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SCAT By: Noah Jimmy Lee Bayliss tackled Drake McBridge for the gun. “Get the heck off me!” Drake McBridge kicked Jimmy Lee Bayliss, got up, and when he was about shoot, he got tackled by the mother panther. Drake McBridge already had some broken ribs, so I don’t think it felt so well. Drake McBridge cussed. “Gosh darn it! Get that thing off me!” The mother panther stood on Drake McBridge’s chest and started biting and clawing him. Jimmy Lee Bayliss watched in horror as his ex-boss was getting ripped up. Next thing you know the cops came and rescued Drake McBridge. “You both are in a whole lot of trouble.” said the sheriff. “We have evidence that the Red Diamond Energy Corporation was illegally drilling in Florida’s wildlife reserve.” “Am I right?” “Yes.” said Jimmy Lee Bayliss. “Will you two men put your hands behind your back.” said the sheriff. Drake McBridge triednto run away, but he was to beat up. The men were arrested for life. Smoke and Twilly were looking for the mother panther so they could return they baby panther to its mother. They were helped out by Mrs. Starch, Nick, and Marta. “Shh!” said Twilly. “Get that thing off me.” said a random voice. Twilly drew his gun. “Grrr!” “That was the momma panther.” said Smoke. Mrs. Starch was holding the baby panther. Next thing you know there was a rustling in a bush near by. Then something darted right in

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