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‘The Cook & Resistance Course Copyright © 1998 Lawrence Crane Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Publisher: Lawrence Crane Enterprises, Inc. 15101 Rayneta Drive ‘Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Phone 818-385-0611 Printed in the United States of America ‘he pulse and author of his mt ke no mete lis ori we This antral is nt ined set, gro o ae ay es, you ned mei ‘ction ple consl wih your ml practioner Every Feeling wants to Leave Its coming up so tt can leave! Just allow them to leavel!! WELCOME ALL FEELINGS!!! ‘The Cook & Resistance Course Table of Contents Dear Releasers .........-+ Thbetigitaici Roane eT TESTES on eee rset arate List of Wants/Haves . z Definition of Wants ........ Ponder . THe GHEE rae arm emnnoe ameNRE mena sere Sa Your Ticket to Bliss . . Scale of Action .. . Resistance Worksheet. . Assignments .00000.00000000 Enjoy Course ....... Freedom ........+++ Course Candidates ...... Attachment To Resistance ..... Aversion To Resistance ... Attachment To Wanting .......66600+ Aversion To Wanting ........ Assignments Worksheet . Want-To Evaluation Worksheet Evaluation Worksheet ..... * -10 Priorities Worksheet ...... boteee eu eeveeeeeeee ness u ‘Things You Resist ..... shares an rt Suen te ae What Do I Resist .... 1 13 ‘What Do I Resist .. sanieis Ba ewanteme -1Ba General Releasing Sheet ..........eec00eceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee edd Demonstrating 15 Consciousness .... cara 23 seas 216 Happiness . . pelt The Goole & Resistance Course ‘The Cook & Resistance Course Wording A Goal Statement .... i an orn Head 18 Spiiple Goal'Statlemenite; 1) cannes os cesar o snowws os aang 1D Goals To Achieve .......6.06eee005 Bihan oe wcrawrnse ee - 20 Goals ‘To Do’ List . Goal Chart One Hundred Dollars or More Goal... 062.0060 s00eee eee -22a Moving Up Geil: sus scree os enema 22 8 Releasing Projects .........2+0606 Gals and Hereeltth. cca on sarees yp sates A SGALERE Es nn ol General Releasing Sheets .. . 25 Energy Scale of Emotions Benefits From the Training .. Relationship Worksheet Sheet . . Personality Worksheet ....... Relationship Evaluation Sheet . -28b “Mutuality Worksheet oe = 28¢ Relationship Advantages/Disadvantages seven averse oe O8 his Bart canons cairn 15 Haltoia 8 BEE 3 arene eee Beingness Chart .......... -30 Resistance Releasing .............. 31 Freedom Exercises .........-- Jae ae is ‘The Sweetest Kiss .......sceeeseeeesee ees Dear Graduate ........+00000+ ‘The Goals & Resistance Course ‘The Cook & Resistance Course Lawrence Crane Enterprises, Inc. 15101 Rayneta Drive + Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 + pHone: 818-385-061 + rou-rast: 888-333-9666 + rx: 818-385-056 mat: + wes sme: Dear Releasers, Thanks for joining us on the “Love Boat.” Releasing is fun and requires practice. It is possible to be “in release” all the time. This course will help you do just that. How to get the maximum out of this course. 1. Start with the workbook first and start doing the assignments 2. Then a few days later, listen to the first day’s tapes. They will answer any questions you might have on the assignments and give you more assignments. 3. Then do each day’s tapes a week apart while continuing the exercises. This course should go on for at least 4 or 5 weeks to get the maximum out of it ‘This course is very powerful as you will soon discover. If you have any questions, please call me at 888-333-9666. Love, Cuaare Larry Crane The Goals & Resistance Course ‘The Cook & Resistance Course Write your intentions for the course (what you hope to accomplish). ‘The Goals & Resisance Course ‘The Cook & Resistance Course Bere . You must want imperturbability more than you want approval, control and security. . Decide you can do the Method and be imperturbable. . See all your feelings culminate in three wants— the want of approval, control and security/survival. See that immediately and immediately let go of the want of approval, want to control and the want of security/survival. |. Make releasing constant. . If you are stuck, let go of wanting to control the stuckness. . Each time you release you are happier and lighter. if you release continually, you will be continually happier and lighter. Make a list of the things you want in life. Make a list of the things you have in life. DEFINITION OF WANTS sso 1. Although wants are not feelings, they definitely have a “fee!” to them. ‘Wanting Approval has a kind of gimme feeling to it—a kind of soft neediness Wanting Control on the other hand has a harder feeling. It is alittle more pushy and assertive. 