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THE RECORD Sure MKULTRA, Subproject 119 Lu > purpose of this cubpfoject 1s to provide funds for behavior by remote means. When initiated this stwiy was being done eee eee eter on @ consultant basis QQMRRMMRRRE me roccon for converting tte into a Subproject is to provide more flexibility in the disbursel of funds for various kinds of assistonce and equirsent needed. 2. As indiceted in the attechea proposal this study is to provide an annotated bibliography and an interpretive survey of work being done in psychophysiological research and instrumentation. The survey encompesses five main area: a. Bioelectric sensors: sources of significant electrical potential and methods of pick-up. Recording: amplification, electronic tape and other multi-channel recording. ©. Analysis: autocorrelators, spectrum analyzers, ete. and coordination with autowatie data processing equip- ment. a, Standardization of data for correlation with biochem ical, physiological end behavioral indices. €. Techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means. 3. In licu of higher over od by funds cronted vio OEE ates, title to any equipzent purch 4. The cost of the project will ve ¢ edreaty eliottea diiigifiites a coneviting fee, for one year beginning 2 duly 1960. Thie project will be handled as a grant-in-aia fron the funds disbursed will follow the standara practice set up for that, 1370, ineluiing $2,500 ae ation. Charges should be made ageinat, ALlotuent 1525~1009~ 5 eo others atd who may oC ¢ R cotated with the projegt will be completely unwitting of vecoxe Sponsor. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: e Research Director Date lal . Attachea: Proposal & Budget Distribution: Original Only 4 HP To make a critical review related to the recor signals fron remote means. nouropsy yhiatry, 2s well as electro 4 it the sane tine that bibliog 4s initiated, correspondence should be undertazen with all laboratories companies and ecancies working in or carrying out activities related to desi the broad surv roblex. Visits to Laboratories nay be undertaken 4f The divigsions of the probles f211 naturally into five rain area (A) bioelestric sensors: sources of significant electrical potential and nethods of pick. (2) recordin; ation, electronic tape and other milti-channel recording; (3) 2 autocorrelators, spectrum analyzers, ete. and coordination with autonatic data processing equipaents (4) "standardization of data for correlztion with biocherical, physiological end behavioral indices; (5) technics of activation of the hnunan organise by renote electronic reans, Progress has been nade and the list of laboratories, investigators and resources in the Bioelectronic study 1s in preparation.

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