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Home Remedy for Acidity

• Consume a small piece of jaggery after having all three meals and
see what wonders it can do to keep acidity away.
• Take a cup of water and boil it. Add 1 tsp of Aniseed (Saunf) to the
water and leave it overnight. On the next morning, filter the water
and add 1 tsp of honey to it. Drink it thrice a day and bid goodbye to
• Take a cardamom and a clove and powder it. Consume it like a mouth freshener after
having your each meal. Not only this remedy will take care of your acidity problem, but
also will keep away bad breath.
• Take about 1-½ liters of water and add 1 tsp Caraway seeds (shah jeera) to it. Bring to a
boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Drink it while warm at least 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days.

Home Remedy for Acne

• Gently apply fresh limejuice on pimples and blackheads.
• Dab the mixture made by combining 1 tsp fresh coriander powder and a pinch of
turmeric powder on the pimples, while going to bed in the night and wash it off when you
wake up the next morning.
• Take a few fresh curry leaves and make a paste. Apply the paste on the acne-affected
area and keep it overnight and wash it off with warm water the next morning.
• Apply the paste made of nutmeg (Jaiphal) and raw milk on acne and wash it off after 20
minutes. Do it for about 10-12 days and see the magical effects.
• Take some fresh fenugreek leaves and make a paste to apply on the acne pimples
• For people with oily skin, the perfect home remedy is to apply a paste made by mixing
sandalwood and few drops of rosewater on the acne affected area for about an hour and
then wash off gently.
• For dry skin, the best remedy is to take a piece of sandalwood and rub it on a smooth
stone and make a paste using a few drops of raw milk. Apply the mixture on the acne and
keep it for an hour and thereafter gently wash with water.

Home Remedy for Backache

• Limejuice serves as an excellent home remedy for backache. Squeeze the juice of 1
lemon and add common salt in it. Drink it two times in a day. It will act as a great back
pain reliever.
• As a part of back pain home remedy treatment, raw potato in the form of poultice is to
be applied on the pain affected area. Usually potato is used to treat lower back pain.
• Vitamin C that is mainly found in citrus fruits is considered valuable for getting rid of
backaches. Consume about 2000 mg of this vitamin everyday.
• Applying garlic oil on the back gives immense relief from back pain. Take about 10
small garlic pieces and fry them in oil on a low flame. You can either use sesame oil,
coconut oil or mustard oil. Fry till the garlic cloves turn light brown. Let the oil prepared
from garlic cool completely. Thereafter apply it on the back and keep it for about three
hours. In a couple of days, you’ll feel its magical effects.

Home Remedy for Blackheads

• In 3-4 cup boiled water, add 2 tsp of soda bicarbonate. Steam a towel with this.
Thereafter, place the towel gently on your face. Do it for about 5-6 times. Make a paste
by mixing 1 tsp curd and 1 tsp rice flour. Apply the paste on the affected area. After some
time, wash your face with cold water.
• Take a pinch of soft portion of glycerin soap and mix with a pinch of table salt. Apply
this mixture on the blackheads. Do it for about a week and see the magical results.
• Take about 1 tsp of juice extracted from fresh coriander leaves and add ½ tsp of
turmeric powder in it. Apply this mixture while going to bed. Wash your face the next
morning with cold water.
• Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp limejuice and 1 tsp of finely powdered cinnamon. Apply
it on the affected area before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning.

Home Remedy for Body Odor

• To overcome the problem of unpleasant body

odor, use antibacterial soap or deodorant soap
while bathing.
• During summers, it’s a good idea to wear cotton
clothes that soak sweat.
• Eating habits also tend to affect body odor.
Avoid consuming refined foods; hydrogenated oils
and other processed foods. Eat healthy food that
contains loads of fiber, whole grains, wheat, soy products and green leafy veggies.
• To combat the unpleasant armpit odor apply cider vinegar. It serves as the best body
odor home remedy treatment.
• Applying baking soda on the underarms helps to kill bacteria and also aids in absorbing
• In the bathing water, add a few cups of
tomato juice and soak yourself in water for
about 15 minutes.