2. Remember that a want is a lack. 3. Remember that there is nothing wrong with giving, or receiving approval,or being in control. It is not the actual state that limits us, but the “wanting it.” 4. Releasing on the wants is more powerful and deeper than releasing on the emotions and feelings. When you let go of a want you are leting go of a piece of everything on the chart. 5. All pain and misery come from wanting approval and control—which is another way of saying ‘wanting love. All joy and bliss comes from giving approval and giving up control—which is another way of saying giving love. It comes from being yourself. 4 The Gon 4 Resisance Couse ‘The Cook & Resistance Course Let Go of Wanting and t ALL!! “ta. Have ‘The Cook & Resistance Course The Unstuck Chart Road Map @ We start with ea ‘a problem oe We become on to the insecure problem ‘We beat ourselves very a . up more ee The Vicious Circle “aca isapprove of ourselves 5a Could I let go of wanting to figure things out? Could I let go of wanting to know what to do? Could I let go of wanting to know the answers? Could I let go of wanting to know anything (for this moment) right now? And again, and again, ete. Could I let go of wanting to think? And again, and again, ete. Now, can I let go of disapproving of myself right now? And again, and again, etc. Could I give myself approval (for no reason)? And again, and again, etc. sb SCALE OF ACTION Peace Lam—t am whole, complete, total unto my Self. Everyone and everything is part of my Self, Itis all perfect. ‘No need to change anything. No judgments of good or bad. It just is and it's OK. Itis beautiful as it is, I have and enjoy everything as it is, g to change or move— ent as they might pass us se ‘The Goak a Resistance Couse ‘The Cook & Resistance Course RESISTANCE WORKSHEET 1, Resistance is a major block to releasing. 2. Effort is the Energy Required to Overcome Resistance. In this course, we will generate enough energy to overcome and release our resistance. 3. The want to be Free allows us to overcome resistance. 4. Resistance is opposition to force real or imagined. 5. Wanting to control the other person, who you think is trying to control you, you can only experience their pushing you, you can only experience your own resistance. 6. The “I can’t” is resistance, it takes a conscious effort to overcome the unconscious effort (habit) of holding down the feelings. 7. Resistance is just another program which we have programmed, to protect all other programs that we programmed. 8. If there were no resistance, one would go free, we are constantly having to release the resistance in order to let the feelings up and out. 9. Resistance is when you haven't decided yet whether to do the thing or not. And you're doing it anyway, and it’s difficult. To make it easy to do, all you need is to decide to do it, or decide not to do it, and don’t do it 10. Resistance is pushing against the world so that is will push back. The Gos & Resistance Cue ‘The Cook & Resistance Course ASSIGNMENTS ‘We assume that you are here because you wish to move more quickly toward freedom. Therefore, we are giving you the following assignments to enhance your use of the Method. To obtain the maximum benefit, wwe ask you to adhere to the following for a period of 4 weeks. dy 2 10. uM. 12, No drugs or alcohol at any time. No television or movies. Start each day with a minimum 15 minute resting period. Clean up your day for a minimum of 30 minutes each evening. Work on your resistance chart at least 5 minutes a day. Do a minimum of 15 minutes jogging or other physical exercise each day. Use it to release on resistance. Be on time for each class. Lateness is an indication of resistance. Carry your notebook with you at all times. Write down each gain, however small, as it happens. Practice keeping quiet at times. Release instead of talking. Speak to your partner about the Method and releasing at least once a day, either in person or by phone. Keep a record of your escapes and the approximate length of time spent on them. Keep Step #1 in view during your morning and evening releasing sessions. 