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Mankind (Sa | [woz MARCH DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY G.C. COLLEGE, SILCHAR ASSAM JOURNAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY ([vouz MARCH ~ 2006 2005-06 Preface Message from the Principal News Lodha: A Tribal Group of India Barak Valley — The Anthropological Garden of India Human Intelligence, Heredity and Environment The Status of Women In Tribal Society Importance of Applied Anthropology Andamanese Blood Group and Paternity Diagnosis A Study of Some Genetic Traits Among the Kalbartas of Cachar, Assam A Note on Three Determinants of Fertility ‘Among the Kukis of Loharbond Status of the Bishnupriya Manipuri ‘Women of Cachar, Assam Harappa Rediscovered Indira Das Nazia Parveen Pinki Purkayastha Moumita Das Arunika Sinha Antara Choudhury Chinmoy Kanti Biswas H.L Das ‘Swarupa Kar Shibani Das ‘Asoke Kumar Gupta Roy 10 1" 13 15 18 22 25 a7 o nk Purkayasha 8 Se 2° year ‘rinrpoioay (sors) Uke the scientists of different disciplines, anthropologists are also very much =a in the study of different aspects of environment as well as heredity. As a fact anthropologists always attach great importance to these factors, because fegarded as a product of interaction between heredity and environment. We know that inteligence is a complex and variable factor in mankind. According people, some races are superior in intelligence than the others and Dackwardness of some communities is one of the evidences of this fact. oles psychological experimentation, with or without elimination of cultural and. ental factors suggests that the technological backwardness in some jis may not be due to heredity or racial inferiority |.Q. test and aptitude tests ‘some differences in visual, motor and vocational skills but such tests could not the cultural environment ie. many skill of intelligence and aptitude have been to change with changes in cultural environment. All sorts of inferiority may pear totally with environmental advantages, Surprisingly the difference in ence is also found among the members of same community. Now, the question is factor causes the difference in the intelligence of people. Is it heredity or ent or both? __In solution of the above problem twins are of great help. The twin method of human heredity is mostly used in evaluating the relative influences of heredity onment in the expression of any kind of a particular trait, physical or mental ‘of the genetic background of the formation of twins. Twins are of two kinds: - "twins and identical twins, Fraiemal twins develop from two separate eggs, each fertilized by separate =ils. Identical twins, on the other hand develop from a single egg which in the ‘of development becomes two by the division of the developing egg into separate Fraternal twins are no more alike than ardinary brothere and ciatera and in =ntical twins it becomes difficult to distinguish them apart. _fp case of identical twins the division of the original embryo usually takes place in Scie of the body. so that the left half of the embryo becomes one twin, the right ‘one. In very exceptional instances, the egg by further division, gives rise tnplets, quadruplets. As identical twins develop from the same fertiized egg ‘often referred to as monozygotic twins. ‘Gentical twins who are reared together have very much the same environment, 35 the same heredity. The resemblance between the two members of a twin pair ‘80t only to their facial features but also to their general physical features ie, Sriment, their facial expression and often such slight details as the manner in ‘ey hold their heads etc. The detailed resemblance is again can be seen by meg their finger prints, The finger prints of identical twins are often similar in their Pattern, but they also often are markedly different. In general, it may be stated Srotgthat they are, on the average, much more alike in aptude thar ihe fraternal twins. The general responses of identical twins are alike od aocuting also, they show some resemblance, particularly when the twins more wna gener When identical twins are reared apart theit ervitoenet differ handwnteaegttan when they are reared together. Accordingly, tie fons that the andwrting of identical twins who are reared apart form eae infancy docs not show the environment has direct impact on human being, tac atings of Nineteen pairs of identical twins (obtained by Binet test) compiled from a table in Newman, Freeman and Holzinger’s "Tunes University of Chicago press Shows that there tends fo be a correlation in the rating ofthe meena of @ pair low in Fan wn tends to go low in the other, medium tends to go with mean and high with igh. This correlation inthe ratings can be explained only on tre bone of heredity. In the gihet words, the tendency towards similarity in the italiooneescr Identical twins reared ‘part must be due to their simiiar heredity {Non identical twins iso show some correlation in their 1 ratings, but the tooeteatn (iS fot So great as identical, even though the neniderticn ‘are reared {together and identicals are reared apart Co-sffcient of correlation between the I.Q. ratings of identical and on-identical ronan as determined in the Binet test) where the co-effciont fer ident twins reared fen O0 Pais) is 0.881 and that for non-identical twins (62 pairs) is 0.631, the value for the 19 pairs of identical twins reared apart (0.767) we otcer intermediate between the Calves for identicals and non-dentcals reared together shere that despite their seeparate environments, the identicals are stil more alike on the ‘average than the non- identicals. renee, itis evident that the difienices in the inteligence of People are partly wre nersity and partly due its environment. Even though tee environments are some Ter ferent asin the case of twins reared apart both man calor normal in the sense that both allow normal mental development. In simple wood. tee said that, "When Pe acrvironment is normal, exceptional intelligence deronde largely on exceptional heredity’, References nin ca dnthopolegy-The study of man, 2003) S. Chand and Ca. Led New Det Das, Outlines of Physical Amubropology, (2002) Kitab Maha, Atcha

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