lavandería
lift (GB) ascensor, elevador
lobby vestíbulo
luggage equipaje
mail clerk encargado del correo
porter portero
registration card tarjeta de registración
room service servicio a la habitación
single room habitación simple
safe caja de seguridad
shower ducha
staff personal
towel toalla
twin beds dos camas simples
vacancy disponibilidad de habitaciones
voucher cupón
wake-up call despertador telefónico

to book reservar
to check in registrarse
to check out registrar la salida
to deposit depositar
to disturb molestar
to do a room hacer una habitación
to stay permanecer

American plan (US) pensión completa

modified American plan (US) media pensión
European plan habitación solamente
bed and breakfast, B&B cama y desayuno
guesthouse casa de huéspedes, pensión
half board (GB) media pensión
room and board, R&B (GB) pensión completa


window door balcony

stairs fireplace sofa

chair armchair rocking chair

table tablecloth coffee table

clothes stand grandfather clock lamp

bed wardrobe built-in wardrobe

chest of drawers writing desk desk lamp

telephone television set remote control

bin door knob light switch

magazine rack curtains blinds

fridge oven microwave oven

blender mixer toaster

coffee maker pot frying pan

cupboard broom dustpan

tap ironing board iron

wash basin toilet bath

shower brush toothbrush

comb razor electric shaver

towel rack hair dryer bucket

watering can wheelbarrow lawnmower


the accused el acusado

acquittal absolución
affidavit declaración jurada
alibi coartada
alimony pensión alimenticia
allegation alegato, alegación
appeal apelación
arrest arresto, detención
arrest warrant orden de captura
attorney (US) abogado
barrister (GB) abogado (en tribunales superiores)
bailiff alguacil
the Bench el Tribunal
brief escrito, informe
case caso
charge acusación, cargo
confession confesión
convict presidiario
conviction condena
court corte
courthouse palacio de justicia
courtroom sala de justicia
crime delito
custody custodia
death sentence pena de muerte
death warrant sentencia de muerte
defence defensa
defendant acusado
defender defensor
diplomatic immunity inmunidad diplomática
docket expediente, sumario
duress coacción
edict edicto, decreto
execution ejecución
exhibit prueba instrumental
expropriation expropiación
evidence evidencia, testimonio
felony delito grave
fine multa
foreman, forewoman presidente del jurado
fugitive fugitivo
hearing audiencia
indictment acusación
inferior court juzgado de primera instancia
jail cárcel, prisión
John Doe N.N. masculino, desconocido
Jane Doe N.N. femenino, desconocida
judge juez
jurisprudence jurisprudencia
juror miembro del jurado
jury jurado
jury box banco del jurado
justice justicia
juvenile court juzgado de menores
lawyer abogado
lie detector detector de mentiras
litigant litigante
litigation litigio
notary notario
ordinance ordenanza
pardon indulto
plaintiff demandante
prison cárcel, prisión
proof prueba
prosecution acusación, juicio
prosecutor fiscal, acusador
punishment castigo
solicitor (GB) abogado (en tribunales inferiores)
statement declaración
superior court tribunal superior
Supreme Court Corte Suprema
suspect sospechoso
testimony testimonio, declaración
trial juicio, proceso
under oath bajo juramento
verdict veredicto, fallo
witness testigo
witness box (GB) estrado
witness stand (US) estrado
writ orden judicial

guilty culpable
innocent inocente
in escrow en custodia
on bail bajo fianza
on parole en libertad condicional
on probation en libertad condicional

to accuse somebody of something acusar a alguien de algo

to acknowledge admitir, reconocer
to acquit somebody of something absolver a alguien de algo
to arrest somebody on the charge of something arrestar a alguien con cargos de algo
to adjourn levantar la sesión
to arraign procesar
to attest atestiguar, avalar
to be cleared of all charges ser absuelto de todos los cargos
to be guilty of something ser culpable de algo
to be on trial for something ser juzgado por algo
to charge somebody of something acusar a alguien de algo
to convict somebody of something condenar, declarar culpable a alguien por algo
to dismiss the case sobreseer el caso
to execute somebody for something ejecutar a alguien por algo
to expropriate expropiar, requisar
to extradite somebody to a place extraditar a alguien a un lugar
to find somebody guilty encontrar a alguien culpable
to find somebody not guilty encontrar a alguien inocente
to give evidence prestar declaración
to incriminate incriminar
to nullify anular
to pardon somebody for somethin indultar a alguien por algo
to plead guilty confesarse culpable
to punish somebody for something castigar a alguien por algo
to reach a verdict llegar a un veredicto
to stand trial ser juzgado en la corte
to suspect somebody of something sospechar de alguien por algo
to testify against somebody testificar en contra de alguien
to uphold ratificar, sostener
to swear jurar, prestar juramento


to send enviar
to deliver entregar
to receive recibir
to get recibir
to forward remitir, reenviar
to answer responder
to write escribir
to type escribir a máquina
to erase borrar
to sign firmar

address dirección
airmail correo aéreo
correspondence correspondencia
delivery entrega
dotted line línea punteada
email correo electrónico
envelope sobre
form formulario
handwriting escritura, letra
junk mail correo basura
letter carta
letterbox (GB), mailbox (US) buzón de la casa
mail train tren de correos
package, parcel paquete
post (GB), mail (US) correo
post office oficina de correos
postage franqueo
postcard (tarjeta) postal
postbox (GB), mailbox (US) buzón del correo
postcode (GB), zip code (US) código postal
postman (GB), mailman (US) cartero
PO Box (GB), P.O. Box (US) casilla de correos
recorded delivery envío certificado
registered letter carta certificada
return address domicilio de respuesta
signature firma
snail mail correo común
stamp sello de correos, estampilla
surface mail correo por vía terrestre
telegram telegrama


1 inch (in) 2.54 cm
1 foot (ft) = 12 inches 30.48 cm
1 yard (yd) = 3 feet 0.91 m
1 mile (ml) 1.61 km

