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Acid Reflux Home Remedy

Signs and Symptoms of Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Heartburn is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach backs up (refluxes) into the
esophagus. The most common and persistent symptom of Heartburn is a burning sensation
centered in the middle of the chest and/or throat, brought on by stomach acid that churns up onto
the lining of the esophagus.

Acid Reflux, also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), is a condition which has
many symptoms that are similar to heartburn. In many cases, people suffering from Acid Reflux
typically suffer from persistent heartburn two or more days per week. In the long term, this can
be very serious since, over time, the reflux of stomach acid can erode or wear away the delicate
esophagus lining. This can then lead to scar tissue, which causes swallowing problems. GERD
has also been linked to an increased risk of esophageal cancer. However, some people have Acid
Reflux without heartburn. In such cases, symptoms include chest pain, wheezing, coarseness in
the throat, breathing problems, a bitter taste in the mouth, dry coughing, interrupted sleep,
tightness in the throat, and halitosis or bad breath. Acid reflux can also lead to regurgitation of
acid into the mouth, often due to overeating or bending down or going to bed right after a meal.

Causes of Acid Reflux

Just like other health conditions, there is not one specific cause of Acid Reflux and
Heartburn. However, a malfunction of a band of muscle tissue called the Lower
Esophageal Sphincter (LES) can ultimately lead to many of the problems and
symptoms associated with Acid Reflux and Heartburn. The LES is a complex area of
smooth muscles and various hormones, which is responsible for the opening and
closing of the lower end of the esophagus when we eat and swallow. It normally
keeps the stomach contents from regurgitating, but due to certain physical
conditions it can weaken and lose its contraction control. If this happens, the LES
fails to close up and cannot maintain the pressure barrier between stomach and
esophagus. As a result, acid and pepsin from the stomach can back up and cause
acidity and heartburn in the esophagus.

The most common causes of Acid Reflux and Heartburn include:

• stress

• some antidepressants and sedatives

• elevated hormone levels during pregnancy

• eating before going to bed

• eating large meals

• slower emptying of the stomach

• frequently eating greasy, fried, and fatty foods

• smoking

• alcohol

• drinking lots of bubbly (carbonated) beverages such as soda

• diseases that weaken the esophageal muscle (such as scleroderma, mixed

connective tissue disease, or hiatal hernias)

Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Acid Reflux Treatment

Acid Reflux Home Remedy Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is an amazing remedy for Acid Reflux. It may sound bizarre to
drink an acid as a cure for an acid problem, but there are good acids and bad acids
and Apple Cider Vinegar is among the good ones.

• Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to 1/2 glass of water.

• Sip this glass of water while eating your dinner.

Herbal Remedy for Acid Reflux Using Ginger Root

Ginger Root is an amazing natural herb that is known to absorb stomach acid and
have the secondary effect of calming the nerves. For an effective natural remedy
from the symptoms of acid reflux, try the following:

• Purchase ginger root capsules from a natural health food or nutritional store.

• Regularly take one capsule immediately after dinner.

Natural Cure for Acid Reflux Using Fennel Seeds

Fennel seed is an aromatic but powerful herb that helps in digestive conditions and
has many other benefits. Fennel seeds contain a compound known as Anethole,
which is known to suppress spasms of the stomach or gastrointestinal tract spasms.
Therefore, it is considered to be an effective remedy for Acid Reflux.

• Take half a tea spoon of Fennel Seeds and chew them slowly after your
Using Anise and Lavender Tea as a Remedy for Heartburn

Here is a tea that you can make to help relieve the symptoms of heartburn, since it
reduces the amount of acid you have in your stomach. Note that some variants of
this remedy suggest adding peppermint, but this is NOT recommended since
peppermint is known to relax the LES (described earlier), which is exactly what you
don't want to do.

• Mix together equal amounts of aniseed and lavender.

• Boil 2 1/2 cups of distilled water.

• Pour the boiling water over a teaspoon of the herbal mixture.

• Let this tea sit for 3 to 5 minutes.

• Strain the tea and add a little bit of honey as a natural sweetener.

• Drink up to 8 oz of this tea in the morning and 8 oz in the evening to get

relief from acid reflux or heartburn.

More Acid Reflux Home Remedies and Treatments

Reader Comments

Posted by Adam on Oct 26 2010 04:26:01

I'm not trying to jump to any conclusions or anything because i haven't been
officially diagnosed but i just figured it couldn't hurt to get some input on the
matter, but usually 4 days out of the week at least i get a burning sensation in my
throat, I never get the burning in my chest though, it ranges from annoying to
borderline agonizing, flares up off and on throughout the day. I also get the feeling
like there's something stuck in my throat sometimes,it never causes me any trouble
breathing but sometimes it hurts when i swallow and i know this might sound weird
but sometimes swallowing is accompanied by a clicking sound, anyways I'm not
really freaking out or anything but it would be nice to know if anyone else has
experienced this and what they know about, any input is welcome, thanks.

Posted by Sudharsan on Oct 22 2010 21:39:06

Hello, I'm Suffering from Acid reflux disease for the past six months. After eating
food...i always belch with heart burn, belching one or two is normal. but i'm belching
through out the day, days become weeks, weeks become months..what is the
remedy for this problem. Please Suggest me...

Posted by Gary on Oct 21 2010 13:31:31

Have had a/r for more than a year now. When it started, I was begging my doctor
for the fix-it surgery. Main problem is regurgitation and blockage, unable to swallow.
He told me to wait, put me on Nexium, which didn't alleviate the problem much. But
now for the last 3 months I have been eating a good portion of fresh papaya each
morning, and went down from 40 mgs a day of Nexium to 20 mgs, and now I'm
going off the meds completly, and sticking to papaya. It's true, papaya does
absolutely work, along with a fairly decent diet. I'm not the perfect eater, but have
altered some of my bad eating habits, and along with the papaya, now finally
feeling relief.

Posted by Cait on Oct 13 2010 04:08:00

Tililli - in reply to your comment - I have the same thing. I am now a 24 year old
female, but I began suffering silent reflux around 22 when I was stressed out. It took
me ages to get a correct diagnosis, I essentially had to figure it out myself because
doctors don't know. It's terrifying to constantly wake up unable to breathe and not
due to apnea but due to acid reflux. I now live in Germany and I use something
called 'heilerde' which is clay more or less from a lower layer of earth, and if you eat
it after meals it sops up the excess acid and you can breathe. Apples do also help,
as does fennel. Perhaps one of the most succesfull things I found in the US was DGL
- deglycerized licorice - works AMAZING. I just wanted to tell you I've lived with this
condition for 2 1/2 years now and it is manegable, but you have to be really careful
because your lungs are easily damaged by acid, more so than the esophagus.

Posted by Sarah Burns on Oct 11 2010 15:44:31

Ive had gerd for 19 yrs it was hell everything i ate i vomited up i hardly was able to
sleep was on nexium 40mgs 4 times a da now all i do is eat one apple a day drink 5
teaspoons of apple cider vinega and ive never had it again . No more agony in my
chest no more sleepless nights and no more never eating just all the things I like so
much it works and it works asap in fact even half an apple and the cider vinega
once a day works for me and believe me im off the meds now and never had
heartburn or reflux again as long as i take the vinega and apple ..... forget them
meds they do so much damage mine was so bad i was on 40mgs 3 times a day
couldnt eat cheese dairy gluten wheat spicy stuff pizza no takeaways nothing even
rice gave me heartburn now i dont get it at all ever take the apple and vinega and
do it now it really works .

Posted by flora on Oct 11 2010 12:07:12

A July 2010 study in the journal Gastroenterology seems to confirm the 2009 study
in American Journal of Gastroenterology that Proton-pump inhibitors (Nexium and
Prilosec) can induce rebound hypersecretion of acid, even in healthy volunteers with
no symptoms. Instead of short-term use some people have been forced to continue
use indefinately! Scary!! Drug Injury Lawyer blog suggests that the drug companies
have not been diligent in informing doctors of the side effects.

Posted by Jim Shaffer on Oct 08 2010 04:54:41

I was diagnosed with GERD two years ago and because I eat later at night and eat
the wrong foods, it has gotten worse. But two things that I read and tried do really
help. First is Slippery Elm Bark capsules. You can buy these at Vitamin World. They
are about for 100 tablets. I take two capsules and within a minute (really!), the
burning sensation in my throat/chest goes away. This is great for getting rid of the
symptoms, but slippery elm does not eliminate stomach acid. So for that I eat apple
slices or an apple. Apples have a natural stomach acid reducer, even though apples
are considered acidy. IT really does work. If I eat a few slices before bed I don't have
Acid Reflux issues or they are minimal when compared with nights that I don't eat
apple slices. Try Slippery Elm Bark (Vitamin WOrld) and apples/apple slices.

Posted by Are You Kidding Me on Oct 06 2010 07:00:25

I'm sorry, but if you are so weak that you consider the oh-so-hardcore medication
nexium/prilosec the "poison pill" perhaps that is natures way of telling you natural
selection is coming. Really? Nexium? Complaining about Nexium side effects is like
saying that your new Prius is "too much car.". I too have many health problems, but
don't trash a wonderful, almost life saving medication because you are too weak to
leave the house. Hmm, let's see...I could take a small, tasteless, and very effective
medication.....OR.......I could drink vinegar and aloe drinks. Tough choice. I think
instead of seeing a gastroenterologist perhaps it might be time for psych evals too. I
would have felt some pity for ya, but I see that you're just not worth it. Weak! I
would I think

Posted by hoover on Sep 28 2010 18:15:09

excess acid and and symptom of reflux can likely be due to slow digestion, thus the
stomach cant empty its contents to intestine. every person needs to take a
digestive enzyme supplement with every big meal or every day. regardless of diet &
etc. the digestive enzymes are lacking in our food supply and lost from stress,
antibiotics, etc. after 1st week,symptoms should be resolved. common food
allergies are often overlooked as the cause of a variety of symptoms. read and learn
how food allergens work @

Posted by Dianne on Sep 19 2010 19:52:29

This message is for "Good Grief". This message board is very important, because
the problem is that the doctors don't help us. Medicine's like Prolisec may help, but
they also cause too many side effects. Natural food remedies are the way to go.

Posted by mark richard on Sep 12 2010 14:39:13

I have had acid reflux for 20 years. I always used Tums or Rolaids but that worked
less and less well as the years passed by. I saw that people had poeted that gum
was working for them. I laughed when I first read that people were chewing gum to
get rid of heartburn. But i tried it about 4 months ago and I have to say it definately
worked for me. I read that Wrigley Juicy fruit was the best so I tried that one. I chew
maybe one or two pieces every other day or so and my heartburn has decreased by
90%. Its not totally gone but I am good with 90% less. I thought I should post this
because maybe it will help someone like it helped me. Good luck.

Posted by par on Sep 11 2010 20:57:08

I was on Nexium for years..having lots of medical problems unknown to

doctors..been off for a month now..taking enzymes and probiotics from source
naturals. papaya is good also, or papaya pills..i recently started blending aloe
(inside of plant) with a touch of ginger n a piece of helps alot..going to
try braggs apple cider vinegar.. wld rather continue tying natural remedies than go
back on the little poison pill!

Posted by Em on Sep 08 2010 14:03:39

Someone mentioned below about the cause of acid reflux and related issues often
being an individual not having *enough* stomach acid. Yes, general docs won't tell
you this, simply because they aren't aware of it. Antacids and prescriptions can do
more damage than good in the long-run if this is the case. A cheap, home remedy
to try is: hydrochloric acid capsules before each meal and or a little shot of diluted
apple cider vinegar. All I know is, I'd tried everything the conventional way to no
avail, then decided to try the opposite approach, and it has been amazingly helpful.

Posted by Tilili on Sep 05 2010 14:23:51

Reading this forum has been so helpful! I was diagnosed with acid reflux about a
week and a half ago. I initially thought that the diagnosis was wrong because i
wasnt experiencing heartburn. But now, after reading these experiences, I have
realised that i do have acid reflux (the silent kind I think). My main symptom is the
sensation that i cant breathe, like something is blocking my throat. This usually
happens after i eat, or in the middle of the night. The doctor prescribed Topzole.
Additionally, when this happens i start to panic so she also prescibed something to
make me relaxed. When I look back on the past couple of months, my symptoms
started slowly, but then last weekend it got really bad all of a sudden. When
breathing 'attacks' happen, I feel that my breathing becomes restricted, like I can't
take a full breath into my diaphram. I get light headed and feel that i will need to be
rushed to hosital any second. It is a terrifying symptom, and I feel that I am starting
to become reluctant to eat because I know it will happen! But, this is irrational - I
know that in time, I will find ways to over come this. This forum has been usefull in
this regard. I have found that when I start feeling breathless, I drink some water. I
also rub Vicks Vapour rub on my throat. Im drinking fennel tea, and bathing in
essential oils (lavender and marjoram). I am confused because I am young (22) and
I feel I have lived a sort of healthy lifestyle...not perfect though. We live and learn,
and learn to live with it I suppose. We can do it. Thanks for a great, informative

Posted by Eddie on Aug 24 2010 05:03:39

It all started when i was in summer camp about 2 years ago, i got dehydrated and
couldent eat any food to the point to if i tried to even eat i would choke. and i would
go and try to eat again but got so bad that i developed a fear to swallow foods. it
was there for a few moths i became depressed and then my immune system when
to the ground, i got a fungus infection on my troat and toung, after that i was on
ensure and things i could eat. my stomach being empty all the time so i developed
gastritis, and acid reflex my stomach lining was giving in, i was so hungry all the
time and yet i could not eat. to this day i am alive thanks for the power of the
internet. I HAVE REALLY GOOD practices for GERD AND ACID REFLEX. 1. morning
juice a potatoe,2 carrots, and one apple. all of those fruits are antiflamatory and
acid reducers. 2 LEARN PROPER FOOD COMBINATIONS you can find them on line. 3.
take organic chlorophyll with out the mint. i take it with apple juice in the morning.
4. Take digestive enzymes that would help you break down food, these are taken
before your meals. 5. take chewable DLP tablets made of licorice extract and they
help protect the lining of the stomach and digestive trac the relieve is intestanious,
after 30 mins you can eat. 6. Honey works great and calms you down. 7. for flare
ups at night its good to have sparkling or mineral water in your fridge its a life
saver. 8. Make sure you get a alkaline water filtraition ( costy but worth it) 9. dont
use plactic cups or bottles, they contain chemicals that irritate the stomach. 10.
aroma therapy/meditaion. be grateful for what you have and fo your life, give
thanks for your strenght and smile keep it positive attitude.ginger extract helps to.
=) if you want to ask me more questions or add me on yahoo

Posted by Dana Roth on Aug 22 2010 20:10:54

naumna singhani, What you are describing makes me think another doctor or a
naturopath should be seen. Also, depression has drugs that help. If you really feel
that way about yourself, the time is here to seek out a psychiatrist. I have RA, Hep-
C, Fibromyalgia ,also a very painful condition regarding almost everything I eat
getting stuck in my esophaogus and the pain is so bad I end up making a moaning
sound without choice, happens several times a day. I barely eat. Look, I am a happy
person anyway. Get proper care, and you can look at this life the way the Universe
responds best to. As a way to find joy in your heart. No matter what. Beleive me, I
would never have believed it either, but I have been practicing these maxims for a
long time and the result in a better happier me. But don't try w/out meds. Good
Luck, Dana

Posted by Christian on Aug 17 2010 08:44:12

PRAY TO JESUS?! Really?!

Posted by Cyndee MacLeod on Aug 16 2010 21:43:32

AN APPLE A DAY DID KEEP MY DOCTOR AT BAY! My Dr. was writing out a
prescription to take the rest of my life,I said "NO WAY",but when I got home I
realized how serious my doctor was stressing this,so I went on the internet--found a
site that said when acid reflux attack happens "eat an apple"! My Dr. laughed when
I told her and 3 weeks later an attack happened,ate an apple & viola attack was
gone. I DO drink water with apple cider vinegar daily AND I AM BRAGGING NO
ATTACKS IN 3 YEARS! My girlfriend was taking "8" Tums a day, told her my story
she now carries dried apples in her purse and hasn't taken a Tum since.
Posted by Misha on Aug 15 2010 10:14:26

Hi Mo, You need to ditch that G.I. doc and find yourself a good ENT that specializes
in treating LPR. You have a LOT of the symptoms that I have, and I've been
diagnosed with LPR, as well as a Hiatal Hernia. I still have the breathing problems
because my throat and esophagus stays inflamed from the acid; not to mention the
damage it has done to my teeth. I currently take Kapidex 30MG, which most likely
will be upped to 2x's a day. I've been hospitalized because of the LPR which causes
Laryngitis, Pharyngitis, and Esophagitis, so you really need to find a doctor that will
take you seriously and treat you accordingly. It's seems the only food I can tolerate
nowadays is oatmeal, baked fish, baked/broiled chicken, and veggies. Sometimes I'll
have eggs but will cause indigestion if not cooked properly. Anyway, you are not
alone as you can see. So hang in there, and good luck with getting the correct

Posted by Isabelle on Aug 14 2010 14:51:32

i am currently on 150mg of ranitidine twice a day, i have celiac as well as acid

reflux (from my list of 20 or so meds i take daily), and with a serious infection right
now, the antibiotics are making it even worse... when it flares up, i try to take some
milk (lactose free) that helps sometimes, also slowing down whatever i'm doing and
sitting down with a fan going in front of me helps too... it's psychological of course,
but i find the cool are helps as well, since when the acid flares up, i tend to sweat all
over... i take room temp. water as well, since cold water can shock the system and
actually make it worse (for me anyway)... for the most part, ranitidine has helped,
just not with these antibiotics right now... also, anyone with gastroparesis (slow
digesting stomach) - GERD, celaic, acid reflux, etc. can occur quite commonly and
flare up when your digestion is at its slowest or you ate something heavy, fatty,
starchy, etc... i had a peanut butter toast this morning and everytime i think i'm
going to throw-up, all i get is peanut butter taste... and it's been almost 9 hours
since i had it (1 toast)...

Posted by nancy on Aug 14 2010 12:36:56

let me just add that papaya enzyme provides relief, but doesn't cure. it similiar to
taking pepcid,prilosec, etc. but for many of us the only thing that will stop acid
reflux is to either lose weight (if overweight) and/or change our diet. but for a
natural source of relief, i stopped taking anti-acids a couple of years ago and find
papaya enzymes work better anyway (and much cheaper too.)

Posted by nancy on Aug 14 2010 12:19:01

papaya enzyme. they really work. you can get them at any health food store. You
can take them anytime, before eating, during eating, and after eating or later when
the refulx kicks in. you just chew 2 or 3 and relief. a natural supplement that won't
harm you and really helps.