Home Remedy for Body


• The best home remedy for body rashes is

to apply olive oil on the rash affected area.
• As a part of skin rashes home remedy treatment, baking powder is applied gently on the
rash affected area.
• Wash the rash affected body part with chamomile tea.
• Take Aloe Vera gel, cod liver oil and Vitamin E and apply on the rashes.

Home Remedy for Boils

• Apply the juice of onion or garlic on the

boils, as it helps in evacuating the pus.
• For boils filled with blood, bitter gourd
acts as the perfect boils home remedy
treatment. Take 1 cup juice of bitter gourd
and add 1 tsp limejuice to it. Consume this
mixture empty stomach in the morning on
a daily basis for a couple of months and
see the magical results.
• Milk cream is considered valuable in the
treatment of boils. Take 1 tsp of milk cream and add ½ tsp vinegar and a pinch of
turmeric powder to it. Apply it on the blood filled boils.
• Cumin seeds are beneficial in healing the boils. Grind the seeds in water so as to form a
paste and then apply on the boil-affected area.

Home Remedy for Common Cold

• Lemon can be used effectively to treat common cold, as it increases the body resistance.
Take one glass of warm water and pour some limejuice and a tsp of honey in it and
consume it once or twice on a daily basis.
• Take a tbsp of carom seeds (ajwain), crush and tie them properly in a muslin cloth.
Inhale in case of nose blockage.
• Take 1 tbsp of pepper powder and boil it in a cup of milk. Also add on a pinch of
turmeric to it. Put some sugar for taste. Drink it once in a day for about three days.
• Take 3-4 tsp onion juice and 3-4 tsp honey and mix well before consuming.

Home Remedy for Common Fever

Holy Basil:
One of the effective home remedies for common fever is the holy basil. Make a potion
using about twelve grams of these holy basil leaves, boiling them in half a liter of water.
This should be given twice daily with half a cup of milk, one teaspoon of sugar and a
quarter teaspoon of powdered cardamom (chhoti elaichi) to the diseased. This will help in
bringing down the temperature

Fenugreek Seeds:
Drink tea made from fenugreek seeds twice daily. It is very beneficial as a cleansing and
soothing drink. It is specifically helpful in dissolving mucus.

Another useful home treatment is tea made from saffron. Prepare this tea by putting half a
teaspoon of saffron in 30 ml of boiling water. Give a tsp of this tea to the patient every
hour till the temperature returns to normal.

The extract from raisins is quite helpful in the treatment of common fever. Prepare this
extract by soaking twenty-five raisins in half a cup of water and crushing them in the
same water. Strain the potion and discard the skin. The raisin water thus prepared
becomes a tonic. Adding half a teaspoon of limejuice to the extract for enhancing its
usefulness. Take this twice daily.

A cup of fresh juice of apricots mixed with one teaspoon of glucose or honey is quite
good for fevers. It quenches the thirst and eliminates the waste products from the body. It
also supplies vitamins and minerals to the body. Thus, it helps in toning up the eyes,
stomach, liver, heart, and nerves.

The juice of grapefruit is valuable in all fevers. Helpful in quenching thirst, it also
removes the burning sensation produced by the fever. Half a glass of grapefruit juice
should be taken with half a glass of water.

Another ideal food in all types of fever is orange. It provides energy, increases urinary
output, and promotes body resistance against infections. It is especially effective when
the digestive power of the body is seriously hampered.