1 ounce (oz) 28.35 g
1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces 0.454 kg
1 stone (st) = 14 pounds 6.35 kg
1 hundredweight (cwt) = 8
50.80 kg
1 ton = 20 cwt (Britain) 1016 kg
1 ton = 20 cwt (USA) 907.18 kg

1 square inch (sq in) 6.45 cm2
1 square mile (sq ml) 2.59 km2
1 acre 0.45 hectáreas

Líquidos (Britain)
1 gill 0.14 litros
1 pint (pt) = 4 gills 0.57 litros
1 quart (qt) = 2 pints 1.14 litros
1 gallon (gal) = 4 quarts 4.54 litros

Líquidos (USA)
1 US liquid gill 0.118 litros
1 US liquid pint = 4 gills 0.473 litros
1 US liquid quart = 2 pints 0.946 litros
1 US gallon = 4 quarts 3.785 litros


media medios de comunicación

mass media medios de comunicación masivos
television televisión
program (US) programa
programme (GB) programa
broadcasting transmisión
soap opera telenovela
sitcom comedia
drama drama, obra de teatro
series serie
serial miniserie
film (GB) película
movie (US) película
documentary documental
news broadcast noticiero, noticioso
current affairs programme programa de temas actuales
music programme programa musical
sports programme programa de deportes
weather forecast pronóstico del tiempo
variety show programa de variedades
talk show programa de entrevistas
game show, quiz show programa de entretenimientos
reality show programa reality
commercial comercial, publicidad
episode episodio, capítulo
character personaje
newsreader presentador de las noticias
host presentador
hostess presentadora
actor actor
actress actriz

aerial antena
satellite satélite
satellite dish antena satelital
radio radio
radio antenna antena de radio
TV set televisor
cable box conversor de cable
headset auriculares
headphones auriculares
VCR videograbadora
DVD reproductor de DVD
home theatre home theatre
speakers parlantes, altavoces
remote control control remoto

newspaper, paper periódico

daily newspaper diario
weekly newspaper semanario
press prensa
headlines titulares
editorial editorial
article artículo
business news noticias de economía, finanzas
sports reports noticias de deportes
cinema review críticas de cine
book review críticas de libros
the letters page correo de lectores
cartoons chistes, viñetas
crossword crucigrama
ad, advertisement aviso, anuncio
classified ads avisos clasificados
tabloid tabloide, periódico de formato más pequeño
broadsheet periódico de formato más grande
popular newspaper periódico popular (de formato más pequeño)
quality newspaper periódico de calidad (de formato más grande)
supplement suplemento
journal periódico
magazine revista
comic revista de historietas



admiral almirante
brigadier brigadier
captain capitán
colonel coronel
commanding officer comandante
commodore (GB) comodoro
conscript recluta (voluntario)
corporal cabo
draft (US) recluta (voluntario)
general general
infantryman soldado de infantería
lieutenant teniente
major mayor
marine infante de marina
marshal general
paratrooper paracaidista
petty officer suboficial de marina
private soldado raso
recruit recluta (obligado)
sailor marinero
second lieutenant alférez
sergeant sargento
vice-admiral vice almirante


note (GB) = bill (US)

token = piece of metal used to pay when travelling by train or underground. / receipt given as a
present to somebody so that he spends it as he likes
quid = a pound
buck = a dollar
fiver = a £5 note
tenner = a £10 note
cheque (GB) = check (US)
currency = money used in a country
fund = sum of money saved
funds = financial resources
finance (noun) = management of money
shares = acciones
bonds = bonos
assets = what you achieve and possess
to pay cash
to pay by cheque
to pay by credit card

draft = giro
overdraft = giro en descubierto
postal order = giro postal
money order = orden de pago
a deposit
to desposit
to withdraw
to cash a cheque
balance = money in your account
bank statement = resumen bancario
bank charges = what the bank charges for their service
interest rate
safe = caja fuerte
vault = bóveda
treasury = tesoro
exchange rate

to lend
to borrow
a loan
to loan = to lend
to owe
to pay back
due = owed
overdue = vencido
a debt
expense account = viáticos
to spend on something
to invest in something
an investment
to pawn = empeñar
a pawnbroker
mortgage = hipoteca

comfortably off = rich

well-off = quite rich
badly-off = poor
your account is in red = you are in the red
to be on the red line = cover the minimum necessities
to be tight
to be penniless
to be broke
to go/be bankrupt - bankruptcy
to inherit = receive money, properties from an ancestor
heir (masculine) - heiress (feminine) = person who inherits something
to make a fortune = earn a lot of money by working
to win a fortune = win a lot of money on a bet, game, etc.
to run into debt
to be (heavily) in debt
to be up to one's ears in debt
to be broke
to be on the dole

retail = venta minorista   retailer

whole sale = venta mayorista
to buy something in bulk = comprar por bulto cerrado
to give somebody a treat
to cost (cost, cost)
to haggle over sth = ask for a lower price
to cut down = to reduce
cuts = reductions
to squander = throw away money - a squanderer
stake money = money used to bet
to pay in instalments = pay in amounts of money every month
hire purchase
at cheap rates
cheap-rate time = time when the rate is cheaper
off-peak time = time when the rate is cheaper
peak time = time when the rate is more expensive
to refund

budget = presupuesto
upkeep = money needed to keep up something
economical = that doesn't spend much
economic = related to economy


accordion acordeón
acoustic guitar guitarra acústica
bagpipes gaita
balalaika balalaica
banjo banjo

bass drum bombo

bass guitar bajo
bassoon fagot
bongos bongó
bugle corneta, clarín
cello violonchelo
church organ órgano de iglesia
clarinet clarinete
cymbals platillos
double bass contrabajo
drum tambor
drums batería
electric guitar guitarra eléctrica
English horn corno inglés
fiddle violín
flute flauta
French horn corno francés
gong gong
grand piano piano de cola
guitar guitarra
harp arpa
harmonica armónica
harpsichord clavicordio
Irish whistle flautín irlandés
kettle drum timbal
keyboard teclado
lute laúd
machine-head clavija
mandolin mandolina
maraca maraca
oboe oboe
organ órgano
piano piano
piccolo flautín
sitar cítara
snare drum redoblante
sticks baquetas
strings cuerdas
synthesizer sintetizador
tambourine pandereta
tom-tom tam-tam
triangle triángulo
trombone trombón
trumpet trompeta
ukelele ukelele
upright piano piano vertical
vibraphone vibráfono
viola viola
violin violín
xylophone xilófono
zither cítara