1 “The Goals & Resistance Course ‘The Cook & Resistance Course Tallow myself to love and enjoy the Goals and Resistance course with ease, a ‘he Goals & Restance Case ‘The Cook & Resistance Course Freedom Itisn’t that you don’t want to be free. It is that you have more interest in other things. Other things are more important to you, either consciously or subconsciously. With that in mind, ask yourself what it is that you want more than you want freedom. Make lists of those things and do the writing/releasing exercise on each item. You will know when you are totally released on it because it will be all right with you cither way, whether you have the thing or not. When you have released a thing totally, you will be that much freer to move on to greater and greater freedom. te Ask yourself: What do I want more than I want freedom? ‘What people? What relationships? ‘What accomplishments? ‘What experiences? 7 The Goal & Resistance Course ‘The Cook & Resistance Course THE ABUNDANCE COURSE CANDIDATES a arias People you would like to share The Release Technique with. ‘Actions anor feelings list and release Person Te The Gosk &Reestnce Cause ATTACHMENT TO RESISTANCE Stream of Consciousness: (ust let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought ‘as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.) What Advantage is it 10 me to Resist? What Disadvantage is it to me to Resist? ge g¢ 1. Imagine never, ever being able to Resist again. (Put the attachment in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.) 2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to Resistance? (Put the attachment in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say “yes” 100% with no clutching or resistance.) 4 ‘The onl & Raetance Case AVERSION TO RESISTANCE Stream of Consciousness: Just let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as ‘wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.) What do 1 dislike about Resistance? What do I like about Resistance? 1. Imagine always Resisting all the time—you can’t stop. (Put the aversion in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.) 2. Could I let go of my entire aversion to Resistance? (Put the aversion in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say “yes” 100% with no clutching or resistance.) Te The Gens &Resttance Come ATTACHMENT TO WANTING Stream of Consciousness: (ust let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.) What Advantage is it to me to Want? What Disadvantage is itto me to Want? 1, Imagine never, ever being able to Want again. (Put the attachment in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.) 2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to Wanting? (Put the attachment in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say “yes” 100% with no clutching or resistance.) 1 ‘The onl & Resistance Course AVERSION TO WANTING Stream of Consciousness: Just let your mind think of things about the aversion, Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.) What do I like about Wanting? What do I dislike about Wanting? 1, Imagine always Wanting all the time—you can’t stop. (Put the aversion in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.) 2, Could I let go of my entire aversion to Wanting? (Put the aversion in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say “yes” 100% wit! no clutching or resistance.) Je ‘he Coals & Resstance Course ‘The Cook & Resistance Course ASSIGNMENTS WORKSHEET Ss PUT OT ee | LES 08 Wo FOR EACH OATE aA) 1. No drugs or alcoho! 2. No television or ‘movies. 3, Did am, session 4. Cleaned up day 5. Worked on resistance chart 6. Work on your resistance chart at least 5 minutes a day. 7. Brercise 8. On time for class Number of gains ten today 10. Number of times | kept uit today 11. Spoke to partner 12, Number of escapes | employed today 13, Approximate length of time | spent in escapes 14. Approximate length of time | spent releasing 18. Kept Step #1 in view L ‘The Gon & Resstonce Cause WANT-TO EVALUATION WORKSHEET ee Step #1—You must want Freedom more than you want approval and control. ‘Note: Your wish to be Free is in inverse proportion to your wish to escape. Wanting to escape indicates a resistance to seeing and releasing the feelings. What are your escapes? How much do you use them? OVE, OFTEN SOMETINES NER Te SPO ‘Steep at night? Nap during the day? ‘tend movies, theatre or other outside eaiertarment? Watch television? Lsten to rao or records? Soca? ‘Sika? Dini Take drugs? Ta about your problems? ‘Say homealone to avoid feelings? Fotis? Vacations? Pay games? Do puzzles? Feed books? Magaznesnewspapers? 