Home Remedy for Constipation

• Bael fruit works wonders in treating constipation. Consume the fruit everyday for about
2-3 months.
• Consume a medium sized pear either with breakfast or else before dinner. It is the best
home remedy for constipation as it aids in clearing the entire faecal matter.
• As a part of constipation home remedy treatment, it’s a great idea to eat guava with
seeds, which provides adequate amount of fiber to the diet and aids in normal evacuation
of the bowels. Consume about one or two guavas on a daily basis.
• Other effective laxatives are papaya, figs, grapes and orange. Consume about four or
five dry figs soaked in water overnight.
• Spinach is a perfect vegetable oriented home remedy for constipation. The best is to eat
it raw or else you can go in for 100 ml spinach juice mixed with an equal quantity of
water and drink it twice in a day.
Home Remedy for Cough
• Take three peppercorns and add a pinch of black cumin seeds and salt to it before
• On a hot pan, burn a clove by stirring. Keep it in your mouth and suck it.
• Take 1 cup water and bring it to a boil. In this add on 1 tsp turmeric powder and 1 tsp
carom seeds (ajwain). Boil till half. Add 1 tsp of honey and drink it twice a day.
• Grapes help a great deal in treating cold in a few days. Consume 1 cup grape juice and
also add 1-teaspoon honey to it.
• Almonds are excellent for dry coughs. Soak about seven almonds in water and keep
them overnight. Next morning peel off the brown skin. Now grind them to form a powder
and add twenty grams each of butter and sugar and form a paste. Consume it twice a day,
once in the morning and the second time in the evening.

Home Remedy for Corns

• Liquorice serves as the perfect home remedy for corns. All you need to do is to grind
three to four liquorice sticks and add half tsp sesame oil or mustard oil to it. The hardened
dead portion of skin also known as corn is to be smeared with this mixture while going to
• Lemon is of great value in the corns home remedy treatment. Cut out a fresh slice of
lemon and tie it over the painful corn affected area and keep it for the whole night.
• Take about a half tsp of papaya juice and apply it over the dead skin of foot and do it at
least three times in a day and see its magical effects.
• The milky juice of green figs is very beneficial in treating the corns of long duration.
Apply about half tsp of this juice thrice a day.

Home Remedy for Dandruff

• Soak 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds in water and grind them the next morning to make a
paste. Apply this paste all over the scalp and leave for half an hour. Thereafter wash your
hair with ritha solution or shikakai. It serves as the best dandruff home remedy treatment
and you’ll see the amazing results it gives in a couple of days.
• Fresh limejuice is considered valuable as a part of home remedy for dandruff. All you
need to do is to apply 1 tsp limejuice on your scalp for the last rinse. It will not only aid
in removing stickiness and getting rid of dandruff, but also lend a glow to your hair.
• Rubbing snake gourd juice on the scalp has been found to be beneficial in treating
• Beets can be used to your advantage in treating dandruff. Boil its tops and roots in water
and then massage your scalp with this water every night.

Home Remedy for Dark Skin

• Prepare a natural skin pack by mixing 1 tsp of milk powder, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of
lemon juice, and ½ tsp of almond oil. Apply the pack on face and wash it off after 10-15
minutes. It is an effective remedy to lend glow to the skin.
• Take a raw potato and cut fine slices. Place a potato slice on your face. It will help in
removing the tan and improving your skin tone.
• Make a paste using limejuice and turmeric powder. Apply it on your face. It acts as
fabulous natural bleach.
• Mix dry orange peels with curd and apply on the blemishes. Wash it off with cold water
after 15 minutes.

Home Remedy for Discoloration of Lips

• If the discoloration of lips is caused by smoking, there is a need to control this habit.
• Drink plenty of water, at least 10 glasses on a daily basis. It helps in flushing out the
toxins from the body.
• Take some Vaseline and apply it on your lips. It will help to keep your lips smooth and
• Apply some limejuice on your lips everyday. It helps in retaining the color of your lips.
• Apply some sunscreen lotion on your lips, so as to protect them from harmful UV rays.

Home Remedy for Dry Chapped Lips

• Drink plenty of water everyday.
• Cut fine slices of cucumber and rub on lips.
• Apply Aloe Vera gel on your lips.
• Take a saline bath
• Apply neem leaves extract on your lips.