Africa African an African
America American an American
Argentina Argentinian an Argentinian
Austria Austrian an Austrian
Australia Australian an Australian
Bangladesh Bangladeshi a Bangladeshi
Belgium Belgian a Belgian
Brazil Brazilian a Brazilian
Britain British a Briton
Cambodia Cambodian a Cambodian
Chile Chilean a Chilean
China Chinese a Chinese
Colombia Colombian a Colombian
Croatia Croatian a Croat
the Czech Republic Czech a Czech
Denmark Danish a Dane
Egypt Egyptian an Egyptian
England English an Englishman
an Englishwoman
Finland Finnish a Finn
France French a Frenchman
a Frenchwoman
Germany German a German
Greece Greek a Greek
Holland Dutch a Dutchman
a Dutchwoman
Hungary Hungarian a Hungarian
Iceland Icelandic an Icelander
India Indian an Indian
Indonesia Indonesian an Indonesian
Iran Iranian an Iranian
Iraq Iraqi an Iraqi
Ireland Irish an Irishman
an Irishwoman
Israel Israeli an Israeli
Italy Italian an Italian
Jamaica Jamaican a Jamaican
Japan Japanese a Japanese
Korea Korean a Korean
Mexico Mexican a Mexican
Morocco Moroccan a Moroccan
Norway Norwegian a Norwegian
Peru Peruvian a Peruvian
the Philippines Philippine a Filipino
Poland Polish a Pole
Portugal Portuguese a Portuguese
Rumania Rumanian a Rumanian
Russia Russian a Russian
Saudi Arabia Saudi, a Saudi,
Saudi Arabian a Saudi Arabian
Scotland Scottish a Scot
Serbia Serbian a Serb
the Slovak Republic Slovak a Slovak
Spain Spanish a Spaniard
Sweden Swedish a Swede
Switzerland Swiss a Swiss
Thailand Thai a Thai
The USA American an American
Tunisia Tunisian a Tunisian
Turkey Turkish a Turk
Vietnam Vietnamese a Vietnamese
Wales Welsh a Welshman
a Welshwoman
Yugoslavia Yugoslav a Yugoslav


bell timbre
brake freno
calliper calibrador
chain cadena
chain guard cubrecadena
dynamo dínamo
frame cuadro, marco
gears cambios
gear lever pasacambios
handlebar manubrio
headlamp faro delantero
hub eje
kick stand pie
luggage carrier portaequipaje
mudguard guardabarros
pedal pedal
pump inflador
rear lamp faro trasero
reflector "ojo de gato"
saddle asiento
spoke radio, rayo
sprocket piñón
tyre neumático
wheel rueda


accelerator (GB) acelerador

aerial (GB) antena
air vent ventilación
antenna (US) antena
back seat asiento trasero
bodywork carrocería
bonnet (GB) capó
boot (GB) baúl
brake freno
bumper (GB) paragolpes
clutch embrague
crankshaft cigüeñal
dashboard tablero
driver's seat asiento del conductor
engine motor
exhaust pipe caño de escape
gas pedal (US) acelerador
gear lever (GB) palanca de cambios
gear shift (US) palanca de cambios
glove compartment guantera
handbrake freno de mano
headlight faro delantero
heater calefacción
hood (US) capó
horn bocina
ignition arranque
indicator guiño, intermitente
license plate (US) patente
lighter encendedor
milometer (GB) contador de kilómetros
mirror espejo
mudflap (GB) guardabarros
number plate (GB) patente
odometer (US) contador de kilómetros
passenger seat asiento del acompañante
petrol gauge indicador de nivel de combustible
radiator grill calandra, parrilla
rear light faro trasero
rear-view mirror espejo retrovisor
rear-view window luneta
seat belt cinturón de seguridad
side mirror (US) espejo retrovisor lateral
speedometer velocímetro
splash guard (US) guardabarros
steering wheel volante
temperature gauge indicador de temperatura
tire (US) neumático
trunk (US) baúl
tyre (GB) neumático
windscreen (GB) parabrisas
windscreen wiper (GB) limpiaparabrisas
windshield (US) parabrisas
windshield wiper (US) limpiaparabrisas
wing mirror (GB) espejo retrovisor lateral


aileron alerón
aisle seat asiento del lado del pasillo
altimeter altímetro
autopilot/automatic pilot piloto automático
black box caja negra
cockpit cabina del piloto
compartment compartimiento
economy class clase turista
ejector seat (GB) asiento proyectable
ejection seat (US)
emergency exit salida de emergencia
engine turbina, motor
first class primera clase
flap flap
flight recorder caja negra
fuselage fuselaje
landing gear tren de aterrizaje
life vest salvavidas
loudspeakers altoparlantes
luggage compartment compartimiento para equipaje
meal tray bandeja de comida
nose nariz, trompa
propeller hélice
restroom/ lavatory sanitarios
rudder timón
seat asiento
seat belt cinturón de seguridad
spoiler spoiler
tail cola
window seat asiento del lado de la ventanilla
wing ala


anchor ancla
ballast lastre
berth litera
bill of lading lista de artículos transportados
boat bote
bow proa
bulkhead mamparo
bulwark bastión
bunk litera, camastro
cabin camarote
cockpit cabina
cordage soga, cuerda
crow's nest canasta en lo alto del mástil
deck cubierta
dinghy bote
ensign insignia
figurehead mascarón de proa
hatch escotilla
helm timón
hoot toque de sirena
hull casco
jib foque
keel quilla
life belt (US) salvavidas
life buoy (GB) salvavidas
life jacket (GB) chaleco salvavidas
life vest (US) chaleco salvavidas
log book diario de a bordo
mast mástil
oar remo
outboard motor motor fuera de borda
periscope periscopio
poop popa
port babor
promenade deck cubierta de paseo
propeller hélice
prow proa
raft balsa
rig aparejo
rowboat (US) bote de remos
rowing boat (GB) bote de remos
rubber dinghy bote neumático
rudder timón
sail vela
sonar sonar
spar palo, poste
starboard estribor
stern popa
tiller caña del timón


