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IEEE Xplore’ IEEE PID contro! system analysis, design, and technology am Heong Ang Chana, S;Yun Us okogowa Eng fala Pett, Singapore, Sigppore ‘On pages) 559-578 INSPEC Accson Numbers 9495955. Digital object tdantitar 10.1109/TEST-2005.047391 Date of Current Version: 20 ine 2005 Sponsored by: IECE conta Syste Society apsteact Designing and tuning a proportionel-integra-deriative (PID) controller appears to be conceptuelly Intuitive, but can be hardin practice, ‘muitipia (and often conflicting) objectives such as short transient and high stablity re tobe achieved. Usuely, inital dasigns obtained by al means need to be adjusted repeatedly through computer smulations ntl the closed-loop system performs or compromises 3s desired. THis ‘Stimulates the development of inteligent’ tools that can assist engineers to achieve the best overall PID control fer the entire operating ‘envelope, This development has further lad to the Incorporation of some advanced tuning algorithm into PID hargware modules. Coresponding torthese developments, this paper presents a moder overview af functionalities and tuning methods in patent, software packages ond commercial hardware modules. Its seen that many PID variants have been developed in ofger to improve transient performance, but Standardising and modularsing PID contro! are desire, although challenging. The inclusion of system identifiation and "intaligent’ techniques In software based PID systems helps automate the entre design and tuning process toa useful degree. This should also assist future ‘velopment of “plug-and-play” PID controllers that are widely appicale and can be setup easly and operate optimally for enhanced productivity, moroves quality and reduced maintenance requirements {EF inspec

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