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136 Table 8.3. (continued) Chapter 8 Dos Don'ts Be modest in stating the implications of your study Eg Nylon 6 proved to be the most suitable material for the hollow fibre module in the present study However, some types of Nylon 6 are known to be prone to moisture absorption and hence, itis advisable to examine the data sheets of suppliers to determine the properues of the various variations of Nylon 6 Summarise findings represented in illustrations in previous sections E g From the study of the simulation run, 1s concluded that the system does not have any bottlenecks Any bottlenecks arising from the simulation run were found at locations which are not part of the whole process Use cohesive devices to string the statements together E g For this project, ProcessModel wall work best with the available data However, in a different context, when more data 1s available, ProModel 1s recommended as 1t can be built more effectively and also because it will provide a deeper insight into the study Select verb tenses according to the functions of the statements Eg The objective of the study 1s [objective] It was found that [results] This could be because [explanation] Do not exaggerate the implications of your findings E g In future experiments, Nylon 6 should be used for the hollow fibre module as it proved to be the best material in the present study Do not include or cite illustrations E g Any bottlenecks arising from the simulation run were found at locations which are not part of the whole process but were created merely for the sake of the easy flow of entities as shown in Figure 5 Do not overuse cohesive devices E g For this project, ProcessModel will work best with the available data However, in a different context, when more data 's available, ProModel 1s recommended Furst and foremost, it can be built more effectively Secondly, it will also provide a deeper insight into the study Do not use the same verb tense throughout the conclusion Eg The objective of the study is [objective] It isfound that [results] This is because [explanation] ‘The conclusion section of the report 1s mainly concerned with reporung the main. results of the study in relation to the objective and scope initially set out in the mtro- duction of the report. The conclusion exhibits more writer involvement than the other sections of the report as it 1s the investigator’s personal interpretation of his research As such, the style of the writing in the conclusion 1s more subjective with the use of modal auxihary verbs, tentative expressions, first-person pronouns in the active voice and adverbuals, all of which reflect the researcher’s position with respect to his findings WRITING THE ABSTRACT An abstract 1s an abridged version of a report and its main function 1s to provide a preview of the report to prospective researchers. Although the most salient nforma-

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