berth litera
buffet car vagón cafetería
bunk litera
car (US) vagón
carriage (GB) vagón
coach class clase turista
compartment compartimiento
dining car vagón restaurante
engine locomotora
first class primera clase
freight car (US) vagón de carga
locomotive (US) locomotora
rails vías
seat asiento
sleeping car vagón dormitorio
tracks vías
van (GB) furgón
wagon (GB) vagón de carga


ankle tobillo
buttock nalga
calf pantorrilla
femur fémur
foot, feet pie, pies
heel talón
heelbone calcáneo
instep empeine
knee rodilla
kneecap rótula
metatarsus metatarso
patella rótula
phalanges falanges
shin canilla
shinbone tibia
splint bone peroné
tarsus tarso
thigh muslo
thighbone fémur
toe dedo del pie

elbow codo
finger dedo
fingertip yema del dedo
fist puño
forearm antebrazo
hand mano
humerus húmero
index finger índice
knuckle nudillo
little finger meñique
middle finger dedo medio
nail uña
palm palma de la mano
phalanx falange
ring finger anular
radius radio
second phalanx falangina
shoulder hombro
third phalanx falangeta
thumb pulgar
ulna cúbito
upper arm brazo
wrist muñeca

beard barba
canine tooth colmillo
dimple hoyuelo
eye ojo
eyebrow ceja
eyelash pestaña
eyelid párpado
freckle peca
gum encía
hair cabello
hard palate paladar duro
incisors incisivos
lips labios
lower jaw mandíbula inferior
lower lip labio inferior
molars molares
moustache bigote
mouth boca
nose nariz
nostrils agujeros de la nariz
palate paladar
premolars premolares
sideboards (GB) patillas
sideburns (US) patillas
tongue lengua
tonsil amígdala
tooth, teeth diente, dientes
upper jaw mandíbula superior
upper lip labio superior
uvula campanilla
wisdom tooth muela de juicio

abdomen abdomen
armpit axila
back espalda
belly vientre
breasts pechos
chest pecho
groin ingle
hip cadera
loins zona lumbar
navel ombligo
nipple pezón
stomach estómago
thorax tórax
waist cintura

backbone columna vertebral
breast bone esternón
carpal carpo
clavicle, collarbone clavícula
eye socket cuenca del ojo
femur fémur
hipbone ilion
humerus húmero
kneecap rótula
mandible mandíbula
pelvis pelvis
phalanx falange
radius radio
rib costilla
scapula omóplato
shinbone tibia
shoulder blade omóplato
skull cráneo
spine columna vertebral
sternum esternón


room habitación
balcony balcón
bathroom baño
bedroom dormitorio
dining room comedor
living room salón
sitting room sala de estar
garage garaje
kitchen cocina
basement sótano
cellar bodega
attic ático
study estudio
toilet toilette
door puerta
doorbell timbre
doormat felpudo
letter box buzón
window ventana
roof techo
chimney chimenea
staircase/stairs escalera
flat (GB) departamento
apartment (US) departamento

dining room comedor
living room salón
table mesa
chair silla
armchair sillón
sofa sofá
floor piso
ceiling techo
rug alfombra
carpet alfombra fija
fireplace chimenea
radiator radiador
lamp lámpara
light luz
curtain cortina
wall pared
wallpaper papel de pared
television televisor

kitchen cocina
fridge heladera
oven horno
microwave oven horno de microondas
dishwasher lavavajillas
washing machine lavarropas
ironing board tabla de planchar
toaster tostadora
liquidizer (GB) licuadora
blender (US) licuadora
mixer batidora
broom escoba
sink pileta
tap canilla
waste bin tacho de basura
worktop mesada
tea towel repasador
frying pan sartén
saucepan cacerola
pressure cooker olla a presión
kettle pava
bowl bol
tin opener abrelatas
corkscrew sacacorchos
fork tenedor
knife cuchillo
spoon cuchara
teaspoon cucharita
cutlery drawer cajón de los cubiertos
cup taza
glass vaso
saucer plato
jug jarra
coffeepot jarra para café
coffee maker cafetera
teapot tetera
tablecloth mantel
napkin servilleta

bathroom baño
bath bañera
shower ducha
toilet inodoro
bidet bidet
washbasin lavabo, lavatorio
tap canilla
mirror espejo
soap jabón
soap dish jabonera
towel toalla
towel rail toallero
bath mat alfombra de baño
toilet paper papel higiénico
sponge esponja
comb peine
hairbrush cepillo
hair drier secador de pelo
shampoo champú
conditioner crema de enjuague
safety razor afeitadora
electric razor afeitadora eléctrica
shaving foam crema de afeitar
toothbrush cepillo de dientes
toothpaste dentífrico
nailbrush cepillo de uñas

bedroom dormitorio
bed cama
bedside table mesita de luz
bedside lamp lámpara
wardrobe guardarropas
chest of drawers cajonera
drawers cajones
mattress colchón
pillow almohada
blanket manta
sheet sábana
duvet edredón
bedspread colcha
alarm clock reloj despertador

PERSONALITY - Positive aspect

ambitious ambicioso
attentive cortés
audacious audaz
calm calmo
charming encantador
cheerful = amusing divertido
considerate considerado
courageous = brave valiente
creative creativo
curious curioso
determined = b-willed decidido
energetic energético
extroverted extrovertido
frank franco
friendly amigable
generous generoso
gentle = kind, polite amable
honest = truthful honesto
humble humilde
ingenious ingenioso
likable / likeable agradable, simpático
loyal = faithful leal
mature maduro
obedient obediente
optimistic optimista
organized organizado
passionate apasionado
patient paciente
polite amable
practical práctico
realistic realista
reliable = trustworthy confiable
respectful respetuoso
responsible responsable
self-confident seguro
sensible sensato
sensitive sensible
sincere sincero
sociable = outgoing sociable
strong fuerte
sympathetic compasivo
thankful = grateful agradecido
tolerant = patient paciente
understanding comprensivo
zealous entusiasta

