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Vol. 3D-No. 49

Services For Former
IGOP Committeeman I
I A memonal serVice was held
Sunday night at thc Menon Meet-I
mg House for R. Milton croasdale'l
62, 27 Cornell Rd, cynwyd, who I
died a t hiS home Fnday mormng'
Protest Ban' Of Essex Ave. Parking

. • . Heinl:' a Column of
Chatter A h 0 u t People
after a long Illnes~.
\ A resident of Cynwyd for 34 1
veal's. MI. ClOasdale was an I
MUSIC· al Program Ready Made Rock Garden in Cynwyd J·'!"""":··:"?:·:"~','/.n(_'i ," "v~::,¥;""{,~ Merchants Feel That Measure
You Know
\automoblle salesman at" Allan C.
Hale, Inc .. for 15 years. He was
IRepubllcan committeeman m Pen-
b th
At Nar er C 00Sh I . " ,

It \\ as \\'ondelful to be able to Icoyel 2 DIStllCt for SIX years.

\\alk up and do\\n Havelford Ave. I He IS survived by hrs Wife. Edith;
that Spnng day Tuesday and to five daughter, Rachel Croasdale,

Rutll ClOasdale, Mrs. Charles

say 'Ill' thlOUgl1 the open doors of Supplee, Mrs. AVldls Dulkerian,
0 h
rc es ra an
t Chd
Was "Railroaded" Through
el'elvone S shop. land MIS. Sutton Myprs, of Texas; Took P a r t in
SEEN ALONG THE AVENUE and two sons, Franklm and Electric Saw Stolen Business Men Vote For Sidewalks Along
•• Da'is tendmt; hiS clgal~
THAT NICE DAY WERE ... lUI'. Lawlence
.. ,J. Paul' CIoth-.---n
Ing rIve

- _
Program Last Friday

Th~ choru~
- - - From Autocar Coo Narberth Playground Property; Initial Re-
Shea back belllnd. IllS countci anel
-' '
and the orchestra
of the Narbert:-J Public School
An Autoear Company employe
was arrested by Lower Merion port On Traffic Survey Favors Parking
PC "g.
v IeI en,
"" •• Bo

plar cs hiS
n 1'1'
OIlS C,olledge. and
II DIn 111Cli nrctl,.tomcci
III hiS ShOD ... 1\11'. Mapl's.'
hat on despite til('
nels Wk ee
gao VI.' a mUSIcal program In the
school audltonum on
The orchestra cuntrlbuted three
March 1.
Township detectives last Thurs-
day evenmg. to police. Earl Lewis
\\IlJmlh of tile \\ellthi'l . 'Dol" sel~('tlOns: SallOis Pray, Romance Hasher, 41, 7251 Calvin Rd .• Up-
Schachter tellmg me all hIS fllends f10m the 15th Symphonv by per Darby, Autocar employe for The Narberth Business Council Monday night voted an
I t k ft
la\ C now g011£' 0 \\ 01 • a 1.'1 lelr Final
tI R
etu rn
Havdn llnd Govotte III G by Bach.
With Mr Barone conducting. Solos
the past three years, was arrested
on a cllal'ge of stealing an elght- emphatic proteRt against the action of the Borough Council
ilnd Petermy commentll1g
vacat Ions on. theRalph IlIC~I'I 6575 Articles \\1.'1'1' sung by Joe spinelh. violin; mch combination np and 'cross in banning parking on the East side of Essex Ave.
f- day 111 pal Ilculal and the st ate of ' Marv WUlster. clarmet: Dick cut, and a Black and Decker elec-
the natlOn's shoes 111 genelal . . 1J)onated SqUier. saxophone: Ted Calleton , rIc saw valued at $135. .. The ban, which Will not take
I,ou 1\IcCartnl'Y. bll( k at her post I clarim t; Marguellte StrIckler. The tools were stolen on wash- New Service Started effect for six months. voted
- llt thc Women's ClUb aftel hel' ReSidents of thE' Borough of: clannet and Jo:m Purring, trum- ington's Birthday. by the borough governUig board
batt Ie \\ Ith the fiu bUg With a pall NUl berth donated 6,575 al tleles of pet
of t!IP pI ettlCst I cel shoes I 1lave, clothll1!l, for men, women. and Fllst
e\CI <een . Fh.rcnc('_ Hull. ne\\ I c ll1lchen dllllllg thE' last clothmg Spmelh. Del POOle. Kmt Heintz;
\ IOlms,ofKathenne
the Ql'chestraBlum, are: Joe - sASHead0f
Resign 0--- - For Veteran Blind ponal'kltnhge eoremcmoml·tmteeen.dation of its
~l's. Albert M. Ackerman, Essex Ave, merchant.~. together
cha."·man of the Motor Corps, With others In the Borough, 10-
membe: of the WCC of Nlll bel th, dll\ e, MI s John Wetzel, cluunnan second vlOhns. Patsy McEnamen,
lookIng lIkr SPllllg. 111 her gleen,of the Nalbelth lllca, announced Mary Lmda McNett. George Kelly
coa t . Martin' beh mel thc Chlos tillS \\ ef'k and Jill Mornll: cellos, Jane Dren-
F·Ire A·-
Mam Lme Red Cross. reported dlCated that they felt the ban had
Tuesday J!l0rnmg, that a new ser- been "railroaded" at a Borough
vIce was mauglll'ated on Marc:l 1. Council meeting When there were
bal bel11g gema l and gooel (om- The tolal l11cluded tlankets and d G 1 B .ow . clannets Each Fnday a member of the no Busmess Council members
pan\. .\J1I11' Phillips 10undllW ot Jlel bl'eldlllQ togetllel \\ Ith 609 ~el~ ~nll t al M I ~ t d Motor Corps makes several t,rlps present.
tile bank COlnel \\1lh il clwel\, PilUS of shoes eo a I.' on. arv U1S er an to Valley Forge Hospital to dnve 1
<mllr . Cal loll BIos Pete lem- DonatIOns \\ CI e made dally at Mal guente Stnckler. trumpets. E tt R I blind patients who have been dls- ' Ban Not Needed
1111'( 1l1'! 0\ CI old t nncs \\ hen Nar- the BOI ough FIl C Ha1l wllcre a Bob Senft. .John Purnng, and I nne ep aces charged or given weekend leave. Sevel al merchant.~ stated that a.
belth \\as ,1 lot smallel tllan It 1< group of \GIUnleel \\olkelS sOlted ~'Iscllladstevens~,/luiJirWalte~ Neely As Chairman One group catches the midday pJivate SUlvey of Essex Ave. busi-
110\' '''alt
plfHc 100\-'1l1l! IcslNl
Casco back 11 I, IllS par ked al tlr les fOl slllpmellt Mrs. onn:
Samuel .J McCartnev. 111 Offellng I Wally Emmctt; organ. Mary.Tn-
Iurns. Ir I IS at: train from Paoli to Eastem pomts, nessmen showed that the ban was
Of Board of Directors and a second group takes one of not needed because few of the
IIPlp flom tile Women s Commun- I pI(lan and plano. PhylliS Smith. the latel' afternoon trams to the stores on that street require on-
It\ Club. aPPoll1tcd MI s Challes I Till' chorlls sang three songs: Thomas Ennett member of the W!'st. street parkmg.
Onl' nf the funni!'st {'venls of Halnden rhalll11an of the club I Th~ Brll Buoy. All Through thel Penn Wynne Ove;'brook Hills Fue Mrs. Ackerman reported that The.merchants also voted Mon-
the \\l'ek. . . j\101'1 is Chios was gloUI, of pa{ kel S i Nl!' 11 llnd One WOlld. ComPany. was elected challman of I not only does the Motor Corps day ,nIght to ask the Borough to
illvih'rI ovcr to the Bala-CYn- \VOl kll1g \\ II!J MI S Hal nden I The rhorus has been part of the tile boal'd of dlrectols of tile Un- driver take th' men to the sta- ~I oVlde SIdewalks on the North
\\, n H:lsiness ASSOCI,I tion's An- I\\"I MIS C Dp\\pps, MiS A B ,qhool
L ,_ b for 16 tt veal's. There have tl 1011 Fue ASSOCIation of LOwer l Ion but t pUlc)ases d tickets and Sl e 0 f W es t H aver for d Rd ., a Iong
the Nar~erth playgrout: property.
nu,,1 Banquet I.l,t "'ellnesda\ n d
Dalllngton MI s J B Tllylor.l een .OPNC as given . In lC Merion Tow'nshiP last Thursday Ichecks luggage.
night. The dinner \\as dclicious I MI' C L\ on MI s R JO\ ce and I ehol u~
and thcre \\crl' \cr\ nice r1nor MI <; Chal!ps Hammel
hlstOJ v mcludmg,. The
Pled PIPel of Hamelm-1!l32, The mg..
h t '
. I Batt L' h B·d
- 0 __ - - They pomted out that If the play-
ground property were pnvately.
]ll'lze" g-i\ en b\ thc a<;scll1bled
hll<ine~smen. ,"ell, gi\ e a j!uess
Otl1('1 \ oluntN Is \\ el e MI s W11- : Tpa House of Smg Lo-1933
llam Rlle . MIS Fledf'llck MJ1nel ChOl1lta-1936, T:le Chimes of
He succeeds WaltI.'I C. Neeh,
plesldent of the UDlo.n ~ile As-~ aunc es I mstead of muniCipally, owned,
sidewalks would have been re-
ahollt \\ho \\on 1\\0 dinner tick- 1\11' JOSPpll
;\101'1'1". E\'el',onc had lots of s

Mlo Hall v Holler

Baker Mrs Al thUi NO! mandy I A Chllstmas Play)-
ets for thl' Bala Inn? Yes. it wa" Stllplc MISS Glare La \\1 enCl'. and 1939: and A Folk Festival of Our
COllntn-1940. The chorus also
SocllltlOn of Bala-Cynwyd. and I
Mellon. Neely has been chairman IF
of the ASSOCiatIOn's bO,ard since
I or ongress ost
QUired long ago.
Howald Cotter preSident of the
Busmess Councri, gave a report
fun rihbmg him ahout it. l1e
\\n" a j!ood sport about it. as -ses contnbuted to the
IllS! \eal, A Commumty Rises.
ThE' membr:rs of the chorus are:
!nven 1931. He asked.
Withheld flom lenommatlOn.
Heleafter the UnIOn Fue Asso-
hiS name be
on the survey which IS being eon-
ducted by the palkmg committee
of the Council m cooperatIOn with
PI'I usu.l!.
('all :\letz~er. .Jr. and Dnnall!
Al11e'hul\ lcPlc"enlPcl the bilnk
Red Cross Ra. Fll st sopumos-Bal bala Ely.
Kal helme Blum, .Jean DiCkiE', Jane
Dlennen Nancy Hawley. Deedee
ciatton of Bala-Cynwvd and Mer- Asks McConnell to
IOn Will be represented In the As-
soclatlOn bv Robelt J. Ll11dsay, Reveal His Vote
the parking commnttee of the
Borough CounCil under the diree-
tlOn of counCilman andw Mont-
0 H . B'
oO\\n th('le Ihat nH~ht And they
\\ele \('1\ \lOP,Ullll g\lcst.s too.
'\t the BOI 0 Busllles" ('nundt
Less Than 10%0 ____
Patten. An1\ Ste\\ III 1" Mary WUI-
,~tel. G:lli Blown. Jelln Glaham,
Eha MUlla\, JackIe
Dlllnnc Cuthbel t. Barbara Hutton.
Cotter, AftI.'I planmng to fix a rockgarden behl11d her home at 34
I H d I f
chief of the Bala-Cynwyd Comp-
any. and GeOlge L. Haskell, chlhr-
mall of the file bngade committee
A lesolutlOn thankll1g Neely fOJ
n ouslng III
. ----
Wilham L Batt. Jr.. candIdate
gomery County safety engineer,
Robelt CamelOn.
90 , Favor Meters
:\Innl!.l\ lur,ht. thCII' "I'rC a lot \Tolunteers in Drive 'Patsy McEnamen MalY Lmda
IMcNett Ann Neilt!lerv. Vicky
Rock HIll Rd. Cynwya. Mrs. Donad ar y was spaled a ot 0
tlouble when a rocky 40-foot hillSide gave wav and slid mto her
IllS "Valuable service" WllS passedlf 1
III last ThUlsel'ay nlght's meetmg. or t 1e Democlatlc nominatIOn as mg Issues. the number of cars and
The sUlvey mcludes the fol1ow-
nf interested and "Italh {'on-
elrned hUSIIlCS,m('II presellt. It Only Obtained ITn'ano Nan Simons and Shirley I bark yald and that of her nelghbOlS early Wednesdav mOln1l1g. Other oftlcels of the ASSOCiatIOn Congles.sman from MonlgomelY tnlcks used III busmesses m the
\, -s !!(\od to 1,11"'\ thllt the 1(['21 ()93 50 I Weiss I Retammg walls. 15 feet high were broken under the force of the ale T Han\' West vlCe-plesldent· County. launched hiS campaign m BOlOUgh. whele the cars and
(ouncIl's \\eHall' r('sts nil 'U('ll i -1' •• • _ __ Second SOPI anos-Bob Senft" shde. Telephone lepall'men are cleanng Wll es which \H're broken Ed win McDern~on secretary: Lower Mellon Townslllp Tuesdav: tlUcks of the bUSinessmen In the
II1CII'S shnuld"l;, as Bob Hohson. __ MIke Case\. E\ elyn Cam Betty I and covered by the fallen debl'ls. G ' d . I bOl ough al I.' pal ked dUllng the
.J .T "'hitesHle, .\dcnn IIOI'slc\.
Mallllll1l'ls ga\e less tllan I"ol.Jl'an E\ans, Diane Klmp,man.1
rinll'as ~cott. thc Hollar famil\". of t11P Quat'! to the Red ClOSS Bctt\' Jane Mflklc, Carol Lee 40 T L dSZ-de S0 Z H - eOlge L Haskell. treasurel, an night.
I Wllh~m B. TitloW, JI., finanCial: HiS openmll: shot was a chal-'palk thell cals and whether mel-
day; where employes of bUSinesses

Barn Breslau. nn'l nthers like Fund Dll\ e for 1946 111 the onc- Rol!l1ls Babs Flsc:ler. phylliS OIl
all .0___ _ : [iii t!!es ouse I seci C alY_. len~e to Congressman Samuel K.; chants are 111 favor of parkmg
.'&'~;zari, P
ro blem. F or C0 Ione,I'.s F am[-'I,y Ia wyne V t I i metel s The SUI vev IS not com-
thl'ln. The\ ha,e t1H'ir C\'l'S and SmIth Pllscllla Ste\ enson Bar- M 'C II J R
I'a I S open tn brill~ 11101'1' busi- dll\ c0111Fl tlOn
B"SS n1li1 Nl'rbert:. .\I:d theY I T:1P total colli ct'2d la,·ft 81.n-1 LOIlIse Cotter. Susan Hoffman,
hal a TI'IIllITl, Cllrmella
es I
c anne, 1'.. epllbhClln In- pleted. but It has bl'en noted that.
,',m.L.. !, to diSCIO,;e 'how he voted almost 90')" uf the mel chant,s 111-
COllt111d"cl on l'aQe 7'1'0
da\ \\hen 1200 \\OIKerS wele stn\'- Silllv Hover
m~' fO! tl1P $265,000 goal n('cessalY Belt\' .Jane Stewlll t. Eleanor Cath-
to r!lll\ on the \\OIk of Red Cross ('Iman NOllna Byld and Patty
a I home and ablOlld \\ llS $21,- Mllrshllii.
Gwen Hunsicker.
Vote to Jom- VFW
A landshde-not. as a rille. Ie-I Mrs. Hardy With a smkmg
. garded as a welcome OCCUllence heal t. pI epal ed to Jom the nllser- i
• •
on the Patman bIll for vetelans' tervlewed all' agalllst parklJ1lt
houslllg. I meters Metels llie not an Issue
• D Batt ~POke at a meeting of tune, but the Quesl Ion 15 being
With the BOlough CounCil at thiS

Club Casters Place 09~ 50 01 le:;s 1 han F ,

la I d 14000 b l b
I Alt os _ Er nestll1l' BIll ndimartl. In a reSidential commuDlty- Ia ble I anks of weary house-.1Unt- I
VOllll1teelS al'ead\' had con- 1'.1111\' Tllplrlan, Mal'Y Jane San- prOVEd a blessmg 111 dlsg\llse Wed- ers
'lmr Dol Pale R I d BI nesday for Mrs Donald Haldy, of I Then. at 8 AM, t\\O houls I L' d AVe Al
\\ emOClll ;c h comnlltteemen lllld Iasked fOJ fut\lre purposes.
I omen 0 t I.' township and Nal-
belth BOI~ugh. held, at the Town-, The BOlo\luh COUllCII comnllt-
Tho,e Present
0r:;~~ ~o~~. "1 ~ ~PIl1~lh, 1~1~~rles ~f:~= I befO! I.' the WOUld-be pUI chasel eglon anI
In Sport Show I
VI\I:nO\ a' andr

R('o ClOSS hcadqwlltel . \\0I1,ers

slat rd, \\ hen Mis. Charles
01 S

een I man, Joe
Gleat dIsapPOintment IS felt atlhanson and Balklev MacLaren.
36 Rock HIli Rd. Cym\ yd.
MIs. Hardy, \\hose Almy-colonel:\\as due. a 40-foot hIllSide behmd 'Voo For Affiliation:
TenOH; _ Wnltel Byrd. Call husband has been 111 ~~1lna forithe house suddenlY ~loke loose.
E I GlOSS Edwllid HackfOld, Jimmy the last 30 montlls, lents the I t~mbled mto the b~ck yar d, and Of New Grou p
1-\ so ,sh!'p BUlldmg m Aldmore

,Connell to leveal how he voted, IPennSylVllnla

It ee s ban also" lneJuded the threE'-
I challenge Congressman Mc~ Clll palkllJg alea 1IJ the Nalbelth
Isald,.the youthfUl ovel'seas veter- Iell r Ie on the NOl th side This met
Rillhoad Station

L. 1\1[. Group Enter

Ken\\ OJ t h\,. associate cJ1Rll'Inan of ISI11\'tl1 llnd Dick Squier fr~m
house an Upper Dal by leal bloke t In~ugh a letalUmg wnll ~;;te~n~~:n~\I~Il~'~· ~~~~e
I bIll was de-I \\ ItBh the mell'hants' approval.
thp Alam Lll1e Blllnch No 1 Fund I Bass-Dick Bailey, Phellx Bran- estate film Not long ago the 115 feet Ing.l. Thl ee veterans 01 galllzations (A t Ill' t u t . uSllJessmcn at the meeting
Show Held Recently I call1~)atgn announced t;le' figtll es : ~~QI~:~to~Oa~ldM~~~I~~;'~elcharles ~~~~e~'~l~tp~~~p~~~~~eo~u~~: ~:J; ISP~~ht~~e ~{~~s~.~,o~~~ /a~l:1 J~ :~=
I spoke Mondav night for the affih- Istead oef a~s~voel~n:;~'~~~' ~r~ ~~~ ~~~e .. 1'; H:;l~~:·~s~~'Jl ~rCh~~~
'In City 1\1 useum
--- -
,01 AII,'n E\ ans IS dUll! man of
t.l,e (ampa~gn III tlll.- llila. NarberthMan Hurt
_ ,. [lln appomtment to see It yester- i ported aftel ward. "they took one I atlOn of mOl ethan 60 Gladwyne I\\ hen theIr names are called flom FI ank TlIlker, Rober 1 Hobson:
'day. I Continued on Page Two vetelans, \\Ith the expenditure of the loll. the ConRressmen file past HO\\llld COUt'l, Mrs Helene Wat-
kP~~I~~1~111~ell~~~\ ~~~t;:d~a~~\~
fhc Sou, Iwustel n PennSVll'allla
Chaptel leoOlts LIla! gencrall\
lea t
----- -
G 'ddl HWSmit·hEIeeted - - -- --- - - - - - - 'a $725 wal memoJlal fund m t he a teller who I ecords. each \'ote as 1\\ ood. Hall y Breslau, Ralph Scott,
for 01 agamst the billm QuestIOn Haln' Hlllber.stadt and Adeon
JelO se\ Vu gll1la and pall s of speakmg t l;p officials' of the O!-
P(nnsvl\"nla. L"slpls of tlwLo\\CI gal1lz.lllOn ale !!lallfied \\Jth the
MCllon Rod and Gun Club \\ all pubhc s I
lOp honol s 111 pltl::: {astll1g at the ,1 ppral and prrdlct tllat t;le quota I
pspon'~'to the allnnal
n rain ACCI-dent
I s ron
Listed as Surplus

ApPlOxunatelv 15.000 cast Iron


Head0f YM Board,\\\
_ - I
ballllnce r
Tle \elelalls of FOlel!m WillS the voter.)
as the successlul blddel, but who
ItllOut recO! ding the Identity of i HOl'sle\
I 1he Conncil voted to Inclease
"Fm tllel," Batt del"1nl ed, "r the IInmber of BUSllless GUIdes to
I\\ III expend the mone\, and on defy hml to defend hiS pOSItion be pllnted tram 3500 to 4500. The

PllIlaelelpl11a. 1\1 at G I boa t llnd of 53400000 \\ III be I ('aclled i gllddles, declal ed sin plus b\' the, hat kind of a Pi oJect still 11.'- If he voted agamst the bill and. I gUides WIll be sent to homes 111
SPOI t smrn', Show \\ hlCh l'ndcd RpPOlI s flam tile 40000 01' m p Al my .... 1.'1 e ofIeled for ~ale to' malllS to be deCided. I t hel efol e. agamst the veterans' In- I the Nal bel th-Penn VaIley lIr~a.
b~ll G I lI1aJOllt~ , - ·0- - -
c'll1\'assl11~ L I~ M D
last SutUlda v III the ComnH'lclal \oluutcpr sohotors \\h'o hll\ Arthur Denman PrtOl'ltv claimants, Vetel'Uns, and And the vote for the ten'sts"
Phlladel Ina ancd tflle I . '. M II
0~ltl\:1I10 Of~u{ks
Museum It1 PllIladelul1la. I to trade channels m a natlon- VJ.r'W ll'aves two vetelans glOups I He explained that the Patmant I
C.lstll1g WIth novlcrs on Monoav counties C'w I Injured SerIously Wide sllle. startmR todav, the Ardmore Branch Held "Ithout an 3ffihatlon-the women bill would have prOVided low r'os l I rs. • i. C onne
('\ rnmg Bob Sclil1chter of Up- I el D:Ja\\ al e 'and Mont"o~~sr;' T d N' ht Phlilldelphia Regional Offiee of E I ' 1\1[' \ pteillns and the men who did not I housing for veterans and thplr, New Nursing Chief
pel Dillin, lunlOl Il1Cmbpl of the I le~o \~ 01 kCI to hop t1{; I th ues ay Ig the War Assets Corporation an- ectlons a t eetlng see ave Iseas Sfl \·Ice. Member- families. the largest group of pel- I
Cluh lcd tile pOUll \\lth a sroIC:a\'elllPe per~~n IS a\\~le ~f th~ ---- pounced. M N'd ht ship III the VFW IS restllcted to Isons affected by the action. I MIS LOlliS F McDonnell.
of 95 pel cent 0111 of a po~qgle post~\~lll nc~d for't'le "allOUS Red Inillred senouslv when he was The gnddles origlnaIly cost the on ay Ig tho<e who haVe sPlved 111 hostile I Frank A. Keegan, chau'man of IWynnewood P a I' k Apartment.s.
100 On the ~econd novice U1gl1t, Cross agenCI('S and 'IS plann~g on trVll1R to board the Paoli Local Government about $40.000 and zones overseas. llnd no women the committee, pledged full sup- i WY'nnewood, hilS a<'eepted the
TUf:sda\', t\\O lUl1l01 members. EI- bU\'ll1g "sha~es" III the cam- 111 Nlllberth station, Althur G. all' 30 mches long by 20 inches Dr Howard Wavne Smith was membelsF~e accepted. I port of Batt's challenRe. Hp Il1ged I chaIrmanship of the Home Nur~-
1I1CI Jenkins JI of Nal bCI til and palgn Denman of Nal berth Hall Apal t- Wide With a grease groove. The elected chairman of the Boald of N I VI I Got 37 Votes t.hflt evel v family with men in ser- I mR DepaJ tment of the Ma111 LillI.'
Gleg'! Bowcn of UPPCI Dalby, ._ ments IS stlIl in the Bryn Mawr eooklllg surface IS fiat.. smoot hly 1.'\ el t 11.' es.'3, the VFW got 37! vlee should make It thell duty to IRed ClOSS. according to Mn; Ar-
pla('ed filst and scc'ond. lespec- P' k K' f hS I HospItal suffenng from severe ground and clean. The Ilandles I Managers of the Mam Line .otes out of male than 60 cast, check on their Congressman's vote thur P. Baugh, Jr, Blanch chalr-
tl\'eh "Ith scoles of 90 per cent II IC lng 0 C 00 l1ead III Junes and lacerations. are 5 1 2 mches long and located m I Y. M. C. A. at the monthlv meet- ~h: AIl1;nClln Legion .came I~ Ion any measure affectmg veterans. i, man
Rnd 8tl PCI' cen'. and Wa!t<'1 Mles- At Reverse Dallce Running to board the 917 tl'aln cenler at OPPOSite ends of the mg held Monday evehlllg. sefcotilld \\Itth 20 andtthetlemamdell Chillies J. Hepburn, Jr.. of BIVD MIS M<DonneIl IS well known
I, tl I tl I tl . grIddles ' O l e vO es went 0 he Amel'1- M . De no 'at 'and d t t f I, k ' tl tl Ch t
en Pt'l
85 of cent
al ) t I 1 scol ec
'On PIlcla\' nl' ht l'xpel t
Ill{ \\ 1 1