Posted by dar on Aug 09 2010 19:00:21

Learn How to Get Rid of Acid Reflux.. 1.Stop drinking pop, alcohol and caffeine-rich
drinks such as coffee. 2.Don't consume excessive spices, and instead of adding
spices on the food, try and include them in the cooking part. 3.Avoid oily foods such
as chips and fries. 4.Drink lots and lots of water. This helps control the total acidity
and also helps with digestion and helps prevent Acid Reflux as a result. 5.Don't
over-eat - This leads to over-production of acids that persist in your stomach long
after the food is digested. 6.Avoid too much sugar-rich stuff - Sweet foods cause
unregulated spikes in blood sugar and leads to uncontrolled acid production in the
stomach because you trick your body into thinking it's full when it isn't. 7.Quit
Smoking. 8.Don't under-eat - Under eating will result in uneven production of acids
in the stomach. 9.Avoid read meat of all kind, and especially Pork. Stick with
chicken and lean beef. 10.Eat more fruits and vegetables. That's what we were
made to eat for the most part anyway. 11.Pray to Jesus that he'll give you more
opportunities to share the Gospel with people and thank Him for His grace that has
sustained even in sin and an uncontrolled sinful life. Acid Reflux is a problem today
primarily because of our refusal to eat what we should instead of what we want.
While Acid Reflux is extremely painful and very hard to overcome with medication,
especially if it's severe, it's much easier and more important to correct what's
actually wrong by eating right and getting rid of activities and habits that you know
you should.

Posted by Kathy on Aug 01 2010 19:52:35

Alkalizing foods can helps with acid reflux. Most of the foods we eat are acid
producing and cause great discomfort. A good book to learn about an alkalizing food
plan is the pH Miracle.

Posted by Lyn on Aug 01 2010 18:51:43

Irritation, Inflammation and incorrect Ph are the triggers to the acid reflux problem.
To prevent irritation, I eat moderately cooked green leafy vegetables, plain kefir
and yogurt, and mild proteins like chicken and white fish. I use fruits that are highly
anti-oxidant like raisins, purple grapes, and blueberries. These also help to heal
inflammation. Raw vegetables including salads, are hard to digest and can be highly
irritating to the stomach, so avoid them for now. To help prevent inflammation,
don’t consume wheat, oats and rye. Those grains are highly inflammatory, and once
you are well, you may go back to them in moderation. Use Quinoa for a grain—it is
very versatile. Spicy or hard foods, and processed sugars should be avoided for
now. You may have to avoid fast food entirely until your stomach has healed. For a
more alkaline Ph, I use ¼ teaspoon Wachters’ Organic Sea Vegetation’s Formula C
which is powdered Chlorophyll, in water morning and night. (it is highly
concentrated chlorophyll) I use Perm A vite Powder by Allergy Research Group,
because it helps to soothe and build the stomach lining. I use DGL
(deglycyrrhizinated licorice) by Enzymatic Therapy for pain. Lastly, I use BioK+ by
BioK+pharma which is a strong live culture of l. acidophilus and l.casi. With every
meal, I take VibraZyme by Vibragenix. Be well.

Posted by Girl007 on Jul 22 2010 09:53:43

There are several things you can do once you get a proper diagnosis. If you do get a
diagnosis, you need to follow your doctor's instructions. Sometimes natural cures
work well, but initially, if your doctor suggests meds, listen to him/her, as there is a
reason. Experiencing these bouts of Acid Reflux and not treating the condition
properly, can lead to serious consequences. Once you do get the condition under
control, there are certain things you can do to such as watch your diet, take
probiotics daily (AccuFlora is a good one - you can Google it and see the positive
reviews), Charcoal capsules can help in the aid of digestion, drinking plenty of water
throughout the day. Also, a nice cup of hot Chamomile tea before bed might be
soothing. Do not, however, diagnose yourselves. If it's bad enough that you're
searching for answers, then it's bad enough to seek medical help. Before treating
your symptoms, find out your cause.

Posted by Karen on Jul 01 2010 22:07:26

My 5 yr old daughter was just diagnosed with acid reflux!! She was sick about 1
year before we got a diagnosis. So hard to figure out when they don't know how to
explain the pain and symtoms. The specialist put her on Ranitidine, I want a natural
cure. We eliminate the "bad trigger foods" but not a whole lot better. She would say
her necks hurts, tummy hurts and she feels like she has to puke. She wants to
constantly eat.... Any of these remedies have a safe dose for children???

Posted by amy on Jun 20 2010 22:09:48

For those of you with problems and your doctor says its not GERD have you been
checked for Cellac disease? My 4yr old son has it but it can flare up at any age.
Helen Parkinson,I really think you should ask your doctor.GOOD LUCK!

Posted by naumna singhani on Jun 19 2010 02:24:40

I am suffering from GERD since three years, as a result i have lost my precious 10th
board exam just because i wasn't well.The problem i am having is:- 1.sinusitis(may
be because of GERD, as sometimes the acid enters into my nasal cavity) 2.severe
throat rashes accompanied by small bud like structure which are superbly coating
my throat with pure blood. 3.Breathlessness is in the top list.Some doctors say i am
having asthma and give me inhalers which in turn make my GERD symptoms
WORST. 3.DEPRESSION, as a result of all this what had happened to me from 3
years and will continue till my death has pushed me into some different
world.People sometimes think i am lying just to avoid going school, but the one who
suffers only know the taste of bitterness. 4.Financial situation has been really hit
hard because of me, who is just a piece of big mass which can't be eaten and has to
be taken care by feeding medicine , food....... GOOD LUCK TO ALL MY FRIENDS

Posted by MO on Jun 18 2010 12:26:33

does anyone think or have heard about not having enough acid in your stomach?
my chiro gave me zypan which creates acid. he said a lot of docs wont tell you that
sometimes people dont have enough acid in their stomach. also long
with silent reflux does it take for symptoms to start. i will take a drink of water or
take one bite of something and i am immediately coughing or trying to catch my
breathe. not all the time but most. i stopped my nexium 2 weeks ago as i felt it
wasnt helping, but wondering if i should go back on it. the 2 things you need in life
are food and air and im struggling with both of them. please help. my gi still says its
not reflux but pulmonary doc says it is. i am going insane on what to do. pulmonary
doc gave me reglan but gi doc doesnt want me taking it. i have heard a lot of bad
side effects of it. i had to see my gi today because it has been 3 weeks since i have
had a good BM. i dont eat anything that creates acid. the only maybe pudding for
dinner, but it usually doesnt bother me. thank you so much im going insane.

Posted by laura on Jun 15 2010 17:44:12

I have had acid reflux for over a year now. The things that have helped me the most
are taking vitamin b12, 500 mcg. daily, and every morning for breakfast I mix
together 1 4 oz. cup of Activia vanilla yogurt, 1 tsp. of raw honey and half of a
grated apple. This gives me more relief then anything else I've tried: zantac,
prilosic, prescrip meds, acv,etc. Other yogurts don't seem to work. Something in the
Activia really helps. It took me 2 days to start to see the difference, hope it can help
somebody else too.

Posted by Mariely on Jun 13 2010 15:53:23

Mo, I suffer from LPR (Silence reflux) and that causes the globus syndrome, the
feeling that you can't breath. My ENT was the one that found it after 2 trips to the
ER, she said I had to get an a daily double dose of Prevacid. 30 mg. each for 6
months. I also was put on a very strict diet (acid reflux friendly) that I have been
following with a lot of discipline. I'm happy to report that 4 months later I feel a lot
better and I'm confident that when I go for my 6 month check up, she'll reduce my
prevacid dose because my throat would be healed. I also want to mention, that I
have suffered from regular acid reflux for 10 years and I was controlling it with diet
and eating at least 3-4 hours before going to bed. However, last year during my
annual check up, the doctor found out that I was hipothyroid and I started taking
Synthroid first thing in the morning. I am very sure that taking the pill first thing in
the morning caused me the silent reflux, I remember my stomach didn't like it first
thing in the morning and I could taste the acid and pill together as I jogged or I was
getting ready for work. Now, I take my synthroid 3.5 hours after breakfast, the only
bad thing is that I can't eat anything during those 3.5 hours and one hour after I
take the synthroid. That's keeping me away from the doughnuts and cake in the
office and helping me maintain my weight, there is always a silver lining. ;-) Matt
commented that everybody reacts different to disease and treatment, that is sooo
true. So, we have to take note of what foods affect us because we are all different.
Doctors just give us the most common foods that cause acid reflux. We should also
pay attention if our body doesn't like a medicine...

Posted by MO on Jun 10 2010 13:47:59

All of this hit me so suddenly in January. I had an episode after eating pizza about
40 minutes after I started coughing and got to the point I couldn’t breathe. GI doc
did an endoscope. Pulmonary doc sent me to ENT. Family doc said probably
bronchitis and put me on a bunch of antibiotics. I truly think whatever happened
just irritated my bronchi tubes. Because I didn’t feel sick if I had bronchitis, but was
having problems breathing. Endocrinologist doesn’t think it is the thyroid causing all
of this, but no one can explain why I am only able to eat certain things. ENT says its
probably silent reflux, GI doctor says its not. I am basically eating fish, veggies,
banana smoothies, pretzels, graham crackers and water. I have been doing this
since February. I really didn't think it was reflux either because before all of this
happened I was eating chocolate, spicy foods, drinking some wine occasionally, and
caffeine. I am able to do dairy, I know I eat a box of pudding every night and it
doesn't bother me at all. I can eat toast too. It’s like I clear my throat a lot after I
ingest food or drink. ENT says it is silent reflux, GI doctor says it is not reflux. They
had me on nexium but I stopped taking it. I would rather treat it naturally with
supplements. I do not like Prescription Medicine. Your body needs acid to help
digest food. So taking PPI's stops the acid. I am taking supplements from a company
called Standard Process. They do have me on iodine rescue and thytropin PMG. My
chiropractor is a natureopathic and is the one who told me I had the thyroid
problem and to keep pushing my family doc for more tests. He said most blood work
on thyroid will come normal but people have problems. I have not noticed any
difference in the symptoms with or without the supplements. I feel with my lack of
nutrition some of the supplements are the only things that are keeping me
surviving. I am not even sure if I am absorbing any of the supplements. I also
thought of ileo-valve being messed up because I have some pain in my stomach
and problems breathing when I eat sometimes. I know I do probably have some
reflux from the lack of food I am eating. Plus I keep having breathing problems. But
the breathing problems are in my stomach like I cant expand my diaphragm. No
hiatal hernia. I do not have any other illnesses besides maybe the reflux. If I truly
have that. I have had a heart work up, CT scans of stomach, chest for a lot of
different symptoms. I dont have a gallbladder. I was also tested for food allergies
and it was normal. Supplements I am on Catalyn, Cataplex B, Folic Acid, Minchex,
organically bound minerals, trace minerals, thythropin PMG, iodine rescue, okra
pepsin, zypan, Juice Plus, ginger, tuna omega III, Immuplex. I think that is it. I am
not sure what to do I just want to be able to eat normal again. Just very frustrated.
Oh and I am 35 years old, 5’4”, 100 lbs. Was about 115 before all of this started. I
am just so frustrate and sick of all of this. I have tried apple cidar vinegar, I just dont
understand what is going on and why I have tried several different doctors and no
one can give me an answer! Does anyone have any insight?

Posted by Matt on Jun 08 2010 09:53:44

One thing that concerns me is that allot of the info I've looked up on the net about
foods that cause reflux and heartburn and foods that prevent it, is contradictory.
Sometimes even on the same site they contradict themselves.. I think the best way
is to keep a diary of the foods that seem to still give you reflux and take it from
there, slowly eliminating the ones that cause the discomfort. I think all people react
differently to different food groups due to their own body chemistry. Burp! .. Here it
comes! :(

Posted by Pam on Jun 08 2010 05:52:47

Hello everyone, this all makes very interesting reading for me but is confusing me
as well. I have recently been told I have Barrets Oesophagus. I have very bad scare
tissue, the interesting thing is I wasn't aware of having acid reflux as I have never
had noticeable discomfort. I have been prescribed TopZole one daily for the rest of
my life. Is the Apple Cider remedy too late for me, does anybody know about
Topzole tablets.?

Posted by Rose on Jun 05 2010 00:01:12

I used to suffer from severe bloating,gas,burping and acid reflux as well. I got a
severe pain in my left lower side which got worse two years ago. Visited the
emergency dept. six hours later, after lots of tests and examinations I was told that
I had Diverticulitis. I did research and went on a diet of baby food, all pureed with
no fiber so healing can take place for approx. one month. I went to see my doctor,
after some questions he told me that I was "Gluten Intolerant" I eliminated all wheat
products (flour) biscuits, breads etc. My waist size reduced from 33" to 28" in one
week. The severe bloating stopped. I take fennel seed tea, or chew some to help
with gas. I take digestive pills and eat more frequently for the acid reflux. I finish
eating by 6pm in the evening, light stuff, salads and some vegetables. This seems
to help a lot.

Posted by Good Grief on Jun 03 2010 19:23:55

You people are all insane. See a doctor for Christs sake.

Posted by George on Jun 03 2010 15:08:29

Thanks for all the input, tried the apple cider but it did not seem to improve the
heartburn effect. I would like to get off the Previcid because I feel it in the long run
makes the symptoms worse. I have been using a product called Nopalea, an anti-
inflammatory wellness drink and since I was having an acid fair up, I thought I would
give Nopalea a try. It worked and I experienced relief with-in a few minutes.
Nopalea is nationally advertised and you can access more info at Good luck and good health to all.

Posted by Trey on May 30 2010 20:52:14

I was always a vomiter as a kid, not like bulimia but when i would get really nervous
my body would just naturally barf. i can't help but to think this why i have such
horrid acid reflux, mine is so bad its to the point where the heartburn is so much
pressure on my heart i really do feel like i am having a heart attack or like
congestive heart failure. Saddest part is i am not even 18, i was diagnosed when i
was 16 and have been struggling basically my whole teen years... It's really hard to
live this way.. my Gastrologist even said he has NEVER seen as patient as young as
me.. Anyways he wants to perform a scope on me to see if he can correct the
problem. I delayed on the procedure because i dont like being put to sleep, i know
now i need to do this to better my health.. The congestion from my esophagus
backs up into my throat and throughout my chest.. it's not pretty, to anyone out
there who has it this severe and to anyone who is my age please reply and contact
me, it's really hard living this way and i am happy to know i am not a lone xox

Posted by Mohammad on May 30 2010 03:16:18

Two responses: First to the anonymous on April 20, 2010 to please send me some
Sangre De Drago herb. I am in Long Island. My email is
nasirazeemi(at)gmail(dot)com Second to Gita or anyone else suffering from GERD. I
have 20+ years of research in color and light. They play a miraculous role in cure
and healing. For GERD drink yellow colord absorbed water 3 times a day 30
min.before meal. Also rub yellow color absorbed oil on your chest (on the mouth of
stomach) in one circular motion for 5 minutes every night before go to bed. Email
me to explain preparation of water and oil. Its very easy, no side effects whatsoever
and natural way of getting rid of the diseases permanently. Only precaution is to eat
3 hrs before bed.

Posted by Judith on May 22 2010 01:39:45

I used to have a cast iron stomach and gastic system, until I started on cortisone for
Addison's Disease. I must take this, the rest of my life, and it has totally
wrecked...I'm not sure what, but suspect that the steroids have ruined the 'flap'
between the stomach and esophagus. Or maybe it has erroded the linings, or both.
I've been on Zantac for one year, and it gives me horrendous depression, and
sometimes agitation. I TRY to go a night without it, but I get in such agony, that I'm
forced to take it. Funny thing is, Zantac actually burns my more, at first. Then, after
maybe 20 minutes, it finally eases the pain. I even get pain down my left arm,
which I have read is common in GERD. I hesitate taking some of the others, because
of possible calcium depletion, which I don't need! (Dr. Gott wrote about that) Will I
ever get well, and be able to get off of the meds, is what I wonder! I'm afraid that
the steroids may ultimately give me cancer, the way they irritate. I'm sorry I can't
be of help to any of you! But I may try the vinegar....I have had a small success with
raw almonds, but not really enough.
Posted by Emilie on May 20 2010 15:57:01

My acid reflux started about 9 months ago. I took meds as prescribed by my my

ENT, but they did not help (Prevacid, Tums, etc). So, I quite taking all meds and
make diet changes. Specifically, I completely cut out coffee, smoking, alcohol, and
spicy/fatty foods for 4-5 weeks. This completely cured me! HOWEVER - I went back
to my old ways after a couple weeks of feeling good. A month of eating and drinking
badly put me right back in the same position. I am obviously angry with myself for
putting myself back in this position but now I know that this is going to have to be a
lifelong lifestyle change, right? If anyone has any advice on what I can do so that I
can still have a couple beers on the weekends without fluxing out, I'll take any
advice I can get! Thanks :)

Posted by adrienne on May 13 2010 23:40:13

Hi Ann, I have the same symptoms as you. I've recently been taking the yakult. it
seems to help. However, I notice that if I eat sweets my symptoms are aggravated.
anyways, the acid is driving me crazy.

Posted by Gina on May 09 2010 21:19:24

Ann I am having the same problem with the nexium affecting my hair. I almost feel
like I have to cut it short because I am losing so much hair and I have breakage like
crazy. I think I am going to try the apple cider vinegar and see if that works for acid

Posted by Ann on May 09 2010 07:02:08

I suffer with acid reflux BAD,waves of burning in stomach, feel it in back of

throat.When really bad, tongue and gums tingle and burn, skin peels off roof of
mouth.Double up cramping stomach pains.I know my digestion system not right my
tongue is white!I can go for a week or so then have really bad attack. Can anyone
relate to this?.. Ive been taking acid tabs for years Nexium 40mg but i leave them
off when i can because i think their affecting my hair.. It does,t help that i also suffer
with IBS and Crohns disease. Really FED UP of feelin lousy!! Ive been told to try
Healthy Trinity? Do probotic drinks really help (Yakult)??Any ideas?... Take care
everyone. Ann.

Posted by Dee on Apr 28 2010 20:56:02

I've been having trouble with reflux for about 6 years. I had all the test down about
6 years ago, and i've tried pepcid, tagamet, prevacid, nexium,
prolosec,reglan,zegerrid, and protonics and none of them have really helped, but
recently i've had to take alot of antibotics and steroids due to sinus infections and
my reflux has really been acting up. I take Reglan 4 times a day it helps some but i
seen on tv they have a lawsuit on this med because it may cause TD and it makes
you really sleepy and depressed but its the oly thing that helps some.. Sometime i
feel like i have a cat scratching in the middle my back and a lump in my throat and
my throat stays blood red. I hurt really bad in the middle of my back, and i keep
feeling like i need to burp, so i drink a coke and it helps relieve the presure
sometimes. Some times i have diarrhea after i add mylanta and rolaids with my
regular stomach meds. I am looking forward to trying the apples and apple cider
vinegar. i have made and appoint to see a GI dr so he can run another scope since i
havent had one done in about 5 years. I gonna really start praying to because i
know we have a healing God....

Posted by AKSHAYA on Apr 27 2010 13:14:54



Posted by MerBer on Apr 22 2010 16:30:24

I have acid reflux although I am 124 lbs and in great shape. All triggered by
gallbladder sugery removal after first pregnancy. Now I am in my second pregnancy
and have had the WORST throat pain for over a week. Like many of you, little helps.
I have had some luck with natural cough drops containing honey & echinacea
seems to sooth the pain albeit temporary..... AND discovered Organic Throat Coat
tea today. Although pain is still evident, feels a little better. Will be drinking this
every moment for as long as it takes. Changing entire diet too.