PERSONALITY - Negative aspect

aggressive agresivo
annoying molesto
arrogant arrogante, prepotente
bad-tempered malhumorado
boastful fanfarrón
cheeky atrevido
deceitful falso
dishonest deshonesto
disrespectful irrespetuoso
dominant dominante
dull = boring aburrido
eccentric excéntrico
envious envidioso
forgetful olvidadizo
frivolous frívolo
hypocritical hipócrita
impatient impaciente
impulsive impulsivo
indifferent indiferente
insecure inseguro
insensitive insensible
insolent insolente
introverted introvertido
irascible irascible
irresponsible irresponsable
jealous celoso
lazy haragán
lonely solitario
materialistic materialista
mean = cruel cruel
mean = stingy,  tight-fisted mezquino
modest modesto
moody malhumorado
nosey metido
obsessed obsesionado
pessimistic pesimista
proud = arrogant orgulloso
rude = impolite descortés
selfish egoísta
self-seeking interesado
shy tímido
spiteful rencoroso
strict estricto
stubborn = obstinate obstinado
talkative charlatán
unpredictable impredecible
unreliable = untrustworthy desconfiable
unsympathetic apático
vain = conceited vanidoso
weak débil


aperture diafragma, abertura

barrel tubo del objetivo
cable release cable disparador
camera cámara fotográfica
cover tapa
darkroom cuarto oscuro
to develop revelar
development revelado
digital camera cámara digital
to enlarge ampliar
enlarger ampliadora
enlargement ampliación
expose counter contador de fotos
exposure meter fotómetro
eyepiece ocular
film película
filter filtro
filter holder portafiltro
flash lamp flash
flash socket toma para flash
focus enfoque
to focus enfocar
frame marco
lens objetivo
negative negativo
photo fotografía
photograph fotografía
photographer fotógrafo
portrait retrato
to print imprimir
print copia
rangefinder telémetro
roll carrete de fotos
screen pantalla
shutter release disparador
slide diapositiva
snap (informal) fotografía
snapshot fotografía
telephoto teleobjetivo
three-legged stand trípode
tripod trípode
viewfinder visor
wide-angle gran angular


Act ley
ballot voto
Bill proyecto de ley
budget presupuesto
cabinet gabinete
civil servant empleado público
campaign campaña
capitalist capitalista
candidate candidato
centrist del centro
coalition coalición
colonialist colonialista
communist comunista
Congress Congreso
congressman congresista
democracy democracia
democratic democrático
dictator dictador
election elección
electoral roll/register padrón electoral
electorate electorado
fascist fascista
government gobierno
to govern gobernar
imperialist imperialista
King Rey
left-wing de izquierda
MP=Member of Parliament parlamentarista
Minister ministro
Ministry ministerio
monarchy monarquía
nationalist nacionalista
opposition oposición
Parliament Parlamento
party partido
policy política, plan de acción
political político (adjetivo)
politician político (sustantivo)
politics política
poll encuesta
president presidente
Prime Minister Primer Ministro
Prince Príncipe
Princess Princesa
Queen Reina
referendum referendum
republic república
right-wing de derecha
Secretary secretario
Secretary secretaría
socialist socialista
too close to call muy ajustado para dar un ganador
totalitarian totalitario
to elect elegir
to vote votar
to call an election llamar a elecciones
to vote votar
to run for president ser candidato a presidente
voter votante
Democratic Party (US) partido demócrata
Republican Party (US) partido republicano
Conservative Party (GB) partido conservador
Labour Party (GB) partido laborista
democrat (US) demócrata
republican (US) republicano
Tory (GB) miembro del partido conservador


accountant contador
actor actor
actress actriz
air hostess azafata
architect arquitecto
astronaut astronauta
baker panadero
bank clerk empleado bancario
beekeeper apicultor
barber barbero, peluquero (de hombre)
bookseller librero
bricklayer albañil
bus driver conductor de autobús
butcher carnicero
chemist farmacéutico
chimney-sweeper deshollinador
consultant asesor
cook cocinero
customs officer oficial de aduanas
dentist dentista
doctor médico
driver conductor
dustman basurero
electrician electricista
employee empleado
engineer ingeniero
farmer agricultor
fireman bombero
fisherman pescador
gardener jardinero
hairdresser peluquero (de mujer)
inspector inspector
jeweller joyero
journalist periodista
judge juez
lawyer abogado
lorry driver camionero
mechanic mecánico
model modelo
mailman (US) cartero
nanny niñera
nurse enfermera
office worker oficinista
painter pintor
pilot piloto
plumber fontanero, plomero
policeman policía
policewoman mujer policía
politician político
postman (GB) cartero
psychiatrist psiquiatra
psychologist psicólogo
receptionist recepcionista
reporter reportero
sailor marinero
salesman vendedor
scientist científico
secretary secretario
security guard guardia de seguridad
shepherd pastor
shoemaker zapatero
singer cantante
soldier soldado
student estudiante
surgeon cirujano
tailor sastre
taxi driver taxista
teacher profesor, maestro
technician técnico
translator traductor
vet (GB), veterinarian (US) veterinario
waiter camarero
waitress camarera
watchmaker relojero
writer escritor


restaurant restaurante
drive-in restaurant restaurante sin salir del coche
fast-food restaurant restaurante de comida rápida
self-service restaurant restaurante de autoservicio
bar bar, cantina, taberna
pub pub, bar
cafe cafetería
takeaway (GB) comida para llevar, restaurante que la vende
takeout (US) comida para llevar