Home Remedy for Gaining Weight

• Muskmelon is considered valuable in the underweight home remedy treatment.
Consume muskmelons thrice a day for about 40 days and see its wonderful effects.
• To gain weight, adopt mango-milk diet for a month. Eat two medium sized ripe and
sweet mangoes, followed by a glass of milk. Consume mangoes three times in a day.
Mango acts as a rich source of sugar, but lacks the necessary proteins required by the
body. On the other hand, milk is rich in proteins but deficient in fats. Thus, the deficiency
of mango is made up by milk and vice versa.
• For instant weight gain, you can go in for an exclusive milk diet, in which milk has to
be taken after every 2 hours.
• Soak 3 dry figs in water and consume it two times in a day.
• Raisins act as a good remedy for increasing weight. Consume about thirty grams of
raisins on a daily basis.
Home Remedies
I Love to be in kitchen and enjoy preparing foods but was facinated by ideas that
these ingrediantes can be used for common ailments. so i stated seaching on
internet how it can be.

These simple home remedies tap the chemicals naturally present in herbs, spices,
fruits, vegetables, etc, to tackle the pain and infection in your body.

We beleive in allopathy and beleive that taking a tablet will definetly cure aur
ailment. But why we don't beleive in home remedies atleast for throat pain, sore
throat, cold and more

Common reason why to take home remedies: less expensive and has no side effect.

The following remedies can be used to relieve common discomforts and life's health


Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Curry Leaves

Liberal intake of curry leaves is considered beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair. These leaves
have the property of providing vitality and strength to hair roots. New hair roots that grow are healthier and
contain a normal pigment. The leaves can be used in the form of spicy condiment, or may be squeezed in
buttermilk. When the leaves are boiled in coconut oil, the oil forms an excellent hair tonic to stimulate hair
growth and bring back hair pigmentation.

Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Butter

The butter made from cow's milk has the property of preventing premature greying of hair. A small roll
may be taken internally and a little quantity may be massaged into the hair roots twice a week.

Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Vitamins

The vitamins considered useful in guarding against premature greying of hair are pantothenic acid, para-
aminobenzoic acid (paba), inositol. The minimum daily requirement of these vitamins appears to be 10 mg
of pantothenic acid, 100 mg of para-aminobenzoic acid, and 2 gm of inositol. To obtain satisfactory results,
all three of these vitamins belonging to the B group should be supplied at one time, preferably in a form
which supplies all the B vitamins, such as yeast and liver. The three anti-greying-hair vitamins can also be
produced in the intestinal tract by bacteria. Thus, taking a sufficient quantity of yoghurt daily and a
tablespoonful of yeast before each meal is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of
premature greying of hair. If one wishes to take tablets of calcium pantothenate and para-aminobenzoic
acid (paba), they should be taken in addition to the yeast and yoghurt, and not as a substitute for them.


Obesity treatment using Lime Juice-Honey

Fasting on lime juice-honey water is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity. In this mode of treatment,
one teaspoon of fresh honey should be mixed with the juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water and
taken at regular intervals.

Obesity treatment using Trifala

Trifala, an herbal combination of amalaki, bibbitaki, and haritaki is good for losing weight.

Obesity treatment using Jujube

The leaves of jujube or Indian plum are another valuable remedy for obesity. A handful of leaves should be
soaked overnight in water and this water should be taken in the morning, preferably on an empty stumach.
This treatment should be continued for at least one month to achieve beneficial results.

Obesity treatment using Cabbage

Cabbage is considered to be an excellent home remedy for obesity. Recent research has revealed that a
valuable chemical called tartaric acid is present in this vegetable which inhibits the conversion of sugar and
other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction. Substituting a meal with
cabbage salad would be the simplest way to stay slim.