Posted by Gita on Apr 21 2010 02:37:20

Yeah am into so much of depression sometimes I go really mad thinking of this. I do

not want any medicine as of now since I feel these pills are increasing my acid
levels. For a natural cure I have to wait for months. I started taking water boiled
with a spoon of cumin seeds. It gave me some relief from the heart and stomach
burn. trying to eat apples too. I guess proper diet also plays an important role and
most importantly stress. I am trying my best to not think of it. thanks for all the
suggestions given. If there is anyone from India who has tried some good ayurvedic
doctor and has got cured completely please let me know.

Posted by Helen Parkinson on Apr 21 2010 02:14:41

Gita, you sound so distressed, so sorry to hear you. I posted a comment on

Saturday and then went to the health food shop and bought the Apple cider vinegar
tablets and the ginger root, but by the sounds of it I seriously think you should
revisit your doctor and DEMAND that you are treated medically. Its OK taking herbal
stuff and reading everyones comments that are made, and so far this herbal lot
hasn't really helped (but its only been 4 days!!), but get some attention. Otherwise,
your depression will take over the actual problem. good luck!! Helen

Posted by Anonymous on Apr 20 2010 23:33:23

if anyone wants some free sangre de drago or herbs and lives in NYC email me... I
have too many of them and even if the expiration date says 2012, will not use all
these... they're UNOPENED and SEALED and FREE!

Posted by Anonymous on Apr 20 2010 23:19:27

Have you tried "Ultimate Flora 50 billion cultures" by the company "Renew Life" for
the bloating?

Posted by Gita on Apr 20 2010 06:30:56

I had severe vomitting after I had a food poison. I hope I had this vomitting for
almost 2 years and I had food whenever I could but in very small quantities. After 2
years I did an endoscope and was diagnosed for H-pylori which was treated in just 7
days. still I couldn have food more than a little quantity and this continued for 3
more years till now. I started having serious vomitting, heart burn, tight throat and
my stomach has bloated so big and it never goes inside. I was diagnosed of GERD
grade II. Doc said my sphincter is not functioning and It has to be repaired(???). I
dint want to go for surgery so met another doc he gave me certain pills which
worked good as long as I took it. Once I stop the course it worsens like hell..I have
difficulty breathing because of excessive bloating, severe acidity. I am continuously
loosing weight since intake is very very less. I am trying to eat in small quantities
every hour and drink lots of water. still the heart burn is not subsiding. I should
agree that I was in prolonged tension for most of my life..yeah..tats true. I can feel
my acidity going up when am deeply stressed. I had taken enough pills for so many
years. someone please let me know how to bring down by extremely bloated
stomach and stop this heart burn. I feel so depressed tat I cant stay normal like any
other person. I cant stop thinking of this issue for even a minute. I am so worried
about my health. Please help me. I would be very grateful to you.

Posted by Brandi on Apr 19 2010 13:24:01

After having GERD for years, I found a cure that worked for me. 1 tsp of *Slippery
Elm* in powder form mixed with ice cream or yogurt. I have suffered with GERD
since I was very little and had been told I had asthma. Turns out (ten years later) I
had Acid Reflux. After nearly every prescription and over the counter product
available (Nexium, Cisopride, Zantec, Tums, Rolaids) I started trying natural
remedies (cider vinegar, bread, banana's, diet changes, ginger). Nothing worked
and it continued to get worse. For years I had to sleep sitting up so I didn't choke in
my sleep (when I was able to). Vomiting was a daily thing. One day while I was
pregnant with my second child I decided to look into an herb I had heard of called
*Slippery Elm*. After taking one tsp mixed in ice cream the burning went away in
about half an hour. Within a week the vomiting had stopped. I just mixed 1 tsp into
my morning smoothie everyday through my pregnancy and stopped suffering. After
20 years I finally STOPPED SUFFERING!!! It is safe to use during pregnancy, the
reason some say it is not safe is because prior to modern medicine powdered
slippery elm was applied to the cervix to get it to dilate. The powder expands once
it gets wet which is why you need to mix it in food (I don't recommend mixing it in a
drink, too thick). They usually have it in health food stores. My son is now 6 months
old and I haven't needed to take it for about 4 months.

Posted by Charity on Apr 18 2010 16:01:44

I have had issues with acid reflux and have thought I controlled with diet. I started
having problems again and thought maybe I should stop the sodas, because of their
acidity. The next few nights I had such bad reflux that I could tell a was coughing
out stomach acids. I have been drinking water with a lime in it for the last couple of
days and have not had any reflux problems. I hope it continues to work because it is
easy and inexpensive.

Posted by Christa-Alyssa on Apr 18 2010 07:41:19

Taking antacids will just continue your problem with acid reflux because it increases
the alkalinity. Which you think would help, but it just puts your body in a sick cycle.
Take a pineapple enzyme called "Bromelain". Take a capsule with every meal and if
you need more take more. I am pregnant right now and started getting acid reflux.
I'm just so grateful that I know about natural cures that work. With the Apple Cider
Vinegar, that's good too but most people don't actually get the right kind of Apple
Cider Vinegar for it to be effective. You need to buy it from a health food store and
it needs to say "with mother". This means that it has an active enzyme in it. Don't
use regular vinegar or eat canned pineapple. They are cooked and are void of all
enzymes. Those are the best two ways to naturally and effectively cure your acid

Posted by Helen Parkinson on Apr 17 2010 05:52:11

I have been suffering with all of the above symptoms I have just read from
everyone, has anyone tried the Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger root capsules, Fennel
and Lavender? Have they worked, before I get dressed & go to the health shop to
buy them? I also have a problem on the toilet, its as if when (and I will try and
describe this without sounding crude), as the excretion is coming out it leaves a
burning feeling, and this burning can continue for an hour after? Has anyone also
had this?

Posted by jackie on Apr 15 2010 20:29:16

hi i'm 16 years old, and i was diagnosed with acid reflux in january. so far i have
tried to different medications, but both have ye to work. i'm using an over the
counter heartburn medicine, but my reflux seems to be getting worse. i've
increased my dosage so much, its not safe. i'm really struggling to find something
that works. my throat is starting to hurt me now. its been really hard for me
adjusting to this lifestyle. school has been difficult for me as well because of my
acid reflux. i feel stuck, and i'm hoping to find something that works for me soon.
i'm doing the best i can to stay on top of things. this disease has completely altered
my life, i wish i was normal again you know. i don't know anyone else suffering from
this disease, its nice to talk to people who are just like me and understand what i'm
going through. ,jackie

Posted by Danielle on Apr 14 2010 11:05:59

For the past few months I have been experiencing a lot of stomach and back pain. I
went to the hospital a few months ago with extreme pain only to find out it was
constipation. LOL. Since then I have now gotten a rather weird symptom of coolness
in the mouth and throat and severe nausea and stomach pain. Just last week I was
sent for a Barium Swallow and have now found out that I have extreme acid reflux
and a hiatus hernia. Often after I eat a really get bloated. Anyone have the same
symptoms and what would do you do for relief. Does anyone have any natural
remedies to help cure or ease the symtoms of acid reflux. Please let me know.
Thanks a million. Any info would be great.

Posted by sherryelisabeth on Apr 09 2010 21:32:07

My doctor diagnosed me with Acid Reflux several years ago and I am on Nexum
which works great except whenever I get a bad sinus infection and have lots of
drainage this caused my reflux to act up. Does anyone else have this problem?

Posted by Pete on Apr 01 2010 00:07:10

It's been interesting to see that there are so many people who suffer from GERD
etc. I've been struggling with GERD for a couple of years now and it seems to come
and go. The first episode that I had, felt like what they say a heart attack or angina
attack feels like which sent me down a path of anxiety and panic attacks. I had the
standard heart tests and they came bacame okay which helped calm down the
anxiety and panic attacks but not the other symptoms. That's when my doctor said
it was most likely GERD and recommended Zantac for now. I was doing great until
this past month. It started up again which is almost the exact time that it started
last year. That's when I remembered to take Manuka Honey. I had used it before
when I had an ulcer and it healed in about two weeks. I can't believe that I had
forgotten about taking it after having had such success with it before. I've just
started taking it again and am noticing improvements. I'm hoping it works for GERD.
If any of you are interested in ivestigating the benefits of Manuka honey check out
this link: I guess it's like
anything else, what works for one may not work for another but it's not overly
expensive to try so why not? If it works for you, the benefits are amazing. I hope
this may help someone.

Posted by Marely on Mar 18 2010 22:45:14

Hi Marge, Teacher and Brad, I'm no doctor, but I have been dealing with acid reflux
for 10 years. I take prevacid on and off. It has worked really well for me. I have gone
without prevacid for years at a time, just by watching what I eat, keeping my weight
down and eating my dinner at least 3 hours before I go to bed. However, in the last
6 months, I got too relaxed with my diet and I was put on medication for slow
thyroid. I developed LPR, another version of acid reflux that is not fun and it's much
worse. For LPR, I have been taking 30mg. of prevacid twice a day and I'm supposed
to do it for 6 months. Today, I went to my 6 week follow up with my ENT. She was
very impressed with my improvement. The treatment is working and she was very
proud of me for making the diet and life style adjustments. She thinks that if I
continue to follow all the indications my throat might heal before the standard 6
months. I'm pretty happy and encouraged to hear that. I'm even used to my bland
diet. Marge: I'm no expert, but I know it is not a good idea to just drink water when
we have acid reflux. Our stomachs produce acid even when we don't eat and we
need to put something in our stomach to absorb it. I don't know if you couldn't
tolerate food or what happened, but even a slice of bread would help absorb the
acid from your stomach. The Prevacid works, but it takes 3-4 days to give results.
When I first started it, I was told to take Mylanta, tums or maalox at the same time
for the first 4 days. Prevacid 30 minutes before a meal and mylanta after a meal.
For me, prevacid kicked in like on the 3rd day and that's all I take now. The bottom
line, at least in my experience; is that once we get diagnosed with acid reflux, we
have to always be alert, avoid all the acid triggers as much as possible, have
smaller meals, always have our dinners 3-4 hours before we go to bed, watch our
weights and exercise regularly. Acid reflux can be controlled. Some times we relax
like i did and then we have to rely on the medications. I agree that aloe vera helps,
but, not when it is too late, like in my case, my throat was so burned I couldn't drink
anything with flavor for a while. I also started taking probiotics and enzymes to help
digestion. My doctor told me today that probiotics are a GREAT idea, but enzymes
are a BAD idea because they cause more reflux. OOps! I didn't know that, I read on
the internet that they were good. I guess I'll check with my doctor first next time I
take something like that. Good luck to all, hope you can all find relief.

Posted by Brad on Mar 16 2010 11:32:58

My mother thought she was having a heart attach and after many tests it was acid
reflux. She did take the purple pill for a short time but after reading the long term
side effects started researching natural options. She has found that Aloe Vera juice
works wonders. She has not had an attach in two years and feels all over better
taking 2 oz a day. She hasn't been sick either and says it's because the aloe is an
immune builder as well. It has actually healed the problem not just masked it. She
gets it at and has tried several but likes this one best.

Posted by TEACHER on Mar 16 2010 09:44:46

10 years or more, I have suffered. Everything from the burning, chest feeling like it
would EXPLODE, sitting up sleeping with pillow stacked up, elevating the bed, BRAT
Diet, Prilosec, Nexium 40mg twice a day, vinegar, losing weight,'s
awful! They did an endoscopy and found that I have a moderate hiatal hernia.
Great! Seems I was born with it but never had any problems until 10 years ago as I
started getting majorly stressed with school and gaining weight. I ate a lot of spicy
foods, red sauce, love chocolate, coffee, tea, and yes, I smoke. So quit it all and still
had the acid problems. The Nexium works miracles for me. I can take it once a day,
40mg for thirty days and then as little as one every other day to keep the acid
away. I can eat what I want. The Prilosec is good but if I stop it, look out! Even for a
day!Now, I am in South Korea and they gave me two prescriptions, one I had to beg
for because they say that their policy is to refrain from medicication until an
endoscope is done. Well, I've already had an endoscope and told them the findings,
they won't budge. There is no Nexium or Prilosec here, so I have been taking
rantidine like crazy! I discovered tonight that my bottom teeth have all eroded at
the inner edges. I suppose because of taking too much Zantac or the acid. My
tongue also has a whitish color. My throat just looks inflamed and it burns like crazy.
I find that ice water helps and soy milk in ice. I promise myself to start exercising
again, stay away from spicy foods and try the BRAT diet as much as I can stand. I
am just paranoid that if they run more tests, who knows what they will find or want
to try like surgery or maybe they'll find esophageal cancer. I tried vinegar, but that
made it worse. So I will continue to try to lose weight and get Prilosec from the U.S.
Like others, what bothers me is that medicine only masks the problem. Seems the
states did not think the hernia was too bad. I have been told over and over that it's
the weight. We'll see...maybe I will try some of the other things I have read on the
website for a more natural remedy. Thanks to all for sharing your stories!

Posted by Marge on Mar 15 2010 18:30:49

I'm desparate. I had a stomach virus over the weekend. It started out like a acid
reflux attack but evloved into a full blown stomach viru. Throught out the entire
time I continued to hav the acid boil up into my throat. No food, just water but still
the acid. My stomach is swollen up under my breast bone. I'm feeling some better
but the acid continues to boil up into my throat when my only intake is water. I had
prevacid that I took, to no avail. Even doubled up. Please help......

Posted by Marely on Mar 11 2010 18:25:57

Mo, You have a lot of the same symptoms I had, I got pretty skinny pretty fast too,
but my LPR is slowly getting better. Only an ENT doctor can tell you if you have LPR.
GI doctors usually miss it because they can only see below your throat into your
esophagus. My esophagus was fine too and my barium swallow normal, The ENT
doctor will insert a tube with a camera through your nose, and in seconds tell you if
you have LPR or not. Google LPR so that you can learn all about it. If you have it.
You'll most likely need a double dose of Nexium. I take a double dose of prevacid
30mg each. I am now able to eat more stuff. I don't have to live on smoothies and
oatmeal anymore. However, I do follow the acid reflux diet very strictly and I eat
dinner 4 hours before I go to bed.. That is helping me recover faster.

Posted by MO on Mar 11 2010 14:23:34

I enjoy reading everyones posts. I am in the same boat but they cant figure out
what is wrong with me. I had an episode after eating pizza one night where I started
coughing so bad and hacking up white phelgm and they had to rush me to the
hospital because I couldnt breathe. ER doc said you have GERD see a GI doc. So I
did that. He scoped me said no reflux. I ended up at the ER again for breathing
issues said probably bronchitis. PUt me on breathing treatments, amoxicilian,
inhaler, predisone for 5 days. Finally got rid of that after 2 weeks, but developed a
swallowing problem. My pulmonary doc sent me to a speech pathologist who said
VC look good, mucus looks good might be LPR due to some swelling in espho. I saw
my GI doc again he said he didnt think it was LPR but sent me for a barium swallow
and sent me to a neurologist. MRI is next week with neuro. Barium swallow came
back fine. Saw my family doc yesterday she gave me an allergy medicine to take, I
am taking nexium (per GI even though he doesnt know if I have LPR) also taking
ativan. Still having issues eating, swallowing. Symptoms mainly are choking feeling
(comes and goes) constantly clearing throat even after water I am literally not
eating much at all because i start coughing so bad and choking and it scares me. I
live on smoothies, some fish, some veggies. Maybe eat once a day. Dropped 10
pounds if not more in 2 weeks and I can't afford to lose any weight, down to 97 lbs.
5'4", 34 y.o. female non smoker. I have tried natural stuff, not sure what else to do.
I am so frustrated and hungry and dehydrated I dont know what to do. I just tried to
eat a light fat free yogart and my throat got tight. Been tested for food allergies too.
They are checking my thyroid and I still think it is LPR. Aggg someone please help
before I waste away to nothing. thanks :(

Posted by Marely on Mar 07 2010 08:57:25

Nana, Here's another link.

the-mouth/ Please note that menopause can also be a cause of bitter taste in your
mouth, as well as candida overgrowth among others. Someone else talked about
candida on this blog. I also run and I'm in a very healthy weight. I have menopause
to look forward to in the near future. :-(

Posted by Marely on Mar 07 2010 08:43:49

Hi Nana, If I was you, I would find another GI doctor that could give me the
endoscopies sooner than 2 months. Unless your GI thinks it's not urgent? I am a
worrier too, and for me, waiting 2 months for a test is way too long. If I didn't stay
on my doctors, they would still be telling me I was suffering from panic attacks
instead of being treated for LPR. It's easy for them to say, try this and come back in
6 weeks. meanwhile, I kept ending up in the ER because my LPR was giving me the
globus syndrome and I couldn't breath or swallow. Be proactive with your doctors
and inform yourself. Just be careful when you read stuff because a lot of diseases
share similar symptoms and we don't want to scare ourselves and end up thinking
we have cancer or another deadly disease. I found a link about chronic bitter taste,
if you match the way it tastes to you it might tell you possible causes. You might
have read it already.

Posted by Nana on Mar 07 2010 07:32:59

Marely, No, I'm a new nana. My endoscopic is 2 months away because that's the
earliest the gastro could schedule it....busy guy, I guess.:( ENT ordered an MRI for
nerve damage? and some more blood work. MRI looked fine....,my zinc level is low-
average. He discharged me and sent me to the gastro doc. Gastro gave me an
initial exam, ordered stool and bloodwork and scheduled the endoscopy and a
colonoscopy. Stool and bloodwork ok....white count in the low-average range. He
gave me a whole bunch of samples of Zegerid. I felt WORSE taking that so I stopped
2 weeks ago. I am not overweight, do not smoke or drink, and run 4 to 5 miles daily.
(am currently going thru menopause) I am and ALWAYS have been a worrier :
( Again, my primary symptom is this BITTER taste in my mouth whenever there is
saliva present. The only time it is not noticeable is when my mouth is dry (when I
am sleeping or running)Eathing is great while the taste of the food is in my mouth
but as soon as I swallow and the saliva starts digesting, the bitter taste comes back
with a vengeance. :( :( :( I am SOOOOOOO frustrated!

Posted by Marely on Mar 06 2010 22:18:16

Nana, are you the same Nana that was diagnosed with acid reflux and was fixing it
with the cider vinegar? First of all, I'd like to suggest that you stop thinking about
having cancer. This kind of thinking is just going to stress you out, make you
produce more acid and have more heartburn along with anxiety. Why don't you tell
us what your doctors told you? Especially the ENT doctor? That way maybe
someone in this blog can have more information to help you. I suffer from LPR: My ENT doctor was the
only one that could find it. Did your ENT doctor actually checked you for LPR? If you
still have chest pressure and heartburn. My opinion is you still have acid reflux
problems and your esophagus needs to be looked at. Why are you waiting 2 months
for the endoscopy? I am taking prevacid 30 mg. twice a day for my LPR. I follow a
very strict diet to prevent acid reflux, but it will still take 6 months for my burnt
throat to heal. I still have 4.5 months to go, but I can feel a little better every week
that goes by. My ENT doctor said that in order to get cancer caused by LPR, you
have to have severe untreated damage for a long time, like 2 years at least. Hope
you find out what's going on soon! Just knowing what I have has taken my anxiety

Posted by nana on Mar 06 2010 20:56:29

I originnally was treated for oral thrush...since I have had a constant, daily, bitter
taste in mouth! I have had numerous blood, urine, and stool samples...nothing out
of the ordinary. I am scheduled for an endoscopy....TWO months from now. I have
been prescribed Zantax, Prevacid, Protonix, and Zegerid. NOTHING seems to help
with this bitter taste. (By the way, it is NOT there until I have saliva in my problems once I am asleep) I DO have heartburn and chest pressure
since taking these medications but no relief from this horrible bitter taste. I have
seen my GP, and ENT, my dentist and the gastro doc. I am very concerned that
there is an underlying cancer here???? Any advice?

