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//IIR filter
//using direct form
//normalized to unity gain, and with a(1)=1
// a(1)*y(n) = b(1)*x(n) + b(2)*x(n-1) + ... + b(nb+1)*x(n-nb)
// - a(2)*y(n-1) - ... - a(na+1)*y(n-na)

#include <mega32.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//I like these definitions

#define begin {
#define end }
#define float2fix(a) ((int)((a)*256.0))
#define fix2float(a) ((float)(a)/256.0)

//IIR state variables -- must be in RAM!

#pragma regalloc-
int b1,b2,b3,a2,a3,xn, xn_1, xn_2, yn, yn_1, yn_2 ;
#pragma regalloc+

//==Fast fixed multiply=================================

#pragma warn-
int multfix(int a,int b)
push r20
push r21

LDD R22,Y+2 ;load a

LDD R23,Y+3

LD R20,Y ;load b
LDD R21,Y+1

muls r23, r21 ; (signed)ah * (signed)bh

mov r31, r0 ;
mul r22, r20 ; al * bl
mov r30, r1 ;
;mov r16, r0
mulsu r23, r20 ; (signed)ah * bl
add r30, r0 ;
adc r31, r1 ;
mulsu r21, r22 ; (signed)bh * al
add r30, r0 ;
adc r31, r1 ;

pop r21
pop r20

//==Fixed Mult and Accumulate=============================

// return = a*b + c ;; fixed format
int macfix(int a, int b, int c)
//r31:r30:r24 += r23:r22 * r21:r20
push r20
push r21

LDD R22,Y+4 ;load a

LDD R23,Y+5
LDD R20,Y+2 ;load b
LDD R21,Y+3
LD R30,Y ;load c to lsb result
LDD R31,Y+1 ;and msb result
clr r24 ;low order byte
clr r27 ;permanent zero

;mac operation
muls r23, r21 ; (signed)ah * (signed)bh
add r31, r0
mul r22, r20 ; al * bl
add r24, r0
adc r30, r1
adc r31, r27
mulsu r23, r20 ; (signed)ah * bl
add r30, r0
adc r31, r1
mulsu r21, r22 ; (signed)bh * al
add r30, r0
adc r31, r1
;end mac operation

pop r21
pop r20

//second order IIR -- "Direct Form II Transposed"
// y(n) = b(1)*x(n) + b(2)*x(n-1) + b(3)*x(n-2)
// - a(2)*y(n-1) - a(3)*y(n-2)
//assumes a(1)=1
// a's and b's need to be global, in RAM and set to fixed point values
// also input and output history values
// #pragma regalloc-
// int b1,b2,b3,a2,a3, xn_1, xn_2, yn_1, yn_2 ;
// #pragma regalloc+
// b1=0x0010;
// a1=float2fix(-(value from matlab))
// The following ASM code is equivalent to:
// yy=0; yy = macfix(b1,xx,yy);
// yy = macfix(b2,xn_1,yy);
// yy = macfix(b3,xn_2,yy);
// yy = macfix(-a2,yn_1,yy);
// yy = macfix(-a3,yn_2,yy);
// //update the state variables
// xn_2 = xn_1;
// xn_1 = xx;
// yn_2 = yn_1;
// yn_1 = yy;
// return yy;

int IIR2(int xx)

// xx is the current input signal sample
// returns the current filtered output sample
.macro mult_acc ;r31:r30:r24 += r23:r22 * r21:r20
muls r23, r21 ; (signed)ah * (signed)bh
add r31, r0
mul r22, r20 ; al * bl
add r24, r0
adc r30, r1
adc r31, r27
mulsu r23, r20 ; (signed)ah * bl
add r30, r0
adc r31, r1
mulsu r21, r22 ; (signed)bh * al
add r30, r0
adc r31, r1

push r20 ;save parameter regs

push r21

clr r27 ;permanent zero

clr r24 ;clear 24 bit result reg; msb to lsb => r31:r30:r24
clr r30
clr r31

lds R22, _b1 ;load b1 from RAM

lds R23, _b1+1
ld R20, Y ;load input parameter xx from stack
ldd R21, Y+1
mult_acc ; b1*xx