9 ‘The Goa & Resistance Cue EVALUATION WORKSHEET Se ‘OFTEN SOMETIMES "ME ST Have you ever tured off the TV inthe male ofa program in order to release? How often have you released ile watching a movie or TV? What other escapes do you use? 10 The Gon Resistance Coune PRIORITIES WORKSHEET — Make a list of priorities in your life. They can be people, ideals or things that are important to you, as well as goals you may have for the future. Write them down in any order, whatever comes to mind. Priorities What do I resist about this project? (Can 1 let go of resisting it? u ‘he Goss & Resstance Cou MAKE A LIST OF THINGS YOU RESIST Ask yourself “Can I let go of resisting this?” for each item. Things I resist having Things I resist doing Things I resist being 2 ‘The Gls & Resistance Course What Do | Resist About Being In Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace? What Do | Resist About Nof Being In Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace? a What Do | Resist About Doing This? Fill In Goal What Do | Resist About Not Doing This? Fill In Goal Ba The Gal Resetance Couse GENERAL RELEASING SHEET Let it go 1, Who or what am I afraid of now? 2. Who or what do I want to control now? 3._ Whose approval do I want now? 4, Am 1 insecure now? ‘5. Who or what do I want to be separate from now? (6, What is the worst thing that could happen to me right now? 7. Who or what am I resisting right now? List and Release 4 The Go & Resiance Coase LESTER LEVENSON ON DEMONSTRATION Whether we are aware of it or not, everyone is controlling matter all the time. Whether ‘one wants to be a demonstrator or not, he is. It is impossible to not be a creator all the time. Everyone is creating every day. We're not aware of it because we just don’t look at it. Every thought, every single thought materializes in the physical world. It's impossible to have a thought that will not materialize, except when we reverse it. If we say the oppo- right after we have a thought of equal strength, we just neutralize it. But any thought not reversed or neutralized will materialize in the future, if not immediately. So this thing of demonstration that we're all trying so hard to do we're doing all the time, unaware of the fact that we are doing it, All we need to do is consciously direct it—and that we call demonstration, Everything that everyone has in life is a demonstration. It could not come into your experience had you not had a thought of it sometime prior. If you want to know what you sum total thinkingness is, it’s exactly determined by what's around you, what you have. That is your demonstration. If you like it, you may hold it. If you don’t start changing your thinking, concentrate it in the direction that you really want until those thoughts become predominant—and whatever those thoughts are will materialize in the world. And when you begin to demonstrate consciously—small things—you may then realize that the only reason why they're small is because you don’t dare to think big. But the exact same rule or principle applies to demonstrating a penny that applies to demonstrating a billion dollars. The mind sets the size. Anyone who can demonstrate a dollar can demonstrate a million dollars. Become aware of the way you're demonstrating the one-dollar bill, and just put six zeroes after it next time. Take on the consciousness of the million, rather than the one-dollar bill. This relates to what [have been saying that there’s not difference between the spiritual and the material when you see it, the material being just an out-projecting of our minds into what we call the universe, the world and many bodies. And when we see that itis just aan out-projecting of our mind, that it’s just a picture out there we have crated, we can very easily change it. Instantly, So to repeat: Everyone is demonstrating and creating during every moment