B I II I_a Cl all outstandlllg
c6lllOl. \\ as cro\\ ned Kl11g of
1\11 s EIlf'n A Dlt'tlld I 01 UPPl'l Lo\\ el Mel Ion belOl e an entlllhl-
' L M.
fl~ l~le ~1~~ntls;~;sw:2~~truck
:', ' . typed n- I
Arroya Installed
I to Philadelphlll, Denman : s h p p e d ' ----- ••- -
Other olflcel s elected were vice- Can V'CI ,t, ans. C omml tt ee. stateaWl, senator
chaIrmen Walter E. ROsellgalten, I Replesentatlves of both the I Countv to'succeed the late FI ank- {ontlnuouslv fl am
I CI flom IC C Montgoml'l

MIS. GeOl ge P Yocum, Geol ge H \ FW alld tlle LegIOn spoke to the I1m Spencer Edwonds. who dlee! 111 tile {losllIg of the selVlee in 1945.
I a e Ol\' I Biood
01 leIDoIlOI \\ 01 Sen'lct'
"I 1 She
le workE'd
ap er
Hal bor to
D,ll bv pl.H eel til st \\It 11 .1 seOI(' t, -(Il' CI 0\\ d at the annll,tl He- nH dl,ltel~ lind he WRS. tal,en to the' Gilbert, James D. Ho\\ son, re- \ del ans belol e the, vote WlI S !offH'e lind MI s. Mal y MOl 1111 it\', 'Hel \\ 01 k lllc!ud('d Blood Donor
of 97 1)'1 cenl 'l11d Ellit'st Jen- \CIse Dance held at the Do\\ns ;lOsPital 111 the LO\\tl Mellon Po-
killS ot 'r-m bel th' tH'd to! second Gym, Lo\\ el Mellon SenJOI High, Ice am~ulance
\\ Itll Lester Amblel of Plospect I Mal ch 2 , I A Pfc. 111 the Almy SpeC:lahzed
. As UOI·on Presi-dellt cordmg Secletal\', MIS Sumuel tal'en. TheIl' WlIS no lePlesenta-i of Cvn~Yd {'andldat!' fOI Demo- Plocillement 1II the 156 CatholiC
McCallney: u eaSUlel I Thomas tl\ e ot the AVC
Steere. Newlv elected membel s to The ,meetm
g plesent. l'1 atlc eommlttee~oman. wei e 1Il- Pallshes 1\'; \\ ell lt~ III many fac-
was called by I tl oduced. I tOiles
Park eat h sCOllllg !l6 pel {cnt On, TIll' klllg s COUI t mcludt'cl Jim TI a mll1g- PI ogl am. Denman was the Board weI I.' Robel t Blown of FI ank lltlow. dla1l1l1an of a tern- I --- ••• --- I She has been an aeilve member
t J ,: st oft Jenkms \\ on second !flllmgt on, preSident of the Stu- to have 1-:1 aduated from Hahn- Bala Cynwyd, Ed. M Mann of I POI al y committee of velelans of I T t Orche"'t a of Ille Speaker's Bureau of the
~1~~~l('l ~arch ~e Cr(),~s ~nd
111e llfO the r\"nll]!! b\ <colll1g (.pnt Councl!, John Kane and aman Hospital whele he was a •• Wynnewood and MIS. Nathaniel tile {'ommunlty. Its purpose ranspor '" r Mam Lme Branch smce Its mcep-
b~ ~lat~d
1 \\hl(I(' Amble; thf'n Dwk Po\\ell. footblll!. and hasket- medical student on 12 Lauds RelatIonshIp Egelston of Ardmole. Membels two-fold. For Hospital Concert tlOn In the 1946 Red
took thl! 096\\ llh hiS cast -off SCOI e I II stal s, and Buz Wethel ald. \\ as IO! hiS AI my dlschal ge B t A t d of the nommatmg committee wei I.' 1. To delclmme WIth which na- . I Dnve she Pi esented thp. Red
of fll PCI' {cnt In lhc lllCIII11I_ltaptllll1 of 1111' L M. A{'~s. on Mallh 11. . e ween .I-\.U ocar an IPentz Plppm, chairman. Ellll E. tlOnal ~'etplal~s organlzatlOn the I Mrs. Ben!amme Ogden Wynne- ,Cms.s story at the Nalbplth Wom-
n:1II('S e!tlling thc nl~t fi\c days I Young and Samuel W. Gealhalt. 10S;'l1 gIOU~ \\lsJ,led to affihate. I . . challman of enteltamment llns Club, the ArdmOie Woman's
wo Od
Joann: Hutton, L M s Quppn, The son of .Dl. A. ,J .Denman, UWA Employes
f tl . k M s D t '1' 97 and hel COlli t Plckeel the kmg of 119 WmdsOi Avc. Nalberlh. he In acceptmg the election and ~. To decloe \\ hat use should be IfOI the Camp and HOSpltlll com-I Cillb Rnd the Mal11 Lme Soropti-
SCOI~ fxpre?sl~~ I~S agprec~tl~~1
o lC \\('c I. IC III 1 s , f,nO cout t flom the clowd Tom hilS been m the service three veal'S ---- ' f 1 n.llde of a memonal ftlnd whleh Imlttep. of tile Southeastern Penn- I Cllb
I)PI rcnt \\IlS third 11lr:hest I[Jalhngton supplH'd the mtlSIl' ilnd HIS "'Ife and thlee month old son:
bf'm~ toppeo by Brllne\ Bellmgpi s I the elanrp \\as under the directIOn Robed Arthur hve at the Nar- Depaltment 49 of the Autocar 10nOl J. mil. sal,
,John Arroya. a fender maker in, 0 t le now llmounls to $725 111 maturity sylVlll1la Chapter. Amellcan Red I mist t - -- -0- --- -
(philadelphia) ,9.9 J!pr cent and of tile Stlldent CouncIl.
,Jay C RcedlAlcxanullll Vngn2 1aJ 1__
bcrth Hall APa·ltments. Company, took .0fflCe Sunday af- a need [O~' °fnentl~gbmledmber~t~1 collected dunng th~
ternoon as preSident of Local 131, ~ h I.' mat 1.'10 a n,e\\ UI mg. UI committee of Gladwyne lesldents ported membc'rs of the P1l11adel-1
lele IS \;tlne of Will Bonds The fund Cross, leported tllat on Marc:l 1
Will' bv I the
Red ClOSS Motor Corps trans- I Narberth Swamps
ld A d
98 Pf'1 cent In 111(' fin.tls on sat-
tllda\ e\ enmg. Robel t Lavll1 of I
1 ll. 1 l' ~
United Auto Workers, CIa.
The umon reeenUv Signed a elect a dlgl1lfied and u~eful
Job and obJect1\e should be to COIllmlted all PUQc Two plna Oll'hestla and Eugene 01'- I 't a ron
mand\', {'ondu{ tOl, to lhe' Naval I The second game \\ Ith Waldron
ca emy
Phllmielphla cast a 100 pel cent i ,\' two-year eontracl WIth the ('om- Y. M, C, A. bUlldmg to serve tillS YOllth- C--O--lol-Il--C-I'-l Plan Hospital fOl a concert fOI the AcademY was plHyed at Nalberth
for filst Jo~epll HOl\ath of Beth- ar Finance Committee pany, Mum Ltne commu11lty." patlU1ts I PUblic l School on JanulllY 25. The
lelwm. fig Pl'1 eent fOI second, "The labor movement at Auto- A resolutIOn of appreCiatIOn for S . · C f AccOldmg to Mrs Ogden. tltiS IS' flnll SCale was 37-13 1lI fllvor of
and B.llrll'V Bplhngel, 9B pel Cl'lIt OUI TO\\11 of NlIlbelth' cal' ts different," Anoya comment. the selVlce I'elldered as chauman III lug on erence the thud veal' tllat the P;lllaoel- NllIbelth. High scoler was LilliS
101' thlld Tile enclosed Dlstmgtllshed Serviee Citation IS llwarded by the ed followmg hIS installation. "The 101 the past three years was gIVen The Main Lme Inter-Youth pilla orchestla lind Ormandv ~Ith 14 pomts. Frankenfield.
01 her Lo\\ el Mpl'lonltes \\ ho 11 P:!SU1\ Depal tment lind the Pelll1S\ lVal1la Wal J.r'mance committee company and the men have II le- to Homel H. Wewll t. AdclitJonal COllncll met on Sunelu\, attelnoon! tHlve gener ollsly Riven of thell' Snvdel and ChlOs ealll made two
maoe excpl!l'llt s~on's dUIUlg last k Intion,~hlp wllleh makes It one members present weI e Jul!:'s PIO- at the Y. M. C. A. to' leal "lllllZe Itime lInel talent to bllllg a lull POllltS. McQlIlston and BaileY
\\<:ek's sho\\ wele 111 co en oj sen lI'es lenaI.'I cd dunng a tune of our Countl y'S need. happy family. That's because of vas t 0 f St . D .WI d S, t 1le R evelcn d lind plan the annulII SPlll1g" COII-,length I l'oncelt dllect!y to tile made six pOInts ellch. Thaw
Hl'nl v Dillin Ch,lIl,'s Spencer, M.ll1v thanks fOI thp outstanrlll1g contllbutlOn of yoU! 01 gRniza- the high mtelligence of both the Gene Stone and Alex J. Wilhams telence Paul Beck, 2815 Belmont sel \,Ictmen, S{OI eel five pomts.
Sr. llnel .Jr Ho\\pl! DIt'LlICll, Bob tiOll Pf'nns\l\al1la's leLOIo has been high m every dllve The Sec- men and their super\'l.SOIS which of Haverford.
WI1Rl t nab\ Joscph Deel v and WII- 1'<-1 ql v of Ii1£' TI paSlil y !lnd the Stfi te War Fmance Committee ale makes for gleater understandmg
1:11 d BUllock ali of Uppel Dal b\, iJrlJlJ(J to ilcknO\\ led;!(' the hel') \'0111 01 nalllzatlon 1
'Ave, and a leplesentat,lve flom'
VagI am 11lghhght.s wei e gIVen I St. Mal y·s Episcopal ChUICh was']\T
'd between management and em- by .Augnst a Becker, Execullve I['hosen prcsldent other officers I e H' Yor k
- !.!.. EXI'llert RllpS -------------

LJo\'rl DuBOIS Bala-C\'n\\'vd, VII'-
lei "·crt. I mOlC: \vll
stan,S RoxbOlO\H:h: A d
.. It el ,10111-
FIllnk GOlman.
1 ':1HI Ar'('ornpll~hm{'nt
.... las given tOWlll
II IS hoped thal thc lllfoll11atlOl1 about and tlllderstandlllg of I man of the cont.ract.
Arrova, who served as {'hall'- an d M rs..
Secletary. find NOIman L. Fullel ale Dave PlelSon, \'we-plesldent,
J E B el tl es, ASSOCla t
I.' Theodore Azpel!,
Charles H. ShelIen- WIlham H. Sapp. Jr, tleaSUlel.
i secletalY,S and M · erlOJl
b bI F
U, ll,r
k l ClISe