food comida
meal comida
hot meal comida caliente
full meal comida completa, de tres platos
square meal comida completa, de tres platos
combo combinación de comidas
snack tentempié, bocadillo
starter / entree entrada, primer plato
main course plato principal
dessert postre

appetizer aperitivo
beverage bebida
bill (GB) cuenta
check (US) cuenta
chef chef
cook cocinero
cup taza
dinner cena
dish plato
dressing aliño/condimento (de ensalada)
fork tenedor
glass vaso, copa
knife cuchillo
lunch almuerzo
menu carta, menú
fixed-price menu menú de precio fijo
mug jarro
napkin servilleta
on the rocks con hielo
saucer platito
soft drink refresco
spoon cuchara
table mesa
tablecloth mantel
tankard jarra de cerveza
tip propina
tip included servicio incluído
waiter camarero
waitress camarera

rare poco cocido (carne)

medium medio cocido (carne)
well done bien cocido (carne)

to ask for the bill pedir la cuenta

to book a table reservar una mesa
to foot the bill pagar la cuenta
to order pedir
to recommend recomendar
Enjoy your meal! ¡Buen provecho!
No smoking Prohibido fumar
No pets allowed No se permite el ingreso de animales


aerobics gimnasia aeróbica

archery tiro con arco
athletics atletismo
badminton badminton
baseball baseball, béisbol
basketball basketball, baloncesto
billiards billar
boxing boxeo
bowling bowling, bolos
canoeing piragüismo
cycling ciclismo
darts dardos
jogging footing
football (US) fútbol americano
football (GB) fútbol
golf golf
handball handball, balonmano
hang-gliding ala delta
hockey hockey
horseracing carreras de caballos
horse riding equitación
ice hockey hockey sobre hielo
ice skating patinaje sobre hielo
karate karate
judo judo
martial arts artes marciales
motorcycling motociclismo
motor racing automovilismo
mountaineering alpinismo
pool pool, billar americano
rowing remo
rugby rugby
sailing navegación, vela
scuba diving buceo
skating patinaje
skiing esquí
snooker billar
soccer (US) fútbol
swimming natación
table tennis ping-pong
tennis tenis
volleyball volleyball, voleibol
weightlifting levantamiento de pesas
windsurfing windsurf
wrestling lucha libre

to call llamar
to call collect llamar con cobro revertido
to connect (US) pasar la llamada
to cut off cortar la llamada
to dial discar
to give somebody a ring/call llamar a alguien
to hang up colgar el teléfono
to lift the receiver levantar el teléfono
to look up a number buscar un número
to make a call hacer una llamada
to phone telefonear
to put through (GB) pasar la llamada
to transfer a call pasar una llamada

answering machine contestador automático

area code código de área
country code código de país
dial tone (US) tono de discado
dialling tone (GB) tono de discado
directory guía telefónica
extension interno
fax machine fax
to fax enviar un fax
long-distance call llamada de larga distancia
operator operadora
out of order fuera de servicio
party persona a la que se llama
phone booth cabina telefónica
wrong number número equivocado

the line is engaged la línea está ocupada

hold the line, please no corte, por favor
I'll put you through lo comunico
Young Spanish Animal
calf ternero cow (vaca)
calf ballenato whale (ballena)
chicken pollo hen (gallina)
cub osezno bear (oso)
cub cachorro lion (león)
cub lobezno wolf (lobo)
duckling pichón duck (pato)
foal, colt potrillo horse (caballo)
filly potranca horse (caballo)
lamb cordero sheep (oveja)
kid cabrito goat (cabra)
kitten cachorro cat (gato)
piglet cochinillo pig (cerdo)
puppy cachorro dog (perro)
tadpole renacuajo frog (rana)


AC = air conditioning aire acondicionado

AD = Anno Domini después de Cristo
AKA = also known as también conocido como
ASAP = as soon as possible tan rápido como sea posible
ATM = automated teller machine cajero automático
B&B = bed and breakfast cama y desayuno
B2B = business to business de empresa a empresa
B2C = business to customer de empresa a cliente
BC = before Christ antes de Cristo
BLT = bacon, lettuce, tomato tocino, lechuga, tomate
CEO = Chief Executive Officer director ejecutivo
CIA = Central Intelligence Agency (US) CIA = Agencia Central de Inteligencia
EEC = European Economic CEE = Comunidad Económica Europea
ECG = electrocardiogram electrocardiograma
ET = extra terrestrial extraterrestre
EU = European Union UE = Unión Europea
FAQ = frequently asked questions preguntas frecuentes
FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI = Oficina Federal de Investigación
FCC = Federal Communications FCC = Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones 
Commission (US)
FCO = Foreign and Commonwealth FCO = Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores y con la
Office (UK) Mancomunidad
FDA = Food and Drug Administration FDA = Departamento de Control de Alimentos y
(US) Medicamentos
FYI = for your information para su información
GCE = general certificate of education examen de bachillerato
GDP = gross domestic product PBI = producto bruto interno
GDR = German Democratic Republic RDA = República Democrática Alemana
GNP = gross national product PBN = producto bruto nacional
ID = identification identificación
IQ = intelligence quotient cociente intelectual
ISBN = international standard book número de libro estándar internacional
MC = master of ceremonies maestro de ceremonias
MTD = month to date en el mes actual
NAFTA = North American Free Trade TLCAN = Tratado de Libre Comercio de
Agreement Norteamérica
OJ = orange juice jugo de naranja
PI = private investigator detective privado
PIN = personal identification number número de identificación personal
PR = public relations relaciones públicas
PS = post script PD = posdata
Q&A = questions and answers preguntas y respuestas
RBG = red, blue, green rojo, azul, verde
RIP = rest in peace que en paz descanse
RSVP = répondez s'il vous plaît responda por favor
SPF = sun protection factor factor de protección solar
TGIF = thank God it's Friday gracias a Dios es viernes
UFO = unidentified flying object OVNI = objeto volador no identificado
UN = United Nations ONU = Organización de Naciones Unidas
WASP = white Anglo Saxon protestant blanco, anglosajón y protestante
YTD = year to date en el año actual