that he or she is thinking. You have no choice. You are a creator so long as. you have a mind and think. To get beyond creation, we must go beyond the mind—and jjust beyond the mind is the realm of all Knowingness, where there is no need for creation. There’s a higher state than creation: It's a state of is-ness, of being-ness, sometimes 1s ‘The Gon &Resitance Couse called Awareness, Beingness, Consciousness. That's just behind the mind. That's beyond creation. The mind finds it very difficult to imagine what it’s like beyond creation because itis involved primarily in creation—in the act of creating. It's the creating instrument of the universe and everything that happens in the world, in the universe. So, if you take this thing called mind, which is only a creator, and try to imagine what it is like beyond creation, it’s impossible. The mind will never know peace (quiet) because you have to go just above the mind to know peace (quiet) to know the Infinite Being that we are—to know what it’s like beyond creation, The final state is beyond creation. The ultimate State is the changeless state, In creation, everything is constantly changing. Therefore, in creation, the Ultimate Truth is not there. So demonstrate what one wants, one needs to become aware of the fact that all we need to do is to think only of the things we want, and that is all that we would get, if we would do just that. Only think of the things you want, and that's what you'll be getting all the time, because the mind is only creative. Nice and easy, isn’t it? ‘Also, take credit for all the things you create that you don’t like. Just say, “Oh, look what did,” because when you become aware that you've created things you don’t like, you're stil in a position of creator. If you don''t like it, all you have to do is turn it upside down and you'll like it. The oss & Resse Course WHAT AM I DEMONSTRATING IN MY LIFE? 15a What Is My Consciousness About Relationships? What Is My Consciousness About Business? The Gos & Resistance Course Topic HAPPINESS What do Tneed in onder to be Happy? Let go? What do Tneed 10 avoid inorder to be Happy? Let go? 7 The Gos & Resisnce Course WORDING A GOAL STATEMENT 1. Phrase it in the NOW—as though it is already achieved. Phrasing it as a future event tends to keep it always out of reach—in the future. 2. Phrase the goal positively, without any negatives. Put in what you want—not what you don’t ‘want. Your goal statement should reflect the end result that you want to achieve; therefore, be sure you do not include in your statement those things you're wanting to get rid of. Keeping in ‘mind tends to create it 3. Itshould feel real, realistic, and right to you—possible, with a sense of “I can have it.” 4, Include yourself in the statement in relationship to the goal. 5. Be precise and concise. Use as few words as possible while being sure to make it a complete statement of what you want, Choose the exact words that convey a specific meaning to you, 6. Be specific, but not limiting. Don’t limit the results by including limiting specifics. Leave things open as much as possible to allow for results being upgraded from what you initially project. 7. Word it to facilitate your letting go. 8, Eliminate the word ‘want.’ 9, State the goal or end result and not the means or how you're planning to get it. These action Possibilities would more appropriately go on your Goal ‘to do’ list, 10, Focus on one goal per statement. Don’t diffuse your energy by creating multiple goals in a goal statement, 18 The Gost & Resitnce Couse SAMPLE GOAL STATEMENTS Job/Career/Financial I decide to experience my full abundance and wealth every day. allow myself to perform effectively and successfully at work. allow myself to release with ease throughout my workday. allow myself to easily have and enjoy the best job for me at this time in my life, 1 allow myself to easily find and develop a career which will greatly utilize my creative abilities (and/or skills) and which will provide abundant financial rewards. Relationships/Communication allow my relationship with _to be joyful, loving and supportive, Tallow myself to easily and effectively communicate with ___. allow my situation with __to be resolved with faimess and mutuality for all. concerned, Tallow myself to love and accept (or