II r{lll e
South Ar dmore, and Eddlf' AnelcI- G()\ell1l11ent financm:;: pr omotrcl among our Citizens dunnlt the War Continued on Page Two ber~~r, General Secretary of the Committee apPollltmenls mllde
son. Nl11bclth. • Fmancp PloglAm WIl! canv o\'er into pear.e time TI 'i ------ Metlopohtan Y. M. C. A, was also thus far ale Harnet Smlth. pro- Ernest Goodl'lch. New York He was the prinCiple witness
The L{)wpr MNlOn cllstels \\111 ' 1e \\ se man R R T't t H d present. glam chairman: Norman Bem1lng- zoning expert. did not spare called by Frankel in ll. suit
compcte 111 both plug and fl\' cast- I accment of our tremendous debt IS VItal to future PIOSpel'lty and • • I US 0 ea The 45th InternatIOnal Y.M.C A. hove, chall'man of publiCIty; Cor- Merion's exclUsIVe resldehtlal brought bv Menon residents to
Illg fOI' accuracy at the cOmll1g c(pmands oUI' enhghtened support, 40 \\ as sound during the war !,'r Savings Bonds Sales ConventIOn WIll be held m Allan- tune Ganl;, chairman of supper reputation when he testified last block construction of a SIX story
Phlladelpllla R (' C a l' d Outdoors t!.e cltli:ens 01 the Country to buy and hold the securities of their tiC City March IS, 16 and 17. Del- allangements: Wilham Sapp, Jr., Fnday at the continued E. J $1.000,000 apartmEllt house at
Show in the Convention Hall. GovelDment, It IS equally sound dUlm" peace time to flnw '_ Robert R. TituS, Villanova, has ega~es ~Iected to attend from tile chan'man of registratIOn. An ex- Frankel apartment house hearmg Latches Lane and Old Lancaster
March 8 to 16. inclUSive, , - ce nef:u been appointed M 0 n t g omery Mam Lme board are Mrs. George ecutlve committee meeting will be in Norristown. Rd.. .
On Februarv 28 members of the' ed Government bou'owlI1g the same WRY. To that end E. F. and G County AdvISOl'y C~airman by the P. Yocum. Earl E. Young and Au- held March 11 at 7,30 P, M. at In fact, it brollg~lt "ahs" and After the testimony was com-
Lo\\er Menon'Rod and Gun ClUb, i Savmgs Bond:; and Savmg Stamps Will contlllue to be offered by U. S savings Bonds Division of gust O. Becker. the Y. M. C. A. "ohs" from a group of Lower Mel- pieted last Friday Judge Knlg~t
led by their Fresh Water chalr- Tfi':'st of the eXlStmg Issumg Agents. the Treasury Department, Wash- ----- - --------- ion Township residents in the reserved deCision.
~nry rumm 0D f U
pper As vour active wOlk m the War Fmance Program comes to an program, for the sale of Savings
ington. D. C.. 1D the continuing I ssues
ppea uys
N Hew ome
front benches of Judge Harold G. Chief objectors to the apart-
Knight's Montgomery County ments are Dr, Albert C. Barnes.
~~~~\V~I~ee~M~~I\;?~~ryc~~~n~~ ell'J, WIll you not conSider your members MINUTE MEN AND WO- Bonds. Mrs. Francis J, Earley, mother McMUllin & McMulhn have COll1't. head of the Barnes Foundation,
stoe k 500 rainbow tlout and 200 MEN RESERVES, ready to respond to our Government's future The continuing program will be I of the youngster Who was struck sold for Flank Gaffney a colomal They were prompted by Good- which IS only a stone's throwaway
bro'\'n trout 111 Mill Creek. FiSh-, fi:13nClal nC€d::., May the men and \\omen of Pennsylvania continue ings fOl Lhe fall' of E. F .. dEductIOns
and G, Sav- ' by a cal' December 15. at 7:15 residence and garage located at rich's testimony that the exclusive flom t~le apartment site and the
Bond'. PayrOll IS P, M .. at Bryn Ma\\l' lind UnIOn 23 ChUl'ch Rd , Ardmore. for $12.- MerIon suburb was "far from the Menon CiVIC ASSOCiation.
elmen ar~ asked to abandon fish-I t hplr sl length 111 Ulllon uS111g It nnw fOI till' solution of the prob- all plaCES of employment In this Aves.. was Issued an appeal fot· the 750. The pUichasel. Paul Galla- best in America" He said that Goodl'lch, in direct contradlc-
in/! In thiS stl:eam. u,:,til Api'll 15 lems of Peace as they d;d m Wal COllnty \\ ill be continued, as weIJ I gentleman who aSSisted the driver ,!ller. will OCCUpy the property for homes in the suburbs of Los An- Uon to test.imony offered for the
Sll1eel ely ~ 0111'5,

In o,"der to aVOid InJurll1g the lrout as the sale of bonds and stamps of the car to take the bm' to the II.,!, residence. Sherman Reed of p;eles. C~icago and New York were plaintiffs at II- hp.arlnl/: several
that might be hooked unmten- in schools, banks. and all com- hospital, to commul1lcate with her Thomas & Gloshon, Inc., cOOP- superior. I Conttnued on Pari' Two
tio !Iy. PENNSYLVANIA WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE. munity organizations. l at Cynwyd 0713-W. erated. .

OUR TOWN 24 Servicemen On' Arroya Installed ESTATE: OF ROBERT W. BURRITT, late
ot Township ot Lower Merion, Mont-
Gladwyne Vets Town Talk Artist Featured
. Conttnuell from Page 1 aomen COunty, deceased. .
Letters Testamentsn on the above
Contlnuea from Page 1 Continued from Page 1
Coter as IIl!cond cia.. matter October, 1938, aT the fOg Offlc• •,
Narberth. Pa., under the Act ot Marcb 3, 18711. committee last year, served a.s a Estate ha.vlnll been granted to the un- headed by Captain George Van- know the way to go about It,
At Meeting of
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic ASlociation Discharge Report member of the committee for two
years previously.
Politics have been his hobby
deralened. all persons Indebted to said
Eetate are requested to make Immediate
payment, and those having lellal clalme,
to present the same Without delay. to
del' Veur, Lower Merion Township too" •. Nice men, all of them.. ,
pollce executive, was earmarked
for wha~ever us~ the local vet-
• •
Saw Mrs, H. Ricklln on her way
Women's Club •
OEORGE A WALKER, President anel Bdltor ever since the depression which SUSANNA E. BURRITT, erans might decI~e upon. up Essex Ave. t'other afternoon...
HELEN FITZPATRICK Business Manaller 320 CherrY Lane, WAC Dcscrlbe~ AVC Do hope that Arthur G Denman
SUZANNE Y. WINGATE, Associate Editor
H LESSERAUX Advertlalnl MBDaaer
Only Six On List hit the country after the last war, WynneWOOd, Pa.
Or her Attorneys: Norbert E. Birch, &Q., .MISS Frances. Perkms, a ~ormer Jr" of Narberth Hall APartments:
Of Men Returning
during the early twenties, but the
labor movement has been his 260 S. Brosd St., Philadelphia, Pa.;
Desmond J. McTlehe, EsQ., 400 De- prmclples of the ~ VC, when no ,..
V;~C, volunteeled to explaIn the Dr A J Denman's son Is recover-
"Anyone can paint," stated
artist Jon Gnagy at the monthly
Published Even Thursda, greatest concern for 26 years. Kalb St., Norristown, Pa. representative appeared at the ling f;om that nasty a~cldent he meeting of the Women's Com-
Deadline tor advertising and news copy-Wednesda, II A. M.
Subscription rat&-a2 pcr ,ear In advance For Furloughs He worked In auto shops In O.T. 2-28-6t. meeting , suffeled on Tuesday mght. . . . munlty Club of Narberth on
. . ' I lIal Donnelly was on his way to T d ft·
Publication Olflce-Elght Cricket Avenue, ArdlDore, PI.. J ' ! Phlladelphla from 1920 to 1929, NOTICE AIt Ilough the AVC IS an entlre- I Atl t' C·t t' ·tl tl lues ay a elnoon.
sm~ I
Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740
Member or Bucks-Montllomen Npwspaper Publishers AJlsoclatlOn
AmonR t le local servlceI?en when he came to Autocar. He has
an~ w?men who have received been in Ardmore ever since.
their discharges at various sepa-' .
AUDIT OF '. . 0 .a za .IOn, M'ISS p ' an
IC I Y 0
el- 'I Stage Door Canteen for his for- Wille
kl.ns said, It. was started by a mer buddies at the hospital down dextrously wield~d h~s paint brush
G nagy, I'11 ustratll1g . IliS
. pornt.

'd Iher daughter, Penny, 3, were ration centers are: , The growth of the UnIon at Notice Is hereby ltlven to heir., glOUp of vetel ans of the last war. there Ginny Durbin Is home tl'om easel to pamt Jars and back
40 T.on L ans I e 1 dressing In an .upstairs bedroom' Lt. Nancy A. Cooke, Merion. : Autoca~' beg~n abo~t tha~ time, legatees, creditors and all parties In A charter for the group Is ex- on a ~Icit~rm vacation fro~ Penn again, putti~g life Into two pieces •
Contmued from Page 1 when the rumbI1ng started. Mrs. I T 15 William S. Adams, Haver- ' and Alroya IS credited with the :;:~::th~v~t :ececg~~~dI~ ti;~e (~W?~I~~ t~f~te~u~m~~ passed by Congress State, . . Her cousin Bob Durbin of paper, With tempera colors.
o Ralston grabbed the half-clothed! ford. pe3:ceful methods of .organizlng the Reelster ot WIllis or Clerk o( the Frank Ch~l1engel' d It diS- Is up at Autocar in Ardmore. . .. The I?embel's. and guests of the
I ok at the ~ack yard and ~le~; I child and ran Into the front yard. I T ISgt. Richard A. HoyleI', which have charactenzed labor Orphans' Court, as the case may be on trict commander of 'thee~m~rican Club,. listened mtently. to. Gnagy
They wouldn t even go upstairs.: Other residents along Rock I Wynnewood. relations at this plant. For such ~~ed~tJr b~~r':se~::d~oar~e ~~~a~11,.~ Legion organization, stated that I hope you heard Narberth stu- te~ch.ll1g them tl:~ pn!1cIPles of
The landslide spread a deep' Hill Rd. watched anxiouslY for' Pfc. Frank C. Rowan, W. Mana- relations, however, ~roya gives
layer of dirt, rocks, and bits of several hours, but the rest of t:1e yunk. ~he company fuII credIt, emphaslz-
Court of said County on Monday with a nation I
Aprl! I, 1946, at 10 o'clock A. M tor .
b ·sh·
. . a mem el. Ip O .
f dent, Tom Lillis on WIP's Frances pamt~ng, ',The ~I tlSt, mtent on
, ' teachmg hiS audience as much as
broken retaining wall over Mrs. slope remained In place. S/Sgt. Robert M. Myers, mg that Local 131 had no strikes ~~?:lr~~tI~~r~tet~hlirolt~~,th~r~~3~~t representatives
over two 1I?-11I10~, the LegIOn has sMatgudlre Teen-.Age EPlogram lasht ~ possible in the short time alIot-
Hardy's back yard and that of Though no official explanation Wynnewood.
her next-door neighbors, MI'. and could be obtained, the neighbors
during the war or since.
S/Sgt. William L. Joyce, Bryn . "Th.e year 1945 was a crucial
Judee ot said Court, wlll sit In Orphans' the Veterans Administration and heard it said that it was a fine n~q t 0 h'
rn all branches of
~l~~[t~ =~n~ t~:arCo~~~e~~g~:, ~~ Is doing everything in Its power program, and that Tom's teIllng of'
a ur ay mornmg. veryone w a ltd
ue as e pam e .
::n I ' d h· t h
e?C Pt ~ne IS ec-
Mrs. Robert Ralston, 34 Rock conjectured that the early warm Mawr. tIme In la~or relations, but with same and lDake distribution ot the bal- to help all veterans. G~~gy left a Philadelphia ad-
HilI Rd. ,weather had thawed out the i
2nd Lt. Frank B. Mitchell, the contmued cooperation of ances ascertained to ba In the hands VFW Restrictions
the Junior Red Cross work done,
over at the school was very com-' vertlsmg agency, Ivey and El- , .
The steep slope, :leavily plant- i frozen:lillslde too quickly and I Wynnewood. management, the. Autocar Com- fM~~~S'ganJtiLORESG.-Late minor- Lewis Lodge, past chief-of-staff prenensive. ! Im~ton. several ~e~rs ~gO, .to
ed with honeysuckle to avert! caused the sIlde. [ Lt. Col. Howard G. Kurtz, Jr.,: pany and the. UnIon. shOUld be Feb. 23-Norrlstown - Penn Trust of the VFW State Department, Jean Bruggeman, from Lower; v.: nte ~ book explal11mR hiS a!tls-
j Ust SUCll a sll'de stloctclles from I Th . Ardmore. 'able to maintaIn thelr fine rela- Company, Odn.
, . , e r e are two stone-quarrIes T d . k Ib t·onshl· wh'ch ree gnl' e the ASHENFET"'ER ABRAHAM J F b 27 in explaining the policies of his Merion High School, took part at , tIC . prl11.clples m Palm Sprmgs.
-Norrl':town-penn Trust &;~pany. Cirganizatlon said that member- j the same time, and told about CalifornIa.
the back doors of houses along' within two blocks of the spot, 15 Fre erIC B. Ho rook.. p, I 0 . Z S
Rock HilI Rd. up to the back but investigation showed there'd Cynwyd. . Importance. of the }ndlvidual!>n Trustee for Virginia Ashen(elter :,hip was o~IY open to veterans I their 100% contribution on the . While writing his book, he de-
doors of homes facing Cornell Rd. been no blastl'ng at either Wed- more Pfc. Challes L. Stanton, Ard- the produ~tlOn
The wele ~rroYa
offICers line., rnstalledsald.
bY BARNEY, Farrelll.E. C.-Feb. 23-Charles who had served overseas in hos-I part of Lower Merion to the new ,c~ded tl1at he sh~uld be teaching
(now LAURA ;'
fotO~~~ig~nd r~~;\~7~gth~I~'~Il~~e 1~~ ~;~~'~~o~Orning or the previous Pvt. Carl J. Smith, Bryn MaWr. George. Kempf,. representative of BLA~·E~a~~"'Ne6Ral.i:lr~ivRE IAlso tile waters and that no exceptions Fund Drive. Both Jean and Tom, alo.n.g the same lines that he was
to that ~uling could be made al'e connected with tile Main Line wntmg. so he came .East again
almost any other time of d a v ' Pfc. James C. Jones, Ardmore. the regIOnal office of the UAW In knowne as Eleanor Morison Blake)-
c~i1dren of' the communltv wouici In August. 1941. a blast of dy- Pvt. Ephraim Mallckson, BaJa. New york, at St. CQlman's School ilY:k :, E":t:.lon-Feb. 26-Morlson under any circumstances. I
Red Cross Jr; B;an;h. ~o teach a~ ~he Grossmger Hotel
Pfc., Phlllp R. Martin, Glad- H.all m Ardmore. They .Include~: Lodge also stated. in reply to a In tile CatskillS.

have been playing in their back namlte .at tile Dolente quarry on BOERNER. OSWALD C.-Feb. 27-The
yards.' Rock HIli Rd., n~ar, Conshohock- I wyne. : Victor T. Myers, ~rst vlce-pr~l- HatCIeld National Bank. Trustee for question from the fioor, that scr- . ~Jnderstan~ t hat Horace .Subspquently, Gn3gy has open-
women could not be admitted I Fntz hurt hiS wrist last weck ea a school In New York, and one
When Ihe hillsirle started slip- en State Rd .• tl1lev: tons of rock, T/5 Thomas H. Younger, Bryn Ident; James McGUire, second vlce- CHJ,px~aA~J~~~·tstown-FPb.20- vice to membership until a national I and had to have it taken care In New Hope.
plnll: Wed~esdav' Mrs Hard . was over the s\lrr~undIng area a,nd i Mawr. 'president; James T. CosteIIo, re- E. Beatrice Houck. Admrx. c.t.a
at the breakfaRt tab'l~ with yDon~ s:lOok homes With earthquake I~- 'I T /4 Charlotte Scott. Narberth. !cording s~cretary; Joseph Barba- CLARK, C. LOUISE GRIFFITHS-Settlor \'ote had been taken. ' of up at BI'Yn Mawr. Du-u- He started his interesting car-
id 11 and Helene 6 pupI'ls at tensity for more than a mile Sgt. Charles P. Vauclain, Haver- ! no. finanCial secretary; Edward J. -Feb. 27-Norrlstown-Penn Trust Women's branches of the Amer-I n.o? that he is out of ~he se~- Eel: early, i~ life - palntinl< •
a ,. , 'around f 'd 'H It t· . J h P Oris Company. Trustee. lean Legion have been formed in vICe now. Roger Martm (stili thlOUghout hiS childhood despite
the Cynwyd Grammar School.' . .. ! 01 . : a on, leasureI', ose~ , - CLOUD, MORRIS A. (otherwise M. A. PIliiadelphia. However, each post in his Navy officer's ~nlform parental .and c.ommunity disap-
They heard the rumble and ran I Rocks welghInR as. much as i Sgt. Robert ~. Fasold, Ardmore. colI and Joseph palelll~o, trus- Cloudl-Cheltenham-Feb. 25--May
to a window in time to see the I 1000 pounds blocked Rock Hill T 14 ValentIne L. Hummel, tees; John T. Payne, gUide; Her- CRA~~rf~~UdAtfli~D-Feb. 14-Corn on is permitted to decide for itSelf -he hopes to .gct his. dIscharge prova.1. HIS family were Mennon-
question of admitting wo- soon-and Laird Mm~ were Ites Il1 Hutchmson, Kansas. He
eart:l cascade into their back i Rd. and dammed up Gully Run, Cynwyd. •bert Roberts, sergeant-at-arms; Exchange National Bank and Trust menthe members. with him wher he had his hand left home ll:t the age of 17 to be-
yard ,a concrete-lined open sewer. One Pfc. Calvin L. Love. Ardmore. and, WaIter Forrester, George Company, et aI.. Trustees (or Alfred
Rlgh't Into the Kitchen ! huge boulder snapped an electric T/5 Homer C. Simons, Nar- Dolan, "Yippy" Fondo~s, Cliff Rey- CRo~MTI.'r~,JrCHARLES E.-Sprlng- can The membership of the Amer!- care ~f '.' ; ~o.e art dlr~ctor of an advertis-
The family rushed out t.he pole a~d anot~e~ fell at the feet berth. . . .' n.olds and Charles Fish as addl- ((eld-Feb. 27-Annle E. CronmllIer, to both Veterans Committee is open In~ agency m Tulsa. Oklahoma.
men and women vet- postmaster Joe KeIlcy from MIS. Samuel J. McCartney pre-
front door just as the slide broke of .a v. oman slttmg In her back: Sgt. E.dwal d L. Cahill, Mellon: tlonal board members. Admrx. • erans down at the Post Office was tell- sided at the meeting. The guest
through the retaining wall. tore yald. Captam Hugh D. Leahy. Nal- ••- - - - CULft~:pe~I¥~s~'c~~~a~~NAo~~W: Starting their post under the inl< me that Joe, Jr., who is sta- ~inger of day was Mrs. E. N. Mer-
down the clothesline posts. and I ---.-----. berth. . N w York Zonl'ng lary Trustee u/w to sell real estate temporary chairmanship of Lodge, tioned in Manila, called home at kel, Jr.
ripped in,to the screen door of'
l1e kl·tcllen. I CHURCH NOTES Captam Jules Junker. 3rd,
Wynnewood. f I Continued from Page 1
e DELANY, HOWARD S.-Lower MerIon
pany tor 27-The PennSYlvania
Insurances and the Gladwyne group appointed an 4 A. M. the ?ther morning. It
on LivesCom-
investigating committee to ap- ~as the first tl~e th~t the fam-
Community League
Next door. Mrs. Ralston and,' Christian Science Church ar:~~~reJh=sV;~~~~~~er~o~bota~!J weeks ago, said that such a build- DtrNc;,FO~~~ tg%-¥~tles:..-etJ~~'rl~t"o\~,sri_ prove all prospective members. Ily had talked With hIm In near-
• ':. , "Man is the. subject of the transports arriving from overseas ing as Frankel proposes would im- Feb. 27-Norrlstown - Penn Trust TIle committee consists of William IIY two years: He expec.ts to be The Main Line Community
'I!' " i Les~on-Sermon m all Churches of are: prove the neighbOrhood. ComPanY, Admr. Elliott, Elmer E, Baltz and Alec home some .tlme 111 Apnl. What League will hold its monthly for-
I ChrISt Sci tl t
i S d M In fact" sal'd Goodrich, the plans
10. 1:he ~l~e~o~ex~n i~r' "T~ll~ m~:~: William G. Sharpless, Ard- indicate that Frankel's building Is
FILLMEN, EMMA M,-Pottstown-Feh. DaVidson.
~~B~~nche F. Erb. et aI., Admrs.
a phone .blll that would have urn meeting on next Monday eve-
The group also voted to retain been, had It been reversed charg- ning at 8 o'clock at the Main Line
steps of a good man are ordered Sgt. Thomas G. McNutt, Ard- a "super healthful" type of struc- FINNERTY. FRANCIS J.-Late Mlnor- the original committee of Frank" es. : Y: M. C. A. The speaker will be
b~.' t~le Lord; and he dellghteth in more.
, 1, ture and will not, contrary to Feb.
Gdn. Montgomery National Titlow, Ignacius Dol' n J 0 h n 'Sidney Fox, chairman of the
•, IliS way" (Psalms 37:23). M/Sgt. Richard Freeman. Nar- ot:ler testimony, have a bad effect FREECE, CLYDE I.-Upper Providence Laughead, and Joseph McGilvery i :understand O:at. Mary YO~ll1g Co un c.i I of Soviet-American •
A. n.lOng Bible citatl'ons C001- b e r t h . . upon the health of the commun- -Feb. 27-C.
FURNESS. Allan Freece. 27-Fldel-
RADCLYFFE--Feb. Admr. until a complete governing board I Mdlcr IS on hel \\ ay to I."lol.lda Fnendshlp.
- pnsmg the Lesson-Sermon is the T/4 FranCIS Hayes. Bryn Mawr. ity. Ity-PhlladelPhla Trust Company, could be appointed. I
a.nd that ~arbara has an Il1Vlta-, -C>~ - '-~---,----,,---
•, following: "So God created man 1st Lt. Robert D. MacKinnon, In answer to a question from Trustee. Suggestions for possible uses for tlon to .JOin l,;er. at. any time. . . ~"0 -z:::, "0, -<0--C>~"'->~""i,)
in his own image. in the image Narberth. Frankel's counsel as to whether GRIFFITHS, JOHN H.-Feb. 27-Norrls- the Memonal Fund were tabled b y ·
i, ('

S '
, 10f God created he him; male and 1st Lt. Robert D. MacKinnon, tile apartment would have a direct i~~ni%~~~ ~~ff~~t~~m6I~~:: Trustee the committee until a more de- Merntt Lentz Is. back in I'
' ()
~ - -" (';
, female created he them.... Know Narberth. bearing on the safety of the GUMBES. JOSEPH H.-Lower Merlon- finite organization is formed and t?wn, finishln~ up hiS edllca- . () I I ,~\~ ,)
I committee can be apPOinted, to t~on. He plans to 1:'0 to collel:'e . \
I ~, P ,
" 1""
I ye that the Lord he is God: it is T 14 William C. Park. Haver- neighborhood, Goodrich answered Feb. 27-8arah Jane Gumbes. Extrx.
- h tl h f d t~lat "cel·tal·nly I·t will be much HALLMAN, ANNIE E.-Norristown-Feb. apresent them. whel~ hc Is through. Good luck c: {( II
1 e .lat ath made us, and not or. 27-Joseph G. Hallman. Extr.
I we ourselves. we are his people. .. - ---0-----..··- safer than the single famlly HART, MARY G.-NorrIstown-Feb. 6- Several suggestions were men-, to him. •• 0 \fr. ()
and the sheep of his pasture' Isabel 11. Hice tohouses, that are not fireproof." Warren Geiger. Admr., c. t. a.
() '.

HEAie~·. 2~~h"~~~Hr;a).,;:°i:~~~wn- Among tioned at the meeting,. however. Remember And\' Burns? Well () "''I .,' "- . ) ) ! (I
(Genesis 1:27, Psalms 100:31.
Tri-Hi-Y Members
! Wed A rdmol'e Man
Asked by counsel for the plain-
tiffs why he thought the construc-
Satllrday, Mal'ch ,'>0
HUEGEL. CHARLES-Worcester - Feb. Gladwyne
them were: addmg to the
Free Lib' ., bId·
tion of an apartment in that par- HUi~-~~~~Rr2KH~~~~~/~'e:t~~I~:r:to~e monumen~ Wlt,h a~l vet-, riflcally interesting with engi-:. V,' \ 'L~,"
.. " )
I un.derstand he IS home f:om the C' l i ' , .. ,,]
UI mg iSl'rvlce and domg somethmg ter- ' I :
., • ~~
, ,-
. ~'I

C) ticular area would be an improve- Feb. 27-Edna H. Hurd. Admrx.

. ns names mSCllbed on It and neering or chemistry Welcome i I: '\ ~
" .,!
I ()
NARBERTH Two new members, Frances; The marriage of Miss Isabel ment rather than a 'hazard, the KOHL. KATE C.-North Wales-Feb. 26 Joining
Page an.d Ph~.'liss. Dudley. joined! Virg,inia Bice. daughter of Mrs. witness said that It Is becoming
the local fire company. home. Andy, and 'do 'stop up at i \; '\..£:\ :.-',........ ' \ ' . ' ()
Electric & Radio Co. tlle J ulllor Tr I-HI-Y which meets! Gilmore Bice, of Sh\\"anee and St.
-Eva M. Cressman. et al.. Extrcs.
a. comlnon pI·actl·ce to bu\'ld multl'- KOPP. ANNIE-Whitemarsh-Feb. 16-
Northern Trust Company, Admr.
.---.-. I the office to say 'hi' one of these: C! ,,\~)\ ~ N ()
Cor. Haverford & Forest Aves. at, t1.1e Y. M. C. A., on Tu~sday I' Davids Lane. MeriOn Golf Manor, pie dwellings along main high- c. t. R. Merion Cub Packs to days. :0 ~~ -, ',) , I)
elenmgs under the leadership of to Mr. Roy Patterson Soreter son ways. instead of single homes. He Kll~~:..~~~~~1p.\;:-Sa"I~~d~~,~-:-Feb. Be Sponsored By . Paul GOOd~\'ea'r, :0
his moth- !() " 'J.. ~ G (I
_____N_A_R_R_F._.R_T_I_f_4_I_H2 M.. ::.,I.,. .ss,. of Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. SOl:eter. was referrinr. to the fact that Old I,ANDIS, ELIZA O.-Franconla-Feb. 25
of Conshohocken and Millcreek Lancaster Rd. had previously been -KathrYn O. Landis. Admrx. 'VI'C
CI ASSOCI'atl'on er, Mrs. C. J. GoodYear told me, I) 't;>' )
Rds .. Ardmore, will take place on designated as a busy thoroughfare LANf?e~: irI~I~rrgto;-n~~~~to.;;:~~ is vacationinl:' in Mexico from ' / i.

Saturday. March 30, in All Saints' for traffic. ComPanY, et aI.. Extrs. Recently organized,I the Merion ye olde Army. He's another ':) 1/ATS ()
William H. Wilson of William LAR:~n~Aft~atc:';~'a;J:-~~;;~l~~°"Z;; Cub Pack will be sponsored by the person I'd like to sce when he ,)
I Church, Wynnewood. The Rev. i.')

Gibson K. Bell will officiate. H. Wilson and Company said he

A reception at the Merion had been selling real estate on
Marlon J. French (now 'Marlon J. Merion Civic Association. The fol- gets home. We figured It had ()
Cricket Club tor the immediate the Main Line for 46 years for LA"";.RENCE. J'RANK-~est. pot;:,grove to the CUb Committee:
lowing men were recently elected been at least 12 or 1:1 years
since the Ogdens and the ()
Our Easier Parade in- ()
eludes gal a straw,;, ()
I families and a few friends will fol- $25.000 and upwards. He said he L>;;N'I~' i:tIZAo;i'~ JR ..!{;~~~ D~rgl~o
low the ce'remony. COlJld I'emember back [,0 the days
Stewart S. Kurtz. Jr., chairman.
Good 'ears lived
-I>eb. 26-Augustus Lentz, et aI., A. K Fitzgerald. W. H. Meador, ~t~:~~nu~ro~e. e~~d ~~~=~ f~: (J fells, fabrics, glamo/lr- (
a . oss
e I) )

I ~~~~~ The couple were entertained in- wh~n Latches Lane was called I LorJg'l'6'RE. SAMUEL R.-Pottstown- Austll1 Homer. W. J. Donahue,
I formally by Mr. and Mrs. William UnlDn Ave.
F H . The apartment Frankel plans to
Feb. 27-E;lIzabeth L. Stewart, et P
al .. Extra.
Cornelius Alexander, John J. Herd, I we I lave~,;. 0
W D'
. lIDon,
G '
d'd 1

. B. Euler, N. G·I Manv thflllks fOI' VOlll' letters (l

ous wilh {lo/lcers, l'e;I.'l, ()
rib bOllS , , , the hal.'l "he ()
I . arnson, JI'.. of Bryn Mawr. build, said Wilson, "will be better McCANN, WILLIAM H.-Cheltenham- Kappler HAKe W . L . anci calls. . ' I'll see
. you next " I,' Ile.<;.l" ' " COIJI- () •
~~~r. 25 - George Henry McCann,
Ion Saturday. March 16. Ulan anything now In Lower . . . . mman, and ()
THE HOUSING PROBLEM 1- ------ -:::---~-- Merion township" and will in- McCARTER. LOUIS N.. SR.-Norristown Dusen, Klll1k. J. H. Tolson, C. H. Van week. 'B"e now.
and D. H. Urfer. :' . . : f) pee /I
I i If"
emIT"ne. ash-
f (.)
I clude "everything that can pOs- -Feb. 26-Louls N. McCarter, II. I''. iOll-wise beuulie.<; ••• /IOU') "
Consider t he "~e olel problem and the modern aD6Wpr; wherp An
i HEADQUARTERS sibly be put into any apartment MILt~\~~ERTB.-Pottstown-Feb. C. L. Price, cubmaster, the pack
built in 1946 or 1947." 27-The Security Trust Company o(
Under the leadership of Robert
Garden Club Monday';/ Ill/1st dell' our exciting ()
has done outstanding work in buH- ' () )
elderly reIA'I\'e is II\'ing with l,er folks In crowded Quarters. MODERN
HEALTH Conva!,',cpnt. Hnmp nlfers hpr ,paclouA lown,. a home equal
l for H~ "pooh, pool~ed" the previous Mol'3~\~~W!}H~~~~S-Feb. 8--Natlonal ding the ideals of cubbing and Members of t.he Penn Valley.) colieel i01l .• , , (
to her own. A ,unitt room (furnished With her own furnlturp I( de-
.Ired). delt~htful companionship of her social equals, entertainment
and recreation. '
testimony of witnesses for
plaintiffs that it would have anv
. effect
. from a health • safety
t:le Iron BAnk of pottstown, Sub.
tee (or Josephine C. Flannery.
Trus- community spirit P H 1..<> _I· Ga.rden ClUb Will meet at All (.
necker and J K' Ruckd . h tg~ Samts Church, WYnnewood. on! (1
Feb. 26-Morlson Blake, Executor the assistant 'cubma te' esc e ale I Monday. March 11, at 10.30 A. M. i:
From $3·95 up ()
The fOOd I' excellenr-an Abundance or freAh \'p~ptable~ And tnllt ,pubhc morals standpoint. As to ot Eleanor Le Fevre Blake. deceased, _ _ _ -~~~ to go to. the ~ome of Dr. and Mrs.; () (~)
.juices-and modern .clentlfic nutrition. Visit Us And plan your new 'health, he said. an apartment of Donee o( Power o( Appointment. 't E s. W. Zimmeiman. Old Gulph Rd.. 1 () II
home for mother toda)·. the tY~e Frankel proposes would M0j,~,:, 4~~c~~Padt"~~~~t~~; lS L ngagement of Wynnewood. The club will hear I ' 1/ .
• Re!rrences reQuested.
, be an Improvement over a batch OBERHOLTZER, Annie E. Richard. VICKERS-BridgepOrt Thomas D. Wood, 2nd ~uft~~e~~ ~~e~_i.m __m_erman on the: ~ Helene P. Watwood ( ) ,
220 E. Lancaster Ave.
All Medical Needs
To Fete Debutante
Daughter at Dance
-Feb. 26-Marlon E. P. Auch, et
al.. Admrs. Mrs. John Moynihan, of New
O'BRIEN, EDNA C. - Lower Merlon- York, has announced the engage-
Feb. 26-Charles B. ZlmmerIlng, et ment of her daughter, Miss Sally
al .. Extrs.
GI'rls' Gra-Y Club
1 ()
Ardmore 2970
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Vastine. O'BRIEN, MARY T.-Norristown-Feb. MoYnihan, to Mr. Thomas Dewees The new R"irls Gra-Y Club under i', NARBERTH, PENNA. ()
2nd, of Kent Rd., WynneWOOd, will OSTAPOWICZ. SOPHIA-Conshohocken ",:ood. 2nd, son of ~r. and Mrs. the leadership of Mrs. William I (-
ll-Aglles Donovan Dwyer. Extrx. (I
John J. OstaPOwlcz, Vmcent Porter Wooo. of Murfleld Keirn which meets on Friday after-l 0'
entertain at a dinner-dance a.t the
Philadelphia Country Club Mon- PACKER,
21 -
JOHN B. - Feb. 20-G1rard
Rd .. Bryn Mawr. MISS Moy.nihan noon held an Induction ceremony )
Next to Media Dl'\lg Store )
(,,<:>.<0. -<::)-'-:::> "0 "-"-'=> "-> '0"'0--C»

Voters Registration I
P h armacg
At Narberth Station
Narberth 2838·2831
day evening. June 10, to introduce
theil' daughter, Miss Jane Pfahler
Vastine. who is among the debu-
tantes of the 1946-47 season, Miss
Trust Company. et aI.. Trustees for studied at the Sorbonne. Pans, the last week.
Mary Yorks Packer. as stated by Prospect Hill Country Day School
Girard Trust COmpany. Surv. Trus- and Wellesley College.
tee, and by John B. Packer, Jr.. et
AI.. Extrs. o( Mary Yorks Packer,
Vastine will be graduated in June PETACCIO.Trustee.
Wood, recently discharged from
the Naval Reserve after service in
F. H. A.
I:_~. =:.~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~f~r~om~~tgh~e~A~gn~esQI~rw~in~S~-:~h~O~.041_.~_
For the benefit of Electors of Montgomery County who LUCIA-Feb. 25-GulstlDo the Pacific Theater, attended Hav-
Petacclo, et AI., Trusteea (or James erford School.
have not yet registered to vote under the Act of 1937, 1_
or who may have other Registration business to transact ir Petacclo. et al.
POTTS. MARY E.-Horsham-Feb. 8-
Raymond Geiser. Etr.
The couple were the guests of
Registrars from the main office at the Court House will be a~
March 13-Narberth
Income Tax Returns RHOADS. CLARIBEL L.-Feb. 23-Nor-
honor at a cocktail party given by
rlstown-Penn Trust Company. et a1.. Mr. and Mrs. John Spahr, of
Trustees for Annie Hurst Longa- Black Rock Rd., Gladwyne, on Make your application at our .
Forms Furnished, Filled Out and Filed baugh. Sunday afternoon. •
Borough Hall SANTEE. REBECCA R.-Whltemarsh- bank for your F. H. A. loan,
Feb. 7-Northern Trust Company,
March 21-Narberth OTTO B. DUER Extr.
wise Charles C. or C. C. Snvage)-
List Engagement It does not matter whether it
is for a new home or for an
Borough Hall - MAGISTRATE - SPringfield - Feb. 27 - Charles Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Jr.,
205 FORREST AVE., NARBERTH ChaunceY Savage, Jr., et al .. Extrs. of 127 Ashland Ave .. West Man- old home, We can place it for
March 25-West Manayunk SHIELDS. AR'mUR H.-lute mlnor- ayunk, have announced the en-
Feb. 8-The First National Bank ot gagement of their daughter, Miss you. Consultation free.
CIVIL WORK Open Evenings Telephone
Fire House MARRIAGES By Appointment Only NARBERTH 4148
PhtlndelPhla. Gdn.
SIGAFOOS. JACOB H.-Feb. 27-The Betty DaWSOn Miller. to Mr.
March 25-Ardmore First National Blink o( Lansdale. Thomas D. Bowes, ,Jr.. of Cleve-
Trustee (or Elizabeth S. CapriottI. Tlu~National
SOHL. ANDREW OTTO-late mlnor- land, Ohio, son of Mr. and Mrs.
March 26-
March 27-Lower Merion Township Building FOR OVER 30 YEARS
Feb. Z1 - Montgomery Trust Com-
pany. Gdn.
T. D.
Bowes, of 333 Trevor Lane,
Bank of Narberth
Feb. 6-Anna E. Spangler. Extrx. Miss Miller is a graduate of MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL
March 25-Bryn Mawr SPENCER, PAUL A.-late minor-Feb. Moores Institute. Scllool of Design.
20-The Citizens Notional Bank and Bowes is a graduate of CorneII RESERVE SYSTEM
March 26- Trust, Company of Pottstown. Gdll.
STRAUSS, INGA-mlnor-Feb. 8-Ln- Univcrsit.y.
March 27-Fire House Ilan L. StrauSI'. Gdn .. 8S stated bY
Morris Wolr. Extr., o( Llllian L.
Strauss. dec·d.

