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XXI Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia


Aleksandar Anastasovski

Technical Faculty, Industrial engineering department, International Balkan University - Skopje

Baker`s yeast is very unstable product. Because of that, it must be stored in

special conditions. Those conditions make slow changing of product quality. One of
the most important factors for Baker`s yeast is contained of intercellular water. That
water in presence of food components gives great condititions for feed
microorganisms as well as for yeast cells. If there are good conditions as higher
temperature, microorganisms and yeast cells start reproducing. After food is used by
yeast cells, they are young and without any kind of food stored components, so they
die and its content (protoplasm) is filling intercellular space. Protoplasm contains
excellent food, so it continues to feed microorganisms present in product. As this
process is going on, speed of spoiling is increasing. That process is one possible
reason of spoiling fresh Baker`s yeast. We suppose that, if free water content is taken
somehow, speed of spoiling this product would be decrease. Actually, if water content
in protoplasm after yeast cell die is taken, it could result for higher quality and shelf
life of product. This action would change water activity in product. The main idea of
this work is using materials that absorb water to protect yeast quality. Those kinds of
materials are alginates. They are also used in different purposes in food products as
additives. They are adding to yeast product in different concentrations. After alginates
are add homogenously to the Baker`s yeast, product is exposed to rigorous storage
conditions. Final experimental examinations give positive results. Some
concentrations minimize yeast spoiling as well as microorganism`s growth. Using
some other concentrations, yeast product is very stable and preserves excellent
characteristics as plasticity, consistency, aroma, taste and color. In this experiment is
determined, that yeast activity is decreasing, but very slow instead yeast without
alginates in the same storiging conditions. Practically, this method preserves quality
for longer time even in rigorous conditions that could happen in its transport and

Keywords: Baker`s yeast; activity preservation; alginates; yeast shelf life

Ohrid 2010

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