forgive) myself (or ‘no matter what, Tallow myself to love (put in all the people in your life). Diet I allow myself to easily achieve and maintain my ideal body weight. Tallow myself to enjoy eating foods that keep my body slender, healthy and fit. General Health Tallow myself to release naturally and with ease. Lallow myself to sleep well and awake refreshed and well-rested at __a.m. effortlessly allow myself to live at optimum health and well-being, Tallow myself to enjoy being a nonsmoker. Tallow myself to lovingly support in their growth (and freedom). Lallow to have what they want for themselves. Please note: ‘These can be used as a basis for creating your won individual goal statements. ‘Simply adjust the final wording to reflect your particular situation, 9 ‘The Gea &Resizance Couse GOALS I WOULD LIKE TO ACHIEVE 20 The Goals & Resistance Couse GOALS ‘TO DO’ LisT Priorities What do I resist about this project? (Can Fet go of resisting i?) “Let go? 2 The Go & Resianee Couse Goal: GOAL CHART What is my NOW feeling about my goal? Let go? Feel good? n The Gow & Resttance Couse GOAL CHART Goal: What is my NOW feeling about my goal? Letgo? | Feel good? 2 ‘The Gon Resistance Couse Goal: GOAL CHART Lallow myself to have $100 or more by releasing only. What is my NOW feeling about my goal? Let go? Feel good? 22a The Go &Resitnce Couse GOAL CHART Goal: __Lallow myself to have or more by releasing only. What is my NOW feeling about my goal? Let go? | Feel good? 2% The Goal & Restrce Couse What is my NOW feeling about my goal? Let go? Feelgood? 2e The Gos &Resitance Course RELEASING PROJECTS 2 Te Goal & Resistance Cour ‘The Cook & Resistance Course GAINS AND BENEFITS Date. Name Address City State Zip Phone Fax. If you need more space, please use the reverse side, May We Quote You? Yes, you have my permission to reprint my above gains. You may use only the gains I've checked above. 2 You may use my name. Please do not use my gains. Q Please do not use my name, Signature. Mail Gains To: Lawrence Crane Enterprises, Inc. 15101 Rayneta Dr. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Phone: 818-385-0611 or Fax: 818-385-0563 or Email: releasela@ The Gos & Resstince Coase ‘The Cook & Resistance Course GENERAL RELEASING SHEET Use this at least 20 times a day-every day-or more. Let it go 1, Who or what am I afraid of now? 2. Who or what do I want to control now? 3._ Whose approval do I want now? 4, Am insecure now? 5. Who or what do I want to be separate from now? 6. What is the worst thing that could happen to me right now? 7._Who of what am I resisting now? 8. Could [let go of protecting myself with fear? 9. Could I let go of being so smart and allow it to be other than I think itis? List and Release 2s The Gos & Rustin Couse DAILY ACTION PLANNER Date: Done Flow do Tfeel about doing i? ¥ STONE (ist and release) 2 The Coal & Resiznce Couse GOAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Goal Statement 25 The Goss & Resistance Couse COURSE CANDIDATES People you would like to share The Release Technique with. “Actions and/or feelings List and release Person 250 ‘he Coal & Resistance Course ENERGY SCALE OF EMOTIONS EMOTION. ENERGY USED ENERGY AVAILABLE. ‘TO SUPPRESS, FOR ACTION THE NEGATIVES—AGFLAP Apathy 10-95% 0-5% Grief 94-90% 510% Fear 89-85% 11-15% Lust 84-80% 16-20% Anger 79-10% 21-30% Pride 69-60% 31-40% ‘THE POSITIVES—CAP Courageousness 59-35% 41-65% Acceptance 315% 66-85% Peace 14-0% 86-100% The above scale illustrates how our natural, inherent energy is diverted into the task of suppressing, and keeping suppressed, the feelings (past decisions —past programs). Our mind, the computer, in turn uses that energy to direct us into the thinking and patterns of behavior which have been predetermined by those past decisions or programs. Now that you see how your mind works and how the emotions affect your energy, let's ‘move on to the negative emotions, AGFLAP. Taking them one by one, you will see how each emotion affects your ability to discriminate; how it takes control over your “I” sense; and how you can help your “I” sense to start taking charge again. It is an exciting journey. 