March 25-General Wayne SWOOPE, HENRY BUCHER-Feb. 16-
Provident Tnlst COmpany. et aI.,
March 26- Trusteea for Ma ude H. Tussey. •
March 27-Cynwyd Grammar School Provident Tnlst COmpany, et AI.
Trustees. as stated bY Provident
Trust Companl". Rem. Trustee.
Time: 2 P. M, to 9 p, M. WANAMAKER, RODMAN-Feb. 27-R.
H. Montgomery, et aI., Surv. and
Suce. Trustees.
The final day before the Primary Election to transact Registra- WHEELER. SUSAN FARNUM-Feb. 21- •
Provident Trust Company. Surv.
tion Business at the Main Office in the COlll't Hou~. Norristown. Trustee (01' Mary Pappenhelm.
is Saturday, March 30. WORKER, JOSEPH G.-Jenklntown-
COURT HOUSE OFFICE HOURS; Feb. 19 - Josephine G. Thomas,
Daily: 8.30 A, M, to 4 P. M. WYNN, JAMES H.-Lower MPrlon-Feb.
Nights: March 6 and Mal'ch 19, ollen until 9 P. M. HOUSEHOLD DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS 13-Marlan Sloa~ Wynn. Extrx.
Satul'days: 8.30 A. M. to Noon. Feb. 27. Ella May Ziegler. Ad.mrx.
Rf,glster o( Wllls and Clerk of the
Montgomery County Registration Commisaion
BROOKMEAD Guernsey Dairies Orphan.' Court.
Individual Way. Bring
in Your Oils, Water
Colors and Prints
us turn this into a Reerea. .'.
tion Room ~or you.

FOR LENT Phone: Ardmore 4510 or 2858
25 Bala Ave.



a -.

Cynwyd 0662
Closed NOON Saturday



West Manayunk Thought It Was An Earthquake

·1.·jy)~S:;8t~.:·8.:1;~mA;6~~4~. .
Mrs. Walter L. Tillman, of the Montgomery County Apartments
was more than delighted when she saw her doll. Barbara Anne will
(Courtesy Photo Hobby Shop)
• NICHOLAS A. D'ALONZO, 3RD, and his sister, patricia, 3,
celebrate her first birthday on March 15. Her father is president
celebrated PatricIa's birthday b.v having their picture taken. of the CJ'nwyd Club. (Courte'lJ Photo Hobby Shop)
"Buddy." five, has a definite knack for printing. In fact, he can
print his name, addrfss. and telephone. Their father, Pfc. N. A.
D'Alonzo. Jr., is now stationed in Japan with the U. S. Army. In States Need For
Japan for nine months, he has sent the children many Japanese Safety Campaign Full Line Of
souvenirs. They live Itt 103 Woodbine Ave., Narberth.
Citing a Nation-wide increase
Scotch Pastries
of 17 per cent, and a State-wide
WEST J\<IANAYUNK RESIDENTS thought it was an earth- ing division of the Wal' Assets Corporation, R. F. C., the damage increase of 11 Per cent, in the
quake when a 300-foot steel and brick smoke stack, being de- could run as high as half a million doUars. number of motor vehicle fatali- SHORTBREAD
molished for scrap, fell the wrong way last Thursday. It landed According to Col. Dillon, the smoke stack on property ad- ties during 1945, R, B. MaxweU,
on top of a Government-leased warehouse stored with surplus jacent to the warehouse, belonged to the Penn Marva Contrac- secretary-manager ot the Penn- CURRANT SQUARES
Theories on High Chair Eating war materials.
The warehouse, foul' city blocks long, is one of the buildings
tors. Anolher contracting firm, the Broad Motors Co., Indiana,
was dismantling the stack. They had planned to have it fall in a ~Ylvania Motor Federation, which OATCAKES
By GA.RRY C'.EVELA.ND MYERS, Ph.D. of the old Pencoyd Iron Works on River Rd., below West Mana- 75-foot area between the warehouse and the Pennsylvania Rail- represents 61 affiliated AAA
Ylmk. It has been lea~ed by the government as a store house for 1aael tracks running alongside. However the cable broke and the Motor Clubs throughout the State, SCONES
The high chair is a dangerous same room with us while we are machine tools of all sorts. stack swerved over across the warehouse, dislocating a 40 ton expressed the need for an inten- MEAT PIES
piece of furniture unless the babY eating. Each one of them. since, The actual damage done has not been estimated, but accord- crane at the top of the warehouse. The stack and the crane sive highwa.y safety campaign and
using It before the age of 12 or 15 abollt one year of age, has sat with I ding to Colonel Asahel Dillon, U. S. Army, chief of t.he warehous- crashed through steel girders as though they were paper. tti~\~tl:~~~rcement ot motor ve- TUPENNY PIES
months of age is harnessed se- the parents ",'hen alone, or with all I
cUl'ely III It or the youngster from of us, at meals. Nor ~as cltl1eri troduced a bill in the House which
thIS age on, tIll he IS four or fjve el'cr falIen from the hH~h Chalr'jWOUld set a $6.000 ceiling price.
IKeystone Club Head
retary-manager of the pennsYl-!
vania Motor Federation and its
F eIsane
P tarlum
· t 0
"The Nation-wide figure of 28,-
.500 was an increase of 4,000 for
Years. old, has learned so well tile no~ cried for foods on the table Whether Patman's measure wiII
meanmg- of No as never to stand whIch he should not have. They I be approved is still open to ques-
Issues Warning
61 affiliated AAA automobile
IGive Demonstration the year." Max",:ell said, "whl!e
the death toll III Pennsylvama PASTRY SHOP
up in the chair. lea~'ned N~ between meals. How 'I tion, but officials feel that the A warning of dangerous high- "Approximately 2,000,000 regis-I Throughout March. the Fels reached 1,380. .
Because so few young?ters al:e dehgh~fuI IS the table conversa- price wiII have to fall if public way conditions has been issued by tration plates and cards will have! Planetarium of The Franklin In- The Pennsylvama Motor Fed- 1620 S 58th Sf t
securely fastened 111 the hIgh chall' tlOn WIth thes,: sml11l1g youngsters. demand for critically - needed the Keystone Autom bil Club been issued by the Bureau of I stitute will present "Planets and eration has recommended. to State i I
SAR, 0123
or properly controlled, some au- SOCIal Value
thonties on safety IlBve said. If you believe in the social edu-I
homes is to be met.
"A.way ,,:ith the .hif';h ,~~lair!" sOlc.a·tiO!1 "Rlue from the. youn.g is 1~~~n~~~~~ o~fit~~~~~e~o~o:~~~
t t'
. 0 e . . Motor Vehicles between now and I .
"If you are gomg to dnYe at March 31, the deadline by w:1ich Their. Ways," a demonstratlO~lrOIS on highways be increased
lomclals that the numbel of pat-
night, drive at a speed that will time all vehicle owners must have featunng the story ot the Earths (l.nd that .there shoUld ~lso be ~n Trolley No. 46 connectlnl'
also !1a\ e mllnelOUS child ex- chIld s eatl1lg 111 the far,l1lly Cll- fi . R Cia' Boot:1 Luce of permit you to make a quick stop in their new plate and card," Max- sister planets that make up the Inc.rease In the numbel of wh~te with 60th St. L Station,
~~rt.;~:. ~\~eYm~~I~ldinh~V~;e\l~el~~~ I~;~d ~~~\;'g;ea~~fFct\~I~s~\~hp~~1~~~C~~~:~tic~~'
I and Charles' l~ep.
safety," M~ ~aid Edw~rd
P. Cunan. well said, sun's family. Cg~;~~~~~.a~s~p~a~r~t~o~f~a~s~a~te~t:y~p~I~O~-~~~~~~pas~!Ie~!I~do~o~r~.~~~=
chair beside a very loll' table I\S ably. To this end, yuu must dis- LaF?llet~e, of IndlBna, both Re Safety DIrector of the ClUb, who . --.-- ••- .----.- - Visitors to the Planetarium ~
is the way in the nursery scllool. l'iplll1e yourself and tile child. and pU~1J~a:1\t I' 1 I dIe pointed out that damaged paving Here's Why Butter may, on cIear nights, examine the THE
Several Children It.he best time fol' this dicipline is " ,a. o. e e las al no mc: 1 is apt t.o be encountered. due to Is Scarce planets and stars .through the
If therc
' are . several young chil- between meals : How strange it is \\111 le.lmqUlsh
campaIgn h!s House
for Ulllted Statesseat. to
Sena- tl Ie sevell··ty 0f th e \\' eat I"
leI all d telescopes of the Observatory of ACCOUNTING and TAX ASSOCIATES
dren In t.he famIly. they are sup- that most wnters who condemn t . M' L h d' 1 d h accompanying storms in the last Want to know why butter is The Franklin Instit.ute, The Ob- . SUBURBAN OFFICE
pospd to eat together in another the high chair don't consider the 01. .IS. uce as ISC ose I' e t . mon tI servatory is open also to Museum
room apart from the family or in discipline problem at all. They also WIll not return t.o the House "'?D IS. h' I .. I hard to get? visitors on clear days, during .JOSEPH E. MURRAY, Manager
t.he samp loom, no Ch"lid eat.lI1g Itt. melely
.' thmk of the easy way out.. next
f tl year.
S She
t IS expected to run problemamaged Ig lways
of serious to mo-a I om'
pI esent
conCern CUI 1 PI0 . d nc t·,Ion fi >:ures 0 f Museum hours. Formerly' U• S. Internal Reven ue Agent
t.he "family board" tiII the a!Ze of For parents WllO don't make the or Ie ena e . , I .tOl'ists." Ill' continued. "The con-II last ~'f)ar prOVIde a ready answer. Planetari~ demonstrations are" and state Corpora.tlon Tax Examiner
eight or ninl'. This plan ha.'> some youngster safe in the high chair, LaFollette is 11l1lqne a.mop" I nt d d I t 3 d 8 30 P BOOKKEEPING AND OPA PRICES
merit for t,he child who has not and t.hemselves to let him I Re?ubhcan eol.leagues 111 1.18 t Jl1 dilion is to gene.ral that hl~h\\'ay IIt .inst wasn't manufactured. P 'ese. e al y a an : .,'
been lldeQuately controlled 01' learn to enjoy his food and cat I phllOso~hY he IS to the I:f.t of t.he departments obVIously rannot put I
National production of cream- Moo WIth extra shows on sa~urda~s COST SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS
wl10se parents na,g at him about ionl~' what he should, I would ad- I most aldent, New ~alel 111 Con- ~:~t:7~ds in safe condition imme- er~' buttel" was only 1.370,218,000 ~~~rS~~~~ft:t ;d;;it~'d)C~~d~~t~ ST:~~N~ ~~~C4~ES BU~:S~o~~~iSIS
eating. Il'iSe. in most, instances Pot least, I gress. LaFollette be,I,leve.s t~,e GOP
But. if we consider Ihe child's that the child be denied the pri\'i-l ?hould ?ecome the radIcal party
Tl' d h 'd '
. pound~, the smallest ~llnOllnt. made urdays at 11 A. M, Museum hours
read1fy ~~~aren~Zf~ ~aY~~:ht~g~~ Ilt.acta Sltngle ~'ear slnce 319129369w8101eono are 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. on Satur-
best educatIOn we shall have him lege to eat in a high chair with the Im A~ellca. .
in the family circle at meals. This family but be given his meals as I Mrs. Luce IS recognized as one
presupposes use of a high chair. he sits in a low chair beside a low i of the 10 best-dr~sse~ women in
. pI uc Ion
under night driving conditions pounds Each individ~al'~ share
I 1 dIP M t 6 P M
bre~ks !n pavement are not so of this' 1945 supply including all days and weekdays except Mon- I
. . 0 • • on
T~c~W~ttinginitue~YaS~~.jnilienmeroomMm~hffllli~W~d. ~eWffilwm~ilie e~~d~ffnlli~. ~Uff m~e ~ fu~~ was a~ d~a~y~s~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
he can be phYsically comfortable room. But as they do so, they, staId .senate c~amber shOUld .she In many ~laces 11Igh\:ays are proximately 11 pounds, but any-
there, is high enough to see all tile might as weI! admit that this child I be plOmoted by the Connecticut dangerously shppery at 11Ight, due lone who got tl1at much was luckY
rest o~ the family face to faee and lIas been robbed of something very I' electorate, to t?e alternate thawing and I because the Armed Forces took a
feel Inmself to be one of CJe group. precious in his Iamily. My bulletin, --.---- freezmg common at this time of big slice of the production. It is
I just can't imagine Karen, 31,~, "Ealing Problems: Theil' Preven- Get Loan Guarantee year." true that this supply of cream-
and Kent, 2, eatIng alone in all- tion and Correction" may be had'. ..---- ('ry made butte,' was augmented
other room 01' at a 101V table in the in a ~tamped envelope. Government guarantee of loans License Plates Ready
somewhat by farm made butter.


- - - - - - '" - - - - - - - under the Servicemen's Readjust-
.. Vl 4
ment Act is making is possible for
an average of over 4,000 veterans
For Distribution
weekly t.o purchase homes. farms Owners of motor vehiclf's ean
<; Jr<'i111 In Crl1lrrrl P,'r..
, 'I. ' ... ' .
., ..' " h or businessEs, a Velerans Admin- assure themselves of lmintel'-
I agall1st t"ll' bakp,l s \\ IS ps. The, istrlltion report. revea1ed
"lIshml:'t o n ~ Admll11s1 rlltlOl1 I Amel'lcan Bakers assoclat.!On has I During th f '0' k
rupted dnvmg providf'd they avoid
.' d a last -minute l'ush In making ap-
forces lire re8mng a harvpsL of IUrg~d OPA Chipf Bowlf'j; finn, from Januar: 190~lJ ;e~ ~ellf6 plication for their new 1946-47 Now OllPn In l'p".r DlIrby
arguments for Army-Nav~' mpr- Agl'lCU1tlll'f' Secrctary Anderson,' 18209 : ,0 Ie tr~alY f . license plates it WllS announ"f'n

For Reserva t Ion s
gpr leg'sl ti t' I' h tI h ' . t "f .'.. 'th h . ve elans 8PP Ica Ions or . '. ,. Phone Boulevard 3434
1ngs of\~e 0;ea;1 ~l;rborl~nv;:t\= ri~~I'~\rf'~~~PeJIng \\,. t e na-, guaranty were approved, boosting recently by Roo B. Maxwell. seC'-
gating committee.
The trend of the arguments has
been obVious. Thal is. thaI. the
suceess of th e J apanese sn eak at-
• • • the overall totAl
Look for more ac1.ion by t.he ~~::;; s number 64,512 were for
government to hammer down the 1 8 2e'i .4.975 for businesses and
to 76.622. Of

prices of new homes to IeVI'ls 1.=,;;;;;6;;;;;;;;0;;;1;;f;;;a;;;r;;;m;;;s;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

r-------------------------..., ---.-- --------

tack on Pearl Harbor might have which the average buyer can af- ..
been avoided altogether had t~ere ford.
been. a singl~ command at OahU
and m Waslungton.
Gen. George C. Marshall, form-
er Army chief of staff and cur-
WJ:en tl1e government's new
housmg program went into effect,
the stipulation read that 50 per-
cent of all critical materials
rent ambassador to China, has would I,>e channeled Into homes FOUNDATION GARMENT
long been an outspoken champion costing $10,000 or less and renting
of the merger. fOI' not more than $80 a month. Incredibly 1I0ne.
Retired Maj. Gen. Waller C. In effect, this was tantamount less, beautifully
Short. 1941 Pearl Harbor com- to a ceilll1g. But officials were designed to give
perfect bod y
mander. who :Iad his day in court
after four years of official silence,
has insisted that had he known
gradually aware that $10,000 was
a pretty stilf price for veterans
who would receive preference t~
balance and su-
E x I> e r t fItting,
comfort. 19 Cricket Ave., Ardmor?n.n I
all that Washington knew he pay. ' and adjustment
service - eom-
Bringing to The Main Line Ihe finest in gift.s, furni- PEOPU ARIl USING the telephone iog ,;Iightl), less lind some are eArn·
WOUld' have b€en ready t.o frnst- They said t:1er expect.ed the pJete repair Ihop.
rate the Japanese plane at.tack price to be well below this amount. Befor. After ture, and ru !!'S , Three gpnerat.ions of unintel"l'upted more thlln ever. Telephone traffic ing more; but poAitions are now
that plunged t.he United States But now it. turns out that most EMILIE EMMONS
into World War II. new homes are costing about 301 'l'IMES-MEDICAL BLDG. furniture experience ins1ll'l's yOU of sound, reliable
is almost certain to keep on increllsing. open in which the $32,00 salary can be
Alt~lOUgh the Navy generally is $7.500 and up. This decrease isn't ARDMORE dealings at FURNITURE INN.
opposed to the merger proposal, enough to satisfy Representat.lve I Call Ardm~e 3219 for an 1'hat'i why there's an unusual opportunity attained in only three lnonth~.
R~tired Rear Adm. Husband E. Patman' D) of Texas, who has in- Appointment
KImmel, Short's opposit.e Navy -----.- --- --------~---- _ Nationally known product.s such a.s Simmon~ Bed-
today for girls itarting to work for The Pleasant working conditions, among
number in Hawaii in 1941, has ding, Firth clIrpets, Artloom rugs. Peerless Furniture,
inadvertently aided the merger Bell Telephone Company. people you "'ill be glad to have as friends
campaign. and Becker's Living Room Furniture. wiII be available
Kimmel's claim to insufficient
knowledge of United States-Jap-
anese relations has bolstered the
Lenten Menus at Furniture Inn on Monday, March 8, 1946. The pay is good. The starting rate for most and companions, provide an additional in·

merger cause.
Look for administration forces Delicious, well cooked meals for the
Our Two Opening Offerings Are jobs in the larger suburban communities is ducement. Vacations with pay, and regular

to use Pearl Harbor as persuasive $28.00 for a 5-day week. Many girls, after salary increases are all part of the picture.
ammunition when President Tru- Lenten season • •• sea food a specialty.
man's merger bill comes before
Wine, liquors and beer.
MAHOGANY only three months with the Telephone
Company, are making salaries of more than
Come to any of the Employment Offices
listed below and talk over your business
Something went wrong on egl?:
prOduction and farmers, urged to
AROADIA CHIOS RESTAURANT Occasional Tables $32.00 for each week. Some are earn- future with a friendly Supervisor.
increase the egg output by gov- NARBERTH Established 1922 Tier Tables, $30
ernment SUbsidies, flooded the
market With them to t!le point Wall Console, $30
where there is now a surpills. Cocktail Tables, $20
There isn't enough fluid milk
to meet traffic demands. Lamp Tables, $12.50
Latest rumor is that the govern- End Tables, $10
ment is thinking of lowering the
wheat content of bread-much
We Do Sell Other Occasional Tables in
Mahogany From $15
Solid Brass Andirons , , , , $25, 35, $45
Room 315, McClatchy Bldg., 69th & Market Streets
DIAMOND JEWELRY Ii) Screens (3lx37") ($1 per extra inch) brass trimmed .. $18
Screen with brass handles either straight or with holes
Upper Darby
We are now Dartnl the world" hlIJl. for andirons, 45 Anderson Avenue 1631 Arch 5tre.t <110 York Roael
est prieel for Diamond.. You are
81U'e to reeetve the true and hone"
"alu. for )'our diamonds When 1011
deal with thla old rellabla IlnD.
EatablWled fl n ....
E.A.CLARKE Solid Brass Tool Set (tongs, poker, shovel, and
stand) .... , .......•...••.•••••••••.•... $25 and $27
Solid Brass Coal Scuttle .••••••••••••••• , ••.. $25 and $32
Ardmore Philadelphia Jenkintown
Realtor Solid Brass Log Holder ..••• , ••••.••.••••••.•...... _. $Z5
_ _ _ _ _1 ••• or call Enterprise I-cn 00
719 Montgomery Ave., ~erion Phones: Cynwyd 3300-3301
·w. c.. UUI • Wablll& •

ti 4795
S ·
VA andLeglon- Met St. Joseph's College
Chestnutwold P-T. A.
To Hear Talk Mar. 12
John H. Niemeyer. headmaster
VA To Confer Civil
Service Status On
BU . g'U ervlcemen Editors Note: This is the first in a series of histories of
local servicemen who have contacted the veterans Service Center in
Adds 208 Veterans
of the wlll
School, oak beLane Country
the guest Day
at a meeting of the Chestnutwold