flavour (UK), flavor (US) sabor, gusto
taste sabor
taste sentido del gusto
bad taste mal sabor
good taste buen gusto
taste bud papila gustativa

delicious delicioso
savoury (UK), savory (US) sabroso
tasty sabroso
appetizing apetitoso
mouthwatering muy apetitoso
disgusting asqueroso
flavourless (UK), flavorless (US) soso, sin sabor
tasteless soso, sin sabor
flat insípido
hot, spicy picante
mild, bland suave
bitter amargo
sour agrio
sweet dulce
sweet and sour agridulce
salty salado
sugary dulce, azucarado
sickly empalagoso

to become bitter avinagrarse

to dislike disgustar
to like gustar
to turn sour agriarse
to taste catar, probar, degustar
to taste of saber a
accomodation alojamiento
admission fee costo de la entrada
brochure folleto
camping site sitio para acampar
car rental (US) alquiler de autos
car hire (GB) alquiler de autos
car park (GB) estacionamiento
city centre (GB) centro de la ciudad
cruise crucero
double room habitación doble
double room with twin beds habitación doble con dos camas
downtown (US) centro de la ciudad
flight vuelo
fortnight quincena
guesthouse casa de huéspedes, pensión
guide guía
hiking trail sendero de caminata
holidays (GB) vacaciones
holidaymaker veraneante, turista
hostel hostal
hotel hotel
hotel chain cadena de hoteles
inn posada
motor-home casa rodante
one-way ticket (US) viaje de ida
package deal paquete
parking lot (US) estacionamiento
resort lugar de vacaciones
return ticket (GB) viaje de ida y vuelta
round ticket (US) viaje de ida y vuelta
season temporada
sightseeing tour visita con guía
single ticket (GB) viaje de ida
single room habitación simple
ski resort estación de esquí
sun lotion bronceador
sunglasses gafas de sol
sunblock filtro solar
sunburn quemadura de sol
theme park parque de diversiones
time-sharing tiempo compartido
tour operator empresa de viajes
tourist office oficina de turismo
travel agency agencia de viajes
travel agent agente de viajes
vacation (US) vacaciones
waiting list lista de espera
youth hostel albergue juvenil

to book reservar
to confirm confirmar
to drive conducir
to fly volar
to go on holiday (GB), vacation (US) irse de vacaciones
to go abroad irse al extranjero
to go camping ir de camping
to go climbing ir a escalar
to go hiking ir a dar una caminata
to go mountaineering hacer alpinismo
to go sightseeing visitar lugares de interés
to go skiing ir a esquiar
to go swimming ir a nadar
to go to the beach ir a la playa
to have a good time pasarlo bien
to have a bad time pasarlo mal
to make a reservation reservar
to hold a reservation mantener una reserva
to plan organizar
to rent a car alquilar un auto
to stay permanecer
to sunbathe tomar sol
to take a holiday (GB), vacation (US) tomarse vacaciones
to take a photograph tomar una fotografía
to travel viajar

shower llovizna
drizzle llovizna
to drizzle lloviznar
rain lluvia
to rain llover
to teem down llover a cántaros
deluge diluvio
flurry ráfaga
downpour lluvia torrencial
to pour down llover torrencialmente
to hail llover con granizo
hailstones granizo
snow nieve
to snow nevar
slush nieve derretida
frost helada
ice hielo
sleet aguanieve
to be soaked to the skin estar mojado hasta los huesos (lit. hasta la piel)
to be drenched estar empapado
to be wet through estar empapado
storm tormenta
blizzard tormenta de nieve
thunderstorm tormenta eléctrica
thunder trueno
thunderclap trueno
lightning relámpago
bolt of lightning rayo
cloud nube
to cloud over nublarse
mist niebla
fog niebla, bruma
haze bruma
breeze brisa
drought sequía
dew rocío
heat wave ola de calor
hot spell ola de calor
cold snap ola de frío
wind viento
gust of wind ráfaga de viento
gale viento muy fuerte
biting wind viento muy fuerte
blustery wind viento muy fuerte
whirlwind torbellino
hurricane huracán
tornado tornado
weather forecast pronóstico del tiempo
changeable weather clima cambiante
inclement weather clima inclemente
mild weather clima templado, suave
above zero sobre cero
below zero bajo cero
the temperature la temperatura disminuyó
flood inundación
drought sequía
climate clima (ex. tropical climate)

to be hot estar caluroso

to be boiling hot estar muy caluroso
to be warm estar templado
to be boiling estar muy caluroso
to be stifling estar muy caluroso, pesado
to be oppressive estar demasiado caluroso
to be airless estar sin aire
to be fair estar bueno
to be fine estar bueno
to be muggy estar templado y húmedo
to be humid estar húmedo
to be damp estar húmedo
to be dry estar seco
to be cold estar frío
to be freezing estar muy frío
to be icy estar muy frío
to be chilly estar demasiado frío
to be cloudy estar nublado
to be overcast estar muy nublado, cubierto
to be rainy estar lluvioso
to be misty estar nebuloso
to be foggy estar brumoso
to be sunny estar soleado
to be windy estar ventoso
LIST OF VERBS (Advanced)

Presentamos aquí una lista de verbos para nivel intermedio a avanzado. Por cada verbo se

 el infinitivo
 la forma del Simple Past (Pasado Simple, por ejemplo: I arrived yesterday)
 el past participle (Participio pasado, que se utiliza en el tiempo Present Perfect, por
ejemplo: I have broken a glass)
 su traducción al español

Los verbos regulares forman el Simple Past y el Past Participle agregando -ed al infinitivo. Los
verbos irregulares no siguen esta regla y deberás aprenderlos de memoria (se encuentran
marcados con i ) También hemos compilado otras listas de verbos:
Verbos para niveles básicos
Verbos irregulares