26 The Gosl & Resetance Course ‘The Cook & Resistance Course YOUR PERSONAL RECORD OF BENEFITS FROM THE TRAINING Following are some of the gains others have reported from the training. Please check off, when they occur, those which you experience and make a brief notation as to details. This will be very helpful to you by encour- aging you to continue using the Release® Technique. Qn. ooo o 10. uN 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. ooooooogooooocaooan Increased productivity on the job. Greater efficiency. . More effective communications, Greater clarity of mind, . Increased ability to make effective decisions. Greater feeling of security. More self-confidence. Improved concentration. A higher energy level Increased ability to focus your energy. More constructive thinking and action. Higher motivation in constructive directions. Behavioral changes. Inner calmness in difficult situations. Greater awareness of your own behavior and the underlying feelings which motivate the behavior, Increased insight into the behavior and motives of others. . The ability to release feelings which you do not wish to have. . Feeling happier. |. Feeling lighter, Feeling freer. |. Improved relationships with others. A greater degree of control over your life and happiness. n “he Goo & Resistance Course ‘The Cook & Resistance Course Relationship: Date ‘Action Taken 28 The Goss & Restance Course ‘The Cook & Resistance Course PERSONALITY WORKSHEET What do Tknow about, (Release) ? What don’t I know about, (Release) 280 The Gos & Resizance Cue ‘The Cook & Resistance Course RELATIONSHIP EVALUATION SHEET ee ao What I want from Isit | What Isit ? ‘mutual? wants from me? mutual? What do I want to give Isit_— | What does Isit ‘mutual? | want to give me? mutual? 280 The Gass & Reside Gouse ‘The Cook & Resistance Course MUTUALITY WORKSHEET a What is mutual between me and What is not mutual between me and 28 ‘The Gon & Ressance Couse ‘The Cook & Resistance Course ADVANTAGES/ DISADVANTAGES ee .I>AO What is the advantage of my relationship with What is the disadvantage of my relationship with 28d The Coste Resetance Cause THE PAST ‘This worksheet is designed to jog your memory with regard to your past. It is intended to be used in conjunction with this Growth Seminar and is for the exclusive use of those participants only. Use a separate sheet for each item, as needed. As you complete the releasing on each item, you may cross it off. It may take you several times through the lists before you are completely released on an item, but if you persist, you can clean up entire areas of your life. ‘The intention of this work is to complete thing so that they are gone forever, so that they can never affect you again. It is important to remember that a thing is completed when you are totally released on it...and when you decide that itis finished. 1, Family ‘Make a separate sheet for each family member. Ask the following questions about each one and release on each thing. a.) What did they do to you? ,) What did you do to them? .) What did they deny you? 4) What did you deny them? 2. Old Loves Make a separate sheet for each one. Ask the following questions for each. First: List the things you remember about them and your relationship (good and bad). Release until you are complete on each item. Then ask yourself the following questions. .) Could I allow them to be in the past? +.) Could I allow them to leave me, to be gone? ©.) Could I allow them to move on? 4.) Could I allow myself to move on? €.) Could I allow myself to never see this person again? £) Could I allow it to be totally finished? g.) Could I allow myself to forget this person? h,) Could I allow this person to forget me? 2» The Gost &Resitance Couse Old Pains List the following and release until you are completed on each. Itemize the details and release until completed, a.) Traumatic experiences 'b) Hinesses. ©.) Operations. 4. Old Losses List the following losses, itemize the details and release until each item and each loss is, completely released. a.) Rejections. b.) Jobs. ©.) Possessions. 4.) Deaths, 5. People in your life now List them, then ask yourself the following. a.) Could I allow them to be in the past? b.) Could I allow them to leave me, to be gone? ©.) Could I allow them to move on? 4.) Could I allow myself to move on? ‘he Gon & Resistance Couse ‘The Cook & Resistance Course BEINGNESS CHART The Real You All knowing, no thinking, Intuitive only, ithe atimited YOR ‘