lds R22, _b2 ;load b2 from RAM

lds R23, _b2+1
lds R20, _xn_1 ;load x(n-1) from RAM
lds R21, _xn_1+1
mult_acc ; b2*x(n-1)

lds R22, _b3 ;load b3 from RAM

lds R23, _b3+1
lds R20, _xn_2 ;load x(n-2) from RAM
lds R21, _xn_2+1
mult_acc ; b3*x(n-2)

lds R22, _a2 ;load -a2 from RAM

lds R23, _a2+1
lds R20, _yn_1 ;load y(n-1) from RAM
lds R21, _yn_1+1
mult_acc ; -a2*y(n-1)

lds R22, _a3 ;load -a3 from RAM

lds R23, _a3+1
lds R20, _yn_2 ;load y(n-2) from RAM
lds R21, _yn_2+1
mult_acc ; -a3*y(n-2)

lds R20, _xn_1 ;load x(n-1) from RAM

lds R21, _xn_1+1
sts _xn_2, r20 ;store x(n-2) to RAM
sts _xn_2+1, R21
ld R20, Y ;load input parameter xx from stack
ldd R21, Y+1
sts _xn_1, r20 ;store x(n-1) to RAM
sts _xn_1+1, R21
lds R20, _yn_1 ;load y(n-1) from RAM
lds R21, _yn_1+1
sts _yn_2, R20 ;store y(n-2) to RAM
sts _yn_2+1, R21
sts _yn_1, r30 ;store new output as y(n-1) to RAM
sts _yn_1+1, r31

pop r21 ;restore parameter regs

pop r20


#pragma warn+

float fIn, cIn ; //an input float

char fInString[16];
char i;
signed int cInFix, fInFix, prod, macprod, junk, out;

void main(void)
//serial setop for debugging using printf, etc.
UCSRB = 0x18 ;
UBRRL = 103 ;
prod = 0x0a00;

//2-pole butterworth lowpass, cutoff=0.25 (1/4 Nyquist freq), gain=1

b1 = float2fix(0.098) ;
b2 = float2fix(0.195) ;
b3 = float2fix(0.098) ;
a2 = float2fix(0.943) ; //note that sign is negated from design input
a3 = float2fix(-0.333) ; //note that sign is negated from design input

//2-pole butterworth lowpass, cutoff=0.1 (1/10 Nyquist freq), gain=1

// b1 = float2fix(0.0201) ;
// b2 = float2fix(0.0402) ;
// b3 = float2fix(0.0201) ;
// a2 = float2fix(1.561) ; //note that sign is negated from design input
// a3 = float2fix(-.6414) ; //note that sign is negated from design input


printf("\r\nenter a signed float:") ;

scanf("%s",fInString); cIn = atof(fInString);
cInFix = float2fix(cIn);
printf(" fixed rep:%04x\r\n",cInFix);

printf("enter a float:") ;
scanf("%s",fInString); fIn = atof(fInString);
fInFix = float2fix(fIn);
printf(" fixed rep:%04x\r\n",fInFix);

macprod = macfix(fInFix, cInFix, prod) ;

printf("%f*%f+%f=%f", cIn, fIn, fix2float(prod), fix2float(macprod)) ;
printf(" fixed rep:%04x\r\n", macprod) ;
prod = macprod;

//impulse response of IIR2 filter

xn=0x1000; //test impulse amplitude = 16
for (i=0;i<16;i++)
out = IIR2(xn);
printf("%f\n\r", fix2float(out)) ;

TCCR1B = 1 ;
TCNT1 = 0;
junk = macfix(fInFix, cInFix, prod) ;
TCCR1B = 0;
printf("macfix cycles=%d\n\r",TCNT1) ;

TCCR1B = 1 ;
TCNT1 = 0;
junk = IIR2(xn) ;
TCCR1B = 0;
printf("IIR cycles=%d\n\r",TCNT1) ;



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