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

add added added agregar
answer answered answered responder
apologise apologised apologised disculparse
arrest arrested arrested arrestar
arrive arrived arrived llegar
ask asked asked preguntar
attack attacked attacked atacar
be i was / were been ser
become i became become convertirse
begin i began begun comenzar
believe believed believed creer
boil boiled boiled hervir
book booked booked reservar
borrow borrowed borrowed tomar prestado
break i broke broken romper
bring i brought brought traer
build i built built construir
buy i bought bought comprar
catch i caught caught atrapar
carry carried carried llevar
change changed changed cambiar
chop chopped chopped picar
clean cleaned cleaned limpiar
climb climbed climbed escalar
collect collected collected colleccionar
come i came come venir
compose composed composed componer
cook cooked cooked cocinar
copy copied copied copiar
cut i cut cut cortar
dance danced danced bailar
describe described described describir
destroy destroyed destroyed destruir
die died died morir
discover discovered discovered descubrir
discuss discussed discussed discutir
do i did done hacer
draw i drew drawn dibujar
dream i dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed soñar
drink i drank drunk beber
drive i drove driven conducir
dye dyed dyed teñir
eat i ate eaten comer
enjoy enjoyed enjoyed disfrutar
explode exploded exploded explotar
extinguish extinguished extinguished extinguirse
fall i fell fallen caer
feed i fed fed alimentar
feel i felt felt sentir
fight i fought fought pelear
find i found found encontrar
fly i flew flown volar
forget i forgot forgotten olvidar
freeze i froze frozen congelar
fry fried fried freír
give i gave given dar
go i went gone ir
grow i grew grown crecer
happen happened happened suceder
hate hated hated odiar
have i had had tener
hear i heard heard oír
help helped helped ayudar
hire hired hired alquilar
hope hoped hoped esperar
hunt hunted hunted cazar
hurt i hurt hurt herir, doler
imagine imagined imagined imaginar
invent invented invented inventar
invite invited invited invitar
jump jumped jumped saltar
keep i kept kept guardar
kill killed killed matar
know i knew known saber
leave i left left dejar
lend i lent lent prestar
lie i lay lain yacer
lie lied lied mentir
lift lifted lifted levantar
like liked liked gustar
listen listened listened escuchar
live lived lived vivir
look looked looked mirar
lose i lost lost perder
love loved loved amar
make i made made hacer
meet i met met conocer, encontrar
miss missed missed perder, extrañar
offer offered offered ofrecer
open opened opened abrir
pack packed packed empacar
pass passed passed pasar, aprobar
pay i paid paid pagar
peel peeled peeled pelar
phone phoned phoned llamar por teléfono
plan planned planned planificar
play played played jugar
pour poured poured verter
prefer preferred preferred preferir
prepare prepared prepared preparar
push pushed pushed empujar
put i put put poner
rain rained rained llover
read i read read leer
reduce reduced reduced reducir
remember remembered remembered recordar
rent rented rented alquilar
rescue rescued rescued rescatar
return returned returned volver, devolver
ring i rang rung llamar por teléfono
run i ran run correr
save saved saved ahorrar
say i said said decir
search searched searched buscar
send i sent sent enviar
scream screamed screamed gritar
see i saw seen ver
sell i sold sold vender
shine i shone shone brillar
shut i shut shut cerrar
sing i sang sung cantar
sit i sat sat sentarse
skate skated skated patinar
ski skied skied esquiar
sleep i slept slept dormir
smell smelled smelled oler
snore snored snored roncar
speak i spoke spoken hablar
spend i spent spent gastar
start started started comenzar
stay stayed stayed quedarse
steal i stole stolen robar
stop stopped stopped detener
study studied studied estudiar
survive survived survived sobrevivir
swim i swam swum nadar
take i took taken tomar
talk talked talked hablar
teach i taught taught enseñar
tell i told told decir
thank thanked thanked agradecer
think i thought thought pensar
throw i threw thrown lanzar
touch touched touched tocar
try tried tried intentar
use used used usar
visit visited visited visitar
wait waited waited esperar
walk walked walked caminar
want wanted wanted querer
warn warned warned advertir
wash washed washed lavar
watch watched watched mirar
wear i wore worn llevar puesto
win i won won ganar
work worked worked trabajar
write i wrote written escribir
an article/item of clothing una prenda de vestir
a blade of grass una hoja de hierba/césped
a block of cement un bloque de cemento
a breath of fresh air un soplo de aire fresco
a clap of thunder un trueno
a cloud of dust una polvareda
a cloud of smoke una humareda
a crust of bread una corteza
a dash of pepper una pizca de pimienta
a fit of rage/temper un arranque de ira
a flash of lightning un relámpago
a grain of rice un grano de arroz
a gust of wind una ráfaga de viento
a head of hair una cabellera
an item/piece of news una noticia
a jet of water un chorro de agua
a loaf of bread una barra de pan
a lock of hair un mechón de pelo
a lump of coal un carbón
a lump of sugar un terrón de azúcar
a means of transport un medio de transporte
a pat of butter una porción de manteca
a piece of information un dato
a piece of advice un consejo
a piece of furniture un mueble
a piece of luggage una maleta
a piece of music una pieza musical
a pile of earth una pila de tierra
a slice of meat una tajada de carne
a spell of hot weather una ola de calor
a spot of rain una gota de lluvia
a stroke of luck un golpe de suerte

aisle, isle
ate, eight
bare, bear
be, bee
blew, blue
brake, break
buy, by
cell, sell
cent, sent, scent
chord, cord
dear, deer
die, dye
fair, fare
flea, flee
flour, flower
guest, guessed
heal, heel
hear, here
hole, whole
hour, our
in, inn
its, it's
knew, new
knot, not
know, no
made, maid
mail, male
meat, meet
night, knight
pail, pale
pair, pare, pear
peace, piece
pray, prey
rain, rein, reign
real, reel
right, write, rite
road, rode, rowed
role, roll
sail, sale
sea, see
sight, site, cite
soar, sore
sole, soul
son, sun
stair, stare
stake, steak
steal, steel
tail, tale
threw, through
to, too, two
vain, vane, vein
waist, waste
wait, weight
way, weigh
week, weak
wood, would

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