-t F H -t I
Brlln Mawr. The center besides endeavoring to aid the veterans in

T0 D-ISCUSS Affairs
- ~~~~erh:tv~~~r~~~el~~~~~~\~~~i~~~~
personal problems also place veterans in jobs, apprentice training,
P-T.A.• to be held TuesdaY. March
Employed Veterans
al or OSPI a
and on-the-job training. Theil also handle veterans processing wltlt Only one of the 33 veterans en- Recently made headmaster of
th::::~OS~~~i:zo;;~~:e~:n~e~:r::~e;~W ~~~le~::~rans' Admillistration and assist them i71 entering school and the school. Niemeyer was formerly
Washin(Jton Bureau of Western NelVs- educational program failed to pass headmaster at the Harley SchoOl, First Agency to Act on •
f:::'~i~(J~~~.n. ~.1~,6 fsyea:z~e:~, ~~~; Space VA Reports DISCHARGED "VITHOUT HONOR Veterans Bureau the
this first
weeksemester. it wasJoseph
be Father disclosed
K, ~~~i~~~~·c;;i~ge~·N.~.J~{~~~~~ Presidential Authority
readers tltls weekly column on prob-
lems of the veteran and serviceman
(A T
rue tory
S )
D S d fIll
rane, . J., ean '0 t le co ege.
University and Rochester Univers-
ity. and did graduate work at the Recently Issued •
and his famill/. Questions mal/ be ad- Perhaps ,"ome of you have seen the play. "Winged Victory." ComparativelY few ex-service- University of Michigan.
dressed to the above Bureau and thell
will be answered in a subsequent col-
S in which the Army Air Force tries to show you the strain under
which our pilot6 are made. Lieutenant K had survived the various ILegion
M to Cooperate men incurred scholastic deficien-
cies in the first term and only one
The program for the Chestnut-
wold group for the entire year, T.he ':etera~s' Administration f~
umn. No replies can be made direct Takes teps to "benzine" boards, and had his wings. He reached the front in n oving Patients was asked to Withdraw, the dean has been. "AdUlt Guidance." Nie- ta~ll1g IInmed~a~e steps. to confcl'
bl/ mail, but only in tlte column
Which will appear in tltis newspaper
R eI·leve Sh or age t time to accompany the advance on GermanY.
He had completed 12 missions and he and his crew thought
F rom H ospI a Is 't said.
At the same time it was re-
meyer will use as his subject "Par- pelmanent Cn:ll SerVIce status
ent Responsibility." ' ~pon ellgible; dIsabled veterans In

Widows' War Pensions
Refiecting the rapidly mounting
demands for hospitalization by I
that they were in the groove. On the· 13th mission. the bomber
entered a veritable hail storm of flack, Four of the crew were
kllled instantly and the co-pilot was badly wounded in the chest.
Lieutenant K started for home, manipulating instruments
The Veterans Administration
and t!le American Legion issued
" .
vealed that 58 percent of the stu-
dent membership is obtaining edu-
cational benefits provided by the
ServIcemen's Readjustment Act
- T0 B-Id UI
.. lts employ. It was announced to-
day by ~eorge H. Sweet. Assis-
ltant AdminIstrator for Personnel.
' Thus the VA becomes among
There have been so many in- veterans of World War II. the 'I
quiries concerning pensions for number of former servicemen
widows of veterans of both World awaiting admission to Veterans
with his left hand. his right arm hugging the ,co-pilot With the
palm of the hand over the hole In his chest, trying to stop the
hemorrhage. He· fought
th constantly
Ii h Ch for altitUde
Li but lost, and the
the follOWing JOint .statement af-
tel' a conference thiS week.
General Omar N. Bradley. Ad-
of 1944 (G.!. Bill of Rights) and
the Veterans Vocational Rehabili-
tation Act (Public Law 16>'
VA H0SPit- aIs the first of Federal agencies to act
urlder the authorization gvlen by
the PI:esident imple~e.nted
CJV1l Service and CommISSIOn. by

Wars I and II that we are giv- Administration hospitals increased I plane cras h ed m e Eng s annel. eutenant K and one ministrator of Veterans Affairs When the second semester open- Any honorably-discharged vet-
ing llere the general provisions 4.795 to a total of 17.015 during 1
f . the month of January, the VA an-I
for the various types 0 pensl()ns: nounced recently. The figure on
member of the crew got out alive and were rescued by a patrol
When they reached Headquarters, Lieutenant K "blew his
met with his staff and a speciai
committee of the American Legion
ed in February, 208 additional vet-
erans were admitted. lifting the
total to 251. or 58 percent of the
un s pprOprla . t ed
eran serving under a war service,
In e na e apP?i~tment ~ho has
'd fi bl
Pensions for widows. children b 1 1945 1222 toP." shouting that he would never take his Plane off the ground for a two hour discussion on the college's complete regl'stl'atl'on of F or 35 B Ul·ld·Ings Al I a prese~t1y . eXlstmg serVlCe-con-
Decem er 3 . • was , O. 1 h d h' d d h t t' d . \nected dlsablllty of not less than
and dependent parents of veter- . Of those awaiting hospitallza-
"'hose deatll I'esulted from tlon on January 31 ~'1946 there
again. His co onel ear
'tel' seven
in days
1m an or ered im cour -mar lale.
later hedishonorably
the States; was processed through aand
discharged, Separation Cen-
his Air Medal
,activities of ..the Veter.ans Agency.
.IThe AmellCan LegIOn . delega - T tal Vt TB
433 stUdents.
-------- Over Country
10 per cent may have permanent
c i v il serVice. status (or probatlonal

e eran.
ans n ,
service in both World Wars I and were 655 WIth servIce-connected tlOn was headed by NatIOnal Com- status) confe1'l'cd upon him under
II: widow. but no child. $50; disabilities or less than four pel' and I~il~~~ ~~:rd~;~~k~1' his co-pilot in his arms that got Lieu- mander John Stelle \:~o. recently
! 0 Gen. Omar N Bradlev Admin-I
following conditions:
widow With one child $65 and $13 cent. A mont.h earlier. the figure
for each additJOn,a1 child: no wi- was. ~53 serv~ce-connected cases
dow. but one child, $25; no widoW, awaItIng hospItalization,
tenant K's goat. They had grown up together. One had played lmad.e a st~tement, cntlclzl.n~ the
Quarterback and the other end on the high school football team. ,a.ffalrs of t.le yetelan Adn~I~I?tra-
Both were engaged to home town girls. tlOn ~nd. askmg a ConglcsslOnal
Cases Less Than In • istrator of Veter'ans Affairs. today
turned over Veterans' Administra- hl5
tion Ho.~pital projects totaling I
(~) If he has completed It trial
perIOd of one ypar during which
Sl'1'\'lces have bepn satisfactory.
in~ttlgatJOn.. $188278208 to the Army Engi- he 1l1a~' receIve permanent civil
but two c:lildren. $38 equally di-

$45, or $25 each.

Maj. Gen. Paul R. Hawley, Act-
vlded. and $10 for each additional ing VA Chief Medical Director"
child: dependent father or mother. point~d out that 11,556 or nearly
two-thirds of those awaiting has-
A widow means she must have pitalization were veterans of World
War is what Sherman said it was; even worse, sometimes.


le s~sslon was In the spirit of
cooperatIOn. Genel:al Brad.1 ey
ihanke<,l the. Amenc~n Legl~n
: dele~atl~n fO!. ~heir I11terest. m
F-Irst WId
or W ar
neer~ f~r construction
This is the first en bloc assign-
ment of VA hospital construction trial period of ol1e year. he may
to the Army Engineers following reccive probational stat \IS. He
'service status:
(2) If he ha.<; not completed It 'p

been married lathe vetpran prior War II. while 5,459 were veterans 1
to December 14. 1944. IIVt'd con- pf .other wars or the regular estab-
IN THE ARI\1ED FORCES Ivetel ~ns affan s. He outlll1ed
! ca~ldlca'ps u~~er "'hich his v~st ••
,the announcement by Gen Brad- then must complete the trial per-
ley on February 16 of hiS' inten-: iod of ol1e year. from ,I he date of
tinuously with 111m until date of lisnment. I Uleau I? wOlkmg, ~old of tl~e PIO- SerVICe DIrector Says tion to task the Engineers to take Ihls war scrvlce 1I1definlle appomt.-
death. except wlwre there was a He said that VA had moved in
generation due to misconduct of three directions in its efforts to
klz·ne I tions in tlle Marshalls. Marianas. I gress bel~g made 111 the p!o,u:am
Leyte, Luzon, Saipan, Guam and I of expansJO~ and decentraiIzatl?n.
1 ot
over a large portion of VA's big ,mel1t before he may receive per-
$448,000,000 buildmg program. manent status. •
Or procured b~' the vetcran. with- obtain additional hospital facilities Ensign John W. Lyver. US~R, Tinlan, lw The Amellcan LegIOn deleg~tJon E d 664000 Funds have already been ap-I The VA is l'pspOll.~ible [01' det!'r-
out fault of the widow-and must for the record number of veterans of 9 strathmore Rd.• Brook~l11e. He also holds the American and! as composed of Past NatIOnal xcee , IPropriated by Congress for the 35lmJl1~ng g \I'ho IS phglble, and ob-
not havp remarried. I
applying. On January 31, there will return to San FranCISco. Asiatic-Pacific theatre ribbons and I Commander Harry Colmery of To- new hospitals and additions re_!tainll1 and reviewmg any evi-
Pensions for widows and child- was a record high of 92,276 vet- California, on March 16 after a the Philippine Liberation bar.
ren of World War I for death not erans receiving hospitalization or month's leave. EI~sign..LYVer. at- • • •
pek~, Kansas. who. acted as .or. Roy A. Wolford. Assistant quiring new sites and also for the ,dence needed to proccss the con-
SPO eS';Ian., Past .Na~lOnal Com- ~Irector of the Tuberculosis Ser- 117 additions inclUded in the list I,·erslons., It IS not necessary for
connected with service: widow. domiciliary care. Of these 80.756 tll:ched to tl.le CrUIser Oklahoma Bala-Cynwyd I g;~!1deIN~~IO Wall:l€l of TOledo: v.lce of the Veterans Administra-I given the EngiI1l'ers today. i the IndIvidual ~oncerned to do
but no child. $35: widow and one were in hospitals and 11.520 were' cIty" has J~st return~d from a 'H· lti dl a IOn~.1 Vlce-Co.I?mandel bon. recently predicted that the Construction of 39 other hospi-, more than furmsh rcquested In-
child. $45 and $5 for each addl- in VA's domiciliary homes I year's duty Il1 the PaCIfic. Lt. Colonel Nathan T. Folwell. I . I u ey :5\\ 1m of 'I\'.111 Falls. number of tuberculous veterans of Itals and additions valued at $140 - ,formatIOn,
tional cllild: no widow. but one The General said that' VA has • • • of 1l~ Dartmc:lUth Rd" Bala-Cyn-! Id,a 10. NatIOnal Executll'e Com- World War II on the pension rolls 167.020. now before Congress f~r I ----.-- - -
child, $18: no widol\'. but two requested 17 "surplus Army facili- Captain William A. Thom~un. wyd. IS. return~g to the States !or,~utteel~e~ Herbert E~lan\lel~on of would never greatly exceed 64.000, lapproval of funds, is cheduled for Bullock-Sanderson
children. $27 equally divicled; no tics". six of these actually are re- Iof 310 Cathmere Rd .. Brooklllle, dl.schalge ,a?oald. the S. S. Onel.da onnectlC~t. James, F. Daniel of the World War I peak. completion prior to July 1. 1948.
widol\' but three children. $36. ceiving veterans for treatment at 1has returned t~. Penn State Col- I YICtOry \\ hlch \\ as dl:e ~ arnve, ~~1.!~h CalOhna. Mal t~n Coffe~' ,of In a speeeh dehvered before The number of hospitals in tIle Post to l\leet Monday
liege after receIVlllg hIS dIscharge I III Seattle about Febl ualY 23.
and $4 for each additional child, the present time
The same definition of widow
applies as above. This pension is has
In a'ddition he said the Navy from the service following four
agree~ avail~ble
to make 9,850 years duty. • • • Narberth
• • •
11 " and James DUl fee of W1S- mcmbprs of t he Connecticut state 11947 program now bptore C<lI!gress
~ons~n. Robplt. s. McCllrd~' of MedIcal Soelely attending the whIch WIll be tlll'l1ed over to the I speCial meet 1l1g of thp Bnl-
c~~~r~~~~ 0?~1~~01~~ion.~~i~I~1:~ ~lIl1lc.n~ :En,(J~eers
C?nfl'renCe on Neurops:v- ;~S~-~\al~d~~~(~~~I:I~~~r;)\~~e~g~~I~
has noL been deter-
t . .

~1~fld~a~I~~~ ;0c~~1~.v.~~.~~~~~'~i~~~~i beds 111 Increments so that aU I Lt. Russell R. SOI'ber. formerly Arma~do L. Capoferi. Coxswain. bilitation Commit! ee. Monsignor clllatllc C'lse~ hel~ at the. HaIt_lnll~e . . .. . plannpcl pntert all1l11e!1L program
income exceeds $1.000. or to a \\'i- ~~~e I~iothuse ~~4~ePt~m?er 1" proprietor of Sorber's Drug store ll~S
eceIV:d, his diSc~argefrom Robert Smitll. National Chaplain. ~~:'~' S~~~I~'I·l;td~:~~)~t~~2~1~:'~k' e~~\~1 c~~~~;'~~H':n~I~U1~~~~ ~I~
his on Mnl'(:h 8. at 8 P. 1\1 .. 111 t he Post
dow with Cll1ld or children where . ese" wele 111. use: in Brookline. is now on terminal, t .e sepalatlon centel at Bam- John McCauley. aide to Comman- 1 f 4 'I ' , : that the Sl 'b 'f' . l' home, 125 Sutwn Rd. Ardmore.
annual income exceeds $2.500. on January 31. Army hOSpitals I leave after serving with the, Coast I bndge. Md. Last stationed on the del' Stel1~ and Rav FIelds, Direc- \lo;~ °t r~at59d1 LlIbC; Cll o~s IPatJents I the Arm" 'El~~:nee;'~11~11~~g~t~'lIg- The meeting \\'111 be devotC'd to
There is no prOVision for en- now have 1.280, vet~rans as pa-I Guard Reserve since October. 1943'1' USS PC 1087, he IS. a veteran. of tor of Pubhc Rclations. VC' r v e IJ1 10SPI a s at. a I tion dur'll1g- the w~r was ~m Ie dlscussmg proposals formf'd bv a
sions to widows of World W~r II tle?ts, Th~ SecletalY of War has In World War I. Sorber was at- 32 months duty. HIS parents hve: All phases of \'ptrlans affairs Tt
i co~t .Of f a!most $30,000.000. proof of their abilJtv to ca;'rv grollp of World Wa;' II memb£'l'~
for death not connected with 5er- agleed to plovide up t~ 10.000 beds tached to the 42nd Rainbow Divi- at 309 Hampden Ave.. Narbcrth. I, were dIscussed !Dcluding disalnlit v p le ntllm e,1 17 (~tes on t he .c~m-I' through thiS enormolls operation of t he Post. hea<lcd by the junior
vice It the Army can obtam the pers-lsion for three years, While with ------- claims. hospItalization, insurance g~s: Ion lOt ~ \\ l~se. m,aJol IS- in record breaking time commHndcl' SerrilJ Gibson .
. Questions and Answer~ onnel necess~ry to service them. t~le Coast Guard, he saw nine I
i AdministratI·on nnd administration. ~oI I y w~s u rrcu OSIS, Increased I Brig. Gen, J, S. Bra~d~n. Dirpc- - - - --0---- -- -
Q. Wllat type of dependent.<; As the thiId step, General HaW-I months duty in Marseille, France.' • General Bradley declarl'd that said'1. pea of 63,932 fOI 1933. he tor of Mihtarv Construction Officp The sk1l1 of lh£' yak bl'ast or
must a hospitalized veteran who ley to the. contract. w~th A member of the Nunan-Slook Needs Workers In t.he ,veterans Admmistration will "Alth u I t i l " d ,IChief of Ellgineers. will' be in burden In TIbet. IS so t.olli!h that,
Is rated 100 percent or more dls- the. Mlchlga!1 HosP.ltal ASSOCIatIOn I American Legion Post, he will be F. ld St t. eontmue to employ surplus Army W ' II 0 ~ 1 I ~ pellO of WOlld charge of overall supervision of drivel'S usc st Diles instl'ad of

abJed have in order to draw more whIch pel111lts eligIble veterans tOI discharged March 15. Ie a Ions and Na vy ~osPltals wllerever they ~I I ,\ a~ t 11 ee times. as long, this construction assigned t.o the whIps to spur on the anImal.
th S.,O tIl' t · · go to anyone of some 200 Mich-
an .. l.e~..: mon 1 Y 111~ I~uhon- igan hospitals and plans to extend
M • • • ,can be used to accommodate an t le e\ entual numbel of mdl- E ,,'
The Veterans Ad!I!inistratiin i emergency 'needs. DIffiCUlties in \ Idllals who servpd In tile milItary: <n~1l1eers., le pr?JeCls wll be as-. S
TI . ,I

~~i;'\w.lJd. E. G. R .• !\Ilhlaukee, this program nationally. anoa lJe~~s expenence pOSItIOn classl- !secunll~ adequate and competent ,PI,\,ll'e dlll'lng World War II WII! '~f.~~~~tto le,S~)~,~tI\~ U. Sj ~~gl~eel, ,11.
A: The Veterans' administration • - - - - . - - - -, Corporal Robert Chli~Uan., of ~~~s I~r~~~y otffilt: field, sta,tlOns, me~lcal staffs (:ontllllle to be the b~, as much as f~lll' tllnes tllOse of' .illris~·ic~f~l~. 1I1~ to t lell al eas 1t,.,
says that if vou have one depend- LegIOn Post Admits WIlson Ave., has been dlschal ged tl U t d SO tC ,s i,hlO,ughout IlInltlll~ factor 111 the seled ion of alCI edlte~j tot Ill' TIl st World War.: Prelllninarv si(e insppetions and
ent yoU mH'v draw a ensiol1 of from the Army. He returned to le 111 e. ta es. eOlge H, these IlOspltals. the tlIbelL'ulosls case load of tht" the ae uisltion of sIte' \\'111 I' H' :
Sl1S 'per month 01' mOI~ depend 58 Ne\v Veteran s the States last week from Japan s:ver· ~ss:stant I VA Admllllst r aL-! The American Ll'gion rpC0111- Vett'rl'.ls Ac!I11Il1I~tIntlOlI SllOUld: compli~l1~d b\' tJl~ V~tPran:e A~l- •
ing on nalurp of \,our eli 'al)iht \; At .. 1 .' through the Panama Canal which I 01 01' el sonne, announced to-, mended anc! ol1ered to cooperatr prol'e lo be 110t. much greater than'lI1Jnlst;·atJon. Site exPloratlOl;s anet
if you are 100 pe'rccnt ci'iisabled: SI k a;pet~38m'itIn~ of Nun~n-I makes the second tIme he went l (ja~. 't' l'fi' , IlI'ltl1 tile Vetcrans Aclministl'atllJll l'Xpellel~Cl'd HIler tile tllSt world '~Oll lests Will be accomplIshed by
The amollnt in excess of 'Ol1r $20 os ~eglOn 1through the Canal. He served 15 ~ OSI Ions c aSSl els" S\\ eet. ex-, 111 urging temporary transfer of conflIct,' Dr. \Volford said. 'the Armv En ineel S '
~Id lastDTuesda y eV~l11ng UI thel months in Europe with the Sev- >-,.Iamed. e\'al~a~e the. lesponSlblll- long tp;l'In patil'nts rcqull'lng mOI'e I "The 150,000 tuberclous mdivid-I _--!__ o_~· - -
l11:W be s('nt to tile depen)dent
Q J 1 . be I..' t . RlOn Ug-Out. Glass.lyn and enth POl't Company which was re- ties of the \aIIOUS Jobs and as- custod1l11 than medical cnre from llals \\ho have been prevented ac- . ,
d i' I. la\C en I) 111': 0 ~et re- I Ralston Aves.. Oakmont. 58 new I deployed direct t~ Japan. ~I!::n the apphcable CIVIl Ser-' centrally located hasplt a i t 'o t- cording to Col. Esmond R, Long i Vpl erans of .t.he 104t h Dlvls:on
a . us mekilt comhPensahon of 520 members were adnlltted to the 1
per dowee,
10 so I butam ave been
e unable. .Post
. , al1d 0n e f"
• • • vIce claSSIficatIOns. The vacancies Iyino- institutions Tllis sl'll au)
.Olmel mem b er 1'1'-1' Corporal Arthnr .Jon~. of 536 aI' e I' n CAF, . d ft
ve t'nrougl l ' ~,
available additional ,, '\\
(Arm\' t uberl'ulosls spnciallst I wluch fought.
mil. ( p . "
111 cen- from entf'l'Ing-thearmedforeesbv
~ ' . Mal'

' . G " ll Tnl'I'\' "

In Germany undpl'
AIle n, 11a'\P,OJ-, .
I -
war witl; 26 mo~t1~:t ar:~ ~~ tlll~ 1l1stated. . ThIs ~~kes th~ Post I Wales Rd .. Manoa. who was in the ~I~ven, an~ cal'lY entrance sal-, trall~' located hospitals t.o "pteram lhe use of t.he chest X-rAV in the gaD1z~d. the .NatIOnal Tlmbel wolf •
di~.abilit~. disehar~e" but have V~;t mem~er5hlP 326 ,dUC!l InsUl es tl~e, U. S. Army for 40 months was re- ~lle~ of flom $2,320 to $4,300 a rrqll.lring acute 01' pmcl'grncy pre-induction examJllallons will A~so~lat IOn '\Ith IRa A, Hoe~:d,l ~f I
...... a pens on
It" I
:ve. ,..,0ttl won
I SCCUl1l1g of the Depaltment a\\'aJd centlv discharged
S20 d for. doublin'"" 'laot ' ' . '"eal" s Ine m1'-bmonths
e' "
He spent 15 ~eal.
' then'
, Altll01lgh ,'acanc'e IS d ono,eXIS,
ImedlPal treatmcnt
. t' Gel1elal Bradley .
wei gil heanlv in sU11portJIIg All es C.lallton. Iov.a, as national ples'-I
also statprl I tlmatetJ1Rtofthetotalofallpen-'
• . - dent .
liketokn ) ·.t
weck.-R. ; ' . ~~~lW~I~\sla~d.
1\1: in Panama and
,<;hlp before February 28th, A new served with the 83rd Infantry: at. al! VA field statIOns.. there are i that the V~terans' Administ;'ation slon ca,cs on the Federal rolIs af- I A total of 28 ne\\' AmcJ'lcan: The Ben Grecnblatt Studios
A, The fact that you :la\'e a goal of ~,O? ha: been set., ThIs Training :Satallion at Camp Rob- Ilopenmg,s m alI 13 blanch 01'- would ~onslder accepting- tempor- tel' World War II. the percentage LegIOn pubhcatlOns h~~'e bee n:


disabilIty discharge or even draw- and ~ dl1\ e ,fOI .funds fOI a. new erts. Calif. ' fices aleas, Mr. Sweet saId., He, llry ratmg by fee-basis doctors in of tuberCUlOSIS will be smaller. launcl~ed since Januan 1. 1946, I
