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Talent Days

Beginning on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 13 and 14, the format of the BC Calculus
class will change. You have taken the AP BC Calculus Exam, and the class will (at least
initially) be conducted as follows:

10 minutes reviewing homework

20 minutes watching and/or participating in a talent demonstration
20 minutes of new calculus material

Talent demonstrations must be approved and scheduled through the application form
found below.

Students should be aware that the continuation of this format is subject to several
conditions, as follows:

A. At least an 85% attendance rate for every day following the AP exam (students
participating in school-sponsored activities not penalized). For example, in a class
of 33 to 38 student, 5 is the maximum number of absences allowed on any given day.
Ask about parent proxies!
B. Full attention and participation in any talent demonstration.
C. That Mr.DeRuiter is pleased with each and every talent demonstration in all of its
D. There will be no whining.

If any of these conditions fails to be met, the format of the class will change to:

10 minutes reviewing homework

40 minutes of new calculus material

Please consider participating by showing off a talent, and I look forward to a wonderful
last 4 weeks of the school year with you.

Scott DeRuiter
Talent Application
Name ____________________________________________ Period ____________

Talent __________________________________________________________________

Place where talent will be demonstrated _______________________________________

Provide a description of how you will spend the 20 minutes provided to display your

Provide below 4 possible dates, in order of preference, when you could demonstrate your
talent (May 13 through June 2).

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