Obesity treatment using Tomato

One or two ripe tomatoes taken early morning as a substitute for breakfast, for a couple of months, are
considered a safe method of weight reduction. They also supply the food elements essential to preserve

Obesity treatment using Finger Millet

Finger millet is an ideal food for the obese, because its digestion is slow and due to this, the carbohydrates
take a longer time to get absorbed. By eating preparations made of finger millet, the constant desire to eat is
curbed, thus reducing the daily calorie intake. At the same time, finger millet supplies an abundant quantity
of calcium, phosphorus, iron, Vitamin B1 and B2 and prevents malnutrition in spite of restricted food.


Dark Circles Natural Cure at Home

Home remedies for dark circles are considered to be the best healing method. It is natural way of curbing
the dark blemishes under the eye which will not cause any harm to the skin.

1) Application of a thin sliced cucumber on top of each eye for 15 to 20 minutes, twice a day, relieves
stress and cools down the eyes.
2) A mixture of almond oil and honey should be applied on the affected area every night before bedtime.
You will see a remarkable improvement in two to three weeks.
3) Consume at least two to three liters of water on a daily basis. Water is a very essential remedy in this
case and it flushes out the toxins present in the body.
4) Tea bags are known to be very effective in curing dark circles. A cold tea bag should be put on top of
each eye for 10 to 15 minutes everyday.
5) Make a paste of fresh mint leaves and add a few drops of lime juice in it. Apply the mixture on the eyes
and the dark circles for 10 to 15 minutes everyday and see the difference in two to three weeks.
6) Rose water is considered to be a natural coolant for the body and has been an old home remedy for
generations. Apply two to three drops of rose water on a cotton ball and gently massage on the affected
area of the eye for five to six minutes. You will see the result in two to three weeks. This method is
considered to be one of the most effective cures for dark circles.

The dark circles treatment should be started as soon as possible to avoid it from increasing.


Depression treatment using Apple

Apple is one of the most valuable remedies for mental depression. The various chemical substances present
in this fruit such as vitamin B, phosphorus, and potassium help the synthesis of glutamic acid, which
controls the wear and tear of nerve cells. The fruit should be taken with milk and honey. This remedy will
act as a very effective nerve tonic and recharge the nerves with new energy and life.

Depression treatment using Cashewnut

The cashewnut is another valuable remedy for general depression and nervous weakness. It is rich in
vitamins of the B group, especially thiamine, and is therefore useful in stimulating the appetite and the
nervous system. It is also rich in riboflavin which keeps the body active, cheerful, and energetic.

Depression treatment using Asparagus

The root of asparagus has been found beneficial in the treatment of depression. It is highly nutritious and is
used as a herbal medicine for mental disorders. It is a good tonic for the brain and nerves. One or two
grams of the powder of the dry root of the plant can be taken once daily.

Depression treatment using Cardamom

The use of cardamom has proved valuable in depression. Powdered seeds should be boiled in water and tea
prepared in the usual way. A very pleasing aroma is added to the tea, which can be used as a medicine in
the treatment of this condition.

Depression treatment using Lemon Balm

The herb lemon balm has been used successfully in the treatment of mental depression. It alleviates brain
fatigue, lifts the heart from depression, and raises the spirits. A cold infusion of the balm taken freely is
reputed to be excellent for its calming influence on the nerves. About thirty grams of the herb should be
placed in half a litre of cold water and allowed to stand for twelve hours. The infusion should then be
strained and taken in small doses throughout the day.

Depression treatment using Rose

An infusion of rose petals should be prepared by mixing 15 gm of rose petals in 250 ml of boiling water. If
drunk occasionally, instead of the usual tea and coffee, it is beneficial for treating this condition.
Depression treatment using Vitamin B

Diet has a profound effect on the mental health of a person. Even a single nutritional
deficiency can cause depression in susceptible people. Nutritional therapy builds up brain
chemicals, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, that affect the mood and are often
lacking in depressed people. Eating foods rich in vitamin B, such as wholegrains, green
vegetables, eggs, and fish helps restore vitality and cheer in an individual.

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