ing a pension sh~Uld not inter- b~lld1l1g, no\\ .bel:l~ planned are
fere with recei\'ing readjustment t\~~ mam ob:Jectl\ es of Nunan-
• • • I
~omted out that applicatIOns: tlle field, of veterans holding dis- perhaps not more than 2 per cent :'€flectJIIg the growth that IS tak-
Edward 'Joseph Compas. Quar- ~hould b~ made t? the Brancl; O~ - i charges on which a disability is of the whole." mg 'plac~ .I,n .all of the orgamza-I PEN. 5522 - FREE BOOKLET
250 S. Broad

compensatioll undn. tl G I b'll S ok Post fO! the balance of the, termaster 2/C USN of 1505 Rob- fice neal. est the statIOn at whIch noted. The Legion e~till1ated th n
d le ,. I, year I " ! the apphcant deSIres to work ' b " .
As of Januarv 31 1946 tl e tot, I tL!I~O~n~s~a~c~t,::l\~I.:::tl::e.'.'.s.:...-
. . 1 a_
~eqUirements for this cOmpensa- M~mbers are asked to keep the, i':lson .Ave., Lynnewood. Park, ar-I VA Branch Oftic ar I . t d nUl~ er of ~UCh IlnadjusLed cases of tuberculosis beds was approxi-
tlOn are (1) .1'011 reside 111 the U. folltl\vin comln o' even i n'n': l'lved 111 San Pedro. Cahf.. and ex- in Bosto es .. e oca e to e abo\e, 30:0.00. The total matelY 8,000 and plans are under
S.; (2) YO~I are completely unell1- A packa~e party nand d~~C~l fO~.1 tI~~ I pe~ts his discharge from servi~e phia, RiC~~~~V A~I~lkt p~li~de: ~~Im~~' of dlsabl1Jt~: cases acU.u- \ \\'3.1' to illcrease this to 16,510 by
ployed or If partially employed. at benefit of the building fund Sat- thIs week. He plans to resume hIS bus Chicago st L ~i~' ~ llm t ~cfi e by tile Vetelalls Acll11lJIlS-j January 1. 1948. Dr. Woltord saId.
wages less thun $23 pel' week' (3) urda' M 'cl I .' " stUdies at Villanova College which 1 " ." 0 s. a as, Ia 011 IlP to Januar," 31. 1946. IS I
that ~:ou are registered With' and nes~ ~ ;nee~~lgI oi6'th~e~~s~1 M~~:~\~ were interrupted three yearS ago ~;:~n;~~~~~~"oseattle, Denver alld !,628,O~2. Such tempOl:aJ y rat-\
- ,
rep~rtll1g to a public C'mplo~'ment 19, Friday night social evenin s when he entered the Navy. He VA Swee~ ~aid i Pal' i ' ll1gs v. o,uld, n~t preJudIce. later ,Doong- gwa Joong. a Chinese
office. USES: and (4) t~lat ~'ou during the month of March a~d was recently transfrrd from the I inter~sted in mplos 'i t culal ~y nnal a~.IUdlcatlOl1 of the claun on (1I5h. IS made by mIxing variolls
ar~ able to work and arailable for a, service at the Washington Me- L. S, T. 659 to the Subtender USS I vice personel ~eter) I~g 1 ex-s~~ - ttl(' ~\t of eIther .t1~e vEt;eran or 11I1gredlents in a melon. which is
~Illtable work. Ha\'e your dis- morial Cha.pel Vallev Forge Holland. "Q have a ftv _p . a~ , ,1~ ,a .- .1e e elans AdmullstratlOn, u.~ed as a cook pot.. and eaten as
charge or separation papers wit.h March :n at 3' p. m, 'The Po.<;;, • • • ~e;' n n-,'et . e o~n pIe elenee ----:----~O- --- , part of tIl(' diSh, Yl'ar-old melons
.vall when .vall regIster for employ- will sponsor Rhode Island St.a(.l', A J'dmore for F °derai el~~~, \ he~ tbPlYIn~ . The Congles510nal Record. offi- l1l'e w;ed for thIs purpose. so theY
ml'nt.. Sunday by attendance at t.his ser-' ' . e . g., e nmen, ,0 s an clal publICatIOn of 1he U, S. COI1- I \nli 1101 collapse during' tile .<;P\'-
Q. J was readinR when' thl'~' al'l' vice . . I EllistonP. FIero. QM :lIe. whose dl,s~bl.ed \et.elans have Il 10-pomt., gress: once was named the con-j eral hom.s nee<lpd to steam the
still rountinR' points since V-,)
011,1'. The Red Cross said thl'Y W
I' T
h' T B
pa,rent.~ live at, 140 Valley R~ .. pI e elence,
,AldmOie. has been honO!'ably dl~'
,gresslOnal Globe. contents,

froze them V-J Da~'. Please an- ar rop e : les 0 char~ed from Naval, servIce at. the
Replaced by Gov't. !sepalatio~ m Bainbridge.
swer which Is cOf\'ect and also
I'. .·. MOM'S
how mam' points and how many ,Md .• aitel 40 months duty.
years of service do ~'ou havc t~ Washln~on, D. C.-Salvaged
have to be discharged?-Mrs E war trophIes. sueh as cannons and Vmcent R. Esposto. 19. electrl-
D .• LoUisville, Ky. . " ma~hine-g~ns, as traditionally ~- cian's mate 3/c, of 341 W. Spring
A. The war department sa s socmted WIth The ~merican LegIon IAve.• Ardmore. ~erved aboard the'
that for the record. men in U;e c~ubhouses as tn-colored poles minesweeper. U:sS Zeal which re-
service are still earning points for ~ith bar~r shops, .may soon I;>e cently. returned, to the Sta.tes after
each month of service but f . th leplaced, .If a bill mtroduced m,a tom of duty In the PaCIfic.
Ir ,'.
~~r~~Jes as o~ dlschal ge: pomts
01. e Congress IS enacted.
Cherished mementoes adorning
I •••
William R. Swartz. Specialist
are counted. f :~?t~:nbel l' 2.• 1945~ entrances and interiors of Ameri-113/, was hono~·a.bly discharged from
I. le a 1m. ac can Legion homes were the first the Navy thIS week at the Bai~-
~~n1~1tht~0 G~:le: al Elrsnhower. items to be found on the nation's II bridge Separation Center. He is 1

p n s as 0 ePtem- scrap piles. in response to t~e gov- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chestel"
b~r 2: e~ce~~ /olu~teers. or \1'1111 ernment's frantic plea tor salvage ID, Swartz of 23 N. Wyoming Ave .. I
t\\O ~ea~s SL!\lce \\11I behomc b~'lmetaI. Ardmore. During his 32 months 1
JUl~~ 30: m~I;, ~~ It.l~, 45 P~lIlts or 3~ I Tile symbolic markers ma~' again I,of Naval Service of which 28 were:
mo.. ths sel.\ ICC \\ III be home b~ I be VIewed on American Legion spent. overseas. Swartz earned t.WO!
AplIl ~o, . " ' ,sites if Congress passes the bill.: commendations from his com-;
Q;,10 a loncl~' "ICC ~nd mother introduced by Congressman An-; office~' for photographic:
of ~ lenna. 1\10., and 1\11 s. ,). C .• of drew J. May. chairman of House Iand hthographl(: work done in'
Calterton. Va.. each of whom have Military Affairs Committee, call-: preparation for assault and land-I
three children. I
ing for t.he distribution of World ing operations in the Pacific, The
A. Your husbands are eligible War II trophies. with preference returned veteran fou~ht aboa.rd I
to apply for dlschal'!l:e Immediate- granted to those who donated Si-, the amphibious force flagship,
ly ,because yOU each have three milar items during the emergency. USS Rocky Mount during opera-
clllldren. The same answer holds Cost of delivering replacement
true for Mrs. H, R, New Boston, souvenirs to their ultimate des-
Texas. t1natlons would be borne by the Yei,T she's back llt her old jOD of nome-'maltin'g-,
Q. A few weeks ago. I began a United States, Immediate Delivery! The unusual nature of this event which is the forerunner of the conversion
correspondence course with a New
York school at a cost of S80 for
Veterans May Receive on
?f Spritzler's into an exclusive men's and boys' store makes it imperative that every
I~em ~f women.'s, girls' and infant~' merchandise be disposed of in the shortest pos·
that job ""'ith no overtime pay•.~

the entire course. A down payment sIble time. ThiS could be accomphshed by selling these departments out in their en- Mom learned a lot about electric licrvice dU,f'4
of $20 was made. and five monthly
payments must be made to clear
Pension in Gov. Work New tiret~ to other stores. However, Spritzler's feel a sense of loyalty to the thousands ing the war. She found that stitching up a cruiser
up thc balance. Would the gov- that Washington. D. C.-Tole fact of friends. ~ho for ~ears have made these departments their shopping headquarters.
a veteran
ernment pay the entire bill, or ary from the federal government is receiving a sal- In recogmtlon of thiS, the stocks of these departments are being placed on sale for and stitching up a curtain are both done mor-e
must I. because of its low cost, pay does not bar the payment of a
the expense?-J. A. V.. Webster, pension, if he is otherwise en-
RADIOS! the benefit of Spritzler's customers at the same prices many dealers would be glad
to pay.
easily and quickly when clectricity lends a hand.
Mass. Home & Auto
titled to such an award. General And when home-making had to be salld~ •
A. If you are a veteran of this Omar N. Bradley, Administrator of I
war with an honorable discharge Veter~ns' Affairs, has advised The
Record Players! wichcd in after war-plant hours, ~lul1l karncd
the government will pay tUitio~ Amencan Legion.
for correspondence courses up to Bradley's opinion was in answer
$500. Make application at your to the question of whether a re-
nearest Veterans' administration tired ?fficer of t~le armed forces
office. who IS not receiving retirement
pay but is holding an office in I
Windup - Electric

PLAN MAIN LINES that the touch of a finger-tip brought her a dozen
willing servants for the cost of a candy bar.
Mom's back in the kitchen. And electric ser-

Appointed Chaplain
The Rev. Walter Bruggeman ceIve a pension.
for!ller Philadelphiahas
ter18n clergyman. presbY~
pointed full-time chaplain at the
Veterans Administration hospital
th~ federal government, may re-

ap- C A S D . + - +••
I Toasters,
MOST COMPLETE vice- always ready, dependahle and cheap - is
there with her, making hcr tasks easier, her life
more comfortable. Servicc like that just doesn't
happen. It takes hard work and good btlJiness
at Perry Point. Md., VA announc-.
eo today.
Chaplain Bruggeman. 51, is a. +
veteran of World War I. ordain-
ed in 1922. he held pastorates at +

Paid Immediately For

Christ Presbyterian Church,Over-. DIAMOND JEWELRY +



At the
Following .the abso~ute sell.out of Spritzler's women's, girls' and infants' depart-
management. The men and women in \1om's elec-
tric company-and yours, too-make it possible.
. .,..,.
• H.o, NEtSON EDDY in "THE ELECTRIC HOUR" wlfh RoO.., A.mbrvot.,ls
orial Hills. Pa., Chichester Mem-.+
Church. Booth- ANTIQUE JEWELRY + BALA ELEOTRICAL ments SprJtzler's wIll reconvert their entire store and specialize exclusively in men's Orch,,'ro. En.y Suodoy 01'.'0000, 4:30, EST, CBS Network.

w~·n. Pa.• and Ventnor Community + We are pa:vlnr the hllrhest • and boys' wear.
Church. Ventnor, N. J. prices paid In hlltor:v + "ENTER
~:=::i:d J~~::~~~~~~!h::~! ::
and master of' theology degrees
from Princeton Theological Se-
min..,." fn 111!l!I( Il
... D
A4 A.i ~

City L:e at Bala Ave.

1. Gre.
Manufac~rers.of Am.erica;s !eadi~g nationally advertised men's and boys' wear are
cooperating With Sprltzler s 10 thIS new merchandising program. No longer will the
!Oen in ~dmore and vicinity be obliged to spend hours of travel and shopping
IOconvenlences to get the it'erchandise they want. Spritzler's will be the buy-word
, for sboppera wh~ want quatity men'a and boys' w~--lIenaiblyprice~ I
I ••
_------------------------------:-------,-~~---,---~~._- - -

., ...

S~~\TI'Lower Merion Wins First Test In Bid For District Court Crown
situ- PENF~~~;r~~AGUE Haverford High Writes
~~:~~r~~~~b:~~t~~gW~i:ai~iLo;~ OVER BUX-MONT CHAMPS
Merion managed to subdue
~~;~::::::::::::::::::::1r ~st Finis To Court Season Hawks , ..••.. , .. 19 13

~~[~~~~::~~i~~:~i!~~·~r:etu::gl:~ BEFORE 4300 SPECTATORS ~~~~):~~:~~:~~~~~~~~~~:: t~ II As Upper Darby Wins

the District One tournament trial I
nc.xt Tuesday night. playing at i
VIllanova College FJeld House. No
new experience for the. MarOO!!,
L1'ners Defeat Upper Darby I'n SectI'on
Il\lr aI' nOne Playoff by 48-40 As Shephard I
Maa IDe lOtS
: ::::::: .. :::::::::
WT~te~kti~~red' 'i;;lme',':": 'Ch~rles 6~s-
senger. 214; Lloyd Young. 210. 206;
'La pal Regretfully calling it quits for
another season. Haverford High's
ba.~ketbaIl team bowed out of the
it'll mark the fourth tlmc thIS
season they've played there. I And Powell Lead Assau t
Choose Herrmano FOeorlle Bromley. 207; George Pocock.
~g~~ ~i :;b~~~I~:~~m, 204; BllI Benz.
' Delaware County championship
basketball tournament Monday
n i g h t at Chester Vocational
Opposing Ollie Robinson's team

l~ 00 All S'tar Tearn

will be, in all probability an old Seeking its 14th PIAA District One ba!\ketball title in Won Lost School.
and respected rival: ~adnor
The once-beaten RaIders opened '. . . . , '
High. the last 17 seasons Lower 'Merion embarked on the long l~ Blue
.. :::::::::::::::::::::
16 16
Given an enthusiastic push by
an arch-rival from Upper Darby
defense of their District One arduous tournament traIl Wednesday mght at VIllanova S White 13 19 High, the Ford courtmen dropped
C " T.hursday, playmg. Ridley g\'mnaSI'llm
Hhlh Games-Jule
Langan, CraIg. 176;
165; Nellie Gorman, 155,Tl1Ile
150. a 53-41 dec~ion in the opening
Township at the same VIllanova ' 149; Helen Ehlers. 165. round of annual event sponsored
gymnasium. The Maroon courtmen, victorious over Upper Darby last ,0.---
• Radnor, Section Two tWist, Friday in a playoff for the Suburban Section One title, met
figured to win without too m u c h . . . . t h ' . ' 't' I D' . tOt t
St. Joseph Battles Narberth's Middleton
Is Named Best
by Chester Kiwanis ClUb.
It marked the third time this
season Haverford has met Upper
tr'ouble against Township. Spllngfield (Montco) In
Whether L. M. would experience Springfield was the Bux-Mont League representath-e in the
the saml' happy fate against
Springfield was, as late as last PIAA C ass A p a J 0 ::s.
I' I · ff·
ell 1I111a Istnc ne es.
k I PI
JOC eys 0 ayo ff On Defense Darby and the result was never
different. Winning almost as han-
dily as they did in two previous
Two Narberth basketball plaY- engagements. the rebounding Roy-
Teusday morning. still debat-
For Robinson, admitting that he I Spnng!leld five by a scare of 55. to
didn'L know ··too lI1ucl1" about the: 46. S.Jl:mgfield opened the sconng
The L. M. basketmen led prac-+
i tica.lly all the way to defeat the Upper Darby U-Igh For League Crown ers were honored when Main Line als led all the way.
League managers met last week Upper Darby, bounding back af-
to choose the circuit's annual All- ter losing to Lower Merion Friday
Star team and most valuable per- in the Section One playoff, fash-

Bux-Mont champions. pomted out but trailed 30 to 24 at the half-
Sprin~fipld disjlo~ed ot' Sellers- time mark. TIle Menonltes wpre
ville-Perkasie last Friday for its paced by Tom DaVIS, long-shot
WrestIers Cap ture Vaulters Will Face
formers for the 1945-46 season. ioned a 10-8 cdge in the first per-
Russ Herrmann. one at' the iod. The Fords then managed to
ieague's leading scorers. was chos- tenaciously remain within striking

Istnct 0ne ItIeI

14th ti'lumph 111 15 games thIS artist. H f d Lo en on the All-Star first team at distance. but it proved only the
season. By beating Sellersville, MOre than 4300-one .of the Da a Ta aver or op guard, along with Coatesvillc's calm before the storm.
Sprmgfield clinched the crown.
Leadinl:' scorers for the Bux- Villanova College FICld House-
' largest gathenngs ever to Jam the WI'nner Bobby Keehn. Harry Middleton. Striking back in the second
former Lower Merion athlete and quarter. the Royals-led by little
1\Iont titlists were a COllple boys were on hand last week when Low- like Herrmann, a Borough basket- Jack Schellhase and Kennard
named Blick and Neall. Ollie's er Menon mauled Upper Darby, Basketeers bowed out of the eli- ball star, was named the league's Jackson-jumped into a 26-16
scouts had little else to report, 48-40: . . Maroon's Mar n e 0 y mination playoffs for Saturday best defensive player. halftime lead. In that prolific
although hc was informcd Ollie Robll1son s charges were Morning Lea.gue la.urels at Haver- Other All-Star performers were period. Upper Darby doubled the
Springfield played a man-for- forced to wage an uphill battle to
man. And, after Upper Darby, defeat Upper Da:rby s Royals. who
B Hin kFinals Joe Gilinger, leading point pro- score on Haverford, banking 16
ford High gym last Saturday. ducer from Norristown, and Don points to the locals' eight.
AbinKton and assorted Section ,stePPed bnskly mto a 17-11 lead
One zone defenders, that was : as th.e first quarter conclUded. It
op ins y
This handsome trophy, honoring the memOry of S/Sgt.
dropping a 25-21 decision to Swab Markward. Coatesville, a.t for-
Jockeys in a closely-contested ward. Art Spector, erstll-lllle VI!- champion. outscored Steve Juen-
Upper Darby, defending Delco

relief of a sort. I wasn t ,until the last two and. a Upper Darby High's wrestling Charles Leonard Jones. former Lower Merion High athlete, has game· lanova ace. was chosen at center ger's charges by 17-10 in the third
,half mmutes of the second penod team won the PIAA District One . . for his work with Clifton Heights. period. Only in the fourth quar-
-lUld \"11"ll-Lo"·el' MCI'I'on I, that Lower M. erion moved ahead been placed in competition in the Main Line Basketball Lea!o':ue In another recreatIOn I~Op game, Spector. who also plays with Pat- ter were the Fordl' able to crack
If , ~" f tl fi t t championship for the sec 0 n d lor the fil'st time. Jones, who plaved with Narberth and .was voted st Joseph concluded Its cam- S . tl1 A' P 0
n1 ~u ets Radnol' 11ext Tuesday . it I' orB tle rs Ime. tl the Royals' zone defense, racking
t tl stl'al'gllt ,'e,nr I'll tl1e 13th annual the MLL's best defensive playel'J In 1941-42, was killed in : action palgn by sendmg . Navy Gobs . down L for. agu
on a m '1'11 eI' 'vmencantl 10 l' I up 15 points to 10, but it was too
"1'11 mal'k tl1e Mal'll Line I'I'vaIs', l.t once over. 1.e cre,s, .le e " \\ ecel e Ie ca
to theIr l~th straIght defeat, 39,- ;eague's Most Valuable Player late despite their desperate chal-
n • . . ,
\, M lOon machl1e lapldly gatheled meet at Haverford Junior High in France July 4, 1944. A league doubleheader at Lower Merion
third meeting this st:ason. Radnor I a I . High prOVided the funds for the award. The trophy will be placed 29. The .vlctory \yas St. Joseph s Trophy.
handed L. M. its first defeat. snap-I momer:tu,m and actu~IlYT won go- Friday and SatUl'da:v. In a speel'al case at LOwer Merion and will remain there until seventh 111 10 tl'les and enabled Cl tl d leng-e.
PI '11g' ~
u btlddl·11l? V'I'''tOI'y
~ stl'eak dtll'- mg
Tl a\\ a~
I M In t..he .cIosmg m. mutes.
tiki d b The Royal wrestlers compiled I't I'S \\'on thl'ee times. Non-istown and CliftOn Heights are the it to clinch second place m . final t 10sen onMoM 1e AIl-Star
11' seeon
CI·ft Schellhase. Intermingling set
I on shots with layups, scored six field

· 1" ti1e Chl'I'stlnas 11011'da"s by U 1en t Dle I b'ellom

1I ,., J I es.knSlac t zone dey 40 points by capturing four of 11 leading contenders for it this year. league standmgs. . eam were
I Heights, and
n u m. Ed Boyle

• .
wininng in the finals of the Wayne' fenlie . I pper.111 a' they early
s c ose-: I
mmutes, e
finally - individual crowns. They scored
cracked the 2-3 barrier wide open 30 points in Friday's preliminary
,EIlI,s. Dw;er and 1~I.S <redo~b~ab1e and forced the Royals in desper- and the semi-final rounds.
J It N berth
Brooksoar .---- B 0"t" T eanec k T errors and S wa b at forward; Harlan Gustafson, goals. He had two fouls for 14
Jockeys have one more league NOI,·~town, center; Fred Bertram. points. While Charlie Bray ba.nked
game remaining, meeting SatUl'- Wayne and Clifton Heights' Billy 16 points and Jim HeSo'i 11 for the
point.s. Jackson accounted for 15

~al(~eIS made It ~tlck a fe\\ \\ eeks. ation to employ man-for-man in

ld tel, \1 mnmg b~ about 20 pomts the final four minutes.
at Lower MeI~IO? .. ~ut. L. M. has I Rog Anderson. Upper DarbY's c~1ampionships. Cheltenham, win-
Lansdowne placed second with
32 points and four individual T0 Force 4th PIace day morning at the Haverford Woods, guard. Woods previously Fords. Bray had seven field goals
tloor. Later. Swab Jockeys wiII played for Villanova.
bat.tle St. Joseph In the elimina- The honorable mention list in- l:I'I'Elt DAHIlY
and two foul goals.