Posted by Irma on Mar 01 2010 21:23:40

I've suffered with acid reflux for over 5 years now. I drink pure Aloe Vera juice at the
first onset of acid reflux. It immediately relives my discomfort. I purchased it from
wal-mart, it can be found around the pharmacy area. I drink it straight, but you can
add it to juice or water. I originally bought it because I heard it was good for the
stomach and digestion. It really helps with acid reflux. I don't have my gall bladder
anymore, so when I drink it my bowels will move freely the next day. Other than
that pure Aloe Vera juice is good for acid reflux. It works for me.

Posted by katie on Feb 27 2010 00:35:59

YOU GUYS!!! okay I had bad diarreah, horrible acid reflux (had to go to hospital so
bad), vomiting, pain, it turns out it is CANDIDA!! please look into this, tons of people
have it and PHD's will not give you the time of day about it cause they just want to
shove you full of antiacids, which make it WORSE!You have to go to a natural
MD!!!!! you need stomach acid! After I was on the stomach pills/ppi I got even
sicker, itchy ears, allergies, dizziness,brain fog, head aches, all sorts of stuff. Search
the web for candida you will find tons of stuff, it mimicks (sp) all sorts of disorders, I
was told I had like ten things by the end hahaha!! I feel it is my duty to educate
people about this because I got so sick I almost lost my life and PHD's would still not
do a thing but pump me full of prescriptions! Have you been on antibiotics?? I was
on a lot plus birthcontrol and it through my body out of wack! Please research it, if I
have hepled one person find the answer I have done my job!

Posted by Adam on Feb 24 2010 06:36:02

beware of NSAID's also... actually....caution should be used against others drugs like
clonazepam and others as well... I was on that almost 10 years ago for anxiety and
wish i was never on it. Now I believe they only contributed to my GI problems...
natural alternatives like theanine serene with GABA can be used for reducing
tensions... there are many natural herbs for anxieties... drugs might do it but then
other problems will start to develop... not worth it...

Posted by Adam on Feb 24 2010 06:11:16

check to see if you have H. pylori and if so... then there are a few "bombs" you can
use to eradicate them: Manuka Honey, probiotics, turmeric, monolaurin,
omegabrite, grapefruit seed extract,sangre de drago, mastic gum, broccoli

Posted by Marely on Feb 23 2010 17:30:34

Fortunately, I've never had side effects from the Prevacid. I've taken it on and off for
10 years. Right now, since I'm on the double dose, I am taking digestive enzymes
and acidophilus probiotics along with following a very strict reflux friendly diet. So, I
have not had any issues with moving my food so far. Although I like and prefer
natural remedies. At this point, my throat is burnt from my LPR and I need to rely on
my ENT doctor to help me. I don't want to end up in the ER anymore. I feel better
since I saw her 4 weeks ago. Hopefully the treatment will work. Natural remedies
are good, but some of the could also be expensive and I've heard some of them can
also have side effects. In a few months, when my throat is better, I will try the ACV
because I'm intrigued by the testimonies. I know Aloe Vera, licorice and Ginger are
good for digestion too.

Posted by Adam on Feb 22 2010 20:03:45

I've been on PPI's for maybe 7-8 years. PPI's give me so many side effects(Poor
concentration/mental fog, blurred vision, dizziness, anxiety/panic attacks, cramps,
disturbed sleep/insomnia, chest pains, nausea, headaches/migraines,etc. I've been
on everything from prevacid to nexium to prilosec) and deplete the hydrochloric
acid that the body needs to properly digest food leaving food to stay/rot within you.
You can give yourself a PH level test. A natural alternative that I follow now is
taking: Metagenics Endefen, Metagenics Glutagenics, Soluble and Insoluble fiber,
Ultimateflora 50 billion cultures, slippery elm bark, orange peel extract(if no ulcers).
A table spoon of baking soda in glass of water usually works for me. Try SANGRE de
Drago and Una de Gato/Cat's Claw for stomach ulcers! some other items you can
check out are:cabbage juice! pepzin GI, mastic gum, marshmellow herb, MSM and
catnip, MANUKA HONEY, golden seal root, olive oil?, enzymes, meadowsweet, carrot
juice, Zinc-Carnosine, Licorice, Chamomile, Bladderwrack, Fenugreek Seeds, Wood
Betony, aloe vera, mullein, raw cabbage and potato and celery juices, Barley Grass,
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice or DGL, Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV, Probiotics, Pickle
Juice, L-glutamine powder, Coconut, Lavender tea, ginger tea, Ultra Flora IB, Ultra
FloraPlus...Go to your Natural Vitamin shop for your ailments!

Posted by marely on Feb 20 2010 20:32:25

Also, on top of my double daily dose of prevacid, I chew on a maalox tablet before I
go to bed if I feel any extra burning on my throat or chest or if I am not sure if
something I ate was acid reflux friendly. I usually eat with with a drink of water with
a little bit or apple juice in it. I warm it up a little, the warm liquid makes the throat
feel better. Don't forget not to lay down or go to bed after you eat for at least 3-4
hours. My husband also raised the head of our bed by 6 inches. I'm really trying to
get better sooner than 6-9 months. And i will never accept to take any pills on an
empty stomach that might make me back flow my stomach acid into the throat
when I run, I love running. I'll take synthroid before lunch time or something. I've
heard as long as you are consistent on how you take it, the dose can be adjusted.
Bottom line, LPR sufferers, we need to stick to our medicine, diet and have a lot of

Posted by Marely on Feb 20 2010 08:04:21

Chris, Sorry to hear that the PPI medicines haven't helped you (yet). I was told by
my doctor that Nexium, Prilosac, Protonix and Prevacid are supposed to do the
same work. However, I've used Prevacid for regular reflux for 10 years and it has
always worked for me. I think I developed silent reflux or LPR after I started taking
synthroid last October on an empty stomach with 8 ounces of water and then I went
running. I like running in the mornings. I say this because I never had any issues
until I started on that pill and I remember tasting the medicine as I ran. The diluted
pill and water were probably splashing back into my esophagus and throat as I ran. I
started having the sore throats 3 weeks after starting synthroid. LPR can cause your
throat to have spasms which is the "globus" syndrome that makes you feel like
chocking. Then you start feeling anxious and this cause you panic attack symptoms,
which adds to the pressure on your neck and feeling like you can't breath. My
doctor put me on a very low dose of clonazepam which is like Xanax but less
addictive and longer lasting. All I take is .5 mg a day (middle of the day) this
medicine helps with the spasms and prevents the added anxiety that makes things
worse. I take 30 mg of prevacid in the morning and 30 mg. at night. This has
allowed me to start eating again and has taking the choking away. I have to say
that I have followed the reflux diet very strictly. I avoid every food I have to avoid,
coffee, chocolate, spicy food, fried food, tomatoes, peppermint or any other tea, no
soda or alcoholic beverages. I take digestive enzymes (papaya) and live culture
yogurt to help digestion. My throat is still sore, but i don't choke and I don't feel that
lump stuck in my throat any more. 6 months seems like a long time, but, I'll be
patient and follow the diet. It beats the other option. If you haven't seen an Ear
Nose and throat Doctor yet, I'd recommend that you do. They can go in with a
camera through your nose (doesn't hurt at all) and they can see in seconds weather
you have silent reflux or not. Remember, most people with LPR don't have
heartburn symptoms. Don't give up. Keep talking to your doctors, if you fell
something is wrong with you, then you are probably right. We know our bodies
better than anybody else. I initially was told that I was just having panic attacks or
depressed (ER doctors), but I kept making the doctors look and got my diagnose.
This took a lot of my anxiety away.

Posted by Chris on Feb 17 2010 09:15:31

Marely, that is exactly what I feel. I have gone to doctors and they keep sending me
prilosec, nexium and other and those have not relieved my symptoms. They said I
have some burns in my esophagus and throat (vocal cords) I have the postnasal
drainage and the feeling my throat closing lately. I do not feel that much burn in my
chest sometimes a bit but almost nothing. Reading blogs like this I've found out that
is the Laryngopharyngeal reflux I may be suffering from. A friend told me to try
prevacid and I see that it works for you. If you have any other advise in your diet or
medicines (like the one to relax you and muscles) please let me know. Doctors
seem to not care at all. It has become very annoying specially at night sometimes
when I am sleeping my throat feels like closing and I wake up scared. Any help will
be really helpful

Posted by judy on Feb 15 2010 12:09:39

I have been having breathing problems for about 5 years now. I have seen 15
different dr's and a hand full of specialists and they all say something different. I
have never had heart burn but I have to constantly clear my throat and often it feels
like my throat is closing off.My voice has changed and I now sound very nasily. My
inner ears itch and so does the roof of my mouth. When my throat starts to feel like
its closing off, my chin itches. sometimes I scratch so mutch that I actually draw
blood.. The last year or so I have been having alergy like symptoms. I have been
tested for allergies and they say I have none but the running nose and stuffed up
feeling tells me otherwise. Has anyone experienced the inner ear,chin and roof of
the mouth itching?

Posted by Adam on Feb 09 2010 17:27:37

I have been on prevacid, nexium and prilosec a couple years each... adding up to
maybe 7-8 years total. Even Kapidex last year which gave me crazy chest pains and
made me think i was going to get a heart attack!These drugs only MASK the
problem and only treat the symptom. Ultimately they do NOT solve the problem and
you'll end up being on these drugs for the rest of your lives unless you realize that
they're actually making things worse in the long run. PPI's will make you vulnerable
to developing other sickness as your defenses are weakened. Remember... The
drug companies make money when your sick. Prilosec, nexium and other PPI's kill
the good bacteria/enzymes that your body needs to properly digest food. You will
become malnourished because of these drugs. They are very dangerous long-term
as they will stop vitamin and mineral absorption. ie. vitamin B, calcium, etc. They
can even cause hip fractures in the elderly. This needs to be taken care of naturally.
First of all, you must cut off all fried food, fatty-foods, take out food like
Mcdonalds/burgerking and other killer-food, cut-off alcohol altogether, avoid spicy
foods, tomato sauce, pizza(yes, i had to give it up), chocolate, smoking, caffeine
etc... Yes, this is where you embrace the straightedge lifestyle ;-). Your diet Must
change. Go to a Natural Vitamin shop and purchase yourself: Metagenics Endefen,
Metagenics Glutagenics, Soluble and Insoluble fiber, microflora 50 billion cultures
and also see what they have for heartburn.Ex: slippery elm bark(one of my favs!the
natural rolaids/tums), orange peel extract(if no ulcers). There are natural remedies
for this. No need to be on these drugs, which actually make things worse. A table
spoon of baking soda in glass of water usually works for me. also: Apple cider
vinegar. Try Sangre de Drago and Una de Gato/Cat's Claw for stomach ulcers! and
cabbage juice! some other items you can check out are: pepzin GI, mastic gum,
marshmellow herb, MSM and catnip. Go to your Natural Vitamin shop for remedies
for your ailments!

Posted by anna on Feb 07 2010 13:30:57

I started on Omeprazole, and wow, what a difference! I thought I had volca nodes,
my throat and speaking voice was so bad. Within a week I could hear the difference.
Now I'm going to do a home treatment and see how it goes. I think high doses of
vitamin c at bedtime have probably been the culprit. Will do the vit. c after
breakfast, when I'm up and use the vinegar too, if needed...
Posted by marely on Feb 04 2010 20:58:50

Sorry, I forgot to mention. The name of my disease is silent acid reflux or

Laryngopharyngeal reflux. It's silent because it usually doesn't call heartburn.
Symptoms are: Hoarness, Thick or too much mucous in your throat. Chronic throat
irritation, chronic throat clearing, chronic cough, globus sensation(you feel
something in your throat), bad taste in your mouth in the morning. Besides the
prevacid I've got a medicine that tranquilizes me and is also a muscle relaxer.

Posted by Marely on Feb 04 2010 20:52:09

I've suffered fro acid reflux on and off for the last 10 years. Prevacid has been
wonderful when I get it bad. But I can normally control it with diet, exercise and not
laying down for 3-4 hours after I eat (especially dinner). A few months ago I started
getting sore throats, laryngitis and ear pain along with postnasal drainage. Since it
is winter, I assumed it was a cold and so did my doctor, I went through 2 treatments
of antibiotics and nothing helped. I has a bad attack on january 5th, were I was
having dinner while I was drinking peppermint tea. I immediately felt my throat
closing on me and heaviness on my chest. I couldn't breath right. I ended up in the
E.R. after heart and lung tests were clear, I was told I had a panic attack, but I
should see my Gi doctor since I suffered from GERD. The endoscopy came clear, no
big damage on the esophagus. I still has the chocking sensation and difficulty
swallowing, burping etc. i was put on a double dose of prevacid and it helped a little
although my symptoms weren't explained. I saw my ENT doctor. She ran a fiber
optic tube through my nose and looked inside my throat and stuff. She said I had so
much damage from acid reflux that it was causing my throat muscles to contract
(spasm) and that's why i felt like I was being choked. She double my prevacid dose
and told me to follow a bland diet. I'm happy to know what my problem is after one
month of anxiety. The only bad news is that it might take up to 9 months for my
burns to be cured.

Posted by rose on Feb 02 2010 16:21:40

I was wondering if anyone has experience bad acid reflux and burning in their
esophogus after a dental procedure ? I have acid reflux and GERD and the last two
times I had my teeh filled and some bonding done, I had the worst case of burning
in my throat that lasted for over a week. I was just curious if anyone else has
experienced this or if it was just coincidence ?
Posted by MrSerge on Jan 28 2010 00:14:05

Acid reflux. Coming out of acid reflux. My story may be able to help some of you.
They say that acid reflux is caused by poor eating habits and or bacteria in your
stomach. Right before my episode with acid reflux I was eating healthy, in perfect
shape and had my perfect work hard. Once day, I stared having all the symptom of
acid reflux and no one knew what I had. This went on for months. I forced my doctor
to check for Helicobacter pylori. which I ended up testing positive. I got omeprazole
(Prilosex) plus 2 antibiotics. 4 pills a day for 14 days. After the treatment my
stomach was hitching and I still had a hard time eating. I was still creating too much
acid so my doctor give me again omeprazole (Prilosex). I refused to be on any drug
and I knew that the omeprazole (Prilosex) was not the answer it was just a bandage
without dealing with the root of the problem. This is what I did: I knew the Key out
of this was: I need to keep the body alkaline, the bad bacteria don't like an alkaline
environment. I stop take the omeprazole (Prilosex) and starting taking a of Jarro
Dophilus EPS (can find it in health store). The 3rd day I started to feel the
difference. I was able to eat more verity of food. Aloe vera juice before every meal
Eating every 3 hrs small meal. No row vegetable - fresh steam vegetable only and
protein. No oily or greasy food at all, not black chocolate , not alcohol, no caffeine,
no soda and not spices in your food. Avoid hot water, somehow my system does
quite down with colder drink and food. I eat protein and green 3 time a day and a
lot of low fat low sugar organic yogurt as snack and all day. I take 4 pills a day of
Jarro Dophilus EPS . One pill 45 min before every meal to help my stomach and
intestines get their natural bacteria back while controlling the excess of acid the
stomach is creating. Drink the pills with hot water It makes swallowing the pills
easier. I drink Apple Cider Vinegar (2 table spoons in 0.5l drink of water) throughout
the day with a lot of water. I don't mix the protein & green vegetable with fruits.
Sugar create more acid so I am very careful with the fruits I eat (low sugar index
fruits only) and I don't eat any carbohydrate for the same reason. I recommend:
Cranberry juice-Prune juice (the sugar free type mix with H2O) 2 tea spoons of
honey mix with water before eating. Avocado-apples-banana-melon-walnuts-
almonds-tofu-sweet potato-fish-Grilled chicken (legs grilled) easier on your stomach.
Not red meat at the beginning it is too hard on the stomach. Camomile tea help
digestion process. Stop eating 3hrs before bedtime. I sleep with your upper body
higher than the bed level almost in a semi sitting position. I don't lift weight or jog
because I was creating too much acid and it was giving me some palpitation. (yes,
the doctor said that the palpitation have nothing to do with acid reflux-there not
connected-well doctor have news for you everything is connected and how can a
super athlete with no hard problem get some palpitation every time his stomach
create too much acid). To avoid the palpitation, I ride my bike slowly without too
much effort, and also walk. I make sure I space out my workout throughout the day.
Now I am getting better and I know you can be acid reflux take time and
patience. I am almost certain that a lot of us will test negative for every test on the
planet regarding stomach bacteria but small bacteria such as Escherichia coli-E-coli
and other don't really have a test for them and you could have something in your
system putting your stomach out of balance. So fight back by drinking Apple Cider
Vinegar to clean your system and work on increasing the growth of the good
bacteria your body need. Mediation is a must in the healing process Good luck to
you all.

Posted by Kristina on Jan 26 2010 12:53:04

Charlene I was reading your post and it breaks my heart to know you are not feeling
good. You need to go on the brat diet for a week bananas plain rice applesauce and
toast. help get those stomach acids to rest then introduce other foods back into
your life SLOWLY> dairy and gluten sounds like the source of your problem
especially with the blood you have been experiencing. Talk to your dr about celiac
disease. Hope this helps with allieviating your pain

Posted by TOny on Jan 20 2010 00:11:39

I have Had Gerd for about 1 month now i am about to go see a specilist cause it
does not seem to go away ..i ve been on a diet for a month now no alcohol or any
acid foods and it kinda went away. i have been eating just food with alot of protein
like chicken,turkey,fish,wheat,yogurt,granola,oatmeal,and water. I worked out and
played soccer last week and it seem that burning sensation came back . IS there
something i am doing wrong? and Will this last for the rest of my life? I was taking
prataprozole and now i am just taking prilosec .

Posted by Michigan on Jan 13 2010 09:41:42

Charlene if your case is that serious you need a hospital. A sign of blood is a sign of
a very dangerous condition and you need to seek proper medical treatment. If your
parents cannot afford healthcare they should check into state aid for you. Blood
coming up is an emergency situation and by law the hospital should not be able to
turn you away. My situation is very very similar to yours. I have had the probs for
years, been on many numerous meds, migraines, joint pain, etc. Tried lot of natural
remedies and adjusted my diet. When mine got out of control my doc gave me a
new drug called KAPIDEX. It worked. Best of luck to you..and PLEASE seek medical
attention for your condition. Go in there spitting blood if you have to...someone
needs to pay attention and help you.

