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Login form

Allow the user to press three buttons
Reset = Textboxes will be reset
Exit = exit from progrm
Login =
If usrename = u & password = p then
Show the MID Form
MessageBox show "invalid user name or password"
end if

Mdi form
MenuStrip contain 3 values
file > Exit = exit from progrm
System > Bokking system = Enter to the boking form

Main Form
Custemer name has to be filled
Room size And Categories has to be select from combobox
number of nights has to be filed

If room size = Single

price =3000
end If
If room size = Double
price =5000
end If
If room size = Triple
price =7000
end If

If room Categorie = Standard

price = price
end If
If room Categorie = Deluxe
price = price + 1000
end If
If room Categorie = Executive
price = price + 2000
end If
If room Categorie = Royal Suite
price = price + 3000
end If

If number of night = 5 Then

discount = (Price / 100) * 10
End If
If number of > 5 Then
discount = (Price / 100) * 15
End If

If Name or Room Size or Room Categorie or number of nights empty then

MessageBox show "Requared TextBox Empty"
end If
Allow the user to press three buttons
Add - Custemer Name , Room Size , Room Categorie , number of nights , Discount a
nd Totle will be display in Listview
Remove - remove items in listview
Book - book is done and data will savede in database

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