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NUR 126 Women’s Health Issues__

Content Objectives Content Outlines

1. Describe the role of the nurse 1.A.
in promoting Women’s Rea
Health. son

B. Contraceptive methods
1. Natural
a. abstinence
b. coitus interruptus
c. calendar
d. basal body temperature
e. cervical mucus
f. symptothermal
2. Chemical /Barrier
a. condoms
b. spermicides
c. diaphram
d. cervical cap
e. sponge
3. Hormonal
a. oral contraceptives
b. patch
c.norplant (subdermal implants)
d. depo-provera (long acting progestin)
e. postcoital (morning after pill)
4. Intrauterine device (IUD)
5. Surgical
a. vasectomy
b. tubal ligation
C. Infertility
1. Causative factors
2. Treatment
D. Nursing assessment and interventions, pelvic pain, bleeding
and menstrual disorders throughout the life span.
1. Premenstrual syndrome
2. Dysmennorrhea
3. Amenorrhea (Primary and Secondary)
4. Menorrhagia
5. Oligomennorrhea
2. Describe the effects STI’s 6. Metorrhagia
(commonly sexually 7. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
transmitted infections) can 8. Menopause (peri, post and artificial)
have on pregnancy and the 9. Pelvic inflammatory disease
fetus. 10. Endometriosis
Content Objectives Content Outlines
11. Benign tumors
12. Toxic shock syndrome
E. Nursing interventions for common breast disorders
1. Benign breast problems
a. fibrocystic changes
b. fibroadenoma
c. nipple discharge
d. mamary duct ectasis
e. intraductal papilloma

A. 1. Chlamydia
2. Gonorrhea
3. Group B Streptococcus
4. Herpes Simplex
5. Human papillomavirus (HPV)
6. Syphillis
7. Hepatitis B
8. Trichomanas
9. Candidiasis
10. Bacterial vaginosis (NSV)
11. Pubic lice
B. Management of STI’s

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