Posted by Charlene on Jan 09 2010 01:01:55

Hello, my name is Charlene. I'm 17 years old (as of December 15th 2009), and I was
diagnosed with Acid Reflux when I was just an infant. I've had it pretty bad all my
life, so acid had always been a problem... for a long time, though, when I was fairly
young, it was not. Then, about around nearing Middle School--say, 3rd to 6th
grade--it got much worse. I have always had a fairly poor diet, but I was put on a
prescription and eventually the issue completely went away. Years later at the age
of 13 (almost 14), I came home with pain one day and a whirlwind of downhill health
problems have happened in the last 5 years (or so) since--joint pain, and such,
though I had been improving my diet, exercising, and all. My stomach has gotten
completely poor these last 4 years especially--at first, it was just joint pain, muscle
pain, migraines, but then my stomach messed up. They've done every test on me
possible (berrium-related things, CT scans, MRIs) and found nothing. No one can be
bothered with my illness, whatever it is. A few months ago, though, I experienced
the worst possible Reflux/stomach acid episode I've had yet: for days (this
happened before I came down with H1N1, coincidentally), it just burnt horribly. It is
happening again now. I can see bits of blood constantly, and nothing I take works. I
was put on Nexium recently and my parents couldn't afford to get it refilled, and it
seems this episode happened suddenly, without diet being the reason (I had
checked what might cause it, the only common thing was I felt like I had a flu bug),
and I am not sure what to do. The Medical Center can't do anything for me, and I
have tried Maalox, Pepcid (pill AND chew), Gaviscon (four of them), Pepto Bismol
(the pills), and my usual I have been taking for years--Zantac 150. I know taking the
Zantac is bad, but it was all I had that helped the acid. And it USUALLY worked... but
this episode and the one before it a few months ago, it stopped, like everything
else. ... Now it's going on the... fourth day of this, I think? I've slept very little. Not
even a full hour ago, I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar cure as directed, drank it all,
ate a few plain crackers with it (I've hardly eaten anything--the blood and acid in my
throat is too bad for me. I'd like to say I'd throw up--I've tried, it... won't allow me
to), and I *thought* it was helping. ... Now I realize it's starting to come back up,
any the other herbal remedies I've read about (apples, etc.) that we could afford/do
have in my home I have tried, to no avail. We called my Doctor, and I'll have my
Nexium (I hope) if my parents can get the money for it in a week, but I feel like by
then it might be too late. I realize this is long, but I am at my wit's end. I have no
idea what to do, or where to turn to. For reference I live in the United States, DE,
and we're far from any neighbors here or family help. Is there *anything* left I can
do...? Anything at all...? (I've cut cola and any and all possible acid-producing foods
or drinks out of my diet already, and did so earlier. I'm trying to keep hydrated as
well, but it's hard.)

Posted by Heidi on Jan 08 2010 00:26:09

Apple cider vinegar is great I agree as well, along with my Zantac but for instant
relief for when the pain is unberable I use PEPTO BISMAL it really coats it pretty
quick. I am one who get excrutiating pain in my back and chest and it feels death is
upon me! I must sit up and it will slowly slid back down and still persist in smaller
waves. Good luck to all I wish one of u were here to hold me while I cry because I'm
out of pepto and it's 130 in the morning.

Posted by Marty1981 on Jan 05 2010 19:16:27

i have been having symptoms for the past several months that include, hoarseness,
sore throat ( both more severe in the mornings)scratchy or itchy throat, itchy chest,
burning in the throat and chest. Have had a throat us and came up normal am
going to see a ent doc soon, i just want some relief, i keep worrying about cancer,
would love anyones feedback.

Posted by Pardeep on Jan 04 2010 16:46:29

i have had breathing problems, i feel like i have to yawn to get in a full breath of air
and it feels like there is a "glob" or something in my throut and chest. I am a sixteen
year old girl and this started about 6 months ago and just got worse today. I think i
may have avid reflux but am not sure, the shortness of breath is making daily life
very hard and i feel like i have the health problems of an old person at the age of

Posted by Denecia on Dec 27 2009 02:49:38

you all of you that suffer with acid reflux my prayers are with you-i too suffered with
acid reflux i woke up one morning with extreme pain in my upper chest and my
back it felt like i had a balloon in me being blown up pushing out my back and upper
abs it hurt so bad-this continued to happen for about a couple of weeks-i had all
kinds of test done-until one night i prayed that God would send me to a doctor that
could tell me what i had-i am thankful to God that the next doctor i saw told me
what i had-he prescribed zantac and another medication-as soon as i took it-i had
instant relief i am not a meds person either so after finding out what i had it gave
me opportunity to pray specificly about acid reflux or GERD-i was told i had a serve
case of GERD- i was in my late teens when this started i am now 31 and i have not
had another attack since i was 20 and then when i felt it coming i drunk a coke a
cola i had a big burp and i yet to show signs and symptoms of having had GERD it
baffled the doctors-to all of those who do not want to take meds try prayer first-it
does work i took a couple of pills and knew i could not do this the rest of my life
-when i began to pray it all started to go away i count myself healed
Posted by Barb on Dec 21 2009 12:01:40

Megan, your symptoms sound like my gallbladder attacks. See a doctor and get an
ultrasound. I had about 5 attacks before I went, but once I had it removed, it was more pain and I could actualy go back to eating some foods aI had been
missing. I also have GERD and take prevacid daily, but those attacks were not
fromn the GERD, but my gallbladder.

Posted by Rob on Dec 19 2009 23:08:36

I suffered acid reflux for years and was on and off omeprazole during that time.
However, I recently discovered the main culprit behind my acid reflux episodes--
gluten. After a particularly bad episode of acid reflux after a meal of wheat noodles,
I eliminated all foods containing gluten. Now, I very rarely have acid reflux, gas or
bloating as long as i stay away from gluten. Some of you may be needlessly
suffering from acid reflux because of an intolerance to gluten and you don't know it.
I was also motivated to change my diet so I could get off the proton pump inhibitor.
Reducing stomach acid with proton pump inhibitors may have the unwanted side
effects of a proliferation of bacteria in the gut (the acid kills the bad bacteria) and
reduced absorption of calcium and vitamin B12. I actually came down with an
infection in the sigmoid colon that required antibiotics, also my teeth enamel was
mysteriously eroding (the stomach acid never came up to my mouth). I suspect the
erosion of my tooth enamel was either due to celiac disease (intolerance to gluten)
or a side effect of omeprazole, both of which can block absorption of calcium. See
your doctor, change your diet and stay off the proton pump inhibitors if you can!

Posted by larry on Dec 18 2009 22:37:44

I laid down to sleep to night ,and was awakened by the worst acid reflux in my intire
life.All the way up my throat,coughing and allmost choking.I just stood up took in
small amounts of water an a few ice chips a tespoon of honey and latter a cup of
green tea with a table spoon of honey sipping it very slowly.I am getting some
releaf now but I think I will sleap in the recliner to play it safe.

Posted by sharyn on Dec 10 2009 12:16:20

it doesn't cure it but sipping boiled water PLAIN the minute a hint of pain starts will
make the gas come up in about 10 minutes. no meds

Posted by Megan on Dec 10 2009 04:15:02

I've had Acid Reflex for about a year now.. I don't get it every night, and it's pretty
inconsistent.. Speaking of which, it's 5:07 in the morning now and I haven't gone to
bed YET due to the extreme pain.. I took MaaloxMax around 12:30 am and took 3
Tums around 3:30 am.. Still very miserable I took 2 Advil just a few minutes ago..
I'm planning on setting up a doctors appointment tomorrow for this, I'm only 19 and
already feel like I'm falling apart!.. The pain I feel is a severe sharp disconfort in my
upper abdominan and it feels like it's in between my chest.. When it gets really bad
it radiates to my back and I can't find any relief in standing or sitting.. Complete
misery!.. With all the information I've researched it said it's either GERD or
gallstones?.. My father has issues with this as well.. he told me to drink seltzer
water and warm water to relieve myself.. but now I read Carbonated drinks are a
big no?.. great.. I really want to avoid being put on medication at only 19 so I'm
figuring out home remedies... but you see, I thought milk wasn't good for acid
reflex.. cause it seems to me everytime I have chocolate or some kind of dairy I get
the pain.. ahh help me! :/

Posted by Csaba on Dec 08 2009 22:07:55

Forgot the website:

Posted by Csaba on Dec 08 2009 22:06:13

I'm 27 , and couple of years ago I was diagnosed with acid reflux 4 years ago, back
then I was living in Hungary. The doctor started me on medication but since I hate
taking pills I was looking for an alternative solution. Hungary is rich in thermal(spa)
water, and these can be purchased bottled as well to drink for their health benefits,
and some of them do/did MIRACLEs! One small glass in the morning helped to
reduce the acid in my stomach and get rid of all the symptoms. Now I live in Canada
and didn't have symptoms for a year, but 3 days ago it started to come back and
now I feel fucked, don't know what to do... I wish this natural remedy was available
for anyone, if you would like to know more about this method (maybe look for
something similar in your area) look at this website (it's in hungarian, english,
french and german)... With drinking this water didn't have to give up any of my
favourite foods!drinks because of this damn disease.

Posted by Toni on Dec 01 2009 15:34:15

I'm sorry, I got the generic acid reducer from FAMILY DOLLAR. Anyway, I had
heartburn symptoms that were bad, but not always super severe. Major flare ups
were rare. I seem to be doing better, and the generic tablet helped a great deal with
my latest heartburn issue.
Posted by Toni on Dec 01 2009 15:32:40

I don't know about Zantac, but I just got an acid reducer from Dollar General and
my stomach feels so much better. :) I am so happy. After buying bananas (which
didn't really work for me), and Pepto (which only worked a little after a few doses),
the one genetic tablet did the trick. No pain. I don't know if this will work for anyone
else, but it did for me. Of course my symptoms were not nearly as severe as some
of what I've read and I kind of doubt some people have acid reflux. Some of it looks
like severe stomach ulcers or some other type of issue. In any case, drinking a
serving of vitamin water and the tablet combined with eating small meals (rather
than big meals and overeating) seems to be doing the trick for now. I'm also going
to try and drink chamomile tea and see how that helps.

Posted by susanne on Nov 30 2009 20:28:57

2 months ago I have been diagnosed with acid reflux. I went to a pulmonologist
thinking that something was wrong with my lungs because of the pressure/
discomfort in my back. He prescribed omze...20mg which worked great. However,
my mom urged me to have an endoscopy to make sure it's really reflux. The GI doc
switched me to Nexium 40mg and another medication for the night. Nexium
actually worsened my symptoms. My throat became so hoarse and itchy that I could
not sleep at night. I discharged myself from Nexium finishing the other meds. I'm
not against meds and I know that many people have been taking them for years.
Reading this thread has been interesting for me. I just feel so frustrated because my
diet is not bad. I do not eat processed food, junk food, etc. However, I haven't been
able to give up coffee entirely. I don't smoke, take drugs, drink etc. but I really like
my coffee and an occasional glass of wine with dinner and most of all chocolate.
Will this ever go away. I'm only 43yrs old!!!

Posted by Lana on Nov 25 2009 12:36:15

heather, get checked for a hiatal hernia.

Posted by *heather* on Nov 24 2009 16:53:22

I have been suffering from severe acid reflux for 8 yrs now. When I was 15 I was
taken to the ER because the pain in my chest was so bad I thought I was having a
heart attack. Of course I kno what causes sauce, mexican food, fried or
greasy foods, alcohol, and the list goes on and on. I have constant heartburn but
the biggest issue I am having is the attacks that cause so much pain it feels like
someone is pulling my ribs apart. It is unbearable, and I often throw up all the
contents of my stomach, drink a cold glass of milk and sit on my couch and cry for a
few hours until it goes away. I am planning on trying the apple cider vinegar, I
realize it works for heartburn but for the pain I do not kno. I am wondering if it may
be my gallbladder because of the intense pain, or some other kind of acid
deficiency. is nice to kno other people go through this,( people often do not believe
this pain is so intense) though I would not wish this pain on my worst enemy. If
anyone knows a relief for the pain it would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by me on Nov 22 2009 13:08:25

you should NOT take peppermint if you have reflux. this is a well-known trigger of
reflux. just google "peppermint" and "reflux" to find out all about it.

Posted by LyrikalSykness on Nov 12 2009 05:40:55

I have had Acid reflux for 5 to 15 years. FENUGREEK will coat the lining in your
stomach, and esophagus, preventing damage from excessive acid. GINGER ROOT
will soak up acid, and help prevent ulcers, and stomach pain. PLAIN YOGURT will
help regulate your digestive system, as will DATES, BANANAS, and PAPAYA.

Posted by Brian on Oct 23 2009 19:58:36

Lisa, The reason your acid reflux is worse in the summer may be due to allergies.
The drainage that can come from allergies cause acid reflux or make it worse. I was
diagnosed with a hiatal hernia several years ago, but if I treat my allergies, I do not
have too many problems. Diet is a huge part, but things have also gotten better
since I've seen a chiropractor. My chiropractor explained if the area of the spine
between the shoulder blades is out it can make symptoms worse. I take no meds at
all now and it has all been due to diet, chiropractor visits, and controling my

Posted by Lisa on Oct 22 2009 07:38:29

Hello guys. I've had acid reflux for over ten years.I'm not on any meds but i can tell
you what has helped me. First when I get an onset I pray. Then I take apple cidar
vinegar or enzymes. Mine normally comes if I've eaten spicy food or if I've lied down
before food digestion. It mainly hits me in the winter time.As long as the air is warm
for some reason, I don't get it.In the winter I leave the heater on,keep my neck
covered with a scarf,and try to sit up high when I'm sleeping.Sometimes I can catch
the erosion coming up and I hop up out of bed before it gets worse.It's important to
sit up right away.I pray each and every one of you is healed from this.God bless you
guys and I hope I offered some helpful methods.

Posted by Linda on Oct 21 2009 13:02:27

I\\'m 58 and just found out the acid reflux I have is from the Actonel I was taking.
Has anyone tried the calcium citrate 250mg which supposedly tightens the valve to
the stomach. I was put on protonics but I decided to take myself off of them
because of the issues people have in the future. Can I use the Apple cider with the
meal even after I drink a cup of ginger tea? Are you trying more than one remedy at
a time?

Posted by Candy on Oct 20 2009 11:18:40

Alyssa, when I read your post, I thought of me. I too was diagnosed with acid reflux
years ago. Vomiting became a daily issue for me. When I was pregnant with my
second child I had morning sickness for the entire 9 months, and it continued on
daily until she was 16 years old. Yes, you read that right. I threw up daily,
sometimes several times a day for 17 years and Drs. could never figure out why.
Mine too was of mixed colors, sometimes whole foods, you name it. Three years
ago, I met an herbologist. After talking to her, she suggested the problem may be
my gallbladder. I went to Dr. Hulda Clarks website, and read how to do a gall
bladder cleanse, as I did not want to go to a Dr. and have it removed. It took me 5
cleanses, 3 weeks apart, but after the 5th cleanse, I was no longer vomiting at all,
let alone daily, and my acid reflux was gone. Just recently has it come back and is
giving me trouble, so this past weekend, I did another gall bladder cleanse. It will
take a few more I know, because I am once again, passing gall stones. Last night I
was up all night with HORRIBLE acid reflux, and vomiting. That is what brought me
to this site, to see if there was some herbal remedies I could try while I am in the
midst of these gall cleanses again. You may not have the same problem I did, yours
could be completely different. However, it might be, so I felt compelled to share my
story. I hope you find relief soon, I know how "lovely" this condition is. good luck

Posted by Anonymous on Oct 20 2009 00:54:35

Hi Alyssa, your condition seems serious than an acid reflux. Any kind of blood or
tissue vomiting means something is going wrong. you should take it seriously and
definitely go for an internal ultrasound because it will pinpoint the problem. You
should look for some better place for checkup if you are not comfortable with the
clinic you went to. Eat very mild and non fried food AND GO for a thorough checkup!

Posted by alyssa on Oct 19 2009 03:03:42

I have been diagnosed with acid reflux for four years now- now that I know all of its
sympoms, I know it has been way longer. I remember when I was younger always
throwing up a little in my mouth... never thought too much about it- thought it was
normal!? I also developed asthma about two years ago (which is awesome when
your twenty haha). I did not have time to read through all of these comments, but I
am wondering if anyone else throws up as often as I do? Ive never ever meant
anyone who has had these symptoms. Once in a blue moon i get heartburn. When it
comes to the vomiting it is horrible, I have thrown up every color of the rainbow,
some things look like scabs, some looks like fresh blood, some looks like just
insides, like tissues, and one time when it was really bad it looked and tasted like
pepper corn.... i know gross. It ended up getting so bad that I had to get an ultra
sound, during the ultra sound she said I had to get an internal one right away, and
also said it was pretty standard- I just don't buy that, why wouldn't a young girl be
told prior that something so violating would be happening? I never found out the
results, the receptionist decided to be crazy and call me and my boyfreind
repeatedly, screaming at each of us because I had missed an appointment- which
was thier fault bc they gave me a gallon of water to drink quickly befor the appt.
and surprise surprise I ended up throwing it all up! Anyways, has anyone else ever
been through this, or know why they would need to do internal?

Posted by Feli on Oct 11 2009 10:27:20

Last night I went to a party & had a couple of wine coolers, some tamales with chile
& chips. Then when I got home & went to sleep I woke up in the middle of the night
with a huge lump in my throat. It felt like it was holding back fire. My throat was
tight & I had to sit up 2 breathe right even though I had a fan right in my face. I
stayed up all night dealing with the pain & now it still hasn't gone away idk if I have
acid reflux but now I'm starting to cough & I keep swallowing I feel like I need to
burp, but cant. I get nauseated a lot & am sensitive to most foods, but the
heartburn & sore throat usually only happens after I vomit. Does this sound like a
mild case of acid reflux or something else?

Posted by Katie on Oct 07 2009 00:13:55

I've found that a change in diet and trying to destress has done me more good than
the Nexium 40mg I was perscribed has. Not to mention, I found the long term
effects it can have so I'll be sticking to the natural stuff and personally am going to
try calcium citrate. It tightens the valve that lets the acid out of the stomach. You're
supposed to take 250mg after each meal and before bedtime.

Posted by nana on Oct 05 2009 13:51:21

i was just daignosed with acid reflux, did a bit of research, the water and apple cider
seems to be working along side tahitian noni juice its a micracle it helps your
digestive system work properly,i eat a lot of bannanas, dring a lot of water eat low
fat plain yoghurt and stopped eating all the spicy stuff and i know im gonna be ok!
try it!