(orne a lon~ \\ ay slJ1ce tJ?en, ~nd a 16-foot-6 center, broke the ice in ner of District One laurels 10 lion playoffs. with the winner to eluded Charlie Gauer, UPpel' Dar- G.I".P. G.F.P.
bllstImg battle IS 111 plosp(;d IF the first 40 seconds. banking a times. finished third with 21
they meet. . I pivot shot for a 2-0 lead.
R~dnor emplo,·s a 3-2 zone WIth Powell promptly tied it for Lower with 12. Lower Merion scored
Dick points and Abington was fourth PIayo ff W·Ith Wayne play Pole Vaulters-tlrst place by; Charlie Gunther. Brookline: Ru!'.,ell. f
finisher-for the league title on Lee Logan. Chester: Harry Mid- ~~1~·.1;:~~:~ 2 2 6 GIII~·I1."
March 16. dleton, Narberth, and Jim Cough- Hcnn. ~
2 2 6 Bray. f
6 2 14 Hes~. f
o I I Roul,lol1. g 0 1 1
7 2 16
:I 1 11
I 0 2
consIderable success. somethmg Merion, scor111g on a fa.<;t break, three points for fift h and the host i Pole VaUlters. who won eight of lin. Norristown. JaCk'Oll. It' 6I 03 1;;2 Corde•. It' 0 2 2
Sw~pne~·. f l O 2
1 10 league games. will warm up for John Wise, Clifton Heights pi - ~Wri~~~~~;/! I I :1 Gultllanl. t 0 1 1

that the comparatIvely mexpen-, but Walt Russpl! regained the lead Haverford team failed to score.
pnced Menonltes I1ave already dls- Ifor the Upidahs with a set shot
~ol'ered 10 their '01" ",'. '1 'ilt lrom the side.
Three 1945 champions were
among the indil'idual victors. Sustaining two successive Main IPenfield Downs
+ I the titular playoffs b~' opposing lot. was cJlOsen manager of the Brown. c
Basketeers in an exhibition tussle All-Star first team and Nol'l'is- ClprY. It'
I I 3 Morrison, Il 2 1 ;;
I 0 2 Klrsch·n. g 0 1 1
billTlf'l' '1 j'" . Tom Davis dropped a stab as Lansdowne's Calvin Engle, 127- Line League losses Narberth's elis Saturday. town's JOi' Fay was similarly hon- Klltl<ore, It' Totat.. 16 9 41
• forceful defense. houndll1g and L. M. again drew on even terms, pounder: Upper Darby's Dick b ' b II t League Makes Plans I
' I d d it Kirschner caged four tleld goals ored for the second squad. I Totals 20 13 53
lUll "s.. u;g L •• d"., . but little Jack Schellhase. speedy Cripps. 185 pounds, and Chelten- asket a earn cone u e s and two fouls as Jockeys dls-
the 11001') and ::Jtu Adal1ls c.c"tHY 5-foot-5 forward, scored from the ~1am's Harold Harvey repeated. al- regulfl.r schedule in a fourth-place
A meeting of the Penfield Downs posed of Basketeers. topping both
accuracy WIl! be hard to hall-IF' side and Upper Darby again mOv- Wough Harvev mOI'ed up from tie with Wayne. The Boroughites Softball League was held recently teams With 10 points. H. Smith . --


tl1e~' meet. . . i ed ahead. The Roy'aIs remained the 95-pound bracket to de- Ibowed to Brookline 62-54 on MOll- at the home of Colin MacDonald, was runnerup with seven points.
But, as we said a mll1ute ago. i out in front until 2.35 of the sec- throne the 103-pound titlist, Up- I '
L. M. has come a .long way since Iond period. when Capt. Buzz Weth- per Dar})y's Ed Smith.
tll'O prenous meet1l1gs with Rad-: erald's stab gave the locals a 24-33
. nol'. The Maroon passers have ~ edge. drew a bye in the opening round evening.
". 1005 Aikens Rd., Penfield Downs. Bob Steiert, who set a new leag-ue
day mght.. then lost to Chft.on The group discuSo~ed the flnal for- scoring record of 32 points last
Joe Anderson. Lower M~'ion.1 Heights by 71-50 the followlI1g maHon of an athletic association' weEk. was high for Basketeers
and made Plans for the coming I wlt.h seven markers.
.==.....:-=: _-:'.';:::'.=::::-:_.. =-- - I
• lI:H1I1cd confidence, ftnpsse and Fouled on the play. L. M.'s lone of tl1e 95-pound bouts, but lost Fighting for a place in the season m the Suburban SOftball I In the. other game. Muir 8cor-
have been testpd under fire With. veteran converted to make it 25-33. to Cheltenham's Dan r...rOlTison. Shauf'lmessy playoffs, Narberth League. ed 12 pamts and R. Sweeney had
a1n1O>t; [\S mUch at stake. Witl1! But Bill Henn hung up a stab. 4-2. in the s e m i s. Another opposed Wayne Thli1'sda~' llig~lt at Reelected as m~nager of the 1~ for. St. Jose!?h. Granger's
e\'er,·tJlll1g to gam Hnd very little I again knotting the score. and the Maroon matman. AI Shimisaki. Bala-Cynwyd Junior Hif!h court. team. MacDonald pIloted the team I elg!1t pomts was hIgh for Gobs. Newly Decorated
10 lose. they can attord to gamble! ~ame gent tallied in the final 10 drew a b,'e but lost to C:-Jelten- Thr- winner will open a three- to the championship of the league I ElImln~tlon Playoffs The Dining Room
anri go all-ollt for this one. i .',pconds for a 28-all ~Landoff to ham's Harvey in. a 10-3 pound game series with Clifton H~ights last sea~on. Other officers elected SWAB JOC~~~.Sp. BASKETE5R~ P
.. one ot' the ~pason's "must" games.. one-handel'.
In any event. It shapes up as offset Davis' foul and powell's test. And Jack MIddleton. L. M. beginnin'\" next Monday at Chfton. I were:
120-pollndrr. was tossed by Lans- Brookline lost George Morris
,< Thomp!\On. f 1 2 4 Sch~el. f l ' O· :i I
President. Ben Goodwell; vice-I PittInger. f l O 2 NeWhall. f 3 0 6 New
If the.l· \I·pre. hanging On the Two la"ups b".· Powell gave the downe's d Don Kelly in a record 13 and Ned. , Brownlev on fouls in the president MacDonald'
" I H.Smlth. secretary- Kirschner.g c 24 J2 107 Stelprt.
Rhode~ It'
c 0J 0I 07 Wynnewood Dinners Served
J .,
lafters last Fndav for the Upper Main Liners a 32-28 margin a.~ I SC('on s aftel' drawing a bye. final mmutes agamst Narberth. As treasurer, Tom Carson. and to the Haigh. gOO 0 Kuehnl~. g 3 0 6
Darby game. picture wl1at will the third period began.
happen this timp.
But I In a 145-pound match. the the game conclUded. George Gas- board of governors. John Waligora Powell. K
Schellha~e contributed a set shot, Menol1ltes' Orlando Rioboli lost kill hobbled to tile sidelines with a and Olin West.
1 0 2
Totals 10 1 21 House 510 9P. M.
( 'fhC~"11 }Jrobably pR(,k the and Brooks Brown batted in a re- to Lansdowne's Don Larson, 7-0. sprained ankle and the Brooks
Field House by 6.30 and turn 'em bound. and Lhe Royals again tied after a bye. Dave MaronI','. de- were forced 10 play ele last 20
away at the entrance by the it at 32.
thousands-IF they mcet!
feated Abington's Frank Vaughn. seconds with only four men.
That left it up to the blond and 7-4. but I<:>st to Bob Hopkins, i But, far from being content to
L I G a es
oca Ir a
• ._ Totals 11 725
Rell'ul3r J,eague Game
ST. JOSF~~F. P. NAVY Gg~:. P.

USSkatlog I-tlI e
Smith. f 0 0 0 Granlt·r. r 4 0 8
, - - - -••- ..- I indefatigable Powell. and he met Lansdowne In the final ~·ound. He play it s8'fe. Herb. Good's gang Bruoe. f :1 1 7 Carson. f 2 0 .; Call Narberth 9282
. .J 1m Pooley Leads I..
the challenge with two foul con- de~pated Pl~lI Donate.lll. Haver- went all out and I!!stead scored
versions. After that, the Royals fOld. by 3-1 In the semis. Maroney against the Boroughltes to secure
a J.Sweenp;y. e 4 0 8 RoUlston. C 2 0 4
R.Sween Y. g 5 0 10 Jone•. c 3 0 6
Interac Courtmen' I never again drew even, although was the onb' local entrant to their margin .. The Brooks led by a • g
~e~~.t~ g ~ 1~ ~~7L~' g 12 10 34
Scores 115 P oInts
' it wasn't until the last few min- reach the finals.
utes that Maroon adherents dared h 95-POUND-Dan Morrison. Chelfen- to beat back Narberth's belated
. am. defeated Roy Bell Upper Dar
30-25 at halftime, but were forced
I Barbara Jon e S, 14-year-old II TotalR 19 1 39 Tolals 14 1 29
Standings or the Teams
B ~r t The Fine8t Food at All TilM.
,Jim Pooley. Friends' Central's breathe freely. b)'. 7-0. . - C1aIlenge. . .,
6-foot-4 center. caged 50 tleld I Leading Lower Merion to tri- 103-POUND-Harold. Han·PY. Chpltpn-
goals and 15 fouls for 115 points umph wa.'i Len Shephard. fresh- ~'~::" defeated Ed SmIth. Upper D!\I'by. were Russ Henmann With 15 Humane Society member, won the Sl. Joseph
Leadlllg JIg-gS Torchlana steam PhiladelPhia. Skating Club and Pole VaultE'rs
I , ~. ~. PC.
7 3 DO.lo~bu~!ls
to top Interacadpmic League baS-I man football star. who had ~ix 112-POUND-RIISS Harlan. Lansdowne. po~nts. and KelIeh~r With .12. ?a~­ Iales d · ,"JUlllor na tl ona 1 fl gure s k a t - Swab
" 6
:: 5
.555 62nd " WALNUT STS. CHOPS
ketball scorers thiS season. He field goals and four of five foul d"feated Lloyd Carter. Upper Darby. Iglla caged 14. pomts tOl BlOok- ing championship In the Chicago Teaneek Terrors
had a ~even-poil1t lead ol'er trie~ for 16 points. Most of hi~ 8-3,
Teammate Diek Huntzingel' I baskets came'
line and Charlie Gunt!1er garnered
from close in. Pow- cI Ir;O-tPdOUnND-,l;1I11 MOOre. UPI)f'r Darby. 16 on six tleld goals and four fouls. Arena. Fnday.
. I Navy GObs
G~tnes TIlls Saturday
0 10
6 .333

F ntz. I . .
T lOrnton and Dick Esrey ell produced III all 10 pomts, While
. ' , e a.. OIl noe tl'\'. Lamdowne 8-:1
127-POUND-catl'ln Englp. Lan'do'~;le
I-I .
.el mann mng up
I 20' t
POl!,! s Tlie Ardmore skater who I'S al- I(>A~\le
• t
Terror' '·s. SWAb Jockeys (LAst
led Haverford School scorers. al- Center Dick Masters had eight, lhrl':" Bob Do \'I.,. Cheltenham. re: a¥amst Chfton HeIghts. scormg SO an accomplIshed concert pi-
though both fil1lshed well down i out.scoring h~ elongated opponent. Ie", bar. ~ mIn.·.. Il $ecs. eIght tleld goals and four fouls anist. compiled a good score in bltlon game),
Pole Vaulters VO. BAsket.erR fExhl-
Delicious Home Cooked Meals
the list. Thornton tallied 51 1 LOWEIt MEIUOS UI'I'ER DAltUY d/i~~-t~OdUNJD-hCIlllMI Rllle~" Upper Darby. to no avail. For Clifton. compi!- the school figures on Thursday. at~;;l JOI':I:;;n VS • Swab Jock.YR (Ellmln- -AT-
pom",'i on 21 fi eld goal~ and nine Da"j,. f G F' P
1· 2' 4 Russell. f G F P
2' 2' Ii refer,'p's clerlslon. () n Atland, Ablngjon'
. mg an 18 : 11 Iea d·III tl 1e fl rs t per- then fiashed a fancy free skatmg =;===p=y=='=:===:=:===::::;:1
, fOUls And Esrey accounted for 47. T. BlOwn.! 0 0 0 Wllklns·n.! 0 0 0 138-POUND-BIII Brown. Abington. iod. nevel relented and widened program to nose out Yvonne II
roolt·~·. F Cl'ntrol ~o
: Shephard.! 6 4 16 Sch'lIh·_e.! 6 0 12 d"fpoted Tom Dough"rlY, Uppcr Dar- the margin by outscoring the Sherman, New York.
G. F. Pt,.' Hawkins.! I 1 3 Killgore. f 0 0 0 by. 4-2,
IS 115 Kern.! 0 0 0 Anderoon. c 3 0 h 145-POUND--Dal'P Lorson. Lqn"lnwne.
locals "2-7 in the final quarter
'. - , . . . C h a l' I e s (Lefty) Brink'ii1aiI,1
GOLF BALLS Windsor & Essex Aves•. Narberth. Ph. Narberth 925.
Huntzll1'l'r. 1". Cpnlral .. 4R
R~noall. 1". Cl'ntral 21l
12 108 Masters. c ':l I 7 B. Brown. g I 0 2 dp!l'at"d Dick Dunlan, Abington. 5-2.
6 62 Kane. c O O 0 Henn. It 3 2 8
~rt Spector. sCOJerl 23 pomts for Lower Merion High athlete, took
154-POUND - Bob Hawk!n.. Lan.- Chfton. tabbmg nine field goals second in the men's national
cooper: Epl,copal
Relf,m dpr. P. Chert,er .. 26
Ann,trong. 1". Centrlll .. 26
Totnall. P. Chartl'r P. Charter.
, 23

: 21

61 WeLhel'ald. II 3 2 II Hyatt. It
9 61 Reeves. ~
7 59 Powell g
12 5815
55 cot. g t '
4 2 10
0 0 0 T otals 1
0 0 0 downe. clrfeated DRve Maroney. LOwE'r and four fouls
0 0 0 Jackson. g 1 4 6 Merion. 5-0.
840 D
165-POUND _ Tom Dlmmlg Upper
th K B'
G. .
G.F. P.
rew en .lown ......n,downe. Herrmann. f 4 7 I~ COllll<lla. f 6 2 14 lhe women's novice. Nancy Lem-,'
event. Jane Lemmon, of BaldWin
School, clinched third place in I WANTED
6 Any eondition-a.ny quantity.
Houtz. F. Central 23 8 54 1 --- I ~1Alf Jlelson and bod~ preMo 6 mlns., II Ipse. f 3 0 6 Hpllry. f 0 n 0 7'he Hom'7 of Good /f'ootJ
Alsentzrr l' ChArtpr 2t II 53 Totals 18 12 43 . ees. Kraft. f 3 I 7 Morrl. f 2 2 6 aman, Jane's twin sister, was given
higher mark by one judge,l
Best prices paid, Call or stop
Thornt~n·. tia"ertordS.·:: 21 9 51 LOwel' Merlo.n , 11 17 1~ 9--48 18~-POUND-Dlck Crlppe. Upppr Dar- Ful:crton. e I 1 3 Gllnth·er. e 6 4 16
F.'rp~'. Hal'Prford S 16 I~ 47 i Uppcr Darb~ .; 17 . 11
Offlcla!.-Btltz and Z1Cgenftl~.
0 u-qU 1)y. threw BlII Ke"ler. Cheltenham. half KplIehpr. g
j ncl~on and crotch, 3 mlns.. 32 seCJI.
5 2 12 BI'Ownle,·. g 6 0 12 \\·hich indicates how well the
0 2 2 Gosklll. g 2 ~ 9 daughters I EARLINGTON PARK

McCullough, Gtn. Acad .• 15 14 44 Fepnpy, It' of Dr. and Mrs. Wil-
Leidy. Gtn. Acad 16 10 42 --- - - MIddleton. g 2 5 9 Nason, g' 2 1 5 liam Lemmon performed. GOLF CLUB
Drexel Tech Rally HIS ON GAME Jack Sorcls ~y Totat, 18 III ~4 Totals 24 14 62 Another Ardmore club repre- I BOB VENABI,ES, Pro
HalHlme: BlOokIlnp. 30-25. sentatlve. Dick Button-who at-j Manoa Road below Darby Road
• lends Englewood tN. J.J School- Llanerch
Beats Hornets, 44-43 N,\RBlmnr CIH;STF~R raptured the men's seniOr cham- I HILL'rOI' 9889
Overwhelmed by Drexel Tech's ••
nPl'l'm·n. f G. 5 FI P. 11 MIIIpr. r 4 , Fo 1'8' , pJ·ons111·p.
13 ~;;~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~g:1 1623 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA
last-minute bombardment. Hav- Feeney. f l O 2 Sebpr. r 8 I 17 ------.--- Vtctor, fONT
erford College courtmen dropped Kraft. r 4 3 11 Janlcht. e 7 ~ I~
a 44-43 decision in a Middle At- ! Suitor. f l O 2 Borrett. K 6 I 1:1
MAnnlllll. c 5 5 12 UrbanI. g 2 1 S
Germantown Upsets
lantic Conference contest at Hav-
Kpltphpr. II' 7 I 15 Foley, II'
Mlddlet·n. ~ 6 2 14 Haverford Jayvees
1 0 2
The Hornets hflrl a precarious Fullerton. II 0 0 0 'rot al~ 28 8 64 Germantown Friends School's
22-21 halftime lead. but. Drexel- Tolal' 29 12 70 crack court team roIled over Ha-
prevlollsly beaten in seven straight l'larherl.h 20 ~2 14 14--·70 \'/,rford Junior CoIlege varsity, 33-
league games-won on Joe De- Chp~ter 13 17 22 12-64 27, Friday at Coulter St., and G('r-
Stefano's field goal In th!' final 10 Rf'ff'fPP: BrE'w.qt f'Y.
mantown Ave.. as Stew MacCoIl
seconds. COATESVn,J.Il: RROOKI.rJ"~; caged 12 points. Joe Sproule,
Dlll1 \Va!nll'r i'col'erl 19 points G.F. I' G.F P. former Haverford High star. led
for Haverford and Tom Gerlach SeA'·py. f 5 I 11 Mnrrls. r I n 2 the Homet reserves with three
garnerl'd 11. but. it was not enough Crm:s. r o 0 0 C~nh"tl,.! I 2 4 tleld goals and tlve foUls for 11
Ru1)·cam. f I 0 2 Hpnrr. f 4011
even though the Hornets led by
38-22 going into the last period.
Garawsk\' ! 6 0 12 LtoYd. c
Proska, c 1 2 4 Br·ley. It'
306 points.
6 2 14 GERMANTOWN HAVERFonD J. V. A cing lUlOl111
DREXEL HAVERFORD EntrIken. Il 2 1 5 Lafferty. g 000 FRIENDS G.F.P.
G.F.P. G.F.P. Markw'd. K .; 2 10 Gaskill. g 4 0 8 Te,t. f G. F. P. Ride, f 2 I 5
Mason. ! I () 2 Johnson,! 2 1 5
D'Stefano, t 9 321 Wllgner,I 7 519
Atk·,on. K
Keehn. g
1 0 2
6 3 15 Totats 19 4 4? ~~~~::: ~
1 3 5 Sproule. f 3 5 11
2 0 4 Johnson. c o 0 0
The Opening
Hlil. c I J ~ Gerlach. c 5 I 11
Lowry. g ') ') t1 Clayton, g 0 2 2 Totals 26 9 61
Sobpl, g
Eltman, f
I 2 4 DuffIeld. g 1 0 2 CoatesvillE' 10 5 21 25-{l1 Of Our New
Katsoff. K ~ ~ ~ Bilker. g ~I_~ I Bl'Ooklille 4 9 10 19-42
Re!prees: Mllier and Dona\'
Enetr·ck. !I Tolals 15 IJI 43 I
~ II 4
17 10 44
Hatftlmp Scol'l"-Hal'prfol'd. 22; Drexel,
G. F. P. Hprrm •.nn. f 8 4 '-0
21. SP<'etor. f 9 4 2:l l.o'P.! 4 I 9 Want to enjoy. a pleasant evening- with
Offlclal.--Ka"fm.ln nnd G"lge•. B. Wood,. f 5 0 10 Kraft. p 4:1 II 'vOUI' friends. Bri!H: tllPm f 0 OUI' I1r\\'
Mullin. c 2 5 9 leN ner. II' 0 I I cocktail lounge. Ollr dl'inks a 1'1' cxpprt I.v
Bryn Mawr Girls Koehlror. It
Pollnek. ~
Tlln,!"I\' II'
2 t .'i Fullerl<1I1." (1 ; 1 I
R 4 18 T<pllphpr. II' 0 I I I
I 0 2~llddn·1l.", I ~ 7
mIxed-Name the drink we'lI .'I'I'I'f' It.!
, >:;:;
Beaten hy Drexel Harrl.•. It' 204
Bryn Mawr Colleg-e girl~' bAS-
ketbRII team dropped it.~ t.hlrd
straight game Saturday afternoon,
'rntal. 27 17 71
Cllrton H~llt'hto .. III
Narberth ., II "i:.. :'. THE NEW CHATTERBOX"
bowing to Drexel Tech by 19-16
at BrYn Ma.wr.
Bryn Mawr led at the end of the BeN Offlelals: Rocks and

~", ~~~~~·f~:?,M
first period. but COUldn't cope With
Drexel's belated assaUlt. Leading
the Tech' team was Marilyn
Schultz with eight points. Agnes $eKV'M6,~o1iCIi -(lolA.,.. TRIAL LESSON $2,50
Nelms, Bryn Mawr. equalled her /ote IN-(eNOS'''1'O t'6 C,A.A. Approved Instruetors
total with two field goals and four AMo~60 <&ol.FS -('oPMo,J,e.,/
Piper Cub Trainers . 8eeI'
Piper Cub Coupe Wine. Llquon
DREXEL TECH BRYN MAWR wlNtole~s IN ""-,,(IS teARS Authorized Dealers for Piper Really Fine
G.F.P. G.F.P. -<OOR,o.lAM~,o.l.,.. PLA'I Cub and Republic Seabee Italax over a cocktail, Ihan enlay a
:;chlndler, t 3 0 6 Nelms. r
MacMlilan,! 2 1 5 Gilmartin. f 3 I 7
2 4 8
Skyparks, Inc. daliciau. lunch or dlnnar, promptly qAKED HAM SANDWICHES
SchUltz. f 4 0 8 W·th·gt·n.! 0 1 1 and p_rfect'Y .arved.
Beagle. ! 0 0 0 BIerWIrth It' 0 0 «
BAlderst·n. It 0 0 0 Tozzer. I l ' 0 0 0
Proctor. gOO 0 Young, goO 0 -(e')(AS OPISi.l, e..tA8t,ep HIM 10 11e"
Benedict Airport
SO,",o.l's 2M, "ZO \1,o,{oe"! PA~, ,1'1 -(J{e
LUNCH,. from 60c Di\VE~S BAR
V'n In'g'n, II 0 0 0 BOOTHWYN, RD. No.1, DINNIR •• from 85e
Totlll.'l 10 6 16 I
eileO'" "Jet-solol ,''' 19*b 'IIlCWRtESs Turn left on Route 261, oft
c..,itaiI TI_ •••••• J Ie " , M. 5004 CITY AVB.
Totals 9 1 19 6-Ac~ wIIolNw& .....wo I Baltimore Pike

f:"" •


Twiggs Myers. George. Time: 27.5 sees. DIVING-I, Bob Spurdle, Haverford:
be made longer and more difilcult
within the next couple years. The
Ford Mermen Win loo.YARD BREASTSTROKE-l Bob 2. Gouv Cadwallader, George: 3, Pete
Drew-Bear Haverford' 2 Dwight Rettie Frederick, George. points: 46.6.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Club house also will be remodeled Over George S ch I
. _ •
00 Haverford;' 3. Frank Jncobl, George:
Time: 1 min., 14.2 secs.
i erford I LnOlmot. DreW-Bear and Ew-
and bowling alleys installed. HavelfOld School s swimming: 220.YARD FREESTYLE _ I. Bmce Ing) Tim.': 1 min .. 28.9 secs.
25 WORDS FOR 50c (In 'One Pap.)
team scored Its seventh tl'Iumph1 G!'aves, Georlle; 2. Angue.Russell. Hav- 200-YARD FREESTYLE RELAY - 1.
in nine meets Saturday defeating' erford: 3, Ted Cha.,teney. Haverford. C?eome ,Palll Kester. F'rederlclt, ,Jim
· th 1" 1 I 'rlme: 2 mlns., 26.1 seCA. samm.all aUd Rogers). Time: 1 nlln .•
G eorge S C11001 m eaSel' s poo, 100-YARD BACKSTROKE - 1, Ted 50.9 S"(:.'I. •
THE MAIN LINER, HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS An observer. looking North In 38-28. The Main Liners, who were I Lammot. Haverford; 2. Sonny Haines. .---- •
You ma, !lend mone, order••tamps or personal check. Addr_ aU
communications to Lower Werlon NewapaDel'l. Ardmore. Pa.
<BpecJal Monthly Rata)
the Southem hemisphere, sees the
sun across the heavens frOm right
to· left, while one looking South
In the Northern hemisphere sees
SIX of eIght events.
defeated only by Lawrenceville ¥~~ei ~In.~~~nsec.:;:nxman, George. Gasoline production
a.nd Na.val Academy Plebes. won I 100·YARD FREESTYLE-I. Tom EW- United St.ates in 1900 was 7,000,000
ling. Haverford; 2. Jnck ROllers, Geor~e: b' ., 1 . . • 1945'
50-YARD FREESTYLE-I, Jim Graut, 3. Rodney Quigg, George. Tim,,; 60.71 aue 5. In
It \\as
in the

, ,
, .
the sun move from left to right. Hnverford; 2, George Shano. George; 3, i secs. barrels.


GREenwood 7740

Hilltop 3600
YOUNG MAN - White, over 18 years
old for counter work In Diner. Ex-
fum. h. h. goods. china, brlc·a.brac.
A D I 0 i
II ..
•••••••••••••••••••••••• lllll"11111111111111111111111111111'1111111111111:
Genera I
perience not neeessan·. Dean's Diner. cst&tcs, plnno:;, antiques, etc. 1m. remo\'. CUSTOM MADE LANDSCAPE SERVICE

CALL 6036 or LOC 9174 II'
210 E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore. Phone
ii..................... .'
Ardmore 9644. 57211 Samson St 2132 Market St. FLEXIBLE STEEL Flower Beds. Lawns & II'
Shrubs Ca.-ed For. III
GOOD MAN to take care of garden for
Summer. Phone Narberth 3663.
slip covers. bedspreads. Celanese cur-
tains. EstimAtes Robert J. Mancaruso,
2114 Bond Ave.. Drexel Hill. Sunset
Bondcrized and rustproof in
Hearing Aid and Portable
Radio Batteries in Stock
Webster Automatic Record