Posted by Jer on Sep 30 2009 08:39:26

olive oil cures heartburn i don't know if it cures acid reflux but i would try it. i have
had heartburn for nearly ten years sometimes it's pretty bad. about a month ago i
stated taking a tablespoon of olive oil after i eat and i have never gotten heatburn
since. i feel free from my acid stomach. for more information google olive oil for

Posted by Leslie on Sep 29 2009 19:11:31

I am nearly eight months pregnant and out of nowhere two days ago I was suddenly
struck with acid reflux. My throat was on fire, I was salivating and gagging and I
could not lay down or it got worse. I slept sitting up all night. It reoccured last night
and I know it will be here again tonight. I tried drinking tons of water and milk and
taking extra strength tums..... I want to try the apple cider vinegar just want to
know if its okay to take if your pregnant and also here any other safe for pregnant
people remedies PLEASE HELP I miss sleeping

Posted by amie on Sep 26 2009 23:12:51

It is comforting in a good way to know that all of you understand what we go

through! I feel like doctors and other people dismiss GERD as not being a big deal.
When I have big flare ups, I am crying from so much pain! I am also glad to know
that effects the medicine can have on you over time. I did not realize this! I am
going to try all the remedies you folks have suggested and pray to the Lord that He
can help me change MY DIET!! Thank you so much for the feedback and
suggestions! It's comforting to know you understand!
Posted by Ashley on Sep 23 2009 19:25:36

Just like many of you I am suffering from GERD as well. I recently went to the doctor
for my problem after suffering with heartburn for a few years. It just started to get
worse.. trouble swallowing, breathing, chest pain, fast heartbeats, and sore throat.
My doctor prescribed to me a new drug called Kapidex. I have only been on it for a
month and it seems like its starting to help. I don't want to be on medicine for the
rest of my life (i'm only 23!!) so i want to try and get it under control with stress
management, eating slower, and smaller meals. Plus the help of some of these
remedies. Going to get some apple cider vinegar and try that tonight.Thanks for the
help. Glad to know I'm not the only one..

Posted by Livya on Sep 23 2009 06:23:02

David--can you direct us further to websites or places to "do our homework" about
this? Thanks.

Posted by Mia on Sep 22 2009 16:12:07

Been suffering from severe acid reflux for about a month now. I constantly feel a
lump in my throat and swallowing is painfull. I have nausea and burping nonstop.
EVERYTHING gives me heartburn even water. I go to sleep with heartburn and wake
up with heartburn even though my last meal of the day is @ 6 p.m. I avoid spicey
foods, stopped drinking, stopped smoking, no caffeine. Went on Prilosec and that
didn\\'t work. Dr. gave me Zantac to take along with Prilosec and that didn\\'t work.
Dr. then gave me Nexium 40mg and still nothing. Doubled the dose to 80mg which
somewhat works but I started having these episodes where I breakout in a cold
sweat, my heart starts beating really fast and I feel really anxious. NEVER felt like
that in my life. Someone recently suggested taking Persimmons tea and it works
great. I take a shot of it 2x a day and no heartburn. You make it from persimmons
ginger root and cinnamon. Must try!

Posted by Claris Macdonald on Sep 20 2009 22:14:12

Okay... really don't know what is going on ..... but the cost was thirty dollars.

Posted by Claris MacDonald on Sep 20 2009 22:12:44

Something happened to part of my comment, but my cost for a 30-day supply of
Zegerid, after insurance and the coupon, was .

Posted by Claris MacDonald on Sep 20 2009 22:10:31

I have recently started on a medication called Zegerid. It inhibits the production of

acid in the stomach. It is expensive, but you can go on and get a
coupon that comes off your out-of-pocket expense. That brought the cost for me for
a 30-day supply, after insurance and the coupon, down to . Getting relief from this
feeling of a lump in my throat and having to clear my throat all the time until it is
raw is priceless!

Posted by David on Sep 20 2009 02:14:33

This is going to sound extremely counterintuitive considering many people in

america experience acid reflux but the problem in many cases lies not in that you
are producing too much acid but that your stomach is not producing enough acid to
digest food. Hypochlorihydria (i belive thats how its spelled) is one of the most
underdiagnosed conditions in america and many people are not aware of it< even
your doctor is probably not aware as they rarely test for it. The proliferation of
antacids (meds and over counter) merely exacerbate the problem long term as they
shut off the stomachs ability to effectively produce acid which then can lead to
malabsorption of food which believe it or not can easily go unoticed. One indicator
that you may not produce enough acid is vertical ridges in the fingernails (among
many others). Its a very interesting topic. A zinc deficiency alone slows the bodys
production of acid as well as a B vitamin deficiency. Stress and a host of other
conditions also contribute and of course its not enough for example to just take B
vitamins as they require HCL to activate them so that they may be absorbed
( activated or methylated forms of B-complex are available which bypass the need
for stomach acid and go straight to the liver for processing) whats also interesting is
that most people are also deficient in magnesium which ALSO requires enough
stomach acid to apply a "charge" to the mineral so that it may be absorbed and
interesting enough magnesium is an integral player in insulin production and usage.
theres much more to it but some of you will be able to infer the cascade of events
that can happen from low acid production. incidentally diabetics are almost always
deficient in magnesium. Im not a doctor or medical person and there is A LOT of info
ive left out as this is definitely not a complete guide by any means on the matter so
my suggestion is to do your homework and see if you may be able to benefit by
getting your acid levels right. its more critical than you think.
Posted by Hilda on Sep 19 2009 11:49:27

I have been diagnosed with poorly regulated GERD and now realize, in hindsight,
that I've had unrecognized symptoms for many years. I even lost a molar to it! I just
tried the apple cider vinigar yesterday with wonderful results. Does anyone know if
there is a limit to how much vinigar you can ingest? Can it hurt me if I do it 3 times
a day? Thanks for your comments as I am finding this sight very informative even
though it sounds like it will be a lifelong struggle. Hilda

Posted by jorge on Sep 16 2009 20:31:06

For the past 6 months Ive been waking up startled with a tightness on my chest
when Im trying to doze off.Its the worst experience ever.Im only 37 and 185lb. Ive
been taking apple cider vinegar with water for the past 4 days and its working
fine..Im finaly able to go to sleep without feeling that preassure on my chest.

Posted by 5327 on Sep 16 2009 19:17:04

I've had acid reflux for a very long time I'm tired of this when I feel something in my
throat my dad said there's nothing there,and alot of times in the past I always gag
or feel like I might throw up!! I feel like this now I feel bad....=.= I take this red
desert clay and it helps alot (not much as it used to) I take pepsid (can't spell it) and
it works better on it....but I still get this yucky feeling in my throat again everyday
some1 please help!! I'm sick of this :(

Posted by M I C H E L L E on Sep 16 2009 07:39:44


Posted by SUES on Sep 14 2009 18:05:03

me a sample of Aciphex & it works wonderfully. 1st 30 day supply 9.00.Couldn't
afford this with all the other med I have to take. WISH I Had paid that & now
wouldn't be facing 5-6 root canals with crowns & mega pain in my mouth as well.
Careful folkes if asomething isn't working for you, try something else before it
affects your throat & teeth.I AM USUALLY VERY CAREFUL AS TO WHAT I EAT. HAD A

Posted by vijay on Sep 14 2009 10:11:15

Hi. I was suffered from very bad acidity and ulcer due to h.pylori bacteria. I had
taken too much antibiotic and antacid medicines, but i was not able to eat little
heavy. After all cource, i went to Ayurvedic Doctor, He suggest me to avoid all
fermenting foods, like yorghut, cheese, cake, bakery food, breads and such. Just try
to drink lots of milk. I was wondered that my allopathic doctor told me to not to
drink milk. I have tried as per ayurvedic doc. and all 6 month of pain gone in 1
week. Today when ever i feel little acidity i drink lots of milk and water. I don't know
this will work for all, but it is good option

Posted by tish on Sep 14 2009 09:03:58

Try eating a red-delicious apple instead of the OTC GERD medications - it even
works with nausea. For the h-pyloric bacteria in the stomach, 2 tbs of natural honey
for 2 weeks is supposed to get it under control

Posted by wizade on Sep 03 2009 23:23:02

digestive enzymes

Posted by Maja on Aug 29 2009 07:17:53

hi. im also suffering fr reflux for about 6mos now. i was advised to take pantoloc but
it doesnt help. im afraid it might just affect my liver. i\\'ll try natural remedies for
this. i feel like dying everytime im getting acid attack. was rushed to the ER 3x this
year. im almost to quit my job because of this condiiton. is Apple cider vinegar
really works? pls help.

Posted by Becca B on Aug 28 2009 21:59:27

I had an allergic reaction to some hair care products. The welts took over my body. I
was put on steroids on the 2nd day of pills I was rushed to the Emergency Dept.
Come to find out the steroids had damaged my upper GI tract and know I have had
acid reflux for a week know. I have tried the potato and milk. I also was taking
zantac and using the malox. Om my goodness I am in so much pain, and the least
to say the welts are still in control of my body.

Posted by joe on Aug 28 2009 05:47:54

i two have the constant feeling that i cant swallow sometimes i also have the lump
in my throat. i also have problems breathing were i fill i have to take deep breaths
all the time. my stomach kills the left side, and pain now and again below my
nipples lol i have not been diagnosed yet i have a barum swallow next week, as
above tho this is really effecting my life feeling out of breathe all the time and
constant pain

Posted by PaulN on Aug 24 2009 12:16:00

Hi all. I've been suffering from reflux for about a month now. At the start I went into
a panic, but now I feel much better about it. The product which I've found works
best is Manuka Honey. It really is powerful stuff. Other than that, I've been paying
close attention to my diet (apples, bananas, yoghurt, potatoes, eggs, porridge
chicken, fish, green vegetables etc.etc. coffee and wine are a big NO!) and stress
levels. I've tried some of the other remedies as well, but I've found Manuka works
best for me. I'm still investigating the cause (it's possibly an ulcer), but I feel now
that there is indeed hope of curing it. While the internet is a useful way of finding
out possible cures, I don't believe that it's necessarily healthy to believe everything
you read.. especially when it tells you that you're getting cancer!! :) ... be well, be
safe, and be smart... Paul

Posted by bella on Aug 21 2009 21:41:10

A friend told me to try some aloevera and cactus capsules, they can be found at
Walgreens, its a mexican product, they worked really good for me, no more
heartburn or acid reflux. The cost is very resonable too. Might want to try this.

Posted by Chair on Aug 09 2009 09:53:23

I swear off drinking anything but water and the occasional glass of milk. I drink
primarily ice water. We recently moved and I have since had an ongoing problem
with heartburn. We are on municipal water supply. We had our hot water heater
replaced and I noticed a lot of white sludge that had accumulated in the bottom of
it... likewise when I make ice it always makes a precipitate which is apparent when I
put the ice in water. I just figured we had unusually hard water. I never had the
sludge tested for what it was. Or had our water tested for that matter... let the city
handle it right? Well I stopped drinking it and started buying distilled water.. voila!
no more heartburn! Needless to say I wont ever do anything with municipal water
besides wash clothes and dishes.

Posted by Rafael on Aug 08 2009 22:37:15

I am still heartburn free. It is amazing. I really don't know why. Yesterday I eat a
Peperoni pizza all by myself just before going to bed and I sleep all night no need
for anything. Just a month and a half ago I couldn't eat a single slice without needed
to take 4-5 extra Strength Rolaids. I wish I discovered what happen so I could let
you know but frankly short of a miracle, I have no idea. My mother in law also
suffers from the same thing and she told me that she got much better eating pices
of raw potato. Try this, it may help you too.

Posted by harriet on Aug 08 2009 15:25:56

i have acid reflux been dealing withh it for 6 months last 2mos taking nexium 40
morning 30min before breakfast and same30min before dinner 0ne 150mg zantac
before sleep im getting better biggest thing for sore throat is chewing gum extra
polar ice flavor no mint or cinnamon they give you hb saliva and swallowing soothe
and coat and help digestion

Posted by Rafael on Aug 01 2009 21:39:06

I suffered of heartburns for the past 20+ years. I was taking in a good day about 4
extra strenght Rolaids and on a bad day up to 12. Last month I travel to Mexico and
I did everything that I normally do; however the first day there I noticed a reduction
on the condition. I only took one rolaid. After the first day I didn't need to take any
rolaids at all and until today I have not taken any yet and the best thing, no
heartburns. I am puzzled at what made my heartburns go away. I still don't know
but this is what I did differenty. The first day I was in Mexico I drank about 2 glasses
of (ciruela amarilla), I believe the translation would be something like yellow plum.
The juice was natural and I continued taking it for about 4 days. While I was in
Mexico I eat worst than I normally do at home, it is, tacos, chips, salsa, cheese,
meat with chilly, and in amounts that probably double what I eat at home. So
anybody would expect that I would get worst not better. Here is the other thing that
I did differently, I didn't take ice tee at all. At home I dring ice tee at least once a
day but in Mexico I drank water, juices, soda and rice water. Just in case I have not
taken any ice tee yet and my heartburns have not returned. I have eaten what
normally a Month ago would have kept me up at night and I now sleep through the
night. I never thought that a condition of so many years would go away in literally
one day. I am not sure if it was the ice tee, the ciruela amarilla juice or anything
else that I eat while in there. The only thing I know is that I have been heartburn
free for over a Month without any medications. Someone has any idea of what
happened? my first thought was "This is not normal, perhaps something bad is
happening, I need to go to the doctor to get my HB back" By the way, it can't be
stress, this past 3 weeks have been really stressful due to some bids that we are
working on under very strict time constraints. I would be very interested in a
Doctor's opinion as to what happen because as you can see, I have no idea. Not
sure if they will return, but sure it is nice to spend a Month not thinking that I run
out of rolaids.

Posted by Paula on Jul 30 2009 14:58:15

organic-apple cider vinegar is the best for heartburn and gout.just 2teaps a day in
water, orange juice or any tea and it will fix you right up.

Posted by sarika on Jul 28 2009 08:38:49

hi i have been suffering from acid reflux from d last 3 weeks.i have heartburn all the
time wheater i eat anything or not moreover i m burping all the time,and nw a pain
in back bone of my chest on the right side has started...... can anyone suggest me
some home remedies. will any yoga can help me to come out of this........

Posted by Emma on Jul 28 2009 08:36:00

I have only just discovered that i may have acid reflux with only ever two
experiences of it before. Where everything i ate, after the protagonist food brought
it on, caused a very uncomfortable sensation, mine has never been severe burning
or pain, but very uncomfortable along with uncontrollable burping. Usually i use
apple cider vinegar and it works. Two weeks ago it returned and would not go away,
also i acquired a seriously dry mouth, and burning tongue, but no acid taste, so i
didnt automatically associate the two physical symptoms. However I have just had
blood tests for possible diabetes and a number of other conditions to find my bloods
are all fine, and now find through my research that it may be acid reflux... which
concerns me if it dosnt go away... I have been careful with what I eat, but usually
am, mainly stick to whole foods and rarely if ever rich and processed foods, yet
enjoy coffee wine (limited) and tobacco. I have been treated by my accupuncturist
along with high dose zinc, b vitamins in a multi (high quality vitamins) and high
quality pro and prebiotic. My dry mouth subsided for a few days but with the stress
of a new work environment starting this week and other matters, the dry mouth
came back. So on top of that I have been taking 1-2 teaspoons of slippery elm
powder twice a day, and today feel so much better. (Do not take slippery elm if
pregnant has been used as an abortive herb without accredited herbal advice)I
think for those really suffering they should try slippery elm 3-4 times a day, one site
says to have a break every 14 days also... I would also recommend doing a
complete alkaline diet, cleanse, detox and getting professional herbal advice and
support for this. Check out rise and shine cleanse on google excellent bowel cleanse
which alkalines the whole body... However I was fortunate enough to get the fresh
herbs from the only supplier in australia rather than the capsuled herbs sold in
america.... I would suggest taking the time,stress free, to commit to this life change
and get all the support you need, bodywork, counselling excercise to support you.
Stress causes acidity sothe more you take time to relax the better for your body and
reflux... I have been particulary stressed in the last few months so this could have
contributed to my condition along with other environmental factors, diet excercise,
allergies, toxins... the body teaches us what we really need to know for our
healing... let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food....

Posted by Terry Bergamo on Jul 26 2009 16:39:45

I have been taking omeprazol 40mg for yrs but trying to go natural. It was
suggested to take Pearls, Aloe juice, slippery Elm and black licorice. I have started
taking the Aloe and Pearls for a few days and my throat is burning up. I'm use to the
relief that I was getting from omep. Can you use Apple cider vinegar with the Aloe
juice or are they counter productive? Any idea how long I'll have to take aloe before
really getting relief? Hate to go to long burnig because of the long term damage the
burn does. Thanks.

Posted by Wanda on Jul 17 2009 12:43:02

I have had acid reflux (gerds) for years and had stomach ulcers which are very
painful also. I have just taken Prilosec for 14 days,(No need to buy the brand
name...Wal Mart generic is the exact formula). It has really helped. Just do not take
it for more than 14 days at a time. It tells you that in their directions. The NO.1 thing
that has helped me is aloe vera juice (does not have to be organic). It HEALED my
stomach ulcers. 3 of my friends had recommended it to me and it REALLY
WORKED!!! I only took about 1 ounce once or twice daily, but it is good for you so
you can drink more if you want. Not real tasty but I just gulped it quickly. I found it
at Wal Mart in the pharmacy area in a very large (gallon) size for about or . I
sympathize with you all. Hope this will work wonders for you as it did for me.
Posted by Jon on Jul 14 2009 12:01:02

i'd check out allergies. both food and environmental. particularly mold. my brother
got acid reflux at age 8 along with allergy symptoms. our family doc gave him mold
immunotherapy. some months later he was cured. i suspect my reflux is the same
thing. i've had reflux for almost a year now and it started exactly during a huge
mold exposure. i've never experienced it even for a moment in the 42 years before

Posted by jason on Jul 05 2009 10:29:19

I am sharing my true experience today. I had acid attack from few days. i was
constant burping and some time short of breath. I tied fennel seeds last night, chew
slowly and almost 3 spoons. didn't drink any water for almost an hr. Went to run out
and and did some breathing excersise by nose only. I was surprized i didn't have
acid reflux. Thanks for you all for sharing your experience

Posted by Anonymous on Jul 03 2009 18:11:08

Cure Heartburn Naturally Now Over 40 million American adults suffer from
heartburn. And most have no idea that you can cure it without antacids. Here are
six effective, all-natural alternatives: 1. Ginger Root - Research shows ginger can
strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Add one-half teaspoon of freshly
grated gingerroot to a cup of hot water. Let the ginger steep for 10 minutes. Strain
the ginger and drink. 2. Peppermint – You can take peppermint in capsule form. But
for optimal effect, get fresh peppermint. Place a wad of peppermint leaves between
your molars and chew for a minute before swallowing. The calming effect on your
stomach is almost immediate. 3. D-Limonene –It’s an extract from orange peel
that’s highly effective. In one study, 90% of the people reported complete relief of
their heartburn symptoms in just two weeks. What’s more, the effect lasted for six
months after they stopped taking it.8 Take 1000 mg every other day for 20 days.
Then take a maintenance dose as needed. You can find D-limonene at your local
health food store. 4. Zinc – Zinc has incredibly powerful gastro-protective effects.
One study compared zinc to famotidine (the over-the-counter drug Pepcid). The
result? Patients in the zinc group experienced identical symptom relief to those who
took Pepcid.9 You can find zinc at any health food store or even your local grocery
store. Aim for 96 mg of elemental zinc per day. 5. Betaine Hydrochloride and Pepsin
– This may seem a little counterintuitive. But taking hydrochloric acid (HCL) and
pepsin (a digestive enzyme) with every meal can eliminate heartburn symptoms. It
also helps break down your food. This ensures you get all the vitamins, minerals
and nutrients you need. In fact, thousands of heartburn patients have experienced
relief as a result of taking an HCL and pepsin combination.10 I’ve found it to be the
case for many of my patients as well. Take one 600 mg capsule before each meal.
You can find betaine HCL combined with pepsin at your local vitamin shop. 6. Mastic
Gum Extract w/ DGL – Mastic gum has been used for thousands of years to heal
heartburn. Studies even suggest that mastic gum can kill H.Pylori.11 You can often
find it combined with deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) at your health food store.
Traditional Chinese medicine has long used licorice for its ability to soothe and coat
the stomach. Look for a formula that contains 1 gram of mastic gum extract and
760 mg of DGL.