Phone: ::;:i;;e

3609-J II Contractor
CLEANERS - Interesting. permanent
6906-W white or ivory. Enclosed head, Changers in Stock .~ Stone and all kinds of cement
positions In our cleaning department, VENETIAN BLINDS beautl1uIly re- worm gear, tilt action, baked ----- construction - d l' i v e way
Ideal working conditions. Apply to Mr. painted, new tapes and cords In- enameled finish.
Loughrey, Supt. of Bulldlngs, Villanova
CoUege, Pa.
Live In. White. 5 1,2 day week. located
near Lower Merion High SchOOl. Must
st.rIled. colored tapes aVAllable, 10 days
sen lee. also new metal custom made
bllnds. Acme. Evergreen 7370.
Free Estimate
la-Day Delivery
Crosley Rndlo & Refrigerators
Westinghouse Radios
Appliances - Eme1'8on Radios
work. grading.

truck service.
work. hauling and dump •

furnish references. Phone Ardmore TAPES AND CORDS. W. R. READING. Mail and "hone Orders Filled 3717 Garrett Rd .• Drexel Hill

III Phone Ard. 1141'

GREEN 8f104. • 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
AdUlts. no laundry. Free Henlngs. VENETIAN BLINDS Haddon Carpet Co. Qui<:k Itemoval ,,
Phene Ardmore 0269·J.
ExprrtlY nwcte. Repaired. recorded.
t;q}('d. E...;t.lmAtc.~
SlIhurban Sen·lct'. Saratoga 4796 01' Sar.
Riven. 506 S. 8th St.. Philadclphia
Lombard 3332 Carpentry • Jobbing
Courteous Men
..air I'rlc..
Also l'iano Mo.ln.

..... PAINTING .._.

COLORED WOMAN desires laundry to

do at home. Bundles or by wash.
Phone Ardmore 2971.
Window Shades- Venetian Bllnda
-~--------_. -~-----_._-------------- ---- Repairing, Remodellnlr
HOBSON & OWENS Call Us For Estimate
LOST 1015·1017 L.~ncaster Ave., Bryn Wawr Trees &Slumps 5846 Markel 8t.
i Also
COCKER SPANIEL, male. buff color.
Anewers to name BUff. Bnld SDOt on
I.(t ear, wearing harness with name
Cancelmo. Phone Cynwyd 4524.
Phone' Bryn Mawr 11:lQ or 1121

Haverford School
Trounces G. A. In

38 Rodman Ave .. Llanerch
Hilltop 2281 II or Can
ALL. 1450 - West ~)54
Springs of three-piece suIts repaired,
'10.00; chalre recovereQ. es.OO Go
Interac Loop Finale STATE Van Horn &Sons Cannel and Samone
Anywhere. Call LEWIS, Wayne 141le Haverford School concluded its O<:;;;;;;>()C::::>()~O<:::>Cl~()<::::> "hone: Media 2573·J
EXPERIENCED TYPIST desires work ilt 7920 Be\'crly Blvd.,
home. Extensive legal and accounting 227 East Lancaster Avenue. WaJDe. Interacademic League basketball Fertilizer From Pennsylvania Coal
experience; tax work. Insurance. real Upper Darby

estate. etc. Call Trinity 3018. WANTED TO BUY campaign by defeating German- Sulphate of ammonia. 521,972.-
town Academy, 43-33, Friday on 255 pounds of which were pro- Sunsct 4581- W - All. 7896
FOR SALE WAR VETERAN BUYS used furniture, the Main Liners court. duccd in Pennsylvania in 1944, is
pin nos, (~athers. hair, rugs, antiques, lIsed in most high high nitrogen
Approx. 12 tons BuckWheat paintings. music boxes. glass. china. '" In a non-league game, Friends mixed fertilizers.
1/20 HP Koalamatlc CJ. Buck·
wheat Blower (ThermostAt
~ Draft Control) ii" ij/'"
66 .g~~it ~lt~d~~~~lte~t -re~~~~
130.00 net Heins. brle·a-brAc, ancllrons, copper,
brn,•. ,1I\·erwarr. sewing mAchines. jew- Central's Interac champions de-
eJn' Coleman. 907 No. 7th St.. Phlladel- ffated Bryn Athyn Academy, 66- made from coal for the vast steel
35.00 net phi". LDmbard---'9_3_32:.:.._--, _
Produced as a gas when coke is

industries of Pennsylvania. am-

.....NOW! ~!

100.:: ..... .......
l Large Bucket a DaY
3000 net
8 ()() IlPt
BR1ICt-IA-BRAC. china, etc., of all de-
SCI' pons. Complete homes & apart· .
Haverford held a
21-17 half- moni~ is ~reated with
phunc aCId to form crystals of
dilute sul- Dealers In
1 Medium Bucket a Day 5.00 net mcnts. Top prices Call anywhere. tune lead and r~lhed III the l~st SUlphate of ammonia. The dry.
Rock Wool Insulation
(or 5200.00 NET For Jhe Lot)

Phone: NARBERTH 2928-,)
SPENCER. GRE. 3551 two penods to Widen the margIll. I clean, free-running crystals are
ANTIQUES, bou~ht and sold. brlc-a- Leading t:le locals were Harry II easy to handle in the fertilizer
bl ac silverware. lamps. Beatrice T Yarrow Ty Groseclose and Vic. factory and easy to apply on the
- - - : Brown. 517 So. 52nd St.. Phlln., Phone
QUALITY HOUSEHOLD rangr And o\'en Alle~heny 3183.
. ' . . I farm. Pennsylvania produces ap-
Combination Storm Sash
With Screens Storage Co. r
with broller- 4 burners. Rf'a,onable - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - MonJar, who scored 10 pomts, proximatelY one-third of the tolnl Free Estimates 1llOVING • STORAGE. PAClilNG
eac~~AVF.RFORD GERMANTOWN coke-oven sulphate of amm~nia,
Kitchens Our Slwcialty
price. Also 8 bU1'ller flnt top hotel
range. Dean's Diner. Ardmore 9644.
Sewing Machin,',
----- SCHOOl. ACAD.
I manUfactured JU the Umted Cheerfullll Given Make moving a pleasure. Use our padded ram, manned by COIll'-
L('L Il ..... hf'a11t
if~' your

WALNUT VENEER 9·piece dlnln~ room MACHINE. ANY CONDITION. G. F. P. G. F. P' States. teous help. No job is too large or too small. PllOne for FREE HARRY CARROLL
suite. Excellent condition. Call any ~HLL~~.~..01t? ST. MAR. 5261. ~~~~~:;~~. f ~
morning before 9. Hilltop 0155 or any g1 :J.~\;·i'~' f ~ ~ I~ !his chemical by-p~'Oduct con-
I F. B. TIERCE & CO. estimate. 809 \\'nndlanrl IIri\·e. l.Ianereh
PIHIl'" Hilltop 60:19
e\,enlm: arter 6 P. M. .fewdry Curtis. f 1 1 3 M'Pher'n, c 4 0 8, tams 20.6 per cent nitrogen. the
ManiaI'. c 3 4 10 Gels. c 1 (I 2 igrowth element so essential for 44 W. Lancaster Ave. ALL GOODS INSURlm
BENDIX DE LUX washing machine. DIAMONDS-ANY SIZE. Diamond, c 1 0 2 Ca,e~. R 0 3 3 :plants and trees. It is applied t.o
gg PH0 NE•
Excellent condition. Call Cynwyd
1966. . '_
BARSKY. 708 SANSOM ST.. PHILA. Gro'clo,e, g .2-:"""':
Ig Lang n, g .the soil both alone and in mixed Ardmore, Pa. MARKET 4929-11312
~~I:~O\~, g 5 0 10 TotAls 14 5 33 Ifertilizers. It is noted for its free- BARING 1255
IlC••• F. N G
GAci WATER HEATER - 30 l:allon.
Ruud. fully aut.omatle. Pre-IVaI'. IIke
~.OO.-.!'h-"ne HI~lJ 6368.
:runnin~ quality and Its resistance PHONE Md. 57:;7
Bryn Mawr 0564.
ROY'S BICYCLE. ~ood condltlon. SIO.OO.
Hal!tlme-Havel'ford School, 21-17.
d -
ito leaching. When added t.o mixed
fertilizers. sulphat.e of ammonia :=;iiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiii~
I'improves I SIDIN(~!
Phone Hilltop 351~. ._._.. ~._ 102 s. 18TH ST.. PHILA , the physical condition of -'~-----
F~~it~;-_I'~_a'.ld_An_t_i~_I.,e~-1 D
NOW Is t.he time to order cord wood.
CUt anY length. Call Cynwyd 0984. -- I ick
L Masters
' ;the mixture.
Nitrogen. which today is being
n eague corIng
SI\:lLLED l\fEN-
proved through Widely placed ex-
Dick Masters, Lower Merion's Iperiment.s as one of the essentials
General Contmlln.
Get Our 1[1l1.imate

ANTIQUES TO SELL? 6-loot-3 centerman, led Maroon 10f high production and of soil '/2 -TON AU - STEEL
EMBARRASSED by solled f\lrnlturt'?
YOt: nped not be. Upholster:.' and ru~!"
cleaned In tile home. Modern method: WHY GIVE IT AWAY
scorers in the Section One indl- cons~r\'ation.. was stored away in
vidual scramble. banking 82 points IPrelllstoric tImes. When plants
amazing results. Phone fur e,tlmates-
Walnut 2254. Phll::.Ad~e~I:::.Ph~I"~. _ CALL SHUSTER
in 10 league games. He :lad 37 Id.led and Were buried tl-:rough ero-
field goals and eight fouls. 'SlOn and upheaval, their nitrogen
929 Anderson Ave., Drexel Hill
Chat ham Village. UPIleI Darb,
LADIES - Why thlOW aWAY your old Mastcrs tied Cheltenham'sl' was preserved in t.he eoal which
handbags, briefcases, suitcases, etc? 2 115 Mar k e IS ,t.
George Weinstein for fifth ·place, tl ley f orme. d TI 1e modern co k e Granite 7020 Uilltoll t384
Bring them to us for repairs: The Robin ________ .~~ .__ ~
SboP. 43 W. Lancaster Ave .. Ardmore. ANTIQUES, rMMEDIATE cA,h, old furn- in scoring. Another Cheltenham I Oven does not allow this ammonia
lime. china. \·ases. fleUl'e" I:la,,"'are, star-George Anderman. the All-I to escape in smoke as the beehive
KOTICE _ WIllI"m D. Topklns. DeVOll. s;l\'rr or nl1ythtn~ old. \Vrl1p. Charlf'.<;j P.
Pa .• wlll not be re,ponslhle for any .Iohn•. Glen Loch. Pn. Phone Exton Big Six football end. amassed 12110vens did.
bill, or debts contracted by anyone but 790-W 01' Allechrny 9069. points to far outdistance all ri-I Tests hare proved t.hat suJphat.e Atlantic Scrvice Slation
AltN:ttions ~ Kitchrn Cahinet!
r.lmself. ~ ~ ~ __ ~ ~ .. __ ~~
---M-ISCELLAN-E-O~'-U~-S'--- vals, while Norristown's Carman 'of ammonia is immediatel~' avail- WEST CHESTER PIKE &
Free EsUll1atl's
HAVE YOU heard of t.he Hnndy And~','! Schiavo was second with 91. :able to plants and that it gives NA'iLOR'S RlJ:-I ROAD. ~I,\SOA
Well you will In a few week, Wilteh
It.:~ "pace. ANY ODD .JOB-pnlntin~. lanel,eapilllt,
Bob McCausland,
Window "leanlne. new and olel houses. High forward. gra uate III ml
Haverford I higll increases both in yield and
-I 'd' q t lit A t d
III y. s op- ressmg or
. f W'
JO Ce. ft. 1Iody-6 lit. ~
3*" WIde- Welgitt .so<>:
Wlllte Flash
GI'Ill'ral'Onnd housewOl'k. Allen year before the season concluded. tel' grains and pasture, sulphat.e Ethyl Gasolin. Cill'st nut st., l"cwtown Square
PIANOS "hom' !"l'wtoWll So. Ufl97 .. \V
~I'il\'~:;i6:)122 Sprllllt S\ .. Phlla. Phone but still managed to remain of ammonia fertilizers have pro- FOi ')
Orand. &< Uprl,hu _ _ _ ~ __ . . _~
QUick Remo.a.1
._____ among league lcaders wit:1 60 Ived successful economically and
Atlantic Lubrication Scrvice I .
PIANOS 80l'G81' Fair Prlee. CFoRAMIC SUPPLIES. Pins. ear ,crews points on 20 field goals and as, agronomically. They havc also Washing and Simonizing f ~
Qourteous Men
iq nH'tal and plastic fOf' cernmic many fouls.
meta: Shell wood and Plexo·~lass
'I proved valuable to orchards and MANUfACTURERS We will pick up an~ return , TRI.COUNTY
&JfD craft,. Price II,t on request. Phlla. SlJBWtn,\N ONE LEAGUE vineyards. your automobIle.
r. HUGHES A ~O'" Bacl~e FA«MaS - FAMtlY l:J.SI: ,I

_p~~~~~~oy_~.~__l l O!!~~'il:~~~~~~I~lG
CUDUL 5146 Market It.. Co .. 1007 Filbert. (FINA~ STANDING)G. F. P. i Pennsylvania farmers. with h~gh

All. 1.50 West 5114 WE BUY. ;rrL~ ~~~~:?PANYTHING Schla\'o. Norristown
Anderman. Cheltcnham

hell1n" Gra. .5Z1 I"ROM A PEN TO A PLANE. CONSIGN-I Anderson.. Upper DarbI' " .. 33 ~~ 85 1. partICUlarly neh resource WhICh
50 21 121,sulphate of ammOllla productIOn
~8 15 91 lin "~heir own. backyard," have a .......#octwed by
~ JltAmAM e.tdt co. :Ham LIIl('. I~st. 1939
'MEI\TS DESIRED. RITTENHOUSE 2171. .IAckeon. Upper Darby ....•. 25 22 84 as yet theY have begun merely to 1lU1Ulll. ..-.. All Work Guaranteed.
OR. EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS CLEAR- Weln'tell1. Cheltenham ." .. 30 82 t If d' bId f T I
Also Stucco work. Peter Crocken,
BROOK 2200.
.~~ .~.~.. .
' I Masters.. L. Merion .. ~ .. : ..... 37 8 8~: a~.
SEWING SERVICE- 24 hour sen'lee- HU~hes, Abington
button-holes. hClllst.llehlng, eow'red
us.e, m . a .. a ance
: Sehrllha,r. Upper Dal b~ '" .32 13 7, :ZCI. Pennsyhallla s output of coke-
26 16 68 ' oven ammonia would produce I
Bums. Norristown " .....•.. 24 20 68 1'llearlv 209 million bushels of corn'
ert! 1-

Lancaster Ave. & Chur~~

198 Woodbine Ave. Narberth 4457 button,. belts and buckles. Sllll:er Sew. Daridson. Ablnlrton 28 11 67 i . .' .
In" Machine Cu. 57 E;, Lancaster Ave., Powell. L. Merion
_WINDOW CLEANING and waIl wA,h- Arc'lIlore. Open F"ldal' evenlnl:s
Ing. Also cleaning and wnxing !loors: ----~_.--------- McCauslllnd. HA\'erford
storm sash t sCl'erns Rnd nwntngs put UP OLl:: MIRRORS l'f'lllodeled and resilver' Da\'ls. L. Merion
Sheppard, L. Merion
25 17 67,01' 313 mIllion bushels of wheat.
29 8 66
20 20 60
24 12 60
LI an erc h G If CI u b 0
OH! BOY! Rd., Ardmore, Pa,
Ardmore 4600

You Should Hear . .
Host to $15,000
an.t taken down. Call Lower Merion
Window Cleaning Co .. Arelmore 36~ BI~.~ .. 1gtJe·s 7315 We,t Chr,ter Plk". Villa~~~;--;ro's~ers
CEMENT WORK. white washing and:
painting. Also hOllse painting, Inter- I WilLIAMS DOMESTIC '1 206 N
52"nd St.. PhlIa .. hns n\'~~ia\b~~'heIP fo~
To Play 22 Games T ourney .June 6-.9
lJanerch Country Club will be
My Radio NOW! ~§§Sa§le§5§a§nd~§ERLAE'Dc'ITO-R~IAcNADL'~~~~p~ro§m§Pt§,§E~f ~ici§-~ 1-:":':~~~i~1AN· I
lor Bnd exterior. All 5052.
STEAM WALL SCRAPING . day, week, lind part time work. Rellable
Floors And fumlture protected. work :~~i~v ~~~I~. good references. Call AlIell:-
guaranteed. Jobs lArge or small. - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Returning to a normal schedule host. to t.he third annllal Phlladel- four seasons of limited play. phia Inquirer Invitation
t.hE' Villanova College baseball team tournament from June 6 thr9Ugh
faces a 22-game schedule this June 9. it was revealed by John
golf WllRt adifIerf'llCe since
Ma~'o & Pa~'ne fixed it. Just
like new. Free pick up and
ent, reliable-
~:e:.~rk guar- BLINDS •• METAL
I 'd t All Appliances
Reasonable price. Entlmates free, wr,1 CANNON'S EMPLOYMENT Service. 4115
g(. anywhere. Baring 5169 01' Baring
Pensgro\,e St... Phlla.. can furnish
selectl"e domestic help by week. day
I Spring.
H d I
ome-an - lom~ games
F .
anerc 1. preS] en ..
Cash prizes totalling $15.000
delivery: Phone u~ NOW!
Drn:hl.rll 11p
Vcnctlnn BlInd.- Tlwy nrB
';n1l1' l1nfl1~ \'\'lth

·'Cll~t.nnl r..larl('.'·
=::.:....--------------! or part time R.eferences Investigated. been arranged WIth Georget~wn. will be at stake in the annual In-
INVENTIONS Call Everl:reen 6605.
Princeton, ValleY Forge .HosP.ltal. quirer Charities event and the na-
~ucknell and PennsylvaUla. Hlgh- lion's No. 1 pros will compete.

PATENTED and unpatented l1l\'entlons

promoted. and designed. M. 414 N. 40th St.. Phlln .. can now furn- hgh~ of the 1.1-ga~e, home sche.d- Among them will be Byron Nelson. 6 Ardmore Ave. Ardmore 2742 We Pick Up and Deliver Coronet Ii'loor
ule IS a meetmg Wlt.l the Phlllies I twice voted the nation's greatest
,foyee Humphrle.s. 1424 Land Title Bldg. Ish you with clomesjlc and Indmtrlal
L::;oc=U::.:s=..t..:2=.:13:.:4:.:,. help All workers cert l!led with good
_ refr·reners. Evergrern 6033.
on, Pl'l
I 15 d
• a . ~y
bef tl B1
.ore le I
ue athlete. Ben Hogan. Jug McSpad-
Ja~ 5 open thell NatIOnal Lea~u~ en. Jimmy Demart and many
821 Lancaster Avc. nryn Ma wr 0811
So. twtll St.. Phila.

••••• ••••
INSTRUCTIONS C~mpalgn. Ben C:hapman. P~llls others. TELEPHONI~ HILLTOP 6810 :\11. 0550
PAPERHANGING WALL scraping. ReaR' . pIlot, and Pllll Wemcrt, new VII!a- Th Llanerch otl'se-c mpris- Cash (ll' 'l'illw I'ayml'nb
onable prIces, guarantee(1 Quallty POPULAR PIANO-Chord sYStem. AIAO 1l0\'a coach, played to~ethl:r wIth. e ... C I. 0..
wOI'k. J. Ashworth. 125 North Carol I be." II(\d1l'. Pl'Oft'"lonal llluslelan, the New York Yankees. lUg 118 aCIes-and clubhouse le- I • a _ u • • • • • • • I
:;:~'78~jghlnnd Park. U. D. Phone SUlI- ~ni'~'Il~f.QUlntlle. Pell. 41!l1 between 12- Weinert makes his debut when cenlly was pUl'cJ:ased by the board
the Wildcats play Valley Forge of .~ll·ectors, actlUg for t.h~ mCIll- -
PAINTERS and paperhanger,: e,tab-: PIANO INSTRUCTION given In private
1l6he<: 1920, estimates cheerfullY gl\'en! studio. Con\'enll'ntly located In Havel'-
Addison & Company. 4010 Berry Ave." ford Phone Bryn Mawr 2962.
Drexel Hlll, Clearbrook 6046.
Hospital April 3 at Villanova.
The sC~ledule:
April 3. VAll"y Ponte Hospital; e,
bels: ExtenSIve ImpIO\ements
Rre m prospect and ~=-c_oru~e WIll

TEACHER experienced In sull-normnl
Phlla. Naval Bn.'e:
Georltetown. away: 10, 15,
Lrhlgh 24, Prlne"ton; 26. Bucknell.
away; 17,

awa~.·; 27. "enn State, I\wa·.·. Ma". 1'1

R~~~1fICf,L~Dc:.fn~t;~~NG ~~'~~r.Ae~ft~r,;~c5~~f[.ie;g;I';.J' ~~'.?~~7 R~,I;~ ~\~.~~~; :,~.y~.4co~:ll'riu;;.~,;g~I~~f~~~I~
FURNIT U RE work wl1l tutor 'low chllel or ellild
II, Cellar Walls Refl'n'lshed
B' ric
k & Stone P"
Cement Work

Whrn your watch [eav;';; Clur
All IN orI
YOll can be Sllrc thai it
G Ilar.-tll t·ec(I
· A
Hnver'own. PlI.
ton. away 15. Pennsylvania, aWAY 18,
Bucknell; 22. Lafayette: 25. Fordham:
29. PennSYlvania. ,June I. Georgetown:
5, Holy Cro.s. aWA~' 6. Boston College,
t'RANK ll'. KING I
SARatolt'a 5871 • BELgrade 2361
~ ~
All """. ""din rel",i, worl< I, dnne h,-
h'lS been propcrly repaired and adjusted to keep precision tlmc
We guarantee our work.
We Re... Strillg' l'e«, PAINTING
17 E . S pring
A l' d more 3081
bu,lness - 01'room
cOlIPle And boardLarge
2 gentlemen. for away:
porch. beautiful outlook, oll heat. Hill-
- - - -8.- Yale.
- - - Awas. liiiii~ =~=:::~~~~~~~·1
.- - - . •• ex per t s. W" II 1cr efnre ~Ull l' a,lte c 0\,r
W '11 b
e WI e gla
d t . . I l'
0 restl'lng your ~ar s. JIlSt. put t 1em III an
lOY ears
r-., E L Z .? II
24 Hr. Service
envelope and brin[~ them in.
FURNITURE REPAIRING and re!lnlsh- . toP 6025-J.
Ing. We skl1lfully re!lnlsll ~'our
fum· , FOR HIRE
Essex Repa".r Shop H •I~• S•
ARDMORE 4535 •

••••••••.i •••
lture. from a table to n suite. Raymond i
Danese, 2202 N. Watts St., Phlla. Ste.; PANEL TRUCK and dl'lver fOl' lllre.
8866, : Phone Narberth 2323. 104 ESSEX AVE .. Ph. 21:15 (Formerly with Riggs & Brother) •
MOVING WANTED TO RENT Nal·herth. Pa. 232 BALA AVE., CYNWYD, PA. Cynwyd 3250
For Better Workmanship
PHONE C. N. RICE, Wayne·1860. Modern DISCHARGED Nllvlll officeI' desperate-
padded vans. Local and lonll: distance ly needs flll'nlslll'd 01' unfurul,hed
Charles W. Carfrey
moving. Immediate 5en'lce On all mov- ~llJUl'tlnellt OJ' hOllSI', l\.1:uln Lhw Area.
Ing. to N. Y.. N. J., Conn.. Ohio. Del.. !leq or~erf'nc~Il.':~:,:t.ll__3Jl.3~~_. _
Md.. D. C., and N C.
UNFURNISHED apartment. two room'.
kitchen and private bath for mother TRIAL LESSON NOW $2.50
Work - Brick Pointi~g, Electrical Contractor

nnd busln('ss dnuKhter.
Convenient to
PhallI' Ardmore 2655-J CAA APPROVED INSTRUCTORS Water Proofing, .
~~..:~rllt' 2~~_~n\·pt!o..1~~_~I_ ..._ ArC!!llor~ __
1wo bf'drOOlll unfurnished llPHl'tmrnt
n t ' hot1~e. 17 yrnl'~ nt prl"."iellt, fldctr('~,...


Hilltop 2308-W 01'
Old Power -
Installations -
\Vould r(1n~ldf'r tW(l brclroOn1lo; In prt\'nte
COtJPLE <leslres small flll'llished nPA 1'1-
ll1ent for month, of MAY find ,June.
Turn left on Route 261. off Baltimore pike
Watches Wanted 5128 M~rion St.
Vic. 8876

Phone NArberth 3003.J. _ it' lIeI'd 3000 old watches at once. Due to ShOl'l ~
DESIRABLE HOMES ~e of watch material we can use wat.ches for
in excellent communl~les at at- EX-ARMY of!IceI' nnd wire desire 2
unlurnlshcd rooms with kitchen priv- mrts. We will pay an exceptionally high price
tractive prices. Ileges. Call Hilltop 4227 -,J, .llso for
For Bale.
315 Montgomery Avenue. Cnywd.
Helium, found with natural gas.
now enables deep sea divers to re-

HAULING main under water for as long as Electrical Contractor

six hours. Rings, chains. lockets. stickpins. cuff links. glass
WHITING BROTHERS All Sizes. Grade A frames, dental bridges, bracelets. tea sets. sllver-
Eo SPRING AVB.. Ardmore. Trucking, ware. mountings and stones. These can be used
haullne, lIeht moving. cleaning cellars, Words of the Wise Domestic and Commercial or reclaimed in the national reconversion program
removing ashes. Also fireplace wood.
mushroom soli, manure. toD soli for The glory of a workman, still of our country. AIt(~I·ations
.ale Call Ardmore 3806. more of a master-workman, MILLER COAL & LUMBER CO,
LANDSCAPING I that he does his wO!'k well,
ou~ht to be his most precious W. Chester Pike, Havertown Ralph Peirce And RelJait·s •
LANDSCAPING CONTRACTOR, arml' I possellSion; like the "honor of 57 E. LANCASTER AVE.
veteran. moving. planting. spraYIn&'j
Ilrunlnll: tree., evergreeruo. shrube.
.tumps removed. French drains. lawn
II soldier," d~ar~r to him than
life. -('l'homas Carlyle) Hilltop • 0603 JEWELER
ihcalre Bldg., Wayne, Pa. Ph. Wayne 0332 Hill. 8820 Ard. 7016
1(t'8dlnll:. Ardmore 11141-W.

, -

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