Posted by Elpidio Amayo on Jun 29 2009 14:27:38

Most of Acid Reflux can be eliminated with Tepache drink made with tibicos. Look it
up on google, for vendor or someone might offer you some. To your health. Elpidio

Posted by tl on Jun 23 2009 11:04:53

alfredo zotti- i like your idea- do you suggest any other foods too- i want to cure
myself of acid reflux and i have heard apples and carrots work great but what else
can i eat- i know to avoid spicy foods, caffeine, etc.. but what about salt and i hear
dairy is good if fat-free- I need help everyone LOl

Posted by alfredo zotti on Jun 23 2009 05:10:29

I think that for those who have severe reflux it would be of great help to eat just
nice apples and carrots (or carrot juice) for two weeks. Drink plenty of clean water
and try not to have problems. You can eat bananas too but very ripe. You will feel
better. No smoking. no alcohol and no coffee otherwise it is pointless. Sleep on your
left side

Posted by lonnie taylor on Jun 17 2009 01:53:34

i had very bad reflux,so bad that i was afraid to go to sleep at night cause id wake
the whole house hacking up whatever i ate my aunt told me to drink aloe vera juice
and it worked wonders just drink half a glass with every meal and you should be

Posted by Evie on Jun 09 2009 21:34:14

I have throat inflamation from acid reflux, in my throat that it stings when i talk. Has
anyone had success with the "organic throat coat tea"?? I'm desprate.I can't take
this any more.

Posted by Anonymous on Jun 07 2009 20:51:44

I read in the book \\'your body many cries for water\\' that what you need to do for
GERD is to drink lots of water to keep body hydrated. When the pain comes on drink
2-3 cups water and continue to do so every 2-3 hours. To alleviate problem, make it
a practice to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. Sounds very simple, but it works.

Posted by Loisroselyn on Jun 05 2009 16:32:05

I suggest Peruvian Maca. So far it's been terrific!

Posted by Nadisha on Jun 01 2009 18:58:46

i would like to know how much of the olive oil i should take and how often...i tried
every thing else and the apple cider helps at times and sometimes the apple works

Posted by tony on May 27 2009 18:15:20

Yes oatmeal is good Remember to chew your food very well,and slowly, no liquids if
possible until 30 min after eating. No smoke, no caffeine, Eat more fiber, fiber.....

Posted by renee on May 25 2009 00:12:26

Hi everyone, my father is suffering from acid reflux very badly, that even when he
drinks water he coughs it back up. He is unable to hold anything on his stomach. We
tried the vinegar and water it worked for a little while, but he\\'s still going through
same problem. Can anyone help!

Posted by Danny on May 24 2009 20:38:30

Hello. I have been having severe reflux for the past three weeks---Tightness in the
chest and Back and Generally feeling like Crap with shortness of Breath. I am taking
Omprezole which has worked fine until recently. I started searching the web for
relief and came across a Home Remedy for Reflux---Raw Un refined Honey---Two
Tablespoons Morning amd Night. I have been taking it for two days now with some
relief but will give it a few moew days before making any decisions as to the
effectiveness of Honey.

Posted by sue on May 24 2009 16:19:10

i constantly am very very nauaseaus,it feels as i am going to vomit,cannot do

anything but lay am 53,and was active

Posted by lisa on May 23 2009 03:51:12

i am really suffering from acid reflux but no official confirmation with the doctor.
now i am taking fosamax for my osteopenia. this is a once a week. but really, the
side effect is hurting me. it gives mo so much pain in my stomach. just last night i
was awaken by this burning senation from my stomach. please waht shall i do to
ease the pain i am having now. anyone can help me, please////

Posted by Karla on May 21 2009 00:27:02

I would like to thank everyone for their suggestions,there was a moment I felt so
alone with this condition, and when I would try and explain it to my husband ...he
just couldn't fathem the pain I sffered night after night. I will try the apple cidar, and
the Virgin Olive oil...whish me luck :-)

Posted by Lucy on May 19 2009 12:22:04

I was diagnosed with GERD 14 years ago and have been on daily medication ever
since. Started out on Prilosec, then Nexium, and now for the past 3 years ZEGERID,
which by the way works wonders. I never thought medication for GERD was bad for
me until reading posts on the internet. Why would my doctor have me taking
medication for 14 years straight ? I am probably 25 pounds overweight and have
heartburn regardless if I eat or not. I do eat the wrong foods but even when I have
tried to be careful, I still have heartburn. I lost 30 lbs a couple of years ago and still
had heartburn. I have found I can eat and drink almost everything as long as I take
my 40mg of ZEGERID daily. Wine is the exception. OW! A few times a year, I do get
this horrble painful spasm feeling that starts in my stomach and slowly climbs
through the middle of my chest up to my throat. It lasts about a minute of two and
usually happens in the middle of the night. Not sure what that is, but I told my
doctor and he didn't seem to concerned. All I know is that is sure does hurt.
Anyway, I am going to try some of the remedies suggested and see how I do. I will
first have to muster up the courage to discard my daily fix of ZEGERID. Keep your
fingers crossed!

Posted by monica on May 17 2009 10:31:50

I have had acid reflux for 18 years now. I used to be on medicine, but for some
reason I was taken off of it. The medicine usually helped, but now I am just screwed.
My main problem is that I LOVE tomatoes and anything that contains them.
Obviously, this is bad for my reflux. I have tried to take some of the over-the-
counter medicine, but none of it works. Also, my digestive system is very odd and
doesn't act like those of normal people. I think this is partially due to the acid reflux.
Has anyone tried the home remedies before? [Oh, I also have hypo-thyroidism.]

Posted by Melissa on May 04 2009 11:11:50

this is to Tina. The white tongue sounds like it could be a yeast or bacterial
infection. Try testing yourself for Candida. Take half a glass of water and spit in it.
Check the water every 15 minutes for up to an hour. If your saliva is suspended at
the top of the water with strings (like legs)or \\"cloudy\\" saliva or cloudy specks
suspended in water,you have a potential problem with Candida. If the saliva is still
floating after an hour the Candida is under control.Candida can cause a number of
digestive problems including GERD/acid reflux.If you have Candida(yeast) you need
to starve down the yeast.No sugars or anything that turns to sugar. No mold or
anything containing mold or fungus. You should not eat
cheese,vinegar,mushrooms,mayonnaise,mustard, or ketchup.You can eat protein:
meat,eggs,&protein powder.Fats: olive oil, coconut oil, almonds, almond
butter.Good Carbohydrates: non-starchy carbohydrates,fresh or frozen
berries,lemons,grapefruit(no other fruit),beans(chili is great).Hope this helps!God

Posted by heather b on Apr 29 2009 00:35:46

After about 17 years of severe epigastric pain under and to the right of my sternum
I was finally diagnosed with a rare esophageal disorder called Achalasia. 1 in
100,000 have it. The lower esophageal sphincter does not work properly and is
closed most of the time. Acid along with gas seems to work its way up and can't get
back down causing the pain. The only thing I have found to help my condition is a
complete change in eating habits. An alkaline(low acid) diet kept me pain free for
months. I went off it and was back in pain. ACV and all the proton inhibitors they've
had me on do nothing. Raw fuits and veggies, no dairy(some cultured dairy seems
to be ok),no soda, tea, sweets and very little meat seem to be the way to go. A
juicer is great to have as well. So, if you're not happy with gerd as your diagnosis
and food seems to stick halfway down and/or you have signifigant weightloss ask
your doctor if achalasia is a possibility. It is found through an endoscopy only. For
17 years no one suggested that this was what my problem was. It is RARE. Hope
this helps.

Posted by rolly on Apr 25 2009 19:23:05

My wife is suffering from acid reflux a week ago, I remember my friends advise to
take Edhawa Feralant and after 1hour she vomit all the acid from her stomach not
including the food and she was relief from heartburn feeling. This is a very good
herbal medicine no side effect all natural.

Posted by Virg on Apr 15 2009 11:23:08

Having a lot of the same problems with GERD while taking Prevacid. This will be
short term because I hate meds. Researching home remedies and found we all need
to consider our diet as commented by many. Look up the Alkaline/Acid Diet and
stick to those alkaline foods/drinks. I can see I have been eating the wrong foods
while even taking the meds. Hello!

Posted by Pat on Apr 11 2009 11:35:37

I am also reading alot of your comments the medication Prilosec will make you feel
worst it can give you worst acid reflux make you feel sick to your stomach ,diarrhea,
colitis ,vomiting, it will kill it will give you high blood pressure the list goes on and
on the doctor don't tell you all the systems and pharmacy only tells you the ones
that happen the most. read what I have to say below

Posted by Pat on Apr 11 2009 11:23:04

For those with acid reflux this is what helped me First throw the medication in the
garbage second a cup of Aloe vera juice first thing in the morning (where to get it
GNC) if you are getting heart burn you can try Extra virgin olive oil, if you are having
throat problem try Organic Throat coat tea made by Traditional Medicinals (where
to get it GNC) you can also try DGL by Enzymatic two just before a meal they are
chewable this will help until you get it under control (where to get it GNC) I also take
once a month a chewable ACIDOPHILUS it is stomach bacteria as you get older you
have less and after taking medication for years that didn't work you are lacking the
Bacteria becouse the medication killed it all. Food to stay away from sweet food
fruit, cookies, junk food, I am not fat but diesel and cut I would jug 5 to 8 miles a
day but had a sweet tooth still do but cut way back and have a big improvement in
the way I feel. try it

Posted by Dave on Apr 10 2009 23:25:12

I have suffered with acid reflux for years. I found eating Joseph\\\\\\\\'s brand
oatmeal cookies in the evening before bedtime has virtually cured the acid reflux
problem at night. I buy the sugar free because I am also diabetic. I am not affiliated
in any way with this company. I tried many other oatmeal cookies and Instant
Oatmeal, etc but no other oatmeal cookie or product really works for me except
these cookies. I think they also sell an oatmeal cookie with nuts mixed in but I
won\\\\\\\\'t buy these as I found nuts add to my acid problems so I buy the plain
oatmeal cookie. I have given these cookies to three other people I know that suffer
from acid reflux and these cookies have worked for them also. They are hard to find
in the grocery store so I buy on-line. Hope this helps.

Posted by BILAL LATIF on Apr 04 2009 09:39:49

my stomach problem starts from last year in april.when the problem starts i feel
that i am going to die after very next second but after some months when i was
diagnosed that i have stomach problem i take omeprazole with that i feel better but
i am not permanently perfect my stomach gas flow is towards my brain which
disturbs me throughout the day.sometimes i also have acidic stress on my
stomach.i am 22 years old male from pakistan

Posted by A on Mar 27 2009 18:48:53

Reply to "Z's" comment. It sounds more like you have a hiatal hernia. They can do
an endoscopy or barium swallow to determine so or not. Fortunately, they also have
a procedure to help relieve some of your symptoms. If you are a girl my doctor
suggested waiting till you were done having children to have this surgery
performed. That's what I'm waiting on now. It feels like forever away!

Posted by kim on Mar 10 2009 10:10:51

Thanks for all the advice everyone-hope I find my remedy today.

Posted by bess on Mar 07 2009 11:37:50

I have been taking diffirent medication reflux for many many years. I am 69 years
old and tired of trying so many drugs. I would really like to get off them, so I am
going to try the other method,like the vinegar. Right now I have eaten an apple and
I am drinking honey with ginger. Please, if you know of any thing diffirent, please let
me know.

Posted by anonymous on Mar 06 2009 09:52:57

Iam going through the same thing...acid reflux,sick stomach,diahrea,vomiting, the

whole deal. I've been on Prilosec for 1 1/2 years and the side effects are awful..rapid
heart, muscle aches, sweating, nausea,headaches etc. Trying the ACV and baking
soda and water with honey. Working so-so and on 4th day. Today Iam sick, but will
NOT go back to the Prilosec. Am going to try the virgin olive oil and apples. Good
luck to you all.

Posted by Z on Mar 06 2009 04:44:55

im going insane with burping. it been going on for 4 months now and ive tried
everything - chewing fennel seeds, chewing garlic, drinking peppermint tea - and
nothing seems to help. i cant even breathe properly. i take esomeprazole twice a
day (its now been 3 days) and it doesnt help one bit. there is a dull pain in my
stomach and pain in my chest too. i am getting tested for h-pylori, but i need to
know an instant remedy for this.

Posted by Anonymous on Feb 28 2009 17:40:45

This one is for Daniel (on Feb 20 2009 01:58:00): Your symptoms sound very much
like mine. This is a very different pain from heatburn. I went several years having
these upper adomanial pains on and off and of varying degrees of pain. Sometimes
after a spicy or fried meal I would have this pain along with burping. The pain would
come on suddenly and disappear as quickly as it came on. Later they found I had
gall stones on a CT scan. Here is a description of gall bladder symptoms. Chest pain
in the right side or upper adomanial pains (caused by stones in the bile duct or
inflammation or swelling of the gallbladder itself). Nausea or queasiness, vomiting
and gas are frequent. There may or may not be belching or burping. The gall
bladder, which sits just below the rib cage to the right of the stomach, is very
tender to touch. It can be so painful that it takes your breath away. You may not be
able to walk without bending over. Sometimes the pain radiates through to the back
shoulder blade on the right side or in the middle between the shoulder blades. This
is pain from the gallbladder being referred to the back of the shoulder. This back
shoulder blade chest pain is one of the most common yet unknown symptoms of a
gallbladder disorder. This can come and go or be constant. It may be sharp,
excruciating or dull. It may also occur especially at night. An gallbladder attack will
typically last for one to four hours.

Posted by Derrick on Feb 27 2009 03:28:50

I have GERD, I started taking 20mg omeprazole it worked but was expensive and
possibly dangerous so I stopped taking the meds and now have radically changed
my diet and it seems to be working. I use alkaline foods to balance the symptoms. I
noticed cheese makes my throat close and sometimes I cant even drink water. I use
lemon water as a constant tonic and its working. To everyone who has GERD dont
give up just see the opportunity to change your life towards health. I still try and eat
fried and other acidic foods but they generally make me sick so Im getting sick of
them. The one think I worry about is my weigtloss. I have got to keep enough food
coming in to keep up with my output of energy but salads, veggies and fruits
sometimes just cant do it. Well good luck all

Posted by Ralph on Feb 23 2009 10:31:19

I hear ya all. I went through the feeling I had a lump in my throat about three years
ago, back and forth to regular doctor treating me for cold symptoms. Finally ENT
(like Kris) found the problem and gave me previcid. But hear is the other trick, gave
me a mouthwash to gargle that has Maalox and something that numbs. Worked
great, doctor keeps me bottle on the occassion it flares back up. I also have
Gastroparesis (paralized stomach). I have found cokes seem to help (strange)and
eating an apple at night. They say now to take the skin off. In fact I have been
reading to eat apple sauce instead. Good luck to all, for the good old days when I
could eat anything, oh yea I still do, but just not as much.

Posted by Daniel on Feb 20 2009 01:58:00

I have upper adomanial pain now for about one year. I berp alot, but I can eat just
about anything and don"t have heartburn. At the beginning of the problem, doctor
told me I have hyplore they gave me pills but I still have pains. I don"t know what
the hell I have. Anybody has any advise please....

Posted by kris on Feb 17 2009 19:44:44

after having strep throat 3 months ago i still had the feeling something was stuck in
my throat & had chest pain on the right side. I saw an ENT the first of this month &
he said it was acid. he put me on prilosec 20mg once a day. i have not had any
relief of this feeling that something is stuck in my throat. He said to try the prilosec
at least 2 months. Does anyone know of something that might help?

Posted by Hazel on Feb 17 2009 01:10:03

Andy, I have suffered with acid reflux for years. I take the famous purple pill,
Nexium. It helps for the most part, if I take it daily.But they are expensive so I take
one every other day.The feeling that you have something hung in your throat is
possibly an ulser in your throat, caused from the acid reflux. I had the uncontrolable
need to swallow constantly, making the problem even worse. After a night in the ER
and an upper GI,that's what I was told.Oh Yeah! Awarning to all... If you begin to
have mussle spasms while taking prilosic,or nexium it's the med's.

Posted by Andy callum on Feb 13 2009 23:15:23

ive sufferred from acid reflux before though the zantac pills did eventually remove
the problem. i have just recovered from the flu and for some strange reason the
reflux is back , now im not suffering from any heartburn or major discomfort but i
have the feeling that something is lodged in my throat which can be quite un
pleasant but i dont have the usual reflux symtoms , i eat alot of fruit and veg
though my diet could be better , i have found using a apple or carrot can help in the
getting rid of reflux and the apple vinegar does reduce the pain eventually but how
can i get the feeling of something lodged in my throat to clear up?? is it acid
reflux?? can anyone help??

Posted by Anonymous on Feb 01 2009 23:01:30

I recommend lifestyle changes before medication. I took Prilosec and had OD

symptoms even though I was on a regular dose. I was on 20mg a day. Symptoms
were: * confusion * drowsiness * blurred vision * fast or pounding heartbeat *
nausea * vomiting * sweating * flushing (feeling of warmth) * full feeling in my head
* dry mouth, very thirsty I also experienced: * constipation * dizziness * tooth and
gum decay and pain * left upper back/shoulder pain * severe stomach cramps *
rash * itching all over my body, mainly chest and arms * my feet and ankles were
swollen * difficulty breathing * muscle spasms, * tingling in my face, lips, and limbs
Posted by Ayanna on Jan 27 2009 22:20:13

My 10 years old daughter is sufferring with GERD so badly right now I don't know
what to do. So far nothing I've tried has helped. I feel so helpless. I just want to
make her feel better. I will try to apple cider vineger. Right now all day she suffers.
She always feel as if someone is standing on her chest, that's how much her chest
hurts, she throws up all the time, coughs non stop, and now she's complaning that
the food she eats does not taste good. I am afraid for my baby.

Posted by claudia on Jan 27 2009 16:56:22

for the comment i wrote early about under neath my chest i meant my stomach.

Posted by claudia on Jan 27 2009 16:47:53

i have bad acid reflux but i dont feelit on my chest or my throat i feelit undrer neath
my chest it burns so bad i start sweating alot that i have to make my self puke
please if somoone have a remedy for these send it to me or postit please the
nezium medication is not helping me anymore.

Posted by jamie on Jan 22 2009 15:06:55

I had acid reflux when i was pregnant really bad and i read and read on it cause i
was puking and chest pain and i knew i was not nausea so one day i found in the
book Back to Eden which is a great book i read that leaf majoram was my savior i
usually put it in my tea its a spice u add to ur food but i actually started growing it
and eat the leaves when i know its gonna bug me or if it starts up and stuff comes
up and it helps so much expecially if it is really bad i hope this helps some of u

Posted by Cyrstal on Jan 22 2009 04:15:41

I suffer from acid reflux (I think). This is what happens: I got to sleep and for some
reason I awake suddenly and my chest and throat is burning, I can't catch my
breath, non-stop coughing, and I feel like I'm gonna die. Is there anything that can
be taken when this occurs to stop all of the above sypthoms (I know I spelled that
wrong)? I take tums or drink water but, the burning and coughing continues for
hours. This usually happens at least twice a month. I open to all suggestions.
Thanks and have a great week/weekend.
Posted by Dave on Jan 20 2009 02:26:32

I am 40 years old and have recently been suffering from reflux so bad that it wakes
me from a sound sleep. The acid burning sensation in my throat is often so bad that
it causes me to caugh which forces even more acid up into my throat and even
sinus cavity. I take about 300mg of OTC Zantac 2x a day and it does provide some
relief but I have concerns taking these meds and what they are doing to my body. I
am so despirate that tonight I literally broke out in tears from the pain. I never cry! I
keep baking soda and a bottle of water next to the bed which kills the burn nearly
instantly when an attack occurs. I noticed that adjustments in my diet does help but
I can't live on a bland diet forever. I notice also these attacks often follow a stressful
days activities so some lifestyle changes are being self-prescribed! What helps is
lying on my left side elevated (stomach is L shaped) and keeps most fluid below the
esophagus. I can't stand doctors and their pharmacutical kickback solutions so I will
try the apple vinegar or olive oil home remedy first but I really would like some
input on how to handle the attacks when they do happen. What works best for you?
I am interested in my fellow sufferers responses and I empathize with anyone who
suffers from this because as my partner gets her sleep next to me, I am awake at
2:30 am on a discussion board loosing valuable sleep!

Posted by Courtney on Jan 17 2009 01:05:52

I am 9 months pregnant and suffering from terrible indegestion... I have been living
off of TUMS for 9 months, but after a bowl of Chilli tonight, needed something
better... I am trying the Extra Virgin Olive Oil and a cold glass of milk... here's to
trying to feeling better...

Posted by PatNP on Jan 15 2009 10:32:39

It has been two months and no acid refluxs. I have been drinking 8oz of Aloe vera
juice every othere day when I feel any thing remotely like acid reflux coming on I
take a tablespoon of extra vigin olive oil for my throat a drink a cup of Organic
Throat coat tea with a teaspoon of honey in it (it is made by Traditional Medicinals) I
do not use but if you have really bad RF drink a teaspoon of apple cider vineger with
water it will help but it will take a month or more before you see results with it.
Throw the medication in the garbage it is only killing your body more then the acid

Posted by zandrajordan on Jan 09 2009 08:00:41

i'm at computer trying to get somehelp on ruflux'' my symtoms are flu-like
nausated-burning int o thoart-left-sideburning headach back cant sleep been goin
on for ysr's dr. say hiail hernial same thing. as i sit at computer im got the
viergoout/vigin olive oil..... help me now!thanks

Posted by will on Jan 07 2009 13:50:26

have been suffering from acid reflux for nearly a year now and still not under
control. still suffering from pains in stomach and chest pain also have developed dry
eyes. currently taking omeprazole 80 mg once day and metroclopramide 3 times a
day .did have h. pylori last april which did go after treatment also suffer from bad

Posted by Danielle on Jan 06 2009 09:42:47

My boyfriend has acid reflux and he takes his meds regurally, but he still gets so
sick that he refuses to eat or he says that he will vomit. We'll try the apples and all
of the other ideas. thanks!

Posted by Tony on Dec 29 2008 08:07:10

I have had acid reflux for the past 3 years, many trips to the ER thinking I was
having a heart attack based on the pains to the chest. I take Nexium 20 mg once,
sometimes twice a day when needed, nothing seems to help. I'm now trying the
orange peel extract 1000mg for 20 days and 2 tea spoons of apple cider vinegar
with 8oz of water with meals, O what a relief. Six days and counting and no side
effects, thank God

Posted by JD on Dec 25 2008 21:45:51

2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 1/4 tsp. baking soda and 8 oz. of water once a
week has helped my acid reflux. Also refrain from eating fried foods and over-
eating. I had scar tissue form on my esophagus from the acidity, and had trouble
swallowing food.

Posted by Jane on Dec 24 2008 23:31:57

I've had eosiniphilic esophagitis recently, dry eyes, mouth and sinuses - little taste
and smell. I found out it was all caused by a severe dairy allergy - I was eating
cheese 4 to 5 times a day for hypoglycemia and my body freaked out with the EE on
Nov 7 - my last day of cheese. Prior to that I had swollen glands in my neck, sinus
headaches, aching eyes and eczema on my eyelids, neck and back. I went through
dairy "withdrawals" - it's been 7 weeks now - but as of yesterday my saliva has
returned - I can smell again and the tastebuds are starting to wake up. My GERD is
now only IBD and I'm careful about what I eat - am taking acidophilus with FOS, a
magnesium/calcium supplement, fish oil, buffered vitamin C & a good multivitamin.
I used no drugs during it all - only the buffered vitamin C for reactions, ate small
meals frequently and plenty of water. I did use the apple cider vinegar the first few
weeks when the GERD was really bad. It helped a lot. Now it's like the dairy is
"unmasking" all the symptoms I had and slowly my body is healing.

Posted by Gena on Dec 14 2008 17:28:54

I want to say thank you to all who posted here. Prilosec and other acid suppressing
drugs may work but they have dangerous side effects and after 3 years my dad
started developing bacterial pneumonia almost every other month, no kidding! Our
pharmacist told us these drugs are only good for SHORT TERM and cause stomach
cancer/pneumonia/depetion of B12, etc. I have been weaning my dad off his 20mg.
Prilosec 2x day (we are supposed to WEAN SLOWLY off and go SLOW as the
stomach needs to re-adjust apparently) but he is still getting bacterial pneumonia
even though we are down to 1/3 capsule morning and night now!!!! I am using
extra-virgin pine nut oil *the Chinese and Russians use this for all gastric problems
( has good info) and we use digestive enzymes/DGL
licorice/calcium citrate at every meal (this helps as he doesn't need Tums any more
but he still has some reflux) We have been able to let go of all other antacids which
he used to take regularly as well so something is working here. I am going to try "oil
of Oregeno" and also the black licorice someone here recommended. I am going to
also try 5 teas. a day of the extra pine nut oil (instead of 3 teas.) as it does seem to
be working but it takes time and then we'll see if we can eliminate the Prilosec
entirely. Also, what I understand is that H.pylori is not really the cause although it is
often blamed as some who are tested come up negative and still have gastric
reflux. The understanding I have come to is it is caused by excessive free-radical
damage and needs to be healed. I got this info from the siberian tiger naturals info
site. God bless you all and keep trying to heal naturally as all drugs are meant for
short term use otherwise you will experience side effects as they are not natural or
healthy to the body.

Posted by Zinnia on Dec 11 2008 21:57:33

Hello everyone, I had same problem for over 3 months, sore throat,heartburn
constantly,pain in the lower left stomach, pain in the middle of the breast feeling
like food doesn't go down. I just discovered I was 5 weeks pregnant, I tried Zantac
twice a day, helps a little any Idea how to cure it like gone forever, I also sleep like
setting down all the time now. feeling like I have asthma or something my throat is
hurt.I need help.

Posted by Rodney on Dec 10 2008 01:19:25

The last month or two, I've been awaken to acid taste in my mouth so bad, I
couldn't stand it. Now the last two weeks, I haven't been able to taste much of
anything, like its been scalded & the taste buds are damaged. Would this be from
acid reflux?

Posted by Victoria on Dec 05 2008 17:43:26

Be tested for H pylori - insist on it!

Posted by Tina on Nov 30 2008 09:56:36

Hi, I got really sick after tetracycline and advils. Burning so badly in gut. 2 weeks of
prevacid helped but then I became nauseated to everything and all meds,
chemically sensitive. Now, I have burning all the time, a hot prickly pepper burn in
nose, mouth, throat with irriation and stomach IF I drink any water. Does the water
wash away protective saliva? I feel like I have 1000s of sores in mucous
membranes. Even my skin burns. HELP?! Anyone know what is happening? I noticed
Joan, Patrick Yew and Rosee had some similar complaints - please explain to me and
how you are fixing this?! Thanks. Plus awful taste in mouth (bad) and white tongue
all the time since all this started over 2.5 months ago. The burning feeling has
escalated to this now, and causes me panic/anxiety too. I have it all the time, and
much worse when digesting and when I drink which is only with meals now because
the foods helps coat throat.

Posted by Linda on Nov 29 2008 11:11:14

My husband tried the extra virgin olive oil and he slept all night with out taking
baking soda,tums, or the purple pill. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you whoever
recommended it!

Posted by babes on Nov 25 2008 14:11:03

hi,im been suffer my stomach acid for two year and half,omeprazole 20mg is the
best for stomach acid.other wise stomach acid forever if will not be careful food to
eat..i been try to drink milk never been work with me..all i know about milk is giving
more acid stomach and also milk is good for the bone.code liver oil is good for the
stomach acid none giving acid feeling good inside stomach..all need to do is away
the fatty food ,will body need fatty food,i eat fatty food sometimes its help to get
use its to stomach and skinny women sinse im taking codliver
oil,calcium,vitamis,for my acid stomach its helping me,and make me feel better my now i put on my weight.guys dont follow this if you not sure.......this is
shareng for mylife

Posted by Roger on Nov 22 2008 12:35:07

Help for Acid Reflux 1-Gastrosoothe-chewable tabs-licorise calming (source

naturals) 2-Regular Cabbage leaf or Oriental market has capsules. 3-American
Health Chewable Super Papaya Enzyme Plus 4-Probiotics adds clean bacteria to
help digestion 5-Apple Cider Vinegar-Mothers brand

Posted by Pat N P on Nov 15 2008 14:29:46

Some feed back apple cider vineger did not work for me ginger didn't work for me
last night I had pizza and it killed me I tried every thing then I remembered and old
Italian person tell me about extra virgin olive oil I took a table spoon of it in about
10 15 min. I felt pretty good no more reflux. I have also had trouble with my throat
and I have been drinking A tea called Organic throat coat with a teaspoon of honey
in it and now after two days my throat is feeling better too. it has Licorice root in it
taste good too.

Posted by Dawn on Nov 12 2008 00:55:17

I suffer with Acid Reflux pretty badly. It doesn't flare up often, but when it does, the
pain is SO intense! Added to which, I'm physically throwing up. After reading this, I
now have a cold glass of milk in front of me. I'll let you all know if it works.

Posted by Pat N P on Nov 11 2008 12:31:44

I have acid reflux I am going to try all of them and let you know what I think. Thanks
Posted by sasmita on Nov 01 2008 06:38:51

my 10 year old daughter is suffering from acid reflux (nausea , flatulence , loss of
appetite ) which disturb her sleep for last 6 months . She is on homeopathy
treatment but with no result . we already tried allopathy treatment . Does anyone
have this problem and if so do you have any idea's what I can do to help this? I have
been to my doctor but she hasn't done much for me. Please help

Posted by ivo on Oct 27 2008 00:13:00

I have a terrible taste in my mouth and i think i may have acid reflux. What type of
dr should i see? Anyone knows how to get rid of the taste? help

Posted by Andrea Berry on Oct 18 2008 14:21:15

I to have sjogrens syndrome and have exaxtly the same problems as you describe. I
use a homeopathic remedy called Natrum Phos 6x. I suck 2 on my tongue after
lunch and dinner. It seems to be working pretty well so far.

Posted by Greg on Oct 18 2008 12:29:46

Actually,everybody thinks if you have heartburn or Acid reflux you have too much
acid so you take an acid reducer or "Tums". In actuality you don't have enough acid
in your stomach and the items I just mention actually produce acid but in a bad
way. Drink some ACV (apple cider vinegar) actually is better for you and does a
better job. I drink it straight out of the bottle (the organic type). Although it will
make you shutter when you drink it, it instantly takes care of the problem. You can
also put 1 tablespoon of ACV and mix it in 8 oz. of water and drink it. Do this on a
regular basis, even though you don't feel it, and you'll never have it again. I do and
haven't had heartburn since.

Posted by Jill on Oct 17 2008 23:23:26

I'd be categorized as the world's biggest idiot. I drink nothing but Coke or Pepse all
day, coffee in the morning, don't eat until dinner, smoke my brains out, and yet still
I sit here googling :acid reflux" because I'm so addicted to the soda it's rediculous.
And go figure... the purple pill crap didn't work for me either. I'm seriously a fool. ;)
Best of luck to all in fixing this rediculous problem. Oh, and by the way, for after
eating bloating/nausea, Activated Charcoal works every time. But for nasty acid that
even makes you nauseaus, I can't find anything that'll work. Gotta change the diet,
hands down. P.S. Oh, and I had pizza for dinner. ;)

Posted by ellie on Oct 07 2008 15:12:20

In Egypt, they cook the fenugreek in organic black molasses, with sesame, cherris
seeds powder(which they call it Mehlab),and some olive oil, they eat it in breakfast,
and for the mome who breast feed the baby, it is delecious.

Posted by Rose on Sep 15 2008 10:53:18

I have acid reflux and am taking Protonix, which sometimes does not help at all! I
was told that drinking a papaya shake (fresh papaya, water, and a little sugar in the
blender) is an awesome natural remedy.....Well, I was so nauseated from the SMELL
of the papaya, that I could NOT force myself to drink it! I know people that swear
this works. Just thought I would share this and hopefully it will help some of you.

Posted by Meghan on Sep 14 2008 05:18:37

I was on prescription acid reflux pills for a decade with what I considered at that
time to be some success. That is until a doctor basically told me these drugs were
killing me slowly over time. We ran tests and my body was deficient in every
mineral - calcium, magnesium, etc. He took me off of them immediately. I was
terrified because even on the highest prescription dose I still would get reflux, I
couldn't imagine my life without it. I have to say something that many who read this
will not want to hear - I know I didn't - you MUST change your eating habits. More
veggies and fruits reduce or eliminate processed food and things like fast food and
soda. In short eat better. In order to help my PH balance even more, I added
Pellegrino as my main drink. It has a number of benefits - 1) it is alkaline and
therefore helps to tip the OH in my system in a positive way, 2) helped to increase
the minerals that were lacking in my body from years of reflux prescription use, 3)
the bubbles will help to settle my stomach in the event that I eat something I
shouldn't. Hopefully that helps! My heart goes out to all who suffer with this - I know
how horrible it is first hand and I just want to say, there is hope!

Posted by Vivek on Sep 07 2008 16:05:03

Today i was in a party, had wine , chicken with bread . after thqt could not sleep coz
of acid reflux, i took a glass of milk with two ice cubes, ad while searching for the
infomation and reading this forum it was gone, so i think it

Posted by Linda Hall on Aug 26 2008 10:29:49

I received an email from a doctor several years ago that said never have heartburn
or acid reflux again by eating black licorice every day and it works. My mother had
reflux so bad the acid would burn her bronchial tubes and she could not afford the
purple pill. When she started eating licorice, she went from using a box of
alkaseltzer a month to none. I also have reflux and it works for me.

Posted by ralph santos on Aug 12 2008 00:11:39

since may of this yr i develped acid developing in my stomach too throat
is on fire after eating bland meals and i take generic prilosec.morning and
nite.please help me.i think i am going to try the apple cidar vinegar.and my mouth
is always dry.and all i cant drink anyjuice with citric throat burns as well as
my stomach.

Posted by Matthew on Aug 04 2008 03:37:54

Spell check made me sound like a idiot But you guys get what i am saying. Prilosec
WILL work if you Take IT right. Im sorry that my spell check messed up the first

Posted by Matthew on Aug 04 2008 03:33:25

I have Acid Reflux Really Really bad. I have it now that is why i am here. The only
reason I have it today Is because I forgot to take my Prilosec OTC this morning when
I got up. You see I went out to eat. Came home and then BOOM, I was on fire. So I
just drank some Apple Cider vinegar I have to say it has kinda put out the fire... You
see I don't find those PRILOSEC to work Great, Like eating tons of ketchup, Mexican
food, italian food, what ever when ever and NO ACID REFLUX... UNLESS you DO NOT
take them right. You have to take the pill, in the morning, Every morning (if you
have acid reflux that is.) This will prevent your acid reflux and 42 pills are 24.95 at
Walmart. Go get them, Take them Every Morning, and Avoid what I have put myself
through by forgetting to take my Prilosec OTC this morning. I PROMISE IF YOU DO
Posted by Patric Yew on Jun 20 2008 18:47:07

I have been suffering from severed GERD which often experienced shortness of
breath. Took Nexium 80mg a day include antacid and it seem doesn't work much.
The acid have back up all the way to my nose which I almost pass out. I have to do
several stretching exercise to overcome the breathing though it helped but it is very
tiring and exhausting after that. Visited many enterology/specialist but it didn't help
so much either. It is an torturing symstom that I have suffered for almost 3 years.
Can someone help me on this issue.

Posted by Sandy on Jun 19 2008 21:46:52

I have found drinking very cold low fat milk seems to soothe my stomach. Also
drinking cold apple juice seems to work. Hope that helps.

Posted by sara517 on Jun 18 2008 15:29:36

I have acid reflux and just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant so I can\\'t take meds...I
was on Aciphex which was a miracle for me but just stopped taking it. I will try these
remedies tonight to see if they work. If anyone has any other suggestions let me
know. I am miserable and can\\'t sleep because its so bad.

Posted by anonymous on Jun 13 2008 15:47:59

i had acid reflux while i was pregnant and eating a apple or carrots helped alot

Posted by Chunta on Jun 09 2008 09:42:48

I have acid reflux pretty bad and today i have taken the apple-cider vinegar and has
helped but if you know anything else please let me know.

Posted by rosee on Jun 08 2008 06:47:56

I often have an acid influx - the worse thing is that it sometimes influx to my heart,
it causes heavy hard palputation that make you feel that you gonna past out
anytime Please advise me - what should be done.
Posted by Crystal on May 24 2008 11:55:58

I have acid reflux and it is causing breathing difficulties for me that is making
everyday life very uncomfortable. Does anyone have this problem and if so do you
have any idea's what I can do to help this? I have been to my doctor but she hasn't
done much for me. Please help.

Posted by Dee on Apr 24 2008 16:44:17

I take a teaspoon to a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar when I have acid
reflux and it works well for me. It may sound counterintuitive, but try it.

Posted by sandra on Mar 17 2008 23:21:00

somebody please give me some kind of relief with this acid reflux text me back with
some help please

Posted by JOAN on Mar 13 2008 14:20:39

I have sjogrens syndrome and possibly scleroderma, acid is giving me a burning

throat so I am wondering if anyone else has these problems, I am also chemically
sensitive and am very concerned about going to a doctor to get meds. I have to
drink water constantly to keep my mouth moist and acid reflux and heartburn are
common with these problems. I may try and vinegar, this has only been for 2 days
now, but my throat feels like it is on fire, especially when drinking water. Any help
will be appreciated. If any one writes back to me, please put topic-heartburn etc
because I dont always open mail or I will look on this site again, thank you so

Posted by heather on Feb 16 2008 20:34:15

you should NOT take peppermint if you have reflux. this is a well-known trigger of
reflux. just google "peppermint" and "reflux" to find out all about it.

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